Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 20, 1864, Image 1

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    TJKKMM OP Ttfli . "AMCntCsVW.
SISUIB BtmscRimoKt
Two Dollars per anfanm, to b paid half-yaarly
Id advance, Ntyapti dlooohtinued until aUkar
ttaragt art paid.
Tnrso orloa to em addrnas, I 00
Boren do da 10 00
Fifteen do do JO 00
Viva Dalian, in adTsnos, will pay fur tires years'
Subscription to tbs Amirtnn.
Club lubacripUoni must be invariably paid In ad
Vance, and sent to on adrttees.
If subscribers naj;leot or refuse to take tbeir new.
rnpen from the office to wMch they are directed, they
ire re-potnible untd tbey bare lelUad the bill) and
ordered lnem discontinued
Postmasters will pleas act as our Agents, and
frank letters containing subscription money. They
ue permitted to do this under the l'oet Offioe Law.
One sqnnre nt 12 linen, 3 Utnea, tl M
Kvery subsoqarnt itisortiuu, Si
One square, i months, I bO
Hit moulns, 00
One year, 8 (-4
Business Cards of i linns, per annum, t 00
Merchants and oihers advertising by the year,
with I lie privib-jioof isusrtiug different ad--fortiirifig
we kly, in 00
13iisius notices Inserted In the tarsi. Coi.rtcK. cr
before Mari-inices and Uoatitf, FlVJt I'KNid i'L'A
LINK fur each insertion.'
U? Larger Advertisement at per agrce-wat.
We bfive oonneeted with etrs. establish A set a welt
selected JOB OFFICE, which will enable as ts
execute, in tbs neatest stylo, every Variety of
A MlfllJTf . A N
ITyoinlns Insurnnrc Compnay.
Capital and" MTrplu, 118,000.
U. M. ITallcnback, L. D. Shoemaker,
John Heiehard. ! l'riesbaoh,
Funnel Wadhams, It. C. fcuiitb,
K. 1). bacoc, Clias. Dorranee,
Charles A. Miner, Win. 8. Hoes,
IV. W. KtUjbain. O. M. Hording.
jr. HOLUiNHACK. President.
L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vioo Viosldent.
It. C. FwiTit, Secretary.
W U. STERttso, Treasurer.
This t'onipnny Insures three-fourth of the Cash
valuation, takes no Premium Notes, make no Assess
went... Policy acknowledges all moneys paid during
the term of your Insurance.
Stay 50. 1963.- ly '
O. W. 2rI.A.TX:PT,
.tltsruey nnd Connsjcllor nt Inv,
' Office on sonf.1! iio of Market street, four doors west
of . V. ttright 4 Sou's Store,
TT:i nttenj promptly to all professicnal business
-wn-stH to bis ca.--- the collection o. olahns m
-Xortb:in.he-;nnlnd tL adjoining counties.
Sunbury, May V, lb'hil. '7
j. 3D. HOLLER,
OUce, On south sido of IWii:!;SlUk're ncar th Court
RTjjsrB-cmy. PEISJ."1'-
Will attend promptly to all proressio "
entn-fte.1 to his care, the collection of c1h-u "
Aor!linmberlnd end the adjoining ccuntie.
hunlury, May 2d, lt?3.-ly ......
n r ;at r. Ar p.kta:l DEALER IN
in every variety, , folicitcd eel filled with promptness and
Siiubary. May lfl. JW3. ly
a i:w i'i.Tiii.Aii & v rioifOi
i.44 moit 8'.
Tl wiWeriber respee'.fi.l!y Inftirms Hie people o
Sunburv :t" l rleitiity. that be opened nn en
nn,' V-U of clo'.liins end Furnishing (too-Ik. a1
new iitiie in the b;;il-l;.':i; of Cburle l'lcnsiints
I'v., iu Jinrket square. iJitUjcii eouisli ui part
t'ucb as Coats, Over Cn:iU. pants, vetta, shirts,
iniloi!iir;, drawer", "lockini.'s. neektirs. liari'lkcr--'ii
feiui c, io- -Uso, iiuis aad Cups of aJ
of all kinds. TBl'XIC!?. and Vh'-s. unihrellns,
slid no'i,.i:H in" all kinds, besides r.'asncrous other ar
'.'.i le. '1 he public arc rcijueeUl togivebuu a cull
tci exauikio bis etaclt
fiKiibury, Oct., 10, 1S03.
' 33 Ca UliAlSWAlRX.
Confectionery, Toy and
!tivS-.rt MJroct, .Sunb.iry, Ia.
ntl'IT, Ac,
C10NSTAXTI.Y on fi-r sa lit ti iVe
. etabli!:niuit aavb'.dv-aie tuwi retail, at rt-asau.
alio prices.
li.' if liiiinuf.ieiurlns all kinl? of Cuiif ctumiixics
to keep up t'nii assortment wbielt lire eulu at low
7'ulncco. I'nri1. pttionery. Xutsof i,ll Lir.cT.. and
avnrici, of other artick'3, all of whUh aro otlurcJ
nholu'.iii: nnd retail.
ieu.cibet the oatueetid placc:,
M. C. ;KA?illAltT.
'Mn Let street, 3 doors west of li. Y. Urijjiit 4 tfon's Sep!! 1?, JM3. tf
nraTj vfcc' oWam'entaT treesT"
SJJIiJ 3$, Va.E:Snucl 1'14VIKS.
jj-j, l'liii;! ie it otTeribit r.t the lowevt n.
.irprii-. tin1 pi'iOuctini s f llie rclinble Nur-w3
... i'.im I l.l-U AKU J. KV.IXS A. CO.. nt"
YC'liK. 1':... w -isiiMT.'',;!! kl-idiOf l"KL IT Tl'.tTS
.M..i.ii .r'i M.J litvarl', nlid of the UiOst impiovtd vu
rieiifi. Ori.hWi.iiil Trees and h'Urul. The most foililun-
flbll' s:vt.-?(.l'
OI'.Ai'i eue.'i n Catnit'iR. ClinlTO. Iiclawurc,
Ci-nccr I. i llartlos-l Prolific. I'nbella. Ac.
The Strawberries lie will deliver, are of the most
improved i varielie ; ulw nil other kinds of cultiva
te 1 iierries.
lie wnrrnuta to deliver the above articles in good
1'iiiiuoj. XurtU'd. Co , Pk'
I'eoember 5, I'lfil. Jiu
tYatt-li .TtitUor usid Jcirclor,
Xo. I4j XtUi Sc.-1 St.. Crner Quarry, FIULA
TJ E has e..n.ili,nily on bund an ansortmcnt of Gold
J uud t-iivvi I'.iteiit Lever, Lepinc nnd l'luin
t' !.i:.: ; I uic t.nld thmns. fceula and Keyc, Jirciut
"'iLJ. Eur liins. l inger llmii. liriiucb'ts, Aliuiiiture
Caitn. .Mi d.iitioiis. Luekeis, Pencils. Thimbles. Spec- i
tiller. Silver 'liili'.c. Desert, Tea. faiMiid Musiard ,
t-i'oons; finpir Kioi.r.:". t'ups. Napkin ltiiiptf, 1'ruit
and iiuitcr Kuiv:-.-1 SbiMMs, Coinlis. liuiuoiid Poiut
ed l'ehs. !".. nM of wliieh w ill be mid low fur Cash !
