Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 05, 1864, Image 3

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    Efjc Sunburn 'ftmrrican.
H. B. MA88EB, Bdlto Proprietor.
HtniBV, PA.
. SATURDAY, MARCH 0, 1804.
i -J l - . .IB
J?. 37 Park ttow, Now York, and t Stat Street,
melon, ar our afwnta for the 8tiKmT AaanictM
i Uium cities, and n authorised to tak Adverfie-
lents nd 8ubcrlpiki for a at our lowest rate
IJJ- Books for rii Camp Fjrus "No
-Is ready. It is claimed to be Uie cheapest
,;rrin.l rorV ret imblialicd. It contains
04 dsowi. minion, and 5 spirited illustra-
.. it i entitled Clotellc: a Tale of
tiu Southern States, by V. W. Brown, a
ative of Kentucky. Price 10 cents ; for
liicli it will be sent to any address, postage
aid, by the publisher, James Redpath,
ioston. No, a Tale of llnlzac, "the Dickens
f France," will be issued soon. On Picket
lutr. bv Miss Alcott, 2o. 1 of this series,
wonn to its 2d edition. 7000 were soltf
- e -
i three dnys.
W" TnE Atlantic Mox'tiii.y for March
as been received. Its contributors arc, John
t. "Wbitticr, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Bayard
aylor, Harriet Beccher Stowc, Robert Dale
wen. Caroline Chcsebro, Ik. Marvel, Alice
rv nrl otlipr Twtnulnr writer. List of
...J, 1 t
intents: The Queen of California: The
rother of Mercy ; Ambassadors in Bonds;
,ret-Weather Work, V. ; On the Relation of
rt to Nature, IL ; Our Classmate; Whit
er' The Convulslonists of St. Mcdard ;
ouse aod Home Papers. III. ; Our Sol
ars 4 WiilUin Makepeace Thackeray ; The
entnwUf Cmpaisn Reviews and Llt
aryioc. Published by Ticknor &
ieU'?5 Wwliing st., Boston, Mass., at
I per antwtov.
3?""TJie &eritH Agrieultural for March,
ntuin ttio "V-su-al variety of practical and
her infitui(tt!i.u useful to almost every
mselio'.d. It is one of the best and cheapest
iblicatious in the country.
.ve received the January number of this
iblicat'um, from I-eonnTd Scott & Co., 38
alkcr street, Xew York, to whom the
.Wic are indebted for the Re-publication,
a low price, of the Britwh Reviews and
ackwood's Magazine. The table of con
its will show the character of the work.
io article on China develop much ititer
ing information of that peculiar people,
le other articles are "New Englauders and
e old Home," "Forsyth's Life of Cicero,"'
tiptain Speakes' Journal," a'A interesting
:ount of African discoveries," "Guns and
ates," "Eels," "Rome ill the miiivile Ages,"
d the Danish Duchies.
-gr- The Lady's Book for March is out
ih one of the prettiest and most natural
:tures, "Want of Confidence." The horse
idling his mouth for the bunch of clover,
file the child holds its hand behind it,
aid to venture, and tUe older sister
.ootlies the horses front," nud gives en
gagement. "Great Expcctions" is good;
o the lashion plates and the reading niat
. The publishers say that the circulation
is year will bo 150,000 copies.
SLornl affairs.
rySw Law Finn. We refer our reaeer to
t advertisement of Messrs. Ziogler A Malick, who
e opened a law offioo next door to Protbonotary
ce. Mr. Zieglor waa formorly a practising lawyer
Duller county, and recently at Selinsgrove.
'Spring Dry Good nun opening large assorts
m new deaigna at tl.o Old Established Dry
odsllousoof Kyro A Landoll, 4th A Arch Sit.,
iladelpkia. Read advorliscmeiit.
We learn that Capt. Uobin'a Company, from
place, bat left Key Went tot Louisiana. They
licipat a fight. Their destination is. probably)
1 We copy the following itciuafruni the Uaicln
lest wock : -Three
young men of this plaee. John Haas, Albert
jtt and Jacob Hohrbaeh, atartad tor the Idaho
A luiues, on last Wednesday night. W ,wish
in success in their gulden enterprise."
Charles A. liright.of Sunburv, Keoruiting Agent
last Tuesday morning, took down to Uarrisburg,
uiHv-niue reuruita li from Jackaon township. 12
mi l'pper Mahonoy, and b front Little Muhonoy."
Snow about four iuehea in depth, fell on Tues
v lust ; but owing to the rough roada, tbo aleigh
fiavcry indiflereiit.,
fT?-The ica on tbo riror moved ofl' tjuictly on
adny liiat for the acoond time. It wua about aix
Lea thick.
li" Tlie nett roceedaol the exhibition uf Tableaux
., held at ludependont Hall, Lewisburg,o Tuea
y night of lust week, amounted to about $131).
On the 23d ult., Ker. Joseph P. Tualin, Northam.
rland, waa ordained to the work of the minutry.
ordinatlou aeruon wat preached by Her. 6. II.
.rick, of Lewiaburg.
fp-The Vrovoat Marshal Ueneral haa directed that
.u enlisted fur the First battalion eumpaniea of the
alid Corua will be credit! to the quota to be
-nuhed under the draft, nf the ward, borough,
a ar tity and State froa bliih they euliai.
fT'liiSTarasixa. Four young girls of Tamari ua,
lilt skating on a pood near that place, on day last
tek, broke through the lea a ad were drowaed.
ic girls all belonged to lespectaUe faiuiliel Iu the
tVA dangeroaa eoontue felt note ea Ua Bank o
arUt Aaierioa, 1'hiladelpbia, ha juat otade iu ap.
araaet. It lg a lea altered fnxa a oa and to
llfully executed a to deceive ordinary judge ef
i i aee
VAi.sof Uovxaaaaat lloaaat -4a Friday
m! balurday laal, tklee kuadred aoree Kelt fut
rlhar (mvmm, were told at auuli aal at this plane,
gore iuusiU ageaia. Tbe aal attraeud a Urge
iisiber of Udder frosa this, aad lb adjulaU ata.
