Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 09, 1864, Image 4
omctikfng- Stw in JPU.lt4"lti. COOPER'S PHOTOGRAPH AND ART GALLERY, Ko. I.TIS Chesnul Street, opposite tho f. S. Mint. OalUry, Reception and Operating rtooms ALL ON IIKST FLOOR. Allstvlcsend sites of Photographs, Jyorytypci, Ferrotypes or "Tintypes'- and token nt pricin to suit ,bpi"tur Finished In Water Colors, Oil, Iudin Ink and I'astil. . Horses nd other animals. Equipage. Country c-cats limns. Models of Machinery, 4c, lor Patenting ac eurntrl y photographed. , P. K. Coopr desires to call the attention of per tone visiting Philadelphia to hi? new Uround Floor Gallerv, where he has introduced ncwly-pntciitcii cameras. capable of taking, in a few seconds, olio hundred Photographs, from tho ftnall stun-p or au tographic, to the Imperial and Life Slse. After nianv experiments ho has succeeded in pla cing his sky -light at an improved angle, diffusing the light in could proportions, nnd producing that soft gradation of tone which cannot ho eivon by tho tide and sky-lights generally used, and which of so much impnrinnco to the beauty "f a picture. It is niado of trench glass, and tlu largest iu PUiladle- .h j n . . J mam tlintn ttf nhlv onrs in the study ntid practice of the Fine Aji. lim lnn Yi,i.ri,.i,r.. as a Miniature and Portrait Painter T a sufficient guarantee for the perfection of the pictures made at his establishment. The art of idealising is well understood ; pene but the most skillful artist, aro employed iu the respec tive department. The art of idcaliringjs well understood ; none hut the most skilful artists are employed in the respective departments. All Pictures Warranted ; the Ivorytypei will not change in anv climate, and will stand the test of acids. Particular attention is paid to giving graceful and easy positions. Daguerreotypes and nil other kinds of pictures eoppicd, from small mednllion to life five, and fin ished in colors or Indian ink, tolook etjual to pictures taken from lifo. This liallcrv possesses rnro facilities for tnicing I'questraiii Picture from life, in the rear buildinir, Tvbcre from ouo lo la".- horses can bo photographed at a tune. N. n. To rbotoTrnnbrrs, Coloristi and others. Just Issued. A .Voir Work rn FllUTOIillATTl CoI.oltlNll. lVOBTTVPISO, 1'SAMI.IX- lac. Ivoiiv MiNiATvnE Painting, C. Complete instructions given fur making Ivorytvprs Willi tome valuable receipts, never before publi.-nod, useful to all photographers, for ouo of which a lurgo sum has been otfercd. Hy follow ing the directions contained iu this hook, even thoso vcr-mis w iih no pro imis knowledge of Painting cannot fail to color pnotographs in u beau tiful and effective style. Price, one I'opy. i"V Vivo Co'.'ioe. glu.on. I'-y remitting c-l-one oojy. wilh llo.v of Points. P-iletfe. nnd preparation, complete will be luinhthcd free of charge. Wi!l be Published Shortly, A Vai.i: ni.r. W'otiK os IinVwiao. With progressive Illustration of thu iihtuun Fuco nnd l'igure. A 1.50. A II VSI)-1k'OK ON ToStTIONS, With Illustrations. Designed for the use of Photo graphers and Artists. .Mr. Cooper coutinues to receive Ladies and flen tleinen into hic Classes for lnstructioe iu Drawing, and Photograph, Ivorytypo, India Ink and Pastil Painting, uud a beautiful process for Lnamcling Pictures. Circulars containing l'st of price? of pictures and farther information respecting the Hooks and Terms of Instruction may be had by enclosing Post Office AddrvM aud a Stump to P. F. coopr.u. W Chestnut Street, Philadelphio. UKIKKLNCKS. Caleb Cope. President Academy of Fire Art. Dr. Titos. IS ilson, Ornithologist and Lntouiol- ogit 1U". Thomrs Miles Martin, P. E. Church. lion. Yiefor A. Sarlori. Cousul of Leghorn. Jtobert G. (?larkon, of Finn of , lay Cooke A Co. New York, Itcv. W. A. Muybiu, Uuct. tit. Alban s t 'hureh Piston. J. p.. Tilton A Co. Worcester, .M-s., P. l'ode. Ffq. Baitimore.'. Amcdeu Suuvon, French Concul. BUCKlVOOD MAGAZINE Asn Tin: nniTisn linvir.'.vs. Price Cheap as Ever, to thoe who pay promptly in advance. roSTACK KFUl'CED ! ! Premium? to new Subscribers ! ! N',;wilhtnndin: thcc"l of Reprinting theso l'ei i cuieals ha.u nif-re tiiuu doubldd iu consequence of tho i-noraious rise in tiio pi ice of Paper and of a gi ncral advance in all other expenses and notw ithstumling other publishers arc reducing th nizo or increasing price of their pit'uliciuiutu, c shall continue, fur tho old rales, vi; : 1. The Lomhiii Quarterlv (Con'ervntivc). 2. The lievicw (Whi'). 3. The N'.rth lsVtli-h Ueview (I rec Church). 1 4. The We-imiiiister Iteview ( j S. Ll.i ckviuod'i I dinl.iiriih jiagn7.ine tTory). TKU.U.S. Per Ann. For any ouo of the four Eo iews S-'i tirt For any two of the four Iteieis b 00 For any three nt the four iteview a 7 Oo , For nil' four of the Iteview 3 8 Oo Fur lilHekwood's Magazino 3 00 For Itlackwood and one Iteview ft C0 For liiaekwond and two Iteviews 7 Oo F'.r PdackwiNNl and three heics tf Cy hi Iihu-liWood and the foir ltevieu JO Uj PO-TAOE. The postage to all parts of the United States is now Fifty-six Cents h Year for the Wlmlu Five Puti licatioiis.'viz twenis -fuiir cents a year fur lSlack VTood and only i-liglit Cent-a Year fur a rtcview. Postage is payublo at the office tvbero tho numbers aro received. PKKMrUMS. New Subscribers to auvtwuofthe Periodicals f,,r 1S01, will receive iv it prtmutm their ehotee of auv en or the fuur Iteviews tor l'i.'J. Suliscribers to all five wili receive their choice of any two (f tho four Leiews lor 1m!.!. Subscribers toftny or all the woiks fur I Mj I. may procure any of the four Kcyiews for IStiu. to w hich they may not bo entitled a prcmiuu.a, lit si a vear eaeli. ' i'"The 'J'liird Kditiunof the September Number f ni:ickvHl. Containing nn an article by an Lnglisb ollh'cr w no as present at 111 IIatli: or li uri vsai uu, in now ready price 2j cents. lteiuittnnces and coiuuiuuicutioiis should be uddrc- LF.'tVAltD SCOTT i CO., Publishers. No. H Walker St., be., liroadwuy uud Church St. Wo alsu PuhlMi the FAF..MI.H S Gl an:, Hy IIkmiv Stkiuii .s ol KdiiibuiL'hand thelato J. P. NottTo.v. of Y'alii College 2 vols. Royal Octavo, Jt'iUU pages and nuiuerotis lingn.vius. l'rice ;'o, tor the mo volumes. Cy Mail ff7. L .SCOTT A CO. January !. l--'l t ai-riiiiliwi:il IJwk-I, i.iih and ht lirvaJtinr. t'oiftr i'tahiHtl tieet NLU YOISK. rpillS fir-t el.ts- Hoiim the must quiet, honuliko 1 and pleasimi lime! iu lhe city offers suin nor iuuoceijiciit iu iliu.