Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 19, 1864, Image 3

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GTfjc 5unl)uti) amciican.
H. B. MASSER, Editor Proprietor.
'V si7iiirRT, PA.
SATURDAY, MA HUH 19, 1804.
'L ' ... - - - -- 1-
? rk Hn. N.te Turk, and I Rttm KtrMt.
iw. f,niiBfihi Pnaaear Awmiim i
In tho. cities, end ere utborired to lake Advert!-1
insnt and Subscription for ns at our towed rate.
3 Leonard Scott & Co., with their usu
al punctuality, have issued the American
reprint of the February tllar.kwood and the
January Edinburgh llevlcw. The former
contain a continuation of the story "Tony
Butler"; "The Royal Academy Reformed,"
giving a full account of the future manage
ment projected for this institution ; a rather
long but very interesting romance called
"Witch Hampton Hall, fivo scenes in tho
life of its last lady" ; the continuation of
tho "Chronicles of Ciirliiigfori!" ; 'A Ride
.through Sutherland," giving an account of
what is to be seen in tho "Northern Realms
of Caledon," and an elaborate review of
"Charles tho Hold," beginning with the
grumbling admission, "we think highly, but
not fery highly, of these two volumes of
ilr. Kirk." The Edinburgh opens with an
article on "Thenno-Pynnmics," which, lcing
interpreted would, in this connection mean
the characteristics of heat, especially as a
motive power. Xext comes "The Flavian
Cwsar and the Antonines," a review of
Charles Merivalo's "Momans under tho Em
pire," and the other contributions aro "The
Marquis de Dangeau and the Due dc Suint
Simon"; "The progress of India ;" "Milman
and Stanley on Jewitih History ;" Scottish
Religious Houses Abroad "Ireland ;" a
review of the latter volumes of Froude's
' History of England," "and "The Negro
Race of America." In this latter article the
author, after reviewing and giving the gist
of several recent publications and official
documents relating to the change brought
about by the war and the condition of the
negro, gives it as his opinion that it is "in
conceivable that slavery can ever be an cs
tablixhcd and supreme institution in the
southern states ; and unless utiiirenic, slavery
c.innnt exist.'
ILciral affairs.
t''l't'Buc SAta. Hills have been printed at this,
office for l public salo Ht tho residence of Charles,
(Lsler. in Lower Augusta tottuship. on tho 20th
lust. A large nmouut of personal property will be
i j. !
ryKRovii..JacobO. IJeck, merchant tailor, '
has lately moved into hit new shop on Eawn street.
south of Weaver f hotel, wbero l. will be found at
all tiiiKS, giving gi.-ntluinun ma in the way of coats,
pants And vests. Gentlemen doiirinx a pjod gar
ment will Hud that Mr. DitU's is the place lo Ret it.
Hi, new stock of tuoiincr good will be opeucd next
-- i
"yAlbert Hal: e. a member of the Nurthuiuber
land Company, who had lately re enlisted, died
, hortly after bin roturn to tho inn J, aud nu brought
home aud buried Init week.
,fMr. John Robbins, of ChilliMiuarjue, died at
the adrunet'd ago of 103 yeari. weik before hut. He
had eaten a benrty dinner, and was cut on hie farm
ehortlr before bo diud.
tyitev. C. A. RiTTR.'tHocsi, of the (lermnn Re.
RiTTR.'tHocsi, iT the He
f irmed Church at Turhutville. this county, hat been
etnmiioned and mustorvd into the service of the
L'nited Slates Chaplain of 7th liegiment Pa., vete
ran volunteer cavalry.
i'ir'Frsu'iin to 1)satii. On Saturday last a child
of Inailore A. Aicbor's. of this borough, aged about
four year, was eealded to death by falling into a
tub of hot wnter which its mother hud plncd upon
the ll'ior. Accidents to children from sc:il.!iiis and
burning are brooming quite frequent aud too much
care cannot bo taken by parents in keeping their
ehildren out of the way of harm from ucb accidents.
fy Fatal Accident. On Wednr(ay evening
lnit as Andrew Kerchncr of Lewis townrhip and a
man from Danville, wer walking un tho Philadcl-
I hia A Erie Railroad Iraek. the Catlawissa evening !
passenger train overtook them a short distance north
..f this borough, when Mr. Kerchner was struck by 1
the locomotive and so seriously injured that ho sur-'
t ived but a few hours after the aocij cut There ap-
pears to be a lingulur fatality conuected with this
Occident. Both hoard Ihe train, aud were remarking
to one another that it was about lime to step off the
track, when tho ono did so, but Mr. Kercbncr kept
on tho track until it resulted in tho aceident above
alluded to. Ho was curried lo the residence of Da.
sid Marr. Es-.i., where ho died in a few hours. H
was about Ml years of age Villoma.
'?"The Stockholders of Ihe Northern Central
Railway Company at their lute anneal election se
lected the following as Directors :
Jno. A. Wright, A. E. Kiipp, Edward C. Riddle.
Reiijaineu F. Newcomer, Thoe. H. Scott, Jacob P.
Jones, Win. Colder, George Small, Johu M. Ken
nedy, Heufy Wel.-h, Joseph 1). Polls and Vister
Morris. Th new Hoard of Directors then proceeded
(O sleek J. D. Cameron, President ; C. G. Miller,
Vice Preside) ; and Robert S. Ifollins, Sjcretary aud
Tha toUl receipts for the year ending December
31, JMI3. as reported by the Treasurer wore 2.
tirtl, IV ; ibe expenditures $1.0nn.eo7 41, yielding a
net revenue of 4to,il8 78. To rhow the aciuul earn
ings of the road theru should bo added to Ibe gross
eaiuings $lai.3tit II. due from Ibo lulled rHates
Government for business dnus the past year, but not
yet collected, which would make the net balance of
SU20,M0 M, ofwbirh has been applie. to the pay.
men I of interest on funded debt tf.'un 2oU ; instal
ments for (bo rear on siuking fuund fX,GIO ; exoess
of surplus on baud 1 15,iju ti ,
tyThoLoehiel Kolliug Mill Company near liar
risburg advertise for proposals for erecting fifty dwel
ling bouses. YYaUu learn'thal a coui(liuy of eapl.
tsl'ists iuUud oreeliug a block of dwulliugs i'u feet
lu length, iu lha tieuiily of Ihe Round House, ths
"Ksssatu Aisrs l!y diOrrenl nations
every day in ths week is sol art for public worship;
huuday y C'ltfistlans; Muuday by Ibo Greeks;
Tuesday by Ijio farshuM ; WsdutsUay by Ibo Assy,
nans; Thursday by lha Egyptians; Friday by the
Turks ; Halurday by the Jews. Add U ibis lbs sliur
aJ revululions, and il is pnarcal IbsA t.rvry mo.
teat if Kvnday somewbvro.
baSit l'S T''is diseaso bos sausad OuueidsfeUa
aisrsa la skis svunly, sod sj aoitaaMiumiee, but litUo
business was dusis In svart, wbtcli soOiSuauKsd
last Mnudsy ami aJjounisd oa Isatdsy. Tbo Jury
trials bale all botti aouiiasoj, end tbo sriiuinal
sues fim-ni uiilll fcest sassiua. Cuurl oill bo
teld wa AluiMlsji fur wsa aa Ibo argituarul lil.