, and frosa a still greater di.laaee, aa sue of the
aee were Ukea to berk wii. a karae auld
ll, at4 al paste to kigk fur iMulak:r. The
sag ps was aiwU aw. hW am alusua
jilUeas, aad u!4 as low eeose w(la. Tke aigkaet
ssed kra fid, Was keueked doaa to leswa laaa
.llafAugaala towaablk a T, teM ,
sto r as!, aa4 lew t a tew. Oae
.ailesM) ua Mai4 II U awn, aed andiag bis
u4 kf gaia at atty pf tee, gas klsa to aa aaiViilnei
d, aae aae to welaetoa to lad kiaieelf ea t I Italy
wwawf of a bus. )U ai ky Wt dtuv
oa. Ik "t-U r"4aia IW ' H.eld Mkwg
de auk Ik toeis), a4 iMtr Jerautl Istoad sWad
oieelf la tb auadillu) f Ik toa SsM "tjuttgtl
. eUkbasit tad dUa'l kswa ka to to euk a
Is4 ksa ef stieet d vSs.ed klsa al a sole,
teeitr ljd Un I ( leiaser, kew
ErtcorsTEn wmr a Gigantic Old Max
K'.nsahoo. -A vouncr .TUrmn Patterson,
nrLonf Fist 'Urlo
was proceeding
6n horseback thro,u the bush in the
Ticinity of his residence tome tirad ago, he
VM attracted hy the yelping of his dogs to
it Uiick piece of !nishwood, and, riding up,
he. came npon them attacking an immense
old man kangaroo. One of the doss was
already dead, rent asunder by the claws of
the monster, and two otbers were also wound
ed, but still tackling it. No sooner did the
kangaroo espy Patterson than it jum)ed at
him, and threw its forepaws round the
horse's neck. Fortunately the youth had a
loaded pistol with him, which be drew and
fired, the ball striking the kangaroo in the
left'shoutdcr, and passing out through its
back. By this means one of the animal's
paws was disabled, but with the other it
still showed fight, and Patterson being un
able to make and impression on his assailant
with blow of t'je pistol, for he had not an
other charge, endeavored to get the stirrup
out of the springbnr, so as to use it the end
of the leather as a weapon. While doing
this the kangaroo, with its undisabled paw,
slightly wounded his hand. At length Pat
terson got the stirrup-leather loose, and,
hitting the animal on the temple with all
his force, he succeeded in stunning it. With
several other well-directed blow he managed
to kill it. The kangaroo was of enormous
size, measuring no lees than 9 feet 6 inches
from the tip of the tail to its cam. The tail
itself measured 15 inches round at the butt,
and the vkin and weighed 20 lbs, Ovul
bum (Australia) Chrviiicle.
In cotlscqOeme of tho distnrbed state of
the Catholic mind in Europe and of the
Greek mind in Asia, An English Episcopalian
proposes that the Book of Common Prayer
shall bo translated irito Latin and Geek, and
circulated as a means of influencing it iu
tbo right direction. This idea is worthy
ol notice by those American Episcopalians
in this city who are proposing a union with
the Rttsso- G. jck Church. i. I' Pott.
Dr. Foley, of Paris pioposcs to cure asthma,
croup, and rther disorders of the respiratory
organs, by submitting patiunts to a pressure
of two atmospheres and a half in a chamber
subjected to the pressure of a forcing pump.
He contends ulsi that weakness may be over
come in the same way, as compressed air
artcrializcs the blobd and increases the vital
A railway, is proposed to be laid through
the Thames Tunnel.
The Rev. Mr. Ppurgcon recently comfort
ed his hearers in the following manner:
"Littely a great deal of infidelity hud broken
out in the church, and he thanked God for
it. It seemed as though God had let the
devil lo.ise among them to stir them 'up to
renewed exertion, alio trusted that God
would deliver them from n sleeping devil, for
a roaring devil was a blessing rather than
the reverse-"
Fur the March Term of theXurthumfcrland
- County Utyrt, 1801.
V tiuAND jriions.
1 John Dcppen, Jackson,
2 John 8. iSiiade, Lewi9,
it Daniel Bekman, Delaware,
4 Thomas Burr, "
5 Daniel Cares, "
0 James Reninger, North'd,
7 David Slave, Upper Augusta,
8 Elias Byerly, Lower Mahanoy,
0 .?Hhn Runk'lc, Shamokin,
10 Valentine Deitz, Sunbury,
1 1 Daniel Snyder, Jordan,
12 Murtirt Oass, Upper Agusta,
13 Martin Bachman, Lower Mahanoy,
14 Joseph Haas, Jackson,
15 Daniel L; lWrttid, Turbnt,
10 John Clark, Sunlnirv,
17 Robert Walker, Point,
18 Daniel Dunkelberger, Cuineron,
19 Frederick Treon, Washington,
20 Jacob Evert, Upper Augusta,
21 Jacob Eckuian,
22 Jacob Gazette, Sunbury,
23 J umcs Smith, Coal,
24 Galeu Smith, Jackson.
1 Samuel Malick, Washington,
2 Charles Iloweter, Tpper Mahanoy,
3 Henry Hartrunf, McEwensvill,
4 George Bcrdner, Lower Mahanoy,
5 Frederick Dipncr, Coal,
0 George L. RilHu, Milton,
7 Seyntoro Ammou, Delaware,
8 John A. Snyder, Lower Mahanoy,
9 Charles Artman, Turbut,
10 Charles Culp, Mt. Carmel,
1 1 John Vandevender, Point,
12 John Shuck, Lewis, '
13 Peter Wnmpole, Upper Agusta,
14 George Klick, Shamokiu,
IS Jacob lienn, Lower Agusta;
10 Sebastinn Haupt, Klinbury'
17 David R. Malick, Upper Augusla,
18 John Pennsyl, Rush,
19 Samuel T. IJrown, Milton,
20 George Fetterolf, Upper Mahunoy,
21 Etmtnuel Zimmerman, Coal, .
22 Samuel Totgo, Lower Mahanoj'j
23 Win. M. Auten, Cliilisijuaiiue,
24 John Duniel, Jordan,
25 Darrah, Delaware,
28 Wui. Wilson, Northumberland;
Samuel Cox, "
2 3 John Allnirt, Jackson,
2!) Wiu. II. Kuse, Rush,
80 Jnitu-s Aurthur, Lewis,
31 Michael Graham, Mt. Camel,
32 A. B. Artman, Delaware,
33 Jefferson Bear, Coal,
34 Bunj. Dockcy, Iower Mahanoy,
83 Samuel Ulair, Alillon,
80 John Schuyler, Lewis,
87 Adam Ileal, Upper Augusta,
88 Charles Follmvr, Turbut,
89 Jacob Wiest, Jorden,
40 Enos Hilliard, Delawure,
41 Henry Luntz, Turbut,
42 Frederick Wagnir, Lewis'
43 John R. Pollock, Turbutville,
44 Lembert Eckmau, ltnsh,
43 Robert Montgomery, Lewis,
40 Jacob Hunsickcr, "
47 William Hoffman, Washington,
48 Charles Mottlcr, Rush,
1 Henry Strine, Milton,
S Henry U. Haas, Turbut,
8 Suoiucl G. Foy, Zerbe,
4 Saaiuel Dcrr, Delaware,
5 Jscob Witmur, Lower Muhauoy,
6 William Waldron, Turbut.
7 John J. Parker, Delaware,
8 Henry Buriuaa, Milton,
Jnhu Harmon. Jr.. Lewis,
10 Alexander Campbell, Uuh,
11 Hiram Price, Suubury,
IS John U. U'inbacb, Delaware,
13 John K. Kramer, Turbut,
14 Thomas Murdm-k,
13 Arthur T. I.udwig, Delaware,
19 Henry II. Kobbiue, Upper Auguala,
17 J. H. Mi formic, Miltou,
18 Joseph Arnold, Ui'iHT Auguala,
19 GNig Htrine, MiUon,
KO Mithat'l Lauiut, MUUtn,
t JaoiU Cameron,
ti Jax.b I Hill, McEweuavilU.
Kl DaaUl Zlumierwaa. Low el AutfWeta,
XI hatuuait hhatlor, Jurtlan,
93 W ilium Ifotlmer. Tuibul,
Hit Geor I'musyl, bUaiuukbi,
T Karnawurlls lUed. M
18 Itovtd iurriibi.b4'( IkUwti't
Hit ItouWI X.llur, l'tal,
Itti VI lillaiu Itollivt, TurbuUntllej,
II Juba llajtif, Jr., Turbut,
8'4 Lliaa Kuhvl, Ul.
