E6. W. CABPBNTKB, HENSZUT A.OO'S TOaeriesusle tOra Chemical Waurctaossne, No. T.17 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE subscribers keep eonrtantly on hand ft large stock of Drugt, Medicine. Chemicals, phartnn enticl Preparations and every other article which appertains to the business, embraeine; the most ex. tensive variety ; also, PAINTS, OILS end GLASS of every description. All article purehe from ot can be relied on m bring of the moet rupertor 'quality end at M row Srl-tre et thoy enn be htd. We con offer euoh In. aceuicnrs'aa will make it the Intercut vif rbe fur ebaaers to lay In their supplies from us, and give ui their future patronage and ins it all, who visit the eity. to call at our establishment. All ordere ad di rued to ui by mail or otherwise will meet with prompt attention. GEO. W. CARPENTER, HENSZEY CO. 737 Market Street, Philadelphia. February 0,1804. 3m . TRUSSESS, SHOULDER BRACES. ELASTIC STOCKINGS FOR ENLARGED VEINS OF THE LEO, AC; Instrumenti for all dcfuimltlea. DR. GLOVER'S Sew Ijevcr Tram lit i taken the place of other Trusses for the.retention tvud eure of Hetuin or Uupturo. ActiLg upon the principle of a lover, it never loses its strength. It is eoated to preveut rust. It has no pad on the back, which l so liable to injure the spiue and annoy and chafe the wearer. It's euro to retain the Rupture, Jiving case and comfort, and efteiUng radical euros, t is warranted to give satisfaction. The improved Shoulder-Brace expands the chest and prevent the wearer from becoming round Shouldered Ladies' Bolts and Abdominal Supporters, Bend- I tits, and Belts of all kiuds, and instruments for all llelornutics 01 tne iiouy. BR. GROVER'S Office is No. 4 Ann Street, two doori from Broodway. New York. Strangers should particularly nota the name and No. April 11, 180:1 JEREMIAH 8NYDER, Attorney Ai Couanrllor nt Idwa Office en South side of Market street, four doors west of Gearbort's Confectionery store, sTjNBTj-inr, :f a.. Will attend promptly to all professional buslnest entrusted to his care, the collection of claims in Nor thumberland and the adjoining counties. Consultations in Herman and English. Euubury, March 19, lb64 ly btjnburV'hiqh SCHOOL. THE first quarter of twelve weeks will open in the Urand Jory Room, on Monday the 4th of April, 1664. Termi Pin Qcahieb ; For Reading;. Writing, Arithmetic, Geograohy, English Grammar, $4 00 Algebra, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and Geology . or any of these. $5 00 Higher, Mathematics, (including all or any of abovei $9 00 French, German. Latin and Greek, or any one of them in addition to abovo, $7 00 Tuition payable half quarterly in advance. No deduction lor lost time. Daily records are kept of the merit and demerit of each student the former denoting the excellencies of each in recitution and deportment, the latter the deficiencies and delinquencies copies of which will be tent to the parents or guurdians at the end of each term. Fur particulars apply to Iho principal. References : J. J. Reimensnydcr, Sunbury, Prof. Wm. Nentllng. Sclins-Orove, Prof. O. R. Bliss, Lewi.burg. E. P. BOUB.YCH, Principal. Sunbury, Feb. 8, 1861. FLAG ABUIXDISOSTONE dTTARBRY TO LET! THE subscribers will Lease their Flag and Build ing Stone Quarry, about three niiles from Sun brry, oo the North Branch of the Susquehanna river. The stone are of the best quality, suilablo lor pave ments and building purposes. For further particulars apnly to ESHER MAR- TIN Shamokin, Pa., or S. B. BOYEK, March HI, 1861. Sunbury. Pa. "VARNISHES, PAINTS ft GLASS ! X TE offer to Dealers, Coachtnakcrs . and Houso Painters, at the very lowest nett cash prices the beet Coach and Cabinet Varnishes ; Pure White Lend; French and American Zincs; Chromo Greens, aud Yellows, Drop and Ivory Blacks, and a full as sortment of ull the finer Colors such as Vermillions, Lakes, Tube Colors Ac, also. Piiint and Varnish Brushes, of the best make. Glasier Diamonds and Point"; Paint Mills; single and double thick Glass, of all descriptions and nil .Materials used by House and Coach Painters which ic cnu sell at cheap, if not cheaper, than any other house, from the diet that we keep down oaf expenses by conducting our business personally. Mr. Hit, one of the firm for many years manu factured tko Varnishes, told by the lute C. Scbrack. We. feel confidcut that our Aurnishes, are equul, if not superior, to any manufactured in thit Country. We warrant them to give entire satisfaction, and if sot as represented, the money will be refunded. (Jive us a cull before purchasing eltewheie. A liberal discount made to the trudo. FELTON 4 RAU, Not. 136 It 138 North Fourth Street, corner Cherry, Philadelphia. Oct. 10, 1863. 6m Fonrtlt eV Are-It IhIIndrlplita. ARE OPESINQ FOR SPRING, 1861. 100 pes. $1. Fancy SILKS. 50 pet. India Sil,, SI. 190 11 Uood Block " 200 " Ordered Pluiu, SILKS 4-4 I.VUNS Black Silk VELVET. Drown SILtirJ, $ b, 4, 3, 3, 1 per yard. Black " So, 5, 4, 8, 2, 1, per yard. Moire Anliqu.es. all colon. Q Magnificent tircnadinct, Jlngnidoant Organdies. RicbiMst Cbiuttes and Purcnles. Spring SUAWLS. New Household STAPLE GOODS. N. li Oeuorul assortment of Mens' Wear. March 5. Isn4 3iuw ForUuls.Mlif, Mau-hea, Ants, Il-d Hssga,Moth In I'urw, Moulrtax. Ac, I !. It) m llaiilti, I'oyi4 AnlmalM, Pulupln25e, Inc. and fl 00 Bonn, Bottle and Fla.ks. s)3 and (5 sites for Hotels, public luttitu liubi, Ac Only Infallible remedies known." ' in. from Puituu. " "Nut dui(erout tn the Hiiuiaa Family," 'Urns evue Jul of tbnr holt to die' jrFold U'b'ileeale In all lurgu cities. Mi by all dratrgisu and Ketaikrt ev.rywkere ! ! ! Ilaiau ! I ! ul all wurthlots imliaiious. feo that "Cutlar't" name ia uu a.'k lix, Buttle ftbd Ma.k, before vnu bu- Addie. i n:.it v tt. -m riii, Principal le lliuadnay. New Vmk. Ijjf ri.l l b all U buluwie and Reuil