Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 16, 1864, Image 4
avssin COOPBR'S rilDTOdEArH AND ART GALLERY, fcu. IMS Clio.iuit Street, nppisite tho V. S. Mint. Gallery, Reception nnd 0; crn'iti- Roome A1.Ii ON FIRST FLOOR. All styles find ii.os of Photogrni In, Ivnryl.vpes. Ferrotypes or "Tintypes" nnd tiikeii tit privet to suit tlio tinu. Pictures Hiii .bed in Water Colors. Oil, India Ink ml Pastil. Horn anil oilier animals. Eiiulpaee. Country Pests Ruins. Models if Machinery, Ac, lor Patenting ac curately j tif.loprBii-1 . P. V' ( criir dciros to c:dl tie r.tlrntion cf pcr ronsviiriling Philadelphia to his new Cnrnnd Floor llnllcry, here lie he introduced newlj-pntinted r.rniorii. enpnblc of till ing, In a few seconds, one Innlrcd Photograph, from t) e small stamp or au to tlic Imperial and Life Fire. After m.-.ry cxnrriim-ntp ho has succeeded in Tin- ring his sky-light i.t an improved angle. 1 ftii.-:rc the light iu equal proportion, and reducing that ft gnidntinn of lone which ctennot lc giion by tie idc nnd sky-light generally used, usd which of r touch importance tu liic Vicinity i f n picture. It is ; made of FrcLch glius", i.J ns the largest iu Fhiliidlc phia, I Mr. Cooper ruisjl pen cnencl more ti mi twenty j xtirr in the studv nnd practice 'l Iho Fine Aji. . His long r.xpcrunco lis n Miniature mid Portrait Painter i. n sumcinit smii nnt-f tor tlie pcrloc-.iou 01 the ;.tnr- in tide nt his rstnhlishinent. 'I lie nrt of idealizing is w ell midei oood : none mil the mn.i skillful artists urn employed in the respec tive departments. The nrt of well midorsloou ; lump but llic nio-t skilful artists arc employed in the respective departments. All Pictures Warranted : Hip Ivnrylypc will tint change in any piiiniite. nnd will snind tin; lent of acids. Pmticuliir nt I till inn is paid togiving graceful find ensy 'losilions. Daguerreotypes nnd nil oilier Kind of pictures coppied. from' small medallion to lifcsi.e. nnd fin ished in colors or Imliiin ink, to look iijunl lo pictures taken from life. This Gallery pnPpP!i rnro f.n'iliiief fir liikin? :iirslr,iin J'iil lire-fi urn lire, in il,p renr Lnildioj.', where from one to fifty horses ean be j iiotoyrnpiitj ntntimp. N. 1!. To riioloCT.iplicrf. Cu!ori-!s uml oilurs. Just l.-npd. A New V'ork on I'linTofii.M'H Oiii.iiiiim;. hmini i ino, Kxa.iei.l INn. Ivory Miviati nn i'.Tin. if. foninlete inptiiiction? L-iven for iimkini Ivorytypp" wilh pome viiiimlde rcepijit?. never bef.r" piil.'li.-lnd, I useful to all photosriiphirj, for one of wh'n li a largo I turn hn? heen oHi-red. Jiy fillowinr the ilireetione C"!dninO'l in this Vook, vpi'i tlne pern u iili t;o prei iona kitoivloilo of I l'nintin? pinnot fnil to eolor J liutogriii'lii in a ljeiiu tiful and pifeetiiCJtvle. I'riee. One Copy. J'.'i.OO. Five Copief. ?2.W. Hy remittini; 12 one O'py. w ilh Jloxnt I'liinlj. I'nlette. nnd preparations eoniplete will l'o furnihed tree of I charge. Will l.c Vuhli.-hi d.-h.'.rtly. I AVa1.11I1I.K l'llllK OX I'll INC. it ii progressive IlluHtnilioii ol the lll.iiiiui 1'iicc firul liiuv. A Kanl-Houk on roniTto::?, With Illiitrntion. iJesigned for llic uso cf Flioto grapher! and Arlisl-'. Nr. Cooper coutiuups to reeeivc I.ndies rnd Gen tlemen into hi Clinses for Jnsiruelioo in'Drunme;. iind IMiotornph. Ivnrytipe, Jmiia Ink nnd l'n-ttl I'nintiii?, uiul a tcaulitul process l'ur Kniuneliiig J'ieiurt3. t ireulnr-coniiui.intr li?t of 'irief of pieture and further inloiinni ion rc-peetiitt the 11 .oland 'i'eii'i i' liistruetioti may he hi:d hy enclosing l'o-l C'tlice Addreu and a siiuup to 1'. F. mOl'IT.. ir..",i Choclmit Street. l'liiluUelphia. JiKl'i-.liFNCS. Cileli Cop". lV'-ideiit Apmlcmy of Fine Art. l)r. Tlios. U Wilson, Ornithologist ai.1 Dutomol ogist Hev. 'J hnmrs Mites Martin. V. F Chureli. Hon. Yietor A. Snrtori. Connl of Leghorn, liohert ti. Cinrkson. of Firm of .lay Cooke .1 Co. Now York, Jicv. W. A. Mnybiii, litct. St. AlLrnu b Cimreh I'.itton. J. F. Tilton Co. Worecster. Muss-., i. liodgp. Ksq. tiiltiniore. Mons. Aiuedeu juuvon, Frencli t'oncul luc. IL'. ISO,). ami Ttir. TiKITIir liEVTKYYS. Tiict;! Clicup Yakt, to those who puy prompiiy in lidviiiiee. ro.TAf!E ItEDl'CED ! ! Frcniiums to new iSubseribers! ! Xotwitlistumling theeoM of !e.rintinj t'uce Feri cdicals ha- more tiiiin douldihl in eonsenueneo of the enonuoue rise in the priee of Fnper nnd of u Erenerid advance in nil other expenses nnd notwithstanding other pultli-liers nre redueinj; tie- size or iiie.roauiii; priee of their publicutiuii. we shall continue, for thu o! I rMes. v iz : 1. The London Quarterly (Conservative). 2. The Edinburgh lieview (Wliiiri. 3. T lie N'orih liriiih lieview il-'rec Church). 4. Tiio Wejtiiiiiotcr lieview (Libornli. I. lila ckwooa'i EdiiibiiiL'h .Mngariiiy tTor ). i u;m.?. I'er Ann . (nl i III) 7 to H 00 .". Oil fl (II) 7 I'll fl I'O 10 t'o For any one of the four P.evicvs For any tw o of the four Reviews For any three o the four Reviews For all four of the Reviews Fi.r Tilaekw nod's Mngtizine F..r P.lin.-kwood ami one lievirir For Hliu l;wood and two Eoeiows Fir Ulaekvvood and three lieview For Eiackwood and thy four lieviens POSTAGE. The posiflgo (o all purts of the T'nited State? i now j onlv Vittv-six Cciiis ti Your lor the hole Five Pub- i licaiiont. viz tweiitv-f nr cents nvenr for liliick w ooi nod only Eilit Ceins a Year tor a Review . Poslntro is payable at the oilieo where (ho numbers arc received. PliKMIl'MS. New Soi.fPiil.evp to ai.v to i' llic P.'i io.lieal f.r leiit. will receiie tts a yn-inifm their ch.Mco of imv o.ii'or tlie f.uir Uevieivs lor l-.i:l. Subs'.'r'.'.ers to nil t five wili receive tlu-ir choice of any i'y of tho four Reviews for ImVI. Stihscrihcis tni'iny orall the works j for I '.!. tuny procure any of the :'..iir Rcyii-ws for J i-i... iuvin.:ii toey ui.iy 1.01 uecuiiueu iu-preiiiiuiiis, tit 1 a vp:.r eiieh." J'V'1'lie 'fhird Ftl'i'.i-n of tlie September Number if Illaekw...".!. ci.nt'iiiiii.g nn nn article by nn Kiigthh officer who wu- present at III li.lTLK OF G mTV&vi nu, is now ready price eeiils. R aiiiillancc" and coinuiunicaiioiis should be address ed to I.KOXARD SCOTT A CO., No. Sri Walker M.. Id. J'.rotuiwiiy au4 Church St. We alto Puljli-h the FARMER S Gl'inr. Py HrNBV SrKi insot Kdinburli nnd the Imp .T V. NoiiToN.of Yaic College 2 Eovtil Octavo, luUO Luges and numerous Engnivinirs. Price t'i, fur tiic two loluiucs. Rv Mail ST. L .SCOTT A CO. .lnnuary 0. l:.ol I iili-riialioiuil lloti-l, iuj and vdl Uiomltratf. 