Z)t bvr Sntfricait. IT. B. MASSES, Editor A Proprietor. Ml'KDItRT, 1A. SATURDAY, FEBUTJAttY 1, 1804. . .. i ... i.'j S. M. PETTEIJ-QH.I. ft CO., IT 17 Park Row, New York, end 1 State Street, Ikatoo, ir cor agcnta for the Sbiboft AnamcAit In thoM eltlM, and r authorised to Uie Adrortuw Btnti and Fulsicrlpllone fur oa at our lowatt rate. H?" FimSAJTOo Wood on Exempts. Fernando Wood's resolution, to 'exempt from tbc draft, all opposed to tlic war, is so bold and reckless, that some ofliis own political friends can hardly bcliovo tnnt if was offered except as a joke. But Fernando is no joker, lie is a matter of fact man in all things, and always manages to make something for himself, without much regard for morals or for the constitution and the laws, for which he alwaj pmfcttet an espe cial regird when they don't interfere with Lis personal interests. Fernando, iu the beginning of tho Rebellion, when the South cm States were cutting loose from the Union, proposed that Is'cw York City should secede also, nnd set up for her;clf As the city has a majority of some 20,000 including demo crats and copperheads! Its thought, no doubt, he could easily make arrangements to unite New York with the Confederacy, But in this he was foiled. There Were too many true democrats in the party, who could not appreciate Fernnndo's patriotism or logic. Fernando is evidently an aspirant for the Presidency, and imagines that all the traitors and cowards, or those "opposed to the war," mutt constitute a iarjc party, tipon whose support he can safely rely, at least for a nomination. But he is greatly mistaken. Happily for tho country, the di-clpUs of Fernando are not numerically, ' dangerous at the polls, though they give much "aid and comfort" to the rebels. sassaassTssasaasassssai i saBBBBaaBeaweaaBBi 5Loral ftffaivs. . UJ Tho attention of Dealers in and consumer df Iuit'go Blue, U invited to rend advertisement in this ' issue Indigo Jllue, put up at Alfred Wiltbcrger't Drug Store. 2;i3 X. Second St., Philadelphia. OEoitoirun Ei.nOTiox. An election for borough oftioem willbo held in this pliice. on Friday next. Wo nope that good, rcspousihln and energetic men will teehoscn to f.Il the different office. Tho fol lowing fire tho offices to be filled : Chic: J?'irgci. Second Purges?, four Assistant Bur- cuff, ctcIiI Common Couiieilmen. Towu Clerk, l!i-h Consrt-.ble. Constable, two School Directors. ! o . . two Ovcrsccri of the lior, two Street Commissioners, Assessor, Jitdjc of Elections, and two Inspectors. l"yl!.ic V.. Wilkerson. formerly of this place, a uieml cr of tbc ltith Penn'a. Cavalry, died recently at Warrant, Va.. from n wound in the head. Ilis remains nrrhed here ou Sunday la't, in tho core of Mr. V,'m. Haupt, and wcic-interred in the Grave Yard at this pb.ee ou Jlondny lost. IIo leavei a family. o-i . jAt the niceties of tho Stato Agricultural So ciety, at Hnrrisborg. V.n Tuesday of last week. Thou. P. Knox was chosen President; Amo E. Kapp.or Northumberland. Vice President for tho 14lh Dis trict. Tba animal KUiu Fair is t-J be held on the 27th. 2-.th, 2'Jth and tiOth of fcepterubcr tho place to remain open for the best offer. t3't'0SSOLI!)AIEU QUOTA POll DnAft OF XOHTH- i-mukiilaM) C'or.vTV. We cannot give officially tho number of men require ! for our counties uader tho Sufl.OlaJ ar 1 the 2U0.0o"J calls, but from ur bbst in furiUHtiun, we tiiink our slmro of the half million of men will be something near the following figure : twUN'H) 21.0.000 Tula!. X. Fnl,-Put,irl.. Villi. Vals. (Junta. 43 Vpper Augusta township, 4i Lower " 61) C. micron " 61 Chtlisipj.'io;iio ,l , ( Coal tonmhip. I slininokiii borough, 6-1 Del-iwaro toivi.shipi 6-1 Jackson t .Ionian " j Lower Mnlioroy twp , re Lewis, totwish.p. I TurbuOille hoinuifh. o a . 16 21 It 35 4 S 7 17 It 2rt 0 is it 16 37 J.2 XI 63 T a 12 U 7 13 2a 1.1 33 13 9 22 0 4 It) 10 7 IT 3 2 5 05 16 23 15 3 17 11 2i 4 3 7 10 7 IT l.'l S 22 12 tJ 20 21 1 3 27 1 45 16 14 30 It 8 23 67 I'ppcr Mehonoy township, 10 ra l.llllo ollttlolioy J8 ) Washington " Ml .Milton borough. ,,, ) Ml. Ciiruicl ti-.vnsliip, j Ml. Ciruul borough, . i Point tuwuship, j Norlhiiiuberluud b ro, C2 Uu.-h t.owliip. li" Shnitiokin townf-hip, CI unlmry loroiij;U, Ci Turbul tonnsLip, C3 Znbo lowu.-tiip, Ijp Tub type founder havo issued a circular to alt printers that tl:cy have raiitd the price of printing material 2i per cent. Paper nrikcrs havp r'ti-cd the p:icc of jisper mn hundred per cont. Tka reador will see that publiriiors of newspapers are not likely to become millionaire in a hurry under this stato of affairs. The only way tn gt t along at all is to insist upon prompieettlcnient ofaccouuts. Persons indebt ed will please tako the hint. "J -What Makks a Cisbel. lho following table of the numoer cf pounds of varloua articles to rnnke a bushel may be of interest to some of our readers : Us. tlvi 6f 70 60 32 40 52 Ml 60 67 Lba. 60 20 60 45 45 14 33 60 49 21 Wheat. Corn, Shelled, Corn, ou the ccb, llye. Oats. liarley. ltiuliMiieat, irinh Ptittot. Sweet l'olatoos, Unions, r-"nt llran, t'luvor f?eed, Timothy Seed, Jlemp ecd, II! ue tiruto Seed, Dncd Peaches, Flax Seed, O'lstor Iioans, lined Apples, AitTKMfii Waiid on ENLtsTxaxTa. Young men enlist rite oil'. Air you afuurd it will spile your buty ? Let uic tell you that the best and preltieat girls iu this country air hereafter goio to be korted hj fellows on rrutches. nhn have done great things in batik, and yoit chaps that tlaidtnt home in your cjuntry s dark bourn, wont si ind uo more chance of gottiuj one of 'cut lli-iu J''IT Davis of going to heaven in a ImUoju! Kuiiai ' enlist '.Iu tho name M llarulel'i duJy, li.toh! list." 13' After rural weeks of '-eofl weather" mud a..d :!ush tba weather has taken another turn. '. TunjJny aud Wednes tay and Thursday were regular winter day", and would havo drka credit to any . northern latitude. Whether this was the result of .tho lux having (eva the shadow of hi tali the flrit , day of the mouth, or fnin'olher equally well known masses, we have not learned. tTi ' Hci ui iTi.NG. bile at llarudiiirg the Lo ginuing ( ('the weeli. we observed that recruiting su going on at a rapid rate. The whole Ibree of the Provoet Marshall of tbu district was busy froes luorbing until lute at uighl in musteriog reeruils Into the wrviee We were inlormnd by eome of the r.ruttiiig effluers, that at no time -iuoe the