Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 09, 1864, Image 3

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STljc Sunburn 8iwrica.i.j.j
-a.-.i. uj...v -' ' -' J -i--ssr.i.- r-r-r- vs-rrra
It. fa. MASUKtt, Editor & Proprietor.
"-'l-- L 1- . .. . i . .1 , . L . i.
U. 37 rrk Row, New York, and 8 Hut Street,
I3uion, are our KRonti for the Scxavitr A true as
in tboeo olllna, and are authorised, to take, Advottlso
menu and Subaoriptkui for iu at our low out satea.
fcS?" The Bkitisu PKittoDicu.. Vo arc ;
lu recceipt of Leonard Scott and C'o'a. re
print of Blackwood's Mttgaxiuu for March
a capital No. in till respects. It has eoti
tinuations of "Tony Butler," a first rale Irish
lory attributed to Dr. Lever, and of Jirs.
Oliputint's "Chronicles of Ciivlingfortl."
Also, a paper on tho British Navy, another
on Louis Napoleon as a General ; with two
or three more of less interest to tho Ameri
can reader.
f-"Tho Atluntic Monthly for April
open with some "Figli ting Facts for Fogies,"
iu which Mr. Hiwuvvell demonstrates that a
Urge proportion of great buttles havo been
fought by generals passed the middle age.
"Tho School-master's Story," by A. M. Diaz,
is very eutertnining. . Gail Hamilton de
lineates the life of Blatk the artist; Mrs.
fctowe tells how to furnish a parlor in her
"House and Home papers"; Kitz Hugh
Ludlow sketches the "Mormous" in n lively
manner; and Dr. Holmes unfolds "Our Pro
gressive Independence'' as a people. "The
First Visit to 'Washington" of Secretary
Chusu forms a very interesting narrative.
The poetry is by Whittier, Lowell and
J.-?Speciul attention is invited to the
Card of Jacob Hurley, 023 Market Street !
Phil'tt. in this issue his stock of Watches, j
Jowelrv etc. is large and those tall tit his store I
cannot" f.dl to be suited. j
.. . . .
Now open -Paris inado Mantillas j
, iVC., Ac, ol tlie latest stvles and m.
frrvni variety - ut J. AV. Proctor A. Co.
Chesnut St., Pliiltiele'phia. Head Adv.
is a reliable hoiinc.
ill oral SltTairss.
S'V-Ajar.u Gilder, hai Itea appointed Post
u.uiter at .hautokia, ihii count v, vice F. P. tam.
buch. reil:eu.
tho I
yt.ti;g to ilie reeiut tnos, rains, eto
rn er u i.i'il ''on thu r'..ii '' il is now in order
for fitting, iti-i l;i:'.' (pon.ti:it o! lumber arc
t'v tl.ii T'iaee on tl.y h iv to U;'likct.
Sl:All. Ult '. 1
ribur, ut from toet
tor J-)ih lis'.:.
shad aid selling ut Har
il a piece. Lather tally
Jj-Nit .Millinkkv jtMi Fancy Goons. ML !
Mary l.t i .ru requesis ns to say t'u it she has jnst re-
ceived anti in o)entnu new s'ock of Millinery and
Fancy (joods at her n t store in MarKtt ."viutire. i
lyCossTABtKs. The State Seuute has passed a
bill mukiug tho term of Constable fto years in- I
tead of onu, as heretofore. j
j? Pooti llocsi:. The citisena of Coul township
have latuly purchased the house and lau-.U, lvins;ou i
tho road to Trovorton, Irolu Mr. Jacob iluivry, (or .
JS.O"0. which they intend lo demote to tho township !
poor. Kuianuul Zimmerman. Es.j , has been ajijHiint i
el Kupcrinlcndcnt, iuid took chutgc ef the buildings
ou tbe 1st hist. I
3f-'We learn from the Shatnokin HcralU. that the
small -pox is abating in Hint place, iu some parti
of tbo county, we regret to learn, this loathsome di
seane is spreading im ing lo the want of care and pre
caution by those, that huve it iu their families.
fir' Finn On Suturday evening ab-jut ? o'clock,
an alarm of lire brought together a uutober of our
cilixer.s at the Foundry and Machine himp i.f Allen
A Thomas. Tbe eas! side of tho Foundry building!
bad caught lire, evidently between the linin,; ai. l .
weather bourding, und eatlie near r:.eiu:, t!le!'"f'
before it wa extinguished. Ai fuii heaiy casting '
had been made during tlie a.'u iTioon. it b j!!pt..o-ed
aome sparks bad lodged betAteu the lining t'tid rca. j
tlier-boardiiig, and broke out after the bauds stopped t
work. It was moat fortunately dis.v. cre l in time j
lo save this fino tstublishtucnt frsut entire de'.ius- '
lion. i
us. I
l) o 1
tJ j KS IluenH Tho a her.iieuieut
j roprietors of the Jones House, Hani. burg, will bo !
f-junl in our advertising eolu-nns. Tins well known
bouse bus always ranked as a first class Hotel, and it j
is but simple justice to Mr. Maun, the new proprietor, j
tosny, that it never was better kepi thau nl present. '
T"Xl niotiK. Mr. J. l uru i.n. iaie of Augus
ta. ha taken iho new storo room iu ZctlemuTer's
new building occupied by Mr. Campbell, iu Market
street. In addition to his present m,'k be illsliort
J v receive a frch supply from the city, of which due
notice will be given by advertl .ttnent
CLXnw C'LortiiNC tsTiiim. Mr. Samuel
Jute of r-chuv lkill county, hasi opened a new store of
clothing, r.otii it", trimmings, Ac , in Market street,
two doors above Uco. llri;ht't I'raf Sloro. lie will
reeene, shortly, u ucw supply of ((nods which Mill
La duly announced in our advertising coluiui s.
I i" Iksi-lting 1'r.iiALCs V. e have observed iu
Sniiie of our eichanc uoticis oj indiiduals having
insulted unprotected females on tbe streets, during
tbe evenings V regret to say, that our attention
has Leen called to alielcd similar outrars, in this
plaeo. Parents should be cauliuiii iu letting their
daughters go out during llo night without some one f
lo protect Iheui from insull Soch ooeurrciiees. if
repeated, must cvenlually lead to ejKure.
rirA pi Ki'iuaa. Tbe friends uf licv. M Uliud,s
of Ihe Lutheran soiiirjrutiou at thi, place, surprised
that genlletaun and luty. by quiie a bandvm d
nation, eu I'riday evei.iui? n.t As they had no iu
timatiou ol it, they were altogether taken l y .urta i.o
....I .i... ... i ..... '
" I "' ""i ivi:, leatinj; turn us w
tide, luey leit aluto.1 at a b -i Ut to i jt.rcss
. .
'In-'' I
MeoU-rve iu ,.ur u lnr.'H iUt tl...., suriii-.
ur doiiaiion piiiio have bet. .me .oine an in,.uuu,,u
veiywboie, an I that tbe etei(i u.tu ate .,,,,1:,
the recipients ot s-.n.e ei t b..u V-Ujc res, i.,
f-If you wai l T'll-wu.e ,i,e., ic . j,
l. u itoie of r-ii.iih. i. liiiit'i. r s, one u .i
l.uultoii's hotel. Ilie) have the bijt as-ortu.e
lo tat
t !,)
aslvernsemunt in Mi.o.lnr coiuu.ii.
t i' '' ' "o a a Vi. (. vji-si ..u J l!. a u- t sv that Lj wii'. ..j u l.ew su re in
lb building i,e. I i,.r lo Ir Alls i.-.ii. u .- iu
Maiket Suale, auuut lb. lsl li.i fc,riu,. i.i
t'( g -uUs wiil ca.iisi o fuaey anieUs i,m,..i., unlit
livry i-o.t. .ueh as rinnkvie, ll-itj, U.t.boi.s, 4e.
f m learu lluu lh Mi,lm,H thul M-in
I Uat-sUsioK iulluf W IlL'Ms ai.1 .go bait a..
i.U-i Wy'bof ll.s of ivlljiaa; b
ar tht al" Irui bauia
I P ll u.s) be lu.-jl.ul til k (.-', a iba isss of
ILe -. lb Mia ta S4.J., rail t bod.,
I" it abSl biaua. In otta las' i age, uA mil J. sujkhi
Is) eigbl
M Ii lH-"t uai.likj k h i . ,
Sad Aociibxt. On Tuesday afternoon, ua
Andrew J. Kr'tcejif ud 1"'" lfrullior Charles were j
working; lu Uio niaes of ISird's Big Mountain Colliery
a pillow ?nve way and burled Andrew under bins of
ooul, slabo and dirt. Churlc bclnj atmo distauoe
from bia brother, cion-pcsl without any It jury. 1!
this snj avent the town u deprived of one of in moit
worthy and respected oitiieu. lie waa the W. U.
of tbe Kbamokin Lodge of A. Y. M., waa about 23
jmn of age, and leave a young wife to morn hi'
untimely end. Cp to our going to preilWodnni
day noon IU body bad nut been rcauvar!, atd it
waa feared It would not be reached for tome timo in
oonsequeno'e of tho rno.ii of rubbish on and around It.
