Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 30, 1864, Image 1

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EtKULB SuIsohlPWOli ,
So'Iaps for UDBto, to b paid fialf-arlj
- J par Uooatiiiai aalil all a
vf. paid. 1 ".' -s '
tO CLOU t . '( , . i
Kin to on addr, ' " 1 I 00
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do do " 10 00
Vllnr, In (draco, will fkj Ii tbro jnn'
tou to th Awuncan . , .
iwyncriptlon mutt b taTariably paid ia ad
Ail seta to one addi.
triticni neglect or rluMto tsk their new.
iui ilio otbcc to which they ar dirootcd, tiy ,
luubl uulil they hav teulod. lb lull ud
tlicui discontinued '
imcn will pies act a our Agent, ud
iters containing subscription money. The;
nittod to do Uii ondu th Pout Whc Lw.
One square of lllinni, lirqots . Jl M
Kvery rubsiiuint Innertios, 2
One square, iu.ol.Uj, t 00.
Six monthi " 00
On year, B 00
liiuiuee CarJi of S Knee, pMa)aif '3 00
Merchant and other auvurtiribg by lb year,
with th privilege tf iMeruug ui let tut ad
Venning weekly, 10 00
Murine notice lncTtd ft) lh UgH Cotxm. or Marriage and Death , HVK CKSTd CLR.
VINE fur each insertion.
tS Larger Advertisement a per gremot. :
We hare oonnootod with our eUUubmut well
clocted JOB OVl'lCE, which will enable ui U
NEW SERIES, VOL. 16, NO. 45.
OLD SERIES, VOL. 24, NO, 19.
xcoute, la th ncatijtt. style, every variety of
' i . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ? , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' M
' aintiiK luHurnnce Company,
yltaX nnd burplu, $118,000.
V.ilcnbck, L. 1). ShoemaVer,
ei.-hnrd. 1. 0. liriesbanh,
WadhMsa, 11. 0. btnith,
tcue, C'baf. Dorrtnc,
.S.Miner, Win. S. Ron, .
Wtchatn, Q. M. Harding).
O. M. HOI,I.KXrtACK, 1'rctidcnt.
- h. 1). AKEK, Vic Prwident
'rt, Secretary.
JiiLtxo, TrcMiirer.
tapany Injures three-fnnrlh nf the Gai-U
Wukes no Premium Note, ninke vo Anscw
f. n-y afknowledjte H money paid during
raofvour Insuran'!.
V ' A. CRAWFORD, Agent.
f.HG3. ly
rnJ' nnl Counxt'llor nt Iv,
r,n'h ;Je of Mnrket street, four door wait
oi' K. V. Ilrilit A Son 8tor,
itlcn l promptly to all profMioiil buinc4
,,. It's cure, the colle tion ot vlaiuit iu
'(nberl'iu-l find the adjoining cuuntic.
,u,iry, Mny 2J, 1!03. ly
r. "mill bide of Mai kctSquare, near tii Court
'1 mteii'l pruinctly tn htl pMfvnoua! butincsa
tu his onrtf," tin- I'f.lU'ctli'D of clahns iu
MMiil't'rbind tttid tit n Ijoiuinj; countle.
I .ry, .Mny Id, H3;; "".r
iii every variety,
j.tx 6ji;.jitAJ uiiil lillt'd with proenptcu and
V h.
: i..ry. May 1. 10;;. ly
soa.o.iso. .ti.ii.icTk,
lonry tt H.t 1-uiibury, Nortliujub
jti.t wKiTty, lViin-n lvaniR.
l -iiuiorly riet bur. Suvdur county.)
;'JvK, Mm ket ftrei I. uim dr.or east of Friiaig
ui' ' Sii.rtj. hti'1 Tiuuny oi'uite the Cuurt House.
. prote. i"iiul toiu'tiiuui, Ac , mil r-
' pr )! t nticiili . a.
1 ril t J. ir-ii.
, ( M iiri.t .V -I IU.MMI.
'IV mWriber respectfully iiU''.rms llie people o
r:uhl'iiry p.n.l icitiity. thr.t he Iihh opened nn en
ni'tv tok of clolbita kiid Tuinii'liiii ;ikOil!i, at
cr. in tbc but iir.i; of Cburit- ricH.sduts
Market iujrc. 1 Li slue V cou.-ials in part
Sims' i.orniv;.
'.cli ns Co it, Over Coat., punt, vrsts, thirtu,
i6i.,'iC.t, Uinv.eift, MM'kitic, necktie1, liundkcr
t, glmcs, 'it. AUo, lia'.i uuU Capj vt all
?:'i"S ,n .ioi;s, .
A kinds TRI'NKri. ml Vhlirc. uinbrellaf,
coli'tii 'f all l:n Ja. l-e?:di l:uicrou other arr
Tl.n pol'Iifl are rc.j'u-ited to gne liiio a cull
cxiiinin': liis stu. t.
obuiy, Oct., 1'X 1S61.
f. L;i;.iJJs.iS'r's
mfectionery, Toy and
riair, Ac. io
NPTAJ'I'f.Y oi. list ! n .1 for sale nt the nko.
,y cf'.aMitha.otil At wbuieiiiL and retail, at reason.
U" is iKBUufficlurinf). 1! Vinj. of Coiifvatinarie
Aeep up it lull aurtuK:.t wtiieh nro coii at luw
Tiljueoo. i-egnri. Stationery Iv'utof all kinds, and
ari 'tv of oilier article, ail of hiuh are ofTured
icUi.ii U'd retail.
liciuember the rnnje and plK0.,ir1
irket nreet, 3 djors west ol L. V. Ijiiht A iSoo'l
fcui buty. Sept. 19, l?0:i.-tf
AVutt li ititd JeM tlcr,
MANf 5-ACTt'lttR OF
llvi'.n WAl'.K A Jirpor'.cr if WATCHES
J 1-tt y-r:Ii Second St.. Oorucr Quarry, PIIILA-
I E las bitnd an assortment of tiold
"d Mlvi r I'nt. nt Lever, l.eniuc uud Plain
t nulo s; K m-tiold Chain. .Vain and Uik. lirea.t
'ins. 1 ,r lii'i m. Finger Kinga. Urucelet". .Viniuture
' . .Vil .1 : ,,n. Ei'ketf. l'eiicilt). Thiniblen. (pe.
Wlw. hiiter T: ble. Ii-ert, 'i.. Silt and ilunaid
."'u !m - Snw.. . Curw. NapUiii ltin?, r'ruil
d liuiter Kiii' e, Sliii-M?. t''.rob lliauioii.t 1'oiul
'jl Pen- ill-,.!' bi'-b Hill benld low I'.ir Canh !
M. I. T'iUIAS A CO S bot iility lull jeweled
uent I.i ver M.ivruient cotirtaiilly uu Uauii ; alw
!ier Maki-r.."-n,i,ri..r ouulity.
