Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 30, 1864, Image 3

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    - ' I P.M. . I , ' '
g- P. MABSXB, XTdrtt ft lYprttor.
fUX.. .. ii . . .J '.! i
S. M. rETTEWOItL at CO.,
tl Park Bow, IN'ew Tort, and 6 Btata Street,
Barton, ar our aganbi for la ScvacKr Airtucii
la tho eltiw, end art Mttorlasd to tali Adrcrtise
Baouj and PabMriptkm for m at omr low! rate.
JLoral 8ffatvs.
1T Mr. Calk Elt offers for sal, at public ten
due, on Ibo Itb of March, (am valuable horses
lock aod othorpcrsonal property uitablcfor farm
an and other whlob I nor full; decoribed 1b th
printed bill from tbii ol&e.
Th Inaugnnral Addre of Governor Corltn
will bo found In another eolnran. It I as ablt doou
atet and ibonld b rad by all.
tynAXD-siLLt Tbo wishing bill and other
printing well done, ahould tall at lhi effic as we
1 tn provided a Urge ttock of material for that
tlVW are requeued to say that Mr. E. P. Hoh
' bob, formerly of Centre High School, Juniata eoun.
ty, Pa., will open a claaticnl achool in th Grand Jo
Ij Houm, about In Brat of April. Mr. Rollback U
reprmented ae an experienced teacher and line echo.
lar, being a graduate of one of our beet collego. Ad
TirtUeuicnt next week.
CP" W illis L.wrkkck ha been appointed Post
Muter at Hilton, in place of hi father recently de-
CTWe ae It itated in an exchange that Mr?.
lUrj Piatt, aged 70 year, died List week near
YkittPeer Mill, in Union .County. She was a
dmjliter of John Eittsy, noted in the KcTolutionary
tnotliof AortbuiuberlSad county; a litter of Capt
ia. P. Hrady, now and for manv year east an
not the Mat Seatc ; niooe of Oen. Hugh
rti and a blood re. '.tire of Sam Pi ad v. the
tclrbr.ited Indian tighter.
fy A new counterfeit 5?J bill, on the Pittaton
(l'a.l'Uar.k. has jot uindritsipcurance. Vignette,
rolling niill figure 20 ou uper cc.-ner. -
lip" M it. Vi.p the Suiicr"ml'."iJcnt of common
Frhooli of this County, in hie report flows the nuui
Vrnfmalo teachers lobe 110: mini bur of female
tctchrrs, 40. Number of maleSehulurs 3.661 ; num
ber of female scholars, !.2'M. Out of the whole uuin
brr of lownships, seven of them rcfuic to accept the
n'Um of Common Schools. They ere, Cameron,
J.cVton. Jordan, l"p;icr y. Lower Mahnuoy,
Lille Mahnuoy and Y aldington. There aro ouly
ii tton-aci"rpting diitrict in the fSUite.
(7 Ira T. Clement has purehused whit is known
u "Shinier four aore lot," at the upper end tit 1
tills boronh, along the branch of the bkaiuokin
Ystley railroad.
(HjiaL CiiASokS Julius Arbiter will take
poeiiln of Mrf. Bolton "sold stund in April. Mi
eliael Wilvcrt tho Washington House now kept by
lr. Walters. Mr. Drumbellcr of the huuebanna
Douse will take Weaver's old stand now kept by Mr.
WiUert. Mr. U. Vi. Arbogast of tioorgctewn will
tke powesaion of the House. . Mr.
Vandvle of the Central, aud Mr. Snyder of the Law
rence House, eontiuue at their old stands.
sf Wo understand a riot occurred among the
miners at Shainokin. There wus a "slriko"' on Fri.
day last, which culminated in nn outbreak at Mr.
Moury's Uotel, on Monduy nihl laet. t ewal of
the ring-leaders were arretted and are now confined
In the jail at Ibis place. The ixlroordiuury high
wages now paid 'miners, instead of liujulutiijg to
greater industry and contcntmeut, bus only made
tltetn more turbuleut and troublesome.
fP'IinuKr i. tue Ice On Saturday last, a
huckster who crossed the river at this place, broke
in the ice, in the c.iual opposite this place. Tho
h)T.v were rescued by the aid of some of the skater
and others on tho river.
y A Scknkos the Ice. Pnibspssomsny per.
sons never before had bocn eongrrgatod on tho bo.
som of tho Sumjuebuuua, as were assembled on Sa'
turduy lust. The weather was moderate, and the
bro id expanse of ice, between this place aud North
nmberland. extending several miles, and which cm
braced hundreds of acres Uf tbe finest sliaiiiig, was
covered with, some thru or four hundred per
sons ructl of them skaters from this place and North
berlaiid. It appeared liked a social Vnlnn of the
two (own, rer resented by tadies aud crullrmcn in.
perhaps, efiual numbers VV obered thai many i dilion in which they appeared, they would have
if the fair daughters of both pl-ces, had acquired ,, a',cr,!j lbc'r 0l'!n,ou ""J "" '",lh" !'"'
. , , , , . , , . , . .., slavery is a curso and should not be tolerated In a
degree of iilll and activity on their skntes, that will j f, t.c govcrumeul, particularly when that iusiituti.-u
in another year, tauk them as accomplished tknters' : is tho cuumi uf our troubles, and would, if now let
As a general thing, wt think Skating ooine to the lo"c- "I"61 eertaiuly give .he re'Hls - aid and com.
, ., ,, , , , , , luit. and eventual1 giro secerh a Coifeleracy.
U lUs t naturally as dancing, and the poktry of mo- j j,M,u ,,, plirl Rr0 flj ,h ro(?, jn K,. Wtfl
tion can be ns besutifally xemplil!ed by Ihem, on : Ou New Seat a night the Union Ct'ii g ive a ball
the ice, a on the tloor oi the ball' room. Even girls ' l lb Court 11.OUim;: hi,:b w!s honored by the pre
. ... . , u ,. ,. .ii . aenccol some suiy ladies. Ibe room wasducoruted
bf six or eight year tak tb It as naturally, as a ( wiln ,b, Sla ,j Stri,,w. signal flag, of the
duck to the water. Skating has become an instl; , Nay. A circle on the Boor, in colored chalk, eon
tution wilh the ladies, aud it will flourish uotwltb- taiueJ bur naiii.nnl emblem, crowed, an eagle iu lb
,. .. , - , . - : , ; oentre, aud the American shield below, th whol
standing the Ill-natured criticism of old fogies, whofo j , y ))ic,ure na m iug tUf
pecnliuritie of vision sometime leads thitn them to good t.i.ite nf tho Masters Male who was thu artist,
tee double, or at leant more than their sober tided I A lull reluru uf tho v dermis and recruits lor our
nei 'burs I regiment hat not beu made, as yet, but, in leation
J ' . I slaug. as tur as heard from, there is sixty more than
" i i j y m.fcjv.j. Company C, C'ajit. Uobin, now number
l3 IIEAKl!ia rr or the lei On Saturday last, ouo hundred and iiiuteeo(UVi uteu eighteeii more
the lee on tho river was from eight to ten inohet " allowed. Uran order Irom the War Depart-
hick and heavy teamt passed over it
tinued warm weather of Sunday, Monday, Tuesdav
and Wednesday, to omplclcly reduced it in strength
and solidity, that it was carried off ou Weducsday
Boon, with a rise of ouly about two feel of water.
Weduesday and Thursday were Uior like days lo
April, than January.
l' Hki-out or thk SiMiTsar Aio riontrr or
Scxarav, 1' A. This Society was organised May
3th. Is.'t. in eonnection wilh the Worn mi's Puuu'a.
Draneh of the V. 8. &auitary Commirtioa. During
lh uunihs of August and September its aid was
tstcuded lo th tick soldier, of th Provnsi Uuard,
then stkikiaed in Vuubury. lb flrt boi ft ui nt
Jane I lib, ISd'l. fcluee tbtt Urn 21 boxes, J kegs
Ld on laurel, otaiuin( lb Hillowiuf article Lav
btta Mat lo the Kaaitary Cotuuiiasiu :
""f I tannel shtris, il muslin thirls, M pair earptl
t!! ., 2 pair leather slippers, 20 wrapptrs. U
quills, 2 eouiloclabl, a abla, I tiit Cauloa l is,
tiel Irawrs, 2 iri aiutlia da., 24 slinjt, fain
w.ulea suwWiegs, It pads, 21 pillow, 2 pillow w,
I le atutdkercaiela, I nevk kaodketehiett, 14 palm.
