Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 07, 1864, Image 3
CIjc Sunbutfl Slmttican. n. D. MABSEB. KJItcr Proprietor. -Irr.rS-- fcVTt'RBAT, il.VY 7, 1804. 8. M. PETTENQItJj A OO.. K. J7 Park Row. Nw York, and I 8aW 8trot, Foslon;; aro our agents for the 6tMtr AbkbicaS ia tboe eillo, an.i lira authorised to Uk Adrartita mmts and Subecrlplious fcr 0 our low rata. , 3Iocal ffaivs. J.-W isss A!co Liotoas We c1l attenlioB to lie advertisement of Launiaa 4 Sallsde, 113 south 9tU street, Philadelphia, ar radjr to supply Honors, and at fair priocs. This Is on of the few rolinblo establishments wher good ! Honors can bo had on fair terms. I. tyFANcr Millimibt Goods. Min Knt P.lsck. tass just received an entire new stocs oi lancy goods which sho In opening In tba new boilUiiig ons door west of Dr. Awl's resident in Market &ure, this place. Advertisement next week. fJfRtuutots N'oticb. The Rev. K. Duller. Tract nnd Sunday School agent, will preach in the Methodist Church in thii place, to-morrow (Sunday) at 101 o'clock A. M. "y Tha weather is still cold and unpleasant. A audden change will, no doubt, toon givs as the other eilreuie. I'iXBW Tklkoraiti Lisa. Ilia Una between this place and .Shatnokin, has been re built with new posts and new wires. Thia line was originally built eight or tenyea- since, butbai not ' been ia nxo for tho lnat sis years. jyCotriT. The adjourned Court fvrr Mar, will couiuioncc ita session, in tlii place, on Monday next. Ko criminnl buitinew will be trauctvd, .. .. J5?Nw Post M-tsrsa. Uwrge M. Keun. tvj., Tor tbe pnt three years Pnl Maatcr at Ibis pluce, hni rejigned. audt Mr. Jonatbau M. Bi'tia. ba bven appuftted in bis plvt At Mr. Renn, iutendj tlatoting all bis time to bi pr.friooid buauieav. m a denliil, be di'on e t it li'i duty t f t -n. rj?Lc)iBB A large numor of raTi an. arks fawed down tbe ujahutna Jurili; the recent freabet. Lumbr foa'iauc try h;h. "J?'Coiilio D.).-BuKir. UicU has bi sell ing uh'gh as 10 eeats pr poni'i. in tb'j plaee, is row quoted at 30. E;i baxroia Jn fruin Si) riitf pur doHit, to 15. liultvr bal not ftl hih'.-r then cents iL tbif section uf eouciry Thur. is no remxin why xeihruld pay New Yvrk pric4 fvr ' provieionc. . . j Our regular aimy eorraxpondont. II. D. V,"., ! who writes from Red river, gives an intcrt-sting ae , count of the lute sanguinury batilt-a on Red riur, t J.oui.iam, in wbirh the Siinbury company. Cum- i iimnded by Cuptaiu Gobin, was onguged. The ioss of the company, w one killed, sis woundw.1. and six ' siiUsiiig. The death of Ji-reininb llaiu. sou of lianicl ! J1u'j. ot this place, vilio wns killed. ill bo deeply ' rereltfd by many fricuJs in I bis viciuity. j 5Ti:bvoiitox Coal Cvipast . Al a meeting of the S'ookhoMori of thu Ti erortun Coal Company . bald iu Pbiladelpbia, on tho third of May, in arcorsV ance with the rcojiiri'mente of the Charter, tbeo! lowing genllcuieu were elected Prcsidont and dirsc. , Uii of tbo id Compuny : HILMOT JOHNSON", IWideal. . ; JAS.J. HAY, A. K WAKFOltlt, j H.O.lUt i:, J. R liliV. W. TL'MUL'LL, J. U.1IAI.I.. ! LT All persons n ufbiiig to contribato to tbe Ureal Central Knir, will plead scud ta lh,;ir donations by VliO li h of May, excepting b'jltri nnd eg, abich will not be required itnlil thu Ut ot June Mrs. CHAltLKS PLUASAXT.S!, Agcr.fur the Hctttabraut Xepsrltueiti. tJi?'lho following subscriptions and d, nations hava ' buvn received for the Ureal Central Fair, to bo bold In Philadelphia, June 1st, ISM. slues lnsl report ; iUt. Fred. Luzurus, 1 can peaches and 1 bolile tm rant wins, Mrs. Jiimea B'yd, 4 cans Qoinces aul 1 ptaebof. ilrs. Iionnel, l l0 Jlr. huhbach, l eO lienthir. 1 P') f 7 00 Collected by titile I.ely VaiviyLa : Lulv Vandyke, t 25 Wagoniellor, $ Ml J. (i. Kul", li Lettv Adams, ?i Julia Site.". 10 .MuriaOooi, Jf ' Henry Jaekseu, "l llen.y II u j't, Jo fisni. 'Adams, fif' ASso HisrjkT Cask or IsrASicfrs.- , "n Thursday of Inst week the body of an Infant u : found in a trunk placed in a stable in the upper par of Ibis borough. A coroner's rras called ' when it was discovered thai the child had btonsiuo thered or strangled immediately after birth. Tha trunk was found to belong to a Mrs. Liuu residing ' in this borough und whoso bin baud Las been absent ' ior lbs past tao years. Mrs. I... at tho time of the discovery was lying at (ho point of death at the bou i of Mr. Drum, and on first being secuxed of theeiiino dcuicd all knowledge of il but we undarslaud Sn ally eont'esrttd llxit tha child was her's but claimed tiial it hii'Idied a natural (leioL. M,e siid her huk b ind had been hume tbrcs times witniu tbe peat two years. She al csoneraled Mr- llrom and famt'y from any knowledge or complicity in the affair. Mrs. " "",u " ' " " , . , ., t .!!! ... .. 1 1.... I UI...1... i..nAunl .., guilty, ae, ea,e .U gone oeiore a .rii.unu. than ary ou enilli, to lie ncciue i wuu mors iwpar. lial justioe thau slio might huvs met aiib bad Le lire,!. Jhttota. Snow tell to ths depth of about three Inches, si Altoona, un Tuusday This will account for lbs eold stale of the weather hire. W a have Dot bad any snow, however. . - l tooranreirisu OrrasTioss is MttTo..- Wa unlerstaad thai parties quite .tgsged on Tus-day last u eirculalii.g sountavfiv it l.ioue, iu this U roiigh T'ae bills atteuiplvj to U wc rs of ths denuiuiuailou of 4's ou Iho Albany .':ty bank, X. V. lbs parlies pving them w alloaediogo away oa iho irs unuiuints I, To women war among thegaiig. Ii Is pretty strongly euimiseJ that gang of eounlerleilers ksi their bead (aruis not far Irons Ibis borough and w think it aould ha advisable sur auiherltiet lo innMiiL-ata tha matter, t'srtainlv Ibera is a larss sn.oi.ul of touLlerUil suoaey iu (irsulalioa la U's , y-.V..e.... - r or Iba Anielicaa lUfiiiUtllANNA t'ONUHrsCM. T of l.uilmaa aiiuuiwa aaMiuUxt ia I'm. ranib al 1 arkulvillt va load steiiisg aud eon. iiuovl ustviua lav., sad opi I oa M -lay eivalog by lbs Pree.Joal, Uas J. M . WauiH f I,uoSiu, pua, bni( tha upeumg .luiva ou Ibe ' lu.uoi4.e al lunlxsurrs auj Ihe aa- e..ii of all us u.eih, Ullblully Silrudisg llielu ' Th f'd .a n i uoixsivrs ! wioi t.s H-1 J V Vis a (. ,:. I'i,.i '. of s!,..' a a , It.'i M HI" ls. -c:rs siv, 'inut'Uiy ; tt.t 1 w.k ii.aj.uref, u Lvt. ,imii, it, ". i..H..-, o( ffsi.k'jiuti , IUi A II .