J'i" Kiss - Tbo bso Mupt4 by D l.swis.
la Maikst street, aas duooteod U la ea tie ua
Ikais-Uy ht, aUut am Tb lit, U is mu asad,
as ssused by lb shildisa flsia aitb atvisa la
sou tbo pe mass tbadaa tu Us aildi
as , as srssorr is!.,, it i
' t i ' -' '.u j, I .1 . 1 1 ft w
filter from h Banbury tUaarl.
FraxxU La., March 2d, 18(14.
Dear WilvsrT,
' Kive cornpetiiM of the 4?th P. V., left
Key Wilt, Flu., on Thursday. Feb. 83th, on
board the U. S. Transport Vnarlt Thomat,
en touts for New Orleans. TliU iteamer, at
conveyance for troops, needs a first rate
vvjf. but as I am not In Act buaincaa, I will
merely say sue is a nrsi ciaas propeuor, duiii
in Philadelphia., and lik everything from
that City, not to lie excelled, and, in our
opinion, is the best transport now in the use
of the Government. After a very pleasant
passage we made New Orleans on the fol
lowing Sunday, and iu the aftertpon of that
dayjdisembarkcd at Algiers, a small village
opposite the city. Algiers is to New Orleans
what Camden is to Philadelphia, in some
respects, vir. : used for storage of goods,
some manufacturing, and a place where me
chanics, clerks and laborers can obtain
houses at cheap rents. As we did not stop
at New Orleans, 1 cannot give yon, of my
own knowledge, an account of that city, but
from the description given by some of the
bovs who were over, (trotting there by dodg
ing the guard.) I should say the morals of
thut (. resccnt city were in a very una state.
They tell me the Theatre, Circus, Varieties
and other places of .tnvncmont were opo it.
Cock fighting going on, ColTee Houses and
drinking shops were open, and business
driven on in a stylo as though the Sabbath
was unknown, or had been forgotten, thus
showing the character of some of the South
ern Chivalry, and Jeff. Davis, in particular,
after making so mauy proclamations for
Thanksgiving, and proving them to be
most consummate linrs and hypocrite'.
From the mouth of tho "Mississippi to
New Orleans, on cither side of the river, i3
tin; prettiest and most level land I ever saw.
Asfnros the eyes can reach it is one vast
plain, spotted with mansions, sugar facto
ries and uegro huts. Orange groves ore
neatly arranged on every plantation, and
cedar trees are in abundance, the former
(.peach) iieing in full blossom, which added
a great, deal to the beauty of the scene ns
we passed up the river. How n set of peo
ple could be dissatisfied enjoying, as they
did, so many blessings, large and rich estates,
having no wish or want ungratificd, and liv
ing under the best government ever framed.
I could not understand, but thought they linvn liimii liiwBr.auor I nt Ilia 1.1-1I nnii 1
, . .1 """"V. , ,; I
ur viKt'i mc iij iijLTiiiir tin iu 11119 rrun nni :
was a curse sent upon them for their pride
and worshipping of mammon. i
Just as thff steamer was rounding to, pre
paratory to our landing at Algiers, a fatal
accident happened to a member of company j
K. He was sitting in otic of the side hatches 1
of the boat, lost his balnncc uud before n
boat could get to him, either from the steam- j
er or shore, he was drowned. No one saw i
him fall, nnd it was only known, by seeing i
him come up astern of the boat, that a "man :
was overboard." His cap was found; on j
the vizier was "F. K.," by which means it :
was discovered the missing man was Frede- ;
rick Kochlcr, u citizen of ihigh county and '
u member of Company IC, Cupt. Abbott. J
Knowing the Miii!pi to be the "Fath-'
cr ot waters," I was surprised when I louud
that it was at no point we passed, new as
wide as the Hmqmhanna , ut Sunbury. but
tlK" whttt 8 lost ' wullU ls nmdu 11 1' ln
i tti'ptn, tor j was assure i uy mosc poswu,
, that no place in the cliumu-l is the water
' less than one hundred feet deep. The river
is as crooked as it U deep, mid to run up
its windings takes one of the most experi
enced pilots. At one turn of the river the
distance made running it was over ten miles,
while by un air line ontt could have reached
it by less than three miles.
On Monduy, Feb. 29, after being muster
ed for pay, wu again made a forward move
ment by taking the cars on the U. S. Mili
tary railroad ibr Hreashetir city, where we
arrived that afternoon, having travelled a
distance of niuety miles. This road was
formerly called (when in possession of the
rebs.) the. New Orleans, Oppelusas a
Great 'Western railroad, but I'nclu Samuel
tHkinrr ,.in r,ll,..l it he , .. for !
which it is used, nnaslirarlsa small i.lncc- I
,.,:.,: . i,;... l. ... . i ..... I
lar'e ilupot. it lies on tlio .St. Marv's river.
j The town derives its name from Muilame
Hreaslicar, widow of a defeased Frenchman.
Madame is now enjoying herself in I'aris.
Before she lelt the country felie bestowed on
the Confederacy property amounting to
something like three million of dollars, but
as our Government lias possession of it,
there is no doubt it will be confiscated, nnd
the proceeds obtained from the sale will be
used for a better purpose l ban if it was in
the bauds of Jeff. Davis' Secretary of the
! treasury, 1 lie country trout JSew Orleans;
to lireasliear is as pretty nnd level ns that j
, on the river, and only differs from it in j
,,f tin. niilrimil .! tl.,t rliiv.:.e ,1,..,,,.
swamps, sugar nulls are plenty on the line
I saw laroe quantities of sugar put up in
barrel and hogsheads ready "to be sent to
market. This sugar was raised and tirenar-
; ed Ivy the lubor ot freed nesroes. under the
I.. 1 -A1 1 T .1.-
plan ns laid down by Gen. Hanks. The
; BWHtnps along our line ot travel contained
, any quantity of reptiles, and the boys had a
1 great dual of fun ill watching for and shoot-
! ur 111 Alligators,
W'e t-toptied nt Breashear merely long
j enough to get our arms, stores, Sir., from
the cars and putting them on a steamer,
when we again started on our inarch (per
! steamer) for Franklin, where we arrived
about midnight, stopped on the boat that
night, exposed to a hard rain, by which our
blankets und clothes were completely soak
ed, and in the morning disembarked, par
took of a "hasty" cup of coffee, and then
' marched to camp where we are nicely quar
tered, live and MX in small A tents. I have
not been through the town of Franklin yet,
so 1 cannot tell you much about it, only
from the distance it appears to be a nice
little town, situated ou a river navigable fur
a good sized steamer.