Jeal funs, 2 pair pantaloon, tl vtsls, 7 luwtU, 2 pair
uPdrs, I adlouk. T lb, halt, la lbs alio
coUt. a lb, rye flour, U lb mi ttweh, 2 lb u.aa
nul, I lb cliia, 4 lb loUcea, CI dot- , M
tuagasliK, Uwk,M jar Jelly, Til mus hull,
lalais pivklu kgt pUklte, M botllee aiti, I
dsisojuha aiaa, I U wkiskty, 2 built tyrap. Hi
bottle raspUrri aad Wafkbtsry usdial, 12 aolllc
ttup, 2 bust ttfiaal (Uorrlte, 1 butt di it4 applw,
bushel dried apple, J bags drU4 fraila, 4 pieet,
to p. I bag tall, ) kiw 4rl4 kwaf, 1 1 aalittj ptpw,
srwck wl tablet, I Uwrsl poUlua. I WuImI auUW,
tiiii ol liuaa tatrt lial a4 aaadai.
All lb lil oaUibule4 by Ik ppl
tifauhbttry, a lib asaUlatiM fiuta iht iiy
lltUiud pstMaled U ausitkttslia U )ai4s aad
aail pic, Ihm I pit tad 9i fwts, swkiiigta
' tlit
k ptutlsf topp ia Xw i' Kit
4 Nibt. auale4 It) til . lb TlMMMal
t.k lb axUlti repufl I
XI pU U.I litastat) tM 4 M.HUIMM
- "rt,J4b; Mtf, isl 4
pl a4. sITl
13 Cerent OK Cotvx BcRooLt. W Bajarrk
iaodtat of Coauooa Sahool. la bu aaatul report I
Ui Lefleiatar, skowi that th seinbor of tnaunoa
chooU In til State, not bteludlrg Philadelphia ell
ll 13,1111, an IncraaM oa the I art year of lilt The
wboie ftUandano of par-il I 634.4V8, aa laoraaa of
19,411. Aeragatter4loooofpai-!UVT,n,lnra
,U0. Pereectoa arerajre. Milling ur .636.
Ararag lengih of eobool term, I moata, U day,'
Average eoat of aach pupil par month M oent, an
iDorcaa of 1 aent. haaibw of tMoher 14,fl2,
tsoreae82. Total Mt o( taltioa, SI ,498,04, la-
era f 130359. Total sort at th (yetem, Inclading
lo,WM) appropriation (a rhiladoIpalafohooU ,JC,M4,
099, Inorsan $50,934. Th total number pupil, In-
olKding rniladclphvi703 363, and th whote ot
of theayetem, inclutiiag the amount paid ky fkilad!
phia, ta2,S33,1lH, aa ncreaee of $104,604. The
facta ar enooamgjpjr to the Mead of a ecbeol ly.
torn. Kotwlthtaa4rait th wwr, Ui average attend
anoe ha been lutgea.. tlte arerage per oent. upon
th whole number ka atteadnno on half per eent.
greater than law) year Thar wore T17 lee mal
teacher, and 779 more female teachers in 1803 than
th yar pr avion, owing to'tbk war. Th per sen
tage of attendees k th Stat Sohool is auly 6J,J,
whil la Philadelphia It Is W.
p-Taa Daarr r'oRTac:ai.siCotirTT.--
Th following i the number of men enrolled and
th quota required' from eaoh tub diitrict in North.
smberland eousty, under the reeent eall for volun
teere :
Stib-Dittriei. JV. SrirvlM.. a.
49 Upper August township,,
4V Lower Auguiut' "
60 Cameron "
1 Chillliauaaue t
, 108 9
257 21
41 4
2v 17
lua 9
2co tl
406 32
s r
142 11
247 20
1J9 K!
bl C
120 15
27 3
116 9
2nl S3
Jl 17
a 4
123 10
lit 14
r 12
2V9 ?J
I'M 27
ivi in
174 11
43M .?i2
.. i Coal
- ------i i
Shamckin boreuzH
H Delaware towuiliip,'
64 Jackson "
Jordan "
Lewis towuhip,
Turbutviile buroutrh.
67 X pper Mahouoy twwuaLIp,
.q I Little Alitlioooy "
( Wwhioglun "
69 Milton borough,
An t Mt. Caruiel township,
m j Alt. Carmoi borough,
I Point towujliip,
f NorthumbcrluuJ borough,'
62 Hush toWbsbii).
C3 Sbauinkio towwhip,
UI SunDkry borough,
Cj Tuibut'tvwiisbip,
Oil Zerbe
Th following figures show the number enrolled
and the quotas required (t?a th other counlie in
this Congressional District :
Pit rolled
2 Jt5
Dauphin county,
Juiiiuta county,
Snyder county,
Vuiun county',
CU The value of tho prizes oipturod hy our nary
riuce the commeuccment of the rebellion, ii thown
by official fi jure to amount to orer SloO.fiOJ.Out).
One half of this amount has been dintributcd among
the captors and the other half placed to the credit
of the fund for the relief of disabled scauiea. Block
ade running ciutuot bo very profitable.
Letter IVom I lie Kuiibnrj- fSuardw.
Kur Wujr, 'la., Jaiil 8, 1SC4.
Dkah Wii.vf.iit :
St. John's da wns duly celebrated here by
the society of A. V. Muson, by the iiutullution uf
others, at the .Vethodirt ehureh, at whieh time Capt.
J. 1'. S. liohiu il"lirervj an address. Notbeiug pre
st nt I am nimble lo Rive ynu Ibe substanco of bis re
marks. butln'Ui the outside opinions it was gid and
and the public, who were invited. After the cere-
oiues ihcT lormod in procewion. Headed by the 4i In
lailu, and 'marched to their Lodge; and trom there
13 tlie "uiirt llnuM. wlirre m suutrttuous fun.4t whs
,r' i,ued for them.' 1 fbould say they bad a happy
tuiio, lor Vj ''e'uiu noursot tueiuoriung wore upon
them boforethey thought oflcavin tur their home.
Tb. 1
r t eeduiw of thi (ity lbrated uie urst iu-
nivertarv of their d.ilWeriuiCe frnrn kaeidac on New
Year s lay. They had a very lurgo uivelin' !n Ibe
liuptt Church, (ibo l uildiu.- nun utl ulone by
them as a nlnee ot'worMD- Judic Pi'Viiton. U. !3.
i Dirlrict Court, got ui from a sick bed. in opposition
, to the advice of pli.vsiei.ui, mid made a inut excel
lent addrcs.- to them, lie Wus followed bv Mr. Plants
I V. S. District A'tonioy, Vatl Master lbury. Mr.
I Curtis and Mr. Furgecou. Among I ho bx.kors ou
j I noticed the Iter. Dr. Herriek, of the Lpbtcopul
' Church. Mr. Allen, Clerk ol the Court, aud several
prominent cititens, whce .iim r opiuioiis were in
opiositioii to interference with slavery, but nowseo
thL justice of it, and aro heart aud hand with the
administration. After the speeches, toasts wore givcu
and rci-poudrd to wilh loud cheers. Old Sandy, the
head man of the crowd, of whom I have beioru spo
ken, eould rot let Ibe occusiou tlip. mi he gave "the
! speedy down fall of Charleston.'' This wus received
I with such tremendous applause that there was great
fear of an eitra expense lor window ligbhts. when
the speeches, toasts, dc were over. tA.vliv, acting
as Chief Marchsl. formed them in' line, and headed
, by music, encb ns two violins, a flute, guitar aud baas
; drum, pluycd by meu id'their own color, they march
ed through the principal streols. and that in a ciuiet
j and orderly manner that was a crdit Uithcui.
; 111 bote nt home who are coiitiuually crying 'bit
1 a negro, when freed, cannot take cure ot himself and
I would como tu waul, had aeeu these freedmen aud
women in their guy clotties and tue comlortuble con.