war, kad the reeruiiiug .er.iie been eu active. fi?Ta Buekiail rTlieot bt-t imr itteae wall reuumber ts Bow at llarrtokurg reeraliing This gaiUr.l rrg'uafi.l same but ul s-vio with Jea, Ibaa Iwe huadresl sua. Tkty have tw Dutessel, Use 1m4 one having We a ktllcj att'ettysntirg. n e were Jofcrmed hy en of I be old Caplaiua at UarruWg1 tbao they k4 tow of kt-plog nn Use oriaidMiksj Vy (H reavwlt (PnrtKAiri!i!lCAJ nosvnty ITIrrUncr A nvxstlng of the oiUrene of Cfper A o "fonts, town.' aliip, waa holj at Fisher 8cliool 1 louse on S-tnrday UieSth of Fehrnary, Irtflt. for she ptirpoaa of tailing into oonaideralloa suoaanree tot raising end paying a bounty to Volunteers who hare or may enlist or re enlist into the V. . military aarrlae, and be credit ed to the Towaabifrln raising our rireaotit auoU. ' The neeiing waa ealled to order by Mr. IT. Kllno, and oa snelion, WM. REED. Esq., waa ohoaen Presi ntrtuid Chariot P. Hoaaholtt. eeoreliuy. ' Tbe objeet of the meeting waa atstted by Mr. Reed, the Importance of taking Immediate aotion, and of subscribing liberally, to raise niBoleat boaaty to bare iheee men. who are already In tbe lortioe cred ited to Ibe townabip. On notion, Heeolved,' That aaornmlttoe of Ore be appointed to solicit aobseriptiona for bounties, and report at a meeting to be appointed, when Kdward Bavidge. John U. Bright, Win. Kline, Ira M. Fores ter and Thomas Snyder Were appointed luid oom mittce. On notion, Charlca Eckman, Esa., was oleotod Treasurer,' to rooelre and take charge of tho fund raised. ltesolred, That two men, Edgor Eokman and Ilertry Oberdorf, who bare lately enlisted, shall ro Oeive a bounty alike tho rest and become credited to tbe township. Resolved. That we adjonrn to meet at Wm. Recd't Pulool llouao oa next Tuesday at 1 o'olock. Ad journed. At a meeting on tho 9th Inst., it was resolved that the minutes ot the last meeting be adopted. Resolved, That a bounty of one hundred and 6fty dollars bo paid to each volunteer who has enlisted or re-enlisted siuuo the ltlib of August lust, and credited himself to the township. Resolved, That we accept tho report of tho oom uitteo, appointed at the last mooting to solicit sub scriptions, and that the said committee be hereby discharged. Resolved. That a new committee of six be appoin tod. one fmtn each school district, by the president to solicit additional subscription, to collect the same and pay into the treasury, when Reuben (laringer, for District ISO. 6, George Uaul, No. 5, John U Bright, So. 4, John Kcil'er, No. 3, Samuel Oberdorf. No. 2, and William Kline, No. 1, Wero appointed said committee. Resolved, That another eommittoe of tlirc bo ap pointed to ascertain the truo number of men already In tho service, who are willing to receive the bounty provided for, and be credited to tbe township; to ascertain our exact quota ; to procure recruits if any arc needed aud make Ml other necessary arrange ments, when Jacob Seasholtt. George C'onrnd and Isnae Campbell, wero appointed Mud committee. Resolved, That In the event a sufficient number of recruits should not be procured to till our quota, arid a draft resorted to, thai all monies in the treasury be appropriated to pay tho commutation for those subscribers to this bounty who may be drafted, none others included except the sons ol old fathers who are subscribers ; should there not be sufficient money in the treasury to pur the commutation, nn additional amount bo procured by a tux en each subscriber to make up the deficiency: Rosolvod, That tho different committocs, tho President, (he Fe?retarj and Treasurer meet at Frlling and Urnnt'a store, in Sunbury, on Saturday tho 13th, at 1 o'clock.' Adjourned. C P.- Ska.iiioi.tx, Secretary. Front tlic Army of tlic l'otoiuni'. CuLPErrun, Ya., Feb. 7. ilOVEMKST OF THE AK.ttY. Yesterday commenced another epoch in the history of the war. The Army of the Potomac moved. Let the nation rejoice. The order came tho night before, although nearly one thousand wives of tho oilieers and men wero in camp. Notwithstanding tliut, after two of three weeks of remarkiiMy pleasant weather li'rthe season) the morning was foggy and cloudy, portending raiu, never did troops muktj ready for a march with greater alacrity or trudge o!f through the mud iu higher spirits than did the oili eers and tneji of the invincible Sfuiy of the Potomac. The whole movement was under the command of that talhlnt and popular soldier, Major General John Sedgwick. Whether the movement was devised or planned or advised by him, it is not iu the power of your correspondent to btate. Whether it was well or ill advised, at the present time is nt!t within his province to state. Time will determine and history will record the verdict on these points. Iti the morning the roads in the open country were tolerably dry and good ; but in the woods they, were so wet that the artillery cut them up into mud a foot deep at least. Of course in moving so large a force nil tho. routes' had to be taken ml van tage of, and consequently gome portions of it tiatl very heavt niiirchinjr. In addition. to this, about noon a drizslin"; ruin set in, which eoon made tho best of the roads any thing but favorable to locomotion. One division crossed the river with but little opposition. Batteries were planted on the heights, whitdt opened furiously to cover the crossing. This, however, elicited no reply from I lie "Johnnies" until near night. As darkness mid rain and a heavy fog en veloped the scene a sharp artillery ami mus ketry tire ennnueuced, uud coutiiiued for au hour or more. second DRSPATcn. Ccu'Kri'Eit Court House, Va., ) February 7 0 l M. j RETUltfc OF TUB TltOorS FROM THEIR ItLCOJi KOISSANCE SOUTH OF TIIK RAI'IDAK. The Army of the Potomac is again back at winter quarters. General Kilpatrick crossed at Culpepper Ford and scoured the country from Jacob's Ford to near Fredericksburg, linding noth ing but cavalry pickets of Hampton's divi siuu, nearly all of whom they captured. A detachment of the Second New York cavalry went up to Jacob's Ford, w here they had learned there was a sergeant uud niu'e men. They captured three of them. Kilpathck's command, having accomplish ed the purpose- for which it was sent, return ed lo camp to-day at noon. TIIK MOVEMENTS UF THE SECOND COUPS. General Warren crossed the Third Divi sion of the Second Corps at Morton's Ford yesterday, with little or no