X. ii "M ti!d and Silver bought fur eab.
.Private ACADEMYr
pilE P. E V jj- y ; itic K Si V , will bit
...-a,icu: I.U Muudur, lie 17th day of Auguit,
Xbe i'olluwiiij briuieht will be taught !
Lmi., tii.ek. iluihto'iii.-", PUVopby. Rhetori.
Li. I' - K-vj iiii. o.l Sluia lu theory and
in .ui i. ". Al- i. ticgruj oy,, llxlury,
I ..ii. i oj.u.m Vi liiuij
TLtMS : x
5Vr t.'uarter of II i'k. Mtoi
'i i!iv atiosv biai..'br. uiihuul lb language UU
i. :l ii ai. l alKiiiliisirliiD. 17 UU
jrevk aud a'aiv brum he., ti 04
Pi e Cueular.
I'vr farther pailuulun rpp'y to
HtV. JAMU Mt lON, Teacher.
Ni rlliiiinbTlmol, AuU'll.t. I v'iii ly
rtA.-TIC bT'M'K I N'i.H lult 1 .SLAUtii:i VLl.Vj
Of Till: l.Lij,iC ;
liUUuio' lor all difruiiliu.
I'll I.I.OVIHb
.; l-r 'I'ruwa
frM lakes th pl.t', el ellirt Tluwv. lof lb f.lcoltoft
kud.ui.ul lluiuia or Itepiui. Auliug uoua lb
iiiueiil 1 a lvr. ti s.i.r Iuhw iu ,ii .oi)i i it
t.ier. imUv l lojuicti;. . 4 sow. a,4
. I..t. ib. (. ii u.ui. u, ib Mukim, i
...tvi uj m.i'o( rum ai be o p. i u laea
lu.a-.. ou.l.a ..l.oili4itaj,WBa sprlti--of bit, ur In iUv falelliud. liUleoua
uliu.i.o"--'' n,.,, Ik. a-t'T"!'. hoittbl. loailisonia la U sight,
au4 WvnL Ui iws lisia Uk.ii4 rvuud lll'U.lbl to Im rcikiglilaDd.
tJn; J Uu bill o lutemUr was irsl tiluiupU
it,..' ,ti Al.Ultj w.,orUrt, ! fur lu. , ug. ,.Um i Uurt h til lha Ji.ails
Hit:- Wwimm' kuk ua
Pit ih"S l ii 'B L V i Aua Uttxt, '! nook. lliitf ncr) IT.rdly any una
J .i. l' li, Saw I thtt i but tbie Ihuut.nil ttuMivH, HiUiplt-
t.i-.,u.i:..w:l atrt a hm m4 in I ho Ib.aef ol lh Uauly and laablu ut
IUS1- UlMlliK tk,i um Hi..
UU In it l''i I .iw loua a Uluia i tasuty UoummI bgUis, l"ij ;
lit i saifuLu, it U,j,j If t..oa II w..iw.t
r ( - 1U"( -
,t i mh.v, i fcC4CO iliit.aba U4 au . Uj;i,
I 4 M. ! V. H I IU al wl 6( at lit f Iba
Xlic Unrulusr 'I'vro Tlioutiantl
Women and Cblldren In Ibe
Calbcdrul of Nuulliifo.
Detail) ii' Ibc Calaotrophe.
One or tlio most horrible calaruit'M tlist
tins err fallen upuu any people occurred Lu
the citj of ijantiugti, tbe cupitul of tbc Re
puljliu of Cliili, on the Bight of tbe 8th of
Dt'cemljer last.
The Church of the Jesuitfj, in which was
being cclcLnateii the Immaculate Couccptinn
of the Virgin, was tlcstroyctl by fire, and
with it were burnetl nuit snUucated over two
tlioiiattiul women mid children.
One cau hardly realize the terrible Catas
trophe tlml htu l'ulk-u upon the pcojilu of
Chili. Whole fumilies have been swept
nwny in tin instant, as it were, and there is
hardly a houie in ttnliago that has nut been
thrown into' the depths of woe.
The Uittlc-lkld nas its horrors ; but they
are the incidents of wur. In this case it lias
been women and children who hiive been
destroyed, and none were able to rendor
them any Husbands, brothers, mid
lathers have had to stund by and witness
wives, sisters, and children perish in the
ikiiuos, and not be nble to render them os-
I sintuuce. I ;ive you the full account from
I the iltrcuno tltl Vapir of the ith ult..
which has all the details j also, some remarks
from that paper coiiccniing the catastrophe,
all of which are of deep interest :
Oiw of thoe awful visitations which from
timo to time alilict natioiM with eternal
mourning took place on Tuesday, Decetnler
H, at the festival of the Immaculate Concep
tion, in what was the Church of the Jesuits
n the capital. A iniiijiiilicent temple redu
ced to as Ins, hundreds: of dear lives sacrifi
ced, the whole city weeping its lost ones
such is the picture Santiago otters us since
the fatal flight, the Anniversary of nnotlie.
mortal catastrophe the buttle of Longsmilln.
On the commemoration of the Immaculate
Conception, the last of the festivities of the
month of Mary, the most popular and fre
quented of all our solemnities, thousands of
fair devoti-cs throti-d to the last perfor-maiir-e,
w hich was to eclipse all that had
preceded. At six in the evening the spa
cious step, and part of the open plate Ix-fore
the church swarmed with ladies in wsh,
i'r.intieally strtiirlitig to enter a temple
whore not one mure could be made room
A few niinntos before seven, and when
the religious pi. if'iriiinnce was about to com
mence, they were Mill lihtiii;; thelttst lights
in the chancel, when the portable tras in the
half moon of canvas nnd w ood that formed
the pedestal of a colossal iitiiioC of the Vir
gin Mary begun to burn one of the extremi
ties of that apparatus. Some one rushed on
the rising ilnnie ami succeeded in smothering
it, but by a t::tal rebound the the gas, com
prised by the ifi'urt, burst out with re
doubled vigor at the other extremity of the
false half-moou. Immediately a fierce flame
rushed up. The persons who thronged the
chancel liew towards the sacristy crying
'w ater, w ater," w hilst the women, w ho tilled
the nave ;;nse in tumultuous contusion
screaming for-help.
The llie spread with wonderful rapidity
to the ritcdtm of wood and hangings, aud
thence, attracted by the cunent of air that
always circulates between the upper board
ing und the roof, rolled through the church.
In a few moments all overhead w as a mass
of ilames. In the meantime the men bad
succeeded in escaping, for in this cluiuii
the sexes were bepurutctl by an iron grating,
and the women had lied ns far us the middle
of the church in it State of the most tctril lu
confusion. Hut the head-long hurry, the
fainting, the obstruction ot the btll-bhaped
dresses, anil the irantie eagtrnets to gain
the street, formed an inijienetrable barrier
before the two dooi, which, by a culpable
imprudence, gitve access to the free air only
towards the open space in trout and the
smail court of the west side of the church.
That obstacle was the barrier of death.