'in nrr I'iuiikUh titrt NEW YORK. Mill IS obis Hou-i the mo-t quiet, homelike I an. I pleii-Miit II. .lei in the city otters tuiperior iinliicemeiits. I., iliose lislting New York f.r business or pl. ii-uro. it ceiitinl in it. l.-eatioii. nod kept on tiie l'l i;ori:N l't.AN. iu cwiiiiii'itoii with '1 vvi.oit s SA Loo.N, where relresliniinls coo bo had all huliH. or K ind in thi ir own rooms. J ho ehnrgi s are nm- ' dernic, tho r.M'ii.s and attendance (,f tu, .',rvl ,inu r i baths, ali-l nit the modeia Cliveliienees uluiehed. 1 Sept li'. l-i'.'i. 50 STOVES. OF TJI." J.ATl.iT IMPROVEMENT Ai'.E SALE AT I. tColirlllM'll a.V (', F O U N D R ""ST, (r3XJlTXl CTR-V, 3?EITtsX'V. Oct4!u l;,-i Get iha I hen poll- G il.c i I Eco- I lii.niical, whi. Il can be Lud nl I lie It, l.ll cii t uioiiy . ili.t ii.g a inr';o u.sorliiieiit ! Ihe ni.t p i.,i ., ST" 1.. Mi-ii a. uokii'g. Pal lor. O.u. , ii.-in-pj St.iKS. wiii.-li Mill l.c Sold ut the Joiie.l lute... Al.-u, K. tilc ol uil n.n, Pain Skilli I A.. 'lllrJtH ai:o II.H l.ulaotui il J Mu.liil..V, Mi .Oj,l.. j Casting,. at short notice. . Repairing all I.11..I1 of Ayricultonl Iioplemi i.i d"i. -t iu a e"'"l iioikmunl.ku au.l at Hie I siiord si noii-'o. 1 All srti. le. shipped as orderi I Olden respect j fully t.iliciitil ui.J pioiepile n. od d f. , J At ol, i.olilU.ACll A t K. : 7" Old .on. and all kii. l 1 1 Pi. luce lakru iu E'-bnoge tor H.-rU. "kiinuiy, CI. , I "!. - II cli luii In Mill, mi' s-'iil" r'rcspe.'Uulli ii.iums hi r ti 1. i. ls I 11 I l'. loll. la' C. it s e li i' 1111 opeuo.1. In, . ,..,. I ,, II y 1.1 IT. M il Mnth I t (AM) o'li'lis t. lulus sol imiituicu, uielul Mud ornameniai. oittUi, iu pml of l.sdi '1 1 iiouiii., liu,;.i". j.r III . L.1.04 lioks, l . ... u t.j osiii iarso4, I'ltmi, ioL .11 K i.u.m. ll.ill. 1,.1,-S, 'is kt oas, and a vv.iity ul olkuS rik-! M- oiorbudum Uv ki liit. l.)m. Inks. s:ii. Oaa.a kf tki.4(u a I cf wfua ti Unu:ui-4 aiili cat sa4 i'l 14 at iMt'lti I MLiA j ti ri -.s A.' . A 1 .11 L.1..1, V I l I.l - 1 I KM.' .' lll W 'Jm.'M HAPO.MPIlIKt OR CONCENTRATED LYE FAJllLI fcOAF W ATt' rink-e? hifh prloes ; Fiiponifiers helps to reluee them. It make for Four cunt a poiiud by usiii your hitehen grooo. tyCAFTION! A Rpurious ara olTorrd also, be careful and only buy the l'atonted article put up in Iron cans, all others being Counterfoil. 1'ESNSVIAAXIA SALT MAMFACTIRINQ COMPANY riiilndelpbia No 127 Walnnl Street, Fillshurft I'itt tfiieet and liuquesue ay. tforeiiilivr 21. )t)(S tni ISG3. IMo. FRILING & GRANT AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, TGl'I.D rippcctfully announce that they liaro just received m.d opened a Aery largo nnd well aclec Ud itoek of C00DS OF ALL KINDS, whieh Ihey fire willing to dinposo of at a VERY f-MAI.L ADVANCE ON I'lr-t oM. 0 OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVEKYTHINO GIVE US J CALL, Thankful for f nrt favors wo hope to meet a con tinunneu of the nunc by Mill celling Goods ns cheap if not t'lIi:.Si:j8 thna can be purchased else where. FRILING L GRANT. fnnil.tiry, Mny T.". 1SC3. Bl. 1. I l!X!ili:K. flornoj- nt I.nv. SI NIH UY Collections iittcndcd to iu the counties PA. f Nor- thiiuihcrlnml. l iiion. Snyder, Montour, Columbia atnt i.ycouiing. IiLI'i:nKCI:S. Ili.r. John M. Heed. Philadelphia, A. (i. tifitiell ,i I n., Ib-ii. Vi'in. A. Purler, (t .Mori. .11 McMiebnel, i'.;.. " E. K. li limn A Co.. '.! Pearl Street, New Y olk. .Mm W. Ashmeiul. Attorney at Law, ' Miiithvws .v Cox. tl..riiey at Law, " r-niiliit v. March i'2." HEitiris' iioti:i7, " llt'rrhhvrz. Pa. rrITE lnannEremciitof this well-known Hotel hav L i"V ''cell resumed by Messrs. COY1.E A If Kit It, the present proprietors, beg leave to iiiiorni tho public that the house is now bcim thoroughly renovated, refitted, nnd i mi .roved, witli a view to t lie i.roi.or and eoiniorttible neooiuiiiodation of those who may favor tiie e-tnlilishinent with their custom, (mcsls will r.-ceive due attention nnd courtesy, and no expens wilt be spared that mny conduce tu maintain h"tel in a first -cln.sp slyle. Families and others" desiring to sojourn in Harris l.tirg during the summer months, w ill find pleasum' bonrding and large and woll-veutilalcd room at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT COYLV:. March 29, 1S02. J. G1LI1EKT 1I1UIU. Mull Iiii-r lOWO li--i. OF WALL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERNS. I EST received direct from the Manufacturer, nt I thu MAMMOTH SToRK f FRILING A GRANT. Sunbury, March 1 j 1S02 .tiAjsjsiiSfs imtlvf rivi: ju.. I 'l i: rici:i:zi:ic ! Aslmprovod for 1S."9 nnd 100, Jiy E. KE1CHAM A CO.. 2.'J Pearl st., New Y'ork. TlilE only Freezer Constructed on scientific prin X ciples. with a revolving can and spring scraper. Tiie one hastens the freexingof the cream- -the other removes ii as fast aa frozen. The rapid in freezing, w ith the least quantity of ice. The nio-i economical in cost, as it is the most simple and duratile in structure. for sale iu all the principal cities and towns in tho I'nion. Each Freerer accompanied with a book of recipes and lull directions. PRICES. .1 quarts, f .1 00 4 iumls, 4 OD 0 , punts, ft nil 5 iiuirb, fi 00 14 iiilills, (i (10 20 i.uiiri:. 12 U0 Applv to H. E. MASSER, Sunburv, Ta. March 2'.', 1S02. BOOTS AND SHOES, "I I'ST rece'ned from New Y'oik and Philndclphin. s) n fresh upply of tho latest styles and ol the l est qutiliiy. which he has had mado-up to order, and wnriaiitcd to gii-e good sntistaciion. He ha nnele niTitiigcuicuis iu ilie city to have his best work made to order, which can he had at nil times, if not on hat.. I they will be procured at rensoiiHble notice. Miinulaciuriiii; ol iiuo'i'S and SHOES ot all kinds as usual. I will also wholesale Roots and Shoes by tho box. Call and examine before, purchasing elsewhere and siitisfj yourselves. Thiiiikiul for patronage heretofore bestowed, he resoeel tolly solo-its a Continuance ol'the s;iiiie. Shop aed Store room, three doors west of the Rail Road in .Market Souare. WM. 11 MILLER. Sunbury, Sept. 10, ISfi.l. Ay ANTED inimediati 1 I Mene Work. Go ly. n Jour Shoetuuker, ou id wages paid. NEW FANCY STOKE. "II AVI Nil just returned from Philadelphia, have O..J m.w ooiu u licru suj ply ot 'i'l-liimiiii., iintl I'atiK'.v Art !