IjJ"! Lair AMOrtnirnl or j lfflj EVANS WATSON'S BALAMANDEH SAFES. GREAT F1UH AT READINU, 1'A. February 12, lSci OffTt.Mr Tl gives ma ranch, satlsf-iotion to Inform you that In tbe severe Ore which, on the morning of tho 4th Inst., entiroly destroyed all ry stock nud matirutls, I had onoof your S ilitmandor fire Troof Rnfes, Aftor enduring n in'ense red hcst lor seven hour, the Safe was opened, snd the Books nnd Tapirs wcro preserved In id wiittlcmished condition. 1 shall nerd srmtJicr Safe as soon a I get iu order. Your, most respectfully. W r. DICKINSON, Reading, P. FIRE AT UKEKN CASTLE. CnAMsniisnrno, Franklin ernintr, r., I Annual lt, Itnil. I Messrs. Evas'1 TfATso. Philadelphia Oentlo Pien : On the morning of the 22(1 of August. I11!, our Storehouse at OreiUoustlo was destroyed, by lire. The Salamander Safe wo purchased freui you some few years since was in tho above inciitihncd store house, and contained nil our books, papers, cas-h. Ac. which wcro preserved in a perfect condition, after being exposed too most intense bout for several hours. Please luibini us upon what terms youT.il! sill us another larger Safe. Vouis truly. 0AK3 J AVST1X". Salamander Sales, for Banks, Stores, finals Families. Ac, Ac. Also, Lvnus A' Watson's Patent Alphabetical Bank Locks nnd liank Hull Door", tonal to any made in the country, and sold on aa .od terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to th.i follow dug llnnks ami other p.iuiis. having tht it SnicS and Locks now in use, lo their eu'.ire satisfac tion, and many others jivi-ii at their Store. lMTKti Status Misr, lirnnch Hank, Siiclbyville l'liiliidclphin. Tennes.ee. , txiTi-nSTATlig AltSKXAi..City l;nuk ol Philadclphl.'. California. Consolidation B k of I'hila. Pottsluwn Bank. Pa. Coin'th Bunk of l'hilu. Cnalcsvillu Bank. Pa. Chntnnoogn Hank. 'J cnn. StroudsbnrgEnuk, Ha... Pru'ui Loan Ass'on, 4th st. Jersey Mioro Lnuk, Ta. Loek llavcn Jlnuk. fa. Bank of "Northuinticrlniid. Bunk of Nnrth'n Liberties, l'hiladoliliin. I uion Bank, linllimnro. Southwestern!.. i.knfYa. Paul and Sw ift, Bankers, i'ulton limik. Atlanta, (iu. Alabauia. Newark Hunk, Del W. ti. Stcrlin-.Wilkosb'e. liank of X. C. Knleih. Lcwisburg Bank. Pa. Other references given upon calling nt our Store, No. hi IS. l'ourlu Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 6. 1S63. ly 18G3, 18G3. FALL AND "WINTER MILLINEilY GOODS, At the Largo Millinery Store of Zlii 51. tu, (iUf slor, Fawn Ftreet. two doors sonlh of Slinmokin Volley A Pottsville Railroad. Stmliiiry. Ph., including French Pattern Bonnets. Ribbons, Silks, Velvets, Luces Frcucb and American 1 low era and Feather, Ait. I.nlie' Hat unit Cujisi, of tho latest styles and designs. Woolen Cups, Children's Cajj. Hosiery, Gloves. . Mils, pluin nr.d fancy Collnis, Iiaudkcrckiels, Combs, T.h::t:bles. BTnl a largo afsortuient of A'OTIOJiS. to whteh she invites all to cull and seo be for u purchaMug else whore. Thankful for past pnlronaffe, sho hopes by kefp tne best assortment at rcasonublo prieei fu cca tiunc the same, bunl.ury, October 17, 1553.3tn Hi 0 STOYES. OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ACE FOR SALE AT ?. Kolirbnch rc i'o.'s F O U IT D E "StT, aTJNBTJBTT, HPETsriM'yv. Oct tho Rest Hot tLo Cheapeis Uet the ati-st Ecv Jiomical, which can bo had at the Itohrbach 1'uuudt y. Having a large assortment of the umst upprorei PTOVKS. such as Cooking, Parlor, Office ami Simp Stoves, which will bo sold at the lowest rates. Ako, lvelilcsofail siles, l'aus. Skillets. Ac. Thoy arc also manufacturing Machinery, Plougli3, Castings. Ac, at tdiort notice. Repairing all kindi of Agricultural Implemenla don 0 in a good workmanlike maimer and at the ehortort notice. All artic les shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully eolicilvd aiid promptlv nttendd to. JAt'Oll ltUHKUACJI i CO. Ci7 01d Iron, nnd all kiudd of Produce taken iu Exchange for work. Suubury. Oct. 3, ISM If ell fmylft Ul.IMi:itM J 'ISIi; AiMlV AX1 OVK PEOPLE AT I10MB Are now offered an opportunity Lv which tliev can obtain a U( ill AND Dl' HALLE TIME-PIECE, at J a very low figure. Our Watchea are Warranted to keep timeone year, and tliu Buyer btullowcd tho privilego of Exauiina liou before Puyment is required. Improved Iulcx in I'till IJii;;y Ai'tionw. A first class Hunting Time. Piece of silver material over which is electro-fine plated IS k. gold, most durably wjought, making tho imitation so faultless tiiat it cannot be detected from the solid material Ly the most experienced judges ; neiils w ill not alievt it. London mado movement. Improved Duplex iu full ruby action, has sw.iep feocouds, and is not to be ex colled in general appearance. This is decidedly one of tho best artirli ever offered for traders and tpt'cu lators. Engineers, emigrants, aud l-ei'som tra cling, w ill find theiu superior to any e ther ; aiteiutiou of climate will not afleet their accuracy, l'rieo. j ock, ed in good shape and good nii.iiii'g order, mil or case ol ti for S2no. HLVER DOUBLE TIME HfNTIXil LEVERS, llest quality Silver Cases, oier which elcctrofino fine plaied 18 k. gold, siiniltir to our improved Du plex, nnd superior adjusted n ovemen's will l tnp," i bn used in timing horses, etc.; him Four Indexes tor Washington ami tireenwicii time, sweep second, end all the improvements. All iu nil. taking its superior movement into consideration, w o regnid it its dei idekly the cheapest article of tho kind in tiio market. Price, iu good running order, :li, or caso ol'6 for 200. C ir- Wo Hfk no pay in advance, but w ill forward ciiherot them responsible parties, to anv t art of tbe J-.Tai i'-ates, w ith bill pnv.',io to expressman wheu tho goods aro delivered, giving iho buv er the i.rivi- lee of examinaiioii. aud, if uot satisfactory, the wuvh can be returned at our expense. Th express companies refuse making collections ou soldo rs ai.d other larlies in (liu loyal Mates, eon. i -quinl'.y all such oraers u.ust bo uccompanied by the cash to iorure ntientioii. "e make a deduction 0 Iwj iloilum i.u oliio. r Hatch when the payment is f rwaril iu advance. ."douey uiay he tciit l y exfire nt our expense. 'ill' "IS. CArlLlilV ild., 113 nud tl" Broad St , opposite City Lank, Uet. I., I30J. uiu 1'rovi.lencc. it. 1 C.-jO BEST DPIWIsTOsI iiSo 3i. in H.iving removed to Ids new Wure.Koom.i, HI West Hoi sros Sikkkt, Xrvi Yoiix, Twkcs great pleasure in oMling the alt-miou of the puolic 10 f.ia New ui.ii Full Sealu 7 Octavo EUfiii'.VOuD PIANO FcKTi.S, Containing all the n.Kleii, linproveuieiiU' : Over. 