A " ; A Ltarg ,Aartment f PjJJian EVAH8 A WATSON'S . BALAMANDER BATES. OREAT 1'IKL! AT KEADINO, l'A. February 12, 18(2. OtMWKBJ-It give ma tjiauh tut!fact!ok to Inform you thud in th nri fir bicb, oo thi morning of th 4th tint., entirely dcirtroyed all siy Mook and material, I had on of your Salamander Air Proof Safe. Altar enduring an intens red beat for seven hours, tb. Safe wns opened, and the Books and Papers were preserved is n unblemished condition. I shall nocd another finf. a toon atlgct in order. Yours, most respectfully, W. P. UICKpSOS, Heading, Pa. TIRE AT GHE2T CASTLE. " CjiinsriiSBtRO, Franklin county, r., ) August Slst. lsfili ( Mewrs. Erawa A WatsiH. Philadelphia Gentle , men : On the morning of tl.o 22d of Align, Hull, cur Storehouse at Gri.enea.Jtle via dctdrcyid by liic. The Sulnrnnjer Safe vvo purcha,cd from you aoiuo few year eiuoc was lu tho above uunliiiLtd More borne, mid contained oil ov.r books, papers, cuh, Ac. which vcoro prcseivcd in a perfect condition, alter i ciiig txprwej to a nut intense bent forncvoral In urs. Please inform in upon nLat term you will soil us another larger Safe. Yours truly, OAKS A AUSTIN'. Salamander -Safes, for Bank, Stores, Pi h ate Families. Ac. Ac. Also, Evan A Wi.tsun's Patent Alihabcticcl llink Lock md Hank Vault Door, equal to any mrdo in tlio country, rnrl sold on r.s good terms. K A V. would respectfully refer to tho following lianks pud other putties, l aving their Safe and Lock now in use, to their entire witisfw tiou, and inunv others given at their Store. United Statks Mist, JJianeh Hank, Shc'.byvillo Philadelphia. 'icnlicseo. United States AKK.(Al..Citv Lank of Philadelphia. Calilornia. Conscliiti timi li'k of Phiia. I ottutown llanlt, P. Com'th Punk or Phila. Coatcn illo Bank, Pa. Cliatnuwjrn Hank. Tcnn. Stroudfhurg liank, I'a. Pre in Lorn A.A. 4th st. Jersey Shore Hank, I'a. Hank of Northumberland. Lock Jlaven llnnk, Pn. llin.k ofN'ortiru Liberties', Union llank. Knltiinvre. Philadelphia. Southwestern p.nk id" Ya. Paul und Swift, r.unkers, I ul'On bunk, Atlanta. Ua. Alabama. Niffrark Hank, el V'.tl. Stcrling.M'ilkcsVc. K.ir.k of N. C, Haloied!, Ecwisbun Bank. Pa. Other references given r.pon callini at our Store, No. Id s. l ourlh Struct, Puiiudclnhiu. Sept. 5. 1s.i3.-ly 18C3, 1863. fall and "wiimtisii. MILLINERY GOODS, At the Large Millinery Store of MU M. B.. 4aiisi.-r, Tawn Ptreet. two doors south of Shunokin Volley A Pottsville Uailroad. Sunhury, Pa., inoiuding l'reneh I'rit'.eiu l:o.':ueU. lliLhoii", ,.:i;k. Xelvct.', l.nces, 1 reiielionj Amtrieau Pioiiers and Feather, Ac. l.mlit'K llotx nal CiipH, of the latest atylen and designs. Voolen Cups. Children Cp.. linMery. fflnres. Jlits, plain and fancy t-'ollars. ilaudkei'.hiefs, Combs, Ihiu Mes, mid olarcre assortment of NOTION'S, to which i-ho invite uii to call and see before purchasing tlsc hero. Thankful for past patronage, she hopes by keep, in? tue best assortment at reusunitblo piicv to eou tinuc the Game. Sunburv. October 17. 113 S-.n 50 STOVE! OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT AltE FOR SALE AT J. rtolirhm li A Co.'h POXJITDR STJ3ST13XTR-Sr, PENN'A. Oct the Host (Jet the Chcapets Oct the most Eco nomical, which can be had at the Kohrbach Foundry. Having a large assortment of the niot apt.rovJd STOVES, such as Cocking, J'orlor, Otliec anil Shop Stoves, which will be sold at tho lowest rates. Alto, Kettles ol all sizes, Pans. Skillet. Ac. They are also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs, Cnstinas. Ac., at rhort notice. ltepairiiig ull kinds of Agricultural Implement done in n good worinia::lil;u manlier and at the Fhortcft notieo. All articles shipped ns ordered. Orders respect fully solicited tud protnvMv attended to. . . JACOij liOllUBAt'lI A CO. C'f Old Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken in Exenange fur work. Sunhury. Oct. J, ISM tf eh finj Id 'SSO JB-EST llTXSroe 250 51. E5'4-Sit:tS, Ilnring removed to his new V::rc-!'.coiu3, l'J WetJIoI STON STliKET, Kew Yoiik, Takes great ) leavurc i:i calling tho attention tf tho J.ubliu to M New and Full K-aic 7 Octave LOStV'OOlJ PIANO FCMTE3, Containing nil the luudern improvcuients: Over rnr.g liuv, French O rand Action, liurp Pedal, and' tun Aioii iame, iri:m H'iZH to SCOO. 7 1-4 KCtliU'.'OD PIANOS, Ei:-ia OuUb. from ?; to mfSit. The croat ice ii'icndiiit; jl. Duekcr'a New Peule l'nino Foriej is. .f iueif. a juBicicnt gnaran. tee lur their tupeiiorily. 'i'in-y only need to be heud to become utnve-s;.! "avorite, 7 1-i tiP.ANK PIANO 1 Ol'.Ti:?. (For which tho Priio Medal was reeeivi d at the bist American liiilituto lair.) he now odcr for lfll"il. -Mr. liucker's llich.ionoit and powerful 'Jltlol.O. iiEONS. which received the First Prize in 1S:') and laiiii. and likew ise aJ tiio lnct Fair, he now otl, rs at the following lew prices, varying from sun to $.125. These superior instrument possess mtticieiit er tu lead a congregation of P';:, i, :..,,s in any Church. All these instruments are warranted to lie made of well-Beasoned material, and regulated in the nc-t tyle. N. II Professors and ntratrure are resiicetfuily invited to eABiniiiv these vcrv surerior instrumenis. October 2 1. lsi!;!. 4m VARNISHES, PAIATS & GLASS ! TE offer to Dealers, Coachmakcrs mid llouso 1 I'amteis. t the very lowi.-.t licit cash rice tho besl Coach and Cabinet :irnis!ic ; Pure While Lead; French and American Zincs ; Chrometlreciis, and bellows, 1'rop and Ivory blacks, ur.d a luil . soriiuenl of nil ihc liner Colors such as erniillii.no, Lakes, Tube Colors ic., ul-o. Paint and .Varnish Brushes, of ll.o best make. U'nriei 's llhmmuils and Points; Paiut Mills; inlo and limible thick Olass, ff all dcciipii,iin and !: Matcih.ls u-cd by il.n;.-c and Couch 1 .inter whi. h we ei.u sell as cl.ei p, if not cheaper, than any o;her bouse, fr. ui the tact that wc keep donn our txpcn-es l y conducting our busiues peiiHjiialiy. Mr. It At. one oi the firm fur u.any ye.rs maim. factuied the Vai'lli.-hw4. H id by the latuV. S l neh. u feel c, mli lent that our aiuilus, are e.jui;l. if not superior, tu any biaiiufactwcd in tui- Country. We warrant theiu lu give t-ntiw ili-fviiii, and if not as rcpre-enled, the money wiil be refunded, t.iie us a call Ici.i.e puioha.iu cltf.Uele. A liberal discouul luade lo tho Irbdc. FFl.'lON A RAF, Nci. l.id i 12S North Fourth Sued, cn.vr Cherry, I'hiladeipbia. Oct. In, lriiVI Urn Itt-nUintf ICiillroul. "WINTER ARRAN0EMEKT- "ill EAT THI NK l,lr: from the N'.irtli anu VI N,.rtl.