RlPONlPlKK) OH CONCENTRATED LYE FAMILY BOAP MAKER. WA R m bih Saponlner hrlP" to reduce them. It make Soap for Four cnt pound by using jrour klloken grease. 13?-CAUTION ! As spnrlomt Lyes are rfirored also, be careful mid only buy the Patented orliclo put up in Iron can, l) others being Counterfeits. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Philadelphia No 127 Walnut Street, Pittsburg Pitt Street and Duqueene AVay. 'November 21, 18;!. 3m 18G3. FRILING 18G3. & GRANT AT TlfE MAMMOTH STORE, "yy Ol'LD respectfully announce that they have just received and opened a very large and well selec ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are Killing to dispose of at 5 VERY SMALL ADVANCE ON I'irsl . OUR STOCK IS COMP.LETE AND EMMiACES EVEKYTI11NC! GIVE TJ3 yv CALL. Thankful for post favors c bore to meet a con tinuancc of the same by still selling Goods at cheap if not 'Hi;AIi:K than cmi bo purchased else where. FKILIXU & GRANT.' Sunbury, May 23, 1803. II. II. MASMFK, Attorney nt l.nw, SUNBURY, PA Collections attended to iu the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lyoowing. BEFF.nsxrr.g. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. U. fatteM Co., lion. Win. A. Porter, M Morton McMichiici. Esq., " E. Keieham A Co , 2MI Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashmcad. Attorney at Law, Matthews Cx. Attorneys" at Law, " Sunbury, March 29, 1802. lar.icu'M iioti:i., Jlurri-tiurr. Pa. TPIIE management of this well-known Hotel bny L in; been resumed by Messrs. CUYLE A IIERR, the present proprietors, beg leave to Inform the public that the houso is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, and improved, with a view to tho proper and comfortable acoomiuodutinn of those who muy favor tho establishment with their custom. Guests will receive duo attention and courtesy, and no expeus will bo spared that may cuuduco to maintain hotel in a first-class style. Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer mouths, wilt find pleasant boarding and large and well-vcutilatcd rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT COYLE. March 29, 16H2. J. U1LBERTHERR. Hull IapT lOOO IiMsi, OF WALL "PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERNS. J 1ST received direct from the Manufacturer, at tho MAMMOTH STORE or FUELING A GRANT. Sunbury, March 15. IRC 2 9IA!i!!ti:H PATENT HVE in: iiti:i:zi:it : As Improvod for 1859 and I860, By E. KETCHAM A CO., 29 Pcailst., New York. milE only Freeier constructed on scientific iriu- 1. cipli-s. with a revolving can and fcpring blade s:iapcr. 1 lie one hastens the trcey.ingol tuc urcuui thc other removes it as fast ns IVoicn. 't ho most rapid in fi-eciiug, with tho least quantity oi ice. The nu'-l economical incol; as it is the most simple and durable in structure. Vor sale in all the principal cities and towns in the 1 nion. Each Freeior accompanied w ith a book of recipes Tiiol lull uircctijus. PRICES. 5 quarts. ?3 00 4 quarts, 4 HI) 6 quarts, b 00 ft quarts, 6 fa) 14 quarts, 8 00 2U qui.rls, 12 00 Apply to II. B. MASSElt, fuubury, Pa March 2'J, lbt)2. JACOB O. 33 E OK, MERCHANT TAILOR, Markt-t Mr--!, ucaily opposite liic Itllil liOIKl lC0(, SUNBURY, PA., I M OllMSIhe citinns of Suii'.mry ai d vicirntv. I that he liar just returned liom l'liiiiulclphia with a loll uifeortiiicut ot I AI.I, AMI WIAI'I.It ;OOIS, tF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His stock c usitta of Cloths. French Cloths. Black I,,eSl;in and Fancy Ciwiuieres, Biark Satin, 1'igureil. MlKs. I'liini ami t anev Caviiuere V r.bl l.Min, wliicn lie will make up to older iu styles to suit tho tute of - ciusumiors, on sliorl notice, and Uio most rcosouublu terms. , Any (loods not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, tiy givini; Iwo duvs' notiuc. tloods I'uiui.-bed by cu-.tiiu.eis will be uiado up to order as nercioiore. As he will cmploynone but experienced workmen persons may rely on getting their work wi ll done at I ik sm.ii. Thankful for the patronage ticretolore bestowed He respectfully solicits a eouuuuuuce ut I tie same, buubury, Sept. 4 'J, lbt3. HOOTS AND SHOES II ST received from New York and Philadelphia a fresh supply of the latest sl vlt s and of the besl quality, wiiii n ne ua uau mauo up i oruur, am warranted to give good satisfaction. He Inn mud arrangement in the oily Ui have his best work mud to order, which can be had at all times, it not uu hand they will be irorurcd at riwwiinliie notice. Manufacturing of BltoTa aud SHLS of all kind as u.iual. 1 will alao wholesale Roots and Shoe by lb Lux Call and examine belor purchasing il.iakcro Mi l iaii-!v yourselves. 'JUurkl'ul fur liaUousge hcrelofote Wtowcd, L reswt'ilully fc-diLii a continuance ul the same. r li';. i. i More room, three douis west ut the Load lu .Murk si Buuaie. WM. Ji. M1LLLR Sunbury, St pi. IV, M- fAXH.b Immediately, a Jour Muuuktr, ou iU os noik. UuuJ h'u uiiii. NDW FANCY STOIII). UA I Sii Jiut miuiiuHl troin PLilMdilphu, bate now vpta a fresh supply ut ''rliiMlKt mmU I'tiHry Arll l- al b r fc w Hun In tb luuia ad,, il l!,.' Ibe r.l 1. 1 e i, alia l'a kvr. in Maiti Nuaia tuulut), l a IKlMiak tua-snU 1st ailb( l a.lis 1iiinadi. fcsT l't.4-, tas, pall.it,, hH l'i.s-., f.i,.l."ikiU, llan.ltvicblt N ttlut. liS aid I'oU.ai Ihri-a.! .alt l!.ita y,jl.. Uuuliu at4 I' ti I ai mt-k llls, 4 t-Ui Iniss., liMiiois Ltiia s5 ltitM i 'sltaia aM. rlv.a l.s.u ,attn4 I usls llrfll Itito-hts Un i,i Hair Nils, . I i.l iias, txaii,, ml, an l nuo.su. .us uinva aiiskl-a, all ! Uu Is a ill ta ui4 al ln tuwsat lutta. I kaa a.U.J Iu a y sl at li.lwo.ral ii.iU, lus i Mu Mu.4a lai. i.4 1.1 .! t iilli, InU.t U as 1....1. ).!.. Ml J.a.1 l.s Al., ! U 1 1 '. " km siJuUis. asui .ml- ' U do ad -a tuat a.4 M Liu 1.I.J (wtSdn 1 A I. a i aHt 1 sua l ulil Irf fts I'liiiias i..u ... ea bvn-ial, Al w I n., I .isa4l'.f A- A u a tas.4 uas sal !...( 4 l-lf nl ! A. M 1 1 I i- t Ulkt .. a. I ".I ! ' I J I A. Itrf Atsworlincnt " FkhTI EVANS WATSONS SALAMANDER SAFES. Git EAT FIRE AT READING, PA. February 12, 1892. flKSTi.ftMr.if It gives me much satisfaction to Inform yon that In the severe firo which, on the morning nf the 4tlt Inst., entirely destroyed all my stock and materials, I had one of your Salamander Eire Proof Safe. After enduring an intense red heat for seven hours, the Bafe was opened, and the Books and Papers were preserved In an umblcmished condition. 