-- al lo r new Store in the room ndjoiuiug the residence ot .Irs. racker. 111 .Market .-.iiare. .-uuljury, fa Jlerstoek consists in p.irt ot Ladies' TriinmiiiL'S for Drcascs, Luces, Patterns tor lroscs, Embroideries, Jialntkerehiet', ti loves, Mlk and Cotton Thread. Ladies' Gloves Zephyrs. Woolen and Zi-phi r Sac. iiics and Howls. 1 iil'niis Dresses. Mutton. Jtin,liiif;. Uiblioiis, Collars and Siccus, Genu Necktie. Corseis, Hair brushes. Hair Oil. Hair Nets, liitmit Sewiio; Silks, And niitneroiis other ariieleb, all ol whieh will be feold ; ut the iowesi rute. 1 1 hiive ad led to my st's k Lalnioral Skirts. Hisp j Skins V uok-n Ca- for l.lolies and Cliildri-u. Infant M..-ts. (ieuts lilaca Silk Neckties. Also, a lie.-U t .-upi i ol Corseis, Jilack Knit Glovoa. Woolen Vain, i '''' 1 ''malm reaily lo do ull kinds f Stunipii.a lor j biinlii.g or ciiil.roidi ry. Alsu, a tnricty of articles Suiul.le for CbrUlmas Pi 1 si ins such aa Plioloiiiph Albums, I'orteiij. in ais. j Liueile.s Jtr. imt-l'iiK. Also a handsome atsorl- mint ol ! w ui.d lino lout', riii.ii. rr, Ac MARY L LAZARE3. I fuiibuiy, Oct. 17, Iw," --ly MANHOOD, ll Irfikf, Hum Kfsilorrd. Jnt i'wViii.',, 1 iJ- t t HI , l.M H'l;K on xlf, Ndiuiv. TrfMnifht mi R. !., iir ..i , rihioiiiiu -r tSciniuttt Wmk- .-rVUul l.tlilV, .SirUUUfM. tail a liivuluiitsrv A 1 lots li H. Ill'lui illlf IlillMsli-lu-V. CuLvUUlMliili. auul tilt i.t nn 'i iisji f run u . Ity Roll i J fl L lit WELL M D. i . ... I I I.t ...... I 1.. 1 .1 I re 111 1 ..III. hi lacl llial tl., swiul telui uenres cf e,l.slllse may i.m 1 uevioaiiv r.uiovti wut.'ut isi. t.inil 11.. 'in iii. or tlm ilmigeruui aj j licaiiuu m ..tiea, ii.liiiutnn ij.edieaisd bogit-, and other r,i.j ii i,.al del ic-, is beri. vlvarty Ji motMlraiid and ibv iu'liely lit' and highly succcmIuI tiaisuU V4 n pud bv lb erlebtalol author lul'jl I Uliicd, t y o abi b rkrry iMi IS elialded bl ear tiui lf 111. I ", and at the Uast wuliU lUairi.y ...., in.,' all in li trtixd hiuuwi uf Ibedat. Ibis l.ciuie jro buou W ttioiiaands aisi tlwti' all.SiU .Mui ui. latasal, Uia l iaia asv. Ua. to ary 4ir, .ai a,4 aa vjiif . isuij suaip., y a4 Oix'ii. ilie r 4 Mai. art tl . J C tlisn r-i , I.T fst V i ci a. ' ae. t v. (sat At 11. "I" .'.-1 sl A lJrjci Aiinor Intent of I EVANS A WATSONS SALAMANDER BAFEB. GIlEAT HUE AT UEAHINtl, FA. February 12, ISC J. CiENTi.rurir It (ivcs mo tnueh fatisfaction lo inform you that in the sovcro tlra whieh, on the mominir of tho 4th Inst., entirely destroyed all my stock and materials, I had ono of your rtfllnmaiider Firj Proof Hnfp. After emlmiiig nn Intense red heat for seven hours, the Hnfe waa opened, and the ltooki and rtiom were proscrred in an nmblemislicd condition. 1 shall need another Safo aa soon aa I get iu order. Your, most respectfully, W. P. I)lCKI.NSoN,KoJing, Tu. riRE AT CllEEN CASTLE. CuAHBEnSBcno, Franklin oounty, I'a., ) AiiRiist it I at. lStil. I Mcsm. EA(l A Watson. Philadelphia Ocntlc men: On tho inorniiif of the 2'li of August, 18(11, nur Storehnuan at Greencastlo waa deatroyed by ftro. The Fiilamander Pafe wo purchased from you some few years since wae in the ahoTfl mentilmcd Rtore lionso. and contained all our books, papers, cash. Ac. which wero preserTod in a perfect condition, after heiiit exoscd to a most intense heat for several hours. Flense inform ns tipou what tcims you will sell us another larger S?nfo. Yours truly, OAKS A AVPTIN. Falnniander nfes, for Hanks, Stores, Private Families, Ac. Ac. Also, Evans A Watson'-Potent Alphnbclicnl Unuk Locks and Hank Vault Ikiors, i'itinl to any made in the country, nnd sold on as pood terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to tha following limiks and other parties, having their f-afes and Locks now in use, to their entire satiHfac tion, and many others given nt their Store. I..MTKH St.ti:s Mint, liranch Hunk, hhelbyvillo Phil ad el ph in. Tennessee Vmtkh States Aitsi;.AI.,City Hunk of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation Ii k of l'hilii. Pottstown linnk. Pa. Com'th llnnk of Philn. Contcsville Hunk, Pn. ChntiiniMiira Unnk, Tenn. Stroudsl-nrg Hunk. Pn. Pre'm Loan Ass'on. ith st. Jcrov Sliuri' ltiink. I'a. Jiiink ot jsortliuiuoeiinnil. Punk of Nortli'ii Liberties, I'liiinileit'liin. k Havon Jiiink. l'u. l iiion limik. Ilnltiiin.n. hoiithne.-tern Ui'i.k ol Vn. Piuil mid livift, Hankers, l;nlton lii'iik. Atiiinta. Ga. Alribaina. Nennik Punk. Hel W.G. !lciliiij;.W'ilkcslj'e. Lniik of. C, Ka)ci?h, I.ewisburi; llHiik. i'n. Other references driven upon culliiiL' nt our Store, No. 10 J. Fourth Street. Philadelphia. Sr'ept. 5, 1SC3. ly M 'ustliiiiK'f'oii 1 1 !, NOIITIIVJIHERLAND, PENSYLVANIA, (Xnir tht J'riifirr.) riHE subscriber liming lensed this w?ll known JL Tavern Slinid. lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Drown, respect tally informs the public that he is refitting nnd repairing the j.reiiiisps. and will be prepared to en terlnin, in a comfortable mumicr. his numerous friends throughout the county, und all who may patronie Ins cslahlinliiucnt. yiril 12, ICOi. iI'.'M'.l'll IAAK1KK, A First Cliiss Farmer' Magiuiue for Pennsylvania. 1H. 'J in li-iiiisUanin, 1M1. fai:mi:i and oakdeneh. Iievotcd to Agricultural, Horticulture, and IUirnl A flairs. Edited and Published by WM. S.YOUNG .te CO, '.'1 North Sixth Slrei t. Philadelphia. 