'iun; Hnss, French liiiind Actiou, ilaip Fetiiil, wid full lieu Fl'awo, from pc.- 10 t.a;o. T 1-1 ROSEWOOD PIAN'i Fxsra Oni-h, fioui The rreat success attending M. Pucker's New peale 1'iano Fortes is, of its 'It, a sntacicnt gnsran. tee f r Iheir superiority. 'Jhcy oL.y Utcl to bo Lend to become universal 'eroritcs. 7 1-4 C.RANP PIAXU FOHTi:S, (For w l.i h the 1'rii.i M lid was re-cived al the last ! 1 Auiericati Insttlute l uir l he now oiler iui f llo'j. i .' ii". I'lickcr'a Rich-toued and powerful 'J 1! !.iL0 1 I 'i.NS. which received Ihc i ir.it l'rite Iu lin and l oo. and likewise al the U-t Fair, he r.iwnf!er at tl.-- I'ullowii g low pricis. Tsriii.gfri.io rlnu tut'lji. j 'llno siiporior iiM(ru(0'-uts kms-bs siitnoit-ul ower . Iu vt a v iigrei ii..u 01 noo persunsiii ai.y I hiir. li. II 1 111 so 10.111 me as arc w arrant 1 1 lo Iu made of vreil-sea-ouul uaUrluU, and IrguUttd iu the best title. , llrreftwrs su.1 aiualeurs are rpeolfullv in It. i ti rsau Ins thrM, erysupi'll U,:iuU.rui. iK-:.,ur Ji, 1 J 4m , 'Aii;a3iiL8, i'AiJii's'&'cLABa'r "Tl; offi r to Dealers, Cos.hu tk. rs si.J l,.u, V 1'i.iiiici., al ihs very l"it kt"i ,n,u in .s t l.e.i C.wch an I CaLii .1 siitUhi1 : oru vv hits L:n lj Friuclisnd Auk rican ; t tiioius Ore, lis, ki d U..s. I'll . so I lu iy til.uk, end a In ( ..r(u.vnt id sll Ihu Slier t 'w-o'Sso. u as 'efti.i: li. i s, I. V.. T'.'.s l ..I..IS A, al'. P'li.i and tun li l(r,..l... ol Uiu Im waku. til"skr s In iie..it,i. ai.4 I uioi.; I'.u.l Mills; sin I- aud j. ul,.w ihl. k tilM. ti sll .Isvwi tiiui.s . a 1 tMtLruta u- I lv Uoi.m art i i k i'na. is - (.. l, as iuuh.; . I.i.i,., if SS .sisff, tl.ua any utter Le(.. Iioui llwU.1 II u. ..kJ..ttW SAUst Ijf Sul.i-0.ll., OUf l.t..' iswji.IIs !. . .mi -t li s f - fn tu.kv y.eis 1 Mfi. r.d lbs T .li i.M. tvU II. c Uis C. . uivk. t Ui k i.iiI.ui iUml .. ukuh, t.r .u..l, tl , S.II4.1m h. k.si.,lalui Iu IkU I auuli f . i e Ms.iswl Ib.bi W a(s saliss sii.iacii..w, aud if lkv: as i. (... i.ud lb. u.j ski s.i..(,4j alie I.. I ti4S m. kit-l it sasi.ls. A ItWlal d:o..i.t t ft.ls U lis UU. I I LlUJI UAV, Ki i at A IM h V. M mim, MkM Csswty, fedsMXlbae ' WM. KKOCFIB. S3 MARKFT BTKt.l T, UAURlSIirRO, TA., Toaler in PIANOS, . "VT EW Roiwwooil Ttanos, from the -teat makeri iN from $200 upward. WELODEONS. Tho best manufacture Jnttru menra, from f tto $I(K Uuitara, Violins, Aocordeona. Flutei, I il'"S, Priima, Hanjoa, Tambourine, Violin and Ouitaratringa and niusioal mer cliendiac in general. HF.ET J1VSIC. The latest publication always on hand. Music tent hr mail to nnv part of Ibe eoun'ry. . OVAL, SyC'AKE, OILT A.VD ROSEWOOD FRAMES.! Hnitj'ble for looking glasses, and all kinds pictures always on band. A fine assortment of best plated I,ffKI?M ti LASSES from smallest to largest shea An- style of fniiuc luude to order at t'io sliortest Botice. WM. KXOCUK, April 11 . n Market St., llarrisburg. I'Kl'AK OwBS j:i 17 CO. TKTER L0KIL1.ARP, Sutaa'Ai TnliiH'i'o .tlnnuliicturrr II 13 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, Xcw York. Would en!l iba atti tition of Penleri to the articles of hi manufacture. : : HUOWX PXVFE. Mnoiboy. Deudiiros, Fine Rappee, l ure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, XacUitoches, Aineriean llcnllemnu, Copenhagen. VEI.LfiW SNIFF. Scotch. Honey Dew Scotch. llish Toast Scotch, l'reh Honey Dew Scotch Irish lhtU 'Jio.ft, Frosh Scotch, or Lundyfoot. fly Attention is called to llie large reduction in , prices, if Fine-Cut Chewing nrd Sinoking Tvbuccos, j w hich will be found of a Superior Quidiiy Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Emoking. Long. 1'. A. L.. or plain. S. Jago. No. 1. Cavendish, or Sweet. Spanish. No. 2. Sweet S.'ente 1 tironoco. Canaster Nos. I A 2 mixed. Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish, tjrnnulated. N?. It A circular of price will be sent on applica tion. April 4, 1S5X 1 Northern Central Kuilway ! Nt.'.TlttHIt TI.TSIC TAItl.R. TWO TRAIN'S PALY la nnd from tho North nnd West Urtini h Suriiohanna, Lluiun, and all of North ern New Yoili. OX and after MONDAY, A HUT, 20lh. IMS, the Ti! UEror Trains of tl.c Northern Central Railway will arrive at and d. pnrl from Suubury, liiurislurg and Unlllmorc as follows, vn : S 0 U T II W A r. P . Mail Train leaves Funbury daily (ester ur.;; 10 10 A. M. leaves llarrisburif, 1 I ; P. M. urrived at l'nltiuiorc. 4 Si " Express Train leaves Suubury daily (except Sunday. 1 11 07 P. M. loaves llnrrisbiirg (except Monday.) 2 00 A.M. " arrives at Baltimore daily (except Mondavi. 6 15 A.M. Il.irrisburg Accoiuiuodution loarci Iiarris. Lur. li 30 A. M. KORTUWAHP. Mail Train 'eaves lln'.liuiore daily (ex. ecpt Senditv) 0 1 i A. M. 1 K.P.M i ili " 9 IS P. M 1 33 A M. leaves llnrritbttrj " unives at Snnbury, Fxprefs Tr.iin leaves llaltiinore daily i 14 arrives at llarrisburg, l. iive llarrisburg (except Mondavi. 3 C1 A. M. ! " arrives at Sniibiirr. S .' ! For I'urlh'-r iiru.uUcn apply at the ofiice. j I. N. lu llAUKY; Supt. I LsiiksiM naua .V I51ooins.li ft- CSull. and after November 17, 1S02, Passenger Train will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Frtiht A l'tittciiffrr. 10.15 AIM 11.40 P. M. TnsfvFfr Pcranton, b.Wl ATM. KingsUio, i-2'l Leave " Rupert, . 11.?') " Danville, 12. 05 Arrive at Noithumbeiland, 12. 4 j P. M. M'" IXU NOlU'ir. Leave Northumberland, 5.2U P. M " Damillo, C.l'O " Rupert, 6S. " Kingston, 8.4a Leave. 1 45 P.M. Arrive nt Sennit, n, 10. U0 P. M. 3 0 A Piiweuger Train also leaves Kingston at 8.00 A. M.. loir Scninton, lo connect with a train for New Yolk, llcturuii.i, leaves Scniiiton oil arrival of Iraiu from New Yoi k. at 4.15 P. M. The Lackawanna Ji Bloouishnrg Railroad connects with the Delaware, Lackawannu and Westeru Rail road ut Scrauton, for New York and intcrmcdiuto points east. At Ruuort it connects with the Cutlawl'sa Hail- road, for points both eat nnd west arriving at Phil- aau ma ai u.i:i i . M. At NorthuiiiVicrhiud it connects with the Philnuel- phia A Erie ltaiiroad and Northern Central l.ail road. fr fmiuts west and south Paswngers arriving at llarrisburg 4. iu I. M ; Philadelphia IU P.M.; kit I L.i!!in.ore 10.2(1 P. M. Tho Freight and Pa.cngers Train north, leaves Northumticrl. nd at 6.45 A Jl ., and arrives at 6,'M P M.. ras6ing lauvillo at H.2t P. M. JOHN I'. ILSLEY, Sup't. J. C. Wf.i.i.s. (lentrul Ticket Agent. Nov. 2;', !j02 'I'll AorvotiM Stif'Vwrs of ImIi Sexes. A KEY Mi END OENTLEMAN having been re. stored to health in a lew days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment, wilhoul succcn. considers it his sacred duly to communicate to his utllicted fellow creatures the mka.nk oi ( Ut. ilcnoe, on the roeeipt ol an ' vturemed envelope, he will scud (lice) a copy ot tLe pie.scrption used. Direct to liu. JdHX M. PAHXAI.L. IS FuUou Sueet, Lrooklyn, K Y. .Iimuiirv 24, Hi:. TAILORIKG LSTAEIISHMENT. john fiivriaic. Fawn Strrcet. opjioaite Vi'euvcr's Hotel, RUNBTJHY, Korthumborlun 1 Co., Pi., "INFORMS his friends and tho public generally, that he lias takcu Ihu Shop of Jacob S. Raie, dee d , and is prepared to do nil kinds of TAILtiR I N t in a goml wm ku'.uidike ikann.'r. XLe putroti awofthe public is respectfully solicited. Suubury. May 14, lRii:!. ly JUBT HEADY. ME7 SIYLE3 OF JEWELRY. A X opfirtunity not lo bo lost sight of. Euro X V elcu.ce fi'S Agents. Ladies as sellns lientcuu i not as Agents. Aj ply euily tuid secure the iijjiucy for your locality. 