J'.'L'ltf'l. 'UJSHI Sfcc gunburs rHtmiiean. I H. B. MABSEH, Editor ft Proprietor. " ' III MIIM NirrOBLTKY, PA. SATURDAT, FEBRUARY C, 1804. 8. M. PXTTSN OtLXi CO V. IT Park Row, New York, ud e But tHraat, jVaton, ar onr agent fur th Scutvcar Ambrioam In Iho lUs, and art authorised to takt Advertl aaota and Sabeorlplkm for ut at oar low nut. . 3T Tns American Excbakoh ahd Rr jritw. Tiio January number of tld publl. cation liaa been received. We hava not beo able to peruse its contents, but find ft number of articles that cannot fail to inter est tho reader. Tho field of Gettysburg, after the battle, is an interesting sketch,. The Rate of Interest is a valunblo disserta tion on money matters. The mining and tnettnllic productions of the United States la another article of interest which, with other articles, makes up the number. fgjT The American Bank Note Reporter, published by C. S. Cohen, 28 South 8d st. Philadelphia, is decldcly the most .valuable publication of the kind in this country more full and completo than auy other. Blackwood. Wo have received from L. Scott & Co., Walker street New Tork, the January number of this nblo Bri tish periodical. We need only refer to tho table of contents to show its value and in terest to the intelligent reader, viz: Captain Spekcs Journal, giving an interesting ac count of his explorations in Africa. "Tony Butler," "The Mind and Body," "Chronicles of Carlingiord," "Winchester Collcgo and Commoners," "Letter from Polund,""A song cf Proverbs," "The Uuropean crisis." Qodey's Lady's Book for February con tains a well executed engraving, "St. Val entine's Day" ; a large colored fiibhion plate ; "Skating on the Schuylkill," an original design ; "Bead Watch Pocket," printed in colors ; the Hebe dress, Robe Psyche, Sara CD., and several other full page and full dress figures. Tho literary contents by fa vorite contributors to the Book, complete a number of great interest to the ladies to whom this Maguzine is indispensable. Tub Atlantic Monthly. The February number of thu Atlantic is remarkably line. The contents ore, Genius; My Bro:hvr and I j a Unit Life and Half a Life : On the Re lation of Art to Nature. I; Snow; House and Home Papers. II. ; The Cnnvulsionists of St. Medard; Presence; Glacial Period; Byrant ; Anneslcy 1111 and Xewstuad Ab bery ; The Last Charge ; Northern Inv'n a'.ous ; Reviews and Literary Notices ; Re cent American Publications. The contribu tors to this number are Oliver Wendell Holmes, Harriet Beceher Clowe, Robert Dale Owen, J. T. Trowbridge, George S. llilliord, Alice Cary, Louis Agassi.. Mrs. Watcrston, Edward E. Hale, J. Eliot Cabot, Elizabeth Akers, David A. Wnsson. Pub lished by Ticknor & Fields, 135 Washing ton street, Boston. Price of subscription, to per year, postago paid. Pgr The Danville "Democrat" and "Ame rican" have been united, and under the title of "Danville Democrat and American." The paper is published by J. 8. Baily. Sir Cooli and Mr. Brower having retired. S3?' Some of tho new N'-.uio. al Bank notes bave already made their appearar.ee in this place. They are superbly executed, with the highest artistic skill, so as to render an imitation, calculated to deceive, almost impossible. The "Tens" have on the back a-i engraving of that splendid picture, tho "Discovery of the Mississippi" by De Soto- 37" Gov. Cuktin's Isaccchal Address. Wo are indebted to Gov. Curlin for a copy of his Inaugural Address. We have already referred to thisdocurneut as in every respect worthy of its source and one that should commend itself to every patriot and loyal citizen. I'tT" Leaptkab. The yankeea ladiea know how to take advantage of leapcar and make the most it : Tna ladies of the North Baptist Church, Hartford. Conn., recently invited tho gen tlemen of the choir to a leap-year sleigh ride. The Utter accepting, tho ladies hiied a lar;?e sleigh, culled lor their guests, hand ed tiieru in, drove tdetn to Windsor and buck, gave them a good dinner and paid the bili, taking tender core of them all the time. fgf" The copperhead papers still continue to abuse tUe government cu renc, Henry Ward Beecuer and Gen. Butler. Yet these fellows have nothing to say against even inch rebel guerrillas, as Morgan and Q-iun-tre'.l. They abuse Mr. Beecher's congrega tion for offering to increase his salary from $7,503 to $13,500, and now they abuse him because he refuse d to accept the additional $5000. - tf Heavily Mounted. The Albany County L'eiiiocn.t coutaius the fallowing, which it says is a description of Rev. Henry Ward Eoeclier, by an "admirer": "Ho U an intellectual rhinoceros, whose terrible horn and snout make the common cattle stand around an iron find Doctor of Dhiniiy. with a ram at both ends and guns pointing every way, charged with Greek tre lifFniB at Bei xr.rosTE. A destruc tive fire nccutri'd at Bellcfonte on Tuesday morning of wet k before last. The Pennsyl vania lloiuii, and the Arcade buildings, occupied fur Ptores, Offices, Ac., wrre the priiulpid buildlos coutuined. The loss is estimated at $50,000. About $8,000 were iusuiud in thu Lycoming County Mutual Insurance Company at this place. Hvney Luminary, fir Tb poh of BMiUor JobMoa, of Lyoomleg. Il Bigbly creditable roJuiioa, Aid must twines acj reviill tuaa, If any toek aeuli hero aay 4out:s o Urn subject, that ika a(Milii4ia auads la the But f ta akr l'ey, tt fteUua aa. uiulil iiJ urpalrioU. I'ff1'l9 following pained fantWmnn late- I 'ten tlub-'J Dirvclott f the National liaek uf rvli.ie,!fo Groik '.iiuia, Henry C. Eyer, W. F. Wt.n.IUr, A. C. fclmoaoa, JwpU UjfSH r. 14, X. JlmaUu, Mai Peht, tleorge C, Wr,;rr and W. 8. Ilolmaa. Wr. M.uure U i t Piatidi ni of tb beak, ted 111 make a ei::et pff.cT. IJJT AfKirf . fm. Mjrar, rJ,f finb'f. 4 W. CkUUua, tlkr Itl m, FiiU f.btifl M NjtJet tiiYf THb Cost! Trade. The quantity sunt by railroad this wock is 47,886 18 against SV.617 ton for the oor res ponding Week last year. Whan all the mines now la pro greet in the Ttiahanoy Region are in condition to ship Coal, It la doubtful whether the present facilities, embracing the Mine Hill Pianos, the Mauenor and Broad Mountain Plane and also the Tunnel at tho Eastern end of the Basin, will be sufficient to vent all the Goal that will be ottered lor transportation, and these facilities will bave been increas ed by the construction of an addititional piano. Last year, of the 042,007 ton in crease from Schuylkill County, 447,720 tons were from the Mabanof Region, and at least three-fourths of all the new Collieries now preparing are located in that Basin. 