3j;ilMS : ONE DOLLAR. A YEAR. The Sixtli Vidiimc coniinences w ith Jiiiuiary No. Having obtained the sen ice? of eminent and prac tical Agricultures. Horticulturists. Slock jSrvvdcrs and l!ce-Keepi r. w p eoi.f..eiitlv ofl r llic Current Volume us nnd ol the best eier ssned. for origiiuilsty, practical thought and reloil le iphirninliou. SEND FOll A SPECIMEN. Januarv 2.1 1 '",4 . For the Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Gardeu. moi 'am; imoi ' .GARDENER'S MONTHLY, W. G. P. PiRINCKI.Oi;. Publisher. Office : 23 North Sixtli Street. Philadelphia. TERMS SI JO A YEAR. Edited by Thomas Mkkiiax. The Monthly Conluuls Are : Hints Flower Garden and PLiusiire-G round ; Fruit Gardeu ; Vegetable Gardeu ; Window Gurden ing. Communications Embracing the views of tho best writers on Horticulture. Arboriculture. A Rural Aft'niM. Editorial Giving tho Editor's views 011 the im portant Horticultural improvements. Scraps and Coierics-rNcw Fruits New plants Domestic and Foreign Intelligenc Foaeigu Cor- resrsindcnee Horticultural Notices. Willi each Department handsomely illustrated. These general fentiireswill he retained, ami the ' publisher pledges himself that no labor or expense shall be ;piil lbl to render the succeeding issues of thu Magazine cicrv way worthy of tho fuior with which lias previous ert'orte have been apply rew aided, SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. ! January 23 ImVI. j TO CONSIMPTIVES, ! Consumptive MilTercr" will receive prescription fir j the eure of CoinuiuMion, Asihuni. liron, bitis. nnd all 1 Throat nnd Lung uOeciious, (free of charge.) by send ing their address to Rev. E. A . WILSON. Willininsluirgli. January 2.1, 1SS4 41 King Co., New York 41 Btr. YOI K OI 4. II I H 1 4'IH. Tho BEST and CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in the World. UiMlnmo ZAIMM' IMHiTICK'S CHEAT COUGH REMEDY Mihim: 7.ADOC POR. TEli S Ctirniivc P.alsam L warranted if used iA' cording 10 the direciions, to cure in il! eases Coll'.'l s. Colds, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all nrTeetions ut the Thront and Lungs. Mmlnnio .aloe Porter's Rnlstiin is prepared with all the reimi.-ite care nnd skill, from a combination of llic bel remedies tiie vegetable kingdom atiords lis .I'Uieiliul iiiiililies are bused on its power to assist the healthy and vigorious circulation of the blood, bio, id. thro' ilie Lungs. Ii is not a violent remedy, but einolicnt warming, searching and ellectiie ; ci.u bo taken by the olde-t person or youngest child. Miolalliu Rat.-II ill llHS the pill. lie for und has ucijuire.! sent snlo simply by being rueoinmeuded by those who hnvo used il to their nlllieted friends und other Mos.r Iiii'onnxr Madnuie Za.loc Porter's Cura- live lialsaiu is aold nt 11 price which brings it in the roach of every one to keep it convenient lor use. The timely useof a single Lottie will pruve tu bu worth lot) times itseost. Nii'IICE. Save your Money 'Do not be persua ded to purchase nrlieles at 4s to si whieh do uol con tain tho v ill lies of 11 l.leent Il.tileol Madame Por ter s Curative itabani, the com of uiaiiulaciiiriug wuicu ia us grcut aa mat ul uliuo.t any other lueeli- , cine ; and tlie very low price ut which it is sold, makes the profit to the s.ller apparently small, and 1 unprincipled denlera will soiiirlimtt reeominend ' other ineilieiiieson which their prolits are larger, un less Ilie customers insist uhiu having Madam Por ter's and uonu uther. A.-k lor .Madame Purler s Cu. rutive lialsaiu. 1 rice l.t p.-uts. ml m laiyo Imiil. s at 2.1 cents. ami take nn mher. Il you em. not got it ul one store you can 111 another. SolJ by all Druggiat.. and Storekeepers ut 13 vis., and iu larger boiil. sat 2j eta. H ALL A RI CKEL, Pi..).rielors. January 21. I.'ni.'i. ly New Vol k. C3-HA.3ST1' Sc DIETZ1 IiOWKll WllAHF, BUNIIUBY, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LEA I.LltS IX WIIITK ASH COAL, in every inriety, OnL rs Solicited and tilled with prniuplnvas and despal'h , Sunbury, May It, leilj. ly 1 I.ANK (Parchment Paper.) Deeds and blank I I IMortgagca, Itouls, k'saKuiiou. Sum anna,, 1 !-t tain al the "flics uf the "Suiibuiy Auitriuaa " J lllliM lltlllll U'M I aoissaii a aarxii. CLUCK ESTAbLISUMICNT, ! t t Cvira.r Sob4 aavl Chssuul St , Philadelphia. J 4 G Se'V K lb. Al.iriNU TIIIR. i I .' 1 V DAY CI.1H kA, a VIST dasllahia arista fc . lu.rehas, Uy't, t), Ctsauim Jl , fsilors. 1 t I Al M.aulWlur.raf llSf i.'l D II .Ns 1 ( lks 11 raira! sad aliau.v.l I f h a Tr.asMiiaa's "I 1 iiptb-a I HUJ'i liia, jaauary IV 14 .if IrWi-j ! il X vSg. SJ us WM. ICNOCriE. 9C MARKET 6TREET, 1IARRIEDVIVO, FA., Dealer in PIANOS. "VEW Itosewnod Pianos, from tho best makers from J2ni npwards. MELOliKoNS. The beet manufactured Instru ments from WotoJlOO. U nitars, Violins, Aceordeons. Flutes, Fifes, Drums. Ilanjos, Tnmbourities, Violin and Guitar strings and musical mer chandize in general. K1IEET MVSIC. llic latest publications always on hand. Musio sent bv mail to any part of the country. OVAL, Syl AKE, OILT AND IlOSBWOOD FBAMES. SultnUc for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. - A fine assortment of best plated I.OOKIXd GLASSES from smallest to largest sines Any style of frame made to order at the hortcst notice. WM. KNOCIIE. April 11, 1SC3. 93 Market St., HarrUburg. Xorlhcrn Central aihvsy ! NI MnEKTIHE T-IHI.E. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from the North nnd West Uranch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of North ern Now York. ON nnd after MONDAY, APRIL 20th. isn.l, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Centrul Itailwny will arrive at and ilepnrt from Sunbury, llarrhsburg and llnlliinorc as follows, vn : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 10 A. M. " leaves llarrisljiirj, 1 1 P. M. 41 arrives at ltaltiir.ore, 6 j Exprcsa Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Siindny.) 11 07 T. M. " lenvcs llnriishiilg (except Monday.) 2 00 A.M. " arrives at Baltimore daily (exei iit Mondnv. 6 15 A. M. llarrisburg Accomiuodiitioii leaves Harris burg, 6 SO A. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Rnllimore Uuily (ex. cept Sunday) ' leaves llnrrisburg " arrives al Sunl.iiiy. Express Truin lenve.s Hiilliinore daily 11 arrives at Iltirri-burg. " L aves llnrrisbiirg (except Mondavi. 11 arrives at Sniiburv. P 15 A. M. 1 U. P. M 4 US " IS P. M i uiA :i. 3 00 A. M. For further information applv nt the Office. I. N. Di UAHRY. Supt. I.iK-kitM iititisi A: llloomsiltur ICnil. roixl. ON and lifter Novemlrrr 17, 1SC2, Fasienger Trains will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. I'iriflit iV j Vi,i.,-p-r. I Y'.Mrwr'rT. Lenvo Scrnnton, A. M. Kingston, ii.'JIi " Rupert. 11. oil ' Danville. 12.05 Arrive at Northumberland. 12 l;i P. M. MOVING NORTH. Leaio Northumberland. :' 2U P. M 10. 1.'i A. M 1 1 M P M. Dnn ille, fi l0 0 ;:j S. lo Leave, 1.4.'