M. I. 'i'OllIA.S A CO S beot quality full jeweled
Pa'.'r.t I ever ij cu.ents eonstiuitly on baud; a!iO
other rsV.ionbii fiinerior futility.
N. li ' 'briiull unit silver bought for cash. !
(Sent i.ilSia. !w
mi!E UKV. JAMLSJiiCtSON, will re-open his
J. Ajadeiny ui -Mji l.y, tbc 17th day of August,
. Js'i-'l. I
The folluwing braticbea will be taulit :
Lilt iii; (Ircck, .Mathcnmlifs. Philosophy, Ithetorle, I
Loia, look Keeping, Yo2il Music In theory and
erauiico. Aii, Ovogritphy, Uramuar, iiistury,
Comiiosilion W'litinir
li-KM8 :
Per Quarter t.f H weeks. $1to8
In tho above braneues witbotit the languages (4 00
Latin and ;.hovc branches, $7 00
lireeh i.ud abo e bi aucbes, 3 00
ree I'ireu'.ur.
Tor further particulars apply ta
HF.V. JAME3 DICKSON', Teacher.
Norlhiiinbcrlaml, August 1st, 1 HH3 1 y
Jotrumeiits for all deformities.
1H. 01.0VERU
w IjOTr 'I'rssMs
las taken the pluce of other Trusses for the retention
and rare of Jlorma or itupture. Anting upou tha
prini'iula of a lever, it never loses hs strengiu. It is
iMted to prerrr.t rust. It has no pad on lb back,
w hich iaso liable to injure th spina and annoy and
ehfe His wearer. It is sura to retain the Itupture,
f ixing ease and eou.fort, and efTeoling radical cures.
I is warren'.cd to ire salirfuetiou.
Tha improved rhou!dor-i:rare expands tho cheat
aud prevents t!i nearer ftum becoming rouLd
Ladie' Uelts and Abdominal Supporters, Hand,
axes, and Halts rf all kinds, aud iu.Uuau.nls iur all
lit.inuii. of the lklr.
lift. UliOVEit'S Otfire Is No. 4 Ana Btrest two
(wi fruia Ikoalwar, New York.
. utsums -AOVU4 pMbtxaaxly lbs shm a j
Tho cliill November ovctiing would liftve
been mctRmorpliosiMl Into the brigltttst of
Slay nioontides could it Irave stolen ought
of the sunny radiance that glowed in little
?lrs. Dnrlings face, as she sat by the crack
ing coal fire, in the large, velvet ey choir
she had ndheared to, spite of the chnngiftg
lki-liions of twenty-two yenrs, trith her tiny
feet onnn embroidered foot-stool, nnd nn
open letter in her Inp. The parrot, swing
ing idly to nnd fro in his glittering cnge,
blinked inquisitively nt Mrs, Darling, as if
he could not imagine why her pouch-bloomed
checks wore a brighter flush than usuid,
find the poodle dog, on his saliu cushion
before the lire, sleepily watching tho smiles
that danced unconsciously around her pretty
mouth, ns if ho could not Hud any reason
able grounds to account for them. Yes,
Mrs. Darling was happy, very happy in her
own thoughts so happy that she wns nl
taoit annoyed when Miss Pendleton was an
nounced, mid a prim, little old maid, quiv
ering with ribbons, and stiff, with black
silk draperies, walked- in tho cheerful
"So,'" remarked Miss Pendleton, when
the ordinary subject of chit-chttl were ex
hausted, "your son has gone west, I under
stand r
"Yes,"' said Mrs. Darling; "Harry lias
always wanted to explore those regions, aud
as he intended to pass near the largo or
phans' asylum, I commissioned him to pick
me out some uice little girl to adopt."
"A little girl 1 bless me ! Do you know
w.'int a responsibility it wiil Mrs. Darl
ing .1" croaked" Mis Pendleton, shaking the
"Yes, " said .Mr. Darling, with something
of an Hj.'ologttic tone; "but you cannot
iintiginc luw I always longed for a dear
little daughter. Harry was well enough ui
.'ong as he could sit up on my lap, and have
his Ji;nr curled nroitnd my lingeri cve.y
mor,MHg; but lie is six feet two now, and
somehow 1 cannot moke up my mind to till
the vacant p'uee v ith Inp-dogs or parrots.
I want a st'-haircd, loving daughter to sit
beside nie it'll thou Jvng winter days to
teach, and fonjic and ail to myself."
"You will bn'lit shockingly expensive
better have crivcit Iht) money to tho mis-
sionaries." taid Miss rendition, scornfully
eluvatiiis her nose at M.'S. -Darling s jouiau
tie fancies.
"We are rich ond can to do lmth,"
said tho old lady, meekly. ''But
dear Miss Pendleton, to what Carry says.
Only think of it, ho is to be hwiut? to-night
in an hour." t
And she adjusted her spectacles ;n J open
ed the letter.
"Let me sec oh ! here it is," ond th W
she rend;
"I have hoeu to the nsyhun, as you desir
ed, denncet mother, and after a voyage of
inspection through about three hundred pug
nosed little creatures, succfed'-'d in finding
one whom I think will suitjou. She lias
curly black hair, beautiful eyes, and a com
plcxieui that makes uie think of your pink
liai.Miniine. You caticot help liking her dis
position sotnewhat rcservi-d at lirst ; but.
ni'teT you become well acquainted with her,
she is tlie uioct loving little creature
in (he
. 'i
world. I have been obliged to delay my
return for several weeks longer than J had
at liit anticiiiited, in order to make suita
ble arrangements for bringing her home
wi:h me. Uut wo thail be v. ith you on
Thursday evening without fail. I had al
most forgotten to tell vou thai her name is
"There," said tho oid lady, triumphantly,
biking on her guld spectacles, "what do you
think of that J"
' Pcauty is only skin deep," said Miss Pen
dleton, oracularly.