Shamo&iit lUrald.
We loam tl at tho body ofMr-Kritger wis net found
until Sunday last, an groat win tbo quantity of co:d,
dale and dirt that covered hiia, that it required five
daya and nighla of inccanl labor to rcaiovo It.
. --tCs"i -
' Ml I'.fEii tx a Tucatii:. A youns raan)
B3cd twouty-two, named Wm. A. Muguiro, bt long
ing to Wilmington, Delawuro, wont into a private
box at the Continental Theatre, Phila
delphia, on Suturdoy evening laid, wLilo the perfar
mnncca wi re going on, and abut a young girl named
Margaret P-aer, a courtezan, to whom he had been
uttaobed. Ho Gred three bails in:o her body, caus
ing doath instantly. Murguiru vai at unco taken
fncurtody and looked up. Tboniurdcrer bad fallen
into evil nays, wi a gambler, and was intoxicated
when the deed WU." cmniitted. Jealousy u the
cause. We regret to see the nows-papcrs indulging
in mawkish sentiment over tho event, giving it n
tinge of romanco, and making the account sought
after. To our judgment, the murderer and iho mur
dered, belong to tho most depraved order of solely,
deserve no sympathy, nor tho event any farther no
tice, than to waru the youn and inexperienced
against the first steps of an iniquitous life, and the
degradation and shame that ever fuilaw in it wake.
Has Oi-csed Tiikm Mis3 M. I.. Cusslcr has
opened her large unurtiuent of Millinery goods, and
as the "sky-scraper" bonnet hint changed again, we
proiuino her cuttomci-i will make curly calls to pro
euro one of tho latent style, beside to f-x.milne her
weil-selejted ti iun aiu;; ;, notion, ic. S.-a u-Jvcl luc
nici t.
J.'Sf ottimi Fitvcn. A corrccpondent of a Thil-
di Iphia paper eij that thU dUcaso w; very fat:.1
in Vermont 40 yours ao. and that baths of tho ateam
u.f Ui,T, ,hi'k, huv ,lle Mht"-nl ",0 6n,i U
druihiiril.ot bciulock tea, i.ere resorted to w ilh
-'io''u uoc.:s.
T-rr-y , r il Di ,: hi V ,
Unit eontderahle alarm is felt by th" peoplo iu fon:e j
par's of Ch ruler county, Pa., on account of tho Ue- 1
vclojjinoiil of a malignant and fatal dUeaso iu their
Uiidt. The fatuity of Mr. Hill, who recently mu ed i
into Vi'e.-t Chester and O'Wnpied a dwelling which
has been shut up fur nearly two years. Tho house
was probaMy very umil to be tenanted, although it
as white-v.aslied bel'ure it was occupied ;'ttd the J
cellar is represented to havo been foul. On Mon- .
day night of last week all went to bed apparently in ;
the uul health; on Tuesday four voting danj-hters '
aged oijtht, ten. twelve and foiirteen years, wore :
taken tick ; euo died eu Wednesday, another ou '
Thins lay; on Thursday tl,ey were bntiodin the j
same grave, liy thU time tho innlher and
boy w ere ick the mother uneon-eii.LS. Tiio su l
doiiness and virulence- of the disease very naturally .
created quito a shook to the neighbors, (til 5-.".!ur-dny
four inriubers of the family nno rcg.ude.1 iu- in
a critical condition. On Sunday morning another ti'
the children died. We un let .t.uid the other mm,,
hers of the family wero moved on Sunday to ir.ioll.rr
beu''". The family co;i',:y'i d of Iho mother, fa';i'.r
and eight cliildien. Uio prevalent opinion j th."t
tlin eauso wa purely l.jci'l. The dit' j-cc i-: eon-idi i
ed by bhj ti.:i:u.s. nmligr.uiit typhoid five,-; d'.'.!..-.i'..
i'. ii reported by .sjuis, po'.tvd ukt. ,
A CAitl'. Mil. Kniiji: : Allow me throut,'!. your
paper, to return my heartfelt thai.ks lo the members
ot tho Lutheran Cnnreh of this pU--e. Tor tho "..r..
liLeral d' tialioti reoti c t at their hand, or. tho ev e
nir.g c f the Ut ins:. May Uuy L.' a:.nnd.v.i!y it
warded ty Him who has -!.id : '"For whe--.ever'.a!!
gioyou a eup of witeni drink i-miv iiaroo. t.e.'a.:s
ye belong to Chriit : veiiiy 1 si.y ; on. i.e shuil
iivt Use his lew ail.''
m. ii:r'.u!:s, r'.or
It is ascertained sltat the i-M of trohl
An-. truliii i'or the lut year will sh.'V: it '.
tTviisc d'i'TOfi.COt). tu. antottnt as stilted
for lt'jii was really uluiiit i.'j.SJ iJS !. anti i I
this, ti writer i:i Victoria says. JL'J ,aui,OC0
went ftotii tlie' Australian l'tuilv-.
the Jlntiah urmy li.ta ut::ul,c:s
lis men. "
The S".-Nn tirr at hist cnlcrin:,' !-.!.
trade, are exntiriitiL' ipiui.ii;:
I'ttris. The ice is carrii-il iv, r ih: t'.
liuilv.ay. some of tho Ihcla ful;.lr. Si.'
tcea lititt.iied putliiih'.
There lias It-en a great f:d!i::jr of' i.i ll..
vul'ie of the annual prudi;etiuii"(;' leloiu!.
in tlie yct.r lS.,tl it was'.it t.t i'01.',
i?7.0fiti. in ltitj:; i: uu out i.".,7.::07,oo,.i.
Here is a decline i.f more tlitilt ; Gu'o.joji.t.i
in four jc.'tr';.
There an; ii Ireland foity t'uoiisand cottiers-,
or one-acre tenants.
The Kiu;! p.tpi is express the: opinion
that the Danish diilicnlties w iil cut e'a tlte
iHind siipplie's of frraiii j'tom iuicrn Hurupe.
This will help our marLi'lf.
Newfoundliind is said to l,e .1 cruntry
without a reptile, and the t'!iiiUtinoi'a h'i--etlt
sas is a rs-jiti'v without
a country ; he otijrLt to "move" to New
foundland. The rcoiMjiii of tin; Anu'rittm Ti:,!.' ? i- i
citty lor t'lu yeiir I'litlin; w i t , i.-.H-aii j
will' exceed $"jOO,O0U-10O,CIU0 lurytr lU;tn
any jirevious yt-ar.
X'utv York city lias a cliuicli for cvt-ry I
three thousand iuhtiliiltutu ; a oorgery for
every one hundred.
A Di-.TltoiT cavalry c.i'itoiii u-iit nstotin-l !
cil a few duyi ailit'o when one of his new ro- 1
,-rnj. ',1 n 1. I.i... ..n.l .!... 1 .1 k.,.1 .1.... I
soltlii rin wits rutlter di ti','rce..lil.-; ttnd that
said recruit, beinj a female vuiihi the
'I'iik lieoiile of I.oui- iunii have paid
000,000 in revenue taxes under the I'ntlid
States excise laws. In nine month $025,
000 wui jmid to the former collector has
itceived $'.100,000 in three inonthsi. Duriii''
the year Jit J.fltJO of revenue i-tHllipit llile
l ecn sold. That portion ol the Mate that
is within our lines seems, therefore, to be
lining Home-thing for the Union.
I' Kvery ftsrincr should sow a few
tierea of f'rouml with Ihtx ei il. l otion ia
i b. ... ..
oi'eoiiiiuti an ectiree- iiitar'niieiuoi a- iiiui
bo tubatituted lor it. Otn- futltera
mot hem formerly blept between ,'.:inn rhett-i,
used linen towela und table cloths.',, and we
uiunt do the Mini?. An nero ofnM land
.mII jii-l.l about ten biiahi-l i f enl, an. I
ton und hall' or two fan. of atruw. The
former i now aellin ut fi per I usheb
'I ho fariueisi threw UMH.r yroat iiiklititii-a id
at raw the oust aeasoii, tlun inahinj a great
wuslu, Tliu lutul should be Meoitled the
aiuu at fur oats, uud the ucd attuald be
, aovt u kbxut thu lt ut April.
liol.O srn Sn.vrH IX in. The f..
