Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 19, 1864, Image 2

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    avaaut -ir nwrrsr i
(Viuivmj; tvi uu i nun
B. MA8SER, Editor Proprietor.
ATUKDAY, MARCH 10, 1804.
"Akothek Raid os me Democrat
.X We regret to say that notber,
;li unsuccessful, attempt has been made
Idlers on the office of the Northnmbcr
Oounty Democrat. On Monday morn
the Shatnikin Company, Capt. C'ald
of the 4Cth P. V., arrived here about
our before the down train by which
were to return to the army, having
homo on furlough. Somo of the incni-
lind resolved before they arrived to
out," ns they said, the office of the
acrnt. And, although, Opt. Caldwell
threatened, on the arrival of the 8ha-
n train, to arrest and punlah any ono
made any such attempt, a email
I made immediately for the office,
h is located in the third story of Simp-
buildintr. As the offico had been
Jed for some days past by a number of
d men inside, the soldiers who entered
milding did not get tip half way of the
flight of stairs, when Capt. Caldwell
cd, and promptly ordered them back,
determined action of the Captain, who
I in tue door, together with the efforts
me citizens of Shamokin and this place,
icify the soldiers, prevented any further
npts at violence. Shortly after, the
. arrived, and the soldiers rushed for
ngular as it may seem, thilo remon
.ing with one of the most excited of
e misguarded men, on the impropriety
oldiers, who had distinguished them--a
on the battle-field, to engage in such
of violence, he justified himself on the
ind that "these copperhead papers had
Ucd the Constitution and laws." Al
gh we "could not sec it,"' in that light,
tit that the argument was no worse than
y used in these papers, in justifying
r course, in their efforts to embarrass the
rumcnt in the prosecution of the war.
'n Saturday evening an attempt was
c by some of these men to destroy the
of Sheriff Weaver, at Shamokin, but
ugh the remonstrance of Sheriff Weaver,
was present with other influential citi
, thev desisted. The Sheriff and the
lain attributed tlicso outbreaks, more to
!in Barley-corn" than any one else. The
duct of Captain Caldwell, who .has
on the battle-field two older brothers,
lcrly commanders of bis company, meets
approbation of all parties.
i,,n i
W" In the State Senate, on Wednesday
ch 0, 1804, the amendment to the Con.
ution, ' allowinc soldiers to vote, was
cr consideration on its final passage.
n the question, Shall this amendment
it the following gentlemen voted in favor
llowing soldiers to vote :
jamin Campneys, Lancaster,
rgc Council, Philadelphia,
u X. Duulap, Lancaster,
id Fleming, Dauphin,
i. Graham, Allegheny.
ma lloge, Venango.
W. Householder, Bedford,
iry Johnston, Lycoming,
i. Kinscy, Bucks.
B. Lowry, Erie.
. McCandless, Butler.
;miah Nichols, Philadelphia,
ob Ridgway, Philadelphia.
Thomas St. Clair, Indiana.
i. J. Turrcll, Susquehanna.
Wilson, Tioga.
Worthington, West Chester.
n P. Penney, Allegheny.
'he following gentlemen voted against
iwing soldiers to vote :
B. Beardslee, Wayne. .
M. Donovan, Philadelphia.
in Latta, Westmoreland.
I. Stark, Luzerno.
vid Montgomery Northumberland.
J.. Smith, Montgomery.
A. Wallace, Clearfield.
Che following gentlemen were present but
. not vote, viz :
3. A. Buchcr, Cumberland,
ister Clynier, Berks,
lliestand Glatz, York.
7i. Hopkins, Washington.
L. Lauibcrton, Clarion.
rnhard Reilly, SchylkilL
n. McSherry, Adams.
W. Stein, Northampton.
if New Covet noctut. The Grand
.ry, in their report at the present court,
ncurrcd w ith the Grand Jury of last term,
recommending the building f a New
tnrt House, with a proviso that the Dor
gh of Sunbury subscribe $5,000 In aid of
at object. That a new Court Homy is
.dly needed, no one can doubt, but why
e people of Sunbury should pay $ 3,000 for
at purpose is not explained. The titles
all land owners in the county is equally
volvcd in the question, as the records can
vcr be made safe in the present building.
regard to comfort and accommodations,
ic pcoplout of town, who must attend
urt, are much more interested than citizens
" Suubury.
t-if" A Doi'kle Tkach. We are pleased
learn from Mr. A urn, one of the engineers
f the Northern Central railroad, that the
onipuiiy is iiiakiug preparations for the
nation of another track, on that portion of
icir road between this place and Dauphin,
dtnrc of about 43 miles. This Is ren-
ered neeetaury, not only by the luiiuena
The Editor of tbe Jtelifiout leleteope has
received from a Southern friend a copy of a
Scccsh Almanac for 1802, printed in Nash
ville just before Buell's advance tipon that
city. lu a table of remarkable events which
transpired in connection with the organiza
tion of the "Southern Confederacy," a num
ber ot facts are given which are somewhat da
maging to the usual copperhead slang about
Mr. Lincoln beginning the wr) and w ad
vise their preservation by our readers for the
benefit of their copperhead friends. Their
Souther allies have no hesitancy in assum
ing the responsibility, and glory over their
arts of violence which brought on the con
flict :
Dec. SO, 19C0. Sudden evacuat ion of Fort
Moultrie, bv Major Anderson. United States
Army. He spikes the guns, bums the gun
carriages, and retreats to Fort Sumter which
he occupies. .... ,
Dec. 27 Capture of Fort Moultrie and
Castle Pinckney by the South Carolina
troops. Captain Coste surrenders the reve
nue cutter Aiken.
Jan. 8, 186T -Rapture of Fort Pulaski by
the Savannah troops.
Jim. 3 The arsenal at Mount Vernon,
Ala,, w ith 200,000 stand of arms, seized by
the Alabama troops.
Jan. 4 t ort aiorgan in Jiouiie nay, taiteu
by the Alabama troops.
jan. u i no sieauiui(j oiur ui inc ns
fired into and driven off by South Carolina
batteries on Morris' Island . Failure of the
attempt to reinforce Fort Sumter.
Jan. 9 Mississippi soccueu ; vote oi tne
Convention, 84 to 111).
Jan. 10 Fort Jackson, St. Philips anil
Pike, near New Orleans, captured by the
Louisiana troops.
Jan. 11 Alabama seccUcU; vote oi con
vention, C2 to 29.
Jan. 11 Florida seceded: voto ol Con
vention 62 to 29.