1 shall need another Bafe a soon as 1 get in order. Yours, most respectfully, W. P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT UKEEN CASTLE. CnAitnKKsnrno, Franklin county, Pa., ) August Hist. ISM. ) Messrs. EvAxa A Watsoh, Philadelphia Gentle men : On tho morning of tha 22d of August, ISM, our Storehouse at Grccncastlo was destroyed by fire. Tho Salamander Safe wo purchased Irom you some few years since was in tho abovo mentihned storo houo. and contained all our books, papers, cash, Ae. which were preserved In a perfect condition, after being exposed to a most intonschcat for sovcrnl hours. Please inform us upon what terms you will sell us another larger Safe. Yours truly. OAKS AUSTIN. Salamander Suit, for Ranks, Stores,. Private Families. Ac, Ac. Also, Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Bnnk Locks and l!iiik Vault Doors, equal to any nindo in the country, and sold on as good terms. K W. would respectfully refer to tha following Hanks and other yartiua, having their Bates and Lucks now in use, to their entire sutisfnc tion, and many others gh en at their Store. Vsm-.n Statks Mint, Branch Hank, Shelbyvillo Philadelphia. Tennessee. I'MTrn Statks AnsESAL.Cily Hank of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation B'k of Phils Pottstown Hank. Ta. Contcsvillo Bunk, Pa. Stroudfbnrg Hank, Pa. Jersey Shore Rank, Pa. Lock Haven Hank. Pa. Com'th Bank of Fhila. Chnlanooga Bank. Tcnn. Pre'ru Loan Ass'on, 4th st. Bank of Northumberland. Bank of North u Liberties, Philadclnhia. Union Hank, Baltimore. Southwestern Bunk ol Va. Paul and Swift, Bankers, Fulton Bank. Atlanta, Go. Alabama. Newark Bank. Del W. G. Sterling.Wilkcsb'e. Bank of N. C. Raleigh, Bcwisburg JtanR, J'a. Other references given ujion catling nt our More. No. ltl S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 5, lSou. ly -aV u TlHTrARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND ri;it i:Mioitii M. No. S20 Ciiesnit Btbiirt. (Formerly No. 708.) PHILADELPHIA. J. W. PROCTOR A,CO., Invito the attention o their Friends to their largo and Superb Stock of Fino CLOAKS and FIRS, unparalleled in any former season Tho Inercamd, accommodation afforded in our new location, enables us to duvote the fullest attention to our I'm lcnrf ment which will be found well furnished with every de scription of First Class FI RS, which will be guaran teed as represented, or the money paid will be re funded. ORDERS per mail will be carefully attended to. and delivered, Express charges paid, and disluneo inside of 100 miles. J. W. PROCTOR A CO, No. 820 Chcsuut Street, Philadelphia. Sept. S, ISO:;. ly 50 STOVES. OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR SALE AT . .1. Itolii'lsaoli & Co. IF O XT 3Sr :D R -2", BUNBURY, 3?EIClSr'A. el tho Best Get tho Ohcapcts Get tho most Eco nomical, v. hich can be had ut the Kohrbach Foundry. llavmir a lame assortment o the most approved STOVES, such UJ Cooking, Parlor, Office and Shop Stoves, which will be Bold at the lowest rates. Alio, Kettles of all sites, Pans. Skillets. Ac. Ihcv uro also mnuutacturiux Machinery, rloughs, actings. Ac, at short notice. ltepairing all kinds oi Agricultural implements me iu a good wurkiuuuliko manner ouu uPluo ihorteBt notice All articles shipped as ordered. Orders 'respect fully solicited Mid promptly attended to. liUllttUAV.il & iv. f7? Old Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken in Exchange for work. fuubury, net. 3, 1S03. it en tmyiu VARNISHES, PAINTS & GLASS ! TE offer to Dealers, Coachmaker and House Painters, at the very lowest nett cash prices the best Coach and Cabinet A'arnishes ; Pure White .cad: rreuchand American Zincs ; Chrome lrceus. aud Yellows. Drop and Ivory Blacks, aud a full as sortment oi all mo nucr colore sucu a v eruiiiiions. Lakes, Tune Colors Ac, also. Paint and arni.-li Brushes, of the best make. Glamor Diamonds and oints: Paint Mills,: smirlo and double thick Glass, of all descriptions and ail Materials used by House and Couch l'auiters winch we can sell us cheap, 11 not cheaper, than any other honso, from the fact that we keep down our expenses uy eouuiicin g our business personally. Mr. R At'. one of the firm for many yean manu factured the Varnishes, sold l y the lute C. Sihmck. Wo. feel confident that our A'arnishes, are equal, if not superior, to any manufactured in this Country. a warrant tnem to give entire sniiMaciioii. tinu it not as represented, tho money will be refunded. Give us u call before purchasing elscnhcie. A liberal discount made to ine irauo. H.LTON 4 UAU, Nos. 1. '16 i 138 North Fourth Street, corner Cherry, 1 uiiadclphm. Oct. 10. 1863. 0m Kt-ndiuff Itailroal. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ( RKAT TRUNK LINE from the North arm North-Wcst tor rhiladelphtu, ISew lork. Head ing. Pottsville, Lebunou. Allcutowi. Eustou, dc. Hauls ieae mtirisourg ior i uiiaiicipiiiu. fttw York, Reading. Pottsville. and all luteruiediulo taiiuns. at b A. M., and 2 00 p. M. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 3 00 A. M., arriving at New York at 10 15 the same morning. lares from llarrirbuig : loAaw lorkr.i id; to Philadelphia $3 35 aud 2 Ml. Baggage checked through Reuirning. leave New oik at 0 A. 31.. 12 Noon, and 7 P -M. Pitts!iurgh Express). Leuic Philadel phia at 8 lo A M. ami 3 oil 1 M. Sleeniiig cms iu the New Yolk Express Truins, through to and from Pittsburgh without change. PcM-iiera by the Cattawissa Huil Road h ave Ta- uisquu ut B f,o A. M., un 1 2 15 P. for l'iiiludcl phia, New-York, and all Way Points. trains leave rotlsville at V la A. ill., and :.:iu 1'. M , for Philadelphia. Hurnsburg and New York. An uccuiutuodation Pataeiiger 0 ain leuve Reading at 6 30 A. M., and re'.urua from Philadelphia ut 4 30 P.M. l "" All the alwve trains run daily, Sundays ex- ecl'u-''- . ... A niindav train leave 1'oilsvillo al ( JU A.W., and Philikrelphia ut 3 15 P. M. Coininotulu.n. Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickcld. at reduced rales tu and from all points. Ml founds Bugguge allowed eacut 'io, iiger. G. A. NlCl'LLS, Dee. 12, 1803. Gcueral hupeiiulvudent- NEW FANCY STORE. AIAHE tulucribcr rcsetfully inform ber fiii i.ds 1 and the public. Ihat she can just on.il. Ian do.,r west of Ui Post Office, a NtW MuCK IF FA.V'C V GUOl'S, for l.tdiea and gi uilciucu, Useful aud urnaiueutal. voiuUliug iu arl oi I.e'.ii- Tiimuiins, Stuti.'oerr, Ztpns. Blank Hooks, i. ,ii. .ii au4 oilier i bread, iiai Biodii'g-, Ril.lailiJ, Uiatr'.iliJ 1agi, i'utkil l!M,f,sf McliioialiduUtS books Dolts, lots. Inks, SlatW, Gatuiss lor ( bildrvu, and variety of uilur articli. all of which have l.eeaaileelud with car aud will I aul.l at ieas. na. Urn prieas. A.S N A 1'Al.N'U U. fcuuLury.Oel. i, 1M1.I.-ly IlkliluttlU IIUHaHf, NOKTIIl Mill h LAND, 1 l..'.a LVAMA, (An As llriJs' ) flMIK utswrilx'f lis.li.4 Uassai Ibis Well kaua 1 'iatrra Malui lulily kept bs Alls C H Hiuaa. twls'iialls iiitiauis U put.na ttiai a is rabiliiisi and ft aiiu'g in Mnis., and Willi .su4 w auf l.fiaiu, lu a vuuilulai'ia wtaobvr. bis auuvrous l.i.o ls tl..iUl,uHi ll. i. ukl, and ail aim may imIii.isv tils iionmui Apsd 11, IftO. JorU'il V A Mi I tl k vnzi.mrz?.a sctel, t oi a. I Fs anj alaikii ftliuU. HI illl , . . fMlk adwiii.4 l..i.ll.IU inluiuai IU Uu. I ifcal I. ta ua.e li,u xf Ika al-t l ssd kl anla-a.l tU M,..Man4 t-t Ik . an-4 and oi.l4 Inula all vlkw w ( Ims Mlk aaJisiji.sJ isisllkll intuiins ll4 usUut, tali t ill-s T Al.l.W b li(st lt 4 "k Wsl Ik auikt at'L ' Ails sS la 4., Ii. t u-sst v-l lbsws ! tto sa- i liaA as a svJ ui a. II ia.i,l, -l .. I..I -ii. '.it. MALL RWL4 ' . anlal) I ' WM. KNOCIIE. . 63 MARKET STREET, IIARRISBL'RO, TA., Dealer in PIANOS. NEW Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers from 1 200 npwards. MELODEONS The best manufactured Instru ments, from $45 to $100 Guitars. Violins, Aocordeons. Flntca, Fifes, Droms, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musical mer chandize in general. SHEET MUSIC. The Intcst publications always on hand. Musio sent by mail to any part of tho country. OVAL, SyUAltK, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FHAMBS.I Buitablo for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best nlated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sies. Any stylo of frame made to order at tho shortest notice. WM. KNOCHK, April 11, 1803. S3 Market St., Harrisburg. Northern Central llailway ! 4;iiii:k'I'1.mi: taiii.i:. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from the North and West 1 trunch Susquehanna, Eluiira, and all of North ern New York. ON and after MONDAY. APRIL 20th. 1RB3, the Pacsenser Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vil : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Hunbury duily (except Sunday). 10 10 A.M. leaves Harrisbnrg, 1 15 P.M. " arrives at Baltimore, S 33 " Express Train leaves Bunbury daily (except Sunday.) 1107r. M. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday.) 2 00 A. M. " arrives at Baltiranro daily (except Monday). 0 15 A.M. Harrisburg Accoiuniodiition leaves Harris burg, C 30 A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Mjimavi " leaves Harrisburg " arrives at Sunbury. 9 15 A. M. 1 15 P. M 4 05 " 15 P. M 1 35 A M. Express Train leaves Baltiuioro daily . arrives at Jlarnsliurg. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday). " 'arrive at Sunbury. 3 00 A. 5 :irt M. For further information apply at the Office. I. N. Di BARRY. Supt I.si kasj niiiiu & ItlooniKburg Itnil, road. vN and after November 17, 1PC2, ras.'cnger Irani? will run as loiiows : MOVING SOUTH Frrizlit If Pa "xr n trf r. 10.15 A. M 11.40 P.M. Pa t.ifvprr. Lcnvo Scranton, S 00 A.' M. " Kingston, 9.20 " Rupert. 11.30 " Danville. 12.05 Arrivoat Northumberland, 12.4.' P. M. MOVING NORTH. Lcavo Northumberland, 5 20 P. M Danville, 000 ' " Rupert. 6.35 " King-ton, 8.45 Leave, 1.45 P.M. Arrive nt Scranton, 10.00 P. M. 3.10 A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston at B.00 A. M , for Scranton, "to Connect Willi n train f New York. Returning, leaves Scranton on arrival of train from New York, nt 4.15 P. M The Lackuwanna A Bloonnburg Railroad conned with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road at Scranton, for New York and intermediate lointg east. At Rupert it connects with tho Cattawhtsa RaiK road, for points both east and west arriving at Phil adelphia at 0.15 P, M. At North inn tier land it connects with the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad and Northern Central Rail road, for points wet and south Passenger arriving nt Harrisburg 4.50 P. M.; Philadelphia 10 P.M.; and Baltimore 10.20 P. M. The Freight and Passengers Truin north, leaves Northumberland at 6.15 A M., and arrives at V,20 P M., putsing Danville at 8.2" P. M. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sup't. J. C. Wki.i.r. General Ticket Agent. Nov. 2i, 1S02. A REVEREND GENTLEMAN having been re stored to health in a lew days, ulter undergoing all the usual routine Jiud irregular expensive modes of treatment, w ithout success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his ulilicted fellow creature the ubanh op ;i in:. Hence, on the ruceipl of an addressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy ot the prcscrption used. Direct to Du. JOHN M. DAGNALL, 1;VS FulUiu Street, Brooklyn, N V. January 21. loiio. TAILOEINQliALISxSiENTT"" Fuwn Strrect, opisUc Weaver's Hotel, BUNEURY, Northumberland Co., Va INFtlltMS his friends and the public generally, that be bus taken tho Shop of Jacob S. It like, di e d.. and is prepared to do uil kinds of TAILOR ING in a giKnl woikuiHiiliko manner. Tho putrou age ol tlio public is respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 10, ISO;!. ly JUST BEADY, NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. AN opportunity not to.e lost sight of. Rare chuueu fur Agents. Ladies as well as-Gcntscun act as Agnits. Apply early and, secure the a,jeucy lor your locality. 