And uow what appeared most horrible
was thut, seeing the .ulvulion of lives within
reach of our arms, it was impossible to ave
eve-n one of the victims plied one upon
another on the very threshold.
Hardly had the noble men who devoted
themselves to save lives at the peril of their
own, seized by the i no. or the clothes a
prostrate form, than the other women, mad
with tcmr from the nearness, of the lire,
clutched the victim about to be saved, and
in some cases, drugged those who came to
help them into that tierv vortex.
It was almost iiiipokxihlc to extricate even
one from that heap of Jipuiiing wretches
and undo that ghastly Hot. lint the lite
accomplished that which bti filed man, anil
the passage into the doomed church was not
cleared until that impenetrable phalanx of
precious, beautiful life, was a handful of
At midnight the smoking ruins of the
fatal temple, so soou a silent ibainel house,
was visited, und by the light of a lunleru
every .lip showed to th appalled giuu fear
ful group o carbonized corpse thut pre
served still the supplanting or tlerpuirinj;
uttitudo o tiieir righiful martyrdom.
AllUilO.AL t'k. TAILS,
Iu another account from the san.s pner
i fouiul more of thu sickening dettil and
I fuller particulars. I give it entire t
A dieuill'ill vUilutiou hu lullt-ii upon us.
Truly ihia is a d.iy f trouble and rebus
fur bta.plieuiy. The voir of luuii utation I
he.rd all over the laud ; the bitter nriutf
of fathers, husband., brother., and lowi,
ur thoMi whowcrthe Joy ami migiitut-s
of their llie, thai telli.i to bt) ruinluMed
I rau. Itiey ara uut. lluudceil ol young
uii,only ye.trrdjy raduiil and Uaulllul
til th luxuriant bloom ol tint frt .lt, hoiielul
lha sapilal, Wei at tUtl leel ul lh as-elt'.la'
lbs, ijf lu.ny 44lu.t IU tti.l nf lathvia
aud bn.i'ii U, tui itat, bf urM, only
shua.d lioilt ih kuwtraud uiaht ol tho
ii.ibvl. 14 r)ij'.hay lu
gigantic image of tbe Virgin over the high
altar overdo wed, and, climbing tip the mus
lin draperies aud pasteboard devices of tbe
wooden roof, rolled a torrent of flame.
The suddenness of the fire was awfnl.
The dense mass of women, frightened out
of tbeir senses, uumbers fainting, and all
entangled by their long swelling dresses,
rushed, ns those w ho knew that 'death was
at their hells, to the one door, which soon
became choked up. Fire was everywhere.
Streaming along tho wooden ceilicg, it
flung tbe camphene lamps, hung in rows
there, among tho struggling women.
Iu a moment the gorgeous church wis u
sea of flame. 51 it Intel A ngclo's fearfjl pic
ture of hell was there, but exceeded. Help
was all but impossible ; a Hercules might
have strained his strength in vnin to pull
one from the serried ninss of frenzied
wretches, who, piled one above another, ns
they climbed over to reach the air, wildly
fastened the grip of death upon any one
escaping, in wider that they might be drag
ged out with them. Those who longed to
save them were doomed to boar the most
harrowing sight that ever scared human
eyeballs to see mothers, sisters, tender and
timid women, flying that dreadful death,
that appalled the stoutest heart of man,
within one yurd of salvation, within one
vard of men who would have given their
lives over aud over again for thein. It was
maddening the screaming and wringing of
hands for help us the remorseless flumes
came on ; and then, while sonic already dead
with fright were burned in ghastly indiller
ciuv, others in their horrible agony, some in
praytr, w ere tearing their hair ami battering
their faces. Women, seied iu the embraces
of the Ilames, wen: seen to undurgu a trans
formation as though by an optical delusion ;
first dazzingiy bright, then horribly lean anil
shrunk up, then black statues, rigidly fixed
in a writhing attitude.
The fire, imprisoned by the immense thick
ness of tho wails, had devoured everything
combustible by ten o'clock, and then, defy
ing the sickening stench, people, came to
look for their lost ones. Oh, what a sight
the fair, placid moon looked down upon !
Closely packed crowds of calcined, distor
ted forms, wearing the fearful expression of
the last pang, whose smile was once a
heaven ; tiie ghastly phalanx of black statues
twisted in every variety of agony, stretching
out their arms as if imploring mercy; and
then, of the heaps that had choked up the
door, multitudes with their lower parts en
tirely untouched, und some nil a t-liapi iess
mass, but with an arm or foot unscathed.
The silence, after those piercing scream
were hushed in death, was horrible. It was
the silence of the grave, unbroken but by
tiie bitter wail or fainting cry ovkh Two
niovsAND soui.s had passed 'through that
ordeat of fire to the Judgment seat of God.
Heroic acts of fublirae daring have not
been want jug, Enduring gratitude has been
excited iu every Christian heart by the gal
lant efforts of .Vr. Kelson, the Minister of
the United States, his countryman, Mr.
Meigs, and several other foreigners. There
were generous men who defied the fury of
the flames to save lives, and some of these
died martyrs to their noble hearts. An
Englishman or uu American, it is unknown
which, was seen to rush through the Humes,
to seize iu his powerful arms a lady, stride
with her a little way, und then, with his
hair in a blaze, and choked with smoke,
fell back into the volcano never to rise again.
A young holy named Ocrllo, having iu vain
implored some bystanders to save her mother
rushed in, and shortly afterwards miracu
lously issued forth with her parent in her
arms, saved. A young lady of the name of
Solar, just before the smoke suffocated her,
had the presence of mind to tie her hand
kerchief mound her leg, so thut her body
might be recognized.
The writer now continues to speak of tho
cause of the fire, and to whom the blame for
the catastrophe is attributable. He handles
tiie clergy iu the moot severe manner, uud
says ; The population ol Santiago, so supine
and so priest-ridden, are tired with indescri
Imble indignation at the moustruus cuudurt
of the priest., The public conscience holds
them guilty of the death of alt these victim
and particularly the moutebunk Ugarte, the
inventor of tho Virgin's I'ost Otlice impos
ture (see extract liom thu ''Review of the
fortnight"), because by collecting together
ult the material most likely to produce a fire
ucouutless number of lights, pasteboard
scenery, and musliu hangings und admit
ting a vast crowd und covering the one door
opeu with a screen, they took every pains to
bring about a tragedy. When the ria- broke
out and people w ere escaping by the sacristy,
they blocked up this door to devote them
selves the more undisturbedly to saving tbeir
The list of things saved makes one's blood
run void. What tho priests saved, what
they put away in rigur shops aud the
in front are -a gilt image, some wooden
saints, a aacred or two, son io books,
chalices, silver candle-sticks, uid a great
ileal of sucrcd matting and carpet. Alter
saving their trash, these specimen of good
shepherds, who give Jheir live for their
sheep, tied away, in company with the owls
and but list lufc.led the ane'eni wulls
except that one prient lavircd the agonized
victim with hi uhaolutiou, and I'garte t bem to tlig happy, because they
went direct to Mary.
