ywo ssssaal mm mmmm ajsW I "- A lmrf A bi tiiscn of I ijjJ ' BTAITS 'WATSON - SALAMANDER BAFS. GREAT FIRB AT RJSADIKO, PA. . February 13, 181 Oevtlckrk It girt ib much at1fatina to Inform yon that In th sever fir whichk on th morning of the 41 h inst., entirely destroyed alt my stock and material, I had one of your &lmnlcr Fire Proof Safe. After enduring an Intenm red fcent for seven hours, the Sal was opened, and the Books and Papers were j reserved in uu ninblcmishcd condition. 1 shall need another Safo as toon aa I get in order. Yours, most rrioctfully, YV. P. DICKENSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT QUEEN CASTLE. Chaxbersbcro. Franklin connty, Pa., I Aucurt Mst. 1881. Messrs. Evas A "Tatpom. Philadelphia flentlo- j nen : On tht morning of the 2-d of August. ISfil, our Storehouse at Hrecncnetlo was destrovel bv fire. The Salamander Safe we pun limed from you some few yeara since waa In the above mentilined store bouse, and contained all our hooks, paper, cash, Ac. which were preserved in a perfect condition, after being exposed toa most Intense heat for several hours. Flcao inforin ns npon what terms you will soil UJ another larger Safo. Inn truly, OAKS A AUSTIN'. Salamander Safe, f.r Banks, Store. Private Families, Ac, Ac. Also, Evans A A uton'a Patent Alphabetical Bank Locks and Hank Vault Doors, equal to any made In the country, Mid sold on as good tonus. E A W. w uld respectfully refer to tha following Banks and other parties, having their Safes mul Locks now in uso. to their enlire sulisfnc tion, and many others given Ht their (-'tore. Vsitkk t-TAiis Mint, Prm.i'h Rut k, t-i.elby vhie Philadelphia. Teiin;i-,-. Cum: i States Arises AL.City Rank of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation lj kof 1'liila. Fotlftown L;ink. Ta. Com la ltank of l'hi!a. Co&tesvillc Rank. Pa. Chatanoogn Hank, Tern, ftsomhbnrg Bank, Pa. Pro'ln Loan Ans on, itti st. Jersey Shore Hank, Pa. 1 eck llnvon Hank. Pa. Rank ot Northumberland. Lank of NortVu Liberties, Unien Bank, J'.iitiiic r'v Philadelphia. hwostorn llsl.kolVa. Paul anil Sw ift. Etiukcri. i-ye Bank. Atlanta, tin. Alubnmn. . .aik Batik. JJid W.U. Storling.Wilkoi,b'e. Bank of X. C, Raleigh, Lcwisbnrg Hunk, Pa. Other reference given upon culling at our Store, io. io o. fourtu .-street, luiinucipnia. Sept. S. 1S1.3. ly 1SG3, ji st oii::i:i, 18G3. FALL AND "WINTER MIL LINE It Y GOODS, Attho Largo Millinery Store of JIIn Iff. I...(iiuK1cr, Fawn street, two doors south of Shnmokin Valley A Pottsvillo Railroad. Sunbiny, Pn., including Frciwh Pattern Bonnets, Biblioiis. Silks, Velvets, Laces, French and American Flowers and Feathers, Ac. I.atUe IlatH (iiitl Capn, of the latest styles and designs. Woolen Caps, Children's Cnpg. Hosiery, Gloves, Hits, plain and funny LYlitira, Handkerchief, Combs, lliimbk-s, nd a largo assortment of NOTIONS, to which euo invites all to call and seo Lci'urc purchasing else where. Thankful for pa?t patronage, she hopes by keep ing tne best o.vortmcnt at rcatfouublo prices'lo con tinue ine some. Bunbury, October 17. 13o3. 3m 50 ST0VES7 OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR SALE AT J. XCo3ii'lia li V Vo.'h P O U IT D R "Y1, BTJIXBTTn"V, PBNN'A. Got the Best Oct tin Chenpete Oct the moat Eeo Domical. w hich ciin be had at the Rohrbaeh Foundry. Having a largo Biwrtineut of the mwt approved BTOVEfi. such as Cookirg, Parhr. Ollico and Shop tstoves, wbi'th will be sold at the lowest rates. Also, Kettles ol all sijeo. Pans. Skillets. o. Hicy nro also mnnufauturing Machinery, Ploughs, Cim'ngs. Ac, at fhort notice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a good workwiuniko wanner and at the shortest notico. All articles shipped as ordered. Ordera respect fully solicited and promptly attended to. JACOU U011KIJACH 4 CO. ITirOld Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken in Exchange for work. Suul.nry. Oct. .1. 1S6S. tf ch fmyl8 Jc!50 BEST PIANOS. SSO yf. DtTKCii, Having removed to his new Ware-Rooms, 19 West Hovstoh Strket, New YurtK, Takes great pleasure in culling the attention of the public to bis New and Full Sualo 7 Octave ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, Containing all the modern improvements: Over strung Bati. French Orand Action, Uaip Pedal, and full Iron Frame, from a i5o to ne.no. 7 1-1 ROSEWOOD PIANOS, Una finish, from tSl7. to st0.O. The frreat fu?cc-s nterdm;; M. Docker's New Scale Pmno Forteu t f itself, li suflicient parn tee for their superiority. 'Jhey only need to be bead to become universal rnvoritcs. 7 1-4 CRANK PIANO FORTE?. (For which the Prue Mu!! wit- received at t!ii lnt American Institute FnirA i.e now oft'er for 61 lid. Mr. Dueker'a Rich-toued find powerful TKIOLO DEOXS, which received tho Kii-t Prize in and lStlO. and likewise at the litut Kuir. ho now oflt w at the following low prices, varying from li) tn These superior h.-t.-uniiit- poimi sutKcient jiower to lead a cotiregation of PK.O .eronin r.nv I'lmrch. All theao ii.;truucr't! are warranted to Ic rciidc i f well-seasoned uiutci wl, and icgnlaied iii tlio cwt trio. N. B Professors and amateurs are respectfully invited to examino these very superior instruments. October 2t, 1M l:n VASNISHE3, PAINTS & GLASS 1 r' ''ilcr to Denieis, Coachmakers and House 1 Piiiutcrs, at the very i.iwot nett cash prices the be.-t Coach and Cuhii'vt ltrlilles ; Pure f hito Lead ; French and American Zino ; Cbroinu i irtens, and Yellows, Drop and Iory liluck-, and u fu'l .. sortiiienl of ail the liner Colors ucl as Wrmiliions, Luke-', Tvbe Clors Ac, ab.t. Pu'uil and aniili iirusiie." oi toe wi iuu,.c. .... ..-'.- . . i ,.- t.v..i Points; PuMit Nlii's; r.r.d ooitblv tni'-U i,Ui. ot all dexri)iiioi:s and Mi .'.i.i.