,-' SAPOniFIBH, Oil CONCKNTR ATEO LYE TA1IILY EOAP MAKER. WAR risks Men price ; RaTtorillleT belps to reduo them. Il matte Soap for Four sent round by using yeur kitchen grease, i CAUTION! As spurion Lye re offered 1so, b careful and only buy tbs P'stonted wrtlol ynl up la Iron cant, all others being Counterfeit. PENNSYLVANIA EALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. " Philadelphia No 127 Walnut Street, rittsburg Pitt Straet and Duquesn Way. Nnvmber il. lftfta, am 1863.- - 18G3. FRILING & GRANT AT TIIB II AIIIIOTH STORE, . "yy OULD respectfully announce that they have ' Just received find opened a very large and wcllselec tad Block of . GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they aro trilling to dispose of at a VERT SMALL ADVANCE ON l'irt Vot. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND E3IBKACE3 EVERTTHIXQ GIVE TJS -A. CALL. Thankful fof rait favors tra hope to meet a con tinuanoa of tho sunt by still soiling Goods as cheap if not CMKAPKtt than can be purchased else, where. FRILINQ GRANT. Funhnry, May 53, 18!3. I. II. .HASSI-K, Attorney ni I.nw. SUNBURY, PA. Collections attended to ia tr-o counties of Nor tuumberlaud, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. rr.FEUExcr?. ITon. John M. Peed, Philadelphia, A. G. ORtlcil h Co., " Hon. Win. A. Porter, " Mr.rion Me.MicbacI, Esq.. " JJ. Koiehoui & Co., 11) Pearl Street, Now York. John W. Ashmcad, Attorney at Law, " Matthews & Cox, Attorneys' nt Law, ' ' Buiibury, March 20, 1S02." Ilurritburg, Pa. THE mr.nsgenient of tbis well-known Hotel hnr ing been returned by Messrs. COYLK HEUR. the j;.-ieiit proprietors, fie;r leave to inform the public ihnt the houi'O is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, uud improved, with a view to the proper nnd comfortable aeooniuioilntion of thos who may favor the es'iiblUhrricnl with their custom, (iuesls will receive due atteficn aad couil.-.-v. and no expent will be spnred that may conduce to ninintuiu hotel in a first-class style. Families and otlierd desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer mouths, will lind plcwant boarding and lare nnd wcll-rcr.iilatcd rooms utour uUblibhuvut, upon moderate tcrm. fcCUTT COYI.E. Slarch 29, 1?G2. J. UlLUHT 1IERR. M IIKlllDfttOIt llOUMO, NORTUUilBERLAND. PFNNSYl VANIA, i.'.Vir .if Uiisrr.) TdiK subs.-riber having lean J this well known Tavi rn Stand, lately Kept by Mi-. C. H. !!rown, respectfully imorins the jmblic C; at be is relltiinj aud repairing the premises, and will be prepared to en tertain, in a comfortable mni.ner. hi rumerous friend throughout the county, p.nd ell who may patronize l.i.- eliiblishuieiit. Aprui2,lso2.. JOSEPH VANKIRK. Con:er Fawn anil Market Streets. Wl .Mil II V. t.. rr,IlE unilcrsinc.d respectfully informs tho public, 1 that be has taken charge of liio olwvo named' Hutu, and asks for tho continuance of the foinier patronage and would inilc ail o.hcrs to give liiiu a vuii. HIS TATU.E is elways supplied with the best tho market affords. His Barconlaiiii; the choicest liquors, and bis stab ling is good and well attended by careful Ostlers. MICHAEL WILVERT. Sunbury, May 30, ISila. Wnll Paper lOCO Iio-es., OF WALL PAPER OP EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PAT 1 F.RNS. JUST roeelveil direct from tho Manufacturer, at tho MAMMOTH STORE of FRILINCl X GRANT. Sunbury, March IS 1S2 ?JLtSi:RM imti:t ri vi: j;t.v in: 1'e:i:e:zi: : As Improved for l.;3'. nnd 1SG0, By E. KETCHAM A CO., 2 0 Pearl 4t., New York. THE only Frccter Con-truotcl on seientifie prin ciples, with a revolving can and spring blade Si-rsper. Tho oue listens the freezing of the cream- -the other removes it ns fust as froieu. The most rapid in freezing, with tha li.iit quantity Cf ice. Tim most economical incest, as il is Uic most simple nd durable ill strueturo. For sale iu all tho principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Freeier accompanied with book of recipes told lull directions. PRICES. 8 tiunrls, H flo 4 quarts, 4 I'O f. iui,rt4, St Oil 8 quarts, 6 CO 14 quar's, 1 M 2J quarts, 12 00 Apply to II. II. MAFSER, Fuubury, P. March 2v, Ihi2. MERCHANT TAILOR, Murkct NtrsM-t, nearly vilosltt the Hull Itoud ! sot, BTJITDTJBY, TNFoRMs! the cilitcns of Sunburr and ticlnlty, thai he has jo. I relumed Uotu Phiiadelohia Wllh a full UMirtuio.l of I' lI.I. AM Wl Vn il sJ.tMHIM, OF EVERY DESCltlPTIuN AND QCALIl V. Hit stock owimsis of Cloth., Fren-h Cloths Black Ib-eclnnandl uiioy Caiiuiein). Itim-ii Shiiii. l iguied bilks, Pluiu aud r aney Casciterre EfTlNiiS, which h will make up lo oi'd.-r in tl,. l j .ul the inri of cusiotueis, on soort notice, aud the muit r-iu-usbU terms, AuyUooUnot en hand, will b furuUhtd fruia rhtladolphia, l.y giving iu day.' nolite. uooa. iurnur.si ny uiwloiueri wil, be uisde bp loo Wdui a keiKtolors. As ha wilt euiploysone but i xpriU-nerd woikwen, ! prsoiis u.ay riy ou gtitmg Umr aoik nij d,,u, tt Li. .boo. Thankful for I he pstr - brrriolor b.tovJ, be fij- liuily i-iliotti a eo.tiuuabeevl' Iu sauie. tfutibuiy, Sell. Ill, lisO.i Jl'.cT fix-eivej fVo NswYclliai l M.ln.ltl..!s. s tre.b hi. ply ul lie ltti .1;. l.s a' J ol il.. b. i tfjali.y, wbicii be i-u hiid wsaieiip lo orsj.r, vsrrsiitsd to a. v-mmJ mIuiaoiiosi lis bss made ojiaiit't'tit-jiis ia Ibe siiy to Laie tits sivsi woili i.4 L uilar, ishk-b u be bad al ail l l ", II lu.t m ksa I Ibiy ai l b. ..h i r. , ( UwxMi kuika Also 'tsKiuiii-g l.1 !') In sud eiP'li u( ail kind. Ud'l. I ill 1-o Wo1als lU4s sad SLus by Ik h i Csll and Ulvte olibutug alMali.i SJk'l iisty iisiiwl'il. Isai.Slol In utlfuWIll Ltrt"Ji4 kwluead ts MMIIli Swlkslls 4illa.ifeto it it l. a I i Hviff ikive (ual an (,( ii J, Ku4 iu llniii Kb.iv Wj II MILLlst. 4LViry.'l' . M- P l(4savi!y, 3-r , u4 fM Pj A l.nt Awortinl rjv, , EVANS A WATSON'S BAIjAMANDEH FtAPlB. URKAT FIRE AT RKADINO, PA. ' " ; February 12, 1861 Okwtlhci It glrct ma tuncb satlsfaetlon to Inform yra that in the sever fir whieta, ton the morning of the 4th Inst., entirely destroyed all inj Mock and materials, I had on of your Salamander Fire Proof Safes. After enduring an irt"Df led beat fur seven boors, tha Safe was opened, and the Books and Vapors were preserved in an umhUmisht-d condition. 