Id nul Fjisjul, Ji-itiaa,
ti W tiluta t uur, lkai,
t AsUi AfeustiiMiaj.
4 i-UM i l of4ix)
TlY elrto of eertaln wrltaof Ven. Ex. hawed oat
X ' erthetJoartof Vnmmoa Plea nf Northotnber
land eoenly, and to me direoted will be cxnoaed to
pnblio sale, at the Court llnua, in tbe bnrongh of
ouoDury, on mnnaay, in lein oay or Marcn, 1H84,
t o'oloek, P. M., the following deaoribed real wtsto,
to wit i
A eertala tract or piece of land, sltnat In Upper
Mahonoy township, Nortbomberland eonnty, Pa.,
bounded and di-eeribed aa follow to wit : oa the
north by land of Michael Paul and Peter Beeel, on
the eaat by land of the heir of John Smlnkey, deo'd.
and Daniol Kiefer. on the aontb be land of liM
Malick and Charles Kabler and on the west by lands
ui oBinuoi jmiari ins tfosD ueist, eonsaining ninety
si a acre more or lees, 8S aere whereof are cleared
and the balance timber land, whereon are erected a
log weatherboard ed dwelling house, frame bank barn
wagon shed and other outbuilding.
Beiaed, taken in execution and to be (old as the
property of John 8. Smlnkey.
ALSO s At tb same time and plaee, all that cor
tain traot or piece of land, mrreyed on a warrant to
ilathia Zynmerman, bound by tract of land, uf Toy
ed in the name of John Itoyd and by land aurveyed
In the name of William Wilson, Peter Mowery, Ml.
chael Knoll and Frederick Kramer, lying la Coal
and Zerb townships, eoohty and Suite aforesaid,
containing 417 aarea, more or Ice.
Seised, taken in elocution, and to be aold aa the
property of Wm. Ayers, Adm'r of Win. Ayere,
dec d.. wllh notioe to liueher Ayers and other terr
ALSO: At the Same time and place, a pertain
traot or piece of land, situate In Little Mahnoy town'
hip. county and State aforesaid, bounded and de
aoribed a follow : on the South by land of the Tre
rorton Coal Company, on the east by the now, on
the north by land or John Hensyl and on the wert
by lands of Joseph Dunkelberger, containing S2
acre and 43 hundredths, about 4U aero whereof are
Cleared and the balance limber land, etc., whereon
are erected a log dwelling house, frame bank barn
and other outbuildings, two apple orchard and a
pring of water near the door.
Also, npon two eertain lot of ground, Not. 8 and
9 in block No. 117, situate in the town of Trerorton,
Zerbe township, county and State aforesaid, bounded
on tbe north by Shamokin street, on the south and
east by Switch Back and on tb west by lot No. 7,
eontaiuing in width each 25 foot aod in depth feet
each, whereon are creeled a large double frame
dwelling house, two storie high, with bnsoineut,
frame sljiblo, well of water near the ooor, etc.
- Seised, tnken in execution and to be sold a the
property of Ira Snyor with notioe to M. Levy and
Andrew Forsythe, terre tenant.
WM. M. WEAVER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's OfBoo, Sunbury ..tub. 27, 1S04.
Jl'ST reccieed a now stock or Fishing
Spring sales, consisting of Koda, lie
Tackle for
Pfln. t.tnM
Baskets, Snoods, Floats, Nets, Flic, Artificial Bait,
Rigged Lines. Uut, Uraa and Hooka, to which the
attention of dealers is particularly requested.
Order. Wholesale and Retail.
and satisfaction warranted.
2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia.
Fobruary 27, 1S01. 8m
ISO. 1861-
lhilal-lhln V Ii Itnilrond.
THIS great line traverse the Northern and North
west counties of Ponnavlvania In thn aitv tit Vrin
on Lake Erie
It has been leased by tho Ponusylrania Railroad
Company, and under their auspice is being rapidly
opeuod throughout it entire length.
It is now in use for Paaaengur and Freight business
from Harrisburg to Emporium (Ifj miloa) on tbe
Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Eric, (7S
miles.) on tbe Western Division.
Arrive JZa.liaard.
ljtnve 'tlvnrd.
Mnil Train, 9.35 A M.
Express Train, ll. IU P.M
I'.H ... 1 1. 1. ...
Sluil Train, 6.85 P. M,
Express Train, 7.05 A. M
Cars run throueh without cliansre. both wavs. on
these trains betweon Philadelphia and Lock Haven,
and between Baltimore and Lock Haven.
Elegant Sleeping Care on Express Train both
Ways between Williamsport and Baltimore, and
Williatnsport and Philadelphia.
For information rcspectim; Paasenuer business
apply at the S. E, for. 11th nd Market St.
Ana mrrreight business ol the Company Agent,
K. B. Kiugston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Murket St.,
J. W. Reynolds, Erie.
J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Ttaltimore.
II. II. Hot (TCI,
tien'l Freight Agt. Philada.
Lewis 1.. Hoiti'T,
tien'l Tickot Ag't., Philada.
Ucn'l Mauager, Williamsport.
Feb. 1861. '
i'or ItutH, lir-, ltotirbest, AbIn,
lliitp, Glottis In I'urs, uoI-nM..Vo.,
liiMet'i) om PlnniM, I'on Is, Anliuul,
Put up in I5e; f0e: and f 1 00 Boxce, Bnlllo and
Flasks. 53 and i sixes for Hotels, l'ullio luatltu
lions, Ac.
"Only infallible retiledie known."
Free from Poisons."
"Not dangerous to the Human Family,"
'Rat ooiue out of their holes W die."
(7-Sold Wholcsalo in all lurge Chios.
Cold by all druggista ana Itetatlcrs everywhere
! '. '. Bkwarb ! ITof all worthleaa imitation.
See that "Coetar'a" Dame is on each Buz, BotU
and Flask, before you buy.
Add re Ulrica II.I tIKI.lll.
Principal Depot t?i BrtfadAay. New York.
ra-Sbld by ail W holeaalc and Retail DruicsiaU in
Bunbury. Pa
reu. zu, i04. em
TN pursuance of an order of tbe Orpbaiu' Court of
X orlliumocrland couuty, wilt he exposal to pun
lie sole, on the premise ou SATl'ltDAV, MARCH
ltli, IStH, Ibe lull equul uiulivhtod inNK tiriU
PART of those eertuiu lot or piece of ground, situ
ate iu tb town of Shamokin, Coal township, in aaid
county, numbered ill Ibe gonurat triun of s-iid town
as lot number 55, 66, 57 and 5d, fronting Commerce
treet. Each of (aid lot being twenty-eight and
one-half feet io width in fruut. Ou which ar
erected oa lot il and 58, a large frame dwelling
bouse and other outbuildings, and on number 66 ar
erected a atabl and other out-building. Late the
property of Joseph F. Bird, deceased.
Sal to commence at 11) o'clock A. M. of said day
when the teruia and conditions of suie will be mod
know by
jtojiu r. isinu, audit.
By order of tbe Court.
J. A. J CI MMIMIS, Clk. 0. C.
Sunbury, February 20, IMS!.