The troops hero are all under marching
orders, expecting toon to udvance on the
enemy. The balunce of our regiment will
be here in a few days, when we will bu
reudy to join in the fray, in which the boys
will delight ill using their Springfield ritles
on the relit.
In coming on the car we passed a num
ber of colored troops on duty, and at one
point wa saw a reo prisoner trying to es
cape, followed by two negroes in pursuit.
The darkies called for him to stop ; Mr.
ltcb, did not heed their bail, so, bang went
a musket, the load tuking effect in lha tit
ting part of the escaping man, which
brought him to, and that tame evening he
was brought before the 1'rovobl Marshal, who
ordered hiui in confinement.
The boys are all well ami in excellent
sp'uils. I'leaM; remember me to all in the of
ficii, friend generally, and for yourself be
lieve me, as vv'tr,
Your FriiU-rually, II. I). W,
Tb kbvrssssttt t:tM-tllllai,
iVtom ths New Orloatu) Delia, slaseh 1
Front Adjutant A. U. Phillips, of lha 8.M
O. V, 1 , who arrived yeaterday from Vkkt
hurg, kui who was with lha bl.ermau epo
diilou, wa Lava obtained, soma iuurcttfug
details of that faiuoua raid i
The .pediiloii (onaUted of lit lQih au4
1 ? i b Army Corps, under Ounrrals Hurlbul
aud Mcfhoraou. It oouUiiwd Kl, 000 infan
try, l.'ilOtl ravalrr, and aUul UU pUcvo of
artillery, w ith train nf DWt wa.m. The
ikh1iii.iu Kfi kksburn oa lha Jl of FuU
rtt4r kth Iwealy days' falhrna. Tlia iti
I know aothinf of tht-yVjoct ul lhatsputlitiiMi.
, Tbey tbilinUhod as lib tbo auaiuy Mt lha 4 la
em Cn ,n I hi Hi' ' tlm it ti. tha Stir
b; rl u.l i 1 i.. . I "it I ' A f t i j ,
.1 .
cavalry ai Bear Creek, six mile west of
Clinton, and a light begun at suurise.
Tho rebels had 1,200 cavalry and four
piecea of artillery. Tho enemy was driven
twenty-three miles. Tho brigado lost thirty
killed and wounded. The rebels reported
that the enemy lost ISO killed and wound
ed. After driving the enemy twenty-three
milesfour forces marched ten (nlles in lino
of battlo, and occupied Jackson, Miss., on
the night of the 6th. The enemy was driv
en across Pearl river and the pontoons se
cured. Alter that fight there was nothing
but cavalry skirmishing during the rest of
tho route.
On the march from Jackson to Meridian
the railroad was destroyed to auch nn extent
that months will be required to rebuild it.
Tics and rails were piled up together, and,
as the ties burned, ttie rails, being heated,
would bend to as to be reudercd worth
less. .
The entire country through which the ex
pedition passed w as desolated, scarcely a
vestige of a house, barn or fence being left
behind. Brigado cnuimnuders were instruct
ed to burn ull unoccupied houses, but the
soldiers wore not very particular whether the
houses were occupied or not.
At Morton, about thirtv-six miles from
Jackson, Loring's nnd French's divisions of
Folk's Corps were in line of battle for two
days, but on the approach of our advance
they retreated. They claimed that they were
ordered to Mobile to defend that city from
an anticipated attack. One hundred and
fifty rebel soldiers were captured at Mor
ton. At Decntur tho supplies train of the 10th
Army Corps was attacked by some of Adam's
cavalry, and SO mulct shot. Two rebels
were killed.
Tho report that tho expedition was op
posed at Chunky river is untrue; Our forces
reached Meridian (which is ISO miles from
Yifkshurg nnd 135 miles from Mobile) on
the ICth of February. Folk evacuated the
place half an hour before our advance arriv
ed. Meridian is the junction of the Mobile and
Ohio and the Jackson and Charleston rnil-
i roads. It is n placo of only 800 or 400
inhabitants. Sherman remained there live
days. ;
All tl'.p supplies necessary for tho army
: were obtained except bread. Mills were put
: .....: ..i... ...... ,...,.i . . I,..
1 . . .
troops. In this manner three days meal
rations were obtained, tor four days the
troops lived on parched corn, ns a bread ra
tion. The best kind of ham and shoulders
were obtained there in large quantities.
At Meridan the Ifith Army Corps were
ordered to destroy the railroad north nnd
eact, nnd l?th Army Corps west and south,
which they did most effectually.
Ocnern'. .Sherman issued a congratulatory
criier to the troops before leaving Meridian,
in which he said the object of the expedi
tion (the destruction of the railroads, was
most effectually accomplished.
In returning, the troops canto back ns fur
ns Hillsborough, fifty-six miles, on the route
they went down on, nnd then struck off to
the right in the direction of Canton. They
crowd the river at KodelifTs Ferry, twelve
miles east of Canton. At Canton the troops
waited four tfays to hear from Smith's cav
alry expedition, which expected to join
Hhermnn at Meridian, but failed to do an.
It was reported at Canton that Smith had
lost two thousand men and all his artillery.
Tlterc vas much anxiety felt with regard to
lil in. General Sherman left the forces at
Canton on the 27th for Vicksburg, where he
arrived on tho 28th, and sailed the same
evening for Xew Orleans. The expedition
was then in command of Mujor-Ccucral
After remaining nt Canton four days the
troops left for Vicksburg. The rear guard
was attacked at Canton by the rebels, were
driven oil by cavalry. The rear was harass
ed until it crossed the Bochcta creek, 2!J
miles from Black river. The expedition
I reached Vicksburg on the 4th of March,
F"-'ul ,r"l'l,':V- "l"' 1 . ' iv ",u,lh .'",ul
a ua.. .... l. nn i... . i. ..i
"-v UtS-n t . 7 Z" '.f
Cl's, 2.i0 ol whom will take the oatli and
come North ; 0,000 blacks, of whom POO
will be Hdded to the. force at Vicksburg;
500 enptured horses and mules; two pieces
of artillery, and 000 white refugees.
The people whom the troops saw on the
route expressed themselves tired of the war,
aud expressed the wish that it was over.
They made no expression of preference for
the Union or the Confederacy.
The soldiers have every confidence in
Sherman, and like his plan of making war,
which is to '"hurt the enemy."
The expedition from Vicksburg up the
Ked Uiver to Alexandria has been abandoned
tor the present.
InleresHlnar from WuliincrtoH.
I Washington, March 13, 18U4. .
j The Ways nnd Means Committee have
i had several long sessions over the returned
. I Ml l--il t -. .
rax out, ana win Himi- numi oi ine recom
mendations of the convention of Assessors,
with a view to the better collection of the
revenue and increase of the collections.
Diacussious and reasons for voting wasted
the afternoon in the House, and a vote ou
the gold bill was not reached. Had it been
no one could have foretold with a certainty
the result, as the House is uearly evenly bal
anced. There are tl'teen men still classed
as doubtful.