8UAMOKIS r.KOION. Tho following is tho quantity of Coal that was sent over tho 8hatuokin Valley and Pottsville Railroad by the different Opera tors in the Shamokin Region in 1803: TCKS C5.o;. 47,684 K6.6V4 2.7.10 23.239 18,6o7 9,Wi e.tts 4.B.17 1.2u7 Mi 377 Joseph Bird, Big MonnUia , Colliery, Wm. Rho&di. Lancaster Win. It. Doutv ft Co.. Henry CIST " liough A Kenh, Coal Mountain " Jobu llau & Co , Cameron " Kohull. llonnhue ft Cu., Coal Ridgt " Wn. Montelius ft Co.. toouat Ml. " Julin II. Dewoaa, Lnmbert 11 J. Cnnklebf rgcr 4 Co., LuUs t mitt " Uoover A Klingcr, Iboo Taylor " Saml. John A Sous, (iieca lieuntain M llnnf and Uowon. Screenings from dirt bears, ailau A rtowrn sent 41.091 tons via Mine Rill Rail road in addition to Ibe above. Minert' Journal. ?iora l ft flairs. t3T" IIa.d-silL8. Those vifhirg bills and other printing well done, should call at this effico as we have provided a large stock of materials for that purpose. TIWI ky6Now An agrooable change from muddy roads to pretty fair sleighing, wns occasioned by a fall of about six inches of snow on Wednesday last There is still a chance for a considerable amount ol ice and wintry weather. (j0ur neighbor of tho Democrat is.'uod a half sheet last week. We observe in it several low and vulgar extracts, which, wo think, tb editor himself would Lot bave inserted. -? ty We learn that Major Harper ar.d other opera' tors, of this region, contemplalo operating the coal mines at ' Chattanooga. The coal is bituminous, and it is with difficulty that sufficient, supplies ore obtuin ed fur the army and govert.rot.-ut puposes, under the present operations. iy Our coal operulors are uiahing preparations for a renewal of business tho eomins season. They have bad no little trouble on account of strikes, in duced by tho high price of eoal. The impression is that priors will range considerably lower, a result corti.iuly desirable to consumers, and pcrhn, in some nieufure, to operators cu t owners. There is but little doinj, at prosont. in mining in tho Fhamokin region, and nothing at Tiovor'.on. The citizens of the latter place, we learn, are hauling coal for tbeir own use from bbamoUin. t3F& Turisiun doctor has discovered that brandy or rum is the best antidote fcr chloroform, and that it will at occe counteract the cflbcls of an overdose. i ,-:- fJ'FEAcnr.s Killed. It is stated (hat the peach crop next season in the West and Southwest will pro bably be slim. In many sections it is thought tho bard freeze about the first of January has killed not only the fruit, but the trees. Jin (jaPInaae Fishel, tho man who piloted Fits Hugh Lee in bis late raid in Cumberland Wiley, has been oonvietcd as a spy and a deserter, by a Court Mar tial at Cbambersburg, and has been sentenced to bo shot at CarliEle Uarrackr, some time this month. lie was a member of tho l?C;h regixenl of drafted militia, mid deserted, rer.'li.rhig ac'ive an! personal co-operation to Lee's invadin? army. Ci7Thc First National T.iaAt of Dar.vil!e, was or ganized on Monday wetk. January jlb. The capi tal stock ia$75,C00, Samuel Vorks, Jr., Tres'i-lent, and W. A. M. OrUr. Ca'hier. Board of Directors, Sam uel Vorks, Jr , Charles Fer.stcrmacher, Win. York, C. Laubach, Q. F (Kitcngtr, and Ferdinand Piper of Milton, aui Gilbert Fowler of Columbia county C2''JCBTBt"scai.ANr Items. The Lackawanna and Olocmsburg It. It. Co. bare moved their old engine house back from their road lu Northumber land, and intend enlarging it. They bave also put up a new tank, baggage off.ee, As. Mir i tyMcBDT Wav. The warm and moderate weather that has continued for nearly two vrcks, has extracted the frost from the ground, and left the roads deep and almost impnstihlo for heavy loads. The condition of the side walks in the unpaved portions cfonr borough, show the noscmiij" of the early completion of the contemplated pavements. tyBocsrr Meeting. A meeting of the cititens of the borough of Sur.bury, was held at the Court Houso, oq Wednesday eveniug, Feb. 3, 1301, for the purpose of taking into consideration metsure for raising and paying a bounty to Volunteers. The meeting was called to order by Capt. Bruner, and en motion, W.I. OREESOLO If, Esq., was chosen P.-eVulent and John Vounguum and limunuel Wilrert, Secretaries. The object of the meeting was stated by Crptain Bruner, and a letter read from Capt. Onbiu to Capt. Clement, in regard to ibsre-enlUtiugof Capt. Gobiu'l men ar.d having them credited to avoid tb draft in this place. On motion. Heaolvcd, That a committee often be appointed to solicit subscriptions lor bounties to Vol unleers, when C. J Brunur, John Hues, Dr. II. II. Awl, S. IS. linver. J. 11. Lnifle, Cl.krles tiuriuKW, 8. I'. Volvertiiu, W. T. tirau, U. W. Miuh, and Henry W. Cucher, were a;)iuiiiled a comuultoe. On motion, S. J. l'aoker, Ki., wus elected Trea surer, to receive and Uke charge if Ibe luud l sued lor bouuty purp(ei.s Oj uiotiou Uiulk-ed, That the amount of one hun dred and fifty dollura be given to eueU voluuteer euiuuiig or e-tniuitiijg euii vrcdiling liiuisili to Ibis place. On motion, Resolved, That when we adjourn we adjouru to meet ou Friday evening uext. Adjourned. ni ' ("pTiis Dnm ssa toy's Mom y tyi. We bare heretofore negleolti noticing a bandnememouaiueut, rented in the Urave Yard lu this place, to Ibe mem ory of a youthful soldier, J. liottTon Yolkc, sua of Michael Young of this place, who died In the ser. vioe of bis country. It Is a noble tiibute by hU soiu radea and fellow aoldiers. Tb aiooumeot is aa ote ltk of four lido, saouaied oa aa aoublalur. Tb iiuk-riptkini are as fullowt I Wit tins