-1. ol Plum tlik, l.H t. A M.irU'.ol I'asilltle, Its, J It ll no, ol llx"UiOul , 1 1 lit., kvi'ioiil.r. of 1 1. .. .li lilihm J lisisus Si d 1 ufcsH, i .o s .1 il..uu...r si. I-. rt.s M-i. i" "I '' k . Ivlr .J.f - . , t I. i I.... .t ,... M W"" ' - Il .w .1 U asiisw r"" k... Fu k D., a.od.a- u4 l-sa ... I,.mU, .ugu,.4.M.aoM hi, I... . m I , aUm -I Ik I !. I mul' S.1U4 i BM u4 by lb U U.I.i.1 i;.iMI a ii . -ji .4 I.H.U. u ISU Ail'. Um,!!,,),, S4 US 'b B-sk ml 'fc. U SUUf '4 uttu m . 4 If sa.4 lb. l lb Uu4 p tmlt to tb4 b lb ' t,U k .s n . U...1..4 uj 4,us. Si 4 (For Us Bunbury Amorienn. Letter flrotn the Hnnhnry 4Jnrsrtla. NATtiiiTocm;,, La. April 0, 1804. Drift lYli.F.ftT, Tlina far we have inarched two hundred and sixty miles, and, with lli.. distance be tween New Orleans and Franklin, make, three hundred and twenty mi lea, and so far our journey has nut lieen disturlxxl by the appearance of any groyharla. They hare U-en In our advance, but . tied an the ap proach of Lee's cavalry, who with Nini'a KJ virtrr Artillery, seem to be terror to any armed party serving under the eleven atar red ling of Davis' rotten Confederacy. Al though flrin"; before UK, thu reba made tad havtic with the property of the citizens on their route. For fear of cotton falling into our hand, it wss burned by them, even go ing to fur aa to destroy their Gins mid Sugar Factories. I anw the remains of si of these building. The cotton I hey did not burn was scattered to the winds, and as it blew over the roiititrv. the trees and Uulds bad the appearance as though covered with snow, i For one planter they burued six hundred bales nnd another four liuudrud. This wu j foo'.Nh waste of property for thero are mo ; hied men with us (not belonging to thu i artnv) who are nnxious to bttv cotton, 'and do so in many ctises, so that these owners have been rolibcd and reduced in cireitni stances, lor which they limy thank the de generate son of a worthy sire, Major General ' l)ick Taylor. I The day brfore we readied here, (hut Fi t ; day) a fight cume off between our ciivnlry Mid the lebs, in which we cupl'tired forty j primmer, among them Captain Todil, said j to be the brother of Mrs. Lincoln. This , man Todd is the officer who was so cruel to : our prisoners in Kiclimond. He in guarded '! 've men ior tear o! ins nting suoi oy uie jnylmwker, ot them havinj joined 1 ni i i our for.'cj. These men they w ill have S3tiai'ac.ion for the ctucl miiuncr in which ho treatid their friends while prisoners, nnd if it catitiot be done l.ow, they will follow him until his life pays for the crimes he has il:io. There i tmicli mi'-crv in this place nnd 1 j f i t the surrounding couutrv. 5len, who a few vears since, livetl extravacatitlv nnd knew n,i want, arc now almost destitute. The dr. ss i:f th? ladies arc of the stvle w orn when we left home to join the army of I'n- , cle Abraham, only much faded, rent plainly to le seen, nud i have no doubt they arc the same clothing worn before this "cruel tleein from the held m contusion, not cur war"' bcLjan, throwu off to give way for fa-! inj; for the wounded. They burned their shion. and now worn out of necessity. When 'entire train for fear of ita falling into our w e arrived in tow n citizens cume in from t hands. I'art of this was well for us, for by every direction claiming protection from the j doing so, the train taken from our cavalry rc'xl conscription. This conscription makes , whs destroyed, giving us tho satisfaction no allowance tor age, but taKcs all, trom the ; boy of fourteen and sixteen to the old man ot sixty. I saw the general order, still re nirrninjj a posted in the town, from the (Jovemor of Louisiana, ortliiin-' nil that were ault lo bear nrms. to renort iuimedi-1 ately to the Court House of each Parish to do service in the "Confederate army. One old man said with tears in his eyes, 0nt he had two sons tied and carried away from him by force. A lady told us that her son wns shot down before her. in the vard iu front of her housf; for his resistance to the ' conscription. These people end their friends are very bitter iu their expressions acainst the uiiltiorilief Mr persons who ato treating them as white alave, and as many more arc 1 ttvuted in thu same way, this feeling of dis- ' satisluction spreading, there is no doubt Da-1 vi it Co., will soon labor uiider dioicultieb j other than that of the forces ol thu Union. A rebel deserter cume iuto our lines und ' w ished to "take the ontii,'' saying that before he went to war he was a "nice young man" aud "wcut well dressed,"' but now ho had ; become satisfied ot' the failure of the rebel lion, and disgusted with the idea of getting killed aril his corpse being found on the iiclil i with such uwrelullit u i, Nuti hitoclu s h an old Spaniel town, it h nsrrow streets, nml sinytilnr looking houses, ' in which the ole live up stuirs. It was settled upon the - Imnks of tlie Heil river. mar two hcmlrci! years ngu. Now t'ae lcl river rims in another cli.innil, four miles from the town. The I'auks of the "Oln"' river remain, throtigli wlileli It Hows ijtllte n stream ol water. Commodore I'ortcr, with his iron fleet and trcnsportu, is at fTcore ferry on the Hcc'. river, tthent he is uuloiitliiif' provision for o'ir ar my, which, when Itiiished, will cnulile him to proceed on his way to attack hlneeves pin t. When these stores nre luoiij;ht down here und distributed to the ilili'erent IJunr teriiiiisters. 1 believe it is the intention to iiioyc our forces so as to operate in conjunc tion with the fleet. Tltn hoys afa all well and in good spirits. With rc-pecl to all in the ollitc und friends generally. I remain, Vours, Fraternal iy, 11. I. W. UltAJD Kcom:, Western I. a., ) April li, 1SU1. ) WlI.vr.itT: After lying over for three cluys at N'utchilochcs to recruit and get a fresh supply from the Cotnniit-ttriat, we again pushed lofwnrd In hunt of the reus, us the sequel will show, proved lucky to us, nnd a perfect discomtiture lo the enemy. On the lir.-t days inarch we were detained seve ral hours liy letting the Mill Army ( ori s pass by us, when we pushed forward to Double llrulges, a liit.'