."I know that, 'but I can't help being glad
she is urettv. I do like to see inttv tliiiins
aioutul, no matter whether they are" flowers ;
or pictures, or human creatures. I know I
shall love this littlo Violet. Let ma see,
Harry don't say how old she is, but I think
some six or seven years of age. Of course, I
will teach her kfitihig and all tlttit s:rt of
thing. I wonder if she cau lead. Good
gracious ! aix o'clock already. Petty, Hetty
we will have tea in hero to uight ;'it ij so
much more sociable. Now, don't go Miss
retielleton, lor tho nucieiit maiden
making a preparatory flutter among lie;
wns j
ribbons; "stay and take tea with me, and
sec my little adopted child."
Miss Pendleton, whose daily bread wns
picked up w herever she had u chance to cut
it from other people's tallies, was nothing
loth, and Mrs. Dnriing bustled round to pre
pare the evening meal "just as Harry likeel
it." And very tempting it looked to the
half-starved spinster w heitthc tout ensemble
was complete the hissing tea urn of solid
silver, the dainlly'eut slices of pink ham,
the baskets of cake, studded with fcitron
and raisins, and ridged with pearly icing, to
say nothing of cut-glass clinics where golden
pouches lay piled in a sen of saccharine juice
und crimson plums suggested huge preserv
ing kettles und skilful housewifery.
At hist, when the preparations had reach
ed a stage of perfection, nnd Mrs. Darling
hud consulted her watch for about tho twen
tieth time, there was a ring at the door bell
und a rattle of trunks iu the hall. Mrs. Darl
ing started up.
"It is Harry it is Harry! Now I ehr.ll
see my darling little new child !"
bhe sprang for ward ns tho door opened,
nnd the tall llguro of her son oppearc-el all
luullled in traveling apparel.
"My Harry! my boy !" she cxclnimeil, as
he gaily caught her iu his arms, showeriug
Halt a dozen kisses on her yet unwrinkled
brow. "Welcome homo ogaiu ! But where
is tho little girl '("
bhe giued around, evidently expcctiirg to
see some small apparition iu a blue-cheeked
anrou, but what was her astonishment when
Hurry, with a mischievous twinkle in his
dark eyes, led forward a beautiful young
creature of about sixteen, w hose theeka, half
veiled by tho long silky curls thut hung
over them, were in acarniino glow of pretty
"Here she is. mother i the a potent linl
daughter I could ponibly pick up for you 1
Allow me to present rny wife 1"
Who rould resist the appealing glance of
thoae ioft lustrous eyes t Not Mr. Darling,
certainly, who inatinctivuly clasped the
aleuder ligyreto her motherly breast, though
her bratn was in a whirl of uilnuled perplex-
iy, eieiiuii aim asiuiiisiiiuciil.
"How do you like her, motbtrl"
"Like her 1 t am charnnd with her. But,
"I thought j on found ht-r lo the orphan'
'Ho did," interposed Violet, quite timid
ly. "Dearest momma, until this moment I
was nn orphan ; now I have learned wlint it
is to find n mother 1"
Mrs. Darling gave Violet Such a hn n
must have convinced her of the sincerity of
her ncwly-dawuiug rendcrness, while Harry
"bhe v.asthe eldest of tho asylum orphans
nnrJ ll.fl n. nnn- r.1 ,.,,4 n. U
(IIIV bllU lllf111fVl 9 Mill! Ul.llll, IV Oil- IV U
situation ns governess for her, wlicn I blun-
dercd in, on the gtii tire for a play thing for
you. VI course, I fell head over heels In
lovo W'tth licr. , Who wouUl not ? ' asked
Harry, admiringly contemplating the shi ink
ing little beauty, whoso face wns yet hidden
on his mother's shoulders. "I concluded
that such a wife as Violet would be the most
acceptable daughter I could briiijr yni, nnd
I waited two or tlirco weeks to induce her
to become of the same lufud, nnd hero we
are, Mri ond Mrs. Darling, Wasn't I right P
''Perfectly right," said Mrs. Darling, ca
ressing the soft curls of her new daughter-in-law.
"Welcome to our home and hearts,
dear Violet."
Jttrt at this moment tho old bidy recol
lected the presence of Miss Pendle ton, w ho
had sat very stiff nnd upright in the corner.
She was now formally presented to th' bride,
and in n few tiiiuutei .Jetty brought in tho
tea things.
"1 nm perftcfly ?at!sfled with that loving,
Creature, whispered Mrs. Dai lintr, ns, nt the
end of the evening, she insisted Miss Pendle
ton to put rm her bonnet. "All ir.y divums
of a darling adopted child nie realized in
Harry's wile. What do ta think abort it,
Miss Pendleton ?"
"I th'nk it is it curious way of adopting
a girl," said the rpinster, drily. "Hut. alier
all, when I look at her face. "l doa't bhiuis
As Miss Pendleton wns uncompromising
ly opposed to matrimony as a general thing,
perhaps this was the most fluttering tribute
she could have yielded t Mrs. Dasling's new
The War Problem.
After a lapse of timr, some one Kts been
found competent to set forth the. problem of
the rebel dilemma. Wo find it in twenty
proposition, which are lmed upon thv
leading opinions of North nnd South, find
lit into i)li:ilanx b nn cnterpt i.-: rirr
t cotcnijiorary. laich proposition ertublishts
a (itianiiary ; nmt tlioti'Mi the rclicllion mav
be a powerful fact, it is at ltutt a logical
impos-ibility :
1. If they increase their army they cannot
feed it.
!2. Unless fhey increase their army they
?.ro whipped.
3. U nless tho press speaks out their liner
tits ii'e gone
4. It the press speaks out their Govern-,
inent will Uj gone.
5. Unices they draft the whole pnnuia-
t.'on they must surrender.
i7.. If they draft tho wblo population
lljey must starve.
7. '.'nless they recover -a,st Tennes-ec
they en n get no saltpetre'.
S. If l.'u-'y undertake to recover East Ten-ni-see
the.'' will get inorc eallpetre than
thfv want.
0" Unless th-T free t!:2 ti-groes they've
;notuiii ion to
. . , ..... i.
i 10. li Ihcy tree t.'C iicgrocr. uie vs nom-
in' left te light for.
i 1 1. Ever cilice the reb ellion r.rgroes
', have been failing.
I 12. Nevcrthnlesf, their jTcatest lear now
is. h t the negroes should ri.-e".
13. Unless Jeff Davis repudiates his prc:
! cut debts he can't borrow from unvbndy.
! 14. If he repudiates, nobody will lend to
I him.
13. If lie imrresses load ho turns the J and
into a elcsert.
10. Unless ho Impresses food he turns his
I min into deserters.
I 17. Their can't succeed in the war tin'.:;
they have got the means of building rail-
18. They can't get the means of building
IU. If they fight they lose the day.
