.n,i in '.i.ytjPWiiW)y."Hitu1 nntf " rwmifiT"rr'T"" "Hri r imri,i - -i r- v.ymiw - r-m-wmipM''-1 i-'"-'' ,r-i .; 4 H. B. MAS8EB, Editor k Proprietor. KATHIDAY, JANUARY . 18(54. aorat Affairs. . fea-uu!4-,i " i -.--.' 't.-L T-ar-is-jjr-We an rcqoiiKxl to Hat I but the Rot. J. R Cbanofelt wilt deliver a National lormon, t the Methodist E. cburuh, In this plaoe, an Moods; ove sing next, lb lUh lutt. i i j i . fyliAJLnoA& AccitiftjiT. Tbo Bull train from Baltimore, due bt at 4. SO P. M., on Monday last, did oat reach hero nntil 8 o'elock In the evening. The delay win oausitl by tlie breaking of a wheel of the fuginc, In the violnity of Ulcn Hock. The to glnocr. Uonrgo Henry, bad kislcgbrokcu. "So other porsous were injured. , y SAMTAnr Festival.--The proceeds of lie Eanitnry festival, bold at I in itatc honse on Thursday una Friday evenings of last week, by the India ol this place, (mounted to $176.70. The contribution! fur the aid of the soldiers, raised by the Indies, through out the Union, may bo counted by milliont and ion have betn more liberal and enterprising than the ladies ofSunbury. Caleb Marlon, .Sen., one of theoldtit nnd most respectable chitons, of Dleiomsburg, Columbiu oounty was killed on tho Blooinsbtirg and Ltiokawnun Kail Road, on Tuesday nibt the 2'Jlh tilt. Mr. Barton bad been nhrcnt from home, some to yearn, super intending improvomcntson hie properly In Ohio, and had returned to Rupert itntlon on the Cattawissa Railroad, about midnight, and then started on foot Tor homo walking up the Uloomsburg and Licka wanna Road, when U U supposed ho was struck by the engine of a coal Iraiu, as be no fonud the next morning dead, with cuts uad bruises indicating hie death in this way. lie was about 7t)yoarsof ago. ly If bw Yeah was not observed as a holiday, In this place, mid business went on as usual. About noon, some few young men, intent on having a little sport, made their appenranco on horse back, much in the style of Stuart's Cavalry. I!ut as the day was very cold, and whiskey did not flow freely on account of the lato additional tax on liquors, they, therefore took the hint that such fan was not very agrucable, and luriini in utter a short parade, to reflect on tho Letter parts of nini.hood. tyCctO Wkatiier. The weather this winter has been suhjeot to suddnn changes fioui a luoduiuto temperature to severe cold. Thoriver, nt this place, wjs closed for the second time, this winter on Satur day iiin1tt Int. The ice on the river is from four to five incts thick aud srnc i f our citizens have already e inniHuei'd filliug their house?. The ico taken. i eoiisiJirnhly out in the river, (but iieur shore bting wore or less discolored by tile turbid waters. t3 Fsow. About three inches of ar.ow fell on Moidiy t.igbt. 'J here is a good foundation f.i, eleighii;K' and a few inches more wouid bring out tho bell's, not ouly tlmso that jingle in mi'ttalllo cases, but lluso that ring out merry peals in Crinoline. 3"EnicK Yaiibs Wenrorlcascdto learn that li. Hendricks, of this place, is about commenting the the manufacture of brick by steam power and ma. chinery. so that prisons dcf.irous of building can ul ways be pri.luplly and abundantly supplied, with ex cellent I rick, at reasonable prices. Hereafter Uicic will be nn excuse in putting up frame shells instead of brick walls when the latter will cost r.o more than the former, at the prcseut rates of lumber. And when net ike into consideration that fact that a brick house is worth twenty-five percent more than a frnmo we are surprised that to ninny frames are erected. t'ndouhted'y this wns owing to the fact that brick could not bo readily obtained. In Reading and other places where brick are cheaper and abunduut few frame buildings large br small can bo seen. We understand that Mr. . Oeliiir.gerhas sold out bis brick yard to parties in Milton, who will also com mence the business. lyCofRT. Tho present term ef Court was well attended and considerable bus'iuess whs trai.sacted, specially in the sessions, 'ibo criminal calendar is growin;; lurger every year nnd sauie-times occupies btilf the term. A nuuiberof civil eases were contiuu ei on account of the absence of Ueorgo F. Miller, )., wbr.ie hculth, tve regret to leurn, issutb, tht he h g ir.e to Xe York lor midial and surgical treattnout. tjp'We are glad to lc-ru that Dr. 0. B. Afelew, who was severely Injured by the cars on the niht before Christ mis. Urapid'y recovering and is consi dered out of dunger. ill li mu Col.n It is nothing new to our readers to bo tol J that it is cold: Tbcy arc feelingly reminded of that fact ; but it may Is news to many (hat I bey e&n toy at wholesale or retail, the latest style of Hats at 6. Fai ST, than of any one else. Thry are man ufactured by himselfaud arc warranted to hi a good article. See fur yourselves, three doors c.ul of Kri litg k Grant's store. I gS3 f-The tbree-s'ory briek building at the corner Of Market SijMPre and I'ecr street, lately tbn pro perty of Edward Ouss. dee'J., was sold last week to -Mr. Dewittof Juniata county, for three thousand dollars. Mr. Dcwitt Intends to enh.rge the building for a hotel. yf Leap Yf.aii. The year one thousand eight hundred and rix'.y-four, will be Bisextlle or Leap Y'aar. It Is on called because it leans over a day more than a common year, thus in common years there are SOS duys, iu leap yeur ."CO. It is said that durinff this yeur, more batchelorscniunnt matrimony that In tho other three, uti 1 for this several roosou hare been assigned. Curing nothing about reasons, we hope the bull may commence rolling early in tho year and continue until thousands shall be able to lay in the language of Shakspcare : '?bo is my ostn ; ' And I as rich in having such jintls ; -f s twenty seas, if all their sands were pi'tirpp The waters Nectar, and the rocks pure liolu." "JA Bi.ESsr.D Da v. Somebody has iii. and truly too, that Sun lay is a blussed day to a man wha seeeosarily catches but brief glimpses of home during the toiling week; who is off in the morning while the little eyes are closed in slumber, nor bruk at night until tbey are sealed by sleep ! Wlia' would be know of the very children for whom he toils were it not for the blessed, breathing respite of Son lay ? What honest worklugiuau's child wil aver forget thij day. when el'ion and beat, it is hi, privilege to climb papa's kuee and bang