1 shall need another Safe aa soon as I got in order. Yours, most respectfully. W P, DICKENSON, Reading, Pa. FlltS AT GREEN CASTLE. CkAUSEiUsune, Franklin comity, Pa., ) August ul.nt. ISnl . Messrs. EvA t Watson. Philadelphia Gentle men: On the morning ot the Ji2d of August. lrbl, our Storehouse St- Greencnstlo was rtc'troyed by nro. The Salamander Safe we purchased from you some tew years since was in liio above inentiiiucd store fceiee. r.i-d contained all our books, papers. cash, Ao. which were preserved in a perfect condition, after being exited to a most intense beat for several hours. Please inform ns upon what terms you will sell ns another larger Safe. Veins truly, . OAKS AUSTIN. Fiilnmandur Safes, f r Banks. Store. Private Fmnilics. Ac, Ac. Also, Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Bark Locks ar.d Itnnk Vault Doors, equal to ny msdo in the country, an 1 sold on as pi terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to th.i following Bonks nnd other partus, having their Safes nnd Locks now in use, to their entire satisfac tion, and nianyothfrs given at their Ptorc. U.mtu) Smtkd Mlr, iiraueh Ilnnk. hhelbyvillo riiilnilelpbin. Tenneje. ffiTKP States AnstXAL. City Jtnnk of Philadelphia. i 'nil torn :n I' iiiolidntioii ii kof I'bila. C'uui'lij Lunk of PhHa. t'hataiMHfirn Linnk. Xcnn. I'rc'ia Loan At'i r, 4th St. Lank of Kortliumbeiland. Jlnnk of North u Liberties, l'hiladelpi.iit. Paul nnd Swi:, Pnnkcr.'. TotNtown iistik, Tn. (,oates illo llnnk. I'o. Stror.d.-'lMirg ilnnk, I'n. Jersey Mioro linnlt, l'a. Loelt lln en Limit, pu, 1 ir.ni linnk. Baltimore. Smihwctcrn Hi t.kof Va rultou l':mk. Atlanta, a Nvwnrk i'ni.k, Iul Alalia vil. W.U. Sterling.Wiikesb'o. Lcwif'hiiiv l!:uik. Pn. Unnk of X. C, llaleiph. Other rcfrnnccs given upon culnr.g at our Store, JSo. in ,s, tourtu street, i nuaaeipma. Sept . 5. ISli:-;. 1 y miTPAKiS JIANTJrL77C:L(")AkXi) I t II i:.lllMZtII 51. No. P20 Cur.sxt T Prn fft, (rurmcrly No. 7d8.) PHILAHLLl'HIA. J. W. riiOCTOIt A CO., invito iho attention o their Friends to their largo an l Superb Stock of Fino CLOAKS and FUR?, unparalleled in any former season . Tho inereased accouimpdntion nfforded in onr new locution, enables us to devoto tho fullest attention lo our . ' I'nr I'jnrlirnt which will bo found Well furnished with every de. scrintion of First Class FURS, vbi-h will be giiiiran tccd os represented, or the mcucy paid v. iil be re funded. OJtl'KRSper mail will bo carefully attended to, nnd delivered, Exprea charges paid, and duiuncu inside of 10(1 uiilo. J. W. TKOCTOR & (.. No. P20 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. g?pt.S, l 'C:i. ly 50ST0VES. OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR SALE AT J. Itolirbnrl: t'o.'M F O U N D R "V, SXJTBTJR, PENN'A. Get theBet Get Iho Chwpets Get the mot Eco nomical, which can bo had at the liohrbneh Foundry. Having a larpo aorio:cr;t of tho nicht apttroved STOVES, fueh as Cooking, Purlor, Oliice ami Shop Stoves, which will be sold st Ihu lowest rales. Aire, Kettles of all sites, Paus. Skillets, Ac They aro a!io manufaci tiring Machinery, Ploughs, Cnti:ig7. ,Vc, at frbort notice. Repa'rui 11 kinds of Agricultural Implements dune in r- u'ood wotkinaiiliko manlier aud at tLc bhortt uolica. All articles shipped ns ordered. Orders respect fully solioited and promptly attended to. JACt'ii nOlIJttiACH i CO. lp Old Iron, and all Lindd of Produce taken in Exchange lor work Simbury. Oct. S. loo.T. tfeh fr.iyM BEST PIANOS. S360 Having removed to his new Ware-Room3, I 19 West Hot sto.s SmuiT. New Ychk, Ti.kes great pleasure in calling the attention of tho I public to his New and Full Scale 1 Uctaro j ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE?, j Containing nil the modern improverucn's: Over strr.r.c; Bass, Frencli.Giand Action, Harp l'edul, and1 ( lull iron tramo, irom 4.sO to (ktJOO. 7 1-4 ROSEWOOD PIANOS, E.?ra finish, from mi?.- to i;ii.-n. The Rreat success ultcndiur M. Duckcr's New Sculo Piano Foites is. of iiwlf, a sufticiciit eai.ran. tec f- r their rune rlurity. 5 hey only need to be head to become universal 'avoritcs. 7 M GUANO PIANO FORTES. . I (For which the Prire Medal was received at thela?t ' I American Institute i air.) ho now ojler for si 100. ! i Mr. DueWs Rich-tuned and powerful TKIuLO- i i 1'i.ONS, which received tl.o First Prize in 1S.V.I end I lMiti. and likewise al.thc last Fair, he now oilers at tii- loilowin l-iw prices, varying from .-sloo to S.SJj. j 'i'ttse tupv-rioi' iiis,ruinen: p',ses suCicicut jKivvvr I to lead a corn-relation of lni0iieiMjnsiii any Ci.urcli. i AH tbc-e iT!-tr,'U:en!s arc warranted to be made of well-eeuscncd tuutciiuls, mid legulutcd iu the' nest stylo. N. II rrofesors and amateurs aro respectfully ini ilH to examiiio theso very superior instruments. tb-tolier2l. Ihlid. 4111 VAFKISHES, PAINTS & GLAS3 w TE cQi.r to Dculers, Coochniakcr8 and liouso Paiuters. at the verv lowest r.ctt ra-h iiriei s the best Coach and Cabinet Varnishes ; Pure White Lcud: French and American Ziucs ; Chromt t irecus, an't Yellows, Drop and ivory Blacks, and a lu'-l as. jorrtiieiit of all the f.uer Color such as Vet in'ilioiis, Lakes, Tube Colors Ac, abo. Paint and Varnish BrLsbes. of the be-t make, tilaxier's Diamonds uud Poiuts; Pui:t Mills; sinlo ainl double thick CU-. of nil di-scriplions and uli Materials used by House uud Coach I'ainicr which we can sell as cheap, if not el. caper, lean any olhir house, lrom liie tact that we keep duwn our expense by cuudujting our business personally. Mr. Lai . one of tht Prin for mniiv ver loann faciured the Varniches. sold by tlic lule C. S-diraek. t e.teel coiitnlciii t'i-it our urmtr not .unerior. to anv maiiufiictiued in Oil. Country. ml noiui, ii Mil warrant IVin to givu mtiro satisfaction, anil if : not as represented, the money will be refunded. Give j lis a call b--f-.ro puichasir.g thicwhejc. A liberal I discount made to Ihu tudc. j FF.LTON 4 R.'.U, ' Nos. 13d X lo?- Nurlh I'our'li t-trctt, corner Cherry, I l'biladolpLu. Oct. 10, ISa.l. m ICciitlius: linili-ond. WIN TEH ARRANGEMENT CI RKAT TRUNK LINi' from the North ana f Noith-M est f.r PUIsd-l bin, New Voik. Read ins;. PotiMilie, Lebanon, Allentown, Eastou, Ac. 1 ruins leave Hurrisburg fur Phitudetphin, New Y'uk, Reading, PutUville. and ell luleiuiediute Hi m ions, at K A. M , sud 2 00 P. M. New Vurk ExpresMleave. Jlarri-burt at 3 f-0 A. M., arriving at New lurk at 10 13 the same uoirmus;. Fares froia Ilr.