0. Uulcss they light they lose every
i decrease iu the supply of oil along the vallev
of oil Creek, has caused capitalists nnd
lirodiicers to turn llieir litti-ntioo lo tl.fl oil
territory about Franklin, which hud boiniu
a great measure abaudoucd in consequence
of the unprecedented yield of the great
flowing wells opened from time to time
upon the Oil Creek territory. A number of
gentlemen doing business at Franklin, have
associated with them somo New York and
Philadelphia capitalists, end have formed a
co-pnUiicrohip known us the "Pennsylvania
Petroleum Company," for tho purpose of
producing oil. they have pu;c;.:isKi a j
laru tract of land on tho river, a eh.;, I i
distance above Franklin", and have ord'-rcd ;
engines for tho purpose of sinking eielo or i
ten new wells. They havo already tubed I
uu nlel well, Ured some lime since, which j
commenced to flow with such fotco
as In j
start the seed bag and let down the tuluug.
It threw quite a quantity ot clear oil. en
tirely free froni water, iuto tho tank, .and
over on the ground, nnd gave very promis
ing judications that it would, when properly
tubed, make a largo flowing well. They
aro retubitig it auel have on the ground a
lino largo engine. Tho lands purchased
wero secured ut a high price, it being the
belief of tho couipiniy that wells equal to
tho best on Oil Creek, and much more
durable, can be obtuiued by boring to u
sutlicieut depth. Tho result of this enter
prise will bo awaited with great iiittro.t.
The Oil Cily Kcytier glfrcs
tho follow-
A new well has been struck up on Wild
cat, adjoining tho Wash. M'Clintoek Farm.
It was not tubed at our latest information,
but from appearances it is thought it will
flow from iiOO to S00 barrels per tiuy. A
well flow ing 150 barrels per day, is reported
as having been struck on Cherry P.un,
Jiuchauan Farm. We have received no
continuation of this, however. We have
also to report a new well on the Tin r Farm.
It is culled the Pennsylvania Oil .Well, and
Battler & Co. urn iutireated in it. It flows
a stream the full size f the conductor over
the top of the derrick. It has not yet been
Tno Orecn Bny AJttocata ehronh h the
death of Charlotte Durcha in the
and tiMntu-tuth ear of her sire, hhc was
bora Dear Green IStor. passed ihrooth many
of tha early Indian wars, and In one defiie
(a-r strgks bod k9a tsw srt MJt off.
Kt. Holmca Coulribsstloii.
Amonrj the! committees of tho Cinciituati
Sanitary Fair was one on autographs, whoso
business it was to hunt down celebrities all
over tho country anil t'o extort from them
something in their own handwriting that
would satisfy the public craving for this
I ,.: r , !,.;, t- A-.. .in n i...
t 1'" " w" v,-Ji.. J 'I, 1. VllUU'll llHllil
of Eoslon, they rcqulrctl that he should bo
funny "over his own signature" for this spe
ciai occasion. Ho responded in the follow
ing epistle i
Koston, December M, 18M.
Dear Sir f You ask mo for a list of ques
tions in nutnrtil hist'-ry, with answers sub
joined for the nsr; of the Instructor. I sub-
nut a few, which, I think, will serve your
purpose for the proposcel examination of tho
scientific class :
"I. What animal produces ono of its own
parents ?
"Answer The beaver, which U well
known to construct its own ihn.t.
"2. Is tho Dodo extinct ?
"Ans. It h not, ns shown by the follow
ing bill in my possession :
Mr. fj X . Dr.
One monu'itl goose, $3 00
Ono Do do a 00
$0 CO
''3. What is the largest quadruped 1
"Ans. The mole of Adrian.
"1 What is the lightest quadruped ?
"Ana The lynx. Tho lynx weighs less
than an vvner.
"X. When does n horse stand on six legs ?
"Ans. When ho stands o.i his f:ix legs
and his tto hind legs uiso.
"0. W lint other insect is the bee afraid
"Apt The bref'e (senM-n bec-UF.)
"7. Is the otter of re-ses obtained from
that I'nimul w hen feel on other vegetables
cabbages, fr ir.sir.ncc ?
"Ans. Probably. The musk deer fur
nishes his periuuio when fed on iruter u;e
lor.n. "S. What itntj-.ricc can jou give of tho
cunning pferpents ?
"Ans. The simple f:iet that thy secrete
their venom where they can lin.d it when
u anted.
"9: Why do tho above questions nmusc
yon mi" than the unswi rs '(
"Ans. L'ecp.use the person who nsks the
question is the querist. t
"As to the other questions about which
you ask my opinion, my answer must be
"Eighteen hourV 'idy out cfihe twenty
fot.r is too much, I think, fr eh li'-a'.' yotrg
persons. It eloes i:ot allow t-'jliicieiit time
for shop. le'Ciealion nnd meals..
"I doubt about the iittrodticii'in of cttpit'd
pur.ishinent in a part ot" tilt t.i .linrv rollege
dh'ciplir.e. Iv wiil have a good e'". t o:i
the survivors, no doubt.
'i.tvi it fni::m. H'.-i.-iii-.s,"
Pev, Thuiiiiis H. KtO'toti, D. !., late
chairl.tin Inli'it.w, l;:i resumed hi.-j la'uors
! a ; p istor ui' lite church f t!; New Testa
! i-ft'f, I'liiladflphiti. The orgat:i;.l ion is
i ui'.iqiie1;,- conii;iiti'i. It c!::itl:S (o I g t,:i
', ir.dopimt'tiit ( vanyi 'ii; al cofregutioa on
1 diiivoi'itig f ;!.) its iiuiy in iis own spbi'te,
elesiiing toco "ji ttite with id! the churches
; in all good woiks, and wit ting iu the
! providi'iic" .'.r.d glare of Cod for s'.tppuit
t.nd ruecess.
: A New York reli;
! England, Ilroihcr I
ioi: wei kly says in
ni.tus continues hh
ef'.'oets for cst.ih!"..--!.i:;
iu the church of
j England, a Eii. die'.ine brotherhood. The
; aged lUdiop of Exeter, has forbidden nil
! tlei'g nie-ii ofhU "iioce.-e to allow Pro
thcr Igtif.tus to officiate in any of the
i thun.ilc;;.
' The Jews in Morocco have been sorely
' persecuted, hut t!:u well known Jewish
Philanthropist. Sir M'.xes Mmtel'iori, hn-i
) I'ccclUiy rucee-eeled, with the aid of the
i guYciiiinetils of England, France, Italy mid
' the United States, in putting a slop to it.
f Notwithstanding that Dr. Oolenso refuses
to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the
Pishoii of Cape Town, he litis sent iu u
! species of pica, and has appointed n:i cdvo-
. ci.le, or at h ast a rvprcscutativn
- :
. bi! present at the trial, and whom report I
tatts to be Kociuhin !