-Mest I,, It'ade',.!.!., N York, Head ing, i'oll.v iliti. I, chat-lull, A!li lllo li. Enaton, Ac. l" liilie) I ace ltalli,burg r Ploiu.leli l... N. Yoik, ilca-liiig. Pottsville, and all liilciiuedilu tjiuiiui.s, hi x A M , nud il no p. M. Near Vol k i.x r.ica ea li .n i-bul at 0(1 A M., irrivio at New Yoikalllt la ti c .moo i,n.rnin,-. Far,, fr.itu II i.li.oi.l Tu New Ull Is Is; to PhiU.lclpUia J3 j auj fi t0. Uag.go cincucl 11 1 .uii ttiiuriiing. leaioNew Yoik at t A. M.. U X sjn, d 1 P M. (I'lllvbulgb !xnt1el. tCkV I'Lilael- phu at H U A M. and i M p .. Plwiiiug van. U the Near i.rk l.'vprew Ti.iins, thlnu,b lu.nd fr, ni piiiaburt!4 iih..ut e!in ;u, Pniugei. ty lb. t'sn.kUa bail U.d b i.iaTa miu. ai a io A. M , .od i I 1'. M , u r l'i.i..iul LLis, Nu. I urk. til all V Pu i". Traiu let. I'.iii.wlle .1 u I.4 A M , an I (H p. it , lor I'biUdclphi.i ll.,.ii.i , .,,,( ,,),. AaaeeeMiUllMUllou iM I :.l l...,l,.,,. I. . at W) A M , fcd lelmuj t.ou, I'u.iaJ. '..hi .1 1 l 1 M l'Alltl.. kUi. Irniiia luu daily, KuuiUv ,x. !. A nuial.v lialu .. P,ii.ii;l. at t 30 A M, Jul l'Uil..lt'pknt ' s I . P. M. Ciiiiiuii ,u, M'l..c, r, ..,.o a,, ui.a TUkiii, ai rv-n... tM W4 ,,, j,,. " Pvulet tl .B-s .lu. J a I . i , ! ..... 'I A M 44I.M. De.,11 4n.l ;.(,.,.! ,. ...lM,fculBi "'NKW rANCV tVluiu;," IIVl .tiiUr mshi.,; I, ,, (. fikal, J 4 lb. j.L. .W ,A K... C....4VI il,. 1-.4 no. ,. . till Li,,, t , d AM 1 Uo'lP-l,, ll.v. .ed ,.u.l.4..M,, v.ll . 4 aw4, evaKMiMtj ia wi v ' L&lue' TiIk-i, te.io i.,,y j ,..4..., lll...l,ks I leu wl .its Tai4, ImiWi l ' (w.l ,,,, ... 1 ,,n lfc.i., tilki-f ( i ...,., ft I iiwUir J v bs aili. I.a U alkki.; ts - o. no t.i .4 ol U r li i iu.a. I , AA f-Al4tM ...;,&. 1. t. 1 tj I WJl KKOCHE, I W MARKET 6TKEET, IIARR1EBUK0, TA.y I Dealer In , PIANOS. NCtV Rowwmxl Pinnoa, from th best makers from f 2no upwards. ' ; WELOlJliONS. The best monufaatuicd lustra menta, froiu $14 lo f 1 Oui'ari, Violin", Aoenrdroni, Plutea, Fife, Drums, lianjos, Tambourine, Violin aud Uuitar strings and mueioa! mer ohaodiui in general. SHEET MESIC. The latest puo'ioatiocs always on hand. Music sent kv roail to any part of the countrv. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT A.SD ROSEWOOD Suitable for looking glasses, and all binds of pictures alwi.j'B on hand. A fine assortment of best plated L00K1NM ULASnKS from smallest to largest sues Any style of frame made to order at tho shortest totice. VM. KNOC1IE, April 11, 1SC3. 93 .Market ft., llanishvrg. P E TliK LOlilLLARD, r:iiIl"iV 'IVbiU'vo imliv trT 13 A 13 t IIAMJ5EHS ST., (I'ornieily 42 Chatham Street. New York. M ould call the attention of Fcalt.s to the articles of hi- mauulacture, il : LROWN SNFFE. Maenboy',' Demigros, 1' iiie Haj'pee, l'uio Virginia, Coaii-e Uappee. N'achitochts. American 'Jentleinon, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scoi h, Honev Pew Scotch. High Ton.t Scotch, I'ro-h Ibmey Pew Scotcn Irish High fnnst, Fresh Scotch, or Lundytnit, t'i" Atleiiti.m is called to the larjje reduction In prieesf Fine-Cut Chev.ing and Smoking Tobaccos, bich V. ill be found of a Superior Quality. TOBACCO. Smoking. l ino Cut Chewing. Smokii. j. Long. P. A. L.. or plain. S. .Tago. No. 1. Caveiuiish. or Sweet, Spanish. No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoeo. Cansster No. 1 A 2 mixed, Tin 1 oil tavendiih, TurkUli. CrHiiul.'ited. N. 11. A circular of prices will be sent cn applica tion. April 4. 1 Northern Central JJuihvav ! TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tnc North and West r.raneh Stisrjuchuuiia, Lliniru,and all of North cm New York. 0: N and after MONDAY, API! II, 20th. l?li:i. the P-semer Trains of the Northern Centr;il Kailwav wilt arrive at and tlenart lri.m Aunhurv. llurri.-i'urg and baltiiaore ns tollohs, vu : SOFT II W A K D . Mail Train leaves Sunbury duitv (except Sjnda I. " in 1(1 A. M. " leaves l!nrriVirg. 1 li i. M. 41 . arrives at L'altiiuore, b .'io Express Train leaves Sanlmry daily (except Sunday,) ' 11 (i" P. M. " leave Ilanifourg (excel t Mouday.) 2 00 A. JI. 44 arries at Ihiltimoro daily (except iMoiiuay) 15 A. .10 A. M. M. Harrisburg Aocomaiodutiou leaves Uuvris burg, 0 N'lhTHWAI'.D. Mail Train lenvcs li.,llin:oro daily (ex ceiit Sur.u;.) ) lo A. 44 leaves linn :.-!.i:rg 44 mi ives at Suiihv.i;--, Express Train leaves Baltimore daily 44 arrives at lliirridiurg. 44 leaves Harrisburg (except Monday). 44 arrives at Sunhury. 1 1 j P. i ('j U 16 P. 1 3oA 3 0ft A For further information tapplv at the Oifce. I. N. Pi llAURY. Snpt. K.:'L.uv :uimi V IMuoiumIiui's' K.u!I roBtl, 0J N and after November 17, 18(12, lVi'cmior Train will run as folhuvs : SIOVIN'O SOY TH. .r, J't 'rf-in'fr. Leave Scrnntnn, S.iwAM. R!ii;stou, fl.20 44 Rupert, 1 1 ..'id lll.l.i A 11.40 P ;.i M. 44 Danviilo, 12. oa Arrive at Noithun berland, 12 41 P. M. MOVINU NORTH. Leave Nortln inbvriand, 6.20 P. M lrn-.iilc, B.fll 44 P.uneit, f...'5 44 Kin n n, S. lil Leave, 1.4J P. M. Arrive at Scranloo, 10.00 P. M. 8. -10 A I'lisscnger Traill elso leaves Kingston at 8.(W A. M., f.r heranton, to connect wiui a train for New Y'rk. Ketiimin;-. leaves Scrautou on urrivul of irein lrom New York, ut 1.16 P. ?i. Tiic LrckH'.cn-iiiu A r.lo,.u.-l.urir Railroad connects with the Delaware, l.a.-kuwanr.a and esiern hail- road at S.irautru, t..r New York and iutciinedia'o , pintJ e.-i--. ; At Rupert it e-v.t.'.cts Willi the Catt.-r.vi!d R'!- j road t..r i.t.!i t-1 b( th et.st and ivcst anivii. at Fiiil- nd iplrVi.l II. '.i P, ?i. I At .Wirihuhibc lau i it eornccls with the Philo.lcl- I phi.; A. Erie ivailrond ami Nnnl.ern t eul nil Kail- ; road, lur pniius west ar.-l eolith Pasiiciigcrs tiirivin g i ut llarn-oi i.-4.;-o P. M ; Piiilauclphiu lo P.M.; and Bi.hiiimio In. 211 P. M. The Freial.i ami Passenger Traill north, leaves Noilhuiniici liind at ft.io A .M., and arrive at 0,20 P M., pa.-t:jib' Danvil'.u at S.Jn P. M. JOHN P. ILSLEY. Sni.'t. .1. C. Wki.i.s. Uencrul 'iicket Ajjent. I Nov. "i. i.nij. " I To .lTt'UUs Sui'i i i i-s cfliolii "fclM-s.. 4 l!i. EKENO 01 M I.EMA.N h.ving been re Xl Hor.'d to tici.hh iii a lew day, alter undergoii g uil il.c us, nil routine a.:.l iirtguhi.- expensive imd. s ol' tieiitiuei.t, v. iihont si,cci;. euiisidcrs it his saen d duty lu couiii:uu!c..ie to his i.tliicled fellow creatures I he hl.vns ui crcB. liciice. on tho roee.pl of an addiessed euvelope, ho will send (freej u eoj.y of the j rcserpliou Used. Direct to Dr. JOll.V M. DAON'AI.L. 1-sfi Kullon Street, liruuklvu. N V. January 21, It'.ii.t. TAIL0R1KQ ESTABLISHMEIJT.