Drwggit is Fubuury. Pa. IrVk. Hi lot -tea I. lblladeltlUta V i:rlo Ilullrvud. fplIU great lit liatu 1 weft en ui.lin of 1'i'ft tors, lb. NutDura.kJ Norib i'ftixlhiiia to IS euv it In. i ii Lake ilia. ' j 11 has bt leased by ike Fvawt saula Hsliid ' Caimtty, and uJ iiitr aui a, be4 r4j,iuiy 1 0ieiie4 tiistiugbiHil iU viitire UaaT'a It is tat tft aa u0 PavaiigM au l Frvlgbt ku.iftt j Irota ll.rri-burg lu 1 sbimiuui i IK. uilu' va lb. :tia liiiiM-Mi, aud !'" i..u'.U w ).n, t,e ! lulu. I IKS Ilia MaatMa Dithi' . ims i'r riiiittttiii at ii him Arm EwtuHirti. I l.mtn WKimnJ I M.U'li.m, lUtll. Mellli.iu, P l . I .is J i.ia, II It f M kti i li-iu, I 1,1 4 M I aitiaa lastMifk wiibnal .'Laiie, Uiik a.vt.oa tbM uiut Ultwi i'bildl bia and Luk ilaxa, 1.4 k;aa t'aliiuius ao4 Liak ILt klt'eit i l,n ., s.san Toife. l-. it a. i. t. a 't il.iausnit anl 1Jum., an I W llii.. Utl l't,il4.li.t. raiiu- ii. Htwljrr iuibM aaly a ia. . I l 1 lift, .4 UMki4 u A4 k4 fi4U ba.ia.ss 4 ik.t ua.ain t 4au, II kiatfMMt, it, t .4.4 4, wli-l t ilt. J a K.,a-14. tn i X liut. 4vei ! I H k Hu umi 11 M llut.i ... 1. I !... 4 pkUalo s . s iimiii U.allkk.t 4,-bUU 50 STOVES. t THE LATEST IMPrTOVEMEST ARE FOR 6 A LB AT J. Itohrbnrta V Co.'" POUNDR BUNBURY, PBNN'A. Set the Boet Hot the Cheapets Got the most Eeo Boniioal, whloh eau be had at the Rohrbaeh Foundry; Having a large assortment of the moet approved STOVES, such as Cooking, Parlor, Offiee and Shop Stoves, which will be told at the lowest rates. Alto, Kettles of all sites, Pans, Skillet, Ao. They are alto manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs, Castings, 4c, at thort notioe. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements dune in a g.rad workmanlike manner aud at the shortcut notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respeet fully solicited aud promptly attended to. JACOB ROURBACH 4 CO. tTF OU Iron, atrd all kinds of Produoe taken in Exchange fur work. Sunbury, Ocr 3, 1863 tf ch fmyl6 A IM EM IOS OI'It AItlf.'TltK'i'r BROWN'S NEW Metal-Top I.nmp Chimney, tThs Chimney for which the kerosene-Oil using publie have so long been in need, because 1. It "STANDS FIRE!" Turn up the blase til it issues from the top of the chimney, and keep I up at long as you pluuse int glass won't sbkak Try it. 2. It does not became black or disfigured sboold the lump accidentally smoke Is shorter than the Oommon chiinuey less liable to accident and more nveniev,,. ft tarrying about the hou;c. 3. It it not easily alluded by sudden ebangci of emperaiure : go uui ui uuors, or 11110 iuu cuiivr, ,uiu mer or winter, with the lamp burning don't fear! the chimney will not disappear in fragments ! 4. The top can be instantly removed, and the glass wiped, perfectly elean in a moment, without wttmg, Ind without danger of breaking the glass. 6. One outlasts ten common chimney. Try it aud you will use no other. For sale in Towu and County Agencies granted by the N. L. C. Manufacturing Co., 4i Fulton Street, New York. January 9, 1804. 3m PRIVATE ACADESyT NORTHUMBERLAND. mHE REV. JAMES DICKSON, will re-open hit X Academy on .uouuny, ino i (tn aay oi August, tbM. The fullowing branches will be taught : Latin, flreek. Mathematics, Philoeofhy. Rhetoric. Logic, Book Keeping, Vocal Musio in theory aud practice. Also, ticograpny, urawiuar, iimory Composition Writing. TERMS : Per Quarter of U weeks, $6 to 8 In the above branches without the language! (9 00 Latin and above branches, 7 00 Greek and above branches, (3 00 See Circular. For further particulars apply to REV. JAMES DICKSON, Teacher, Northumberland, August 1st, 1863. ly OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! CAN OYSTERS, who'.o or half Cans, fresh from the City markets, can be had at all times at the Uonectiouery More ot , m. i;. KtAriiiAui Suubury, January 9, 1864. M!W CI.OXIIIO &i riitisii- I.A4J htoki:. rPHE subscriber respectfully informs the people I Sunbury aud vicinity, that he has opened an en. tire new stock of clothing and Furnishing goods, at his new store in the building of Charles Pleasiintt Esq., in Market square, llif stock consists in part ' 1E1TS" CLQTEHTGr ROYS' ixoTiinu. Such as Coats, Over Coats, pants, vests, shirts, undershirts, drawers, stockings, neckties, handker chiefs, gloves, 4c. Alto, Huts and Caps of all kinds. HOOTS AM SHOES, of all kinds. TRUNKS, and Valises, umbrella, and notions of all kinds, besides numerous other ar ticles, The public are requested to give him ft call and examine bis stock. LEVI HECHT. Sunbury, Oct., 10, 1863. VyoMtlhs Insurance Cempuu)', WILKE3BAHBE. PA. Capital and (surplus, $118,000. DIRECTORS: M Uollenback, L. D. Shoemaker, John Reichard, D. G. Driesbach, fiiuiuel Wadhama, R. D. Lacoe, Charles A. Miner, 11. C. fcrnith, Chat. Dorrance, Wm. S. Hots. vt . vt . Ketcbam. G. M. Harding. G. M. UOLLENBACK, President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice President. R. C. Smith, Secretary. W. G. Stkiilino, Treasurer. This Company Insures three-fourth of the Cash valuation, taket no Premium Notes, make no Assess ments, Policy acknowledges all moneys paid during tne term ot your insurance. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May 30, 1S63. ly trading; Itailroud. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North and North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Read ing, Putltville, Lebanon, Allentnwn, Easton, in. Trains leave Hurruburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, PotUviUc, ai,d all lutormediato Stations, at 8 A. M., and 2 00 P. M. New York Kxpretslcavet llarrisburg at 6 SO A. M., arriving at New York at 1 4;i the tame day. A tpo-'iul Accommodation i'awenger train leaves Reading at T 15 A: M.. and returns from liarruburg at & P. M. Fares from llarrisburg: To New lork Si 15 ; to Philadelphia $3 3i and $2 Ml. Baggage checked through Returning, leave new lorn at 0 A. !!., 12 .Noon, and 7 P M, (Pittsburgh Exprexr). Leave Philadul- pnia at o is a n. ana a iiir 31. bleeping ears in the New York Express Traint thruugh to and from Pittsburgh without change. I'tuuengers by the Uattuwimu Kail tload icavo in. nuqua at b iQ A. M., and 2 15 P. M., fur Philadel phia, New-York, uud all Way Points. irams leave I'otisvuie at v 13 A. -m., and J .1U r. M., for Pbiladt-lphia. llarrisburg uud New York. Anaccomuiodatiou Pfuariigcr train leaves Reading at 6 '60 A. -M., and returns from l'tiiliulth liia at 4 30 P.M. t?'' All the above traint run daily, Suudayt ex- ceptc J. ABui ti.y train leavrt I'ottsvillo fttT.U A. II.. and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M. Commutation, -uileaue. reason, and t.xcurticn Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. bv I ounJS tluggnge allowed eai'b f assenger. U. A. MCOLLS, General bupriutuudeut' Wull I'niMrr-IOOU llrrra. OF WAIL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERN.;'. JUST received direct from the Manufacturer, at U,e MAMMOTH STORE of FiliLINO I GRANT. Sjubiiry, March li Uil 1IAIIMMVN llll(sO III. I i:. Dealers and Comumer. ol Ilia above CeltbrateJ Wash klue, will pluue lake notice, Uial the Labels are altered to rea l INDIOO BLUE, PI T I P AT Allrrd Ulllbrrifrr'a DRUG STORE, No 234 Xrih bECti.VD Street, PHILADELPHIA The eu.lity of tku UU UI be lb aaiat ia tvery r.t! ' It U warraait'4 tu ulur tuui, mim tbaa laW the Ma.auaatiiy vl UUijio. aud lo go luuek furtb.t ikaa ai y uibn W ah Islu. iu 1 1, .. ..... l.. i. .... .lat rlolly vl.ar ai4 4o kol iu. ,u, eiullia. at ai. uu aibet n..w u. t ault.l lu kail i-ui of aator. aui a,k at aoni a UmuU Uiue a. any Ikal u b-aus, at va Um 4 lb ewl Ai it la rolailr'l at IS. taw pi U. at lb. I a. kUu and UUiioi aitala., iaitHwn will t4 H twy a,bk tu latif 4au4, tu ask lot tkat LUt ub at tt iLiktaeaa . I y All Lute ul upafi iLitdat ft lib bUaioa t ftab.. ua 11 to so lunialtua Ik. New L.Ll. 4mw aui i ,ui. a ua. i-i. anaavei g.aeiei. tib U lavl auia a tituite, awUiao a.ua. ilUaLKU It MAUCkC. ATTOHN BYH AT LAV?, fctlr, ertstttttlia)it4 I tt., I'm. Iu IkMi btvfsaiwael ,k,M ta lb fUl l'J-tv- iimm aal alt ae 1 1- -.11 tj ' n m. tntiiivH la thMtj, a ill laaes, s"irln ftiia, N1111.1, iii.w t Vali. l.k 'jr, 1'iutw. A wiaviaj, tsa e a ft, 1 . ia una. mi bad ttk. UtMlHl, MI 4 nek.' 1 J. b i lal wrMk-ealftll't; 1863. GRANT FRILING & AT THE HAMIIOTH STORE) "t.TOVLD respectfully announce that tbey have l f Just received and opened a very Urge and well selec ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to dispose of at ft VERY SMALL ADVANCE ON I-lr.t VomU OTJR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRAC ES EVERYTHING GIVE XJS JK. OALL, Tsaakful for past favort we hope to meet Con tinuance of the same by still telling Ooodt at cheap if not CIIEAP12R than can be purchased else where. FRILINO 4 GRANT. Sunbury, May 23, 186.1. II. IK IAKNIC. Attorney nt Ijw, SfXBVRY, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Stiyjcr, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. REFERENCE!. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadctpbia, A. Q. Outtcll A Co., " lion. Wm. A. Porter, " Morton McMichael, Kra.. 41 E. Kctcham A Co , 2f9 Pearl Street, New York. John W. Asbmcad, Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attumeyt at Law, " Sunbury, -March 2U, 1862. iii:ieuH hoxi:i., ii...:. (.",.. V, mHE management of this well-known Hotel har- I i i j u. i... rnVi.p iivrtn lug unu icsuuivu i1 , .,, vot a . vv " ",', the present proprietors, beg leave to inform the publia that the house it now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, and improved, with a view to the proper and comfortable acouminodatinn of those who may favor the establishment with thoir custom. Guests will receive due attention mid courtesy, and no expeus will bo spared that may conduce to maintain hotel in a first-clusis style. Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer mouths, will find plcasttut boarding and large and well-ventilated rooms at our establishment, upon moderate tcrm.. SCOTT COYLE, March 29, 1S2. J. GILBERT HKRR. J. IE. HELI-En, Office, on south side of Market Square, near the Court House, STJITBTJIfX', PBNN'A. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to bis care, the collection of claims in Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Sum L ury, Muy 2d, lSi;a. ly .tiassb:hs iati:.t i ivi; -ii.. i ti: ritr i:zi:k : As Im) rovotl for 1S59 und 1SC0, By E. KETCHAM 4 CO., 2s Pcurl st., New York. THE only Freeier constructed on scientific prin ciples, with ft revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the frooting of the cream- -the other removes it at fust as froicn. The most rapid in freeiing, with the least quantity r I... The most economical meant, as it it the moet simple j and durable in rtruetnrc. t For sale in all the priucipal citict and towns in tho Union. Each Freeter accompanied with a book of recipe and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, !" 00 4 quarts, 4 U0 8 quarts, 5 00 8 quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 00 20 quarts. 12 t'O Apply to II. It. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. Morch 2U, 1SC2. BOOTSANDSHOES, t UST received from New York and rhilndclphiai J a fresh supply of the latest tylcs and of the best uality, which he bus had made up to order, and ivnrrautcd to give good satisfaction. He has made arrangement! in the city to have his bust work mude to order, which can be had nt all timet, if not on hand thejr will be procured at reasonable notice. Manufacturing of BOOTS and SHOES of ail kinds as usual. I will also wholesale Boots and Shoes by the box. Cull and examine before purchasing elsewhere and satisfy youreclvee. Thankful for patronage heretofore bestowed, be respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. ehop and .Store room, throe doors west of the Rail Road in Market Square. WM. U. MILLER. Suubury, Sept. 19, 1S53. f 17ANTED immediately, a Jour Shoemaker, on V Mem' Work. Good wages paid. MANHOOD, Haw l.owt. How ICewlored. Jutt I'uUitketl, in a Staled Envthpt. Prist Sir C'nti. V LECTURE on the Nature. Treatment and Ra dical Curoof .