J. liui'LTOS, ana rf I. ft E Yeung. burn Kit. Zi, 1MH, died Uol. 11, loul, agwl 13 ysais ant ti u Scats sins. II be bata bis laat rttrtat, aad will steep peacefully until lbs livllt fO leeurr. tun suora. Iv.i il bibs Erected T bis oanmtes of Co. C Tih ilea I V V., as a letUu.Oi.uU of la lov lby bur to lleir Diummer boy. fir A sormpatulobl lioa Mabaooy, wrlung a lb ubjcl uf dittuu, la thai uelgkboibood, say: I sa safely My IU. lb fiUo.lsuf edueallua ia ini eAuiuiyuiiy Lav itruu u i uuwuieeti 1 lilaJM.f MIeiUwl tb iuu4 ol ibl euiluuki i. ai ai.siw to 4 ui ibtr lur lb tiuixuvs- Ibetil f IS )mla. t Me umi W Ules U Uk lb cu iU bl ill. I um.j aua a iiuwf JukM onkU all mhw as4 tkAyi ta bi4. lb few vypf uuu Mil Liity av u lewult t t iuka II ia aaottv. Ie ie4 w liui.a. 1 taU that ibe juui vl m U b telsol ui Ja-kkvii out aM.lM is Mil, ! uul4 W Mettv t4e4 If MWLM4 avail, awl tatws a simI wt44. mll i a (V" ftseiasa Ks Coiiisssai. wUsi.UU4 h)eve. ee Iks kt. f " Amw. fbOa 4s.fl.ia. It is ) Ue iei'af aie alias 4 bass t v aiM II. waft a iSwMs WtsaSagwaa miisaaM SfSlttW Tb followrog Post offo Roates are annonno ad by las Post Mtr doaerel open for bids for earrylog die statTs vt th said rariota roetos: . IVom fioabery by Klln.s OroT and Bosh town, an Daovlll. 16 mile and back, ooo a Week. Lmti Banbury Balurda at 0 a at I Arrive at DanMll by 1 J ta J lm Danrilla BatnrdaT at 1 ft IB f Arrtra at Banbury Batnrday by Tpm. From Baabary to Augusta, t mile and sank, twice Bidder will propoe a aohednla ef departmes and arrivals saUslaolory to peatioastors at tormlnal offioe. i From Hnrndorj, ty Mahanoy, Ttebnck'a Oreen brier, Lin Mountain, Upper Mabantango, and Barry, to Minersvllle, 43 mil and baok, twio a week. Leave Herndon Monday and Friday at 8a m j Arrive at Minerevill by t p m : Leave Minersvllle Toeaday and Baturday at 8 a to t Arriv at lierndon by 6 p m. From Union Corner, by Elysbnrg and Bear Gap, to Paxinos, 13 mile and baok, three time week. Leav Union Oorntr Tuesday, Thursday aad Satur day at 1 p m ; Arrive at Paxinos by 4 p m j - Lear Paxinos Tueeday, Thursday and Batnrday at Sam; Arrive at Union Corner by 12 m. From Milton to Limeatouevilie, 6 miles and baok, tbree time s week. Leave Milton Tuesday, Thursday, and Baturday at 10 a m j Arrive at Llmostoneville by 12 m ; Leave Limesioneville Tuesday, Tbarsdaj and Satur day at 7 a m ; Arrive at Miltou by 9 a m. Proposals for slX'times-a-week service Invitbd From Wauwtitown, by McKweuaville, 10 T'urbutvllle, It miks and back, six times a week. Leave Watsontown daily, except Sunday, at 9 a m ; Arrive at Turbutvillo by 1I1 a m ; Leave Turhutville daily, except Sunday, at 7 a m ; Arrive at Watsontown by PI a in. From Dewnrt. by Slifer and Alvira. to Elimsport, 8 miles and back, six times a week to Siifer, and twice a week the residue. Leave Dewnrt. except Sunday, at 61 p m ; Arrive at Slifcr by 6 p in ; Leav at Dewnrt 6pm; Leave Slifcr Wednesday and Satnrdsy at 7 a m: From Suubury, by Northumberland, Cbilisquaquo, Lewisnurg, Camemnia, Milton, Wutfontown, D 'W. art and Muncy, to Willinmsport, 4U miles and back, twice daily, By railroad, and by a schedule sat- btfaotory to the Department. From Sunl'urv, by Krydertown, Paxinos. and Sha mokin. to Mount Carinei, 23 miles and back, daily exoept Sunday, by railroad. Leavo Suubury daily, except Sunday, et (.45 a m ; Arrive at Mount C arm el by 10 a m ; Leave Mouut Curmel daily, exoept Sundoy, at 4 SO p m; Arrive at Ptinbnry by 7.46 p m. From Port Troverlun, by lierndon and Trerertoa, to Slmmokin, 2J miles and back, six times a week. Leave Tort Trover ton daily, except Sunday at 1 pm; Arrive at Shamokin by 7 p m ; Leave Shamokin daily, exoept Sunday, at t am ; Arriv at Port Trevortoii by t'l a in. From Port Trevcrton, by Sclin's Grove, to Shamokin nUam, 12 miles back, fix time a week. Leave Port Trcrerton daily, excopt Sunday at 4 P m , Arrive at Shamokin Dam by 7 p m ; Leav Shouiokio Dam daily, except Sunday, at 6 nm ; Arrive at Port Traverton by 9 am. We copy ths following items from the col umns of our neighbor of the "Uazslte" : We understand that the piece of ground bJlonglnz to the Masser Lalate, abutting ou Fawn fc'ireet, near the ii tit, in the northern part of this place, is being laid out into lots for huilditio; purposes. Ira T. Clement, with eight or niue men from this place, started with provisions. A o., on Tncs lay mwin in; lust, f. r the v..uJs on Ike S:i:nr.miihomng, to got out liailior for sawing next season. M. C. lieaihart, we are told, intends onlaring his bui! iir.g on Miiikct stroet, in the sj).-in. Iia pro poses extending it entirely uoross hij lot . sj ai to have a confociiunury room, and tivo roonis i'.ir ie-erenui, lo accouimodato bis cusiomers tluricg the coming season. Interesting to Soljmcp.j asd Postmasters. The Fresilent has signed tho fo'.lowljg act, recently passed by Congress : "Bk it Exacted, Ac That articlsw of clothing bciut uinniit'acturcd of wool, cottcn or linen, nnd comrised in A package nut exjoediu.4 two pounds in weight, addressed to auy nouconuniiijiontd auv-er or private serving in the armies of the 1'i.ited States, may to trainmiitted lu the mails uf tho Cnitcd Status at tho rate of eight cents, to be in nil cases prennid, for every fuurouuen, or any 1'ractiun thereof. S'Jijec! to such reKululions a lh Potunaster General may preaiibe." The Postmaster General, in bis instructions to poctmuters concerning this law, says : "Puetmssters will bear In mind Ihat packages cf clothing entitled to pa.s in the mails eicht ouucmii for four cents mu?it be inanufucttued from wool, colon, linen, and not exceeding two pounds inweit'ht. and must be ad Ircssed to a non-com mlssirnnl i.fticer or privute serving in Ihe nrr.-.icsof tho I nited Sta'e-". Consequently a piickaRi" adlreued to u oii.ini.S'ioned f5icer, or coni.o.-cd ol' oilier material thanes ub-o speciued, such as boots, shoos. Ac, ii soul by mail, must be propnid by stamps at iutier rates, vn: t! . eo cents Dr evsry half cuuca or fiaolioa thcro ctV . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Ill'XTi:, i.ai:i, XAILI-OIV &. 