about his sack, and toll him all the news which goes to make p his narrow, little world. "Narrow,1 did we say f We recall (be word, fur it widens out Into the bound, leas ocean of eternity. Sunday for the wurklu Jinan's children ! K would be have it day lial!osjl by tweet, Jure, homo Induenees; when lb little bnd, qU'te complete, shall rest from labor, and Lereibali rite It do a tbj blnesel day of all tbesevca. ' Iy or all the week the beat, Kuibleia of eternal rest." i llSIUili I T BiiiTiKS) Prmopirai s I,. Feolt A To., of 'Sty York, eoniiuue to republish the leading lirnl-h (jumlerll.s and lilai knia.d s ltuu.e, lit this an:ng uieut the Amci icaa puhlisi-ef is euaOlaJ to l,' ,n itieiu f while l.u;lnh peuple aro .obiii 1 l" pay II. It I scarcely beoe-aary (--apeak ol il. slier lis "ill ilieae pciiiaii.aU. Tbey euulaia lha iliiol trulls ol the -.nolar-lili, nil, auj gel.iiil of 41. I lriy n.m l ii4l lliitain, and ate aliLe of gitut lo lbs soliolitr. ibe prufeasiotial man, or t, il.lellienl rr.dir 'I belt (ia fcUHJasl Willi a iN..ii mic.-uis. biiiiiiul -v, piufound tfeeui la ions, ai l wnsi u-ileier tl ihun-l ausjr las ( ui.J ius Isnoe lileralur.', luomliiy. and rul4 oa b.le lin y an fl ea kia-aid)e4 bUluva of errlaiu in. I H m 'lid liny aie I 4 (tvm b in diwj .Sill lb lu Ill's lurpesi ihsy oeo y a k t oa sLould K'ad Ishvuui fail iUhI-.U sv-auuie a itvl muabuli uld ei'slde llitw lu ijiu giaal auaiuu-s l (vt'iac-uilal vlliy tndi paoJeitl b ll' ISS.MM.iU. i-f lekiuag la !) pi. 'i'o-'". " Ve m Ibat V, msmj smi Ik as yui is-a-abws B esils as if mm ' d-e a Sasst l-M I t7'l'ociiini-ri)i or Coi'RT Jami-abt Bxuiomi Vm.Comtmenwmltk 9t. Voiert it. SUtlSot. nd fiasv, bound orer to appear text terra. fisrssM ew Jlh MurtfuUl Sat. and Oao. Trow bill. Trial and -serdiot of gwllty. Bot-aM-d U -pay Alary Reefer a weekly allewaooa, . 8amDU MrChw. Scdaelloo, Fur. and Baa , boond over to appear neat Xtm. Sxtmt vi JotrpK K-fia IndJotmonl assiaun and battery, by cutting and slabbing. Ho Uuo bill- Uoy. all S. Adams to pay oosls, Sam ft Hoynll B. i4(ass Tndlotn-ent asaatilt and baltory. Ko Iroe bill. Jiswph TosUne to pay tho costs. v These proeoffntlofss grow wt of an attaok madooa Mr. AdaujB, wbo il and woj a Conductor on tho Bloomsburg and Laokawana Railroad. Iho oooar renco took place at tho hotol of Mr. Joseph Yanklrk, In Northumberland, lost spring, when acoording to tho testimony of Mr. Adams, S!r. Vostiuo made au unprovoked attack on birr, In tbo parlor of tho hotel, with a knife, Inflicting injuries upon Mr. Adams, which prtvonted him from attending lo his duties as Conduotor, for soma months. Tho ease txoitod eon. liderable interest at the time. Il will bo icen lhat cross bills were sent before tho Grand Jory, or, in other words, Mr. Tasllno having prosecuted Mr. Adams, the two bills rore lent up to theOrand Jury, together, with the witnesses of both parties, thus vir tually constituting that body, the tribunal for tho trial of tho two cases, i matter of doubtful proprloty except In extremely rare cases, when the ends of jus. tice cannot be reached otherwise. Mr. Ysstlne Is a resident of St. Louis, and Mr. Adams of Lutorno County. Ssrswr ft Isaac S. Wynn.Tor. nnd Eos. and So duciion, bound over to appear next term. Sami t H'm, Can. -Assault and Battery. JCo true bill. Samt fs Thot. Cilbont, Martin Gillom anrt Michael C-ihbom. Assault and Battery, No true bill Patrick Hester, the prosecutor tcntcneed to pay the cos's. Same is James Dougherty. Assault and Battery Ko trtie bill. Patrick Hester the proicoutor son tunccd to pay the Costs. Same v.i Michael Dougherty Assault and Bat tery. True billi Same rt Orvyntt. !). Conspiracy. True bill. Same vt H'n'r Williams. Surety of the Peace Sentenced to pay costs, ic. Fame ts Rvlert Hutchison aid others. Indict. Riot. A true bill was found against the follow ing named persons, viz i Robert Hutchison, J. S. liilt nor. W. D. Duiius, llusscl Lcvun, Israel Hill, Joseph Hutchison, Ueorgo W. Dixon, Joseph Long, David Blye, Jus. Miles, Hunter Miles, Joseph Blye, Geo. Armstrong, Jno. Hakcl, Peter Search and 1', Iieisol. This cusc grew out of a disturbance at TurV utviile, at a foetivul given to the returned nine months men, last May, when it is alleged, some persons Culling tbemsclvcsCoppcrhcads rushed In and got up a gene ral fight. Tho trial Is not concluded as wo go to press, but if there is any virtue in the strong, dear and concurrent testimony, of numerous respectable citizens, the defendants nover can bo convicted. The attempt to implicate Rcr. Mr. Miles, proved a complete failure. Patrick Tinncn, Joncph Morrisy, Jn. D. Brinnan, Martin Ryne, and Wm. Harvey. Sentenced, each to pay a fine of $3 and tho costs of attachment for contempt of Court iunot appearing as witnesses. II ' II iwn DiAniE ron 1301. A few more left anu for sale at the shop of Anna Painter. Letter from llio Mnnbnry Guards. Key West, Flu., Dec. 31, 1363. Deah VfiLVl:tlT i A lioen unrthcr lias born blowing for the last two wccUs, and biiars willi it u cold map, euflk-ietit to make those of tho "manor born"' hlint tip their overcoats nnd shawls, and so cold was it Unit the dear creatures weru no whore to lie seen ; so 1 lie supposition is they were seeking tho lieut of a friendly lire in uu out-lioti.se kite ben. (You are aware that tho private buildings are without cliiniiH'y? or any conveniences for lire.) Indeed our own men felt the chnnire severely, so much so, that the great coats of. Uncle Sum were worn by the guard, nnd any quantity ot luem were to he seen lis one passed through the streets of the town. Iu the Sergeants room, where I oin now quar tered, w hich is nt the Barracks, w here I ''squeak the fife," we have lire night and day, and I assure you it is very conifortnble. Some thirty of our regiment have been on the main land for the last month, cutling spile?, wood, &c, to bo used for different purposes in this command. The boys were very much pleased with their trip, mid their Lardy looks, on their return, proved that the "hewing of wood" was of no injury to the health or good appearance of the"bowld soldier boy." They met many Indians while there, nnd among theni wa the celebrated chief, Tijtr-Tuif, who. when asked Lis age, replied, "lifty colds," Meaning that muuy winters. The party traded w ith the Indians, and by lhat means had a u supply ot fresh