. P. M. in. HO P. M. u.lii nlo leaves Kingston nl to eoiinect with 11 train fr " liiipert. King-ton, Arrive at Scrnnton. A P.issenger 'Train A. M.. lor Serimlon New Vork. Returninir lenies Scraiituu 011 arrivul iiftniiii t'roin New V ork at 4.1i P. M The Lackawanna ,t Rbsjinsburg Railroad connects wiili the Delaware. Lackawanna und Western Rail- ' 1 ... ... - v v. 1 1 1: I lonu ut f-cruiiii'u, 101 Aen 1 01 a iinu iiuei uieuiniv I points east. ; At Riniert it connects with the CattnwU-ra Rail- 1 road, for sints Ih.iIi eai-i and west urrii ing at Phil adelphia nt 0.1 j P. M. ' At Northumberlniiib,it connects with tho Philadel- j pliia A l-iio Railroad ami Northern Central Rail- ' road, for points west and south Passengers arriving ' nt llnrrisbiirg 4. all P. M ; Philadeliihia IU P. M.; and Rnltiuioru 1U.2II P. M. 1 lie freight and Passengers Train north, leaves I Northumberland at Cli A M.. mid nrriven at 9,20 P I M.. passing liaiiMlle at tv?0 P. M. JollN P. I1.S1.EY, Sup't. I .1. C. Wn.r.s. General Ticket Agent. Nov. 2'.', INI2 j 'l'o oils Siilii-ri-i-si ofltotli j Vl'.EVELEND GENTLEMAN hilling been re- 1 stored to health iu a few days, alter undergoing : all the usual routine and irregular expensive mode of treatment, without sueoes. consider.- it his sncred ' duty tu communicate to his iillliutcd tellow- creatures the mk..s ot rt iik. Hi nee. on the ruceipl of an1 i.dilrcsscd 1111 elope, he w ill send (free) a copy of the prcscrption used. Direct In ; Dn. JollN m. dag.vai.l. 111 Fulton Street. Erooklyu, N V. Janunrv 21. 1iU. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN E. SMICK, Fawn Strrcet. opposito Weaver's Hotel, SITNBURY.'Northumbcrlaud Co., Pa.. INFORM., his friend' and the public generally. . that ho hns taken the Shop ot Jacob S. Rnke. itec'd., hii.I is prewired to do nil kinds of TAILOR ING iu a good workmanlike manner. The patron age ot the publie is respe-cltully solicited. Sunbury, May 10, IsiOo. ly JUST HEADY, NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. N opportunity not to be lost sight of. Rare ehuiiee for Agents. Ladies ns w ell as Gcute can net us Agents. Apply early und secure the ngciicy for your locality. IOO.OOO WATCHES. VEST CJ1AI.XS, .OCA"J:T5, i;jc;s. hold ve.xx a.j pencils, I VKACEi.ETS. STUDS. UUTTo.XS, i AiitVi CJIA M'. SETS OJ' JEW- j To be sold for ril each, nnd not to be paid fur I until you know what you are to get. Send 2;' cents I for Certificate, telling you what you can have, with a circular, giwng lull piirticuliiialo Agents. Perfect Addrcsa, S. M. WARD A CO.. SOS Rruadway. Do 4,S76 March 21, ISA.'!. ly FAMILY DYE COLORS liliiok. Dark Rluo. Light lllue, French lllue. Claret ltrown, Dark Drown, Light Rrowu, Siiulf Rrowu, Crimson, Magenta, .Mroon, '.Irnngp, 1 in', Purple. Royal Purple, . union, Scarlet, Slnle. Solferiuo, Violet, I Dark Drab, Eight Or uli, Dark Green, Light Green, (Yellow. For Dying Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods. Shawls, Seat Is, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Runnel. Hutu, feathers. Kid Gloves. Children s Clolhiug, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. A Sitting 11IXI l-r 4 ul. For 25 cent you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. 'Various shade's ciiu be produced from iheaauie Dye with perfect suc cess Directions in English, French and German, inside 01 cacu pacKUgc. l'ur luriher information in llvinir. and iriiioi a . , p.rlect knowledge what colors are best adapted lo 1 dye over others, ( with many valuable recipe. ) pur- chaaelluwe A Stephens' Treatise ou Dyeinir and Co loring. Kent by mail ou receipt uf price lueeuta. .Manufactured l.y JinWK A STEVENS, Zul) Uroa.lway, lloaton. Fur sale by Druggists and Dealers generally. Sej.t. 2, lNia. oui seo EESX PIANOS. eoo m 4 i4i:it. Having removed tu his new ara-ltuums, IV 11'mT Hoi ro Si near, Nsa Yuaa, Takus greut pleasure in calling the atlenth.u uf the public tu his New and Full Scale T tietava ROi-EWlMiU l-IAXO FtillTLS, CoiitaiuiiiK all the mmleru Improvements: Over Hung linss. In 111I1 Gruud Aeliuu, Harp I'tdsl, and lull Iron Frame, I'ruiu sviso to tino. T 1-4 ROSEWOOD ri N"S, Fxara luiah,fioia The peal eureeas aiieo.ling M Ducks' New Scala Piano VurUt It, ul itaelf, a sum, lent guarau. Im fcaT llisir suparinrity. They only need Iw be baad lo keeuuia univeraal 'aruriu-s. I I tGEASiU I'lAMl ftiHTKM, I For LI. h the l'iis Urdal ism tc!.d al lb las! Aui.ruaa liuliiui .all ka rmw utvt f ft lis) Mr Dwkaf s Ilie i.Hiad and poaaiful f It DhUfc. wakh rassaisad lb Ural I'll la a ud ! aaad likawua al lias last fair, ha kar a I an al lit I' lloaiog m arlug fluaa aluti W Tbm nuar luatntaaMU 1 1 1 aia aataVUnI a U lead auugragau uf leva jjauta, la say t Lurch. ill lu.a iu.i'uu.uU are imuial U it aaU ul , sasavu. Ika.wial., alii Iagxlals4 Ul lbs ba-l sill I ,N. B - Ttul.t tad lai niii ar aa4ifuL; , lanud Iu lot Ik.a y til. Ikaliuaiikis liuvo 21 IsA) - lai DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE L I N I M E NT, THE GREAT REM FEY For Ixluvmntirm, flout, Xfvralgiti, l.tin,lnj tftijr Xfft find Jtiintu, I'-y-miis, Urn ire, Cutis ami Wound, Pile. IfcnJuche, and ull llhflimutit and AVrrets I'isordcrt. For all of which is a speedy and certain remedy, nnd never fails. This l.iuiiuent is prepared froiu the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous hone setter, and has been used iu the practice fur more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. As nn Alleviator of Pain. R la unrivnled byj any preparation betoro the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a singlo trial. 'I his Liniment will euro rapidly and radically, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, und in thousands of enscs where il has been used it hns never been known to lnil. For Neuralgia. It will nlTord immediate reliel in every case, however distressing, It ill relieve the worst cases of Headache in three niinutcs, and is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it euro instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lasittide. ari sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a m.t hnppy ami unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon tlie nervous tissues, it strengthens uml revivi fies the system, nnd restores it to elasticity and igor. For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an eipuil. Every victim of this distrc.