opposition. Last evening the Second I)ivisiou of Tho same corps crossed, and attempted to ioin tno 1 turn tn u petce ot woous on the kit oi tho Ford, The reikis then opened upon them with musketry from the light of the ford, where they hud been concealed in another pieco of woods. The night was dark, rainy and foggy, and the tiring of each party was directed by the Hush of the guns oi tliclr opponents. During the night after the firing had ceased, our men were ordered to return across the river, which they did without molestation. the it t pouted number of casualties. The luss in killed, wounded and missing is reported at between one and two hun dred ; but this is not otlicial, and canuot be relied upon. i Our troops have lain lust this side of the river all day. Our pickets were nn the bank this side of the river, and the rebels just ou ,1... .1.1.. ..f II .,...,'., 1.V...1 TUB OIWKCT OF Ol'H MOVUMKST ACCOM PLISHED. ' General Humphreys went down this eve ning and ordered all our troops back into their quarters, as the whole object had been accomplished. Accordingly all the forces are back in camp to-night, the bccoml corps being tho only oue w hich has met W illi uny loss. ECOXD DKBPAfC'll. Culpepper Court House, V., ) February 710 P. at. J fEIRMIsn WITH STU ART's) CAVALRY. Merritt'a First Division of cavalry, which went to liuruett's Ford, towards Madixm Court House, met some of Stuart's cavalry lust evening, and skirmished with them this uiorulug, the. whole division excepting thetu left on picket being oil hand. Our forces advanced uud found tho roM cavalry backed by lul'atilry. Gun. Merritt t tttched in, ami drum the whole force I h fore iliil across Itoberteou's river to Mudieoo. I 'miit House. The comuiBitJ L)d the l,p all day, and then, iu iibsrdii tuw to orders, tame back to headquarters, having captured tight or tvu I prisoners. TsiK kXltlUeU OP TO t MOM TROoFa. I Ovf rp4.p vtn retj r4 In fltfht witii tb enemy. Tbey would liavo followed their leaders Wij whcti. Nothing but cheering could be heard all tho way, l,nih in tin, ailvnnris anil Ifturn eiul I hi. Commander of tho Army of tbe Pmoninc must feel Cattered by the conduct f fcis troops. ... . t Tho third- division of tho accoml corps waded across Morton's Ford, although thrro was a corps of engineers ready to lay bridge). They waded up to their waists in water to cross. Who can whip tuck men as these t ' Department oftlso U nil. Nr.w Orlbans, Feb. 2. Tho Frcc-Suto Fominating Convention met last night, a large Hrtion of the State being represented. Tire btly was divided In choice for Govern or between the Hon. Slichacl Hithn and lion. B. F. Flaudera Hahn having a majority in his favor. An exciting scene ensued, and tho Flanders men bolted, when tho majority nominated Hahn for Governor. Tho bolters held a separate convention and nominated Flanders with a full ticket, a portion of which is the same as the regular ticket. Tho Wnr tn the Momlivrcnt. KASiiviU.lt, Feb. 8. Toll. W.Jlailcrk; Gen. Foster telegraphs from Knoxville, under date of vestcrday, that an expedition sent against Thomas and his band of Indians and whites at Qttiillatnwn has returned complete ly successful. They surprised the town, killed and wounded 15, took SO prisoners, and dispersed the remainder of the gang in the mountains. Our loss was two killed aud six wounded. U. S. GRANT, Major-General. Quallatown is In ITay wood county. North Carolina, about tifty miles southwest of Knoxville, and about three hundred wct of Italeigh. The reach it, the expedition must have crossed the Great Smoky Mountain range. l-'roiii rortli ;nroliim. Furtrkss JIonkoe, Feb. 0. Tho Rich mond Sentinel of the Qth inst, says : ''Our army has fallen sixteen miles from Newborn, finding the fortifications so strong I that it could not be taken Without too great loss." Tho negro joldicr who shot the rebel Colonel Shaw was captured and hanged. The Hon. John A. Wilcox, a member of Congress from Texas, died last Saturday in Richmond. I'rom Went Virginia. IlEADqu.vRTKns West VlItOIM a, Feb. 0, Information of high importance leached our outposts to-day, antl was brought in by a mounted deserter from Gen. K.uly's com mand. The deserter says that when lie left a rumor was prevalent of the removal, or preparations being made for the immediate removal, of nil the Yankee piisoncrs from the neighborhood of Hichmond. Also, that the Richmond authorities had detained the mails, newspapers, &c, going from Rich mond to the soldiers in camp. dipt. Dougherty, of the 18th Virginia Union Infantry, while iii command of a scout, in Hampshire county, yesterday, en countered the noted rebel gueriilla" Mike Ciiirn, at the head of his gang, killing the leader, antl captured his lieutenant and four men, with horses and equipments, Ac. Tho encounter took place between Rom ney and Morelield, when the guerrillas were beuttu aud compelled to take to the woods and mountains in all directions for imme diate safely. There is no news of importance from the Kanawha region ns yet. Trade and travel have been resumed with renewed vigor on the line of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. RcKlriM'iiTC Coutlurnlion. IMPORTANT FROM TtUiSUMRK. Cincinnati, Feb. 8. The largo o'.l mill of D. V. Lif.rson .t Co., Richmond, Ind., wns burned on Saturday night. Loss cJtimated at tT3,r,0(l ; insured for $23,000. Tweuty thousand bushels of flaxseed, seventy-live barrels linseed oil and a large quantity of oil casks were destroyed. Chattanooga dispatches of the 7tli"r:tv that the railroad is open to Cleveland. Ten nessee, nnd will be open to Knoxville in the days. Reports of mutiny ami wide-spread rebellion in the rebel army are alloat. De serters are still coming in. Tho railroad depot, containing quarter masters' stores was burned at Chattanooga on Saturday. Loss one hundred thousand I dollars. General Logan's expedition rrturned to Iltintsville, without encountering theeuetnv. The rebel army is around Tumid Hill, DaV ton and Rome. . One thousand nml forty-iiirlit tlcserlrrn wero resistcre.l at tliu I'rovo-t MurslK.i's ollico duriiiB Jitnuury. Ono Lutulml un.l ten etimu in tm the gceiuul. A Railroad trncli was laid on the Ico on the Up per Mississippi during the lato cold fimp, tor ll:u truiisportultou ef freight fioui ouo shoro tj tho other. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ntuleor the Hank of Aorlliiiiitbii-. land, IVItruary I, 1SU1. ASSETS. I.onn? and Bills discounted, . . 