Jan. 14 Capture of Pensacolaavy lard
and Fort Barancas and McRae. Major Chase
shortly afterward takes command, and the
Biege of Fort rickens commences.
Jan. 18 Surrender ol liaton itougo arse
nal to Louisiunn troops.
Jan. 19 Georgia seceded ; vow oi con
vention, 203 to 87.
Jan. 20 Louisiana seceded ; vote of Con-
vention 113 to 16.
New Orleans Mint and Custom House ta
Feb. 1 Texas seceded ; vote of Conven
vention, 160 to 7 submitted to tho people
Februarv 23 : the act took etlect Marcu J.
Feb. 2 Seizure of Little Rock arsenal
by Arkansas troops.
Feb. 4 Surrender of the revenue cutter
Cuss to the Alabama authorities.
Feb. 7 Southern Congress met at Mont
eomerv. Ala.
Feb. 8 Provisional Constitution adopted.
Feb. 0 Jefferson Davis, of Mississippi
and Alex. Stephens, of Georgia, elected Pre
sident and Vice President.
Feb. 10 Gen. Twiggs transfers public
property in Texas to the fctate authorities,
Col. Waito, U. S. A., surrenders Antonia to
Col. Beu. M Culloch and his Texas lUners
Feb. 18 Inauguration of President Davis
at Montrromery, Ala.
Feb. 27 Peace Congress adjourned at
Washington, having accomplished nothing,
March 2 I he revenue cutter Hodge Beiz
ed by the Texas authorities.
Now observe, etery one of thete arte of
treason and tear occurred vnder Jame Du
chanaiC Administration, aud before Mr. Lin
coin went to Washington ; yet fools and
traitors say Mr. Lincoln began tho war I
But we quote another batch of facts, ns
found iu this sccesh almanac, beginning with
the day after President Lincoln's Aduiinis
March 5 General Beauregard ai-sumes
- i . f . i . t : : r u..
CUU1U1UI1U Ui IUC irUUpD UCBieglU X UI l 0U1U'
March 11 Fort Brown, Texas, surrender
ed by Captain Hill to the Texus Comuus
March 13 Alabama ratified tho Constitu
tion of the Confederate States, vote of Con
vention, 87 to 6.
March 10 Georgia ratified the Constitu
tion of the Confederate States ; vote of
Convention, 00 to 5.
March 21 Louisiana ratified the Constitu
tion of the Confederate States, vote of Can
vention, 101 to 7.
March 25 Texas ratified the Constitution
of the Confederate Stutes, vote of Conven
tion, 08 to 3.
March 80 Mississippi ratified the Con
stitution of the Confederate States, voto of
Convention, 78 to 7.
April 3 South Curolina ratified the
Constitution of the Confederate States, vote
of Convention, 149 to 29.
April 12 13 Battle of Fort Sumter.
After 34 hours bombardment the tort sur
rendered to the Confederate States.
April 14. Evacuation of Fort Sumter by
. i
On this day, the 14th of April, President
Lincoln called out 75,000 men for the pur-
td Wiiitb Blavrrt pnorosKD. As a
proof of this, w e quote a paragraph from
the Richmond Whig, which having been
accused of a laxity of real in the causo of
slavery, replied a follows :
' "So tar from believing that slavery must
die, we have long Jicld the opinion 'that It
Is the normal and only humane relation
which labor can sustain toward capital.
When this war is over, we shall urge that
every Yankee who ventures to pot foot on
southern soil be made a slave for life, and
wear an iron collur m a badge of inferiority
to the Africans."
This fling at tho Yankees Is merely a bit
ter and Important spite j but tho opinion
confessed, as to the true relations of labor
and capital, as a delilwratc conviction.
The inference is, therefore, clear to their
minds that if the white laborers of the world
ero owned by a sagacious, careful and
would be much
thrifty proprietor, they
better off.
tSPAs the price of beef has gone up hero
to 20 cents for choice cuts, we take the fol
lowing quotations from the New York 1'ott
of Saturday last. There the advance is not
25 per cent, while here it is nearly ono hundred:
"BcTcmciw' Meats. Prime roasting pie
ces are selling at 18a20c. a pound ; ordinary
cuts, 12al4c; portcr-houscsteaks, 20a2!5c.;
sirloin, 18a20c; veal forcquarters, Sal 2c;
lndquartcrs, 12aloc; hams, 1 tin 18c: shoul
ders, 13al6c; bacon, 14al6c; pork, 14ul3c;
sausages, 14al5c." 1
tW Traitor Likk. Yaltaudigham, in
a letter from Canada, to the publishers of
the Dayton Empire, which Office had been
attacked and damaged by some soldiers,
advises retaliation by reprisals or mob law
violence. This is the kind of law and or
der, advocated by those w ho are for making
peace with the rebels, on any terms. It
may be true that the soldiers arc, sometimes,
instigated by citizens to acts of violence,
but, these are persons mostly who have but
little to lose by a inob and the innocent
must, naturally, tc made to suffer.
Quotas of tub States. The following
are tho quotas of the different States under
the last two calls of the President
Urnrrnl sthrrmnn
Bleach Nclns,
I'alled to
BKtzuna op Mkiudax wortfi fiftt
millions to tiik uovknxvK.T. ; !
New' York
Maine 11,303
Maryland 10,704
Missouri 9.813
Connecticut 7,919
Vermont 5,781
Minnesota 5,455 nle reui army,
W. Virginia 5,127
Kansas 3,523
R. Island 3.469
Delawuro 2,463
C'orrwponcnce of the X. Y. Tribune.
ViCKsnt'ua, Miss, March 4, 1804.
The lato expedition of Gen. Sherman from
this point having so largely rilled the public
mind North, and, so far ns the journals
which have reached here indicate, been so
utterly and totally misconceived, it may be
judicious, perhaps, to state cleat ly what was
tho object of the undertaking, and how
Inrco a measure of successes attended it.
But little fiVhting took pIhcc during the
entire march, the most lniportnnt being
some tolerably heavy skirmishing which
occurred in the vicinity of Clinton, this side
of Jackson, as the expedition was about
starting out, tho small squads of the enemy,
wherever seen, prudently withdrawing upon
our artillery being brought into position.