-c i.-.itiii; New "i.rk fur bu.-iuiss or pl .imc. li I.- cviiini) iu us lueatiuii. and k pt on the Ft norc.vN 1' in e nncctiuji w.tii '',, S i l -m: , u lu re reli t .-tin.ei.ts c:nt l.c 3u, l all l.uui, or trvni in lh, iruHii r.."li.' . 'iho n.. liiiutc, the iui.ii.3 aiei aut-n. of the Hist f.iiU.- l'itr.., i.l. .1 nil ll'.e luodcril Cut,, cl.iviivs utluchvd. SO" STOVES. OF Tiii: LA'UT lA'l'ltOYFMl NT ALL 1CU SAI.K AT I. l!Jirlsu li A. ('. P O U N D p. y, saNiiUl'.V, PENN'A. Oct lb'- lte-l it-i the ht apvu-ti.-l ill, ii I Fi u liuu.i ".1 hl.h eun l.e h'ni hi tne Kuhrha'-h t i.iiu.iry. I1h 11. a bllgC Ur.ilUltlil of the lll"rl UJ.lutJ I i V I- S m h a- t'ookin.'. J'.irl-r. titti-.-e i.i. 1 f:...p tl whieil will he Sold at Iiih t.ii.e.t rulis. Alnt, In Mis ol all files, Puns. .killcl, 'I iu , tilt. i i.iii.iiiIii -lot i.ig .Mui i. uu ry, ploughs, i. i-i-i .n c. , al slii 1 1 U': ici . i'ii t.Mir.i.g Nil kind, ol A ;r. 'iil'tiil li..-li nu ii'. d -ue in k'IMd .1 u.M.ii.fci; r Mini al thb i.ii 1. t null e. Ah aiiu In lii id a- or U-r. I 1'r.lm re ix t. fui.i . S-.;.J .i 1 Ui.U I ti.i. IH IH file I Iu. J At nil !.iliiU!A II 4 ( . t m l lr .ii, an I nil k e I- I i'l i i'c tuUo iu 4 I. si I r w ii ', . -in. I i.i ., Hi i i, I i tt ib ii" v !1 iNi:v i'ancv kSioni:. TV. rf I.,-.-' 'I.;1 v ii i'..i 1.. i fib ii. i . 1 p .. ou I. )"'' ' :.ti ,..i,.ij ttf., i ' k i f ,.iu, tibial li . i. in ' ,.r I A t l i, i. Ji , a, .4 ori.i ii t J li.' 'I . iti ii.ii. i l I... a, ! ' i -t..isill H III 1.11 c. riju. t.Ui k It - At, l ... , ii hi 4 1 hrvd. I .111., I.'i Lstiks I'. I-,... Ilk' t I.I... Iiaii.. a I I 1,1 .nu, ..I if v ill li I... L.i. ''ii. I i 'i . .i.i . n I s, I I'wtivt ll.. i. i .TI.I . I I. gl : . 14, M MiMllSl W, M Si i'UI'il'llit I' ly I s".-f, "tl I" I K A P O It I I' 1 F. K Oil CONCKNTJIATED LVE FAMILY BOAP MAKER. WAR niakeo high prices J Pnponifiors helpi to reduce Hum. It makes Snap for lour cents pound by using your kitchen grease. tyCAl'TION ! Aa spurious I.yea are offered also, be careful and only buy the Patented article put up iu Iron cms, nil others being Counterfeits. PEJi-VSYLVANlA SALT MANUFACTURING COMFANY. Philadelphia No 127 Walnut Street, Pittsburg Pill flrect and Uuuuesne Way. November 21, IpOM. ,1in 18G3. f RILING 1863. GRANT AT tui; M ATI MOTH STORE, T0ULD respectfully announce that they hve jut received Mid opened a very large aud well selec ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they aro willing to dispose of at a, VERY' SMALL ADVANCE ON IIrs.1 CoMt. 0 OUR STOUK is comp;lete AND EMUHACES EVEliYTHING GIVE XJS A. CALL. Thiuikful for psiBt favora wc hope to inert a con tintiaiice of the same 1 y still selling Goods as cheap if not t'JSI.YI"i;3 than canto purchased else where. 1T.ILINO A GTiANT. Suubury. M.iy 2:1, 1m'.;1. BII. It. TIASSIIJJ, A Uorsiry :it J,iim-. SINRlltY, PA. -. Colleetiuns attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland. Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia aud Lycoiiiing. rtrrni rsrrs. Hen. John M. Reed, riiilndclphia, A. U. Cattell A Co.. Hun. Wm. A. Porter. " Murtun Mc.Michael, l'f.. " E. Keii himi A Co., 2-ii Pearl Street, New York. John W. Asltmead. Attorney nt Law, " Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, March 2t, lso2. Sil'ltSl'S IXOl'KI,, Han i.-l ir, Tit. TYWIY. management of this well-known TIoti-1 hav 1 ing been resumed by Mers. COY'LE A HER It, the present proprietors, besr leave to inform the public that the houso is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, and improv oil, with a view to t lie proper and Cum fort utile aeoornmoilnliun of those who may I'aMir tho establishment with their custom. Guests will and euurley, ami no expeni will be soared that may couduco to maiutaiii hotel in a f' style. Fitinilicb and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during tho summer mouths, will find plea.-unt boarding and large and well-ventilated rooms at our establishment, npou moderate terms. SC'i'l'T COYT.E, March 29, 1-V.2. J. GlLDEilT J1ERR. OF WALL PAI'lIl OF F.VFTtT 1'Fs-IRACLl: tfYl-E-j AND PATTERNS. l UST reeej,.,l i,reet from (ho Manufacturer, ii t J the MAMMOTH STOKE of FUILINO A GRANT. Sunbury, March 15 1SG2 .HASifilS'.WS PATEAi' 3-iivi: ?as:. I 'TU I'lCI .lC.I K ! As Improved for 1S59 and ISC0, Sy r.. KtTCHAM A CO., Sr-u Pearls!., New Y'ork. MM1K only Freezer constructed on scientific prin I ciplcs. with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the freeingof the creat ine inlur removes it as fast as frozen. The inusi rapid in freezing, w ith the least quantity of iou. The most e-.ViiViinieu in cost as it is the most siuip'.o and durable iu -truetuie. For .ale in alt the principal cities alid towns in the Union. Each Freeer accompanied with a book of recipes and full directions. PRICKS. S quarts, J.I 00 4 Hilarls, - 4 Oil (t iiuarls, S 00 R quart', (I flu I t iii:irts, H 00 20 iiuarts, 12 00 Applv to II. B. MASSER, Suuburv, Ta. March 2'.', IsM. BOOTS AXDSli0ES, "1 UST received from New York and Philadelphia! J a fresh supply of the latest styles and of the best ipuulity, which ho has had made up to order, and warranted to givu good satisfaction. He has made arrangements iu the city to have his best work niailo to oruer, wlneti cau bo hail at all times, it not on hand they will be procured at reasonable notice. Manufacturing of ROOTS and SHOES of all kinds as usual. 1 will also wholesale Boots and Shots by the box. Call and examiuo before purchasing elscw hero and salisty yoiirselxes. Thankful for patronago hcrctofuro bestowed, ho res pcctlully solicits a eontiniiance of the same. Shop and Store room, three doors west of tho Rail Roud iu Market Siitiart). WM. H. MILLER. Sunbury, Sept. 19, lnC.t. .ITAXTEI) immediately, a Jour Shoemaker, on Mens' Work. Good wages paid. NEW FANCY STORE Tl A ING just returned from Philadelphia, have X J nut open u fresh sti) ply of 'JYini i !