Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 20, 1864, Image 3

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    ST&e Sunbutfi America...
H. B. MASEEH, Editor & Proprietor.
KiiSiiiinv, im. j
If. 3T Park Row, Raw York, and 6 Plate Street,
Boston, nr our uenl for tbe Ecmcar Amkmca
In thone cities, and are authorised to tako Adrortio-'
Inunt aud Subscription for if at our lowost rate
Mr. A. Kidder, 433 Broadway, New York,
lias 'issued an engraved transcript of Presi
dent Lixcoln'8 Emancipation Proclamation
of January 1, 1803, desigued for a dural.le
parlor ornament a9 well as a memorable
event of our time. It was first admirably
written out, then cngrnvid in fac simile of
Mr. Kidder's elegant chirogr.tphy, except
the signature, which is properly a transcript
of the President's.
Oood business men wanted to take tlic
egency in every county for tills picture.
Price $1,50 per mail, pre-paid. Liberal
discount to agents.
t-t The National Conference Conm.'ttoe
of the Union Lincoln Association Of i'ew
York, of whf h Simeon Drnper is President,
Las issued on address calling upon tlie
l'ricn'fc of President Lincoln to hold meet
ings on the 22d of February, throughout
the Stat?, to take measures to secure his
nomination for re-election.
f-$fm Mr. Jay Cooke, Subscription Agent
for the U. S. fi-20 Honda, lias issued n circu
lar to the various bunks aud agents, in which
he says :
'Looking hopefully to the future, I think
we may regard the success of this loan as
the herald of the approaching day of peace,
re-union, and permanently osiublMicd pros
perity, in which the citizens of every section
t-tuill participate. And when the history of
these times ahull be written, we shall liavo
no cause to regret that we and you, und all
connected with thi lie goli.ition, laive tried
to perform our duty.-'
.;" Til K ClIIUbTlAX ('OMV.ISPIOV. 'fl)0
receipts of the United states ChrUt'iw Com
mission t'-om all source during the la-t year
were ?'J10,y3j (.5. During the year i(il,i
211 weie expended in stoics, Ac., for the
army, 11.0;C,W2 pages of tracts, ,031,409
ami 1,254, 4!'l knapsack books ilistributed,
together witk magazines, pamphlets, ic.
The results ot the Commission's work are
diScnbed as most gratifv ing, thousands of
soldiers having been rescued from vice und
immorality by its i: "'i
Jloral naivs.
Ijj- On MmihIi'.v nv.iit Liont. J::iucs F. Kline,
turttd from liunvillo fvr JJ:irril.uih- with uU.ut
forty reoruiis. They ro f.-. be ere lUi-.l to that
SorMigh. and tho velcrnriy nil) receive nltogcthtr a
bounty of $ JiO.
ti.-. Xrv '."uiNrL-i-.i-iMT. A new
two dollar note on ihc Plroiidi-liur.-' Haul,, of Pena
syliaiibt, La. u.uac its a; poarauce Vij., loceuiotive
and Cars
tjf' A public sale of SOU government honrs. ren
dered unfit for further service, will come off at this
place on the -iilhir.t.
fl'The tlou.c has concurred in the r?cuaie
amendment, reniovins the additiounl tax on wkirkcy
already ditillca. It amouuti, to f-Miio millions.
Uat wui-kcy and mor.oy are powerful agents aiil
h-rd to cunqutr.
t1' JUr.i Tnu:s. We sonatin cs hour peeji'o
talk of hard tidies Fir furaiirs luechanlcs ami
lurry others, times net cr have been f (eod. Th-.-re j
arc some lioolt. t:.nt the resent war!
has seriously dimmed, and nen io,.re re, perhaps,
than those c-f publishers of ncr..;; -.loirs.
l? Coi.n W:: v. -nut. ' !,,. present c !d map U
mukinr up lor the uilld wcrther of January. On Xues.
dey night aud W'tdne.-ih.y tie c A J was equal to tho
cold snap the be;inn:nj of January . Tho thermom
cter ou Wcdiittdiiy moriili p nt l o'clock stood r.t
five decrees above r. ro. li-.-rir;; t',e titj-ht it wns no
doubt below. iiieriiri- again e! isrd and a few
more coid bighis hiu.y yive us urro.hrr hi idgc of ice.
tjr' 'The roinnitis of Thona Grr.1ianl who died at
Key Wet sonic CiIit ?:.: months ago, were hroujdit
home and interred iu tho LewNhurj; Cemetery re.
ljr The Towu Council of? t'iiiisoovn hurearrrccit
togivo turee Ibou-se. J dollars, In bo raised by taxa
tion, toward rulslii tho retailed number of men,
ti free the bon ugh friuii the coming draft, the re'
uiuimicr It to 'it !:u'...-'wriocd.
.- . : . i
t"" IiF.iiii Ario.s. The new M. I'. Church in
Mulberry sirc-t, Williuiusi-ort, was dedicated to the
worship ol'tiod, on Thursday, the inst. The
services wero conducted by tho llev. Bishop
Siu-.p..ii, D. 1. llev. Tkoma- Itowuiau, II. !.,
Rev, ThoaasM. Reese, T. '.,uud other clergymen,
UThb Camu Law. The game law fixes a
penalty of fi upon rr.y person who kills or destroys
certain birds cut of season, os follows : Partridges '
from the 1st of February to the 1st of September ;
quail and rabbits from tho 1st of February to the 1st
cf October; woodcock from the 1st of February to
tlie4'hof July Itijduring the timo named ttat
the species arc propa-juted, and to destroy them at
that time tends to their total extinction, bene th
law for their prelection.
t3-ItETi-iKEn VETcn.ixs. Companies K.E. and
J. cf the list P V. Ulh Army Corj-s, from I'uion
county, returned home on tho 10th inst., nnd met
with a hearty reception from the eitijens of Lewie
burg. l.V ro.uA uas uecn appointed Superin -
itendant of the Liicltawaua and HliKiiuLarg ruilroad1
Mr r. ...iu ru. t ,...! .i . . ' ' ,
air. 1 omia was lormerly tho Supcriutendant of the
-,,. , i ,, i ......
Cat. wis,, road and recently cf he M illiamsport
nnd Limn. road. lie has the reputation, and justly,
It A T . , . . .
vi uu, vi mo uivi, ran rutuj mamigers we uavo.
The biuiness men of J 'anvillf. and others, rejoice over
Mr. londa i appointment. One of the iron mill. of
I)anvill was obliged to (.t.ip last week lor want of
-oosl, and the Aloutour company only had a week'
f uj-ply ahead.
t-IUiLnoAD An-oiKrufNTs W learn from
th (lazrttr, that Leounrd (loodwin has boen ap.
pointed r.csident Khginccr of tho SusquthnnLa Hi
vision of the X'ortheru Central to re.dde at Sunbury.
Thcdoro YicUcrs ba been upisoir.ted Foreman of
Machinery at ISuubury, ou th -u me rusd, in plac
(it Kufuslavis, resigned.
Cl'Theeipress train of Ibo Philadelphia and
Frio Ilaiiroad, Hast on Tuosday moiJiig did not
arrive until near noon. Th Xorthern Contral, after
wni:log some time loft. The train wa taken on, at
2 o'clock, by a freight train to Ilarrisbur.
i The First National Hank of BloonuLurg,"
lias elected tbe fol Inning oflicer t y
President. ( Lu. R. Paxton, L'stj.
Cashier. Mr. Tusiin, of Xorlhuuilxrlsnd unty.
piretori. Ctsile K. Pmoa, '. MeKslvy,
H'm VmI. 0wjlltks,jrd Jdi Oraf.
y NoTotAK tna Daarr. Onr
neighbor f tiorlhnmberland bar that far promptly
reapoudod to their country's call la furnishing Men.
In rcaarJ to their quota under lb press t draft, lb
G untie lay' t from B oorrwpoudant wrW
ting from M OTtuifiuuerland tbal th quota of tbat
placets mors than undo op the (iaola being 22
frbil the town will haf credit tor 88, Veterans aud
MY recruit.- A bounty of on hundred dollar ba
been Riven, to meet which borough tax will be
laid. Tb beauty wa paid to their Toluntoer on
tail Saturday, a wealthy and patiiolio gentleman of
the place adv anoin tbo nooeesary amount, relying on
tbe true fur re-linburwmeut. Legislative notion Will
be bed a soon at potalblo to legalise tb tax, bat wa
learn that part of it ha already been paid, and the
whole of It could be readily collcoted without inch
legftlitotion. ThU movoment thowa onorgy and pa
triotlsm on the part of the people of Northumberland.'