Largo quantities of cotton were touud and
destroyed while on our way out, some baled
and some not yet ginned. Both cotton and
gins were placed beyond the reach of afford'
nig temptation to cotton speculators of
questionable loyalty. On our return little,
however, was molested. Asa general thing,
in the region of country passed over, the
large planters had abandoned the grow th of
that former sovereign staple under the pro
hibitory enactment of the rebel Congress
two years ago. Corn, however, was in
abundance, and such corn ns would make
the heart of a man glad. The cribs of this
entire section were bursting with fatness,
though our army left those iu its immediate
wake about as effectually depleted as Howell
Dobb did the nutionnl Treasury when ho
retired from its management at the close of
Jlr. JSuchnnan s administration.
At Decatur a large tau-yard and a very
considerable lot of cotton were destroved,
the town itself sharing the smile fate. Our
boys were guided to a quantity of cotton
hidden in an obscure locality, ncur this
place, by some negroes acquainted with the
fact, and indeed everywhere the blacks tes
tified unmixed delight tit our approach,
frequently meeting lis with their wives and
children, "toting" their little all along with
them, and apparently fully satisfied of the
advent of the "day of jubil e." Repeatedly
were our men advised of the hiding places
of hourdjj of baeon, pork, hums, stock, car
riages, etc., the movements ol rebel military
and the whereabouts of citizens fighting iu
the rebel arm v. It is in vain that the peo
ple have sought to inspire them with aver
sion and terror of our Northern, especially I
Yankee, soldiers. They know belter, and J
in spite of the habit of years to obey mid i
believe their masters, they will not credit
ltIartiucnt of tho Unit. Poles, Hungarians, and Turks, it will be
New York, March U. indeed amazing if we do not make short
The stcrmer Nomina filar, from New Or- work ot thl Mvr IIolr Alliance."
leans on tho Clh lust , Via Havana ou tho THE EDINBURGH S NKWS.s
0th, has arrived.. . The following Is a Summary of the news
Gen. Sherman arrived at New Orleans on scut out bv the Kdiubursli from Uvtruool
. 1 n 1 .1 t ,. I "
ma zu, uu ma gunooai iJiana. iiui ex- i on tne xu I l
pcdUion is called by himself a "big raid," The Union steamer Kenrsarge remained
in the course of which he reached a point off is supposed. wniting for tho
ten miles caRt of Meridian without any oppo- Rappahauuoek, which was ready for sea at
sition worthy of the name, and returned Calais.
with 1,100 ninles, 4,000 contrabands, 600 Mr. Mason hd returned to London from
prisonert, and a largu amouut of up- pnriai it supposed, in connection with the
pbes. , alleged recognition negotiations.
Transports are rapidly bringing troops It is also said that Mr. Lawley, ex-corres-back
from Texas. Governor Michael Hnhn pnndent of The Timet at Richmond, is con
was Inonguratcd on the 4th Inst., with im- gtantly passing between London and Paris,
posing ceremonies at New Orleans Gen. probably on the same subject.
Bonks delivered an address, in which ho The bonds of the Rebel loan to tho extent
predicted the reduction of the insurrection of 71,000, repavoble at pnr, were drawn in
to three or fonr States on tho Atlantic coast London on the 1st of March,
by this season's campaign. Ho said: "Let The correspondence relative to the bark
us remember that the re-inauguiation wo Saxon h published. The British Govorn
celebrate has the basis of a century, for we ment maintains that if the facts deposed to
have achieved deeds of a century in the past rc true, the Federal officer was gnilty of
two years, and, so Ion gas the people are the murder of the mate of the Saxon. They
Mitimii and true to themselves, so long will ,0mand hu trial, with compensation to the
stand Louisiana, the first returning State, in widow of the murdered man and to the
which every man is n free man." . owners for the loss sustained by the seizure
Governor Hulins inaugural address rc- (,f the vessel,
gnrds slnvery as the cause of the present j Tlt.r!( has been another wordv duel be
unlioly attempt to break up the Government, tween Mr. Disraeli and Lord Piilmerston
and its universal and Immediate extinction 1 touching Englands foreign policy, without
at a public and private blessing. "From I result.
every light before me, " lie says, "I am con-1 jn iC House of Lords the Marquis of
strained to pciieve tnut tue cause oi rebel- Clauricarde called attention to tho Federal
lion is in ettremit, and it seems to mc not ; recruitiug in Ireland, and asked what steps
extravagant to look upon this year as the ! Government had taken to stop It.
final one of the most sensuless. causeless, and Kori Hussell said the Government had
most murderous rebellion that ever occurred j complained more than once, but the coin
in a civilized nation. Tho loyal men of ! uluint was met bv nn indimiunt denial by
Louisiana have suffered much vnd deeply, j Mr.Adams. Nothing could, therefore, bo
out, wiui tne oiessings oi una upon our ex
- ' ltrllg1on rotlcnu. "
I)ilr, rvict will bo luld rrary flftlbtUi In Uiif
Borough u followi !
J'iu:itTfcitiAi! Cntaca. Oppoelte Hit N. C. R.
H. Drpot, Iter. J. . Young, PaMor. Dirlu irrrie
ery tinbbftth morning at 0t o'olock. rrajr
Dinting on pvtrt BatnrdnT Tiiinr.
Gsrna Htrosacti Ciicncs North wt orrur
of Hinr snd iilackbrrrr Rt, W. C. Ortmrr,
Ptiator.. Divine nervier, lt-mtlT, cvwy Sabbath
at I0 A. M. and ft P. M. Pravtr maottng oa Fri
day vcnlng.
Ktakuki.ical I.ctbes Circarn Pit itmt
below 8. V. APR U. Rev. M. Rhodea, Paator.
Divine urt-vioi-, altrrnnttilv, "Vctt Babbath at 10
o'clock A. M., and 6i f. it. Prajrfr inentiuf on
Wodnrmlojp evening.
Ht. Mattiikws' (P. E.) Cstarn Urondway
above Market street, Rev. L. W. Uibeon, Rretor.
Service! alternately Sunday aiomingt at 10) o'clock,
Every Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Fridavf and
during Lent lit 4! P.M.; Holy-Days, Pt A.M.
. M A It It I A U V. n.
On the 8th inst.. bv the Rev. A. H. Sherts.
Mr. Joiik pK.nsos, of Point township, to
Mm oaiiaii r.. now, oi lAiwcr Augusta.
On the 18th inst., by Rev. VT. C. Creamer,
Mr. J. I. HnpsKR,to Miss Ki.i.kx Khkaokk,
both of Shamokin township.
At Mt. Canncl, on the 9th inst., by P. 8.
Van Horn, Ksq., Mr. Daniki. Eisknuaiit, of
Shamokin, to Miss C. Hoi-sih h of Trcvorton.