-n.burir : T" New i ork e I J , li Phdudelphia 3 33 aud J 60. Baggage cuwked tbroimh Iteiuriilng. leave New York st 6 A. M.. 11 Noon, i and 7 P M (I'ii'sourth t-r-. Leav J'ttiiulvl- j hia al 0 li A M and a .to I' M. 1 bleeiiinf vara iu the New lurk Epres Tritius, lbiou,b luand from IMi.foi.b wi bout ebanjre. Pauenr'ils by Ilie LatMwit-s Rait l'.u.id l-m-Ts ' nmiiuu m e A.N, ami 2 U P. M , for PLiludel ! I I.I Nt-s-Vois e I all Way 1'o.nlj. ' Trains l-sve P-Mi.v'i"i via A. M .and 2 .mP. l" "iilsdeld.i llaiiisbuig and New toik Auaeouiiuudciiii Piuvuiiri ...on leaves llt-un iucUS'i .. oiil.sies lteudiiis at tt HI A. , aud leiuriu lioia t'btladelvl-ia ai 4 .0 P.M. C , " All the lt irjins run daily, funds; ti eepi.d A KuudaV train l'v Hotlatiile al 7 So A.M., and PIiii.,LI..i ai x U P. M. ouiuiuiaiieu, Mileai'u, b'oa. and Eicur.loo Tu-aris, ai re.iutt-l run s lo iu.4 nui all oi,,i.. 0 pvauds Ls.-v.s llotu each r. U A. Ml iil.1.1. Di3 1?, N,1. tiulil Cu tllblsudtbl' NKW FANCY SI'OBK. riMIE suLawribar rrapsulfulls iKKaTIU ktr fiwkds J si 1 IU i-oi lu. IL.l lass Ju epc4.4 la 1 t ut. ul the p.,i ou,.. a M W jJotK if f ASff l.'H'l-a It UJi.e mJ g.kUaia.tti, UmIuI ainl MMW.tllul uMUIit.jl la (Mil of la..i' liUtttuikaa, si'.il a.-i. 4Im, . tii.i-k tsks, I ..l. slul etkff Tt'Mal, I tail., li.ttok, 4lMo.,i,-tus Uki JIUU.t- isuHS. bli, lis'sliug ks, Uka, tutus, fwkstHwks, Gsiuas M tldidies), IHI SsiUllW bikaf !!(. las, all uf wk..kk.v i1lsaf niltcs iti.-U, all t,t k..kk.v ' ,aalk44 tail SA.4 fJ'il U aM at l...a I k-S kikts. A4 tf-iisvit-st hsltaM,lit l. IfsJ -If stlSH IS. "ISS ,4VM. KNOCHE. ; v 3 MARKKT tjTRF.KT, UARRISBURO, PA.', i . l)eoler In , , -1 a ; PI A NO S . VTKW Rosewood Tianoi, from th best makar IN 1m $2(!( upwards. . , " MKLODEONH. The best mMmractured Initra. mcnts, from 4oto$100. . Guitars, Violins, Aeeordeens. Flute, Fifes, Fruo.s, Ilnnjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and mntiosj mer ' ehandiae In genernl. SHEET MUSIC. , The Inlest publications always on band. Musia lent by mail to any psit of the oountry. ,- OVAL, btiUAUK, OILT AND ROSEWOOD FBAMB8.I Suitable for looking glasses, and all kioda 4 picture always on nana. A fine n"ortment of best plated T nnirTVd (ir.ASSKH from smallest to largest sues. Anv style ol name niauo to orner bi me snonest t0,i(.c WM. KNOCHE, April 11, 180.1. 83 Market St., Harrislmrg. ABi.i)lil o. PETKU LORILLARD, nnir A: XoUnrro Mnnnliiilnrer 18 A 13 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York. Would ea'l the etlfciilion of Dealers to the articles of hin manufacture, vis : 13ROWN SNUFE. . Maoaloy, Demigros. . Fine Rappee. Pure Virginia, Coun-e Rnppce, Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch. Honer Dew Scotch. Utah To'ist Scotch. Frth llir.cy Pew Scotch Irl-h lli-h Toast, Fresh Scotch, or 1 uiidv loot. Ep A Mention It cnllcl to tho largo reduction in piic-.-oflinc-Cul Cbewing and Smoking Tobaccos, I which w ill bo found of a Superior Quality. 1URACCO. I Smoking. ' Fine CutChrwlrp;. Smoking. I Long, P. A. L., i r plain, S. Jatro. Io. 1, v aveiut'. ii. or sweet, spanun, No. 2. Sw eet Scented Oronoco. Cunaster Ncs. 1 A i u-.ixut. Tin Foil Cavendi.li, Turkish. Granulated. N. 13. A circular of prices will be sent on applica tion. Apiil4, 1F..W. 1 ti 1 lJ.Ki-v 11UIIII1.III Vlllittfc lltlTtJ, si uiiki: timi: taki.i:. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tho North and Wet Branch Susquehanna, Lluiira,und all of North ern -New i ol K. rS end after MONDAY, APIIIT. 20th. lSft.3. the PaM-niier Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will arrive at and dcyinrt from Sunbury Hartisburg nnd Ballimoro ns follows, vi : SOUTHWARD, Mail Troiu leaves Sunbury daily (except. buudiiy). 1" 10 A. M " leaves Uarri.-biirg, 1 I i P. M (( arrives at Baltimore, b " Exjress Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sjiniay.) " h-tirui iluritbiirg (except -t,.i.-.y.) " airins nt Baltimore daily (excent Mondavi. 11 07 P.M. 2 00 A. M. 6 15 A.M. Hurriburg Accuuauotiiiti-jn leaves Harris burg, U SO A.M. NORTHWARD. Mail Truin leaves lialtloioro daily (ex cept Suiidavl 0 l i A. M. ' le:i'c lluriid ur? 1 1 j P. M " arrive? at iii l'iuy, 4 Oj " Express Train leaves I'altimorc daily 9 1 ." P. M l airiesat llnrrisbur, 1 Si A M. " leave Ihirrisburg (except Monday). 3 00 A. M. ii sr-csat Poli'-'iry. (, For fuilhcr iiif-..rr.:u'ion npilv at th dlfi-.e. I. N. Di BARRY, bupt. I,:itktiM ai:uii A. Iilosn.-lnr: Hail. i-oik!. N and after November 17, 1562, Pasrenger Trains will ran as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Frt iqI, t if I'atxt titrrr. lO.lo A". M JV. nsrrr, I Leavo Pirnnton, S till A. M. Kinsrston, 9 M 11.40 1". M. " Rupert. ll.IiO I'unvillc. 12.na Arrivcat Northumberland. 12.45 P. M. MOVING NORTH. Lcavo Northumberland, S.2U P. M IihiimIIo, 6.00 ' Rupert. 6.:'S ' lving-1on, 6.43 Leave, 1.45 P.M. Arrive at Scranton. 10.00 P. M. 3.-10 A Passenger Train also leaves Kiniptou at 8.00 A. M.. lor S-'raut jii, to eon.ecr with a train lor N'tw V.jrk. Ruluniing, leaves Scraotoit ou arrival of train troin Ns-w York, at 4.13 P. M. The Lackawanna A' hlui"burg Railroad C"T,e-ts with the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Rail road at Scranton, lor New York and intcnuedii.to jrfiints ea.-t. At Rupert it connects with tho Cattaw i-.-a i'.ail rooi tor puinis l-otn cast and west arming at Phil adelphia at 0.13 P. M. At Noi (1iiin,neil:rii 1 i: connects with tho Philadel phia A 1-rie RatUoad and Northern Central Rail road, li r poin's west ami south Pa-sengers ai riving i.t lliuiibunr l.M P. M : l'hilitUelphiu 10 P.M.; aid lliiltimiio 10.20 I'. M. The I- reijiht and Pa.enpers Train north, lenvej NoriiiUinbcilaiidat ii.i i A M , r.nd arrives ut V,20 P il.. pasting Dautillc at s.Io V. M. Ji.JIN P. ILS1.EY, SupH. J. C. IVrii.5. Geueral Ticket Agent. Nov. 20, 1p'12. 