119.1.731 PI liidgtnenls. . . . I3.4S1 .' Certilieale Unilod Statea Mint . SuO.OUil M l uitud States i-20 Loan, . . . . lod.uOJ Oil " " Interesi bearing Legal Ten ders. . . . . 25 (ion t.fl Pennsylvania. " . i.-',..ii(i cu Northuinlicrliind Rank Stock, 6.1 70 do Konbuuiberland liridgo -lock, l.Ai't" till Telegraph Stock, ..... 3.1O Oil Real Esinte, Mil) -7 )ue by other Banks. . . 17il.l' A t Knits of other Ranks, and Legal Tenders 8 oil on Cash Items, . . . . l.lUu 42 Specie in Vnult Including Coiumonwealtu cpecio vcruncaics, ... 30,9iS d f7a7,S0il 21 1 12I.7"4 on 23.1611 SI 1(5 000 0o lPl.j.,0 HI LIABILITIES. Votes in circulation, ... I)ue other Banks. . " Commonwealth, Currency for rineeic Certificate, " l)epositon, .... 5P5 ;o7 C5 I certify the above statement to be just and true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. B. J. PACKER, Ca&iw. Sworn and sulMcribed betore inc. I M. H. PiiiKHTLur, Notary Public. I Feb. fl, lbot. ' Statement of Northumberland County Eai.k. Statement of the Korlhuuiberland County Pr.i.k aa required by tbe 4th section cf the Act of General Aascuibiy, of this CvmuiouwealUi, approved A ril 17ib, 101 ASSETS. Loam and IMseonnti, Hold to butc, Silver and V. S. demand Note. V. 8. 5-20TSond, Due from Ranks in Philadelphia, Notes of other llsiuks, Due from Broken, Rauk Property, btate Truasurer, IUS.C0) ('0 il3.4S0 7b LIABILITIES.! Capital fitoek, t irculition, Due Depoailora, l.'KI,467 tid I certify tbe abnee datement lo be eorrccl to the baalbl oiy knuwlcdge ami belief. liiOti. It. OBANT, Caabier. Affirmed end subscribed before uie, V lla,N P. b'baiookiii, Feb. t, loot. - It !.""' I : It, LiUII, lALI.UtV A rpilE blgeal eaarkel price will be wald is Cah for I Ut:er, Laid, Tallow, ljrs end H sinus, by i L KKhi.it, fleneral f owjiuIssh Msrcbsol. tn CaJlowkUl evasak, PklledsipkH.. 89.RS8 00 flu.UoO tut o.'iSil 77 4 . 50 00 4t:t o.S 8.534 611 424 Ot) BUJiBtT!. ..BIG U SCHCOli. tTUTH firs qoartrr of Iwclva.wteks wiil open on I 1 ibe.Bral Alowlny after niljourr.inert uf March vmin, Tr.rtua Paa QcAaraa t Elementary Dranolioa (Primary) CotlcB-lata from fi fn In T, Tuiilon payable tmlf quarterly In ndrnnoe. u uouuouoa tor lost time. Daily records are kept of the tnorH and demerit Of oawb aladent the former denoting the exmllonolee of each in rcoltaliort and deportment, tho laitw the defraienolee and dolinquemle eopies of ahioh will bo seat to the f nrer.ts or guardians at tbe end of each tern. for particulars apply to Uie prlnoipal. . IlsrcREKcis: t. 3. ftiinienfnvder, fiunburr, Prof- Wm. Nentlloit. Seiina-UroTS, Prof. ii. IWJfliss, Uwlsbur. , K. T. ROUDACJI, Prlnoiptil. Bnnbary, Feb. 8, la0. Q EO. W. OAEPENTED, HEN82ET ft CO'B 'lVlioU-Hitle lrrr nud Clst-micnl Xo. rrt Market Street, riiiLADtLrnrA. nIIE snbscrlbers keep constantly on band a brio JL stoek ofDiuirs, Medklnos, Clo-mlcals. Fhsrma Centionl Pr.-pir.il ioi.s end every other article which appertains to tho Ini-iiiorj. nibraiiiij the most ex tensive variety ', also, 1UISTS, OlL9 and ULAIJ of every desorijuion. All articles p;rehac(l fioin us can he relied on as being of tho most superior mialily and at ns low price as thoy enn be had. We en otTi-r roch in. 'Juceincn'snswill make It the Interest or the pur chasers to lay In their supplies from us. and fivu us tdur tulnro uulrrmajro and invite all, lvho vlit the city, to call at our establi.-hmenl, All orders ail. diessedtn ns by mail or otherwiso will tneel wiih prompt nltention. OEO. W. L'AHrESTtn. HENSZEY .V I'O. , . !" Market otrcet, Philadelphia. February 6, lnri. ;, 1 snrniFF r SAi.tfi BY virtue r.f certnin writs or Yen. Kxp., Fi. Fa., issued out of the l otii t i.r Cominou I'leos. of Kurthumberiaiul county, l'a., nnd to me directed, will bo exposed tn putiiie salo. at Iho public house of .1. II. l-.i(hort, in the borough of Jlillon. on Tuesday Iho 2.",d day of February, I Nil. nt one o'clock, 1'. M.. the t'ul'.owitijr real mate, luwit: A certnin lot or piece of c-onnd. sitmte In Lewi" tnwu-b'p. ISiirthuuihcit.ind countv. l'l-i nsvltanhi coiinaoa an t t'er'i.cd nt r-.llor.-.. to wit : on it, n rth liv l'ulilio Road, on the enst l.v land ot Robert ! Hector. SuiKiid Jurri-t and livriti KVH.-r. nc tbu ; south by iendi of June I :tlin 1. nod on Hie we.-t bv : lands of tieorj Triltiiiluicli. conteinini five acres more or lew. when on urecrvctea armnll I'lauk lwv!- ling House, i ninio Mnnle. e., n well of water at the dir. Se. to'7ed taken In cxrrulkn and to t o sold us the properlv of llnniol Kin A l.0 : A lotof cround. !ti'iitc in Hie borough of Mtli..n. in the said county of Northuuici land, bounded fn.nt by Apt.lo flreet t.t.y foci, cast by Second flrcet, norlh by nn n!!cy and we?t by a lot of Tlii.ui. V.'iH.ds. bein two hundred feet in -lwi't'i from Applo stre. t to said ulli-y ; w hereon nrc creeled u tuuili houe and lo? 't':Llt. .Seised t,;ken In cxm-iitlon nnd to be sold as the Jiropcrty of John .M. Vi oodj. y ' WM.M. WEAVi:il. Sheriff. Ehcrir Cnice. Puubuiy, Feb. li. 1N1. "PUBLIC SALE. "lirXI Lbe ejtoosel t l'ublic Sale, on TUVK-- ! V 1AV. tli"" IHi), l-.w FFRUl'AUY. I'l, ! nt the boiie of IlIINtt Y FI'LK. dcecaed i't Lower I Aticuota town-hip. jSorthmiilierls'id ci'ntyi Pa., the ! following iliwvibt I pupcrtv. towit : TW illlnlisl S. i IIIRKK VOWS. l,lh',r'rAITI.K.iM-; lti l.L. an.t li:,K lil'.Ktl'IMJ SOW. F.M! ! I Nti I I MLS. li'vr Iwo-ijoriij Waon larie.lpd. l'loo-iis. ! llairowf. t'ulilvatuis. (iraiu Cradles. (Ivn - S,:yiln-. Uuk". Forks. l'o;i, llm-i. liruiil -'-p lines 1'o-i Jii'. I j;.-r. Ilaim-w. Sieijrli lieiis. Sudille. Ai- T hren bar- I relo -. '.u.gar, Lu--c. MiW I' MINii MILL, j rnln Itea p er. One lot of '.Vrpcntirs To,.ls. Ac, Lluel;niilii tools, j Ali-o, rouuocs by liio buiu 1. j 1101 rfiCHOLI) l'l'i;XITfK2. ! Ono Cook'nc, mid tw l'.iri ir s-uc. L vl-tcail--. j t'li-i.:-. 'labi.-s. one li.ife Ir.-n Kettle, .la , A.' Sale to cuuiii.tti -o at 10 o'ciocV". A. M., whi n Cc-n- i diliotis will be made known. I VUIAII Fill I.K. Lower Augusta, Jan. ?i, A-liiiri.-tMt.ir. I TO C0NSlMPTIVi:S, Con.-uioplivc ulfcers witl rc.e5,e prvripii'V' f.,r tile cure ot Consumption. Asilmin, Lr .i.ciiiiis. uud all 'I limit and l.tin Mfci -.Uor.e, vf. cl id ehurgj,', i.j send ing their adlic'io Ki. E. A. vilso;, Viitia ii.siuiig'l. Janur.rv S3, 150-i. It Ki;-: Co., .tt York. FOR O HLCOXI) 11ANOSPR1M1S, u'.;a'olc for wo I it borc wcgon Apply to Ji Sll. n S tunloiry, J.,n'.inry ."