1 ;o ,;. TIIE higest market price will bepsid in Cash for DuUcr, Lard, Tallow, Tli and Wnlnu's, by J. L. KKDLll, General Commission Merchant, 201 Cnllowhill Street, Philadelphia. Jsnnary 30, litJI. 41 WRIT OF PARTITION, George 15. Lthr, 1 Writ of Partition, Re. 4 vs. I turualite to Al-rca turuai!e to Term, Io'jI. The Heirs of Sophia Lour, ueceujcu NoRTnrusERLasn Cochtv, ss. Tho Comnionwealih of Pennsylvania toths Sbcrlilof Nenhumberluud county, Greeting : Whereas, at an Orphans' Court hel I al Euntury, in au for tLe county of Noithuu.bcrl.ind, the 5 h day uf January, in the year el cur Lord one thousand vinht hundred and sixiy-fuur. belore Ihe ll momhle Jtlosander Jordau, Ltquiru, Prrtidcnt, and his Asm ciute Justices of the Cot.rt. In the mailer ut the estate of Sophia Lahr, deceased. 'Ihe pe'.itiou uf Oourge li. Lahr. ol Northumberland county in the ttato of Pennsylvania, was presented, sctiii g forth that the said Sophia Lahr, lately died internum leaving issue George li. I.abr y.ur pe.itioi.er, Cath arine, uu'e of George fthuller. who hai hii.ee deceased leaving her hubuud Gcoruo Shntlcr and Wue one child, to wit : George feualW a minor nho has lor his guurdiuu George Shuller ; end I.ydta interuiar ried with Jacob Shatter, and grand children 11. Frankliu Lalir, ocorge U . Lslir, and Sophia Jan Lahr, minor chiidreu of Daniel W. Lahr, a sou ol said Sophia Lahr, decerned, who deeeaso 1 before his aid mother, the said minors bat ing lor U'.r guar diau Isaao Albert. That the l..ld uoctiicnl ui.d siued iu ber deuicsue as uf lee W and in I lie) lulluw inn bits pieces or iareelsof land, n : A certain va cant Lot ol GruULd, suunte in liie lonu uf Gc rge. town. said ouuty. Iionung upon ibe l.ail Ituua street, adjuiuiug luU ut Gcurge Lahr and Geurgu Spall ; (tug uuuibcred in lb gcueral plan of kid tuwn, nuiuLor tweuty.two. id A certain other vacant lot In Gsorge'owu, aforesaid, adjoiuing au alley and lot of l'hi:ip lhb, iruiiiing upuu n itvr sireei, auq nnmoeitu iu mi general plan of said town as lot immbur six. 3d. A lot al ibe upper end of Geur fiown, adjoin, lug loi uf Michael Lahr aud lb tuf liro.L.us, wa wbicb ia eieoled a small frame buus. Sib. Au lalm.d iu the nvr 6u (ueLanna ia said oouiity uf Noiibumbeiland, uppo-aii said tonn vl Geurgetuwn, eoutaiuiug six seres and einty.fciue perclin, iu a good stain of cultivation. bib. A cotuiu other bland, iu said liver Rusque banna, Mlled Uugeie Island, iu tb tuanaliip uf Low. r Maiiubuy, euuuly alureaaul, .iiu.iiiug about lire a.'rteand laeuiy auveo ueicba. 6ib- A eertaia other Island is lb river (foresail, and lowuatiip aluiMaid, called "bhulitfr'a llud.'' Tib. A iuiia other small Island a sbuit aa.in'i abu Fiat Island iu ibe nr CajucLiun4, aiure aaid, luawbip and coi.nl afuiualdi vuiiUaumg abcut one aud ui.-luuiib tut. fe.b. A Tl-u utbr Islsnd, la said river ftuKii liakb. bMily u l' lb muulb of lJli .uu, iu Jacasuu lotaiuuip, NoiihuinlejUud euuu'.y, wlUd Uiuciuua' Island, eulaiulng atuUl W sere. ibi i to aciily )u4 aud .. uf )uu keniu abeva kaibuj, and yioia baiLy tMiibwl lul by tutu tl the ai am lo sue duociei, as liiml a ill a bald at the I'wLI.e IIuum A PvUI Luilei, lu Ut ,r luaa, oa Tuudav, Maick M, leat. al 'uliek A M , uf Mid day, Iu4 lb purpura uf biakn a l.k( el us I value sad piaie ibe ll '! bcrwa auuv 4kiiIm olMut aeceuXit, al auwa uuie ea4 plaoe fun auat .S aad aU suuoai u ) wa U.ii-a piiw WILLIAM U WEAVE It, ebaiiff. Bbs itTe 0A, a-m-kiy, Jaav u, Isi st Osuses IIiil, liari P. Wstsaaraa. HILL li WOLVJCBION, Allrsyaasi4 Vatalr) l Iwt Oataa, slarkaS . Cafcbe Aiiy, HUNIJUhY, 1CA.. TJ ILL auead h1? W ibeullu f clalsM If aad i nftar asuiesai aal ttaan UmaeiaS a tisai aae at 4,yaii-4 aad 44islii aM PUBLIC SALE WILLb excosed at Pnblio CaU.oa TnDRK DAY. lie IH h DAY of FKnuOARV, ldCI. at th bouse of HEN KY FUfJLR, deoeasod In Lower A - .. 1. ... fcl I I tm . U J following dvcrlbedpiopcrty,1olt : TWOlIOhblrJ, TTUliKK COWS, YOUNO CA1TLK.ONK JtUI L, miuiiASKismnv tsuw. rAUftiii.u uium-f-11.8, One two-bone Htn largaBied, PlousTiis, Harrows, CulUvatoi. Grain Cradle, Mrnat BayuSea, Knkea. Forks, Corn How, Grabbing Hoes .Poet Dig ger, Harness. Sleigh Bolts, Saddle, Aa. Three bv reis viaegar, f.ags, Ao. KEW FBAUINU MILL, Grain Ken per. One lot of Carpenter Tools, e Elaoksmlth tool. Aim, Potatoes by the bushel. . . HOCSKUOLD FCRHrtCItl!. One Cocking, and two Parlor Stove, Bedsteads, Chal.s, Table, one larga iron Ke'.Ue, Ao , Ao. Hal lo commcn-o at 10 o'clock, A. M., whan con dition will be mad known. fltlAH F0TJLR, toworjAjgnsta, Jan, 30, 1953. Administrator. TO CONSUMPTIVES, Consumptive wiTerer will rcoolve preseriptlon for the cure of Consumption, Asthma. Dronchiiis. and all Throat and Lung atleutions, (free of charge,) by sand ing tbeir address to Rov. E. A. WILSON, Wiliiauisbiirgh, January 23, 1804. tt Kings Co., New York. A First Class Farmers' Magasin for Pennsylrctia. lSddU '1 ho Vcnnaylvunln, ISt. FARMER AND GARDENLR, Devoted to Agricultural, Tluriiuulture, and T.arsl ACairs. Edfted and Published by V-TLT. G. -YOXJISTGe 6c CO, 62 North Sixth Street. Philadelphia. 1EKM.S : OKE DOLLAR A YL'AR. Th Sixth Volumo commences with January JTo. llavirg obtained the services of omineM and prno Ileal Agricultiirisis, ll'ir.k ultima'.?, Stoek llreiders and liee-Kicpers, wo coufi lently offer the Current Volume us and of tLo bust ever tjyut.l, for uiigiuulcty, practical thought and reliable information. SEND F0UASPLUMEN. January 23 1S61. e FOR Sk-JJE. O SECOND II AND RP1UXG3, suitablo for a two horse wa?on Apply lo Sunbiiry, Jiiauary 30, lCl. J. 6ILVIUS. For tho I ruit, Flower and Kilcber Garden, lif.Hl TIIIJ GARDENER'S MOTMTIILY, W. O. P. BllIXCKLOF, rubli-her, Oulos: 23 North Sixth Streot, Philadelphia. TERMS-$1 60 AYKAP-. Edited hy TllrMAS Mli:i:ax. The Monilily Contents Arc ; Hints Flower Gsnlen nnd rio: si;re.O round ; Fruit Garden ; Vegelublo Garden ; WiL-1 w Garden iug. Communications Fmbrnein the views of tho b st vrritrrs on lluriiculture, Arboriculture, A li;.:al Aflain. liditorli.l Givlnp-lhe Tdilnr'a views ou