(.'. , null t':iiicy Arlis-la'M. at her new Sture in the room adjoining tie' re-id. nco of .'vlis. I' u-ker. in V.arket arel 'jii!uiy, Fa. IKrs'.ocl: ciisisis in prt of Liidi' s' Triiuinii js i'l.r i'rease., Lii'-i-, P.;Hi ro: Ii i Dn s-r?,, 1 iiiiiroi-lci ti-s, II. U: II. i ! ,-i ii 1 . Iiiuve-. Sills i.e 1 C. it i. Threiid, Ladic- lilovui Z.-.h r. W....I -ii iieil ephjr .ac iil-s and Ho id-, iiit.'iis Jrf.-. es liiaiuu-. HuuLiis. l.ibl;t, t ullnr. M'd Meeves. Gel t.i' Seek ties, t'el.-jt., linn Brush. .., Hair Oil. Iliii Ni ls, liitimi ii v.vk,, S.-ii ing Silks, and umi:. toti. other i ticks, all uf which be jhi at the luilest liUes. I bine u,l U I tu i..v .tuck llli.iuriil Skills, His.p Skill., tluull'll tli . iul l..l lii Mint CutlilllU, llil.iul .,..-l.-, I., nis' 1. l.i. it Mik Necktie... A:,,,, a Ir.-sh supply itt ..r-els, lllaeii K nil tiluvos, Muutcu Yarn, and n.u iilso res lv lu ilu nil kinds of Siuinpn.j I'jt; ur t-inori'iitery. A.s... a valid) u iiiticles suituble fur Christmas 1'l. ielils. ui-h s I'liot, y I li 'b A.l.illu.. PurleUiullliai., Jli ueelrl. Ilreiist-I'u... At- .Mm. a hainlwiue tBuil u.uit o iu), ,.nt Uno C. nfei i r. Ac. M.Uti L LAZAKl'S tWii.bury, Oct. 17, I M3.--iy MANHOOD, How l.aoi. Mow slckiurrd. All i'l. !.', It U S. ill. I L'lllt'oflt. t i UU. I I.I V ill. al ( I l i'. 1. on tin, .Suture. TioHtiut-nt ml IU- 1 i i itiittiiri liua of t-iuiuul t,uk. i.i- ."lAaul tti.iui(, . ,,-i lutiitit-ii. n4 lutolutilaiy I i. in :,,i.-, inn ii. r In.pniri. ), CoksuuipUoti, and Mtniul i i I I'l. i.i id I', i .in i I t ltl I J I L r i.U 1.1. L V It 'I I iu . I Iul. I Iul Ihkt III abtul 1 1 I Ji t rlm-S if . i It- I '.i.i uajr by t l!tett,li Itlaulod Wllbiut lein.1 ll.t'l.i ii.ya tr iht- tltil,ilU a.plieatlul 1 ii.,.i. -, :i.'ii.ii.4i.n, int iu iu I I .,, ami utk.r u i in .h.l.M .... uLii rUaily d.M. Miai4, (,! i tl.i. ii.iiii-i n at ,i t ,; ,t it,..-.Mi, irtaliatul . I ! i I ll lua . . I. ' J kluuJ. lulu, HI I.I in.. I I . I,wi 'I HHUill.l, uliv u, tt.1 ,1 l .. . w i 4utm iiiu,. at. 1 .1 in. Ii .Mi ,l In ' II. i H...I .i ........ ...... . ' r . - - . .... ....... n .-... hi... i, ii,. , l, U itlil a.. I l.! L,n Ul iL'rts.MMiH IJlv4 f St.l i. I rxi i ki.J.r.M.1 iua Urn tni.l. u, h.j fellrtxe, v.l .1.1 ..j ),,') I vl In )-'. N.I. t 1 tt't.iM tte i uiu.'it,. I t , lHA i C KllSCiOl, IV - ll . If M A Lnr( Aatortmrnt of EVANS A WATSON'S 8ALAMANDBR SAFES. UK EAT FIRK AT READINU, PA. February 12, 1862. GenTLFMs It pires me mneh fatlsfnetlon to Inform von that In the aevcre fire which, on the morning of the 4th inst., entirely destroyed all my atock and materials, I had one of your Salamander F'ire Proof Safes. After enduriug an intense red heat for seven hours, the Safe was opened, and tho Hooks and Papers were preserved In an umblcmished condition. 1 shall need another Safo as soon as I gel in order. Your, most respeetfullv, W. P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT URF-EN CASTLE. CiiAMBEnsBtiao. Franklin count v. Pa., ) Auiust aim. isoi. Messrs. F.vass & Watson, Philadelphiivflentlo. men: On the morning of the 22d of August, 18(11, our Storehouse at Oreencastlo nut destroyed by fire. The Salamander Safo wo purchased from you sonio few years since was in the above mentihncd store house, and contained all our liooks. papers, cash, to. which were preserved iu a perfect condition, after being exposed to a most intense heat for several hours. Please inform us upon what teruis you will acll ua another larger Safe. Yours truly. OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander Safes, for Banks, Stores, Private Families. Ac, Ac. Also. F.vans A Watson 'e Patent Alphabetical itauk Locks and Rank Vault Doors, ciial to any made in tho country, and sold on as L'uod terms.' K A W. would respect fully refer to tho following Ranks and other parlies, having their I Sufi's nnd Locks now in uso, to their entire sattstao tion. and many others given at their Store. Umtkp Status Mint, llrnnch Rank, Shelbyvillo Philadelphia. Tennessee. ; Umti:d Status AnsrMAL.Cily Rank of Philadelphia, j t alitnrnia. t onsoliiintion Jl K ot ruila. Pottstown Rank. Pn. Coni'lh Rank of Phila. Coatcsvillo Rank. Pa. Chatannoga Rank, Tenn. Stroudsbnrg Rank, Pa. Pro'in Loan Ass on, 4th st. Jersey Shore Rank, Pa. Lock Haven Rank. Pa. Union Rank, Rallimore. Jiniik ol iNorthunincrlanu. Rank of Norlh'n Liberties, Philadelphia. Southwestern Rnr.k of Va. Fulton Rank. Atlanta, tin. Paul nnd Swill, Bankers, Alabama Newark Rank, Del W. U. Stcrling.WilkcsVe. Rank of N. C. Raleigh. Lcwisburg Rank. Pa. Other references given Um calling at our Store, No. It! S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 5, ly usiliisiK'loat Sions.,-, NOnTllUMBKRLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (.Y'r the Jht'it'irr.) nlHK u'"criber Laving t n-ed this w-11 hrown 'Ihvmii s-lpiul liitrlv U.-i.t !iv lr. V,. S. lfruwii. re.-j ei'tt'iilly iiu'.'i nis lb public thit h.e is relitting and j r jiHirin the j renii-es. m.d will be prepared to en- j tertnin, iu a comfortable iu:itmcr. his niimerous friends tliruutdiunt the county, and ail who may ; patronize ins cMubr.siiiueLt. April i.', no-. JOSEPH VANK1KK. T'SATE-k'S HOTEL, Corner Fawn end Market Streets. ;5 .Mim stv, a.-. Mini-', undersigned resprctfiilly informs the public, j j. thut he has taken charge of tho above named lb tel. and a.-ks fur the continuance of the former patronage aud would invite all others to give him a I call. I HI.-J TABLE I ii always supplied wilh the hct the tnaiket afford;. ' His itar contains the c'iu:ce-t liitiors.and his stab- I ling is good and well attended bv careful Ostlers. 1 MICHAEL W1LVERT. j Sunbury . May "0, IS". A First Class Farmers' Magazine for Pennsylvania. ' 'ilio 5Viiswlv:mi:t, ' 101. r.VRMKll AM) GAKDEN.EH, Devoted to Agricultural, Horticulture, and Rural Affairs'. Edited and Published by WTvI. S. -S-OTJTJO Sc CO, !;! North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. j TERMS : ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The Sixth Volume commences wilh January No. Having obtained the service? of eminent and prac tical Agriculturists, JluniculturisU. Stock Breeders and Bee-Keepers, we confidently oiler tho Current Volumo as and of the best ever ss.