, lovtiurt i iho method lUkcitUd I y Or- I a
! I'or iimkillK e,oh ink. Take gold h al utul
i (jriu't it Willi whito huiny 11110.1 u .I.J ol
i ji.-iphvry wilh inuller, until ll is reduer.l
i to au in.lps.l.o povtder, iu 4 ioiuli
tloli. I ht Uo'vleu hulli V p lU Is tin ll nit'
I f i-ed lu Viaur, i,jv.'.h.. ibulioiuy
IU nii falls to thu boltl 111 ill III
! louu (1 1 el) Siiits )owdrr. Tba hoi.i y is
liny gl irun!i y, ami tl.a guilt
pow.h r ll.ii, tib.,,, I 1. uiit.d M llh uiu
iiou tiii-j ami loiiiia VI. 1; 'I.l
vtmu t
la'l to d. y on
lull It may be lM 1.I.1,,-I i b en
nriiuh.r, wi.iu it loou.i, l
Aud Dealer la
Hixh rcnioTcd Into IVcw UuiliL
lug on I'awu ittrect, lonlk of
IVcuTor'K CIot-l,
TNFOi'.Mf) the eitltnna of Bunhury and vicinity,
that he baa just returned from Philadelphia with a
full amortmw.l of
His stock consisia of Clothn, French C'.r.llji. I! lack
PocSkiu and l-'aney Ca?imerea, liljioit Satin. Figured
bilks. Plain and i'uucy CuaMinrro I'.STlNtir!, which
he will make ep to order iu styles to suit the Insto of
customers, on short notice, and the most rousonablo
terms. !
Any HtMids not on hand, will be furnished from
Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice.
tlooda furnished by oustosuers will be made up to
order tu heretofore.
As he will employ none but experienced workmen.
person mey rely on gettiuj their work well done at
niH HliOp.
Thankful lor the patronage heretofore bestowed,
he respeutt'ully soliisllv aeontinuaneeof the amne.
Sunbury, April 2. ltMjJ.
.lutliorixt's! XVnr Clitlita Oliices.
Washincton. D. C.
443 NlNTt! pTUKtT.
Opposite Pension Othcc.
Cleveland, Ohio.
No l.I.VMAX'S Lt.iXK.
Near tho Court House.
1'ubllkiies tlie .Vi-siiy StcntlU.
and oollecta
Prize-money and ull other
pny especial attcutl
claims lu
which other attot neys have FA1 Lhi), or which have
been fcL'SPKNI'LH. Wo huve ulrcady collected
and paid over to soldiers and their hoits ovor f 61)0
Hull, and nro paying thoUMinds daily. No charge
unichs sucees'aii. Write us, and wo will seud you a
copy of our paper, free.
i li CUI.I.I.CT from !P0 to $10(1 Cash County.
Wo do our business w iTitoi r ni.t.Ar
ril 2. I sr. I
iiiiulty HAUPEll,
A. S'JO 5: Ka St., l!cilislillata.
riur. JEWELHY.
And rtnijnil'a Superior Plated Waro.
l ' All kind of .Silver-Ware, made on the premi
ses. WATCH Ttcpairing carefully done !
March 2i, l-'jol. ;!m
or v.ii.i uti.i: i HAi. s.ii.
I N" I'lir-iiance if an order of the Orphans' Court of !
NHriliui'dirrland eonnty. w ill he exposed to pub- j
lie s:dc. at the puMie Inoi-o i.f Pfniatnin Knouse,
in the town of TK KVoit'l U.V. on Fit! HAY. the l"Jth
dav oT Al'ltl j. p t'i-t. tli" mil! equal undivided sixlli i
part or all thai corlaiu TltACT c-r PI IX K ot LA Mi,
-:tn:iie in I, idle Mah,.n,.y anrl l."oii'r.:ri towi ships.
.NiTtliailiberland eoin.t v. bo!n.l'd l y'ls ii! .!,.selill j
1 iiiiik Ii:ie r-ri-r. lands of the Ti orinn Coinpnny. 1
J.-iiatiian iiiinklet"Tgiir. nil liewarl and Hunter.'
I '-niaini::'; rea-r Hundred and Seventy Aores and ;
One liurdici and Forty-two I'-tcIh". s'.ri'-t ineti-nro.
'i !o' Ituid i-' v, il Titi.iji ii.rl. 'fivo v.-'i'.isu! AM i'lltt - !
CITi" COAL, l ave n i-;.en-l ntnl w.'rked on said !
Irtut. One tin i:- 1 1 I'-'ct inwitliii. 'ihists one of '
th i nio'.t viil'.ia'o!'.' Coal 'i'rae s in l!i i Trcvoit'.u '
K"!.:i''ll. l.-ile til'.' e '.u'o'.'h 1 J i .- - h ! c r . iie-''I.
.-ale to eo'jino-ni'e ut lllo '.l' el.. A. M.. nl said day. i
alr.: tlie tei:,.J und C j!.uiii..:.E e-f :aie v.iil be inane I
itnui, :, i v
j-'s::5':i i;i:::jjT.!:::. ai-i.
P or 'er i.f I'.,' C;ir'.
J. A.J CI MMlXiiS. CIV. '. c.
-ITS '-It
j'lc! .' !: CV.itral 9-V.:s-' I
::'. v..i .amtauy commission, ;
Cr: li J of rut: C-jMvirrri: ox L.Uojt:, j
ln.'oio"S and l!f..-jui, I
i. .'.'. H .::U ;..!i S:.. i'iiiiade!; ii'a. M..rcli Ii'. FCl.
Vii'.'t'ui..:ii!.: :: I.i.' 1 o' n. s. at ! i'..:ei.nes '
"Ihe C-.r.ilal i'ai.," i..i;o Relation
' h them in the p.n".icv.ii:r work for which they!
vet-e'en at'p limed As no nrtiau of the p .oile .
e more na li-tie t!n.:i tin: working im-ii and w-uiivn '
ill-', it i; l.ut ju-t no ! l-ro'-i r il-at tliry ,
lotiid aiike have
an oi'PoUiniiv to e .:.tiil.t:;-j to I
loe oi-J
the 1' 'j lo 1.0 si c. a -.'
:iu l--r
s et:s:-di-.'--
i-liin this, i i-.d. a' tho mm- lii..
e-l Ol
is r..r tVe -ml
.-:r. .- ii e':..- in t!t--
- f A .til
i.-lW I':,
ev-.y .1-
nmn:u.; , i u r,,i,.''i i
' 1 !. ', U:; a Vt-rli ,
.i.rlt-.i nl o. in i i--1
' of.
.1 ui-
Ijt, :.' lati.hic.l, iu to prouuoii a 1
iliMil-'ll-y rs;oi;:
Ti.i t c-:i-: o
ly i.-'-'. j'vr.'.tion
iiuiil. M.ti
it. -.itsirl.'tl in'cr
ur i:i fur', jci in
liUMCiit; v.
: pl.-.n
1' h-iiu'i.t'o wiil.iu
;'u r li.ii's i t" tin
, lu l:;kv hi'ld w i.h i
-i .ii.ii'ji..-ia in. 1 i
. o in it'- al!
.-I-. llli-l ail o;;:i.
i'..l ivut -.v.. I
: tin-
; un.
. i . u:i. i. ,.: " i.e .tr.v'a
iiirnw, i'.oiu e.e-rv uttisaii .md I-;. ter,
i.-re n-. iii. o; ei-ative. u.-. 1 e:noiv-yee ; e.esl.
i"r. t.dler, and elerlt of every incorporated uud un- I
, i.r.-orp.-riilo 1 con-...-nv. i;iilfo.-.l. an-1 ev;-;-e-p coin any ,
, cmp!u in:-' linn, ban!:, ti.aunrucio' v, n . -.1..-,. col ;
noli.-.' Mill, nii.i". un-i pullie uiliee ; from eery ,
I r.rivate bunker and bre.!;- r, iinport-.-r. auliotieer, and '
:i. r-'hi.lit : clerk, aoiit. and sat---iiia:. ; de-i;!!!!'. 1
t.oi-.her, and arti-i ; puit!i. iicr. ) rinte.-, i-i.l
fiom e ery t-'ioverntiient .:.'.et-r. Cuniractor. and
eiaplovi-c ; pro.'cr. butcii-.r. Litl;-. r, aiei liealei ;
' larutir, imriicultuiisl. lil.d i loiue-il", iiolil elely,
: iiiantua maker, an 1 female o; eraliv'; 1
! every indiv idui.l tni;aed in turi in-i tending tlie !
lootii", or in any way enriiin a liveliiiooo. i.r buiiil- i
i intr a foi-tiuin u.litu tlie Mutes oi i'umisy Ivai.i:!, New t
Jci'ny and llelrtuare. !