On the 15th insU, by Rev A.M. Creigh
ton. Mr. Jons Snir.MAS, of Lower Augusta,
to Miss Harriot Rf.kd, on Paxinos.
On the 23th ult., by the Rev. 3. Fritzing
er, Mr. I'.lias W. Bitows, of Jncksnn twp.,
Northumberland county, to Miss Mautu v
Jane Graiiav, of .Tunintn comity.
On the 13th inst., bv the same", Mr. Tsaao
LAiiR.of Jackson, to Miss Caroline Bhowm
of Upper Mahonoy.
ertious, all will be soon right again, and
peace, happiness, and prosperity will smile
upon our thresholds as ol old. '
A grand ball at night concluded the gaie
ties of the occasion. All the people w ere in
the streets during the day, and there w as
unquestionably a sineerer feeling ol satislae
tion than on many of the more boisterous I tion
done until actual proof could be obtain
Kail Derby asked if anything had been
done to stop the alleged military exercises
by tho Fenian Brother-hood I .
Earl Granvillosoid police vigilance wa9
at work, but he believed the Fenian Brother
hood a perlectly contemptible organiza-
davs of the Secession madness of 1801
General Beauregard's wife died on the
2d instant. The funeral, on the 4th. was
the lorcest ever seen in New Orlctms. Over
b 00
M0 a I 6S
2 6U
l 60
It is stated that the Directors of the Gnl-
way Line appeal for a suspension of their
service till June, and in the mean time are
trealim? with more able companies for a
six thousand persons attended it, and the j transfer of the scrvhe.
cortege was over a mile in length. General I The Arvh-Duke Maxiihilinu's visit to Paris
Banks kindly extended to the family the i I foi-tW uostooned. The alleged cause is
of use the steamer Nebraska to convey the re- ; inrluenzo; but it is-rumored there is a hitch j
mains a few miles up the river, to her fatb- j ng t0 Ins bavins command of tho French i
er's plantation. The body was followed to ! troops ia Mexico.
i - .i . ..c ...l... U.:n , , , e i a ,i. t :..
iiic icvec uj iiiouuiiua ui imira, auu ivinii- i lucre IISU uveil no ilumi!; in oiumn i. j TkYiAT' rv -vl-in
ed to taken lust farewell of oue who was i o2n, Geelacb had succeeded Do Meza as. i XJlt JL VfUvJiJo .
loved and esteemed oy an. Cnmmandcr-in-lhict ol the j)iini.-ii army. FOREIGN AND HOM Kill (.'.such m ;u.(b. Caul
Latest Good News!
HA VE just rcturairl fiom Philmielphia witli or
of tbe lureat ud htl telected flocks of douda
aver brought to Suubury.
t-BGKKERAi. M'Clei.i.a.n The charge
against General McClellan, to tho effect
fliat ho had a private interview with Gen
eral Lee the night after the battlo of Antie-
tani, has turned out to be wholly without
have assumed
cd the statement for publication.
800,000 Men Called For.
from HukIiIiik(ii,
W'AsinxoTON, March 13, 1864.
Gen. Grunt, having escaped from the
bight of the sofn in the East Room, where
he hud been sandwiched for exhibition be
tween two heads of departments, and got
mil of door, declared energetically, that he
I li ad "had endttgh ot the show business,
and declined, in rapid sucession, a public
The Kino; of Denmark spoke stronirlv for ! m, Muiiini, SUoiinin. 'i irkiinr. Cnlicoe., be.
" . . . c : I..: Li i- .ni-.l...f(i nvivMi'-.i.
vigorous perseverance in bis policy
i The Duuish journals uro opposed, and the
movement has npurrntly made no pro
gress. i It in reported t'nat It :ily lias tendered 40,
0011 men and fleet to Euglund if she uWvs
! Denmark.
liiuHH, FluniieU. and all kiuds of MOl'RN ISO dootla,
Arpacv.m. P.lack ilk, loughHind, Balmoral uu-l
bkrlcton Skirt-'. Cauloo Flttuuel:, Naukvoui, Car
of ull kiuJi.
HATS &c C-A.3?S.
w iiat tneysuy, out preiemng io cur loose ,,inlM.r in XcxV.York. a reception on the
lorcver irom the associations ol youth and a)on o( Cons,res, Rn,i compliinentarv re
nll of home they know, throw themselves ; vicw ,t.tne Armv of the Potomac, and hur
upon the uncertain issue of their new condi-, t-wd ff Wl.8t to j,u unfinibi,e,l work.
tion with a Mill! mat is suolunc. . io ,,rt(,ul ,i,. u .:it i, u.ri, r,rp
From 5,000 to 7,000 of these people ac- s : .,. ,i..a . 1 r a I Johnston.
I companied the triumphal return of Slier-1 f potl-u,nc. Also that a chanae ofpr.?- i The rebels have, at three times, t hrcnten-
ve Gen. Halleck the command , ' to attacKOjir position iu .ychiijat-K uup.
out iney renreci wmioui n iiyui
Soui prising. lUt'-xrr. lilovea. Thread, Iiutlmi", Hu-pendt-.
Nck-lirs, t'olluis. llauilkercliicf.4,
Mair itriuhef, TooUi Urutliea. Uuni Rib
bon aud Cord. tap. rrotolivl-braii,
worked cottar,- faucy hoal
dresM-9, ibly cotton, carpet
biuUinx "combs, fancy
! It is believed that Longstrcet has reinforced I Trunki. ali, kmSrcliu., ll'lai.k Iio.jk, Pauor,
turelujMr 4e.
The liar In the Kouthweal,
Cincinnati, March 12. ;
A despatch from Chattanooga, dated the
11th, says that the cxac-t force of the enemy
at Dalto'n, on Suntlav, was six divisions.
n. The matter was, supposed to i expedition, and I defy any human j ,,r;mne wj)i ,,j
imed a tangible shape under the j being with as much feeling in his bosom as f'B ,iL.p.irt,e,
of a Mr. F. Waldron, who iurmsh- vc" 'CS " Mrs. Stow', immortal story, i , Vliri,;t'in of
poso of putting down tho rebellion.
serve, though, the long list of acts of perfidi
ous and damning treason that .were first
committed by tho rebels. Mr. Lincoln's
forebearanco ceased to be a virtue, and had
almost become a crime, yet the followers of
the infamous Y's Yallaudighara and Yor-becs-go
around the country complaining that
Lincoln ltegan tho war and forced it upon the
South. They know better, yet with brazen
efl'outry, expect to reiterate the lie until the
people believe it. The o.y remedy is to
circulate tho facta, that ' lie lie may be cram
med down their throats. Let tbe documents
go around from hand to hand till every
honest man In the laud baa seen them, aud
is prepared to turn upon tho ajiologizing
minions of traitors whenever they open their
mouths to spew out the usual copperhad
ItVThe Choctaws have called a Conven
tion to arrange for returning to tho United
btates Government. Tho Chief, Jack Me-
I Curholn, is actually distributing the Amnes-
Yasiiixuton, March 15.