100.000 WATCHES, VEST CHAIXS, LOCKETS, A' ACS. GOLD PEA'S AAV PEAV1LS, JJHACEEETS, STUDS, HUTTOJSS, KECK CHA IXS, SETS OP JEW ELUY, tVc. To bo sold for 1 I each, and not to be paid for nntil you know what you uru to get. Semi 25 cents for Certificate, telling you whnt you can have, with a circular, giving full particulars to Agents. Perfect satisfaction guoiiuilved iu all eases. Address, S. M. WARD i CO.. 208 Broadwuy. Box 4,h70. March 21, 1S03. ly FAMILY DYE COLOKB. Black. Daik Blue, Light Blue, French Blue, Claret Brown, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Suutl Bruwu, Crimson, Magenta, Muroou, irange, I'ink, Purple, Royal Purple, Sulinuu, Sourlet, Slate, Sol fori uo, Violet, Yellow. Dark Drub, Light Drab, Durk Green, Light Green, Fur Dying Silk, Woolen and Mixed Gisxls, Shawls, tcurts, Dresses. Ribbons, Glove, Bonnets. Hats, Feathers, Kid Glove. Children Clolhluj, and all kiuds of Wearing Apparel. A Kuiing of M Per Cenl, For 25 cents you cau color a many nasls as would otherwise coat five times thut sum. Various sha les can be produced flow the same live with per feci sue. cess Directions in English, Frtnclt aud German. Inside of each atkge. For further information In Dying, and giving a pertict kuowlnlgs what colors are best adapted to dye over others, iwith many v aluable recipe.) .ur chase How A Stephens' Treatise un Dyeing and Co loring. Hem by mail on receipt of i,rii- III cnia. Mauuruclured If IhiU'K A SI EVFNS, "'HI Broadway, Boston. For sals I y Drufisti and Deidcis acuvially. Sept. 2rt, IHOJ.-om tloO UtlT PIANOS, BOO m. in ii:it. Haling removed lu bis nett Wrv-ltooms, IV Wast Hut atoi Siaiar, Naw Yoaa, Take great pleaaur in Calling Ibe attiiillou til lb public lu bis Naw aud Full Seal I Iktat lit nE WOOD PIANO FOKTEH, Conlaii.liig all lb luodaru luioeuiaiii : lvr truiis Uasa, r lcl Ii Giaud Aulu, llai u I'wlul, aad lull liull t taut, fiuia -4&m a)4tlU. f 1-4 kOMiMtXD I'UKUV, List luudi.tivia Iktgieal sltaudiuf l. Iuckw' N SiaaU I'lauu ioitw la, i,l llavll, a aaaViasil gualato Us taaii aupssiuiny. iUy aaly as.4 lu La Laasl tu Immmiu uimalsal faktailts I I4GHAM PI a NU koKTlX, f fuf Lsvt) Iks 'iu Jslvdal a a laaai.ad al ll. laal Au-.ii. u lustiiuia ) k isua os lot filial Mr Dwksi t feak U4 ai -.ilul IUIuLG. I'l.oAe, aLkk isaitad Ilia t list 1'ilsa la lt ai4 lM ai l l.ktast al lb la- Felt k bvw . al Ikt Is.livaii.g b ab,aa, tu-g 1 1 via kluu U 1 bssMt tuplo lsst4sab.lls I I ill I is SuAV.Iteid .aa lu l.al tM.atiatall. u l.a pafaau) lu aaj I bunk All llits uksiiau.tt.1 a a 4 1 awl-i tu L twada ul all Ktua4 sailal, a4 Iaaiai4,4 ta IL Ksl alii h Ii - PiufiMiu aa4 taialiay ai l.ssalallt latiu 4 l tu i-. U.-a iu)a,Mia tauit( (Cm DXl SWEET'S INFALLIBLE 1 1 N I M E NT, THE GREAT REM FEY For Jilttimattm, Gout, Xctiralgia, Lmulmg St i.ff' Aril- ami Joint,.fyfrai, lirniff, Cutnttixi 'Wound, I'ile, llraJorhe, atid all lVitumatlf. and Xertottl VUixrdcr. For all of which Is a speedy and certain remedy, end never fails. This Liniment is vr enured from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone scttor. and has been used in tho practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. As an Alleviator of Tain, it Is unrivaled nyl any preparation bctbre the public, of which the most ekentieal may be convinced by a simile trial. in is Liniment will cure rapidly ana rauicaiiy, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of case where it ha been used it has never been known to fail. For Neuralgia, It will fiord inimcdiato relief in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headache in three minutes, and Is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, arl sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and untuning remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and rovivl fies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challcngo the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint snouiu give ll a trial, lor n win not iau to a Cord immediate relief, and iu a majority of case will effect a radical rcu e Quincy and Sore Throat aro sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application ol this Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains are sometimes very ubstiuate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected The worst case may be conquered by this Liniment iu two or threo days. Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sores. Ulcers, Bum and Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pro perties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according to directions. Also, Chilblains Frost ed Feet, and luetxt Bites and Stings. CR BTEPEHEN 8WEET the Great Natural Bone Setter. f Conuoti(iUt PR STEPHEN SWEET, is known all over the United States. CouuoctiCul DU. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author oi "Dr Sweet's Infallible Li""ucut.' Dr. Sweet's Infallibhf Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infalliblo Liniment Is a certain remedy fur Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infalliblo Liniment Cures Bui us aud Sculds immediately. Dr. Bweot's Infallible Liniment Is tho best kuown remedy for Spruius uud Dr. Sweet's Infalliblo Liniment Affords immediate relief for Files, nnd seldom foils lo cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothuchu in ono minute. Dr. Sweet's Infnllibls Iiiniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. A: Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sojcs in the known world. Dr Bweot's Infailinl Liniment Ha.- been in n.-o by more than a million people, and uu praise it. Dr Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Swret'a Infallible Liniment Is truly a ' friend in need," and every fumily should have It hand. i Dr Swwt's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggist. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as nn external remedy, is w ithout a rival, aud will ulleviale faiu nn.rc speedily than any other prep ralion. For all Blieumntiu uul Nervous Disorder it is trill v infallible, and ns a curative for Sore. Wounds, Sprains. Bruises. Ac, its soothing, healing and powerful sircngtheiiing properties, excite the just wouder mid astonishment of ult who have ever iriven itu trial. Over ouu thousuud ccrtiticulu o! remarkable cures, performed by it within tho lost two years, utlcst the tut. TO HORSE OWNERS ! liR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR IPiKi-L.H it uurivaled by auy,Vnd iu all easo of LauKnes. arisiiu; trout Snraiu, isruisc or n reiiun iiig. its elieet is magical aud certain. Harueas or Saddle lialls. Scratches. Mange, Ac., il will also cure speedily. Spunu and l.iugboue may be easily pr. vented and cured in Itieir incipient suige, but cou firmed ease ar beyond the puaaibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desieral or tiupclcs but It may lie allevlaUd by tliu Mill uieiit. and its fiiithtul application will always reuiuv the Lameiieas, and tuuldo the burse lu travel with euuipuiulik ease. KVEIir HOUSE OWXEJl should have this remedy at hand, for It timely ns al lb lirsl aplieuranee ol Lajtjvue will effectually nreteiil llnan' formidable distaaes, lu wulcn all nor , are liable, and which reudtr tu many other is aluablv horses nearly worthies. SB SWEET'S Inalliblo Liniment la Til.. EOLDIER'S rilXEKD Ab4 llsouaaiui toabd il Uul aA. dVliXKNI) IN JMaUKD I 4'atttlltsat. To tvuid liaaiib, olssxv lh klaalar ktul Llkttuaau it Ms tia m etriji tabal, tvusi alau ' . ksa itvt Ulallitst tlulsaatit ' Uuaa U Ik litl task IsuUia, luVuwt ttWsak as IvaaU LIHMala-ill ACO, awla l'i..Mk4ua, kutaksi t l W"LuAN A Al l I a UstMtalA4M.it, itl.tut4, )ita r .11 t l 4saiM wjakw H...I, :i iw -1. LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A8 A REFVGE FROM QUACK ERY. THE OKLY TLACE WHERE A CURE CAff BE OBTAINED . T"R. JOHNSTON ha discovered the most Certain, J Speedy and only Effectual Remedy in the World for all Private Disease. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and Dlailder. Involuntary Discnarge, impoiency, uene ral Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits. Confusion of Idea, Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity, Tremblings. Dimness 01 Bigot or uniiiinea. Disease of tho Head, Throat, Nose or skin, Affection of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels Oinso Torri hlo Disonlors arising from the Solitary Habit of loiith those seerot and solitary practices more latal to their victims thnn the sons of Syrens to the Ma riners of I'lysses, blighting their most brilliant hope or anticipations, rendering marriago, ao., impossi ble. , TOI -MJ III:"" Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Yonng Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders 01 eioiiucnce or wiin to ecstaty me living lyre, may can wuu iuii con fidence. It! A It It M 4.r.. ' Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organlo Uehiiiiy, aelormitles, e.. speedily curen. He who nlaccs himself under the care of Dr. J may rclitciously confide in his honor as a gentleman, A , .,1 - 1.:. -,.!,, Ttl anu eonuucniiy reiy ujion ms sain ns si 1 hsiiwu. OKUA.-MC IVF.AIaI-.SM ftnmnllately Cured, and Full Viimr Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders I.ifo miserable and marringe impossible is the penalty naid by the victims of improper indulgence. Young person are too apt lo commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulllni into improper habits than by the prudent 7 Beside being deprived the pleasure of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes Deranired. the Physical and Mental I'unc Hons Weakened, Ixw, of Projprcative Power. Ncrvou Irritability. Dvsnepsss, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. OIUco, :. 7 K011II1 1'rotlorlfU Sli-oft Left hand side coins- from Baltimore street, few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. A'KK WAKKASTEW IX I W O DATK. Ao Mrrrvry or Tiaiiseoni Drvgt. ll(..IOIISTl.. Member of the Royal Collcec of Surgeons. London Graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in the L'liilcd States, and the greater parlor whose lite has been snent in the hospitals ot Jsindon, fans, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most, astonishing cures that wero ever known many troubled with ringing in tho head and car When asleep, great nervousness, uciuk; ninriueu ai udden sounds, bashfulncs, with frequent Muslim attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were ured immediately. '.litis 1'tltIH I I.AIS .Kll ll li, Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and lninu. uuniiing mciu lor cither business, study, society or marriage. Tiik.sk are some ol the sad ana mciancnoiy cnecrs produced by early habits of youth, vis: Weakness of Ibe Back and Limbs, Pains in tho Dead. Dimnces of ,ight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the i!..n.t lvsni,TMv Xprv.iim Irritability. Deramrement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms ol Consumption. Ac. Mkntallv. Jhe tcarlul effects on tuc nnmi are inch lo be dreaded Loss of Memory. Confusion of leas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-l'orebiHlings. Aver sion to Society, "elf-Distrust. Love of Solitude, Timidity. Ae arc some of the evils produced. Tiioi'kanos of jiersons of all ngca can now judge what is tho cause of their declining health, losing neir vigor, becoming weaK, pale, nervous ami naclatcd. having a singular appearance about me cough and symptoms of consumption. hare Injured themselves by a certain pracllce . dulircd in when alono, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or ut school, tho effects of w hich arc nightly fell, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should npply immediately. What a pity that a young man. the hupo of his country, the darling of his parents, should he snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature 111(1 luouiging iu a ci'rmui auvi Usui,. i. u,u jiniui hist, bclurc contemplating .llAKItltGi;. reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to pruuiott connubial happiness. indeed without inese, 1110 journey inningn me oc- comes a weary pilgrimage ; the prositecl nouriy darken to tho view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled w ith the melancholy retlec tion that the happiness of another become blghtcd witn our own. iisi:am: or l.iii'iti i)i:.x i:. When the mtssuidrd' and imprudent votary of j .1 ensure finds that tie lias unbilled flic seeds 01 this IIUIIIlll uis,-liei, 11 uw Minn un.,i-iis in,., n,i m-nioi.i sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, enn alone befriend him. delaying till tho constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease r.ako their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased pose, nocturnal pains