.nucc of sixteen miles. It w as ut this place, s.iortly oelore M.r ar- r t ulrC ilurtrr,nnK,rr tr. rival that H bnk skirmish came oil lu tncen , paiiTMENT O" Till: Sl'syi KHANN A, our cut air' und the retis, in which we lost j CuAusrussi hc. Pa.. April 23d. 1HC1. Sealed Pro idnetv men in Vilkil and wounded. The n.ali will be received ut this'co until 12 o'clock, nr.. u..k.. r.. I ,.vl.:..i a mini. ,V , '! " ' W.V.V, , " ' " " i her ol prisoners. On our I, sntt liliV ft e umuUutitMe rvKnec ol hot worl, ' the limbs were knocked from trees aud their trunks were well pierced with shot t nnd a number of horses lie tlend by the roud side, w hich showed the pood w ork tlone by , our cavalry. Iu passiui; alotii' we met nr. nbt darkey who waa much elated ut our ar , I iv ul. lie jumped ami clapped his hands, I ihiiviim "the le'js said tier could lick 'em I wlieiinlT tie ctiiibouU; now here tlev lire,. ,.Hurwh ,r 1U nor(b j,-j loie ,uf Uru de j,ohUi.. y, j ( j.u.MI ifttl that duv and enramped. j ; jt WMJ fu ,iml w cl.lwted a litttvy tiyhl, ,t t.w mu, mere skirinish, the rcba eko- i ! ("inl.uinj, ) hurry, followed by our caab , tlur fort'ea united early neil nioruin', U0 l Jt It corps far irs.he Bilaiice. We made ( but SCM tl miles and then Went Into CUIllp, , when the news came that the lillli and cav- , , airy bad euj'aj'fU the cnrmjr in loice. He- crivinu t i dJ krd tuck, order rauie to ' Jortf-irJ, lllch SUil'Uil in double ejitifk, the rlifUt mil... Iu one nour anu isinu huhuh.. .... ...... there ul the rii'ht time, lor ihe mill had , louiilit hard, rapcudinu; ihiir aiiiiiiuiiiiioii ; iliecatttlry ru repuiu-d and In their re-1 tfeat III It IUtl to Illusion aiilt'lij the Irauia, that had U not been lor our limdy aitiisl, a panic would have lu.'twd, taiHediiitf that . . k II.. II I llu.i nun, . . .i .-!... . ..... iiureoip', me luiu. ma n '. - fi II into line of Ul'.lc, and were aoon pour- but on ihu rib a tlie wl.Ull luiMed Ilia tide u alUlr. t, w 4 f c l a) II liouis iiiinrr n.i-, yisin I list nuiii) uioie ibinst rmiud, tthrn ilarknt- cumI lh H.'bt In fmo ! . su.t kiitttsrr. Blild " , t.,M... Iklvo instaul .NiiMm 'U0 . ,4,,iu,,,l lis l, runny lofoie r rufp. if ' U.I.I, , h( ll.lSt Of UI4I', - "" ' ' i o.. IUJU ".l 4"t. A Usui IU ll 'i'' nU ins I ' rwiiogBiU ut,u4BI. laiimii I'i4.i.l Mill, lo '' - ! ! U4IU Isrl, 4WUI I s j-os luitii iiH ssur n.4um forming lis of tho approach of the enemy.- Our akinnishersof cavalry and infkntry were sent out, and 'twas not long nutil shot were exchanged. At this time. 10 o'clock, Smith's iilth Vitny Corps .reintbrced u, aad was soon formed in iiue of battle. Skirmishing continued until four o'clock, when the rebs commenced feeling our lines, with artillery, on right, left and centra. This was well replied to by the 85th N. T. Battery. (The Battery to which Dad Randels and Bonis others of our own boys are attached). The battle then commenced In real earnest, The reba charged our lines, with cheers, tir ing volloys of musketry that would seem to annihilate our forces. They tried to flank our right and left, but thu the boys repulsed tiicm handsomely. Batteries were captured nnd recaptured ; advances were made and repulsed, the enemy lighting as though it was the last of a desperatn cause. Our vol leys of musketry, of which more w ns used than in any tight during the war, and thu executious of the artillery was too much ior them, fur-they fled, our men after them, yelling shouts of victory, and chasing them live miles beyond the baltlu-tiuld. Our lire told with terrible (-licet. A rebel Lieut. -Col., prisoner, suid that in a charge made by one of their Brigades, when they advanced so far as to make a capture of a portion of our left it sure thing, they were met by a Cre that destroyed lour hundred, and then were driven back in confusion. In another ad vance, our fire was so destructive tlint only: three men were left unscathed to return with-' 'm their lines. The prisoners captured amounted to two ) thousand; among tliem one tieneral, one Lieutenant-Colonel, and any quantity of Captains and Lieutemtuts. Of the number killed and wounded I nm uuablu to say, but j thu general impression is it amounted to over live thousand. The tlend body of Lieiit. - l.ien. Mouton was found on the field, i , , , . , . . - . . i inev teavinif mm in ineir uastv retreat, lie ; was killed by the explosion ot a shell, tearing away the upper portion of his head. ' Niuim's Battery was recaptured by our j rr;;iinrnt. Twentv-threc pieces of artillery ' was ?.ipturcd by the enemy. It wus at the I recapture of Nimm's Hattery that our Color I Sergeant, B. F. Walls, received his wound j The .Stiuire wus so will pleased at tlie re- I capture, that lie nulled lorwnrd with his t'iiir iind raised it on the wheels of a caisson, when he fell pierced by a bullet in the left ' shoulder. " ! It seems tli enemy were panic stricken. that our stores done them no jnod Uur whole Ius, in killed, wounded, tins- sin; und slraIers is estimated at three thousand. The portion belonging to the l;!lh corps, harmg occurred ut Sa Liiie, on the 8th. in the first fight. The loss iu Company "C," is Jeicniiah Haas, killed. Jerry felt no pain, dying almost instantly. He was beloved by his comrades, and his los is much regretted by them, lie was a good soldier, a young mau whose morals were not injured iroui the ltilluenccs ot un itrmv. ami best ol ail, an honest man. 1 lie wounded ar Serir. Win. l'vers. um: aud tide, not dunirer- " II. F. Wr.ll!, Lit shoulder. i Fiivalu Thomas Lolhurd, two wounds in tinu, slight, " Coruelius Kramer, left leg, below knee. . " ; tieorgc Miller, side. " Thouiai Nipple, hip. slight. ' James Kennedy, right and side, severe. Missing J. W. McN'ew, J. V.'. Firth, Sam uel .Miller, l.iiward Matthews, John Mcrner . and t'onrad Holuiun. The whole force of the cnen.v wns thirtv- : I've thousand ten tlion-iind of them cum 't in fresh into the lijht on the second day, at i'ieiisnnt Hill, under lielicrul (Pup I liic. Our forces, parts of the l'.Kh nud I tit U corps, ' amounted to iifUcn thousand. On: loth; . inj; no part in this action. We expect to I have another liylit soon, prolmlily at ShrcVe port, where it is expected the rclicllion will ; lie crushed on thu western si.Ic al the ills- i ' si'ippi. wounded are getting nloiit finely, ; :ind are in the best of spirits. They will e sent to New Orlmns to remain in hospital until coiivukccnt. The Imys reinaiuitij? arc ' i well and seem anxious for another eiieount- . , er with the jjruy hacks. Willi repecta to yourself, all in the ot'rtennd tViends general- ' ly, I remain. Yours rralprmiUy. 11. D, VV. NllW ADVKRTISKMEXTS. iTHE UKI) LION HOTEL. , Lata Mrs. Duullou's ) ; MARKET hTKiiET, BUNBUItY, YA. JULIUS AIIBITI3R, , HAS taken (his old and well known Hand, and refitted and furnished the same is prepared to accommodate llonrdera and Travelers with the best ' llie market can ufford. He Jiopes by strict attention to busiiieM to receive a share of public patrouage. His T AltLK contains the hen the niaiket atlords. Ilia liar ia tilled with ths choices', of Lhiuurs, both Malt and Spirituous. 