The following special order has just been
issued by the President :
V. S. ExKcmvK Mansion, )
Washington Murch 14, 1804. (
Grades to supply the force required to bo
drafted for the navy, and to provide an ade
quate reserve force, all contingencies in ud-
dition to the five hundred thousand men I
called for in February 1st, 1884. tho call j
is hereby made ard a draft ordered for 600,
000 men for the military service of the
army, navy and marine corps of the United
The proportional quotas for the different
wards, towns, townships, prcciucts, election
districts and counties will lie made known
through tho Provost Marshal General's Bu
reau, au account will be taken of the credits
and deficiencies on former quotas. The loth
day of April, 1804, is designated as the time
up" to which the numbers required in each
ward of a city, town, &c., may bo raised.
Voluntary enlistments and drafts will bo
made in each ward of a city, town, etc.,
which shall not have filled the quota assign
ed to it within the time designated for the
number required to fill said quota.
The draft will be commenced as soon after
the 15th of April as practicable. The Gov
ernment bounties, as now paid, will be con
tinued until April 15, 1804, at which tinio
the additional bounties cease. On and after
that date one hundred d liars bounties only
will be paid as provided by the act approved
Ju:y S3, 1801.
Official K. D. Tow.nsknp, A. A. G.
I'KOVI lVAhlllX.TO.'.
Important lIHIUry OrdtT from tbe
Washington, March 14.
The following important order has jjst
been published;
Waii Depaktmk.nt, j
AiurTAST-GKXKiiAi.'a Okkick.
Washington, March 13, 1804.
Ge.neiial. Ounuiis No. 08.
The President of the Uuitcd Stutes orders
as follows
Locisvnxu. March 12. The Democrat
! bus information from an officer who has just
j arrived from Knoxviilc, which place he left
: ou the 6th, that Longstrcet had sent bis
j wagon train to Richmond, and was murcli
i ing his entire force . and that the general
i impression at Knoxvillu was that I.oiigtrcet
! had liven ordered to North Carolina.
Cincinnati, March 03. Sonic additional
particular in reference to Gi n. Sherman's
, expedition have been telegraphed to this
! point. It uppears that bis entire Ion will
' not reach three hundred and fifty men.
f cAit,,li.M li'nt .t litirn
the above, stated that "ur army rapui.y lining up wmi rr
Grant will on his return here, reorganize the i eruits.
Army of the Potomac, lead it in its hrst
movement, then place Baldy Smith ut the
irliuntr departmeuu una
those only.
The War Department has determined
; that there shall be no further exchanges of
prisoners, except man for man. irrespective
; of color. Gcu.Wadsworth has gone to For
i tress Monroe to suspend the present arrango
: ment, under which we get only 75 men in
, exchange for 100.
I n un In.- t t T..1, n llltnitin. ,t
! i.i... i :.. v- v,..i, Few. even ol that number, were killed or'
: ,t:o,ini iiiiciiii N 111 .,1 I'm n vw v.i-ii. f '
i Grant to dine with them, which he prompt I v wounded. '
declined, he said amongotherthings. -Your 1 Bai.timouk, March 12.-C,en Grant came
-ir,ira i . ...i i.. n.r .... ! as piiKseniiLT on the early tram from asli-
the war are all that is necessity to a rJcon- ; ir.gton this moiuing. He changed cars at
struction o! the whole Union troncer thun ! l'-''"y 11"!"': .""lA Proca w"t the
it ever was." !
Gen. Rosecrans has been freely acquitted I
of blame iu the management of the tight !
at Chick amauga in the report of the Com- i
mission of Inquiry ordered by the War I)e- I
partment. !
A revised list of assessable property and i
dutiable transactions bus been scut in from j
i the Treasury Department to the Ways and j
i Means Committee, from which it is intend- i
i cd that two hundred millions of income '
: shall be raised. The tax on whiky is put
. at fl, though it had been hoped it would
. be put at $1,50. The increase on ull the
j articles is large.
j Lieut.-Col. Sanderson, formerly ofthc New
' York Hotel, charged by his fellow prisouers
J with having betrayed their plans to escape
from the I.ibbv Prison, is under arrest, with
image now carried over the road, but the I ty Proclamation, and trying to bring his
dditional hiavy trade that will be thrown jK-ople back to loyalty. Ths Seminole and
'OU it, on the completion of the Philadul- j Chickasaw still hold out, uuder the intlu
li and F.rie rood, thc't'Dsuing stiminer. t tnee of the reU I Genera) Cooper, w ho
. w - I hu, fof a loiijj timo Indian Agent among
if The Gold bill was uuKlilWl so as to ' tUlU,t
rovUle that th Mretary f th Treasury'
autlmrll to ttiMi of any gold not I Hf" Henry W, Snyder, of Mluagrove,
orcawry for rhs p)utent of war mattiUU j has bea appoint! an army payiuaji'.er.
nd supplies, or for the debt of lb I tilled Mr, Ht.jdtf 1 wsll qnalifWd (ut Hi ol-
Matea, thin duel protbltd thai lU sum j lion.
aid l..!l U revived at it tlub N '
wk ( liy, r rou.iHire.1 with bgal U-U i I V Ai tb. .wallpo. paj lo 0'lr
if.Ua. fir s Lng debsta by ll.s KMia, IU" M b" UBUy, it should
4 by vu of 80 l t. It authorises I lWwt aritt w iUom ho bsva not
b Kirnivt I-. M-llal ditri.ii.Hi ! I-. ' U aclaa.te4 to . U do, furti,.
..I.i a. a,..U.i MMliately M iaureM. ! kiBU d'
- - "- t fra IliU ju4ly dreloJ diait.