,,, r. w, , i,.,..,'.,,.,! r., nl.
are uot classed a veterans, to aervout Ibeir original
At tne 'iu is a veteran regimot Ibis
order w ill apply to il, aud coiisoiueutly will lose
many of our old comrade. In speakiugof ro-enlist-Ing.
il reminds, me of the dittereuce iu th libeiuiily
pt the ciliieus of l'eiiusvlvauia. tu their Voluuleers.
Ibe borough ot Kastun mad au appropriation giving
lliree nunnrea duiiars lo tne veteraue wuu bad at
ready re-eiiliatrd, aud the tame aiuuuut lo all who
volunteer before the drutt takes laoe. Allenluwn
gives Sevenl j-hv allart. and must of Ibe eastern
towns aud counlie arc acting In th same wanner,
an that Iber will bav a credit on Ibe eousoiiptiou,
while old Aorlbuniberluud county, rich in Uiiuoral
and agricultural rewuruea, holds Lar gold iu a Unlit,
ened grasp, and when her sous tush to si us. lit their
country t hour of danger, give nothing in support of
lutir detiuule lauiilit. Ly o boys re-eiillsting,
our county bts a credit on ihe draft which will tat
i Biany Iruu Ihe army whu cannot well be spared
irom now, ana allow a lew wuo ar y wpaibiiera,
or at least lelluws 'wak in th knees ' to loaat ihuir
lost bvlor a couiiortabla ar oa ike loug winter
iii.bis, whil a poor tuldiwr It lying ou in Irorta
ground la hi blanket, ihlveting H the e.dd bltsO I
ol wind aoia rushing ua aua liutalb Poiouuui of
Itappahauuock i whil uitieit ar tutleriug liuui
disvsM peculiar lu th touib. Ik iviumew and
taiwaatuf Nuiuiusurlaud eoaaly and Buutmry,
kava ibe cutitolatioa thai It waa itv uiatcwusry tuo.
live, la ibe way uf large buunute, ibat uiduj4 ibeui
lu euuuuu lo Ui. biiler tod wl Ibis "mite! war,'' ul
Ituuiuj li. nr aid lo eiikb thi ttud-liks rsttlliuu,
aud biiiiaiug peaa lu eur disirasited aoauiry.
On aututwuv lA I ef ur Iraimtut has Mutt lu Ik
u ksitii ul tatir kuit4a. aeavtee, I satu tuua n
" . . . .... i.i
kill W alt sou lb latliieular as tk Iim uu aw
otMptuing Ui patty, ka promised tu stud Ik a
lull disujipttoa el tbm ttnluiit.
lb bo at all wll M nh imiwcI I all la U
ate 4 utvmtt gwiMally, 1 rtMiaia, a ttr,
tvwis, tltMtlllJf, il it- W.
Aawxj Tiolmp, lb aotalut. swupiM aa iatt
Nwtaut paOt, ia uka Hiuuk putlutica, paMiM
iudum.iviM.Uy,at.d Bitd titu U 4U lit
iufkkill tssia a4 will uirU.
Mr t Haata itdwuUw, wttupkat litaMtiNitad
ktusblkg IIm Iwlk milk to tax 4.1. j 111! the lalUf
d.ppt, tllw lkt tu f edM ul tkwvwtl tad
liuoiui u ika.wi, . au k.ti u MW,
1 a 'a)
)ikh wl b....-
tkilliM kl llsM
kts.sH Lm tv,
aswa as .u
awtj4 as H la
i-u,.i.i. it, .ol ki t,a
U.t tu Uullji , U. liMi
$bt as. dy wliUin,
AxtthraHtn Coal Trade fir MS3.
; ' giro beloir tUaoflldal quantitj of
AotliMtite Coal sent to market fit 1803, tr
guUur itj tli bciul Anthrncito anil iiitu
uilnous Coal tbftt f tiiorcd toward titla
Watt r from tlio rrgion OMUie i, and tlie Im
xirtalioa of Korviga Uual. Tlio Ajithrncito
trade ahotvt an eitnorclintiry dur
ing the year, notwithatandinx lliu liigh price
of Coal and tlio drain of uivu trom the Ooal
rvgioua duriDf the last two jours : Tons.
The increase iu AntlirnciteruHchcd 1,71,2H0
Uitumuioua, Uouicitic unJ impui tuil 1507,209
Total lucrtau for 1803, - 2,0H0,4'J0
TUe largest iticreaae that ceurred in any
one year pi-rvitneslj-, terns in 1831, wlien. tU
incrvaso readied 1,13B,&U7 tout, and, iu 18&
it renclicd 1,113,8911 tons.
Of tlia increase of 807J2G9 tone of Scnti-
Anthrncita and Bituuiiuous, 450,843 wire
foreign Importation.
Schuylkill region furnished in 'CI S.4S8.H03
Uliigh do do 1.943,000
Vyoininn do do 8,700,874
Slmmokiu d do 274.0JU
The following Is tho pain from cucli dis
trict : TO.N8.
Schuylkill necicm. C42.C07
Lehigh do 007,782
Wyoiulnir do . 633.4S7
Shuutoktn 33.SU4
Durinc fheyeor there lkas bren an incrcne
of 3D OjM;rntols aud SO Collieric. Tiicru is
a large nunilicr ol ntw Collieries preparing
in thu Mahunoy ltcgion fur this yi-m's Iiiini-, eightecu or tweuty iu tiuuiuer. In
other portions of thu Kutrion. Col'.icrie
which tiiul been almhiloucd licrctoforo, nre
in course Of prtpurutiou for this year's busi
ness, and some new oues utu also iu course
of preparation.
31 r. Itepplicr mined 141,000 tor.s from his
Ashland Colliery and prcpiired it oua single
breitker, iu 1803. This is the largest quanti
ty of Coal uiiued from a tingle colliery iu a
je'tr, siuce tlie trade cotntuenced in Schuyl
kill county. Messrs. George C. l'otls ,fc Co.,
alJ6 niiued 132,102 tons liom a single colliery
in 1S03, aud could have increased it to 150,"
000 tons, with a full supply of rare.
The supply from this region this year will
depend in a great measure on the means
of transportation during the active portion
of the season, aud thu conduct of the em
ployees. The following Coal from tho Shnniokin
Region passed over the Mine Hill antl Sehnj l-
ii i . ....... v
kilt Haven ltaiifoad in lSUU
Ham ii Do wen
l'arvin' & Cook:
Win. IvbottiN
Joseph IJird
Win. II. Douty & Co
llerrick C Co
.Sell n II it Donahite
Win. Montelius Si Co
John Haas & Co
John 11. Dewecs
W. R. Kutztner, Agt
Hoover Jc Klinger
J. Dunkleberger .V Co
S. John & Suns
Total 880,112
All the above Ctrfil 1 reported In the blia
tMokiu Coal Trade tscelit 73,310 tons ship
ped by .Mesb. llaas & iioweu uud l'urvincV:
The following is the quantiiy of Coal
transported over this Hoad iu the following
year : i an.
1S03, 210,520
1(W9, 200,:j30
As far 8s wo ccn l-rB, tlie following im-
proveuieins are progressing in the Locust
i''P uud Sliamokin C'tml Region :
Messrs. l'arvin & Cook have slruck a new
slojio on lands of the Stltiniiit iiiiproveuieilt
Company nt Locust Oap, at the western c:id
of the Muhnnoy Basin.
Meira. Joseph Walton & Co. are erecting
a new colliery on lands of the Locust Cup
Improvement Company, in the neighborhood
of Messrs. Pan hi &, Coiik's new colliery.
Messrs. B. John & Co. litve leased a eol-lic-ry
on tho lands of the Green Ridgo Im
provement Company, mid mo prepaiitig to
bink a slope.
Mr. S. Kittenbendbr in alsonppnin; nn ex
tensive colliery fin the liig Mountain Im
provement Co.'b tends and otlifrs, which
will lie ready for business in a short time.
The fshamokiti Valley and Pottsville Rail
road Company are also preparing for one or
two more collieries oa their own lands.
Aiuiert1 Journal.
v is o 31 i: i: is o i ti ,
lVarliUc Spceets Irom the lalug; of
Xkw Youk, Jan. C4.