BTOfPun. The Rough Heady Rolling Mill wa
compelled to tip operations on last Tuesday for
of mini. We also learn that the furnaces of Orovo
Druthers are now running nbout one half of thoir
ii.tiitl cnitneitr. fur want of fuel . This is owing to
tire wretched uiana.rt.iiient ol tho Lackawanna Rail i
Koad. It seems strango, indeed, thataro-td running
directly through the lanrcsl "'JI'";1 "gjon ol
1'eniiM-lvnniH, nnd with cue ofthe easiest itradcvox
.,.,,Hin si,oiii,i be nnabio to sumi? !
tin- inn, el.',ti!; nla olonir its hue. And Khil
oiir inin men are thus compelled to stop their works,
throwing hundred? uf men out of employment, who
aro dependent uxin their diiily labor fur bread, we
learn that several coal trulns have pusstid our pln :e
for distant markets. "A change in the mana-einent
of this road is is imperatively demanded, and our
Iron laen look with hope and anxiety to the time
when the new Superintendent, Mr. Fonda, will take
charge jof it. Danville American and Jiemoerat.
lyTnaDsArT is Ui-pcn Acoista. Tho citl
ien of tpper Augusta township have, wo learn.
raided enough money to pay each man placed to their
credit to the extent of tbeir quota a bounty of on
hundred and fifty dollars. This is spirited and liber
al, and will exempt the town'hip from the draft.
3MVc leorn from the report of the Superintend
ent, that there are twenty-five districts in Pennsyl
vania, that refuso to adept tlic common school sys
tem. Three arts in Sehnylkill county j seven in
Xorlhumliirland ; five iu Wyoming, nnd the remain
der west of the Allcghenies. This is a sad reflec
tion on the intelligence of the people of thiscuiinty.
We trust that onr Mahsuoy friends will yet adupt tho
syjtcin which is now so universal.
'jpThc plan adopted nt Willinnirirt fur rubing
funds to pay a bounty to volunteers, nnd avoid the
draft, is, that each man subject to the dm ft thall pny
$'2i, and the balance to be raised by special tux on
property holders. A vote was tahen on tho proposi
tion to ruisc fund by taxation, unl resuUeJ as fol
lows: For ti xnliou, ; ajaiimt taxation, 22.
faf' Recruiting in Silinsgrnvc Is brik ten men
wero recruited on Tuesday evening lasti
(J'"A rAD 1i:iieavi:vknt. It is with sincere
regret, that we rceord the death, l y drowning, of
Francis, the only son of r-ulomon li. Hover, L., of
.I,;- l'.K. !.,! JV....1. 1. n-nu n l.l
about 9 years old, in company with several othcrj
boys, went on the ioc ou tLc gut near Kohrbach's
Foundry, on Tuesday intfriiinjr last, fur tho
of "kating. lie made but a few step; before he sunk
through the ice. His companions ran for iisdiitancc. j
AVilliam llohrbach wns the first to arrive, and reaoh-
inj down, gripped the buy, trim was in a standing
position, by the hair, and brought hiiu up. Uu ivus
tiiKeu to tho Foundry and every tfl'ort majo to
nsusiutlc him, by several physiciiins, but the vital
spark bad fled. Wc deeply rympaihizo with t'ie
afflietcd parents lu thi uielanchu'.v disncntiou of i
Provilenco. J
JJjpM'ETrvsnrHG BATTLC-FiF.l.n Mn.wor.iAL As- '
so'-iatio'i. The following named persons have hecu
npppvitited a committee (for that part of Norihum- i
land county lyilii cast of the Susquehanna I of the j
Ualtysbtirt; liattle-Field Memorial Auciation. It j
is dcnirnblo that the committee meet fir orgnnigntii-n
as early us practicable, to aid iu carrying out tho .
designs of the oripuators of this patriotic measure.
to preserve memorials of the heroic itrujg!e and
splendid triumph of our bravo men. The evening
of the 21 Monday in Mnreh next, has been fixed upon I
us a time of meeting, iu riuuburv. It is hoped every
member of the Committee will bo iu attendance.
Committee. A: J onion, Wm. I 'ireenough. J. B.
Packer, (icorgc Hill, .S. P. Wolrerten, Charles
Pleasants, II. IS. Mosser, iSolouion Malick, Samuel
John. Hlcpbcn llittenlcndcr, WtlliuUi ii: Marshall,
Pctler Withington.
3RETi'itNi:r. The Baldy Guards of IlanVille
arrived homo on Thursday umrniug Inst. They
were received hi a very appropriate speech of wel
come by I. X. Orior. Esq., after which they parleek
of a lunch at the Montour Jlouro nnd an clegimt
dinner prepared for them at the hotiso of Mr. Ileuiic,
at which a handsome sword was presented to Capt.
Fckninn hy the members ( f the couipany.
Tho company has re-en! -ettd for three years or
j tho war. i
lif' XonniEnt CentiialUailiioad. The travel
o nd trafac on tl.i- importaiit rond, for the part three
years, has exceeded tho expecta'.iari of its met
suuguiuu friend!. When first opened, two cars
were deemed sufficient for lire travel. The trains
r.ow seldom consist of lc.-a than six ors. Duting the
past few months, however, a portion of the road,
between this place and Dauphin, was found in a had
condition, suddenly developed, perhaps, hy the
severe frosts ef winter. In their haste to complete
the road, some seven years since, iron of an inferior
qunlity had been used for a space of tlx or eight
inilcsi This iron, resting freciuehtly ofl decayed
cross tics, gave way, mid tune's the series of delays
and accidents that occurred at the times referred to.
It may he said that the suWdinate officer who0
business It was to attend to this matter (ho unfortu
! natelv did not reside On the line, should have seen
to it earlier. This is, undoubtedly, true, tut w
aro pleised to slate that the principal officers hat,
taken the matter in hand, und during the past Ihreo
weeks, a large amount cf defective iron and cross
ties have been removed, nnd new iron and tie
I substituted, the good effect
of which were soon
visible. This has, in a great measure, restored the
confidence of the public, In a great thoroughfare,
which can be, and should be, among tb best and
' safest in the country
Gen. McDowell is out in a card, denying
that he ever belonged to the K. G. C's.
The Senate of New York lias authorized
the supervisors of New York city to expend
$1,000,000 in bounties to volunteers.
The Councils of Philadelphia passed a
bill annronriatins 2.000.000 to pav boun-
.... '
! ties 'i Volunteers.
t, i . m'i s
Raw otton and castor oil linvc restored
r . -.. i- i i .
frostbitten limbs when tiniimtutioti was
coij nCccssary to Save life. The Cure
u said , bo ,nram,;ie.
N'o DitAFt in Iowa. Tho Provost Mar
shal of Iowa bra telegraphed the President
that the State will liil its (juota by volun
teers, rendering a draft there unnecessary.
Abmy mulct are going to Gen. Grant'i
department in large numbers. They are to
be used as pack mules for supply trama, for
East Tennessee, as the loud are iuipiibsable
jor wagon trains.
Haud fob Horses.---The Richmond Dis
patch has the following advertisement :
Owing lo the heavy advance in the price of
feed, we are compelled to charge the follow
ing rate for boarding horse, on and after
Keb. 1, 180 : Hoard per mouth, 225 i. per
day, $10 ; single feed, $1.
Colt' eilensiv flre-srms factory, at Hartford,
Conn., wa destroyed by lire, en tbe 6lb Inst. Loss,
over l.to0 000. Several person were killed by th
falling wall.
Tli largest gun ever made wa lucceaslully eatt
at th gun nianufaetory. of Mr. Knapp, al Pittsburg,
un the llth hut. Tho Login ol th rough ess" inn
la 2d luet ; its maximum diameter Ad inch ; aud it
wiiatit IKtJ.OOi) pounds. The lenvtb of th Cuuhed
guu will I 20 feet S inches ; its mniuium diamater
H inches ; and its wliti 1 lS.tjoU l-ouni. It Kill
liww oJM alwtf I tsW JxaadJ.
ni' nip-."' " ,j(r
The Ivarolmrnt UHI ii I"nict1.
The kill, a passed by the House, provides
tbat the quota of each ward of a city, town,
township, precinct, or election district, or of
a county, where tho Eamo is divided into
wards, towns, township,-.' precinota, or elec
tion districts, shall be as nearly as possiL-It-id
proportion to the cumber of men resident
therein subject to draft, taking into account
is far as practicable, the number which tu
bmen previously furnished therefrom ; and in
ascertaining and filling the said quota there
shall be taken iuto account the recent num
ber of men who have heretofore entered the
naval service of the United States, and whose
name are borne upon the enrolment lists as
already returned to the office of the Provost
Marshal Oeneral of the United Slates. Any
person enrolled under the provisions of the
enrolment net, who may hereafter be so en
rolled, may furnish at nuy time previous to
the draft an acceptable substitute, who is
not liable to draft nor at the time in the
tuiiiUry or naval service of the United
states, ana sucu persons so fitrni'iliing asnb-
ptitute shall be exempt from the draft during
t. tme f,.r wl)ich Such MlbsJftutO shall be
fl.()m t)r.lft lI!)wcvcr eScCcdinif
. . ... ' , -
tho time for which such substitute bIihII
have been accepted, llut no private soldier,
musician or non-commissioned officer, being
actually in the military service cf the United
States, shall be procured nracceptcd as the
substitute. The boards of enrolment are to
enroll all persons liable to draft, under the
provisions of this act,- nnd of tlis enrolment
act, whose names may have been omitted by
the proper enrolling ofticurs ; nil persons
w ho shall have arrived at the rtgc of 20 years
before the draft; all aliens who shall declare
Ihcir intention to become citizens ; nil per
sons discharged from the military and naval
service of the United State", who have not
been in euch seivico two years dining the
present war, and all persons who have been
exempted under the piovisions of the second
section to which this act is a supplement,
but who are not exempted by the provisions
of this act; nnV the boards of enrollment
shall release and discharge fnm draft nil
persons, who, between the time of the en
rolment nnd tho draft, shall have mined :-.t
the age of 45 years, and shall strike the
names of such persons from the enrolment.