It f at I vifiaUm U afur '! I
..iHibt i.tlra.M, tutl ia pit.fuiiBj
.1.. ir Uii,. Juo if,lnli"fl ami r '
i. ti ..I t....L.-. i. il a..l La
.-.. id i, . atou.l i4 U k lit ikiut
to look on such a scene unmoved. Old men
with the frosts of 90 years upon their beads,
men in the prime of manhood, Youth, and '
cniuiren tnut cou.u imriey run,womet w mik,atl of it nntl lterward from this
tlieir uawes on tneir oreasis, gins witn tne ; airi.ct le ,ive fiUug departmeuU
veins, old women, tottering feebly along,
leading from a land of incest and bondugo
possessing horrors worse than deuth, chil
dren and grandchildren, dear to them as
our own sons and daughters are to us. They :
camp, many of them it is true, with shout '
and carefess laughter, but silent tears cours
ed down many a cheek tears of thankful- '
ness for their greut deliverance, and there i
were fuees in that crowd which shown with 1
a joy which caused them to look almost in-
spired. Those may smile who will, but the .
story of the coming up of the children of;
Israel out of the land of Egypt cau never
call up to mv mind a more profound emo-
tion than the remembrance of that scene. t
The carnival ut Rome with the fantastic '
costumes of the populace presents nothing
more varied and promiscuous than did
the uttire of this interesting assemblage. ;
Wheu I looked upon the long lane filing j
in through roads along which our slaughter-'
ed brothers lie buried thicker than sheaves
in a harvest field, and reflected on the
horrors to which this race hud been subject
ed by the foos whom we arc fighting, 1 felt
faith in a God of justice renewed in my
heart, and hope in the success of our cuusu
rekindle to a brighter flame.
At Canton, w hich our army visited but
did not burn, we succeeded in capturing
and destroying 17 locomotives. Another
was ulso destroyed at Meridian, making 18
in all, lullicting a loss on tne LonleHcrate , th(j ,.wju ()f vilisanl Hotel until investiga
wliicu is oi inca caiao c value, n is a laei t,,m 8ha f)iHtcn iht. cfUue bu lUu VT nt.quit
piruu'S iwuun u, nil. uvni iifi ami iivjc, ) Jlilf)
It is stated that the detectives who have
. had Waldron in charge have got from him
i a confession iu writing, that he was drunk
when lie told tne story ot the interving be
tween McClelhin and Lee, and that bo puts
nn John Barleycorn the entire blame of
troubling the War Department and the War
Committee, to investigate the churge.
The JitiullietH of yesterday regrets to
learu that Mnjor-Gen. Meade bus not suffi
ciently recovered from his lato attack of
pneumonia to warrant his entering upon
campaign with tho Armv ot tue
Potomac. His physician advises him not
to attempt such a thiug, and there is little
doubt he will yield to medical advice, and
retire for awhile from active service.
; Ot oil Limit, inch R Nuill. lliugcT!r.l Krcwa, Pour
! l.iu-hn ami KnoU, l.ock, and Cl'TldiKY ot evvrr
i detfcriptioii. a
I Al.-o, Dyes. Drugs, Paints, Ynrt.ishcs,. Fish,
j Flaxseed and Benzine Oils. Gins. Putty. Ac.
((iiecnawurt nud lihinuHurc .l" ull
An Llti'luk Stork of
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.
fbamokin 'oal Trade.
tiiiAUuxi.t, Mar. 12. lsol.
T0H. Vtft.
F.-nt fur .fk ending March 12,
I'ur but report,
B.7SU Id
Co.." 10
To lauio time loitt vcar,
4.1.175 OS
;;y.5is 17
3,665 11
G R O C E R 1 E 8,
l'omp4 itd of .Sugar. Cu0co. Ten. Jlico, Cum-Mareu,
Macciwoui, iiurlry, llMkioy-Ki(ipr. iumIlwi'. iou)
cttmtlt!. lubucco aud ifgars, ttU, t'isii, Mua, CLetuu,
Ac, & o.
AUo, 4 Uigc variety of
for Men, Women and Childrru.
I jf All kiuda ofGraiu aud I'uuuirr ProJkqa Ukoa
iu rxobnngc fur Good.
Gi e us u call l'f'jru ou purcliue trlaowhcro, w
are bouud lo ei-ll ut low a nuy uiiu elu'.
rtorc-ioum in Ira T. t'U-uieiil'i buildiu at tim
routh-ont coruer of Market .Sjuur, niar lb Court
Sunbury. Marsh 19, 1361.
.tlturue) .V 4'oiiUk-lior a( f.nvr.
Ofuce ou doutli aide of Mitrkut elrret, four dovra w.e
of t.earbr. ' CuMecliourrj ttore,
Will attend promptly to all profcrdioual ItuMtneM
rntruitrd to hu care, the colleoliun ot clniiut iu Nor.
Comitii'ATIox r TnE flowti a How maov of i tbumberliiud aud tho adjoiniug couutie.
that Gricrson's raid last year through this
State damaged the railroad some forty miles
north of Okolona to such an cxteut that
they never repaired nor undertaken to oper
ate'it above that point. I learn from an
engineer who has been forced lor two years
past to run a locomotive over their roads,
and who was enabled to get to our lines
during the late raid, that teu miles per hour
is ami has been for some months the maxi
mum speed attainable by their trains. The
destruction bv Grierson of iiassenser cars a
year ago has ucver been ma. le good on the j am,ther
roaas, ana leii mum uuuost destitute uicars, :
even before General Sherman came in now ;
to give their MissiKHppi railroads this tovp I
ae prate.
Wheu the news was brought to .Sherman
that the rebels bail abandoned Meridiau
without a blow, and that tbe destruction
our riiiieni are nuffiriiiir from lui doeane, and ei'
pectins to be cured by the uee of violent- puriative,
debilitate ibe njlfm, and cause a return of ths di
aeasn with iucroaned atperity f I it uol hotter to
have a rcrocdv that will eura, by RiviiiR atrength
and itor to the bowel, enabling them to perform
their funetiona in natural manner ? tuch a remedy
lloonnud'a Uerman HiUaro. ' It will pol puru ) and pluiu direction
Cou.uliaiiona in Gerujiin ami Kiigliih.
ruiibury, .Marcli IV, 16I ly
'ron.. 'o m:i:i.
TIIK (ubseriber oflrrj fur al some tnperior (n.
necticut evd-l.eut, and Maryland Uioad-Top To
haeeu Seed, l'rioe 2 oents per Itapcr. Send uioticr
Virtt Major General Uallock is, at his i wus aunit aeevwpli, he is said by eye-wit
) if" I I'Mlabsal fistiMal Gubt Is now
CoMiutaader i ( huf 4.1 1 ib rul. l
wllln.4 reai lo, tHBcrsJ lUllvtk di l, M
WI.Ib: i.', Im I'laif iu:r at lbs bf s
own reoueat. relieved Horn duty us General
in-Chief of tho Army, and Lieutenant Gen
eral I'. S. Grunt is assigned to the command
of the armies of the I'uited btstes. The
headquarters of the Army will be in Wash
ington, and also with Lieutenant General
Grunt iu the Held.
tireund Major General Halleck Is assigned
to duty iu Wakhington as Chief of hull' of
the Army, under the direction of the Secre
tary of 'War and the Lieuteuuut General
Commanding ; orders w 111 be obeyed aud re
spected accordingly.