11.40 P 'I'o ."Vorvosis (inlli-rers oi'lrolli Srxi-si. VJtfcVF.lt END GENTLEMAN having been re stored to health in a few davs. after undergoing all the usual routiue uud irregular expensive modus ! f ireiitn.ent, without success, considers it his sacred uuty to couuuuim-aiu to ins tunictcu ictiuw creatures the means or i Tim. ID rue, on tho rucipt of an addressed envelope, he will scud (free) a. copy of the prcecrntion used. Direct to Dti. JOHN M. DAGNALL, l-i'i Fulton Sucet. Brooklyn, N Y. Jr.ncary 24. ls64. TAIL0HINO ESTABLISHMEJST. JOHN E. 8MIOK, l awn Sineet, oppo.ite Weaver's Hold, BTJ? BUB Y, Nr-rthumfcevlantl Co.. Pa., NM'RMShis friends and the pv.'lij generally, Hint bo has taken the Shop ot Jacob S. Rake, ucc it., una is pieparea to -lo ail Kinusoi jaii-i'II- . ..... . ,-, I x- in a goo.1 w. i ainanuHo manner. l no I atrcu- ugeottiie pnblic is respectfully solicited. "Sunbury, iay M, IM.S.-ly JUST BEADY. NEW STYLES OF JEWELEY. s. N opportunity not to be list siht of. Raro thai co fur Ak nts. Ladies p well as Gents can act as Agent". Apply early and secure tho aguuey for your locality. I oo.ooo ir.4 TCllES. VEST CHAINS, l.OCKKTS, y.'.vf.-. cm.v ji:.xs anh vexcji.s, iiUAcfurrs, .srvns, huttoni, ni:cn ciiais.si:ts oi'J j:v- K Lit Y, .Vr. To lor sold for sil eiu h, and nut to be paid fur uutil you know what vou are to get. Stud 23 eeius for Ccrtiticale. telling you what ou eaa have, with. I a cireulur, guing full partieulsistuAgents. Perfect ' salUfaetiou guaiautei.ll in all cioms Address, H. 41. WARD A CO.. ?VM BruadHsy. Box 4,hr4. March II. Hot -ly FA11ILV DYK COLOB8. Illnck, J'aik Blu. I.ibt lilue, MsKenli, Matoon, 'lanje, 'luk. t'uiple, tlo., .1 Purple, .Sulmo4i, I rrcticu nue, 1 1-uet Rrou, DhiIi I1iou, Lul.i l0S, stttut Uiuwu, t IIIO.l U, I'urk Drab, Light Diab, Ddik .n.e, Light G,ew, ssrlri, Mute, K.llerluo, Uilel, V-.tiuT. I'ur Dying Suk. W .- l-n anJ kl'id O.mli. sihaals, SHiSla, iitfM4-a, i ibbuais, t j luv us, RoaM'Cta, Ula, JtMlliria. Koi ul... I (illilritt t lulkiuaj, k J nil kiia ul W eiiu4 AppsuaL uslis(f el rr I rut, foi ! amis uu rs eol. as motor 1 axis as would alli.l ia 11, i l.u lbl flMI olubS stdiiM rta k Muliwd llui Uivai li nub SHUi'ewt . '' Dufvobu t U Fuflitk, ficavli aa.d Oasaaa, U44 ef b p. k k .e luusie iuli'tajiallvsi la Dlug, Osul ffiU-f lank kuals-Ja) u kail eMtuts ai iasat aipid lu al ) i s VMlatat. lank taltaaikl leaipM I tksaat uae 4 0 I"J livaiia I'ssit-a ! t'tja tuSiuaj OU kt haaal is) la-clt hi M I- - I s .W, I fu,-k ltssj lsss4i J4 tlsMft W Uavs, Ctvat aa). iS -ft. DXl SWEET'S v INFALLIBLE ' L! N I TJ E N T, the GREAT REM FEY For Hhfvtnntum, Omit, JTevralgin, Lumlnig StiJf'Actk and Joint; Sjfratnt, Jfruttes, Cuttand Wound, nie. Headache, . and all llheiimatic and Xertoui Disorder!. For all of which Is a speedy and certain remedy, aud never fails. This Liniment is prepared trom the recipe of lr. Btcphcn Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone seller, ana nas been usea in ine pracuc for more than twenty ycari with the most astonishing success. ..... . As an Alleviator of Pain, tt is unnvaiea oyj any preparation heforo tho publlo, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. this Liniincni will cure rnpuuy i rnuicoiijr, Rheuiimtio Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases w hero it has been uscd.lt has never been known to tail. For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate relief in every case, however distressing. U will relieve Iho worst canes of Hoaducho la three minutes, and it warroutcd to do it. Toothache also will it cure Instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, ari sing from imnrudence or excess, this Liniment is a must happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the ncrvoue tissues, it strengthens and revivl lies the aysteiu, aud restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim that it is tho best known, and we challenge tho world to produce an cyual. K.vcry victim of Ibis distressing complaint should Rive it a trial, for it will not fail to nllord immediate relief, and in a majority of oases wid eflcot a radical rcu tj.tincy and S-ro Throat are sometimes extremely mill iiriiant nnd dangeious, but a timely application ol Ibis Liniment will never fail to cure. Spruins are soiuetimesvery obstinate, and enlnrgo mem of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The woist ciiso may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three davs. Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, Burns nnd Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pro pcrties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used nccording to directions. Also, Ctiilbluuif Frost ed Feet, aud Inject Bites and Stings. DR STEFEHEN SWEET the Great Natural Bon Setter. f Conncvstlcut DR STEPHEN SWEET, is known ail over tho United States. Connecticut DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of '-Dr. Sweet 's lufalliblo Lii'i'ueut.' Pr. Sweet's Infallible Liuimet-t Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Is a ccrtuiu remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Id the best known remedy for Spruins aud Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom foils to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Linimnnt Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and Ineres no soar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is tho best remedy for Sojes in the known world. Dr Sweet's Infalliol Liniment Has been in use by more than a million people, and all praise it, Tr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Token internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly n ' friend in need," and every family should have it hand. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 60 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. THY IT. VK. SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external uedy. is without a rival, aud will alleviate pain more speedily than any other prepa ration. 1 or all Rheumatic aud Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, and as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Spriiius, Bruises. Ac, its soothing, healing sn I rt.wettul strong! belling properties, excitu the just wilder and astonishment of all who bine ever Kiicn iu triul. Over oue thousand certificates of rcuiurkutle cui.i. performed by il wiUiiu the Lut two years, allest the tact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! I R. SWEET S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR liOilsE-S is unrivaled by any, and iu all eases of Lameness. ui isiLg lrom Strains, liruises or. Wrench in j, its elect ia uiiigical and certain, llamcas or Saddle Gulls. Scroicio . .Malice. 