pork, vtniron, lish, &C. The present season is the can.itnJ of the utizens of this city. They have been en joying themselves during the holidays with bulls, parties and masquerades, in fact, their festivities have not been couiined to what we, at hon.e, usually celebrate, viz : the time liejriiiiiing with Christmas und ending with New Year, lu:t commenced it a week before hand. Their masquerade arc similar lo our old f.ishuuied lit 11 sniekles, only they have tho fun to themselves do not throw apples, cakes, or uub lo the children for a regular scramble, but inarch through the streets, hetukd by a negrii and Dngo (Span iard) with fiddle and guitar, ami after satis fying their ambition iu making themselves ridiculous, relirj to some privute Louse, where young Indies have already assembled, and end the evening with performance on the "heel and toe." In the way ot rarities, the people here have beeu more fortunate tiii jear than that of luaf. A few days before C'h rig Unas a vessel its rived from New York, und on it was u good lut of turkeys, potatoes, turnips, onions, Ac. This was quite a treat to them and well did' nil pal tie go in wfctu they were put up nt auction, but tight smart did they pay fr the whistle. Turkeys brought (he nug price of from five to six doiUts n piece, and other article in proportion the turkeys were of the size that J have often bought of nn Augusta furmer for fifty r seenty five cent. Lvery family thut could raise I lie amount purcimcd one for a Christ mas dinner. I was anumed in or.o rn-e w here a woman paid i.r dvllart for a yMcr, and in a Wf unhour sent to a store fur u bit nnd ?4ia!f (eighteen tents) worth of potatoosrVing ten for that miiotiut, show ing that wVsitever privations she Imd to put up with, a turkey hud lo rato tbo CI.r;U in as table. Tho l.ngincer Deportment lire busy on the work of Fort Taylor, t lie Tower and fiirtilkiition that are now being trtrttd on tliU Isluud, la doing so, a large amouut of labor i requited, which la ini'klly ilono by men brought from the northern ciliea men of such tliatnitcr at tho.u who re.Ulcd the draft, were engaged in the riot of New York and liiily Uiiwm's Zouave. Il seems before leaving New York, or on their way down, they mid they would rule Ky Wt, Lelp thtuiM'lvc to what they uctxltnl and buv a high time generally aa long a their sojourn iuatcd, llui n auntst of the 47lli lo the ton trtry, notwithstanding. They tried the I'ume and got woratud. Tho of the party ullwkrd a gentleman, abused nefriM-e In hi finplf stoned Li liiu ami liireatrnrd Itit lr '. uludlug thut of Ihegenlliiniui't la.lv, io Deal d.iv thi-jf wile idvnlilled, nn.i folitir y J Air.'v wtiu amlimed to undergu au liiiiiiUouiiuiit of alt inoiiiln at Lard Libor, iu roll Jefferson, Torlu.-aa, without pay. Tiiu l'vs are all well an ) In goo 1 spirits. Willi re-wet to I huso iu tUu vtlSue aid liiiiid giui rally, I remain, Annnxtl fSinls-mrsit offlio It a nit ol unalaimed deposit! an.t nnlnwrs, amounting to ten inree years next preceding too unto r.oio..i. No. Namoa. tteeitUxee. Busiresn. I)ato when rteposlta wore Bi!cor bal. acoruetl. Atn't. not known, cot known, Sm pt. 1st. ISHt, tin iv " " ' Jaiilinry 3lst, 1815, 1"'J 10 " " -opt. 13. 1 SfU in) l.oek llnvsa - ' June Id. ISM. MM 1 IT. V. O raves. I f liilip Froedmaa, W. ll.Davia, 4 J. Oral) on t Co., Wllllum Koons, t U. Kvornnl, adm'r of Jo. 1' ttTman, lleo'ii. T Jacob Keyser, not koowh, ' Joel Krenler, ruiniiu .nutiu.A.Mi tui .ii i, ri i : Piat KL J. 1'ackkh. Unsliier of tha Bank of 2Tirrthnmberliuid, nforranilt, boing flnTy fwom aeeord. trig to law, ilupoaoe and says, thai the forci-tug Is a Uuo au J acaurate stntement, aoordiii to the hest of bis knowlods;e anil belief. RA.MLfcL J. fAChKll, CauliMr. fcworn andaubaorlbed before ins, Tee. 9. Ai I. 1963. I C.B. PM II II, Notary I'ublio. J it ' FOR SALE. miTE nOUSK anil FIVE LOTS, in tho bormi -h of J. Northntuletland, fronting on Cueon E.icet, which is the main road lending from this plsce tsi Lewisburir anil Milton. Ibe hotisn is a Inrgu two story frame hnildirg, will suit two families, or an swer well fur a publ o hnnse ; onnected with it Is a curriat;e house, an excellint stuhle, and well of Water convenient to the kitchen, with a pump in It. The locution is a pleasant and most desirable ono for a private residence, or will tnak aa excellent stiinil tor business. The price and conditions will hi mado known hy llio undersianed who occupies the premises. maky a. uuna. NurUiuuiherlar.il, Jur usry 2, lsii j. Jt . ,r ; i"7fv if it H TAKE NOTICE 1 Tho annual li't of United Etnlos li.res is mode up on Licenses, lncotno. on Carriages. Silver l'late. and all unpaid monthly lists are Dow due und pnyablu, as lollons I Jl'mata Cm-NTT will ho attended lo by John M'Luuhliu. Iloputy, nt Mitniuumn. on Mun.lny, tbe 1 1 lb dny of January, lini ; at M'Aiis:eivil!e. on (lie 12th end Lith i at Kiuiiliuld, on the l r.h; nt Mexioo. on the Itiili; at M'CuuneUville, on llio 16.li ; at Lust VVaterford, on the 20lh and 211 ; ot rorrysviilu, uu the il. SsYDKlt Corrr. Henry Smith will attend at the Worl.inijtoii House, Mid llebur, nn tho 1 1 lis nf January ; SelinJArove, at thu L'niun llmisi', nn the Lith ; Ireebiirs. at F. Mnyer'i ilntel, ou the L'Jib ; at Denver Spring, on the 14ili nnd 15 h. baiox C'uexi v. Jesse Uvuter. Deputy, will nl loud at lLirtletou. on tlicllthnf Jutiii.iry; ut .Mil Uiuburg, on the 12ili ; nt Now llerlint on'thn l.'lih ; at Lcwisburpr on the ll.h mid I j'.h ; at Xeiv Clatu bin. on the 1.1. Ii ; at Luiuuiown. ou tl.e I'Jlli. Noiitiiimui.iu.a.vu UotNrv. S. il lJuyer, Deputy will attend at bis otUi.e. iu rliiiibury, ou tile 13th and 1 U ill of Junuary; ut Weaver's llutcl. in Sl,au:nkin, ou the iilub; nt J. M. Hull's, iu the borough of Milton, on the 2Jd and 2.'M. iiAcruix luisiv.-Aoeiiilance will lm (;ivin.iu per.-un or by Dupuiy, nt il-.e Artivsjr's ollise. ;ii Uii tuwu, ou iho lLh ot J uruary ; ut llt.iiiiiic-ls ov. u. ut liiium's li'. tcl, outholtii; at l.iuUstonii, on the l.'llli; ul Ij.rrysliur. uu ii.0 l'Jih ; ut Mil!ci.-bur-, untie I'oih ; at Luuifsx, on tbo 21s! ; in Ii..i..Ii:l, nn the luuruiiii; of the 2.M. Auuiii.ai.cn nili I c l!iven on any any ntiny ulliec, in Uuiii.bur, tor t'aupbiu couuty. SPLCIAL 0XrCE: To all who neglect lo ji.iy at tho limes and pHcer speuilied, lu per cviitum must ho n.! led in.. I J ul. I. All tuxes must be paid iu lioveruuiU lu'ds or lis equivalent. A. K. r.MiXL.;TfiCK. Cull'Viiir llih Disiri.t, l'a. Ilarrishiirt;. January 2. I Sit. Adntiuislratiii-'N .stitr, I'etateofA Junlnti 7,WW.V;-, iir.'