Sjjcond. 'i'o o'otniu .lie c .ntrii.u'ion of one ilay'j
' -et vcn'.to" fniiu nil tl.e ;'rent enn.loyin:f stal.!t-i--;
iii. uts. Ui n-.s. cori-oratioi-.-. C'.uipaniet, ranroud;. and
j wor s. ' '
1 'iliiiri. To obtain tiio eoiitribiition of one day's in-
! eoinc from every retired pi-isen, and per.-on ,.f for- t
' tune nialo and female livtir.? toion their tneatir. '
and from ail ck-rtrynn-n. latryeis. hyi-icinns. di-ntis's .
ditors. authors, and profe-M.i; and all oilier per-
ror.s ir.iie l in the learned or other proi'essions. i
, .' luei; oi this norl. n;ut be pe-fonued ly lloi per- j
I soual ir.tiueucc and i U.,rt.-: of Indies and rent li men
iiMwciati d. or t- be li.-..ocialed, , ith llic cuuuule. I
e.irryii, out tl.e ; !a:i.
i 'i io- i.ojn.i.iiice icd the re. p, r.-iiiility of the woik
ihey have imdcrtaken, vhieli, to be ticccsstul, will'
J require a very pifect ramiucatioti of liieir .uu, and '
tuey Inerelore call upon the earue.-t people to asem- ;
ble'ttieuiselves together iu every lown. toutiship, and
county, and form ore-anii.v.ions of ladies and gentle. ,
l-.e-.i lu co-operate wttn itiein in itus great work ami
1 ibor of love. , lu tho manufacturing counties, tiiu
ce-al and oil rcL'ions. and iu theuiuicuituial districts
t-peeinlly lei there tie ortuiiiiaiious iu the iarer
towns, so thai the vouni? peoplo mny hate uu oppor
tunity thu. to render a-.itaiii-4to their relatives and
fiienils llbtiii'; the battles of liieir country iu the a,.
n.-ie, of the nati n.
'i'lio work of this committee thhv be prosecuted
vhcre no oilier cP'ort eiiii be made for the fair, as in
I Ihe mines of e-onl the regions. A day s enrnin of thu
loin., rs, and a day's lro.incl of the mines, enu be ol
laii.ed, where no Ijoi't'ii'lu article could be pioeurcd
I r tiaiispo nation, iaa. ed. there is no pan ur see. I
lii u of tliese Elates win 1 u ibed .v's ur may not j
bo obtained, if orauiiaiiom cuu Lu foruied lo reueh -lln-iii.
'1 he I illumine cannot close w ii'hout 111 1 1 1 upon i
ull lo lielal. of e.lutilishllle-llls lllu duly of laklll
1 I'I'-lllpt uud enelelio a.-lloll to s.curclliu ln-lu l.l
ol ilie tiay ul i..ur iroiu uu wiiiiin lueir e inir-'i 1
'I be Committee deetu ll Uum 01 aty tod more
llisu thus to pi ess-lit tbe subj, el IV the .i ,i le l Ilie '
three r-tutesi uamed lu ibe eoinin i-4Ui.iii4iis f j aiuiiis tl.e UUirs ol the "r-aniiary I oii.uii-iou''
will be f ieatly euiucnii d . Ly ll.e lii.i ul dun 1
. loo OIW tnvuue at tin) birvie arit.Ua of ba deiu
I ii.nes - w ill be operant.,! in ihe lirld. Kf laiiu a.
1 foic. se-ait.-red er r.ion.iu the mi 1, nil
! unaelii.-aod, innl uee, euiry alon w iiU 11 a '
aluolilil 0, slilkni ss. suJclll,,; .nil Ueutti, til .-ay l.ultl
I Ull! ot Ihe s. Ihelvd hollol. i, ilie L,,tl.e 11-1,1 !
J ll: SUlterl.'lsTS ll U Our tmuleli-,1 d.ny. IS luru j
I and I biuuai.J. lo r lu- A an i iiilieblent-l
1 e-pla. eiijo. nig tbe hLiiir- ol a l.w,.ruusriil i,
I tl..r nun making, eio-al n tuss sw.iaue lo iwin
' sultelillg Ul Ulblltlalll its auluniy aiel au W.ll ant -.
hcllst.1 Ibal Ibe Siml I cell at I 'air, diaailis IU Mo
' duet. Iraw Ihe three Mli ul I'.llll. v! Hi i. .New
I J.-i.e v. and li. Uaaie, so Miilutlit hi all n.intial agil
' eulluial, aud iu lusiriai wssilb, snii Isll b. bind any I
I s.u.iUr . it nl an.- Ii bs e le.u n..4o loj li.a mm i
i ol Ihe Nauou s clsii lu ii.
I As il is a.1 lo Multiply tueulsii a a
I tuiii.ii amuoinj ibau i Ins sin ui.i aid u i,veMir
! i fssf u.tiipitiia iiiiwul'i; "i aiy .
kola -.,.UO,l Ul IS IUS out gt-l.lU 1141 lu jis1
l uu- ,ii Ine wui k el ibui euiitie.
I enl lia. I wi I be liuu.s ll.l.lj ,kealid.'. I
I a,.., -Lis Iks,'li4s sl ll... u 11. si)
Svbiiual'd.(Uisu atil .iM.wt.u a.Jt
A.l .41. i a ll I st-ul I be I I. "! iu a"ll V,
( I. Ol it ' I, 'i I li h w I - a. . d ll.e i i ' il
on to
Latest Good News !
HAVE Jnst retained from Phllndnlphla with one
of the Urges' and beat iolaoted alooke of Uooda
ever brought k Sitntury.
FOItEWN AND DOMESTIC, sroh aa Clotba, Cawl
inerea, Muslins, Shooting, Tieklnff, Calieexw, I)o.
lalnoa, Flannels, and all kinds of MOt BNINti Goods,
Alpacoui, Ulnok Silks, tlinghanw, Hal moral and
btkuleton Pklrtu, Canton FlaiinoU, Nankeens, Cur
peting of all kinds.
Comprising. Hosiery, Uloves, Thread. Button, tius
penders, Neck-ties, Collars, Uandkerebiefs,
Hair lirusltes. Tooth Brushes. Uuiu Kib
and Cord, tape, crotchet, braid,
worked collars, fancy bond
dresses, tidy ootton. carpet
binding, combs, fancy
soaps, carpet bags
Trunks, Valises, Imbicllud, Ithuik llouks, Paper,
Envelopej, Ac.
if nil kinds, aticlt as Nails, Hinjei and Screws, loox
I.ntebes end Knobs, Leeks, and L'L'TLEUY ot every
Also, Dyes, Drills, Paints, Varr.ishts, Fish,
Flaxseed and Benzine Oils, (Jlas, Putty, Ac.
ttucensn are iinl UlussHtire ot all
An Exteuivo Stock of
G R O C E R I E S,
Composed of Sugar. CotToo. Teas. Ilico. Corn-taroh,
.vlacuaroid. Jlarley. Kakiug-powder. molasses, soaps,
eauill 'S. tobuooo mid segois, bull, Fish, Meat, Cheese,
Ac, io.
AUo, a largo variety of
for Men, Women and Children.
ti'AII kindof U rain and Couutry IVoduce taken
ill e.chnngu for ttouds.
(.live us u cull before you purchaso elsewhere, wo
are bound to sell as low as any one else.
Store-room i.i Iin T. Clemeiit's building at the
foutli-w est comer of Market Stjuarc, near tiio Cout t
trunbury, March 19, Isld.
IN pursuance of an alia? order of Iho Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposed to
pul-lic sale. at the Mount Curtuel house, in the ilorough
of Mount Carmel. in wild county of Northumberland,
P"i n'u.. on Tl KSHAY. tho 12th HAY of APKIL,
A. 1J , IsOI. all Iho riirht. title aud interest belong
ing ti tho estate of tho llou. Charles W. Hegilis. de.
ceaiu'd. in and to the following Heal Estate, silunto
iu Mount Carmel township, in said county, bounded
and described in follows, to wit ' IVjiiming at 11
White Oak, theneo South nuo dog. East, forty-sii
perches to a stone ; theneo South twenty. eight dcg.
East, ninety-eight perches to a pine, South sixty-two
degrees West, one hundred and fortv-foo' perches to
a stone corner. South Iwcntv-eiht degrees Etu-I. fifty
perches to a pine, North sixty-two degrees' East,
twenty. eiubt perches lo a pine, 'Smith sixty degrees
East, lorty-scven perches Ion pine, Nortli fifty-five
degrees I.iL-.t. two hundred an I thirteen perches to a
po.-t. North thirty-four degrees We,t. one hundred
end eighty-five perches to a post. South seventy. livo
d-grees w'esl, petcbes to a white' oak.
the place of beginning containing
'I'm o IIusili--l isnsl 'I'vsritl.v A-iok, '
strict measure, being part of a larger tract of land
in the mime uf Lawrence Lomison. ndr,iuinir binds '
surveyed in tho names of :.,b..n Irwin. Jeremiah!