-siug complaint should give it a trial, for it will not tail to atlord iiumedinle relief and iu a majority will cticct a radical rcu -a ytiincy and Sore Throat are sometimes extremely malignant and Uaiigerutis. but u timely application ot tins Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains are sometimes! cry obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. '1 he worst cue may be eoliipuered by this Liniment iu two or three days. liruiscs. Cuts, W ounds. Sores. Fleers, Rurns and Scalds, j ield readily to the wonderful heuling pro-pcrtii-s of Dr. Sweet s Infallible. Liiiiini lit, when used according to directions. Also, Cuilbluin Ero&t. cd Feet, und Insect Eites and Stiu4. DH KTEPEHEN SWEET the Grcut Nttturii Hone Setter. f Conp?ticiit If lUI'K SWEET, is known all over the United States. Connecticnt BR. bTEPHKN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of 'Dr Sweets Infallible Lio'Tieiit. Dr. Sweet's InfallibleJ Liniment Cures Rheumatism, nnd never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certuiu remedy for Ncurulgiu. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Din lis mid Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains, und Dr. Sweet'a Infnllible.Lininieut AfTurds immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails tu cure. Dr. Kwect's Infulliblo Liniment Cures Toothache iu one minute. Dr. Swnet'N Infallible Lirfiment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no tear. Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Liniment It the bi.l runedy for Siucs in Wie known world. Dr Sweet'a Infnllinl Hi s been iu use l.y more thau a nil .raise it. Liniment million people, nnd Dr Sweot's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Culic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Is truly a ' friend in need,'' and every family should have it hand. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale I y ull Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT.;: DR. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, nn externiil remedy, is without a rival, and will i alleviate pain more speedily than any other 1 rcpa ; ration. lor all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as Wounds, forums, liruiscs. Ac. curative for Sore, its soothing, healing . nnd isjweitul strenirtheuing iiroperties, excite thu i just wouder and astoni-huienl of all who have ever : given iln trial. Gier one thousand eerliltcates of I remarkable cures, performed by it within the last I two years, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HORSES is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of Laiucnc. arising Iroui Sprains, liruiscs or Wrench ing, its etleet is magical und certain. Harness or Saddle Galls, Scratches. Mange, Ac, it will also euro sjicedily. Spu in and Ringbone may be easily pre vented and cured iu their incipient singes, but con tinued caaetf arc beyond tlie ossibility of a rudieal cure. No case of tlie kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be ulleviuled by this Lini ment, and its fuilhlul applicatiou willulwuys remove the Lameness, and etiuble the horses to truvel with comparative ease. XVXJtr HOUSE OWXE21 should have this remedy nt hand, for its timely use at the first apeurance uf Luuicncsa w ill etlveiunlly previ'iil Ibiwe formidable diaeuses, to which all hor ses are liable, and which reiider so many ulhciwise valuable hursts ut-arly north leas. OR SWEET'S Inalliblo liniment. 1H TUB SOLDIER'S rilZCND, AbJ MioumiiiU bv P-unJ It truljr .A. IIM NEED J MMllOM. To avoid lu.p.4ib, tdav.n lb tl.ntlnr and l.ika"aof If kiai baa Uveas on lali. aod alaa 'Mrs.krsi kaassi lulallil.l Lihiaaaai ' klowu i ia lbtaaauf ek Wslil, iilv.l akiek Boa at gakuia HllHMiX k CO, I .! piorn.i. Vri k CI .i I..I AV t Alt IV. Itai.aiaJ 4gti.u 4u t III Bu.rS ,S, , M t. Id kr a'l dai.!ait ak is I Mai.di II lad.. - ly ' THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. 1IIE GREAT AMESICAN REMEDIES Knoitn at "Ihlndiolr" GENUINE PREPABATIONB. VIZ HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT 'l'r,', " " FARSAPARILLA ' IMR0 ED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID T.XTllACT nuciiu, A Positive and Specific Remedy .For Diseases of the 1! LADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine, increases the power of Digestion, and exeites the Absorbents into henlthr action, bv which the Wntery or Cnlcerous depositions, nnd nil I'nnatitrnl Enlargements are reduced, nil well as pain and inllamution, nnd is good for men, women, or Children. IIi:iIIIOIl'M r.XTIt A"! m cm; FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Fully Indiscretion, or Abuso. Attended with tho following symtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of liower. Loss or .Memory. enk Nerves, Horror ol Disease, Dimness of vision. Universal Lassitude of the Mocctilar System, Hot Hands, lirvness of the Skin. Difficulty of lireathing Trembling 1 Wakpfulness. i Pnin iu the buck. 1 Flu-hilig of the Rody Eruptions on the Face, i Pallid Countenance, ; iliesc symloins. if nllowed to go on. which this mediciiie imunably reinoi ei, soon follow 1M POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can sny that they are not frequently followed by then ' direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCN'SUMPTION, Mnny are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none w'ill confess. 'The records of the insane Asy lums and tho melancholy ilcnlhs by Consumption, benr ample witness to the truth of the nosciiion. The Constitution, nee Afiected with Organic Weakness, Requires tho nid of medicine to strengthen nnd in i iirorale the system, which 'HclinlMild's I.'xlrnet Ilueliu'' invariably does. A trial will convince tlie nuut skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. rEMAI.ES, Old or young, single. married, or contemplating marriage. In many affections peculiar to Females theEstrn-'t Ruehu i ureiiialled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, irregularity. Puinl"uliies.s. or Supprts-ionof tlie Customary Evacuation. Ulcerated or Scliirroiis stale of the Uterus. Leucoi 1 lieu, or Whites Sterility, and for all complaints incident to tlie sex, w bother arising lioiu Indiscretion. II 11 Liu uf Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. See syinptoin: NO FAMILY SHOULD above. ISK WITHOUT IT. Take no Ralsani. Mercurr. or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. iii:i.iijm.5s