..1. lt. WKIT OF PAHTITIOn. Cicoriclt. Lahe, ) Vi'iilol Partition Rc- tuinablc to MarvU The llcirs cf ioplua Lt.l r, decea-.d. T:iiii lCl. .Vi i:iiH MLi:ni.A"(D CorxTv. si. The Coniiiionwciilth of Pennsylvania tnlhi Sheriff of i Norlbuoiiicili.iid countv. lirevtiug : Vi'biren. at ra Orplieiw' Court held t Suiouirv. in an tiir ttic county ,,1' Nortiiv.iucrl-iu.l. Ui' L-:t, iiav I ..r lu,...r.- i,. 1.m v.rt.i' ..i.r I.r.1 .,r. I cihl hundred uu sixi y-f'-ur, belore tao lionora! lc Alexander J'T'lan. F-qi;iic. Prrsiiient, and bis A.-.-o-citilc Ju--ii es of tbi Court. In the matter oi ti.j tiuu . S.plii'i l.atir, uccca.-cJ. loc peiilion of ' Jeure;eiJ. l.iv. oi A.iritiiiniuerl 11 it count v ' ,l: C ; "l I " tV 1 iirisvlvruij. w.ic prcM-n'e-l. setii-.- ptiia Lahr, littelv dU. l i!:tr-t.:t... I"ving issue (le-rt;e tf. 1-iior your pc.i. oc r. (..'atli- ai i::?. vviu- ot'ile-.-re Snattc-. v. ho hai i::-e di-'.'e:oni Icav'iig her huibimd tJisu-gu Slwli'er nr.d hwuo 1 nc child, to wit ; Oeornc Slialb-r u minor who bos lor his ciiariiitiii tii.,r.;e ."-tiatlir ; and l.vdia mti.tiu UJ1-. 1 li. ried with Juceb Siiari'.-r, 1110I i'r.,i..l cb.'ilren l-'rai.kiin Labr. ticorgc Lahr, iu:d Soptua Jeno i Laiir. uiitior childrvu of Jianiv.1 W. Lalir. a sou (.1 1 I said Sophia Lahr, d.ccNsed, who deceased bcioru bis j said ii'olucr. the said lain ir' having lor lii'-ir guar j t iliuii I.-.mc All'ert, Tba: the miit uccedent died E, i;ct 111 I'cr ucmer.e a? 01 ice 01 nn:i 111 me tu::on irg !os pieces or paicelsof laud, vU t A ccrisiu vu caiil L.ii ol Urouud, Miuate iu ibu toivu of livr -i town. batd county, ttotiliug iijiou Itic Rail Uoiul street, adjoiniiig lotj of Os.vii; j Lahr aud tlco.c fc'pat?. : being nuuiDerud in the gvlicrui plan l .i.U luuu, t.oiubLr iwvtiiy-Lv.o. 2d A certain olher vacant lot in tj'eoiget. wn, nfi.t es .iil, adjoining up alley end lot uf Philip U l , fn,i,;iii,' upuu W.,ier jtr-jit, und numbi-rcd in t!u giuerat plan of i-nid town as lit uuu'licr i. ud. A tol at tl.e upia-r end ol tieoretown, a ljjiu. il;g Ijts 01 Ali.bacl J.clir 1.1'd the widow liro.iuu, on wiiith it creeled a .-.null I'niu.e lious---. ilb. An Island i.-i !!.,. river fcusip-iehanna in said cou.ityr.t' .Nr;liuiuiierluuu, oppos.iu sti l towu id" liiorK'jtvwu, c.'i.iaioir.g ein tcr.s and c;ol.iy-uluo piii in, in a guod clalu of cultivation. iiib. A oerli. in oilier I-lauri.iu kuid river Pu (ji:e hurra, culled Rogers l.-tuiid, in the lownship ol l.o.v. cr Muhonoy, county atorecatd, eoiitaimuj uiioui time lit'ie-i;d livi-utr sovtn pcrelu-e. (1 h. A certain oltier Llaud in tlic river aforesaid, r.ni townsbin aforesaid, cilled "Miauer's Island '" 7'b. A cert.dii oiber small Irlund a short itirtaoco abue i-lat loUnd in tbe river Hi;.-uib.-.nna, c.Vi.-c-fraid, township 1. ml county rforeM.iil, coiti.iiiing aiaut one M.d uiiC-founb acre. b!b. A certain other l.-li.nd. in said river Su.s.,uc baima. i:(.arlv opp.ttc (he looulli ol Fidlcr's Run, in Jackson 1iiw'ii-nii. Noribuuiberl.iud eeouiy, Caiied ! Uruvioua' Island, euntainio:; al-.-ut tno acre, ' notify ya and each ot joii herein abov uauied, aud you uro Lcuby uoiirtcl that by virtue , ut ibu ubot c writ to uio dircetcj, au impicit v ill be bild at tbe Publie iiouse of Pi t.-r Lvuei. iu lieor'e towu. u Tutday, MurL-h l 't, liM. i t o'cljck A. M.,ol iaid day, t'04 tlic purpose of miking paiti.ion 01' or to ulue and apprau-u the real estate hir.iii alaive described oliaiit d'Tcdeuts. at which Uu.e und , 1 'c' place you u.-iy chi'u aui all appear if you think pio- WILL1AM M. WEAVER. Sheriff. Shetia's Oflice, bunbury, Jan. jo, ISO!. It GtEORcr IIii.l, Bpjcm P. W oi.vraToJt. IIILL & WOLVEBTON, AHorurvaniid CiniuarloraBl Ium. CS.'c, Market sireet. cor. Ceutre Alley, HTjNXJxrxt'S'. pa. 7 ILL attend prou.pl lev to Ho collectiou uf claims 1 uud all other pioiiwiouul to n,en. iii.io.-o il to then care iu XoriltiiLitierls,,,! god ailjoiuiug counlies. hLUl.uiy. Jiii.uary 2;), !'!. ISjiJ3!jiFI.Ali&l1IL!)!Xt.ST0NI.. JO.t'lU H) rpHE fuWcribi-rs restieelfully inforoi tno cliisrns ! 1 ol Suuliurv. that Ihev are tireiuired to 1 111 1, irli 1'AVl.Vti AMI III ILLIXU t-iU.NE, at bort Lotiee and at reasonable rates. 'lite stone will be delivered on the river bank nt Etinbury. I'ciin.i.s Jcirlng Rocd .,n will Dud Bud it lo their puri-haie(r etsu interest 10 eull anil eiuuiiua before wht-ia. Addie ESHLK MARTIN Di- II, loJ. 4ii'-y, l'a. UYSTEUS! 0YSTKKS ! CtANOYSTLRf. whole iht bklf Cos, f ash from me City maikets, eat) be bad aiall liuire ai toe ttT.ecil.nir, bUreol U- Q. IsfcAHJtAUT mmrj TC-s fiouictlalnit ZkcY Iu KlsJInTrlhsi. OOOPER'M PIITOORAPH ARD ART GALLEUT, Ko. 1.128 Cboannt Slroot, Of posit tho V. 0. Mint. Oallcry, Reception and 04Talng Roonia ALL ON , . FI11ST FLOOR, - " AllitTlmmd ilraa of rhotojn-aplif, Ivorylypos, Fermiypea or "linlypea" and taken at prloea to iutt Oie times. ricturaa Flolabad la lYator Color, 011, IadU Iatr and Faatil. Ilorsns and other animab. Jfrjnlpajr", Country BoaM Ruins. Models of Machinery, 4c, fur l'alenting sw cnratcly pholojrranhed. P. F. Coooer d wires to call the attention of jpor snnarisltinn Philadelphia to Lia new Uronnd Flour Oallary, where he hat iulroduoed newly-patented oameras, eapablo of Uking, in a few leoonds, one hundrod Photographs, from the smsll auunp or au tographio, to the Imperial and Life Mite. After many expeuuicnts ho has succeeded In pla cing his sky-light at an improved angle, diffiiHinj; tho light In equal proportions, and producing tbst toft gradation of tonu which oannot be given by tho side aiid sky-lighti generally used, and which of so much Importance to the beauty of a picture. It is made of French glass, and Is lha largest iu Philadel phia. Mr. Cooper lias been engaged more than twenty Venn In the study aud practice of tho l ino Ajts. " lore experience aa a Miniature and Portrait Painter is a euficient guarbnlee for tbo pcifcclioo of tlic piutures mane at Ins eltauitfi.ii'.i-lH. The art nt idcaliting is well understood ; none but the most skillful artists aro employed iu tho rcspec tit o department!". The art of iilcnliringjis well nndcrstood ; none but the most skilful iu lists aro employed in tho respective di.'pirtments. All Pictures Yarrauted ; tho Ivorylyprs will not cl.anzo in any eliinnte, rnd will stand Iho tesi of . aci.l.'