Ar.y person dratted into the military service
of the United States may before the time
fixed for his appearance f ir duly at the draft
rendezvous, furnish unacceptable substitute,
isulji'ct to such rules and regulations as may
be prescribed by the Secretary of War. If
such substitutes not liable to "draft, the per
son furnishing him shall be exempt from
draft during the time for which such substi
tute is not liable to draft, not exceeding the
term for which hf was drafted, and if sm h
substitute is liable to draft, the fame of the
person furnishing him shall be liable to
drntt in filling lutttrc quotas; and if any
.If-ll'l l.rl lf...'.u 1 t.
... . ',.. ,. ,,.;,'.,-, ,,
. I v........... , ii iu .....n. ....
provi-sions of the net to which this is an j
aiiien lment, such payment ol money tdmlt
operate only to relieve such ju-rson from I
tin: ft during the time for which the person j
was drafted unless the nanus placed in the i
box become exhausted, in which case the j
names shall lie returned to the wheel. Mem-
bers of religious .donoiiiiiiiitinns- who shall j
by oath or utlirmntioa tleclare that they m-.- j
conscientiously opposed to the bear-in' m
arnin, and who are Di.ihibi'.ed from ! ii.-r so
by the 1'uli s and iirtith s of I'.iith
iiid pi aet ice 1
f.hal I, whet", i
ol saul religious iknommation
uruiica into the military servife. be coiu.iu- i
I cred as lion-combatants, and shall be as ;
: signed by the tstcrotaiv of War to si lit v in i
tiie hospitals or lu the ram of frcvdiiRti, or
i shall pay the sum of iflitii) to euch persons j
as the Secretin y of V.'ur biiall dcigim:. to I
receive it, to lie applied to the benel'.t ol
pick nnd wounded soldiers; jitovilol that
no person shall be entitled to the benefit of
the provisions of this section, unless his de- ion of conscientious scruples pg:iin.l
bearing arms shall bu supported by saiU'hc-
to,T. evidence that his deportment lias been
iiiuiwi nuy uousjisieiii wiiii sucu tieciaiauon.
aii.y manner -or aoie seaman who snail t.e
drafted shall Lave the right within eight'
days after the notification of such draft, to j
enlist iii'lhe naval ser ice as n seaman. I'o i
pilot, engineer, iiiiistcr-at-arnis, acting mas
ter, acting ensign or Hcting master's mate,
having uu appointment, or acting appoint- j
mcnt us stichi and being actually in the-
naval service, shall be subject to a military i
draft when holding such appointment. " !
Jno following iH-rsoiis tiro exempted oii.i
excepted from the eurolimnt und draft.
namely :
Such ns are rejected as physically or men
tally unlit for the service.
All persons actually in tho military or
naval service of the United States at the
time of the draft.
All persons who have ferved in the mili
tary or naval service two years, during the
pieseut .war, nnd who have been liounriihiv
I discharged from the service, und no peisui:',
! but such as aie herein excepted bh.ill be
exempt. The two classes heretofore provi
ded lor in the enrolment are consolidated.
In nil cases where colored persons have been
heretofore enlisted in tho military fervicc of
the I' nited States, till the provi-ions ot litis
act, bo fir us the of bncr.'y r'd
compensation arc provided, sli.tll be cuu;.lly j
applicable, a3 well us lo those w ho may bo i
hereul'ter recruited.
The bill also contains tho section for en-1
rolling all able-bodied persons of African
descent ; upon w hich a separate vole w as i
taken before the bill was ptisRcdi
House nt half past six o'clock udjm:
till Mondar.
Kecenlly nt Clinton Hall, New Yorlt City,
at the close of Mrs. Corn L. Y. Hatch's lec
ture on spiritualism, uu elderly man asked
a questiou iu response to a gcner il invita
tion, and was Interrupted by a younger
one, who said :
"I have done everything to get that man
to do right by his family, but have not been
able to do so. 1 am his son and niu here to
shame him in public. J lis name is William
McKinley, and he keeps a store at the cor
ner of Chatham and l'earl btreets. He bus
beaten my mother and treated her most
shamefully, nnd he abtindoued her tj lie
with Cora Hatchi"
Mrs. Hatch retired amid n scene of con
siderable excitcuicut.
Mt' IV a V T K t' ' V
11UII Xll I XJlt X JK.'Llill. Ajt, XkJ.
IX pursuance of in orde r uf tli Orphai.s' Court of I
Kottliumbcrliind county, will bo exr-.-weil Iu pub. j
lie sale, al tbe Mount Curiiiel house, in the Ko;ou'u -of
Mount Caruicl. in sai 1 county of Xe.rlhuliHK.-i lanu,
Peltu a .onSAl l 11UAV, the Lib HA 1 oI'MAPOH. 1
A. 1 , lbl, all tbe right, title and inleiei. beluug- ;
iug lo the estate of the Hon. Charles W. ilcgins. uc.
ceased, iu and to the followiug ) liiwte. suual..
lu aioum laiuitl townsliip, in 1.-1111 oouii'y. uouuuea
anil uescribea a lollows, lo wit Uri;ii,uiiii at a,
Uhilo Unit, thuuae rfouth one dc., loriy'siJ
Enrobes to a stone J thence South tticniy. eight He I
sit, ninety-eight perches to a pine, South six'y-twu '
degrees West, oue nuudrod an 1 tortv-foa- porehes to 1
sioiie corner, South twtntvi ight degrees L:ut. fifiy
porches to a pine, North sixty two dnirrts Fust, I
tweuly-dgbt porches to a pin, South sixty 'ls'en
Last, lorly-sevea perches ton jiiue, Aorih filiy-Ove ,
degree Last, two hundred aud ihiileeu porches iu a ,
post, North Ihiriylour degree West, cr.e bundred ;
and igbly-&v jierehe to a post, Soulh set-eniy-liie
aegrees wesi, ciguty-iwo pcrcuc 10 n wuii oam
th plac ot beg tun iug eoutaiuiug
Tw Ilnndred and 'I'weiity Atrs,
irict aieaMir, beinR part ef a larger troel of land
in th uauie nf Lawrene Lominou, adiouung lauJ '
surveyed in lb name uf Hubert Irwin, .
Paul and other. Lat th prupeiiy of said Chuie
W. Ilojilns, deo'd. 1
Sale to con uieue at 1 o'clock, P. M., nf r-ild dav. '
when the term and ondi;un4 of will be medo
I known by UtO. 11. CLAY,
' J
jy order er in Court, 1 Aimm jwtnor.
A, J. CUM Ml.N'iJ.S. C. 0 C.J
I rui.kjry, Fek. JJ, !.--(
"1 K jcreuanee f in otdor of tln.Orjiiians' (.'.-.ut of '
.1 rorilnimbrrliiiid ennntv. will lo cxiiosct to pab- :
liu sule, r.t tlie (Vni.i 1 Inure !n limnugu of Sun.
imry.on Mcudny tlmoTih ally ol MAHt. JI. A. 1' 1 ;,
tho f-ll-mini ilcuDilbet Lot ufliriMinit.siliiiii" in llio I
borongli of ;-;uiil-uiy, and mrk't in h ivner il pbin-j
oirniu iii;n nninncr Hit, tootiadoil n.-tflnMly I y
mi numncr anu westwiuilly nr lot nun.i...i .;z.l,
north by AWiinlliinry an-onl, s'linh l Uilba y
nlliy. Lalu Di6 tKtnto of ri:uancl Ti.oiai.sui , di-eau-it.
tnl to eommenoe at 2 o'clock P. M.. of sill day,
when tii teruu nnd con Jiiioiw of aula will ba niaio
known by
J. A. J. Cuiiamos, Ol'k O. C.
Bnntwiry Fob. lit, Istil.
T5 TO fti-'o rtiii sioSTsr.
COM PAN i' wavt an Aijent in county, to solicit
orders fur their new ft IS Machino, with (iuui,
sorewlriver ai.J extra needle We will pny n li
beral salary aud rxpi.naea. or give larq commiMion.
lor particulars, Urws, Ac, enclose a stamp, aud
addreiS T. 8. PAJ1, Toledo. l.,
Fcb. 13, 04. Sib Oen'l Agent lor the V. Slates.