1 100,0.1(1 WATCHES, VIT ClIAJXH, LOCKETS, EI.JS, COLD PENS AND TENCU.S, Vl'ACEI.ETfi, STI'DS. JIl'TTONS, .i.L'A CJlAtNS.SETS Ui-'JEW-EU:V, iVr. Ti'icsold fjr 1 each, aud not to he paid for i n'.. I y u know what yU are to jet. SeuJ ti cents lor l niiiavule, telling jcu whut you cju have, wiib a ciri'ular. giving full puiiiebUisioAgcuU. Perfect salisfaettva. gtliusbtvcvl iu all casts.. Addri ., h. M. V. AItI A CO., 2'Jn tfoaJwuy. JJo March II, lao:i. ly FAMILY 1YK COLOUa. ITok. Lurk I ln. 1 i-hi Ll"-, i : ench l'lus, ( ci ot Hiown, I'sik Blown, I l.t, l lli.,n H. iutJ llioisu, t riti.-on. jinik I'isS, I. 1,1.1 I'l.o, 1'sik tirt.u, l l,il.t laru, Migsnls, VI si o. Ill, iran.-o, 'ink. r-urple. Koval Punls.' T I414T, riiiO, . V. il,. p. r I'vir Bilk, Wwdru and Mixed tl.awU. KhawU, K sit. i! i., bili,i., lihivss, Bouui.1, ilais, 1 v leu K.( l . les I'l.ll li.k S tl-.ll.ILJ, aioi ail It. As of V .ojluj Appi I. A tsutlatf al kU I'rr 4Vstt. 1' r ii miie tv m elor as uaaay "4 as aould Ik.l ( c.l B IIU..W lUst s. Ua lall.u U4S t l paoaussj Sins UaSsaUbS ! Wllk kvjfVl SWV. Sv-s iir.oi...i.s U, I kgiuh, 1 1 S1, as.4 UuluaS, lusula i.f .a v k.s. . t' luiil.vr ii.fi.ru. iu.a la l'u . saJ givlniit I c.l.ul kaa. lal( wlisl evlois aa Uri adsbted tat liveut.r vtksas , ub W'ty isla.sU l--ifva i pus- a km ! a ( ,m iisaiue u 1'ts.i.s. si.4 v k.4 .il b u..d wa pi s4 til.. at- Is t M.U. 4sfs.l4li if tl".v t A t , ' t4dasy, tWv.e. fo . Ixafjlrts Sa.4 i'WiMa,sMsli vV "wVX W 6 mm DR SWEET'S ISTALLIBIB L I HIM E RT, THE GREAT REM FEY For Ixlieimnthm, Gut, XfitroJffia. Ltimhng iitijt' Xc?k nnd Joint, Fiiraitit, Pruinf, CiiUnml Wound, 1'ile. Ihndttche, and all lilaumtttit and Xerrov Digtrder. ' For all of which is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the i.nii.iui bone seller, and has been used in the practice for more than twenty yuan with the moat aslouishing success. As an Alleviator of Pain. It I" unrivaled hy any nrcoaration bclore the public, of which the uiosl skt nlteal may bfc convinced by a single trial, this I.lniiiient will euro riinidlv and radically Rheumatic Disorders of ovcry kind, nnd iu thousands of cases where it has been used it has never been If, mien in (nil. For Neuralgia, it will afford imnicdiato relict in every enso, however distressing. It will relieve the worst easea of Headache in three minutes, and is warranted to do it. 'J'oythuehe also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is n meet huppy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly npontheiiervoiisliwues.it strengthens aud revivi fies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, aud we challenge the world to produce an equal.' Every victim ot this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not tail to nfliird immediate relief, and iu a majority of caeos will effect a radical rcu '0 Quiiicy and Sore Throat are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application ot this Liniment will never full to euro. Sprains arc sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of tho joints is liable to occur if neglected. Tho worst cuso may be conquered ly thu Liuiiuent in two or three days. pruisi'S, Cuts, Wounds, Sores. Uerrs, Burns ar.d Scalds, vield readilv to the wonderful healing pro pertiesof Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according to directions. Also, Uhilbluius Frosu ed Feet, aud iiiecct liiu.s and Still. ES BTBI'2HE3J BWEE? f Conu-iticut the Ureal Natural Bone Setter. . DE 'STEPEEItf SWEET, is known all over the L nited States. Connecticut EE. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr. Sweet lufuUiblo Li' oeut.' Dr. Sweet'a Infnlliblo Tiinlment Cures Elieunmti. tu. and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infall'Mo Liniment Is a certain remedy lor Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Lin!n.eit Cures Iluius and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is tho bcstkiiOHU remedy lor Si raius and ru'ses Dr. Sweet's Infallible Einiment Afford immediate relief for Piles, aud seldom futis f to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Tuothacbc iu one tuiuute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cnrss Cuts and Wound in, mediately nnd l"vef no i Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sojcs in he kuown world. Dr Sweet's Infnllia' Liniment Has been In use by more Uvui a million people, and ull praise it. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Bwett'n Infallible Liniment Is truly a '-friend in need," and svery family should have it baud. Dr Sweet'a Inf'illib'e Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 2i and iO cent.) A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT PR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is without a riv al, and w ill allcvialc pain nmre i-peedily than any oilier prepa t'Ain lit-.r.iVr. raio.u. i or an i.l ouii'.uuo ami -s it is truly infallible, aud as a curative for Sure. Yv i.uuds, Snraiix. Li biros. Ac, lis sfsithing, heuling Mid power! ul rirengiheuiug properties, excite the jit wonder and isioi.i.-hmeiit of nil who have ever given iia trial. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it wi:hiu tho last two ytais, attest the fuel. OWNERS ! I'll. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT IOU DOUSES is uurivuled by any, and in all ciwjs i f l.uuieness. arising from Strains, Bruises or Wrench ing, its effect is magical and certain, liaruess or . Siad. lie UulN. Scratches. Muugo, to., ll will also cure speedily. Spavin and Riugooiis may bu easily pre v ei. led aud cured in iheir incinier.t slnees. but con tinued eases ais beyond the pvshilny of a radical j cuiu. euav iia iuc kiiiu, However, is so ucsperaie I or hopeless but it may be alieviuled hy ibis Lini ment, aud iis faithful application will always remove t the Lameners, and tmiolo the buiso lo Ir-vel wuu i CuU.puis.uvs easu. j EVEJil IIOKSE OHWEU should have this remedy al hand, for its timely use at Ihe first appearance of l.auivucss will rtlvciually I prevent llne formidable diseases, lo which all bur ! svs are liable, aud which render so uiu.) other is aiuaui uersce ueany wurimwa. DR. SWEET'S Inalliblo Liniment. rim A ad thousaads ha MnJ ll Uly I'WEND IN NEED I . j : I '(). Te at tli lMf.ltvv, bhssrta Ik siltruatusa tu4 tiksasMvf li. ta.,k.a iaH est etsiji UUI. at.4 is eat pLa Hwest s KlailiUe lat.iu.si-t ' Lkawsj ta Us a! tawttie, auttutat kltKk sis gt,ait.. HtUi!tl'e-'! A CO , da I isu.it. Xuswkk, Cl MOIIUAI A A I LL V UsimiisI AiMtis, M lus tXlsai, tie kw4 ml if sll 4mIsss everrsk.i II IH-I LOOK H.OSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A3 A RF.FVOE FROM QUACK- EKY. THE ONLY FhACli rilF.RE A CURE CAN Iili OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most Certain, Speedr nnd only Effectual Remcdr in the World for all Private Diseases, Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Striotures, AfTeotions of the Kidneys and Bladder. Involuntary Discharges, Impotenoy, Orne ral Debility, Nervousness, Pyspepsy, Languor. Low Spirits. Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity , Tremblings. Dimness of Right or Oiddiness. Diseaso of the Head. Throat, Noso or skin, Affections nf tha Liver. Lumrs. Stomach or Bowels those Terri ble Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of youth those secret ana solitary practices more isiai in iheir victims than the soar of Svrens to tbe Ma riners of Flysson, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, renucriug marriage, as., uupum ble. Fspecinllv, who have become the victims of Solitarv Vice, that dreadful Slid destructive huhit which annually sweeps to nn untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents nnd brilliant Intellect, who miirht otherwise bavo.enlraneed listen ing Senates with Iho thunders of eloqueneo or waked to eeslaty tho liviug lyre, may can wuu iuh eoie fidence. Ri.tmtiAc.i:. Married Persons, or Yonng Men contemplating mnrringe, being aware of physical weakness, orgauic debility, deformities, Ac. speedily cured. He who daces himself under the care nfTVf. J. mnv religiously confide in his honor as n gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a rnysicion It 4 i A .-! V IV K A li fmnieitiutplv Cnrnd. nd Full Viiror Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriago impossible is the penalty paid by tbe victims of improper indulgences. Young nersons arc too ant to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now. who that understands tho subject will pretend to deny that Iho power of procreation Is Inst sooner by those falling into Improper habits than by the prndent ' Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious nnd destructive svmptoms to Both body and mind arise, 'ihc system become Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened. Loss of Procrcativo Power. Nervous Irritability. Dvspcpesa. Palpila'ion of tho Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Doath, Office, '. 7 siontli S'r-lTl-U SirM-l Left hand aida going from Baltimore street, a few doors from tho corner. Fail not to observe name nnd number. Letters must bo paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor s Diplomas bang in his office. ACl Ri: WAKMAVl'i: I- TWO WAYS. iVa STrrevry or Natisrniti Drugs. mt. .aosi.AS'l'O. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, tlradiiate from ono of the most eminent Colleges in the I'nitcd States, and the greater part of w hose life hn hnen snent in the hospitals of Ixnidon. Paris. Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected sumo of the most astonishing cures thnt were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and cars when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, hnshtniness, wuu nequeni niusnmg. attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. i 1'Ais'rscvi.An xoticf. Dr. J. addresses all those who have irjnrcd them, solves by improper indulgence nnd wdttnry habits which ruin both body nnd mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or marriage. These nro some "of the sad and melancholy effects projnceJ by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of ll t Buck nnd Liliihs, Pairs in the Head. Dimuces of .fght. Lots of Muscular l ower. Palpitation of the llcart. Pvspejwy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, Ocncral Debility, Symp toms of Consumption. Ac. Mkxtallv. The fearful cfT'shi on the mind are ir.uch to bjo dreaded Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas. Dcpreion of Spirits. Evil-Forebodings. Aver sion to Society, Sell-Distrust. Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ac a"re somcif the evils produced. IhoI'saxds of persons of ullages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing (leir vigor, becoming weak, pule, nervons and undated, having a singular appearance about the ,cough uhj symptoms of cor..umptiou. VOl Xti 31 1-L" have irjnrcd themselves by a certain practice . iIiiIl'ciI in when aloue. a habit frequently learned fiom evil companions, or at school, tho effects of which are nightly foit. even when asleep, nnd if not cured renders morrisa imt.oiMo, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man. Iho hope of his country, tho darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospccia and enjoyments oflifo, by I he I consequence of deviating from the path of nature ind indulging in a certain secret habit. Such peioua wtrsT, before contemplating .i:.ttKi.t;i'. reflect thnt a sound miud and liody are tho most necessary requisites to promotf coiuiubiul happiness. inueeu wnnoui lueso, uio journey inniuii uic ne- comes a weary pilgrimage; tho pnwpect nourty daikens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed witn Uepair ami niieii wuu ine meiancuoiy renec lion that the happiuea of uuother becomes blghted with our own. msE.Asi: or ir3n iK.'i When the inisiruided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that ho has imbibed the seeds of Ibis puinful disease, it too ot'len happens that an ill-iinicd sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alono befriend him. delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appenrance. such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the