-fW. "VfOTICK is hereby r;!ven lhat li-ltirs nf ndniii.is J trulionusu lha rat at ! of A. Joidnii !'.' kvft Her. lute ot' (ho Luroujh oi .wut.bury, Nonbur..! ii hti.d euuuiy, deceased, linre butn jcr.-tnted to the si'.l.vri btr. All persons hiiii,r c ! ni iri- ;iin: tiiu ni l estate are requested to niuke I n i'vn tin, s.inie. an I persons knowing th .iiisolves indebted aru rcijiiesled to make pnvuieut with'mt delnv. M M. ii. UOCKU'LLL'Lll. Administrator, of A. Jordan KoLtKllir, deed. Punbiiry. Poo. 2(1. L-'J I. ill IViimSssus, Uicik i'lt.v, c. fllllE undersisne l. huvini; been nppointen under J the excise law, has Liken cut a iiecnsu fur the fliilllTlinn 1.!.., !'-,..!. ln.. .... . 1." .r ,. r.r tbo river. All person biivinj; such claims can ba o .uu, i'ivuijiuji vuiiccie;i ny ail iressing S. li. rtOYLTt. Suubury. Deo. 19, 15.1. Huul ury, l'a. 100 HANDS WANTED to Chop and Hew Tim berontbo ltrxni.Kli Tract. 7 miles from Leivisbur);. The innsl liberal wn:e will bu pni l .asii every inonin. i.nc;aireol ill-J Lewisburg, l'a , or X. X. tilEtli, on the promises. W.U. FKICK 4 CO. Den. IS, 18C3. 3t r U B L1C S A L E vAu.i;AS5fl.t: ai.ki. :sii'A's i:. ri'.iJE undersigr.nl will offur at Public Siile, nn tho I premise ou TLLDAV TIIK I2'b DaV OF JAM'AUV, A. D. the f.-llmi in3 dcsn: Out Heal L'tnto, to wit : A 'I'mct Ba:u.', situ nto iu liOner Mehuony township, XorilininberlMid oounty. IVnnsvlvaiiia, btiunded nuthc north by bun's of Daniel Weaver and Henry Weaver, on !ie i-i'st by lands of Widow llcckert, on tiie sourh by binds of John Deppin and Kerry ille Wiiii.e.-. i.ml on Iho wt bv lands ot Duvi 1 Hnv.lfr und John I nder. kofler, CONTAIN' I. NO Liti ACl'.LS A.N It I2J PLU CllKS STKICT MK.ASL'UK. all of which is in a coo.t state of cultivation, on which there is erected a 'I Wo Swry llUl'SK and lar-eliANK UAll.N nnd other necessary outbuildings. Iht-rearo also in suid pre mises, a Spring ol never-fuilinjt V ater uear thu dour, und an Orchard of choice fiuii Ircis. J-'ale lo commence at 10 o'clock. A. M.. of sai.l dav, when the cii'litions will be made known bv the 1IL1K; OF MICHALL WriMLlI, DLCLAirLD The undersigned will oiler at the same tiuio and place, as above stated, , Trad of i eoii lilixl, situate iu Miuiin tonnsbip, D .i bin rounty. l'a , b lundcd on the can by land ot Uors;o Lbi hurt and William Deppin; South by JunUs cf Dai id Heaver; on the wist by lands of Jcserh Shinier, Jonathan Deibk-r, John Deppin nnd otln is, an I nn Ibe north bv .M .lmliloiij Creek, enntuinin FIF '1 l'-'ltt'U ACKES, whitli will bo Sold iu Lois oi Fif teen 6r Twei.ty Atires lo suit purchasers. Also: A LOT OF LI.ML.TiNH LAND, situate iu Lower MiUianoy township, Noi'thuuiberbiud cuun--ly. Pa., bounded on Ibe ensi bv land of Sii'sunah l'hiliM, on Ibe west by lauds of Peter Witnirr, r.o 1 on the nurlh by lauds of Peter Winner, e 'jiuitiinit Ihree-fourtbi of an Acre ; whtreou arc ere.' ted Iho LiuieKilnsi tiale to commerco at ten o'clock. A. ., of said day, Hhcn the coudi;ions v.ill be nude known bv CA'i hakim: v ruiLi;. Lower Mahunoy lowmhip, Dec 2ii, ISuo. is. FLAG & BUILDING ST0NK. rpiiE subscribers respect fully inform tho citiiens 1 ef Sunhnry, that (b" aie i rennred to furnish l'AYINti A.N 1 liULDLNul sl'JNli, at short aotieo and at rcarounble rales. The ttuuo will he delivered on the liver lank at Eunhury. Persons desirlnj cood s'one will 8nd it to their interest to cull and ciumibe Lefire t urxhaairz eljo where. Address Lii'IILR A MARTIN". Dec. U, IW. ttiinbury. Pa. Valuable I'roporly 1st oi t 'iiiialx'r luud Couitty ri'MIE sulserilxr offers all her Ileal LV-tute in Toinl X township. Nnrthuinber'.aii I county, en tl.e pub. , lio road fioui Dan Ilia lo Noitl.umbvrlii.d, at 1 11 vale Sale. The property 0'O.-it of aOO Aires vf l iind, i Adjidninjlnnds of Jobs Nixon. deee:id. The im i iuremems consUt nf a u and coniimiiu.iis J uamij I'OTTACC dwelling bouse, a luriie Ik-.i.k. burn, an I , other outbuiliiiiiKs, an orchsrd d yiuiiiK and Ibriliy i fiim iruu ireua. sari ol (ut I .una u river bottom land. The other 1 aUa of superior f.ikli y. O.ie Jiuiiiircd acrs is excellent wbHe-oak lurl..!iu.d. 'ibe whole will be sold together or iu p.irocls to suit purchasers. Terms el sal a ill be made easy. Apply to fl M. KIP n ll, Ar'O". Damille, Pa , er V M. Do.N'ALISO.V, pomiile Pa r .a,,.. . to. A. il. L0"A.LI.0N. 7VMILLINEUY"00liS! . , J Just reoeisci al Ibe r Mlaac II. Ai M falIISM.i:ii, Msrkel Fuare. la Si arena's tulloirr r't I turr. Ta HAVI.Nt luken sura -i s t i Uil M.ilsd.l kit U slsi Ibe laiuei Mylr of Fas T tsuU. I rim. loii.s. e ai d abtoit litj ho Juol (-i end aie ultri ai tho Ivaost piuos Ikelr ss.tu.m 1'ilKWII.I Ld ' 'J'rlph.f for presses. P ! sirs f r D,,a, Loom. t uiU-iidasiea. Iln Isrr ub li UVrve l tin AND Mll.Lltr.KY U nil., tspbyrs. idt aad t byt ro;u lii THm, llulioti. Iiudiaka. Cull., Ol.atia. ilsms :,,cl,ii., luiMi. Hair iim.h.a. Ilalr ii.l. Ila.r .N.ls rl.aii.a, Ooks, Lslwural okirls, .ii bkni. W lil I' .i s jr LsJixeud tbilasaa, li.Uul H.ws, Ls.lies' llaa.l l'li I kol-layll A I ., awl kl.ua WU aes afltvl.. w MelHiirpar4 to do all LbJsnf Ui.U. fy kikd'o at tW4kll. No II IU. rrt-tlinnil-rtrtTi1, tn '. fl;h, WX of dollnrser epwortls, unsilaimcd wilbin a peiiodof February 2. ltfu, 11 V2 UoTthunerlii:.'. Wsctrsmlth, Jannnry 27. If.;, 1.1 40 Cot known, not known, March 15, ijtiD, . SH 11 " ' " " iient. 13. lSoO. l U .nniest! Mlntrxsir-nt of the Itisrils; oi iNorllKinilM'l IhsmS, madel'ro. 9. I-01, of nil dir'd'-nilsor prolitideclnred upon lb t'apilal Htoek of tbes.iid lii.k. nmountrnj to live dollars and up wards, wl.ich have itriiaineu unolaiuiid by lliu par ties aathnriied to reeuiv Ui same, for a pwiod of threo years next precodinf the date hereof. No of J"o yam". Itr-tdenij. naslnren. ehvee. Amt, IC A. Lman, . Lis:un, nut knoivn IV $17 00 2 J. W. Smith's estate, Selinsgrovo. " ' !) CO NOLlli t lit.l:llLAMi COUSTT. ECT: Si r.L J. PackkB. Cashier oflhe Louk of Nor'h enibet lalid. al'iircssid, beinj duly sworn according lo law, deposes and sys t L ut tbetoieninkt is n true and accurate SOilerueiil, uccur '.ing to lliu b-,"lt of his kuuwiedj-eaud belief. t-AM L.J. I'AtKl.K. Sworn and subscribed beforo me, ) ta.