General W. Smith, Vnown as 'Biddy,"
was nominated for a Major-Geueral in the
Regular Army, to-day, by the rrenident, and
his name sent to the Semite.
It is reported that the sudden departure of
Lieut.-Coloncl Sanderson to-night indicates
Ins residence in fort Warren lor the pres
ent. Mutes for printing tho new five per cent,
bonds are nearby ready, and the (Secretary
will probuly be ready to commence their
sale by the middle of April.
The navy Department lnu received offi
cial information of tne following captures:
On February 23th, the United States
barque. JMitict intercepted in Indian River,
abrcaat of Fort t 'apron, the British sloop
Tiro JJrotluri, from Naaaau, bound to Dixie,
and taken, Vitu four bags of salt, one keg
liquor, lour boxes of ilry goods, aud one
keg ol nails. On the 27lh she captured, at
Ihe tame placo, the British Sloop Nina,
from Naasau, bound to Hand 1'oint nnd
laden with liquors, coffee, and boxes of
sundries. On the 20th she raptured the
schooner 7iV7, with a cargo of liquors, salt,
sundries, aud one bale of cotton. On
March 1st she captured the British
Schooner Lavrttli, laden with fifty-two
bag ot talt, two mile from the entrance
of Indian Uiver. These prize were all scut
to Key West for adjudication.
The city of Philadelphia ha now paid
out 15,410,730 in bounties to volunteers.
During IVbruury 8.5UJ rvcruita wire ob
tained in the city.
I ! I
Millinery attd Huaw Uuudsovory variety-.
pae4 aat, at 11. Ward s. M4 adtsrtiseaiMil
. ar. iisotta, aoioso astM
ttontamryt .rlaisMMirlsia4 '., It.
tbstt sWioisasI fssunsj to Ibo bM I'ul
Uvilua awi ail wb psufewii aal baiiass aaiiuaiad
la tbesa, will reeii (nijaipi aiuatiua
Ala, Milliais tlsiuM will ts iuIImUmI, eVk
lWBiy, (losb Peosiuas. A . At.
t.-k SM lb Ossutaa LJi.
o. lieitsl-si !, i iv fio'k-tisisrs't
I.IT r I.DTTDItN, tt-aaiuint; In the
1'ortOD'ioc, Banbury, Pa., up to Maron 4, 1351
Ilia Ttnbesea Moure, ' Miss Hatf,
Mary Wilier, " Mnrr Heed,
" tteuoy Kuter, , " Liudia llarrimtt,
' Margaret ltroolte, 11 Kliiabrth Klster,
' Kftlior Arnold, " Scomelia liauae,
" Catharine Uibiem. " Kmellne (iinriok,
: 11 Mary Nithamar, J . " (tusan MMg,
Mrs. Susan Boyer, Mrs. Barah J. 6aiith.
Philip Uoekseno,
Hobfrt Keaible,
llenrr Ouliuk,
M. U.Frlok,
Am merman,
Batnael K. Williams,
John C"Kn,
R. L. Hhute.
Cbrtitian Martin,
Villinm Gase,
J. J. Lawrence, Sup't
John It. Miller,
co. W. Haucb,
P. Nerllia,
Peter Shafler,
Inaao Kerns,
Tbos. Krami-r,
John Levi,
John Cain,
Jefferson Liner.
Iter. II. li. W. Uibibmtn,
Chns. Minard,
James Ulonn, 2
John Moore.
Theodore Viokers,
W. II. Knoum,
Call, (Merchant;.
One cent additional will be charged on all letters
Tenons calling for letters on tho aboT lint, will
please say thev axe advertised.
U.M. RESN, P. M.
March 12, ISM.
VAI.l AlII.i: TOH.Ii
WILL ho offered, at PtiblioSale.on the premises,
on FRIDAY, MARCH lit, 1864, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., a large number of
situate.) at tho LEWISDt'RQ DEPOT, Chillirqna
qtte towiwhip, Northumberland oounty, Ta.
The Location is all that could be desired for pub
lic business or private residences, being surrounded
hy a fanning and grain growing country. In tho
neighboring hills aro found iron or of a superior
quality in abundance ; thus giving its advantages
that few of the neighboring towns possess, and era
long is drstinod to bocome one of the most populnr
and nourishing villages in tho West P ranch Valley.
'J he lots are 60 feet in front by 17J deep. A space
of 10 feet wide will be reserved iu front fur pave
incnti and side walks. If not sold previously, at
private salo, they will be efTcrcd at publio sale on
the day above mentioned. Terms easy. For further
iuforaiatiou, call on or address the subscriber.
Cumernnin P. 0., North 'd. Co . Pa., March 12, "M.
howkix &. uotitiii:.
Manufacturers of
Ami Window Cnrtnln lnprs.
Cor. 4th., and Markot Etrcets, PHILADELPHIA.
N. 11. A fine stock of LINEN SIIAI'ES constant
ly on hand.
February 27. 1864. 3mw
rPIIE first quarter of twelve weeks will open on
I the first Monduy after adjournment of March
Terms Tin QrAicrr.R :
Fur Reading. Writing, Arithmetic, Geography,
English Urammar. $4 00
Algebra. Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and
ecology, or any of the languages, f 5 00
Higher, Mathematics, (including all or any of
almvei $0 0ft
French. German, Latin and Greek, or any one
of them lu addition to above, $7 00
Tuition pnvable half quarterly in advance.
No deduction for lost tune.
linily records are kept of the merit and demerit of
each student the former denoting the excellencies
of each in recitation aud doportmont, tho latter the
deficiencies and delinquencies copies nf which will
be scut tv the parents or guardians at the cud of each
For particulars apply lo the principal.
Kr.riniKNCEs : r
J. .T. Tteiincnsnyder, Sunbury.
Prof. Win. Neniling. Selins-iiroTC,
Prof. G. It. Jlli. Lewisburg.
E. P. RUIIUACII, Principal.
Punhury, Feb. I), lt04.
ALL persons indebted to tho firm of FRILIN'G
A li KANT, will please call and settle their ac-
cuaut and save costs, as they desire to closo up their
bu.-iliCMl shortly.
All accounts not settled by the first of April next,
will be placed iu thchaudsof a.lustice for collection.
Stinburv, March S. IWil. 4t
I'onrili A Arch St., I'liilmlelpliln.
let) hs. SI. Fancy SILKS. 60 pes. India Pilj)-. (I.
190 " Good liluck Ordered Plain,
Drown MLh:, fi, o, 4, il, .', 1 per yard.
lllack " 5. 4. S, 2, 1, per yard.
Moire Antiques, all colors.
Magnificent Greuudincs,
Magnificent Organdies.
Richest Cbintses and Percales. Spring SUAlVLf.
New Household STAPLE GOODS. -X.
R. General assorUneut of Mens' Wear.
March , 1S04 Suiw
GKoIIGE 1111.1, Sivics P. YYolvemtos.
Attorney! iiimI Ceiiiiselors al I.avr.
Office. Market street, cor. Centre Alley,
"It TILL attend proinptley to Ihe collection of claims
and all othur proftBMouul business intrusted to
their eare in Northumberland aud adjoining eouulies.