Paul and others'. Late ll.o 1 roi.orly of said Charles '
V . lie. ins .Uc d.
Saie to cotnnieiieo at 1 o'clock. 1. M . of said day. '
when the leruis and conditions of sain will I.e made 1
hnown b.v liliO. II. CLAY, !
Jy order of the Court. 1 Administrator. !
J. A. .1. t'L.MMINiiS.C.O. C.
Sttubtiry. Marcli IV. lsii.-is. )
j .-IJI.S.l.M-'StV 4V N'l'StA.V MIM, !
I ef lie Latest Inipor!ations. and of Iho newest uud '
' most la.-hi"lliible st les. j
I Stit fitrtiw E'iii-imiii.
! v. ill eon 1 i-e every variely of lainucts. Hats and '
.'J rimiiiin-s to be found ill itmt line; of tho iutcst
; a.i 1 most approved siinpeSMid styles i
j viieiung uu e:;riy call. I ieuiuni .
Yours, Hespecu'uliy, ;
! II. WARM !
Vi. 103, lt:iund lui
Mure!; -9. Ii'.l t,r
North Second Su-oel Phil-
a oin-lli A; Ari hStH., Ehl!sid-liiis.
Al'E OPENIM1 EOK Sl'llI.VU. lMll.
100 pes. fl. Fancy SILKs-. Ju pes. India .ciif, f I.
1 '.'ii Uis'd Kln.-k "UU OrdoreU I'laiu,
.Si LK -1-1 LVUNS Clack Silk VELVET.
J'.ion a c 11. KS. .f'j, a. 4, ii, -. 1 jeryard.
H!. el. " $ . t. 4. .1. 2, 1, pcryurd.
y.'tirr Autiiples. ull Coiola.
!:.i.ii'.ce:il lirenrdii'i s,
Mm niiiieeut Organdies.
I'.'.cti'st t i iinin and I'eretilea. Serin;; SHAWLS.
New II ins. hold MAPLE l.OtiliS.
N. Ii. llenenil assortment of Mens' Wear.
March t', psiil. .iiuw
) --t-i
received a new slock i f Vi-hine; Tackle for
sales, eoiisn.itni' ol liols. r.eet, j.tnes,
l-n-.kets-. Snoods, l'h-als. icis. Klie. Artilicinl itail.
K';;-;ed Lines, lint, llrass and Hooks, t,, wiiicli the
altenliou of dealers is particularly reijuesied.
Oiders. VI hob Mile and ltctail, punctually filled
and suli.-fn.'lioii wrrrauted.
"a d and Walitiit streets, Pniladelphia.
February u7. 1m4. dtu
4 -wit.; h
i l-'yr ICiisi,llio, ltoiK'lss'M, Ant, 1I.-U
; sitssuN,.'vloM lu I'sirx, W SMsls'llH. ...,
i liiNi ou l'biul-i, 1'ow Is, AiilmaU,
Hut up in lac, .'-fte. ami SI no l!o. .-. I;" and
1 i in. Us. f.i and fJ sues far llo.els, Puhiio luslilu
' lions, ,tc.
. ''Ouly infallible reuiedies kuuwu.'
j Flee iri'tu Puisins."
-ot daneious to Ihe Human Fatuity,"
-Kut come out id' their holes to die.'
j Soi l Wliole--n1e iu all larvto eilies.
Sol 1 by all ilrue'-'i-ls and Iteiuileis everywhere
, I'.'i.aaliK ! ! ' of all worthies, iiiiila'o-in.
i See tbat "Collar s' iiauie is uu each iiu, liullU
and Ftajik, be 'ere yu tniv.
Allies llliMSY .( Olkl'tK.
Principal l,-i,l lJ llhiadway. New Vuik.
I'j- Nol l liail U bolesaie and lieUil Hruggul lu
Siii.l uiy, I'a.
Feb. -U, I Mil. ?ni
Its-iitliii,; Itallron.l.
(1 It EAT THI NK LI NE I'mm lb. North ami
I Sorili-W et s..r Pbiladelebia, New Ymk, ltel-
ins. Polls, ilie, 1. 1 banoii, Alleiitow n. Fh.ioii. ,li.
1 1 alia, leave Hai risluirs; fur I'lnludi l Ina, New
; Yuik, Hea-liu. Potl.iiile, ami all luteruiediaui
Mnihiu.. al a A M , and 3 no P. M.
: Ni w Y.n is Kiprolcut es linn i-l.ur' at S "0 A M ,
! arriving al New York al I l-'i tbe suiue d iy.
' A s,elal Ains,it,lii'i.alii.n Puaseuiter train letivea
Heading at I lj A M , end r.luru. lloui llarruouig
; al a I. M.
I rate from HitrrisLuig : To New York a j I i ; In
Philadelphia i aa aul tfii 00. Laggaga vboekud
ll. un, o. leave New Yerb al A M , I'i V...U.
' an I ! I' il. ii n uoili l'.n i. l.uave I'bilad.l
(i.ia al a j A M an. I J a i H M.
alki-oii.g eais lu ilia New lurk Es'rt-a Traiua
i Urn a ib luaad ho: 1'ilt.nuuk wiihoni . I.nieu
l'awiii.ets bs ll.lalla,M Hail U -a-l l--ii 'fa.
u.a.,aai a -ll I. il , and 4 li r. U , f.-i I'k.iaUl
1 1. a. New l ..I k and all U ay CuuiU
ll.itrf lu.,. p,..vl!l. sl SI) 1 M . Ill I 10 p.
U , tit l'Lila4'l kla llaribsuafg asul Nsw ) nl l''i uuiihsoa I, idling
al an M , astal tuiaius l.uyi I'kiladrii.l.u al i uW
y AH Ibe atuve lfaae tau daily, : uad;s t
A I.. .s. r-n., ill. tl PI 4 M ,
ai,4 I'i i:..uli t ,, l( i . f il
t u..s.HUa.. I..i4v ! ai-d l ,'i.l,ai
ti'ksi al Ss4w-sai iais Wj e-4 I4 all .al.l
r . i. it i'hii i i I. u ... .
i. i 1 1
l. - Si I'Vill lt'i.l
Uliolesiiln Irnu nl "ln'tul'l
No. 7o7 Morkot Street, PUILALELPHIA.
rilllE sul)seribers keep constantly on hand a lingo
L stock of Drugs, Medioinos, Cbutnioals, riiaiuin
centieal Preparations and every other article which
appertains to the biunu", enibraeing tbe most ex.
tensive, variety ; also, PAIM.S, OILS and ULASri
of overy desoription.
All artiolns pun-hasid from us ean bo relied on aa
being of the most superior qualit y and at aa low
prioist as tboy oao bo bad . Wo can offer su;b in
duuementa aa wili biako it tho Intereet of the pur
ehuneni to lay In their supnliea from us, and give us
their future patrouage anil invito all, who visit tbo
oily, tooall at our oslablisbmcnt. All orders ad.
dl esse J to ua liy mail or othorwue will meet with
prompt attention.
7H7 Market Street, Philiulolphia.
February 0, 3tu
Instruments for nil deformities.
Tvm' .' ?r '1'i-itMH
has taken the place of oilier Truwcs for the retention
and cure of Hernia or ltupture. Acting upon the.
principle of a lever, it never loses Its strength. It is
coated to prevent rust. It has no pad on the back,
which is so liable to injure the spioe and annoy and
I'htil'e the wearer. It u inie to retain the liuf-lurc,
giving ease and oomfort. aiui effecting radical cures,
ll is warrented to give !iti-laeti.,n.
Tiio improved Sj,!ra"e expands the chret
and prevents the wearer fruui becoming round
Ladies' Holts and Abdominal Supporters, bland,
azos, and Hells of all kinds, aud instruments for nil
Lieformities nf tho Hody.
I'll. OKOVEK'S OliieeisNo. 4 Ann Street, two
doors from Ilroadway, New York.
Strangers should particularly nolo the name and
j April 11. lsw:t
AUonicy .V 'niifs'lWr lit I.ut.
Ofueo on South side of Markel street, four doors west
of Uoarharl's Cnfectiunery store,
W'ill attend promptly to all profcsional business
entrusted to his eare. the collection of chiims iu Nor
thumberland and the adjoining counties.
Consultations in tjermnn and English.