-l.irr. Leo. l)th, A. 1). lbtid. ) C. L. Cmrn.uluiy ruldic. ) 11 COOPDR'3 rn:-T03RAPn and art oalleey, No. 11133 Chesntil Strcc1, opposite tho U. S. Mint; tlallory. lleccption and Ot cratiug lloouis ALL ON FIUST 17L00K. All stylos nnd sices of Pbolornphs. Ivorylypes, Fenotypes or 'iirtypt," nnd t.ikiu at Jiricea to suit liie times. Pictures riuished in Wetor Colors, Oil, India Ink and Pnsiil. Hums and other nnimnls. Equipatte. Country Scots P.uins. MoMels of Machiuary, Ac. lor Patenting ae curniely photncrti pb cd . V. 1' ! Cooper desires to cull tho attention of per cutis i.-itin-; rhiliiilol bin to his u. w (iiound Floor Gallery, nhero ho l.:;s introduced l.owly-p.itcnted ciii!ier.,s, capable nf taking, in a f, w seconds, one lain : I'd l'ho(o;;rnj hs. fioiu ibe small stamp or au toi'i'l hi.', to the linperi.il and Life r'ire. A I' er unit y e. irinunts l.o has succeeded in In eins; bis j-ky-libt at -an improved orlc. iliUusiuir the lilil in eiitnl prnportiooS, mid pnaliicii: tbst s,d't i.itlatiL.i id Iolu ubicii euiniid bu K'ven by the side and -liy-libts generally used, and v.bieh of so niiichiiiipiittai.ee to the bennty of a picture. It is made of French glass, and is thu lnrosl in l'liilu.lcl pl.ii. Mr. Cooper line been enpi-ed more than twenty years iu the study and pi.ieiieo of the Fine A.i!s His Imijr expi ri- nee ls a Mini ili.re and Purtrnit I uii.tcr is a suf.i.Minl guarantee for iho pcrfvcliun uf liio pictures uinde si his estahii.-buunt. Tbo itrt of idealizing is weil understood ; r.r.no but tho most skiillul uriUu trc employed ia ll.o rospoe tivo dcpiirnni ills. '1 lie art of 'nl-:i!iziiig Is well unilcr-dood ; none hut the most sk ilfi.l ai tisls aru employed iu '.be rctpcclivu depiii ttiteiits. All i'ictup-s Warranted ; the Ivorylypes ill uot ti.'.:.-: it any c'imr.tc, i i.d will s m.-i ..c t-si eif nci Is. l'ur.i.'ul.ir allcLtiuii ii puid L!vii.g ;ruccful and easy Js'.-Lim. Liiet rvolypui and all other funis of pi.-tir-s eoppicd. I'piliwllinll nii-diiiiioT to lite j-i.te, and 1'iii isl.vi :u coloih ur Inui.in ink, lolooU e''j:il lo pictures l:i!;en fioiu ii:c. 'Ibis tinilery )ir...'Sres rsrc facilities fur takiu" l'..jnttiain Pi uuc fioiu life, in Ibe rear building, uhcrc fruiu cno lu liity boisesean bo photoji aphud at a time. '. II. To rhotejirnphcrs, Coloritts nnd others. Jnsi Issued. A Ni iv Vjikon . PlIoTuGIIAI'U Co 111 1. Ml. IvoIlVTYI'INC.E.NAJIItl.L- ino. Ivokv MixiATim: 1't.i i t.vn, Ac. C'onipletu iii'ti uoiione -iven for making Ivorvtype? with some vultiublo rc-eipis, never before published, useful to all photographers, fur one of vi hich a. largo stun bus been ofrcicd. liy following the directions eoiitaiui.il in It.is Wdr. even those p rsons with no previous knowledge of Painting ciiiu.ot l'.ui lo color photographs iu a bcuu tif'il no 1 iiici live style. Pi we. Due Copy. '... (til. Fii o Copier. $20.00. lly remitting 12 one copy, with lloxot l'uinls, Palottc, nnd propuratioLS complete will Ls l'urnishud Uuo of cbarjjo. Will be Published Shortly. A Vali aiilh Wi.uk ox Draw ixa. With prnreaeiveHiustraliou of tbo Htiuiau Face and l'igHlU. A I.si). A IIami-P.ouk ox PoslTinss, With Illustrations. Designed for tho use of Photo Krapl.crs and Artists. iilr. Cooper coutii.U'CS tV receive Ladies and Gen tlemen uitu his Classes fur li.-!rnciioe in Drawiug, and Pbologrnpb, Ivorytype. India Ink nnd l'aslil Pinntiiii', an I a beautiful process lor Lnumcling i'letiires. Ciiculuis containing list of prices of pictures nnd funber intiiriuatit.ti i cspcetin tlie Hooks an 1 'terms of Instruction may be bad by euclciii; Pott Ullice Address ulJ a iSliutip to v. r. coornt, 1VS Chrsir.ut Street, Philadelphia. HLKLKLNCLS. Caleb Cepe, President Acaduny of Fine Arts. Lr. 'il.iu . il Wilkin. Oil-iltiold 'ist und Entomol ogist Rev. Tboiurs Miles Martin. P. E ('l urch. Hon. icloi A. bartori. Consul ol Leghorn, llobert U . Clark, ou, uf Finn of Jay Cooko A Co. J.'ew Vork, Uiv. W. A. Maybiu, Heel. tt. Alban's Chinch Itoston. J. E. Tiiton .1 Co. Woicistir, M..s., P. IIikIo. Fsq. Itulliinore. Mous. Amtdec uuvou, Trench Cuccul. Doe. 12, louJ. NEW FANCY STORE. H AVIN'tl just relurrcd from Philadelphia, havo now open a freh supply of Triiumiuga, and 'iBcy Art at her new Store in the room ndjo'nin the residence of Mrs. Packer, in Market Kjiiuie. t-unoury, Pa. Her stcek col si.-ls iu isirt of I.adiis' Tiiiniiiings for Drese, Ltiecs. l'ut;, il ? or liirsM'.s, Lu. broideries, II. il!l.C! chiefs. (1 loves, r'ilk and Cyttmi Thread, Ladies' Oluves Zephyrs. Woolen ui.d Zephyr Sieom s and Hoods, liifuns Li :se, Ilutions, Liuiling. llilla.ns, Collars and Ste ves, liems' Neekiies. Coisiis, Heir Lriiibrs, Jlair Oil. Hair Nets, Infant Dri.'se-s. .Seaiii; i;i-s. mid niumioi.s utlur oiiiclcs all of which wiii be sold ut tho lowest l .U.S. I have a l ied lo my slock Balmoral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Wisilen Cais for Ladies and Children, Infant fcneks, tlenls' lilliek r-iik Neckties. Also, a Irish supply of Corsets, liUel; Ki.il (lluves. Vuolco Yarn, i.i.a mu a. mi renity lo do all kinds ;d tiuimping fur binding or iinbruidery. Also, a variety of urii 'lcs sitltuV.c for Cl ritmn.s Vrem-nts, such as l'hoto-rnph Albums. Portent nr.io s. fil'icelets. liieasl-Pins. Ac. Also a hnntisutne u2urt mcnt of Toys and tun Cunf' e-inner) . Ac. M VUY L. LAZAKl'S. Em bury, Ocl. 17, ly THE MISCr:3 JOHNSTON'S BOAIi PINO AND DAY SCHOOL K'oi- Votui I .in! lots, ho 120 rpruce rjtreei. Philadcl h; a. l.FFLUt.N'CtS : P.ev. Dr. I7rwe, David Websioc. Fssj., her. l'r iud lards, V m liaya irl lra.ioii. E '( Jiev. Dr. Coopr. licergc .M.Mbauoti. 1. 4., Henry M Fine. Esq.. T- li. JIolliiirnr.h. 1 mj., K l.' .Montomirv, Lsoj. llou. Alexander lliniy. 'lliomas Pui.l.ip. y.-., Philadelphia. December 0. l.ii'J 1 0.0.1. IHV3. IMhu!t-Ijnia V I'rU- Iltti!ro:u). nII IS great line traverse the Northern and North. I west counties ot Finns; lvama lo the city i f J.riii tu l.akii Lue. It biubciu I; tit i by Ike Peinsylvai.it ltsilrond Company, au I under iLcir au'piees is Itu-f rrpu.y opened IbK u.bout its eutue lei'4'b. Il is now la use lor I'aMeiiger and Iit Al Ljsiues 1 fn.iu L4iii.l ur x l liiuisirinut US uiili.