tho im pottunt liorlic nltnrni impinviinenls. Scrae and yiienes N"W l-'ruits New plants Deinestic and Fo:e:n liitfl'ieuc For.eigii Ccr resT deuce II.n tlriihv.r.il Notices. Willi each Department hiindi-euiely inurlralctl. Thes? general featurese-iU be retained, and the f v.Mlrher plediM-s hiir.aeif ll::it no lnUir i r cx; ciie ehi.ll be spardd lu render Ihe sncei edini; issues 0! tho Magazine evtrv n ,y vrort.iy ol the fjvor v..h v.hich has previous eor'.r. have been apply rewarded, EF.ND F011 A SPECIMEN'. January 2?. &C a." i.vwu ' i:Aii;ii.ii'r Er.OWN'S NEW IHrtal-'rop l.rMi Clilmney, Jjr'Tbo Chimney for which iho Kcrsrr.c-0il using p'.tLlie l.f.vc Solon;; been in need, because 1. It -SrANDS I IliE!" Turn up Iho llai" lill it issues from Iho top ol ti n f liiiiuu y. and keep it np 11s lung as vuu piense the ulahs v. u.n't hielaic I Trv i. 2. It dos not beci.n-.e Mack or ufirnrcd s!.cul:l the lair.p r.'. idoiil.i'.lv fn i l o. I.s i-bofier than the eoiuiiMui chimney ! s !e to ,-. i.li i.i .-.11 i eioro eonveritnt for evrryin? aln ut ihe liu.i c. o. il li leit ei'.y n'.Vi cied by sudden e'lanes of ei:ip.niii:re : j i 01.1 ot'door. m into tiio eetl'T. hum 11. or or Wiuli i . witti the Inn.p l urnini ,i;)i.'t fear I the cliiiuuey v.iil col tlir.ir,pear in t'.-niMwuiis ! 1. '1 ho ein be in.-t:';::ly uiii.-w t. ai. I the c.!i:. wiped .ei leotly elenu in a 11. on. cut. .' ir. ttixg. and without durir'-r i:flrei.Kii; the u''. i. G.10 uutln- ItH couiitiu:; cuimnty. Try it RuJ yon will use ro oiier. Forsi.le i.i 'IVwr. and C rt.ty -A n.ies rriiiiel IvlheN. L. C. Manufaeluiin ( o", Kultou !:'Ucet,Ncvv Yo:k. Junuury l-''l .'in Starca, Shlr.g'.es, Pcplnr, I,ocitr;t, Ac. riHE uuderf'rie.l is nl out extending his lumber t l:uviiu-:s to lili a nenb d j-al-in the trade of i'tiil. ndei'liia. by li:nUin)T a speciality oi (lie fo.;pcr-?:'t'-,k '1 i.i de, b.i.1'i;oty lit.-irts tn uialio .'.rr.in i..i.iirs to se cure supplies. The City toilers, rt; i ii.tr.-. Ac., tiwin to Ihe impoil-illtv oi thtriiniiii( Ihvti; in l'hi'.. ad-lpliia. now depend Ijrc ! o:: other r.ir.r'. e'j f.,r their Slaves, Ac. With pM er tnconrac unlit by the inar.ul'aetuteis. the undcii,r.t'd b pis t. '.'p this diversion of trade bv kee' in en 1...U.1 a lar-.-ctoek. in eery varitty ' T unali'y and iie. l.'y ii: tin; this branvli ol trn lo paui 'tilar ntiiti'.n n. ho hoj;cs to make more early rcti.ixs to ooi.i-ixfiiiients niui cstahiisli for the mnui.l'.ictunrs u more Yutui.uio ei.itiiuuiitcutit.n Vvitli 1 urt.-li Ht-r ti-.in i.- 11.v-ii.ic ly Ui iso who trade marr.ly in more he;tvy lunitier. MHiiuiaetureis and other-. whc;u tV.::i:.-b 1 pnrti cui.tily o7i.viois h'r(phes.) either by coi.inM, iui.''ui.sjor(.n Couimisiion, Stacs. Uea'diiij,, lluop 'oles.Ac. Addrets V,'. A. LEVI.!! IN'O. Cellnwhlll street What I', l'hiimlcli Ida. Larg fitppties always w.nitetl id l.oeiot 'limber, lik Knees, end fitquently lotii Ciak l'h. !!.. thik and Yellow Pino Timber. Au. " Also ruw opening n trmie in and wir.tit snp'.iesuf SS.ii.glts, Wulitut. Cherry, Pofil ir and A-h Lumber, Ac. lltrr.i-.E.w.ts : Alex. (t. Cati-U 4 Co.. Phiiade'.. pbi i ; I bus. ltioLaitUoa & Co., Philadelphia. Junuury 10, leoi. lu Adrululslrntor'st rottco. Eslittenf A. Joriiiin IiucitilUr, dtfemtH. "VTOTICE is hereby fiven that L iters i f adminls J.N t ration 11 on the esti to of A. Jot inn l'.el;ofel!er. late of Ihe Lorouu-h of Sur.l.ury, .N. r liuuil.ei lni; l county, decease I. lrtve been I'rai.lied lo the uli.-eri-ber. ' AU prtrfons having claims against thii faid nlate ai re(iieited to tr.ako known the rame, and pTsnre kLOMii- th Miis.-lvos in;i: l ted are rc ue. ted lo mak" piivioeni iili..ii delnv. W.i. M. il'.'C iil.n.M.l ft. Admii.istruior, of A. Jordan liechoivUcv, dec d. Suubury, Dee. 2fi, 16 1 lit .TI A1 TEII.tVS Jc 0, t f lornem nt Ijiw. I.ntv, No. VI Cor. Fulton I and Lroadway, New York. Will rnrcrullv ut- lend to CullcJitous end ull other matters intrusted to their care. SoptJOjJSiO OYSTERS! )STKKS! rAN'OVSTl lt., whole tt bnlf Cans, flt.b from J ihei'ity markets, fan be had nl all limes at th lonertionery Slore of M. C. GEAilHAltT. Suubury, "January , 1 V4.-. "FRUIT & ORNAMEKTAL 1HZE3. Mlltl HS, I M.s- nsiil B . V.ltS. T1IF. subscriber u ufTerin nt ihe lowest vJpnees, ibe r.nluciioi s of 11 e lelo.le uffffl ""serinof LDWAllD J. tVAXri tt).. f'" YOMK, 1., eoiiiiiu.li:k:rdof H.lll Yhll-'.S Maudard aud Duu.f, ui-d ut Ihe u.ul lu irote l a lulus Ornainetitiil Trees end pl.iubs. Tha moil f ...Ijiou. able tlvl. d Flowers lil'.Al'l S-ia h as Catawbt. C'.lnion Delaware, Coneuid, l iana, Hartford l'roltie. Utl.tl'.a. f a. The bireab.ii.es be will delittr. r.ie 1 f iho moat in pioved v aim iie J alio .l nil. :r kUol uf culuu. tt 1 I. ell.es. II warraul t dolittr lb abov arli4 'iU gd cunlaiun. Addrrf, PrSJAMlN lUIINFIt, I'axiuuS, ,Nji;b d Cu., Pa. December ft, t!J lur Crrtnorva Kr Viu MiM'ti Coit 1 ISl.ll L It liuAU 4 tt AL t iUI A. fpilE aauual n cetisg uf lb fc e'l loldjrs ef !. X l.pl )lll bebel'l al lt. 1 3. e ui' lb C 'llo I -i y 1W I twiih Sib tiiKtl oa .Vionlar. 11 ul Fabiuaiy, I ai. tl 11 u tl k A M., Ut ine ui-u 1 f elt4 ag f 11 I'ile-'lole U b,r,e for la ci.iun.4 rear, so I u UaiiMUl u : Mber tu.ua at u.ay k Muakui eit4e taeoi. I'LTTU K LAS Hi. tlceieury. Pbl!adsl;biJa4ieaiyJiai. l-et ! flVA(i&I.UI.lllMi STUNK. H1J.E tuUtubei iwpa.'ifi 11 b-'jias iu eolicu I ef Hum hi . il i i-v ere jri.it. lu luiuu I'AVtaU AM' bl ILDliiet'i, stsaufiaMt l.d aliMiuAekl l'K lua s-a will be lif4 Ike liva? katdj at Uiaaiy. ra-h4eiila4aiaa will 14 H i sbatt taiweet a 4 aa4 aaasaia ikm4 4e "V UXia MABTltf, Im II, Vast Wor. H Homotltlne PTotr In PlitlneSclplalii. doolpim's nrTroonApn and art galiehy, Ko. 1333 Gbamnt Straat, eppostte lb U. S. Mint. Oallory, Raceplloa end Oista'lng Ivoom ALL ON PIKST TLOOn. All style and" llros of Pholorraphs, Irorjiypes, Ferrotypes or "Tiitypca" and takan at prise to suit Ui time. Piotnrerf'taUhed la Wator Colors, Oil, India Ink and Pastil. Horn and o'Jariritmalt, Eqotpaca, Cuontry Beats Ruin. Models of Machines-, Ao., tor Patenting ao euratoly