'ilia atubling ia giMal, and altondad by eaxeful Ostlers. buuburv. Anril SO, IS61. Iy ' St., Tuesday, the 10th day of Mav nest, for tlie fol I . .. 1 materials for rebuilding lbs L. S. IWrracks. at turlisle, i'a. The lumber lobe delivered at siid ilirracks by the first day of June nasi material of each kiud to be of ths best quality, and subject to inspection by Super, intendent of lbs work . 140 Hemlock joies, 23 feel long, 3X12 inches (0 ll 2a7 70 147 117 70 SX4 " 3X10 3X10 SAID " l.9 ' S. ' 10 il oi ls 10 70 J7S Ilaflers, 18 feet long. 3X4 itiehesal tod 4 al Ilia other sod. TO Rsfuers. 23 leal long, JXU 4 at the other cud. 13 Rafters. 21 leet Mmg, 3X1 " ' IX t at tha other ami. .14 W bus pine posts. I' I feel loaf, 4X1 inches j:? ' ai'sirtliug 14 " .1J.4 0U " ' ssiiuliiug I ' 4X4 t,:i4 feel of Plaiussi sud Matsb4 I luah Aooruig. of seasoned pins. 1 1 oeo feet of Aial soutuiea. dry Fib boards. 0 ,-hki feet of dry, tisl souiuiou " 1 lack 4 ii-mi fuel of dry aeaUoldiug boards, I inch. 1 000 lul ul euuimuu I'iiis btards. drv. I lltrh JJ 'U ,f I lack lUiuluek shreiiiig L 'i lj Bui -0. IJ "K'-, M.U boards, M ror 119 Plain plsnk lib Jaw csslug aud, lu.Ms lss. i:j (itxii au l liamrs. Kiss fiaia 4 fal I Is) 7 fi 4 lacks, ia bstgbl. by I Im IU uks ut 3 fl 4 lorke ia aiilik Jwat f.t 1 ii si a luouldiug Ik aiadaw sod 4 daiur tubs s'sllir4 as M uOu 11u.k.. to U 4Iii4m a4 Maai4 M mm m mwim u, mw ' . i , I . allef 1st of JwBs ns a,si lu.bci. I.iu.. I. k, J.,,.i,4m f-l as w 4 mttti Miu. I 5 it H-.k.l a 4, skeis sm4, to Vs 4flis4 as Basil! II J4 lxM I is luusu'g. psus4 aa bulb sides. ( put uh a. lb i'l. j rJ y &ts al asaM.iiug. lB.ief bs assist . -4 uvss m aua, w as last m buildiUfM nl. " I j 4.wr ti4 - , l..l.lwi 1 Ik lubt to Js "s-T.H iiir.sj4 sits, 1 1 4'S Mm Uvea iiosa 4 w III b I.lls4 srptllf lul lk 4l 4 usssusbv Tb isos.u..u issS xbt U, S.I O I t4 SilUlS i'USM Bb'B in J BMp44 Bit1 b rull4 I to4 luto bunds. n Msu4 saauiioss) toy Ibslsuami ismosssm. s lb obui4 us4 b S4w4 pls-S-aal fat lU las htiuiss M 4 wiv lMiab as.4 44iu4 l.Miml U JUSWB ( bl.l U ! MM.S, I'B- it i,i. k.B,u.s-. f NEW. STORE I J JUflT OPENED Spring & Slimmer Goods, AND SOLD CIIEAFEU THAN KLSU WHKRK I i 13 A AC In ZeUemoyera Building, nppgail Uoarbart'f Con. loouoaerT oiore. MirttiMmii, eu.Dt -ii . ra.. i . HAS ju.t opened a well seleeM aswrlmeat of I UouJa. wbioliheotlerefuraaleatvervluw i.rm I lilt i ItU uiis ; ' 1 KOREIOX AND TiOMESTIC, raoh as Clothe, Cai. uii'rra, Mueline, Bhoeliugs, Ticking, Calicoes, He Lain, (Silks, Uiugbama. as , it. HA't'tt SUlU C'Jll'H of every dracriptinn. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. ; Couieting of Honlery, lllovee. Thread. Pultons, ! Stuprndirs, Xecktlee. Collara. llaudkercbief., Hair : it i 1' . I. 1. i 1.- II i .. ii . 1 llruahea. Tooth Uruihi'S, Fancy Head l'rrwea. ilnl moral hkirU. Hoop-skirts, Ciupet-bnz , Iruiiku, a- lise, Umbrallas, Cotton-Yarn, rionps, and numerous oiber axliolva too tedioua to menliou. H A R D W ARE, ; lueh as nails, hinges and screws, door latebca and knob., andCULEKYof every deavription. Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, filMS?. I l'utty, Ac, lice. (ueoBwnr nud dilnwaisTiirc f. every sleiacriptloii. STONE AND EAUTIIENWAKL. j An estensirs Stock of ; GROC E X B S. j Cotopuaed of Sognr, Coffre, Teat, Rice, Corn-ttarnh, : Molnaac. Candles, Meat, Fiib, Cheea. .Sail. Tubaoco, ' and .Segars. U1SADY-MU)E CLOTHING. I Also, ! BOOTS & SHOES for men, women and children. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchajiga for Uoods. j buubury, April 2S, Hi. I LADIES' SPBINQ AND SUMMER p I VPV Tl) fOO H f f II C i Aj U I if l LOO U f U If l, Two doors West of the l'oct Ollice, SXJJMBTJH-5T, PENN'A., HAS just received and opened a large assortment of Funcy Ureas Qooda, aucb aa Gloves, Jouvian Kid-gloves, bilk and lisle thread UloTea; Ladies eottoa liosa. Children's Hose, Silk Mils, Hand ker chiefs. Corsets. Embroidered Slippers, llibbons FAN CY liKKSS llUT'i'ON'S. llugle Uinibs. Trimming). lUmons, liolt Kibon, Velvet Hibbons. Uraiil, licit, Cliwpa, Ladies Nevk-tius, Fancy ilultons. CUAPU UlllUON and THI M. Ml NO: fimbruiderini llruids. i Juvonet aud Swiss Kdginga and insertions; Milteeo l.acc collars, ureuaaine veils, fancy 1'rca Coniiji. ' Head lireaaea, Neiu, and a vuriety ol other articles. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. BOOKS AND BTATIONERV. t llofiks. Hymn Bonks. Plank Itoeks. Memorandum l!ooks,'i)iariM, Pocket Hooks, Ink Suuids, Pans, Pencils, Ac, Ao. TOYS AM) OAMM FUlt CHILDHEX. : All of which hava been soreeled with cars and will : be sold at reavoiiabls prices. ANSA PAINTED.. j Kunbury, April 22, 1864. READY ROOFING Kesdy to nail dowu. irzAvzr "roofing ! At less than half the cost of tiu roofs. READY ROOFING- Mure durable tban tin. HEADY ROOFING Suitable for steep or Bat rocQ. HEADY-UOOFINO For U kinds of buildings, lo all olimates. keadyIToufing Kaailv. cheaply, and quickly put on. esds not ooatin over wilh oeuiunt after it ia naiiad dan a. HEADY HOOFING il'te of aatroug woven fabric thoroughly saturated alio cohered upon botnauitacua wilb a pirtoctly wa lorpro-.f composuiou, ami put up in rolls ready fur use 4U iuch vnde, aud Ti feel long We" also uiauui'aeturo LIQ'JID Foa Lkakt Tim Koora, iluoh cheupex aud uiorsdursbls tiiaa oil paw.1. ALSO, 'ooipouiil Omeut, For Leaky bliiugU Koofs, Which will oflou save ths cost of a new roof. hauiplus of Beady Koofiug aud Circulars seal by mail when desired. Favurablc'.crnis made wilh responsible parlies who buy Ul sell saiu. t ... KEAIY KOUFINU CO , ' Vi Maideu Lane, V V,. April 23, lil. i i T. a n ' i .o i' 1 1 kh-w ii i .' i : it . The ONLY reliable self-Adjusting Wringer The truiue buius: of irou, tiiorouidilv galvaaiisad, ' all danger from rust is removed, aud Ilia liability lo (Unuk, swell, spill, Ac, no unavoidable in wovdeu machine, is preventod. No llmmb'scrvwa or complicated fastening! to wear out or gel uul of order; it oau b fusieued firmly lo ths tub ia a siugla second. WARRANTED WITH OK WITHOUT CiKi-WHKFLS-. It took tha Firat Premium at Fifty-Seven Slat and County Fairs in let):!, and is, without KB sleep- ' lion, lbs best Wringer aver muds. I instead ol belie lug the statements of parliss in- larested in Ihe sal ol other Wringers, 1 TRY IT, AND Jl UJK FOR YOURSELF. Test il Thoroughly villi any and all others, sud If not euliroly salistaoiory. return it. , It will string troiu a thread loa bad quilt without alteration. Puteuted la tb lulled Stairs, England, Canada, and Australia. Ageals wanted iu every iomd. Euurgutie uieu sou make from $3 to I0 per day. I'utHiim M'lnvfacturinj Co : I OaSTLSSSS I know from practical saperiaae ! tluitirou well Kalvaaised wilh sius will But valduo . or rust ou parucl. 