- JOHN i:. t3TA4IOiC. Fawn Stncct. i i.)site M caver's IK lul, KvJNBUU Y, KorthuniberUmi Co.. Pa., IN:'4lK.MSliis lii.iidi and iho public generally, that he lia.lal.cli Ibe Slop,,! Jacob S. flake, bed. and is pr-p-ircd todoall kind of TAll.Oll INli iu u uut-d wsjrkuiuuliiKe n.auni-r. Thu patreu acnlilie public inc-j c 'i!'u;ly solicited. cuoooiy, ..my io, ir-oj. iy JUBT HEAD Y, STYLES CF JEWELRY. ilui ily 1,1 1 t.i le l,i sight of Kara l..r Agints. J.hdics a. will us Ocois can NEW A N. "PI" el.al.c. hci u Agents. Ainly ckilv and .ecure tbv atti ey tor youi b culity, 1 (. oati MM T i'i', 177' (7.I.V.S', LOCKETS, A.Vi.'.v. ;.. .4.vi I'K.WIU, UHACKI.KTf, 7'', Vl'TJU.XS, AL't'A' cj!.h.. si:t iyji:n'. .'.'.A i , cyr. To be -M f. f 1.1 ..1, !., al l I, . I In be 1. 1.1 t... until j.si too a n out y ... sn 1,. , 1 hei 4 2j ccnu f. r t ellili.-ale. l.-llio y.n ,i ., (,,. T , . ,,), a 11 -ului, gn mi; lull oaiiii ulaoio Ag. .i. ,iiie( , lii' ' in KUuianicd iu all c.-i 1 : A l.lle'-e, S ii AUD A CO . b'iuuy Jl, i siij. I la -h 51 , W.-'-ly ' j "FAMILY DY K COtOhb. Bla-l. j loo Blue, : 1 1, iii I I 1 1..H I; ll.ua, ( l.iol BlO.lt I Dia lliuau, I i ii hi l.lowu, j hnutt Bioau, 1 I I III MlU, . Jik Oikb, I 1. .bl lH.li. ii k iiihi, I l .bl ilrwu, . lit in K.'li VI ...). ,bJ il j.J 1,1, M...L, Usait,, i',..., i,.u.,, iiI. im, UouuiU. Ill,, .ia I , kll li.,.. I klldlcu ll.ot.it,,, i J4i1,.l4iW nwil.j Apeaivl . i4 i-tt IVr !, F.. wwu ) e. a Mans a. WMt.14 (.II..IW.M. a, , . .,1 . a..!. w I k4.iu,,i um ik.iatM i,, ana ke,l I J liwii.,.. In Ffc.h k, fi.tcb ..J Omu.b li.Il. nt ...k -'-' ! .. . ivStMsiua ia liik aAiik.. (,-iu.l kk.i.4,. . uM k. ui . i , l .., v.. I ' .. . .11, k .! lUubi , li. s a . ,i..k, (....m, ( ,ft , M. a.... nili,k;)....u, i-e..., ka..k.Mi4 ; ll'-ti b 4 ' i i V I a k.u i 1 W 1. 1 ' " ' ..lkl.. j N-ft stollfifl, t 1 tss,' a v 1. j ! . . A . . A ' A ER SWEET'S IKFAIULBIS L I N I M E NT, THE GREAT REM FEY For lificnmatUm, Gout, FcuraJgia, I.vmhar .'?' .?.','? nm! jy,,tt. Sj rain, ?riV, CuUftr. t Wound, Piht, Itcmhicht, anil nil lihe'imtitir. and Kcrrwt D'wilcrt. For all of which iaa spocdy and certain remedy, and never fails. Thi Liniment is prepnred from the reeine of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the ' tmnoui bone setter. lunl has been used lu tno practice i tor more than twenty year with the luesl aatonithiug i success. Ai, an Allcvietor of Pain, it is unrivaled byj any irepuration belore thu public, of which the most kcpticnl may he c minced by a tingle trial. I 'lhia l.inii.Vnt Kill core ri.pidly ar.d radically, ! Kheumatic Pisordeisof every kind, and in thousands I of case whrro it ha been used.it has never been , known to tail. I ForNeuralgia.it will afford immediate rciiel in i every case, however distressing. ! It wili relieve the worst cases ol Headache lu three ; minuter;, and is warranted to do :t. j Tuothaeho also w ill it cure instantly, i For Nervous Dehility aad Oeueral Lassitude, ari 1 sing from imprudence r excess, this Liniment in a mi si happy and unfailing reun-dy. Acting directly upon ilic nervous tissues, it st. cngthens aud rovivi ; lies the system, and resnucs il to elasticity and vigor. 1 For Piles, as an external remedv, we claim that , it is the best ktiovtii, and we challenge the world to i ! produce an ttjual. Every victim ol this distrca.-iug i complaint :h juld givu il a tii.il. foi il will not tail ' to atiord iiini dinie rvdif, and in u majority ol ciues i will cliocla ritdicrii rcu u tfc4 iioe;- end Soi'o 'i hioat are soinetiitics ixtreniely j maiiiiaiit at.d dangi-ritiis, t.,if u timely application ; of this Liniment ni!l uirver luil lo euie. j fjiiaiiis are H'melimes very ohsiinate, and eularge. j Uient ol tliu j, tints ir' li'i:l.' to ocjnr il neglected. , '1 he woist ease may be eoi.iiuued ty tt:L Liniment in two or three days. ! liruises. Cuts, onrib. Sore ", Vl--ers, Eurn and Seal. Is, yield readily to tho woudeifiil healing pro perties of It. Sweet s iiiiuliilile Linimenl, mini u-cd a'.'eoriliug to diiei liens. Also. CLilblaui Frost , ed Icet, and luseei X'U and bti:iM. I EFl STEPUHFiII B'iVEET thu Gicul Natural I.'oi.c Setter. t CcnDOOtiout DK UTEPHEIN- bWSET, i- hnoAii ull over the Fnitcd States. Connecticut dr. BTFrn: is the author ol ilvT B'vvT.ET, of Cc-nnceticu'-. I'r Sweet Infallible Lii'S'Ueut.'' Dr. Swcti'a Infaliiblo Iiinimcot Cures Rheumati-ui. and never fail. Dr. Svveot's Ir.falliblo Liniment la a certain remedy 1't Neuralgia, Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Linir.-.aut Cure Bums aud Scnlds iiuuicdiatciy. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liuiment Is Ihc best knowu remedy for Sprains and Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment A Herds iiuuieuitde relief for Pile, and seldom fail to cure. Dr. Swcet'B Iafalliblo I-iimjeni Cui Cii TootiiUehc in one uiiiiulc. D-. Sweet' Infnllible Liniment Cures Cuts and W ounds immediately and lovcs no sear. Dr. Rtveet's Infallible Liniment Is thu betl remedy f.;r Sojc in Mie Inowu world. Dr Swcol's Infallial Liniment Has been in u-c by more tl.au a million people, nud a'.! pra'sc it. Dr Sweet's Ir.ftillibla Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Mo bus. Dr Facet's Irfolliblo Liniment ' tuily n "Irii ud in need, ' ni.J every famiiy should have it baud. Dr Sweet's Infallilila Liniment Is for ulo by all Druggists. Price 2: and 1-0 cuds. A PPxIEKD IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEETS lVFALI.IHLE LINIMENT. i extcriiiil remedy. u w about a rival, and wiil I alleviate pain in. iic speedily than anv oiln r pn-j.a. ration, ii.r ull Rheumatic aid Neiioin Disorder, it is tiuiy ii.liniii.lo. and as a curative for Sores, I Mound-. Sprains. Kiio-s. Ac . ils n. tiling, healing and siwc,iiil sirei.tl .-uiiig pr,ia rties. i xeite the ju-i vi.indcr and eniiiiii-liinein uf all who have eier gneliiti trial. Our one thohsmid ccrl llicates of ! reiuurkable cures, pcrl'.imeil by il wilhiu tho laat mo jeei. aucsi ii.e luel. TO HORSE OWNERS ! Pit. SWEET'S IXIALMI11.C LIM MI VT nut ! I 111 ill.-!..") i uniiiaicd by any, 1111.1 111 uil ea.es of 1 1 l.aiiuiics aiisn.g iioio Sj ta ns, itruise or Wench- ! ii.g. ils eii. et i. iiai,ia. I an. 1 ,111. on. Hat iu er . bib- (iabs. Scrul. h- s M.ugr. Ac . 11 Kill als., cure ! j sa.dily. Spavm and Itii.gl n,u i.,a l.e eatily pre I Moled tli. III. led lu Ihl.r ll.eiplenl stages, bul col,. ! j liri..vi eii-e, uie la-y.io I il e i..bn,ty ,n' K riuioal .cure. .Mi ,. 