Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 27, 1864, Image 3

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    Itjc Suntoura Smcucan.
II. B. MA88EU. Editor A proprietor.
al.MH KV, PAi
"ATTUUAT.I'JgIjIuJaHY 27, 1804.
i 'jj
No. J7 Tftrk Row, New York, and Stat Street,
Boston, are oar ngenti for the Bi'Hiit Ahihicas
in those oitlcs, and are authorised to Uke Adrortlsa
uients and Subscriptions for tin at oar lowest rates.
AVc publish this week, two interest
ing letter from the army ; one from Chat
tanooga, and tlio otlicr from our regular
correspondent at Key West.
ls7 Am ArrnESTicE Wanted. A good
lioy of about 10 years of ago will be taken at
this office, as an apprentice, if application is
undo immediately.
Books foii thu Camp Fiues No 2
U ready. It is claimed to Iks the cheapest
original work yet published. It contains
10-4 pages, minion, and 5 spirited illustra
tions. It is entitled Clotelle; a Tale of
tlio Southern States, by W. AV. Brown, a
native of Kentucky. Trice 10 cents ; for
wliieli it will be (tent to any address, postage
jiaid, lj tlio publisher, James Itedpath,
Boston. 'o, a Talc of Balzac, "the Dickens
of France," will be issued soon. On Ticket
Uuty, ly Mi Alcott, Xo. 1 of this series,
lias goneeVi ill 2d cdi!ion. 7000 were sold
in throe davc.
IT" Tnn ATf.ASTir Mont.UY for March
has been rewiml. Ifafontribm tts are, John
fl. Wliitiier, Oliver Wendell I tolmss, Bayard
Tr.yiOT, Harriet Bwlwr SDmo, Hoi srt Dale
Owen, Canilitie I'liOHcliro, lk. Marvel, Alice
f'ary, an3 tAker popular writer. I.isf of
rtditents : Tla Quern of California : Thr
Brolbcr of Here.y ; A nil ttsgadora in Boruls :
AVi t Weather Work, V. ; On the Relation of
Art t Xature, IT.; iur C'Usliiate; Wliit
tier; The Cnvulsi,Aln,t of Sr. Medant;
Ilouac and llonvc Pa;ht. III.; Our Sol
dier ; 'William MakepMw TliavWetav ; Tin?
IVntnsular C'timpivt:;ri-. lJevn-we ami Lit
erary Notion. l,uMi"i tiy TV-kaor fc
1'ielda, 135 Washing st., 3X., Miuw., at
4:1 per annum.
I-S?TnB West Mim-tkk Ittvihir. The
January number of thi valuable British
Periodical, rc-published by Ixnnard Scott &
Co., 38 Walker st., New York, lias lieen re
ceived. We have not bad time to look over-
the iflrrnt article, but li-l r-f contents
Mill show the chanutcr of the jirwKitt m:m-bc-r.
The Life and writing of Ki,-vr tiacon
The Tunnel under Mount (.'enis; Astrology
liiid Magic ; The Depreciation of Gold;
(iilchrist's Life of Win. Blake; Parties and
Prospect in Parliament ; The Inspired
Writings of Hinduism; l'us'a; The Phy
Molopy of Sleep, Contemporary Literature.
floral Affaire.'
ti" I.Nu-nn.i.s. Those ervtiini; bllla ami other
printing well done, should call at this effice e we
have provided a largo .Lock of materials for tha'
t5r S.lumon MnlicV, Ksq., rciiiovrd his ofiieo ti
next door to the Prolhuootury'a ofiicc, opposite the
Court Houee, where lie will attend Ik nil iufrsjional
business, military claim;, ic.
J"S Marketing still euiitiuuiv very hiU iu this
pluce. liuttcr njil beef is bringing eity price. But
ter nt .10 rents and beef 15, in hirl:er o think than
people will stand very long. To the pool it amounts
almost to prohibitiou. lu New Yort;. good roasts are
quoted st 14 to IS contf ; tender luin steaks, at 1(1
to IS; ehuica butter S6 cc:it. According to these
rates tho price of beef hero, siwuld be from 10 to It
cents per pound, and butter from 20 to Si.
Merchants and others ro invited to read the Car l
cf Howell A llonrkc, Mimufueturcrsof Wall Papers
Window Curtain Papers, Ac, Ac., 4lh A Market
street, Philadelphia.
Jx' Knw Storr. Messrs. Weaver A r'sgcly will
return from Philadelphia, on the first Monday of
March next, when they will open a splendid scloe
t'on of 1)1 y tloojs, Groceries, Ac, in lral". Clement's
building nt tlio southwest corner of Market Square,
opposite the Court House lathis place.
f Tki: -IiosniR Pf.AO."-.We copy the
following from the Xcw Oilcans True Delia of the
f.ih inst., forwarded to us by Giro of our corrcspond
cn's in the army :
Skiiitioi: Siinu. Joaquim Batlst, who indulged
iu siniiiug the Itonuie liluo t'la?.'1 was eonsiilored
in need of a little touching up. Jude Aloe ha sent
him to the Work-houne fur 30 days."
This "Sedil;ous Song.', as Iho Delta calls ii, isSaicf
1 1 be ruite a favorite with some of our ladies, and is
mug with impunity.
Cot xiii. l'B'X KEUixaa. The Council elil, met
nt their room on TucKday evening last. Chief Uur'
ge f. 1!. Boycr, present and being sworn took the
chair. Assistant liurgesses. Win. I. Oreenough, C.
PleMaiits, J. II. W (riser and J. M. Iliwtian, present
Kndaaoru. Common Councilmen, C. A. Bright, L.
Seesbolti, J. W. Vrilin. M. C. Oearharl. Clinton D
Uohrliaeh and lienj. Ilroioos. present and swoin.
Town Clurk, John W. Bueher, aud High Coustuble
lleorge lUrriuon, present and sworn.
The Purge! and Council present being sworn
and their eertiScatea of election and oath to office
being filed, Council proceeded to businm.
Miuulcs of last meeting read and approved.
Chief Purges appointed the f.,l!oing slaudhm
ci iniuittee to serve for the ennuing year :
Finuuee Cuiuuiitteu and Borough Auditors, Wat,
!. tlroeuough, Charles PleasauU and John Ik urne.
Highways and r-idewalks, John il. Wviser, Levi
heeshulu and Alex. Munti.
Kiver liauk. J. M. Pustian, Ilinj. Biosiuus aud C
I). lUhrbab.
UiavaVard, C. Hendricks. J. V. Kritaig and JJ
' C. tleartiart.
Pills of BenJ Brosiou., High ConsiaMs lor IS43. of
7 W; Kolomoa II Buyer, Chief BurgM, ;j ; j
W . Uuuhnr, Clerk, 2S, presented and orders granted.
On uietiuu, adjriied J.W. lii'iuaa, I'lk.
ISIyWsi i
I tnll'titieui tur lbs anajr aaes kassj faaa est
al a r p.d KU in thla pIssM, lur tta past Urn mmkt.
The t,auibr. have Was lalurtaasl, ft l' al llilri,.
uaaily all of Ifc.tu eauiHsVssa II I tt, Diss, tat lew
of Urge Umiuiic, bare saAsUsil sjst4 Ifcmiili n
Iroia U)koo4 ttsk liaa. A rsanisr af Ihiss
I'll ws Muaday last, m4 Mlisla4 la Uj lib resMWyl.
tauia Cavalry, at HurUtuig All Ikasw, ulm tuiii
ly, will U credited W fcUwr ylwaa, and Ilia solving
draft suust HMtwily fall tu4f OS) llhaw that r
luaiu. Aiswa( Ikvs wb Ufl ai Kk,u4 riiuksr,
ttmttit Uaasd. Md rlk, tt a. Wise, lai
li aeketuilla, tisusge A Ktans, Uausga l t.ivm
I kl.s LsuUw, da;4 Ljrja, i in IfuU, Kol-Mt
Larltuw, J.1 Uuri,i'sala( kUiil, U U
lUbxl r'ailMSua, Xk. ItaMUsi, fcdwdwd ( aad
Jaw ak ir , d ntsMra, iUm Mas kv n
kti4 1 k U4 ! kaskis Irusa ikis .