Sunbury. Jniiuury 2.'t, IHB2.
Nioirr!.tii;v! ii:ir.
1ST received a new slock of Fishinc Tackle for
Serin? sales, consisting of Roils, Reels. Lines.
ii... ...... u.. lin.i. v.u I'li..- i.:a.ui ii..:. l.ii.iHi tint llrnwM iliiiI ltmiks. In whii.ti 1I1M !
attention of doalcrs is particularly requested.
Orders. Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled
and sutikfuction vrurrantcd.
3nd nnd Wnlnut streets, Philadelphia.
February 27, INU. liin
For ltftj,91l-r, ltaehea,Aiil, fled
llMKH, violins In Flirts, WoolvMK.ikr.,
Iiikt-rlw ou IMnntk, Fon la, Anltuitla,
1'iit up in 2jc, SOe. aud f 1 00 Boies, Mottles and
Flasks. U and f o sites for Hotels, 1'ublio lustiiu
lions, Ae.
"Only iufallible remedies known."
'Free from Foisons."
'.Vol daniterous lo tho Human Family,"
"Hats evnio out of tbeir bole to die.
Sold Wholesale in all larire cities.
Kld by all druiiiutt and Retailers every here
! ! ! llKWAaa ! ! T of all aorlhlcas imiuiious.
Ke thai "Cuetar ''' uaiuo u ou each lioa, Itotlls
tad Flask, before yoa buy.
Addiew m:y it v 11. -hi i.
Friucipal liepol iai Uroadwa.y. New Voik.
I"? Sold by all Wholesale tad UcUil UrujruuU lu
eunbury. I'a.
Feb. UO, IS64. but
lesSJ l. " I OI.
IIiUwUI1iIu'V I'l l Itullroaid.
f lAJIIl great lino Iraseraea lb NorlberaanJ Vrlb
I eat c.hi uliii of Feunsylranl lo lb eily of trie
4.u Lake Erie.
Il bas bswa leased by Ihs FsrosyUsula Railroad
Couipany, aad under neir auapioe is biu rapidly
opeuad Ibruugboui lis uutiro leulh "
Jt is now in uso lor Faaaengu and Frelghl busiuees
fruia Jlarriaburf lo Euiporiuut (1st anlusi ua Ih
F.asiera I'lvisxo. aud bbttteld la Erie, (Id
Utile I oa Ibo Mesiera Imisiua.
yiaa or riunuis ii f seatear.
A'UW i,'lM'rf. I LsM WftUMlJ
Hail Train, a .1 A M Mail Traia, tuf.ll.
.sites Traia, II It P il fciufos Tiala, f 0 A. J4
Cars tau lbruub wilkoul ekaug, bulb ways, oa
thas Iraiu belweea Philadelphia aad Luck llalea,
and belaeea llalliaiuie and Losk Uayoa
t.legaul alesi'iu- I sis oa I'.xyi'm Train bulb
ss boiwawa illiwustMiri aad llalUuKaa, aa4
W illlsauuwl and t'blla4elbi.
fut Isilusaaalkia lHMlias faaaeagef busiaas
.ly al lb a. k. fur I lib el ilMbet U.
Aud ireigbl btssUMHsof lbs I'wul n s Agsols,
a V kintuw, ,i, Cms IJik at.4 Msibat a ,
J W . lis. Isold, tiia
H 1'iiil, i,isiS I' K B . Uliitooi
II II lloisiua,
Osa I rrtl.kl tgt pbilaJ
Liais I. Hut M.
im.I TUMAil.FkUsda
Jassra t fetts,
" I .,,,., WtllUsve)!
WliuleNiile Isrsifg and CIiPHi-nt
AV nre Iioiisjc?.
No. 737 Vwkot Bu-set, PHILADELPHIA.
TIIK subscribers keep conttantlron hand a larg
stock of Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals, Fharma
ccntical Preparations and every other artiole whick
appertains to the business, embracing tho most e
tciitiro variety also, PAINTS, OILS and QLASd
of every desoriptinn.
All artioles purohased from nt oan be rolled on a
being of the roust superior quality and at as low
prices as they en bs bad. Wo osn offer sneh In
ducements as will make it tho Interest of the par
abaters to lav in their lunnlies from us. and ive as
their future patronago and invito all, who viidt tho j
it, vi nii HV mil rsiituitfuuivut. i i unini n'l-
th essed to ns by mail or otherwise will meet with
prompt attention.
737 Market Street, Philadelphia.
February 8, 1804. Sin
Instruments fur all deformities.
'o'sr Iovcr '1'rssnsi
hss taken tho piece of other Trusses for the retention
and cure of Hernia or Ruptnre. Acting npon tho
principle of a luver, it never loses its strength. If is
coated to prevent rust. It has no pad on tho hack,
which is so liable to injure tho spino and annoy and
ehnfe the wearer, ft is sure lo retain the Rupture,
giving ease and comfort, and effecting radical cures.
It is warrcnteil to ffive "nthfnction.
Tho improved Shoulder-Brace expands tho chest
and prevents the wearer from becoming round
Ladies' Units and Abdominal Supporters. Hand-
sires, and Pelts of all kinds, aud instruments for all j
llefnrniilii-s of the Uodv.
lilt. UROVER S Office Is No. 4 Acn Street, two j
uiHirs from lironilivay, .New lork.
htrnngen should particularly nolo the naa. and
' April 11, ISM-
IVntt'li linker and Jeweler, !
No. 148 North Second St.. Corner Quarrv, PHI LA- '
I I nd Silver ritent Lever, Lepine and Plain 1
.i na'ui'H , r inu viinu v umiip, oenis miu aov". xirciisi
l'ins. Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Eraeelets, Miniaturo
Cases. Medallions. Lockets, Pencils. Thimbles, Spec
tacles. Silver Table. Iicsert, Tea, Salt and Mutard
Spoons; Sugar SjJoons, Cups. Napkin Rings. Fruit
and Hutter Knives. Shields, Combs. IMamond Point
ed Pens.rte.. all of which will be mid low tbr Cash !
M. I. TOBIAS A CO S best quality full jeweled
Patent Lever Movements constantly on hand ; also
other Makersof superior quality.
N. II. Old Gold and Silver bought for cash.
Sept i, lSihJ ly w
I. Honrliaeh & o. si
Get the Rest Get tho Cbcapets Get tho most Eco
nomical, which can bo had olttic Knhrbach Foundry.
Having a largo assortment of the most approved
STOVES, such us Cooking, Parlor, Office and Shop
Stoves, w hich will be sold nt tho lowest rates. Also,
Kettles of all sites. Pans. Skillet. Ac
They are also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs,
CastinKS, Ac, at i-nort uoliee.
Repairing all kind of Agricultural Implements
done in n good workmanlike mauner and at the
shortest notice.
All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect
fully solicited aud promptly attended to.
t'c'Old Iron, and ull kinds of Produce taken in
Excbitnge fur work.