01 li.e kn.i ni.ticv.r, is -o dts-iieralw I 01 loo-i.- bul 11 may lw a, I iwi.d by thu 1 11,1- lb. l.auieiies. kild vkunlc the bone, tu Havel Willi couiniualii vote i-: i i:u l in jr. . 1. 1 1 a mi houl I bay. Ihi, i.u.e.ly at baud, fir htliinely u-u SI Hie 'il-t PM nab u ,. I. aiuel.cn will , U.olilull w pi evehl ltaa.w bM-lillilablc ll.sea,-, lu ttbii b all bur s t., e liablo. auj wiin U render q mail) otherwise vaUublj k e bckily MuiiMct. Ia 8YEZT3 Inallillo Liniment. t II THU EOLDIEIl'2 rniEKD, Akd lkus4 1 k tbkJ II Only A. rIKNIl Uf I-TACfcUl I CmmiIwh, I Tii.l ld lu.a.'il. Iim ib. b .kaiM kk4 (Lkiu-wl i. mi.iii w,, 1,1,1. at 4 aix 4 s-k. .- iui.U.ii .iaak.al bu. , li.. lka. k4 V. k kvlilk, i.rawt t4 K a. a kuik Hit IHHI-ki'Jl 4 l 'I , . I'n.iiak4i nauli.Ct lul.UAX 4 41 I t S lutaj A.W 4i '4i ut4, it, i4 ail 4Mlaii ,ii4w alil.lKI (j BALTIMORE, LOOK II O BP 1 T A L. . ISTABLIsnED AS A RF.F16K FROM QVACH' ERY. THE OXLY PLACE WHERE A CVRB CAN EE OBTAINED. DR JOHNSTON has dleovred tba moH CtrtaJit, Speedy and only Etfmtual Remedy in tb World for alt Private Diseases, Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Stricture. Afleotion of the Kidneys aud Bladder. Involuntary Discharges, Impoteney, lien tal Debility, Nvousnesa, Dysppy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Idea. Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings. Pimnof Bight ar Giddiness, Disease of tbf Head. Throat, Noaa or skin, Affections of the Liver, Lung. Stomach or Bowel those Ttrrri- bio Disorders arising from lb Solitary Habit of iontii those secret ana solitary practice more fatal to their victims thu tn. song of Syrens to th. Ma riners of I'lysre, blighting their most brilliant hope or anticipations, rendering marriage, ao., Impoul bl. voirrvfsiKi FsneolnllT. who have besom tba vlnlitni of Pnlltrv Vic, that dreadful and dttructiva habit which annual v sweeps to an untimely grave thousands ol Young Men of the mom) exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or wakri to ecslaty the liriag lyro, may call with full con fidence. MARIttAGF.. Married Tenons, er Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, deformities, As., speedily enrrd. He who places himself under the ears ofDr.J. may religiously confide in bis honor a a gentleman, ana continently ruiy upon his skill as a 1 fiysician. 4)1(1MI: Vi:.4IiIi!iW Immediately Cured, and Full Vienr Restored. This Distressing Atlectiiin which render Life miserable and marriage imisissible is the penalty paid by the victims oi improper indulgence. Young pcrsou are too apt to commit excesses lrom not being awaro of the dreadful consequences 'bat may ensue Now, who that understand the subject ill pretend to deny that tho power of procreation ia lost siwiier by those falling into improper bubits than by the prudent 7 Besides being deprived tho pleasure of healthy offspring the most seriou and destructive svmiitomc lo both bod v ami mind ariso. 1 be svstcin become Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Loas of Procrcative Power. Nervous irritability, Pvspepssn. Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame. Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, fti'', 9 Noiulh l'r-les-lcU Kirov I Left hand siil.i going from ISnltlnioro street, a few doors troui the corner. Fail not to observ e name and number. , Letters mn't be pnid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's tiiplouiA hanit in bisothco. A 4.1'ItK AV.tIHA'ri:i 1. TWO WAYS. A"o ATtrcvrt or I'atteoiti Drugt. . .lOSIAS'I o.v Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, tlrndiinto from one of the ino.t eminent Colleges in the I'nited Stales, and the greater part of whose lil'o j.ris been spent iu tho ho.nilals of London, Pari, Philadelphia and elsewhere. hi effected some of the most astonishing euros that were ever known ; innny troubled wi'.h ringing in the head and cms wnen r-.i-ieen, great nervou.-nes. iieii.e; alurineft at ; uddeii siiimds. bashfulness. with frequent blushing. attended sometimes with derangeuicnt of uiijii, were cured immediately. I'A la K IMItTIC'1'I.AR 4Vri4'i;. Dr. J. a Mrewii nil those vho have Injured them, selves by itrproys-r indulgence and solitary bahils which ruin both body and mind, unfiltiug thcui for either business, study. scM-iety or inarringo. Iiii;sk ere seme ol the and and melancholy tucet r rmt need li v early nanus ol youtp. vi: Vi i -iKoess ot it .-l!n. k and l.in.l s. l'uins in the Head, llminei -i.f ! . . ,. . . ... i . 1 .il.t. boss of Muscular Power. Palpifitiou el i:;e j llc.-irt. Dyspepy. Nervous Irrilab'tity. Pt.vanomf r.t of tiic I'tj'e.itiv Fuiicii.iiis, tc!ietal Debility, Symp. j ti.'i a of Ciiie-iiinption. Jtc. j Mr.xTU.t.v. Tho feaiful cTee!. on the mire! are much to he dreaded Loss of Mi morv, Conlusimi of Ideas. Deprvsiiju of Spirits, Evii-Foreleidings, Aver sion to Society. Sell'-Ditruft. Loio of Solitude, 'iimiiiity, Ac arc someot the evih produced. 'J'imi AM'S of persons of all ages can now judge bnt is the causeof their decliniiig henlth. lo-iiiig t.cir vigor, becoming wenk, pale, nervous and uiicictcl. having a singular appcianoc about Iho eoua mid symptoms of cousuuiptioa. Y4l'.-i4J .-!!: have Injured themselves by a certain practice .dulgeiliu when alone, a habit frequently learned fionr evil eomnnnior.s. or at school, the pM'ects of vi inch arc nightly felt, even w hen asleep, and if not cure. I i coders marriage imiissible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immt-Jiatrly. What a pity that a young man. the Impe ofhis country, the darling oi'bu parcnis. should bctnfttuhod from ail prosT-veis und cnjoymiiits ol iii'c, by the eon-iHiueti.-e1 of ileviatfng lroin the path of nature 51. 1 ind'.lirir.gin a certr.in socrct babit. Such pcrsou 111 fti, beiot'C vot.ten.pitltinif .'J.tHltlKilV reflect tVit a rour.4 mil. d and bo ly are th m.t micv'4 v::iii'ui .iii'r-f, c.v jJi.rmj iiinjuu mv im- a v. eary pi!;;;!LiaL;o ; thft prospw't hourly il'ivKfi. t-j tl.c View; tin- HiitiJ bivoii.e-4 shmlowt?ij willi ttjsiiiriiiul Itilcij wi'h tl.c inf.lKiiiholy M'Hpc ti :i tl,.tt Al e h.ij'l' in - ol' Klaulhcr L'luvd blgltlcd Tilth our onu, disc;asi; or iiipui bi: 1; V.'hcn tl.e inisjuiJe-i onJ hnpruiieiU votnrv ut fiiuU tliut he htiB iiuhhv tlio pooh ci ll.'.i ! j iiiiiiul f''ofs(, it loo often hjpm thnt an i!I-tiun. J r-'.iii-c ot' bitine, or dromj rt UisLHiVtrv, i. liva him ' from nvi'-V1-? to tlioti who, ii;i ttluuuiion mid n . t:iUilny, enn nlono lcirii iti t un. tt In; it.z till thi coi't-tttutiiii.t fvnil'toijis of this l:orrtl di.-t-a-.- i inuke tin tr n.pcarnccc, puch m ulcoruHU iHro I !.M-,Ht. (h-t'Hdftl Bofe. Koclurnul puins iu llie lion. I n:itl linUrt. (inniicm of bigltf, UcHtntf-.. umlvfl on the hhiu ti iticri mid arm?, blololies on tho head, fniu ftiid I'X'rbn.ilivr-, .iroyrewing with frightful rabidity, till tn l;tit the m Into of tbo liiou'U or tho tont-s of the iit-.-e lull n. and the vk'tim of thi awful diBcti.c i l.t,"..:e. horrid otjwtof ooiuniierHlion. till dcnlh pine ft i-curvl to hi) Urcrdl'itl i-ullurin, by BuixUng ' ha., tti iuiii l n'4iioocrcd tuuntry lrom wucuct no It is nMttfitrivttf fact lint tlioUr-nndo full victim to llti tt'ii ikdc ili''(.ac, owinj; t tlie utikiilfnlntiM of i.L'oorinit prt iciidcri, who. hy tho uwo oflhut htiutty Vutti s'i'Nwy, ru.o tho cuivtiiutiuu (tnd uiuku the rt'r-iUuutl lll'u mitrHuIo. Tru nut your live-, or htulih, to tlio currof the tniti.y riilmiuud und Worthlfw 1'rvtfudun. distil nld d kii4u U'd'e, 11:11110 or chitTcter. who ropy lr. Johnston' fldxtTtitctnciitw. or Myle theniKrlvin. iu the ii-pw-pinunt. rt-giilttrly Kdueuted l'hyvU'iuiiK, nl'lo of Curing, they keep you trirt.nwi month Hi'tir iiitui.h tnkinu their filthy nnd poim.iiiifc coui j-iintii-.or luttg h theiinftiU-ft fie rnu be oUuitied, m.d iii .if.-peir kitve you with ruined health lo ai irli ov-r yuitr h.lUngdiioiiinnet. , lfr Ji'liii n ii tilt ooly J'hvi'-iun ndvcrtinitif . II ii i rivii-i iiul or riiphiuitts ttiwuyK hnn hi hit office, j lu r.-mi'tif or trvalftniist nu ui.knuuti ti ill i "(t!ur, p.-t purt'd from litu pi-r t in the j-r-eat Uo- iinl--ol' i.i.r-tp, the llnit in the country mid ft inuro i.Mi i-fi'i c t'mutt 2'iattne thuu tany oihtr 1'hyt.iciui in thu uiM, ncMMiiiir. r or a sn: imii ks T1i n. any l!-uiudi ci-rcJ at thtti it.jti!utiun year nfltr v.ur, und the tiuuit-r-iUJ t:oMi;tiiiit Sutiotd i'p. i.il.oi. 1 iloriiH-d hy I'r- Jh1iu(iii, wilnwad by thu n-"iU'is of the "M.ti, ' "Clipper, ' and many other papi-ii. mlicrtf ot ih ha c appeared auiu and a'a.n U hr the puUio. beidta hi tttiditi aa a i;i,itlt'U..ii( of churhcter and itvj-oueiLgU.y , u a iLli.c: 'id u;ftii,K o to the allli-ited. HfivI.X lilM AM l I 1MIV 4 1 ici:i. rerMiiit miiii. khnuld b particular In direoiiuif thtir Uuti tuhU iuaiituluu, tu the tV-Uowu.; fc ai.tr C'f the Haltiii'ore l.iM-k Uofi'ilal, Utilliiuoit, MJ. lehiuary .1. l'i.'t y. 3vtA.isirTOc;r, 14ov (.,', lioM Komrril, Jutt J'rl.'tiiuJ, lil it FraltJ EatiofH. f,iet iilfC'ttll I ECTl HE oa lb. Natal.. Tre.iui.i-I sn l It, dual l.ur.e-1 roaruiahmhu,. ur frciuiiial Uruk. A ker, skkual iiebiiiiy, Niii vi-k,ur,. ud iuvoluMaiy fclk.MloUa. iikiucik luipolikc), VoksuikpUllli, aiiii lUw.tal ak-i I'l.l.ieal In-bilnv Hi.i'HTJ. CIEVEKMILL M P. Tba ia .Ml.l'l I id thai lb. awful twiukenM of ( li About ui) b. i Ckviuully uuiov.d kliboul lu. lelli.l k.e-lielkea kf Ik. ilawawlou aM.lieal.uM .. Cau.4u Iiifcii.akto, ikiMiicaud b3ii, aul utbvi eikpl. ical dK. t k.r. .ivaily diuiuwuai.d kkj ma teiiifv a a aJ.a uiiniy uvoeaiiui tiMluieul a a-iic.Kd by lb eolvbialMi auiuut, lolly tai.l.iotd. by axsaiia ol al ut eteiy ok. I kkl4e4 Ik kl klui. ell iniMiiiy, aal at Ik. Ival uimU. e-t, uUua.by ukliuall U.. k4,elMMi laaoattu ul lb, 4a) ki Iwilul alii kl.t. j bsAMt Ul IkoaaaktU kkj lbU aukd. tM-ui k.lciM.1 I pl.i ,,up. Ui an addim, il t. urs.iplMl la. laMia,. Makaia. Il 4 iikg lb iablkkc tiUi J 0 k I INK 4 i'o . 117 Hv.nv K.a Mk, Ptal lHk.,ltv, 44 Au4 ), IMI.K, la-;M lisUrMMiluMktl , 4t4 M ii'tJw-ii, t Pumiit AiihI hkW VuMI.. fill I k4 Im. hW.a-.tka a-4 aold. aa,;k. ki yi --a.l tluvi ia Ik. t'i - oA.i. H.H,k4 bJa.iai,i I, Ikaa !,. k S,a V . u k,-k Ml..,kl. l I M.llai la M. lei ltul kk4k,k4v lb. l lMlllhll Ml M-kk. ik.a muk 1lLk t.lew kk.l, liika.kl (.a k kt ail k.atk t, kll la Ik, 4 .a lvk lb. ,kaH) J. ax dst.l, Ik. lMk kki UM 4kS vi j.. a. i4m -k. a. i lb b. Jti takMa.. Mk 4 a4 It), istat 7 TEE 0EEAT AMEE1CAN EEMEDIES ; ''i - s ' ' -- . i ' .. . -, ' ' i . ' i ' 1 GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. MXMBULD'S EXTRACT ''JitVllV,'' EARPAPARILtA " IMPROVED R0SB WA6H. , . HEtl-tiaOIsD'Q ' 0INUINE PEPAEATIONS "niQIILY COXCENTRAI ED" COMPOVND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and SpeoiSo Remedy For Dlsenses of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases th power of Digcstioa, and excites the Absorbent into acallhy action, by which the Watery or Calcerons deposition, and all t'mintural Enlargements are reduced, a well a pain and inflamution, and is good lor men, women, or Children. IIi:i..TlIM)I.I'M EXTK.ICT tllillL' FOR W EAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habit of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, Attended with the following symtonis : Indisjiojition to Exertion, Los of 'power, Los of Memory. Difficulty of Breathing Weak NerVe, Trembling Horror ut Disease, W'akefulnes. Dimness of vision. Pain in the back L niversal Lassitude of the Flushing of the Body Eruption on the lace, l'uiiid Couutcnanee, Mucoular Svstcin. Hot Hands, Drviics of thn Skin. These svinlon ,. if allowed to go on. which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow 1MP0TEXCY, FATl'ITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who cui s.iy that they arc uot frequently foiioHed by those 4 aiicful discfcies," INSANITY AND C-CNSl'MI'TION, Many are aware of the causeof their suflcring. but none will confess. Ike iccordsof the insane Asv lui'is and the niohincle.lv deaths by Consuti.ption, i oei.r aiopie witness to mo irutti ol tno assertion. Tho Constitution, once Affected with Organic W'caki ess. Require the did of mcilici ic t strengthen mid in vigorate tlic system, which Helmi.old li.vtract I!:chu'' invariably doe. A trial will touwnco the most sl;e,t:c..l. Old FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES, or young, single, mauied, or isutcmplatius marriage. In many a ITi. 'lions peculiar to Fcmr.Ies theEx4rsi-t liucliu is tM,eiri :iUed by any oilier remedy, a in Chlorosis or ltenntiou. Irrciularlt y. Painliiiness, or Suppression ol the Cuetomary Evacuations. L IccinteJ or ciciiin ous stale ol' the I teius. I.cueori lica. or V bites Sterility, and lor nil conndnint incbicnt to I tin ... V , I...II u.,c.,...f. .. Il..l..'i..r ' 4 -" .""i'". a"""" i Dissipation, or Ml ti-e Fi.Cl.lMi OR CHANGE OF LI l'E. Sec svmptomii above. NO FAMILY SHOl T.D BE W1T1I0FT IT. Take no Balsam, Mercurr. er I'npleasant Mcdichs. for Lupleasaut uud Dangerous Dincuae. iii:i.jiiu.i. i:Tu.HT Jlil t it Ciirej SEC'.ET DISEASES Iu all their Usees: at littlo evnci.ie : t little emu charge in diet ; no imionvcnietiee, AND NO EXPOSURE. Il cause frequent desire, and gives strength to ' I nnate, thereby remov .i.strnetioijs. i. rev entinir - - - .......ui,. ...i iiiv ,,1'in., .1111. ui pain aud inflammation, so frequent in this class of diseuse and txpelliiig Poisoiiou., I'iscused, and Wuni-oul Mailer. TLousnnds ujsin Thoicfamlj WHO IIA E BEEN THE VICTIMS OF it'.U 2i.M, A ml arris. 1. - a ,..-! IT , 1.'. t r. .. .ml Mirinu SI....I..,. . ..l il... I 11 : hl,rt ,ime. haveSouiJr.h .ere dVceice l Zd has. l the usu of ! ..ivcilol As tringents," beni diicd up in the system, to break out iu an aggravated form, and Peril. ijsi aflcr Marriage. I S!i iin.izitoi.o's r.vi'KACT itg i3i; For all A.Ttclions and Disease of HIE VUIN'AKY C IltSAN'o, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, ani i.o inciter OF L'OW 1.0NU STANDINGS. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a lilt nt Til'. HELMHOLC'S EXTRACT DUCIIU Is t!io Great Diuretic, And it i certain to have the desired i fleet in ail Disease, for which it is rtvouunei.ded." BLCOTJ! BLOOD! BLOCD ! llclmbolU's Iliohly Coiicciitn.icd Compound Fluid Extract fcSaraparilla Byphilis. Tliis if an at'ectton of the Ilhif ,1, ur.d attacks ihc Sexual Ore""-4. E;iiinj-ol the Noat, Ears. Throat, U'iuilpipe, Kiel other Mucus Surface, lm.kin it nppeaiance in the form of I'leer. liehnbold'i, Ex tract Sari-apuriila j.urilii thu blood, and rcioovcii ail Scaly l.ruplioiu, of th. Skin, K'vii.ir to ihe Complex ion a (.'leu r and lli allhy t'olor. it beinif pi. p., red evpree.lv for thi, cioa of complaiitta, it llbaal-l'uri-fvinit Proprietor ure preae-rved lo a creatcr extent lliau any other j lepuraliou of Sursapaiilia. Ilelmbold's ltos Wash, An excellent Lotion for liinvnae of a Syp'uiliiic Na ture, aud a an injection in lnn-nfc, of th. I riuary Oraan. aruinif from babit of dimipaiicu, used iu eoiiiu-e'liou ilb Ihe Exiraota liuchu and AaxaniiarilU 1 iu kueh diaenkcea. rx'omiueiided. I Evidence ut the uiot re.poiml.le and rcUoblc char- j acler uill accoinpuny lb. uiedieuu. j CEltTIEIOATESt'E t l'ES, ' From tiht tolaenty years ttuudiiij, with uaues I known to Science and Kuloe I Eor Medical prupe-rtie ofhuebu, tee Iupenalnry ' the I uiu-d Slate. I See l'roi'iair Hewei' valuable works ou th Praeiice of Physic. ! K lemark uiale by the lata celebrated Ir. Pbv.icb. Philadelphia. reo reuiara uiaao ny i'r. i.pnraim .Mcin.wcll, a clebi.ivd Pby,i,-iau, ami Meiuber ol lb. Iuivm! College of Aiiieon. lielun.l, and ubii.bcd ui ibe Tlali.-fccllon o! the kiut aud Oueeu Jinnn.il Sc. Medico V iiuiatlial beiiew. pub. i. bid Ly llei.jaioiu Tiaver, reliuw ol (be lioyai Cwib-g. oi butvxuob.. Bee meal of (h lut. Slklidard Work eu Mcdl ein. txiMAt r Hi rar, tl bo per btil or ii, t'i () 44 r,k4i-aiiL 1 uo 44 vu IaiaoKko II o Ua. bi 4 j io Hi b.lt a uo,oi, kf tocli I'-l 51.' W. wbleh a ill be ufli.-iei.t lu cat. lb li t kbatiual. ava, II dileeliuU ar. .dbetrd lu. Iielitei.d (uauy adjieu, Kcaivly pack.d rou uliMirvatiou. ( IT I'eae'ibk llkploui iu all C.UHkLulvlijL. Cwv a' Jm.Ued Adtiu. a'ali- AI'tlKAVlT. r.ioiially ippuutil Ufi ai l 4ld.fnnq.if th. .j ui rnuauai kia, il. I. si.iikbui, u, bciuj ai4' va dHb aay, ki pivparalivk w.uiu ku I l.k'euli., Lu Iwcieki, r olbv U-jaiwu diuk, but , mj i,n.eiw II T lil LWI 'ilU BeaTI anil Jasvt.bi.4 kefol. tbi, :J d kf Ni,k,Ut lovi J4 f iimi; villi, AUviikkk, iklh U.I, Ui. kak, i'k.l Ad liv lIU (l.i ikfuiaEalloa (j, ulA lkll.. 11 1 lii.ildiitli.li, tk.lkUl VfA 144 Cvalk iMlk kti..t, LaWw tkk-dal I'kll. fclWAKI!t-rtOlMl.HHII Ak4 I KpllWq Ud lkl,M W ka kAak i dkfa 44 lk.ll ." a4 ".ikai ' Mik.lv. k Ik leeauii.i .Uia4 k. Ulk kl4 likkklk Pl(J.'ivka, " lllikKl ila.k. , I '.. tMtailSl, ' . ri,lklliak4. IM4 ; all lt4U nupkiii. AOCK JiniUli4iJU-T4k6(Tlllll t al v4 tl.. klluim.HI k4 kk4 M U, 4 A"4 l.ksauk.a a4 1 -aai. ii.ks..k l. 4 tktsaakW Wwa.MM, Oi, ejw.4.., o(k f immi , i0 - I; TUB ALL telFFlCIEltT TUREE. Yli A fYnvrtSa YnMai - Tvm.!.. let at.ti n .v. .v.--. v- ij-.i ... I Company to ran train from Baltimore fr York, Ilarrjsburg, Danpki. HatlfM, Treynrt-m, Bunbe.rT.1 at liarrishiirg wltb th. URKAT WESTERN EX PRESS ibr PitUbwrg, VisnbssaU, Bt. Loait and tb Wt. i :c i Also with Howard A Co.'s Expres at Milton er Danville, Rloomsburg, Wilkesbarr., Fittston, Bcran ton, and lntermediaU station U. Cattawism, Laekawausi A llloomshurg Railroad. At Wir liamsport, by Howard A Co.' Express to Jersey Shoi and Lock llavea. Also, by Howard A Co., and tfcelr tonneutions. for Canton, Xroy, Elmlrt, Roehaster, BufTiUo, Niagara, and to al'l aoomibl point in Western New York and Canada, by wblob they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Ilank Notes, Jewolry, and Valuubla Package, of very duecrlp. lion. Also, Notes, Draft and Rills for Collection. Experienced aud cttiuieut messengers .mnloyed, and .very ailort will be made to render sntismetion. JOHN BINGHAM. Bnpertntoident Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. -R A. FISCHER, Agewt for bunkury. L. . , Aprd 6, 1S02. IUIAIIY HOI MF.. Corner of State and Third Strttit, IlARRtsirno, Pa. : fT'HIS HOFSE, In eoTmennenoe of Its convenience J and near location to the Capitol, has made it a desirable Mopping alace, not only lor those having business at Ibe seat of Government, but for others visiting HarrL-burg. March 29, 18CJ. . M1ERRIBLE DISCLOSl'RES-Sl'.CRETS FOR 1 THE MILLION! A most valaublo and wondeTful publication. A worli of 400 pages, and ."0 colored engravings. Dlt Hl'NTER'S VADE MFC CM, an original and popu. lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Rewiediea tor their speedy wire. Th. trneiiee nf DK. IH'NIER has long been, awl still i, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of nmncrouB persj.ns, h has been induced to extend bis medical usefulness through the medium of his 4-VAIK MEJL.M.".ll is a. vnlnmo that should be in the hands cf every family is the land, as a preventive of secret vires, or as a guv.V for the alleviation of one ol the most awful and deftructiv scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, w ill be furwarded free ofposiage to eny part of the E idled State lor oft cents in P. ". stamps, or 3 copies fur 11. Address, post paid, DR. Ill N 'l Eli, No. 3 Division Street, New Yoik. June 6, 1?13. ly. . , r.w Ji'.usr.v roit HAI!,i:, , ALSO, GAP.nEN Oil Fltl'IT FAP.M.S. SuifiMe for Oranes. Peaches. Pears, Raspberries, i Straw ben ie?, Dim kbiriice, curranls, Ac, ofl.ii. 6. 10 or 20 acres each, nt tnc following prices for the present. ii.: l!H a. res for $200. lo acres fir flirt, .'. acre for fi'O. 2 a-r-s p.r f4H, 1 nere for 20. l'n'yable by one dnllar a week. Also gc-d Cranbejiv lands, and village lots iu CHKiWOOli, 2.i hv 100 feet, at $0 1 each, payub't tic om- dollar a weik. 'I ho above lnnd and f.irins, rii.' siiuated at Chclwood, Washiliglon 'l'onnship. L'lilinglou Connly. New Jersey. Fur further iii krmatioii. HI ply, viith a P. O. Stamp, for a circular, to K. FRANKLIN CLAItK. No. Ci Cedar Street, New Yik, N. Y January 2, JSOd. Iy iMit'Y iii: st -'4'Y I'l'liEM ! JOHN FA RE IB A. 0. 71 "r.'h ."ti r. t. ... 1 low 1- iritiii. south -idc , i'illLAm M'iilA. Importer and M:u:i;- ! fiicturt r of. Rod IVtilvr j in all kinilrf of I nn v ; A- tf 4c(. t fS.1'S4r4,l rnra. ftir LhiIipi und Childrr.n'rt wear. j I wiU to rt torn rnv tftauKr- tomv Irtn.i ol unhtirv mid th Bur- ronndiiifi Court t-r th'ir vorv hherHl pa- li-i.i,.orn evl etiili.t In tue sii ............. duriiK the laat few yearn, and would uy totheiu ibat I now have in 'store, ol toy own uinortnlioii and lnwiutacture a very extensive i:.'or.incnt of nil thu ditlcrent hiud mid quulitief of Euiicy Fur, for i.iune ona (.inuiren, mat win no oiq uuriaj u:r Ei.lt and Winter ae-a.4Hi8. lieiiiK the direct Importer of nil my Ears from Europe, and having them all Manufactured iiiidei niy unti supervision emiblcs me to offer my ens o. u.cis .V liie nnhlic a much hnudsuiuer Set of Eur- tor Ihc name money. I.adicr pleas'- jrive ine a call be. j loro purcbiiiiiii; ! Plctue r mi-ioLer the nam.). uv.'.i.- ber and street. .r.-HX l-AUEIIlA. tlS Arch Street, Philadelphia. W;-';. ion September 12. (-t:. Ari'iisiuvsiiciif h 1M5, ol' !'v or It IJiifw. THE CAMPEN ANH A.MIN'Y AND PHILAPEL- TIIIA ANH TKENTUN P.. It. CO.'S LINES, 'row Pliilntlrfyltiti tti Aeii4 York aud Wuy iV.ieen, Jrv1 Walnut A.f-er l'or' oii'l lirilzt iigtou Jlrp-it, will lev ui J'oHo t'-., fr ; l.tttE At 6 A. M., via Caiinleu and Aiuboy, (C. and A. Accoiuiiiotlalioii.) AtOA.M., via Cauideuund Jersey City, N" J., j Accon.ii:odaliun. I At s A. M.. via Camdcu aud Jerfcy City, ! ..Vnriiin Mail.) Al iA. M.. via Cuuidcn aud Jcrecy city 2d ' l ias. '1 i.-kct j At II A. M. via Kensington uud Jersey city, Express! i At I. M. via Cuindcu and Auibcy, C und A. (Aeeuliilllialallotl.) j At P. M., via Camden uud Aiubuy, iC. and A. KxpicM.) At '.i P.M., v in kci:iiitiin and Jcrncy City, I Uurb. and N. V. Evpica j At . P. M.. via Kc-u,u);tou and Jeney City, iKveniu .Vail,) 2 25 : I 3 CO I I 2 2S ! : oo ! 25 3 CO S 00 S Oft s OU At Hi P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, N uliieni Mail. At li uihil via K.-ksinglou and Jcrecy city Solllueiu Express Al o 1'. M., viu Camdcu and Ambov. t'Aceom- 3 10 1 lundutiou, li6bl uud 1 uasenyer, 1 list t'i us. Ticket. 2 Co Second ClaM Ticket, I Jo Eor N at-r tiap, Stroud.shnri;. S.-ruulon, Wilke Wrc, MonUose, eiieul llena, Ac, ut 0 A. M , fiom kci.Ftnlon, via UeUwurc, Luekawui ua and Wcftern ltailioad. . 1 or Mauch Chunk. Allcutoan, Hi lhlaheui, Eclvi dcre. Luaiou, Eiiiubertviile, l b iini )(lon, ic, at 0 A. il , from lvci.. action Iiepol, aud at 2i P. M., fiom Walnut sued i burf. t'i lie 6 A M. Lino connect v, iih Traiiu. leuvin Eaton f ir Mauc.b Chunk, al .'l-ll P. M.) l..r Mokbi iiuily, at 6 A. M., 2 and 4 P. M. lor r rccbuld, at tl A. M. and i P. M. WAV LINES. Eor Bristol, Treutou, Ac, atU A. M. aud 2J and i P. M. fiom Kei!,iuton, E ..r Palmyra, l'.ucrlou. le!ar.co, P-eveily. llur linton. 1-lui.uce, lloideuloau, Ao , al 12.1, 2, 4 and 0 P. ,M. i r l''or N'eu Yora, and Way Line leaving Ken inKiou Jietait. lake ihe Car ou 111 lb atieel. above VI amul, ball' ku hour beior. departure, Tli. Car iuu uilu Uie iirHj(, and on Ihe art n al vl tacb ','latu, run I low lb. In lilty Poun.i. kf Bii(;,'. Ooly, allowed each, paaacncr. l'ii ntcni ai. pn uibiied frow lakinx anytbing a bae,ae bul ll.cu aeariiu apmiel. All bKn4l over buy oUud lo bo laud lor Ull. lb. j Coiukk.v lium (bur re.ajn.ibiliiy Ur baniiao to! On. i.o.b.r per s.uod, aud mil uul be liuniu lor uuy ' amount bcokd (loo. ekcvi'l bv pccial eouliacl. .M. H u.tu.n.n, Aa-iut. i January 17, I'.iiJ. j 'i u'ii iiu'iiAN,ili.iV.;a.o.i;"ASi i I I II I'HI'Ollll M, l i N. Hi CuKae Simki t. tK..ru.ei!y No. 70 ) Hi CuM'T Simki t. F.ru.ei!y No PlllbAtM.I'ili.. J W. 1 ltM."ti'tt A I'll., in il. lb Ml.kliok ut Ib.ir 1 ll.kd, (o Ibelr laig. and Bup.ib Blo-'k u( t in. CLt'AKn kd M 114, ki.paiaikUl iu any foimvi vk '1 k iuervaMai aeouuiUMalkUuU fclT.il deal In oar luealiuu, .kablt a Ul dvioi Ut lulivat MtukHkN W ual l'r l'irtirM l.leh Will b fuukd H lull.kdi.J Ilk 1 f 4. erli tluaol ( 1, at I iu. 1 1 Ha, wkiek dill b (aalaki 1 1 . J a. i.iuuai.lLJ. at Ika kauk.. kaiU a ill L. ... ikkd.l (iillifcrt M wall mil b Mi.lklly ii4a4 4ki deiliaied, I airfM .kai( ku4, k4 auwalw lkid. W io kallM. J W. I'UOCIHH 4 CU. K. 930 Ckkkuul kxiMi, I'kilkUvikW H.jl I lu j -.I ' M . l .1 II I I! II a .4 OR lUNCKNTItATKl) LYE IAl.il, Mlir J44hi.ll j All l'. f , pbl. Wp j U Ikd.s. li.. l tMakaV 0a M Tki kvkl I r"fcH k aik k.l kiiaa ia. j ( If t 41 I lull A leWK I fM4 I .ni t.ialal k4 i ti I., r.vaaud cwi t, . I lis kk, k. I k-k-IS U'k. Ckk. hoi I lUVAilA till MAHirAlUtl-tl OMfAkV j fHIJl,4,:a- a 11 HUk.l 4, I rileaWg. i l k.,4 akd aMa.. (ktaavkW U, I I . aa KrtrtnnTnv IS Wealth CHItUi VOIJU ;OL'tfl FOII in ;tw Tv BEST a IiRAPKST Hoojehol REMEDY in Oi. World. nindnme IAVOC l'O MX fit's GHEAT COKJII RKMRDY Mapaxi zadoc por, TiiK'S Curallv Dslsant if warranted if tr-ed np.' cording to tba di-citions, to .ore in all duh Cougl , Colds, Whooping Cuigb, Aatbma. and all atTeCwOiu ol the Tbront and Lus., Madam Zsdoe Pirtef ' ' Balsam 11 prepared with' all the requisite ear and4 skill, from a combination ' of the best remedies th ' vegetable kingdom afford '. In emediaj qualities are '. based on it power lo assist the healthy and vigorious" circulation of th blood, ' blood, thro' the Lungs. It. is not a violent remedy, bat emolient warming, Marching and effective ; : flan be tlfn hv th. tA.cs'' : 'NJv person or youngest chird.'' J'V Madame Zsdoc Porter' ' IJalsam bos been in use by the public l,t over 1 1 years'' and ha acquired it pro- ' sent sale limp'r ly being rocommonded by those who have n-e. it to their afllieted friemls and others ' Most Iii ortast. Mad imi' Zndo'? IVtiT s t'ura- ' live Balsmuis sold at a price which brings it in tho reach of every one to keep it convenient for use. Th timely use of a iiojle botlio will trove to bo worth U0 time ItscTiit. NOTICE Save your Money 'Do not be pcr'ua- ded to purchase ariiele. at 4s to."4! whieh do noti on tia lb. v.rtue of a U cent lloitlenf .Madame Por cf' "'uraiii o Huisain, t!,c c.l of inanufaeluriti wbi.'h is ns great a that or almost ai,v ether medb crue; and the very lew prico at which it is !;' makes the proCl to the selier appurcntly small, V" unprincipled dealer wdl snretiiiies 'ri-coini14' other medicines on Which th'dr profits are larger. less the costoiners Insist ujm having Madam.!'"4" (cr's an. I nor.c other. Ak ..r .Madunie l'ortr'l;', mt-.ve IfaUm, price 13 cor,'.,. a:.d iu Urge bld 7 ..v cents, orel l.!;ino o'Per. II you cannot gc' " . one .tore yon c-in at arclber. Sold by til Druj-giM r-M blorekceper li"' and in larger bi ll h sat 2.' uii. ' DALJ. .t 11 It EEL, Prr-irTf'i 1 -t Jannnrv 31. l Civ .,.-. IMVK H T A. II A.M. 1' M.'i ; A Ti E : M-KS OF A. 1" XT 15 hi rER-CAUU. OK I'A, Ac, And Solo ..ger.t in H,c Ciiy of N,.,v yor, f,, CREAM OF TAHTA It SUBSTITUTE, Invented by Prof. El.cn N. l!o.y'..rd. of Harvard I nivcr ty. Office, f)i j fup stairs.) NEW Y0HK'. Slip. Haiovtr Square,' THE !:i:.h p, i.-o hi. I ill H.M. .v;rlcer enip ' T.irlcr eieiimnnded r iviih It'., e'.iriu'i,- ..vte.-.l- Irr which its d.in-f, mils .-..i ilii i-ii, bad been carried. o :!h oihr co:..itera:'..v.. i.id.i.- .; disiinguished t oemisf. whose ntnie ,v ni.,,,. to commenc what proved to be Ion. r.n-! !.:!,... .oi.s si-ientifie re-s.-areh. to ili-'-m . i a d.-sir-blc -ul.titu!e tbrclor. ctiiiris crow ii-1 v. i'h i-bia .iant sueeess, and JOS. lids ol li'.ini,,: of Ihe So..tflitiit. li nm .- ,.een .. y- , i , - I .,. .1,., illti, f,vl. ye6ri thrnrgt.tnit I t :t. : tat. s .,,,,! Il I'anadi.. 'liio f allowing irc e,,V. i.ar..n , r it BNture end lllo rcsuils cf its u.l-, 1 it:, t of Crenn T.irlur.. wnI cui.v.:.. t'rci.m ot ' This -m lis; t.icr,-ii....i i ,.; its value, nt.:. i. n I i-'..r!. ... ,.( ivtlish. '" i K S'lonle Pln.s, i.at.i. l.o.l e.mtnii.s no tiling but ut nt is found in bccf-.-tiak. and in corn. vJ.vut Alio nor eerta s. ami i;,,.rci'.ii Lie-hlv nuti iiiot.s. It bus a li.-airh-.-i , inniteii.-e. and siippii.nhiit f..r v iiicb there is a coastaLt de- luaiid in the svsteut. . it i -ol I tr a um:h I-.-? i.,ice ;hau Cream of ) lio t;ir. M-irch 21. ! - - - r j "rttlKli'-f., itm-h, cV-I. rPI'H a.:..ril rr. h.i-:r; t,;.n,v. Ui TuoinirsonV S lrl..V 1....1I.1: . . r. ... '. a ui"'.! i.e. .'mi ree-i, kuiiviiic, a lorjfo' , and e.nriple'e -toel; ,.f ' IVhEKlX AI IDMESTIC El-jrOIlS, coini ri-in; 11.. h.s4 I mil U of liiHnd:e' Gin 011 , live. S-otch end Irish V4, hi.dtev. Port. Shcrr" ' Ma- i,irn. t l,an-.pajni- tiid i.lhcr ines. of all crudes' all ot aliutti nl be wild li.ibt.ale. at the iowMt city juices. jiiiciii-KeepcrK, I V bllj 111 ol I it least th i- i'n i ;hl can tuiva Ptrwti d-iin. -t. of pu; .yln? V nmra f r r v ;.! 1 1. v r nay rely open h i.,.; Jl a.lull--;.v. i arlicle. I i-- JSciu,; d. ' int.; sehitij; chct.p. lie re-ne of (he public. A!i oid irni-h.s.1 uiili a pure ani 1 I .;".! .-, n ri putalion for -liull v .;i -iw ihc putroiinea i.i nr . i,i inly .. to. lEEEMIAH S. Jt.U.L. Dauv ille. Ji,r.e lil. Isi'ii f jip-iikiio run tttnTHf. icon.' nil' .Mi; 1.1,1. an: PENNSYLVANIA, l.i'nr t,.r j,,-,,iv, .) (uVcriber haviinj lcaaed this aell L,, E avcrn Mei.il, l uel-,- k-m bv Mr, r. s l;r.. ipeeiieiiy niTorn ? .ur.lK: thtt he is rctiin and repuiriii? the rem sc, ana will be prcpare-i lo en-l-r.uiu, :n a cuii:orthle nnuiuer. hi., numiroit friends i.yoc.-li. iit tti .-.nniy, and all who luav po'ronie hn etnblwbuici:t. Apiil 12. ImiJ. JOSEPH VANKIRK. . u.. f -j-a o i.JL. j - -I o-. I uii and Market Streets. m s:i i:v, i'a. rpiIE nu.!crsi,-:...d r..i.e.fi:'iii;y inf...u ll.o public, L that hoi. stake,, chu.vc.f the above Umci lurtel. and ! f.r tho e..i.!i1.i,ane f the former patronage ut.d Wuuld invito all others to give bim a ell. insTAHLE is lynipn:i,-.1 ki-h the t, , tf n-rltet a Tor I Hi her ci titnin. iho . h..i ,.,-i P.juorv. m d hi, .tab ""B s.id and Weil attended bv careful tisilera .VI- ii.vLL 1L EKT. .Jay 1 V.3. Funbitr It nil OtijM r-KIDrt li,- OF WALL PM'I.n i f KVE1IY IiESIllABLE tTYI.ES AND PATiEltNS. J , 7.ci!.. ...""c''' l""u lliB MauMfacturer, the MAM.MuTIi STuhli of ' , KKILINM A CHAN'T. Sunhury, March 1 j 1S!IJ a'. II. Jtt. il ti;i. Vltoruc.v itf MMHEY, p. l'oll.lioi . a,.eii.i. o 1.. i 11.. v- T , . , . . 444 o. OJII.HIW Ol (f ll.iiioberlun.l. I m..n. Snyder, Moulour, Columbia aud Lycuikia. llHIitn'r.i. Hon. John M. Ket-d, J biludciphia, A. ti. iiattell i I j., Hon. in. A. P. iicr, . Morion M'.Miehai-l, !.q . " E. Kelehaiu i c j . ij IVjul Siree', Now Yurk .l lbll VV. Asillilead. Attul'iuv al l.aiv. Malihcws A Co) Alt . y at !., " tuubury, March l?iij. iiiiiiifa tioii:i J.'.tir,,',,,j, J'.., rpKi: mtas.iiu.ilof I'.l. ell kn .vn TI.,1-1 ,,r. 1 Iiik been re.tiink.! by M . . r, ru HIKK th. pnaicnl prupi'iei.nra. be leave ii.iiifi.riu IhepuMi,! that lil. bou.u IS now tuny ihoi ju 'bl v rco....i..l refilled, aud in v ...... e Hi,j:rvi.-ii. ,ii ol ll.ivD w no kiUV i,i, lb k.1.1 li.hll'elll kllv (heir eui'.-kl. (iUel. Bill ... .. ... ..... .ui, ii.uri i.y, ai.il U. al-nM will o pali4 tl al u .v euulu. hotel in a tir'.-.-ia-r .'vie. lei USaMl.-i EkUiilitsaud othci dv.lrhnr tn J. uru In Ilarrl burn du"ii lb. niikuiev krf.oih. iilfii.. plekMbl huki.iu.)! kd lar.. al.. el,-,vnl.iale. luulk. kloul UlabluklktUt, U Jk I10.4. i.i' ,., Si' IT 111YI.F MkrekW, l-ujj j 1-ll.l.EHHItRK . V I I I I4 1 11: I III I .I II! " Asln nnnd 1-ilV j H lvt,i, ty : KETCH AM t f.i . .1 , ymm Vu)k rpilK auly I nail M.C11HI1I oa iri.l.llo irla. 1 eiU., li rvvbiuu ,,a kkd fnio; bla. a-iapt-f. Jh iu4 balvi,a ui. hi,j tAm,l it ( lb tkkt .4d Ul lr.l.f ajlk ttl l. e,.al.i a-. jj t.m(: ' ( r al ft ir-li l b. tkuat Mt.3U.i d ik.at, a il it li, au4 .luio. tK'i dtfiabl I ,liuciuir r In ! ia all Ik. i iikeli! cil r t,ai t .u,la tl a.Ji!,J,,", """I" ' U-k 4 e.l I K I LA II 4 e4 I et 4 u k j II 1 I iiAMi ki, iwktwj, r I wri. " I t a. , 14 s'4, M aaaiia, ip.i,k: ui.,.:u4 I tskuUrl I w,rr I miLir klikl, Mk.r l....-.M,,k,k'i N, 1l ll k. fliM.4 a4 I. 1,14k U Sktki Vauh k...-k kM.4 aa - -. - 'k J.aea, .4 k..i .4 i.-e. kt..iJ I ... be kk. k k, i a... a. m. ki kb ..! r