-. ...nTi a- i . -(V
Ia l.snisa. k tsasisal -1!
ll U,at IWi l4li Suid.MS k S SSj 44ls4
Ik its .! .. I t'tMitlM ! kakil4 a t
l k ls 4
tf The JiVrcngh ul eel ion on Friday the 10th Inst,
renilted in tht election of the entire Union ticket,
wilh the exception of B. Ketlcmoyer, for School Hi
rector, who did not want the office who was defeated
byG.'W. Tloupt by xnaJoTltjr Onr Breckln-
ridga friends, knowing the hopeless minority of their
party In Snnbury, got op a yery good ticket, and to
show that Ihey eonld be both generous and liberal)
when It was tbeir policy to be so, they made up about
on half their ticket, with of men belonging to the
Vnion party. In this way they Induced many to
vote their ticket, 'Cut, howeeer, ounningty devised
It did not save them. Our nnfnrtnnnte friends, soma
of whom Inretnntary got mixed np in bad company,
no donbt rejoiced) that even with their names, a bad
ansa could not be popularised. As a general rnlo
we do not approve giving municipal elections a poll
Ileal cbaraoter, but bur Breckinridge friends have
every where nrgod this course when they had the
least Idoa bfsucoc. The average majority for the
t'nion ticket was about ftfrty, or bout one' hundred
less than it would have been, had our men turned
out as did our opponents, who polled every vote.
Tho following is Hie ticket elected :
Chief Burgess Solomon B; Boyor,
Second Burgess John Bourne.
Asuistant Burgcfos -Wra. I. tlrecnongh, Charles
l'leasants, John U. vtciser. J. Al. lioslian.
Common Conncilmcn ('has. A.Briitht. Levi Pees.
holts, lienj. Hendricks, Alex. Mants, John W. Fri
ling, M. C. Ucarhort, C. V. ltobrbaeh) lienj. Pro-
Town Clerk John W. Buohen
High Constable Mcorge Harrison,
Conslablo-Andrew J, Stroll.
School Directors Emanuel Wilvcft and Geo. W
Overseers of the Poor Geo. Bright and Augustus
Street Commissioners John B. Lenkcr aud Sam
uel Clement,
Asewor--Jaines Beard.
AKitant Assessors John Buyers ahd Jacob t
Judge of Elections HnVId Ilaupt.
lnspcetor of Elections Jncob Cablo nnd Chns F
ICtter from tUe SuntMiry Cannrtlx.
Kit Wb'.t, Fla , Feb. 2, 1801
Dkai Wtl.VEllT,
There are now three detnehment from
our regiment on the main land ot Florida.
The first composed of gorhc thirty,
with six men uml one cerscant ot Lotniiany
A., under command of Lieutenant Myers,
These refugees were recruited by a refugee
the name of Hrown, a member of Compa
ny' C., for the purpose of going to the main
laiu' and their enlisting men like themselves
who vere persecuted, driven from their
homes Villi their tarn i lies, bikI nkling in the
bush au,' everglades so as to cscntre the cou-
seription ,rfJetf. Davis. Thev were also to
cut off the i-ushwhackers and ctttle drivers
nnd take froul them their ill-gotten plunder.
Hoar they have succeeded I have not Ijsvb.
vole t learn as rommuiiicaiioii vt iui mem
is only by water, .'Tid no vessels have arrived
from their locality iiitely, so we have no uc-
count of their doings. Tlio second party is
company A., coinui.wletl ly tlielr Captain
II. A. tirat'ir, accoinprnied by Assistant Sur
geii HciIkt, who are stationed nt Fort My
cri, Koniewhere on tho ccuFtof Florida. The
third party are twenty-five men of Company
C, Lieutenant Oyster cfnnianding. They
viv up the Miiuna river gittliering spiles.
tiiiilx.T, &c, and speculating Boinewhat in
cuttle business, that is depriving guerillas
ot horses and cuttle they (tho guerrillas,)
have stolen lioiii the loyal citizen.; of that
country. That they will succeed T liavo no
doubt, for with such men aa compose his
party, Lieut. Oyster cannot fail, and it will
only be by coming in contact with greater
liuuiU-rs that they cannot cllbct more thtn
tho General commanding expects.
Some nf the promiucut citizens issued the,
following call, iui us it show tho feeling
of most of the Key West people I send it,
knowing that you feci nil iuterest iu all
matters concerning the Union.
"A meeting of vnruiulitoixtl l'nimili, fa
vorable to tho early restoration of Florida
to the Union, mill lie held tit the liaptist
Church, Key West, on Thursday Evening,
January 28, 18CL
Judge Philip Frastr nnd others will ad
dress the meeting."
The meeting was large, nd so great was
thu number of citizens that many were uu
uble to gain admittance into the building.
Judge Fraser addressed the meeting in a
clear nnd effective speech, in which he ex
plained the President's lVoclamation, prov
ing conclusively tliat the emancipation of
slaves was of iiirtre bcr.tfit to the poor white
man of the youth, taking lulwir in view, than
to thu negro himself. While speaking, the
Judge was interrupted by a J'cUiur, filled to
overflowing with ot catluent or somo worse
spirits, w ho made use or expressions some
thing like lie, and he was a "good Southern
man," but his boasting was of short dura
tion for by his side was a large eized Allun
lown boy, who used "morul suasion'' by
cn telling him by the throttle, thereby caus
ing a suspension of his bw.tliing apparatus,
and in the end ousted him ft dm the build
ing. Other than the this, meeting was a per
fect success anil all parties were well pleased.
The Judge was followed by Homer G. I'lan
ty, Esq., U. 8. District Attorney, Admiral
Uuiley, Postmaster Albufy, Mr. Pent aud
other citizens, whoso remarks were well re'
ceived as the applause gave evidence. The
Hon. Thomas J. Hoynton, District Jhdge
was conlined to his room by sickness,
he was unable to attend. Resolutions were
olfered and adopted, committees appointed
and preliminaries made for an "early resto
ration of Florida to the Union."
Itloekade running is nearly played out in
this depart iiKiit. Occasionally one attempts
it, but is soon gobbled up by one of Uncle
Sam's boats. Last week two steamers were
brought into 'this port, laden with cotton,
rum, scgurs uud a general cargo. One of
them was captured by the Naval Transport
Union, and the other by the 'rtrrn Metro
an Army Transport. TlrU Transport
had no heavy gnua ou bcard,and only a few
muskets, with nary a rat ridge t but took tho
prize after a chase of six hours by what one
w ould call running it down. This prize was
valuable, and with it wan captured nineteen
The olticcra of tho 47th Kegiinent Pcnu'a.
Veteran Volunteers, gave a party m last
Wednesday night at Fort Taylor. It was
the party of the aeuaoii. Northern Leauty
wut there in lowliness, end great was the
rivalry among the brau butt-jif to gain one
of the ladies from "among the hills" as a
partner. Quito a number of ladies aru apcud
lug thu winter here with their husbands and
fathers, whose duties in the army and navy
will not allow them a leave of absence. This
patty was it large one ul one time there
were ten sets on the lloor. The guests eu
joyed themselves lit the muxy daoee 'till
lluve iu the iin. ruing, whs-ii tliey left Foil
Tu.llor tunic hat fatigued, but will pleassd
with the euurtaiiiinetit.
The Uiys are all writ u l in "r-od aplrils.