4c, it will also cure speedily. Spuv iu uud Knigbouo may be ea.ily pre vculed and cured iu their incipient stages, but con tinued esses are la voiid the possibility of a radical cute. No ease ol liio kind, however, is so despernle or hopeless but il uiay be alluviaivd by Ibis Lild Uieul, aii its fuilhlul application will always remov the Liiuieiieas, sud enuble the burses lo tiat el will! Vompaiuiive eauo. iii i.itr house owner thou!. I have this remedy at baud, for its timely u at Hie tirot apiu-sran.-e of Lameness will elietiluully prevtnt lhao Mudilubl dueaiata, to wbit-b all bor es are liable, aud Inch render su many otboi ui.s vaiuabl boitcs utaily worthlea. DR SWEET'S Inalliblo Liniment. Ik TtTB SOLDIER'S FRIEND, A ad thvusasd k foaad it truly .A. VHXIZXITi m NEED I SSMllokt. Teste! 4 lnliU. olas Ik tigaalar a4 l lkvv"- i'l etapbea fcaau utl svaijr leboi, S44 alau ' Mitplisa k.l t IblalliU Lu.iu.tsnt ' kin la lb tlaasel aMk swtil, llkual kkkk kkk kl " Hltlpl'1s1 A CO, aula l'Miaiba WotaUk, Ct ItOklJiX 4 Al It ! A(.ata, 4 knl kvsssa, lsj sssk- Msl kf all 4.aJwS sttf Ma II, lM - If T. ooir n o gp i t a ti tSTABLTFIiTD AS A RF.FTJGE FROM QUAtil'.- KRY. i . -' , ! TnS OXLT PLACE VTITERE A CUtlE CAN SIS OBTAINED. ; JH. JOHNSTON bat dbwevere the most Cartajin, Speed? and only Effsataal Remedy in tha arid for a'll Private Diseases, Weakness of tb Back w Ltmba, Btrierurfe), Affection of tba Kidney and Bladder, Involuntary Discharge, lmpoteney, Gene ral Debility, Nerrousnes, Dyspepry, Lanauor, lam Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation ef tie Heart, btseas of the Head. Throat, No or skin, Affection of the Liver. Lanrs- Btfitnaah or Bowel thosk Terri ble Disorder arising from th BoliUry Habits ef lootb tnose secret and Miliary praettee more fatal to tbelr victim than th sons of Syrens to th Ma riner of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or antlsipalions, rendering morriag, Ac., impossi ble. . . VOrXflMGrt FsTsselnlly, who hav becom tb rletlms ef Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destruotir habit which annually sweeps to an untimely gray thousands of Yonng Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise hare entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstaty tb living lyro, may oall with full son' fidence. MAItniAGE, Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating mairinge, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, deformities, Ac., speedily cured. He who places himself under Ihe care efPr.J. may rcliiriously confide in bis honor as a gentleman, aud confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. , OIt4ASlL' WI'.AK.MISM . Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing AITcct ion which renders Lif miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young Eersons are too apt to commit excesses from not eing aware of the dreadful consequences thot mny ensue Now, who Ibat understands the subject, wiil pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost Sooner OV loose llllliuic lino lliil'roiiur uauim limn ut the prudent Resides being deprived Ihe plessures of healthy offspring tho most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and niind arise. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Loss of Procrcative Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepssa. Palpitation of tho Heart, Indisestion, Constitutional Debility, n Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. OIUcc, . 7 Msilli I'r-l-rl'l Mrrrt Left hand sido going from Roltimoro street, a few d.mrs from tho corner. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must bo paid and contain n stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas linnn in his office. t A C I KI1 WAKIl AVi r.I TWO IAVS. No Mrrrrry or Ka"tnvi Drrgt. IKS. .lOIIAS'UKV Member of tho Royal College of Surgeons. London, Graduate from 0110 of the most eminent Colleces in tho United Stales, and tho greater part of whose lifo has been spent In the hospitals ot London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with rinjring in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at .udden sounds. boshfu'.nc, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured Iriiinodintelv. i aui: iAieri. i .ti xvnci'. Dr. J. addresses all thoso who have injured them, selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits which ruin both body nnd mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marrinee. Tiiksi: nro some of the sad and mtlancholv effects produced by early babils of youth, vir : Weakness of tic Da k and Limbs. Puins iu the Head. Diinnecsof .ight. Loss of Mii-eiilnr Power. Palpitation of the llcart, Dysp- piy. Nervous Irritabiiilv. Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption. Ac. 4Ikntai.lv. The fearful cftVc'son Hie mind nro much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of ideas. Depression of Spirits, F.viM'orcbodings. Aver sion to Society, Sell-Distrust. Love of- Soliludo. Timidity. Ao are somcof the evils produced. Tilol SAMiK of persons of nllsgcs can now jmlge what is the cause of their declining health, losing oeir vigor, becoming weak, pule, nervi ns and xaciated. ha in a singular appearance u'uout tiio ccugh aud symptoms of consutnpticu, yi:.u jii:. hnvo Injured tHemsc1ves by a certain practice .dulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned fioiu evil companions, or at school, the ctteets of which arc nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriai-o impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man. the hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all pro'peets and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature snd indulging iu a certain secret habit. Such persons m m, before contemplating .lBAISIglAC'i:. icHcct that a sound mind and body arc the most necessary ruiuisites to l-rotnoti connubial happiness. Indeed without these, tho journey through lite be comes n wc-irv pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly dm hens lo tl.o view; the mind becomes suudow-cd with despair and filled with Ibe melancholy ri flec tion that the happiness of another 'becomes blamed with our own. isisimm: of mi'tti imx'i:. When tho misguided and imprudent votary of plenure tin