photographed. P. F. Cooper dosire to oall tha altenllon of per aoMVlsltinr I hlladelphia to bis new Ground Floor GaJlory, wb-re be has introdaced nowly-pa'ented camera, capabl of taking, in a few sooond, on hundred Pkotograpbs, fmm the small stamp or an tographio, to the Imperial and Life tjiie. After many experiments be baa aucceeded In pla cing bis sky-light at an improved angle, diffusing the light in equal proportions, jand producing thut soft grudulioii uf lono ivhich or.l.not be given by th ido and sky-lights generally used, and which of no much importar.uo to tie l.iiu'.y uf a picture. It la made of French glass, and is the largest in Philadol phia. . Mr. Cooper has been enaqsd more than twenty yoars in the study and prutico cf the Fine Ajle. J I is lone experience a a Miniature and Portrait Pointer is a sufficient guuranteo for Ihe perfection of the pictures made at bis CAiablisinr.ent. The art of idraliiing is well understood ; none but the most skillful artis'.s are employed in the respeo livo depai luitnis. The art of idealizing js well understood ; nono but Iho most skilful artists uro employed in the rospectiva departments. All Pictures Wnrrontcd; the Ivorylypea will not ol.ango in ary climate, and will stand the tnflof acids. Particular attention is paid togiviug graceful and easy pe ilions. Daguerreotypes and all other kinds of pieduroa coppied, from pmall mcdaliion lo life hie, and fin Lsi.ed in colors or Indian ink, to look criuul to pictures taken from life. This Gallery possess? rare facilities for taking IZqnittrniti Picturrn from iitc, in the rear buildiuc, w hero frsin oiiu to fifty horses can bo photographed at a time. N. fl. To riintof-rnphers. Colorists and others. Ju-t lilted. A New Wuikon PitoToniiAi'ii Coi.or.ixii, Ivonvrvriso, Emasidll ino. 1 von r MiMATi'im pAt.Nri'fa, Ac. Conipletc iniruetioi-sgivenfor making Ivorytvpea wiih somw valuatoo receipts, never helm-o pubi'slied, useful to nil phi'tngrnphci's, for one ol which a largo sum litis been ottered. ly follo.wng tiio directions roulnircd in this book, rvt'ii tho.-c p"i.-oi s witii no previous hr.i wlod:;e of rttr.tii ennuot fell to ooior photographs in a beau tiful and ellcctive.:;v'e. Prieo, Gne Copy. Va f0, Fivo Copies. $.3. By remitting $12 one cony, with Lcxot IVii-ls. Pnletle. and prepataiionn complete will bo furrisued f.'oo of charge. Will bo PublLhcd Shortly, A VALUAr.LB Vl OllK ON DnAwmo. With pro.cuire lliustraiian ol the lthman i'aoe and Figure ALSO. A TTasd-Cook OX PoRIItOSS, With Illustralicns. Designed for the use of rboto- ;rni hers and Artists. Mr. Coey.rr covtinucs to roccivo Ladies and Gen t'i men into liai Classes l"r lrstruetioo in Drawiuc and I'liot..);rr.pj, ivorjtype. Irdia Ink and Pastil I aiutiuf. and a bcauiiiul process for Euameim Pieiures. Circuiurs con'.nining list of prices of pictures and further intoru.atin respecting liio iicoks and Terms of Ins rucliun may bo bad by cuelo.-in Poit Oliise Address, uud a fciainp to P. F. COOPER, l;:::s Cheatnr.t direct, 1 hiludclphia. KLFLKENCEa. Caleb Cop". President Academy nfFir.e Arts. Lr. Tl-.cs. E Wilson, Cicitiioloist and Lntomol o,;il Rev. Tbomr-J Mil; Martin, P. E. Church, lit u. Vi.'t'T A. .Sartori. Consul of Le'uorn. Robert l. Llarl. sou, of Firm of Jay Ooke A Co. New Ywk, l.cv. W. A. M iyLoi, Eoct. ii'.. Albas 's Chcreh I,'..i-., ,!. E. Tilton & Co. V-'ors.-sler, Mats., P. l'odic, Esq. Pallia: ore. .Mor,.-. Auicdce Sauvcn, French Concnl. lac. 11', l.vjj. aLACIUV00I)'S MAGAZINE A.xn TOE nrjTisu 3::vIE73. Trices Cheap as Ever, lo tho. c who pay rvomplly In ndvunc. POSTAGE EEI)L'CEr! ! rr-miiums lo new tMiliscrihrrs ! ! N'otwhhrtacdii.' threes! iTIteprinlitiir theso Peri-oili-'iils has y.ore luan uouLi-oi in con?-, iiencc of the e-.-orir.eii'' riic iu the proot l'r.pi r and of n general a h i.iicj in ull otiler expenses aliu nolv, itliatMU liug otl.er publi.-he-rs are reducing the size or increafini; ; lien el' their nublic;tiOLS,li saaii contuiuu, fur U.0 vM rate, Tit: 1. TLi. Loi. Ion Quarterly (''or.rervalivc), 2. The Edii.burj-'h Review (Vi'hi.;!. S. Tho North Eiilih Rtv:;-,r iFrcc CLv.rch). i. Tiic Weaticii.isttr Review (Liberal). S. Elackv.ood's Edinburgh Magazine (Tory). TERMa Per Ann . Err any cno r,f Ihe four Reviewi J"t t") For any two ol ilie it ur Review) 6 (HI For 1.1 y three ol the lour R:itws 7 00 For all'ioiir ol the l'.cviewj 8 t't) Fur Rtiukwood' Ma.tsii.o S ('0 For RiHtkiioed and or.t Uovic-r 6 (() i'or l';ekwoi d and two Reviews 7 (m Fur P'.u.'l-.woud ar.d three Reviews 'J W 1'vT Ela.knuotl and tliu four Uevicw 10 to Plte'lAGE. Thcpastft'e to all parts of the Vnited Clnte) is row ct.iv Fiuy-t.'s t't 1.1s a Year for the Wiiolo Five Pub l.' i ie.i..'."vii : twi.ty-foi'r cents a year l"r Dlack wool and only Eiirlil" tents a Year lor a Review. Posture is p'lyabio at the oll;:o whtro Urn iiuti.Ler trc rceeiveU. PREMIUMS. Now Pubscribfrs to any two of tho Periodical? for loot, witl receive us u trii.-ji ;n their chouc of anv ce or liic lour l.evioivs f ;..od. fcuboi i ibers to afi five wili reci ive tbeir el.oice rf any 'wo ol' ttiO four Reviews f?r In,'..;. Suls.nl trs tpany or all the works for lull, may procure any of tho lour Ruyiews for 1 ''!, lowhieh !li !y may not be cutiilcd us premiums, at $ r. vear e-ieh, I V Trc Third Edition cf the Ser 1 nr. ber Number of i'lo 4 wood, cf nt.uuin an an urtiele by an Ei.glklt oliiC'T iv un v&i present al th Uatlu op GKTivaiiinu, is now rei.dy pneo 1:5 chls. Rt ni;;;.u.;es and commut.icAtlonsthould be address ed to LEONARD SCOTT A CO., Pub!' hers, No. 23 Walker fit ., bji. Licadway and CiiurcbSt. Wo n!sj PuhlMi tl e " FARMER'S fil'IPR. Uy IlL-Nlty ?tki hi:s 01 Edinburgh und the late J P. aToM.of Vale College ivols. Rojal tcti J, piCO page- at d i.ui'ii-ruua El. ravine;. l'rigc fur the lno Vuluuies. Rr M til f 7. L .bt'O'lX & CO. Jumufy 0. 1 21 s,:t. ini. lill:il4-li:!i:a V l'l I Itai!it,bal. ritlll 3 great l.ue lrarerss tbe Nurthcru aud No-ih-X wei oountiis uf IVLUvivunia lu ii,e eiiy of l.no tn Lake Erie. II has been lease! l y Iho Pennsylvania RailroaJ Col..) ai y. Bod under tueir au.