-pirinutorrhas or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility, iNtrvousue.. ana involuntary Lu.is.iont, inducing Iuipotvncy, Consumption, Mvutul and Physical Debility. and By UOU 1J. ULi LliVt r.l.l- .".1. u. The important fad ll at the atul iilii-iuimee of Self-Abuse may be et:'ectuully riuiovcd wilbuut oq teiuai meiliuinee or tne uangviout application in caustics, inslriimeuu, medicated bogies, and other empirical devices, is here clearly dciuuoauated, aud the entirely new and highly successful troatmeul vt adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, by mean' which every one it enabled lo cure him tulf perfectly, an.i at the liart po4bl. Cos I, thereby avouiingall the advuilised nostrums of the day. ibis lecture will prov boon lo tbuusauda and thou tannd. bent uuderteal. in a pluin euvclop. to any address, pol-paid on receipt ef two piatugu ttauips, by ad dressing th publuhuis. CHA8. J C. KLISl: A CO., 127 Bow.rv, Now Wt. I'xl Olnoellox, 4j.to Aug. 14, ImVt. Feb. i. ly 3o 91. '. CilMillllAIIT'ia Confectionery, Toy and FBUIT STORE, 3larbrl Nt rrrl, uulMr , lts. COSFECTUNEHV AI L KINDS, I TOYS K i: THY' DIX ittl'TlON, Fill IT. i.e., iVi .. CION'T XTLY va band and lor ul. .1 ike abut ' J attablubmcbt at aui'latal and Itlail, at l.aauu aU.prw. II ia maftufaeluriaf all kind, of Cmifiieiiottarli'i ' to ke.u up ft (ull taaurtajent abwk ale aiid al low salve lube, .irar!, SiaiUa.ry Nut. of all kinds, and ft vallate of ulbei article., all of atish ai odmsl ftolasai aad retail. i 14 Retueutkai lb a. ins aud pise . m c n AUiiAtt r. 1 Maiktl ttitft, I 4uon aeai uf E V bright 4 tva) t ' ai... Ibbury fciM l,MJ -f - latt-rMMtUttail llsstel, aW M? iieMy, (.,., r,Mi!,Hh,,,t, kaubury eaW M? iiiMy, t'aa. J-luaeVl $l'Ul ta. L UI k iiL L' I 04 bt.ae.at Ui S tft. v,, lb. kvavrtia ftaa. la mw.hu.. a.'ik ItstVft t I r- - 11 hwim la w hHUim. uJ k.u i : " L. " . " H tl ill baa., iu .aaTJeTaiViv,' 1 4 a. Lm i 4m l, ik. laeat aa4 I'tted.iii , 4 all u e4.ja va a. It IWI 1U ifw.kaiNrf rt--. ttoaO. a4 yak l'"ia'. L.al.. t . k .fc,a.-w. 4 1863.- .. WM. KAOCHX. . I 3 MARKET ETREXT, tTARRISBTJRO, FA., Dealer la PIANOS. NEW Koeewood Pianos, from the belt meken from 200 upwards. MELOliKONc!. The beet manufactured Inttra menu, from $46 to $100. Uuitari, Violint, Aeeordeont, Flutet, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musical mer chandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. The latest publications alwayt on band. Musio lent by mail to any part of the eeuntry. OVAL, SQUARE, (JILT AND ROSEWOOD ' Suitable for looking glasses, and ail kinds of picturri always on band. A fine assortment of beet plated LOOKING ULASHES from smallest to largest litet Any ttyle of frame made to order at, the shortest notice. vixii. a.ivviia, April 11, 1S03. 9S Market ., llarrisburg Northern Central Hallway ! Nl MMtltTIME TAIIL.K. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tno North and West Branch Snequehauna, Elmlrft,and all of North ern New York. ON and after MONDAY, APRIL loth, 1863. the Passenger Trains of tbe Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, llarrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vn : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sundv). 10 10 A. M. 11 leaves llarrisburg, 1 15 P. M. " arrives at Baltimore, i 3i " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) 11 07 P. M. " leavet llarrisburg (except Monday.) S 00 A.M. " arrives at Baltimoro dally (except Monday). 0 15 A. M. IiarrUburg Accommodation leavet Harris- bur,;, 0 30 A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leavet Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) IS A. M. leavet llarrisburg 1 IS P. M " arrives at Sunbury, 4 05 " Exprett Train leavet Baltimore daily 9 15 P. M " arrives at llarrisburg, 135 A M. 11 leaves llarrisburg (except Monday). 3 00 A. M. arrive at Sunbury. 5 3 " For further Information apply at the Office. I. N. DvBARRY. Supt. iJirkuwiiBia St nioomabttrg Kali. road. N and after November IT, 1882, Passenger 1 I - Traint wilt run as lot lows : MOVINQ SOUTH Freight 4 Vafsrnger. Vwrnrr. Scranton, BOO A.M. Leave 10 15 A. M " hingston, .20 " Rupert, 11.30 ' DanVille. 12.05 Arrive at Northumberland, 12 45 P M. MOVING NORTH. Lenv Northumberland; &.20 P. M " Danville, 6.00 Rupert, 8.35 11.40 P. M. " Kingston, 8.45 Leave, 1.45 P.M. Arrive at Scranton, 10.00 P.M. 3.40 A Passenger Train alto leavet Kingston at 8.00 A. M., for Scranton, to connect with a train for New York. Returning, leaves Sorauton on arrival of train from New York, at 4.15 P. M. The Lackawanna 4 Blostnsburg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road at Scranton, for New York and intermediate points cart. At Rupert it eonneets with the Cattawisa Rail road, for points both east aud west arriving at Phil adelphia at 8.15 P, M. At Northumberland it connect with the Philadel phia & Erie Railroad and Northern Central Rail road, for points west and south Passenger! arriving at llarrisburg 4.50 P. M; Philadelphia 10 P.M.; and Baltimure 10.20 P. M. Tlie Freight and Passengers Train north, leaves Northumberland at 6,45 A M., and arrives at 9,20 P M., patting Dau villa at 8.20 P. M. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sup't. J. C. Well, General Ticket Agent. Nov. 29, mt TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT': 1 o uajn j. ctJNaxujrL, lawn Strreet, opposite Wearer's Hotel, SUNBUKY. Northumberland Co.. Pn.. INFORMS hit friends and Iho public generally, that be hat taken the Shop oi Jacob S. Rake, dee d., and it prepared lo do all kinds of TAILOR I ING in good workmanlike manner. The patron I age of the publie is respectfully solicited. nunoury, jiay 10, 13uJ. ly A aLarg Assortment off . EVANS A WATSONS SALAMANDER SAFES. GREAT FIRE AT READING, PA. February 12. 18S2. OkKTLKKKN It fives ma much sati&fneti.,n to inform you that in the severe fire which, on the morning of the 4th iiut., entirely destroyed all my ' stock and materiuls, I bad one of your Sulamander , Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an intense red ; heat for seven hours, the Safe wax opened, and the j Books and Papers were preserved in an umblemihhed condition. I shall need another Safe at toon at I iret in order. Yours, most respectfully, W P. DICKINSON,ReacUng, P. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CttXMBKBiiiBG, Franklin county, Ta., I August SUt. 1M1. I Messrs. Erans k Watson. Philadelphia Gentle men : On the worn in r of tha 22d of August. ISfil our Storehouse at Grecneastl was destroyed by fire, j The Salamander Safe we purchased from you torn few yean since was Iu the above mentihned store 1 bouse, and contained all our books, papers, cash, Ac. ' vihieh were preserved in ft perfect Condition, fter , t.ing exposed to a moat intense heat for several hours. ! Pleare inform us upon what terms you will tell ut ' auuiuur larger cuie. i Yourt truly, OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander Safci. for Banks. Kiorpi. I, 1,1,1. Fnniilics, Ac., Ac, Also, Evans A Walton's Pateut Alphabetical Bank Locks aud Bunk Vault Doors, tqunl to any made in the country, and told on at good teriut. E AW. would respectfully refer to the following Banks and other mu-tiea. havinir thnir Sufcs and Lucks now iu use, to their entire tutltfac' lion, and many others gi rn at their Store. iNiTtD l-TATtt MikT, Uranch Hank, Shelbyville Philadelnliia. Iniuit UiilTrnbTATtt AftlkSiL.Cily Bank of Philadelphia. Calitornia t oukolidation B'k of Philu. PotUtoau Bank. Ta. Cuatesv ill Bank, 1'a. Struud.bnrg Bank, Pa. Jersey Shore Bank, Pa. Lock Haven Bank. pa. Unicu Bank, ltaltiuiore. bouth weetern B tk of V. Fulton Bank, Atlanta, Ga. Newark Bank, Del Bank of N. C, Ralelgk. Coiu'tb Bank of Phila. ChulanoogaBniik, Teun. I're'w Loan Ass 'on, 4th tt. Bank of Northumberland. Bank of Nurth'u Liberties, Philadelphia. Paul aud Swift, Bankers, Alabama. W.G. Bterling.Wilketb'e. LeWisburg Bank, fa Olbcr refereueee gi-en upon calling at our Store . No. 18 S. Fourth ttlreat, Philadelphia. Sept. 8, 1K03 ly VnahItttsft Ilt)ttBie, 1 NORTHUMBERLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, I AYr tk VriJgt.) fpilE nibaerlber kaving leased thit well known 1 J Tavern bland, lately kept by Mrs C. S. Brown, repettatlv Informs Ui publi that be it refitting and repairing tk preaiuee, aud will be prepared loeu ; terttua, In eoiufortabl manner, Lit nuueruua j frieuds Ihrcughoul tb eouuly, aad all who way (airuuite hit ieblubmetit. j April 12, JOttril VANKIHK. CHIANT &c 3DIEXZ1 LOWKB WUABr, BDNBUUY. VA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WIIITK ASH COAL, i esorjr tari.ty, Older solicited tad lllid with posaptutaj aal de.iaU'b' ulkury, May It, IMS ly KM IIAIIIII'IfM , wuoi.uie at fttraik CLOCK KSTA1JLISUMENT, I'ilm- I ijh tuuivlte It t'eraer tVeoad t4 VktmtU lit . Plilad.lpbla Y M the PATkXT lUUALIIlXtl 1 II I H. DAY CLtHka, (art deauaU ftrtiel Iw be, MwUle, ilaaks, l'wai,U. tlaaave, FaibNt, Alaa, Maaafaalaiar af riVB UOLb tlM. I kwki repawn) aa4 aaiiaalad l'la.k liiaiauaswiaf eteiy elmtlatiet). I'kaa4lrki. itfwl It ,ieai it , Anrtttr tt4 ( tsller m ' OA at) svaik tit al klaiket WMi ki tVxlt Mt as t SU'tkl I tHai, Htll Muataus to ail im tiaiaau ftai tmU atlt Bia aaja. Ska ' - aj m 4 INFALLIBLE L I N 1 171 E NT, THE GREAT REM FEY For Kheumatitm, Govt, Kairatgia, lAimbng Stijfb'eek and Juint$, Sftvin$, limit; Cvtmnil Wwndt, Pile, Headache, and all liheumatie and A'ertou$ Ditordtr. For all of which Is ft speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. Thit Liniment it prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Uonnccucui, me fnmout bone letter, and bat beeh used in the practice for more than twenty yean with the most astonishing success. ... , - At an Alleviator ot 1'atn, ti ta unnvaiea ojj any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by ft tingle trial. Tint Liniment will euro rapidly and radically, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of caset where it hat been used it bat never been known to fail. ForNeuralgia.it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headache in three minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it euro Instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or excess, thit Liniment it ft most happy aud unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the Bervout tissues, it ttrengthent and revivi fies the svstem, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, at an external remedy, wo claim that It it the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an eoual. Every victim of this distresting complaint should give it a trial, for it will not tail to allbrd immediate rulief, and in a majority of eases will effeot ft radical rcu -o Quincy aud Sore Throat are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but s timely application nl i hi. Liuinient will never fail to eure. Sprains are soinetiuioivcry obitinate, and enlarge ,.! ..f iiu ioiuti is liable lo occur if neglected. The worst case may be conquered by this Liuimeut in two or three days. Bruises, Cuts. Wounds, Sores, llccn, Burnt and Scalds. yi'U readily to the wonderlul cealiug pr parties of Dr. Sweet'l Infulhble Liniment, when used according to directions. Also, Chilblains f rest, cd Feet, and Insect Bites and Stings. SR BTEPEIIEN SWEET the Great Natural lione k'etur. f ConDOcticut TIY.T-N BWEETl It known all over the United iilates. Connect ibtl1. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, it the author of "Dr Saeet't Infallible Li'-'Mienl." Dr. Bwoet'a Infallible,1 Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Pr. Bwoet'a Infallible Liniment Is ft certain remedy for Neural. ia: Dr. Bweet'a Infallible Liniment Cures Burnt aud Scalds immediately. Dr. Bweet'a Infallible Liniment It the best known remedy for Sprains and Dr. Bweet'a InfftlliblciLinlment Afford iiniutdiat relief for Piles, and seldom fails to euro. Dr. SweetVInfftllible Liniment I Cures Toothache in on minute. Dr. Bweet'a Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and laavet co tear. Dr. Bweet'a Infallible Liniment Is tb best remedy for Soars in the knoxu world; Dr Bweet'a Infallial Liniment Has been in use by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr Bweet'a Infallible Liniment Taken internally curet Colie and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet'l Infallible Liniment Is truly ft '-friend in need," and tvery family should have it band. Of Bweet'a Infallible Liniment It for tale by all Druggist!. Price 25 aud 50 etntt. A FRIEND IN NEED. TBY'lT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, at an external remedy, is without ft rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other prepa ration. For all Rbcuuiatie and Nervous Duordert it is truly infallible, aud as a curative forSoret, W ounds, bprsius, Bruises, Ac., it soothing, beuliug aud uowcrful Mtrenilheuinr itriiiwirliiM .-vi.ttji tK ! just wonder and aatouuditnelit of all who bav ever given ita trial. Over on thousand certificate of remarkable cures, performed by it within the lait two years, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HoKSES is unrivaled by any, aud in all eases of Lameness, arising from Sprains, Bruise, or V ranch ing, its elect it magioal and e.rtaiu. Ilarueas or baddle GalU, Scratches. -Mange. A., it will alio eure speedily, Spaviu and Ringboue may be easily pre veuled and cured in tbeir iuuipieut stages, but con firmed eases are bevoud lb puasibility of radical eure. No eta of til kind, however, is to detperat or hopeless but it may be alleviated by thit Lini ment, and its faithful application will alwayt remove the Lauieuew, and enable tb horse to travel with Comparative ease. EVERY UORSE OU'XER should bav this remedy at band, for it timely ut at the Am appearance of Lam. neat will efleetually rcieal tbaa ioruiidabl diseases, to which all hit tet are liable, aud abieh render so many ether u valuable hurts nearly wuriblM. DR SWEET'S Inallible Liniment. 1 run SOLDXBXl'S miEND, Ami IbottafttaU kai fca4 ll truly .K FRIKND IN reX3 CsttttUa. T ftvai4 laaualltua. abar ike (irfivalaie a4 aa ef D tkiiii tst aa nw Uo.1, ai.4 fttaabaft M t latalliU Llaia.ut ' klaaft U tb attv4 ak kaeUe, tjiskiatt bub ftM M.ia njfKiUMinK tk4 fi-'wutai. KwreUb. ft ta'-HlJAJi ALI k UaaaiaJ 4.aU, ettilbajeai.k- m M4 t el easlsia vwki TBS ALL SUFFICIENT TLUtUC. THEQEEAT AXERICAH EE2EDIE3 Known m "iWtniJl', OERUINE: PBEPABATIOW8, VIZ- UELMBOLD'S EXTRACT "BVcnU,-' " 6ARSAPAR1LLA 1 . IMPROVED ROSE WASU. GENUINE PREPARATIONS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BrciIL, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPS!. CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the cower of Dictation. and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by :. . - . r . i j ... , . , viiiivii inv ni .i j vx VMvnvin ucptiaiuulls, ana 811 Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, at well as pain and inflamation, and it good for men, women, or Children. ti:L,7IltO.LI' EXTRACT menu FOR WEAKNESSES ArUng from Exeeaset. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse. Attended with the following tyuitoim : Indisposition to Exertion, Loes of bower. Lost 01 -Memory; Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness of vision. Universal Lassitude of the Muccular System, Hot Hands, Drvn.se of tha Skin. Difficulty ef Breathing Trembling Wakefulness. Pain in the back, Flushing of the Body Eruptions oil the Face, Pallid Countenance, These symtoms. if allowed to go on, whieh this medicine invariably remove, toon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are nut frequently followed by tnose "direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCNSUJIPTION, Many are aware of the cause of tbeir suffering; but none will confess. The records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deatht by Consumption, bear ample witness to tku truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once Affected with Organie Weakness, Reqnirct the aid of medicine to strengthen and In vigorate the system, which 'Uelmbold't Extract Euchu'' invariably does. A trial will convince ' the most skeptical. a FEMALES, FEMALES. FEMALES. I Oid or young, ting!, married, or contemplating 1 mnrriag". In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract ' Buebu it unequalled by any other rcmeiiy, u in 1 Chlorosit or Retention, Irregulurity. Painfulneas. or Suppression of the Customarv Evacuations, Ulcerated ! cr Schirrous stute of the X'terus. Leucorrhea. or i Whites Sterility, and for air couiplain's incident to ( the sex, w hether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of . Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE; ! See symptoms abovo. NO FAMILY SHOULD EE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Mcrcurr. Or ULpleastnt Medicine , for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. I IIULu'flUOLIk'M i:xtu.iii' IU t H Cure! EECRET DISE.VSES In all their stages ; at little expense ; littl or co change in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. tt causes frequent desire, and pive strength to ' Urinate, thereby removing olmtructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain j and intlammation, so frequent in this class of diseases and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Worn-out Matter. j Thousand frou Thocmcii ' WHO HAVE ULEN TIIE VICTIMS CF ! l'A4ItM, ! And who bav paid Heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have fouud they were deceived, and Ibat the -'Pomou" has. ty the tire of Powerful As tringent," been dried up in the system, to break out iu an aggravated form, and Perhaps after Marriage. USE IIi:i.1IIlOLI'!S KvritAcrr 111 :iii- For ell Affections and DUe&sci of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and Do matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs rcmiir "tt aid of Duhenc. EELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. And it is certain to bav th desired effect in all Diseases, for which it it recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD ! Uelmbold'i Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Baraaparilla Syphilis. Tuit u an affection of lb Blood, and attacks th Sexual Organs. Linings-of the Note, Ears, Throat, ' Windpipe, and other Mucus Surface, making iu 1 appearauee in th form of Ulcers. Uelmbold'i Ex- i tract Sartaparilla puriuo the Blood, and removes all j Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complex- ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared' evpreasly for this elate of cuinplaiuts, iu Blood-Puri- i fviug Proprietor! are preserved to ft greater extent 1 than any other preparation of Sursnparilla. Hclmbold'a Bote Wash, An excellent Lotion for DIseaset of ft Svrhiliti. N.. tore, ftnd at an injection in Diseasetef the Urinary Orfr.na .riaini. t.nnt l.i.l,ll. A,.i.t: i ;L eonuecuon witn the Extracu Uucha and barsapaiUift in such diseases as recommended Evideneeof tha mcxi roi.il.l. .-A -ii.u. .v. acler will aceomnanv lb. CERTIFICATES Of CURES. I rem eight to tweuty veara atandine. with aanM aoown w ocience ana r ame. For Medical Properties of Bucbu, tea Dispensatory th United Sutet. be ProiVtsor D.aeea' valuabla work, aa iba Practice of Physic. be remaik. mad by tb Ut celebrated Dr. i Physick. Philadelphia. I be remarks made by Dr. Fphraira McDowell, ft ! elebraled Physieiau, and -Member of th Royal 1 College of Surgeons, Ireland, and publubod ut tb ' TrauiMWIiun. ot th klug and Queeo't Journal. I be Medico-Cirurgwal Review, published by Brnjamin Travcrt, Fellow of tb Royal College of . burgeons. . j be most of Lb 1st Standard Works aa Mrdl I tin. F-itturt Bvcuf, f 1 00 per botU. oi sis, 15 DO " Sataraftii.La I It) t 00 ' lui Bonae Hutu V) kh. i u I 50 ' Or half ftdotau of ak tor tit M. wkieh will be I Miliwii nt tu ur tk moat oWeluM eataa, it direeuea ar e,lhrd to Deliver us any addreat, tvourely packed rasa olvrs artoa ar I'taorib tyaiptoftit lu all etasaaaw.Uoas. 1 Cuieagaarautead. AjvK.gra.it f affVdavit. 1 P.rwinally appeared before tne aa Ald.raaaof ih ell volPbilaalilpkia.il 1 ll.lu.bwld, a no, beiag , duly isms, aWti tay, bit ar.baraliuii eualaia aj aaseoti, u tueieuiy, uf otkar u lurtutvs diugt, but ar Usxeiy .gii. i II T I1KLMUOLD. Reoru and dewnUl tvfor ia, thi 224 day Noseuikar. "H W M P III Uli.il. l, AldMinau, Kiblk-ttretl, U. Iwv I'uila. AJliett Liters M U. t.ruiaiwa lu tontd.uo II T HtkMU"LD, Ck.tuiM. Deaut IWboulk laulk-etreot, UWa I kattdul rWUft. VKWAhiior cut kTmrin Aa4 I e piitinl d Peal, is Wba tttJasiu ta JutM -of Ikeli tea." sal "otksJ1 UllKiM at) tk taputaliua ftllalant ty lisliakwla tieauia Pi.fasaia.aa, t-suaat ttswbft, tMWSSltllft, " I tb Has 4 tteaa Vt a. Ik M4 by ftil IwuggiajU t)akM Akk kuk liklasU.lli -14kK kOlUk tat aa4 U.. t4.wuw.al, a4 Had M M, 44 "4 taaasailM aa4 btfwue UtieaHt Ha tv4 kbttkbtl a, M V4aa, k.er fm uwary a U-l -ly Tfce Adntat'tl Rinnw no oMta witft Um NartJxro extras IU.W4 Company k w jniii from BeJUssor far Fork, v'il.15? Ulifc.,TvwTwrt, Stmbwry' NorthamWrlani U.iftwr, Mil torn, k4tney, W&I li.B-rport, and all utarmediate Matioeai. coaMetin. at Ilarnabwrg wftk Die GREAT WKSTKIUt EX. PR fce Prttafcrnrg. CichU, St. L n est. Abo with Howard k Co S r.r , . Bloomeburg, WilkeaUn, tixuum, Srraii. Laekawann A Bloomsbn Railna.). a. tv-T liaaatport, by Howatw A Co.a Eirrem to J T. Ebere and Loek Have.. Al. tmr..liT!y and tbeir enoneeUons. fur Canton. Trev i ,i-.' they will fnrward Mer.hiud. Spi. Bank Nea! J.wrfry, and al..U. Pack.. of rrn; d every dctcrip- UH. Alto, Notes. Draftt and BilU for CJlectk. -.,-. .tttl-i ug eoeient acsenTTs rmilr. ftnd ever, effort will be mad, oV,X' s - . . JOHN BINGHAM. Sontendent P.nn'a bivU. PhUadclfhia. V' , .-.UtR' Acnt (vr Sunburv. April , 12. Ctmtr f Star, and Tltir4 Strtrt,t UiaautiKii. Pa. frniS HOUSE. In eonse,oene of iu eonveniene. X na near location to the Capitol, bat made it ft desirable stopping place, not ,ly fo, (fapM t,. business at Ui aeat of Government, but for others visiting llarrisburg. a. March Xu, 1st,:. rTIERRIBLE DISCLOSURESLtRtTa IOK. 1 THE million: A most vslauble and wcndcrful poUieatica A work of 40 page, and SO colored enrravicr DR HUNTER ,S VAl'E MECI M. an original and popa. lar treatise on Man ai.d V otnan. their Ihvsiot?T. Functions, and K-xual disonlcrtof tv kind, wiik Never-Failing Reme-lien f,.r their speedv cure. The practice of DR. Ill NTF.K has lone been, and Will is. unbounded, but at the earnest tulk-tutioa of numerous persona, be bat beet induced to extend kit medical usefulnr through the medium of kit 'VADK MECl'M.' It it a volume that should b in the bands of every family in the laul. as ft preventive of secret vires, or as a, guide for tha alleviation of one of the most awful as i destructive Scourges ever visited mankind Ore cipy. securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of pciage to at.y part of the United State for 50 cents in P. O Mnuipi, or 3 copies for $1. Addrens. pot pxid. DR. HUNILR, No. 3 Division Street, New York. June 6, 1S63. ly. ArraBge-suritt or iew York t.lwu. THE CAMDEN AND AMB)Y AND PIIILADEL. PIIIA AND TRENTON R. R CO. S LINES ; From rkilattilyhtt lo Aw Tori mid Way PUrts, j from Walnnt ttrtet ir,irf ai4 KtHtiagtcn j Depot, snH I fore at fuilav. m : raftt I At C A. M., via Camden and Ambf.y, (0. and i A. Aeeommodatinn.) " JJ Jj I At 6 A.M.. via Camden and Jerwv City. N.J.. I Aceomtuodaiion, 3 25 1 CO 2 25 i At ti A. M.. via Camden and Jtmt Ciiv, ! (Morning Mail.) I At S A. M . via Camden and J;rey ritv 2d I Class Ticket , At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jcr-y Pv, Exprw At 12 M. via Camdeu and Am'iKy, C ar.i A. 1 (Aceommodation.; S (4 At 2 r. via Cam jell and AmSoy. ,c. rnj A. Kxprtti.i : 0 3 09 3 00 At 3 P.M.. via Kecsin-ton and Jer.ey Cite, ii a.