With respects to all iu the uttice, (i lends
generally and youiulf and lauiily, 1 remain,
Vouis, Fraternally, M. P. w.
Kt Wist, (KU.,) Ftb. II, ltio4.
Dan W 1 1. v teat :
Thai iUibiated n.l tuet esaful bUn U
aU runiuir, I'umJurUhJ, was captured aud
bum uli l lulu Ibis turt on last Mouday, Fib.
ami iy ilia i ujms riaiea aieaiucr 4 us cfti.
I This la auuaM;ti Us las lha luisal luabl
priie Ukia siiu tLst Lht kadii Laa len
' r.Ul.ll-Unl. TUv tar,;.i, taliad at one lull
1 liuu, t Uuudrvd lliuba.tU'1 di'llurs, (iiiiauis
of artua, kiiiutuuiuos), I'uiur u-, alorva and
i Ifoit J'l.ilju .i lb utiJliilUst nf rm
HI Muullur. thu haj als-j iai lr. C'tmliwl
' tiats Imiii'U Ui tltw aiuuunt i' Uuty UuMi.d
j iliillsra. u.Uidinl of llm ti'lry talus,
! lf t(yiltsi ia vl pwat iuMii Ume ia twi
1 tiutixiwlitriil, ll iLe iMUitlum 1 1 lb l ap
Mint mu, i I'll i' ld '
to fit her up as privateer fpirateis the pro
per name,) ana then run to sea to prey on
our commerce. Tlio Cumueiiantl was load
ened at Havana, where the Dr Outn baa been
fur aome time watching her, but alio gave
them the slip there nnd was only overhauled
w hen within filly miles of Mobile, She is
an Knglish steamer, owned ly fcugiiBiimcn
ami lit r crew are composed ot men who nave
a peculiar way of using the letter II. in pro
nouncing words. While briniiing in this
prize the J)e ttt captured another having
on board twenty-five bales of cotton.
1 he detachment from our company, wiilcn
was tip the Miami river, under Lieutenant
Oyster, returned on Tuesday last, bating
accomplished all they were sent after. The
boys were well pleased with their trip, but
awfully down on the mosquitoes nnd fleas
of which that country is well supplied. They
met a number of Indians, who seemed to bo
friendly, but they were unable to converse
with them as they are not much acquainted
with onr language, however, in the eating
line Dad Handals says they can devour pork
and bean soup in English as well as auy
"other man."
Company A., with tho refugees, under
Capt. Oraelf, doing garrison duty ut Fort
Myers on the main land, were, a few days
ago, attacked by a party of guerillas, but
repulsed them finely, without any loss at all
on our side not even one wounded. I have
not heard the particulars of the fight, but as
soon as I can gather them, you shall be in
formed. From tho large number of troops uassimr
here daily, en route to General liiinks, 1
should judge some active operations were
determined on, nnd from what tho quid
mines say you may soon expect to hear of
too attacK on iMoiiiic. 1 lie troops ot Gen.
ISanks are re-enlisting very fust. Two regi
ments of returned veterans stopped here on
their way back to Texas. Part of the 91st
N. Y. Volunteers are here now on their way
north on furlough, lnjving rc-cnlistcd for the
The boys arc nil Very well. There is no
sickness nt all in this District. With respect
to all in the oflice; yourself and friends gene
rally, I remain. Yours Fraternally, u. l. w.
For tho Sunbnry American.
Irf-tlcr li-uiii Tennessee,
GrxEitAL Field Hospital, )
Cn.TTASCHMA, Tenu., Feb. 11, 1804. (
Di:au BitoTiiKU: I regret my letter from
Murfreesboro' did not reach you earlier.
Having spent three months at that place,
we struck Cur tents and moved to Steven
son, Ala., a sickly looking town of about
two dozen old wooden houses one of them
three stories high used aa a -hotel, looks
like an old barn. The prices are If I for a
meal and 73 cents for a bud whether there is
clothing on or not.
Thi town is situated at the foot of the
mountain, nnd is a railroad station at the
junction of the Memphis and Charleston and
t Uiittiinoogii and tishvillo Hailroad. 1 he
Tennessee river runs about two miles south
west of the place the valley which is undu
lating is about two miles wide, good land
but in an unvUltiVnted state, excel. t l.cieiind
there a email form. Tho inhabitants like
the country, arc uncultivated and about half
After remaining here nearly three months.
moved on to Kelly's Ferry, near Chattanoo
ga, Tenu., where I remained just three
months, and then moved to this place.
Jelley s rerry is n beautiful place on the
cast bank of the Tennessee river, high moun
tains on cither side and apparently at each
end. The river is so tortuous, it appears like
a lake surrounded by mountains. The com -
try Irom tsrulgeport to Chattanooga is very
much like that from MauchChunh to White
Haven, tho distance by railroad is 23 miles,
by river 64 miles. Steamers rurt between
Bridgeport and Loundon,Tcnn., via Chatta
nooga daily.
W hilst at Fort Monroe, a., I often long
ed to see a, mountain, but in this cotintrv
the reverse nothing but mountains and
valleys. Chattanooga lies on the east bank
of the Tennessee river, almost in iv direct
line with Lookout Mountain, which is di-
rictly south of it. About two nnd half to
three miles to the top of Lookout station, is
a tremendous pile ot rocks on the extreme ol
tho northern end, where a young soldier of
the 78th P. V., named Koper, from Clarion
county. Pa., has erected a cabin amongst the
rocks, and is carrying on a good business in
taking Daguerretypes and Photographs.
About two-thirds np the east side of the
mountain, is a plateau where the owner hud
a very handsome mansion house, w ith an
orchard of choice fruit trues, shade trees,
Ac, a lovely place in summer; but the
soldiers have destroyed everything. The
handsome grape arbor is no more, the It n it
trees aie nearly stripped by persons taking
cuttings to send home; the house is strip
ped ol all wood work, including roof. 1 lie
rebel rille pits aud batteries extend across
from cast to west side, about halt way up the
mountain, tho wagon road winds around
the point about one third the distance from
the river. It will be one of the tin tat roads
in the south, at the Government has several
huudi-ed men and engineer regiments nt
work on it, making it ..limit thirty feet wide
and breaking stone lino to cover it.
The railroad winds around tho foot of the
mountain just above therivsr. The entrance
to the cuve is ou a level with tiie railroad,
and at the centre of the mountain. It looks
like the entraucc to a railroad tunnel but
widens rapidly as you enter. The Hebels
hud extensive saltpetre works iusidc, of
which there ia abundance.
Chattanooga was once a beautiful town of
four or live tiiound inhabitants; but now
it looks sad. Those beautiful groves are all
cut down, not a tree left stunting for miles
nrotind. Even the large ltolling Mill, Tan
nery, and otherextrnsive worksitre destroy
ed, nothing but the frames standing, and
heaps of rubbish of dirt brick. Ac. black
irulled down for the briek to build chiuiueys
lit the soldiers ami other's tents.
A guard is placed around the frames of
the ubovo named buildings to prevent the
soldiers cutting them down for tire wood.
In town the fences have been taken fur tire
wood, and floors, Ac., by the soldiers this
give the town a desolate apH-araue. Thu
principal part of which is built of briek.
The few inhabitants remaining, look as if
they had been ouly half fed and clothed
lici cloture. They are now drawing their
supplies fioiu our Governineut.
In a day or two the railroad will be open
ed to Louduu, aud thu bridgr, across the
river at that place, will be tinjalct in a few
weeks, when the csrs will run through in
KnoxvMle. The icbt Is destroyed the bridge
and then run ail tliuir locomotives and car
into the rixiT 'there they lie now ait im
mense pile, obstructing tire paasnge of stea
nieis. I forgot to mention on lop of Lookout
Mountain, the rebel vuiislruclril two full
dculious across the mountain rxtrmling front
nuu side lu itiu other, aud about a mile
spin I.
About one mile eoulh from th'-si point is
the beautiful village of Suiiiuurvillu wit the
ihII low nf the tuouutaln, overlooking
I lie w'lcy and Miaiou4f Itulge, aud giviiij
due slew of Iho raiijfo of mountain twyoiM
In .North Carolina called the hiuuky of iu
1 halUinsya must become gi st place,
uce ilia kiidostruiu iU and i'piUliU of
Hi itoi lb so l tie stare, 'J Ue ttiiiurul rtsuutti
i all kinds la Itti leetuu, are iiuimdu,
lbs Milker is, aildfcas) UU, ttulluklful,
the paal al weks. ' IwruMtiMttrr, loiaast
tiolui in January, VUiUg. !,urro, fei'wol
14 tUif m(4 aUiut 44 n SO tit 4 Ibla
itfutiiit (uuth wiutii b fcltt.1 lu day eu
-Ii j , al uuvm.
We havo about ono thousand patients in
the hospital now.
Hoping to see you all toon as thisacruel
war is over, I remain, Yours Truly,
O. W. M., v. . a.
biiPiiANs' " eouitf "sale.
IN pursuance of an order of tli OrpiinnV t'eurt of
Northumberland county, will b filled to )nb
lio salo, at tha Court House in the llomugh of Snn-
nnry.on Monday the 7lh day ol M Altt'll. A. I). I4,
tha following described Lot of Oround. situate In the
borough of Sunbury, aud marked in the genvral plan
of said Heimlich number 322, bounded eastwnrdly by
lot number ,121, and wotwardly hy lot nunih-r Ml,
norm or n noruencrry street, south by liilhrrry
alley. Lata tha estato of fcmiuusl Thompson, de.
Hale to commence at ! o'clock P. M.. nfs.ibl ,1nr
When the terms and conditions of sale will be
Known by
MARIA TIIDMl'SOX, Adtn'trix.
I!y onler of the Court.
J. A. J. (J u mix us, CI k 0. C.
Sunbury Feb. 13, 1304.
Adilia Helfenstein, 1
va 1
William H. Marshall and f No 20, March T 1S6L
ii iiiinm in. ,i caver. i
4 OltOAI.It' H al l'
TW Vlrlnn rF .n r..,l . nr,.l. ! 1) - t
X cienda, issued out of the Court of Common l'leas
. t V..-. V I i . .
i ivi,iiuiNuv(iniiu ouiioiy, s'onnsyiTania, io me ui
reCted will be exposed to publio sale at the Court
itoae in me borougli or tunbury, on Monday the
14th linr of Mari-h. IKI',1 .1 I n'..l..b P M r i
II . u l .vbn . . . . , UV IUI-
" " .... i .una i vn, ,n tci.u lJ T. I L .
All ccrlain messuage or eieht ailjoininir Lot of
0,"""u " H'H ,,T II ,JI miHIIlllKlII, voai town
ship, Northumberland county. Pennsylvania, and
described in tho (lencral l'lnn of said town as lots
No. 1, 2, 3, 4, i. 6, 7 and H, in block number fitly,
seven (ill, bounded on the north by Arch street, eaat
by aennt ground, south by lot No. , and west by
Kighlh street, on which aro erected a largo Urkk
liuilding called a College or Acadcmv.
CHAhbKS K. MArtTIN, Coroner.
Coroner's office, Sunbury, Feb. 1,1. 1861.
MAt ot't'unNCs for .Vlnr-li 1, Itu.
1 Jacob J. Reed vs Lemuel Chanibcrlin,
2 John C Hoffman, vs aaine
.1 John Drabor, vs Cleaver, Kajrcly A Co.,
4 same vs Sensholts. Fairely A Co.,
5 Klaie A Riiebncr, vs Win. L llcwart et al,
A Francis Klaie, vs sumo
7 Hugh Caul. vs Ilanirl V Caul.
8 The IliM'tn. Imp Co, vs T Uaunigardner et al
8 Katy blHinm. for uio vs John F W olfingcr.
10 Com. of l'cnn'a fur l'ursol vs .lis) Vandyke A bail
1 1 Isaac Marti et al vs S II Hover B ml Win West
12 J. M Uoslianand wife vs Holm'non llrosinus,
13 K Y llright A Son vs K Ostuun A A Unuiun.
I t John Buyers, vs Wm 1, Dewart,
la Andrew M Ksrtwick, vs U. C Cleaver et al,
111 Catharine 1'eifl'er vs Jonatlmn llunklebcrgcr
17 J". II. linker awignca vs l'atrick .Muchon,
IS J A J Cuminin;s vs Ucorge Illiiin,
10 W illiain Antrim vs AVest Hrnncli A (u!. Coal Co
20 Koburt Cumpbell vs I poor Augusta towiu-iiip,
2t A P Lark, vs John F Cnlow, ct al
22 Com. of Pcnn'a forS. Finney ts P Vt' llilert ctal
2.'lMichael llnhn vs M m llcsbing adin'r,
24 C 0 liachinan et at vs Tbcs Pursel ct ul
2o Klirabetb Hiiuhc, ys J. ,i (iilluer. aJm'r
2H Mary II tlreolund's heirs vs N. C. K K. Co,
27 Maria C Vincent, vs John L Waisun,
2 ltenj S Myers vs iloial Henry.
2. Jobu llafvr, for uso vs 11. A. Alexander,
.W M m. Kline vs Valentine Klaie,
31 lieorge W liixon, vs Jcdiuli Kciior,
32 Uank of Midillutown vs Samuel Weisi.
3.1 Uiebard Moltninn etal vs Phil A t. R. R. Co Ac.
34 1-iuvid Waldron vs Jane Wnldnin,
Hi Mcs ChamlH'rlin ct al vs Jnhh Voris. Ac.
30 Wui I, llewart vs Thos lliiiiuiganliM'r.
37 Arnold A Wviser, vs Nancy Carr A Fraud.
.'18 Jtislleurd for use Ac vs Wm A Reuben Fagely,
3D KUen lijirnlinrt vs Stiluinon Minces.
40 Decatur Herb. vs John A rnvdv'r, udm"r
41 li eorgc I. Watts vs m 11 iirymju
42 ticorgc Snyder, vs ArbogaM A Bobb, Ac.
4.1 Ji-mniali Saridgo vs Jacob 'inilore,
44 Jubu liunklebergor vs llonLam Martin,
45 Peter K. Fif her vs Joseph Weitsel.
Iti Ira TCleumul, etal vs J. J. bull A J V Criswolt
47 Saruli JaueCoup, vs F.liiabetli Jenkins,
4rt Com. of Penn'a fur D Long vs U. Wuldron, et al,
49 Michael tiraham vs James Pollock et al
it) Thomas Couily vs John Moyer with notice, Ac
61 Hnniel Kramer for usa vs Jacob Moury,
2 Hiniinll. Moore et al vsO. S. Woleott.
o.i Mct'arland, Kvans A Co vs Friek and ritout,
44 Unuc llrown vs Lorenm Muunell,
do Peter K Feticr vs (jcorgo U Fetxcr
art Jic,h llngendoblor, Ac. vs W F Naglc,
i7 Wm L llewurl vt 11. B. Muwer.
Twenty-live eases for trial the Bret week, and the
balance tor second week.
IIAKI.O.t'H 1.-IIj!U iii.ii:.
Dealers and Cunnuiuers ol tho above Celebrated
Wash Blue, will please take notice, ttrnt I lie Labels
ale altered to rend
AH red WilllM-r-xcr'n
11 K I' (1 STORK.
No. iti No'th SKC0N1 Street, PiULAriKLPHIA.
The quality of this Blue will be the sauic in every
It is warranted to ci.lur more wm or than twice tho
rniuv iiuuulily of Indigo, aud to go uiueh further
I linn any other twi lluo in Iho market. It dis
solves perfectly clear aud does not seitle on the
vlolbes as most of the other makes do. ''lie Ikix dis
Milvrd iu ball' pint of water, will make as good a
Liquid Lluu us any that is made, at oue third the
As it is retailed at the same price as the Imitations
and Interior articles. houeke.eiers will tiud it very
much to their advuntagu to aak lur that put up at
LV'AII liluy put upafter this date with lHiu.ow '
name on it is an Imitation.
The New Lablo does not require a Stamp.
For Sulo by Storekeeper gcuerallt. .
Feb. 13. l(o4 llmw
lateul'lbe llnssU ol .orlliUiiilT.
lattl, IVIirmiry 1, 1HI.
Iiiinn and Hills discounted, . . f 1(1.1.7X1 94
JudginenlS. . ' - - - 13. 4M tj
Cenilieale t nlled Ptatea Mint . 20(1.0011011
Coiled Status o-2U, - . . . 100.000 00
Interest bearing Legal Ten-
2.1.1IIHI tHI
2.100 (to
fi.liTil Oil
l.'nili (HI
. " mi
.;9 S7
Pennsylvania, "
Niirthuiuhfrlaiiil Rank Floek,
Nuribuuiherland liridgu Blbek,
Tclegrupb Slock,
lteal Folate, - . . .
Iiuo by other Banks. -
170. 1 tlrt 6.1
iotvsul oilier Bauks. and Legal Tend, rs 8 611 00
t tuFi Item." 1,I'J0 42
Specie in Vault Including CYtuniohWCnltli
Specie CertiAuutes, ... 30 OjS CC
. A t'TM.lOO 21
Wotm In circulation, ... J322 "S1 00
1'otj otW Banks. - 2.1,300 21
" Coiuinouweiwih, Currency for
Specie Certiflcaie, - . . In laVO 00
" bepusitors, IM.ioO 81
r4tl.707 t)i
I certify the aWe statement lo ba just and true
to the brat of my knowledge and belief.
S. J. PACKER, IVbier.
Sworn aud subscribed before uie. I
M. U. Phikstlsy, Notary public. 1
Feb. fl, 164.
btatemant of Northumberland County Bank.
Statement of Ihe Northumberland Cmint v Bnuk as
required by Ihe 4th seoiitin of the A"t of General
Aeuibly, of this CoVJiaiouwealth, approtvd Ai ril
Win, tool :
Imas aud Discounts, 11J uud 50
liold Iu Mate, Siltvr and I' 8 demand
Notes. STKaS 03
V. S ii-'joRuu.U. '.ai oe) no
lue from Hat.ks in l'klladulplys, Hi 3j It
NolMol'ollur Banks, 4 Ml IK)
liua trow Briikera, 2. 1.'i l !
lik l'r..riy , 3..jn ii)
Suit XisMatuer, t: uo
e,IJ ImI 7)
f M 47i 04
Ul 072 oft
Iu sin 4
LlAlifLITlCs J
fapilal Muck,
!ue Dvpusiwrs,
I testify Ihe ala.ta slalekieiil to ba sotisvl Ut lbs
beslulai) ktwwlto4i(aau. U ln(
I IK Mi. It. II HA ST, tashivr
ASiiiaed aaJ ewhstirltMHl belura aaa,
a IUi. N. P.
rksaukS), r.b I, Inof .
J ll. II Vuil.U'e
wiiii. as atna
I r t'usaef aW4 a4 CsimuI H . fkiUdilkbia
U:t If Mik. fATt-if Ml aLUIaii llllll.
1 1 lA I Ux ki, i( 4wi,Ui aiiwi m
t aaloax, tiatais, las, tvu4 Usasea, faikat,
AUat.Usaa.fuatararari' faSI
t UaLs I a4 aad astasi4
t Lufc ltMaji.a4a4 t4B eV.44iai
I'k44 bl. Jt4tt) lt ! 'f
rilllK first quarter of twelva weeks wilt npra 01
J. tha brat Momlay alter adjournment of March
Tunai Pan QvAnrsB i (
Elementary Branches (Primary) (
" " advanced, 6,00
Ciilleglala from 6,imj io 7,00
j uiuun pnjRmo nan quarterly in aavance.
No dcduution for lost time.
Pally records are kept of the merit and demerit of
oen siu'icnt tne runner denoting the excellencies
of each in recitation and deportnient, the latter the
ucucimcir mnn ueiinquencioi ooplea ol which will
be aeut to the parents or guardians at Ihe end of each
For particulars apply to Iho principal.
Kr.rran.NeKs :
3. 3. Reimcnsnyder, i'unbrt.
Prof. Wm. Neoiling. Belins-lirova,
I'rof. 0. R. Ulins, Lewisburg.
. K. P. ROHBACH, Tiincikal.
Punbury, Feb. 6. lxr.l.
Is liolemilc Orng nnd Chrmtcnl
No. 7.17 Market Street. PHILADELPHIA.
rpiIK subscribers keep constantly on hand a largo
1. stock of Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals. Pharma
ceutical Preparatiuns and every olhcr artiole wbieb
appertains to the business, embracing the most e
tensive variptv ; elan l A IXTt fllia ..l ul .-j
of every description.
All articles purchased from ns can be relied n as
bcinffofthe most aumMU mnA mi
prices as they can be bad. e ean ofler such in
ducements as w ill make it the interest of Ihe pur'
chasers lo lay in their supplies from us. and give us
their future patronage and invite all, who visit the
eity. to call at our estahlirhment. All orders ad
diessed to ns bv mail or nthprwi ill n,i :,K
prompt attention. '
ue.w. u. unnllli, llt.NSZEY A CO.
737 Market Street, Philadelphia.
February 6, l!fl. Sin
RY virtue of certain writs of Ven. Exp.. Fi. Fa .
tnmeit mil nt Ih. ('... p f. L li. ' -
- ....... .,i,iut,u l iens, oi
Northnmbcrland county, Pa., and to nio directed,
ttill he ptimupiI In nolilin ..I. bi il.. ..t.i: . 1
J. II. Egbert, iii Iho borouith of Milton, on Tuesdnv
., .i r ei . . . . ' J
nc a.mi ui in rM,runrv. one o clock, r. M.i
the following real estate, to wit:
A certain lot. or piece of ground, situate in Lewis
township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania,
bounded and deserihed ns follows, lo wit : on tho
north lie PnMin ll.mH ra, U I.. I..J -f 1, . L .
Jleclnr. Samuel Jarret and Daniel Keller, on the
south by lands of Jane Uiflins. and on tho west bv
lnti,li,l' llrirn ..t,l....l. '
.i.. ... win ran, mix 11, e nercs
more lr lens, wlinrenn nrpvnvlnl . .....11 llB..e I,..
ling IliitiM'. Frame Stahlc. Ac, a well of water at
the door. Ac. Suited taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Unniel King.
A hit nf (rrnitnil itlimla ,n Ihn !.... t. . e r.,i.
- p- - ... ... ii.u.u;ii vi .(ilium,
in the said county of Northumberland, bounded front
l. At,,. In alrnal Ht'tm. f.,n ..u 1 w I .
...... ..... m.-t u, ,-euiiu ?irCI'f.
north by an alley r.. west by a lot of Thum js Wis,d.,
nciug iso niinurea leel in ticptn troin Apnro street
to sn'nl alley ; wlicrcou aro erected a small houso
aii'l big stable.
Seizi'd l:ilfpn In e Tivi,l !.. nn.1 I.a ...1.1 il...
. ... . ... . ruin h luu
jirtiperty of John il. Woods.
WM. M. WEAVER, Sheriff.
Sheriffs OfTuc. Punburv, Feb. 6, 1861.