. Partii-nliir attention hi paid toiving graceful . and easy positions. I Dngiterrnofypcs and all other kinds of f.ii-tures t e.inpied. trout .-inall niediillion to life sie. and fin- ihhed iu colors or ludiau iuk, to look ciual to picture" taken frcai 1 To . '1 his (iullcry aiees rr.ro facilitioi fur taking Z;nritraiit un-s from lite,' .in the rear building, n here iroiu one to lifty horses ca bo photographed ut a liniQ. N. 1!. To rhotoraphers, Colotistj and olliuri. Ju-i Issued. A New Woikon I'lioTomniMi t'ot.oiMs;;, Ivonvt vpino. Lnaukll inc. Iov MlMATi'it;; Paistimi, Ac Coin nleto instructions iriven for making Ivnrvtvp- I with some .,Ko.l.i i-tticip'S. never oelorc publiflieil. useful to 1.11 phnto-nv pliers, for oue of whiuli lurgu sue fas i.i-ci. r,n- r:i.-l. Uy I'oUowiti Ibe directions eontnincd In lbi loi-lc, evi-n tl:. ,c pt-rnons with no prr-vious knonledo of r.iintiii'' cnniioi I'.iil lo color piioU'grnpl.a iu a beau liiul and rllc-iivc style. l'ri. e, ,,o C...y. Vi.tft. Five Copies. S2l) 00. Ly ren.itiii.x j-l 2 one 'copy, w iih llnul I'uitiM, l'aluiie. and preparations coiopietu will be furui-hed tree of eh;ugc. M il! bo Published Shortly, A Vai.i .iii.k WonK on lm mvisja. With progrmsire liliisti-atieu of the llbmau Face and Fiirui-e. A I s.i. A IIanp-IIook i, Position, V.'iih Illti'trations. Lcsigned lor liie use of Photo graple"s and Anisic. Mr. t'n.per coininiifs to receive Ludic" and (cn tlcnien iMo hi Clnixes for Instriiclioc in Lrawinir. in. I IV.r.iph. Imrytype. India Ink nnd Patil Painting, aiid a bcautiti;! proccsa lor Luauieliug Pii'iures. C ireuliiro contttinipg I'sl of prices of picture and fmthi'r iiif-riiiation respecting the Rooks f.i.j Terms of Iivtriicticn may be bad by enclosing Post OUico Address ui.d a&r.uip to P. F. t:i)(iPFR. i:;.1S f! r.,',.,,) Street. Philadelphia. lU-.l-'LliKNCLS. fa'. '. r..j.o. Pre-idcnt Acad-niy of Fine Arts. Lr Ihos. I! Vi:Mn, Oii.itiioi .ist and Entomol- Tl omm Miles Mnr'.in. P. E Church. Vi- !ur A. Siirti ri. t'onsut of t.eiiiorn. Loiiert i Clarkson.t.f Kirni of .lav Cooko A Co. New York. Rev. V. A. M.ivhiu. Kiel. 6:. Aibaa'i Ch:.i.li P.wiiin. J. E. TiHon A Co. V'oriTsti-r. Mow.. P. Lolgc. Laltiionrc, Idi.os. .nudcc Suiucn, FrcOoh Consul. l-.-c la. i-i..;. id.t, l:t. I'rit Itailrvnil. IMU:u!l(Iiia riHlS grcr.: line truvcisc; the Xortherii and Norlh J in si .ui ics of Pcnn iyh iuiia to the city ot Ki te -il Lake l.r-... It bus been lean! by the Pernsylvi.t.ia Railrond Couipary. cr.il ut"i.-r ihi-ir aupki-s' is being rapidly opened throughout lis entire leiiirtii. ! ir r. .w in use lor Pns-'ocr and Freight buiine from llariieburg to Emporium (IHi u.iii..-) on the Lio-torn Livi.:--o, a:i.l Iroiu Mjtll'cld lo Eric, t7i ntilv.'.'- tbo VVstt.rn l-ivision. tivi: fi I'Axkm:kh tiiainu at ft nmuv. An n 1 : 2i t r. . j l.t n 1 V.'rsttr-tnl. Vail Train. HI. 10 A M. Mail Train. -I.;'..". P. M Express irain, 11.42 P. M I i;.i,rcss Train. li.i'.HA. M '.ir r ir ihr..;;ti vihnul iioM'j;,, l-nj, wy.. on these trios bclwrcn I'liiadclpbia and Lo.i. lt'iiM-n, !' hi'iuc-n IJa'.ti.iiorc and Lock jiaieii. Elcrra.it S!ci.j.:::ir Cars on E.pri-s r-,,;..s Ktli vnvs iivtweea Wiir.un-port ami Rallituurc, mid Vi'Hiiaiii)nri and I'lii!., leii,r,a. For i..i ' 1 1 ,:i r;.Ki'liiig Pn.ssecirer bu-inefs l15 l.v at t-e S. E. L'or. l'th mid .Aiarke't S's. And for Freight biLiiuc'M.f the Coii;ai',-'-: e-.-.t?, S. It. liio;'.' Jr., Cur. Slid .Market St., Plnla'iet).!.ia. .1. W. Rcviodds. Fr:e. J. M. Urill, Agent X. 0. P. , Eultiirrrc. II. II. !.'..; stos. lien 'I Fr.-igiit Agt. Philada. L;:w is I., llm i-t. lleu l Tiekct Ag't., rhilu.la. JosLi ti 1. Pons, tl-ju'l .Manair. r, M'iEiHUuiHirt. Nov. 21. ISM. ANP HACTC PAY COLLECTED. Q R. LOVER. Attorney nt Law. is duly author O, ied and l!;ei:nd 10 collect I-ii'ioii, tCoiitilli-Mimcl DtlK-k I'isy for Widows. 'U- bans and Siddii-m. i,ic in Market street, oppo-I'.n- Weaver s Hotel, Sol. bury, Pa. tlait'iarv Id. ISlVt. 1 V. IIOLKSALR AMI ilKTAII. CLOCK ESTAULIS1IMENT, E. Corner Sccoud and Chcsnut St . Philadelphia A" tiENt V f-.r the P AlENTEQCAI.lZiXll TIIiR. TV DAY. CLOCKS, a very dotiriiblc rrticbi for Cliunlics. Hotels. Ranks, Couuiir.g Houses, Purlers, Ac Also. Manufacturer of FIXE liOLD PEXS. I locks repaired olid warrant tl. Cloek Ti iinuiiiig- of e cry des.i iotion. 1 Siisidlpl'.i.-i. JaioMrv r.i.lSol. Hy a? a."N BL a io i- ?as:i: i:s:ri' Li'.0VN". NEW 7ii-tii-'l ii l.:iti 4 iiimnoy. t j-" l'ho Chiiiirey for which tl.u Kerosene-Oil u-.'.og pulilic have so long been iu need, because 1. It STAX1S Fliit'V' Turn up the blaie lil il Lscucn licm ll.c tup of Iho cl.111.uev, and keep it I'.p i. long US you plcunc TIIK ill.ASn W I N T UltKAK ! Try it. ii. It does not becnivo black or do.fii.Mrcd fl.iul.i the lamp accidentally stiiokc. Is shorter than Iho commit: chiinn'-y less liatilu to aeciuvut and more coi:vei'ie'it l" r carrying uoout the hoius!. .'.I. It it I. ot cu-iiy alrecie I by tfudiien chnilgcs of eii.pi-iiiiire iro out oi iba.rs. oi'iuiu tho eeller. f-um-n:ir or winter, with the I. .1110 burning don t tear! the etiiiiii:, v will Cot disappear in fiagineii's ' -1. The tt p can be instantly removed, and the glass wipe ! perfoeilvloaii in a moment, u-ilhuitt vetting, ai'-i v.iileiut danger of breaking lite glass. 5. One outlasts ttn corim" rttimn.y. Trviiaud you wiil use no other, l or sale in Ton n aud County Agencies granted bv the N. L. C. Manufucliiiiug Co., 4.i Fultuu Street, X'uw York. January It, IMil. 0111 w j n." a a Btfives, bhii.g;os, l'oplur, Loouat, tic. TIlIK undersigned is about extendiug bis I a tuber 1. I ii-i'iCMi to till a neeilivt .-np In the H ade of Phil adelphia, by making a sptciaTiiy of the Cooper-Slock 'trade, aud 'now desires to uiako arrangements to se cure supplits. Th City Ci.ners. Shippers. Ac, owing Iu the iuiMissil,ipy ot obtaintog them in Phil utl. !pr.i'e n-iw depcnil largely on oluer uiurkct. f r thcii Slaves, in. With proper encouragement by the luuuufuctiirtrs. the tii'dos-signed In pes Iu stop this uii cition of trade by keeping ou hand a large etotk. iu every variety of ualilv and site. Ry i. tug mis branch ol tiade wit!.