-l u Iho J t.'isteia t'i..oii, and hunt rbilnv'4 lo Luc, lull" 1 iu lb Htsitia im.sii.ii. VIMfc ur fASsKSUau IMA1M AT SVXII'kY A . rtt s X,'u.losiirf. I Lrti 11'r.ilrutU. M.ilTiaio. In. IV A M I Mail Iraiu, i P. M, i t) ri lulu, II l!l'M Lsi riM Jroin, 0 ; A. M Can iub lbrousi wiutoal ii bulk wi.vs, ou IUomi llaun bet,. ,vj Pbllwlil) bla and Lwll llattb, at. I belatiu Lullio-urs si 4 Lvk lUve. Desj..i.l h.g.n (.'us Vb (.uprise Trslna IkiIU ! k.'ne.a V riisu l au4 aialusutt, ab4 V i:'n.u.. 11 pbiladpt.. Fur lt.boa.auoa i.t....in Psan kuiieess Pl-'y al IL- k K. l or 1 Ha 11.J Uiksi . s Au I b" fsultbt suisiatM ul lbs Cuu.pn v's A ri.ls, 1,1 ,'' k", ' ! ilkvt i., S Hll'iei'l4 MellUi J W It. tiplds I'll. U. I'lUL, Jr. .1 C , tiililuwr. i.ru'l 1 c.i.li ii. fbilal. L lixt rr, t ii,ui a4'i., rViUJ. JsllS I'. I'oils, Ossj I M4MTi.Ust,i-ir CIiUCS AT H ai p'e n YEAR. E VfiNINti -POST. Contlnnos ondcr the odltorlat charge of AV1LLIA.1I CULLLi.UIiYA'T Asa TARM GODWIN, Who are assistwl by some cf tho I lrnl Wrlls-rM oflhf Dny In Uioit efforts to make iho Ltrniku Posr th DEBT PAPER PC I! I, It! 11 ED. Tho preoeat bl,h position attained by tho Kvontnjt Poaluonobf the leading metropolitan Jourunts is thriull of tho fearless ami hearty aupporl it hits always given lo Die groat pilnniplm of I'-ijishI IsimiIco si ml IVrHlom to All. It oarnectly approves 111 war for Iho Union ; It holds) up Iho bands of oar bravo soldiers ia tho field I and it opposes lieuson in all shapes, whether open, as at the boutu.or covert and sneaking, as at tbo A'orth. At the ftnnio time it is the cftcroy ot all uudue exer cisc of power, of all kinds of political jobbery aud corrupt ion. and insists upon economy in expenditures and a strict adbi-renue lu tho constitution. Pledged to no purty, nnd looking only lo Iho interest of Ibo whole ooiKiiry. il will uso whatever energy aud in fluence it has. in the defence of Iho great principle! ol human riht r.nd human clevntion which lio at the I'uundationnfoiir ItmiUitioit. It aims chiefly, however, nl being a GOOD NEWS l'Al'l.K. lu its columns will be found a complete llisloiy of tbo War, important Political or Kinte Documents entire. Prneoedings of Legislative bodies, ritiminarici of European Intelligence, and news I'.'oin all itsrls of Iht, uorld. Hccnruti, ronortji of finati j oial and commercial manors, trustworthy Correspon dence, ami a e trelully selected Literary iMisoclliinyi coiniriing Poetry, Reviews of New Works with liberul extracts, Oossip and Anccdotcs-tho wliole fji inin an ux'c'.lint varieiy, in which ovary reader will discover ssmcthing to his taste. Terms ii!Ty in Advnnre I WEEKLY EVENING POST. Puhlihed Every Wednesi'ny. When Addressed with each Subscriber's Name : One Copy, one year $2 0(1 'J brcc Copies, one year - 5 HO y ivc Copies, one year 8 CO 'ten Copies, one year 1j 00 nnd nn cxIik copy to the getter-op of each Club uf leu. nr. a n.i s is ncir to oni: snmtr.ss. In order to encourage tho formation of Clubs in ( places where only single keopies are now taken we uuve ucctucil io uaer lue luiiuwmg uiuucuuiuuis : 4 Copies, one year, to one address $." 00 H " " IU tin t 2u 0(1 2( " " " 2J(0 An extra cory of the Wettkly will Sett for each Club uf twenty at this rate. fcTMI-WEEKLY LYLXINO POST. Published Every Tuwiday eat Friday. Oao" toi y, one ye:LT $:! 00 1 ivo copiis. eaic year 6 00 Five copies, one ye.ir 12 00 Tcu eopus? one year 22 fill A e y of (be Weekly. ce" tf ar. er of the Semi Wei kly for six moitll s. will in s..nt to any person v.buscLdi uv n ul..l, mi leu Semi- Weekly. A copy of the rtin.i. Weel.l v ono year will bo sent f r c eiy club of twenty at above rule.-;. DAILY LVLNINU POST. Or.efopy. ono year, delivered by carrier 51 1 Ot) Or.o iv.j, oiie'year. scut by mail 10 00 One copy, one luoulh 1 00 C l.l'l.l Y.MEX nru supplied by Innil at li e following rnies ; Daily. -j per iii.i.itm ; Scmi-W eeklv, SrJ 2j ; Wccl,l;. f'U. .leney mtiy b;sforwardei by muii at our tisli. ' SPECIMEN COPIES. -Hill ho sent Free lo nil who desire it. ALDEKAJ WM. C. EEYAKT & CO., Office of tho 1 Evening Post," A ytisjtnt Street, corner ol Liberty, New-York: November -''i isb.1. tiw U. S. 5-20'i THE SI-CP.ETARY OF THE TREASURY has not ycl given luiiicc of any intenlion tc withdraw tl.i-popular Loiui from .Sale nt Par, and until ten ilnys itoiiceis gien, thu iii.dcr.-tned. as 'tlrrieral . ..i s. ii.:iun Agent," will conlintie to supply the public. Tho whole amount of th" Loan nulhorize I is Fi 0 Huinlred Millions of Dollar-1. Nearly Four Hun dred Millions have been already stilis.-ribe.l for and paid into tlie 'J'reiiMiry. moily witli the last sev,n unii tl.s. 1 lie large ileiuiind from abroad, and tbo rapidly in-ren.-ing h(me demand fur use 11s the bssis for circulation by National Ranking Associations nun organism; in all parts of tlie country, will, in a very thoit perio-1, al. -orb Ibe balance. .Silcs liaie lately ranged from ten lo lifleen millions ueel.ty, fretttientlv excei'iiiiig three millions duily. and as it is well knew 11 that the !-cereiary of ibo Treasury bos ample and unfailing rcsni.r.-cs in thu Dulles 011 im ports und Internal l.i-i emies. and iu the i.uc of the Interist benring Legal leioHr ireasury iotcs. it is iilu.osl a certainty lhat he will not liud 11 necessary, for a lorg time lo come, lu seek a mniket for r.i y oilier long or pei iiisnent L011S, the Interest and Priu-e'l-ii) of which aie l'uvablc iu OOLD. l'riidi-iiee and self interest must Inreethe mindi of ll.osccoi.tenildiitinir tho formation ot National Bank ing AssoeiiUioi's. e ut II as the minds nf all who have idle imitif) on their baiitl. to the prompt con dition that tnev should lose no lime iu subcribiii to this most iKini.lar Loan. It will soon bo bcvoii.i Ibeir reach, and advance to a handsome premium, as Ma- the r.. iilt wi.h the fceicu 'Ibiity" Loan, when it nus nil o!J uud could no longer be subscribed fr at par. Il is a Fix Per Cent Loan, the Interest and Prin eip.il payable In Cuin.tbus yielding uicr Nino pir ceir.. per anbuu) uine pi escni rale ol premium ou coin. Ibo (lovcrnmert requires all duties on iiufmrls ti be paid in Coin ; il.ise duties nave fur a luiir time pas, amounted to gicr a Quurtcr id' a Miltiun uf Iu. lard daily, a iiiiu 1. curly ibrco times greater lhau that required in tbo payment of 1 ho iuterest on all the 6-n's and olbcr ia.ru. ui,ei:t Loans. So that is i" Loped that themrpins Coin in the Treasury, ul no distant day, will enable tiie I nited ciaics lo resume specie ptiyuieiiis uion nil liabilities. 