Sunbury, March ID, 1SD4. ly
U. W. ZltilLKII. f.ol.eHO.N MALICK.
Nsiiilsiii-y , oi-(IiiiiiI'I-1imI ('., la.
Offer their professienal services to the public. Col
lections and all other professional business entrusted
to Ihetn, will receive tirotnpt attention
Also, Military claims will bo colloetcd, Buck aa
Boiiuly, Huek-Pay. Peusions. Ac, Ao.
Itutii sneak the Oerinan Liiuiriiai;e.
Oftice Market Square, next de'ur to I'rothonetary's
, March 5, lii.14.
riUin first (iuiirttr of twolvo vook.i will upon In
X tlie Gnuitl Jury 1'vuuui. on MouJuy tho 4lb of
April, m.
Tr.iiMS 1'cr QtrAiiTKn :
For Ilcmiinij. V" riling. .Arithmetic, Guugrftthy,
Knv;Uh (.nuuinap. $4 CO
AlK'-'hru. Natiirnl 1'liilofnphy, Chemistry uud
. iK'ohiry. or nn y f'f tiu-SL'. ?5 00
llili-r, MutlH'iimtica. ;iiiuhi'UD all or nny of
nltovoi i'j 00
Frt'Tifli. (irrmnn. Isdlin rock, or nny ono
nf ihrtii in niMithui ' iiIhivo. $7 00
Xuilmti piiynhN hull" ruurturly iu K'h iuice.
So li-tinctHn ifr tnnf.
3 hilly record ur kwptof tho nirrit nvA Jomirit of
ench riiilmt llit lnrnn r Irnt iin tl.e i:x..c.,!W,iic,"n,
if rnch in rtvitnlinn m.-l (tcporiiiu-nt, tho l:iit r tlm '
'ii;i'nii.-in'ici uud aYliiifjiiei.t'iri cup ios of which will J
h, sent to U:o prtrvntA uf fuun'.iutis :il tho vud of ouoh i
luttn. !
lur pflrli-jultir apply 10 ilio ps-incipai. '
li.r i;ut:Nrc. : J
J J. !:innTi'-'iv i r, .uiit ury.
1'rof. Win. XVsitlini;. S1 rov h, j
lV"f. t. K. .'l-nr f
V V. JlOliitA. II. I',,,! J
ruiiMirv, i-
rpilE suhscriti--i. ill l.'-ase tin ir Ha.' and llnild-
1. in Stone Ciinrry, atioat :!,i :,ii! s Iroin Sun.
loiry. on the North Lranch e-f the Sii-iielianiia ri er.
Tho (.tune nro of tiic bc nu.di: . cu'uni.-lu fvr pave
lnents and Imildin purio-ts.
I'or further particular.' to l.rdKilt A MAE
TIN Shainokin. Pa , or ' M. li. i:o YEU .
March 111, lo-;l. ."' uty. Pa.
1 TE oC'er to I'ealer;. Coaebmal ers and II Mite !
Painter-. I.I Ilie eery I -inert ne'l e:ih pliee i
lite best l.'eaeb an,l Cabinet Variiiidte- ; Pure iiito f
Lend; l-'reio-tt and A me-i ii-nii Zine? ; I iiroinu liieens. !
and Yellows, limp mid Ivrv Iila -1.-. net a lull a--
loi ttnent of nil the liner i.'edors su li as Vci-million,, i
Lakes. Tube Colors Ac, uU. Paint and Varnish !
Itru-nes. of tho host make, (il-tn-r s 1 'nuuauU and !
Points; Paint Mills; single an.t lioutjle thick til:i:4., 1
of all de.s"riitloiis iiiid ml .Materials u -ed by llou.-o .
and Coach Painter- u i.i.-ii ue can scli as cheap, ii
not cheaper, than any oilier hot;-,-, ibu ! j
l.'ia. we l:e p down our eiipi ncs by c ouucllr.;; i ur I
bu.-ine.-s pen-onally. j
Mr. It . i , one nf the firm for many years uninu- j
f ictured the Vami.-iits. Isold by the Hit'e'l.'. .'Scliruck.
W e fei I confident that our VnrnMii-s. are equal, if I
not superior, lo any luanulaeturod in tnis Counirv. i
We warrant them In e,ivn eull.u sali-'faetiOii, and if
nor as reprosenicsi. inc luoiiey win t,e retuinleil . tuo
us u call ii-foro uicha.-inc; eltewl.eie. A liberal
discount made to (lie trade.
E ELTON i liAf,
Xos. I'iO A liia North Fourth oreei, eoruer Cheny,
Oct. Ill, IStV'i. out
lil.ft.alI.4WS IAaK.O X.
I Inh r and CinisuiiH'm oi ilie hhuvn CtiUrhrHlf J I
WiEati ldtte, will plcao take uuticw, thut th LhLc:p i
ar fciUTt-d tu rt-.-i 1
A Hi-.. I IVililM-s-ifs-r
n it f li s t o it i: , .
No ZXi North f El "Nil Mreet. liilLAlH-LriilA j
The qiiuiiiy of this Eiue will be ilie .-kiuu in e try
ll is warranted to eob.r uiore water thau twice thu (quantity of Indian, an i lo l;o nui-'h faitiii-r
lhaii any oilier S a.-h liue in the maiket. It dis
solves peileeily elear an-l does lu,t setllu ou th
Ii iltes n. nnv-t uf t'uu o'.in r makes do. Oue lui (lis-
aolv ed in lialf pint of, will make as a 1 a
Liquid Hlue as any lliat is made, at one third ti e
An ills retailed at the .-anio price a Ihe Imitation
and Inferior articles, ia. un keepers will Liia il very
iuuch tu ibetr advuutaf to uk lor that put up al
W inruiiiitii u's.
I u All lllue pal upaftii- this dale n ith uiv s
Ualne ou il is uu,.
T he New Laldti does nul require a Stamp.
For .Vile liy Slolekeepelf geueiutly.
Feb. El, ISO I tiu.w
ta Ken ii u llll.l.. S.Mi P. Vi'il.t tlllo.v.
HILL & WOLViiU I ON, -Allwrsx'y
a ii.sil t'oiiUM'lni's'iil l.iiv.
t-iltice. Maikrl slroet. cir. Cel. ue Altej .
4 7 I I.I. ult.-nd proiuptley In the eolle.-li..ii ofd-iiins
and all othi-i prufciimnl iiiti-iiiti-d in
their cam in N'oribuuiiierlaml and adjoining counties,
bunbury, Jauuaty Isd;.
I oil I. a Mil.
llsllMsl-llsia A I'll.' Ituili-.sixl.
11 tl freal line iraveises ibe Nortlieiu and North
wrt i-uuulius ul t'eiiiisi ltaiiia lu ine ciiv of r.rte
ou Lake Erie.
It h-w been leased by the Peiiusv U auia Hisilruiid
l'uuiiany, aud uimer lueir aiopieea ia nuiig lapuily
opeui-d Ibroughoul iu eiit'ru b ngtli
Ills now iu use tor Puns nerur and 1'relibl bu.iiue
ffoul llafri.bur lu Elloail lulll illla lulloal oil 1'iu
t Easiesru In.ujioii, aud tmui ileltlel4 lu i.rie. i',4
' Uui" OU Hie Western luvHIull
i ilea ur llvets laov. .r si sai at
.4ffi-e itti.'iutiJ .
Mail Im u, U ..J A M
Ll lo'S llaiu. II 10 I' VI
in, It .ri.
Mail ll4ii, J .i I'
Lliiteas Tiaiu, l l A
t 44S ,uu Ibriiutt witluiul tlialiyt', I. lit Wa vs, un
llicnj llalW beiaevlt I'lllla-O IpllU and Lnek iii.iiu
anil bvtweaa Paliiuioso and Lot k l.ttt.u
bltalil Meeplg I tis uu Tiaius I ... It
.ill ueiwetl i nliau.ti-.rl aul l.tiuioit, at.4
W iillu..-..l an I l'bllal-ldii
Fej ml- rutaiiuu it4-.'tug l'sr f"t bussutsa
,ly at tua a . t uf 1 1 tit ui M n.,i u
Au l U 1 1 sight but.aiaa ul 0 l , s A .ins,
a II kia(.tu, Ji , I l. .at sl I .M ., ... tx ,
j e. ii..,uo' I. I us
J M l ull, .S C It It li iii ..o e
II II 11 'I .iu
n-n I 1 1. .1.1 A ,1 I'tnl .1.
I .. I li
i, a I I , ., i I , l , I i . .
.'''-li I 1 t.
Git A IS D orENllSG
Ol' FEU Fult bALU
ft full lino of
2DHY 2E)3
Trunks, Valisea ami Carpet Bags.
iunvwAia: axd guocevjes.