-ue.l. fur origiualsty, practical thought and reliable information. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. January 2". ISol. For Cue Fruit, Flower and Kitchen Garden. 'I'm: ioi GARDENER'S MONTHLY, W. 0. P. HP.TNCKLOU, Publi-her, OSico : IIS North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. Tli'tyS -C-l i'il A VKAli. Edited by Mi.liian. The Monthly Contents Aro : Hints Flow i r thirdeii and Pleiisurc-dronml ; Fruit Uardeu ; Vegetable Uardeu ; Window O aid en "Communications Embracing ;hn views of the j best writers ou Horticulture, Arboriculture, 4 Rural i Affairs. i Editorial (iiviujf t'no iidilor's views on the im- 1 purtant Hnrliciillumt liniiiovi men's, I Scraiis and I'm lies New Fruits New plants Domesiio iiie.l I'- reign liitelli'rriic Foaeigu Cor-ri."p..udein-e iljitii'iiiiural Notices. . With each Dcj arunrnt lmllurtuiely illustrated. I Thwo guund fcamrisnill ho refiiintd, nnd the j publisher pledges himself that no labor or expire shall be spaidd to render the succeeding issue of tho Magaziuo every way worthy of the favor wilh which ha. previous churls have been apply rewarded, SEND FOR A SPECIMEN. January 2.1 lstil. " to coxsiJiraTsr Consumptive sufferers will receive prescription for the cure of Consumption, Asthma, itp.ucliitis. and all Throat and Lung nticctiuns. (free of charge,) by send ing their address to Rev. E. A. WILSON, Williatnsburirh. January 2'!, 1 S01 . 4 1 Kings Co., New York, i riti: vol it m i uit m in. lhe BEST aud CHEAPEST Household REMEDY i in lhe World. ! GREAT COUCH REMEDY ZADOC POR- ' TER S Curativo Ralsaiu is warranted if used ifj coriting to the directions, ; to cure in all eases loughs, ('olds. Whooping Cough, As:hina. aud all affections ot the Throat and Lungs. M.-ulanie Zadoc Purler's BaKain is orepared with ail lae rtitiisiie c ue and skill, fieiii a comhiiiatiou of the be"t reinetlies lhe vegetable kingdom affords i'b .i nn dial tjualities aro I ti-'-d on iisput-rt, as-il ti e hcMiliy end virurious eir.'ilhi'i-iu of the I. loo. I, bli.Hl. duo' the Lulu.'. U is nut a viuli-iit remedy, t l.i.ilieiil WItlUiilig, s, ueliii.g M.d etectil u ; can be by the oldest .el-,i in- youiivat child. Madiiii a Btil.-alii 1:1:4 the Jililtli;- ( ,T and hu aciiuircil triil utlu sinijilv l y biing n eitu.iiieiided bv llmto Klin hato it to ll.i ir UithcteU 1 1 it mis au'l other Mn' r Iviim-r vm Miiilaint .u.ioe Purler Cum live Pahuiu i. su.l-i nt ..-..'f i,i,tt bring, it iu the r.a -h ,,i ,-try ,.,. . v.,., !, , , ,,,( ,,f u.r 'j,,, inn el.v use u! ,ii, jjlu buttle Will piulc lobe Woim IV. IIIUM IllVUi, M.TICE s,to ,.,, j;, ,,, .i,n, ,. ,.... did I., purchase articl,-. at I-li. 4-1 whn'li do not eon. t.iin tbi tiitue. i, a I ; ci i.t Luiiit ol Mailaiue pur- lir . uratita Ralsam, iho c. if iumiiuiiu luting width U, as g.eal,h.l ,. alu...l .uv oilier u.ed,- cn.i ; and llm vury b, rivu al whi 'h n l. ...Id uiu.osiii. prom iu ib iicr ppr,i .uml, u.ipriiiiiipl.d dealer, will K.iuii.iit.. 'iiH-.uiui.ui oilier nu di.ii.uu Lit h Ihoir s..ln. .to ,,rg,-r. un. !. t.ic eu.n.uiei. iii.i.i upmi lulling Mada.u. Por- u.ukosit,. prolit lu ibt, m Her .i.i.ur.iulv .....ii ..., It r aiel iiuuti uiht-r. A k l..r Aluuai.i l'.,n... . i .. rallta ILU.iii, linen 11 tt,.. u l iu lalgs l.tlllua al 'U veula. and laka ilu oih.r. Jl tuu c.niiul g.l It at out .l ira yuu tml al aiiollivr. ff.ld by all ltrur..i. aud Most keepers at I) els., aud in Uig.r U el. HALL RllklL, 1' Jsuukiy il, .OM.-ly ,ta iwk a 11 -A. ITI' Sc. 33IET21 I.UWt.U WlIAItV. bL'NHlHY. I'A. W ll'Jl IAl.t AND RLUIL I'i Al l IJf JWII1T1J AaSH COAL, ' la ny .n.,y ' 0:J. twlii'ltid tiil tllkj a,.k iuu-.!um au4 u..l,.r Umf 14 la1 y A Mi il'si jLui.iI P. i. I 1'ilt au llu.k s al las S.e 4 'be i ij .a ' i '.V.v5. ff ;si-m WM. KNOCTJE, 93 MARKET STREET, llARRISBURO, PA., Dealer la PIANOS. NEW Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers from t2O0 upwards. MELODEONS. The belt manufactured lustra menta. from $46 to f 100. Guitars, Violins, Aeeordeons, Flutes, Files, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Ouilar strings and musical mer chandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. ! The latest publications always on hand ! 1. - ,,. a i I I . anv Vi.rl nt th nnnlilr. Music lent ROSEWOOD Ini'i. f.iOi.iw ilfl 1, V V ilJU, SOIAHE, UILT AND FRAMES. Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A line assortment of best plated ! LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sir.oa i Any style of frame mado to order at the shortest I notice WM. KNOC11E, April 11, 1863. 63 Market St., liarrisbnrg. "Vrii'tlmi'ii f.nnti'nl Unillvnv ! ni 'i i.mi: taiii.i:. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tho North and West Branch Snacjuchanna, Kluiira, and all of North ern New Y'ork. ON and after MONDAY, APRIL 20th. ISM. tho Passenger Trains of tho Northern Centrnl Railway will arrive at and depart from Bunbury, Uarrisburg and Rallimore as follows, vit : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 iu A. si. " leaves Uarrisburg, " arrives at Raltiuiore, Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) " leaves Uarrisburg (except Monday.) " arrives at Baltimore daily (except Monday). 1 15 P. M. & 3i " 11 07 P.M. 2 00 A. M. 8 IS A.M. Uarrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris burg, 6 30 A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Raltiinore daily (ex cept Sunday) 9 15 A. M, " leaves Uarrisburg 1 15 P. M " arrives at Sunbury, 4 05 " Express Train leaves Baltimore daily V 15 P. M " arrives at Uarrisburg. 1 115 A M l leaves llarrisluiris feieer.t Mondav). 3 CO A. M. " arrives at Sunbury. S Sir) " For further information at tho Office. I. N. DiBARRY. Supt. Lntlinwiiiiuii A lllooitisiburg' EI ail. road. o N and nfter November 17, 1S02, Piufcngcr Trains will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Fnif-ht A l'atscnqfr. 10.15 A. M. 11.40 P.M. Ta-isrnirrr. Scranton, b.OO A."M. I Leave " Kingston, v. JO ' Rupert, 11.30 " Donrillc. 12.05 Arrive at Northumberland, 12.45 P. M. MOVING NORTH. Leavo Northumberland, 5.20 P. M " Danville, 0.00 " Rupert, o..'!5 " Kingston, 8. 