'iho I.e. 111 isuallt-1 O-'.'O fioiu iho fact that whilst tho lloiiii.. may run tor tl etus. yet the (luvirnioent husa right lu pay them uL lu Isold, at par, Ml uny lime utu r It vcurs. TiiK lNiEiasr i; paid Half-yearly, vii : on the List days of N'oviu.oer ltd .May. Subscribers can linvo Coupon llomls, which aru iiviiolc to beurir. and ere iiaO, loil, Iji.iito. and tlimii; or Rctislere i llomlsof s:in;o denomination,,, ai d iu udilrh 11. V.'i.MHi. and till Ol 0. For Hanking purposes and lor investments of Trusi-munivi the liegisu-rcd lloi,dsum preferable 'lliesii i.2il s e innot be timd by States, citiis. ton 111, or counties, mi. I Ike lioveruu.eut tax 011 them is only onu and 1 ball per cent. ,011 the amount ot in eome. when ihu income of ibe holder exceeds Hx Hundred dollars per annum ; all o.her iiivesimcnts. tueli as income lf.,111 Mi.ilgai-s. ltailtoad Sim-k ami Lou Is. eic, must pay lium Ibrco tokie percent taji 011 tbo income. Lai.ks and It.iukers thnmghout the Couiitry will eoiitii.no ti. u,;uc ul Ike lioiids ; and all orders by U1111I. or oinerauo promptly ulius.ilra lo. jne iiiooiii viiienue ui a lew kmvs n-i..y in lue mc delivery id the I'-oinb is iiuuioidal.le, tiie dumai.d boin.; p great ; but is uilereal eobu.eiicea fioui the il .y of si,.- 'rit'a, ao Iom is oi-casioned, au t evuy rUri u beinj made lo diuiinisb the lUisy. .1 OOIil'. PVitSCUIPTMN Ai.biN I . lit eVutU Third tfU-iil, 1'Lilatv.llbia. Diesu.l er i, Ise-a. SI " FXaUIT'a ORNA III E NT A L TREE3. ' rilllil UN, Yl"M:UU. I'l.OWl ltS. U1K sub -li'-er a ufl, ring al the b,wet V, J ,r;ci, lbs 1 iiliieiiiM s of ibe rcl'.ible Nur tT"J " riisul 1 DW AUD J HANS Ki.ai- Vll"., l'a.,eui..illn;olallku.il.,il H'.l l Oltl I S r-iaii-l ird an I Dauil, an 1 ol 111 most ii piuied ia-411-1.. s. I'noinii ntai Trres su 1 ttii uu. in aiow laikiou- 1 all.-si l.s.d llu.iis I 1. H 4 l'l h mch as ( a'awl a t'lintus IM nuc. 1 ) 1'iwvi 1 Diana, lluitloid Pioiiue, Is'ibeila. Ad. 1 'J ts ! buries be 1111. lit 1 r. aie of iho B"l 1 I ilnpr. l. t lOilelll; also all vU.I-1 kiodr ul vul.t. U-.l liaiiuss. I II wsiiaois Itf M.,.V Mil l.tlvU. AdH-s. rr'JAll MIINEIt, PsaibiM, Nxiib i. Ca., Fa. rMewber I, l4i5. 4isj Ci' B to Iks raibwf the oubsibr ia r.n. kiaai.is sv aibaibbatlakj evtiaiv. l'a , issol i.u;4. of H'f !, a DtilAl I I LL. about l '4. 4 Mla a4 s, si-4 wkueba-k. I. ... . " . ,. Lla I' 44104 4 si.lJJ 4S . rfii. ia uu a sssiss. rOai iasUr Vi I, fTi - w , , , in GltAKD OTENlG OF . FRESH WINTER GOODS. E.-Y-. BIUGUT & SON, SUNBURY TENN'A. orrrat for sale at VERY LOW PRICES, A full line Pf DOMESTIC AXD STAPLE Bin DI.ES9 GOODS OF EVERY VAIUETIT CIISAP AND nAXDSOXE. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT Hosiery and cloves. HEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SII0313 II ATS AND CArS, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Earjs. UAnUVfAllP. AXI) GROCERIES. QUEENS ANU GLASSWARE. St'nc nml Eortkcnicart. Wood nnd Willow Wtiret. E:tr Irnn nnd Slcel, 2iiils find Sjiiktii, Drugs, Tainls nnd Oil 1, Window Susii und Grindstones, Picks tind Slason Ilammcr, , C'oni'.o nnd Fine Salt, l'isli, Mctit, Chi't-.f, 1S.1., etc., &c, AU Eindsi ol Goods, cheap for cahU or Couniry Troducti, run bo found ut tbo ONE r;l( E BTORE BPJGnff& SON, 1J. AU Goods wurrttnlcd As rupri'scnted. 10 DEVIATION IN l'lICEs!. S.MALL l'UOFITS AXI) QUICK HALES Snnliury, Oct., lOtli, 1SC3. M0UJ NING (JOODS!! Ehu k Glossy Silks, 4 1 liltifk CiilinH-re's; Stijier Eltiek Moliuitvi, Kino Ulnck AlpaLTus. llltick and Purple De'lains, White uud Illuck Figured Dclaiot-9, llillC'k ('rrprj M:ll'LtZ, Lupins l!lii k nil wool Delaines, Jllni'k Silk IJercccs, Good Jlliil-k Di l-CfTi', l'l.iiu liliit k Giiid'iints!, I'liiin lliiu-k ("iilii-'ic.-,, Xctit rignri'd Illuck (.'tiltcoos, Finn Ultic-k Sack I Linr.eU, l'lui-k Love Veils. Jotivius Illuck Kid Glove, Will k Silk (iillilit letts, lllnck (loves in Viiriety, Finn Mourning llandkercl.ief.f, l!lu; k cotton mid. wool Hi-.ierv, lilu.-k Thibet fitul ool Sliarvl.i, Ac, Ac, Ac. A nice lino of the nLavc ;ood noy open und fur side ut low pi ire. E. Y. IIUIOUT A SON. Punbiirv, OctoLer 8Ut, 1SU11. 'gnsRssgar.- Ni:ur FANCY smui riHL' siibsoriber j-osjiut-t .ruJI v inform her friends 1 and tho I'ublie'. tlml she l:.u j.ist opened, two il.K.rs wi'i ol Iho Post Uffieo. u M-1W KJtll'K Cb' I' A.NCV UOOIiS. for Indies mid Keiillvuii-u, useful and ornaiittutiil, consLtiug iu (url of Ladies' 'friuiuiiiij--', rittitionerv. Zethys, llliu.le Hooks, Coitoii and other Thread. 1'inrii-H. Jillldilli, Mt'llloritlldllU.S book Itibbom. JiolK 'iys. 'I'ra'.olir. bi, li;ks, Slntes, I'oi'l.et IliHka, (luiucs lor Chihlrrii and a vsrii'tv of o'her urtielos, nil of which have ! berii si'leoti-il aitbvur und Hill bo sold at rens.iua. bin irh-M. ANNA I'AlNlLU. fciiobury, Or I. III. 1S1.1. ly Ktriitllui' IZuUi-vtisl. WIM2R AHRAiSCLIilEM f!K T Tltl NIC LINK from Ihu North ami VI North-W isi lor I hiladi l hia. New Vork. l'.vud istf . I'oltnvillo, Lebanon. Altotoseii, Knlon, ,t... Trains leavu 11 .irrihiir for I'l.iladi l bin, .Ve-. Yoik, l'.iadins;. I'otlriilio no, I i ll li.teru.i-n .1 biuiinis. at ,',. M., aioi Z o.l IV M. .N tvr Vork Lvi rewlu.vfs llarrl-bur al 3 HI) A. 51., arriiiiK ai horn Vork Ml 10 13 tl raoij u.oiniii. Ksie Itji.1 ll.nii.l nrit : lo Nr Vwk $j U . to l'liibi.ifl bid f 1 !i aui i 011. L.';i,jv elnked iLioukU Ito.uriliij;. Isrve New Yolk at 0 A M.. I J N'.a.n, and I I' M, (I'HI'bui.li 1'ipr, Lai I biladel. I bin iUIiAM an 1 S .'.'I f M ears ill lha Sm Voik Pj;. Tiaiiis, through tu and fnui I'ltubtir-'h Without ebsiofi,. 