IN pursuance of aa ardor of Ih Orphans' Court of
Northumberland eouuty. will be expuaed to pub
lie aal, at tb itouut CariJ I house, ia lb Buruuich
of Mount Carmel, in aaid couuty of Northumberland,
reus a., oa RAJ IHl'AI, Ih 6th DAY. or MARCH,
A. D , iHtU. all Ih right, title and interval belong
ing Iu lb eatala of Ik Hub. Charle W . llerina. d-
eeaaed, in and to lb lullowiug Real Estate, aituat
la Muuui v arttial lowneaip, lit aid nuuty, bound ca
ihI deeeribed a follows, la wit ' Beginning al a
Wait Oak, these South oue deg. East, f-Mrty-al
Krehe Io alooe ; Ihene buuth tweuly. eight deg.
at, aiaetyelgbl perubea to a piue, Boulh sixly-two
degree Weat, oa a u ad red aad hTtv-fuo Mrebe Io
a tutu eeeuor, bouth Iwenty-eigbl degree baat, tfty
pereka Iu a piue, Nor lb taiy-twu degree East,
IwMity-eigkt perebaa h a ptue, Suulk eialy degree
East, lurlyev)! pare bee Iu a piue, Kuruk tlly-t
degreaai Lael, Iwokuudred oud Ibirteea pereba Iu a
pual, Nurtk ihuTiy-fuar degreaa Meet, oue huudred
a4 eigblytv peruke Iu a pual, iMNttk eruiy ir
degreee weal, Eibty-lwc perutuw baa wblU wok,
Ik plaee ut beajusuuig uuuuuiag .
'' llaiMdr-! mad 'I Mrutjr Arrexa,
Uk4 neaaurs, kelug paI cf larger traul of lead
ia lb Baute of Laaieuee Imuiisu, adyuutug Uada
auiteyed ta the haute ef Robert Irwiu, JwewiUk
Paul oud oluei. Lale Ik uitv ol said Ckarlii
W. lUaiua. due d.
tele Iu wuaieM al I e'eiwwk, I M , ef said day,
be lb Uiut atul land 1 1 Haas uf sal will be ataj
kauwak OfcO II CLAY,
K wdor of tke Coutt, AdoiiuieM4ur.
i. A. J Ll MatlMia. l.U C. I
kuuWy, fc. U, lo i.
'r jUls a(
Uf af4u.aki.Mi rituiib4
Ht.hl.Mka i
Hae. ll. U.aa.
liU kiU U ,
H tiJuiJl. IB Mh 11. J I,...,.. La
! II ! UM( S( stwu, ,
ItfeMf M ku., kt . 1 f-Jli4J..l.. L ,
li M-ui- s , t- U- ittu.i i 0ui
ll w lwt 'it . .U4.'llu
i .(. a, k4 1
T N pursunnoo of sn order of Ih Orphans' Court of
JL annnumoeriana rnwnty, will be el rosea to pun
lie sal, at tb Court Unas in the Borough of Sun.
bury, on Monday tbe 7th day of MARCH, A. D. 1864,
tha following described Lot of Uround. aituat io Ih
borough of Sunbury, and marked in Ih general plan
of said Borough number 322, bounded oaatwardly hy
lot number 321, and westwardly by lot number '.12:',
Borth by Whortleberry street, south by-Bilberry
alley. Late lb estate of Bftmucl Thompson, de
ceased. Sale to eommono at 1 o'clock P. M., of said day,
when the term and condition of aal will be mad
knowa by
By order of the Conrt,
J. A. J. Ccmuihos, Cl k 0. C.
Banbury Feb. 13, 1804.
Adllla. HelfeDftcin
William H Marshall and
io 20, March T., 1SG4.
V) Uliam M. H oarer
:no.i:it'N nai.k.
BT virtue of aa order of stile in Parlitlone de Fa
olonda, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, to me di-
Mlal will ha - I . . , .-,
' 1 v uuuii, auiv ni ine Vruurt
House ia the borough of Sunbury. on Monday the
i j.i, r if - v. , .i . .,,, . . ,y
i.imuu, i,, i j o cioca r. m.t tuo fol
lowing described real estate to wit :
All certain inrMti nnn n )..). .juHl- v -a
Ground, situate in the town or Shamokin, Coat town
ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, and
deaoribed in the General Plan of said town as Lota
iio. i, a, ., e, o, i ana a, in block number fifty
seven (47), bounded on the north by Arch etrect, east
by vaoant ground, south by lot No. 0, and wort by
r.nrntn alrnftt An w h i V. . i ,, t
Building called a College or Aoademr.
o , - xwAiiiit, tvoroncr.
Coroner's orBoe, Sunbury, Feb. 13. 1864.
I.lnt of'Causaoii lbr .tlarch T 1m1.
1 Jacob J. Reed
vs Lemuel Chamberlin,
2 John C Hoffman,
8 John Drahcr,
4 same
5 Klate & Buohnor,
6 Franois Klaie,
v Cloaver, Fagely A Co.,
TS Seasholts, Fagcly A Co.,
V Wm. L Dewart et al,
v same
I nugn lant,
vs Daniel P Caul,
8 The Big M'tn. Imp Co, v T Bnuiegurdner et al
rtaty Btamin, lor use v John r' Violfingor.
10 Com. of Pcnn'a for Pursed vs Jaa Vandyke t bail
1 1 Isaac Marts et al v 8 B Boycr and'Wm West
12 J. M Bostiunand wife vs Solomon Brosious,
13 E K Bright A Son vs K Osmun A A Osmun,
14 John Buyers, vs Wm L Dcwnrt,
15 Andrew M Eastwick, vs D. C ClouVer et al.
Id Cntharine Pei0"er vs Jonathan Dunklcbergcr
17 J. H. Raker aaeignee vs Patrick Machcn,
18 J A J Cummings vs George Blniu,
10 William Antrim vs West BranoFi A Susi. Coal Co
20 Robert Campbell vs l'pper Augusta township,
21 A P Lnrk, vs John F Cwlow. et al
22 Com. ofPemVaforS. Finney vs P W Uilgcrt ctal
23 Michael Hnhn vs Wm Roihing adm'r.
24 C O Bachman et al vs Thos Pursel et nl
25 Eliiaboth Hnuse, vs J. S. Uiltncr, adm'r
26 Mary II Urecland's heirs vs N. C. It R, Co,
27 Maria C Vincent, . vs John I Watson,
28 Beni S Myers
vs iloeiah Henry,
vs B. A. Alexander,
vs Valentine Klaxe,
vs Jedinh Koiser,
... fc! I 1 .
20 John Halcr, for tuo
SO Win. Kline
31 U cor go W Dixon,
,ii Dunk of Aliddlctown
33 Richard McUrann et al vs Phil A S. R. R. Co to.
34 David Waldron vs Jono Waldron,
35 Moses Chamberlin ot al vs John Voris, Ac.
30 Wm L Dewart vs Thos Baumganlucr,
37 Arnold A Wcisor, vs Nancy Carr A Francis,
38 Jns Beard fur use Ao vs Wm A Reuben Fagcly,
30 Ellen Biinihnrt vs Solomon Miniros.
,a r-n luuui n eisi.
40 Decatur Herb. vs John A Snyder, adm'r
41 Ucorge L Watts vs Wm B Bryson
42 licorgo Snyder, vs ArbognstA Bobb, io.