-r i! u-c.l l,v l(ou' aud Coach Planters wbicii v,e can bell us eoeup, it tot cheupcr. tlnn no;-' otiur hi usa. from t!ic tact that we keep iomn our eApcUced by conducting our Lusiiie-i pcrionaHy. Mr. Rai', one of the finu fir ii.nny yc.r manu factured the VarnUhes. sold by the lute V. S, lunea. We feci conlident that our 'andhes, are eifual, if not superior, to any manufactured in this Country. YV e warrant them to give enure wli-liicliou. aud if DPt as represented, the inoiipy will be refunded. Uive lis a call before purchasing eluwheie. A liberal discount made to the trade. .FEI.T0N i RAV, Ni. 1M A 133 North Fourth Htrvtt, corner Cherry, Philadelphia. Oct. 10, lX n ltenlluu' Itullruitil. WINTER ARRANGEMENT GREAT TIU XIC LINE from the North ana Nortli-Wet for Philadelphia, New Ymk, Read ing. Pottaville, Leitanon, Atlcntown. Faton, At. Trains la li irri-ooi i'.,r ph.liuielplra, New York, Reading. PoUatiiie. aid u,l luleruiediute btatioi.s at A. M., ai.d otl 1. M. New York Kii relef lluiri i.ni -it 3 10 A. M , krriviiig at New Yurk iU 10 I j tto Mttoe iii'-rinugf . K.trc from llarrisl.ui,' : 'l,i .New VoikcU; to Philadelphia, J Hi aud J Ml. ''tJi.' cheeked MlMUjll "Hrtiiruiiig. leave New Yoik al ft A. M.. 15 V nd P M, ,1'iiisliiirt.h l xorel. Lmxe I'luU tsin, niUdtl. V'lia al a I j A il ami 3 H P bluenin ei lu ilia Ne rk F(ires Trains, throuvu to an I fioM Pittsburgh withoia ebj 'e. PaMl,Sei' Ly U Catuw,-a hull 11. ad li u e Ta tnsii at a 5i A. M , an t 1 U I' M., ivr t uiU ill pbi, S.w-VoiU, and all S a' IVuit.. Trains U., pii.,ilu i( V Ij A. M , and ! '1d P. l .l'er phili,.!.'!,'!.!,! Ii..r.iirur and .New oik. Au 'Ultiolliluodlllou I'li'.'Vll.t.'i- 1 1 I il leave itedl,i at uii A. 54 . and luiui Iioiu 1'J.iivleli tits al 1 0 A Ml ,11 I All ,fc. .U,e U.l., .us.Uily. u,U,s n,B; t JJt ZZTi' ;,i.;i;;;u;.ir,:,'5. j - A ,'!r': trn- (M i'Mt.d Unu -' ui .-.e.'er I ' 1 1 1 Wt-e- -VlV I'M II ISjl 11 her t u nil.l,i.. II ' new fancy aSiuunr H'ilK jl.,i,U ..wuiiii U..a. Iirs i.Ui.l, 1 a.4 ike Is' I, li.at ! La 1 oo o. l lau ff ihe p ..i I'll., , N W elut k 1 1 ii'iolw $., un. aad 'd.i-vM, to.i. t VSl.tull4t,M,MMkMall( 4 lsll.' TlitoUg4, (Ml.4.aiy. ! . 4,1. . U-vk, ill Mm! ( Ttu4, I' Uk, V- t'" a Ksxwiuku kowi . " iUuf ., lktI, ( i'.vks, Iswtna M tan. K f it istkt ji' l.i vtl tf el'.kl.,, t.i,l.st ) a-ssl aul t. -ii l AA UiU K,'y,M If t-l WM. KJNOCIIK, 93 MARKET 6TREET,.HARRISBTJRG, PA., Dealer In PIANOS. NEW RoMiwood Piano, from the beat maker from fL'tifl upward. MKLODKONS. The best manufactured lustra, raeiita, from 145 to f 100 tiuiinrs, Violius, Aooordenn. Flutes, Fifne, Drums, Banjos, Tambourine, ' Violin and Oultar strings and nautical mer chandise in general. EHEET MUSIC. The latest publications always on band. Music lent br mat! to anr part of the country. OYAL, bliUAEE, OILT AND ROSEWOOD FKAMES.I Bv.lnablc fir looking glomes, and all kinds of picture always on band. A fina atsnrlment of hist rjlnted l L00KINU O LASSES from smallest to largest site. Any atyle of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KXOCHE, Arril 11, 13GS. fi.'l Market St., ilurrisburg. TETER LORILLARD, Knufl'tV 'I'oliiu'ro .llniiiinirltirer 10 & IS CHAMPERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York. Would ciill the attention of Dealers to the articles of lit" manufuclurc. Tit : ER0WN SNTFE. Maeaboy. I'cuiigros, Fi:iV Panpee. Pure Viririnia, Conrso Rapnee. Nacbiioehes, American tenticmnn, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNl'FF. Scotch, Honey liew Scotch. J liie-h To.-.st Scotch. Frch Honey Dew Scotch Irish High Toiift, Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfeot. ! fJT'Attentlon is eniled to the large reduction In i pricosof Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking TobaccosH which w ill be found of a SuM-ruT Quality. I TOBACCO. j Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. . Long, P. A. I.. , or plain. S. Japo. o.l, Cavcn,li-h, or Sweet. Spanish, No. 2. Sw eet Scented Orocoe-o. Cunaster Nos. 1 A 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish. Granulated. N. B. A circular of prices will be lent on applica tion. April 4, 1SC3. 1 Northern Certtral It ail way ! SUPIEKTHIETAIILE. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tno North and Went Branch Snsquchanna, Elmiia, and all of North ern New York. X and after MONDAY, APRIL 20th. 1S6.1. tho Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, Ilarrieburg and Baltimore as follows, vit : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 10 A.M. " leaves 11m rishurg. 115 P.M. " arrives at Balliinoro, 6 3j " Express Train leaves Sunbury doily (except Sunday,) " le'iives llarrinbiirg (except Mondajr) " arrives at Baltimore dnily (except Mondnv). 11 07 P.M. 2 00 A. M. 6 1JA.M. Uorria'our Accommodaiiuu leaves Harris- Lurg, 6 20 A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leave." Fullinioro daily (ex- cent Sutnlitv) 9 13 A. M. u leaees liar. i Mir? 1 , " arrives at Sunbury, Express Train leaves Baltimore daily " arrive? at Harrisburg. leaves Harrisburg (except Monday!. " urri. cs at Sunburv. 4 PS " 8 1 j P. M 1 XiA M. 5 00 A. M. For f Liriher inluriuiitioii apply nt the Office I. N. DtBARRY. Supt. LucLuvt uiiun & ILIooiuMbni'g: IJiiil. road. and afier November 17, 1302, PosJengcr Trains will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Freifrht A- 10.15 A. M 11.40 P. il. Passaigrr. Leave Pcr.mton, B.nO A. il. " Liugslon, 913 Hnp"rt, 11. ..0 " Danville, 12.05 Arrive at Northumberland, l'J.45 P. M. MOVINb) NORTil. Leave Northumbcriaiid, o -U P. M " ' Dnnvillo, 6.1"! " P.upeit, (l..';5 " Kinc-ston, H.-I5 Leave, 1.45 P. M. Arrive at Scranton, 10.00 P.M. S.40 A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston at 8.00 A. M., for S'Muton, to eonni'ct with a train for New York. Returning, leaves Scranton on arrival of train trom New York, at 4.15 P. M. 'iiic Lucknwanna A Bloomsburg Railroad connects wiih the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Hail road at Scranton, for New York and intermediate points cust. At Rupert it connects with the Cattawisa Rail road, for points both cast and west arriving at Phil adelpl.iu at el. 15 P, M. A I Northumberland it connects with the Philadel phia k Erie Railroad mid Noithern Central Luil roiol. for points wcsl and south Passengers arri ing nt Hani- nirg4.i0 P. -M.J 1 hiliulelphia 10 P.M.; and Bultiinoie ltl.Ltl P. M. The Freight and pH.