Kunbury. Oct. 3, 13. tf ch fmylS
TE offer lo Dealers, Coachmakers and House
Painters, at Ihe very low est nett rash nrices
the best Coach and Cabinet Varnishes ; Pure Whilo
Lead; Frunch and American Zincs; Chroiuo Greens,
nnd Yellows, Drop and Ivory blacks, and a full as
sortment of ull the nner Colors such as Vcrmillions,
bakes, Tube Colors Ac, also. Paint und Varnish
Hru.-hcs, nf tho best make. Glnsicr'a Dinmouils and
Points; Paint MitU; single and double thick Glass,
of all descriptions and all Materials used by House
and Coach Painters which we can sell as cheap, if
not cheaper, than any other house, from tho fuct
that we keep down our exprutcs by conducting our
business personally.
Mr. R.u . one of the firm for ninny years munu
fiictured the Varnishes, sold by the Inte'C. Schrnck.
Ve feci confident thut our Viirni-hen, are equul, if
not superior, to any manufactured in this Country.
Wo warriint them to (live entire salinfaclion, and if
not us represented, the money will be refunded. Givo
us ii cull before purchasing clsewheic. A lihvrul
discount made to tho trade
N'r. 156 A 138 North Fourth Street, comer Cherry,
Philadelphia. ,
Oet. 10, 1R6.L m
HAtCI.OtV'S 1.1K.4 III. I K.
IVnlers and Consumers of the above. Celebrated
M ush Ulue, will please tuku notice, ibe Labels
are altered to rend
Alfr.-d 1 1 1 1 lirrjf th
sni'ti STOUE,
Xo. 2.1J North fFX'OND Hlrect, I'll I LA I KI. I'll 1 A
The quality of this liluo will be the same iu every
respect .
It is warranted to eolor lunrc water than tw ice the
same quantity of Indigo, aud to go uiueii further
than auy othor Wash blue in the market. It dis
solves iertectly clear and does not settle on the
clothes ns most of the oilier makes do. Ono llox dis
solved in half bint of water, will make as good a
Liquid liluo as any thut is made, at one third ibe
As it is retailed at the same price as Ihe Imitations
and Inferior urtkles. housi keeiers will nud it cry
much lo tlicir adianlag lo ask lor that put up ul
Wiltiieimii k
Cjr All blue put upnfter this date w ith It.tHi.ow 'a
uame nn it is au lmiiaiion.
Tin- New Lable dues not require a ."lump.
For rule by riorrkeepers geuerally.
Feb. l.'l, lil. dunr
iiiiri:ie, i.. litis, tii.lou a
rpllE higrt market price ill be paid in Cash fur
X Lutler, Lard, Tallow, Fjilpi and Walnuts, by
J. I. KF.Uhi;.
diticral Couiatisnion jli.reliunt,
'ol Callowhill Street, 1 'hiladcljiLia.
Junuaty 30, 18141
?S I ttlRW IM'.lt 1('I If .
COMPANY waul an Aireul in oouulv. to solicit
orders for their new 015 Machine, with guage,
screw-driver and eilra needles We will imv a li
teral salary and expenses, or give largo couiuibiou
aror paiiK-ui., . , ..uu.p.aua
Ktb, 13, 64 2m Uea'l Agant fur thu I . Stnta
riHK suhsurlher respectfully iufortiis her friends
1 and ths public, that she has ion opined. lu
doors west of Ihe 1'o.t OBioe, a SEW TOCIv I K
i AM I UOOHM, Rir la.Hi and geullruieu, useful
aud ornaiaeutal,eousistlugin part of
Ladles' TrlwuiiuKS, Mlalionery.
Zel hvs, tlUnk IWks,
( iiilim and other Thread. I'isile.
llindiiigs, Meniorauduuis tx.kl
llilihoos. Imlls. lots,
'J rat aliug bags. Inks. (-Isles.
ToikclUouks, Games tir Children.,
and a voiielof other arlieles. all of a bleb bat 0
kreuselaetxf allk ear Kill tie Id al reas-ilia.
Uepik'es. AN.NA I'Al.Ml.ll.
PuliLury, llel 10,113 1
l'ashi T KtKT. il'usairill X Tv )
J W . rH't'TiiH ., Ik aiUalkia
Ihslt liUud Ui Ibeif large aad rapib Muck u
'ia CLOAKH aad I I lis,
aniiallelssl la any bxawr snana
lbs lnf eased aseviuatedatiua sVidd I oar a
lucaikt, auables a ledsiuls lit lulls kllsallwa
I oaf
I 'air I kr Mt r Our nt
akkk alll ba tooad asll faiukks.! aiik f ds.
SIU I.. .
w inws m sums iw s . m mtwm w in wm auaiaa'
1J u sitfull. us ILm hm. Mill k i.
uMIjI ha aisil a 111 ks (aivkllo atUaded a
ad 4sIm4. Ksitssa kigs raid, aad d-siaa
las4 f UN tasllss.
J W Pkisf 1iK A V
k. M rktsaul ttirt, I kilsdetsbla I, MJ - if
full line of
Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bngs.
Stone and Eartitcnttare.
Vooil nnd Willow Wuro.
Ilur Iron and Steel,
Kails nnd Spikes,
Drugs, IVnits and Oils,
Window Sash and Grindstones,
Ticks and Mason Hammers,
Coarse and Fine Salt,
Fish, Meat, Cheese,
Ac, &C, &c,
All Kinds ot Goods,
cheup for cash
Couutry Produce,
can be found nt tho
N. U. All Goods warranted
As represented.
Sunbury, Oct., 10th, 19G3.
Mark Glossy fcilks,
4 4 Mack C'ahliineri's;
Super Ulut'k Mohuira,
Fine Blai-k Alpuccas,
Mark und Purple Ocluin,
Wliite and Mat-k Figured Delaines,
Mack Crepe Ma ret.
Lupins Jilack all wool Delaines,
Mack Silk Ueref,'es,
Good Mack Dvbvgu,
l'l.iin Mack Oinprams,
riain Mack Calicoi-s,
Neat Fijrurrd Mack Ciilicms,
Fine Mack Sack Flannels,
Mack Love Veils,
Joiiviii Mack Kid Gloves,
Muck Silk Gauntlpttt,
Mack Glow in Variety,
Fine Mourning Handkerchiefs,
Muck cotton und wool Hosiery,
Mack Thibet and Wool Sha'.vU,
Ac, iVc, Arc,
A nice line of the abuve good now
open nnd for Kale at low pi ices.
Sunbury, October 31st, 1G3.
a a i x v.y mo -N o v n . v it t: n 1 ; ic i c
liU0V '6 StW
! 'The thiwhwy for which tbo Ktruwue-Oi!
tifhi puHic hnve mloiiff been iu nciJ, bocauio
! 1 It ".TAMS rillE!' Turn up tbu hw till
I ii iwuci intiu tbe Ittp ut' tho cbiiuni'v. mit keep it
' up UK lullg Ui VOU plotuK TUE tfLAHk iM Uttk A K !