is thai he bus imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often hapnens that no ill-timed S-Mi;c of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to tho.o who, from education and respectability, can alouo befriend him. delaying Li 1 1 the constitutional symptoms of tlris horrid diaense make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore threat, diseased nose, nocturnal pnins in the head and limls. dimness of sight, deafness, nodes 011 the shin bones and arms, blotches on iho head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful raj idity. till al lust ihe phluie of the mouth or the bones of the nose tall in, and the victim of this awful disease becuincs a horrid object of commiseration, tiil death fmts a period to his dreadful sullei ings, by sending 1 iin to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is trdi'ynrl that thousands fall victims to this terrible discusc. ow ing to the unskillfulness of ignorant pretendeis. who. by ihe use ot that Ilrntlly I'oisoM, Mcmuy. ruin the consiituliuu uud mako the residue of liio uiiscruhlo. TitA.r.it Trust not your lives, or health, to tho care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute ol knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertisements, or stylo themselves, in Ihe newspaper., regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trilling luonlh after mouth taking their filthy und niisoiius com Kiunds,or at- long as the stuat test fee can be obtained, and in despair, leavo you with ruiued health to sigh over Your uuliiutrdisni iiointiiieut. Dr Johnston ia the only Physician advertising, ilia credential or dipbuuasulwavs hang in hiaotlice. His reinidies or treatement are unknown to all itlicrs. prepared from a life speut in the great hos pitals of Europe, the first in Iho country and s moro extensive l'rtt atc J'raclice than any other Physician 111 tho world, iioiimi:.mi:.t oi-'Tin: iiti:M Th many thousands cured at Ibis institution year after year. and Ihe numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the ' Sun,'' '-Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared aaiu and saiu before tb public, beside bis stuudiug as a ireiitk-iiisu of character and responsibility, is a tulAcicnt guarantee lo the aSlicled. tui. iiiMvtKi K tii:i:in.Y 41 iieij, Persons writing should be particular in directing their letters tobia Institution, in the following lnanir J4II .11. JOlI'MxrO'V, .11. !., Of the llaltiniorelAK-k Huspilal, Haiti wore, Md. February 21, lto;i ly. MANIIOCD, How lal. How Itealored. Just I'u'Jul.iJ, in a Sralttl Euicivpt. frict Six Cutis. Vl.ECTl'RC ou th Nalur. Treatment an l Ra dical Cureot Sstiiualorihua ut haminal Weak. lieu, beiual Dbilny. Nervouabeaa. and luvulunury Eiuiaaiains, inducing luia'leuey, Cuusuuipliuu, aud UuUlsl ud I' b Jali.l Debility. By Roll J J Cl LkfcltiVELL M D. Th liiiportanl fact that tb awful voiiaequrnce of Ssll-Abuau may b edeelually removed without in ternal uiediciuc or Ui daiigeious application uf caualte, 11 alruoieuta, uisdi-aud bogies, aud el her euipiiu-al del leva, is ber elvarly dvu.oaitialad, aud lb suiilely uaw aud highly suoetaatul Irealmeul adopt ad by Its eaUbiaud aulkur, fully esplaiutd, by luMii uf abich vvry ob ia enabled to eui tiiui. tell poileelly, aud at lb leasl wa.ibl vat, tbeirby avoiding all Ihe odfiia4 koauuiut uf lb day This laclur s ill p'u k kouii Iu IboUeauds oul lbui. aauuil. rsvui audaesaal lus j-lal rayalopa.t any address. l pld ua rey. lpl ui la baasUg alslups, by ad til Swing lb ubll;brt tllAi. J C KLIN'K 4CO., IT7 Bowery. Nw mk, I'uat t'ttlus Uu, 4&a4 Aug i-, -fk ,- Jy S ItstrrMitllisssMl lisslrl, lei J M ttwJwut, fas nr ? alaaati aViratl MsW VoUK riMMk tra lss H.ais .UiS .4 iul4, tvasasdlkk A 4 biMMUl HuUI I lit SIIT uB.it SMI-MlMt tSMlaaawtral I Ikaam twlliag Kew Ui M kasiuas fl l tatssMiaJ la ii kasaUawa, s4 baft u Ik k.iMf ft, in evaaaawitk-is wiik laliu haivvS, akw rati m4U - k k4 all , k( Mj IS, IkrU fB IwuaeS 1 sks ale a taltls, lb I - SUabd-) af Ik -s W-Jt U'k. U tk ssa4 usstnisjss saaika. It, tack- I j THEGEEA AMEitCAS iiEMDlS GEKTJINE PnEPABATIOUS, VIZ. HELMTiOLD'S EXTRACT "BC1TD,', - BAR8APAR1LLA rMPROVED ROSE WASH. 33Xa2KtJ30IaZS GENUINE PREPARATIONS "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, A Positivs and Specific Remdy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcerons depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduoed. as well as pain and intlauiatiou, aud is good fur men, women, or Children. IUXllOM'N KXTItACT III 4-lllj FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion. Or Abuse. Attended with the following symtoms ! Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of power, Loss ot .Memory. Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness ef vision. Universal Lassitude of the Muceular System, Hot Hands, Drvness of tho Skin. Difficulty of Breathing Trembling Wakefulness, Pain in the back. Flushing of the Body Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance, 'Iheso svmtnms. if allowed to eo on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which Ihe patient may expire. Who can say that they nro not frequently followed by thoso "cireiut uiseasos," INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION, Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, but none will eontess. iho rccorus 01 the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Connmptfon bear ample witness to tho truth ol the abortion. The Constitution, once Affected with Organic Weakness, Requires Ihe aid of medicine lo strcrirthen and in vigorate tho system, which " Heluibuld s Extract liuchu" invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALE Old or young, single,' married, or contemplating marriage, In many affections peculiar to 4 emiiles the Extract Ritchu is uueouulleil by anv other renie-lvs as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Puinfuluess, or Suppression ol the t. uMomary r.vocuations. L Iceratea or Sehirroits statu of the Uterus, Lcucorrbca, or Whites Sterility, and lor all coinpluints iueitleiit to the sex. w hethcr arising from Indiscretion, lluoits of Jiirsipntioii. or 111 ti.e DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. See symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD EE WITHOUT IT. Take no Ralsain. Merenrr. or Uniileasnnt Medicine lor v. uplcasaut ana i-'angcrous jjiscsfcs. ii 1: i .m 1: m .1 . 