Tho steamer Etna arrived t It is niorniiig,
with Liverixiol dates ot the Otli inet., tia
tneenstown on tlie 7th.
The English new ly this arrival is unim
portant: The Etna reports ha ing passed the steam
er Citv of Xewr York on the 0th, off the
Hell Iltioy, hound in. AUo, punset'. the
Australa&ian for Liverpool, tiglit miles west
of Faniiet, uud ou thu Utii passed the Clio
for Liverpool.
The French Corps Lcgislatif have intro
duced several amendment to the address to
the Emperor, expressing greater sympathy
with Poland, and dee luring it expedient lo
recognize Ihe Pole as belligerent,
The report of the Committee on Supple
mentary I reditu, usked fur by thu Govern
ment, wain the Executive against danger
ous entanglements, antl unanimously advise
th it an end be put to tlie Mexican expedition
a oon a thu interest and honor of Pruiue
will penult. The committee clou their re-
port I'.v pitiKHiii(r tliv aiiniitiun of the iij
picint'utnry iriuit inn.
Tbu Kinff of LH'iiiiutrk but Uiueil ti iil
tttl ami uurliku n.ltlivs In liia army, calling
lllv , u 10d , ,,)nor , lbB;f eou
. .
try liy force if ntiofwuuy. A Cojituliuuii
ti lt rum Imhi fourtetu thuutuud uu n
tf III ItevrMt iiavv ml lit I mil.
Tliu n pori thut an au 1 Frcnctt
fl - waa auin In tlit I'liiiiihnlri.n 1 i,t ii.
tilClcvl. Lfl III, fact tlml Iha
. ,a .1 i ii . i "i i
lil rivet lilt iKH'll rcCulluil JlolUC, llUilk 0U1H
r..l,,r 1,1 il. .1. u,.i
mm niu.l ... nul,. l l.u ..,U..1..I ,....... ut
ub mnuii k.ui
rs.irrciiniUiic of Vicuna, caution tliv
tiiiuor Ueiuian hutc aL'iiintt prvtiiiit.iiu
at lion atiaiiitl iHinnaik, ami wain tlmut
a,;ttluat varrjiux out any altaik. It I rc-Hi-ti-
Ibal lh ttiiwiutnt i lucaatin
lliroiiliuul OeiuiKiiy, lu VU11114 llu r i
Ktutul UlUf iU( ar will in.ou u tb
Ilia rviiort lba th rw Kinf of Crama
bai b I . Albeu it) ilvtpatr uf irguUling thf
I'olilutlotl lull taUll.lg, 1 In. I tuuUline.l.
'ill 'iw t liiitinu of lb U. list iMiti
llt alion uf Napsilemi, auii lka( tut It
1 tIM It 4
aay oilier, I
. I
lib fl ioui'iu.1 la, Ui'irw ,H
lutolaLlu 14 f'nriit'h tialdtl.iit, a
itfatu Ux rja,liiii w U Htwt . It
wuu.J Is'Uiitt l( Faus ll.i... I'l tin) li'Jf
Uil li.lli.ti.ik In tii'UatutiiM lo 1 tin a ll
. Bt Wut llulL lato Admiral of th fleeti
urlcatl. '
Tk trial of at5tf and tToortan li poctponcd
till next quarter session
An cxtrart fT a letter rritlen y Uie
Archduke Maximilian to General Almonte
is published. The Archdnke state that he
doe Hot hesitate aloiit acceptinu; the Mexi
can crown. Tl.ii dissipate all doubt, on
the subject.
' I'roso ftosrtla Cnrollnau
Hostor, Jan. 22. A correspondent of the
TiaotUer, writing from Newbern, N. C,
atates that information had reached there
that a call had been issuad at Raleigh for a
Htate Convention for the purpoaa of seceding
trom their allegiance to the Sorrthern Con
federacy. Tho writer says that Governor Vance and
rrrarly every leading man of Xorth Carolina
desires to return to the Union. II also
"An army of fi.OCO men, under General
Hutler, could march to Raleigh, take p;m-ns.-iion
of the capital, and free the St:tte
from the rule of the traitois in tine month's
tiahe. Such un army would receive nn
curhiisinstic welcome there and all along
the lino of mnrcli. So say men who know.''
Tho Taris 'Tresse" eompnter the population i.f
the globe at one thotramd milli'TS, sj.enking thr, e
thousand and siity-four languages, and having elevea
hundred di'tcrent forms of religion.
For the Fruit, Flower and Kitchen (iarden.
W. O. I. UltlXCKLOE, Publi-her,
OEce: 2? Xorth .Sixth Street, Philadelphia
l.'dlUd by TlHDIAS MkEIIAI. .
The Monthly Content Aro :
Uinta Flower Garden Mnd Plannire-Urouiid ;
Fruit trardeU ; Vegcluble Uurden ; Window tiaruVa
t'onunnniculinns Kiubracin? the views' of t!:e
fcH-t writers on Horticulture, Arboriculture, A Rurcl
Editorinl-J-Oivlng the Editor's views on the ku
portani llcrlijuiliiml iiiiprovcioenis.
Ptnipfi uad Oucrira Nvw Fruits Xcw plants
Domestic and foreign Inlelligenc Foutaii;ii Cor
rciHjndeniiC Horticultural Noiir-e.
With each lippt'rtirent haudsomely ill u."t rit .l .
These general fcalurctwill ha rilnitted, and the
pumisncr pn-iigva inniseii tea: no liitx.ii" or i'X.iro
shall he tpardd lo render the sueccrding iiwiios ol t!,o
Maftaiino every way worCy of She fuvr nilk bkh
but previous eft. it Is have bn rnly rmurt2d',
Ji.n-.inry i'l 18l.
i v ii i'io. i' k a it i: m t-Airr
2-ti-'5'l I.;iiii aritiiiiitov.
Ijf The Chimney f.r which the Kerosene-Oil
niing public hnvc sutoiiji been in need, beesoe
1. It -STASli? FIKHI" Turn up the I 'nio till
it itsttes Irom the to o' il-n cliiinm-y. n?nl l;enp it
up ns long iisvou p!cac rut UL.tsi u.i 1 l.;j..s T
Try il.
2. It d ies not become blio-k or dL-CicorcT. riioold
the lamp nieidcntally siunkc. Ii shorter than the
common cl'iinney lis liriile to nr;ide n: and more
convenient lor currying uncut ihe h.Bi.
il. It it rot ta.-iy ptfee:ed bv sudden clianres of
einperature : cai nut id doors, 01 in:i tbj petli-r. nin- ,
nier nr winter, with lh-! h :up burnir;; don t feur ! ,
the chimney wiii n il di?:ip-ear in frv:ir.cnt ' '
4. Thetoj eat; he int.-;i,.iv r. i!-'ivtd. t:ir.l tlu'C1.
wijied perfectly c'iC;iii iu a ri.cuitpt. vttl'uut vjlimgi I
and without t!:ir.L'cr ol"oie;i!.im the lrla-.-. I
6. One outlets rH CHttf'oi (litiiiiH lit. Tryiirr.d
you will uc no oilier. I'orMilciu
'J'own atu! Cinrily A-;ereie?grnnteil bv i'u X b. C.
Jlnnoliietuiing Co", 4 i I'ullcn Mrec'.,Xti York.
.lar:u;,ry H. 1 "il "ni
Staves, Shingles, Foplar, Locust, &c.
riHE cnderslnrd is a'njut exO-miing Lis
I. Iiui-iues lo lill n noedid gap in tho iraiie of Phil,
adclphii'. by ronh'tiZ a speciality of the C-juper-Sfo-li
Tradti. n::d now deirei' to make arrniii ini-.its lo te
euro supi'lifs. Xiio 'ity !,jier.J. tMiippvr-. Ac.,
ouiug to ll.e ieirmsfil.iiity id obtaining tln:iu in l1!,!
adelphia. niw depend larirely on oilier n.nrKi-J f,,r
their M4lve. tc. With proper ein-ourugi niv..t 1-v
tho niuiiLfaetuiei-s. ihe undesigned Impis lo -l"i
this il.ver-ii.uof trade by keeping on hand a large
slock, iu every variety of uuuiiiy mid size. L'y giv
ing this bittnch ot p'T.u-ulur nltentiou, he
Lopes to luuUi: nmro crly rutin us to (oniniueuls
and CatutiliiJi for the nuiMit'aeluiers n more altuii,lc
uou:muuiealun wilh purchnper thon iii tM.--'!ii,lc by
IhoM! who trade luainiy in more hea loiuler.
liuiulaelurerti nml others, who can I'uiuih (parti
cularly contim'oi a suppiier .) ritlicr by comrart,
purehii.'e or on t'nmnuoioii, tarc?. lleadint;, liuop
Poles, Ac. Address
W. A. LEVKillXtJ.
C.ill; whill street Wharl. l'hilauelpliin.
T.aro suppl!' always wauled of Li-.ii;t liuilier.
fVk!. aid irequeiilly lung link Ptuuk. Oak and
Yellow Pine Timber, " Aisu now opening n trade
in and wanting imilti-aof Hiinglcs, aluul, t'berry,
Poplur and Afh l.uinliev. Ac.
lUrtiiEM'E : Alex. U. Cattell A Co., Philadel
phia ; 'lho.. It ieliardson a; Co., Philudeiphiu.
Januury lii, InM. liu
Q E. MOF.K. Attorney at Law, is duly author-i-zod
and Mve'i-d to eItnct lfe4msiitsf
Itvillitlt'nlilisl ItiK-ls l:V for Widows. Or
phans and Soldiers. dCiee in Market street, oppo
site Weaver 't II1' -I, Stiubury, l'u.
Juuuuiy 111. 1 S't 4 . ly
Ors'ifc or tub N'kw Voiik ami Miihu.h Coal
1 I1.L1I ltlL liOAU A COAL CtlXfAxr.
11K aniiittl lio::n' of the !oekbohlei of the
i oinimuy will be held at the office of the (.'i-iu-
pany io. i'i4 f-juth 4th Streit, on Monday. Ut of
reoiuary, inh, at il o eimUii. .vi., lor lue purjvu
of electing Five Liiieetoia to nrn lur lim viisuing
year, eul to transact sueh other buillew us may be
brought bctore tneiii.
l'KTEB K. LKHTS. S.s-relary.
Philadelphia, Jsimniy llib. 11 '.t
riHE siilwrilien n spccUullv Inform thj cititens
l ol Suiiniir tlu,t ih.-v are repiucd to furi.i.-h
PAMNu A.M. Ill ll.l'l'NU tf'lvSi, at shoituoiioe
ard hi reu-oral.le ite
'Ihe. stun will be delivered on tho river bank at
Peisons during pisnl sinne will rn.l it to their
interest lo cull and examine befure purchasing elm
Addr.-a FK1IKP, A MAUTl.V.
l'cv. IJ, l.-3. huubury, Pa.
CAME to tin" preu isrt of the siilsu-ribcr. in Point
j township. NorthiiiiMtla:!d eonniv. Ph., slout
Lo middie .,r May last, a rTUAY HILL. aUut
Iwnjaars old, red siln and eais. and while bas-k.
Th owner is reiuele. lo voitio forward, pror pro
perty. pay charges and lak him ho will
be di3ui4 ufae wading lo law.
Ji'lIN IlKl'Kl K I
Tolnl lownthtp. I'-o i, In13.- Jul
noAHDiNOA x n da v is r i; o o i.
I'r Vouiiu I.ittllow,
No. 1 r'jruc (.r.:tt. I I. U UI hi.
lltltHt.SCkS t
IWv. Ir. Howe, I'stli WvUier. tK) ,
liur. iif. rua.iarat, iu iinvaooi imvun. rsu
yi. , Wb""'" '"t
iiinry fin, isn , in iiuiiinirsworin, ti,
It t Uonijouiert. o Uu. .'.I. J.dr llm v
It t lonijour, txj
inotnat ti.iar, r
DaovibUr , lauj
rlaNOVslkbM, wbvl of half ( au, frtH fioni
j Ibal liy u.sittlt tat be ka I alall lla .s at tk
Lonkoiiuutrt aims o, il C. O tl.tlttl A U f
kkaburyJatuait V, leal
AtlMtittlkirulvr'w .wllr.
N OiICK It ! itt Oi-t UU if alssluif
Usliofc ksa lk ki Ji-IUac llof ;
Uif ua L"'ft ki aatbuit. .iitn.u.'. I
t kl) . daaaawd kt .ald tu lb sfcUan.
l. AH p-lis. is) kkt.kf l-iui 4iust lb -l I
feiv 1, iii la t..ti i.m ifea Mi-i. til
p,. ... kku.U 1 14 wwKt 1 .4i 1 d
kk p n . .I.i. i
''Vi'i11!: a
k4 4 J sJ a t
ikiitt '4 kl IkUkiettsI,
l.ii.. da A.
fkiAsiiy, 1st, ... 1-w.l. -kt
Sl.l lllllUtt A ( tit, '
Somctliliiff ItetT In IMd!n4l;
No. IXiS Crxanut cltxe, efpmlle th U.S. Mint.
Gallery, frcpU.n and Ojrnibig Cooma ALL ON
1'ir.sT ruxiit.
AUftrlraarid cite f llutogrnpha, IvorylyjKvi,
Fcrnilypo or Tintype" aad taken at priee to suit
tho limes. .
Pictures Finished in Water Colon, Oil, India Ink
and PaaUI.
Horse and ollieranlniiiht, Eqnlptge. Country Beat
Ruin. Models of Maohloery, Ae , for Falecucg to
uratcly pliotographed.
P. F. Coopor dotu-m to eall th attention of per
onivtaltin Philadelphia tohla aew Omund Floor
Uallory, where hi bus Intrednoed newly. pi on ted
eatriaras, cnpahl of taking, in few saoonds, on
bundrwd Photographs, from tho small nuunp or au
tographio, to tha imporial and Life tjite.
After many experiment be baa auooevded la pla
cing bis sky-light at an improved ansio, difliwing
t'mli(-htin eoual proporlinmi. tprul prortn jing that
toft giadution ol tone which cannot be given by til
tide and tky-light generally usol. and which ef to
nmch iuipocta.'ioo to the bfwutv of a picture. It la
made of Fienea glass, and is the largest iu Philadel
phia. ,
Mr. Conpcr has lorn Migngi4 mor lliaa twenty
years in the study and piactivo 1 tho Fiuv Ajts.
llis lnr.g experience h a .Miniuture aud Portrait
Painter is a siitlieienl guiirnntee for il.e pcrfe; tion cf
th.- pictmes uiiide ui ins Mtabihnient.
The srt nl idfa'.ir'ng is well und- nJood : none bat
the mot skililul urtta aru imployed in the respue
live der nrtmenlK.
Tbc art of iiienlitingjs well understood ; nono but
tho moat skilral arJi-dj are employed m the ronpective
drpw'u cu.
M Pintares Wnrrnntol - t'i Ivory'ypes will uct
eh-ingo In i,.,y rlimato, n-d will staid' the twt of
ii". da. Piiriieu'oir uueiitimi y paid togiving graceful
ni.d cpy poriiioi,.
llnguerrentypb and all other kinds of picture
Cf!p;ded, l'roni snitll medidlion to life size, r.nd tin
ll.i.d in coiors or Indian ink, tolook eunl to picture
tnl en 'tii'i !i!':.
This tiallery p"f j rnre fveilitles for Inking
IC'c. tr,iiii Pirtim-lioni lit'.), in the rear Luildii g.
, ii'rn from one to li.ty horses cuu bo pt.otograi. bed
ui a time.
N. It. To riiotfiirnnhem, Ctdurists and others.
Jut Issued A New tVnrh on
PiinTuiintMi i.' 1 v.invTvriso, KsAri.L
ivo. Ivoin .HjxMri lip. Pais rtNo. Ae.
CompleTi: intlrootio-ti.Kivent'.-r milking Tvorvtypfts
wilh s.,,rc VmIiuiImo iwceiptii. never 'iil.iis'noj.
iwel'ol to ail phntog-nphi r, for one of which n large
rum hns been ofl'ered.
liy following the dire ;tlnn contained in this bonk,
even tho w persons is-i'h ao previous liuwledge of
Painting ctiiiiim fail lo color j Lotigru hs in a liciiu
tifitl end effective stvlr..