-ular attention, be hope, to make more early ri'turus to eonii'iiu'-t-L'i and r.tuWuh for tbc ntU!i.fae,':ici a more valuable loniiuuiiu-aiiou with purchasers than l sMsible by lbie whotr.ido uiatuly in wore heary lumber. .Mu..iil".lorers an.t others, wbueun luruub (parti, fularly loKTiM'ot a sup4i..l ti ller by coi.lre"t, Vuiclinsc ur oa Cuwuiisaiwa, Staves, llcuding, Hoop 'olci, 4c. Addrete W A. LLVERIXU. Cillowhill street Wharf, I'biladclphie. Large u Hi always wauled of 1 -cust limber. Oak kn. aud frequently long Oak 1'lsi.k. Oak M.d vliow 1'iod i.u '.ir, do. ' Also now oneuiiiir a trade 1 J In a.id wauling up'lie.of SbiugUs, WalLul, Cherry, 1 Poplur uint A-n Lumber, Ae. R.M.iiasi ra :-Ati. II. IV.tcll Co , riiUde!- pl.is ; 'lhoi. It i. barilson 4 Co., Philadelphia. Jj.usry m, i.soi lm ia i i ii i:vm Ac wtl Attorns vw Ht ltvi , Ko. jaw Cor. TulUia aud RiMMlway, New ik. Will earafully at lead Ui euliesMioue aad ail eiltef fiaalltni utauwed te Uissr ear. G1.AKD OPENING . , s -, OI'' ... FRESH WINTER GOODS. E. Y. BRIGHT & S0N, SUNBURY TENN'A. orran rou salb . at VERY LOW PRICES. ft full line of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE 3DHT D3 DRESS GOODS OP KVERY VAXIIX3T? CHEAP AXD HANDSOME. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT mm wimi. HOSIERY . AXD VL 0 YES. HEADY 3IADE CLOTniXC, BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CAPS, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Hag". UAtvvr.'.r.E and anocEKii:;. QUEEN'S AND GLASSWAKE. Utone nnd KiiHiuMWure. "Wooil nttd Willow Ware. Er Irou ami Steel, I"ai!s antl Bjiikes, Driiw, Paints nnd Oils, Wiiulow Suslt nnil Griiulsittinri, Pick ami Masun Hnmn-.c-rji, (.'tinrsu nml Fitic Suit, Fi.,1;, Meat, Clict'fc, &c, &q., ic. All KinrU ol Good, cUcitD l'or cttsli or Country Proilttco, cf.n Lit found nt tho ONE riUCE aTOUE BRIGHT SON, B. All lii'O li viiiTaiitcd As rtprx'seiiteJ. ko deviation' i.n thicks. s::all miofits and (ji ick ale Si'iiL-ttry, CoL, iOt':;, isti:. M0U1LNING GOODS!! Elack (1 lossy Silks, 4 4 Ctislnnrre.s; Super liliitk Mo'iinii.'S, Piiin liiaftk Alpnociis nitick and l'tiipie DiOn'iia, White nnd Jil.ifk Pigiiruil Delaines, Ulaitk Cn ? Jl-.in-tz, Eiiii!i!i llliick all wool Di-luiiii'3, BlttcU Silk l.c-rcpre?, (jood HIhlU Di'inti', )'l.i;u J'.i.ick Oineri'iiiim, l'lniii illiick (.'iilicots, Nttt Eit'iu-i-d Itltir-k Calicoes, Tine hhu k Snr-lc I'htnncts, liliick Love Veils, lotivins i'.ltii-k Kid Gloves, lllitfk Silk Ciuintlett?, Thick Olovc in Vttrii ty, l-'ittc Mouriiini; llanilkirttliiffni, lilttck cotton und wool Hosiery, Lilurk Thibet ttnd Wool Shnwit, At., .Ve., iVc. A nhu line of the nbnvc goods now ojic-n r.nd tor suit- ut low piicis, K. V. lUUCHT vi SOX. SunLury, October aist, 180'J. NEW FANCY STOKE. "I I AVIXl", just returned from riiiladeli.hia. hove 11 Dow opiu a troth supply of THiimiiiiK'H, uud I'nney .trli-1er. at ber new Sioro iu t'i- ro.,m a ljnitiing the re;id"ne of Mr. IVvkcr. iu M-nket Sp.tc,' Suulmry, 1j, lleretock conrLta in part id' Ladles' Tiiiuii.iiii.'s for Lrcscs, Laee-s, j Patterns tor lii i es, Eiobroiderles, ! liunilkcivhiels, liloves. ' Silk ad Cotioii Thread, l.u ii.-s illuve I Zephyrs. Wouien and ie b;, r Sacoin s uud lloods Ini.ius Dresses, Riittoo. ;ii,dii-s.. P.;' t.iu. Collars sod Mihivim. lieiits Necktie. Corsets, Hair Ui titles. Hair Oil. Hair Net, intant Drcsscm. Seaing ,--;;i:s. 1 and numerous mlier uiicita, aa ul whu-U will be rold ; at the lowest recs. ( I have aelded Jo my stock Ealn1nr.1l Skirls, II-m.;, Skirts. Viouleu Ci for Luilicsand CUiidreu, Infant Soek, U elite' Llack Silk Neckiier. Ai.-o. in .ii supply ol Corsets, Diaek L111I ttinvos. Woolen ro, and uiu ul) ren,iy to do nil kinds ;d' Stampioji l'ur binding or embroidery. Also, a variety of urtiide suitable for Chrislmrs Presents, such as Pl.ologrin u Albums, I'oi luiiioiiuacs. Lrucclels. Rreaat-Pius, Ac. Aiso t. haiiiU.inu Uf.-oit-tuuul of Toys aud Hue Coiifcciioin rr, Ac. , il.VRY L LAZAIil'd. JSuubu.'T, Oct. 17, litio. ly THE MISSES JOHNSTON S BOARDING A N Ii DA Y S C II O O L l'or Teiiuj; I.iulio. ;:. 1So"j Spruce Si'i-ct, Philad -lplila. REEERENCES : Rev. Dr. Ilowa, JJavid Webster, l.v,.. Rev. Dr. Suddi.ids, Win Havw.tr I Dray luu. K-u Rev. Dr. Cnupcr, (icoigu 'il. Wbarl. n, En, , Henry.! Eiuc, Et . T. ti . ll.dllugswvnh. Emj., It. K. MoiHgobicry. Es. jlou. Alexander licury. iluuuas Luulap. E-ip, PhiluUclplra. lecLU,ucr , I.h;.' FECIT & 0RNAMLMAL TREES. NIIIII lls. VIAL'M mist li.Ot LilN. TIM snl'rilii'r is offering at ihe lowest W f-Jpucw, the i-ioduoiioiia of 11. e reliable N'ir-vSj i s.'ilis of EDWARD J. EVANS A CO. ai Vdltk. Pa., e"t,'l5tii.-l'allkii.dsofiRtIT5lKK3 Kundanl aud Dwarf, and f ibvMuoet l-.upruved va rlelles Oraaoiratal Trees and ?Lrub, Tu most fashion alio styles of r lwer. IjRAl'Lri lark aa Catawba. Clinton. Delaware, Concord, Dlaua. Hartford 1'iulilio, LoiUlm. to. The Sirawiwiius bs will .1 livr, aie of ihe mosl ioipioied vaiiel.ca; also ail other kinds of n,liiv4. Iel lierries. lie warrant to dvlirer tbe above ankles la tjod fuvdiliou. Adeea, BENJAMIN' BOIiytR. rt . . J l ii'uflSA'4 ,i Meeskbsv (, ?f!S -4 wot a v.vva EP2K. A, lUUHLYl"PtEM.'VtrJ . . . I fi tcaJ vnt feiun-E titk AirLicxr.r, anti make Ii'tixiLo'Zai. i)n.-iiooi'i.Asivs G email EUtcrs PULI'iRED RY ' EK. C. M. sfACKEOIT. I'WLAhElVUIA, PA. vrLi. nTECTCALi.y rsu most cert at? LY ci its: tfsi:Afs:s aiLir from u rifTrdored Liver. Stonianh,or Kidney-Tl-oi'.in'ls of oi.r clti.?r.f ere Fi:fieriri from Ty ejisia nnd Lter lii'ea-vs. r.i.d to ivhulu lha foiJut npcjU'-s'i'T.h ppl; "-vi: guiuii:;t-:r HOUJ'LAXJiM UlCh'X'AX DlTTKliS will ein-c them. Lvser.i'si v a p Livnn Itr..tf. J)o Jin rls--with a mte 1 Ir.nyto ipr.rrins. v'. bn-l tili- in ilieniou!' MmI j.o.-r ni-pciito. for l i'c'i fllt ' V:, TI'Ol'lll wh'.'l JT.1U .11 -t "! Up so I.M Plid l.-iP'.'flol you can s nic':lf get ;:ooot ' J i . fcM-ei diarrm? in the lira,! it t'n.i; . i.od of ,": iln'nr. with head;.,-'!!!? in-''isionil' Ami ' Innril. eestiTH end irrc 1: r. and ap.nitilu eb i'v. ble .' 1', you ITlrow r'i wind l:-..ni the momji-1 1I1 yoj swr-H op 1. ficr, .' i v.-u f.-cl fi !;.: r. tatiof.'. iii.-l n .ilnUilig wben ll:c . oinio-h i.- irii-t Lo yen hare l,-nrti'itr:i i.cea.ii.irfilU ! . i'u vou . low pii itid. nnd loop 0.1 t'.i Cr.' k side f f thif Art, viol not iioiti-ftnH v r: r-roi:B sr to,.... ' li.. . , iiiH Vee oi.e re-tb.-.-i'. I'hd o'n-n I.-iy until i.iij;,i. i b;-tiir,. vou rnn g. t-.- r-ieep ? i.iel linn 11 '. li;io no ! you tf.l dull rr. i sl"-,'y in-jst t Hnj iii.'.c ? I., y I (d('n dry i.nd aily ? 