1 : yt i: act 111 11 Cures SECRET DISEASES In alt their stages ; at little expenso ; lit tlo or no change in diet ; no iueonvenicneo, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of Iho I retnra, allaying p iiu and innninmation. so frequent in this class of diseases and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Worn-out Mulicr. Thousand! upon Thousands, WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF SIA US, AndwboliSTO paid Heavy Fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the "Poison" hus, by the use of "Powerful As tringents," bc.-n dried up in tliesvstem, to break out iu an aggravated form, and Perhaps alter Marriage. USE iii:i.Miioi.i-s iixti:a t tiitiii; For all Affections and Diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no mutter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Oriruns reuuiro the aid of a DllRETlC. HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BVCHU I-j tl.o Great Diuretic, And it is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Ilelmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarxaparill Syphilis. This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, Liiiiiig'oi the Nose, Ears, Throat. Windpipe, and oilier Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in Ihe form of Fleers, ltclmboht a Ex tract Sarsupurilia purifies Ihe Blood, and removes ull Sculy Eruptions of the Skin, givini; to the Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. Il being prej-orod expressly for this class of complaints, its Blood-Purifying Proprietors arc preserved to a greater extent thuu any ulher preparation uf Sursapuiilia, Ilelmbold's Eose Wash, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as su injection in Disease ul the Urinary Oi uns. arising from habits of diacipuli, n, ucd in eeiinccUoii with tuo Extracts Jjucliu and barsuparilla in such diseases as recommended. Evidence of tho most rc.pon-.iblu and reliable char acter will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CUKES, From eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fume. For Medical properties of Uucbu, see Dispensatory Ihe I' ni led States. See Professor Dewees' valuable works on th Practice of Physic. See remarks mail by the 1st celebrated Dr Phvsick. Philadelphia. See remarks uiude by J'r. r.phralin AlcUowcll, a celebrated Phvsieian, and Member ol Ihe Rovul College of Surgeons. Ireland, and published iu lb Tiuiisactions ol the King and Quecu 't Journal. See Mi dico-Ciriirgiual Review, published by Benjamin Timers, Fellow of the Royal College of sui Krone. s moat of tb late buandard Works on Modi cine. Lxraucr Bi t Hi', $1 00 pm buttle, or six, 3 00 BAHSAI'AniLLA 1 00 " " 9 Wl vriiosru Ross Wa.ii. 60 " 11 I 30 Or half sdoseuuf each for $13 00. which will b sutLu ieiit to cure tt most uUtiuat caaus, li direction ore adhered to. Driiveicd lu any sddrcas, securely packsd rom ulaarrvariun. y liewrils syniplom In all eoaiiBunieauiiu. luiva guaramleea. ,vj ice .raua. AFFIDAVIT. Per nally appeared b-rfui ui sn Atduruiauof tb city uf Pbilasieipbia, il. T. IK Iu-bold, a bo, being duly aamu. dolb tay, bis ucparalluus euuUlU lau kajc4ie, lui luitcuiv, ut ulliof ll juriuua dlugs, but 01 puisly ti'guutbie. r ' 11- T. UELJ'lloLD. gworasnd d-Miib4 Wfor su, this t.'l day uf Nuveuitwr, ln4 r iiiuu-tiw, atldalauak, inlb-nal, abov Kaea, l ad. AdJiew lellsrs f-r Ii.Crniaibva it) oa34tu. 11. I, litt MUOLD, ita.ia.ut. pekvl 1 04 kWlb Tsulb-sUMt, bUi CktalJul J'kils. utWARi. or coi xTtut in A4 I kplli-e'jdsal Isealas W k nJeatuf la dwM "a lka ' 04 kUf ' Stuals an Ut lapalalluti sllalked kjf Uaitawatd Uauaut I' i !-'" m Jauaa4 Bukai. a k'as.uauitla. ' u lsk4 IjUm St Ota. ubl by Oil DoU a. jakat. AK ist UkLJStloLD k-IAbl JIO0TIIIII tulaut Iks a-4!altlaeMWl, aa4 l4 JaJ it, 44 At, .4 -a.t-a-l'- M-l k-a-l ' UallSKis I'tBal a4 IktatuatJ WwtWat, 1)4, fiaaJ,k- toik. fearaasl , IkOJ a If ... . TITS lit SUFFICIENT THREE, ; Tfto A'lnfn'ts I'sproksi rsTitisTr - salve KrnintT. r,.( time hnva eonelndcd nr- VT renifrents with rtis Northern Central R""! t:on-pony te run trains, itorn .iwiumara 1. 1 ..., IlsmiaWg. Danphin. Halifax. Trvorton. Punbtiry, Norihumbefliind, LewlsVmrg, Hilton, Muncy, W il liasnsport, arid ail intermediate stations, eonnecting; at Hsirisbwrg with the GREAT WESTERN EX riiF.S3 tot Pittsburg, .L'iucibnali, Et. Lcula th Abie with Howard ft Co.'s Express at Milton or Danville, Bloomsburg, WIlkcsbnTr, Plltston, 6eran ton, and Intermediate station on the Cattawisan, Lackawanna ft Bloomsburg Railroads. At W iW ltnmeTjcTt, by Howard ft Co.'s Exprem to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elraira, Rochester, Uuffalo, Ningara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie. Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuabls Packages of every descrip tion. Also. Notes, Drafts snd Bills for Collection. ' Experienced and etlemit niesscntrers employed, and vry effort will b made to render satisfWion. JOHN RIN'Gil AM, Saperinlendenl Perm's Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 6, 1&2. ItlCAlkY 1101 Ctrntr ef Siute aud Third Streets, . liABiusnrno, Pa. THIS HOUSE, In consequence of lis convenience and near location lo the Capitol, has made it a desirable stopping place, not only for those having business at tho seal of Guvcrnucnt, but fur othors visitiug Hurrisbiirg. March 2, 1S02. TEflRIRLE DISCltsURES-SECRETS FOR THE MILLION! . A most valauble and wonderful publicalioti. . A work of 400 psges. and ?) colored enirrnfings. DR HUNTER'S VADE MKC1.M. an original and popf lnr treatise on M.in and Woman, tueir I'oyiotogy, J- unctions, an-1 Sexual n isomers 01 every ainu, wuu Never-Failing llemedies for their specify cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER lias Ion? been, and still is, unbounded, but at tho earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he has tin u Inilucea to extcrni 111s medical usefulness through tho medium of his VADE MECUM. It is a volume that should be in the bands of every liimiiy in tho land, as a preventive of secret vires, or as a guide for tho -..! .. -c ..e ,1. ....... i.r..l ...I .lxitrio'lii-A 111 ICV IllllOU Ol lllin 01 1 ll-J liTO.-v c, , ., .