Pri -e, trn-: t.Ypy. i.'i.PO. Five CopUs. $20.00. y
remitting I'.'niie copy, with H"X ! I'atnis, Palctio,
and prep.irutious conipkto will be fui-niJied lite of
v ill I " I'uhiMie 1 Shortly,
A Vali Afit'fr- Work os 'nr. a -.virm.
VTfth progressive 1'llu.stration of tho Hhman Face nod
a i m,
A V.:: z. -V.o u Po. itsons,
Wlih Illuf-halioii. li.sigr.ed fur tu ujn of Photo-'
grtphors and Artisn..
Air. Co"; er rsintinuts lo rree'.vc b.i.'ios smd tin
tUuuo mtu Irs t'la-ses 1, r lnstrueiioe in lra'vinj,
and I hcf.n.j'ii, lvuryiy';ir. India I::k and I'usMl
Pi, luting, i.nd a bciiuliliil process tor Keameiin's
lV:ui' .
Circulars ccu'.ainii.i; li.-! f ;-i,'e-i.f po'tnres snd
f'iMl'tr lr.toin i-.ti. n r.-p-t ti'.; the l!.j..'iv and Terms
I' rn..!rtu-!.on ni"y ho had by cnclixin;' Post OSue
Addles and atiuu.p lo
r. F. CtU'l'KI!.
Clu-.:r.til Street, Philadelphia.
Caleb Ci
hv. Tbs
pe. l'reiiienl Aeaderiiy if Fine Ar!s.
. 11 N liioti, fiii,iihlogi.-l nud Kruomol-
oi-i Thomri Miles Martin. P. E Chur.-h,
Hon. Victor A. .S;rtori. I'oiimiI of Leghorn,
lto'iert li. I'liirkon. of firm of Jiv t'iske A Cc.
Xew Yoik. IWv. W. A. MavUn. Uect. St. Aibau'a
Pumoii. J. V. Tilton A O.i.
V . Mitl ; p. l ',ide. Ei.
b:iltiinoro. JI". ;. Aiuedco bauwo. Fren:h Coccul.
Hec. 12, i:;:!.
VJ II KXfl'.K. Agt. f-rFdw.J. Evan 1 Co.
' . .'ei.trnl .Nuii-riis. York. lo.. take
Ibis of ii.lorining hi- Iriendt nod tl.e public
goi ruily. tl .it he is ni.ii v.ill remain t! Wilvcn's
Hotel for two week', rcio'iy Uireee-ve (irders. wLieh
he will deliver in the J-pring. f nil kind's (if Fruit
u::d jr;-;:.:;ierit:d treei?. eruru vines. SKru-,. HoLs. Ac.
I i-'tiubury, Jai.uiiry p. lol ;t
HAVI.Mi ju?t returned Iroi.i Philadelphia, have
bun ojieu n l.-e.-h tupjdy of
, T5'r?iiuiiii;si, rtvitl I'micj Artirks.
I nt her new ,toro in th room adjoining the resMrnce
j of Sirs. Piickir. iu .Market .Sjuare. runbuiy, Pa.
Horetoek consUis in part ef
iiuuies i riinniinirs lor Dresses, Lnvc.
Puilortii l, i- lir.we.s, Fud.roideries,
il:.lnll;et, liiel's. I.!,, ,
Silk aid Co'im, Tl real, ladies 'til. res
".ej liiTJ. and Zephyr .-aeoui s and
Intars 1)itsl. Ilutioi... J.i:,',ing. 1'. 1 1 "..., -. t.'
nd Slf.v.-. li .ins' Nc-klit-s. I'orset-. Il.r'r llriishes.
ll iir Oil. llalr NelK, Inf. i.t ln-rKm Sewing Mlk.-.
on I liunierous other urt.e.e... ::. nf which will he sold
ut tho lowest rales.
I have added to my sf,H.k Balmi.iill Skirts. Ilrs p
Kirts, ..,. ii cap lor l.mlies.init I lulnren. InfaM
Socks. Hants' llla.-k Silk Neckties. A in., li liv.-u
supply nft'oisiMs, UUoU Knit tilcs.,.n Vnm,
anil inn aim ready lo do ull kiln!' Miupini; I'.
binding or eu.l t.ii.levy.
Also, a variety of articles faitKolc for Chilstimw
Piesoiils, siichfc- Pliutogrupti AiIhmos. Porteiii iiinan.,
Ilraoilcts. lircnsl-Pins, . Al.-oa Imndn-Sie n.v.M
Uiviil of T-v and line 1'oiitVi-tionerT, vc.
SI A 11 Y I LAZA I'.l'S.
Suidiiiry, I'ct. 17, l-o.'t.--ly
j .A. c o 13 o. beok:,
SliirUrl Mrci t, tiriii'ly- opposite iltc
Stall ECoimI I-H.
TNFUltMSthe cilhens of ."-un'ourv sod si -.nit,.
i tliat tie husjut returm d trom 1'i.iiu.ieij.i.i.i wulia
f::ll iiaisii : nifi.i ot I
I'.ll.I. YYni DH .0s,
lib. rto"k eoi;i.'M f ( li tl.s, French t'l,.;I.s. Hi;:, k
1'oeSkin and fancy I 'as-iu,eres. Ijioci, Saiin. I'iwr.-Nl
Silks. I'l -,111 and 1-ancy iVim, re VF.-'i i .s;. i h'cli
lio will uitiko lip to older iu slvliiS to suit Ihu Usle of
cii-ioiuuis, uu short notice, and tlio uint rc.i-'oualU
Any not unhand, will bo furnisli.-d from
l'lil,l'.:; I t giving two day.' i.oli.-e.
Imsls liiri,i-!nal by eutoimr. dl be mnd ri to
ori'er us hervtoli're
As ho will employ none hut experienced workinen,
j iTMins may ily on gating their wm k well done ut
hut shp.
Thankful I'or tlia pMrons'.'e heretotor l--i,.,ed,
be riuptvliiilly solii it. a e.,ntiuuunceof tha suuie.
."uiiM,r. hept. IV. Iwi'.J.
bootOnd shoes,
"I I'ST received from New York and PMIadi.lj.liia,
l a tre.n supply ot tlie lnl.1 styles nl ul the U.-t I :
qualily, which ha has had maila up lo order, and Ju
w jrranteil lo gita fiaal taluiaetici. lie ba.i mado
arrangvaieiila iu the oily lu Lav bis l-t work made
tooldur, wbiobeuu b bad at all luoes. if tot cu
band llivy will b procured at reaMonablo notice.
SaauulucUutu: ut UUO'l and ."lltit..S ol ail k:u It
as oi-ii .
1 a ill alio whob-Mile ltt,ts nl Shmsbyth I,.
Call aad t .t.nou U.r punhaaing tlsiwbsr
tu.l t.u:lv yout.'-U,-..
Ibanklul li4r Mki.ouair herelofira beuwd. Lu
respiul!y tolt. ll. ut il.t s.iuie.
io More rjouo
Ihu duult wet I I Hiu p, ,,
Ili ad in Slaiket uan.
W.M II SKlktlt
iuul.ury, Fvrd. y, -.l.i.
T A 'I til iMiunaiiaivIv, a J ur -'hiu.aker, a
tl JUu tli ik. too I l,(u paid.
sal Ml 11, lllMuutl l'.4M tllliw.
if-, )'llt tubaotlbtt' w otiimtj l lb U'Tr
vIJli .o, i,iM 1 1 d.a r.diabi. Nut 3
'-t i hi ul .!' WAl.l J t.A.NaA n. , ,ii-.
Ollk, I'a . t.i..l-Mi.,.!lki,.l.ufrlll Ifilllti
auudard Mid leif, aud uf lb k.u.1 uiiutd
liik-Ul Tlst aad tbiubs Tb Ikt (asbiu.
able till"! Ibskw.
til il'tt-aail a (alaab. liialjti. ll.laaw,
Ci-l-coid liak. ll.llloid I'lul.Bo. Jattrlt A
il.s Mrtwbtriitt b ill dtlittt, o Its am4
iuiiiuiej taskstik, aiwtti takia4k( talo.
t I ballM.
iUhsiitki t 4Utt tkt ttoi tstultt la uv4
w4 ao'-i-u
Agists, riNJ.Vi.IN Di'llMK.