They then forsook tho scene, ami In that
awful bight, when fainting women and des
perate uieti.trewed the slreeta, and writhing
iorin, thai a few hours Mora were graceful
and beuutil'ul maidens, mouned died iu' .hops, not a priest wa lo) Im seen
towhUH.r a word of Christ's comfort to
the dying car, or hold the precious crucifix
Ui'oio the glaiing tyw. No, not so, for the
prie.t of nature aa th,. woman, a uilni.
teiing angel iu the dark hour, tended and
.ootbrd as Usual. One young holy- liod
blr her torn up all her under cluthlug to
make lnd ig'-s, aud bouud up the wound
a biily woman rait. AH thi awful night
till) only thing thai r.iu.iucd of h clergy
Sim the iiii'i.saut tolling of bells about lliu
ouly thing they iflulj do lu iitervu thu
bo-ror uf the acvuo.
This Mug tU lbirJ time that this church
h Ullcd our lioiiut iQ wieplnj, all with
Qt.a Vi.Ue demand that It Shall nrycf b
rebuilt ; but III priest, fouli.bly dctUnl and
dc.j-otu a over, Ihftatcu l lei olf I ho if
HiUlithl iudiival p pyun at lhi Ihry
tvfm tht erillgiou aiamialou of boly
grouud. l luif audacity baa va hd them
14 aiuuipl att pHl bjleaiu They
irat U that the iiivp.rbl Iota of o rnantt
ul lUaUiiv.t auJ tbt lftu-oi.( Chills
vlr.tu ami umtfoi!. U I !. 11 uivrvy u4
Uiiiatla of M, wh.j VtUl.ed 14 Uk IlieUI
it obia, tsltUubl del.)', t-i htr buu'iii. l)u
H'Kutttr i.uU. oiiiii t ib. Lit b,
ti.ii pd tisiutl uiitf tu4 bortuf os) our
U-Ha, ' i .e.uwi I lil. I MU4 JJ'p'j wl
ut ,u4 ibaJt)!.' ,
i'kl Mwaiit vfi;H:tti'.k Uar
Nothing can console us in this alHiction.
We can think of nothing else but our loss
of those who wilt never come back to ns ;
but still there will have ensued some good,
if the dark, degrading dominion of the
priests have melted nwny in the smoke of
that awful burnt sacrifice which, laden with
the dying breath of two thousand victims,
rolled up to accuse Ugarte nJ his accom
plices before the throne of Ood.
1 now give the pivtagraph from tho "Re
view of the fortnight," referring to the priest
L'gitrto aud his Virgin's Post Ollice : "A
priest named Ugarte, w hose mind Mariolatry
had luurked for its own, headed that sister
hood (the Daughters of Mary.) from tbe
beginning, and worked his way down to
such a depth of superstition that one of his
least extravagances Was the invention of a
Celestial Post Oliic;; trick, by which the
Daughters of Mary might correspond w ith
the Virgin in writing. At the entrance t.f
the temple the leUer-box was constantly
open, and there persons of u robust faith
deposited iu seated letters their wishes it ml
their prayers.''
Thu following give an idea of the class
of persons that perished by tlte deplorable
accident; "Although many'licroic men per
fonued prodigies of daring and strength, iii
tearing somn from the death grasp of the
phalanx of bodies that choked the door, in
s inie cases literally tearing oil' their arms
without being able to extricate them, the
number raved by this means lulls short of
fifty. Moru than live hundred per-o:is of
our highest society have perished, the great
er part young girls of fifteen to twenty years
tif age. One mother has perished with her
live daughters. Two thirds of the victims servants:, and there nro many bouses in
which not (ine has escaped. Several houses
have been noted by the police as empty,
because all their inhabitants have perished'.'
The past fortnight has producv.l no other
occurrence worth moii'.iouiug. 'lius people
only weep, and their puMiu writers can only
oflcr tears to t!ie nation's ruournintj.
l.LTTnit OF CONlXil.r.M K FUU.U 111K IMTl:!)
rtati:.s MINISTKI!.
Correspondence has passed between tbe
Minister of thy United Suite. Mr. Kelson,
and the Chilean Secretary of foreign Affairs,
in reference to t ! the calamity. Mr. Kel
son's letter is as follows :
Lf.gatjos or itiKl'ytvF.n States,
Santiaoo, Ciiii.!, Dec. 11, 1
To lis h'jreHeiifif t'c Sirntari,- y,-t,V
Ajt'iiirs uf the Htj-uKic nfdiil'.
Siu: 1 have the honor t ) uddtv.. 'myself
t your Excellency, to express, on behalf of
the American citizens resident in Chili, and
on my own, our profound and taniiMt
sympathy in the terrible misfortune, which
upon Tuesday la-.t, betell this city, bringing
desolation and grief into so many fmniiie.t,
and r.niurniug iuto the hearts of' the entire
Tho Ooveinmctd aud people whom I
rvprcfcut will be Fttieken with tho deepest
sorrow when .the sad intelligence leaches
t liem.
A calamity so appalling ar.d horrible bn?
no parallel i.i the world's" losbM-y. May lie
who tempers the wind to the thorn l.iinl s
in mercy console the bereaved and ntilicu d,
und may this awful dispensation of his
providence ever remind us of I'no uncertainty
of life, aud the ncctsaily ofcou.-luut prepara
tion to obey his summons.
I have the honor to renew to your Ex
cellency tlic iissiuani es of thu high estima
tion ami respect with which 1 remain.
Your Excclionev's obedient servant,
Uli: KCINH TO UK li:ilOi.lsllK!l.
A decree l.os.boeu iVucd ordering the en
tire demolition of the remains of the Chtir,.!i
of the Conipania, in which the uccident re
curred. Thu latest iurorination I bnve seen savs
that seventeen bundle. I bodies im.c been
u-eoiiirfxd ; between four and five hundred
wei. bejoiul recognition, ami many were
lio;hi;ig bat A shapeless m:i-.. Three" thous
and, at le;(st, weiii in the building, nnd it is
not yet Kinrwu how many havu escaped. Ko
uaiiies uic given. ' '
AM'T!s;it AC't'ot'NT.
Corri'-jiop lcneo of tha Herald.
On that day v. as ceiecr.vted this your
throughout the Catholic wot id the IV'.st of
the conception of the Virgin. In Chili the
"mouth of Mary" (eclebii.lcd elsewhere in
May) ends iviiti that
'lucre ure uo feuslsiti Spuiiisli America so
popular, particularly witli the' Kdies, n
those diMicated to the Vitgin. one
of the gorgeous churches of the capital is
annually selected for the ceremonies, und
this, year the magnificent U'lnplciii the Ctmi
paiiin (called so liom having once belonging
lo liic Jesuits) vus chosen, Jt j,ja the very
heart of the city. Eortliirty cvviiir.gsit hu"s
been ctow ded to excess, and almost cxc'.u
sivelv I v lemtihs. Em-i v itVort had been I
luude to make this evening .urpasaiu splcn-
ilur its predeccsioli.