! It. is said the Not Ih church, cf
i P'uilac'elphi i, of which Hev. AV. S. Hull is
: pastor, ijas sent ono hundred and nineteen
j of its nii:ujbe:.i into the army.
! I lev. Mr. Bliss tho agent of the American
' Rib-la Si-ioty in Turkey, conlirms tlie st.ite
. mtnt thnt tlio tUthau is a dilligeut reader
of tho ISiblc
qf!?- Tiio Southern papers don't liko to
' admit that slavery is a dead Institutions ns
they have themselves representee.. They
j still cling to the corpse.
Northern readers will guard themst-ivbi
! more carefully in future against "sensations"
! from the South.' The remarkable mrugraph
I from tliu l!ithino:;d ilVio, viz.: "M'mwjtisi
ift&V'i '' to !V'li. '. dec, turns out to he
an unmitiouted atnurd. So far from think-
ing thai aluverv has committed "tho un-
p.trdoitablu sin," tho Witty tissumes that
slavery doesn't need In ask pardon of any
body, and avows tiiat when iho war is over
eery Ytndee thoitlJ l tuade a tlorefir ,
and made to wear an iron collar, as a baelgo
of inferiority to the African.
A Lcttkii from Naples, of the 14th ultimo, inys:
'-Vesuvius has now bueime covered with snow, and
presents the iippeiirtiueo of a fi is a vut
eone, fniile vi l.ilo ftoui tho suiiiiiiit lo Iho base. We
liuve aliKi a uinil su C'-ld tbul II nips tho tttee, and
an "lie niibl t'aney hiuiself ai ib hi of Ml Viso,
in the midst of tin) snows of ihe Alps." ,
Tub New i Colors. W'ijconain is fill
Inn her quota stiih Indians. Alloolora aro aeocpt
aoie now. our tri-olor being -hite, bUok and red,
nbilu out -money is (,'rten, and our nnitoriu is blue,
mil h or ItxCi of yellow liiiniuiiigs uud onmuieuls.
'I'll- rctulf, iu if I" show that they biti o hoooiuo too
f-cble to ti 'Ut u-ucli uicie to much purpose, and aro
o'd in "t luui, figure mostly in nivy.liosivu
Ui.. Pops has issued instructions lo Gens, fvbley
and X-ihy for a spiinK esuipsiu. The plan embra
ces military post, on Ibo fioniivr, anuibi-r expediuuu
agatnsi me Losiue uauu-, aou tue vaotuiiroiiiyu ui
unlilary ihisLs alonK the route lo the gold regions of
ii. '.i : r. .. u: .i. .....ii. ... it. ........
i-iauo, me uun t. "t mivu. niynuu. i
ofarolurued einiraul, cubltliea In the ot. 1 aul
Pr, sull Ito-lue iioiih gold to pay Ibo iularcst
uu lb two luousund uiillious of M,ir debt.
The lnw deirivipc cd.jred persutu) of tbS rl0-h'
to teule in lout a bus lk.en reealed.
TTe byn-iutb. arc in blocra at Tiek.bur-, and the
soliliws .ly m O.e ruen ((tat., it uie as ajrs bnv
iuri a uow lj erop.
At Walloon, IPinoli, on r'aiurlay, a drunken
soliier a'teiiipte i to lot -a a eilinn unmed t u-rein
lotikii Ilia eaib of ultej'suJe Tt.:U"' d.i,il
i u.,, L,v..i ... m ihe ioL: aju.. aul
... . .. L. ik. . Ii...k.jliim Am,, i TS
1 nii..d Ij iba I li.u t-xvigs w get tba bow. lie
I trill ss-ssisttl twj. .
i he Carrut I 'air.
A general desire scents to be awakcnii g
throughout Pennsylvania, ns well as i;t some
pnrts of New Jersey and Delaware, (which
now indeed belong to tho Pennsylvania
Hraticli of tho Sanitary Commission), Hint a
Pair should bo held hero on a hu ge nnd ef
fective scale, for thu benelit of tho general
cause. If this tlesign is carried out, ns sr-euis
bko to be cu..-e, we l'cel sure Pennsylva
nia will bo in no degren benind her sister
Istuie-s of tho North and West, in tho energy
and libeiaiity with which sho will respond
to on appeal which comrs home 8J clode-'j
every huniaiic ar.d loyal heart.
'fiivj lir.'t concept ion nnd execution rf a
Fair on such an (Hale, brlongs,
without question, to the people of Chicago:
uii'.nig wuotn two lailie", women of lngli
1 cultivation, bf devoted lojnlty, nnd of in
cluuiii.iLIe energy, stand nobly conspicuous;
j und tliu result ot their exertion furnishes a
standing proof of tho vast amount of good
I which may le ell'ected by a few well-quali-ti"d
and thoroughly devotcel persons. One
j of these, ladies, with whom iL was lately our
' privilege to be associated iora time, fa v Ted
; us w itii various interesting details as to their
i manner of working, which we should be
glad every in Pennsylvrnia Could
iifttr. (tie little iiii idtnt may be worth fe
inting here, ns showi.ig how much onu wo
1 man can do iu a short time, when her heart
! is in the work before her. Mrs. 11 , cf
i Chitiigu, w role to a friend in Pittsburg;
j "Our great Pair will be hild here in tlirco
I weeks. A hat evu yt dolor us in Pitts
burg f" Miss M. replied, that ohe, for one,
I woukl do all tho could; ami go clVeCtUal
j were her exertions ; thai in h'ss than tho
three weeks prefciiU d, she nue'i iur fiienda
' forwarded to t, iiicago two freight cars of
.twenty lout each packed with goods i.f
every description tine cut glass n:,. I china
: dry goods, plated ware, woolen work,
; tin I woven, and Counlleis o'.h'r uviicles
; cnutributfd n donations t'-;i;i all kinds and
I clashes of people. The articles given, varied
in size aud value frotti r. pi::-ci:sliion up to a
sieaiu engitu. Ono gentleman answered j
Miss M.'sY.ppcnl by liie present of a steel j
, breach-loading cjiniiou ; another sent "the j
. largest sheet of iron ever rolled in the
world." These laid l" ni titles were of rout so
not included iu the two car loads, but were
sent on trucks separately. The working
, men iu one of the lacloiie-F, made aud con
' till. i, led a luge steam engine; this farmers
sent long tr air.s of wagons loaded down
with p-(nu';e, "poultry, eggs, Vegetables,
grin, tlour, gree.t ioiia. of hay from many
. inilci di-tance, and butler nnd cheese by the
! ti-:i ;" the mechanic agave machines, ploughs
and reapers, uml thrashing machine::, anel
' eduVus stln i pumps, ftilel ce.'UiillesS ether
, things, til! .1 hew building had to bo crectsel
' to reeeive them. Tlie merch'tjsts and trudes-11-
-li Miit block-tin, hides; leather, boxes of
! st;.Lioiiery, booi;s by the case, tulognc bv 'he
, l::.!M-l. i,:tii: w'.r.j in cak, r.nd pttriutd
; '.. I oil .y (he lltottsan
I 'I l.e ioyu! wi'liu n wo
:;! s.-nt Case niter f :U
Ltd day at'.'
cf U'it g
1 night,
itiid llo-iitii!; ; and all, in
t, without
I liooie-ol i . ;
distinction of age or sex, threw
I with earnest hearts into the wor'
Un'.K-'hdt'jii. att'l m-hived, US the
th'-v had
f eieserveil
:i sph-tidid se ( - -.
ui::, it we do as inv.eii in Pennsylvania ?