T I 4 .... ,',l4 U,ll.
lMaU I, IM1 - tut
tirjr (,
kt tk pseaots) if la I j i
J AMJuts tl kl .! tilaM.
. tns I
kd .:. tta)b4 ts, i.ii.iii klout Mhl ut in.! I
kl kit. kk4 nl tawliwat t-k 1 kkf Mis.
l1U4 In ' ! klkl) ) ilufit, kkd ,
utt bit . i tit ii H1 k.ktad ki tMwd ,
iim swtaw jsiJ'J
v OP
. a full line of
B H T & ) B
virzaa goods ov Kvritr
cu&'A v A d n. i .vz).s ou;?.
j Trunks, Valises and Carpet Bags.
Muiie and IC'ii'tla.fare.
AVooil nncl V'ii',ov Wtvre.
linr Irou and Sti-cl,
Ku'.'s iiinl rfjiikos,
Dritys, Painti nud Oil',
Vinrlrivv Sash anil GnntLstoncii,
Ticks ami Mttion lltitnnirrs,
Co.ire niul Fine,
Fish, Meat, Chccaa,
&c, Ac, &.c.
All Kir.iln ci GiK'Oa,
cbcaji for cxa'u
Country Pioii;,e?,
can lie fnuinl nt tho
B. All CikkU wurraatcil
As "rcjireM-nti'il.
1'HoiITS AMI (iUK'lC ri.VLKS
SituLurv, Ott., lOtli, l$CX
I'.iark I ilcssy Silks,
4-4 ll'.a.'ll t'i.lll:icii;
Suir lihu-k Moliairs,
Fi.:o :ac k Aipuccas.
Ill u k tin. I I'lii jilu DtlaiE.t.
Wliitc niul Jllutik Fio arttl Du!-iinw,
Itlack I'rvjie Marct7, r.luck all w jol Ui-luiuvsi,
15lack siil; l)fiv;r-s.
tioo.l liliicl; I brl (.-.,
Pi.tin 15!itck (.'ittramu,
I'luiii ! Slack Calicoes,
Neat Fi-ruri'tl IMauk I'uhcoca,
Fino 15! .(.k S.vk Flannels,
illack i.i'va Vcil.s,
.loiivin j",-icl; KM filnvw,
Isliick Silk (laiiiitloftM,
lllack O'iovis in Vuricty,
V ino Mouruin; Haii(lkcrdik:fi,'.ck I'ultiin mul win,! Mniitrv,
31!.n.k Thilict ami V ot Mi iv 'i,
Ac, As., Ajf.
A liico line of tlio ubavn prioiln ninv
I'jtfii uitd lor sale at low )iit'C4.
11. Y. HIIK -MT t SDN.
S'.mbury, Octolicr Hist, Is !'.!.
llOl'l-D respectfully anuonnc that Oity but
t rr iilvtil n t l cpeLtla very lartaul well ill.:.
j ti-d Stock of
l al.uh ibv aru w'!!tn
lifakf at a ViRV f
rMALl. Ai'VANi !-;c.;
llfkl 'lHf.
amii cuyu.,ci;3 evkkytuino
oivb ua jk. oaui.
Tlatki'ul tW put favr . ( u aitki a a
lltUSlkSaef Ifc kttb k Mill tsllistt tlu-Jt kt ib tap
If wot (ill! il'llll la ab ituU-iiU.
ruaisii utAsr
aubkaiv Mit H. I at I
kkitttia ti titit
K Cw. ksvktti tt-4 I baavwt 14 . rbikialkt
I til St a lbs rt UNTrul illXI.1il 7 IIIH
, 1 t iii t Uh It. 1 ( aatukki kill-It I
I kklbia, llvkkl, kWatk. loWM! tkauM, I W I ,
JlUi. Wss.'kia' k t ivc olC rt
iwwv.VirjJ I JJ1.J
wism ji i.W'1 ji1 ir."'
wor a nun: ldhinis..
A, BIIMJ1.T ConttilIR.TEr
nsitl lrrnakr'is.
DR. I10OFI.A'D,,
German Bittera
dh. c. m. jacs;so2;.
arising from a.
Chnrdered Liver,
Stomach, or l.iJnejf.
Thousands r f onr ci'ircns am -.ilT'"ring from Ptw.
pepsin arid Liver Iiseosfs, nr.l lo wi.oo the follow
iugriiiostiins apply we fiuanu.l'--..
will cure tlier.'.
Dvsrrrftv and Livei. D.seait.
P-o you rin wi;a n coated tonguo mt'i-nlngs, with
l"id in Ihe umiith uud Jsior app-liie f.: brock,
fut ." i)o y.u Cetl when you first i;A up so weak
t'lid lu'ig'jui you enn s.'uruely get :-ljut ? Do ycu
h: :e a di.sine-s in t'oc head i t tiiiie.-'. und often u
duln-L-i, wiih'r'ne o.-"'iii.;Mliy ' jcur
b-iw v!s eo.tive nnd irrciultir. and unp;:tit9 ei.iii."e..
blo ' lo v.mi throw u-. wind fiom tlio stoi.nieii. and
do y.-.u s .-!l t:T nt'ton f lo you f.-.. t :!i:ej
euiin. n sinkn-g w'leu Ihe s'oThio.ii is rmpty?
Ilo you hnvc henrthtirn oo-.1:. tlvimlly '. I.j yon feel
low spirited, and look cn the dark f i 1 oftUngi'
Are you not unu-u.ii; v nervous nt times ' li yc
r.ot oeco:r.o re;;les. i,:vl t,iicn Tny uuiil
liefore ypu enn jro t-i slee;i ? .d then nt t::i:' s dco't
you tool dull ai d aicej.-y n.c." i-f this ii-.t-'. Is j:.ur
tkinriiy sr.d scaly? nlno uliow ? l,i -iiori, ii rot
your li.'u a barlhen. full cf fircbcdlrii?" '
Will cure every cna-i of Chronic cr N'crvns Debility,
liseairei.f Ire K'olney.s, uud lliieHiios ari.iir fiom
a cisnrdf red Sttmnch.
P.eroUing'rroni Disorders of Ihe Diwt.vo fr.jiaa :
piitiorr, Iiiwiird
ribs, Fuinets or bl.iod
to !!i9 Head. Aci'ii'y cf tho Rte
tnneh, I.'ansea, Jlc.-irit.u.-n. biust 1: r
Food, I'ulueas or Weight i:i tho So.,n.tch. --4r
Fructniiniis. Sinking or Fluttariuiia; the til '.fir
Slwuaali, Swiinmni cf the Head, Jiurrie.l no I ui5
euit ftreii'hi.og. I lutlcrini; ut tho if tin I. V ''Ir-.f ,.r
SuikaaU( tntuL tr when in l- ii i; posiu.-e. l-i.
ncis ,n V i-ion. 1'ots .- la'ah bwiofe the Si"'., Kb --
ui. i i:-;t:i 1 i.. Co la Rd."v of "Vrariia
tion, o;' i:e .i.iii iivl l'ye imn u
the Side, Bni-k, t lo-tt, Liti'U, o c' Sjihir-a
Flushes of Until. Ioirnin.; in l! Flesh,
Constant'- of iivil,
and grcit in i rcsion
of Sphits.
There a:o many prnpiirnlions sold un lor the nsno
of Hitters, put up in ijunrt l! o;rs. eon j., und.i1 of
the cheripe- w-li.ykvv or i"ii-.iiiini runi. e"-!i:. r f:vm
2-J to !') ceiHi p.
iilion, i.V. ta.-'c di.' I lv .'.Le
or ' oro-ndi r
1 i.-eiw.,s ,,:' Ijiiters c::i:st d nr" 1 wl:l e
to cRttse. long ii.; thry can l.c fold, l.uni'r,-!
:o it;
uie ueiiia ol tlie ilrunki.rd. liy 'iie.r u-e tin' 5.ns-.
f- k iitooiilininiily under ihe ii.nor nee id Al.'Vi.