The thuith was g'Tgeoiisty oruarr.cnted
and illuminated utoie t.'.aji tn thi:iitl
ttj!i!t. Of these the mo. t Jeinatkablc wus a
ciescelit of gus-jets ;it the loot of u colossal
statuu of tho Virgin, on the high altar. It
had just been lighted, and, whither from
Catele-neSs ill lighting or frOili too llo.i !i
pie.siire in the m. tic, the bta.e flew up to
uu itiordinatu height, and iu a. iiioiiuiil tiie
thoiuaud tinsel ullar uriiatiietit4 were tin
The cry of "C.v" rc echoed thro'th the
ttiu, lc.
iiiiagliie', if you c.m, the coristtrn-iiioii of
lliuv kueeliny thousand, of tender womeu
and ehildret:, ) say kiji cling, for kneel tiny
Itlti.t, u tin re art; no pew in the churehe.
lltlf, it. with you. There were at this time,
4 i.eur a. cau tiovv be calculated, three thou
at. I live hiHi'lied lu (he church.
Only two of tl.r door wei open, and to
thi.e it lU'll w:u lii.tautly iimde. Hundred,
fell ill their t It' ll, lo t.'icll liietii, and Lo
coii. in.' t ut uif leil luthil." rtiroline, or I tint
ing Ihioiili I; i;,!it, Wrro unable lori-i aguin.
Otr ihe.oftll ollurs; and ooit a pile 4
bod'.f W . follued in fioul of I tic d... r, pr,:
iii!iiiult furtlu n-'r.rt. :i 'tv uit.tioi.i.c,
tllO lla i.e. lud leached the tit.iln and t'eUI
Uiu.iualtd 1,1111 k!y I i the roof. ho l.iiiip.,
of it hit h IUoti4ild wire lilted with t.'ni
pluco t,il tu' kiioM.ei, biirttii.g, Midltieil
ibvir eoiitn,! over ine iiin'i.n. it iki.w, j
i)U will u.K, Htoro kttii li. u luo eiis,ii.f
all litis llne I 'fin re are Uoiio ui h .hIiomo 1
Uut lo loiiti.lU: UliJ! lud !va.lj smuI
(d J boliii fsW 4ed I y ll0 0m iIiiuiku
Sllulls of llnwti l.olil luw tiil.idv; but to rn
I lid b.u. if ln. kllij; lUliiwt Uloip Um
tlura kia.l Uoiiiit . i toin . t l,t an
iiu,il tf m .ii a a'l tg ii, ami tu
lbs tllol rii wervseltMlly unaliuut theif
'I he alMcjIg allhlu u,u,l tu. U4 V f -fvd,
.itiis lb - )bi i r mi I w.i du'g
4 wnl i'iiwi'.l'j'. and Ii uy it.tij
.Uv tiled, o l.llwe. lb uiu. U'lllbj
v W"iuJ ; b-4 sii viiatM I. la
brief half hour from the breaking out of tho
lira the whole interior of the church woa a
hike of flumes, rising far above the heads of
the shrieking sufferers, while tho hundreds
of bodies massed immovable together burn'
ed like so many blocks of wood.
Through the lurid flames onus could be
seen extended iu supplication, mothers fold
big their daughter to their burning breasts,
ti'id, while th'! hellish light painted up the
distorted features, loud above the roar of the
crackling rafter, and rtihing Ihtmcs rose the
commingled iUricks of over two thousand
victims', pau to, in his wildest vision, never
dreamed ot stich a bell ns this. Hud the
roof fallen in now what Mitfering bad been
spared The lire readied tin: floors. Ef
fort (titer effort was made' to break the com
pact but atill living mass.
Strong robust were seen struggling
to extricate tbcriuelvc. but in vain ; nnd nil
this within it few feet of hundreds of specta
tor ! Trees in the plaza were cut down
nnd thrust in over the burning heads; but
it was too hit i'. The smaller branches
almost inii.iciliately reduced to nshes, or
when tho body of llie trees was withdraw n
those branches taken hold of remained in
the victims bauds.
It will seem scarcely credible that nny yet
lived and yet .' it was. A moment iiiore,
however, and nil wasnvr. Amid the Humes
blackciR'd head-, iui;:'.it be seen swsninir lo
and fro,'ir'V.;? from t.'ic ehuv.tih-'-i. The
ninss near the duo:- wis now immovable in
death, nnd bundled uf thucoul-bUick statues
retained their knci ling po-titiv.
At last the roof fed in with rv.?h like
mighty thunder. The i;oi'"cous loltrv still
stood, and, wrapped in tlitiw?, mr.dc'a scuc
around bright as noonday, and then, with a
duli, sodden sound, the mammoth bells fell
from their high places.
CI'lV M'.'U IN SANTl.vr.i4.
Santiago, as 1 have often told you in con
versation and in letters, is unlike nny city in
the world in this, that here all the "wealthy
families of the Kcpublic reside ; nnd ns you
may readily imagine, in it city w here there is
s little immigration, these families are u.oro
or less connected. All arc well known to
each other, and, in a work, form onu large
family. The bljiv has thus struck home to
tho heart of every one.
fiia!i:iti. nui-iinio:;.
Our correspondent mentions an incident
that betrays the most barefaced and criini
li ul bvDrociisv on the pari of the I'tielts of
the church that hn been burned. It is that
they actually bail n letter-box in which let-
tcrs could be I -ft for the Virgin, nnd answers
received. It was called tho letter-box of
Mary.' He savs : Wo have seen loiters from
this box (which the Oovernor basin his
keeping now i, i:i which simple-minded cirls
! tisUeit l rout the dergv their photographs as
j moiiicntoe of their tleiiied lealiiies. We
li:ive seen othei's Pi cvtiher.
, i no people oi fianiii'.co tini respect llitir
pretcinteil tenclic:3. io-tiaywe tio not e:iy , years ih.jU ana uo. in tiie South there was pietcly ticmoralizcd r,nd scattcied through
i they despise them, nor that they ours a them, ; u actual tlelicieucy iu the ratio above stated out tho country, and bis incu ure deserting
j but they have been completely undeceived, of 431,001 ! In proportion to the ratio of in largo uumbers.
; Uhdcr the mask of charity thei-e have be,en ; increase of population the chivalrous state It is the intention of the Rebel Govern-'
I concealing thj most refined seiiishm ss, tiie , "f Soutli t aiolinu is Uoriciint in uiiich cows, j inplif to concentrate all the forces possible
nitis". atrocious haiiiiliood. Tho door of tho ' 01,700 ! As her decadence is far greater I ut tliiit joint, und check the advance cf
j vestry was t lood tioit they might get out i thun thut of tiny other slate, and licr deli-i Orant, iiiu', drive him buck if possible.