15 Leave, 1.15 P. M. Arrive at Scranton, 10.00P.M. 310 A Passenger Train also leaves K'tigstou at 8 00 A. M.. for Seranton, to connect with a train lor New Y'ork. Returning, leaves Seranton on arrival of train from New Y'urk. at 4.15 M- Thc Lackawanna A Bhsiiusburg Railroad connects wilh the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road at Scraulon, lor New York uud intermediate points east. At Rupert it Connects wilh tho road. for poiuts both ciust uud wet arriving at Phil adelphia at 0.15 P. M. At Northumberland it connects with Ol Philadel phia & Erio Railroad and Northuru Central Rail- roiol. tor points west una south Passengers arriving , at r. -u ; riiitaiieiplua IU 1 . -U.; uml 10.20 P. M. The Freight and Passengers Train north, loav.-s Northumberland at 6,45 A M., and arrives ut V.U P M., passing Danville at S.20 I'. M. JOHN P. II.SLEY, Stip t. J. C. Wki.i.s. General Ticket Ajcnt. Nov. 2'J, ISO.'. '!' Acrretts HiullVtM'rsi ol'lsotli Scic. V REVEREND UENTLEMAN having been re stored to health in a few days, after undergoing ! uil the usual routine and irregular expensive mode, . of treatment, withuut success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his nnlieted fellow creatures the means op I'l'itE. Hence, on the roceipt of an I addressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of the piescrptiou used. Direct to i Kit. JOHN M. DAC.NALL. ; ln6 Fullou Sueet. Drooktyn, N 1. January 21. lSti:i. j TAILORINGESTAlBLisHMENT. JOHN E. SMICK, Fawn Slrrect, opposite Weaver's Hotel, SUNBURY.'Northumberland Co.. Pu.. TNFOR.MSbis friends and the public generally, that lie has taken the Shop of Jacob S. Rake, dee d , and is prepared to do all kinds of TAILOR. 1NO in a gonil workmanlike manner. The patron., age of the public is respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May pi, lo3. ly JD811 BKADY, STYLES OF JEWELEY. AN opportunity not to bo lost sight of. chauoe for Agents. Ladies as well as (icn Rnro -nts can act as Agents. Aj ply curly l)4 "cuure tho agency jor jour locuuty, 100,000 WATCHES, rjT CUAJ.XS, LOCKETS, hi.xgs, uoi.d ri;x$ a.xm rj;xciLs, BRACELETS, STL'DS, JIUTTO.XS, JSECK CHAINS, SETS Ul'JEW EUIY, ,Vf. To he sold for 1 each, aud not to be paid fur until you know what you aro to get. Send 25 cents tor Certificate, telling you what yuu can have, with ii circular, giving full particulars to Agents. Perfect ulistiicl iuu guaranteed in all eases. Addrcs, S. M. WARD A CO . 208 Broadway. Box 4,b7t). March 21, LStiX-ly ' FAMILY DYE COLOBS. ' Black, . Dark Blue, ' Light Blue, : F'rcuch Blue, i Claret Brown, ! Dark Brown, ' Light Browu, I Snutf Brown, ' Crimson, Dark Drab, ' Light Drab, , Dark Oretn, Liht lireen, Magenta, Maroon, 'range, Pink, Purple, Royal Purple, Salmon, Scarlet, Slate, . Solfcrino, Violet, Yellow. , lor Dving Silk, Woolen nud Mixed Goods, Shawls, Searts, Dresses, Ribbons, Chives, Roiinetii, Hats, l eathers. Kid llioves. Children's Clothing, and all kiudi of Wearing Apparel, j A Miislutf uI'Ml it.r Ci Bl. Fur 25 cent, you can color as mauy goods as would otherwise cost lite times that sum. Various shades can be produced from Ihesauie Dye with perfect .tic ets Directions in English, French aud Herman, inside ot each package. I lurliinher iuformaiion iu Dying, and giilngai , -i i unt uunirugu wnai coturs ale lust uilnpltd lo I dyeuver others, (wilh many valuable recipes.) pur chase liuwe i Stephens' TreatiH.-on Dveing and Co. ; loiing Srut by mail ou riclpt of price lu oeuts. j Maiiulaeliued by HOME A EVENS, .' Broadway, loutou. Fur sale by Druggists and Dvaleis geiiVrally. frept. '., istia. Ou, - 50 BEST PIJNTOfcl cao i i'HUIC, t Hating reuiovxl to Lis Dew W aru-Ruoma, iu U ..T ll.ti .Ton tirar. t v.w v.. i T ' " ' U"' , Takes graat plrwure in calling tho allt uliuu of thu : anu run Ocale I Ucuve ; i'-" .... .... i KOStW'OO 1 ('..nlalulutf all lh tiruug l, r r.neli nitrnnttitv I rlllr-fs, modfia iuiiirovt-uteiila : (tier. tiruug Haa., l-rourb liiand Aollou, Harp Pedal, aud lull Irou raiue, I rum J 4sa io moo. I T M OOD PIANOS', 1 L'WI fluiB,fluut I IIISleMM, Thsfreal svucm atuutltaa M Duekw's Nto j H.l 1'i.oMi ffufiva U, vl luoir, sulbcivtil (uarau. ) u u ibtis suptiMtiuy. U.y only 4 W be , bwj Iu Uiii bult.rutl twilt I 1 I 4liHAMi fU.SU JjuHIM, (l'u l.ii a id hu W.dai im imi4 ki ihsltsji j A uml. aa IwliiuU iau ) k Bvai tflt-r lw ailoti. I Nil I'wtkrf ' tiiuk tui4 aiul putiui IrWuLO. I LIJi.f, al.Uli lcit.d lbs lutl Put is is. S u.4 i I 'sou, said .k,m. k it,. 14 ,u, B. .,,, k. lh l.tiluaiiift Ik riu. tuyiug fiumaluii lu l J j llt.M Sblki lUOltM,..!. .mn uBW4.iil (a,.! tw l4 fH-osi.g.U-a al Iinmi .iu. ia tu) I hufta I Ail iumiuuimiMi tie ewiaMasI U k a.4 id a. ii tsaoiai sminum, a4 lglat4 la lk Uai , Sl tla. . H .fiufssaiire 4 !, are iM,sMiflli lii. I to ts.HHne im iiiiaiNti l..k4 U Is.i .4ai DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREAT REM FEY Fir liTii'ttmatimn, Gout, Xevfalgia, Lvmlxig StiJT JSeck and Juititf, Sprain, jJrttuet, CuUand 'tuniii, riles. Headache, and all Hhcvniatie and AcrroM Disorders. For all of which Is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from ih ...nii.a r Dr. Strnhen Sweet, of Connecticut, tho famous bone setter, and has been used in tho practico for nioro than twenty years wilh the most astonishing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, It is unrivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will euro rapidly and radically. Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it has been used it has never been known to fail. . For Neuralgia, it will afford immediato relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve tho worst cases of Headache in thrco minutes, and Is warranted to do it. 'J'oothacho also will it euro instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy aud unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and reyivi Ges the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, w e claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an cfpual. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to ntlord immediato relief, nnd iu n majority of cases will effect a radical rcn o Ouiuev and Sure Throat are sometimes extremely malignant nnd dangerous, but a timely application ol this Lnnuieiit will never tail to euro. Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst e:ie may be couriered by this Liniment in two or thrco dnys. Bruises. Cuts, Wounds, Sores. Ulcers. Burns nnd Scalds, yield readilv to tho v.onderiiil healing pro perties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according tu directions. Also, Chilblatus Frost ed 1'i.ct, uud Insect Rites and Stiugu. DR BTEPEHEN SWEET the Great Nuturul Bone Setter. f Conoacticut TEPJIEN SWEET, is huowu all over the United States. Connecticut DH. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "lir Sweet s Infallible Lin'Micut.' Dr. Sweet's Infallible! Liniment Cures RhcuuiatUui, and never fulls. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Burus and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment bcsl'kuoKU remedy for Sprains uud Is tho Dr. Sweet's Iufnlliblo.LiiiimeaJ Affords immediate relief for Piles, and relu" fuils to cure. Dr. Sweet's' Infallible Liniment Cures Toothavhs in enc luiuuU. Dr. Svceefa Infallible Liniment I Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately asd leaves no sc.-.r. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Linimonf, Is the test remedy for Sojes in the known world. Dr Kwect'a Infallial Liniment Has been in use by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic Mid Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment I. truly a '-friend iil need,"' and every family should have it baud. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment I. fur sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT.; DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as i external remedv. is without a rival, und will iil1i.,ii.. .; ,.,,.r.. i;i n. hi, v,,.r ration. For all Rheumatic aud Nervous Di-trdcrs ll is Trulv intiillilili. hsiI ii. m fiinitit-A lur sviri'S. ll'ouuds, Spraiiui,, Ac, its soothing, healing mid towerful strengthening properties, excito thu just wonder and a.toubihment of all who havo ever giveu itu trial. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it within lhe last two years, attest the fact. TO HOUSE OWNERS! Ml. SWEKT'S IMWLLIBLE LINIMENT FOK Jlol'KS ii unrivttUl by auyt mul iu ttll ciiacs ol' LiaiK'titeri, arUiiiR tiom fruiHiii, Jtrubt-K or rvueh in', ha i-fleet in inuiiMi uud ccrtuiu. ilurnete ur fruU-IU- (juIU, ScTuU'lic. Minim'. JU'.'il will al.o ouio upccilily. tpuviu uml ItinU'iiu may le ciily 1're-vi-nit U and curtU iu tiji-ir iiacij-ii iit siutu, but omi liiuicU ct urt bi'W'iiil thu isuailiilit uf k rmiicul cure. 2s u ctuu ul int. kind, however, u u ttojKTtlc or hopclt-M but it Imhv be ullt viutrl ly Uits Liui uitiit, nutl iu laiihtul ui l Ufaltuu ill ulnav nuiu e the Lauu'iura, ajid t'liublo thu LuIpv tu with culiij'aratiiy tiii. V.VKUY llUKSK ouwmi dhfuld liuvi thin n'Uifily at UmikI, fur Its timely u nt the tirt uf pL'utajicu cf l.aniviit-Mi will tflecluully iuvt'iit thkr( luritiidnbli! UiBviibt'ti, tu which all hur kin are liablt, 4il m hk-h rt ml r tu Uiouv othtrwue valuable uirin ieail wrUiU-. DK SWEETS Inalliblo Liniment. IS TUB SOLDIEIl'S mXEND. Alid UivUMUtiU base found il Uuljt WttllvM. Titatuid litiiithia, t,Urv lb liguaiuie 4 Likeutr i. feu i k. a ..- tstiMltl.l, si. 4 bum 'Mi i h.u ! s Ulaliibl Liuiu.Mil ' kloaa Uikegiawoi ml Uiih, aiiuvut akuk twtte ais 4MSlt. HK IUHIiaiiM i CO , vl 1'iwiitsius., KktaUa Ct. WuHJaX AM I S, ua.Mtl A4.UU. itllltUS., ) Uik M4 kf vll t.lws mjefe.K Mi.)l. t.u -I; THE ALL SUFFICIENT TURKS. TILE GEE AT AMERICAN REMEDIES Known. 7e?rruVU'" GENUINE. PREPARATIONS, VIZ. nELMBOLD'S EXTRACT "BUCnuY' SARSAPAR1LLA " IMrROVEDROSE WASn.- HELMBOLD'8 GENUINE PREPARATIONS "IIIGIILT CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUC1IU, A Positive and Spcci&o Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. Tills Medicine Increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcorous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and Inflamation, and is good lor uicn, women, or Children. IIi;iIltI.lN liXTIMCT iiix-iii; FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse. Attended with the following symtoms : Indisposition to Excrtiou, Loss of power, Loss of Momory. Difficulty of Breathing Weak Nerves, Trembling Horror of Disease. Wakefulness, Dimness of vision. Pain in the back Universal Lassitude of the Flushing of the Body Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Muccular System Hot Hands, Drvnesa of the Skin These symtoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine 'invariably removes, soon follow I M POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient niny expire. Who can say that they arc not frequently followed by those 'direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCNSUMFTION, Many aro aware of the cause of their suffering, but none w ill confess. Tho records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample w itness to the truth of the assertion. ihu CunsUluliun, once aiicoicu wttn uiganic Weakness, Requires tho aid of medicine to strengthen nnd in- I vigurato the system, which ''Holmbold's Extract Buchu" invariably docs. A trial will COuviuce, the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES, FEMALES. Oil or young, sipglc.'jniurried, or conti .niplaline marriage. In many affections peculiar to Female t thcExtrpr! Buchu is unequalled by any oilier r emedv, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity. Paiuftilnoss, or Suppression of the Customary Evncv.ntions. I'lcurn'ted or Schirrotis state of the 1 terr. Jt l,eueorr!ita. or Whites Sterility, and for all cm ,plnints incident to the sex. whether arising from I discretion, Habit, of Dissipation, or in tho DECLINE OR CH AN'OE OF HIE. Sec sym coins ubj-'9. NO FAMILY SHOULD BU WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Jjercurr, or rnplensant Medicine for Unpleie-jtnt and Dangerous Diceaus. lir-I.zltOI.tla'S UTlt.llT 151 CH Cures SECRET DISEASES . j In all irfcir stagis; Ht little expense; EfJo no ciihugc in diet ; no inconvenience, j AND NO EXPOSURE. ; It causes frequent desire, and gives clrengih to Crinate. thereby removine: obstruetioiis. .reventiiig ; and curing Strictures ,.f tbu Urethra, itllavin-.