43 Jeremiah Savidgo vs Jacob Uindore,
44 John Dunklcbergcr vs Bonbam Martin,
45 Peter K . Fisher vs Joseph Weitxel,
40 Ira T Clement, eta.1 vs J. .1 hull Jk .1 V rvi.x.1
47 Sfeah JaneCoup. vs Elixnbeth Jenkins,
48 Com. of Pcnn'a for D Long vs D. Waldron, et al,
40 Michucl tiraham vs J nines Pollock et al
50 Thomas Cuinly vs John Mnycr with notiuo, Ac.
51 Daniel Kraiuor for uso vs Jacob Muurv.
52 Hiram 11. Moure et al vs U. S. Wolcott,
3 McFarlnnd, Evans A Co vs Frick and Stout,
54 Isaac Brown vs Lorento Munsvll,
65 Peter E Fctscr vs ti eorgo B Fetter
60 Joseph Hogendoblcr, to. vs W F Nagle,
67 Wm L Dewurt vs II. B. Mtusur.
Twcnty.five cases for trial the first week, and tho
balance for second wei-k.
itAiti.otvvs i.-ii
Dealers and Consumers of the nbovo tVlohrnleil
Wash Blue, will pleuae luke Uotive, that thu LubeU
are altered to read
AIIYmhI VlltI-i--ri
No. 233 North SKCOXD Street, PHILADELPHIA.
The nuulily of this Blue w ill bo tbe same iu every
respect .
It is warranted to color moro water than twice the
same quantity of Indigo, and to go much further
tbau any other Wash Blue iu the market. It dis
solve perfectly clear and docs not settle on the
ulolbea as most of tho other mukes do. Obo Box dis
solved in half pint of water, will inuke us good a
Litjuia uiuu as any mat is luauo, at ouo third tbe
As it is retailed at tha same price as tho Imitiitions
and Inferior articles, housekeepers will find it very
much to their advantage to oak tor that put up at
tj'AU Blue putupaftor Ihisdatawiih Bahlow's
name on it is uu lmilalioii.
The New Lable does not require a Stamp.
For Sale by Storekeepers generally.
Feb. 13, lr.64 fliuw
Kittle of (tie Hank of on!tuinlfr.
luud, I'Vlsruury 4, 1I.
Loans and Bills discounted, 193,7.'I4 04
Judgments, ... . . i:.4t4 85
Certificate United States Mint , Snu.UOO 00
L uited States 5-20 Loan, ... . 100,000 00
luterest bearing Legal Ten
ders, . . - . . 25.000 00
Pennsylvania, " ... 2S.400 00
Nnrthumberland Bauk Stock, . 6,070 00
Northumberland Bridge Stock, 1,600 00
Telegraph Stock, ..... SAO uO
Real Estate, 8,870 K7
Due by other Banks, . ... 170. 1 OA 63
Notes uf other Banks, and Legal Tenders 8,041 00
Cosh Items, ..... J joo 42
Specie in Vault including Commonwealth
Specie Certificates, ... 30,058 60
$7b?,20o 21
$322,785 00
23,360 24
18.000 00
184,500 81
Note in circulation, ...
Due olbcr Bunks, . . . .
" Commonwealth, Currency for
Specie Certificate, - - .
" Depositor, ....
54,707 05
I certify the abov statement to be juat oud true
to the best of my knowledge and belief.
S. J. PACKER, Cashier.
Sworn and subscribed before me. I
M. B. PaiasTLBr, Notary Public. 1
Feb. , D64. '
Statement of Northumberland County Bank.
Statement of the Northumberland Couuty Bank a
required by tb 4th section uf the Act of Ueneral
Asaembly, of this t'uoimonwcallh, approved April
Kill, loOl :
Loan and Discount,
Ij.dd to Stat, Silver and I'. 8. demand
I'. 8 6-20 Bunds,
Due from Bonks iu Pbilodslphia,
Notes of other Ban a a,
Due fnua Brokurs,
Bauk Properly,
SloM Trasurer,
1115 000 00
30.8SA 03
Vo iW no
05,841 77
4.5HO 00
2 4 II M
3.50H 60
628 00
31 1,480 U
f M 475 M
iST.u.t u
70 010 K4
Capital 8l.k,
Da bepuailore,
$Ju4.4i7 M
I serlify Ibe ahore Haii uiet.l le b aurreul WUi
boat u! uir kuuwiedg and belief.
111". D. ORAXT, taller.
ASliuied aad subscribed brf' lue,
. r ). JU, M. p.
rdunuukla, reb. I, au4.
jltiKH it iitiu:it'M
If t'uriujf llaeoe.l ahd I'keauul k4 . Ikilajl4,i
IIIKM'V ike "ATt.NT kill' ALIZIXtl THIH.
A Ts DAY I Lot M, a inj daui.Ue article lur
I kejvkae, lluiut, llauki, t'wtuuug Unas us, I'aiula,
Alau, klauflr of tlXHL HOLD I'tSd
f lu.k Kpaitad u4 asiauled
t lu. k Tilutiulu wf IIWI dwl4u4l
I'kiladlpbaa, Jeuuary If al . 4y
B IMil AlteSM
tm, k dels ulb..
U4 atul l4 le uuite4
iUstllrwa4 ! it u t a.4-., i.
rl.k. .4 l I . la M Me, H'
a,i Hum stl. sutw, I
Jmf 'if .
f nilE first quarter of twelve wok will orea on
JL tb first Monday after (ljoummeut of March
Tanas Tbb QcABtaa :
Elementary Branobe (Primary) 'l'!!fl
'i . advanced, M
Collegiate u ' from 8,00 to 7,00
Tuition payable half quarterly In advance.
No deduction fur Inst time
Daily records are kept of the morll and demerit of
each student the former denoting lb excellencies
of each in recitation and deportment, th latter tb
deficiencies and delinquencies opie of which will
be sent to the parent or guardian at the end of each
For particulars apply to tho prinoipal.
,T. I. Relmemmyilor, Sunbury,
Prof. Wm. Nooillng. Selins-Urova, '
. l'rol. U. R. Bliss, Lewiaburg.
E. P. ROilBACU, Principal.
Pnnbury, Feb. 8, 1804.
qeo. w.arpentkrThenbzey ft CO'S
te'hoIt'Mule Drug nnal Cbrniicul
No. 737 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA.
THE snhraribera keep ennstAntly on hand a lnrgs
tack or Druga. Medicine, Chemicals. Pharma
ccntical Preparations and every other article which
appertaina to tho business, embracing the most ex
tensive variety ; also, PAINTS,, OlLd and ULASS
of every description.
All articles purchased from us can be relied on as
being of the most superior quality and at as low
prices as they can be had. We can offer such In
ducements as will make it the Interest, of the pur
chasers Io lay in their supplies from us. and give us
their future patronage and Invite all, who visit the
city, to cull at our establishment. All orders ad
duvsed to us by tuuil or otherwise will meet with
prompt attention.
737 Market Street, Philadelphia.
February 6,1861. 3m
BT virtne of eertain writ of Ven. Exp., Fi. Fa.,
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of
Northumberland county. Pa., and to me directed,
will be exposed to puMio snlo. at the public house nf
J. 11. Egbert, in the borough nf Milton, on Tuesday
the 23d day of February, ISM. at one o'clock, P. il'..
tbe following reel estate, to wit :
A certain lot or piece of ground, sitttato In Lewis
townfhin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit :' on the
north by Public Road, on the east by land of Robert
Hector. Snmuel Jnrrut and Dvnici Keller, on tbo
south by lends of Jane Giffins, nnd on the west by
lands nf Geurgo Trittunluich, containing five acres
more or less, whereon arc erected a small Plank Dwel
ling House, Frame Stable. Ac, a well of water at
the door. Ac. Seir.ud tnken in execution and to bu
sold as the property of Ihiniul King.