Adtlia Hclfcnstcin, 1
vs 'l
William II. Mnishnll and Xo 20, March T., 1351.
Williatn M. Weaver. J
Olt. Kit's s.vt.i;.
BY virtue of an ordr of rale in Pariitione dn Fa
cienda, issued out of lue Conrt of Common l'lc-ns
of Xiinhnmberland coiin'y, Punnsjivanin, to mo di
rectod will bo expose 1 to publio snle nt tbn Conrt
Ilousuin tho borouih of Monday tho
14th d.,y of Mnreh, W.4. at 1 o'el.jcU P. M., the fol
io" ineHeoribi-d r-'al es'ste to wit :
All ceilain me-uiipn or ci-.'ht nl.iotninit Lot of
uroun'i siiomo in ine iov.n oi euamcKin, Cunt town
ship. Korlhn'iiburland county, l'er.nsylvania, end
deseribi-d in tlio tren'-riil 1 ittn of said tonnas I.-ts
o. I. 2 .1. 4. 6. . Tnd H. In block nnu.!...r Ci:y
seven (07 i, bnnndvd on the north by Arch street, ut
by vacant eround. sonlii Ly li.t JV'o. V, and wet liv
Jr.iirhth street m which mo oieeli-.i a Inrire 1'iiek
1'ui! ling called a Gillece or Aondeuiv.
CUAtil KS F. M A It liN, Coroner.
Coroner's ofriee. Sonlmrv. Fe. I.'t.
1 .'acob J. lteed
2 Jolm J 1' "fi'man,
3 John lMulllT,
4 S:illlC
6 K'isc A ruclccr,
V Lemuel Chambci lin,
s Cleaver, Fagely A C .,
t e-i-n.-hiiltz. J.ii;'i-ly A Co.,
V4 IU1. Lll-Hlllt ( t 111,
vs limit)
va Jntiii-! P Caul.
f 1-rnnciii hinie,
liunh Cnui,
8 Tho I'iirM'm. Imp Co, vs f li.vui-.-.' tt i:l
II Knly lai.iin. for no vs .io!:n 1' VulKuer.
1(1 Coin, i f l'o-n'a f n Purm-i Vi- .Ic4 Vi.n l; kc f bnil
11 Isaac Mum et ill f S 1. buyer and Win Wi
12 .1. M llt'Sliuii and wife vs Solomon J'rosioit.-i,
lit Ji V blight A Son c Jl O.'i.iun A A l.'-muu,
1 1 .John lteyi i v vs Win L L-ewirt,
la Andrew M ick, vs 1. C Clearer et nl.
lo caih'irinu I viOer vs ,li n-i:l. m l'liiiKlebcrt'er
17 J. II. INIf r a.-ineo v- Patrick Mnchi-D,
IS .1 A J Cticmiin' ' vs lie ii-c Jiltiin,
1 Wiiiiam Antrim vs Vt'est Jtniuch t us.. Coal Co
l.i lii.lo rt '.'aipbcll v I i ;.;-r .1mru.-i,i tvi.-ii-Lij.,
I 21 A P l.-i'V. v: J"i. n I r ';.nv. rtnl
1 22 Com. ot l'i i.':'ii forS. i'li-ocj v P W Ihli. i t ctul
!!.! 1 1 i.l. a o Wm lto.-liinj adin'r.
! 24. C 0 liarhui.iii ft nl vs Tl:os Piu-el ci nl
j l'.'i l.iiii.ln-ih llai:.-e. .1. f. itiPm-r. n I in "r
! ii-'- li tiiei lnnil's h -ii- vs J. C. K It. Co,
, 17 M.iiia 0 iinci t, Ti JoLu i. Wei.-i:;,
l'-i 11 .i'i Mvers v ,!u.-ii.h jlcury,
I 2i Johii ilaler. for use -Vs It. A. Alexander,
: .-ill Win Klir.o vs A'ainliiie l hue,
j ill t.iixri! V l'ixon. Vs Ji-diali Keisi-r. -
I :-2 ::io,k of .Mni.lle.-own v- iuniiel W,-;..
I S:. Hich-r l '!:' ;i-trn ctnl vs l'liil s. It, J.;. Co Ac.
Ml Iimi.l WnUii.u v? Juno Wi:',lr r.,
.'I -i-s t'h:iiii'):rlir. ct a! v Joliii Vori, Ac.
t in L livi-r. i 'J i : . j - P-tuui.'hr ti:cr,
::r At hold &, v. 1 -nney i'it A 1 ranci.-,
;-i .If-li'-ai'l l-c u:e Ac vs V m .V HcuIh-u l'aoij,
.:V Kf!s.a lia.-idmr: v (twiomon Mii:-f!.
!0 J'ccatui' li -ib. vs.'oim A .Sryili-r. n.lui'r
41 iieoi-;e 1. Wntts vs V.'m 1J I.r.v-li
i." tii-oij-e s'nydrr. vs A rlm;a: ,i UuK, c.
1.': Ji-ii-m.uii -.iv:.!.o V1..I11C0I1 y-iinlorc.
II .i'-tiii l'ni:kli'birger vs Itiiliitui M-iriin,
lo Peter K. 1 l.-lli r " v." Joseph U'-li,..-.
Id Ira T '. '.vu-v:, et ill vs J. .1. Hull A J V CrisnvU
ii s irnh June Co?,, s .li-okii,
4S Coin, ui' Pcnu'ii lor 1 Lonj? Jl. V i.l lr.-li. ei nl,
-1:1 .i. i-.l. . el tir.ilouu J-.:::es l'. lh.ikei nl
.'o 'I'.ioK.ii.- t oiiiiy v.: Jolm plover with notiee, Ac.
M J.'iiiiH-l iMiiinei-for l'.;J s Jn-'ob Monty.
i-J llirnm It. Mooi-e el id ii. "iVul.-itt,
i-Ii Mct-'ii;-biiid, Jivaus A Co vs J-'ricli nnd St.-tit,
ls..i.c limn n v- l.-ifeiuo .tiiii.ell,
I'.terll Ketjcr s to-,rt; L Fetzer
M Jom-IiIi lloeeioLM...-, v- W P Xa;:l-.-.
67 Wm J. JicHiilt
s 11. Ij. iVu-.-1-r.
tiial the llut ucvk, und the
Twenty. live cites for
balance tor uecoml wee!;
j.j. i:umf.v--xvw:i1. Pr--"h'v
1 ASil.s-S SEtM-lO 1IM II.
l'eulers and Coii-.tmers ol the nbovo Ceicl.rhir .l
V.'usii Jilue. Mill . lease ti.ho t:;.t:.-, that tho Lulcls
1.1 c toilcrcii lo le::it
PI T i:p AX
.-llil'Ctl V itil'Si'I-si
h it ui is t o p. i: ,
Xo. 2.13 Xe-rlh M.I.OXD Street. Plili. U'ELrlUA.
"'i.o ifuuiiiy et iLi.; Biuc. riill be lhsuu:cia every
lc,i.-ct !
l is v-arrai ted to color m ire water than f.weu toe
t-aii:e iiiitii-.ity of lnilo-.. t.u t r,. u ;.,u.U fcrtlo-r
' tu.-ui any ot.
W.l 1; t.lue lit tile tuai': t. Jr ,!i
cones iciici-;ly elcai and Uoc-t iwi sol'.lc en tho
e!o-.!o- v. iiiom of the oilier muki s do. '.'i.-e k,
solveJ in hail pint of water. wi;l iniiko it go,d a
l.xtti Jilue :u ui.y that e mioie, ut ouo third the
As it 1.5 rc:iiiled r.t t!:j -nine rice a il:e Itnit-ui in?
! nnd l.ilerior eitiLles, bou-ekeepers will f'.i.l i: very
I iiitieh to their aiivtiutngu to a--k Ijr tuiil put t:p i.'t
1 it i in hoi- ll'.s.
1 t '"All lll-i ; put unnficr this date Milh Uai'.Lum 's
! n.'i'.ae on it is all Juii utigu.
j J he Xeiv I.ub'e iioe uol rciuire a butmp.
I l or !:ile by Soin In cjiers geiieiuiiy.
j tel. i:t, l o4. .'null
; Miileoflhc tlitnU of JAi.n limiibt i-, I "ilni:iry I,
' ASSi'l'lft.
! Lorii' rd Bills .li-couioei, . . 559..7"!4 PI
: .'ii 1", 's k.'i
I Certificate Vn'.ied eti -'.cs Mint i io onii on
1 I uiu-i! Stales i-2.1 I.o.-ijt, ... iie.""ti H i
" Iuterost heanug Legal fen
ders. i 2". ot:i) on
Perm ylv:.ii;!, " ... is.lllfl (ill
N'irlliniiiiii-tlniid ttiiiA Stock, - . i.oTil mi
or'.hnn-.berland iiriile i-tock, l..:oi-tt
Ti-leivu.b -(oek. ..... .:.. (,i.