10; . fi.O w '! Ju shon. is i ! y-oiu iUf ' ' t.'rtl.er. foil ..f f -r. -1 oJ!iJ,-- ' HODi'ljMVD !i C-FKAI.z; ' LITTSr.' ! ill cure every '"t ef Chr .11:0 r . rvoi-. I el.il. I'l c;.?,. 1 1 tne lu',i.ev tu t J. lotoses uriMii? tr. n disordered "o.niat ii. t'I'.; LH ET1IE EULI.OWTNCr PVMPT"M3 IlesulUnj from Uisorji rs nf iLe li -Cstivi Oim .lnvir.l Pit'-s. l-otnc-"- e.r IJ!ood to tbo Iiend. A'.-idi'y of Uie. St-v rr.n.-b. Xause'i. Le-utNi:;!. Liv-ust J. .r Pood, l'ulness or '.iL;i' i- O-o stotoacb. Sor. Enieliitio-is.. iMiikir 01 r lutu rin.' nt tlic Pit ..! 1. Sliitnavli. Swiiiinr-:-. ! the Head. lorr.l .-,111! 1' cult Lreiill'.:ii,j, l-'luitei ii.g at Ihu ileart. I iiHiii' Suiloe.itinit Si-iAitionaw!i'.o in 11 lying posture. I' ncs- of Vision. Iiots or We..- beloic tlic SiL-lit. I ' and Dull Pain in I lie It-ad. Icf! -'ieneyof I'eiTj.ir tion. Vellnwne; -f ;!ie Ski.-, nod E'ye. Pain 1 tbc Side. Rack. Chest. Liml". Ac! Su.loou l-'lusliesol 'Ileal. Riiriiing ill I lie l'lesli, Constant linn:;inin;rs 01 Evil, und prcni lo preuii.il ot Sptriit. PAltTK I LAIi NOTICE Thi ro nrc many laeiiaratioos -old under the 111 of Litters, put ,ip iu .piirsi I Potties, eoiuiw.urd,. theciicapist wbi-l.-.'-or roinn-i u rum. . :i;-.g f 20 lo -p; rente p-.r g'l!,.n. I he la-lcdi.ui-i d by A or t'orinioii.-r .'-v .1. Tli',.--lu.- of Rii'rrs hns p-M'.-.d and v.i'l c-n: to c,'S". a-long rs li.lv.'l.o I.eHill. lil'O-l,-. ,1- tho death of the .1. uo!,i-r-l. I;y lio i- o. ,- dr.- s is Ifi'i-t I'on'ioti'-'!;- uiotor t;.-- j', Hi; r ..f Sliir.itliintr-ot '.).v ivm ),i;.d. ti;l. ., s r- to: l, is created rn-t k. ; t 1. . ,,) liie r.Miii i- U tin lerdaiit Hi ii .r i:',.-a:-u f lit and death. l-'or those uli.i (ie-ire '-im will li.-i e 11 1 ;oo,-. ters we pei-li.-'i tin .,::., A-ing r rel'it. l.-.l Itottlo JIH.llK:it:s . . 1-. 1 : 1 1 1 P-iiv-r. nn 1 1, lie Tiiree t;o-i-;.'ol Co , i Rcindj i.r Wh!'-.-y. an--f'fiiii will la- 11 prep.iruuoa liiat will !' c loedl.'iuvl v:.:-ies ,10 ' t.n; cVeel'e'O'C 111. y ot tmi.-.c.'i k Lb-u-.-r luiters in ti - market, "ami cost Ti-.i:--'. l- s. V , 11 will bine all tin- virire Ilooflimd s Piitcrs in cnmit 'ii e. iih n good 11; oi I.iiuor. :.t 1. i- je!i i;-i jr-,... t:u;1 .... i,. 1 rej.lli.,i;ci-. c.i-; yna. IlOOFLAND'c TIIiMAN ,,ITiTi: MilliMt-c V01 a 0 o o D . : p 1: t r T . V i'l .'tV(. v.u STftiyi; K'J.M.iHV NLKVE. ?tvo ..tt P.EU'K AND E.'.I.li' ; i.'l It.' J 1 INi.S, Will enable y. 11 lo SLEEP Wl'I.L.ni'd will ;-u;i ly m i cr.t 'ol!i'.V !'cvcr, ICiliotis S'-t, . Thosr siiiTeri-.:--from En-ken down iti-.l Ik'. Cel. iuiitioi-.-. lro.u vbaici it ciucse. cither 1.1 or I-'ciniilc. . ill lii.d in lloOELAXiSUERMAX ElTTKi'..-. A REV 'J'uat wiii lesto-e them t.i their us, ml hen't'i. ll.'S bi .1; lite Cll-C 111 tll"'l "al.lis l-t il.-lnli-es, fair ti'i.d is bui icuuired to pn.-, v ,ue usiertiou REMEMEEU, that Tiii.H: i::tt;:;: a:;k . la rT;f " r. .-:- - '- - Aud NOT iiiteu-1- -J us u LEVI.!-: ACK. The rpij riiitort have thon-'ii d. Letters fron most eminent l"rgy'm Lawyers, i'li' -ieiin C;!isiei:.s, Xc.-tilyiii oi tin ir own p..-i'i'.io,l ki:. v to the bi'iieficiul '.llc-jts r.ud lucui-.-ul litiius 1,1 Litters. I'rom Rev. J. Ken Ion E.-o-' -.. T. I'.. Editor e l-neyeiupediu of lteiigioio. Lnoe i-.du'o Although not di.-pised toj'uvor or rc-oium, 11 tent Meti ines in t,-u..r il. il.-,.U;a lii- v. -1 ..; iiigri-'liviiislibil cheats. 1 yet know of 1 sut: r.-.i.-ous why Htm:, may i:'it te-tii'y to tin- li,u believes himself to iicve received ll.-i.l nnv ; pii :i.ration. 111 the hope timt he may this e j.i. lo the benctii e!' othci s. I do thi-the n-.ore readi'v iii rivnnl 1.. 11... i' I (iertn".'i Uillcis. prepa:; 1 Ly Jir. C. M J.iel... I this city, because I wu.i prejudice", ii-:a:iist thei many years, u'...'.u- tlic'iiiipi. -.ii.u tl ni tlo-v el.iellv utl l ieoiiolic lui.tr.iv. I : 10 imlelMed : Iri-m! Rob, u Siitouuiker. E:j.. lor ll.c l'-.. -. Ibis pnjudiuc ly p.i.j r lest... ai.d t .. c: 001, ; mint 10 uy them, " luu niifjiing 1, 11, . j long cutiiiucdio i-iiiiy. Tlic r !..-. j'l... 11:-. . Ritters, at tbo begimiio.- .,;' ii,,- pr.- i.t I was lolloi. e-l 1-v evnleoi 11 in., 1.1..1 . de.-rec of bo.iiiy and u.i ntal 1 i iii h i n. te't ll.rux inonllis b, l'..rc. ai d b., i .-.:....i diM of re quilling. 1 Ibereiore n,, k tj.iinid 10 v 1 t 'i ilirecto g to'e uxiol 11, en-. .1. NE'iV'i'tc'N EltO'A ri.i!au.-l4,liii. Juua 2'1. Invl. Tiscaset of Kidney: an-l Bleiiotr In YmiiHjor -(; ', Fn.iiUi-. Arcspccdily removed, mid the paiicut riUri teultli M'LECAli: ciTlLDEEX, Theirs anfu-ring from Munwn. ras'tr.? r with saicely 11 y :le.-h 011 lht;.- Lui. aie 01.1 & viti- siioi I time : o-.,e '.. i:U ii- stun ca.-cs. ill a most surprising ctlect. l'.iUE.sTS liavli- a-.iTi-r'w ohil.lrrn a-i 1. and wisiuui. to raise ihcu. will m-wi ivgrel th. they coinincuced with tue.-e Rithrs. 1.11 Ell ARY MEN. SH'Pl NT rid ihose t ir.g bald Willi ibeir I11110-. l-ut-l always k b-.f.le ot" il.iotl.nidV liiiici- near ttiem. ..5 ih fol.'. uiuob hoitiut friow i: ; . , 10 l.th mini body, iiiv igolnlilig ant l-j! .K-ore.-.-ing. li la JiU'i A I.lOlol; ST1MU.AM Aud Icaics 110 pnirlrmiuu. .lll:st lost, Moldicrs! AND "HE FRIENDS OF Soi.DIEE:-' We call tho atteniiioi of alt daring ndar fiieods in the aruiy to theisct that iiiioi'l. Oeriuan Lilier 1 willeu " ri i-.-teiii!.. of tlo-, if luce I .y vxposurce and pri' mi: .us 11.1 i.eM 1,, life. In the li.ts. pui.li u'!ii.o.-t d.iiv 1 new papers, on tb arrival of ll.c si -h.il u'iil I tied ihaluvery laic p...p-r;i "i nitlern -debility. Eveiy case of 11 at l.i.,1 i-.": b : elirr l b IKiolliuid ; lie,,, ,!,, piiiers. We I,: losiliiiioii iu si.tin-- il it. ii in ltd cr. win i:e.l aoii.i'gour so.. not . ti.i'i-.iri'.l.. saved 1 inn oiln ji 1..1 n! 1 . I, -: of hies iri- 'I be piio ri-o.-jis aro d-oiy l eceiung Ibaukf fiom tulVerers 111 ti e ',,10,3 v, l,s!., have been risiori-il to l.etl'li t w. '4,v u 14 ih Itrs, aeul lolhiti. by their tm". is. M'WARE "I' C'l'.VU.RIXlTS: Sco that the Slgna'ui-euf "C, M. J.VL'IisoX'' tbe Wn.pl er ol eacli Inillie Price per R1.UI.1 ' 3 eeais. u balfdnen f..r . Should y.iui pwiriDi i!ic:;; 1,01 hn i, Jo Lot IH) pv. i t! by ri ) ; ll-c 11 , .,!!,. , tioi'i Ibal u.iy l-c i.!T. i e.l In I.. 1 !i-e ton.' aud ill torweil. cui,ly :ek .'. b, -. PitiivXiiel 1 C1.0 iui M.ii.ute' 1 .iv, No. 11 i JOMJ a I. A " (Smoisasun u C. ii J.k, i, t Cu. ) & S -f W l-y Ikjy t4 IwJil."w t,--u io its I i.-:--l o , Jm. l-SH-.lt - . . -1