- lain , uud inllauimatit n. so frequent is lhL class of disea-es ! and expelling Fuhoeous, DiH-ased, and 11 oru-ouc I latter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN Till: VICTIMS OS tA(Ui, And who harn paid Henry Fees to be eared in n short time, have found they were deceived., and thai the "Poisou" has. by the use of "Powerful As tringents," been dried up iu the system . lo break out iu uu aggravated form, and Pei haps after Marriage. u s i: HttI.llKOI.l KXTKKT IllTlll For tii Affections ard Diseases ef THE URINARY OROANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Discaact of these Organs require the ail of a Diritxric. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Ureal Diuretic, And it Is certain to havo the desired effect iu all Discnses, fur which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Ilclmbold's Ilighit Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Syphilis. This Is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs. Liniu-stf the, Nose, Ears, Throat, , Windpipe, and other Mucus Stirfaoes, making its appearance In the form of Ulcers. Heltnhold'. Ex- tract Sarsaparilla purifies the Blood, and removes all 1 fcaly J-.rupttuns ol the skin, giving to tho Complex-; 'on Clear and Healthy Color It being prepared evpressiy lor tins class ol complaints, us Ulooil-l'uri- i f.v'"B l'roprletora are preserved to a greutcr tilcut any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. I 'UI Helnibold'a Itoae Waah. An excellent Loiluu for Iiseases of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as un injection iu ut the I rinaiy Organs, arising from habits of dlssipatlcli, used iu eonueetiun with the Kxtracts lluchu aud bur&uptuiKa in such di.eases as recommended. - Evidence ol lhe moat responsible and reliable char actcr will accompany the wudiuines, CEKT1FICATKSOF CTKE3, From eight lo twenty years standing, with names known tu .Science and Fame. . l'or Medical Properties ol Buuhu, see Dispensatory the United States. See Professor llcwec.' vuluablo works on tho l'raelice of Physic, Bco remarks made by tho lato celebrated Ir. I'liNsick. Philadelphia. le reinaiks in tide by Ir. Kibraiin McDowell, eelebraled Pht.lcian, aud .M.-inln-r ol the Uuyal College of iurgeous, Ireland, aud published in the Transaction, ul the King and Queen's Juiirni.l. K .Medtcu.t irurgical Iteview, published by Ueiijumiu Travel, iellow of the Itoyal Collt-jje of Surgeons. tee most of the late Standard Works on Mcdl cine. LiTii.w t Hi Tiif, $1 U0 per bottle, or sis, 5 00 -iii.Anitii.Li 1 no " duo Iai-aoMtn llosa W ami. io " " 2 i0 Or half adoieuvf each lor (13 00. which will ba ufiivieut to cure the luoal vbitiuale, ii dil eclittO are adhered to. I t .i ...I ,.. a,i,si wur.t. ruin obr .riun ' " " I t liwiribe symptoms In all oomwuuicaiious. Cults gnarauleed. Adiios gratis. AfllHAVlT. Prr..nally appeared he I, .re mean Alderman of the eiiy ol l'biliuicl Uu, 11 1 ll.luiU.ia, alio, bsm.f duly swum, tluih bis pi.siiious iiutttaiu uu uaicullf, bo lutiuuiy, u wilier u juiious Ulo, but are ituiwly nvUlU. ' 11 T lltLMLOLD Sworn and described, before we, this I.' I dty el .Nut.uthef, ll il P illiillAllK. Aldvfiwaii, Ninth U tml, abuie ilaca, 1'hila. Addle Utters (ut lufwi lualiuaj iu utttJeuae. II. 1 llfctWDOLD, Ih.iuut. Kjstt 104 Huwlb Tiulb-U.l, Inlvts i'liestvlul FUiU. LiWAilL UVlULSriittmiSt As4 Vepiiusiplsd I' bit SbJan lu 4ue "uf ihoif ttwu" aa4 "otl.M1 Sit. cli. ua lbs ivpulkllua allalusa) b lisluiUtlJ ( li.uaius l'i.uai:ii, ' Lliitjl llui-kll, " itpillla, ',4 ttu M a.k sV I4 by all luaffUis n,ikM Ak rU IlllMlw.LliawlAlir XOOTIIKK tkitul tits -li ti u.iki. aa.4 .u4 M u, Aa4 Atl M,4 k1 "! llsiatMi a liua aa4 tksutisal W aisaVM, IN' tltti.;, Htm I sliaasji i, Issj 1; Tts Atlnm'B I'xprroa Vmin.n y, CIVE NOTICE that they have onnclu.lea r ar T rangemenls with the Northern Central Rail road ' Company to run trains from Baltimore for Y. rk, . llarriaburg, Danphtn. Halifax. Trtvorton. Bunbn rr, NorUiumberland, Lewlsbnrg, Milton, Munoy, M '(! liamsport, and all Intermediate stations, connectlr -ir ' ffnl5s7i"bVF wilh OREAT WESTERN Y. 1 R1.S3 for Pittsburg, CincinnaU, Bt. Louis and the West. Alan with noward A Co.'sExpreas at Milton er Danville, Rloomsburg, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Scran ton, and intermediate stations on the Catlawisaa, lyickawanna A Blonmsbiirg Railroada. At Wil hamsport. by Howard A Co.'a Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Havon. Also, by Howard A Ce , aud tneir connect inn. r... i '...! s,. x..,, , . - vniiiuu,, x.unim, lloclicster. Butlalo, Niagara, and to all accessible points in W estern New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Speoie. Bank Notes, lion aluablo Packages of every dtscrip- Also. Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed, and every effort will be made to render satisfaction. . . , JOHN BIMillAM, Siiperin erident Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. V' A,,,1'.IM-Iluii Agent for Sunbury. April 6, lfii',2. ' ititAitv noi ki:. C'srnrr of Plate and Third Strnti, HAiiKisnuio. Pa. THIS HOUSE, in consequence of its eonveniene nnd near location to the Capitol, has made it a desirable stopping place, not only for thoe having business at the sent of Oorerninent, but tor others visiting Uarrisburg. March 20, 1H.J2. fnERRTBLEDlSCT X THE MILLION! A most valaublo and wonderful publication. A work of 4011 pages, and 30 colored engravings. DH HUNTER'S VADE M EC I'M, an original and popu jar treatise on Man nnd Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorder" of every kind, with Nover-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure. The j raetico i f Dlt. HUNTER has long been, and still is. unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his "VADE MKI't'M." It is it volume tlmt should be in the hand- of every li-.mily in tho land, us a preventive of secret iren, or as a -'nil: ,',r the. allev iation ufo'to ol the !uu-i awful an 1 d-.