-wenj'crs Train north, leaves Northumberland at tl.45 A M., and arrives at V.iiO P -M., passing Liunviilti ut s-.'io p. M. Ji.'ll P. ILSI.EY, Sup't. J. C. V.'ni.i.s. General Ticket Agent. Nov. 2o. i.,L.j 'To 'ivotis Knllcrs-rst ofholli Xcjo. I REVEREND GENTLEMAN having been re 2.X. stored to health iu a few days, alter undergoing nil I ho usual routine and irregulur expensive mode ot treatment, without success, considers it his s.iercd duly to communicate to his atllicte I tellow creature1 the mi.'a.ns or t-t Hence, on the roceipt of an addressed envelope, he will scud (flee) a cupy of the prcsorpliou Used. Direct to Lit. JOHN M. DAGXAI.L, 1 0 1 ulU'U Street, Brooklyn, N Y. January 21, lni','1. tailc::;g LoTablisiimziiT. D OIIInT U. ClsIIOIC, rn.ui Mrrcvt, opiic Weaver's lloul, SUNBUaif, Noithumberliind Co., ia.. f Nl'UllMS bis frie'iid and the puMiu gi uerally, .1 inai ne lias taken Ilia Sliop ot Jacob s. Kukc, uec d., and is oreoatod toilo ail kinds ot TA1 LUR ING in a good wo, ktiwuitike uianncr. 'ihe patrou age of the public i respectfully soliellej. Sunbury, May Irt, lbrt!!. ly JUST READY. NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. AN ojportunlty t to le lost sight of. Rare chauee for Agenu. Ladies a well a Gent cuu tut as Agents. Ajply early and secure the aeuey for your locality. 100,000 watche?, rj:ar uuixs, lockets, MM., iiOl.lt VESH .4.VO PEXC1LS, BRACELET. HTCPS, UL TTO.XS, AViC'A" t'7;.W.V',L'T,S OP JEW' ELEY, Ac. To be Sol I for A I racb, and not to be paid for until you kuow what you aio to eel. Send 25 cents I ior Ceitilie'ate. i,)ie ou what you rau have. with. a eir iilar. giving lull particular to A juij. Purtevt sjliHH' leu guarantcea lu ell Addiex, h. M, WARD A CO, 2 9 Broadway. Pox 4,b,(J Manh 21, FAMILY MB COLOlT lllaek. Dark l ine, I l,. lit l .. rienell lllu.i, t laret IJluMU, M igruta, Maroon, 'rnge, 'ink, I'urpie. loyal PurpU, Dal I'loau, F. rli.li,,( Ki ll. W'-.loto and Mne l lld, KliaaU, Kail. Uie.., lltoiut,, lllosM, lb'i.ut Hats, tv.lhei. Ki lM.'.tM. I'kitlr.ii I lutliiugt, 1 :l kiuds el W4i.i.( Api fialu vl'wt IVr Owl. Put 1j .! two iN vb a mmuf l. a uIJ wtaf w s4 Iiimm ihat atiu.. V allots it.dv lt t tfude4 IIWUI It). Mill I'J Ull llvt MUX IDirmituM ta iutjlt.il, t'seiMS) Bt4 ', Uh4 wl e.b e.a. I lull, UitMiaiwa laj lu4, s4 gib( I -'" ka-eUJ. L wl.4 k4 4pied 1st ; (! kiasH, , life , iMtl iHifx I J ! j I.m Uoe 4 ,!.. li. p. il', rb"S ".a, 1.1 ta.M esj s.oi of i. 1 .4.le vsiit k lint t eifct tSm, . . , " '-4ee. (Cm tV t BK SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREAT REM FEY Fur Ilhmmalitm, Govt, Xruralgitt, Lvmhtg StfflXnek and Jointt, &irai, jli vitcf, Cult tind M'ovnth, Pilei, Jleaduche, and till Rheumatic and Xcrvotti , JJinn-dcrt. For all of which is a sneedv and certain remedy and never fails. This l.uiiiuent is prepared from the recipe ot Dr. Stephen Sweet, ot Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and has been nsed in tho practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, Ills unrivaled by any preparation bctore the public, of which the most aki ptieal may be convinced by a tingle trial. Ibis Liniment will cure rapidly nnd radically, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands I of cases n here il hies been used it has never been I known to lull. For Neuralgia, it will afford lininediato rclicl in every cn.e. however dislresHn.'X. It will relivv e tho worst eases elf Headache in thrco minute's, ami in nariauled to do it. Toothiche also will it euro instantly. For Nervous Debility Aiid General Lassitude, ari eiug from imprudence or excels, this Liniment is a most h-ippy and unfuiting remedy. Acting directly upon Uic ncrvous-i issues. H sirengiuens auu retni ties the system, and restores il to elasticity and vigor. 1 or l'i'les. as an external remedy, we claim Unit il is the best known, and we challenge the world to produco an eijual. Every victim ol this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it w ill not lull to aliord immediHte relief, and in a mnj iity of eaves will enect a radical rcu e IJuiney and Sore Throat aro sometimes extremely mnli(iiant and dangerous, but a timely application ; oi tins Liniinent will never tail to cure. Sprains arc Foniotinicsvcry obslinuto, and onlargc ! meui of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. ! Tho worst cc may bo eonnnerod by this Liniment i in two or three dnyci. i Bruises, Cuts, Wound, Sores, fleers. Burns and j Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pio. I perl ics It Dr. Sweet' lntuUiblo Liiiimi lit, when used uccoreiing to directions. Also, Chilblain Frost ed I cct, una Inacut Bites mid Zithp. Bn STEPEHEN BWEET the Great Natural Bone Setter. f Connecticut BR STEPHEN SWEET, is known all over the Vnitcd Stales. Connecticut DIl. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is tho author of 'Dr Sweet IurUible Li"ucut. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures RheumatUm, and never fuils. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Swect'a Infallible Liniment Cures Burns end Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Iufallible Liniment lithe best known remedy for Spraius and Dr. Bweet's Infallible Liniment Affords imiuediiito relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cum. Dr. Sweet's InfiUliblo Liniment Cure Toothache iu ouc minute. Dr. 8wet's InfnlJiblo Liniment Cure Cuts and Wounds immediately end leaves no csr. Dr. Sweet'd Infallible Liniment Is the btt remedy for Soje in the known world. Dr Sweet's Infallial Liniment I Has been in uso by more than million people, and Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment la truly a '-frieud iu need,4' and every family should have it Lund. Dr Sweet' Infallible Liniment I for sale by all Di legists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is without a rival, aud will alleviate pain more speedily than any other prepa ration. For all Kb, -111110110 and Nervous Disorders it i truly infallible, and as a eurativo for Sires, Wounds, Sprains. Uniises. Ac, iis soothing, healing nnd powerlul strer.g'lieniiig properiieK, excite the jost wonder and astonishment of all who hukv uvtr given ita trial. Cver ouu lliousi.i.d eei titicati' ol remarkable cures, performed, by it within the last! iwu year, allot the l..et. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET S INFALLIBLE I.IXIMEXT FOR Hiihsl'S is unrm.h'l by any, and in all en., .of l.auieuias. arising lioin Spain. Bruise or Wreneb lug, ilierlect is niagic n and certain. Hurnet or Saddle Gall. K-M(eli.. Aiai.ge. Ac. il will also cuie speedily. Spain an I llingbone may he easily pre vented and cur, 'I iu their lueipieut sihcis, t ui con firmed rac are hevoud I he K.iibiliiy of a radical euro. No case ol the kind, however, i, so de rate or booties, but il imor 1st, allciiatud by lb I. l.ini lueut, and il fuillitul a llcaliou will ula remin e tli i.auieueM, aud enable the horse to h'avel with comparative ease. EYEli Y HOUSE OllWEE bould bave this remedy at hand, for lu lia ly use at the tin.1 appeariinee it liuieuew will iflveiu illy prevvul thwu foiuiidable disease, to which all noi se are liable, aud which render u ttiauy otter i valuable horse nearly worthies. SR SWEET'S Inallible Liniment. 1UU UWM44 Ab4 laWfeMtal kv lowud it truly A. JTJlIErJU IN KEEDI s i MMtlvM, T stold Upiiioa, eUni Ik alMiyre Mi LikMr l uik.t.. wh) UI, u.4 alw "attH, ,. ( Uiaii.Ua Liku..t' bU.e a ie (law t, , kvlU. aiiaMl wl.uk bw. a titiie RiriUI.DMiM A Hi , i ii. k.a koswkb, tt. IK'bUAV 4LI i t II.MN.J 4i, M tu KJ HI y alt '.In waffb Mai. It Mi-i BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL, ESTABLISHED A9 A RKFtOBFROM QEACK ' ERY. TUB OXLY PlACn irtTERB A CURB CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON ha dWorered the most Oertaln, Speedr and only Kffeotaal Remedy In the World for sill Private Disease, Weakness of the Back or Limb, Strictures, Affeetion of the Kidney and Bladder.' Involuntary Discharges, Impoteney, Oene raiDobillty, Nervousness, Dysprpsy, Langnor, Low Spirits. Confusion of Idea, Palpitation of the Heart, Timiditv. TrembHnn. Dimness of Biebt or Giddiness. Disease of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin, Affeorion of the Liver. Lunra. Stomaeh or Bowels those Terri ble Disorder arising from the Solitary Habit of iouth those secret and solitary practice nor lataj to their victims than the eon of Svreni to the Ma riners of Ulysses, blighting their molt brilliant hope or anticipations, rondering marriage, Ac, impossi ble. Vni'Xfl MlTi Especially, who have become the vietim of Solitary Vie, that dreadful and destruotfv habit which annuallv sweeps to an uctlmely grave thousands of loung Men ot the most exalted talents ana Driiuani intellect, who might othcrwisehave entranced listen ing Sonata with the thunder of eloquence or waked to ecstaty the living lyre, may call with full con Sdcfico. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organio ucDiniy, eielorniiues, Ac, speedily cured. He w ho place himself under the caro of Dr. J may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman and confidently rely upon his skill aa a Physician. Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Atlection which render Life miserable and marriage impossible Is the penalty paid by the victims ol improper indulgences. Young persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent ' Reside being deprived the pleasure of healthy offspring the most serious and destructive I symptoms to both bodv and mind arise, iuc svstem becomes l'crnngcd, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened. Loss of Proereative Power, Nervous Irritability, DyspepsB, Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of thesYrauic, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. OisM-o, .o. 7 Sontli l''rdei'lpk KlrtM-t Left hand aide going from Baltimore street, a few doors trom tho corner. Fail not to observe naiuo and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas bang in his office. ACVJBE WARK lsrEW 1 TWO DAIS. i"c itrrvry or Kamtoiti Drug!. 1K. JOllMwXO. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London. Graduate from ono of the mwt eminent Colleges in tho United Mates, and the greater pnrt of whoso life hns been stunt in tho hospitals of London, Paris. Philadelphia and elsowhore, has effected omo of the most astonishing cures that were ever known; many troubled with ringing in the head aud ears when a!eep. great ncrvousnesa. being alarmed at sudden minds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended .-"ue'liincs with derangement of mind, were enro l immediately. l.tltti l'AKTlC'IIillt OT10K. Dr. .1. nddresses nil those who have Injured them, solves bv itntjroiier indulirenco and solitary habits which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for vitlu.r business, study, soeietv or marrintre. Tiikme arc siiTiic of the sail and melancholy effecls f ro'luced by early habits of youth, vn: eakness of li e lin.-k and I.iiiibs. Pains in the Head. Dimnees of .igbt. Loss flf Muscular Power. Palpitation of tho lle-nrt. Dyspepsy. Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ac. Mkxtai.i.y. Tho fearful cfloctson the mind are miieh to la- dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Jilcas. Depression of Spirit. Evil-Forclmdings. Aver pion to S.oicty. Self-listre.it, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ao are some of the evils produced. Tiim sands of persons of all ages can now judge what is tho cause of their declining health, leising neir vigor, beedtning weak, pule, nervous ana aincinteil. having a singular appearance ubout tho Cough and symptonuofconsumplion. VOL'.XiJ hr.vc Injured themselves by a certain practice -dul god iu when alone, a habit frequently learned ftoiu evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both i'..ir,d and body, should apply immediately. What a pi'y that a young man. the hope of his rouutry. the darling of his parent, should be snatched from all prospect nnd emoyintnt of life, by the ceinseijiien.'H of deviating from the jalh of nature and indulging in a eerlnin secret habit. Such persons !16T, before contemplating 4fe reflect that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites lo promote connubial happiness. Indeed without these, tho journey through life be comes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to tho view; the mind bccou.es shadowed with despair and filled with tho melancholy rollcc tion that the liappincij of another become blghted with our own. in.siiAfur. or iMiuti ii'. i:. When tho misguided end imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful dbetise, it too often hnppens that an ill-timed sense of si, nine, or dread of discovery, deters bitn from applying to those who. from education and respectability, can aloue befriend hiin. delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid Uiscaso make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, dueascd nose, nocturnul pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the I shin tone and arms, blotches on the bead, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till ullost the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose full iu. and the victim of this awful disease becomed a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to hi dreadful suftcrings, by sending him to' thut I'udiscovcred Country from whence no ti livelier returns." it is a (i. (Vi i-iWy fuet that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to Ihe uuskillfulii) s of ignorant pretemier. who. by the use of that Vtadly 'ui..an. Mcmtri, ruin tliu constitution and make the residue ed' life miserable. Trust not yonr live, or health, to the eareof the many I' n I earned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertisement, or style themselves, in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable ol Curing, they keep you trilling niouth alter month taking their filthy aud poiaunua com pound, or as Loug as lhesuiallet fee eau be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruiued health lo t.jjb over your gtiliingdisappeiintmenl. Dr Join, -t,,n is tho only Physician advertising. Ills credential or diplomas always hang in his office. His reinidieaor treatement are unknown to all ithers. prepared from a life spent in the great ho pitals of htuope, the first in the country aad a nmre ; vtei mi e I' 11 u it Prattic than any other Physician in t.'.u world, i.'MioitMiir.nT or Tiii: iitr.-i The many thousands cured at th La institution year after year,' and the numerous iinportaut Surgical Operation perlonned by Dr. Johntou, witnessed by tho rct.irter of the ouu,"' "dinner," and many oil.i r vapor, notice of which have appeared aguiu and e;;'iiu beloie the public beside hi lauding a I a gi ntleuiau of character and reiouib. Uy, i a i kuuVient guarantee to Ihe afflicted. hkl Dl.ni: ii.a ti'i:i.4ii-l 4 l ki:i. Person writing should b particular In directing their letter, to hi linliiuiion, in the following maner jtmx i. auii .11. ., 'Or the llaltlumre Les k llopilal, Ralliuiure.Md. rebruary 21, bo3ly. MANHOOD, Hew lal, llttw llcatorrtl. Jii'l I'utitltuJ, in a 8attJ EuvJujU. Price Six I'mu. LECTURE n lb Suture, Treatment and Ra dical Cure of hiieriualisrrbtc o beiuinal vak A iim. sifhual lii-biliiy, urvuuuve. and luvulunUry r.ttitsj,4i. luilueiiig IiuM,tebey, CuUMtuipiiou, i4 M.ul.l and Pbtslual icbilny Uy Ruii i J. CI LVEItWELL M D. The iiiiaHrlant fael that th awful miiueuee of bull AOiue aiy b tlluclually rsusov-! wtiuoul iu. tviaal lardu-uia ut the doivu ppltcali,a of eauu.-, hiruutvii, luedivalvd Uisji, aad ttikvt eu. pineal de.Uv, i kr elvariy dtiuufcauaioj, aud llu iii,,i)r aw aud highly Miucewtul Uu4.1u.rhl a adoil4 by the o.UUaled aulliuf, lull w aaplaiukd, by iucmim ul whioli iy oae l euablwd lu eui iiiui. -l auM.lly, taj at lb least iutlbl ewl, lber ty 1:1; ') lli. ..(trills, d v.li uui if iLe dy Tbl Iwiiuie aitl rove a Uauit U Uioitu.il ail itiuu alilist tMit.1 aadesMai ins Uia u.lsp, to any addiw, ; ...i4 ca iMi(4t la wU4 Ui4, by ad tlitMU. lie aUuit t(UH J C. KLINE A CO , ITT (i'.wriy, New k, PoM Otk. Ik, f Aug. U. lasM .JTeb. ,-!; it lttl-rwmla llalt-l. Ml J le! BJwi, I'vm f4ittn bfett n? yoKK. flMII lrt (Im II4.b HMHt tjaiM, bal,k 1 1 HHMkt UiA.1 K It, SHI- WU4 tb4itiMit U. Ihm tieliuiaj X k iuiHi m 1 1. .41 i u iij iu ie b. iivu, i,4 aH -a lt let ar Pisa u 4.tu.ttsw ana 1 it io s lilUII Lll.l.llui&u.u a,. I.' k . 1 - 1 1 e ..... - Mist aa ia4i yea iwast 1 a ittin aie ' mi, las &.M ais4 aUabdaa al IS test w-. iils. a,4 ail , aw veauai ImI 114 il, i4 TUB ALL BVFFICIEXT TmtEi. THE QBE AT AMERICAN REMEDIES irjMwm iWniioli' GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. HKLMDOI.fc'8 EXTRACT BCCtr,, ( EAR6APAR1LLA IMPROVED ROBE WASH. CLMBOLS'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS 'nianLY concentrated" compound FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Speeifie Remedy For Disease of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increase the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into licaltliv action, b which the Watery or Caleoroiis riencsiti'ons. and al Innaturnl Enlargements nro reduced, aa well as pain ann tnflumalion, and is good for men, women, or vmturen. IirL.'flltOI.O-M EXTRACT in cm; FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Altuisercuoii, or Jiousn, Attended with the following symtoms : Indisposition tn Exertion, . Loss of power. Loss of Memory. Diflieulty of llreathing Weak Nerves, Trembling Horror of Disease, Wakefulness. Dimness of vision. Pain in the back. tnivcrsal Lassitude of th Flushing of Ihe lio ly Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Jluecular System. Hot Hands, Dryness of tho Skin. Theso symtoms, if allowed lo go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow 1JI POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases,' INSANITY AND CCNSf MPTION, Many are aware of tho cause of their suffering, but none will confess. Ti e records of the insane Asy lutus and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bee.r ample witness to the truth of the assertion. Tho Constitution, once Affected with Organio Weakness. Requires the aid of medicine to "trenethen and In vigorate tho system, which "ilclmbold's Extract l!ui hu ' invniiaiily dues. A tind will convince the most skeptic al. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES. Old or young, ciugtcmarried, or contemplating marriage, In many affections peculiar to Females the Extrnct Buchit is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Pulntulneu. or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations, I'loi rated or Schirrou! state of the Uterus, l.oucorrhou, or Whiles Sterility, nnd for all complaints incident to the sex. w hethor arising from Indiscretion, liubil of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. See symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD P.E WITUOUT IT. Take no RalsHTt. Mi fwrr, or Unpleasant Medieiue for Unpiea.-iuit and Dangerous Diseases. m:i..'iiit.i.fs-M i:nt.tcr L'l Vli Curu SECRET DISEASES In all their stages; at little expense ; little or no change in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing ob-liu'-lion., preventing and curing Stiiclures of the I re'hrn, allaying pain and iiiutinimnlioii. so frequent in this class of disease end expcllii Poisonous, Diseased, and Worn-out -Mutter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE EEEN THE VICTIMS OF r.tcsi!a, And who hav e paid Heav Fei s to be cured iu a I short time, liuve found thev wero deceived. ui:d that tho "Poi-on" has. by the uso of Powerful As tringents," been dried tip in the system, to brenk out in an aggravated I or in. und Perhaps alter Marriage. r .- r. iii:iiiui.i'm r.n:.i(T 131 Eii: For all ArTcclions and Diseases cf THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no mattor OF HOW LONU STANDItis Diseases of these Organs require the sid of a Die n trie. HELMBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Ori-at Diuretic, And it is certain to havo iho desired effect in all Diseases, fr, which it is recommended. ELOODt BLOOD I BLOOP I Ilclmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract EJursaparilla Syphilis. This is an affection of the Rloe'd, and attacks the Sexual Organs, Liningsot the Niwe, Ears. Tbreiit, Windpipe, and other .Mucus Surfaces, making ita appearunce in the iorin of Ulcer. Hclmbold'a Ex lia. t Sarsuparilla purities the Illood, and ren.ines all Scaly Eruptions ot the Skin, giving to tho Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared evpreuly for this elas of complaints, its Rlevd-Puri-f.ving Proprietors are preserved to a greater extent thou any other preparation of J-arsnpaiilU. Ilehrfbold's Hose Wauh, An excellent I.otn n for Dieasos of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as an inje-etion in Diseases oi1 the Urinary Organs, aiisiug from hubil of disiputieii, used iu connection with the Extracts lluchu end S4irupaiilla in such discas.sui rjcouimciidi'd. Evidi'iiceof the most respeiiisible and reliable char acter will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty year .landing, with names known to Science and Fame. For Medical Propertiu of Ruehu, see Dispensatory the United Slate. See Professor Dewce.' valuable works oo the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the 1st celebrated Dr. Fh.v.lck. Philadel lua. rice remaiks made by Dr. rpbraiiu McDowell, a eelebralcd Physician, and Member of the Royal Cullegc of Surgeons. Ireland, and published iu the Transaction of the King and Queeu Journal. See Medtco-Cirurgieul Review, published by Benjaiuiu 'i raven, Fellow of the Royal College ot Surgwin. bee uieet of th 1st Standard Wurk on Mtdl cli.e. I.xtsai'T Pitmi-. (I Oil per bottle, or ls, f 5 00 " f kAI'ARILLA I I U ' 100 lufRoxgu Ho.a Vl AMI. iJ o J i0 Or ball auWaor eh for VIS 00. which will b sutliuiiul lo cur the utut ubliualu ce, if diiecliou are edbervd to. Delivered lo any ad Iraaa, seeurely packej rout ot n ariou, I Dueribe svail tot.s iu all eoiulbuuicsiiuu. tbieegiiwauUed. Adt lee trail. AF11DAVIT. Personally apieard bctore aie aa AMeraienofih eily ul Phllwlelpki II. 1. HeimWd. a bo, Ling duly sworn, doiii say, bis Jplliu, euiilalu bo bMvuli, ku bsMuyry, ut vUier i juiwu uius, but bliKlj seeUbl. Il.T. llt'LMUOLU. riwoiu and dreoilbwl ktf'.r a., tl.i t'-'d day of Nutwbr, li. WU P. IliiiiltKD, AUciuaa, Nibth-atievl, Uy Kawe, i'blla. Addle lellei lofiruialiou la ebf K-be. 11. A HtLMUoLD, t tutvu. Depot 14 iwi'b Teulb-eUwi, MvJ I kealdul paiU. DtwAht or coi Mim n Aad l'uiiawi 14 Dealer VI be atoleayu t 4p.a "f ike ir eaa" k4 'iii' felllltia 141 111 Ipta4b4l IUlb4 if iialaalauid li.bisi l iriku, " iauaot kuwka, " ..) rlll, l..1 ,. . " 'He4i.tawfc. sVI4 jr all Di4iek.. aaHroil HHWlHilD tV-TAKI sJOOTIIIB t ui u. hliMUHiuiii, a4 s4 Ke u, aa4 A'ui u.uvtiM.a 44 tthai liiia. i D..a a4 t i4l VwetMi, Hi, toea, S. i .a ftUbMI J, MI -1 yr Aat-itma T!tnpa rtfrntntlT ' GIVE NOTICE that (hey ha rmelnd-f r rangement with th Northern Central Railroad ('cm puny to reu train from Rattimor Pif York, llarrlsburg, uanprtln, llainax, J ryorron, cuuoerj, rv'orthemberland, LewMburg, Milton, Muney, Wil- lisrrsport, and all Intermediate stations, eonneoting at liamsberc wit a in wiuiai nr.oi tier, ua- PR Est) for Pittsburg, CincinnaU, St. Lout and tne West. Also with Howard A Co.iKiTreM at Milton or Danville. Rloomsburg, Wilkesbarre, Pittatnu, Bcran-. ton, and intermediate stations on the uat.tawiwa, Lackawanna A Hloomsburg Railroad. At Wil liamsport, by Howard A Co.1 Express to Jersey snore ana oe.K naven. Also, ty nowara a on., and their connection, for Canton, Troy, Elm Ira, lioohester, llunalo, Niagara, and to all acceasint point In Western New York and Canada, by wbich they will forward Merchandise. Specie, Rank Mites, Jewelry, and Valuable Paekage of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Draft and Bills for Cnlloellon. Experienced and efficient messenger employed, nd every effort will be made tn render satisfaction. jiiiiiM m.MsiiA.n, Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Buulsury. April 6, I8o2. IIIMOY IIOI mi:. Comer of Scate and Third Street, IlARRisscno, Pa. THIS HOUSE. Inconsequence of it convenience and near location to the Capitol, ha made it a ,lf.;rHbla atoiininsr nlaee. not only for those having business at the seat of Government, but for other Visiting Harrisburg. , March SO, 136Y rp ERRIELE DIPCLOSURF-S-PECRETa FOR THK MiL.bi.ia : A most valauble and wonderlul pubiicaiion. A work of 100 pages, and Ho colored engravings. j.nv HUNTER'S VADE MECUM, an original and popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure, 'i he practice of DR. HUNTER baa long been, and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation eif numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his niedieal usefulness through the medium of bis "VADK MECUM." It is a volume that should be in the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vires, or as guld- for the alleviation of ono of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will bo forwardod tree of postage to any part of the United Stntes for iO cents in P. O. stumps, or 3copiesfor il. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York. June 6, 13rt3. ly. SEW jkiisi: I-,AIJ I'OU S.VI.I-, ALSO, GARDEN OU FRUIT FARMS. Suitable for Grapes. Peaches, Pears, Raspberries, Strawberries, Illackborries, currants, Ac, of 1,2), 6, 10 or 20 acres each, at the following prices for tho present, viz.: 20 acres for S?200. In acres forJUO, S acres for $'i0, 2 acres for $40, i acre for $20. Payable by one dollar a week. Also good Crnnbcjrv lands, and villngo lots in CHLTWOOD, 25 by luO feet, at $01 each, payable by one dollar a week. Tho above land and farms, arc situated at Chetwood, Washington Township, llurlington County. New Jersey. For further in formation, apply, with a P. 0. Sump, for a circular, R. TRANKLIN CLARK. No. an Cedar Street, New York, N. Y- January 14, lboo ly tx-Ntv IT its: IMX V I'm ! JOHN FA RE I R A, No. 713 Andi ptreet.be low Eighth, south side, PHILADELPHIA. Importer and Manu facturer of, and Dealer in all kinds" of Fancy Furs, for L.vlii-s and Children's wear. I'A'i I wish ti return tuv iiianas io mv inenus ni Sunbury and the stir- Jif rounding Counties, tor si? their verv liberal pa- "'-ii:--.'rS trouuge extended to me j during the hut fotv year", end would sny to thciu that I now havo in 'store, of my own Iinporitnion and mnniifacture a very extensive 'or;mciit of nil j the dillcrent kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs, for ; Ladies nnd Children, that will be worn during the l'all and Winter seasons. Ileing Ihe direct Imiwlcr of all my Furs frola Europe, nnd having them all Manufactured under mv own supervision enables mo to ori'er my o. I r-iers 4 iho publio a much handsomer Set of Furs for tiiOKtime money. Ladies please givo mo a call be fore purchasing ! Dlctec remember the name, num ber and street. JOHN FAREIRA. TIS Arch Street, Philadelphia. September 12, ljoli. jiu ArraiiKCriX'ulM i:3. ol "tow Vorl; I.Inf. THE CAMDEN AND AM HOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. Fiom ritilu!r!Jiiti toXrtr Ynrl aUil H'cy Wares-, from Walnut etrcet Wharf and Kensington Drpol. trill leave an follow, ris : FAttc. At 6 A. M., via Camden aud A in boy, (C. and A. Acommodalion.) f2 25 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N.J. , Accommodation, 2 25 At S A. M.. via Camdsn and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) 3 00 At? A. 1 . via Camden aud Jersey city 2d I Class Ticket 2 25 I At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Expr-ss 8 00 At 12 M. viu Camden and Auiboy, C and A. (Accoiiiuiodulioii.) 2 25 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (0. and A. Express.) 3 00 At 3 P.M.. via Kensington aud Jersey City, Wash, and N. . Express 3 00 At ! P. M.. viu Keusingtou and Jersey City, (Evening Mail ) 3 00 At Hi P. M via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. 3 00 At li (night) via Kensington and Jersey city r-olMuci'ii r.spre'ss i oo i At 5 P. M.. v ia Cntndeu and Amboy, Aceoni. J modal ion. Freight and Piuiseiiger, First I . Clas Ticket. 2 25 , Siicoud ClttJo, Ticket, 1 iU lor Water liup, ftroudburg, Scrauton, Wilkes burre, Motttrn-p, Ureal lielid, Ac, at ll A. M , ' ftoiu Kensington, Western Railroad via Delaware, Lackawauua and I For Muuch t'ltutik. AHentown. Rethlvhem, Rclvl dere, Euslou, Laiuticrtvillo. I'lcminiiu, Ac, at d A. I . trom Keiisiug'i n Iiepot, and rt 2t P. M , from Walnut street W hiuf. (The fi A. M. Line connects with Train lea viu j Easton for Muueh Chunk, al ii-'M P. M.) For Mount lloliv. ut d A. -M., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, at li A. M. and 2 P. M. WAY LINE-. Forllristol. Trenton, 4c, atll A. M. and 21 aud 6 P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, iUtertou, Delauco, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, Durdeutuwu, Ac, at 12, 1, 2, 4i and C P. M. jr' For New Yuik, and V ay Line leaving Ken ingleiu Des,t, take the Car vu Fitlb street, above )aluut, huif au hour bcloiu derlurc 'ihe Cars ruu into the Depot, and ou the arrival of each train, lun fioui the lcMr. Fitly pound of Baggage only, a'.loweJ each paateiiger. Passenger are probibilcj Horn taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggagu over titty pounds to be Paid for extra. Ihe Company limit lltir responsibility ,,r baggage to One Dollar per pound, aud will not b. liable tor any amount beyond 1V0. except bv special eonlraol. WM. U. u.UZMLU, Agent. January 17, M3. 11 11 i.Mroiiir.M. Hit. 920 Cuai r Sikskt, iForuierly No. 7uS.) PHILADELPHIA. J. W. PROCTOR CO . Ins it th alteeiioa of their Flitbd lo their large and Superb block of Fin ( I.OAKB aud 1 1 RH, unparalleled iu any former watuu 1 he increased aisooDiaiodatloa afforded In our new bwitiiua, suable us lo devote lb lultvst auei.liua Ui our I air l-MirlMtn hick will U found U furbubed wilh every do. soiiPlibUul liiel llu.ll US, wbiok will be suaraa le. a icbiwMbted, or lb ibubey i,4 will be i. lUbded ' I'll l'H!H per aaall will k aiefblly ell.uded U abid.lisnij, sHbi sbaif; taid, 44 diataao IU414 ul I est in lie. J W PROCTOR A CO, Ne V? Cbeeuul klleel, I'k.udalplia. Ms-Pi I, tKW-ly r " h a o"V"i"r ' 7 Oil CONCENTRATED LYE fAalllV bUAr MAkllt A Alt ake. VUh bdee i .-i. k Jp I ledu.e lLia. il asekw vki tut I owl taMtl kuwad by tawatf aiwbi (tease. ly l'lliel A etMtMM I )) are ffn4 Isu, be eaielttt a4 ably br Ik I .'S4.U4 ie at aa la liua , all aibw k4 teauliai UttUVAkU .Alt HAilfAt.Ultl.Vv4 CCUfAX V MI4.lt l4fl"aUl ., 01m p.y mA Lt 'mm f&vv" "i tt i nussaii -1 11 au. w l . sb s sr. .!. i, IslVeV Economy is Wealth '? Tb LEST and CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in th worm. irfnAonie 7-AI0J I'ORTI'n'H GREAT COUGH REMEDY MasiawC ZAP00 POR. TER'S Curat iv Baham is warranted if nsed -it)- . eording to th direclrbns. to cure in all eases Cnugbi, Coldi, Whooplnj Cough, Asthma, and all affcotion of lb Throat and Lung. Madam Zsdos Porter's Balsam Is. prepared with all the requisite ear and skill, from k eOTJtblDatioo of the best remedies lb vegetable kingdom affords lis .omcdial qualities are based on its power to asstSl the healthy and vfgorious circulation of tho blood, blood, thro' the Lungs. It Is not a violent remedy, but emolient wanning, searching and effective ; can he taken by the oldest person or youngest child. Madame Zadoe Porter's Balsam lias been in uso by the publie for over 18 years and has acquired it pro- sent sale simply by being recommended by those who have used it to their afflicted friends anil others Most Important. Madame Zadoo Porter Cura tive Ralsamis sold at a price which brings it iu the rench of every one to keep it convenient for n?e. The timely usoof a single bottle will prove tubs worth 100 times its cost. NOTICE Save your Money ! Do Dot be persur. doil to purchase articles at 4s to f 1 w4iich do not con tain the virtues ofa 13 cent Bottleof Madame Pur-' tor's Curative Ralsam, timeout of manul'icturing which is as groat a that of almost any oilier medi cine ; and the very low price at which it is sold, makes the profit to the seller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometime ''recommend other medicines on w hich their profits arc larger, un less the customers insist upon having .Mieiamo Por ter's and none other. Ask f ir Mudume Porter's Cu rutivu lialsani. price l.'l cents, and in largo bottles at 2i cents, and take no other. It you cannot get it at one shire von can at another. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers at 13 ct., aud in lurger bottles at 2b cts. HALL A RUCKEL, Proprietors, January 31, lwi3. ly J,,.w York. joiia inwic'iii' v :., MANl'FACTUllKRS Of Q A I4 E R J TUB, SUPER-CARR. OF SODA. Ac, And Sole Agents in tho City of New York for CREAM OP TARTAR SUBSTITUTE, Invented by' Prof. Eben N. Hortford, of HarvarJ University. Office, 11 Old Slip, Hanover Square, (up stairs,) NEW YORK. fpHE high price which f'ream of Tartar fommanded 1 in 1N.4, together with the alarming extent to which its dangerous adulteration had been carried, with other considerations, induced ihe distinguished Chemist, whose name is given ubovc. to commence what proved to be a long and laliorious tcieutilio rc S"iirch. to discover a desirable substitute therefor. His efforts were crowned wilh abundant success, am' hundreds of thousands of pounds of the Substitute have been sold and used during the la-t Bio tears throughout tho Uuited States and the Canada!!. The following true comparison of its nature a ni tre results of its use, with those of Cream of Tartar will convince the most incredulous of its value. Cream of Tnrtar i- a bi-fnrirau of Potash. This Substitute is 11 simple Phosphate, and contain nothing but what is found iu Locf-steak. and in corn wheat and other cereal.?, aud is tlu'rcfbrr higbi; nutritious. It also has n liealth-givin; inflneiic' and supplies that for which there i a constant do miir.i in llic sy-leii. t tr' It hi .-.old for a mucu less price than Creara c Tai 'ur. March 21. ISoT ly ECraiitlifsi, iin-, ;in., &(l fpilE S'lhscribiT. havir opened iu Thompson 1 Lrick Uuildiiig, Mill street, Iauviilc, 4 he-: lii. d complete slock of y" l'OREDJX AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, coiuprisiug the be-t bran Is of Dran lies. ti n. 0: ltyc Scotch an I Irish Whiskey, Port. Stn rrv, M I'.eii a. Champagne and other Wines, of all crudes. 1 ol nhich will be sold Wholesale, at the lowest ci -iicc.. Tiivern-kcepeis, bybuvingol' us. can la it le.cit the freight. Pcraoc desirous of purebosing llqimrs for F A M I L Y U S E , nay rely itnn being furnished with a j-uro r. juaiit. Iterate I article. Ui-iiig determined to establish 8 refutatioi; ' Selling cheap, he respect tully Solicit the patrotin of the public. All orders iroiort;v ften,i.-.l to. JEUE.MlAJl S. HALL Danville. June 13, 1SG0. V:is.Ikiiiloii IHoith.-. XOKTHU.MRERI.AND, PENNSYLVANIA, l-Vnie tie Briirt.) fpiIE furcriier haling leaeed this w.il kr.e L Tuveru Staml, lately ke pt bv Mrs. C. S. lit,, . respectfully iulorius the public tfiat he is refit; iio; repairing the pieuit-c, and will bu priqured to t-fitt:n, iu a comfortable manner, his n.-.m-r friends tbiou.'bout the county, aud all who n (B'roi'irc bis i-tubluhmcut. Apr 1 12, W3. Jt'SEPll VANKIKV: YfZJ.TE&Z ZCTZL, Corner Fawn and Jlurket Streets. tl .Itl ItV, IM. rTMIE undersigned respectfully informs the pu 1 that he ha taken charge of the above nv li del. and asks for the eoutinuaneu of the for patrunago and would iuvile ull othets to give hi cull. HIS TABLE is ul wnvs supplied with the best the market a(T. His liar contains the choicest liquors, aud his , ling is good and well attended bv careful Ostiet , MICHAEL W1L i:i: - Sunbury. May 20, ISM. Mull I per IOOO 11 roes., OF WALL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRA STYLES AND PATTERNS. JUST received direct from the Manufacture! tho MAMMOTH, STORK of . FRILINO A GRAN Sunbury, March 15 1S02 11. 11. .i4.i:it. Vlloriioy nt l.tiw, SINPURY, r tolloetious attended to in the counties of thuuiberlaud, Union, Snyder, Muutuur, Col: and L; coniuig. srrrntscH. n,.n. John M Reed, Philaslclphla. A O. Oattell & Co., Hon. Wm. A. Purler, .Morton McMichael, Emi., " h. KeMiam 4. Co., 24 Pearl Street, New 1 John H . Ashniead. Attorney at Law, Maiihow i Cox, Attorney' at Law, bunbury, March 2a, lsti2. ili:itus iiotii Jljrriil nr, Fa. rpHE management of this well-known Hotl J ing been resumed by Mer. COYLE ,t in th prceut proprietor, beg leave to inform the that the house i uow being thoroughly ri v refilled, aud iuiiroved. with a view U Hie prM eouilortHbleaouowmialali. of Iho who may Ui establishment wilh their custom, liues'i, reueit due attention and oourlev, aud iioev will be spared that may conduce lo mainte; hotel in a Dr.! -ela tyle. Familiv aud oilier' doirlug lo solmirn iu il turg duimg the u miner uiiuilh. will find pb boai ding aud large and well-veutiUtrd loom, alsbliaiibieul, ujsiu loiHlerate lerms Mill I 1 IIYI.E March 29, lsoj. J. lilLlltUl lib, .'i.iki:u,M iM i nvr i ni: in: iitiiiii: A IuifruvoJ for IsJK) sul I Co, By E KETCH AM A CU , ?sk i'uu I H , . riMIE uuly Irmser vbielv4 ea . i,-i.i.fic 1 ciple. with S molting .a and irtug iaper Ike one klib. iCe ti.tiu ! lb vi th oibef reuiottw il a ll a rioreu lh anal rapid IU liMiing, a lib lb " sJVi f U. l b auhst ssKMUisswal lueua, aw il U th ai4 as i durable lu irwolura Pol aai ui ail lb p,iti..l 1 c.lles Sb4 loab. VkO'U. t a- k rwei aauabasile4 wiia S Uk of 1 aad lul di4wik.ua. I'llKla t a.eaiu, I1 f" 4 ijiiiiia, 4 ik I I e iuaii, t 1 I U4UU, t4 ssu, II us Apb1' U MAAfltB, ubtel ui.k Wi .MMlrl .ssklrl fUlllftUAV. M.as.1, La,uo.ki) IbroatMt bw t.bMMtsabi lb .U Ikol be kwuiii t"i M . Ui, J4-. 4 Ui luvle U l.b-k-sl tfi I l'luv k.a ks iu sau al Ut k IB , . mi. IW4