V.'e have liie h.ians, aud we have the patri
otism here s.irtiy the tnrriy will not be
wauling ! I.'-t the women of our Slate tT,
in humane anel genen its rivalry, to out do
cvta their sisters of Chicago ; "mid let our
men, who have already responded so no: ly
to the
j them.
lenittnd their eoiinliy has made On
cvtue forward freelv ej'.v, to the
of their s:ns iitnl brothers stiffering
and dying on lie,.h foiiht battle-fields, and
in roe-h livid bospitais far tiwav, wlit-re
poor and sea'.ty eid cap rtacli tiiem, and
(where they may else sir.k and pciisli lot
! Vtfitit of the succors trc might help to send
j them now.
PlIKKNOt.GtiSKAI. Kakactcu of Mr. Matk
! Milherry, K.-q., Oiven at tho oflis of Prof.
Joi-ii JJiliiiifj.--, parktikal phieuo.ogis, price
I Aniiliv'io 111; Sst'.-ba onf V,.o ft lior-
net's ikss. Yen uufht tew bo able to luv
leu oil-he lew ot id'ie to luv
man b.t.iilee with yo;,r bump at
will never be a widuerer long ;
: tho hole hum
I oust. You
ma cniiy.
.,,ii'.iier.s ll uuo: '-in iiiu i:ii;iai u.
k.,i...,.i:.i UL-..U liko .i dimnin.
kratik bump, too. Mennv a man bus got tu
be k'M'.-liible with half yure bump,
Komb.itifness SK'igliluaily, very piuch.
Yu might light a wimiaii, but nil match. I
shud like tew let on tho Woman. This
bump wants poultising.
Vittless Pi thunder what a bump! I
bimd think u cud cat u boss and curt, ami
chase tho driver three mile:!, without enny
praktis. Thunder und Lightning 1 what a
bump! Let Ihiruum git his hand on this
bump and yurc fortiu is uiauc. What a
bump ! w lint it bump '.
Musik A swe-t't pretty bump. About
the sie ov a lima bean. If I had tins bump
I wud buy mo it juise hnrp, und wander
anions the' rocky mountains. Poll my word,
Mr. Milherry, my advis is, nuss this bump.
fjiceiibiieivs Well tlevvloped. geor
gour bump. A fertin to enny num. Yu
kant help but die ritch, if this bump don't
go back on y ii. Oeorgeoiis bump! happen
man! die when you feel liko it, deth won't
htiV er.ny sorrows for yhro relabhuns that
thio bump won't heal. or Plpiiohms. Two per
sons oecupyiiig ihe same bedroom will
weigh at least a pound lcs in the morning
than ut night. '1 his i ewhif to the escape
of mallet that has passed oil' in the mean
time tbfough the skin and lungs. The
exhalation is carbonic ncid gas, which is
poisouous. This is dili'tisetl in the air of
absorlied by the bed' lothes. The fact
suggests tho necessity for ventilating sleep
ing rooms, mill r.i;ing bedelothes in tho
morning before making a bed.
M. Dt'VAi t., a machinist, formerly of
.Maryland, was recently furnished by tho
rebel Secretary of War, with u pus for
himself, wife and child, to come north from
Richmond. For I hie pass ho was eil'ercd
large sums by several parlies, who wero
doubtless anxious to dodge the rebel con
scription, and one man, reported to bo worth
thirty thousand dollars, offered him ull that
ho w,,s worth for it.
Zink Vesski.. Tho "Journal dm dobuU
ny : "A largo portion of tho public do uot
seem to be aware thut the uae of tuc vessels
for tlomrstin purposes is extremely tlauger
oos. Viut-Ksr, culer, wine, and in fait, all
acids which have reiuniuod in zinc, Uoome
poi tins or loss violent ; this is sven
the rise with milk, whirli contains luetic
acid. Vaiiona earts of Mukiiess havo oscur
red, ths taiiaeot which bus leen clearly
traced to tho uao of wuk that ka txa ia
coBtm-t wiii) Utk acul.
Ooi.n and Sii.vkh QrjAivrz vnot Idaho.
Tho Commissioner of the General Land
Odico on Saturday received a number of
specimens' of gold anel silver quartz from
Mio Oro Finiu Iiad, on n branch of the
Owyhee River, in Idaho Territory. The
lend from which tho specimens were taken
is described ns nvcraging sis feet in w ielth,
and has been prospected ns being fully r.s
rich ns tho far famed Washoe miues.
Tho nichmofrel Wh'g of Wednesday has a
synopsis of tint report of tho Confederate
States frwisuryt, In response to a resolution
of the Senate, from which it appears that
the futfded debt is f 207.87t.OOO ; call certifi
cates , r!J&,000,000; iuterest-beiiring treasury
notes, $102,000,000; not interest trctvury
notes, $720,000,000; !oi tho ninouut ct
treasury notes on hand t'207,000,070.-
Tito dissatisfaction cf Lee'3 army in conse
quence of reported reduction in their rations
lias renetie'l sueti ft point ns to requiro tno j
commander to issue a general order appeal
ing to their ptorioiism and to their religiou
to prevent mutiny. j
Tii.j LiTTi.n Giant Sf.wiso Mac?tine. I
Tho public wili not fail to take note of T. S-1
Page's carel in this Week's Farmer. The
"Littlo Grant," lias received many common
elation by those who have used i:. Onh t
1 'armcr.
The stortl-pot U prevailing to an -farming j
extent ill Jforicnn, it oiiaaw Places of bu i- j
tii' have becu eluEcJ, and great exuiterucut pic- ;
T'in fcfr.eans at Purl have eon'rlbutml $7.0e0
holding a cuiitcrt Pr luu b'.'uitie of iLo Cotuuiia
Tar. Tpf-.:ito CI lo';a reports (be Jiseoeery of (o!il in
lm ir (ininilities on tias niilc of (ha llocky' Mooitiiiw,
wiinia liritish territory. It -""us disjuvcre'l by
Au'ierit-au UiiuiK, til.o'aro tloekinj to tho locuii-
! T: ! Nerrt of rebel priicnors of wrt now In cur ;
I ?i ii tul" i-j nj.v.nuis nf fni-.-ix tbous.itnl alal il.rec !
i tti('i..-ii:iil i-iiiu,ii-.-iiii:C't i ttieeri1, an-1 liotweeu t'-rty i
' rml t''"-iy-!ivo tliou:utid uuti-coti:aiiaaiont-d eiliceis '
ai.. etilibicu liicu.