1 1 ii.l F-ti.te, r.'T'' 7
JIuo bv oilier PK'.ikf. .... 17ii.!''o i'l
X ites of iilher Banks, and I.emil Tend.'".'
f.ll-tl M'
Cali I;en.-. .....
Src v- in V.witt i "ludiUi CViwH.oowwwUU
Si ecic Cci ti!iontes,
5fl.f."3 Git
risT.ieO 21
$"2"!:?-' fO
2.!:.iC0 21
in.of.n n i
,.te in eii etilalieii, . .
lue oiIki' Pitiik.
i oinin. iivit-i.lih. Currency for
SlieeitCeltili.Hle, .
41 Jleiioailori!,
is; Mil si
in-, t .,-
td-il'i t'J
I certifv the ahnvc ftalement to be just and Iruo
to the be"t of my knowledire inni t. li.-f-
. .1. PACKMK, Cashier.
Sworn and rubsnrihed bel'ori- nie.
M. Ji. 1'itiKxfi li', Notary I'uHie. (
F.-b. d, 1 Ui
im:nsios, bounties
O !1. HOY Kit. Attnrr-y al
Law. is duty author
lioct I. llill.
s. , is
i red anu license. I t. n.i ar?.,!
, Ijt v for Widows. Or
m iVatlict ctieot, oriiio
phans a,,,! 8,.l.licrs. (Uiieo
, sll
j sue caver h notei, i-suii.niry, 1-14.
I .IllUoluV H. IfMil. 1
i.t.ui-- .icisi:ti'N
Uoixs.ii.B ''D i:tt.-.tii
S. E. Corner Fccoiid ami Chesnut ?t . Pl.ila.lcb IU
1 t.t'XCV for the PATLXTttJl ALIZIXU Till It.
A T i 1AY CLOCKS, a very deirtii.lo Rrtiele lor
l liarolics, HoUlt, Ui-nks, Cvunting llousmi, Parlors,
Mm. Manufacturer of FIXE liOLP PKX-5.
Cluck. leiii,ed and wuriiiiii. u.
Clo. k Ti immitigttof evei v d. s-iiption.
Ptiiladlphia, January lil.lMiil. ,'iy
I'or Yosiiif I, is tl it's,.
K. JitOl) c-prtiro Blrtet. I'h'.ladelph'ai
Uev. Dr. ilou'o, David Webster. Fs-j.,
Itiv. l'r. .-tlj-Ulils, Win llav wt.ul L'ra ion, Km
Kiv. Dr. Cooper,
i.eoi'ite .vi. liuui.i ll, i.s.1
I lit-iir M Fmu, lrij.,
J. ti. llollin;morlh, r .j ,
It. It. Mobi-toiuviv, ktii. lieu
'itiniua Duuiup, Fs'p,
Alllau ler jienry.
joc-cuiotr a, do.'
ii 1 is:ii,, tallow
tiin bi,t n.arVt piir will be pl 1 in Cash
l.a'.-ir, J.ai4, Jillow, t.j a-.J xainui. oy
j. j.,
Ucnuial CunTfdttton Mwchait
il CaJiyabiil t-VS Phlladaljku.
' ', J, t94
I mnn fn?i ev.rt-r of twelve wel s will open on
J. the trut Monday aftor U'l.iouniaunt of Murch
C ;".rt.
TlpJis ten Qi'AkTBB !
i:jnicn'.iiT Ernrt'
' ',. n
i'-s (Piininry) . ft 00
advanced. ' ' 6,00
from 0,00 to 7,00
1 pnvnl-'-i hsll qtu.r'orly ill alraaoOk
Kb doduction for 1 .St lin.c.
Jri;ly r -.turds fire kept of tho morit and demerit of
ench student tho former denoting tho excellencies
of es-.h in recitation and deportment, tho In Iter thn
dct-aiinioiea and dolinquonoios copies of which Will
bo scut to th parent or guardian at the and of each
For partioular apply to tho principal.
J. J. Rclme.';nydcr, Stinbnrr.
Trof. Wm. Nwllin. hclins-tirort,
'' l'ruf. 0. U. JU.iss, LcKisbuig.
K. 1. ItOliliACU, rrlnuipat.
Suiiliury, Fch. 8, liwM."
WlioU'RtsIo Itnif; and Clirsulcnl
Xn. 737 Market Etrti.-:, PHILADELPHIA.
THE subscribers keep (vustantly on kaiid a lnrc;e
stock of I'ruirs, .Medicines, Ctiemicals. Phsrma
ceiilloal Preparations and overy othor artiulo which
nppenuius to llio bie.iue??, embracing tho most ex
tensive vnri-'y ; PAISI3, OILS and ULAK
of every description.
AH articles puiubaMl fmt". f ean ho relied en as
&ng of the ;o"t rupcriur annlily and at ns loir
prices os they cin bo hud. Vo onn offer' suoh iu.
ditcei'i-ntsas will miko it Hio interest, of tho tw
cini-ers 10 lay m ineir siiriiiis iiom is. ann p:vc u$
inetr tuture p-"ronao n:ii invito all, who visit tho
eity. 1'ienll at our establishment. All orders ail-
ilie-.-ed to w by mail or othorwuo will meet with
Lir-.t Hliciiiii-n.
oto. w. cAitprxTra.iiEN.szKy & co.
";17 Market Struct, I'hilv.delphia.
February 6,lf-1. iia
virtue ef certain writs of A' en. Lxn-.Ti. Fa..
ined out of tho Court of Common Pier-:, of
.NrirtliumOi llttml ioiiiiy, j'n., r.ii-1 to r.'o Uirecttd.
Mill be exposed to public a!o. at tie public kou.R -..'
J.II l'.l-ert. in lite rmrou'h of Milton, on T'ie--.lny
'he S'A day of I'elirtM-.'Vf lf-' one o'clock, P. !.'.
tho foM-.iWiivj reel ulit'.e, liwit.
A .-"rlain ! or piece of prouirl, situate in Lewis
tov.n-flilr. Xorti!iiin'oe-'1.'in'l county. Ivnnsvlvnuin.
I bouintfj nrei ile.-"-ii!. 1 ns filloivs, to wit 1 on the
I north by l'uiiic on tbe oust by bind of llobiit
1 lector. Samuel Jarre! mid lfwiiiel Keller, on toe
j sotitti bv lni.,ls ol liimus. nnd on the west by
ihoitl-o' tleorto Tiitteiibaeii, eoutitinint' fve ncr.s
inoroorle-s. vlircou lire created asniill Pl;iik liwil
lin? Jb'ti-e. l'r.ittic Stiii le. .Vc, n well of water nt
the door. Ai . Seized taken in execution kud to bs
sold r.s the property ' lemiel Ring.
A lot of prnund . sit uutc in the r"rot:;li of Jlilt -n,
I tr. ill'-.-aid coiiriy i t Xol-tli.:lnlerlain. botllided front
by Afplo stiect h'tv lee', ea-t by Secoitd slreel.
north by nn alley iti.d u-e: l y li pit of Thnnios Woo is,
I bei!: two hiUiilreil tt-i-t in liejuii from Aprlc rir, et
I losiid i.ll' v : whircou i-ro crec'.e I u Miiidl hou3o
an 1 o .;:'oie.
SeUi-d tiikrii in exe -i-.ti m audio bo yi! 1 as the
pi-ojiertv of JoliU M. Wood:'.
WM.M. Wr.AVKP., Sheriff.
Sheriffs Cfo-C. Euthnrv, 1 . b, 0, J.-iU.
At r ILL hs. cxpised nt Public Sal", en TIIVHS
V li'iV.iitc lS'b HAV of FK!HV AP.Y. l-'it.
nt the !: -ucol 'IlE.MtY J'"l'l,!.Ti!cce'ise 1 in L-i-vor
Aucust.i towni!::p. X.ij il.iiii-iierlritereoiiiity. Pa., tlvj
! il inning il'.seril'.eil properlv. miti'. : 1 V n liOMsi.S,
TIIKl-I-. C'.V.'-. I'd tiCAT'll.K. dN'ii 1H I.L,
nrdoM: BP.KIitM Vti .iW. J .Mi.MIXd I TL'X
Ml.S. Hue two-hnrir Wagon Inrje Sled. Plooghs.
llan-ow.-. t uli-.i nt-ii's diain Cv.-.i'l -.-. 'iiass Scylltcs.
ii.-.l;. -. Forks. Corn line. U rui I'trtr Hoes. Po-t Iitg-p.-r.
Harut. . -''. .i.-h ii..!!s. ' 'I'hr-e t ,.r-
r.:.Mini-far. li-ij-s.'A .j. M.W i'llAMIXU MILL,
(irntn I i .