bead and limbs, dimness (if sight, deafness, nodes on the shin Iwnes end arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till st lust tho palate of tho mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a hurrid object o: commiseration, till death tuts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending iui to "that Undiscovered Country iroui whence no traveller returns." It is timctnucholy fact that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, ow ing to the unskillfulness of iirnonint pretenders, w ho. by the use of that Jltailly J'uison. Mercury, ruin the constituliou uud make tho residue of life miserable, (wilt 1.I"I5S Trust not your lives, cr health, to the care of the oiauy I'nleniucd and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowledge, nnme or character, who copy Pr. lohnstou's advertisement?, or style themselves, in die new-simpers, rcirularlv Educated Fhvsicians. ! Incntoible of Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and x.iouus com pounds, or as loi-g us the smallest fee cau he obtained, aud in despuir. leave you wiih ruined health to sigh ov er your galling disappointment. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. I Us credential or diplomas alwavs hang iu bis office. His remidics or treatemeut are unknown to all ithers. prepared from a life spent in the great hos pitals of Europe, the tint in tbe country and a more sxtcnsiveiVt jrs l'rartiet than any other Physician in the world, iiuij::tii:.vr or thi: iki:ss The many thousauda cured at this Institution year aftor ycur, and the numerous ImporU'iit Surgical (icrutiniia performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed hy ihu rc potters of the '-Miu,'' Clipper," ami many olber pspets, notices of which have appeared again and again Lefore tbe public, bcidti his standing as a geiiileu.su of character aud responsibility, is a suuicient guarantee lothc afliieted. (la 1A IMlwl'. Ai;. I'l.l.llII.A 4 1 ki:u. Person writing tlii uldle partlcu1r in directing their letters tub is Institution, in the follow n g mar.rr JOIIA n. JIIIIM ()-, "ll. !., Of lha Bui timers Lock Ilospiud, Baliimore, M J. f ternary ii, iaoj ty mXnhocd, lloxr lsal. How llftslorrtl. Ju3t FubtiiAtJ, iu m Sth,l VmJoj., frit Sur I'rnis. VI ECTl'RE on the Nature, Trealment en I Ha. dieal Cure of Spormalorthvt--a or eemiual Weak, ness, Sexual Debility, Nervoututs. aud luvolunttuy Tiai.ions. itidueine IuirM,lenev. L'oLsuuiluioti. alid I Mental and Physical Wbiliir. By liU 1 J. ClLVtttWELL M. P. The iuitrtaiit fuel that the awful ei.nqueacea of Kelf.Abuse mav be eflvviaaily rttvoved aob- ut in- Urual laisJioliaus M lbs dangerous sppltcaliua of sau.'iiu, losliuu.snts, lusdicaletl es.gios, aad atacr ciopiiieal detloes, b here elearty da-tuoiMilraled, si.4 Ihc vutirely aew aal highly suutfssstul trsaituebl as adi pitd ty the evKtiti4 suihtr, fully explained, by imvans of hl. h i ry ous Is usl.l4 la eurs bias. Self puiltivily, aud at the Itail pta-.ills osl, titer, hy svoiuuiaj all lbs .lvlli.vj uusiruttts of lbs day. Ibis leoiure kill pious 4 feuuu Ua ihousauds as.4 thou sauusis, swui audasseal. Ui a plsla eovslope. Is) any ssldrus, pust pai4 urn reesiptwf lw tege slau., by ad tirsttsibg Ike vubitshsra. ' I IIA J P. KLIM!C0 , I JT Dowery. Kw l,sk, N . itox, iJJi Auj U, !,-, r.-ly -la IsslrrssMlltsissil llolrl, Hi 94 M aV'tsWovslf. Cs'aa.S fnui.'l Sum hi YuttK. flMlll liss class HotiM Ike .s tubt, asseasliks J sal .Ussbl lloUl la Us any vdsts sutitw iadttcsasstllS la) lkM twillna usk lo austatta 4 pi.avat.rs ll u ssaiiwi Ua Its It-ielim, tn.4 a I urn lis it antes a ft 4 a. Its euaaiuta with I u HtLuia, aktse iliixbst.l m We k4 all aai, aas ti4 la lasts ttaussis. Iks she's ate asac tlvt.i. 1st iw4t4 st4 aueaJatiaia u ike Lu m4m sss'i. atvl ed ti ssstjtta aosssttssKts) iistl st It INI THE ALL SUFFICIENT T1IREE. THE QEEAT AMERICAS' KEMEDIES Knott n at "HclmlM''' GENUINE rUEPAHATIONS, VIZ. helmeold s extract Brcnr,' ' SAR8APARILLA IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMDOLD'B GENUINE PREPARATIONS 'niOHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUC1IU, A Positive and Spcoifio Remedy For Disease of Uit BLADDER KIDXEYS, ORAVEL AXD DROrSI- CAL SWELLIXOS. This Medicine increases tho power of Digestion, nnd excites tho Absorbents into healthy aelion, by which the Watery or Calcernus depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as jiain and inllnmation, and is good for men, women, or Children. 111:1.311:01. Bs'N i:XTHA(T 111 cbii; FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, Attended with the following symtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of power. Lkiss ot Memory. Weak Nerves, Horror ol Disease, Dimness ot v Uion. Universal Lassitude of the Muecular System, Hot Hands, llrvncsMof the Skin. Difticuliy of Breathing Trembling Wakefulness, Pain in the back. Flushing of tho Body Eruptions on the Face, l'ullid Couuteuaucc, These svmtoms. if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATl'ITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those direful diseases," INSANITY AXD CCXStMrTiON', Many arc nwnre of the cause of Iheir suffering, but none w ill confess. The records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of Ihc assertion. Tho Constitution, once Atieutcd with Organio Weakness. Requires (he aid of medicine lo strengthen and In vigorate the system, which "Ilchuoold's Extract lluchu" tiivmi.ibiy does. A trial will cuuviuco the most skeptical. FEMALES, FEMALES. FEMALES. Old or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage. In many affection peculiar to Females the Extract Bucliii is uneqiiullca by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity, Pniufiilncs. or Suppression of the Customnry Evacuations, I lecrwted or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Lencorihca. or Whites Sterility, nnd for all complainls incident to the sex. licthtT arising fiom Indiscretion, liubits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE Olt CHANCE OF LIFE. Fco symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no IJnlsalii, Moreurr. or Unpleasant Medicine for L'upleasaut aud llaugerous l'iseases. ur.i..iii:oi.ss IJVTKACT 111 'II Cures SECRET L'ISEASES Iu n',1 their singes ; at littlo expense ; little or no change indict ; no inconvenience, AXD NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, uud gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of tho Urethra, allaying pain and iiiliauiiunlion, so frequent iu this class of diseases uud expelling Poisonous, 1'iscased, and Worn-out Matter. Thousands upon TiKnisands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF fSAiiS, And who have paid Heavy Fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that tba "Poisou" has, hy the use of '-Powerful As tringents," been dried up in tbesystem; to break out lu uu aggravate I loruii nn.l l'eihaps after Marriage 1 SE r:i:a.'inoi.