1 sou safely ssy, afier several j , years' spriac in lb uiunuuetm of chain tor j ' chaju-pumia aud waler-drasrs, IB which 1 bass, i tested tb adioily of iron and si no ihsil if lhs pro i Cffj b cuttiiuotaKl liroirtlTit i a Mrttct ltiu( tiif Noaily un vaar ago my family commenced using on. of your Wringers, it now pciforius all of lis J luueiiuns a. well as il did lb trst tun. il was used, 1 ani baa keoota aa iuiMspuabl arllol wuti ur. 1 bay crawly vusrv4 s.veral other kinds of elolbe. wringers. Inv modus uparandi beiug dillvrent. trying ' o prouues tna saw r.uns a iu r j but in luy judgment Uy bav Uila, ! t iiugui u as uur perfect as innm ' cbcwiully icooiuniud il lo b. lL I lo produce tha saw result a IU. raiuaia " riuger, ilea. iaiuiuau iole, aud I east best IU RaaOMUulls Veuia. JNti. W . WIILI LtU. t l.wlssd. t'bio. Il nl iuii eseriBrs la lb galvaalsing busi Baa ubl bis to ladts Iks aU ialaiul iu all oaiiatalais JNO. C. I.M'FKRTH, N. Ivs) tikksa kuel New T.'k, JsnaMv, tail. Nu. I, ti.M) i " l.ut); Na. A, 00 Maoulli4 aud aul4. ko.sal a ad by TllK VI I NAM MAM FAt II KISH CO , No 13 I' sue), ,Ss t ask, ai.d I'lu I aoulllkor', Agvai A,.,. Jl, Sot . . . . . ..... t I I . I I I. If WW FAX(.T CiOODS. run b i CP?.! IT 3 fc, DTJUX:X3t al tkMuuv n. & U rJlllis-sl eic kukit (Suss, kt Sill HYifA la Mtass H A L. H4.isl( b.uss sss4 lb,i aUMtaiitsaul to sbusb suusmoSuus u4 jiaiut su.uss uu.slous BbsM Uit tusaiM bwao-a, 1.I iu lb Ml Iiuu4 Bu4 SBil.BIWB. Ib4 Ibef b.l ssls4 bsmI luas ue4 B Nwst s4 U uluu4 swi sa.ulas) SSILI.I .!) AkU CAkt't sjowl, u). sl4lu( un) aisi f BUNrt'. MATS. RIBBON. TttlM- MINOS Vr 4 LI. k I H I'U, S4 all ssks MUsIs l Ik- is Sk Bill k b44 bv.l iMU u4a -4 ail k'i ks ui ku4 m i S.B S u M , 4i4 M(t KI'OllT8.Hfc.V!J JOEPOT. JCST recolt ed a new stock of fiakta; Tackle tor. Spring aalea, eooaittine; of Itods, Kaefo, Linea, I buckets, buoodn, Float. Ntf, Fliea, Aititioml Jluit, j Higged Linns, Out, liran and Hook, W which Uie attuuUon ol deslert it partionlarly reartet. j Orders, Wholcvalo and Rntail. Lunotuallf filled . j and alulae lion warranted. i . JOn KRI!)ER, I Slid and Walnut street, l'hiiadelpbia. Tebrnary 87, lbU4. 6 in j UtoaenHiLi,, Simcm P. Wolvibtos HILL & WOLVEUTOIT. """) COMnnrlort. at Lnss . Office, llarkit itreet. cor. Centra AU. Office, llarkit itreet, cor. Centr Alley, w gxsti ; Xb''r " ortliuio berland and adjoining counties. , junoujr,. ...m.r. t (..','. " ' - -t- --I IKIld ii'cv i"ti' 1 Sift J 10U, JIM !! I.l JOU . A I'ltKSll SUPPLY OF SPRINO AND MfSIMKU ' M I I N E R Y G00 1) S .to 1U " 11 t . ' L'V, , At llir Largo S.ill.oery Mr of j i'" ma . a m ' lot i , 3 i,. ' I Fawn itrei't, two door" iitli of Slinnnkiii Vallev A Polt-vill.- Uailroad. SI Xltl liY, Pa., ' , Consisting of tho very litti"t atyl'-of E 419 aT JAT HTD ; HATS I Atno. Trituinintrs i sm:h us ltililjniis. Laers, French aijd FeHthen. Ac. LAItliK ASSORTMKNT OF Anieriunn FUiT", FeiitbcrK, Ac, ALSO, A LA HUE ASSORTMENT OF Fancy Goods & Notions, lo which fIio 'lir' ctn Ihn utu-nliun of ber trirnJi, and invit ait lo vail ai'-l cu bTore purchui!ij; thv- rrbTO 'ihntikful for tast palroiiifc, rtli hoftc by keep ing tnc brit ft.vt.irlpu-iit at rriiiiabl ri!s to col tinun the snni?. Sunburv, r 9, I8 J1. Ttn DR. ISAIAH rOULK, PHYSICIAN' AND SLHGKON. RKSPF.t'TFl'I.I.Y ofl'ers lii services to the sutUr ing pnh!ie. I ftico at hty ri5i'leiico near the lino of i-baniukiti and Vpp' r Auiiyt.i tonn-hips. L'pper AugtiKtn, April lb. IS04. ly TO CONSUMtitS Ol1' rilHK undersigned dealor in Coal from tiie follow 1. iug well known Collieries is prepared lo reccivo ordim for the Kiiug al the Lowest .Murk' t Kims, vis : MOltDHCAFS DIAMOND MINKS c; HAY'S PAHK115II & CO S CONSOLIDATED CO'S Ho ua'sn prepared to furnish tho ltalliitioi-4' o's) t'l-lrrnt-l Coiil, Lump nl 1'rtpnrttl. On the line of the Susquehanna llivrr and Ultra dn tiraco. He hna made diraug mcuts lor I lie best P1TT8TON AND FLY MOUTH COALS, Which he i. prepared to delirer n vu.irj Boats at ! Northuniherliind. or by Cars over Northern Central Knilroad. nnd on tin- line of the Philadelphia aud Lno Itailrood. on the bet terms. j lie is prepared to tilt nil Orders with despatch, aud j respectfully Solid:? orders from the Trade. ! Addreas J'llIN McFAKLAND. ; April 'J. 1cjI. Nortliumbeiland, Pa. - -- - ! VI' 'I'U !', I TAIUS MANTILLA EMTOJtll.'M, ! No. V-0 ClIKSit t Stkriit. i Formerly No. 101.) l'HlI.ADKl.PHIA.- " NOW OPUN Iari-1iili!' '.., ' ' , ,,t.,- MAIvTILLA aud CLOAKS. Also, Spring Mimiuor Horineiils, of our own Mauufueture, o the Latest St vies raid iu griul a- net). J. W. Pi'.OCTOit A CO.. The Paris Idantilla Emporiunf. No. te't) CbeMiut Street. Philadelphia. April 9. 'M. ch-Sypt. i, lathi. ly JACOB HARLEY. j Furrt'iui lo ! I u n i r ,V a rlr y ) ' No. 022 MAKKKT Street. PHILAliLLPHIA. lAKALIUl iu Fine Hold and Silver WATCKK ; XJ 1 ineilold JKWLI.KV; Solid ML I l.-WAKL. ; and Ihobe.-t of elLVtlt-I'LATtii-WAll!:. Cor t slnntly on hand a large assortment of Ihe above goods J al low prices i Watches and Fine Clocks Repaired, bv skilllnl workmen; also. Jewelry repairing; F.ngriiving and I 'l mus ol llmr-WoiK to oraer. al MeTI nvtien. t'gT'l'on'l forgot l ie old stand, No ! 'TpVii'Tii'-";, Market ME YE N K W I. V i M P K n v i: n ' CliESOEN 'J' SOAli E j s b:s ut ix. ii Acknowlelireil In be the li-v. Loudon i'riie Medal and liigb.eM awunis in Aue. ; riea received. I MKL'.iKKONS AN1 SKC0NH II A.N 1) PIANOS. Wurerooics, Nn AP.t'll St., below liiil. h. PHii.AliLl .1111 A. Murcli 20, lo64 'untv j Tsii o m:s;i. i Till subscriber oilers lor ynlo s,une supvrior f n. , uectieut Seed-Leal, i.nd Maryland ' lirond-Top To ; bacco Seed. Price 26 cents per pr.per. S:nd muiiey ! and plain directions. I a lot ol good Tobacco Leaf fer se'o. I P. i.. mas-;i:i'.. Sunbury, March 19, 1?61. UENKY IlAKPEIi. Xo. k-tO 4IK II1 St., lliiliilolIin. M AN VP ACT V itlllt X 1U.ALLH IN ! WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY. SOLIDSILVLIt-WAKE And ItOUKK'S Superior I'lated Ware. rf""All kind of sdi rr-Ware. n:ou on lh rron-i. lei. WA1CH Kepiaritig carelutly done : March 2d, lout iim THE MISSES JOHNSTON'S 1! O A R I) I N G A N" 1) 1) A Y S f il O I ) I. For Voutix l.iil's. No. 1A9 Ppruce Street. Pbila.ivlpii.s. RU'F.HEM'ES : Rev. Dr. Hone. David WeUt. r. l.,o., Itev. Dr. S'lddnrds, V ni lliiywunl Drajloii. Ewj llev. Dr. Coioier. it -nr-T" M. Wbarti-a. K., Honry M Fin. Fs' . 