'hie lol of Cirpenters 'lot-Is. Ac.. Jtlack.-mith teils.
Aba, Potato, s I ; t'uo i u-hel.
Hdt snitiLii Ft ;;:n rr,i:.
(hie Cool.'ioq, r.iid two Pur'.-.r Moves, E:d::LaJs,
Ctrii..-; Tiibl.-s. one l.'irt'c iron K-!ile. e , A'c
.- ilt- to eoiiiiiicii-o ni iu o'clock, A. X., when con
ditions will be iiiU'lo known.
UlIAi! I't'l'I.K.
Lower Angutta, Jim. "0. I?,.... "Administrator.
C'iii--ut:il 'ive suilerers ill roe. Ive preseripiion for
file cure ol Consuuitiiioii. As-Linnii. lii t..:hiiis. and nil
'J'hront end l.oni iili'te'.ioiis. rcii of chiirj-'i-.i by ssr. J
lug their Ii 1 In a lo
liOV. I.. A. V, li.M'.N,
Jur.ur.ry I'. 1.-S1. -tt Kiis Co., Xcw York.
O Kr.COXD ll.VXft Sl'ltiXtj--, suit -.lii' fr two
s hoist v J-rrent
Apply to J. EILVIl'S.
Siu.l-ur,. January is:",!.
(ioorgcjl. Lobr, V. rit of IVrtiiion. T.c-
s. t:.rni-.ble to j.larcli
The ll.-'rs of .S.oh'.a Lahr. Term. 1-sM.
Xor.y i m i:Ki:i..i,-p Cocstv. ;.s.
The -liV " il:h o:'Pi:ii-.lva!ii;t toth-i Fl.erii i
Xo:i:in;,:l erland county. Criefm:
Wbi-rc-i-. nl nn l.'rphtii ' Court hel l (it Puiibary,
in :m t,.r tin coiituy of Xorlhtiuiliorland. Iho otb iliiy
of .1 uu inry, ip tne yet.rof our l.urd c.r.o thnusaiut
'I Jr.'oiiir.'-d uii-.l si.My -lour, i-.t ire tlu Ilouorai'lo
.Vli.'.anJ. r .loiuMi. J.x.uire, Prc-i'lci;. and his .---o-
ci:iu Jui.ic.-s ol toe Co.iri. I., u,,. matter ot the
'"!:. t-,- i-f (..tiii Lul'.i. dc,-.-;i-eJ. Too peliiiou ol
tlio.-;;e It. J.itnr.i.l;iid t ownty
i:i tl . st..! . t t'ern -ylvi'.'iin. was pr.-ent'd. Settinj
1 .,i:i. '.i.:.'. tiie s-ii.t So; li'ei 1 -.Ur. b'teiy ilie-1 intes'it:-.-le.nn
jt i--..o m -ric It. i.nlir your i-ej'i. ;'er. Cuth
ariii.". v. lie f ;jr.-. Sl::ili.-r. v l.-i has sln.-c decen.-e 1
be.t inn Uei iiiisblu.ii If -H IU"1 is-U' ,.l:e-e'-.ihl.
l.i wit : ; core:. s.'mLi-r a l.iinor who lo-s for
b:J -iiiL-ioini. It. or'e s:-.!!'!'. r : nnd ip'irto..r
ri -ti viiti J:iob sl.s.u1, un.i r.!!.'. ebilitri-ii U.
I'i'-.iklin L:.ltr; iji'i'i V. L;ibr. nu t Soj l.iii J:r.o
L.ii.r. i. iner children of I ai;M Vi". J.t.i.r. i .-on l
siu.l Scj bi t Lnl.r. O-.-L c i-ed. who decrns.d I cforc hij
s:iid ir.otiief. I!tn said t.tiuois iia.'iiiif for their guar
tiinii l.'tiao AI' .-rt. 'Ji'i.t tiie nih't di vi.l'-M ili.-d
s- i'.-d in her ilenii-'i.e ns of leo of and iu the fuiloiv-ii-h.U
pieces ur pareelso." b'tid, iz : A i-ert-uu it
Co.. l.ol vl tiiouo.l. siiuii'e in :'..j t. wn ot 1 1 cor;;-.,
town, sni I c'liiTity. troi.'in;; upou the Hail Moi'd street.
i I ii-u-.-ii- lots of tieore'o Lhr und Cieoro rtnix;
iit'iii!-i.uinlieietl iu tbo general I'J of t::M tonu.
I 'J.'. - el'tnill oilier vucaltt lot ill tieorgelown,
I i.!', :.ii"iii,.;i- ,;n a:lev and lot of l'liiloi Lebb.
IiouuHij upou Water irc". and imuiiierci iu tho
t.i 10 1.1I -i::: c. .-..itl l.-ivu 11.: l-t six.
.id. A lot at the uiiimr '"-d "i lii'oi'ireiiiM'r., Atijoin
it f; lot- ef Mi. iiacl Lunr ui. I the w Mow iiiueiowa, 01.
I.: -h is ei'.-.te.l a s:.-.ail I'rtimo l.'.n -c.
I tli An l-iiitnl in U10 rbr Su In sai l
'-Otili.V ef X'iriliUlillii-lialjd. ttlil'twUtf saiil
ton of
ljiei-:.o'.in. Coiital.titig cix uei es ei;h!A-nine
IJi rcht, in a e-oo.i suite ol cultiiaiion.
jtli. A eer, .tin 01I..T 1-liiini, in said river S'listiue.
' haniiw. eaile-l Itogvrs 1,-lnud. Ui the township ol l.- w.
1 ei- .Mationoy. county 'or.iuid, eoiilaiiiiug about
I three'es null tMeu'iv 8 ven rn-telies.
i lh. A c rtaii; inner J.'.ui-I in ihe river aforessid,
1.:.. -. 1 1 .k,... 1 - ....1 "
Ull'l lo..l'.iiii- ni'.ll.... 1, v,o.- . ......v. a ..........
7ili. A ci i iiu oihi r iinall I.-biud u short dis.anc? J
iibu e J-iiit l."-lnnil in the filer Sus-juehaniiii, uloro 1
sunl, and county aforesaid, colic. iuuig about j
OLe ttlid e-oC-leUtlll alo. ' !
i .b. A eertaiu oilier Isb.udi in wiU't Su.-'uc. !
Iiiuiii.t, n.nri v . j .-iu- tl.u mouth ol 1 iiliei s Uun, :
iu.laek ea t'.uiisuip. XorihuuiL-erlaiiu c-.uti!y, c:-.llcd I
lin,'iouH' is!.. nd. coli'e.i.iii'iJ iiIhiu! olio neie. I
J ui i to notify ou uud each of Jon herein above
iitiiiied. ;tt:d v iu arc hereiiy notitieu Ilial by wiiuo '.
1 ol lire ii'-ove v.nt lo loe ilo.vte.l. -in iunuejl will ho I
L.lU at llle Publio ibiUs.. of I'eter itollel, iu tieorc j
: loAii. on Tuesday. .Mineii 1st, lMil.ats o'clock A.
M .ef fuid d-i, t'o4 the purine of tu.tking puitiiiun
, of or to value Liel upprai.o tho esiiitu heiutu I
j i'.'joyc il'-.ei-ibe.l of cud ueceiliuts, ut which lime mid !
I'pl.iee you uo.y each and all i.) 1 ear if jou ihiuk pro- I
Itr' , Uli.l.lAMM. VFAVL'K, Sheriff,
bheiid's C-IT.ce, Suueuiy, Juu. Of, 1 Sot. Si
ttUE Hut., Sm.-s p. Wut-veaio.!.
HI Lit & tv'OLVEUl'ON.
AltoriK'yuuuil t'oticselorsiit !-iv.
Ouicc. Murkt-t ftreel, cer. Cottre Alloy,
"llT JI.L attend prom pi ley lo the eulloeiioii of eli.ln.s
I uud all oilier pruietsmnal bns.nestfi intrusted tn
their care iu Xerthiiiiibitiliind and adjoiuiur counties.
Sunuuiy, J injury li t, i. 'oj.
Tll'lK subsoribcrs ropcetfully Inform ihe eiiiseus
I of ltiiibiirv. Hint tliev h.u rrensred lo furnish
PAVlMi AND lit 1I.DI.VU OXK, at ihorl notice
: ami at reaaoualilc rates.
1 'lhe stone will be delivered on th river bank at
1 Sunbury.
1 lf.rM.iis dcpirinc- roo.1 stnna wiU Slid it to thoir
interest 10 cull i.d examine Ulore purchuing !
I Addres
CUIilR M A It J 1 .
Deo. 13, IE 13.
tuLbury, Pa.
fur .
I tAN OY5Ttr..S. what or htlrVCaM. fmsa from
I j tbaCiiy oiarknts, can b had at all tinje at It
I Cnallontry Mntl of H C. jt AHU AJT
I gus-kia f, Jmtj B. UU - . ...