-a. ar.a 1 . i.sp.-c'S , At i P. M.. via Kensington and Jersev Citv. 1 . t'. :.. , - - ) (I.iruillg .iinil.l I At 11 i P. M via Kcningvn and Jersey ci:v, I Southern Mail. 3 00 j At I J '.night) via Kensington and Jersey eity j Soutnerfi llxprcsi ' 1 e d m j a 1 3 00 ; A. " a in v huimvh .mi .lllini.-. ..m-nj. modatii-n. Ireiht ad FaSvtv.T, rir. Clasi T:et. ;5 S:eond Class Ti.-ket, 1 a l or Water Gan. &trei.dbur S.-rantor. Wi'.kei. larre. MoLtnse. Great Bend, ic, rt 6 A. M . J f.oui Kensington, via, De.aaare, Lackawanna and I Western Railr.d. I For Maucb Chunk. AHentown. Bethlahen;, Belvi : dcre, Easion. Lambert. ;,le. Hen.iiig;-n. 4e , at i A. M.. from lven.-in.-vn Depot, and at li P. M , from Walnut street Wharf. ;ihcu A. M. Line connects with Trains leaving T- ... ......... i-mioo lor .M.ueu vaur.a. at ..-.) r ) For Mount lloilv. at 6 A. M . 2 and 4 P. M. F'.r Freehold, at 6 A M. ami 2 P. M. WAY LI.VKS. Ft Bristol. Trer.teu. Jf., al 11 A. M. and I aud 5 P. M. from Kea.is;tun. For Palmyra, Rivrton. le!curo. PeVe-rlr, Bar-Ur.gi-n. Fior.-ucr, lterdcn:ov,u, Ac., at 12. 1, 2, 4t and 0 P M. I For Nw Tork, and Way Lines leaving Ken sington Depot, lak tha Car. eu Fifth street, above Wa.uul, half au hour Uw Ji-narture. The Cart run into the Dei.t. aid eu the ariival of each Tra.u. run iroin the D-pot. Titty Pourds of Ba-e only, allowed each paue!;;er. l'asujre:s e.-e prviiib'ited from taking au Ui:ng at baggage but their weariug acparel. Ail l,PKj;e over fitly p-undi tu be paid tor "extra. The Company limit their resimt,ility fur lwSia,;e to One Dollar per pound, and will Dot be liable lor any amount beyuiid lou. except bv special coutract. Wli. 11. GATZMLK. Agent. Jacuarv JT, 15. J1I lkuiun r a. CO.. has; l ien Br.ns ir ti A ti ER.-A.TTJS, MTER-CARB. OF StiDA. Ac. At.l Sale AgenU in the City of New York for ' VKEAM OP TARTAR SUBSTITUTE, ' Invented by Prof. Ebcn N. Horsford. of Harvard i 1 mvcr!,.T- '.. II Old slip, Hanover Scjuart, IT "'" ) M W YORK I ,' ' u'cu reu. ot t!.rt.re,immanuea ; rriii.' i.:..t. a..; 1 . . . I - - "im iac ainraMi: thrill 19 . which lis dangerous adulteration had been rairied. I wah oilier eotn-idcratiomi. induced the disticfuithvl : Chemist, whose name v g:cn atuve. to t-.nu.en:. what proved to be a 1 and laborious K-ientifio re- search, to discover a dcHrahlr substitute theretor Hit esurts were crowned iih abundant success, and nunilreds of tliousunds of pounds t.f tue Substitute nv been told ami uJ during the last five years. throughout the United Slates and the Cana las The Mlowing true enuiparison of its nature and tn. results of it. ut. with thoe uf Cream of Iartar, convince the mist incredulous ,.i in value, fream of Tartar is a bi-Urtrate of Potash, Tln Substitute is a simple Phiophate. and conuint Bo'mg but what is found in bee!-teak. and in ore, wheat and other cereals, acd is therefore highlv luiimviu. 11 aiso r.a a neai:n-i iwj uiUuruce. and supplies i hat f,ie which there is a eocstact it,. B-aud in th svstem. Tar,,ir It' It is ti -id fur a much let., price than Cream ci L"!11 V : ; llrtajaJI- m 1.1 ! . lrs, Ittrss, aina, Ae, . rTiUE subscriber, bavins oieee-l in Thomrauft' ' J. Brick Building. Milt street, Iani Ule, largi complete stock i f FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. eosuprUing tb best brands of Bran lie. Gin. Ol, Ry. Scotch and Iruh Whiskey. Port. ?htrrv. Ma d.ira. I hauipant aud other M inea. ot all grades, a. ol ahich will lar soliMt bolsMle. at th loacMCH; prieat. Tavern-keepers, by buying of u. can sav tt I 'ail the freight. Pvrtota. dcauvus of purchasing liiiKirs fur FAMILY I St, stay r.ly upoa being furauhe-l uuh pur aft onadullrratrd article. if Being d.terminol to establish a rvpmaliuft b' Selling ehap. he rteeit'ally wiIh-iu th. patrouag ol the publie. All order, prom pi 1 aiiondeil to Jtill.MlAUa 11 ALL. Damilio, Jan I. iMia. .ttssttwrl l.ttitalia-r! PUII IP SHAY, Muny,L.vcuu.iBguanty. Ps , I MO 11 Ms bis irieadtand lb. public iu g.avra tkat k euwianliy kaeps oa kaud ll.rdv.'uiegl. alk, Jossla. tnd all tinjs.f Luu bei and bt,iluia Laienala akuk k a ill tail m ui Uatt privc k. March So. Isol i:tT.ui.itiu.i ito. P C T K R lOHILLKP. tatawsr Jk l'Mt' tttststslttt'lMrv Id A 11 I'll.VMtlkMkl-, iFutteeily 41 t'baikaai Street. New Yxk w eald eail lb eil.aliua ml lal.il as the arsk.li uf kw tvsaaiMtut. sit : BKuwV rM I k Macal,'), r.unglo.. lin.H.pp.. I ue Virginia, tousa Kapaaa, Nvltti".b. Auieiaaa tieailvata. kv-Mbagt titLi'w m r . jl.'k Hutwv Ka -k, tliab Tisust twut, k. ia ' I1 sat lissk SI S l-a.4, tlai4lwt.k al LaaJiaa,, fAilaaisu) tt.allid W lb laiga HUuelaift I aua4 ae ' tkititf and KauMsiag lkawe att-k Ui so tV4 tjaa.ii T"AtAt wku.aj ia tat tk.g ta-kUsa taa, f 4 L.af ylaus J k. , UiiaM at eaeat, aa.k, k 1 ttatkwMUMMM tVwaale I I !, w tsal kaiaediatv, I if tat "lTlnaksf atiaai aesl k taat mffitti ; a. ) 'k -4ls l 'be r --wiaa.aa .a. 1 . , UMtft f, May M. Ml y ' kV a,.IM " VWK n, Ift't -If
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers