I iiri. i...nlt 5i)c untur &iwvira... U. E. MASSEH, Editor ti Trtivtinat. SATURDAY, JANUAftT S3, 18G4. B. M. PSTTSWGrLt CO., V. tr Pnrk Hew, Ww Terk, and t State fitreet, Bosknvar or forth etr.r AimmcAit la those chin, rind er aalbcrlMd to take Adrertuuy. merits nod Subaortption t at oar lowest rates ?Local affairs. tSi Orrtc. TVs oatasted to Botks a bind, soms improvement ia Market street, put ur by Meter. IT ill ft Wolrerton, on the lot of Major Dow art. These gentlemen hiring entered into partner, ship, now occupy this building as a taw office. The building is creditable to the taste and enterprise of oar legal friends. tJPThe bridg near Reed's Station on th Sua-' mokin Valley railroad, having been tinning J by ioe, no train was run on Wednesday. The bfidge has been repaired. ) ii. ii. i The rains on Sunday night and on Monday, raised the Shauiokin creek and small streams to a flood height. The river rose several feet, but the solid body of ice, averaging about ten inches, did not giro way. n I lwaaw a The soldiers, some o." whom committed the attack on the Democrat Office, on Monday night, seemed to hare a smashing time among some of the Restau rants, but we nndcrttandjthcy promptly paid for nil they drank and ale, and all damages for smashing tumbler!, he. CnrVc call attention toiho advertisement of Ror. J. Fritiiuger who offers for tale some valuable real estate in Vppcr Mohonoy. EpSmtioD ix Pett. coats On Kew Year's inoruing. Miss Clnra 1'otts, aged about 15 years, saw a larga Buck in front of her father's residence, nonr Hilli Orove, Sullivan county, when she took down Lis rifle and shot it dead. tVAs-'tsnoxiicvT or Camp Ci nns. We learn that Camp Curlin is to be entirely abandoned iiu Mediately, and a new camp Bill be established wc9t 3f the river, in and aronnd Fort Washington. This will be an excellent location, and far prcfcrnblo to the old oue. The new camp will be named Camp Reynolds, iu honor of Gen. Reynolds, who was killed while while hiroically figbttag fur his country, at Gettysburg. Ev-AcCIUi:T ON THE XuItTHFR.V CKSTHAL RaIL- nusn. A dispatch has been received from Balti more, giving the following particulars of nn acci .'ept that occurred on the Northern Central Railroad tiu Tuesday a week : An a-Metit occurred yesterdnv. on the Northern r antral railroad. 20 miles from this cily. Two pas-..-ncT caw he-cuuio detached from the mail truin "i -in ilariiv.ii.-g, and were run into bv a road train. t"L? cin were d.-innlished. P. t. Cniliihiiu of Lnn l jti, Canada. was killed, and nix other passengers were badly injured, including Hon. R. C Parsons, fr tutlcuvvlttiJ. Ji.io and Lieut. Col l!lackniau,of C-J-'A dangerous eounteifeit $3 00 bill on the 'Bskk of Schuylkill County" has been pur intocir .ulatiuu in lleaulug. Louk out for the new eountcr- Attack on tii NotiTnt vdstilast) Cui-tt riiiiuciiAT, Br Souukhs. eic;rot to my that u let of violence bw been committed in this place, that nay cas: a stijma of reproach upon ui us a people 'ho profess to be a community in favor of law and rdir. Monday evening. bMwccn 7 ana S o'clock, tlio Oil) Cii!ry regiment of New Vork, arrived at tho (ep;it, on their ret'irn homo in a special train. Tlicy luinbcrtd about two huudrod. As their train lad ,3 remain here r.nlil the niixht express train came loTrn, at 11. "0. a number of tl-.cm Tiiiicd tho rcslnu- ai.ts. Inger bocr sjUmnf na j hotels of the town Ab'.ut 10 o'cloek abound of about twenty a peered jeflire the 8!Scccf tho Xorthuinberlacd Gcmnty iJem ral, and having, by various inquiries, n-eertiiined (4 lucntion iu the third story of J. M. Simpson's juilding, proceeded up stairs, broke open the door, ind lata proceeded lo empty the cs, throwing the po siid materhle on tba floor They also threw lown the Tre-ii a Vi'arhthgthn hand press. which irnt.iiiiu 1 the for:;,r tf the nnfidn of the piiper. The rV-'s, we are k'" 1 to fay. "retained hut tittle injury. uid can be rctidiiy repaired. In the mennthne, Mr. i'.mpsou, who occupies a part of tho building, and uo wr.s in bed, en heurtng the racket overhead ame up into the room with a revolver in his hand, shioh was wrested fr.m him by sinno of the toUiiers. At. Simpsou, we understand, hnd his at.!i!e fpralncd n the scuffle and wuj alo truck in the face. The most serious loss is in throwing tho tvpo, Eng iih ai:d Oeriuaa, upon the flimr and treading upon ne:ii. thin delaying tho iaiaiiig of a rspor porhaps or a week or two. have endeavored to. s'.ate the facts ni nearly .( we could ascertain them, and are Inclined to be icve that the ml liers acted on tbcif own rcsponsi lility. We could not find any roliablo authority Ut they were instigated or encouraged by any of he ci'.iteuj of our place, as has been alleged, al bih there are doubtless somo who would Cot hnU a:etadoso. Severn! person aho saw tho Soldiers liter the building, soy, thut the -Lieutenant and some if the men aeri&tHtiuued rs a guard below. Th occurrence leca to be regretted by all who ikve a regaid for b-.w and order, as an outrage npon ifii ate r'.ji'.iis und fi ei doiu of speech. Threats had ireviuu.-ily been rondo on various occasions, by sol lurj, to "clean out ' the Northumberland County )tnmTt. fc'.dditrs and others should remember hat aruuu:, whether re..l f r iaiuginnry, are not to redress! by volenec. The only safe-guard ins muiu;iity i Ui observe ttie l'iw,oihrwi the in ivccnt may be mule to softer it la the fulltv. mi V- " WirowKRa vs i:.a!ior -Our neighbor ef he Uaiette, who is an ineorrigible biichclor, alter lately eulogiies and eriticites the ladies, and not teing able to inakv anylising out of tho latter, baa krn ailvantage of a aragraph in eur paper, en the ul.jeet of leap yr, for the purpose ef veutilatlng lU spleen ii n Uidowers. We have always had lue respect, not only fir the inttruities of a,bul wpe tHv fur Ih'we of baehetara. The former snay, some- lines, be relieved, but the latter, being Inherent, aie Imial Inenrable. The arrst defeat, er ralhei snia orluue o( baehelore U al I to be seHUhnesa, and ather than har ttiiytiiuit, evsa the blesainga af .rdl.o k, they iiiuild crawl through the world alone, uwspt, auhoiiored, uiimourued. Widowers, bavin jure he ui, my he u...r ueeptilile, whloh eoaLtea brut to iiy eva the aiUti rtunea ef a bachelor, The )' t niu't baia had t uf Ihea unfnrtuuatet a hi eie. whva he wrote the ditto lug line ; K..r km disown dear isuat'e be suresved. U l 11 ia lue wilo ths luiiiailie ha Is ; Ai. I rr the luir (en ubUuce kiiuf iisiuoved, knew, !'d 'ih. uws iiw.';ke Ud " !i4tn.tf dxpair. Mvi:kib. V"U kw Ike eld d,r, u.i-re true lhaa "ever i'f, tea bis av " sod uis may ut be far RsBesabet . Ih-is una m r so ft, but suoa er las rt. ll 1 1. 1 wm bvtt4 gu4i (n saut." 7 Cstsus of Tims Ah tiiFtMl sbaage kM btvle Ut Ike lime stbsdul U ibt taakawaxk , mwUt.aig Hil'-4 Ike iwaef Iraie - V jiauwUiiui I at o vlwk ia Ike a..i (4 ;ibi.iI II r l lsie swi.fciu k f M . aJ ) w ai .iiitautbeiUi.d ai V M i M Ib.i iU efcebla ena to VWl taaille, eitaeiM ! iilM.awb1.14 Ut lbs K.WMU.4 u4 f u k Ike !.". A kwse kae " -' '""'"I ' k leartial a4 I bila4J.Wi 4 tne lb Ml 4 e-t'b arts ex r N , Um sat 4 Us S H slHlH, f 3" Ten pLOtr. Dr, J. Priestly, Northnmbor land,, with a spirit of enterprise highly rcditiibla, proeured a beeuiiful ioa iloW and aooompauiiniinu far catling and Separating loa, from Boston last week. It h a beautiful apeolmes of tneohnnieul Ingenuity, wtih aerie of polished oatUra, tod cost fG8. The Dr. out suffioliotl lee on Satordsy, far bis haeu in lew hours, tm perfectly tqaai Wooks. The plow Is operated bf Jlr. Zltrsum Young, wba bm it In ohargo, tad who 1 in ant tot the loe for the putlla lea housa eatoted hi this plaoe. BmOLAits. On Meneray night tfra Icy of the front door, on River street, Of our dwelling, sud denly disappeared. Suspecting that it was stolen, we put down the dead-latch aid locked the door leading out of the box entry Into tka dining room. The entry was entered during the night, but finding the Inner door looked, the burglar left, taking an umbrella, the only artiole in the entry. On the following night James Washington ' shop was entered, and robbed of a guitar and some beekm of the value of $25 or $30. 3ir i IjF'-Fisk Vkkisom. Capt. J. K. Clcmont, Pro tost Marshal of this district has been the recipient of several fine buckle shot by Sergeants Daniel Smith trad J. J. Uuthrio, who are detailed to his oouunand. They also presented oue to AdJ't. A. F. Clapp, of Che board. Smith and Outline- are said to bo aotivo officers. Mr. Smith, who ret ides at Trout Run, is a nephew of Jacob SccshoUt, Esq. , The following card was attached to the buck when It rivcd here : Tu Capt. Jno. Rat CLnxnirr, Trovcai Marshal 14th Dit Sunbury, Pcnn'a. From Sergeant Daxikl Smith and Sergeant Jos. J. UUTIIlUE. An exprcssim of thatia'j for a short leave of ab senco for iuntiku, and a testimonial to the uml'urin kindness blended with correct discipliuo which bus been exhibited to us during the months of our ser vice on special detail to his command. I'roiu t'nIiiiig'tou. Waoiiikgton, Jun. 13. TI!E NEW TACIVIC MAlt, ItOCTE. The bill introdncti by Mr. MeBriflc, of Orcfn, in the House, provitka Ibr a daily mail, by foiir-h(irsf stupes', from Fort TJrici gcr, in Utah, to Dallas City, Oiof;an. The route runs through "a region hitherto considered the licnrt of the American 'Ivil derness, but now lined with a population of nliotit seventy-five thousand. It pusses through tho most important mining portion of Idaho and Eastern Oregon ; and these regions contain the most productive placer mines on the western slope to the navigable witters of Tliu Columbia river. It is claimed that this mail will supply the population of the Williutnette Valley about ten days sooner than by the present rimte via California, and in a proportionally less time for the interior. The bill has been referred to the Post Olh'ec Committee.' DISLOYALTY AOMUNIH1TKD. Gov. dimming, formerly of Utah, when applying for the Inst quarter's pay due him, was nolilied by the United States Treasurer that he should not pay him unless he took tile oath of allegiance, inasmuch as he had been charged with disloyalty. This action on the part of the Treasurer, which is sanc tioned hy higher authority, raised a very nice point, and one of marked interest to Copperhead legislators. siorx morm.Ls in casapa. About one thousand rebellious Sioux, flee- ing from the Union nrmvin Minnesota, have 1 crossed tiieinnaila line, and are now cans- I ... .. . . ' ing much trouble in the vicinity of Selkirk, borne tune ngo permission was asked of the British C5overnment to cross the line with our troops in order to prevent such outrages us are now tubing place. Alter consultation with the Home Gov ernment, Lord Lyons replied that such per mission count not ue pruuteii. uiorts nave been modi! to lnirsuadc the Sioux to return to our Territory, but the Indians reply that if they come back they will be killed, and tuey miglit as well die ti:ere. , , - - 1 ' .. Terrible OKtiKlropIte in Chili. TWO TnorAf.D WOMEN AKD CHILPltEN Ul'liNKI) TO DBATII IX THE DESTRUCTION Ol' TUU f.UCni'lt l)F THE JESV1TS AT SAK TIUfJ. One of the most horrible calamities that lias ever fallen upon anv neoi'le occurred in the city of Santiaixo, tho eaoital of the fie public of Chili, on the night of the Sth of f Ueeetlilicr last. The Church of tho Jesuits, in which was being celebrated the Immaculate Conception of .the Virgin, was destroyed by lire, and with it were burned and suffocated over two thousand women and children. One can hardly realize the terrible catas trophe Hint has fallen upon the people of Chili. AVItolo families have been swept away in an instant, as it were, and there is hardly a home in Santiago thut lias not been thrown into the depths of woe. The lire spread with wonderful rapidity to the reieilv of wood and hangings, and thence, attracted bv the current of tiir that always circulates between the tipper board ing and the roof, rylled through the church. In u few moments ull overheud was a mass of funics. In the meantime the men had succeeded in escaping, for in this church the sexes were separated by tin iron grating, atid the wometi had lied as fir ns the middle of the church in a state ot'The most terrible confusion. But the head-long hurry, the fainting, the obstruction ol the bell-sunpcd dresses, and the fntnlie eagerness to gain the street, formed an impenetrable bt rrier before the two doors, which, by a culpable imprudence, gave access to the iree sir only towurds the open space in front ami the small court of the west side of the church. Thut obstacle was the barrier of death. And uow what uppeured most horrible was that, seeing the salvation of lives w ithin reach of our arms, it was impossible to save even ono of the victims piled one upon another on the very threshold. Hardly had the noble men who devoted themselves to save lives at the eril of their own, seized by the arms or the clothes a prostrate form, than tho other women, mad with terrr from the nearncs of the tire, clutched the victim about to be saved, and in some caaes, dragged those w ho tame to help tutm into thut fiery vortex. At midnight the unoking ruins of the lat.it iruipie, to soon silent cliurnel liotue, was visited, nnd by the light of a laiitt ru every slip showed to the iippttllcd giue fear ful group ut carbonized corpaes that pre served atill the supplicating or despaitiug attitude of tuuir rlutful luiiriir.Luu, AlJl'll lo.NAL Iitt All . The Fth of iH'iemlicr was u great triumph for the tlenjy of the C liunh of the Jeauils in fenutiugn. Au ciithuai.uiio audience tilled every nook. There were hurdly any men there ; but three thousand women, roiupri inU Dower of th beauty and fashion of the cspiul, were st ths IVil of thu eci Ivaias lies, very many against the will uf lathers and liuabsutU, but that, of courae, only showed forth the power and might of the Clo.pel. Nrwr had such pyininluiy ea svm bttfore; Iwtiuly thousand lights, uutly csuiphvue, in long I'wtoons 1 ( colorail gloUa, Ulusvtl, the 1 nurvb into e, hall of (lis. iiul the ptrloiuiaut s lis I uol i beun, when the uvaiiiit of iir at the lout ol thu I pfigauttii Image uf the Vi(ull ovsr the hl,;U liar utetn.iwe.i. sun, tuittotnu up the luua llU drapiriva and paubomd deiiiie ui he MuhhIvU rf, luliod lorrtut of tfalue. lli aul.liniui. of the Cie etas awful. Tits) tUltss) UIM t'f MOIIIta, flii;I.Uuv4 VUl . ..I .. ... I .' 1. .. . . ..I .11 ititUutflvl t y llittf si-'i t( ilii.i iltissos, I fu.liol, M lIlUM ltei blivW iiul llt.lll M sl U. I IviU, lis lU i n U''f, ttuls tut-ti (MSiiu fu..u I U.. ttiM rlni. r.iL.H.11.4 "'"li ' " guii lb rauti.lictt lmi, iuaj ' ll.i.r, , , rrn Itg . Intrctls Ooni tVnnhlsserfon. '" ' . WABiiniOTos, Jan. 10, 1664. . It.U nr)eftood hero thut General Butler t:r.s laid pluus before the liebel authorities nnd, baajtt Tsceitod no answer. BiioulU they decline to eichangc, then General But ler ha a remedy m Ida own hum la, which, it Li beliered, will meet the case promptly, TUB DRAFT BILL, Wabtjtjtotoh, Jan. 17. -The members of I oth the Military Committeees of Congress have received, large numbers of letters, the writers volunteering suggestions or advice as to vhat thonhl be the features of the amendatory enrollment bill, many of them evidently desiring that it should be bo framed a to exempt themsc.vcs from the draft. The bill before tfio Beiiate will prob ably pass that body to-morrow, and be sent to the House for its concur) ence. It corrects some of the iaults of the present law, nnd its object is to render its operations more efticJent. The only persons specially exomptvd from the draft, ure the Vice Preside!) t of the United States, the Judges of the United States Courts, the heads of theseverul Executive Departments, and the Governors of the . States, and by implication, such persons as are physically or mentally unlit for the service, according to the prtssribed army regulations. The two classes for enrollment and draft are merged in one, which is made to include persons between the ages of twenty on&l l'oity-tive years. Credits are to be given to tho cities, towns anil wards, so as to equalize as fur as possible the clrul't throughout each district. The commutation is increased to $109, thoso who pay it to I o cxsinp! trom the present draft, but liable to bs called upon in the next; or, in other words, they are in the condi'.ion of a reserve. Drafted men may, if they prcftr.be trans ferred to the nnvy, Bitch transfers being credited to their respective localities. Al terations are made in the details of the Old act for conducting the draft, and nttorimys or ngents are restjictcd to the fee of five dollars for preparing the necessary exemp tion jmpers. The bill bus not yet been perfected by the Senate, but it v iil probably pass that body with the above prominent features. AUREST Of A PliOVOT-MArtsrtAL. Captain V. AV. Vt'hite, Provost Marshal of the Eighteenth Pennsylvania District, at Williamsport, has been dismissed the service and arrested und lodged in the Old Capitol Prison, for alleged frauds in tho business of the ollie". THE FEELING IS ENGLAND. A lifter received berc this morning from Hubert J. Walker, London, Fays that a great revolution is going on in England in refer ence to tilts financial strength ot the CJovern ment. lie also says that a heavy tide ol emigration will set into this country in the spring, and, with congenial legislation, it may be carried opto bulla million of people n' year. Ho proposes that Congress shall enact that no emigrants shall be liable to conscription during the war, so as to disarm suspicion abroud. Iorllicrii CociNcrvntii cm. Fr.OM CEXERAL OAXTT'S ItKCEXT 61'El'CII AT iiARitisncno. We in the South and voti "Copperheads' pn'1-l tbat Lincoln was a humbug laughter, . .1.1 I) I. ., uul nas not, me om ienow none everyinin he said he would t Great cheering. When we look around nnd see what . slavery lias done for us; when we see the agony and fullering, of pain, of widows and orphans, the true men of the South and the .North will want the curse settled by the abolition of the curse. Push on your column. Encourage your soldiers and the Government ; give it every support, and at the end of this year the re bellion will collapse. I hear men in the I North denouncing tho secessionists with apparent l-'itterncss, and they say, ''Extermi nate them, but save the negro.'' They might as well say of a man bitten by a mad dog, "Kill the man, but, for Cod's sake, spare the dog." Laughter.J We in Ar kansas ure going to kill the dog and try to save the num. Kenttiekiiins sav there arc two parties, destructives and conservatives, He believed the destructives were the seces sionils and their unwilling aiders ; but ; these hitter called themselves conservatives ! lorsooth I Ue in Arkansas are go.ng to vote for whoever you nominate as an uncon ditional Union candidate for President. Cheers. I say to those conservatives that the only way you can stay this desolation and bloodshed is to say to the South, jield to the, Government, then we will withdraw our armies, liut, no I tlie conservatives have not the time uor tlie men they say. They sec their true and gallant neighbors shed ding their blood it) defence of our right.-, while you stay at home to watrh the Con stitution. If you can't tight, if you can't join either side, for Heaven's sake, keep ijuiet and say nothing ; for when the rebel lion is touipicnd niul the soldiers come home, they can see for tiietusclves whether the Constitution is desecrated or not, and punish the desecrutors. Cheers. liyjoiir present conduct in murmuring and mutter ing, you preach peace propositions and en courage the insurrectionists- I nm a stran ger, and I expect nothing l'toni you. I want nothing from the Government, but I tell you truly that the rebellion is looking anxiously upon the course ot the so-culled conservati ves, and would like to f pur tlu'ii on, for they expect it will bring delay and finally ictory to them. 1 w ant my stulei ing people relieved, but 1 want the old Government to embrace tho whole territory us of old. Cheers. My friends iu thu Smith lutxe denounced me been use I am telling the truth about them but 1 tell you 1 never uiet moje consummate Secessionists than those con servatives of thu North. 'Would the South abuse me if I was uot telling the truth about them ) I have been among the rebels, and 1 know that your conservatism is aiding the South. For once I appeal to jou. Leave party and go tor your country ; nominate an uncOinlitioiiul Union man, and elect It int. That is what the Union men of the South want. The rebels are waiting for the inau guration of a new President, and they waul you conservatives to succeed. Then will be their time for aueeesa. The hardest blow ever struck the reUdlioti was the Kmanclpa tion I'rocluniatiou, enforced by l iiioii b.iju nets. As to compromise, lie said, would it not be wi lor the Southerner, after going nut, to come bai k tu thu t'teaideiit nnd sav ; "We uru willing to join you again." The iiiitIoii would U : ' Why did )"it o out f" "Why to protect the nigu'r." "Uiul have J oil coma back for t" " hy, to protect the nigger." Luughter llul that In all atulf. Ji ll. luU and llio leaders won't 1lotl1.1l. 'the people are w illing to return. l bo Lit lirisl Sccison ladies daily umiiy lialiilwiine I uioii koldii'ie. I wus slraid wy wile would lesvv uie when I iliteruiinvd In stippoit the t iilou, but when I lolil livr, she sant It was llm tiolili.t at 1 I had ever dmio. l luois The t'nlou soldiers in Arksiisas are hmpil bly liiaud. All this Kites l prove that w tau lite loxttl.tr. lieeuii llm to lapUitly of laud Slid wwW In u btatee of the V ( lo bold all tho UteiHS Iu Ihe lvoulb when fleed, 1 bare would b no luigratioil ftotti lit kVoUlh, etiipl In tasape SaIumI l"lidat l spoke kl Uliutli of the eilianlaL'ie I t vaoiiabalS of! ..red by Arkansas. 11k did Mot U.iie Ids aUie waa edaplisJj l alaviry. VuUtaliUi'l leut lllipiunl. V bate I UiuuuUm uf eol, ltjMli, h'B, nd i M"U. uUI Nellilil .l.iUe Um Kllttt 1 14 w Mills uui ueiitliy,uJ tuttt ttf uuigiili, . H-i-tfliur I K.l..b-,.kd.. mt tiiywl lbs 1U.4 I .m.. jtiu. fc irJ It tt4 imnmt NEW: ADVERTISEMENTS. AX l:VK.Vi 1001' It A 1 1 U .11 UK IT MtOWJv'S NSW Itlefnt'Top lamp IThlsntioy. tS-Tha Chimney for which the Keroacno-011 Bslog fiublh) have so long been In seed, bcoauio 1. It "STANDS FIftK!" Tarn np the blaite till It Issue from the top of the chimney, and keep It up asfong as you please TBI olas won't bhkajc t Try it. 2. It does not become btnok or disfigured should thn lump nooidentnlly smoke. Is shnrtvr than the common chimney liable to eoaiiletit and more oonveniont for ourryiijg about the housa. 3. It it not ensily alfootod by sudden cSnngea ef empcrnture : go out of doors, or' Into tho eelrnr. sum mer or winter, with tho lump burning don't lour! the oblmnoy will not disappear in fiagmenta! 4. Tho top can be lustnnily Timovod. and the glass aiped porfeotly olenn In a moment. vtthontvtttng, and witlrftut danger of breaking the glass. 6. Ono outlasts ten eorttmvn chimiuii. Try It and you will use nn other. Fur sale in Town and Count Agoneles grunted by tho X. L. C. Munufevturlng Co., 46 Fulton Streut,ew Yuk. dunuary tl, 1SB4. Sm AND BACK PAY COLLECTEDv SJI. UOYEIt, Attorney at Law, is duly aatl.or . He'd' and licensed to oolloot lfll wioiK, iSoiiiiiii'HnntI jt!n'i liy for Widows, Or phans nnd Soliliers. Oilico in Market ttroct, oppo site Weaver's Ho'el, 8unbury, l'a. January 1G. l.Sijl. ly Orrtcr or Titr. Kaw York anu Minm.E Coat , Fikld Hail Koad A Coai. Company. TIIK anniinl mooting of tho Stockholders cf thn Coinpsuy will be held nt tho oQicu of the Cnm 1 miy No. lit) routh 4th jjireet, on, Monday, 1st of l'ebruiiry, IstU. ut 11 o'clock A. M.,'for tho purpme of electing Vivo l)iiojtni9 to serve for tho enpuini; venr. and to tr.ui'Otol such other buisiuess us ui.iy be brought bctero them. I'LTKIt K. LAMUS, Secrctury. Philadelphia, Jnuunry 11th, lMil. 31 Staves, Ehicgles, Poplar, Locust, rilUG midcnigned is about extending his lumber .1 business to till a needed e;np in thotnide of l'hil ndelphia, by making lypcciuiity of tho t'oopi-r-Stiicli Trade, nnd now desires to iniiku tirrunc:ementB to ne cura supplies. The City Coopers, Niippcrx. te.. owing In the impn?(ibilWy of nbtnining them in Pbil adelpbia. now depend liirgcly on other ninrkets for their t'taves. Ac. With proper encoiiragenieiit bv tho mai.uliietuiery. the nndeined hnpes tu yt thiii diier.ieu of trndo by keeping ,,n hund a laivo stock, in cery vnriety o'f quniiiy nnd size, ljy giv. ing this branch ot trndo particular ntlt lit ..n . ha htnies to inel'e more curly returns to eniiigiiiiii'nts and estubiisli R-r the niiiinifnetiiTciH a nioro vnliuiblu coiiimuniciitiiin r.ith piirclniers tlinii i po&lc. bv thuFe who tr.tdu mainly In mora he.'tvy lun lnr. Miiuiiiui'turci'a and uthei!'. whoonn lun;i.-h (parti cularly eoMiNriiis fflppiie.) either by coii'triiel, pnreluisc or on CuuiiuLinii, i-Uvei", Jleading, Hoop l'oles.Ac. AJurtvi v.'. a. i.k vrnixc. Cnliowhill street WIiHrf, Puiltult Ipbia. Large supplies always nnnted of Loeimt Timber. Onk Knees, mid trciiueutly long Oak l'iank. Oiik and Vcliow I'ino Timber. Ac. Alr-o uow o'er.irg a trade iu and w:uiliii.-!upp!ici-of Shingles, Vi'ulnu!, Cherry. X'tipinr ana aim A.iitnner. .c. J!kki;iieni. ks : Alex. U. Ciiltell A Co.. I'liiltdel- i phin ; Tuns. lUelinril.-en A Co., riiilti'iiiphi:!. JiiUiiiiry l!t, lm BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE ANU Til K kkitisji i:i:viE"e. Prices Chcnp u.s ti er, to tho?o who pay promptly in advance. rOsTAUr. llKDl'CKD ! ! rremiunis to new .Subscribers ! ! Xotwitlistniiditii; lbeco?t of Ileprinting tbono reri odicnls has more than dt'iibhtd in conciiueiiee of tl1 enovuiou rise in the priee of Pnper and of n eneml iidvunce ii nil oth v-r expel se. and note, ithhtttniliiij other publii-hetrt arc reiiu'-ing the t-ize or IheretiHnj; price of Ibt ir publications, we shuli continue, for thu old rntes, vii : 1. The I.nLilon Quarterly (Cnr.sev .-lUivc). 2. Tho Kdliibuigh lleviiir (Whig). 3. The riorth British ISevicw (1'reo Church). 4. The Westminister lteview (Liber.;lj. 6. lllacknood's Kdinbur jh Jlagn.ino (T ryV Ti:itMS. Ir Ann For anyone of Ihe four lieviews $t 10 For any two ol the ItHir Keviews 6 10 For ai,'v three ol the four lieviews . 7 (") l or nil' four of the Kciicwa 8 fd) For liliiekivood's M.'igiizino ,'' CmI For llliiel.jiy.od nud one lteview .Sou For Ulnekitoed and livo Keviev'S 1 no For I'ljekwood nnd ti,l eo Ke iews tl t!l) l or liliiekwued and liic f mr ile i na lu Id roST.tlili. The poslne-ti to all ptirts of the I ni.ed States i.- now only I:nty-sijc Cents 11 Year tor the bolo Five l'ub lieali'jr.s.'viz : t went y-l'"ir eent? u year for liliick Tuod and only l-liglU Cents a Veer torn lleview. lostn;-e it pnyjibie ;tt the utllec nheio the numbers are rieeived. PIlKMlt'MS. New Suhriliern !o nnv t'.voof the Periodic."!" for IStU. wiil receive d.n a )r mutm their eheice of uuy oiit'uT the lour lloviewi for 1Si'.:1. .Siibieribr.i to i.ll five wili receive their eboiecof any twn ol" the four Ue ieifs for 'lM;3. t'libw.-i'ilier tuiiny or a 1 1-the 11 or Kn for IS6 1, niiiv irociire any of the I'mr Heyiews lor Isoli. to w It teli lliey may not be entitled u preuituu., ut Jl a vear inch. jf -1 lio Third Kditiun of tho repteinber Number of liiuekwood, contoiiiiiig un tin i!-ticlu by mi llni,lii otttcer who was preaviit at tii U.wle or tieTTTsut'liu, is niw remiy .nce '2j cir.ts. Kemilltiijccs uudcouiuiiiiiicutior should be addrci LEONARD p'CTT A CO.. PuMi-'ier?, No. ."S Walker bl., he,, liroajwiiy an t Church St. We also ub;ill tbe IAUME1! S (H'lDIf. l?v Hkmiv .arM iii'.,.soi Fdihhur.liuiid the late .7 P. Nohton, of Viilo College 2 vols, lioyul Octavo, iiiod j pne.- una rniMetoit.- j-.i.ruvn.s. Piiiie JO, for the two roltaueS. Kv Mull $7. I b .hCO l T .V CO. j January fl. 1SA4 1 J'OirSALE. I mJIK HoVMi nna FIVE LOIS, in the liuroutli f , NnrUniiiibifrland, It uili mj on Quitrn hirtft. i hioh i the- iniiin ruml iViiiii,; li iu llii ivv to lst)irturs nil MUlun. itio lumt i a lave two' itorj tmnie t'liiltlin;. will ft it two fitiiiilit'H. r nn ' pwtr well ir m pulrlie In f use ; c'jimvt'ti'U Hiih u i- n ; csrritiLTc hou., hii i-xrcllfiit ntnJ.lv, in-'l wU uf water coi) t-iiiftji Id lite kiiclitii. wiib utiii in it- , 'J'lie lttattuii i u iU-ntiuit (11 'I iii'wt kffirjiM one ' fr ft nriMiie rcM.iti.vo. of will ujnki) (tu cxL-iiUut taiitl lur Imaiin.1. 1 1 he 'Tv nud oonilitii'iu will he init io known hy ; tba uiiilvraiLTiicd wlio ui'cui'iN prt rnUiM. MAit v a. ui na. Kjrthumhor.iiml, Jrtuitry 2 lii l ,t j tl a (; n i ii. i) i n (. s i o. i:. ! riHK subscribers rcspwifull? in'orin the citiein ' 1 of Sunburv. tbni they are prerared to fuiiii-h! PAVINU AND lit 11.1-1 Nil .'ri).rJ, at h.rt n..uco and at reasonable rui' . The stuue will be delivered on the river bunk at j Funbury. I'crtoiia de-iiiuj fiml stone will find It t't 1'ielr i Intern! tu call aud tsuiuine btfuru )iialmiiij ili- wiiero. Addre lMtLU4.MAl.TlN. l'oe. IJ, liWS. Kuubury. I'a. THE mTsSES JOHNSTON'S D O A It 1) I u A M I) A Y S L il o O I. I'or luun2 l.iMlia-a, Ka. II'S f-'prue. Mrtel. I'hiladelphU. iKri:itfc.ci.!i : Iter, Dr. Hows. Iluu l Urbsier.ini . He. Dr. huddaids, Vint lldi ki.i.i i(in. '... lies Dr li '(.er. I.Lo.iiil wuitlloli, I llti.r M 1 u.e. I n, . i u. li Ii - e i.i 1 1. . , K H 11 "III H .lUrl .HJ IbolllbS Dttl-lttl', l.fe- , DectU bl i, Hull. Alrsmoliir Id i.i v I'i.ild4el bill. OVSTKKS! (iYSTKKS! ri.iNoviiiritH .hd. .r bir rit., d.vit rr ..u Ihslli) iitatkcis, uUi k ,d si ti l tun. kl lb Lottwiiunwjr stiwuur M C. .hAhllAKT 0ULbtlly, Jsliusly V. M v. A JsstistWlrMiar'a Ait, E.t.it, of , Jvul-m Jtu.1, t.Vtr, u'.rv.istJ. N IlTK K is kMnl.y litm il sl Uitsrs uf duiit.is Maii.iitiUawsisi.l A J m i huv.il'i. Iwu Ik k kj tui.baiy, Aai.l.uu.U., I.d !, il.SU4 k ksall lLl4 U. Ik !. kt All .. ks.itig iiUum si;ki tl. sstl Mat , nMut.4 ui . kh ll 11U.1. t.. kl-u'lu lb kMKwH. ttl.ltil W ItkSSttd lkks I lui-tl m 1, .ut i. us M U LoUllUliU Adk.lt.U4isl.-s. t.1 J(4k (Vvt-ktlk..!, 4 $HXlf, I t J6, -t li l lllltst A. 4 01," " Vllori.ir Ml 1 41 M , ft I lt rlu s4 lti-4.;. bia lutk V ill s.tfiii si. kkd w iivw- 4 tU Mws imim4 k V S( ., it Ml rj s i ij. m. ' 2 i n' i .ijxa ',. '.oi mwn'!1' Nouiolliiiis; .Arvr tu llii:iulcljbl;i. I coopsiva rHOTOGRAPH AND ART GALLERY, :.o. 1.13 bosnot Btxoet, oppoeWe the V. 8. Mint. Callory, Ileoeptlon aid 0ra'lng r-ooma ALL (JN FIRRT FbOOIl. AD stylos sod sires of Pliotop-nphs, rvoryiypea, Ferrotypes or "Tintypes" and taken at prices tu suit the times. Pictures Fintuhod In Water Colors, Oil, India Ink and Paatil. Horses and other anlmsta. Equtparja, ConntrT8calo P.ulns. Models of Machinery, Ac, tor Patenting ao ourntely photOKraphed. P. F. Cooper deniriw to entl ths allontlon of por sons visltina Philadelphia to his now Ground Floor Onllory, whoro he bus lutroduoed newly-patented on niei as, capable of taking, in a few aeoomls, one hundred Photographs, from the small stamp or au tegnipliio, to tho Imperial and Lifo SilD. Alter many experiments he has succeeded In pla cing his sky-light at an improved angle, difiusins; Ihoiihtin equal proportions. (and producing that soft gradation of tone which oimnot be given by the aide and sky-lights generally used, and which of so much iniTKirt&nce to the beauty of a picture It is msdo of 1'ranuh glass, and is the largest iu Philadel phia. Mr. Cocker hns kcn topupcd n-.nro tbnn twenty ye,!pi in the stuiiy and praotioo of tho Fine Ajty. 11)4 lonrf experience as a Miniature and Fnrtriiit Painter is a suIU'dobt guaruiitco f r the perfeolion of Ihe pieturns made ut bi cstnbli.-liinriit. 1 lis art ef ide'iiiiiiii; is will understood ; none but too most skillful artists aro caiployed in tho repii; livc deinrlmeiit?. The art of ideiiTizingdii well understood ; none but the friot sttilfiil artibts aru employed iu tho respective depnrtmtints. All l'iuturcs Wnrrnnted ; tho Ivorytypes will uot clisnge in nnv climate, and will sliuid tho tent of iicid-'. Piirlteul.'ir ettentiim is paid togiving graceful and etu.y xisilions. Dnj;uerreotyjies and nil other kinds of pictures ooppied, from umall toeditllion to lilo size, and .fin-iiu-d in colors or Indian ink, tolook cqinit topiotures ti.ken Irotii liie. fl hi Onllerr perefies rure futilities for tfikinj r.iiitr.stiaiii l'icture- fiotn life, in the rear huiidiiitj, v!ierc troiu ono to fitly burse can bo photographed lit n time. N. li. To Photographer", Colorlsts and others. .lu--t Issued. A New Work on PlIOTOUlt.M'll Cdl.liniNU. IvoKVTvnso, Emamfll lio. lvonv Mim iTi nn I'AiNTian. Ac. Complete inpl ructions given for meVing Ivorytypes with somo viduiiblo rec-ipls. never before published, useful to all photographers, for onoofahichn large sum bti. been ofn rcd. by following tlie directions contained in this book, even thoo pernios with no previous knowledge of Pointing cannot fiiil to color photographs in a beau tiful and eflbetive ?t le. Prieo. One Copy. V.'i.nn. Five Copies, f 20.00. By remitting y!2 one copy, wilh lloxot Paints, Palette, nnd preparations complete will bo furnished irco of charge. Will be Published Shortly. A Vii.t .iiu r, VI OIIK ON llllAB INC. Wilh progressive Illustrtitinii of the lib man Face and ligMl-e. A IlA.Nn-Iloiii. o.n Positions, Wilh Illu.-lriitiens. Designed fur the nsu of Photo-grH-heri- and AriiM.i. Air. Coei'er com ioucs to receive T.nd ics nnd (leu tlemen into hi-, fins b r linttruetioo in Druwiii-.r. and Photograph, Jvorytype, India Ink and Paatil Painting, ,u.d a beuuliiul proees for KnuiiHih:iT Piettirin. Circnlur i-r niniiiir. ll :l of prtce.i ef r.ietures nr.d flintier iiiiorn.i.ti' n r,r; -i-ting tho llooK.j and 'J'ero.s of Iie-lrueiioa tony be bad by enelo-'ilii- Po.-t Ouicc Addrciii iu;d a ns'.n to P. F. coopr.p.. 13." ("In ''net H'.rvvl. Phituuklphia. lll.l httilNt.FS. C-. leb Cope. Pre'lcnt Aca ltiny of Fine Arts. Dr. Tho:). JJ Wilson, Uruithologist and Lntoinol- o jt i '-1 Itev. Tlioters .Miles JlaiHh, P. E Church. Jlon. Vietor A. Hitriori. l.'-.ni'Lil of Leghorn. Hubert 14. Cb.rV-'on. ol Firm of .lay Cooke .1 Co. Ne'vVoik, lit,. W. A. -Maybiu, Uol. St. Albau's Ciiuleli P....-!. m. .1. I'. Tilton Co. 'or- ei.Ur, M-h-.j.,- I, l.'oilge. llnltiiiiore. M.e,,. Ann-dee iauv.in, French Concul. Dec. i. im:;. 'A' A .f A V 11 ii S TMii: NDTICl'.l Tho annual li.'! of I'nited "itcs taxes lit made up on l,ie-i.:-v;:. Iiieoiue. on CurriegeH. il.er IMate. and all unpaid monthly lists ure now due and payable, us folloe : JiAi.ita Cot stv will be ntlondcd to bv John M l.au.;l.lin. Deputy, at .MililintoMii. on MonJuy, tho I I'd rtav cif.lanuarv. I si! t : ut M'Ali-ter ilie. i tho lJ;h en 1 Kith : a' 1!:?1 tiel-l. on the 1 lib; et Mexico, on lite l'ith ; ut .M 'Coi, -H-h', iiie, on the 1:3th : ei lii-.t AV nter! ird, on the il'Jth and 21?.'. ; ut Perry.si illo, ou tbei.id. riNvnru Cot wTV. Ili-nry Smith will attend r.'. the Wll.lill('loll Jinui-e, .Mi lilli llir:r. O'l the litll of JiMtimry ; M-liii.-rovp. tit tlie I'nion lloue. ori tho i 1 Ut li : Vreebuig." at F. Mover's Jlot... on Uio loth , at Jl'-avei Sj.rii'i'. on the Uth and l.'itli. ; I. M.N CulM V. .li -i! ll'-.'i r. De-puiy. will : tend ii. liiirtbton. oa t lie 11th of .lanuury; at lif- i ! tlitiburi:, on ti:e- iLV.i ; at New iierliot on tlie bi.h ; j tu l.i Ki. tiurg on thn Mth and l;th ; at New Coliiiu- i bia. on thu lstb ; at t riiontown, on tlio R'tli. Noi.-iiirv tiKiii.AMi Cm stv. S. 11 lb yr. Deputy i:il atti-l.dat his oil.. -e. iu Sunbjry, mi tl;e 1.--I11 i.i.-l I i I'.Mlt .1.-. unary ; l.t er. , iiotel. i;i Sliiiinolii:. j mi ihe 2"iii; it -I. .M liutT's, i.i il.e l.oronj,-! el I ' Mil'oi.. on tho 22.1 and 2X 1. I i lin i-itiN Cm siv. Atteiilnneo will ta g'ven. in pefMiii or by li poly, nt the Aveor s oHli"e. Midd!e ton. on tho 1 1tn ot Jaoiinry! at Hummel-ton n. el . Iliiuiii'ii Hotel, on the llNi; at l.iuleptonn. i tot ' lllili ; at Ferry.-ibiirg. en tho liMli ; at MiHeridiuig. on tiic i!iih ; at li.ililii.v. on the isi ; tit Dauphin. ' mi the llli-ll. ilig of tlie 2Jd. Att-lidll!IC1 will bo i e-iteit on any day at my otlk-e, in linriisburj. S i , D&tiphiu county. ; wrciAL NOTrci: i j To all lm nei'leet to pay at the time? and pines p.-eiricd, 1') per centlitn must bo added ai'd paid, j All tuxe.s ttiuat be paid in lio crnine-l fun.U or itii I t-iiuiraliJit. I A K. FAllNI-J'TOCIC. C ileeu r l lth Distiiet, Pu. lltirnsl'.urg. .laeui.ry 2. Ilol. I - JElTJXi: TREES. r 11. KXOVSK. Al. f r Kdw. J. Fvm.s X Co. V I ef IVi.tml Nurse rif." Vork. Fa.. li.Ues tills uietb.id i't Iiiliirinuu Ins I'ltci.ds Mid the pn'.li.: 1,'eneiilly, Hint hois mid will rctnuln st Wilwrt's Hotel 1..V tivu wi ek::. rendy tureeeive ordeiii. uhieh Jie ni l i!. liver in the t-prinx, of uil kind.-uf 1 rt it and oi-niiiuenti'.l trees. pe vine, Shrubs, Uuscs. .iil". Sunbury, Jnuunry ). isOl l.'t " NEW FANCY S'rOIUr' HAVINli jut r. iurnrd fnun rhiliidtipl.iti, h ivo now opiu B freJi supply uf 'J'rluiiiiiuf m, mill I'uiicy .Irlli l.'t.. at her new !on in the rnnin sdjoiiiinj; the residrue uf Mr.. 1'i i-t.t r. in Murkit Nii:ire, frunbuiy, 1'ti. Iterstoi k ,'oiiit in piirlof I.ndi'-' Tri(, miii v: for Drese, Lsfi", I'utleru- ..r Die- H. Fiiihro! lerlc.', Jl.illdken bo 1. I i Iu IT'. Mlk sii'd I'otton Thresul, l.mlieH'ibiv,-.-t Ze td.y r-i. WiM.leii und ..-pbyr Site-.iues ut.d llun-is lnbins trees. lUtttons. liiinlii.t. lliiihoni, C-lIiiia knd Heev.-n. Iielils' Ntie-kliei. l'ur-et, Att.tr Urn-hen, llnir Uil. llitir Net, liimiit i.ir.-wrNi. Suwinit Nik., Uinlalillllii'li.tis olher ulllclen, 111 ul l.i ll Will bo so!d nt tho loHi'tt rules. I bin.-id 1.1 to toy slin k IStdnuiml Hkltts. lb-.p Kklll. M'lh'lell 1'm lor l.s lle. Hll I bildlell, lnfu.it S k. lii l.ta' I'l.li'k Mlk .Neckties. Ali. Irerh 111 p:it 1 orei, iiim-k Mill iiinvrs, u..ie-u turn.. M, l 111. al . 1 rendy lo do kit kinds im Mempinj tor b. lulilij; ur euililotilery. Al.. iriel v o iiui.-li , uiliibl for ('hri-tiuu 1'riwoi.ln, t.ii-n tu 1'hot otirttpti AIIiuiim. I'ortviiioiinu.-s, Jlr-u'elel,. Jtl.-utt-l'lltt, A Almttt bufntwiuv kM)lt li.i:il ot loused lint l. nil e'tolii IT. ii! .V'AltV I, l-AZAltl S. h'linhuiy, IVI. 17, !-.!. I jc fltlliiili litlilit (V l-li' Itullroutl. '1 11 IS rt-'l I iu Imti-rt. lbs Vortbi tu ttml N nil . 1 t eui.ni i. uf IVi.ntN 1 tu.. tu in viiy ul Fn 1 1. I ukd 1.1 il . il 1 k b .e.l by lb IN nii.i iikid ltsilro-.il Col..j M . hi.. I Ul U-r iheir k.l.piee Is bt-il-j (..pldly .pe,.t-J thl '.l.tell..ll lit titUI Ulljlll ll i 1.. IU bSk l c Iwnts ku4 KrtUhl bu.il e-. f.uUI II U.I.I'UIK lu Fuil-i-IIUl.t tit.. U.lU.t .-.I lb l.utltm Dltbe o, k.. I Lulu .-b-Mi14 tu I tit-, .H Ullios-lull ll.tf V l .li 11. I'll I ii li ink ur K.i.ni.iii 111,111 sr s. tkt mi l"..s i t 'it'tnij I 1 i' . il . If Uti ,. Mail 1 1.11.. h in A M M o ii-iu, 4 H M. .spiifs li.in, 1 ii P SI tsi iM Itsiit. .iw V M 1 sts fkk lt.turfMli wilb'Htt tlsbMe. I.'l , t.tt tbr ll.lt tlHtie-k l't,tU.el I. la Sod I am k 1U.UU, ku-l klaim lUiliikui sud lrk llsiiu l.l..i.l kUtpiug tj u .s.m Trains -ik kan Usnli St Jii.u-.,..! aud l.lilwot, uu4 illt.u.-...l wit Fkii....l,4.i. tus lulu, uisl.uk itt.t,.iti4 PsaM!!1 tujs.avaj k, jlli.t t. I -.1 Ilia k.d klatk.l Ma. UIHI 1 ktMU.ua U Iksttk-i alt Avl is. U ki..iuk, 4,, (.us. Ull kt-4 aiattti , I -LilaJvli Li j v, v.ikJa. r.i . U tVt-., a ORB, Haliitttvr il U lioistus, . toki ftt.aU (. MU4 ISKIS I. II .1 H, tt.ll..44l,-La4 at " a a D Iviia, Wtkl VltiSk4t, SKLWIW.J IS I". !! GllAJSP OPENING or FRESH WINTER GOODS. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, SUNBURV EENN'A. OVTKR FOB BALR AT VERY LOW PRICES, a full line of DOMESTIC AND STAPLE DRY &;0S " DKES.S GOODS OF EVERY VARZETT CHEAP A.D HANDSOME. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT ncfUEur axj) glows. HEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AMD CAPS, Trunks, Yalkcs nutl Carpet E;iS.' CAnmVARE AND GHOCEMKS. QUEENS AM) GLASSWARE. Stone und Eurthenvarc, Yooil r.ml Williiw Vr'uro, 15nr Iron and Stcul, Iiils utiel Spikes, Drugs, PaiuU anil Oils, IVindow Sasli ami Grindstonpa, Ticks and Mason Hammers, Coarso and Tine Salt, Fish, Jkat, Chucsc, Ac, &c, Ac, All Kinds ol Gooda, chctip for cash or Country Product?, cr.n !m found at tlio OXF. TRICE STORE BRIGHT & SON, I, li. A'.l CJonds warranted As rcprcs' nkd. .'0 DEVIATION IN I'UKT.?. small p::o:rrs an.; ouu'k sali: St'.ubury, Oct., lOlii, W3. SlOUliNlNU GOODS!! GliKey si!!-:s. 4 -1 lllofk Cu--Jitncr. s; f-.) v I :!:!: Mohsirs, Fiiif ll'.a;-!c Alpnoc:', Jiluitk unit I'ttrii't.' I (i-lains, White isti'l Hlufk Figured Ditlaints, Liiifk (-'ii'iio Murctz, l.ujiins Hhiik all wool Delaines, iliac!-; Silk Kcivi-s, Good I'luok D'tlifge1, Plain Khick GitiLji'ants, Pitiiil liiae'k Cahe'ors, Ne;it Fi'uii-d lllark t'alicorg, Kino Iila-.-k tsiu'l; Fl.it.ni-l.s, P.laik Livo Veils. .Imtvins liluck Kid Gloves, Jitack Silk GatintliHts, P.lack Gloves in Vatit-ty, Fine Montiiiiif; Hunilki ri'l.ief", H!aok cotton tuid wool llnsii-ry, Black Thibet and Wool rilmwi, &c, &c. A nice line of tho n't. avc (jnnds now open and lor n-ilo at low piii-c. i:. V. ni?!iUI I' .V: SOX. fMitiburv, O. toU-r Ulft, lSu.J. PEUIT & OSNAUENTAL TZZZS. I ns::i us.. 1 ii:s nnd i'i.ovi::ts. i . TJ1U suKrribor is nSi r.ng at the lowest ; W.'..?pne's, the pru.lueti.n--i of the loii-.iblo t.r-CTZZj " scitef ui 1.1 il AhD J. i;ans,v in., m--i Vill i. I'".. ejii.-iftiiigui uli hiiid-ui' FUl'IT'iMFE j M.iudi:id ul.d Dwarf, ki.d of Lie ui iuijiioved a- lii'.le. I iiii.iui'.enti'.I Trees and Idiiuln. The mu3t fmhion 1 li'le r'. liKiif 1 low er. li KA l'FS--i-iieh MS Culiiwb'i. t'liu'en. Detiiwsrs, t I'tineord, Diiitin. llurtlord 1'n-liilc, inshuilk. &c. j The Mritw berries he w ill deli .it, nre uf ths most ' liipT.ne l vuriutus ; kl-oull fiber kiadJ uf cultivs 1 tt-d liorties. 1 He ftonuiits to deliver the sbuv trtiolei In jool I C'llidltioU. Addrcw, r.r.VJAMIX IHUJXFH. j lVxiuon, iturth d. Co., l'. I Dee'.-u.her S, Di'3 Itu "VMF I' lh pr-uii-eii of tb s-jWrther. la Tedr V I l.iwi'-lli Nut'iliuiiibetliiiiil coiiniv. Pa., fclriui the n.i I ue ii Miiy I it, u MKAV lil I.L, kuoul I 11), 1.1. old. . 1 ...In ut.d ..r, sud while back. Ilie owner U nijui.nd to eon. lorwurd, prove pro- lie lierlv. I u elmti-es Hint Ittk hlul ttSl-Jf, u.' hit will Lt dt.tiit.e-d ul ke ' point towns!.:) 'I illlig lei I4.it. Ji'imifcXItEET. D. S, I -l.t .Ul V liol LMlk AMU kK'.Ail, clock i;.sTAr.usiiMi:r.T, t- V f18 1 4 t'fakanut &t . Miiit l v'.l ' ll i i.LM V fj lit PATtXTUwl AI-mNU TiUK. , 1 1 I' A 1 t Llii .v.4, a rut) dwifibl Mini le I t. ultima, lloltls, Lnnks, Cukkung iluusita, I'aJlvfu, A.t. JIn.turt t.1 USE OOLO i ,u a. ie auad n I watraulo.1 I lo. k I IUlu.kii4 at ii.eti lh.ll. l"Ull4lj kl. Jit4arjt U,ll(il ay (au.a lo ths ptatutstai f lk .t i t Ut I pas . Auu.la koau4,ip aatwt.1 n-utta .at-, k ltd ktd ktta at olital kua , a i.i.a '.!? a l t l-ik I ttuja ,,1, abd u kstdwta .t 1 s . -t tat.- . tjuaiad u. sou mt4 lt-v! y . . a.-4 ' t.ka Ii .( ka, v a aia a.it 4- , 4 ut - - id- ItWU If'. " , rw . I 1 i4 C"l'LJ 5,L 1 i - t tt.4 1 liu im n: . w ' i 1 lM k t . a -t 11 1 atttaSiMi 1 ilst 4 'H'W t'H i a4, s a f St. . I 1 t r h d LSI US)' )' WS.lf I l WUJ ' NOT A RULI tDIUNXL A niOiat CONCESTRATrO dKCTAm.K T. ITH ACT v JL PTOS T01TIC. THAT WTIit BtXlEV THE AJPVT.ICTED, ASI Kot make sLx si DR. IlOOFLAKD'Sf German Bitters FREIAHtD BY . CP. c. M. JACKSOIT. PHILADELPHIA, PA. WILL EFFECTCALLT AND MOST CERTAIV. LY cum At.v. insiMwr.H rbiing from a Disordered Lirer. Sloninch, or Kidneys. Tbniissu.ls of our citiiens ure suffering from Dys pepsia nnd Liver Diseases, and to whom the. follow ing questions apply we guarantee UOOFLASirS GERMAN LITTER will cum thpin. DrarKrst.v and Liver Disease. Do you riso with n eon ted tongue mornintrs, with bml Inslo iu the mouth nnd poor nppctite for brenk fust ? Do you feel when yon first get up so weak nnd InniTuid you eiin Reiireely get sliout ? Do you hnveBdiMir.es in tho heiul i t times, and often a dulness, with hendnehs oceasionslly ? Are your bowels costive nnd irrernlfir, find inmotite ehiinEoii- ble t Do you throw up wind from tho stomach, end do you swell up often f Do you fel fulness after -ontini;, and n sinkiiife when ilie rtomach is empty? lo you have iioii.rtlnirn oeeflyionnlly ? Do yon lel low spirited, and look en tl, 1 dark side of things Aro you tut unusually nervom nt times ? Do you rot bcoome rest lets, and ultenlfv until midnight before you e-in po to t-leeji i and then at times, don't you feel iin'il and sleeiiy iiiui-t of tho time? Is vour skin dry and suitlv? alto sallow ? In short, is not your lit' a burthen, lull of fort bod in;; ? HOOFIjANB'S GEHMAN BITTEHS. Will euro every esse of Chroni j or Nervous Debility, Disease of tno Kidneys, and Discuses ul i.-ilig from a disordered Stomaeh. 01JSF.lt VF: THE FODLOM'IXU SYMPTOMS P.esultins t'rotu D'uirders of tho Digestive Orjaai : Cor.s! i ps'ion, Inwerd Piles, lulness er lileo.l to the Jlea l. "Aridity of tho Slo mp.ch, Katwen. Heartburn. Distrust for Tood, Fulneior V.'cijiht in tho .Stoinoeh. Sour Frueliitiont. Kill!; tog or Fluttering nt tho 1'it of the Stomh. Swimming of the Head, Hurried and DitE eult liieatiiiiie.-. Flultoring at tho tleiirt. Choking or Kuttbc'iting Senwdions vhe:i in n lying posture. Dim ness of Vision. Do.'s or Web before the Sight, Fovor and Dull Pnin in tho Head. Deficiency of Perspira tion, Yellowness of tho Skin nnd Dyes. Pain in tho Side, liiudt, Chest. Lii.ibs, ,1c'. Sudden Flushes of Heat, liurning in tho Flesh, Constant l:nngiiiit,srs of Evil, cad grout Depression of Spirits. TARTICULAP. NOTICE Tl'er" are many preimrnliotir .-.bl under the nacsi of Litters, nit up in ipitirt iii. ttles, ompounded of tho ehetipest vlii-koy or en!uii'.,n ruin, costing from 20 lo -lu cento per gu'ilon, UietKHcdiuitted by Anise or Ciii-liiiii'it-r Seed. This oi.-i.-j of Hitters tr-j catrsed mv trill continue to ciii!".'. if I ji! : ii? they et.n 1 0 f .ld. buriilri-iU to die the dentil oflho ilrnrki'td. Dy tlieirr.re the Myi.tem in ki'i't con'inunlly under the iV.fiitci.co ul' Aletholio Sllinubntsof the v.or.-t kit d. Il.e leiro for Liqucr iscier.te l unci k'-pl ttp. and ttic resrlt is all ths at tendant upon a dinnkard's lit" 1 ond death. For Iho-'o v.'hn deiire and will htive n I.ifjuor Bit teiv. we pobliih tl-e fullowtn receipt, tint One Dottle iioiiland's Gcniir.n Di'tters nnd mix vith Three Qnr.rts of lioo.l Iinindy or V.'hiskey, and-tho result will bo n preniirn'.ion 'thr t will fur excel in uic.lieini'l vii-tacs aid true- ex :ed;i.r.eo any of tho numerous Lhjuor Fittera in thu market, and will cost nmeh le--:. Yon will lo'.vo nil tho virtues of Hoouiuid's Bluers in nonnc-i'tion with 0 good article of Liouor. at n much 1cm price- than the-ie iafvrior prepiuatioDi will cent yuu. IIGOFLAND'S GERILVX" BITTLUS Will Give Yon A Q 0 0 D APPETITE. Will give you fcTUO:ca HEALTHY NLP.VE5. V.Ul civs you EHI.SIC AND FXEitGETIC FKIiL- im;, . . Will Pin. hi v yott to PIFZr W KLI.. till will po.iitive ly t rove. it VtSioxv IVirr, hkitiotisi t'rvrr, &c Tho;o f ii.u'ritiiC from F.n k-'i) lio'-vn n:.d De-acstn CoH'liution?, li-oni r hittover c!.a;c, tii Ker in Mtile or Ft male, v. ill I'.id in liO')I-'i..N'D'S wKil.MAN ",TTTEit.-, A REMEDY That will restoro tiie-iii to tjieir ti-m.l health. Such Y been ll 0 cil-o in tli.iUHa..i;.s t f ii.tMiees, and a ft-ir tr.al h; but require 1 tl. prove the ej-etliein THAT THKiB lUT'mw ART. K-fr'TT"S '".1 o ""'t T' "e r) LYU ii. UL.i'UI'.L'.'jli'-L-j And 0T iuteLded as a BKYMiAUli. Tho rrepnf'-ors'.avo th-.u-nnds of L"'ter3 from tha inoEt etn.iieLt Cler;'yi.ie:i, Lawyorj:, 1 hyieiuu.i und Citire-tii, Yestilyliv uf their own peronerku -wiedgo, t i tne be-ne-ucihl t-aecla ant! medical virtue's uf tuuee Jiitters. From Rev. I. Newtcri Prown, D. D., Editor of the ElK-ycIupe-dia uf Kuligiom Kiiwl-jdgo Althoutfh not disposed to favor or r"Commend Ps tent J!ed:cir.e iu g'.i.e-r.il. through di-n.-ust of their Ingrcdietrs and e?l-i., I yet ki:..r i no minVient rr.taou why 0 ini.il njiiy i.et b-i-liiy tu tho benefits ho believe.-iiiu. sea to ii. vc reecieed frum any simple prej.nniiion. in I', e hope thut he may ihus contribute tu tin- benefit ofe'Lira. I do this the mgrere.idiiy In regard to Ho. (land's fleruinn llittcis. pi -pm-ed I y It, C. JI. Jin-k.-on, of thin city, because, I n,.s prejjdi.-t-d ng-iii.st tlu-ui for lui'Fy years, rml-.-r tlio inipn-ssii-.ti t;.t they were ehteily an nieol..!ic mixture, lam indebted to uiy f.ii nd 11-die-rt Sheon 1 ker. 1-Vp, tor tho remnal uf this 1 rvjudie'e by proper te.ts. and f.-r i-iu-oursfc-e-inei.ttu iry ihi-tii, !,m su.i. ring from great aud l.ii-g ci iitinueddt'l.irty. 'l oo uo of ihreo bottles of these lliite-rs. tt the bcinuihj uf tho iresent year, was folio ed hy evident relief and restorutiun'to a degree of budily ai.d- mcntnl vitv r which 1 had nut felt for siv Lior.ibs before, and r.tt'i aluicttt dosluretl t f 1 ti'siniii .-. I itiertibi'o thuTik llud ttiid my triendi for diree':li.Q' to the ueuol tbuin. J. NEYTON BROWS. Philadelphia, June 23, I Ml. Lueaies cf Ridneya and Bladder, In Tsungvr AyeJ, MiiUor Femalt, Are speedily TCjiuTed, and tha patient reatuad ta health DELECATK CUILDREX, Thi snSi-rlng from MAXAaari, wasting awar, with sjarcely any fiesb ea their boues, are cured la a very sburt tiu ; ub bultU Ui such eases, will bare a tuual Uluaiaivg kllvelt. PARkM'S katikii sureri olilJrea as abosa. and wialilim lu ranw ihriu, will iitr regret tba day tUry evuiruttuetd with these Hitters. LITt'.lAKY VIS. STl DENTS, and ths work tt;f bid with their brteinl.a ttuiuid always keep fc..ttlao( lluutijimFi Dill, rs aattr tbent, as' they wUl lh.d Uiu.h be-iif ftt ftvia iu ew, to both a. hid aJ tsJy, Uivlutaiug avd Sot depreasing. IX Df KOT A LIQIOH r.TlilVLA.rr, And leaves DJ pKaUalloa. Alloslioat, NsiaitiT AM THE I'MLNDS OF fcOtDrtP-tf T cafl the !tntlu of ll kavint; raUilonier fliuda iu the am y lu Ibafatl Ibat -'H' it)i 1.A.ND 4 Uatuiau t'ltivis allirur all. UntLs ul the Uutata tkdueaoiay aapaurasaad prlvtl.aatciiiti;i lu samk l.iy. lu lb liia. ub.ihl a!ai i Uaily Ut 11 ii wi ts, ua lb suitad uf ih ! k, II ailloauu I!.. I tbal " Iai4 pii-ihu-iita In sutl,iiii t. -nt liebuiif. kitty ea-a ul thtl tiud (uti b it u.iy ut.d 1 y lli.etl..Ud t eiatu.sk tilttts lt litis uu kaaliIWk In statu H that, ll Ih't Uutrrs s)et l.a..y kii atuvi, cuut at jleis k-ui.-ll.d. uf Ii as u.1,1.1 I SaScd that Utba4kle Stuti.U b I Jl - li a pu pil, ,01a ate dally lev.i.n. tl.a. V l Itt. fit leu ti iiri la tba aru.; at 4 a I Hai", abu kat t..i 1. i .1.4 In ba. lib ey ika its v4 U--a tH' iai, stail lo t...m 1 tht.t In. 1. l lUlWAIIt tJ l ! Ml hVFllis! - that lb. Ma't.fl 4 C U JAl k 'S ' Ut u i. Vtlepj oS w k I- 'i Put j.tr liU Ij s-k's ki rlf J. f U ti r IumI I fft uuki.at dia.ltl ol lata Ik us.a, Ja t-4.1 b pt,l tt I I key t tu let. a, al.t4 pl s. I. I lt' t y U tSelt I Ik 111 ( . S. .1 . I ,, taS a. .1 il F 1 ear I . ...10., p.. k.l t't.. l'iM..l-a I aV kk4 akntta.ii. Ne. 1 'I At a .ik a ,i I.VAV , lt.ytflll C il Jtt.l Hi I hit.SJl IV f T rn.jrf. a4 Ijk.ai ka l -(U I a v wiwl (ia.a s-at ,! tf It. lu Ataoat..- a, a. . I s ,