r.vrii.K T ICI tu Cures SECRET DISEASES Iu all their Knees: at little expense; little or no change in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frcsjuent desire, and gives strengtlf to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing j nnd curing Strictures of lhu.l'relhrn, ailtiving pnin and iutlniiiinatiou. so frequent iu this clns of discuses and expelling Poisonous, Diseued, and Worn-out Mutter. Tliousand ujs.n Thousnnds WHO HAVE EEEN TIIE VICTIMS OF And who have paid Heavy Fees lo be cured in n t short time, have found they were deceived, and' that the "Poison'' hns. by the use of . Powerful As- j tringents,'1 been dried up iu the system, to break ! out iu an aggravated form, and ' I Perhaps utter Marring. . USE nr.i.siaioi.i) i:.'i'i!.4 t Ill 4111 For ull Affections and Di-cees of THE URINARY ORGANS. Whether existing in Mule or Female, from wLntover cause origiuuting. and no matter OF H'lW LONG STANDING. Discuses of theso Organs require the aid of a Dll lll.Tll'. HELMBOLD'S EXTHACT Et'CEU Is the Great Diuretic, And it is certain to have tho ilcrircd i Cect in all 1 Diseases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Hcluibold's Highly Concentrated Compound I'luitl Extract Sarsopanlla Byphilia. This is nn nfl'ection of the RI001I. and nllneks the Sexual Organs, l.iuingsol the Nose, Ears. Throat. Windpipe, and other .Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Helinlold's Ex tract Sursupiirilla purities the Rlood. and removes all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complex ion u Clear and llcuiihy Color. It being prcpnred evpressly for ibis cluss of complaints, its illood-Puri-fvimr Proiii ietors are l.resen ed lo a irreater extent 1 tlnui tiny other prei.aration of Saisnparilla. llcimrjoia a itoso waan, An excellent Lotion for Disease f a Syphilitic Na turc. and ns an iujit'tioii iu Diseases ot the Urinary 11........ f. i,nt.ii. ,.r .ii.;t,uii..., .,c...i ,.01'ioeclioti with the Extracts Itucliu and Sarsnnarilla iu such diseases as recommended. E ideneeol tho most resiHiiisible and rcliuble char acter w ill uecompuiiy llic mcdiciues. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame. For Medical Properties of Iluchu, see Dispensatory the United States. Seo Professor Dewees' valuable works on tho Practice uf Physic. See remark's uindi' by thu lute celebrated Dr. Physick, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Fphraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, und Member uf tho Royal College of Surgeons. Ireland, and published iu the Trunaactions ot the King und Quccu's Journal. Seo Mcdico-Cirurgicul Reiiew, published by Reiijamiu Truvera, Fellow ul the Royal College e'l Surgeims. See moat of the lute Standard Works on Mcdl cine. Rt .111-, $1 00 per Usitle. or six, fi 00 ' S 1K AI AHII 1 a 1 00 on Ini'RuNLIi RokK Wash. 611 " " 2 Ml Or ball adoienof each for $12 00. which will be sufficient to cure the nul obstiuate can, if directiuu are adhered Iu. Dclnered to any address, securely packed row ubervariuu. I ff- Describe symptoms in all eomuiuuicaiioES Cuiea gnurantesd Advice grulis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before mean Aldarmuiofth city uf Philadelphia, il. T. lleluibi.ld. whu, being duly saorn, doth say, his preparations contain uu uaieutie, nu mercury, or uther tujuriuus drugs, but ar purely tigciublu. II. T. HtLMROLD. Sworn and dmciiled befor a.e. this J2d day of Noimlr, Ha. i.M ) lilllbAHD, Alderuiau, Xililh-. treat, abut Itaev, I'UUa. Addrtas Isllsis it bitbinialioa Iu awitdsac. II. T. IIKtMl'oLD, t'biuiial. Deps-l 104 rViulh TB'.li arl, bilo Cbdul Phil. It L WARE OF CUl NTLRFEIW And Uapriueiplad Dsaler Who Midaariar to dwpsw -uf their " aa4 "Mkri' arlivla urn Ihs RisUII allatuaa! ky lialuihuid s Usuuum l'rauliuN. .. Ixtieel Jlaaka, u feaiaawill, Iim pro tad Huaa U aah, Kid by all Dr uggisti kai a AK Kt'li ll LWH"Ll KTAkeMiOTIIlll talkul lb ssiMiitrsKal, aad aaad tut IV, Aavl AI-.4 lu.psaiUo and is4H,i lUiwa-.l I. s liut and Iksasaxt M aitkaa, ill' 1 1 .la) Ns . I J as.1 aai f, I S.J - ly Th Astnm Kpr?M ' Compiinr. IVK NOJ1CJS h tiiey nave cimciu.i mneements wlta Ida (frtrieni central nauroiHi Company to run traims' frawi llaltimnre for ora . Hnrrisbtiri, Danphln. llafifai. TrsTof ton, Kunbiiry, Northumlierlanil, I.cwiirtisrrsj, Milton, Honry. il liamsport., and all intonsrselia stti(ins, emneetiiis; nt llarrisburir, with th OlttI I!T:K?( EX PREfcW for Plttsborg, ClnriJru', t . kV tksi Auiiwlth Howard 4 Co.' Kc nf Slifton of Danville. Uloomsbnrg, ilkestrj, Piltston, Scrsrt ton. and Intermediats) stations e " Cnttawissa. Loekawnuna t BloornsburK HsrilrpiiiH At AVib linmsport. by Howard 4 Co.'s Ztprt to Jersvy Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by iiril A Co , and their connections, for Canton, Troy Elmim. Roohstcr, Huffalo. Ms-sr, and to all aopi-isibln. points in Western New York and Canada. Ky whiel tliey Will forward Merchandi-e, 4peoie. Jlanfc Notes, Jewolry, and Valuable Packages ol every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Dills for Collection. Experienced and etiicient niessonjors employed, and every efl'ort will be made to rend'-r satist-iction John dixgha.m. Siiperlitsndenl Penn'n Division. Philadelphia P.. A. EISC1ILR, Agent f. r Sunbury. April 5, 1W32. i:ic.iiv Tiii:. Corner of Stale alitl Third Ulrtet, HAitn snt no. Pa. nHIS HOUSE, iu porisprpicnpc of Its conveiiieuce I nnd near location to tlie Capitol, hns mnde it a desirable stoMiiiie l.lnce. not only for .nse hnviuir 1 business nt thu real of GovcruLieiil, bnl for others visiting Ilarrisbnrg. j Mnreh 20, ldtU. T URRIRLE DISCl.o('RES-SECRETS F0K Tin: .Mil. 1, ion : A most valaublo and wonderlul publh'alion. A work of 4'"l page", nnd o0 colored (ngravitu;-. DR HUNTER'S VADK MECI'.M. an ori:uiiil and popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology,. Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, wtih Never-i'ailing Remedies for their speedy cure The Irnetics of DR. HUNTER hns Ion been, nn.l till is. unbounded, but at the earneil solicitation ol numerous persons, he bns been induced l ext.