! rotte-.i iuatti:i!'s und moth eaten carpets. . cieiuy in the ratio of iiiilch cows to the pop-1 The number of Rebel troops west ofths
, This fact uioue might be sufficient to carry ! ulaiimi is the greatest, may we not suppose j Mississippi is estimated at !U,000.
conviction to those who, u;ihapp.i!y, arc nut 'but either tho deficiency indicated, or some ' S. D. Lee commands the cttvalry,
yet convinced. ' ', cause co incident to it, has been the ruiu of niuj has a forco of 17,000 men, 3000 of;i Ao mnst Tin: ci.Kl.ov. j thut state 'f vvhotn ure under Fcaguson ut Oholona, find
j A reaction iacc here nsaiust I "-'-M; must drink sonict'oing. If they 0000 u( Oxford.
i the cierg-v. I'ubl;, opinion ilemanded at -''"'"ot get milk, naturally they Uko tu j "'wc, rt-giiiifiits of the prisoners captured
tmee the 'con version of the church into ti , ''hey, und we may well lament the result, by tho United States Army at Port Hudson.
1 public s.ttiar,'. ','his hashed! ntid is violent- ' ""-' ful joined tabh-s show pluiulv thut the ' had been declared as exchanged aud sup
, Iv opposed bv the ch-rgv and their formi.'u- 1-atr'-'a!"J of mile!; cows iu proporii.m to the ! plied with arms.
' file nartv. The fanaticism of tlusp un.t its 1 population ilidie-utes a precarious condition i -
' manifold abuses, anion!: which is considered
foremost the rite disaster, is the sul jei t ot .
convcrsati.i.i in every circle. The papers
lire I'nM of the bitten st invective on both i
sides of this fj'testioii. Thousands of dollars !
are offered to rebuild the temple, and lorve ,
Is threatened if it bo attempted. Aceusa- I
tions of tho vilest conduct ure brought '
against the clergy. In my next I will give
you tiie continuation of this awful drama.
Terrible a int been the lesson, Chili willi
profit by it. Wc may hope for more liberal- !
itv nnd les fanaticism. From out of the '
still smoking ruins of tho Coiiovmia may ;
Jet rise tht- blight light of religious liberty. :
Why .ilr. ! Itovv lmi Iiccii iiri
A NI.W rA)'O.NK.
?tr. Do Ihivv, i intiieiit as a compiler nnd
ileiliici r of stutisties, by some stiunge oli
liouity failed to perceive the truth. JieciuisO
Culti.,i oriiied tiie bulk of tun- notional ex-
liotts, he for u limn comxived the UUu tl;,;t
the people of lha .North Wero Mijiollel by
sotilnern 1 .nor. lcarx ot strile, linw ever,
have k'iovvh Inm tlio l uluty ; great man us
l,e is. be it, rut disposed lo make the truth,
but tJ ut knowledge it. "'he curncT-.loiie of
a superior civ is no longer, in Lis
luin.i, the lieio, hut an uniui il of far liiiiu
bhr preteiisioiis. To Mr. Do llow' abh
exposition of this subject wc uro indebted
for a i ompaii.-.o.i, in u tabular form, of an
element tar nior;' potent than the lic-jro.
liit.fv.-r Ji ll'. Davis luuy tlo, posterity
wid a woid just in- to Mr. Do Low; li.e
suppression vl hi. Ji'.ff, Iii. iiiipriMiiuucnl,
tiie pe-rsi cutiot.s lie i. now ton lei going, in
di.ut" Ihe honesty of the l.iall u Well u the
jitiles and miiiiallly of hi. tXposi'.ioii,
Ihe peopio ot li.e Sol.lli liavo lmi
jM-riultled to leud Mr. Do Dow", lit .v.,
HllCH I'I'ltl.Ssl.U AIITKI K
"ll 1. true wu have bviii-vtd t'.ut cottou
i. king; it I uu leiiiiiblo lluil wu 'i'-.wiil
a inoiuipoly for It i proiliu lioti, uiiiug out
of a Variety ol't.uii. j, bi; ll I. tu.t true thai
it will grow nowhere i I.e. lndud, we find
ll. il Ihe piodut tl.,i oi l! iu lurnni t tiutitru.
U Inert usiiiif in a geometric ratio, and that
in a viur or to thu South will no l'ti,irle
needed lo supply to tl.U loli.lluli O 1 1 the
gloloWPh Wlo.l wt vainly hoped Would
urew inr4 lure flc.
"Shall wu tit lemu from our riiriiih
W hat niu the taust ol 1 1 . 1 r r.wptiiy
by tlo i v i u Ibo lutair.r. ol' thu ah ll'vo
with a ilegnc ol i.inii uukuuau la
th wcitlili, pi .nior i f lliu Hiiulb I
'Tha tt.n.'i, i,l i piii, ixuiiipaii)liii
thu tt iisti ol uil c.Ut.iLli fully the itxult.
of in ilei;l ii)i:d,iu.ii; aud, il aduol
Itott lliu imii1i n Ibo Noitb tiavu leally
Illl'llY leil II. W.I lip I.I liil xillil, w
iu. I hloU lo aud trl.llilli lb buUliai liU
diiloiia It bltU till round I hi tit.
"Iii.) tun mil im uiui
lbs i i uo bbtttiy ( itil.iu'r I'. U th..r
lu l .v a win. lo'. o y.-a limit la
tala.r )ouih.! ; Ibtlt Iim. bi.t Ul.if I Ibu
inm tcum-itiital, ui it . Iwioiw
ll iiu. fl II.Miy . tAit aud sjitiia IIm.wm.
I . i.i kliurf lla oiwaiil .obdiik-tl bl IU
t.iuui.y, b.. I, i-i, Ii b'.y I
d U tupiiuMil, a H altM'l I. Ll twiny ,
t. W"J
more ccouonilcat to labor for ourselves than
t'i nm'utaiu aegrocs for that purpose.
"Vc have taken to raising cereals, nnd
havo sncccee'ed so badly ns lo make it u
matter of doubt w hether we w ill not have
eaten every thiag tefore tho lime of graenfi,
which, when boiled with jowl are so prized
by the Eirtit Families of Virginia.
"In the meantime, the production tif cot
ton is slipping Kway from us, and wc l.uvc
already slipped nwny into unknown depths,
uud are drilling lo a fcnvl'ul tiiid to nn un
certain future. Let its lutii, then, ns advised
by Gil LUaa when he assumed the practice
of medicine, 'to see w hat other practitioners
arc about.'
"Our readers may or may not remember
distinctly that when the renowned Dr. San
grado, ow ing to his extended piaclice, im
parted, iu a few word;., the whole art of
curing, it consisted in copious draughts of
hot water, nnd blood-letting. The acute
Oil Ehis. soon after (then a young practincr)
' was much perplexed at the waut of success
which attended his effort-, nnd urged upon
tbo venerable doctor that, as every one
' died who came under his hands, npparcntly,
j as it uppcured, to throw discredit upon his
: cystetn, it might bo well to do us the other
! doctors did, use 'chemicals,' nnd trust to a
J more favorable result, us a more f.tal one
' wu-s impossible. Doctor Sangrado declined,
' because he bad writtrti a book to show that
'; '' it patient died from disease it was simply
1 because the physician hud either not bled
! lm sullicietitly cr administered hot dii'.tights
.'in insufficient tjiiantitics. We arc uot.
: however, disposed to udopt the coni'sc of
-mat eminent practitioner. liCliave 'writ
; (en u book,' but we see that tacts prove its
. iiror. We are willing to write another
j which wc hope will prove true. If the
negro will not raise cnaiigh to feed himself
! ii;,d his master, v. hut is the use of the negro '1
I If we are not permitted to avail ourselves of
i the high tptaiities of the negro, and found
a superior civilization upon him, why sliouM
j wc not accept the civilization which belongs
1 to people in general, founded upon the digr
I iiity as well as the usefulness of labor?
I "The people of the Korlli live cotufortu
, b!y ; more so, indeed than the majority of
the slave-owners in the South. The v edu
cate their children and tell them that there
I is no cusnoiior in employing cuiier tneir
hands or their beads; aud 1 say boldly even
u:j ; an.-t our Dieiudiccs. I tiiiuk tlicv arc ri:ht
in that.
'We know that tho turnip crop of Eng-
. land is now by far more valuable than any
: other cultivated by tho English, uithoug'ii it
has become so recently. In regard to the
.comparative productions of the poojje of
. the .North nnd of tho South, as civen bv tho
j Census Report, wu observe in those common
. to both regions that the widest divcrceuce
; exists in regard to milch cows.
"In tho Korth the ratio of incruc of
r.'.i.ctt cows was sugiitlv in excets nt the!
.ratio oi increase oi population between tlio
I "'. i.and it has not led directly to the.
renctiion, tin: causes ol llie decrease ol tnilcli
cows ure coiucideut pud analogous, ut least
to it.
"In the slave states, tabulated iu 1550, 1
theie was u milch cow to every S.l persons, j
in toe nee slates, tabulated one lor every
U.7 persons. In 18G0, iu the slave states, one !
for every 4 persons, und iu the free stales I
one to every ;J.C persons, or u slight gain of!
me proportionate number ot miMi cvvj.
I he wiint ot good meadow bums in most
"' J'"!.;': ""t'X' ,1'l""' 1 instiflicient I
1'iuiiiily ,t loinl"utt:a!ly given nulch cows,
the unJieitired condition liu which they arc,'
e,, .(,et iue te.;i.;,.tyi m y "i negroes
would make tlu yield of milk less than one
j half per each cow of those i:t tho nortlu rn
stutts. This appears tube shown by the
a.iiriint. of butter und cheeve produced :
4 oj;,i i;iioio'i yt Ulillcr
pi..vlui'i..l ;:i teu free
biittca i i lO'i. S?7,7;i0.771 pounds.
Or about 71 pounds per year fur each tow.
Total uinoft.t of butter
produced iu ten bluvc
states iu 1U0, 53,0(111,315 ncttlnD.
M r about .U pounds per year (of cut.h cow
' Average J ii-UI ol c!ieto
per cow in ten ifeo
.late in lsiil),
Avciuge J it-id of cheese
53 pounds.
per cow in t;-t slave
states iu ItfuO 0.5 pounds.
"We see in the fcliove our rond to pro
gress ; cotton has failed or wilt tail u ; the
u. ui-u has I'al'ed or will fail Us ; it i bile to
hop.- bjii' ii- to eti'i iv tieaivfiillv the tiroei e,l:,
ol I.I.-. labor .!;o:i u. I.i moult nt fiL,!'!-;
llloUsa:id of bis color are i'.-g:iili'. nild liol I
arm in their hand to trie iln ir f.-Ilow-. -The
longer the war is protracted the i:ioi.
vioiently will slavery be d. tinned. 1 ,,
I live year und u half we 1.4o Wi -id v. ..r,
land I it iiicii-than half tho territory imt
I w hich w e lis.t-rted ji.risdi.-tioii ; the ktinnlv
of I'HilIu no loliger collie front Tevji, I. or
doe. ctiltbll ri-M.'iiH' bjliuef l.olil lb.! Ilul.tii-r
to ii. si.pplii. 'I ho Misi.i'pi
U ul U lllllldlell gtiiibnuts, half of tlo 111 boll-
e' I,, that i rlicttialty prevtnt ta-t upali.ui
of nny lioiljt iloiig ii. i uti0 ii.niM , or even
lliu pa.tgu of il mei'l under wovurol tUi k-ilv-.
au.l by .teullli.
" I let liiiillul l.lley t f Kentucky and of o Lulu been th.ol .t,' by a i.r, and
ate lu Id by hy viiiiinv, Alb.u.ui, a luigu
jo 1 1 uf I.muIjIhii t, of yii.itippi, tif Noiii,
Cii!iui ami ol Virginia l.tvu Uei I. .Id m
klu lluw held by I ho tleluy , and ntt b. il.
thau4''d by tha atippii. tbuwu l Ihe
i ul lend. I'g I. .it t . .Soft all V. e l.g.ld AU
1 una, ll.or-ht, SoulU Cfol.mi, or J etai
iliiiipl Mom lha inarch of lo-avy
uow oiii.nuiau of purp.we-. lut.-oii.
"III. Lta.b.'iit) 1'iwid.ul lvia Kiuwly
Ul. I uiiltM, iu Lil bauf, Id. I .e In., a
Im i, tol ti, luiip; lha . ptef l.sliun.,
Mtlb'tilaily lb. I ui Urrwl l ul.m ao I tmi
jil) by tlin iaimg a 'if bht ks.lo' t-l li.
IK'll of lb U'-ltU. IU tl.ll. Il.t.l.. Oil
it'.uiiugly, alMj, lb. I tuily a .' t,l" b
asui aloaat lb iiinu U..u.u4 a
bubdiul bx I la of Ilia aoutlieia suwot, a.t
p-l t h lieoplv t l h at.mlbi'lU leuli l
l t 4 lual vii') t'ua luu .tti Ubi.
VWIW IKUlHIIill. , .. I.! " - f
wb.a at louiniinii, ,S, t,
IIm iMooiu Ilia a Uub oiw wl lb loultd
theirs were thu only port not closed by tha
enemy. Had ho extended his pertgrinntioa
to tiie mouth of the river he could have
counted twenty blockading vessels lying off
1 ltiu 'nnelnti'il nort Tho roitiuini-lor if tlm
three thousand live buudxed miles of south-,,
coast has been closed effectively by a "paper
blockade,' and Wilmington alone remains
open to conimcice, subject, it is true, to tbe '
risk of capture incurred in pasaiug twenty
vet-scla of war lying in wait.
"Wo will say to Coi'grcss nnj to Presi
dent Puvis that u careful study of the last :
-i.ensun neport oi tin; cm tea Mates wnl
Correct or destroy many perturbations ia
tiieir minds as well ns our own. Let them
legislate so as to increase the number of cows
Mid think no more ol the nogro. The land,
then, instead of being desolated by war, and
the inhabitants guunt with privations and
misery, will ilovy Lttcrully with milk and.
honey, us in tunes o.l yore.
"Jiut noovo all, wb it progress have '0
made t Is the slave rower more secure than
before wo seceded I 'Are we in such n con
dition as to j.aotiiise ourselves, even wilh. .re
pudiation of all debta, both at home aud
abroad, exemption from duties and high
taxation ? What have wo to hope for, both
im icgnrds slavery or the prospects of the
Southern Confederacy V1
" 1 'v , .
Aiiuif-tf lit t.jclum.-ud.
iAirto, dan, l,. il.c steamer Forsyth,
from Memphis on the 14th, arrived at this
port to-day, with one hundred bulea of cot
ton. The steamer Lady Franklin alsonrriv
ed, with seven hundred and thirty Lules for
A icfug.'e friim Eichmond, who traveled
via the Wiimington, Mobile and Obit) Itail
roiid, tu Okoionn, furuithca tlin Memphis
L'uiuiiii w itlt n long account of the condi
tion of afiai.-i in the Confederacy. He de
scribes society iu Richmond as being terribly
demoralized in r.ll chisjts. An extraordinary
large number of oflioers were thero.
There is said lo be large numbers of
Uiii m men in that city.
The same demoruiization existed in Mobile.
A proposition lias been made to the Robtl
t ongiosr lo conscript, negroes for boldicrs,
but it was vigorously oppo.-ed by tho mciu-
j bers from Virginia, Oeorgi'.i iind South Car.0
j i:n.i:
President Lincoln's amnesty proclamation
has caused much excitement, nmonr. llm
pcople and soldiers, and it was feared that
many would accept it and abandon tho
Rebel cause. It was beliovtrl that ft large
majority of tho troops, if left to themselves,
would lay dovyu their arms and accept the
terms proposed. s army and Longstret t s troops nro
j estimated to be sixty thousand stron
Bishop Polk commands the Department of
me- .uississippi, in pnice oi uenerai Jonuston.
His assumption of the command of the armv
was very imposing, while the denunciations
i? i, . .
1 oi isnigg were t.ltter. Jlragg s army is coia-
." x l'roui Uic Soujli,
F'okthkss Mdnuoi:, Jan. lib The flag-of-truce
steamer KcA' York nrrivtd froju City
Paint t'uis afternoon. Present indications
hi Unit of no doubt that if thp cxcl.ungo
business remains in tho hands of Ct-uuul
Etuler, a satisfat tury txchuuge will bhortly
be cl'.ccted.
Caaiu.kston, Jun, 13. Ti'P bombard
ment of the city has been continuous since
I In. I cf PAilurl t l.ii'.r. rf ....,:-
i,,,, ! (''h il v. iih iri l,.,v l ..l,..-..t
fc.,ig South. Au iuctea.ed fleet is reported
ut liii Jn Hetl
i)i:;;n tho' recent fold fnnp ice was
; formed in Richtnond three iuehes thick.
Much ;.u!fcri!ig was experkuced among the
poor of 'he city.
Hi man Likk. Men seldom think of tha
great event of death until the shadows fall
rjcrosj their own path, biding forever from
their eyes the traces of loved ones whose
living suiileii were tho sunlight of their ex.
Istonce. Death is the grout antagonist of
life, and the Cold thought of the tomb is
the skeleton id all feast.-.. Wc do not want
to go through the dark valley, although its,
passage uiay loud to l'arndi-o ; und, with
Churics Lu. lib, wu do uot waut to lid down
in thu muddy grave, even with tho king
and princes for our liedfellow. Hut the
flat of nature is Inexorable. Tlieru u n?
appeal from tho givat luw which dooms. u
to dust. Wo ll iiiris'i and we fade m the
leave of tho lorest, and the flower that
I blooms aud wither in u d.iv has !:ot a fr.dh-r
hold Uium life thin the ui'.-hln st nioi,..rel.
mat ever auooiv t,io curtll Willi lib outstep.
Oeiu-rutiuiis of ineu apcuruiitl vanish astlnj
grass, und the uoii;t!i luuliitudu wliicU
till the world to day will to tnoriovv di:.p
Jiear ns Ihe footstep, ou the- shore.
-- , -A
Li li, i In. tuwu of lioluir' Hull,
lb , in l?"'"ol i i.o i b. r e.rua oi . .U, l.wt
t.k. eauiibi bur urui ilam iu lb up, aud lb. arM
t'.ui iu.e' t-m... I Iter I.i tail tio.u. lliii. uimbi. la
rt.oirr liirw II ,liv a draicvvd n.-aily bull' a mil
wl'ji'i thr Irutun grvuuil ly, lruuui( ksf
tnjf b..uiy.
iiKbsiSbM i f sat. I tin (sua P.ori a.
lav, el iiruokltu La. bi-a u.-d by et. Oat.
luau. an . l.'iii.ibK . ul, loiiK'tr l int M lb
pi.b i :iwti ul all. .1.. u. wl in. auuaay,
S' bun J...I iiili,i lu l.u I...I l .leeioii it
o ui o. bill a. it" l.ta-e, t.p.1 iv at ta
aiiilati lb. kill. lit I. i.utll.
Sol bu it ib. M 4.1i..l VVnaiwt way that
a tiki.. t'Mivt au lauaoantr ID ail ,i.!no
d. 4 ..4 laly a l.a day. j, au4 Uka b lb lo tw.tlu.MOl A. li," t.iil.. WMi.rl
iii but. ibu4 fvw..n l .ialb -a.., ma
Ii bk.a wt. htti lb. Wo-a ...iwMi.4 I.' b a.i.
0 tbe lSe. . u4 4 b . a. -Ll, Ui b.
lb. glilMl I'.ul.. i' I'l.MI... U, b.4 b'
mn . .wMiutub U.uu.4. ia. la.b. ill Jaiaal
loa tiue. larnl hH tU) l.aUui. ivlk ak!l.ll.
a4 ki.tiwiiy ii t uti-ttM iw biti t
Lm a.!. .-I t-.w.i in., i. k.i. i.iJb...a b.a. a
btatM4 tl el lta t b. bt laitao. b4 tsat
-'- -
Ii Uti.t.l ta.i ib u..i. vl nwtl It i u V -a
Mi.'iy d ia In I. k4 lb. aiuu w
lb. N t I t a-ai 14 -. b.t . tlb-St4 tb.ll ba-
Us a a W it ---.l
.! al. 4 b. i. t,.!!. , H.U4 bbvSU f (4
Hita Lh.i . ij Mi.L.kd v-n . A i I
b s . v.... bi.i. 4 H. b )i4
al M
I b t 1L I
a m4 U 4-. tM 4 l'i'. b .4
lit its U i, ibai u uia U rvi .o!i enn is iMbei iaw, u
i bl SI..