! 'Jrv it.
I 1 It line nut Loronic Mack or diflkfiiraJ houil
; the lump HfciJciitHHy nnku. Is -boricr than j
cttinuii'ii chhnucy It litthlo lu hociUuhi and mure
convciiiciit fur cttrrvtnir nltout ihhouo,
a. It It nut eH-lly mUvu-1 by iuii'u rhiiniccc ot
tiuptTHtiirv : go nut ot'dtHjra. or iuto thu caller. uiu j
nn r or inter, with thu lamp hurniiiK iin't ! I
the cliiuincy will not disappear iu frn-inents '
4. Theiuneao le iuslamly removed, and tl
, 4 CHn ii.ttlv rtiuovcd. and the ylnNi
wiped perfectly clean hi a liniment, wtthnttt vttttmg,
i ami auliout danger ot breaking tne (lass.
5. hie oullasts common rklmtMey. TrvUsud
you a III use no other. Eur sal in
To u and County Agencies granled hvtbeN. L. C.
' MiiuulHctunng ( u , 45 rultou SUevUNew Vork.
I Jauuarv U. lSol .hu
blTa, bhiuglo, Popliu', Locust, Ac.
111! E undersigned is about Utrielil.g his IiiuiIh r
Lusiucj lu till a ne jad gap in Ihe trade ol i'liil
adelidii hy uiakin 4 ieialiiy ol the Couper-.Si.ick 1
1 Irade.and uo ietre lo aiakis snaiKeuimita lose- i
1 eur supplies. Tue t'l'y I mper. Milpf. le , '
uaiug bi ji lmpuwihility ul oulaming tkciu iu 1'lnl. !
j wjtlij .4, Boa drKiul Uivty uu uinvr uai kts f.r
j hiatM, Ac. Vilik proper tuoosiiagutnaiii .y ;
.a aiauulaelureis, lh uudnx.iUid bo tu Slon I
I Ibis daeisiua ul trade by keeping oa baud a large
Hoca. la evsiy saiieiy 01 iaiuy s sue
.1 lug ibis brasu-li al trade wuticular alii
lug ibis krasu-b al trade wulkular all.nU.. bs
I kupee lo aiak luvra early returns tu autuitguuivuM
I akd astal-lwk tu Ibe aiauulaclui Ms a ao laluablo
ouuiaiuuwaiiua auk puiokaMrs liiaa la pus" '7
thmm abuuada aiaialy iu " beat) luu.Wr
Manalaeluiers and uskera. abueaa larukdi ipssrti.
tsalaily .uasiaiui mip4m) SUucs k mwiai.
sivIibm 14 oa 1 uiiiiiiimiis, rut.ea, siui(. si'p
IHiIib A a. liUn
W A. 1.1 l.klMI.
Oallualiillsllel Ukart, l'blladl4.ia
l.argo sapid t lajs aaalsd ul l.'.M liixUt.
Oak kusvs. aad Irsueutljr b-ng Oak I'lastk i'k a.g
lloa I m. liuiUr A AUu aa op.aing a liada
ia k4 aaaiuia oi'l'l""' l"kiMle, Uslwssi, i ksii),
l'oi4s aad Ai .a.kai. A ,. .
tta -AU O lallrlt A C. , I'biUJei
kkia ; Ibus Kwkai4a A , l fcil4lj.kl
, , Issi
' ''' 7 "I
I t I'l l! !: a
I 1 I - a s ltvs , b. Ia I
Is lo
1 .a mm. aMe, t. ima 111 sia.ij 01
I if as
1 i it ii
Ti:rr.ii-i: r.r mt.
vt make Ii-tinUriilH.
German Bitters
' DTt. C. M. JACKSON. "
ci ii u Ai.t. iifrAM:
nxisirg from
isorore I,,v,'-,
Woinneh.oT hi-lneyn.
ThonHind" 6t nrr cilirens nre n-D'erini! fsw rs-
pepsin ard Liver Uijcsees. and to whom tho Inflow-
'nil questions a-flj'-1 guurai.teii
will core
1'MsrrHri t ash Lisih isn.v.v.T.
Tei you rise with eeated lo!rne n'ornii rs, wi:ll
bad taste in the nmtilli and f"t np:'ite for fti. ul -fost
? Jio vou feel w bra yoi hrl P1 T ftweak
and InncoM you can svnrrely Rit rUmr y,. adininet-s in lb" heed nt turns, ond pf'.nsj
dulnow, with headache nc-wHtslly ' Are your
bowels eottivc and irrejfulnr. and sfpetitfl chnnen
ble? I m vou throw up wind fron Ific stomnch. nnd
do you swell up "I'1 en? Do y.m feci faln-ss ntt-r
eating, aud a siukiiis when the stomach is empiy .
Poy.m hsvn heertburn oecnsiopnPy ? J'o yim iel
low'spirilod. and lock cn the dni h ciilo oftbinirs'.
Arovounot unusually nervous ut thin s ' )" y-o
not heoomc restless, and of! en liy until midnvh'
before yon can goto sleep on. I then nt linu. dou'l
you fet-l dull and sleepy most of tbu lime ' Is jour
skin dry and scaly? also s:.llor '. In thoit, isuot
your life a burthen, full ef forebodings '
Will cure every esse of Chronic or Nervous bobiliiT,
Disi.'iisc of trio Kidneys, and Disiusus nri.-iiig Hum
disordered Stomach. j
r.esulting troni Disorders of tho I'igestit o Orjinis :
riles, l'uliios.- or Dlood
to thu Head, Acidity ofthe Sto
Inncli. Naustn. Heartburn. Di-cn-t lor
Food, I'ulneSH or Weight in the ISiuinoeli. Sior
Eruetntioiis. tjinkitigor llulluring nt tlm Pit of ton
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Ii fti -cult
breathing, Fluttering al tho Menrt, C'hokin,: or
fcutioeuting buiisutions w hen in n lying posture, Dim
ness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Si jht I-over
and Dull Pain iu tho liend.Dulivivncyof Perspira
tion, Yellowness ofthe Skin end Lye. Pain iu
the Sidu, Back, Chest, Limbs, .lo. Sutld-n
I'lushesof llent. burning in Ibe Vieuli,
Coiislunt lmiigiiiincii ef Kv il,
und great l'-;ircviou
of .Spirili.
There are many preparations sold under the nnio
of liiitors. put up in querl Dottles, compounded of
tho cheapest whi-key or eoiuiuoii rum. cMing limn
20 to 40 cents per gulluu, the tu.-te dugui'd by Aiii.o
or Coriander pWi-d.
This elnss of Ditnrs has caii'cil hrid ill coniinu
lo cauae. as bin ns tlo-j- can be sold, hundred?- to Jio
tho death of the drunkard. Dy llieir use tlie system
is kept continually under the inUui of Aleohnho
Stimulaiilsof tho worst kind, the des'ro f.r Liquor
is created and kept up. and the result is ull the ji
lendiint uion a drunkard's life and detitb.