-,.h...- scourires ever visited mnnkind. One copy, securely enveloped, will b forwarde l free of postsije to liny purl ot the t nitcd stales tor uu cents in 1 . o. sismin, or Seopieslor SI. Address, posl paid, DR. Ill NTER, No. 3 Division Street, Iiew lork. June 6, 1-03. ly. l'A.MJY I'lKS! I'A.x.'v reus : J OH N FA RFIRA, No. Tl ArchStreet.be. low Fiohih. south side, PHILADELPHIA. Imisirier and Mariu facturerof, and Denier in ail kiods of Fancy Furs, for Ladies' and wear. ' fifV Wj;" r I wi.-h to - TeKs!$ hsuk ti it' ret ;irn m v irv friends of Sunbury nnd the sur- frnjr rounding Counties, lor 2- V- their verv lioeral pr,- ""'5-J.L- --'t?''r tronaire extended to ins durin" the In-t few yefr--, .".n-l would P'.v to them that 1 now have in "store, of my own Importation and maiii.factnre a very ixicnsive assortment of all the different kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs, lor La-lies i.nd Children, lout wili 1 c worn during the rail nrol t inter seasons lleirg Ihe direct importer of all my Furs from Europe, au-1 h:iinj ihcni nil Manufactured under n'V o n cni-erv i-ion 1 nab!e:i n-.e t- otior tnv ens 0 n.ers v ttic puo..c the sai.a niooey. fore pnreiii.-iog 1 ber and street. a l.iucli l.ands-mer Set of Furs for I.-oiie. please itvn me a cell be Picise remenibcr the nnu,e, num- .ii'iiN i".r.::iu. TVs Arch Street, Philadelphia. Sri Fepi.:ii.1 er 12. ' A i-j;kis''ii-iif - IrsaiS. ol' m York "..It!-. THE CAMDEN AND AMI'-t'V AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON !!. R. CO.'S LINES. From Vlihvh!)ihia lo New Yuri, mnl TJ'n-y I'iires, Jroi.i U'ulinil itnrl Whiitf mil Kuixiiis'tou DeyiH. wiil U are r I'ottuw.t, n ; ; r.vr.i! At 0 A. M.. via Camden and Auib v. (C. und A. Ae-oiumoilnti. H.) $2 23 Alt) A.M.. via Ciimiien and. Ici-sey City. N.J. . Aeeoniinodntion. At 8 A. M.. via Camleii anl Jersey City, (Morning Mnil.l 2 23 3 00 At S A. 3L. via Camden and Jersey ei'y 2d Class 'I'ieket At 11 A. 31. via Kensington and Jersey city, Exp-re At 12 M. via Ciiiu.tcu and Ao.li.y. C s.r.d A. (Aece'un!odati''!i.l At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Ainboy, iC. and A. Ex rcss,l At It P.M., vin TJersinjrtoii s.id Jersey Citv, 2 23 3 00 2 23 3 CO 3 OJ .1 03 Wash, and N. V. Ex' iisj At 6, P. Ai.. via Ki nsiugi.u vul Jersey City, (Evenini; Mail.) At II! 1'. M. vi Kensington and Jersey city, Suutlier:, Mail. At 11 jsiigla) via Kei-sinijloii and Jersey city Soutliei:i Express 3 00 3 10 At 3 1'. M..via liunden and Ami.oy. (Accom niodaiion. l-'iciiil m.d Paweiicr, Eir.st Class Ticket. Si-coi.d Cltts- Ticket. 2 23 1 M Fur Water Gup. Stiou'l-burer. STautoii, V ilke barre, 3loitiro.-e, Great Lend. Ac., s. 1 A. M.. from lvcnpiiir,toii, vi:i Debiware, Lucknw :111m and Western Ruilroud. For -MmucIi I'blll.k. AMeritowil. Iletbletielll, Belci- dr. Elision. Lamlieriviile. I-li-iitiuiriiiii, Ac. at ft A. 31.. from Kei.sin-ii-n Dcl-ol, Mil ul 21 P. 41., fioni WiiIui-.i sire.-l W h;u;V. The 0 A. Al. L-'r.o . o, meets with Train' leaving Ensign f--r .Miitn-li Cbuiu. m o-i'o P. -,1. Fur .Mouni l!o!!-.. i-t 0 A. 41.. 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, ut 0 A. 41. and 2 P. 2i. WAV LINES. For Bristol. Trenton, Ac., at 1 1 A. M, and 21 and 6 P. M. from lvensiiiirton. For Palmyra, lliveri iii. Dilnn-o. Rivcrly. Ilur lintoii, Elorcncc, Utrde:;town. Ac, ut 12,1,2, 4i mid 6 P. 41. 1,1 For New York, and Way Lines leav ing Ken. singioti Depot, laku tlie Cars on l-'tlih street, aliov-ii Walnut, bull' 1111 hour betore departure. The Curs run into the Depot, aud ou the uinval of cacb'iruiu, run fruiu tnu Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each passenger. Passeut;ers me probione! from taking uythiuj( a.i bsxac but their -.ve.irinrapparel. A!l baggage over liiiv poiiuils to bcviid lor extra. Tua Cuuipuny limit iheir n-- or.sibility tor biii,piirc to One Dollar per Miiind, aud will not be liablu fur auy amount bevoud kliHi. exeept t-v st-ei-int i'oi::ract. W 41. il. UAiUMEK, Ageut. January 17, ls02 IMVIf-UT A O., HAM FAl 'TlHERS OS SALE11ATTJ3, SUPER-CARE. CF SODA. Ac.. And Sole Agents iu She Ci'y of New Yolk for CREAM OF- TARTAR SUBSTITUTE!. Invented by Pi of. Ebcu N. Horsford, of Harvard Univeisity. Oft'ice, II Oil Slip, Hanover Square, upstairs.) NEW YORK. r'lIE hich piicewhicb Crvauiof Tartar eouimar.Jc I 1 in 1-. I. together with loo ulaiining exieut to wl.ieh its dangerous adulteration hud been earned, with other considerations, induce I ihe dialti'trunhed Chemial, whose name is jfiveu aliove, to coioiiienea whal pioved lo lo a lung aud lnln oia tcimiuiu le. search. toois -oei a dc-irablo nilt:tu'e ihcrutor His eBurts were crowned with aliuudaiil success, and hundred, of thi usuuda of .mt l. of lite Substitute bav hern sold and usm during ih last lit yean, tnrougbuut the I uiled State aud ihe C.iioi-Ik.. lus fallowing iiuo ei'iiq ri-.in of its mil ore an, tha resulis ol'ita use, with lluae ul' Cream of Tartar, will eouviiice Ihe uiual iuereilulona ol 11a value. Cream uf Tartar is a hi-tartrale uf Pota-h This Suitiilolo ia a simple l'liMibai. and sonlaina Dulbtng but what is found iu 0. l-.i-aU. and iu com, wheal aud o'her eereala, su I ia ibeiefore hibiy nuiritius. Jl eM baa a fctalih-iiviu. iultucuce, aud suiq.li.-s Ihal lor wbicb Uiir is a vouaiaut de Uiaud In Ilia svalvui. ( ' It it sold tr a much lea pi ice lLan Craum of lai lar. Muab II. ln -ly HrMUaJitS), ,Iut'Sa. taista, A rpilK aubauritr, kint oiisl lu Thowpaok 1 Biiek Buil lin;, 4..II suvei, DniUr, a laig sud cnq-lrle alo. k i f IUUUH.N AND I10.MIMIC l-K't . oBiprleia; lb bal kisa.U of Itraudi.a, I'la 01 1 ilja, Sk-.su u4 liuu It ki.k , Poll, suanv, 4la .ilk, t baUIMtlls SU-I othet lU.a, of all k'rd,M' 'i 04 liiuU a:!l be a id V. k-laMlc at lb L.ai(iiy ftUat. 1st'ka4s, kf uufiufl ka, u a M laaal Iks fl. igkl. 1'vitwua 4knuut af punhatlug Uq iort far f 4 14 I L V I k tv , key ty k being fuiuiaka-l tsub k I"' 4 aJaa4ullit4 aiiuU. J(- J,,,ua dalaiaill.4 ka etlabli.k S SaputalUa fu$ luajefc. baa(lli.lly tultolU patLkaaJ al Ikt iHtb.w. All w4rt i..u.hi aiiwd. I ; tuxatdl. Jua l, ldk -SatslM-s' I .SSSr I rUILIf til IV. laaa.yt .yeaMIS. SKUly. fk, IkkOkkl bar li assaaaad ka I .Wis la .rai 1 Ikal k aiaaiil k.aaa-a Wk4 ) a.i.las Tit. 4' a, U llt-lavf lUl 4 kall4MbJ tSallltt Wklk k hJ J kt U fsaas tViJs4 K4 ilk