-s extii.kt iti hi' Eur aJJ Affections and Diseases of THE I'RINARY OR0ANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever eause originating, nud no matter OF HOW L0NU STANDINO. Diseases of these Orgaus require the aid nf a Dll IIF.TIC. HELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT EUCHU Is the (i rent Diuretio, And it is certain to have the desire! effect iu all Diseases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD I BLOOD I BLOOD I Ilcltubold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsnpuriila Syphilis. This is an affection of the Blood, and ntlacks the Sexual Organs, Liniugsot the Xosc, Ears. Throat, Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making lis appearance in the form of I leers, llelmbold's Ex tract Samaparilla purifn-s Ihe Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptions of Ihe Skin, giving to the Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared evprcssly lor this class of complaints, iis Blood-l'uri- fving Proprietors are preserved to a greater extent than uuy other prepuyiiion of Sarsupurilla. Helmbold'a Rosq Wash, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Na lure, uud as an injection in Diseases ot the Crinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipalicn, used in connection with the Extracts Biichu aud Siusapttrilla iu such dUeascsas recommended. Evidence of iho most rexnsibls and reliable char acter will uecouipaiiy the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CVRES, From eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame. Tor Medical Properties ol Buchu, see Dbptltsutory the CuitcJ States. See Prot'eivor Dewccs' valuable works ou the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Jrl.vsi.k. Philadelphia. Sea remarks made by Dr. EphraitD McDowell, a celebrated I'hv.iciau, and McmlM-r oi the Koval Collrgo of Surgoons. Ireland, and published in lbs Transaction of tiie King aud Oueen's Journal. See Medieti-tirtireical Review, published bv Eeiijamiu '1 ravers, l'eilow of the Royal College e( ul geous. Seo most of the late Slandvd Works t o MeJl cine. Exiruir Bt cut', 1 1 00 per bottle, or sis, fi 00 " SsasaeAkiuL 1 no " uu IvirnoKKo Boss W tsu. 40 " I Ml Or half auoieuof each lor fl 00. which will be suUicienl lo cure Ihu must iibaiiuale eases, if diivclion arc adhered 10. Delivered lo any address, securely packed rum observe) ij. , J y Dewribs svniplouis la all ouwinuuletuluu. Cities gunxanUvd. Advice (ratis. AFFIDAVIT. roraoiially a penred Uihir me aa Alduruisaof.be ellv ol l tilJi hla, H T IUIa.h..J, wb.i, btiim duly sworu, doitx say, his preperalfti etuilaiu bo atucutio, ue sasruuiy, at othvi u Jarlutis drugs, but are purely ve.tiiatbiv. II. T. lllLMCol.D. Hwors and dreeiibed before ais.thls'.'J dsy i4 uU.Ur, ISjsV. I'. IIIUU.IMI, Alduiuiati, NUitbstrsst, above Itaoe, I hi la. AJJieta Ultrrs t t li.l.tinailea la soufdvnee. U. T UtLMlSMLi), iltstuui. D 101 aWlli TsaUt-etreel, Ulow ChtWdul rUDa, HWAKW OF C'Ol NTlBFtlTs, Aa4 TupiUsiplsd Deelsrs V) bs et4ait hi 4t(s "f iksli ewa" sad "olhef' at iisle t. the MHtiti. aiiaiutd if lisJtt-Wdd s Utowttae l'lpsln.s, ktuMt ttusba. kaisatcila, x " Nvd IU Mas sWI4 if all Drwi.ku sxylue. AtK UU JsKiiLD -TAkt JiOftTill a I al a.t lbs a4f its' ital, at4 aa4 l" W, Aa4 Af td ltupa.tuit.4i aal ki-te lietaawib i'id sst-t iweiii WtystVewsej, ii, lioedesr. "' V el The Atlnm't Kxprcasi Compnny, ' CI IVE NOTICE that they hsvs concluded ar il rangemenls with the Northern Central Railroad Ciimfeny to ran trains from Baltimore mr York, liuri irbiirg. Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorton, Sunborr. Northumberland, Lewlsburg, Milton, Muney, Wil liamsiHirt, and nil intermediate stations, connecting at llarrisburg with the UREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cinoiunati, Si. Louis aud the Yt est. . Also with newer Co.'s Express at Milton or Danville. Bloomsburg. Wllkesbarre, Pittston. Pcran ton, and intermediate stations on the Cattawissn, f.Mrkawsnna A Ilhmmskurtf Railroads. At Wib lianisport, by Howard A Co.'s Express lo Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. - Also, by Howard A Co., and their eonnecliotis. for Canton. Trov, Elmira. Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to ail sooessiblo points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, jewelry, ana vaiuauie racxngcsoi every nii' lion. Alan. Notes. Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed, nd every effort will be made to render satisfaction. wttiv urvnlliu UVII.I V . ..f. .... Buperintenilent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia R. A. FISCHER, Ageut for SunWury. April J, 1 802. icitAOY 1101 r.. Corner of Stat and Third Strtit, Habbisbibo, Pa. TniS HOUSE, in consequence of its eonvenlenee and nnr locution tu the Csnitol. has made it a desirable stopping place, not only for those having business st tha seat of Uovernment, but for others visiting Jlarriyburg. March a(,2. mpr.nTT-.l.F. msrl.nprr.ES-SECRETS FOR I THE MILLION! a .to,.t.l nd wonderful nublicatl, n r.rmn and .10 colored engravings. Dll liiiVTPlfR VAliK MKCUM. an original and ropU' 1... . nn Xl .,n n, I Woman, their Physiology Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies tor their speedy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER hashing been, and still is, unbounded, but ut the enrncst solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his medical nsefulness through the medium of his VAI'E MKCUM." It is a volume that should be In the hands of every family in the land, as a preventive of secret vires, or as a guide lor tne alleviation of ono of tho most awful and destructiv e scourges ever visited mankind. Ono copy, securely enveloped, will he forwarded free of postage to nny part of the United States for 50 cents F. 'm.PJ. or 3 copies for $1. Address, post paid, DR. ULNItK, No. 3 Division Street, New York. June 6, 18K3. ly. ji.ui:y i.a."im roil WAJ.l'., At. SO, CARD EX OH FKUIT FARM3. Suitable for drapes. Peaches, Pears, Ruspberries, Strawberries, lllackbcrries, currants, i'C, ofl.2i, i. It) or 20 acres each, at tho following prices for the present, vis.: 20 acres mr 2ini. In acres torfiiii, i acres for flit), 21 acres for $40, 1 acre for fi'O. Pavable by one dollar a week. Also g'Mni Cr.vibcjrv lands, and village lots in CHETWiml). 25 by pin feet, at fdl each, payable by one dollar a week. The above land and farms, are situuted at Chetwood, Washington Township. Eurlington County. New Jersey. F'or further in formation, apply, w ith a P. 0. Stamp, for a circular, t0 B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. (irt Cedar Street, New York, N. Y January II. ISti.i. ly Corner Fawn and Market Streets. SIAHIISY, 1M. THE undersigned respectfully informs n,e public, that be has taken charge of the above named Hotel, and asks for tbe continuance of the former patronage aud would invito sll others to give him a call. HIS TABLE is always supplied with tbe best tho market nflorK His liar contains tho choicest liquors, and bis stub lire' is guod and well attended bv careful Ostlers. MICHAEL W1L ERT. Funbury, May SO, 16.". I'.sVCY I I !.! I'AI'Y l-'l HI ! JOHN FA REIRA. fa No. 71 f ArchStreet.be. low Eighth, south side. PHILADELPHIA. Importer nnd Mnmi f'u-liirerof, and Dealer in nil kinds of I'aucy Eurs. for Ladies' and Children 's wenr. I wish tu return my thanks to my friends of Sunhurv and tbe sur- 'Stesa-i.-iAkx-:--? roMBdinit Counties, fr " - ' - their very liberal pu- ItIZ'. -.-:'"v tronage extended to me during the last few vears, and would say to I hem . i i :.. '.. nt ... l.n.i.on 1 111, L I IlOW UHD III Bll'ic, w ...... ... . and manufacture a very extensive assortment of all I the different kinds and'qualities of Eaney Furs, fi.r I. mnes ami t iiiniren, mat win oe woru iiunn uiu Eall and Winter seasons. Being the direct Inimrtor of all my Furs from Europe, and having them all Manufactured under my own supervision enables mo to offer my ens o. mors Si the public a much handsomer Set of Furs for the same money. Ladies please give me a call be fore purchasing ! Please remember the nauie, num ber aud street. J"HX EAREIRA. 71S Arch Street, Philadelphia. September II, lKGo. im wtt3. Arrunsemculs ls0:l. ol rseviv York l.tnosa. THE CAMDEX ASD AMB0Y AXD PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. i'rewi Vhil,iJe!yliia to A'sic I"or and Wry I'laro, from Walnut ttlrfrf Wharf and Kriixingtvn Depot. leave ot ful;oir., nt : K.vitK. At 8 A. M., via Camden aud Amboy, (C. nud A. Accommodation.) $2 2') Atrt A. 11., via Camden aud Jersey City.N. J., Accommodulion, At K A. M.. via Cumdcn and Jersey City, (Moruiog Mail.) At tv'A. M., via Camden nnd Jers.y city Id Class Tiekct At 11 A. M. via Kensington aud Jersey city, Express 2 2i 3 00 J 25 3 00 5 :j 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 At 12 M. via Cumden ai.J Amboy, C and A. (Aceommislation.) At 2 P. M , via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Exnress.) Al .1 P.M.. via Kctisiiigtou ad Jersey City. 11 aall. Illl't -V. t . r.npicsa At tt P. M.. via keusiugton and Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) At 111 P. M. via Kcnciugton and Jersey city, Sou:hcrn Mail. At II (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Soulneru Express At 6 1'. M., via l aindsn and Amboy, (Aeeoin- modatiou, Freight . and 1 asseiijjcr, First Class Ticket. Second Class Ticket. 2 I. I iu For Water Uup. Mroudsburg, Fcrnnloii, Wilkes. barre, MontrotK, (Jrest Bend, Ac, al 6 A. M.. fioin Keusiugton, via Dtdaware, Lackawanna and Western ltailioad. For Maurh Chunk. Allenlnwn, Bellikbetn, Bclvi dcre. Lasti.n, Lauibertv ille. Tlcuiiiiglou, ttu., at 1) A. M., from Kemipgtou Depot, and at it P. M., from Walnut street VX barf. ('lhsO A. ti line ounneels wiih Trains Icaviug Easton fur Mam h Chunk, al J-M P. M ) For Mount Holly, at li A. M , t and 1 P. M. For Freehold, at A . M. and 2 P. M. WAV LINES. Tor Riistol, Treuton, 4c., al 11 A. M. and il and 5 P. M. liuut Keusiugton, Fur Palmyra, Riveiun, Dclsneo, Dcverlv, Bur. Ilngton. Fbueuou, Ikmleututtu, Ac., at 12, 'l, S, 41 and P. M I V For Xaw York, and Way Lines leaving Ken singioii Depot, take the Cars on Filth strea t. aU.te Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Ctus run into the Depot, aud ua Ihe arrival of each Train, run li. ui lha Dvpul. Futy Found, i.f Baggsga oi.lv. allowed each piutseoger. Paeieagere at prvl.il.iu4 flout l-.Vuig ai.ytl.niij as baggage but then eaiuxaptar.d.' All baKsia,) ot sr uilv puuuds lo be pud M sxira. "Ihe Couinauy liuill iheir reapausibilily bajtgsge la, Uue Klr per pound, and will iwt be liable 1.4 uy aittuuul Lcjutid ltw, ess.pl by ts.ell . uUael. WM. II. UA1UEU, Atwut. January IT, bA3. IHU i'AUIS M.VNnLL,V,tl.O.VK AM) n 11 i:viioiiii n, X. Cussst v Hissst, iriarsusfly Nsv. tu J J-IIILADiiPUlA. J. W. PrtlH'Tl-M CO.. Urlu Ike elLaima ef Ihsu slteiwls It. Ueir ktwtre aa-l aatMik rHk al Has CLOAhtlead riBs, UUntlltle4 Iiisji litrttie --i L s - lbs uwiea4 swetnaMAali. aA44 U ear sew b-nsiauta, asttUlw as l detvta u., ultMt t.,. tu was l'r lreriSMt-H luk till lie kUiad wil furwwk.4 wiih every 4e. stt.Mtvat.si r , Im.ii kta, aa., will U(siw. J4 as I.rtsale4, U.S tstMts; fU will be let. Ifela ltd i.umaP. assil .III U eaxfully aius44 ta a4 4.tn I. ) trium f-4i atstw-a mUsi1 lv tsUt. ji rBHK'tt a (11. in' Us. -1 ' L fffmk Economy is Wealth ! ( i nr.voi K oi ,;u ron inn. Ins BEST aud CHEAPEST Household REMEDY In the World. MnriiiiiM. KAIsOC I-12 ri;i'W GREAT COUCH REMEDY Mapvwk ZAP0C POll. TER 8 Curative lialssm is warranted if used i4 cording to the direetions, to cure in all cases Congl sr Colds, Whooping Cough, Asihmv snd all affections of Ihe Throat and Lungs. Mndame Zsdoe Porter's Halsam is prepared with all the requisite care and skill, from a combination of the best remedies the vegetable kingdom affords IU .emodinl qualities are based on iu power to as-ist the healthy Hnd vigorious circulation of the blood, blood, thro' the Lungs. It Is not a violent remedy, but emolient warming, searching and effective;' can be taken by the oldest person or youngest child. Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam ha. been in ue bv the public for over lSyc-ir and has acquired it pre sent sale simply by being recommended by those Who have ued it to their utliclod friends and others Most NroUTA xt. .Madame Zadoc Porter's Cure live Balsam is sold at a price which brings it in the resell of every one to keep it convenient for use. The timely uso of a singlo boillc will prove to bo worth 100 times its cost. NOTICE Save ynnr Mnrev ' Pn not be persua ded to purchase nrticli-s at 4s lo.fl which d not c.,n ti,!n the virtues of a 13 cent Bottle of .Madame. .,r. ter Curative Balsa-n. tho co--t of manut'ieturin.r which is ns great ss that ,f almost anv other me li cine; and tho very low price at. which it is sold, makesthe profit to the seller apparently small, nad unprincipled dealers will someti;iie3 'recommend other medicines on which their profits are larL'"r. nr. lo the customers insist upon having Madame Por ter's and none oth-r. A.k lor Madame Porter's Cu rative Balsam, price M cents, and in large bottles at 25 cents, and take no other. If jou cimiiot get it at one store yon can at another. r?"ld by ail Druggists and Storekeepers at 1:1 tt,., and in larger bottlcsnl 2.'i ct. HALL & 11 ECKEL, Proprietor. Janunry SI. 10.1. ly x y,;. .ioiia mvu-irr x- co., w ANiT.U'TriiKiis or s A. Is E it rv xt s Sl'Plill-CARB. 0' SODA. Ac. And Solo Agents in Ihc Cily of New York dr CHEAU 05" TAKTAIv. SUrSTITUTE', Invented Ly Prof. Et.cn X. HorsBmt. of Hnivard Vniversity. ORcc. It 0'd Slip, Ilanvvar Sipiare, (upstairs,) NEW YORK. "THE high pi fee which Crer.-n of Teriar C'mimnr.lc I J in I Sal. together with the alarming extent to which its dangerous ndulternii m h.id Icn carried, with other cnnsidciatious, induced the distiniruirln-d Chemist, whose name is given above, to comiceii.'e what proved to be a long nnd !i.l ori-ms .wiemiii.. re. search, to discover a desirable substitute thcref ir. His eflorts were crowned will, ul iind .nt -u..e. end hundreds of thnns'in Is of pounds of the i-ubsliiuto have been sold and I during Ihe last five years, throughout the l nited Stan and the t'mia las. The following true comparison of its nature anl the results of its iir-c, vi ilh those ,,f Cri am .f Tartar, w ill convince the most incredulous of its value. Cream of Tartar is a i.i-tartrnte of Pofivh. This Substitute Is a -imole Ph-.-n!;ute. aid c-'arns nothing but what is found in hcefteek, mi l in corn, wheat and oihcr cereals, mid is therefore highly nutritious. It al'o has a health-giving influence, and supplies li.al for which there is a cuustnut de mand in the system. ti'' It is sold for J in tic!. 1.-.' price than Cream of Tartar. Mnrch II. IML 1y I trim (He. As iiicsi, jins, sVc. rpill! subcrihcr. having nnened in Thump n's L Brick Building. Mill street, Danvilie, a lave., and complete ti.ck id EoliLItiN AND DOMESTIC I.HJI.'OP.S. comprising the best brands of B.amlics. tlin. Oil Rye. Scotch and Irish Whiskey. Port, sherry. M i di ira. Chainpaeiic and other Vl iocs, oi .ill gvu'dcs. all ol nhicli w ill be Hold Wholesale, at the lowest cily prices. Ttivorii-kecpcrs, by buying "f us. c.iiimvo it least the freight. Pcisuus desirous of purchasing liquors for K A M I 1. Y I' S E , ray rely upon b. ing forni. bed with a pure a;. 1 unadulterated article. t Vjr' Being determined to establish a reputniion fr selling cheap, he res.;,. -I I :ii 1 v soliei.s tin' patroliHo ui me puo.(c. All ol Jcrs n. :iv aneii.le.i to. JEREMIAH S. HAI L. Danville. June id. ISt'(i. lVa.liii, s u v.!s-, XORTI1VM lil'.Il L A X I '. PEX N s V L V A X I A . (X-r t!, Eri,frr.) subscriber Laving based this well I. nown t JL lavi respect.ally intiirms the puli.u- that he is rclitliie; and resiir.ng the pieun.-is. end will bv prcpand lo en tcriain. iu a eoini'oriiit.ic manner. hi nuiucions frieuits throughout me county, aud all win, may patlonuu his , siaoiishttH lit. April 12, IS;..'. JdSEPII VAXKIUK H(MYU.'! ISWH I V1KO, l l'.i l.Al'Kl.V li I A. For Ihc Rt-lirfaaf the Sick Slid Distress- d. nfflt -ted wiiil l:u!, lit and l liroii'... !,.,. I f.,r ll -1 ; .. .: .. I ". I ... ... ..... ... i-i.'i-. i?i i i.e ua. I 'I Hlis Ml'DU'AL ADVKTc'vvu gratis, by tl.c aeiinn Surgis.n. A I. TABLE Rl.l'Oi'.TS on srenraiorrboea emiiuil Weakness, aud ..tltsr I'i-e.i.'s ,l lh j Sexual Oi rrans. and en ii,e Ml. XV P.K.MKDll en:. pioveu 111 His I'lspelisaiy. sent lo tho HOiu h d in s.olcd I. tier envelopes, free id charge. Two ,.r lines (iiuips for postage t,ii f. Mw.,.,IH,j,. Address, ill!. .1. SKll.l.lN 1KH uT(X. Actio ' surgeou. Howard Ass.wialii.ii, No. 2 S.u.h Nimii Mr.ci. Philadelphia. Pa. January .1. IhO.l ly wuii I'jijtci a 000 .--,... OF WALL PAPKR OF EVERY DI11( VIILF. STYLES AD PAU'LUNS. Jl'ST received direct from the Muuifaclurrr. al the MAMMOTH SXOii F. ..f 1RILINH w OllANr S iobury. March 15 lsd2 II. i. .haksei:." 1torns-y 11 1 Ijivis, SIX BT11Y. I'.X Collections altcudtd lo iu tiie counties of N.. luumbcrlund. I uiou, Auyder, Montour, 1'ult.u.oia and Lyeomiug. rrr.ni:v!i its. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. li. tlallell A Co., lion. Win. A Purler. . Morton Mc.Mi.'hnct, Esq., " 1-.. kerrham ,t (, ,,., New York. Jol.u W . Ashuiead, All.irnev at I.w. Matthews A Cox, Atlnrnevs at Law, Suiibury, Murvh IV), ito'2." III.I-K'S MOII'S" ll,irrihnr, Ji. rpiIF! management of (his wrl known ll.t.-t kv L iug been reswiuel by Mi-ssr' C'Jl 1.E A li l.K It, the prrst nt propni lors. beg leave to iu( .rm the puhlio that tbe houso is now being thoroughly renovated, rctVted. and iuipruvvd. with a view lo the pr. r an I comlbrlablc acoouimislatina uf tttoaho may favor tbe esiahltahmeut with their cadoia. (jue.n will receive due altcutioa and Oeurte.v, and no expsns will be spared that may cjuduta tu ms.t.iaiu hotel in a tirsl-elai style. l suill.es and ulhsrs desiring to M"iirn in Harris boig duiing ths summer m nths, will bud ples.sni bosiding end large aud well-Vi i.nlMc l .uus al uur eslahlubmeut, upou utodciutc lerms Si i iff CYl.r March M. Is. 3. t.li.rhl.T IIERP .iiai:u'n i.' sT..vr i i ii; m. I 'l l: i iti.i:i:ii As Iuiprusl ffl ai.d Iv'n. Py T. KETCI1A.V1 A CO., J I'siulsi , X y..,k. 1 MIK oblv True Sir aasn-uucud 111 s. . 1,1: fi- 11110 eiples. wiib a rw.dv u g esa at. I iiui I teisp.r. lbs iHie Watsti 1 lt.s I.e. litis "I tin ncatu tLe u.hwr rv m v.-s li as last as ti.su. I he twvtst lapid iu flevtuiat. witti Ike Last us-.tity VI 1 be utusl ea4iileal laeusl, a it Is ihe aad durable la MitttMmo .mi F'4 satis la all lbs bdueipal sillss sail towns In Ihe Vblua i.mtU Ciaatsttr tiaatssbstuil4 wilb UsA of ls. i-S smI lull dirwelkjias. PRICLi. I sjaarts, 1 M 4 tjttj (, i 1 4 4 tattris, A (is sjsuU, f'l It ttta, b Sal IN tauauta, ti Ats.lv ess II MAi.-fR, tsi.bw.v, 'a Marwix U, ie4. I.issaal-srr t .bHMl-r I t'tllllr (UAV. Al-'-'y.l.,...!.., .-oil,, fa, 1rvHM its ln.euet.4 lite s-i Iw la tr'-4 bl be Sill alea.ll s k t (at Ml kt. J lllU St. Sib. Jusaaa. at4 all i Was .tlM( ea-4 ktxi if I etvsul wbt a, ks bid t4 tsl bke kjbe m- aias.b tV lss