A lot of ground, situate in tho borough of Milton,
in the said county of Mnrthuinbcrlnnd. hounded front
by Apple street bftv feot. enst by Second street,
nortu uy an aney nnn west by a ioi ol inomos It onus,
being two hundred feot iu depth from Annie street
tosnid alley ; whureou ore erected a small houso
and log stable.
Seized taken in execution end to be sold as tbe
property of John M. Woods.
WM. M. WEAVER, Shoriff.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, Feb. 0, 1804.
WILL bo exposed at Public Sale, on Tlll'R.H
at tho house of HENRY FOL'LK, deceased in Lower
Augusla township, Northumberland county. Pa., the
following described properly, towit : TWO HORSES,
SILS, Ono two-horse Wagon large Sled, Ploughs,
Harrows. Cultivators. Grain Cradles, Grass Scythes,
Rakes, Forks, Corn Hih'S, Grubbing Hoes, Post Dig
ger, Harness. Sleigh Bells. Saddle, Ac. Threo bar
rel vinegar, Bags, Ao. NEW FRAMING MILL,
(ruin II en per.
Ono lot nf Carpenters Tools, Ac, Blacksmith tools.
Alio, Potuloes by the buhel.
One Cooking, and tiro Parlor Stoves, Bcdsteujj,
Uhni.s, ThIjIlk. one lurgi- iron Kettle, Au , Au.
Sale to eoiumcn 'o ut 10 o clock. A. !.. when con
ditions will be made l.nowu.
URIA'r 101! K,
Lower Augusta, Jan, .10, 1S03. Aduiiuistraur.
George B. Lahr, 1 Writ of Purtition. Re-
turnaulo to larch
Term, ISO!.
.The Heirs of
Sophia Luhr,
NollTlll iiDKhl.ixn CotSTV,S.
The Comiuoiiwealtii of Pennsylvania to tho SheriG'of
Northumberland county, (irecting :
Whereas, ut an Urphana' Court held at Sunbury,
in an for tbo county of Northmnherland.thc 6lh day
of January, iu the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and six'y-luur. bclore the Hnuoritblo
Alexauder Jordan, Etiiuire, President, and his A?n
ciute Jurtices of tbo Court. In the mutter of tho
estate of Sophia Lahr, deceased. The pelhion of
George U. Luhr. ot Northumberland county
in the State of Pennsylvania, was presented, aeltiug
forth that tbe said Sophia I.nhr, Intely died intestate
leaving issue George 11. Luhr your petitioner, Cath
arine, wife of George Shutter, who sinue deceased
leuving her hucbuud Gcoro Shatter and issue one
child, to wit : ticorgo Sbufler a minor who lies' for
his guardian George Shutter ; and Lydia intern. nr
ricd with Jacob Sbafftr, and grand children B.
Franklin Luhr, George W. Lahr, nud Sophia Juno
Lahr. minor childrcu of Dnnicl W. Lahr. a son of
said Sophia Lahr, deceased, who deceased before his
aaid mother, the said minors having for their guar
dian Isaao Albert. That tho said decedent died
sviii d iu hbr demesne as of fee of and iu Ibe follow
ing lota pieces or parcels ol land, vil : A certain va
oant Lot of Ground, situato in tho town of George
town, said eouuty. froutiugupnu the Rail Road street,
adjoining lots ot George Luhr and George Span;
being numbered iu the general plau of aaid town,
number tw cut v-two.
iid A certain other vacant lot in Georgetown,
afori'Miid, oil joining an alley and lot of Philip bobb.
fronting ujkiu Water street, aud numbered in tbo
general plan of said town as lot number .ix.
ou. A ioi al uie upjier enu o uwpjgtm.u, bujiku
ing lots of Michael Lahr aud the widow Broeioua, ou
which is erected a small frame bouse.
4ih. An Island iu the river Susqnchaoiiu iu said
county of Northumberland, opjiosito said town of
Georgetown, containing six acre and eighty-uiue
perchue, in a good talu of cultivation.
6th. A eertain other Island, iu said river Susque-
hauna, called Rugers lalund, iu the township of Low.
er Mahouuy, county alorettaia, aoiiunuiug auout
lliree acre aud twenty seven perches.
0th. A oertain other Island in tho river aforesaid,
and township aforesaid, called "Shailer'a leland."
7ih. A eertuiu other small Island a short distance
ahnvn Flat land iu the river Suwiuchauna, aloie-
said, township and eouuty aforesaid, conudiiiii j about
oue aud oue-fourth acre.
8th. A certain otber Island, in sold river eusque
hanua, nearly opposite the mouth of I idler's hun,
iu Jackson township, Northumberland couuty. called
Brocious1 Island, containing about one acre.
1 hie is to notify you and eaeb of you herein ubove
named, and you are hereby notified thai by irtue
of tb abov writ to uie directed, au 111411. t will bu
held at the Public House of Peter liurrcl, in George.
lo u, on Tuesday, March 1st, 1804, al 8 o'clock A.
M.. of said day, Ioi the purpose uf making partition
of or to value aud appraise the real estate beruiu
above duacribud of said decedent, at which tune and
plaee you may each aud all appear if you thiuk pru-
l'W" WILLIAM M. WEAVER, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Olfiou, Suubury, Jau. 3u, Ir-dl. 4t
Gaoauallii.1., Sim P. WuLV.utos.
Allwrucj uud t'ouuseloraul luivi.
O0ce, Market .11 tel. cor. Centre Alley,
WILL attend jeomptU y to lb collection ofelalms
and all oth.r pruli-Mional busim ss inli uin-d to
Uivirear iu Northumberland andadjciuiujcoiuitic.
Sunbury, January 23, lb2
FL A(J fe BL1 IJ)li(! ST0N l5.
rplIK auUeiibei-a respectfully in'orui tho nl'uuu.
ut Bunbury, thai liny are prtpaitd lu furnish
PAVING AND Bl ILD1NG bTONE, al .ton uetn
olid al ruaaunalde rates.
TbaaluiM will be dt liier 4 uB tb liver bauk at
Hunbury .
PwrauM daairiiif r"l wilt find It iu Ibeir
iiilereal lu sail and uuulu belui purebasluj Ue-
De. U, lJ- r-utlury. IV
III ri :il, Klltl'. T.I.I.UI v
AHE hig4 waikel pile, will k paid IB t'ah for
VuUer, s,ai4, lelluw, Kg-. a4 ainuia, 17
4 . tlSlllf
Gsaeral ('eu.UaU4i U Mlaai,
I'olWakiU aunt, l'biU44i eia.
Jaaaary laj, I m4 it
1 I II li:il MO I II.
flMIki irrilK UlAkT BtwIMi MAl'lllkK
1 LiiMI'Akk waul Aaeui la euuuly lu auluiil
w4M tut HsM l Mbw, a. ik .