-piees is Liing lapialy o)ier.ed li.rouhniit its i nlirt b ng'h. 1 . i- .i 10 ui'i) !'T Paai'ite.'T and Freight business frcm iittil.-l.uiy to ruipttriuin (Ilia umet on li.e 1. istem 1 ivi.-i- n. and iroui MieC.eld 10 Erie, (Ta iiu!c.)iu tin u-iein Dii ititii. TivE r.r r As.HKNr.LU riiAies at rrsrrsT A rn 1 Lt : 'li,"i.l V-iilTi.iin, ll' ltl A M 1 AMots Train. 11 1." 1' M l.P'tV II rtlr.tiil. Mail 'li nn, 4 .'. P. V i.xi.r.. I'ni.iii, S.oO A M tare run tl.ioub wtti'oet en:ine, b' t!i V ..VS. Ol k 11.) en a the-e Ir-iti.i beivet-r l'bii:.d.:'i Inn and Lov n, ki t beln.t'ti llal'i,.:nie and 1. II IV M.-a, u:t S'.t-e; ii. ; Cera m Eapieii Tfiins both V4 iietweeu V. I'll iliil;Mrt ant Rultiu-eru, aud W i'iair v rt and 1 l.,l.id Ipbia. lor i..f nu.iion repi,'..r. Pawnger lutiuess ap; ly al ibe E. I'or. II L m. I Maikvl :''. Ard l. r Fie:,-lil b-ii.'- jl U.e t'unipat ' Agi-iiU, S It Rior.' i, Jr , ter. la.li and Market Ci , l'hiln.Uli.h.a. J. W. R. vnulda, Erie, J. M I iui, Agc N (' 1- LV.tlmi. . U. 11. lloi sroa, Gen 1 Vreini AgU PbUad Ll is I H.ri-r. v lieu I fak.i Ag'l., Tbtlada Jern l I'uir., GulHiuM, iUiwt;til. ,ij. rKNSIOXS, SOIXTIKS AND 11ACK PAY COLLi-CTl- V. CI il 1KIVI it. Attorney al Law. la duly author. " Ued aad Ii el I' !'el I'linliaii, ItutAwlirBMNU ttnt'Li I'm f'-r MiJ, I t- l.ae at 4 rlti.ie. 'ai la Katliet UI, v ( 11U llulH ll.ilel, rui.lU), I . J.euaiy tti I . ly J l i n llilt'lll ICM aoissii Ake esiAii, clock i:staui.lsumi:nt, I. I. CiHt.f lbl art Cksaual H , Pk,U4l kia 1 til fc Ik PAttJI 1 twl'Al.UI U 1 I I it. A IV 1AV lU tkt, a "m a ..ie aitwlfe ( ttiUa, iUsv. Ui... (m4 -. t-MtAwi, . w.u.a'et writr aou rtv l isa4 4 i4 i-M J mvy 1$ , -f GllAKD OPENING Off ! FRESH WIHTEB G0OD3. E Y. BRIGHT & SON, BUNBUHT TENN'A. OFFER FOn SALE " AT VERY LOW PRICES, ft full lino of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE DRESS G09D3 OF EVERT VAXIIETT CHEAP A2TD HANDSOME. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT MM! IIOSIEJir AKD GL0VF.3. HEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SIIOE2 II ATS AND CAPS, Trrlnks, Valises and Carpet Eaga. EARDVrAKE AND GROCERIES. QUEERS AND GLASSWARE. Stone and Earthcnitare. Wood tied Willow Wara. Ear Iron and Steel, Kails and Spikes, Drugs, Taints and Oils, Window Sash and Grindstones, Picks and Mason Hummers, Coarse and Fine SaU, Fiali, SIcat, CLuckc, &c, tc, &c, All Kinds ot Goods, cheap for caah or Country Produce, can be found at tho ONE PRICE ST0R3 BRIGHT SON, N. B. All Coeds v.-urmnted A3 reiii'Cfconted. NO DEVIATION IN PRICE3. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES Suubury, Oct., 10th, lSt;3. M0U1LNLNG GOODS ! ! Liar-It Glossy Silhs, 4-4 lihtck C:;sli!iicies; , Kujier El.wk Mchuim, .Fine Km k Aljiluteiis, RlarU and I't'ijiic Delaine, White strvl Black Figured Delulnea, Diack Cn Mnrclz, I.tijiitij i'laol; all wool Duluines, i!at:k Silk Rcieircs, Clood Rlack Dcbee, Plaia R!auk Gini'i'iuns, Tlniu E'aek Culicocs, Neat Figured E!:ick Calicoes, Fine E'.utk Stick Flautela, Eliiek Love Veil1, Jouvins Filack Kid Gloves, El.tek t?ilk Onuutlats, Black Con s in Variety, Fine Jlonruirg Handkerchiefs, Black cotton mid wool llosii-ry, Ekck Thibet and Wool fclmwlu, &c, S:c., ifce. A nice line of the abavo ood3 now cen aud fur sale at low lice. E. V. EHIGUT & CON. Suubury, October Slst, 13CJ. FP.I7IT TREES. "TIT JL KNOl'f E, Ajt. f..r Edw. J. Evans A Co. , of t'entral -N uiserie.v York, Pa., ti.te li. is wothud ef inlurn.K.s hi.' 'lieudi and llo pubiie he will deliver iu Us Kprirg. of all kiuds ef 1'ruit and nrimiui nlul tret, fti.i vmei, Shrubs, Kufes, ta. tuntury, January V, lit)! .'it, "NEW FANCYTOH!.. II AVIXd Just ro'.urne I fiom rLU.la'.LliU, kar tow open a frefh supply cf '1't Im milt nail I'uncy ArtitlcH. at lur new Ktore in the rova, a.Vo;nin th tesUtnot ef Mis. 1'u.l.i.r, In Muiket uore, tfuubury, P. Iter stock 0vI'aI! lu ptrt of Ln'iir.i' Tiiu tuiiKr for DrAs, Laeas. i'ulteri-,1 I T l'le.-e.1, AvUibrnidr!, liauJkerei il", Ulovea, hilk and C.,tt,.n Tbreal, Li i.ra' O'i ves Zeplyrs. WuoUn and it- t j r t'acuurs aui !im h, l; ; .i. L.esi' . lluitui t, tiud'iii;.. Ui la. Collars sn l rb ees. li Ne.-kuei. t ,;i.-,eta. llair Brt-.-id, luiir I'll ll;.ir N t, IrULt Dicje.4, 8w est bilks, a'" I iiuiuejo . ti, Lu ktl-uln, ail ot wbt.h w..i bjld ut lh lea t IV'A I have ,! dud lo try (tick Palners.) Tklits, IleoD I 'l. ire.., t tl u t'ai lr l a ur? an I till !rQ, !t,.'n.t r .'k. e t 1..X.U .'.IU e klirs. A:mi, a raa u 'v el'C.rn, inuvk Knit liiovwi. V.oultn Yt.ru, ui I nm Wj ri'iv iu do ail k,c Is fcunijuLg ht btinlii. ,r t abruidery. Al . a vr,.iy ef ar'.Me suitable f r CbrUtanas Pr "ii wi'li as fliuU)'rab Ainubi., I' rttiajt-uan, kraeoifia, Lreat. I'ma, Ac. Atv a kandsuw aaaKSt ttxut nl t.il ai.d Hu l-.fcl' u ! "ir, A VAKV L LAZAKl'a. CLluiy, On. IT, l 'C3.ly TH MISSEJ J0HN8VON i D O A U U I Ml A N P I) A Y HtUOOL I'er Vsttauaf I.tJlr, K. I Ji J fpru SUI, I'Liidellkia. 1.1.HKIMI1 l Rev I r. I!uw, L'aHl H.loU Unj.. I i hvdlAil, Vua lisreai I liwi. I4 J r I '"., Us 44' M tt LatU-U, tiA, llet.iy at u.e, . 1 U- II ''t;u(..-i .'a, ax. ii. It. liubis;.'Ui , It. uia l'-..l.(. I '( , Vk-i' :tiibr , 11 - ' " '- ' .- a. i n a w ail l.sU. I PAM8 to tk. - b. ' I J .Vl - Vf-.i7tTZ V Wl '!. 'kM.att.4 ear I i.. i thai t't U a-a . i l - -.-. ... m a e tv4a4, . r-r u3vrtmi.TiiT i t NOT A HUM UINZL A maOLT COITCBITTBATEO YIKJETAJSLK EITDHjVCT. A PTOE 'TOITIC. THAT WlXJj RCLIITB TUB AFTlAQTtX), AUD riot malte PrttafcTau DR. HOOFLAKD'S German Bitters mBPARLD BY ' 2n. C. M. JACKSOK. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL KTFKCIUALLY AND HOST CERTAIN. LY ariaiii( from Clsordsrixl Lirer, Btomach, er KiJnej. Thonsmisof our cltiten are luffering from Dj-s-pepmaai:l Lirer Diseases, and to whom ti follvw. tog questions apnly we guarantee HOOFLAXD'3 GEHMA1T BITTERS will cnrtliem. Erai EPittA and Litre Ciasast. . Po yoa rine vritli a coated tonpu eoralnpi, wl'fc bad tnf'e ia Ihe moutli ar.d pocr appetite fur brnak. fust ? Da you feel wl ea you first get tip so weak and tantrum you can sonre'ly get obcut ? Do yo hare a aij7iiie.