-n.l hi-niedie-il 11 ifolncss throMirh the mcdiinii of hi- j -VADK Jil.l 'I'M. " It is 11 roluuie that shoui 1 I.. in the bauds of eery family in the limit, as it I preventive of secret vire. or a a euiiln f.r Ho 1 iillcviation of one ol' the no si and dcsimetii scoiires e cr i-itetl miiukiiei. "ne c"py. seeurulv J enveloped, will he forwarded freo of posine to any I pnrt ol the United Slates for M cents in P. . stumps ' or ii copies lor SI. Addrc". p..-t j ai.l. i. HUVl'LK, ' No. 3 iiivi-ion Street. New York. I Juno fi, Im'io ly. trO.t. t i-riiiii-inciili Isua. 4' ov Vork 1 .1 TIIE CAMDEX AND AMROY AND P1I1LADLL PllIA AND TRENT'.'X R. R. CO.'S LINES. Emm PhiUtilelphia to .Vi ip Yorl anl Wny Ptirr.. from Walnut slrrrt Wharf mid Krn.inirtoH J)fptt. wilt It-are ax folloirA. riz : r.Mui. At 1 A. M.. via Camden und Auibny, C. and A . Ac nniliition.) JJ II At i A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J ., Accommodation, 2 2j At S A. M.. via Camden and Jersey Citv, (Morning Mail. I ' 3 00 At s A. .'!.. via Camden and Jci-s-v citv 2d Clns 'J ;, ki t 2 2 . At II A. M. via ICe-iisingloii and Jers.y city, Express a oil At 12 M. tin Ciiindtn and Amloy. C and A. ( Accoiiimodntioii.) o i'.i At 2 P. .M., vi.i Ciiiud'.-n i.r.d Ambov. i''. and A. Impress.) ' ?. on At 3 P.M., via Ki'iisiu;tun and Jersey City, Wah. und N. V. Express " X (111 At C, P. M . via Kenin.;ton mi l .lerey City, (Evening Mail. 1 ' " a .lal At 11 1 P. M. via Iverointon and Jersey ci y, Soiilhern Mail. n 00 At i (uilit) viu Kensington and Jersey city Soutncrn Express 3 00 At 5 P. M.. via Camden nnd Amboy. (Accom modation, l'reight and Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 Si Second Class Ticket. I .iu For N liter Gup. Stroml-biirg, Pcraii' in. Wilk"--l arre. Moiitro'i . Great Rend. Ac. at fl A. M . from Kciisiugton. ia L'elaivnre. Lackawanna and Western Kiiilrond. For Munch Chunk. Allentown. Ilelhluheni. Uelvi dere. KtiMun. Lniiiberlulle. I'll uiingtou, Ac. i.t f A. M., 110m Keiisingion Dupot, and nt 21 P. .M . from Wnlnut street iinrf. (The o A. M. Line connects w ith T ruins letii iji Iv.slon for Ainu, h Chunk, at ,l-'Jil P. M.i 1 or Mount Holly, at ti A. M . , 2 und I 1'. M. For Freehold, ai ii A. M. mid P. M. Vi.U' LINES. For llristol. Trenton. Ac. ul 1 1 A.M. and 21 nnd 5 P. M. I'roiu Kensington. For Palmyra. RiTcrton. Dehineo. Reieily, ltur lington. Florence, Uonleiitov, n. &K., m U'.'l.L'. 4) nnd ti P. M. t i- For New York, nnd Way Line b aling Ken sing'on Depot, l ike the Cars 011 1'itih street, ab.n' NVnlnul. Inilf an hour betore liepai iurc. The t' ni . run into tin In-put. and on the an i nl of each Trim. tin from ilie Dcis.t, Fitly I'. mi. d of Euggnpe only, allowed e.neh pn.-i iiger. Passengers aio piohibited from tnkint iinythtlig as baggage ''Ut the'n son ing uppsre-l. Ali buggiim- over titty ponmls lo be p ii.t tor xtru. 'I'!:. Coii.piu.y limit iheir rcspon-itiiiiiv t-.r i.ggnge 'ne Dollur per .iind. and will iwi be liable for any nuioiint beyond JloO. except i.v -j . . contract. Yl M. II. GATZ.MEIt. Agent J.uiuiu v 17, l.f.o. JOII .' A 4 tit., HAM I'.l CTl 1: 1' Its Or" S A. Tj E 11 W 1" TJ" f3 3 SUPER-CARI!. OF S"IA. Ac. And Sole Agents in the City ,.f New York f r C'HEAM OF TAHT-VP. PUDbTITUTl', Ir.icnled ly Prof. Chen N. Ilorford. . f Harvard t ntverstty. OiTice. II I . I Slip, (,ip stairs.) Nlh'f YORK. '.(iim 'PH-.' high piicwhi,.i c,e..m ofTsrl.-r p..i..nmivl-i I illl.'i4, together with the liP.rini.ig eMelit ! which its dangerous adulteration In. I I ieiiiri.-.. with other considerations, indu 1 i!,e . ii i i.--nisD -.1 Chemist, whose name is gi en ..'hole, to eoiiircn'i what proved to he a long and laborious seiviitilie 1. search, toiliscovcr a d. siral.le sulvtitutt- thcreh r. Ilis ellorls were crowned with ui.lilnliihl sil e. ss. ainl hundreds of thousands i f poiin! of the .-iil.titi:to have been sold and ued during llic lnt rive year.-, tliroughout iho United States nnd the t .niin liia." The follow ing true com urion ol its iriiiire and the results of it use. with ih. e ,.f I'r niii ot Tartar, will convince the must iucrcdiil.'ii- of its value. Cream of Tartar i a bi-lnrirateol Potash. 1 his .- .'.st il ul o is a simple l'iiohatc. and contains rolhing but what is found in heel' -li nk, nnd in con., wheat and Mher cereals, nnd is therefore hihl nutritious. It nl.i 1ms a henlih-giving innueue'. nml supplies lhat for which then- i a coi.sinu: d niiind in the system. i- It is sold for a much lc.-s 1 ri -c than Crceiu of Tunnr. i March 21, ISI.,1. ly trilllllii-ai, ) ilie. ;ins.. v-. T1M1E subaeriber. having opened in 'l'hoiupson'a .1 Lnck iiuildiiig, Mill street, Duui ille, a large mm 1 on. ii'ie SIOCK Ol FliHEIGX AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Rrundies. Gin. Old Rye, Scotch and Irish W hiskey, Port. Sherry. Ma deira. Champagne and other Wines, ol ail grade, all ol which will be rol l Wholesale, at thu lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers, by buying of us. can sal e st least the freight. Pei'suu. il.siron ..f purebusitg lhpuirs for F M 1 1. Y 1 s : , nay rely upon furnished with a pure tu, 1 uiiiidulti-mled article. jt iieing determined to establish a reputation f. r Selliug cheap, he respectfully soli-its the pntre ntigo ol'the public. All orders promptly attended to. Ji.KLMT All S. HALL. Dunvilla, June lfi. Isi'.il. I.tiiiilx-r! l.uisslM-r! PHILIP SHAY, Money. Lycoming county, pa . INFORMS his fiieiidsaud the public in general that he constantly kerpaon hau l Jiourds. Miiugle atb. JoistR, and ail kinds ot i.umbi r aud builditig l aterinlr, which he aiil sell al the loaual priowj. n, -March ."0, lie I. i:4T.iil.iiiii:i I7iu. PETER Lo K 1 1. 1. A 11 D, Nuull'A 'l'ln's-o Inniiliirisirs'r 19 A H CIIAMII1.I1S ST., (Karmvrly 42 Chalbaiu Street. New York. Would cull the attention of DiaUrs to the artielea of hi niauulactur. vis : JJROW X SXUFI!. Mncals.y, Demigrii. km Rappe. J'ura Yiricini. t'uarsa Rappee, Xj dotm hi. Aaieruaa Geallrnian, CopenhaftD .LLLOW SM r f Scolck, ilonrr lu-m Scch. iiiah Toast Ka-.Uk, l're.h llonay Deis tscuk h Iiik Im-t, Flesh ScoleU or Laudyfuol, (VAllealloa I rall.d to the utt n.lncii, n in WNyaelriue.t ultUaalni-aad MiK-kihg Tobas-et, kith Ui Uluhudol kjuai.ty. TOBAClil aaellng. Fin Cat thealnr banking. tf. f st L.vlia. H J.o. X I. laiaauliak. a auih. X t. laaillswkd taiauiu, I a iilif i 11 a. ii, I us uil I .i.ii.e.s. Iv.auk. Giaaalaiad K b -Aciiaalaj ( na a.ll l( MM aw app!l. Issm As4t, l.M - I