OP ' '
oiteh roit salt;
i full line of
IDTiY DE3 goods op tteuy
uosinnr asd gloves.
Trunks, Viiisc9 nnd Carpet T
u.i:tlvM:i: axd onocKitiKS.
tilolte ami J-Mrt.'iaHrare.
Vt'oo und Willow Wurc.
Bar Iron nnd S'.ccl,
Kails and Spikes,
Drugs, Paints and Oils,
Window Sash nnd (irind.-i'.oncs,
Ticks nnd Mason Hammers,
Coarse and Fine Salt,
Kish, Meat, Cheesi;,
&c, ic, &o.,
All Kinds ot Goods,
cheap for Cash
Co-unify Produce,
can be found nt tho
bright' & SOX,
I. L All Goods warranted
As re'i'.tcicnte.l.
so df:viati,()x in rmcr.s.
SMALL I'lloriTS AND qVill SALES, Oct., 10th, lsOn.
ft '"anise Vl! "irVi'r
Khtfl; G!.y Silks,
4-1 liiacl; (.'iishmeivj;
S'optr l!ack I.lohiii:s,
Fine Illiir-U Alpaccia.
lJluck and Pitrple Delains,
White and Dlnck I'iguied Delaines,
Dl.tck Cri-pj Mattt,
I.tipiuf. lilaek till wool Dehdues,
Jli.irk sill; lb'i-,e.s,
Cood J"Jlack Debe.'.',
I'l'.i'i lih'.ek (iinglilili?,
l lain H'ac'iv t alii lies.
Neat Fi 'iiri'd Dhick t'tdicoci,
rirte Ulat-k Stick Flar. nebs,
Illaek Love Yeil.s
Jottvius I'.Iaek Kid Gloves,
lilack si!k tiattntletu, Ciiovis in Variety,
Fine MiiiiT.':.g llanillu'fchiefs,
Jtlaek cttou and wotl Hosierv,
lilac!; Thibet nnd Yt'o.,1 Shawls,
Ac., i!ee., A c.
A nice line of tho abavo poods now
open and for saie at low piiet:..
E. Y. lil.KUIT SON.
Stir.Lt'.ry, October oisl, l&Oo.
A.-t.M 1 o .' a-' ht a 1: u n s : i
?Itai-T I.aiiijs 'lifnny.
I 'if The Chimnev for Vihidi tho Kerortne-Oil
u-iii public have to loi.! ln-en in nceii, hcc:!tts?
I. It -STAXDS l'll:i:'.:i Turn np the bbuo till
it is-uo. tr.iiu the b p of tho chiitiuey. nul keep it
up as liiu-; as you plcate tiik class w os'x Cuj:ax !
Trv it.
2 It doe not become black cr disf'-'tired should
the lump accidentally cu.okc. Is shorter than the
eoiiiiiioii euimney less liable to acei'lcnt &i,J more
eenveti'.iiit for cari-yitnf ab .ol the house.
11. It it not easily aiiecle-J by sudden cliarfrcs rf j
enipcraluro : go out ol doors, tr into I'.,, cell -i . sum.
mer or winter. Willi the lamp ini; don't fear!
the ebiiniiey will n. l dls:ippf.ll u luioiueut. ! '
4. Thetoi, en be li.sliuiilv lem -.1. Stud thet-kss :
i;..'d perteetly clean lo u. .noni. 10. ien.uf h sHi?,
nnd wittioul d:".t.ct ol'S.iaKii..' tho (lnrt.
0. Onu ou:h.sts ta ia,..,,ui rliUnnvi. Try it uud j
you will use 1:0 i-'.uer. Ft rti.'.ein
JuKiiiii.dC juute A;;!.. les(.ii.uted bvlhc X. L. C. I
M..i.iit'j Jte- ;u;: t -.,.. .f. Fulioa Sireet, Xotv Yo.k. 1
Juur.rv , Icit'il. oiu !
Vk. a' nmr on a b s
Staves, bhinglcs, Poplar, L,ocust, io.
fSIHK undcrsi-rni-d is about cutemUtig his lumber
I l.usim-s to till u needed cup in lhe Iradc of i iiil.
ndelphia, by lunkiujf a speciality of Ih Cooper-Si.ick
Tin. lo. and now desires t j niako Briuio.'eini 111s lo se
iir.i sin. lilies. The Citv Co-.ners. Shini er.'. Ac
owin lo Iho impsribiiitv ul obtaining th- m in Phil- I
adeliihia. now depend liir-W uu nth. r iiiniki.s f r 1
Ihnr Staves. Ar. With proper ei.eoi.rui;eim-ut t-y
the tniiuuf.ic:uiers. tlio under.iitt.ed hopes to slop,
this divetsiuii of trudo bv keepint? eu b ind n Ijii'c j
took, iu every vatii iv of quality and 4o. By I!'--111K
Ihls L...i..!i ol ua-io puiti.ul.-.r a.:.utioii. I.e .
1., 1.. ,m1i.. ioiii.i earlv returns to const ruin ous
and establish for Hie mai u' t:tters a more laluablo I
! eouiiiiuuiealion with purciitocis than is inwible by ,
1 wim irilH n-.u-nlv io umro hea. -. lumber. i
Manulaeturers and others, wbocsu furnish (t artl.
cularly eoMixeoi supplies ) oiiher by coi.u-.if 1, j
pun base or on Commiiuipu, Staves, lluauiLrf, lio.tji
'... .in jiotied 1
' w. a. Lrvruixtj, streft W barf, Philadi Ir-hia.
Lurgo cuppiiesulaays wanted ef l.teu.-l Timber,!
Oak Kuees. and Irt-ijututly lorr Ouk I ', (J1.I1 an 1
Yellow l'ine iiu.W, do. Also uow o tsnio a Utile j
I in and Waiilins; uppllei of Shingles, WutUut, Cherry, j
Poplar and Aril Lumber, Ir.
HasruxxcE : Ale, ti. Cuilc.l A Co.. Pbl.aue.. 1
pain ; Tho. Uieh.dion c to , PLifadci hia.
January It, led I. lea
llorssy us l4tw, No. Ian Cur. I'u'.U
am lirody. X' Voik. Will carefully at
und t eolleoUoB kLi U Uwf WI tliisititud U
Jumt mn
- vtiiirrAiiivK KiTnJ
A ptoe tcit;
fot make DrunUaj'tlki.V
German Eitters
"DI?. & II. JACKSOir.
run.A DELvniA , r.i.
will. rrrcciCALLY axd most crr.TAi.
Bttiirz from J
"Plsr.rtterr.I Ur:.r.:
i.-tomi, kianej.
Thor.'und? ftf fir il'rrr. sr1 su.TeTint; frrra Ps-
pi f sir. n-:it l.tvef j.-isrsws. ana iw w.; ih oii-.w.
in-o,u-lior.s we su-ia:t
210O2--LAXJ'8 GltJ.'AfAX M'l TKU
v.ilf Ujtetf.-TTT..
Drsrr.rii ai Livna Pi.rArt.
Do yon tl.i wi,h 11 cowictl lonp.n ni'-n.'iii". wiih
bid liu-litn lhin".t!i and jv.'Y nrpetite fir brefik
f.,st ? Do vmi feel when yott tv:-t ir-.-t up so week
and languid you enn scnr"tl shr.tit Do Jou
bavo a dirTin. -s in tho head nt tirnv'. ai.d uf . n a
dulioi", wiih hesda.-TiC c.eer.ioiir.lly Are your
bowels eistive and irregular, awd i.p.l,t e,f.r.p
b1e ? Do you throw up w ii.d fiuui iuc lor..-.eb. !.r. I
do you swell up ofl 0.1 r Do ym f-.-el luluiy n'ti.r
rnti'n. and v. finl:i:i when luu slnmaeh U iM-p'y?
De. ym bi:e ber.nbi .-ii o?."tT-jii'iny i)u Twu t el
low spirited, ard In-It fi ll.o .lark i-id. ot 'iir,.-. '
Are'-cur.ot unusuuiiy n'-rvor. at times? Do v 14
uol btcnu.c ref .lcss. ami often Ny until uildi.fiht
befur-j you e.-m to .-li ?7 ! and then at time-, don't
jvu f.i'l dull or.d isl-c-j y irr.-t of the time? is o,.r
skin dry and ..caly f alto s..1!o t ? In short, is net
your lite a barlhet". full of foreboiiiia;" ?