'f t, HoM'iiraorth, Kstj., K. Ii! Montgomery. L(- Hon. Aleaaimer llinre. lliomaa Dunlap, .--. I'hila.l-lphia. December . lsnj 147. 1 T stl5W 0,l:tt 114M'1. fpu y, LI11LK ti 1 ANT I.WINii MACHINE J COMPANY a ant un A-ii.l in c.uiily. Iu xhici orders for their new Ml& Mueliuo, ,ib guaxe, gorvnUrifcr til cxirit ucvll-) We will ptv n ii html ur nti ri'-nrtsn. h kh h? ci uinuvioii. I ior ni.rut-u.ari. IsJimii. AO . cihmm- a alitiiii, aul lor particulars, tenus. Ao . em'l.w, a slitni. adrlr. aa i S PAli K. iol lo. ti.. Fab. 13. 61 ."in 1 1. -i, I Agem lor the I . M.iUS PE.NSIONaS, BOIJ.NTIES ANU BACK VAY COLLECT I'D. B IHIYKIt. Atlorrey al l,ls duly u iM.r r ul aud li".n'l l eolleet fs-ssuitsits., liotstslir-uusisi Itiit'ls k'si.V l" Kidous, t'r. ban and Poluieis. in. sj in M.ikel ucl, o . . so. Weaves Hotel, fuubui, I'a. January Id, loot I ISAAC K. STAUFFEU. Ilnlili lulrr iml .Irwrlrr, v ivrrn 1 1 er ii oi MI.VFIl VAUF. 4 luu.r of WA'filll .. lit N,ik ecolld "i . l osiim t.'n.riy. I'll II, A 1I.I PHI t I', baa iousii.l'y nu bii I asMtuvrnl .ef iloM aud ,-ilir l.vri. I.eplu. sail I'Uii. Mau au be ; I lo ilotu I bull... r-4l ai..l ha... Iiiea.1 ' Pius. I.i Hins, F.i'et llins. Hia .lri. Miinaiuf. I IW M Ull l. IL i.oekel.. 1'el.Clla. Ib.UIUle.i. HO. , !uIm. 1 .11. Ii.wii. !. r.H a". I AluMaid S(.ia , s.i.i up-. !.. i i apkiu Itias riu l Skd Uoll.S kl- Mili'ils. I'oK.I. Dl.tu- ul I". I lj ei. . -.11 ol uloeb .ill . '4 I i '' ' M I liil.l IS A t il U.. oal.. lull j.. .1.4 1 Paual I. ever il "ouiuii s n.-u.. ; a bm d, li klb.S M.k I i. wl ,u!r ( S l HI I l.l I I .l. f"r e h. bept , l"3 - I f V.S!irN(iTliN not SK. avuib.x. I vittt ui Ml Mil II flMir -4.iJj.4 imi I tual b. bus tokssi mkm tLdsl Bud SSSS 44 lb M avuib.x. I iui ui -d.ik.1 Nkas, Mil Ilk, V i. I Mir bu4.isIu.4 IMiteli.lls liMM lb fsblis. tmm mt tba u. im.4 pi. u . 4 '4 imtm all .-I..IS to (its bus, 4) Sii UlaTAklk bs slaaysaspb'i.4 "k '' k bs w'V I tt . u ilu lui v . ib . a-... Mi s t b su.S H.4 s a4 4 .'l sii's'-l ."'. I..S um -ii'in GREAT CENTRAL FAIR,! FOR TITE 8. B SAMTART CM3tLl, OrrtcB or tn Comimi ob Lsbob, laootDH and Bsvanues, !o. 118 8oulh Tth 8t., rLIIadelpbta, Murcli 14, 1W- Tlia Cornmlttm on Labor., and ReTTOoe j of '-The Qml Central tair, men oo-oirrvif.n i i,k !... in ik. rrti,-nUr ork for which thT I w v... .., l.,,..l A nouiriioa of tiiC . are more pauwtio tban the ""M" " "T" j , 1 tn oounirr, ii w u - I'-r - I .l.,U .lib. h.v. n r,l,nor1UIitT tO onntril'Ut to the olijpot of the t sir. i u BMt eqoai io pmn i r .ecornplifhing this. anJ, at die Mnc um on. Is to r.-k for the ctniit!-n or um. lue t-si. t ncle dny I labor from all o!asr" In th oommunity, 10 racu , CTory dfpartmont of industry "r art, will be a worlii ?.'V,bui - " wm bo Fw,u,iiTe M The ne.-ieof the plan will dopen I er"n tk beir- ,y ,j( ?,y nl,.,n , f int!unce wih,u onr limits, and webiileall the guardiai:i ef bis I iuduRtrial inirrests. and nil othar. lo tskn hold wiin tlin fartbering this great work of pntiioti.-.n ai.d bwmanitT. . , Ike cotumittco u cr.argeu wuu Ui lOiiowingautT. to wit : i Fir.-t. To obtain tlie coritributWm nf "one dT i , 1;ibtr,'' or earning, from etery artisan aid Itb'Ter, iurrnt:in, orerBiic. nua eniuit.Teei pmiucm, wit incorporated oompnpy. railroad, and express company employing nrm. oata,. manuieciory, irou works, oil ' mnkt. mill, mine, and public odicc ; fi-rnu every private banker and broker, importer, aulioneer, an I ; merchant ; clerk, aent, and salesman ; designer, finisher, and arti-t ; publisher, printer, and me:hHu ic ; from cery Uovernment ohioer, centra-itor. and employee; gioecr. butcb-r. hakeri arid denier; : larmef, horticulturist, aud proiiuoer ; Iroin erery , niuiitua maker, inilliucr, and femalo oprrativv; j every individual engaged in turniug rail, teuding tbo ' loom, in any way cumii;g a livelihood, or build ! iug a fortune within the Stales of PcnLsylvania, New Jersey und Holaware. , Second. To obtain the contribution of one daj s "revenue ' from all tie; j;re! employing labhsli toenta. firm', corporali'iut. coaipauiwi, railroads, and woiks. . . I Third. To obtain tha contribution of one dny s in- eomo from every retired persou, and pemjn of for tune-male ami femalc-livmg upon their mean,. ' ... i ? ri..ii.(. "itrlbcfSad I , .n..,r."e. in be learned or other wofessioLS. Mueli .-i this woik must be uirlormeu oy me per- mal inlluence nod ctloris of ladies und genllciuun I tociuled, or lo be anociatcd, with tho oomniutee j currying out the plun. I The Committee feel the responsibility of tha work : tbev have undertaken, which, to be successful, iil i retjuira a very jiorfect ramification of ibeir plan, and j they therefore vail upon tho aarueet people to um- . ble Ibetnselves togolhcr in every town, township, and couotv, sod form organisations of ladies and genile- , men t'o co-operate ith Hum in this great work aud , luboroflove. Iu Iho maiiul'actuiing counues. tbe j coal and oil regions, und in the agricultural, districts especially let there be organisations in tha larger ' town?, so mat the v.uing people mny u..r uU tunity thus lo render aa-ntniice lo thoir relatives and friends fiirhtinir tho butllea of their country in the si- mi., ..r Oim nntiiin. Thu w.irlc of this committee may be pruseentej where no other efiurt can he made lor the fair, as in j the minis of the coal regions. A day s earning of tho , niners. and a day s product of the mines, con oe on- : tnined. where no portablo article could bo procured j lor iriinjnorinlion. indeed, there is no part or sec- tioa of thefe States where the day's labor may not be obtaiuid, if orgsniistiom can bs formed to reach them. 1 The Committo esnnnt close wirbout urging upon I nil proprieties of establishments tha duty of taking j rrnmbt and enernetlc action to secure, the bcnetit , of tbe day of labor from all wilhiu their control. , The Committee deem it unnecessary to do more . ihan thus lo orcsent the subject to the people of that three Slides uaiucd. In the eouiiug o!oiiign of - our annus tho labors ol mo