Msa date aad itua kll V wul a It
tl Miai xu aa ) ' l e-UM-u.
kur miiaiaUM, Wito. a , a .Uiuu, awl
t s4Mk, lul-t-. i ,
r.b- H, '44. la U I Afuol M ibl , SHule-
ilt ljttKJ kul w k't ! -"
lUtJlKa Ul w k.'t t-' Ij-4. Ii-u
. I j ih.t si ..ksl. atk.4 all I el i
& full lino 01
Trunk?, Valises and Carpet Lngs.
8tme and Earthenware.
Wood and Willow Wuru.
Bar Irou and Steel,
Nails and Spikes,
Druga, Paints ai d Oils,
Window Sasli and Grindstones,
Ticks and Mason Hammers,
Coarse and Fine Salt,
Fish, Meat, Cheese,
&c, &c, Ac,
All Kinds ot Goods,
cheap for cash
Country Produce,
ran be found nt tho
X. B. AU Goods warranted
As represented.
Sunbury, Oct., lOtli, 1803.
Black Glossy Silks,
4-4 Black Cashmeres;
Super Black Jlohairs,
Fine Black Alpaccas,
Black and Purple Uelains,
White und Black Figured Delaines,
Black Crcpo M;irctz,
Lupins Bluck ull wool Deluines,
Black Silk Beroges, ,
tiood Black Dcbege,
Plain Black Gingruins,
Plain Black Calicoes,
Neat Figured Black Culicocs,
Fine BlHck Sack Fluunels,
Black Love Veils,
Jotivius Black Kid Gloves,
Black Silk Gauntletts,
Black Gloves in Variety,
Fine Mourning Handkerchiefs,
Black cotton and wool ll'islerv,
Bluck Thibet and Wool Sliuwls,
&.C, Ac, Ac.
A nice line of thu abavo poods now
open and for sale ut low pnees.
Bunbury, October 31st, 1GU.
... i. v ivvrMt.x ! ir a ki: .11 1: it it
1IbITo ltiup 4'himnr-y.
ty- The Chiumey I'nr which th Kerusene-Oil
utlng jmblte have so Inns been in need, been aae
1. It "tfTAXDS FIKK!" Tnru up the blase till
it issues iruui Ibe tup u( th ebiiuney, aud keep it
u as bijig us yuu deae Tilt: uXJia ae.1T sntia !
Try it.
2. It dues nutbeonuia blaek or disfigured should
tbu lamp aeeideiilally suiuke. Is shorter thmi the
enuuunn cbiiuuey less liable to aeeiduiit and mure
cum enicut fur eArryius; abeut Ibobeuse.
U. It il uot easily alfueted by auddeu ehuagt n
eiuperuture : (O out of dairs, ur Lulu Ibu ucll'-r. suui
uier ut wiuler. with lb Uuip burning don't fBor !
tbe ebiiuuey will ! diM'par iu I'muitni. !
4. Tbelop ean be tustautly reuiuvii. aud tlieielass
wipeil perli olly cluau iu a linHiieiil. wtikunt irwa ,-,
oud witbuul itastfi r uf brelkifta; Ibe lua.
b. Ou uuilmOa Iru ruMiu rktmitiy. Try liaud
yuii will use no otlior. rur sale iu
Tuwu and 1'iHiiily Aiceiielesgruutml by tbe X. I,. C.
Maiiulaeluriti; Cu', 4 j I'ulluU, New Vurk.
January V, lMl. Jiu
'mm'.'nBr BX3 uu
Utavea, HhiiiKlea, Poplar, Locust, Ac,
f ItllK undcr.iuiii-d Is '.ul eiluudius; bis luHiber
I I. u. ! lu till a un did ("up iu Ibe Iran uf I'Lll
aivlpkia. by Biakiu; a aptvialiiy ul lb l'ipei.M..e
Trade, outt uuw dullea U lilaku airaue invula tu re
ure auppliv. 'Ibe i'ily Cipra. rL.pM'r.. .,
uwiu lu lb liuiiuaBibilily uf ebl uniiin ibvin in I'l.ll
ad. ldia, uiw ilvvud lardy uu other luarku.a i'r
llnir.Maie A. It lib ptoef vueiuie4iuj,iil bv
tb uianufautureis. Ibe Ukdt ts!.ned biM in (p
tbla dil of trad by keeping ua hiuid a laie
aluek. la iy sanely ui ualliy aud alte. Ily gi
lug Ihm Wench ui uul iNirlu-'ttl,- klimdU'U. be
k"p In inaa luur early return lu euua.timrHia
and rlahltak fur tb Buuuleluiera a Iwuiu
uaiutuiiluMt"B wllk puiebawr ibaa ta puatllue by
luua w be Hade mainly lu Issui bay IuuiIh.i.
klai.ulaeluiara aud uikaia, wbueau lutuwti Iparll.
euliiy iuaiialula auppllas I enlter by euuiia,
.ultbsa vt uta l wauaiUMluu, BUlaa, UeuUuttf, liuup
Vu-a... Add.- V. A. l.KVI KIX'l.
C'allewkillelraei Mbul. l'bileoal4.i
(a aup tlx alaais aanud ul la liuu.-i,
(ask ku... and li,u.H bjt lk 1'lat.b, lek d
lelluw fiu liuUr, as Alauauw ..-.i.i a Ua4
lu u4 uiu.puliuu bluw,lua, WaJUul, t ),
rV'i las aud A-4j I.uuum.
Uarsaaatsa -A1 J t A t'u , Itll.l.l.
tibial lbM MelMl IV, l'BHde V-
dui 14, laut 'tut
, -
j n ii : u
4rei r Ml l4IWi aa I'-u 4 ruli.
u4 Muiaa, u, H dl ttl) i.
itf ,m,ii-h ul 1 9i B ,ua lwli.t. I
14, I- ' '
,"ot mule llrvnUaidv.,
German Bitters
arising from a
Disordered Liver.
8louinch,or Kidneys.
Thousands of our eltlrens are nf!rirj from THs.
pepsia and Liver iJiseaees, and to whuin I be fullew
Iuj5 questions apply w guarantoe
will euro them.
Prsrr.rsiA Ao I.ivkr Dikeasb.
Do you n'.'" with a coated tontto morninzs, wi'h
bad tnsie in th;' mouth and por eppelita for break
fuel? 1M yon ffcl when ynu first pt tip so weak
and lnnj;uid you eSii eesreelv Ret about ? Io you
hae a diriinefs in the bend at times, and often a
dulness, with headnoha uccafioually r Are yonr
liowi ls eostiv and irretrulnr, and irmieiite eiians;'
ble f Do yon throw lip wind from the stomach, ard
do youswAll up oliun ! Ho you feel tulncse alter
entinir, and a sinking when the sMinach Is empty?
l)o you have hanrtburn neensiomilly ? 10 you l'el
low spirited, nnd look on the dark side of thing '
Arc vou not unusually nervous at times f Io you
not teeon.e rostless. und often lay until midnight
before you call (to to steep ? and then at time", don't
vou I eel dull and sloenv must of Ibe time ? Is jour
skin dry and senl ? also ml!o! In thort, is not
your life a burthen, full uf forebodings '.
AVill cure every ense of Chronic or Xcrvous Debility,
Disenaeof Ine Kidneys, aud Diseases aiitlig fiuui
a disordered Stouiaeb.
Resulting liotu Disorders of tha Dicativo Urgnns .