-truetive scourges ever i?ite.l mankind. One copy, securwly enveloped, wilf l.e furw arde I tree of p- .tiiue to any part of the United Stales for oil ..o-nts '.n p w. siaino-h or 3coi.iclorH. Address, po-t j,.ii m ,n. HUN i Ell, No. ,'l ili'i-i",i Street, Yoikx June 0, 1'u. ly. IMIil. si ."'ew .!tir. the ca:io;- .- . Amt,z AND philadejj piii.v ami ntvv.r; m n ;o s i.ini IVu.vt Tiii'- Ai,:!,,oin ;V.' Wrl-outi Way I'lrs, from II ' , ,v,,,TI H7(,, , KentiHfloH r, i"ni In' ri is lolni'.:, vis; PAIttS, Al b A. M.. lin Ceiudeu an t Avubuy, (C. tml t . .IV'-.-1 Oll'llHU- II. ' .t '.i A. M ., in CainiU-tutii-.i .l,.ri.v Citv N. J ?2 2.'. .V'cunnm.itutiuL, Al S A. M . via I'liwdtu avd Je'siy Citv, (.'iurtiiii 'li.iii.1, A; S . M.. vis C.Tinden and Jerstv citv ?.l 2 r. 00 I'lii.-s 'i ..-it,-.! At 11 A. M. via I Exires- -ingtuii and Jernev citi-, 3 00 2 25 s oo : oo 3 i.i At 12 M. via Ciiniilen and Auibt (Account '"I'.'iun.) At 2 I'. M . via Camden and And A. Expr . ; , C and A . uy, C. and At ;i P.M.. la K.-lMlon and J.:roy Citv, Wn-h. Riui .,'. V. i'.jti.--s At iV' P; J.L.'.ia Ie i-iii,-..n JiTv.t- I'itr, (l-. clmor Mint i At lljl' .vi in lei..iMi,.n ami Jersey ci Icvsey en Soillheril .Mail i ii ini;;ni! via u,i.sintu ami Jem r citv Suitlnoni Ev'.re. 3 Oi.i Al 5 P. M.. v t-i t'.iia.lea and A ml., niu. bitten, r'rciL-ht and Piu-.-ei Class Tic!,.-i, ' Sieulid t l.,- 'li.-k.-t. t-'t-r Vi.t-r 'itf,. .ii-uuil-biir.f. ! , (Ac First 1 I" Hilkes- A. M.. .'ranr,.ii, tiarre. il..alrusi.-. lni-iit Jh-ii.T. av tu-iu K.Misinii.i,. ,ui ilchiMre 'A estern I'.auri.'i.!. l..ickaitauiiA au.i 1'ur Maii. li t Intnl.. All.-. :,,, I'.-CilubMii. llelvt--iere. Enstun. I.iiinbi ruiiie. 1 liu,ii,-i,.u, .lc.. at S irorn iteii.-intun liu,otr uiti at '2i P. M. Walnut .-tit-el Vi'lnty'. ' tlheO A. .1 . i.,:ic iloikcis ailh Trains .'eaviriif l-.i.s-ton fur Mmii.1i (.'liiinli. :.i :;.-.'n 1' 1-or .M.i.nit Holly, .it i. . .M.. :!; I'er V'rceL'iiii, at ii A. M. i;n j i1, .d t P M. M. HAI LI.;-. Vi.r Iti i-i.A. Yr -titiiii. .',c. at 11 A. 5 P.M. in-Mi n 'i-Io i'i. t. 'or l'tiln; rj,. iiit,-rt..u. it, l.n,,i. M. find -J and , t.'v.-r!e. JrUr- iing't-n. l-.uit-iice. ij.-roviitovf ii, ac.. at I.', I, . 4j anil o I .il. C j," '' r . .' Y. fV. a. nl Way Lines l.-atieg Ken , T.n.M.i: a ' i in . i..,.c -ii" i. ir- i, i ::in .treet. awive Witlmti. i:-ilt tin lima- ncii-re ili'iiurtiirc. '1 lie Cars , rr.u into the l-r.:. and ou the aiinal of each 'l'ru in, 11.11 t'l-,,1.1 lhe l'epi.t. j l'illy I'ouiuls of Ih-grtfr etily. .-Tlh.ahl each 1 px-sent'i r i'u.-v:Mg.j-.-) ure jir, hihiicil i'reiu fiking I anrthing as l.t.Kfmy bill tln-ir wearing apparel. til baggage ov 'r Cuy poaiela to l-e paid i..rV!ra. Tho t Company limn tht ir n .m-ihilitv lor Ugi;i.e t- One la ll-ir per pound, and will i.nt v ii,,hi tur any ( aoiojut h'.-ioii'l lutl. e.veei.t ov i.r:ir.l contract Wil. il. "liAIZMtlt. Agent. i January 17, 1 .n5t in i4;Eii' a :., I 1I AM F ILIl l!i:S Of I J-l'PKP.-CAKIJ. UF !C1).. .lc , And Sole Agents in the City of Xew Yurk lor CHEAfa Ol-' TAUTAit BLIISTITUTE,. . Invented Ly rrof. Kheii .., of Ihtrvard I University. u,7:v, Jl U blip, l;au,,.r Square. ! (up stain.) NEW lOiUi. , rpiK hiirh pi ice iiiiVI, I'rcaui (." T.iri.u ei iuinande i I iu log. tin r iih the aiuriiiiio; extent to j which its daugeroiis ,);,, ,!,,, J,i,d been carried , I with other ennsMeratiniis. i,i,l,..., .( the dis'in juishe i , Chemutt. whose nniiir is given alne. to cninieo-o j what provt i to l. a l.,n :n,. laburwiu. scientific te'. tv discmr a ill .-irnhle .iihrtitute thrrvlur. Hi' efi.uis n-.-rc cro-vncl with ahtitidaul .mvrss. u-i ' himdreo. '.'1 thousands of ,im,N of the .-vihstittttt, have I cen Mil 1 ami P cij during the ln-t live yean, thri-ughiiut the I nitcd tnleS ami the L'tinadioi. I lhe foltow iug true entiipiiri.Min of its n.iliirc. aud ; the results of it use. with those of I'rcaiu of Tartar, I will coiiviiico the most iiicretlulous of its value. ('renin ot Tartar i.. a bi-lariratc of I'olash. This Substitute is a in.T,le Ph'-',.. ami contains r.othing but what i fniiril in beef-steak, and in corn, wheat uud other cereals, and is therefore highly nutritious. It al:-o hat, u health-giving influrace, and .iippli, s that fur which there i a coustaal de uiand iu the svitetu. I V 'l hl for a much let price thun Cream of Tartar. .Varch 21. loiV!. ! Krit iialii-k. ftilK'H, 4aitlN. At: rpilK sal ritti-r, bavin ' opent-'l in ihouipson s l Uric!; Ihtihling. .M il street, fauvilie, 4 large aud fi-iiirl'-t" st.k uf l"!ti.Ui. A.M lnMl'.iTIC Llyt'OItS, Cfiuprl.iiig the b.t fraud, of llraiidi.-s. iiiu, on ll;.e. .St'uii'li and Itish Whiskey. I'urt, cherry, .Ma deira. Champagne and ol tier M ine., ol all i.Tielrs. all ol w hich hill hi m. hi hulssaic. ul thu lowest city puce.-, i in eiu-hf, pii.s, oy buyinul u., cuutavc 'lav, il lent.! Hie frci.-lit i'cu-.'iis dvsir.-os of purei.toiin? litpiors f,,r M 1 L V I li , nay r.iy ur.'i t -.i. l:ei wilh a pare aitd loiti-n.i .- I a, lio' i . 11 in.; 1 t-.iii.ii.i 1 Still. ; ,,-!i-.- i;i. h" r. -j c.:tl . i . ;..ii'..Ii.-li a reptit:i:i,.n f.-r i.'tv tsilicit. lhe paironaa I ii.inj.'iv uitcn.ti-l to JKUr:.ilAJl ilAl.L. of the 1 ut!.c. All u-,ir, Lhiiii illi- J Jiie Id, I v't. luiiiinr! I.iimlMr! riltLI l SUA V. -Muncy, Lv.'omii,ic..u!i:y, Ts , "IM-'OHMS bis liieuds an 1 lhe i-uhlic iu" general i lUl hs euii.iuully kot ,, hun I llt Miinglifi ath, J, i.!s. iii.d all kin,,, i f l.unil i r and builain Lattnal. ahi.h be a ll ttll t 'Kl ii.c.t i.tic- " ! n;ilaruh SO, In.' I. J'tTKH LtUllLLAIiU, SSlilt'ltir.-l. 14 i IS I IlAMItl.p.j frf . (Torturr! I'Jtusilhaiu Mrtel, New ,.rk M'ould call tho aiuulitiu ol loaliii lo lbs aruclos uf bis luauuiucluiu, IU. LLoW X r-M J l Masalsty, lUieigitu.. tin. HaptHfe, pu, i,il, CoaiM Itappt-s, .Na.hil.b.s Auiriit-itu livntlt iuau, t ui.hii(n LLLuW b.Nl H' outch. Ilout I'i a ssH it h. llUb T.uuil Scuh. iir.h II .t. y l. SJ fc.lih iiol. lliKl, lua.l, lWitt.uU Uf LuullksSl, l ' Atioiiiinu u .!.. I . the In .. r-.u,-ti. , i 'I riu. Cul I tim ud .-..wk.i.-j it,ta.4tK, auik kil, U ft,uud k( i-u( .iitt4 (.waiitj lnUAinl Fumalitf I !,.. Cut t b.uli .". . it; leaf. I I I. or t'a.a H J.. I, t .t.i. Ii.i. m sani aa- K I, llHlNil.i ll. 1 .. I 4 I u.iawt lia t'.l k ai.ksiiji, tmawk iiisusuiaittl It - A ujtul ut aitui will ! ,f S li' AU I Its)