ciiniiar., tsouiinmion ! will bo ifcatlv Kuumeutedi Hy the first of June j I iiin vt)" men olio of liio largeel armies of modern 1 1 lime will be operating in iho held. fx. lare a j 1 loreu. seiatered over regions lo which the men aro; I iinae'.iiiialed. iniisl necv-eanly eany lorgwith it an : BUu111, 0, .iekucss. sullying and death, to say nolh- i lu ot the gnihercd borrura ol the battle held. ! ; J h,u sutlerines il is our bounded duty, us men; n l I'lo la uin'. lo relieic. A creat and eullghteDeit . ! people, enjoying the blesiogs of a tioverninent of i i their os n making, cannot refuse assislauce to men! t sufl'ering to ciuiutain its authority, and wo will not i , believethat the tireut Central Fair, drawing its pro- ' ducts from Iho Ihrco States of PcnnBylvania. New! I Jersey, and Delaware, so ntrliient in nil mineral, agri , cultural, and industrial wealth, shall full bebiudauy ! j similar ofiort which ha- yet been made fir ths relief of tho Nation's children. ! As it is desirable not to Multiply circulars, no ' ' further authority than this circular will bo uecessary . lor any cm iiVMi llria or company, or any respect able committee of ladies alid geuiumeu to prooceii . at once in ihe wcik of thircoiumittee ; and it is hoped that uuder it. organisations will spring up iu all the Ii wns and buy jci;ioiiJ of the Stales ol Pennsylvania, New Jersey aiid lielaware. Subscriptions i;i bo tliaukfiilly acknowledged '. ' in the newspai eri of Philadelphia and it is very ileirable that tiie) eoioiuciuc ul once as aaeh fre-h . , acknowledgment will stimulate further eflort mother lc little. t . AILsulrx'ripfioM should be aildrv.el to JOHN W. CLAuliOKN. Treasurer. Orlics ot the "Committee, i on Labor. Incomes and Kowiiuc,'' No lis Soulh ! SlIVL'NTH Street, Philadelphia. ! t'a' A'l needful helj in Circulars and Tostera am he iorwi,ruea to imriies uuihviuu wr biiui. di rect to the Cl'firmau of the Coinmiiteo as above. L. MONi'tlOMEllV U'lMi. Chairman. JilliN V CLAi'H'JKN. Treasurer. P.ev. K. W. ill T lKlt. Correapomling Sec'y. MrOni.tlOil J. Ml'li'llliSOA, S-eroiury. Honorary JSesulM-rs.. Ii': Kjcelli-ncv. A (!. Cl'KTIN .(.iovemor of Peru's. H:s Licvllrucv. JUKI. PA It K Fit. tiovernor of .. J. Ilia Kaceilitiev. VM. CAN'MOC. Governor of 1S. lion ALF.X llKNKi. Mayor. PhiladclphU. lion. .lOSKPH 11. IN'.lIUiOLL, Pciiusvivoi.ia. Hon. Jl.'bUE CAl'.PF.NTKH, New Jc:sey. Hon Jl I'liF. H AK Ki NUTi'N. Deli wnro. Mi.rr-tieueral i.iL'i.'lUiL ti. MtAUi.', Army of lLo Potomac. Coinniltter. ItiL'l-.t Kev. Lihori Potter, Mrs. Rev. E. W. Unite', ,,l,i-l Jlev. liiiop W oo.l. ltev. iiishop Sinip-on. Mrs. Cieorg M. i'all. s. Mrs. Johu s.Tgeunt. Mrs. Johu M. t-eoit. Mrs. lleuerul .Mead?. Mrs. J. F.dar i'houiion. Mr, .lo. llarrisou. Jr. ,Uv. I'r. Jtraiiiard, P.ev. W. P lireed. P.ev. L. W. Hulter. Kuv. Isaac Lee.ser. t-amuel M. Felloi:. Udin Ldirar Thomson Mrs. Robot! W Luamiug Coiumodor 11. V Stock Ion Frederick I'raley. .iohn ilii;iii.i.i. . Ii eorgo Vt iltiams. llev W Suddiirds, D. D. Professor Henry Coppe. Churles P i'ruii, il. L It. Waller Wiiliatusou. Hon iHwald lhomnsoti. .Mr.. L. M. Hood. Mrs. tieoie F. Weaver. Mrs. lioorgo W llarr J .Mrs F A breael. M- II N Kelley. Mrs John W Forney. Mis .Samuel A Cieter. Mrs Lnoch Turley. Miss A Soger. Ml.s CNei'l. M,u ts.aiie S.-oll. Miss Louisa F Ciaghora. aud j& otiiora. Hon .1 U Ludlow. N 11 llroai... Daniel Doiixherty aud vv oibcrs April i, IS'"t oiit:h - iou A I.V'fs I. A. wi:. illLAT CKNTRAL SANITARY FAIR Coiumiiiee ou "l.slr, luomia mid Ui vonuc. ' tiftic No. IIS South Mveiilh rt.. I'biU'lelpbia. JoilN . C 1. AL lb 1',N, Treasurer. l hi Ceinmitiee h i a icial aork, t ail oi.. , taiu a day -lab .r. .iu.i s "iiicoiuo, ' aud a d&' s. -lev.uoe, iroui tvuiy euiie.. oi .it. ,,m. - -,,.. I iui.-lvai.ia. New Jeie and Delia arc, Ivr tb b. oi h' iff our iek and wounded suldirrs. tiie 4 uuiuiiltev is now lully urgsniteU althe atv addism. ai.aealls 4 the k"-oieia.i. ii uf all clsave. In llie coU'lllillillv V. want .how "hat lh In clavia ei.a do for llivit Ui -r. ' W but the p.' ! !n ein Jo ii. liieir sepaial trade. " W bul I'enn w niiia tali d" ' W hit Nr. J.vey can d ! W he t lelia eau il ' 1 V in t cacil county e.-li d ! '. na eael, eil.v and b can do . V. i,ui caeii pioi,i..B em do' W Ii .1 aiu'h 114 le out. ' tt t.u ca.'h ..lo, ii eiih d 1 W , e. U noi.ul u.y o.u d. ' W l,al sau-ii too... iu.ui.uc .m n) sud I C -U 1 ' V b.l wk ai us eta do ! W l,al ' h aork-bop ' .ii Jo 1 What aa.'b family 4 . ! bat ) au . u u- 1 U Ubl ..vb .iuau eau do ' M eueu bt.y so I 'il .B 4j ' W..l luahoB lulu. BiaUsJjbalAu.ssui'B.i law . tu do ! then ' haul ,imi ant ..4 lb mi" "o" II. .-. 4jm, uu "i1' lM"' Hia.ui.. ia .our ...ik-b. .. tu )as f- aidi.s I. si lu. sm.u .isaoiwi I.. . il.. -.i .u -.a.uiMi . 1 I. 4 lb- I. !' .1 lllHS ..ISI". i... in. shims ." ' 'l.lM. it. u . ,. ... b.ib i, .i. j.j... Ii u. wubtva ..'! i 4. lu... .U.I... I.I. l 4.4U.I .i 4.. il-u. US. U w. , 1 u. l, a,a.,iuii'i o4 tU. .', uii .Ml' I S. UlU WIS'1'4' " " ) "' 1 T". 1,4.. ibMi pi. i.u lb. ulu... ..u, b il b a. ullsU l-JjtU us lb a.n ul ik. .... ' k li us4 u mi w . o M uv as wus - " IUU SMl B-.S 1111 I I I 'UI . ulin.-slk k IM buoU I4...4.I Bill . .iu.. ui..... I to.' U. I -M' Stu ! iu.ulM Bob tail tustfusiu-aa Bill k ui sfu ,,.,..... .-. k U..U ws .b.s.t, to las a.s-'u--4 . . ' U ..'b 1 I 4 i.b . ..4 1 k VI. I . ins H b w i.1 .. IM. u l lie- - m ;.i ! ui .. NOT A.RUXVX DnXNlC. A wiontr coscENTRATri) ri:uETADii nirnACT, XUAT WILL RELIEVE TUH AITLICTEI), AM) ct mnlsc Dntnltards, HOOFLAJilVS German Bitters I KFPALbn I Y art. O. U- JACKEOK, i-mi.MjKirniA, p i. WILL FFrTCTLAlLV ANL' ZJ'T CtKTAr Ct RH A 1. 1.' HlSEA4i;f. aring frofn a liijrJ-id LiTr, Kidneys. TSon:uid of otT d!:!ns are sutf-ring fmsn Ty papsiaand Liver lii?ewt,, id to whom lbs fotiow. iniiueeiiona apply wo puaMr.l" UOOFl.AXirn GKUMAX HITTERS will ourothein. PTSfrrsis ssd Ltvsn PirA. Po yon rise w!vb a coated tongue mornings, wills had lanin in ihe m.sith and poor appetite for bressk f ! lu vou f crl v, ben you ftrsl get up so weak and lunuel you csn m'aroely g?t nbout ' I)'"' vot have a dirriners iu the head at tim, und often a dutnt-ss. with headache occasionally ? Aro y.-ur boacis OMstive aud irrefulor. and appetiia changoo ble ? lo yon thrfw up wiud from iba stomach, an4 do you swell up often ' bo vou feel fulneas after eating, and a sinking when the siomach tj empty I)o von hsve heartburn oecasionully ? Po yon feel low spirited, and look on U,e drk aid of things ' Are vou not unusna Ir at times? l'o yau '-t Win.