J'Ai. J -Mj. Geu. W. T. Rhermauls ftsaign
rd to the commuud of the Military Divi
sion of tho Miaaiaaippi, CoiiiImhhmI tif ths do-
iiartuirut or I lie Diiui, Ilia I uuioeilsiui, llitt
I'eniieasoti and tha Arkansas.
'eurA-MaJ. Geu. J. U. M'l'heraon Is s
tlgutd lo the command nfiba Ik-pailuieut
aud Army of ths TeunuaM'.
VUIn relieving MJ. Geo. Ilallmk
Irom duty a General in ( biff, the l'nwdcnt
Uoalrvw in iprus bis approbation aud
thanks for ths ablo aud stalou nianiirr U
tilt U lb aiduoua and rvspooalbUt duties
ol thai position bs been reforuitxL
lijr ordr of lbs tWreury of War.
K. D. l()W.NKMt, Asst. AiV)t. Ua.
' in . -
riu fiTT, Wsrcb loitv-Uankws
dliptl fious ldsko, mint (Ml Ik) fuf lbs
purpoM of buying gold, Uuy thai Ultra is
l9,lM).UUV bar wailini irwnauoiUlbui.
I 1 key cow!4 l ! k itiuuaaniU. !
rutviUS M Jt laa) ljulls lluillvtt.
Muika ut nxl Srs btibl, but wsribsuis
Sf tjlla? U SOlUlpt ff Ullf sirls la)
L hprii.g S totului 4a Uuriag U
nesscs to have walked silently to aud fro for
some minutes, and then burst out excitedly,
"litis is worth dl
ment. 1 lie rclel seemed, up
lust moment, to have regarded Mobile as
the point aimed at, Farrugul'bouibardiucut
of tort Powell serving to keep up the im
pression. I ain warrutited iu saying that
hheruiun was sanguine of his ability to have
taken that city without ditliculty. und bad
the object of his exR'dition permitted,
would have dona si. Ho states unhtaitat
ingly thai ho felt sorely tempted to do so as
It was, aud uolhlng but thu fact of its pos
aibly fruairuting other important move
ments already planned prevented bis under
taking it.
I'ros lMllri-MM, J.
MKNT. P.vtkiuom, N. J. March 13.
'Ill pres aunouiuvs that Col. M'Cslluui
yeairrday luforiurd lh lucouwlirs) buildors
of tula pU'X, thai uuIum tby would procved
at ouua 10 furuUU lbUutinmeiil with two
buudrrd locouiotlvva, L should bavs lo
u!m thoir ho and rusi ujkicj ih liovsm
lucwl avrooiiui. TUo bicoiaolivs builtUr
bss urotubavd lo comply with lUaj dcuisiol
and it uu o( the fAiirU I no ojwiatoiw,
wbl ba t-u.ll utl Sli'lki , HI tratiitis Wolb
la uiifo,
Cnrl Kiiixiriik lrfm U Sw Ji
y. y'tuM4 lion Hri I'oii.i lu M u4
I'lc InjM I .tcr From ICurope.
The, Time bus an editorial on General
Bank's general orders at New -Orleans "da
tive to iicirro luhor. It suvs "it is the ratab
ly millions to the Govern- I Hhmerit of serfdom or the retention of Hal
Uaecuied, up almost to the j f hout tbe name, and the design ia U
actuiv wiu tviea ui iuu cuipiujeia 4ur
The allies made a close rccouuoissance to
wark DupH'l ou-the 2d.
The Danes had burned down all thefurms
on the liua of their outposts.
A cavalry skinuish took place ou the 20th,
near (-'reduiicka. The Dunes captured UU
Gen. Do Meza expresses ths be.Het that
Duppel cannot be taken Ix-fors the end of
May, or tho beginning ot June, even under
ths most unUvurublo circumstance lo the
The Berlin and Yicnna Journal continue
to ridicule tli nfllon of ft couferwnc.
It U stated lhl lb DanlaU Minister of
foreign Adaira, M. tjuado, lis rraiuueil, b
being diaptMM-d lo a Cungrca, la which b
w as opHNMNl by bis cullusgue.
The 1hJi Alanine ixU dUcvrn ihst
Rumi ud Pruaaia, rolylpf on lb faji. Ud
krpajallon of Ktlnd ud.Pru, b
you, but. bv in itrenl iuviKoratu g and tome rrupiT'
lien, will Kirc your jnU'Ui a tone that will enable it
to pcrfuriu nil it fuuetiout in a vijrorous aud natural
niHMicr. Fore aula by all druKgiata and dealers in
inedieinoi at 75 aent per boltle.
He u the happint who dors the n.t to make
olhera happy. The iiwentor of Herrick Allen'i Gold
Modal Salerutua uiiwtbethe happickt man in ex
intuuee. fur we hntiard nothing in aayinr. that the
ue of the Gold Medal Sulerntut cannot fail lo make
a happy houibold. Our belter-half hc doen
Dot fear ol our ever frowning, B long as ahe ean pet
tho genuine llenick Allen . We ay iuceesa to the
inventor, and If everv body knew huw pod it it.