Stiinuliiutsot the w.:r '. kind. t:ic r r f.-r I.i.
is created and kept u.. and the refill is all ihe'
leiiuanl upou u d.-uniisid s life ind dentil.
Fur tho-e who de-lrti Mel will have n L''jor Tit
ters. wo publish th'J following receipt, tiet Oni
Pottle lloulluad's Oerinnn Lliters nnd mix wilh
Three Quarts cr (jot d llrnndy or Whiskey, nii.l tiit
result will be a prepmalioa that v. ill fir n:,! ia
rLciieiiiiil virttiCA i;d Irua c.eolliiccc ar.y ei" ih
nuuierous Ltucr titters 3 iho m.iv'iet. rr-d ni l
cuf! n.ufh Vi.j -.!! l.h.i) ull tho virtues r.f
Ilh.&.icd' lii!'er in eimr."ib.n wltii a sr, nrti'.
of Liquor, ul a tiiuoh 14 price i!iuu tkc.'e interior
prcpiwationj wiii oust you.
W (Kvn Yon
A GOOD A r P E T r T i: .
V'iilgito you BllISK AXD KXEKcU-TlC FLTI
Will w.nule y iu lo SLt.V WIl' .L.r.nd wiii ;.-itir-ly
rcve .t
Voliovv I'Tor, ICIIiciix IVnr,
Those suffeiiii? from troken down ai.J I iio'i fo
TCoi:siiutions. from whatever iwusc. either in M.i:.
or Femclc. w ill find in
T'jal wiii restore them to tlu'r um:u1 hei.l'h. Soeh
b-'S been the cuso ill tlioumniis of i; .'.nn ;s. Mid
fuir trial is but reiiuired to j.rjve the nwrtieii
Ami NUT intended us a Ui. 1.1! AuK.
The Proprietor, hnro thouniniU r.f Lct'cra fr ;j tl.e
mo: cmir.t:'.'. Clertfyuien. Lawyers. l'b-."-i.'i:u..i imi
t'itixcus. Tcsiifyicu'Ol their own" peisoioii'ltiiuwledu,
lo the bcncnciul effects u::d medical virluej of lb u
From Itev. J. NYw'.on 15 r -wn. D. P.. Il.lit. i of tL.k
tnoyc'.opej'iu o'.' lloiij;;..,w. KnoivloU.;
Althoui;h not disposed to favor or rcoi.ituc!:.! I'.i.
tent Siedieiues in pciicrnl. ihroi:j;li distrust cf inc'r
iiiKredieius in. .1 cil'.-eis. I y. t know of no ti.Geii-nt
ruminns why a tfnu not tivtir.y to the beni s ! a
kt-licve hiuucll'to lmv res-eive.1 (rotu nny s1o.; !b
pre) ar.u.eii. iu li.c l,o;,e tiial he uav lh"! cont'ibLfn
lo liic b.uelitof otters.
1 do li.: the mi ., re.;.'.'ty In rejcurd t IK.ilmJ's Litler.. prepared by lir. 0. il. J,-k"n. of
this city, becuusu 1 was pr. o .l a;: .dnj theiu lor
many years, under t!.i; i.i.oie.iou toat li.ey er
chielly nn aieoholi :i:urc. 1 au tuuuLte I lo my
Iri. i,,i l;.,i,vi t Nuoolm,k..r. !.'.-.. u t'jo rcumtiil of
mu iin j.i.iieo by pi"., r In..-. a:ii for enci.uraiie lu try tbew. alwa uti ru tr uu great ai.i
hn-reoutinueddi liihty. 'iho .j wl ihico bottltr of
tii.c l'-illom. nt the oetiiu.iii. if lUo present vti.r,
loil. ivod by evident j.lici' m.d r".Uiraltoii'to a
'li':;iec of Isid.ivail u ei.tid 1 1 r wlo-h Ibal Uk'.
fill tor .i.i monies bef.Te. and l,a. alino-,! de.-jairi-d
of riuc. :mg. I li.enioro liiiu.l, Oodiuid ity triekd
f r liirei'.iiu to lh u ol ihe.n.
PhilaiolphU.June 23, l-Sl.
Tiaeaiet ci Eidneyj und Eladtler.
In Y itt't Jr Aftil, M.ilror Frma
Arepedi!y ron nkj, snl tbo puiivi-.t r rI Is
hcul.u '
rEi.r:cATi: tmi.ri!!:.v,
Tiio- .aVrlrt; from Mttt'ai'i. '!!:,; M-r,
wi.h --arcely any rtesh cn their botus. are cute., .a
a try ilior, i..e : cie Ui.l. in u-h cases, Will b t
iniit rut prUi;, i lle.-u
PA It l Ts bating tufariaa? ebildrru a 1 1.
lid w i.Litlif to fa If a l b. u. ill i vvir I,', nl iIih ii.ii
uy eok.d wfh kii n.
1 1 if : m.v vr:. srrri:. ; w...
.'..(l...l W.tjl li - i t:..l,., .'...,: till', Lk,t
toiilcol ll.ju.iui . Jiiiti,. j,r tnn, a 1 ! v v t'l
!.! ttu.h bi-neSt f. .oi i.. is , i hi. il, Ui i.i m.4
U l. luv.Hkial.i-ji tl.i l it lUp.fMii.
U' IM SOf A lUili'i: 6I1S11I.AST.
And letNt tc pros' rt'lvu
.tiicttiiott, k.iaiff4:
Asu n'S rmixw tr 60LPitBej
W ll lb t';.n..l.a if all bti'rn r.Ut tmi
i J 'u ibt a'U.y lo rbef.ei ih ii Ui'or'l.Sii A
i itni Puiir.
til! cut t u. un 1 1 of tur ilj.ks
i."-". , .t , tl-ur,t fctil .-italli l IB : tel., lo juus
I ami
i..s tu tua cut. puu i.'tu a i
tu a;u.oit ; il ij
l lust
Pi p-rt it mt tirutt nf lb ti k. II "' ''
llcsj ,!,,( 1 uij lJe pi l !, bit i.uu.
d.L.I ti I l,n ckM b lj 1,1(1 ( ,,M,.f
Ck'nt kt lim. -tu 1 ;t' .itjak liii.ii. M bats ku
biHUU..n I. , -i.i ital l is lot'tr tr lrts.,t
bki' l ttvke 'tl i ..j'. ! t hii iui(til Is
ta ' I liini ...b. ja awwidbkbi'
1 ' 4 1 1 j 0 Ml lis. I) tl Ji , 'ill ik.lVfkl Ul-
O is I 1 ki k!l. iii lu Las tin. ai l b "f i' a 1. a t.
Lai S liol is.', I.d lo kvf.1'1. I . t' a kt kl llo til
U.t, t tl I.. it.lH t liitl I U 1.,:..
at trt ri uu ui;
B. that Ilia rukals's tl V 1 ' a .
Ik tl ( I ulkt ...
PiU r,f IkUl.slv m i . v btlf Jk.- t , t-J
hLuwU )! i List Mum, t 4 ban its t'liel.
ik k-4 U v. kt I Ski k III. lol,.,klk pisfw
tkk tl k.; U kJ.I-J Ik il I la. la. , t k.
j I'll 1 'I'll I.I) .ldS Ii iwm '
I'llk..) f A . bti.ui i ) i. ,rt
J"il 4 i,V
(' HI t C tl Ji4t
if lus awl, 1,, t4 l-ks-.-t i 1 u
. 4 li.1 I I . -I twt
"is A. ISt-l II
uitl.lal psl.iU. ab.lll ai NlJIUg tsMlitikjf ' illtttMl) l 4M ' t- fall-a
t-. u(, u.uaurUf I...., tz
!- Hti aiUw, vvru im; I ! 7.
U l;t. jsa. I Is, l
k4tbt. I i ii i n4 t4 tkik.M
tihwiv ftwi aru.
,,tll ..
0 iti
Vit kfst ii k- 1 . I
I k-b. ,
II itwi
law aia aatupia tx Ut
W Mtl4 4 bwi-t o
u'-4 t it a- lawotayts! mil amai
1 tt avw
tk tk tl