Piles, l'ulness or Illood
to tbo Head. Acidity of tho Sto
mach, Nausea, Heartburn. Disgust for
Food. Kulni'jw or Weight in the r-toinaWi, Sour
ti uetatioiu., Sinking or Fluttering ot tbe Pit of tbe
Stomach, Swiiiiiuinir of the Head, Hurried and liifTi
eutt Uroiithing. Fluttering at tho Heart, Choking or
Sutibcaliug riei.sjilions when in a lying posuire, iuu
nt'M of 'isioii, Iiots or Vol before the tiht, Fever
uud Dull l'niuiu the Hetid. Deficiency of l'erapira
tion. Yellowness of the Skin nnd Fyes, Puiti iu
the Side, Hack, Chest, l.iiulje. Ac. Sudden
l'luhc? ofl lent, llurnin iu the Fltab,
Cuiistunt luui);ininp of Kvil,
und great DcprcsaiuU
There are many preparations sold under the name
of Hitters, put up in inrt l'.ottlcs, coinKiunde-l of
tbeebeapest wliblicy or common rum. eostinir troui
20 to -In cents per gullou, the tiutu disguised by Anise
or Coriander Sood .
I bis cite of Hitters has caused find will continue
to caiti-0. us long as they cau bo eold, hundred? to dte
tho death of tho drunkard. Hy their use Ibe system
is kept eoiitinuully under tbe iiiilueuco uf Ale.diolie
Stimulants of tiio worst kind, the desire for IiOi,ur
U created and kent up, and tbo result is ulltke,al-s
lendaut uKn a drunkard's lit' and death.
Fur thufo who desire and will hnvo a Liquor Pit
tors, we publbdi tbe following receipt. lti 'ou
llotllu Hooilund's ticriuttn Hitters and mix with
Three tjuarts of Uood Hriindy or Whiskey, und the
result will be a prupnrutiou that will far excel in
medicinal virtues and truo excellence any of tin
iiuincrous Liquor Hitters in the market, end will
cot nui'-h los. You will have all the virtu. ol"
liooflHtid's Hitters in connection w ith a (food article
of Liquor, at a much lcs prie lliau these interior
preparutiuus will cost yuu.
Will Give Yon
Will give you STKOXtJ HEALTHY NF.ltVF.S,
Will cuablo you to SLEEP WELL, and will positive
ly prevent
Vellov Ccv-pr, HHIioutf I'ctut, As".
Those suffering from Hiukeu down nnd Delicutu
Constitutions, troui whalei cr cuuse, cither iu Malo
or Female, will find in
That will restore tbcui to their u.-iml health. Such
hns beeu tho ease in thousands of iustiiuccs, and a
fuir trial la but required to prove the a&acrtiuu
n f rs sv sn v r
Aud N'.'T intended as a Hi. i-KAUE.
Tbo Proprietor hnvo thouaiids of Letters from the
inoel eminent Cleray men. Lawyers, Physicians mid
L'itiseux, Testify uivul Uieirowu personal knowledge,
tu the benettuiul cUcvte uud luvdictil iiluis of tbuau
Fruiu Itev. J. Xcwton Prown, P. 1., Editor ef the
liueyulopedia uf Keligiuus Knowledge
Although uot disposed tu favor or recounuend Pa
tent.Mediciue in general, through distrust uf tbuir
iutrredieuls and elleeuj, 1 yet know nf no sufficient
reason why a umn may wot testify to tbe benefits ha
believes himself tuhavu received from any simpia
preparation, iu thu hup thai bu uiuy thus vuutributu
to lue heneSt uf others.
I do thi ihe more readily in regard to Iloodand'
Herman Hitters, prupared by Dr. C. M. Juckson, uf
til Lu city, because 1 was prejudiced againa! Iheui for
lnnny years, uuder lb iuipressiun that tkey ro
ebietly an aloobidie mixture. 1 aui indrblcii to my
lrieuil lioben Sheouiulxr, Ei., tor tbe removal of
ibis prcjiulice by proper tests, and t'.ir vucourage
uicut lu try tbcui, bcu stificriug 1'toui great and
loux cunliuued debility. Tbe use of ibree bottlesof
these Hitter, at tke brgiuuin uf the present year,
was followed byeviiluul relief aud restoration to w
di trrce uf bodily und ueutul vtaTur which 1 bed Col
fell tor aix months before, aud laid almost despaired
of reuiniug. 1 tbevetore tbuuk Gud and luy trieud
for diruuliug to ibu use uf ibem.
I'hUudclpbia.JuQ Zi, lbiil.
JDiieaset of KiJneyj and Bladder,
Lt Young or A'jf ly Mule vr Etmale,
Arespeedily reiuuvod, and tbu paticut restored
Tbo tuBcriuK frmu MiBAsura, wastiii away,
Willi aeareely any flush ou lh-ir ls,ue. 're cur- d iu
a very short lime ; on botlle in such cures, will bat
a surpiisiuj etlcct.
PAlt EN'H having suffering rhil lrea as ab.e,
aud wiabing tu mUe Ibeiu. will ncter regret the day
tbey eommeuced with Ibeae liilt'r.
i.lTLKAKY MI. V, Ml DENIS, and tl..e wo,k
iiiK bard with their brains, should always keep a
bottle ul llootUtixl s Hilieis uear ibcui.aa Ibryeill
tiiet initeh beuelit fnuu La ue, fn both miud aud
buiy, invigorating and tiut dervaing.
Aud Kales au proalrution.
(Krutlnu, Btultliora !
AND HiK FllltAjia OF riviLMi::..l
V call th allt nll u of all ha itsof r!ii lis r
fifuos lii the anuy lu ibe t'o'. thai "Jliuir'L AND j
tiuiau l.itluu'' will eui kiue l.jiit a ul the uieajt4
fodtlii-.l by SHi.uriw al'd ulall.4 ul to camp
lilu. In lb i!a. pulil tj-d aliiK-ai daily in lu
uewtMl-r. uu tb armal n lb ali-k, it alilbel.o
llu.d lliMla ,eiy llge plopiwlkui or udiliig I'roh,
d-.biliiy, l.i.t cow ul lhal kind tau bu luudily
tur.d I II . lUud 'iusii It,, 1. 1.. t' liti li-i
b uiaitou lu staling that. II these llitirr were tivel
autu.gur a-.i.liiia. kuu lro-U uf lnea isUI t-
v4 lhal u,b4WlM ou.,l 1, ,
I i.e u..f . u. or daily ieenw( IkaekfUl lul.
Iia Iiuui aull.iut lu Ibe eiy aid kupiul. b
bat Ua l.hjd tu hvalik by iky waaul i-u-U.I.,
aiul lu Ib.ut by luell tll.v.'la.
Lt Abk lUrtVINTIlirilTit?
K Ibal lb liigualuieur C. 14 JAl fc-'.N" ia ua
tb It lapii ul lull Uu.ll.
1'iisw w( UuiU T wU.u kalf dia tj 11
Htweld yuuf woareW dlui-l l.ul ka Ik Sllula,
d-s ui b -ui,a ty ay u4 lu u.iu4tiia4 rft,
U U.U k.y La kli4 In !-' Iwl ..! u, ,
aud a ill ew4 tl t-N4, i
I iUMMfjal Uiwa a4 klfc.- . Nx ui l
uwNU 4k I V A i.
tiiaa-lii I' M liitinllK I
I ,'Ik e-iv b l"og i at-1 lali i. , ,.i
i las li,i4 at...
.' -a, la -a i j