$tvne and I'mtttinrure.
Wood tuiel Willow Wuro.
Eur Iron ami StftO,
Xils and Snkv,
Drugs), 1'itinU iml ''il-',
Window Susli mid Oritidstuno,
l'iuks and Mason Iliimuu-r!,
C'otirso und Fine Suit,
Fisli, Meat, Clieu'c,
&.C., cVe., etc.,
All Kinds ot Oood-t,
clteaji for custi
Country Produce,
etm lie l'oittul tit tbo
X. li. All Goods vurrtntcd
As ro(itCM'iiti'ii.
xo di:viation IX riilCES.
Sunljiiiv, Oct., lOtli, lS'-O.
lllai'k 0 lossy Siik-i,
lllaek C'ashiueri b;
Sup. r llliiek Moh;iia,
I- ine lllaek Alnir'eas,
V.l'ii.''.; and l'urj.le IV-luins,
Yi'liite and HlaeU l'igtired Deluinm,
lilaek ('ri pe Mni'cU,
l.tipins lilitck ull wool Delaine,
lliat k Sill; lh'ir-:',-s,
(lood lSluck Jti'lu'cje,
I'l.iin lilnek t-iiiiaiiiuiH,
l'liiin Ivlitek CnlieoiN.
Neat i'i'jnri it Uiaek C'alicoea,
I ine Uiaek i'lanuels,
lilack l.o e Veils,
.loiivins Uliii k Kid fl loves,
lllaek hilk Oauntli'tts,
liluck (ilovcs in Variety,
I' inc .Miiiii'iiin H.inilki ii liivl's,
Jilaek cotton and wool Hosiery,
l!l:tck Thibet ami Youl irhawid,
Ac , Ac., io.
A nie'fc line of the ahavt' t;'odu now
open and for Mile ut low nio -;.
i:. V. i-KHiUT A bOX.
r.'unbtiry, OotoluT Jl-t, liti'J.
. iv ;.m i4fi'it AKit:.m:icii'
li-ii.l. ap;t 4'l.iiiis.i i .
The Ciiiuiuey for which the Keri's, ue.Oil
, usiiif; public have solonir lenn iu m-ed, licc.iu-c
1. It -.SrANl-iS FIKE!'1 Turn np Ihe blase nil
. it isfiu s tiou; the top ot iao ihunnev, and keen it
up a- long as you please-- I ul oL.tssi w a: 1 LnaAa '
Tiv i
' i It doe s not become tln.-k or di-iVuri d should
' ihe lamp accidentally smoke. Is shorter, liiau ilio
, coiiiiiioti eliuaurv less liable to ucci'iciit--.iiid Uiuio nl for earrviint aU.nil the houvj.
! .1 ll it li"t eislly 1,11c l- d by Slid it'll t'h'.ligi of
j eliiperatuie t,'o out ofd"or.-. or i.ili, ttin celler. sulii
' inei in wiott-i. witb ttie l.''ii.i tnii-nui--tuli't ftsr !
, lite chitiiiiev w ill rt"l ilis-ii,,i ar iu fratlileiits '
, I. 'i lie lop can to-in-tanlty l-'inovt-d and llioc.ii,
wiped I'ertV.-tly i-!e.ui in a i-ioiiicr.t. i.i .''iter a-Wo .,',
1 and w I'lioul di'in, r ,-t brc kili; ilie la.
I .'. ' 'lie utit 1:1.-'..-. it '.-i i In., . ilui,ii ('i 1 ry il 1.U 1
).-u w ill ii ,e no otlii r t-or -ule in
( '1'iWUHiidt olllil, f 1-,,'le-.ri.lilnl l-v 'l'C N L. t'.
' Mtiiitifiieturiog i'u", -la Fuliou nueet.N'cw Yurk.
I Janualv U. Ii'l .-tti
his a m i.i I ith novni.
I o.Ml'AN Y winii an A.-. iit m .'oiitit in ... licit
ot Ii is I r lilt ir l. -w nliV .Maelm.c. im u vjumrt-,
sari w.tlnrer ainl t stra nrcdlt.t We wtit pay a ii
bvtul Mtlary and or gia btii;.. e, ii.ini-sion
liur tartie-ulars, l.iuis, .1.- . t-ia-'ai a st--u p. and
ad lr. T S P.U'.F. i do I.. ,
Fub 1.1, iil .im Urn I , til for ihe I . o.k.
ui U II it U i r and tlrut I. r,
M M KM ll ll H Vf
hlLVl H W Alii. A lu.urur of WAUiit
Nu, I Is NoilU Fv.tou.1 M I'l.rner y-ian ,. I'HILA '
Las ., mi baud aa esiroiit-iil of in,!, I
and Miter I'wlenl I. veer a.iie and I'li li
Vtulniit., I lite liutj I lien.., ft.tla and kev Itreasl
I'I, is I 41 Cm;-, r "il ltlis. Ill a. l-li-lt, Nii,,
Cms MielMi'oliS. I.ot'ksts, I'i in i . lli.i, la .
lulls Kils.s lalita I'ti't-rt. I.a ,i.ll u,.. '4..,, j
e..ts ; s!4li., I'ti. Vsi.iii li.iiivtit.1
.a I llullt-r Knit " --ni i-i I'--ni. In un. u I'i i.. i
.4 I'i lis !' - a'l ! w-iu k will Las. .. ..w I I I alt
M I l"IH I t. I t,u .In, f ,i j. , ,j
I'sltlil I tin 'l'il...- ' '.li. ...a Ha
nll.i I VI as. i oi til , 1 1. i i: it,. , t ,
"I 1
-"Ml. ..Id a..., -ni., ,. ... ,,.S
1 1
I u
I i ,
.-. . I
II tl
not a iui2 dxi:.::.
r ,TTr
.ol sirtiUo lrtinkurI.
Germaii EiilerG
l'UEPAKEI) lii'
VUll.AhEI.l'lllA, PA.
14'isili fi-otii a
Iliaordi-red Lter.
toinach, or KiUnos.
T'housar-ds of our c;ti"ni are snlteriii from Iis
prpsia ami Lii'ev l'i'.e.-uo-, at.,1 to ilie-m the tollow
inj; questions ply e(im.a!ite
uovi'LASits oi;nr.. litteux
.ill onru th'-ir..
lM i er ia ami .ivr:i; iUm:ai:.
Iu j-ou rit! with h ! tongue untruiti, with
bntl tttft in Uic uii'Uth hud --r ftppnif! fr bi w.'t -fiwt
? I'o on fn 1 v ht'ii jm tirsl frt.t lip e wr-nk
nn.J Iiintraid ynu urii .t'larcfly p'f v.bout ' I'" ymi
huvu m Ji.,iiif.sI in thf liuiij ii! tivnvs. uiifl otttn ft
dulnr, wilh hi'ii'lii'hf1 r.cj.iii.iiMil v Aru j'Hir
l'0.M;i eotivo and irn$nl:ir, uu i iipp''li;' h'tui; a
lit; f Ii ynu throw lip wiiid trt'.n ilii ft.i::iHf!. und
d'i youdi up otiii .' !'' tV-cI liU:- iilii-r
''Hiinj, fliid d sinking win u luo -tuiiuiuh i; rirpiv
Io you hnc huarit-uni oon'-i 'iittll v j't-i yiu I
low spirited, hi id h)k tin dru k -ido i nti '
Aro you nl uni'-uiiiiy ncr ' in ;it iiuif- t Jo v.u
not bteuir.u nth'. and ofn u l..y un'il,iM
beforo yuu can to flvt-p ? und ll"'U t linn-" di'ii't
ytm led dull atid sh't-py niut id iho tiin: '. your
ck in dry hud fconly '' nh'O wil'nw Jn short, Lt
your lito I' I'urthrn. full iiip-hodin ?
Vitl cuicevrn of hrtni;c ir Xrnmi. l'i bi'ity,
J-isoH(' of tn! kidii'?1:, and L'iaLiisvi urinij Iroiu
a difui JuTud tonmvh.
HofcuUiiig Hum sOivi'diTit of tho bi' btiyu '.'riuja
)uti)ii. Inward
rihw. I u!i"- -tr lil-Vnl
to tht? Jlcad, Aridity of tho ,St.
HjQcIi. ISauvi. H nrt ui n. Jiu.-t I'f
Food, rulm or Weight in tho Htiini'!i, Sorf
truotnlioii-. Sinkii f r I'lnHfrii;? nt the J'it f
ttiMHoh. .Mvinni.iiic id" tho iiond, II tiiri' d .tn 1 liiiTi
outt Ifrcaihini?, J-'lmieriu al thf !lMiri. Choking r
fcullocaniti; t'UMuiuii wln-i. in a Ivint; i"iup', 1 Mm
nosa of V'is'Kii. 1'otfi or Wells Vn'f.iio thu : tt , JVmt
and Uull l'uin hi tht Head. - Ik iviio of 1' irpii h
liun, i I'lh'W nrejt uf thf Hk'tn tind Ky:s, Puiu iu
tiio bid. ifHck, 'JliCii, l,inilj!t. ivc. Su-JJiju
I'lutfhistd" lirut. liurniii in tho Kkeh.