V.'ashok unit bo a very nlnnnl ri.lene fr a
I ttioM iim;:, n:e :-t lintr to the Virginia City Lulie'.in.
j wliLIi euyi : "OiiSalurday ni;lr. ! He'raw aruun-l
I the itovt ;'.', wniuan itieuii'lves, no .:$
j t '..on 'iv.' urn nho bad oiwli kulti a iwiuin ibu
I p:L-l live !i:ei::li'. '
! l;r.:.i:t. 7ji-.s:riTKi;s. A ulspatdi to the Cbinso
I jril tic:, f.iys (ienen.l Tbulnns' eliUf of flotr, eiin.
' Wh:pple. reeer.tly statdl tla.t ovr seventy-three
hui.ili'i-il deerlvr. from limb's army hud cnuie into
J our linos fii-e Oetobor "iu, as tliown by tlio rolls.
They veto principally from Kec'--ky togim uli'.a.
I 'iuc uuuiber now arriving i. unuui'lly large.
The knitting-mills r.t Seneca Pulis, ;:i thia, now luin out ten thousand p;urj cf
j army hose a day.
! Some pe.thologi-ti thiitn thnt tlipthcria
j has been oecosioned by the httroduuli js and
J Use of keroseae oil.
Insanity, in.ltwd by exposure, !s preva-
lent in the wes'cra ai'tule;.. Twenty-live
hisine c-oldiers we-ie sent to Cincinnati a
, few day? tlui'e;
The T.'iel.'gnn T.cgidntvrc proposes to np
i propri'tte fa,30e towards laying out r.ud
1 hctif.tit'jtng that part of the Gcttysbv
j -',-ulL'u'rJ' illutteil to that State.
I Tobacco of good quality from Mnr '.r.
' seed has boon raised in t'a'ufiiiiia.
Generr.l Dnmolit, incmber of Cofigress
from Indiana, is the f':;'.her of nineteen
children, teu of whom cauiB iuta the world
in couples.
' " '""""'"rf i.iien . i;j iiie
, seiiooouasier was receuiiy posieii on ti'e
I ('"or a school-hou; tear Frankfort, hren-
i '''oy :
, onss. o swnrin, cursin or runnta a
i l'owt or hollorlti m lUu ecul."
Cir::t'tiua' (Ho 4ar:tit-. j
Ther: hns been printed f.otu time to thrtc, j
in our columns, very valuable information I
oa tlQ ui jcct of grafting
tho grape, from
our friends and correspondents, Mr. J. 15. !
! barber, of Lancaster county, und Mr. Sam
w .., ,,- ,
j uel Miller, of Lebanon county, both which j
rrcr.tlcmcn havo had liirge experience in the j
No one who Li3 read tho result
... r , .
ot tUir operations can for a moment doubt
the cipcriority of grafting the gre.pc, w here
tho stocks uro on hand, to planting the
j vines. And as the I et season is again r.t
hand whim this procces may be pursued, wc
i give below the modus oj.-r'u.'m'i of tlie gcu-
tlemcu above tiameil.'
MP. GARnr.H. '
"I perform tho opcratiou entirely under
ground, ftud It rightly done,-, it is as simple
und ceitair. as ftratting tho appie or pear. I
remove tho earth nrounel the stock ; it the
stock u likely to split free, saw it off some
i four to six inches under tho surface of the
j ground ; sidit it open, stick in or.e or two
I grafts, cut in wedge form with a sharp knife
j tie f'gh''y with bn-s around the stock to
keep the grafts iu place ; cover up with fine
soile and iiuiicti wen witu suori nay or any
loose rubbiah to keep tl.u soil moUt, and
thu diving windj from reaching tho grafts.
Should th stock not spiit freely nt the pro
per place,' which Ij often the C.) with seed
ling pluuts 1 then cut off the roots all arouni!
the piant, throw away the stock; and turn
up and graft the roots, if no thicker than a
pipe s-H-m, to uny thickness above that. In
this way 1 sometimes havo three or a half a
doen plants growing iu a bunch, a few
inches iipart. sjometimes I cut off a binuch,
graft, tie tightly and lay it under ground
the same as roots. I never use cement, as I
believe it to bo rather all injury thau a bene
lit; as any cement thut could bo Upplied
uouid not cheek the bleeding ; nnd n, to
outward moisture, the more the better. Pven
cuttings are sometimes struck in puro w titer
alone. All this., favorable, I would prefer
tho lust of February U early in March, to
give the grafts tho LeueSt of tho whole feu
son's grow th say toi'.io tour to six weeks be
fore thfl sap etui in. Or, laot of May to uid
tllo of June, after tho sap ceases to llow. In
the latter case tho graft must be kept back,
b being placed in slightly dump Saud, earth
or moss, und kept, say, in a box bin cellar.
"To give you some futts from my expe
rience, may say that last year (lstli), I graft
td twenty-eight :iiitiest twcnty.severt nro
now grow hut, and ths one that failed wns
simply o"i"i- to the fact thnt the roots die!
aud the ginlt hud to die cf course. 1 did
moat of the giafting in early March, yet oue
graft a t so hits as tho 2ita of Jane, and is
now (May 2a, 1803, showing several embryo
bunches cf Iruit I More thuu half of those
0 rafted last yesr aro now showing from
tureo or four to twenty aud thirty buuees of
fruit. Aftw did not males wood itrtog
uensgh to UJ (roil Utia jar."
Clakkbtixo Honsi'.s f:r Wi-ctfA. Thii
is often wrongly done. When tho horso
becomes heated by hard labor and long
trutfelinjf, the blanket is thrown on' his back
rt once, the vapor steams up from his hot
sides, becomes eoneienscel and wets the
blanket, anel as the horse continues to cool
tho cold and wet covering is of littlo use.
A bettor way is to allow tho nnlmal to stand
unooverrd for a few minutes, (s longer or
shorter peiioel, according to circuaislniitcs,)
until cooled tlov.u to ubout tho Ordinary
temperature, but not in any degree towards
chilliness; then throw on the cl'ry blanket.