For those who desire and w ill have a Liquor Hit
ter.-1. we publish tho following receipt. Oct Oua
Dotllo iloolland's (iurmnn Hitters and mix wiih
Three Onarts of Hood llrendv or Whiskey, and tb
result will be a preparation that will fur excel iu
Incdieinul virtues and true excellence any of tb"
numerous Liquor Bitters in the lunrkot, and will
cot much les. You will have ull tho virtues of
Iloofland'e bitters in connection with a trood arlielo
of Liquor, at a much lens pricu tliau these infviu.r
preparations willcott j'ou.
Will (live Yon
A GOOD A P P i : T I T V. .
Will give you EUISK AND EXE1WETIC l'IM:i.
INtiS, Will enable you to SLEEP WELL, and will positive
ly prevent
Yellow t'ever, itilioits I'rti'r, At-.
Tlionc sud ring from I'roken down and D-li.-iiin
Constitutions, from whutcver cause, either iu Mnlo
or Female, will fuel lu
That will restore them lo their usual health. Such
has been the case in thousand ot im'ttiucc, aud
fair trial u Lut requited lo prove the acieitivu
And NOT intended as a EEYEKA'il
The Proprictor-l. five lliniisnn'i. of Leticw from th-i
nioat eiiiinciit I'loryiuen, l.iiwycif1, J'hyficitnia m. l
Citif:t:i.s, Tc.-tityinj: it their own y r-nul kiv Utlr,
to the bcncli'.'iul c!H-ci uud uitih- ul iitui1 cl' tti
l-'rum Itov. J Newton Urown. !. i., K limr of tli-
Kiioyt'lopt'iiiu ul Kclii'.ui-. KnonUslL'o
Althotiirh not Uii.t..l to I'mvut r r"iiuiut't.t1 I'm
lent AiLtlifiiii s in tri'iifinl, ilutti.-h tlirtrtthl f itn r
inprvdit-'iite aul L'titM'i. 1 yet Uimw of uo fnflo-it lit
redone Uy ft uittti niuy not tfr-tit'y to liu1 lu-rn liin
hulivL'r- hiiiipislflo Un v m-t'ivett In-m any Minpi'
prf(,ii!ution. iu tin' htpc flint he nmy thui cuniii'iuto
lu ibe Ik-uc tit of otluti.
J du tlit" the tuorc ivnlily hi rfiinl to 'I(roiUul
(ii-rumn Uitlti, iri-paril hv r . . M. J k-on, of
Aihi city, hciMti-e J ms pr.-ju-iifftl att'ii ut tutu '..t
J;i.u.y joatx, uiidtr thv iuiprc-it'h i i i or.i
rhit-t'y hu uli'ohirlic niixtiiif. I m iml I t . -I U i y
j lritnd Jtoiavrt MitviiiiMlt.!'. ..t lor tin ruuoYHl f
i lliia prt-judice by prtnr tvM, uud lor -neuui
j tiicnt lu try llo-in. nhcu Miiinin horn tficKt mil
luug coin inucd debility. '1 lie ue of thn-i- UiHw of
thtfio Hitlcrp, al tbo bt'imiiii' of ilo- pir- ul y-nt .
wa fulloweii hy fviileiiL relti f aud ii-j-ioniiiou 1.1 m
! dn v uf bodily und lumlul tior wi i. li I !r"l
I I I'll fornix UlOUiUa) b loft'. Mild hud imiHk-l dr;ii -I
t vi rt imtniitfr. i thurcfor (bunk tioU uud toy uo o t
: for uiieciing to thv uv oi lliein.
! J. M.WluN L'l.OWN
1 Vhiladtlphia.June 101.
Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder,
Yvnnnr Ay Mah or 'cm-rv,
A r- v
jiuvdity rvinvxH, and thv jtuiwul t s;ort l
j lU I.IX'A I V. I IHLlWit N.
j Tb' suffering from ,l ihassi ft, uniui ss-ij,
H uwarcely auy tti-vli ou their Uims. an ewre-l i.i
4 very shorl lime : one buttle iu&ueb ta-es, a.ll hut
t a utot surpiisinr i-Uet.
1 1. EN 'IS having .utferin eliiMreii a nl-.v'.
I and ainhiug lo raiu ttieiu. Hill netir reh-l llie d 1.
I they eouiiiieuced villi Dicm liitlers.
1.ITEHAUY MEN. Ml l-EVIsl aod ib.-e m. i)
lug hard Willi their l iaiim, should ulmit - kei t
I hoiilt ot lloortaud lliiiim near tin 111. iloyui l
1 ftuii mueti hcueUI fiom iu one. to Im.iIi uuud un I
body, iut igoraiiLg and Ikil d'pii-ii.g.
i n is Mir .-. i.iyi on Si nn r,
And lvai-s
AlK-ullwrf, asolsila-r-o !
ANIl Till. ailM'S Ol' H'l.i'll I."
io C4.ll the utliuliiiil of all hniii. i. InI' r
M.n.l. in ihe lamy to iheUct ll.i - 1 1 I " I . WHS
, lieimau lllKXIS ' tAill iUIIV lilliC li'lllhs ul .
I iliducid ht eMiil es Slkl pi It sli"li in. id - III lo e:lo)i
lite, in Ihe lisu. su.i il.iliy m t i.
- i uemirs m ihe ami si ul Ihe sick il ul I l .j
I li ,J itiisl iimi larse .,.imii..ii aie .of). ,11,1 fr
' ,,llit nI i iiial kind enl. i . l,
i cur. I by ll.aHa.d s ti ll.n.i. Mr katei.r
k-uit. iu staling iui 11 ilo lliiien .ic 11. .1,
w l aiuunuur ail.liei. fcuudi-.i. ol lites u.ifct.l 1-.
t Mt d tbal uihwoue soiil i Le l.-i
; 'IU itpiKti aie .tail) neeitu.g kl
Hum .du .1 lu ll.e aia-t -ud .ei-piial. 1. 1
ki W.u,11 ( ,. I,, .l.k l-.i Iks us ul lb m l.
UMS, wttl, tai l, u. t,y loill tin u l-
lil W Alii. Hi l'l MIHII ll'
t-ea Ihal Ibe Cluulaie oi C l JAl ..7"" u is
Ik U I'l l'l ul k bonis.
I 1'iu pet UuliU I rsnif 14 ksll .Uis. fui au
kttAM.ll yuul kisie tlu),'!tl im4 kste Ik anielw.
I d awl b. pai ad k Buy ul iyn u-i. umii.4 p.. i4
lku Ik. I ut.t k tl.ts It 't 4m kl i li, irf,
ail ss sill isssi4 uui l,t pt kt t ft
1'IMM I-1 l'9 SI. 4 t N Ai.ltOI
1 J " . I I A.
Ia is lu I II Jiiisn II.
fl) I k.ll 1.1 llStlSI III I'l.l II . 1IHI
I a la lbs I ai.le
I kUi ..'-