- in tho bona at times, ar-d often a dultifs, vith hemlnche ocatiticnnlly ? Are your ccj'J.ve and irregular, end appetite cli.-r.Rea-Mo? Do j"u IhroTT up wind fiom tiir stomauh, and do yon swi'll ejw:ften f Do you fael fulners tfier CftUr. aad a sinking when tfio ,!otr.nc:i is ertpty? lioyia liavo licnrtbiirn ocin.'ior.tillv ? Do ; ru feel low spirited, nr. I look cn thj ilflrk Fide of tLing Are you nut unn.-wnll.v ncrvon nt times? Lo yo mt bcsoit reilctti, ar.d oftr-n lny uui.l luijuibl bsfero you "hii potn slocn? an I Uicn at tinii'?, iion' you ffil duil and blcf y mrst of tho tirao ? ii jour ckintlry end Mily? a'lso salloir f In fbort, u oo your lil'o a burthtn, full of loru'uodings ? EOOTIiAKD'8 GEHMAK BITTEHS. Will cure every cf sn of Cbro'.:io cr Nervous Debility, L:sf?e uf Ine Kidneys, and Ducasco miring from a disordered Stomach. OESKUVETHE roLLOTVIXU GYMPI0M3 P.esulUn g from Disorders of tha Digedir Organ : Cics'.I. pation, Inward Pfis, Fulness or Biool to the Ilea l, Acidity if th ttf ta'.rth. 2s'ir..:xj, lle'rthuiu. Diy?;ustfor Food, l'u'.ne. or Weight in the bteiuiacii, Soar EruuUitions. ii.r.Uinj; cr i luttcricp at the Pit of th Etoi!ir. :h, MMuimia:: of tiio Herd, Hurried m l Dittt cti'.t HreatMr-, Fl-Ulcrir.g r.t tiio .'tjrt, Cboking or Eull'ccatitig i,nr.".ti."iiis hen in n lying posture, Dim nesi of Vision, Dots ur cbs before the fc'iht, I'erer and Dut! Fain iu tho liead. Dcf.jicny of Porapir tion, Yellownisj of the bUia nnd Lye?, Pain ia the Hi.ie. Itr.el:, Cucl', Liuits, ia. Suddea Ifluthesof lictit, i:Qi:.ir.in IheFieab, C'oastuTit l'Lceiniuf of liril, and cr'at Dciregsicn WSiriy. PAEIICULAR K0TTCE There are many prepnrntior.s sol I under tie cim of Litters, put i in qur.rt. Uotllos, cotnpeuuded of tbe cheapest whi-kcy ur eotntnoa rum, cos'ina; fiom 20 to 1C cents per gidlon, tlc taste dt;:ui;ed by Auiit or Cnri.iiidor oe J. lfcinvliua cf liittenilias e-.n?3 ml vri'l enntinoe to enure, n: lun r,3 tbey cr.n ie sold, hundreds t die tho tleiith the liriiiiiiutd. liy thvir ud t!.o ijr.tura is kept contimiidly ui.'ier the in2'je:ice of Aleoholio Sitiuiuinntsof the worst hii.d. tho dtf ro for Li.i'.or is criwteii rind kept np, an I tlure'ult ia ull tho. at tend: ul upon a drunkard s life nnd death. lor ll.of who unrc nr. I will hfivo a L'quor Bit ter. wo publish tho foiir.wini; reju'i'.. Get Os fictile HorD'ird's Gcm:nn l;i;tcrn and mix with Threo Q Jirtsof Ojo i Erar.dy or Whi-l;ry, and tha rctult.wilt bo a preparation that will ui urtil ia tneuicinul virtues ar.d true cxuellccco any of th numerous Liqurr liiiu-rs in the ii.r.iket. "nnd will cist murh li?. You will havo nil tho Tirtues of llooflund's Bitters in conue;titn with a pt-od article of Liquor, at a much. less y:.c Ciun tb'M inferie frej.'arati-jL3 v'.Si,'-t you. EOCrLAlfD'3 GEIlLIAiT EITTEIU T7ill Giro Yen A O00D A P PETTIS, Will clveyoa BTP.0NO liEAi.TUY xrilVM, Will givo yru rjiUSIC AND ENEKQEXIC i'Eri- Will enable yoa to SLEEP TVELL, and will poaitivo ly prcrent VcIIott t'cvtr, II:Uons IVrcr, s.c. Those suf.'erii. from Broken devrn nnd Cer.j-.itut:uE3. from whatcrer cnusc, eiliicr De'.icnt In SI.lo cr l'einnle, will End i'l HOOELAXD'.S HERMAN' niTTEUS. A EEMEDY That will restore tbem to their usurl h?ci;h. Huch h"j) been tho ease, in llu t.snud.) oi il:.umf 'J, iid a ft-ir triiil abut rcquirel to piave Ihe ssierliou THAT TUL3Ii FITTFI-.S AU2 And NOT i&teudcd ns a EEVLEAGE. Tho ProprietorsVare tl.ouf.-.r.ds of Lett: frim th most eminent Clergymen, Luiryer', rhytiei:ai(i and Cititens, A'ci-tifyiusU' tlwar own per'tial kuov.linlge, to liie bcnclioiol cuuui and med.cid virtues ef thw liitlers. From l'.ev. J. Kenten Eronn, D. D., Editor cf th Ltcyciopedia of lleliinus K&otrledo AIthoti';!i not die; oe 1 to fi.vwr or leeuiuiacnd Pa tent Jicdicines iu licrerid, th;-.'i.;:h Uu'.ruit of their ingredients i.cd eCecii, 1 yi.: kouw of no fufn.'icst rciuions why n n.r.n n;.y r.ut tcs'lf.- to l!.e ter.ef.ti ha believes iiiiaufcli to havo received Iroin uny irrp! preparation, ia the l.opo that he may thus ceul.iuut to ine Lenetit of oliierj. 1 uo liii" tl.o u.ore rendily in reg irl to Ilxfl icd' Qerman Litters, prop'iveil by It. C. SI. Jaekson, of this etiy, btnuo 1 wi.s prejudiced a-inst thcai for ni.-.ny jcir., under the i:i.i.re.ien ihtt Ihey tvtr cl iedy an iikoliniio mixture. 1 urn indel'e ! lo iny ft iead lioucrl Shce'inukcr, k'tq., fur tho removal of this prrjud loo by pi. pir U -a. and fjr et.euunio mfi.iijtiy theui, when f-tierinr fern rr.-.it ucd long eeiuii.ueduebi.ity. Ihe unn cf thrfo bolllrsof lliese Uitlers, nt lh biiinuii x tf the preset year, waii ie-iii ncd by ivide-nt rt h cf and ri''.r.i!ion'to a (iegrc ol bo diiy and ineut.il ri-r which I hd tot tell lortix tuonil.s bt-f.ir. and bad aliucit dosn;ure.l ol rertinlnij. I Iheteiore thai.k Ucd oi.d luy lriond J. SEWI0N t?.0WS. Philadelphia, Jun 23, lbSl. liieasei cf Hidneyj aud riftdir. In Ywungor AjiJ, JJuleor Kmc'j, ArespeelUy removsj, and tb culltut iaU)ted. to teuiih DELECATE CU1LDRES, Tho fufferlnn from MAtusur.s, wsitring away, Willi saarce.y any linh ou their bor.os. ar cured ia a very tiion va ; one butli in sum au es, will bave a u.ost surprwin; ef.'t. PARENTS having mfferlne; citUrm a above, and mt.iup to r....i '!.eo, i,i never tejret th d tiny eouiu.Lced ,:h U-ii Lium. LIT 1'P.AUY l.t.f, E llT'EN'Trf, -d those worS. Inliul wilU ihiir uiAiLi, sliouhl ,U)i, ipa ti, tlU id lino U and tuier tieir tiictu. i lkr will hud uiuth Itcstl from Its uo, t a.ud asii kd, w.iguai.-g anl Uut eprv s'.r.g. ix u hot a iiQioa -ajivuin, And leaves Bopi ,,, Atleuilon, WoKU...: AS IUJS aikM,S cj r.ijLWCIia W call lb atieutii. ?.. i fnsi-d, ... tl.ara-y u i i.i' 1M1r.(ft"isM UU tttUM" L1.. A," l that -loA'. I.ANAi la.l.d bv UKeuI.. iJ Ml'.. l' 1 a''".' ..... .14' ..Li.i. u u"'. g U.A.VM let " bi.f'ia , - : kac i jif mioiaw 1 ea tVAHK VI Vt' J-"" ... u i, V. i ki A-3 Ht Itf. In lb Las. tS i.m.uoix.n-' t-.'" -'r a....ra. ... J' I a sur.d t,b,oV .J, It l"l al. iJ-.f II.HV. - ' . .Lit. : .!. . ai i.ysA.1 ," b.. u ..iui. .4