no other would be uted. A good many ui our Mar
chauu hav it. Iheir dejK.t is 142 Liberty S'.reet,
New York
ka long letted the Iruth that there are Brat principles
in Mcdiuiue aa there ii in Science, and thi Medicine
ia compounded on principle aiiiled to tha manifold
nature ol Mun ! The cure of Coldi U in keeping open
the porta, aud ereuting a gi-ntle internal wermth,
and lliil eauwl by the uae of thia Medicine. Its re
medial qualities are baaed on tta power lo Hwit the
healthy aud vigoroua circulation of blood through tha
lunpi, it euliveiia the luuachw and awi.lf the akiu lu
perfurui ila dutiitof regulating the beat of the ays
lew, aud in gently thrott ing ot) tha waate uhatanee
from the aui lace of the body. It ia not violent rem,
dy, but the eiuollieul, warming, aearching and eSec
live, bold by ail druggial at li aud 'ii cents per
bottle. ug. . if
l.ivaii Cosi'LAisT. D si'Ki'u. Jaundiee, Ner
vous 1'ebility, and all liiaeaM aruing (ruin a disor
dered Liver ur Stomach, sue b as I'oualipatiuo. files,
Acidilr of lb Hlomaeh, Kauaoa, HaarlburD, r'ulueaa
or W eight in Ilia Stomach, Nmr KrueUliuua, Sinking
or fluttering at tha t'il of lh hlumaeh, Swiwuiiug
of lbs Head, Hurried and Ihlbeull Urealbing, r'lul
lering of the heart. I'buking Senaalion whtu l)ing
dowu, liiinueaa ol Viaiou, iMs ur H rbs before the
Sight YellownrM of the skin and Eye. Sudden
lathe of Ileal, and Uraal llepreeeniD of Spirit, are
tpeedily aod peruiaaeutly cured by liistrLASU s
ximutt biTTcaa, aold al 74 eeuU er bottle be lb
proprietor. Ir. C. M. JacsiuS A Co., 4IS Alien
Slieet, Philadelphia, and by all druggial and d fa
irer iu aaedlciur iu lh I ulled Stata and Caaadu
ailkMsr ' a)ktswpllik t'tirsiblo
IliwaiHi UI
To Coesrriv.
To adriT katiug bevel rtur4 I beallk
U fw week, by very aiaipU rMdy, nw hv.
l ufte4 aaeataJ year wilb Sever luag feo.
lion, aud that diead dnM, CuMaiu(lu-U iuul
u I kiak knew I bis iailvw 4uSatt tfc
of aura
t all wkai'lrK be IH m4 .'Tf Ik
aatipiuw u4 (lie ul ebarg), with lb uwXun
M abuia awl U aa, wbWk Ikef will
(a a kii M (.ubalioai. Atk. feowael
U, rtiibe. Cold, t lb Mil '! l lbs ad-
Mite uw4 lie riMwiMU i l wi Ik I will miim ,Wy ml lk.iai. II.J tkd
Mte4.a4 rnel.wNwUaWi k4kM 1 r laiu, U be tu4 U lhl Hue. l U.. It
Alao a lot of tinnl Tubacro Leaf fir 1p.
J'. I). MASSfcU
Sunbury, March 19, l?6t.
IN purxuance of an alia order of the Orphan' Court
of Northumberland county, will be eiKrd tu
public the Mount L'armel houat. in the Borough
of Mount Cariuel. iu aaid cuuutv of Northumberland,
I'enu'a.. on Tl 'KSUAY. the liih 1AY ol AI'KIL.
A. I) , 164. all the right, title und inlerrid belong
ing to the ciUte ol tbe lluu. CharUi W. ll"giu. de.
ceueed, ill aud to the following Ileal Eatute. ailuttlo
in Mount Cermet luwnahip, iu aaid eounly, bounded
and devribed aa followa, to wit ' beginning at a
W bite Oak. Iheuce South one deg. Kaat, forly-ais
perche to a (tone : thruoe Souib twentv endil dea-.
KaM. nini'ty-eighl pcrehe lo a pine. South aitty-lwu
degree Weat, oue buudred and forlv-foo' pert-he to
a atone coruer. South twrntv-eight degreo Eaal. fifty
perchea tu pine, North aixly-twu degrrra Kiial,
twenty. eight porcbe lu a piuc. South aixty degree
Eaatj forty -aeveu perche to a pine, North fitly fit
degree East, two hundred and thirteen perche lo a
jhwI, North thirty-four degree Weal, one hundred
and eigbty-fiva perche to a poet. South seveuty-fiia
degreea weal, Eighty.tao-percbea lo while oak,
the place ol begiuuiug uontainiug
''v HuutlrtMl nud Iwralj Afrea,
Uriel meaeure, bring pari of a larger tract uf land
in the name of Lawrence Lomiaun, adjomiug Und
aurveyed in tha Dauice of lUtberl Irwin. Jeremiah
l'nul and other. Late tbo property of said t baria
W. llcgiu. dee'd.
bale tu eoiunicure at I n'oluck. 1. M , of aid day.
wheu lb term aud euudiliuo ol ale will be mad
known by UEU. II. CLAY,
lly unler of the Court. 1 Adwiuuttralur.
J. A. 5. lTM.UL.MiS. C O. C. J
Suubury, March IV, IHA4.-I. )
rilHEmtavrib will Lraaaj their flag sad Build.
L Slutia Quarry, about three wilt I rout Sun
bury, ou lh Nona Hianeb uf theSuaquukauua river
The aluue are of the keel qualny, tuilabl lor p ve
rnal! (a arid bulldiug puruiwai.
rut luriuer particular aipiy w r.-ur n a .it.
TIN Sbawukiu. I'
March IV, I Mil
, II. iiOYEH.
Suubury, I'a
BOAT .&.1T.D T2CA1:
if Ntm.iaaii:
LAIttiK CtNAL (UiAT rv aeveval
wa.uitailk'U.lil, will bv aull ekeau
PpniBgiu rfuui n . iiorrr.ri.
kuubury, I'a
bouud Iheniatlve louutber for lb teriuln
liou of what they tall rvolulioo, and for
lb riuinat icion of opuium ia
Kurop. 1. Von Initk bs Mrtod ikal
Geruiny voubt ur t ut) gooti itiuit
ilU IVbinaik 4 ItiaaT M lb DltUl dUiu
c.ii.' lii.iiiuil.m. i.f rithiuuk i a,.liilii. ' ae k laitalitakl i ! be b"f- - ( ill
J. J i Vl promt, thai rglal itl k,Y;." " ,Uvu,"fc,, -fc" mt '
'" '. Cum, lb t rucll ' hV.tMlik.r.lHWnl.4dr.j I aau ). k riitkUA IU"K .1 ' I '
U. II . ..I M. I. It. ... KB... ,1 1
... ku.H.aa:.. h. Yk
d Ik Lataat liaitwliiiM, aut uf tk aeat u
vua (eLbtlH)l
0r artjv l.rlkrMl.
aud awt4 aape tad at vie
lMIU4 as aerl aall, I leuaela)
mi, Ka-M'(wll,
k i ,4 i;r .
i..i I
ut out of KJr sliaits s4 'brc ths kU.
1klf , U dUHUtttCw
or lu
ai ttW,f. t li n.l) Isint) fijj'it pars nit
lllit tud riuu.Ui Ui., fcod .li l..e ft n.J . 4i
I Vi-xk I IM 4