"TII.Lbe exposed at Tublic Sale, on TIll'RS
V DAY, the Mh DAY of FEBltLAHY. ls.,1.
at the house of HENRY FM'LK. deceiisid in Lower
augui-ta township. Nortliunilerlaiid county. Pa., tlio
following dwribed proper' v. towit : '1 V(i HOUSES,
S1LS. One two-hurte Wagon, large Sled. Pluughs.
Harrows. Cultivators, (irain Cradles. (iraM Seyt'hes,
Kukri. Forks. Ciwn Hoes, tlrubbing Hoes, Po.,1 Dig
ger. Harness. Sleigh Bells. Saddle. Ac. Three bar
rels vinegar, Bags, Ao. NEW FRAMIXti MILL,
Urals Ken per.
One lot of Carpenters Tools. Ac. Blacksmith tnnh.
Also, Potatoes by tha bushel.
One Cooking, and two Parlor Stoves, Bedsteads,
tnai a, jaoiea. one large inai KelUe, o , As.
Sale to roniuien 'O at 10 o'clock. A. M . when enn.
ditions will be made known.
Lower Augu.ta,Jun,J0,h3. AdmiuUiralor.
Consumptive sufferers will receive nresarinlion for
the cure of Consuniiition. Ai'thma. Bronchitis, and all
Throat and Long affections, (free ol'chnrgc,) by send-
ins lueir auurrse io
Rev. E. A. WILSON,
January 2-1, 1864. 4t Kjngs Co., New York.
I SECOND HAND SI'lUNUS, suitable fur a two
horse wagou
Apply to J. SILVU S.
Sunbtiry, January .1(1, lSfil.
George B. Lubr, 1 Writ of Partition. Re
vs. I tnrnMlile tn Mwr,.!!
The Heirs of Sophia Lalir, Term, lSf l.
acccased. I
NoRTnrnuxui.ANn Cot xrv, ss.
Tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to tlio Shcrill of
iSorttiuiubcrlnud Comity, Urcctiug :
Whereas, at an Ortibaus' Court held at Suhliurv.
in an for the county of Northumberland, the din diy
of January, in the year of our Lord ono thousand
ciiriit hundred aud sixty lour, betore tho Honorablo
Alexander Jordun. Enquire, l'rcsideht, and bis Afi
ciate Justices of tho Court. In tba matter of Ihe
estate of Sophia Lahr, dwased. The petition of
lieorge 11. Lahr. ol Northumberland couqty
iu the r-late of Pennsylvania, wns preanted. setting
forth that the said Sophia Lahr, lately died iutraiKiu
leaving issue Ucorge 11. Lahr vour nolitiouer. Cath
arine, w ife of lieorge Shatle-. who has since deceased
leaving liur uunbaud tteorgu rbaner and uvue oue
child, to wit : Ucorge SbuUcr a niiuor who has for
hi. guurdiau tiuorge Shuflcr and Lydia iuteruiar
ried with Jacob Shatter, and grand children B.
Franklin Labr. lieorge W. Lahr, nnd Sophia Jaue
Lahr. D.'mT children of Daniel W. Lnhr. a son of
said Sophia Lahr, deceased, who deceatict licforu bis
said mother, the said minors having for tbuir guar
dian lstuto Albert. That thu said liix'edeul died
seised in her demesne as of fee of and ill the follow
ing lots pieces or parcels of land, vix : A curiam vs.
CHiit Lot ot tirouiid. situate iu ibo town of lieorge
town.said county. lruntingiiHin the Road street,
adjoining lots ol lieorge Lahr and lleoro Siatx ;
octng uuiuliered iu the general plan of said lowu,
uuiuucr twenty. iwu.
2.1 A certain other vaeant lot in lieorgelown,
ali.rcMiid, adjoining an alley and let of Philip Bobb,
tVuniiiig u(ou Wutvf strvel, aud uuiubered iu tlio
general plun of said tow n as lot number t-ii.
3d. A lot at ibo up,er uud of licorm-towu. adjoin
ing lots uf Miebael Lahr and the widow Bruciuus, ou
n hi. h is erected a small frame house.
4ih. An Island in the river tu.-qiuliiiniia Iu sai I
county of Northumberland, opuiiie said town of
licoreiuwu. ciMiiainiug six acres aud eigh'.y-uiue
peiebes, iu a good state of oullivation.
o:b. A cert-'tiu utber Inland, in said river Sttq tie
banua. called Rogurs laland, in lbs luwnship of Low.
er Mabenoy, couuty alorosaid, eoulaiuing about
three acrisand twenty sevcu perches.
oib. A ceituin other Island iu the river aforcsaij,
an l township aloresuid, called "Shafler s l-land "
7ih. A certain other small Island a short distance
above Flat Island in the river Suaquubaima, afore
said, tow ubip and county afuxeanid, uoulniuiug about
uue aud uiie-fourth acre.
Mb. A eerluiu utber Inland, in said river Sioque
hHiina, neatly oppiwiie the nioutli of Fidler's liun,
in JaekMui township, Northumberland euuuly, culled
Brocioua' Ivlaud. eoutaiuing aiioul uue acre.
This is to uotify you uud each of you hriciu abovo
bauivd, and you arv hereby notihid that by virtue
ul ihe alwe wilt In me d're-il, an iuqui-st will ba
held al the Ptibltu Houmi of Vl-r Uorrel, in tlcore.
low n, on Tuesday, March Isl, 1x14, al 8 u clock
M-. ef said day, to4 the purpose of luukiug paituiou
ufurlo value and apaaue Ilia real e.iNie luTeiu
atnive des,-iib4'd ulsaid de'vdi-uls, al which litoe aud
plate you luay each and al' appear it yuu ibmk pro-
1I.I.I.IM M W Sheriff. 1
FhcriB's OUiou, Suiil ary, Jau. .Ml, lol. Il '
Oaouti IIiil, Hnrj P Woi vaurun. '
.tllorstt-ywuuj I aaiiMluraul jt,
li, M.irkit sifasi. o.r Centra Alley,
BUNBUHV, 1' A.. !
l 1 I.L allmd proM.l y lulbi dl,elu.ii ft claims
II and all .ah. r o mioUvvI baine iiiiiu,i-i to in Nuril.uu.lKil iml mid uiiijv.kiu'. h.
at.liiiry, Jsuuaiy i l, 1 4 '
fl'IIE sulsv'l.lais te.lieullu!ly Ih'otm Ike tills, Iu ,
I ui rtii.hui r. aai ia. v asa fu jl la luiaidt
FA l.Via AND LUl.DINu alO.Nk, a4 esnan auvas
and at lisaauiielils I M
1t mums aid b dvuiMeJ a ! ri'af kaak a
fui.l'UI 1
I'viaius 4iiih .! will ta4 H la Uait
Inuivel iu sill asxi aaaaaiaa ansjasaaj tas
iV" r,- UHlt h Mtl.
Dm. II, 13. twWr, t.
iki'L"IMM)U I kl'Li'l'IMIU I
Uliil IsUil 1 VI ill IslUl !
i S OVllH w k.H l.w. bv.ll (im
"I i ik I us a a.u, aaa V k st all lu.v. at Iks
rfk.l.W,l;SI,lu M l' isiiktltMl
j.aaiy ithtMfi. Ik.
a full line of
Trunk?, Valises nnd Carpet T.ags.
Utone iin'l EiirtUcHirur,;
AVoml and Willow Ware.
Bar Iron and Steel ,
Kails and Spikes,
Drug?, Faints and 0U,
Window Sash and OrilidHttuiei,
l'ieks and Mason Hammers,
Course and Fine Suit,
Fish, "Meat, Cheese,
Ac, ' &c., Al'.,
All Kinds ol Goixl-i,
cheap for cash
Country Produce,
ran be found at the
X. B. xVll Goods warranted
As represented.