Vill cure every et't of Ciiroi.t' orXcrvous Debility,
Disenr idf trie Kidney, und Discuses urisin frcra
a disordered Stomach. visTiir. roLi-owixa symptom-?
lies uliiiij tmui lin ordci-3 uf the Digestive Organ
ir.. Ji wird
ri'.es. FtiliiiM or Itiof.d
tol!:o Head. Acidity oftlie. Plo.
n!M-ii. Xau'e-:. licnribioii. for
T'.'fd. Fulne--s or Vi'eii;! t:i tiie Slomi,-li. Sour
F.ruefiiti'-ns. Siiihiiu: or 1 lii'terin .1! I ho Til of Ida
S:oL:i .'h. S-vinicMn- nf the llnrried ami lnili
cult Urpa!Lir.. riuiteii::; 11: tho Heart, t'huki;or
Sutl.K:;itirir Sen.-.itioii? tilieii in a l,in ljsture. Dim
ness f 'iaiou. Dots or Web- before tiie Snrht. Fevr
ami Dull Pttiu ir Iho lfcnd. Di Cciercy of I'erspira
lioi. iell.innoi of iho Skin und llyc. Pain in
tin- Side, llaek. Ch. .-:. L:i.t!"i. Ac. Sudden
FiUilifs ef Ilci-., rtirnlti in the Flesh,
Constant luiupiuiit'.' of llvil,
aiitl great JJepressien
There are manv nrrntiriitlonr n', l tinder tbe r-iu
of JiiittTS. pu: up ir. ui.t t Ji-i'.tl.. coiiiiounili.d T
the chetipest wlii-key; tr coUiinon r.:rn, eostli Irom
2tl In tli cent pir fallen, iile tnsie disguised by Ai.i:
or Corientler Se-ed.
This clo-" of Litter -1 r.i cause .1 nr.l w ill
to aniiFc. as hirj 11? lin y cn i i e s.,'.,'.. 1' to the
the dentil of 11. e ill liiihuvd. liy their Use tin- sy-ti :-i
i kept coiitineally tinder llut inlliience of Alc-'iioiic
Stimulants of tlta worst l.ii-.d. the ilcs'ro for I.i i.n.r
is erenteil itiel I, eot iiji. und the le-niH is ull the ,1.1-ti-.tnliii!t
upon n il:',.'."s 1:.'- .'.n-l derth.
For tli-is j who liesirc innl will liave a L'nttor Pit
tors, we publish tho followiiiif rc-eipt. I. t Oi.
l'nltle liooilaiol's tieriti.Ui bitten r.t.d mix W'th
'i'hrf (Jtiarts of tlood Iiriui'ly or Whiskey . und i'o
result v ill lv a prcpirttlon that '' lii i.i excel iu
medicinal virtues anil tniu cxwllencc i.ey of 'n
titiiueroiK I.itiiu r Hitters iu the tnurkct, "niiil will
cost uiin-li les.J. Vou will have nil thu viriin-s of
llo'ithind's Itilters in coiiiieciioii w ilh tt putd iiriido
of l.niuor, 11'. 11 much !- j rive than these infeiiwr
prvpi .riitii-n :!! cwf y)3.
Wi'A n Ire Y..n
Vill giveyuu ST110XG !!FA1.T1IY NF.llVKS.
Will Li vou Dni.lC AXD EXi'.OETIC Fl'-FL-
Will enable you to st.F.EP WrLL.and will pu-itiv
ly prevent
Yt'ISaw lVvrr, Evcr, &r.
Tl-.i'c u.T.rlnj lY, m L'.'oken utivu nnd Delicate
Coiistinit: -ni. 1 101.1 hui.-vr cu.-o, wither iu Mai
i cr Female, w 111 find i.i
HOOi'LAXD's'lti-llMAX IHTriir.S. A ltbiiLDV
Ti.i;t will rc-t-ire t!-.cin t i toe;;- usual he',1-,1-.. Su.-h
ha:: been tho en.--e in tb-iu-ands of i is-.-n.-es. r.i:d a
fair trial U bufrcjuired to fro.c, thu u.'suiiua
v, r-'
And XOT i.itc:.ucd as a liLVtliACL.
T!:e Proprietor? hitve Ikousinds nf LrCers from tn
inn.-, cttiiuvi.: Clercyuieu, l,awyei.--, Physicians a.el
Citise'is, 'Iest::yi:. . : their oitn personal 'kaowlcde,
to the b.ueticiul fiiecU and tucui.-al virlaei f lhu
Froia Iter. J. Xtvrlon Ttrown. D. D., Editor of the
Kui-jelopeJia of Jielitcus KuowUd'o
A'thoitirh not di.-ii-tstl to f-.or or rccjmmer.,1 I'a
tent Medit-inu in KcniraL :tt ueh distrust of liieir
ii:icdieiit and ctfecs, i yet ki-ow i f suteieiit
icii.-i' tis a laau tuny i"ot to.iify to the ti.i:o:.ts h
believes httnsclf to have re-oeive l" frc in any siiupU
j're.aii.:ien, itl tha that ho l-ie thus eo::trlbuit
lo Hie In iioiit el ethers.
I do tbi the ni-re teaililv in rerard !n H.ai2ar.J"
:en..ji Hitters, prepure 1 by Dr. 'C. M. .Licltsoi-.. ol
thlsei'j, becuuso I win-prejjiliccd a(Nii:i ttieiu lor
niany, under the i::iprc sien 1:1a! they vera
tni"!ly 1111 r.lcoli;is mixture, lulu indebted t" t..y
friend Jtoherl leonoiker. Fs-p, for tho of
tiiii prejudice by proper tests, nnd for cneiiurm. -ucnttorry
lluni. when Siilo-riii;- fr in great and
long continued debility. The use of three 'Louie c-f
tiieso Litters, at tho b,-itinii:. f li e fr sent year,
vns followed by c-videl.t rs.l;.l nut, rvsiornion'iu a
decree ot bodily Riid uen'.nl var-c nltieh I loo! li t
fell bu i motith-i beforo. and Latl almost d.-pair.'t
of rcfainin;. I ,h.-relort thanX U.-d and my frien't
lor liireeiicir to tuj uii of thon.
Diseases cf Kidneys aad E'.adder,
In To'.in'jor A-jel, .We or TTjii.t,
AfupeciUlj reiuovtJ, and tho r-uticat rclercd to
1 htaUUi
Those sujetiug from JI.itt vs'it s. wtistln? away,
wi:h c.-irce!y py fles'n on iheir bones, arc eared in
11 very short lime : one bottle insueli ciw-es, will huve
u most suipiitin cuici.
rAliilXT.-i lnaiiis sttfTerinj- (hillnn ar nbove.
fii'i tii.-liin !.- r..:-e ihe:a. will t.eiei- rret the day ctiiitmei.i ed with tlu-e .-.
LlTlir.AllY MUX. S.rl I'llXTS. and those work
inj l..;ril iviih tlieir brail. s, should always keen a
bul tie id lloolbiiid's Litters u. ur 1:111:1. its (hey w ill
f -nt much benefit lV'-tn i s, to both mind aud
ho ly, ii.v i.-tor.-'ini a:.d t-i t d"; res.-ii .
And leaves uo pr-ilratieu.
Atllculivii, ftl".!ici!
We call the attention f ttll having relationj w
fri 10b in t!: : army lo the tact tUi.t l'.e-;ii'l. AN D .
(i. ruiai. llitlers itli! cuio nine t.yths of tUesli.eiisi
1 in to ce I l-y exnoeurey and ri ,n!l-.i.s iii i-'e-iH to curent
life. In Ibo IL's. pnl-'!..::i 1 i.ln -t ti..ily i.i iho
lieu iani ii. 00 (bo arrival of the sick, il wtil i e 10
ti -e I ii.a'.r. -.try la:fc'e pi, 1 -i:un ni suioncq l'r. ro
'chili y. r.veiyrnso f t!;t hit d v'i Lc i..i.i !y
cured by II Jaiid iiei'1-.-.'i t'-itt.-n. V.'u Into r,i
litis'tiuiou iii slating iltat. If thec ltit.ers wc.e t'i.ely
i i.-ot iiimmgour Si fliers, hundreds of lives D.l.l.l L
tpVeil .nat othuawir-e wiul 1 b lost,
j '1 tic proprteiors ui dally ro-civin; thankful Ul
ters tn iu stiflirors in t!-.o army iwij fc.--pii'., hu
I hnvu been restore 1 10 hci'l!-4-y fhe use ol,.- Jin.
I t'-r., seat I Hu m by then friiuds.
fee thnt the Siimtiire of 0. U. JCKlelX' t c
tho W rt.i p.-r ol e-ie-b JJoltie.
Price l er Iloltlo 7 j oents or ball doen for f 1 C'C.
Shoutd your i.esresi dvuirisi t bv il.e nrrcle,
do not b .- 1 ut t.U by ar.y vl the int '(icaiiii.t j repara
liotij thai may bu iu its pl.v but . i.J vo ui,
ami wi will lorward, iurly pui lif i, l y . V).r-s.
I'rmc.paJ cnie awd Msnal iciurv , .No. t Arou cl
Ju.Nl.-l 4, FtA.Ni,,
(s4i-4 to C. M Jaissos I i'a y
Proi rt-o
"s Fur l by IVuirii- lMttii in t-v
l-i.u ir Hit I i"-i H Hu
ttwtMt l. I-A.-- ty