ill the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones aud arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities. proirrcssinK with frichtful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bone ot Ibe nose lull in. and the victim of this swlul disease becomes a horrid object vf commiseration, lill death Cuts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending iin to -that I'nUiscovcred Country from whence no traveller returns." It is tuirauriolv fart Ihat thousands fall victims to this terrible diseasii, owing to the unskillfulness of Ignorant pretendors, w ho, by tho use nt mat lirailiy J otsoH, jiirrrtriy, ruin me euusiiiuiiou tuiu uissu Ibe residue of life miserable. N'I'ItA.Xi:itM Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the auv I'nlearned and Wortl.lcs Pretender, destitute of knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. inhuston advertisements, or style themselves, lu flic newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you triSing mouth after month taking their nuny una p.isoiius com. IKiunds. or as lout, a the smallest fee can be obtained and in despair, leat c you -with ruined health lo sigh over your guiungaisappoiniiiient. Dr Johnston it the only Physician advertising His credential or diplomas always hauii iu his office Hi reuiidiusor treatcnient are unknown to all libers, prepared from a life spent in the great hos pitals of Europe, the first in lit country and a nioro titensive7VitutsiVur(ic thus any other Physiciau in me world, i ixitMi:.Mi:.T or Tin: ihim The many thousand cured at Ibis institution year after year, aud the numerous impurtant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporter of the Sun," "Clipper," aud many other turner, notice of which hav appeared airain aud again before Hi public, beside bisStandiug a a geiuluuian of character and responsibility, ua sufficient guarantee to the atllictfHt. Hiti. lusi. afokn Mii:i:iiisY t i iti:i. Perton writing thnuld be rticular In directing their letters tohU intliluliou, lu tbeloiioaii.g u.siu J4n. .11. Joii.M-. ro, n. Of lb Bullimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. February 81, lafi3 I y. MANHOOD, How lotf, How Itewlorr!. J utt pnUiJitd, i'm tl Sraltd EitrtlujHt. Trie Si Cruli. 4 LECTURE on the Nulura. Treatment and Ha. V dlcal Curoid Speruiatotrhuia or Seminal eak naaa. Sexual Dvniliiy, Ncrvousuesa. and luvuluulury Fuiisaiott, iuduuiua; IiuisHruey, Cousuuiptiuii, and Mvuiai ami rnvsicai ih-oiiuv. ltyRoliTj. CI L tit WELL M. D. Tk liulantaiil fact lhal lh awlul eobseueuee of Half-AbtsM may be tfivelually raiuuvad wilboul uu teiaal luedieiue or Hi daugeruu applicalUat iu vaualiva, iualruiuauu, aicdlealed la'glia, aud other empirical daikaa, I here tlvatly d luuuttr ald, aud lh lilitly aw aud kifcbly tu. ccsalul traaluiuul at adopted by Ut ealewaltd author, lully lalHvdl by tucau uf alikb tleiy uu I Miablad to ur biw. a If bwlaally, aud al lb least lajaslbl euat, Ihenby atoidiujiall lb aslvarlued itualiuiu of thtday. Ibi laaiui am piut bmb lu iBuastUMs and taoa taaiula. mat audeftaal, lu laia aavtli.p, la any asldrtaa. iHsri Habi ua iei4 ul laa ait4a iau. pa, by ad tuataiiia m iHtuiiattara. t II At J C I. LINK AC) 117 Bow try, Ktw Iwk, I'osi tiaWa IWa. 4aa4 Aa U, t.l.-f . if,-ly U iMteratatllttaittl llvlrl, Hi aaal K? linfJtt'if, V-tmr ?ntih hi, tit XtW ytMK flMIIH Irat slut lluttlba tv.tt aaiat. Isutwailk 1 aad 1-lsasaVl llulal It 11 a s.l -i auptikst tisaataisiiitilt) U III aa itaiiikf kcK .a k Kar kasiaisa at laJt). It ta aaalial Us Its klll"M, aa-d b4atj Ik ii hsii at I'ltt la) twtsbtaiksa nk t i nt a tllost, bn Klikafctbatiit taa a bad all kaaut, t tsa 4 ta tbatj taa !.. f tbot, ate . 4-tlt Ika ut a4 autasttait td la tist ataia -baik. tsi til tk ata4 Ivan tl UsHst Kba4 4 l. laW THIS ALL SUFFICIENT TITREE. TnS GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Knoitn at "UdmhAJfi GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. HELM BOLD S EXTRACT ''BCCHU,'' " SARSAPARILLA IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'3 GENUINE PREPARATIONS 'HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of tho BLADDER KIDNEY8, GRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excite the Absorbent into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calccrous depositions, and all Unnatural fcttlarKcmcntsare reduced, as well as nam and inflatuation, and is good for men, women, or Children. iii:i.-tu:oi.i-N r.xTitACT III CIIIJ FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from "Excesses. Huhits of Dissipation, Early j iiiiiservi Km, fir Auuse, Attended with the following symtoms 1 lndispotinon to .xeruon j,osa or power. Loss or Memory. Weak Nerves, Horror ol Disease, Dimness of vision. Difficulty of Breathing J reiubitng Wakefulness, Pain in the back. Flushing of the Body Universal Lassitude of the Muocular System, Eruptions on tho Face, Hot Hands, 1'allid Countenance, irvncss oi tne rKinv These symtoms, if allowed to co on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who eon say that they are not frequently followed by those uireiui aiscascs, INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION, Many aro aware of the causeof Iheir suffering, but none will confess. The records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption. bear ample witness to the truth ot tlio assertion. Tho Constitution, once A fleeted with Organio Vt eiiRiicss, Requires (ho aid of medicine to strengthen and in. vigornte the system, which ''Helmbold Extract Iiuchu" invariably dues. A trial will eouvinee the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES, Old or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage. In many ancclions peculiar to r cmales the hxtract inchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in tilorosis or Itetention. irregularity, rauiliilness, or uppressionof the Customary l-.racuation. I leeratcd or Schirrous stale ot the I terus. i.eucorrhea. White Sterility, and for all complaint incident In the sex. w hethcr arising from Indiscretion, Habits of iissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Sco symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Mercurr. or Unpleasant Medicine . mr I upleosiuit and I'angcrous liiseases. lIII.