Suiibtuy, Oct., 10th, 1803.
Black tiloscy Silk?,
4-4 Black Cashmeres;
Super Blark Moluiiis,
Fine Black Alpaccas,
Black and Purple Delaini,
White and Black Figured Dcluinc,
Black Crepe Maretz,
Lupins Black all wool Delaine
Black Silk Bercges,
tiood Black Debege,
Plain Black Gingramfi,
Plain Black Calicoes..
Xeat Figured Black Calicoes,
Fine Black Sack Flannels,
Black Love VcIIk.
.louvins Black Kid ("loVC",
Black Silk Camitletts,
Black Gloves iu Variety,
Finr Mourning Handkerchiefs,
Blnt'k coMou and wool Hosiery,
Black Thibet and Wool Shawls,
JLe., Ac, Ac.
A nice line of the abave (roods now
open and for sale ut low piices.
Sunbury, October yist, 1S0U.
a. i i - I it a it i: .fi I'.st i r
nielal.'l'op liinsi) Iiiiunoy.
XUu Chiuiniy fir wbiili iho kfrifccnc Oil
uiiK fiublio bava Su loi'g 1K.-C11 iu nt-iMl, bwauso
1. It -STANDS Mli K !" Turn up tha blata till
it issues Iri-iu Uiv tup of tbe chitum-y. arul kL-vp it
up as bDj( usyciii Icaco rua vilsh us t aat-AK !
Try it.
i t iloes not bo'omo black pr disKiturcj shonbl
IIili lamp a-'ciilv-iilally irui-ltu. Ij birt,r lliau tba
cmnruon cliiinuy li-ds liabtu tu aiiitlcnt anU uiuru
cu i-iiii-ul b'r ciirrir.jr about ibe huiii-o.
H. It it nut easily artvcteJ by suibU-n rhunirra of
f mpi-rntaro r jro out of il-airs, or imu tbu er-llv-r. tutii-uii-r
r wiib tba lamp burning iluii'l f mar 1
tlio vbiuuipy will nut iluHtvirur in fmuivt.u !
4. Ilia irp can l irulamly r-ut-v i-il. anil tbo lss
vii-U prtvn:lly i-luun iu a uioiu-nt. intiout wsttiMj.
Biii atthout ib.iii-r uf brvKkiiiit tbo Kl'-
j. line t'ntl-v.-ta ih co utmon rut mm yj. Try It, aud
yuu will d-k uo uilu-r. Ir vU in
Tin ai t.'t-uniy Avm-ii-.niiitoJ by tbo Vf. t, t
Miutarutiii; I'-,., 4j f ulton frirat-t. N'w uia.
Jnuuary 9, isOI. Jiu
-.- 'm-y a T""
Hist.m, Shiuicli-a, I'opUv, I,c.v'ii-,t, in,
f llllt: uuili-rifiiu.l U al-'iil. sU-ii.iiii I... bit. l-r
1 bus to rtil a iie.-'t-.l if ip in ihuim U 1 1 Phil
u lvlpiila, by makiitic a jpt-t-i.ilil v ul lU-i l'-';-i-r :,.i-
liailo.auU iioia U' -uaa lu mnka aniii iui.'ii i-, - I
i-ura sui-plios. 'Iho I'uy I m.i r. Mi .ti, .1 . '
uwina iu lha iii.pMiliiln y ol ,.iiiii,iti lb, tu m I'lnl 1
a-U-lpbia. iiuf ilv rinl Ur,l uu luai av'a S-s4
llivir Msi , Av. iili r,., r u--wri nm.1 l.y
iba in' uuuolurvrs. ibu uiHlfi.-sji.,! h. ,s lu .ii.p
Ibis liVrli.u f liailo by k-- u;j( iu bai,-l a
.lnv-U, ill wivrv arlv-ly uf iuail: sii-l sis. I y v.i'.
inK tb braui-b ul liaita ir!ivular aili-ulM-a, b
b-.j-v. I i uiivka ily nlutus tu c-.iiiriiuviit i
ai.4 s.iivl'luta fur iba uiiu!&.'lui ara a ivwo vnui.,l,i
i'iiuiiuui, sa ith .uivt.&si-is Ibau is fy
lb,-a abulia-le Miaialv iu uture boav y luu,oir '
klsLulav-lurfia ai,4 wlhofs. aliuaau liuuuu ,.irll
suUlly luviibluis s4i.pllr. vl'bor bs wi.iiavl,
Iai bal uf uu I'uluvuiMiuU, Olavsa, lwUlb, liv.vp
Vis, AJiivaa .
W l.r U ltlNil.
I sllviakill il Vt bail, I'biU-ivli ;
Lassie lapulu-a alaavs aMl4 ul L-u.u4 TuviUi. '
(Wk ka.. l H"( I 4 k I'lsut H.k .al
Valla I laa lia.Ur. is Al a .-i-a u-ia
la au4 asuiliia.u lUu.uf auuilv, Malaal ILwiij 1
uUmM asvi a Lau.We, A I
taaaaaa - Aua U Call. 1 1 A C , I'b.l
ssla llwa rtukaoU A ivi , fklluljLu
Juaa) la, leal - l
I t M.rsi.
1 , al
, i'4 ' van
I In
... a. v, . I
f ssa saiw, s l's m ,il si
..Jsi... . i,Mk U ,U .i
v.. sI 1 1 tvi a alt. ia wiiss,a ia !
. l 1
!kot a xiuax drxn::.
v rxi eta ii li; i : vi u a c t.
ol make Urtiul.tti h.
German Bitters
vi in ai.i. iim'.a.i;m
arising from a
DisorJprl Livrr.
Ptomaoh, or KMrrr?.
Thousnnrts of nur ckizTis are snfTi rine from Dys.
pcia and I.ivrr liisrnno, and to itbuin thu folloH
nig questions apply we gunrnnti'O
will cure them.
DTsrErmv. am Liver Iiisearr.
Po you rise wilh a ciwitM torque morninira. with
b?id tale in tbe mulb anil poor nppi'tite f,r break
fast Do V" fi-l wbon ynu fir.t ft'-t up so weak
anil lanrniil you can scarcely irit nbnut ? Do you
have a diziimm in tbe head at times, anil ofu'n a
duincsy, wiib hi-ndnchc occasionally ? Are your
Imsi h costive syd irregular, and appetite cb.Hiirea.
ble Ihi you throw tin wind from the stnninch, and
do ynn swell up often ? Do yon feel fuliuv-a after
eiitins;. and atiiiikttiir when Ibo sUinmcb is empty '
Do you have heartburn occasionally ? Do yr-u IVi-I
l,,w spirited, and ltKik ou tbe durk side of tbiiiirs
Are vou not unnuitllr nervous nt limes? D- you
not hecon.c rtytlis. and often lay until midnight
liefore ynu can jro to sleep ? uud thru at tirui. don't
you feel dull and sleep) tiiwt of tho time ? Is. your
kin dry and scaly? also sallow? In thort, ii not
your lite, a burthen, full of forebodings t
Will cure every ene of Chronic or Nervous Debility,
Dii'aMnf tne Kidm y", aud Di'cases arising froui
a disordereil Moniacb.