-restless and oft e lav until midoi b,fore yon can go to -loep ? and then at lone., don't li vour "" iv' skin drv and scaly ? also sallow? In sh:rt, la uu4 your life a burthen, lull of forebodings r KOOFLAND'B OKEMAN BITTERS. Will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Jiisenae of toe Kidneys, aud kinases arificg flora a disordered Stomach. OBSERVE Tllli FOLLOWING SYMPTOM Reeulting Irom llisorders of Uie Digostive Organs : Iuward rilfM, 'uloesa or lllood to the Ilea 1. Acidity of the Puv mach. Nausea. Heartburn, iifcgurt for Food. Fulnestor Weight iu the Stomach, Sour Kructations. Sinking or Fluttering at tha Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Uend. Hurried and Diui cult Breathing, Fluttering at ths Heart. Choking or hulfcCHMng Si i.sutioni wheu in a lyini; p(stiiro, Inm ness of Vision. iots or Webs befjie toe Sight. Fever and 1'ull Piiiu in the llend. Ielicicncy of i'arapiiit tion, Yolinwnu of the Skin and Lyua. Paiu la the Side. l):ick. Chest. Limbs, Ac' Suddeo Flushosof Huat. I'liimitiic in theVleab, Corttanl f inugiiiings of Kvil, and great Depression of Spirits. rAKTICVI.AH XOTICF There ar many preparations sold under ths name. vf jdner,, put up" in quart Mottles, compounded nf ,h- ..k.most hifkee ur common nun. cotMng from ,! m 40 cents per cailon, tho diiguisod by Aula np t'.,rinnfler Se.-d . This clos of Bitters has csusod and will rorttr?a to cause, as lone? they can be "old. hundr,is lo dla the death of the drunk'nrj. Py their use tl.e yst.-m i kept continually tinder the niduenoe of Aleoholio Stlniutartsof the worrt kind, tho dcfTO for I.inuT is created and kept up, and the reiiit is ull tbe ,a tendant uron a drunKuro s uie una a.'ain. For tho-o who desire nnd v. ill have a Linnor Li ter.-. wo publish the loI!:mnig receipt, uot "n l 'n liottle Hoolland's tieruian Hitlers and mii wilh Three Ounrts of ti.vj l brandy or Whiskey, and U.i rwult will bo a preparation that v. il I fr.r excel in medicinal virtues and true excellence any of tbo numerous Liquor Hitters in the market, and will eot much les. You will huve all tho virtues of llnnttand's Hitters in connection with a good article, of Liquor, at a much less price than Uieas Infeiioc preparations will cost you. IIOOIT.ANDS GERMAN" BITTERS V ill fjiva Yon A GOOD APPKTITE, W ill gireyoo KTRONO HFALTHY XIKVES. Will g've yon BRISK ANI ENERCKTIC VF4"U 1NGS, Will enable you to St.F.F.P WELL. and will psiiiiv ly prevent . leliosT Feirr, 2tiliis I'cs i-r, Ac. Those suffering from Prokcn do-n and Delicate. Constitutions, from whatever cause, either in MaU or Female, will find in HOOFLAND'S HERMAN UITTCUS. A REMEDY j That will restore them lo their usual health. Suoh j hia been the eaio in thousand of instancos, and a fair trial i' but required to ptcvo tho asaeriioa Ri2TtsivrT3r:i-i, THAT THl Si: HITTERS ARE " " t"? ."". r-' . r f . r. .ff rr. r- And NOT intended -a a LI.YLKACE. TV.o Proprietor? hjtve thnussnu. of Letters from lh I lot eminent I l rjymeii. Luyers. Physicians Bnl Cilisrn.. Testifying i Ibeir o u persi.nalknowlo.lge, i to ihe boiicik'iiil eUecu and medical virtue.-, of tit ': Litters. ' Frviu Rev. J. NVmon Prowp. D. D.. F'!ipr of lb I Lncyclopidia of Religions KnowleMe Allhouu'u not to favor or recommend Pa ; tent Medi.'ines in gonunl. tbrnugk liutiu.t .f their iinn-tient- and ef. e"t. 1 y.-t know of uo snui .u nt ' rei... .nv by s tivin mny not testify 10 the beuehts ho betieicliiiii-c'l to I.Hi, received fnm sny simpio preparation, in the hope thut he wuy thus oor.tribu'.a i to tlie benefit of ol'.'.e- , I ,! I'm. ihe more readi'y in roiird lo IleoCiind's llrinau Hitlers, prepared ly Dr CM. Jacawn, of the. city, becaue 1 was prejudiced against fr ll i.i v svnrs. un ier 'lie nnpre'sn u 'nat ii'e. si'i. elnetlvail alcoholic Uuxluio. I am I in letted '.liny fneu.i Robert .Slieomaker, Ijs)., lor the removal of this p! ,:'iiii'e be prorer lesis, aud for ei-couiag ! inei.t to try them, wbeu sutteiing fiom great ami 1 lour; eonliiiued debility. The ue of three holll,iof ' tins.' Kilters, at the bi-ginuii.g ul lh prosoutyeai, 1 was followed by evident relief and restoration to j decree of bolil.v and uientul vigor which 1 had not felt for sis mouibs Iwliire, and bad almost daepsii -i I of regaining. I iherelw. thank liod and iuy Irn-nA for uii vcimg to the use of them. J. NLWTtlN DROWN P'.iludrlphia, Juns S3, lsul. I Eisf ares of Eirln'eyi rtnd Eladder, j In 3, uoi ..- .1 . .V.i't ir ft lii.iti', Arev-eedi!y hvatiu ve I erii the pa'Icut retor4 ! t ;:i.:t Tho'c fiv l. 1 I. il. Dill's. 11 Miiihiii. unsung S"i, Woll ..'ulCitV iili. It.'.! oil lUeir boa,--,, are e ir-o 01 a very 1'iort I n., ; , 1 j Vhiiu tusawb c --. will h ni'irt surprisin-; e' PAK KNTS bnviug a.ifienn r iMMrn aa k. s and i-nin-' 10 ri'i-o ihem. will nen regret tbe d y they t'oiouictiecd wuu ili.'.c Li'tus. LITI'KAl.Y MKN". Ml ll'VT4 aul ike' -U: Inr.l wiili Ilea trains hu't kep r t ie ol IbH.rlsud I I ". near iSrui a. they ut e.p-i H-'.di belt. 1 llulll i'. iiu-. 1. 'wsb ssiud au4 Ui,h , im iornon ' ar , u.t 4r"tvWB- U 1' i 1.1-41 'JU .IMl l,t5T. '.I III I . J sfBlH, soiai.-:-w ; d Tir.: I r.ti 'W t'F - .i.i.i 1 1.4 Vi . lbs at ii'ti. 1. 1." "It rlii'"e r r 1 1 I- ii '! ast.iv li il 1 -i lita ' II'.miFI. iMi 4 ,iiiinI.' 1. ..I1 ut. S 11 Uulb. uf IL dlM VJ 11 lu. ' 1 v ''I i I '' aifos m it. ul Us v -su1 II. I" 1' - 1, 1 .0. ,! .1 .:, t. I dll lu lb bl p.i-.. 'U. .. all,l 04 ll.. .1 4. li w ,11 be uu II 1 1 1 ut a I , , I ,, v 1 . 1 m o at a .ol' I o-u .' d lol lv l oo ' e ... I I blul b. I. vi. f 1.1 ! ' !!,-iU, 4 1 tlifta . kui'e" ki .i I. '.,li, w .m 1 . .9j O.fcl. i( itws li t'. ... t- . . i. ' I .,.1'U. IM I u I I, 1 I' IR'.I . I I l 4 ' a .. . . 1. .b, 4 'U, ."'l ' to-.' '11 s i,i..g ' ai kf I I. . 11..,, u ia I. 1 'W Ik. .. t4 but. ! u . ' I '! t b" .u 4 ' 1, ., . I lu ! O' I-.-4 1 tu i 1 v 1 bKi ri. k. . in., ia. .,i . 'I J V. 1 ' .1 ti Il I .t ; t , - U Ik I. ' - Pi . p. T ... . ; . ., 1 ', , j a t 4 b h 1)' lloM Wt VS" t - J . a. 1 b. , ui . t 1 .. .1 1 ,k.ii.a, l..4-ll!k.-i- '-.,,11,1 ' . a - - e . . . , ...,.. , .. . I . . 1 . l".. -H- .fcl 1 4 I t . L 4 It 4 s V 1 . I .... l li S . la I I J ly I.. I .-- . . . I . m r i .4. . , 'Mill l hliuj Muik. kolbig. ,.,.u J J.MNjS.. U..4.Bisl'UP4t.d(.4lU'N4.lsJ j ' f.,l'.44lk l'4 . i J.U buf l.lf llslv.l 'M4bH.b - . l ' I 4i.i ' l4 -k 'b 4 -' ', , f as a s r- f'-r