I'unsiant 1 miu-iuim.s of h i,
uui ei-fitt hi-pniuu
oi "SijiniL.
Thoro arc naiiy prtj iiniiion i undt'r tho tnnio
of J.itUTK, put up in fjiiiut lli-.ti.s. (infun'.i -I r-r
th chonpfsl wlii'koy or citHuon rnnt. tNitiii Ii-it.i
'JO to 4't edit pT ulloii, iLc tap it dfcui-cd ly A ....
ur t.'oriiiip'u-r St-t-d .
Thi. flu, of Ui:i. t hit c it us--1 rnd v ill c rrun;ta
to '.:l' a.- lotii; ih-y cm -id.. V'Ui'iri d- t tiio
i hi' don ih tf tho ilrunkitd y ih- ir ti, t - 'm
i- ho t c iiliiiu.'dly WW tH i.ll" r-i. of A!--".h-!i-i
Atiuitihuiisof t!:o -..-:L Kit. l. ih: dt.'S-.'- l..r i.i ji.i-r
tscrviiu-.l and kvti i.j . ju.d t!.r f-ul: i- u'.l tuout-tcnth-fit
upon ii tli uni-.jini'- iti: i
i'or thi -f v h. d'-iio m:d v ill lev i- .'i I.iou-'rTit
tvi:, vo j-ui'ii-h li.o i. Iio:- ; r-1 ip:. t'i-l T'
Jf ;k H'M'tltiiid t i rti'im i'.it- i ..i.'l iiii.v w it a
Tl.' o t'ii:ir:s.i' li.,.-."! l.iMi.d ''r ) i-kry. .m-i tid
fcMiit will hs ft tln.i wi,l ;.,r rv.t I iii
liU'di, !liiil ii'tui;t ai.J
uv -d ih-
all I .l'l
l..UltIOM- I.i'lUi.r Hi! t lit (ill
r.; mc ti ) Vvj iil h.r. j
li'so.iiiiHt c iSiiri'i in connvM-T v
Cf istiplul'. h! a liiOcll. 1 pii..-o
Ttiii r..
Hit tl:L'
HOOrLAND'a-i ;
V iii Give Y-ii
a o ') o ii a p i' i: t i r i: ,
Will giveyoa ifTKf'Nii III Al.TtlV MiitVf?
Will iivei'yeu L.Hl;; ASH rSEIlt-iETX'?
W.ll inubio you to H I I'.P VI I'M,, nn 1 will p-csit-.v-..
!y pr.-vo it
5't'trr, aiiiiiiUM l-Vvs-r, A.-.
Those sulli rin fioiti Erokeu down iin-i 1'elien'o
Constiuttie-ns. trotn wha'.ever ciasc, ei:lur iu !..i..
or Female, w ill I'm i iu
That will re-Uir? tlietn la tin ir u-o-il Ii.-nlt Ii. isaeh
::S lit'eti tlie C-1C 111 tilou.-.llli Js ul i,,l nli.'-'S, !li:ci il
tair trial is but re.niied lo piuve the asseitkii
ii.iTVT'ETvr b :a f-t ,
that uittki
And SOT intended u. u EEYLKAi'
Tho Proprietors have thousands of
fr-itn tl
most eminent f leruiiu, Lnwyeis,
Citizens. Ttsiifv inc ol ibeirown pe,s.
to the bi-neiiciul eiteuia and medical '
IMi .ii-iai.s und
-OKI i.nav. iede.
lllUCi ol 11. ico
I'lOmllev. J. Ncrtton Erov, n, IV II.. Editr,r of ;bo
Encyclopedia nf Iteliiotu' KnoiVie ls.0
Althniii'ii not ili-p.s-d tu tan-ror rci',.nnuen,l Pa
tent Medicines in ir ueral, t hroii'.-h di-.te-t of ;n,.-u
ingredients and elh t.--. I yet know of ri" ni.:'"iii.t
rensotis why a liitin may nol 1,-plu'y to tne ra-n. is N,
believ es hinueli lo licv e r 'c. i , , ,1 f , ,,,,, ;i.iy simpa,
prenaiatioii. in tin hope tni.t ht n ay lam cor.iiit uio
to the belli'lil of olllt-l.".
1 do thi tlie noire r"oii'v in re.rar.l i.. Iloorianir.
liiruiall liiUi li, J n-.ared t-V i'i. C. M .1.-. -,. , of
thi-ct'y, tiii'.-nii. I wa- iii iudi I ii,-,:!i '. ti.em f. r
j lu.iia Viiiii, undt-r tlie i.;.aessli.n uo-y were
- ei.ieily an Hieeiio.iie mi iiui . lam in my
I friend l.ui.ert .--beoniaU.-! . i-i-j., I'.,r t!.- removal of
! iiiis rcitiuieo I y pr,. . r ti o- mc :,.; , e"an,i.-r-1
uui.'. to try il.ei. . wli.u satii iin:: ni.iu -ri-ni and
ion-; ainiuued debility. '1 ne u-'-of tUieo buttles of
; tfeve Hitter-, lit tile beinnil er of tho f.n-.-o-nt year,
j win tidliiw..! .y t-vi-iet-l relii-t" an-l ia i.,iaion''l.i a
I d. -lee of !,..lil v and tnei.thl 1 1, i a l.ii b ll,a, not
1 lcll lor si muuilis la fore. an-l tin., .linnet ,le-s'ri'l
I i-1'res.-Binilli;. 1 laer' t.-le thai k Und Hli-4 111V i"l 1-nd
for difectint' to tiio use of Old.'
i J XEWT.'X El'.'iW V
j l'i.lludel-hia..Inao le, Is'.l.
j riseasts of Kiclniys und llluiUlt r,
I ii Yvuh-jur .!;.'. i. Xl' t'ufdt,
! Arespeeddy, and tho patitul 1 t.-...
I'l LIX Ali; i UlUiK) X.
siuli-l nnr floin Mtiiisviti, vv i-tii-- fi.i u
w nil s-'iiic
I V i n
ib-li or, tii-ir Lou... i.ris tot.. I in
ll v . ry -t,.-:t 'line . o n
SU..4 Citf
v.;i in
a n.osi -in . rising e'lee:.
PA Ii KNT'S bavini; -u'l .nr. e!,ii :..n w a'
uu-l w isiitu to i.tlse litem, will net er ie ret li.e
l.tey C"ll.ll.en.-e I W lll t In .-o li: llt-f .
1.1 l i lt VI! Y MEN. Ml'M ST- it. j, d. .
ii' bald mill Hit tr araius. M....i'l al.H' t, .
l ol l. 1,1 ll nnllll: I S llulo, .( ,., .
I'o,; inn. b tnrelit, fi.m ii. ,,v. t r,,
, th
i-jiiv. uiv lean a ,uv- anil l a si'.'Hi i-a.. .-
ll ! NuT A l.f't "It MlillL'i' no l I" v i at Ion
t,l.-i, Hlli.'S-w !
ANH 'lilt: I UILM' - if ."'I i'l I. Its
W e call ibe l.'t, i, .i.n, f ait h-
flli lid. lit ltt 1.1 luv tn III, ti.. 'it it
Iter III MM ll till is a ill I it If bine Ii I
iiina.-. Ii, c .-n , . au, ,. i
I It In lln, III. , i a'a
I.i a -liiel : ill ll.usllllit ,t lb .1
I o - d ' list a V i I V la J v I 1
Ill-Hit. V en. -I I. I' k .
I- I..I'
t I f
t .
. I I
1 It to
ill ll. II .
tll.g Lo.
.. I 4 1 I i
I It.- c
I V 11.. '. lurtiian t-ii -.
In . a. tun iu
use I I.,'
III! i l.lltl
I ee I . .
I i . I. n
I, i , ii Li i ii , ,
t it. t.ut I.
4 h i On
I . I
ii-ln 4 Oi.
..! I I , u. i . I.i
is .it a. n.l
i 'III kltil
i I I. . , ' a.,
i ii 1 1 1 1 I Uw. '
I. I
J ',
- s r
II. -ti
IkS 1
I knui tut to
1 I.) .n' J .,,. i .,4 ,.f
a I -1
w . "
to I I I
' ..i .1.
-.4 tl
I i - '
Mm. . -
I.I li
i al ii