Hcaiilting frotu DUonUrs of tho liigeitive Organs :
n, lnwnr l
rib-, l-'itliHSi, or lllood
to tbe Head. Aridity of tbo Sto
mach, Nniivert. lli'tir'.l.urn. Dii!u,:t tor
Fijod, ruluessi or Weijr'U in tlio fcioiiiH-b, our
Kructalions. Sinking or I'luticrinx ut tbo Pit of tbe
Stomach. twiiiiiniii: of the llnf-d. Hurried and DiOi
cult llrraibiiic. Klurtci inn at tho Heart. Cbokina; or
ulHsiaiiiiir r-ci smions when iu a lyinjr isture. Dim.
ncss uf Vision, Dots or Wclrj before tbo fcitrht. r'evt-j-and
Dull I'liin iu Ilie Head. Dcliciency uf l'lrpirn
tioii, Yelloyini s uf the tkin and tyis. l'niu iu
ihe Side. Ilnck, Chest, l.iini,-. Ac. .SudOeu
riushi-nif lU-at, liurniug iu the FKh,
t'oustitnt Iiuniiiiii. of 1'JviI,
and (Treat liepressiun
ot ?piritf.
There are many preparations sold under the nnma
uf Hitlers, put up in o,utu t liuttli s, cunipouiidvd of
ibe ebenpi-:t vvbifkey or common ruin. co?(in frui:i
I'D to 111 cents per gallon, tlio taste disguised by Auito
or Coriander Sod.
This clnss of Bitters has caused find will continue
In cnuse. as lonir lis they can bo sold, hundreds to die
the death of tbo ilrut'karj. Hy their use the system
is kept continually under the Intluetica of Ale ibolio
Sliuiiibintsol the worst kind, the desire for Liquor
is created and kept up, and tho re-ult is uilUie.nt
tendaut upon a drunkurd's liie uml death.
For thorc vvbo desire and will havo a Liquor flit
ters, wo publish tho folluwinrr receipt. Oct Ouo
llottlo Uoodand's Herman Uitlers aud uiix with
Three VuarU of liood llmndy or Whiskey, and tlm
result will bo a prepnriiliun that will fur excel iu
medicinal virtues and true excellence any of the
numerous Liquur Ilitttrs in thu market, mid will
cost uiuch less. Ynu will hav: all the virtues of
llixidiiud a UiUcrs iu cuunectioii with a irood article
uf Liquor, at a much lees rice than the;a interior
prepurutious will cost yuu.
Vill tlivo Yon
A aOOl) Al'tETttK,
Will give you LllISK AXD KNEKOKTIO FM.l.
W ill enable you to SLKKP WELL, and will positive
ly preveut
Vcllolv I'err, Ililioitis I'evt-r, V-.
Thro surferlng (Vo;n Erokeii down and Delicate
Constitutions, from wlmiover cuuae, either in Main
or Feinide. will litid iu
That will restore them to their usunl health. Such
hus beeu tbo euao in thousunds of instances, and si
luir trial is but required to prot o tbc sssertiuu
And XL'T intended as a LlJVLllAtili.
The PMpr'et wshavo tliousands of Letters from t'u
most eiuiiieut l'lcri;yDen. Lawyvrs. Physicians sn I
Cluens. TcMifyiiit! ut iheir own pers'.imi know ledse,
to the beueficiul ellecis ao I medical virtues of i' v-i
Fr-jru ltev. J Xcwton Prown. P. D.. Editor of tbe
Encyclopedia of Kuliiou KuoWledeO
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Ta
lent Medicines in jreuerul, ibroutrh distrust of Iheir
ingredients arid effects, I yet know of no mtncicni
rciisous why a man may not lcvtily to the beneiin ho
believes biiueell to hava received' trom auv tirupla
preparation, in the bopo tliat ho uiav thus cuuliibutu
to tho benefit of otbcis.
I do this the more readily in rejard to Honfiand's
lerman Hitters, prepared by Dr. U. 51. Jacksou. of
thiioiiy, because I was prejudiced si-'nin.l them li t
n.any years, under the iuiprumion that ther were
chieily an alooholio ndxtura. I am Indebted" to u y
liiiud l.oberi beuiiMiker, Esq., i',ir tlio removal
tbu prejiidice by proM r tests, and for encourage
wont to try them, when suttcr'm; from grutvi and
buiK cool inued debility. '1 he u -of tbreu
hose I'itlcrs. at Iba iH-it'iunina; ut the present vear
was followed hy eyldeul relict ru.,1 rest.riiiiuu lo a
tl- f bodily ami mtuia! vi-or wba-A 1 had not
tell tin inuiiihs and bail sjiuust despairci
of reisaining. 1 thereluro tha n liovl aud niy tueuA
tor directing to tha use uf tin ju
,,,,., 4. XEWTN BUOWX
I'hlladelpbia.June 2?. jadi.
Diseases o( Kidneys ahd Blacldfr,
In Yui.ntjer Ajt, Milt or Funtih;
Areapee-Pjy removed, au.l tha patient rcilored t.
M.LECA'l K l IllLrilLN',
Thoaa sanVriitg from M.vinsars., wastinj awsy,
aiib soarvily any tluh eu their buuvs. are eure.l iu
avsrv ,b..rltim: ei bollle iusucb ca- 's, will lio
a no wr ri.iuj etleet
I' AKENTS bsiui( sufffr'n? e',iildr'ii as
and w i-lui.H Ui laiMi ib.Mn, w ,11 nev-r regret tlio day
tiicy e.i:uk,,aiivMl wiij Pitu-M.
1.1 1 El. A HY .MEN, STl DKN IS i.. lb -se w.ak
Ins: bard vtuli iheir hralus, .h, ul.i alnata k.n.p a
Inline o ll,a,ii,nd s Itinera near tbeiu.a ih.-vil
ri.: miieb lo ueut from iia ue. to I., iu Uiiiid sal
-l ini)(..r.ttiu; aud liot d r in
ir i s r a Liyu.ii ftimilant,
Atid leaves bo pre.l rati, n.
Allltill, Saullli-a!
M 1 HE s'lUEND.S OF dUI.DIi:r.1
Vie call iSo alt. oil I. n ,.f all bavins' r-)i:..iis .r
U i eli. la 111 III army lo III,' lac l lh.ll ' ll'H'l 1. M S
1,,'II.ihii blll'-ia will c. r tine loiilba . lUe t,M-ae',
lie loci by eipusuloa aul 1 1 1 i..n iueid.-til lo caii.ii
I'll lu Ibo lias. tit'0.i aloe Jl .Lilly ,11 u.J
uewi ai ars aii Ilia srixal llio Ka, it II w i,.,
net 1 li.,l a ol) laa pi i iii..h al a,.U, ring lo ol
Irbill'V tii,ln i I i!.m kin 1 van l,e naoiy
v'Mlvil bt II .,.,i.i s vieiioaM li' e.. Vis have u. I
b Ol . i. .4 iu .ili.t ibal, it IK, ll, eta ana lualy
I .., . 4 .at v l.ii-ia,Vu r,.,t, luvs v'i;l,l La
t.ied ibal, v.,,,,1 be Lot
'" I " l 'v'..u ara 4't.iy l'.i,ii,j ibaakiVI hi
' Ih !, a.u. , . i k- tl'sU avj
ht,,u l-aM.v.t tu l.v..liU I , til, uvl lU.aai b.l
Ul ia,t In liii, ,j tuvil l ... 1
PI l.t Uf H'l I till I I '
fea) Ibal IU M(l,, 4 I H a.AllN ' M va
! l ! ,,. B l ..,(,
ticv 1 1 1 v sis. ' k. i dn.a ml m
.. ,i4 y. .1 liu,'ii ua Na.a ll.a ai.K'a
Ui. ...1 b 1 i , a 1, m ) I M.a 1 K.,.1, ,,4 'j,, ,
li.-v. Ik. 1 u j b . C ud .a its 1 ia v but ,M in a..
4 aa a II a. ! . a. I l, ,l.
Itui it iUa aa4 H.a.l-.-.... V- I li.'i'v
J"M 44 I. V IS.
a.'l a 'I s I.. I' M J v. .. 11..
I , .
I it I ll 1 ) I 'I.,.-'. Ml I'M. I, 11 . ,
va.a 1. b Ui. 1 M .i.f