-tlllOI.O'M I'XTKACT It! 411 Cure SECRET DISEASES In all Itieir stages : at little expense ; little or no change iu diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and lives strenslh lo Urinate, thereby removing olistructions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, alluvinz pain and liillamiiiution. so frequent iu this class of discuses and expelling Poisonous, Diict-rcd, and Woru-out flatter. Thousands tipoh Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF And who have paid Heavy Fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and Unit the "Poisou" has. by the use of -Powerful As tringents," been dried up in the system, lu brcuk out in an aggravated form, and remap ulter iMurriago. USE iii:i.iiui.i-s i.xritAi-r in iii; For all AtTection and DUoascs of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Mule or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no mutter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a I'll 1IKTIC. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Or cut Diuretie, And It it certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases, for which it is reootumended. BLOOD ! BLOOD I BLOOD J Hcluibold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Barsaparilla Byphilia. This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Scxunl (irguus. Linings ol the Nose, Ears, Throat, v indpipe, and other Mucus Surface, making us appearance in tho lorm of Ulcers. Helmbold Ex truct Sarsaiarilla )urit1es the Blood, uud removes all Sculy KruptiuiB oi the Skin, giving to the Complex- iou a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared evpressly for Ibis claw of complaints, its Blood-Purifying Proprietor are preserved to a greutcr txteut thou uuy other preparation uf barsaparilla. Helmbold's Boss Wash, An excellent Ijotion for Disease of a Svr.hilitie Na tore, and as an injection in Diseases of the Urinary Orirans, arising from habit of dissipation, used in counoctiun w ith the Extracts Bucbu aud Sarauparilla in suen mseaaeta rvuomnicnaed. Evidence of the most responsible and reliable char acter will accompany tie medicine. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty year standing, with name known lu Science aim fame. For Medical Propcrtie of Buchu, ace Dispensatory the United State. See Professor Dcwce' valuable work on the Practice oi Physio. he remark made by lh lata Celebrated Dr TH....1..1. ll.ll...l..l..l.i S'ee remark made by Dr. Ephralm McDowelV a celebrated Phytieiau, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeon', Ireland, and published iu th Tratuatclious ul In King and Queeu Journal. See MedicvCuTiirKical Review, tiublishrd by Beujuiuin Travers, Fellow of the Royal Culltga of Miigeuu. See moat of th late Standard Work on Modi eiu. Ex i u ait Bi eur, tl 00 per bottle, or ix, IS 00 SillSllAaiLL 1 imj 6oo Ni-hoxku Rosa Wash. i0 " " S iu Or balf adotouof aaeh ! f II 00. which will It tutheieut lu cur Ui uual uUliuate caaus, if direvtiou are adhered lu. livlivered tu any addreat, tccurvly packed rum ulswrvariun. ( tf Jtnacribe ivmitoiut in all eommuiltcaitout Cuius guaiauuvd. Advie grali. AFFIDAVIT. . Personally pet red be for ui an Aldwuiaaof th city u Philadelphia, 11 ll.lu.bold, wku, being duly twutu, d"ib say, bit pfeparalitsu .,laiu ua iiaruulic, au tuvfvuiy, M mbt UJuriout diugt, bul tu puitly n.iUllt. r II. T. HtLilUOLD. Ka.a aud doMtibwi Uf' tua, Ibis i'Jd day ul KutuUi, lm4. MM P. Ill LU AUD. Aldviitiau, NiuUiUaal, abut liaua, I'kiia. Aidiu UtUrt lafutaiatkia la tIJu il. i. HLiiiUOUi, (.bttwU- IKa4 104 tkaMlk TtblbtAiaat, balaw l'taallal ,U. UlWAbK 0 CUl NHkJ UT Aa4 Uxlisvipi4 llaalei ' VI ba cadtialuf tu lib put "tsf iktir alwl "uia' alio l.t ua lb Kuauilott allaiuaj by lialwbuld titHaia I'lapatallutia. iautwt baaka, M l. h aiapalilla. " I u. u at td Hut Haslt Ml by all lH,U tt)i Ask rt'H Utl KtioLD -TAbB K DOT II tu talwtt Ik tsiitntisssatal. at taa 4 M tt, A4 A t Itkiasstltuts t4 b fatal a Utaat I sa at4 t kasasvas) Hatlsnt, Wi Liu4ay. ! iak ttviaai; ) it. - The Atlnm'pi Htpres O'Aftnit', C IVE NOTICE that thy hava c-M.oted ar- il rangement with the Northern ContAl Railrni.l Company to run train from llaltitnoreiir 1 ork, Harrisburg. Jiaapiiin. Halifax, iravonnn, rwnhiiry, Kortliutnhcrland. Lewisbnrc, Milton. Muncv, Wil- liamspnrt, and all intermediate stations, eonnertiu at llamsbnrg with the u lit. A I n fcJ j-.it.K l.A- I'llt.SB for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the West. Also with Howard A Co. ' Exnres at Millnn or Danville, Blnomshurg, Wilkcsbarre, Pittston. Scran ton. and tntcrmctiatft stations nn the Cattawisa, Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Railroads. At Wil liamsport, by Howard A Co. rxpres Ut Jersey Shore and Lock Harca. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Klmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible points In Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Speelo, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuablo Packages of every descrip tion. Also. Notes, Drafla and Rills for Collection. r.xperieneed and efficient mcsscnifers employed. and every effort will be made to render satisfaction. DIM, II A.M. Superintendent Penn'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 6, 1862. lilt AMY IMsTnI Corntr of State and Third Strretn, IlAKBtsnina, Pa. THIS IIOl'PE, In consequeneo of its convenience isrf SM, llH.llInn I.. Il. I1. -.lint V. ... ..I 1, - desirablo topping place, not only lor those having business at the teat or Government, but lor others vititing Harrisburg. March zy, 1802. rTUlRRLBLE DISCLOSTRKSIXRETS FOR I lilt aiii.IjIu.a : A most yslauble and wonderful publication. A work of 40(1 pages, and 30 colored engravings. 1'R HUNTER'S VADE MECl'M. an original and popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Funotiona. and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Ncver-Failini Remedies for Iheir speedy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and still is. unbounded, but ut the earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced tiarxtend his medical usefulness, through the medium of his VADK MECUM. It is a volume that should bo in the hands of overy family in the land, ns a preventive of secret vires, or ns a guide for the alleviation of one of the most awful aud destructive, scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded lrco ol postage to any part or the t inted Mates tor M cents in i-. si. sisiiin-, or 3 copies for SI. Addres. post paid, DR. Ill N IKK, No. 3 Division Street, New York. June 0, lsu.i. Jy. 1803. Ari-jtitjit'iiu-iilit lsaUU. ol "ew York I.inox. THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philailrlpliia lo iYctr Yori ami Way Plans, Jrom 11 anut flrert Wharf aud luit.uiigtvil J)rpttt. tc7 rave as futoti:i, viz : KAUsi, At 8 A.'M.. via Camden and Auiboy, C. and n. sicroMiiiiouniiou. i -'j. At6 A. M.. via Camdeuand Jersey City, N.J. , AccomUHKlatiOn, 2 : At 8 A. M., via Ciundcn an J Jersey City. (Mnrninn Mail.) 3 Illl At A. M.. via Ciundcn end Jersey city 2d Class Ticket 2 2i At 1 1 A. ..I. via Rcusingten and Jer,ry city, Express " Uiy At IS M. via Cninilen rind Auiboy, C ar.d A. (Accommodation.) 2 2j At t P. Mi. via Ciundcn find Ainboy. (C. and A. Express ) 3 CO At 3 P.M.. via Kensington und Jersey City, Wn-li. and N. V. Express 3 00 At tij P. M . via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail ) " 3 iJ At 11 1 P. M. va Kensington .md Jersey city, Southern .Mail. " 3 (in; At 11 (nij(lil) via ICeusiiij'.oa mid Jersey city Southern I.vp'Lss 3 i;o At 5 P. M., v ia I 'a oiden and Ate boy. ( Accom modation. F'r.'lgbl uud Patti'Ujjer, iii.-t Class lii kct 2 25 Second Class Ticket, I io For Water tiup. Stroudsluirg, Scrsulon. Wilkcs barre. Montrose, (jrcat lieml. Ac , nt (i A. M , from Kensington, via Delaware, Luckunuiira and Western Railroad. For Maueh ( I. nut;. Allenlown. Rethlulirm. BMvi- dere. Enston. Lambertville. Fb iniii'-ton, c . at It A. M.. from Kensington liepot, uul al 2i P. M , from Walnut street L:irf. (The B A. M. Lii.c connects wiih Truiiia lciu inje Enston for Munch Chunk, at .1-20 P. -i.) For Mount Holly, at tl A. JI.. 2 i-n.l 4 P. M. For Freehold, ui .1 A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton. Ac., at 11 A. M. aud 21 and P. M. tioiu Kensington, For Piilmvru. Hicriou. I'elaiico, Beveilv. Bur lington. Florence. Bcrdcutoivu, Ac, at 12. I, 2, 41 and ii P. M. l if For New York, and Wuv Lines leavin Ken- singion Pct. lake the Cars on Filth fli . als ve iiuliiut. hull an hour before di-ourturc. ibet'ara run into the jvpot. ni.il on tuc airiv.il u!' each Train. run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Bhii:ucc only, nil., wed each passenger. Passengers i,iu prohibited from Inking aliytutlig IL baagc but llicu' wciiliil;; i,j j.iii t-l baggage over liny "iunus to be paid f.irex'ra. Coiiipany limit Iheir rcsj-msil iliiv lor lairi;: tine Dollar per pound, and v. ill nui be lialde I, amount beyond sdim. except bv si eeial eoninic Vil 1 no 0 to uuy it. li.tli.Miai, Agent. January 1". IS'i.'l. JOIl DHK-tiT mam r.irn ni iii, of t3 A. 2Li T3 1-t A. 'X1 TJ t5 SUPER -CARP,. OP ,J!DA. Ac. And Sole Agi nts in the City of New-York for CREAM OF TARTAR SUBSTITUTE. Invented by Prof. Eben N. Honford, of Harvard University, lifficc. II Old Slip. Hanover Square, (up stairs,) NEW YORK. nMIE high pi ice which Cream of Tartar Commando I i in ls.'t, together with the alarming exlout t which its dangruus adulteration Iin I le en i nrric I. with other eonsidei'iiliobs. induced the disliiiiui'U 1 Chemist, nliosc inline i.- gi oa above, to cvu iiien 'a what proved lo be a long and laborious scii-iitirie re search, to discover a desirable substitute tl. eta:., r. His etlorts acre cromied a nil abundant sticcc-7. and hundreds of thoiisaudi of jstunds of the Subsiitutu have been sold and usisl during the last Iho years, througliout the I niied States aud the Canalus The following true comparisou of its nature aiil Jhe rcsultr- of its use, w ith those of Cream of Tartar, will convince the most incredulous nt its value. Cream of Tartar is a bi-tartrutc of Potash. This Substitute is a simi le Phosphate, and cr.laiut nothing but what is found iuti'cl'-stcak. and iu can, a bent and other cereals, sud is therefore highly nutritious. It also has a health-i:iviug influence, and supplies ihat for w hich there is a constant de mand iu the system. I jf It is told for a much less pri.e than Cream if Taitur. Mureh 21, 1H5:!. ly llrniitlifsi, U iiiea, iu, Ac, T 11K sulsscriber, having opened iu Tin nn-on t Biick Buildinir. Mill street. Daniil e. a luriro tod complete ,-tock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 1.I0.U01.S, nmprising the bt brands of Brandies, tiin. ! 1 live. Scotch aud Iri-h W hiskey. Port, Sherry. Mu d, n a. Cbampant and oilier incs. of all xiudos. ail ol which will be sold Wholesale, at the iuwcstcity prices. Tavern-kcepeis, bybuvingef us, iiuiuit it least the treigbt. Pirsoiit desuoua uf purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE, nay rely upon l,"ing 1'uriiUkcd with a pur all I uua.lulliruied article t if Being dcleiniiued lu estc.V'iii rupulutiuU f,J Helling cheap, he respeeifully solicits the palroua-k ul Ihe public. All orders promptly ai tended to JfcUV-tUAUS. HALL Danville, June II, IK'o. I.umbrr! I.utttbrr! PHILIP SHAY, ATauey, l.ycouiiug eouutyf Pa , INFOHMS LU trii lids and Ilia l-uldio iu gelielsl thai be uukstautlv kiefao baud Hoards Ni'i.l. . uth. Joists, and ail kii .Is of I un b, r and b.ul.lii, LairtiaU. w hi, h be will tell at Urn luwctl I noes. UiMiueh ill, Ixd,. I'.kTAIII.alli:i JJo. ETEU CoVl L L A K l , tWnwli aV 'I'olitK't Maaulln lartr Id A 1 UUilUKKSfT, (torairtly 41 Ckalhtsa Slrt, Niw Vmk Wuuld all Ik alitaUea 4 Dualert lu th artu.1. uf Ui lUsbUtWlUl, tu , ll:uvits toil I E. MacalM.jr, Dtaii'tut. I la Cai sw l ulu lu'l-la, I' ua.su iattHr. aakil.lu, Autaiuati lieailvaiaa, I .. !. a ttUOYV sl F. btXstek Uav S Heotek Utah Tftsi a.. i,b, li.-k ll s Kti tHm. u Lull ll I i -l, tinkS-tlvk ur !.. !; l.-.i. ( f Au.uiu.1. U calli I ta lb '"' rv.l.oli a lo, tMU.a rili. I ut I aIM sd aa.dIH4 tebavut, akivb aill U Ivaud arus4aiman. ti b.vtio btaaiiiif it tal llti fusuku U. P A L " l-l'"' " . la I. ta-aadi-a ol !. Satii.b, ka aaaa.fcla4 if-sa-sas. I auaalaf Jl.s I A 1 ta'tast, la 4 utl t t4la4i, latkssk lilaaalasa . V t.U.aial..a UU M4 i U.a " Aj.JI UtJ-l