Tun Citeaiiest Pood. The cheapest anil
most nutritious vegetable used for food i-c
beans. Professor Liebig says that pork nnd
beans form n compound of substitutes pecu
liarly Adrpted to furnish all thnt ij necessary
to support life. A quart of beans costs, in
Cambridge, eight cents; half a pound of
pork, six eentn. This, as every honschecpo
knows, will feed n small family for a day
with good, strengthening food. Four quart's
of beans' and two poiindt: of corned beef,
boili-d to rags in fifty quarts of water, will
fii.Tiisfc n gooel meal to ibny men at a cost
cf lifty ceuls ono cent aud a quarter a
Ci.ovr.n Hav kou Ilorsnn. Dr. McClura
is one of the leading veterinary surgeons of
Philadelphia, and wo m:iy add, of tho
Unittel Slates. His opinion,- therefore, on
any matter connected with the food und
health of the horso-, can be tjcrotcii with
confidence. In a recent nrticie in tho Citlt't
riet '. hu tihocntis thrj:tli,fjf,fchjK Kay to
1 "''', and flunks it would prevent a tlisenso
now prevailing among tho horses of thin
ci'y, during which they1 will not cat timothy
nay; nut mat it is dtiiicuit to oKutn clover
hay, so littlo of it being brought to market.
li'iriiianlorii 'lU'jii'h.
C I P E S. & C
i Ccrtrj von FiiosTr.tTi:. cotton and
I castor-oil have restored frost bitten limbs
, when amputation was thought to be r.eces
' sary to preserve liiV. Tho cure is saiu to bo
, Tn.i PnFtT))!NT,:t PudetSs. One pint of
; ticc bread crumbs to one quart cf re.iik, ono
cup of sugar, tho polk of four eggs beaten,
' the grateel rind ol a lcm::i, a piece oT butter
i tho sia of an egg. Pake tii.til done, Imt
: not. Wiit err. Whip tho whiten of tile i'L'irs
1 ftiff, and f cat in a teacup ofsiiir iu whie'i
'has been stirred thejiiiec c.fthe lemon,
j Spread over tho pudding a layer cf jelly or
' any s-.vectuiects jou prefer; I 'our this v.liite-i
of the eggs over this and replace in the overt
: aud bako lightly. Tube eaten with cold
! cream.
j To DrtTi.'CT CnrrEii ts Firirtrs on Gnnr.x
Tea. Put n few leaver of the tea, or somo
'of tho pickles cet small, i.iio a vial with
two t'nreo drtichnsn of liquid ammonia,
diluted with cne-haif tho quantity nf water.
Shade tho vial- when, if the ir.i'it m'.uuta
! portion of copper is preseat, tho iiq'tii wiil
; IlialltllO a fitio blue color. 3d st'.vs att "cx
i chngo." J: it tint elillleu'.i to try."
j Sort's. Tlio season for scntpi Inn coma
'round agaiii. It ii surprising how four
j families make use cf this most palatable and
I economical nrtitio Of diet. A bono of beef
or'o ii, a part of a fowl, cr a pound cf
any fresh tnett, iroper!y prepare 1 with
: vegetables nslil ecascned, w ill, it' :;i(x!y got
j ten up, servo more K.ilwltic'ori!;,' font tiiuner
: thau many a ono that is served nt a greater
! cost. Ot whatever, meat s nip is t bo
1 prepared it t-hould be carefully w a-'ned, not
! snaked, and then placed in water quitn cold
I bringing this, very slew!;.-, fo a cold. If
j boiled nf nil, it should be only aacr a Ion"
i r.immering. This 'will bring out r.'.i thg
i tintuia'i juice cf the tneiit so, when ready
j for the seasoning, tmd such vegetables n"i
' you cl.'Cose, to add, the scraps of meat may
all bo skiiauicJout without loss.--- Fur-
Hommost Cakes. fake ivrn parts of
well-boiled hommony, ono part mashed po
tatoes ; add as much lloitr and milk aa will
render the r.u.xturc stiff enough to be drop
pod readily from a laro 'spoon. Have
- , .1 . ... . .
pun, fry brown, servo hot, ant
enough lard boiling hot tn float them. Stir
into tho
unci eat with
butter, or. if preferred, su-'at and cinnamon
i or nutmeg. They aro not oniy palatable,
I but dccidedlv more wholcooiuc" aud nutri
tious thiiii ordinary frUtcr.i.
A Goon SrESTtTrri; ron PtcKwni;T
C.Ki;s. To three pints of warm w nter add,
a dessert' sinouful of salt, three table spoon
fuls of good yenst, nnd stir in middlings
icoarjo llour) to the coni.-.tcucy of thiol:
1 'liter; let it stand over uight. and if a littlo
sonr in tho morning, add a little soda dia
solvcd in warm water, aud bake as you
would any other pancakes. They aro a nice,
healthy ,iih for breakfast, auel uot so in
jurious iis buckwheat. Try tlieiu.
FiiozEx Pumps. Almost every one knows
what a vexation it is to havo a pump frozen
solid on a cold w inter morning. This, may
bo obviated by selling u headle-s barrel
nround it nr.J fi!!iu iL with horo me.uure
mixed w ith strawy litter. A littlo care in
this particular will save much tiaio spent ia
"thawing out."
Chhap Cinnn ViNKc.An. Tako tho wntcr
in w hich dried apples aro washed and soak
ed, and after caretuiiy straining, put it in a
vcee! ; mid a pouuel of sugar, or its equiva
lent In Molasses.
TuEr.TURsr op lltccrp. This may often
be removed by holding tho breath, by swul
lowing a piece of bread, by a sudeten fright,
or a eiraught of weak liquid. When is
arises from her.t and acidity iu the stomach
of children, a little rhubarb and chalk will
remove it. Should it proceed from irrita
bility of tho nerves, tako a few drops of
sitl vuluitlo, with a teaspoonful of paregoric
elixir. If it still coutinuo, nib on u.ij
liniment, mi a is I with tincture of opium, or
i a b!!:ter may be placed on tho pit cf tho
stomach, or sipping a glass of ci ld w.tler
witti IX little cuibouato tf soia liUsoived in
Curb fou Small. Pox. The German Ro
foiiue I M'wsenper has received a lettir from
a friend in China, iu which it is slated a
givnteilUeovery is reported to ha0 been re
cently tuado by a surgeon of the KuglUU
army in t'hiua, in tho w ay of tut effectual
euro of small pox. Tho uio.lo of treatment
is as billows : When the preceding fever it
at its height, and just before tha eruption
appears, tno viiiett is rubbed with croton oil
and tartaric ointment. This causes thu
whole of tao corruption tj appear on that
Furt of tho tody, to the relict of the rest,
t alto secures a lull and completa eruption,
and thus prevents tho discus; front utUcking
tlitt lutoriiid organs. This is arid tu bo now
tho tsubluhid moda tf treatment iu tu
fioglUh army ia China, by general ordts.
ana W ncarnoa m a