1'a.e timers by Ibe CaiH ia Hail bwl b mi v Ta lnioua mi 6 .'0 A M.nil J IV M Tl-r I'Luadti dua. Xi'ii-Voil-. and r.ll By I'oiuls. iiaius l. sie l'..u . til- li A SI , at I ? :'.) P. M . l,.r I'biluduli hia. llairilurK Mud Nil) sk. Anaoi-oiiiuiiMlaiioa I'MMi'iisjur liam Ii-miim U.i.llii Mt :iu A. M , aad leiutu I low rbiluJJi.ua ai .a r. m ( n All 1L0 kbwti Uali.i rua dailr, buulaya es e.ii.l. A hni. dry Ireia bvi I'oI'svIUm al T St A. il , Mod l bil. tel biM al J It I. M. i.uiMk.uiM'iuH, ililia.'e, ar' I l'ieur4a 1ul.elr.M4 l- liuiiil IMlr tu Mir I M CI kil J .uLs. Ml 1'i.kd ifaaAMVa allw04 evb ,'moo r la. A K Ki'l.l.S, l'e IJ, 13. UntiMal l)utlli.Uultol- Htrmy ', CImbu U lb l V,aU kl lb 1 luUmlbrf, la t''"MT Sii;lll lokltsl lb. mi ll nn.lb uo.'M. 11-4 kbit kkllr-stlrrf co Mlil.ll kl-l ll l"S KS ytais ai l, ul il ad u Ibe !. ur.l.d u s..e (uskMld K'l"'1' vl . as-1 inks kri eise, w ele alto aill Irs 4r sks4- UKi-Al UMttkVi ' si ! ia .ft not A r.um 2r:niL A lHariLY CONCsSMTRlTED A PTOS'TCXTIC. THAT Witt mjKTt TUF. AtTLIOTLD, AXT 9m4 nuaite Urualriirds, DR. 1I00FLANDS . German Bitters , rnErAf.i i lit DR. C. M. JACKEOK, PHILADELPHIA , PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY AXD MOST CERTAIN. LY ti ur ai.i. msKAjxi.s arisin; f.om a Disordered Livr, Stouini-b, or Kidnpyi. Thousands of our eitlionj ore sullorliig from Tv. pepsiaand Liver Discuses, end lo wbuui tho follow ing questions apply wo gunrantoo UOOFLAND'S GERMAN 1UTIEEX will cars them. DrsPtrsn asd Ltvr.n Drsrssp. T)o tou rise Tfitb a o-mtoil turcrna morninc. with btid taslp in thomnutli and poor npjielitp for break fast? Do you foil whcti yiti first pet up so weak nnd lnntti 1 you can feincolv (ret about f Do you have a diiiines in tho hninl nt times, and cften a dulness, with hcndtiphe oe-etiloniilly ? Arc your loiwcls costive nnd iireulnr. mid nppVtllo cluinpen Me ? ln jou throw 1111 wiwl from the stoiiiiich, ai d do you swll up ofton '. lb you feel fulness r.fu r ratios, nnd a sinking when the stoiimch is empty ? Do you have lionrthnrn occnsioritill- ? lio you ficl low spirited, and look on tho dr.i k sido of thirds ' Arevounot unusually norvous nt times? I'o you not beeoir.o restless, nnd often lay until midnight before you ctin go to sleep ? and then at linns, don't you feed dull and sleepy most of the time. '. 1 your skin dry and scaly? also s.illoiv '? In short, is Cot your life a burthen, full of forebodings ? HOOFIiAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. TA'iU cure every enso of Chronic or Nervous Dubilitr, iiiseiisoof tne Kidneys, niid IHscjes arising from a disordered .Stnniaoh. OBSEKVE TIIK FOLLOWING StyrTCSIS Ucsulting from I'LsorJers of the Digestive OiyuDi : litsinrd Piles, Fulness or lSloid to tho Head. Acidity of llio to rr.aeh, Nausci. llearibuin. 1'isost lor Food, Fulness or ,'ot riit iu the ttomiioh, .Soar Eructation. .Sinking or i- lutt ?ri. r nl the lit ef tho .Sloiioieh, Sivimtiiiii of the lie-ad. Hurried nnd LlitG eult lire-all, ii.u', Flullerin ot Iho lli art, Ch kini.' or hulliwntint Si nsations 11 her. in a lying posrurc. liiiur Doss of isicn. liois or AVebs b--f"io Ibi 1-ibt. l'evcr and Dull J'ain iu the ller.d. licficieni-yof 1'erspira- lion, Vellowncss of the Skin and Eye. 1'r.in in the .idi'. Lack. I'hett. Liuii-s. Ac. Smluen , Flul.esof Heat, lijniin io tho Flesh, Cuitstant linririitins of Lril, autl pri nt lii'i reh.-iou ofSpirits. rAnncLLAi: kotick There, are many pi-eparaiior.s soi l under the mm of l-Jltters. pnsiio in (jiinrt Hottli. eomj nnr.ded of the cl.eiipest whi-key or cotni'ie n rum, costing f.-;ra 2d to 40 cents per tf illon, lbetn.:odi.- t;uis -el l y Ai.iso or CoriJir.JeT e,l. 'J his elcts of Lilterf hns s.iusc l end will ernlir.uo lo citttse. as lnni ns tbey can be sold, hundreds to dio the d"ftth of tl'O drunki.rd. ily t'ueiruso tin, systirn i keiit c iiliuuully under thu inbui nco of Ale jb ! :ej Miitif.ii n'.sof l!-.i w-rst LI.'. L ,'!. d "re for Liquor is erer.ted and kept rp. mrl theridt is all ll.o fcat lomlr.i.t upe. a drunkard's life niv.1 death. I'Jf those, olio ilesire und will havo a Linuor Pit ters. we piibli-b tho I'lilotvin receipt, licit ns llottlc lbiofland's licriniin flitters nod l.iix viith Three Q11111 is of flood Eran ly or Whiskey, and tbo result will be n prei i-.ratiou that will far cicel in medicinal virtues and truo cxcclU-uco mty of tho mi liter 011s Liquor Litters iu iho lutirket. and Mill cost lnueh lev. You wilt havo all luo Tirtues of liootlitnd's fliitcrs in connection with a (rood urticlo of I.iii:or. at a mvich less J tico Ui.in the.io iuferier preparations will coc t you. iiooflandV "ciEiiM.v:; ' eittehs Will Give Yon a coon appetite. Will jriveyon t-'TP.o.N'U HEALTHY NEU YES. Will give you U1USK AND EXEiiUETIC FEEL INtiS, Will rnablo yon to SLrEP WELL, r.ud irill positive ly pici uLt Vcllow IVirr, CiUIout .Ev-r, &;. Th'so suB'vriiig from Eiuken (low 11 an 1 Dclicato Constitutions, from whatever came, cither iu Ilalo e,r Female, will find in llUOFLAND S(Ji:n.M.N BITTEUS. A UEMEDT That will restore thciu to their usual health. .Vucli has been (hu euso in thousands of iiistaitces, niid a luir trial is but required to prove the assertion RBMBMBBR, THAT THESE Ll'l TICKS AKE MbS And SOT tulcuded as a LLVFlt AUK. Tho rroprletorshave thou.-aiuls of Lstters from ILa most euiineut Clergymen. Lawyers, I hvideim.s and Cititcns. Testify ini; of their own peis,.narkcowledi!, 10 tbo benetiobil eliccts and medical virtues of lbeo Hitters. From Rev. J. Xcwtoa Erown, D. 1)., Editor of ii.0 Eu.-yclopedia of lleli'a.ua Euouledo Althouuh not di-p.ed to favor or rcconmiend Pa tent Aledieiues in reucrid. through ai. trust of iheir ingredients and effects, 1 yet know ot no -utlteient rt'MMiiis why a 11. nn may not tiiify to the bcnciiu ho believes hioiscil to hav o received tioiu ,ny fiimplu pre fiialioii ill t'.ie hope ibul ho luuv ibus eoul.iiiato lo lliu bu.ii.-fit of others. 1 ilo Ibis Ibe looro rcujily in regard to lloofl ii.J'3 Uerinau tiitu rs, irep:.if 1 by Dr. C. il. Jai ks in, of this city, because i vns prejudice I a-uii st tlirm for uuiny years,, under llio iinprcssion Unit they were ehiilly nu utcohotiu mixture, lam iitilebte l to my ti Uud Lobcrt bemacr, E.-sp, br tbo remoi'al of Ibis prejiidieo by proper lets, uud tor encourage luem lo try theui. 1, iteu .-11!!' -rin foul Croat uud lonx continued dehiiiy. 'Ine use of time b.ililescf Hose Liners, ul the brri lining of thu present year, was followed by tiidci.t relief 1.11. 1 r utorati, i.'to a decree of hodby nnd incutitl vi.or uhieh i ha I lo t fell lur six luoii.bs before, and bud uiuteit despiiired oi lejcainiii. 1 Iherclore lliank liod uud my liieml fer direeli.ii; to the use of Ibeiti. J. iSEWTt'X EllHW.V. Pliliiilelpbia, June 23, li.d. Diseases of Kielr.cys and Bladilcr. In Yuutip vr Ajt'l, if'ttf or I'n:ni!; Arcsptedily removed, nr.J the tati'ut rwtorei to Leal.U dkeecvii; uiTldeen", Those sufTi fn m 51.1 iiasmi s, wjstii. awir, wiih s-.ii.-tly any t)eh on their bt lies, are eondiu a ei y rliori lime ; one ImjuIc iusueli eases, will have a Uoe.1 uipriio - v!tii;t. P.Mll.NlS buiim; suffirlnT. olillien as rdmvt1, and i-l.iii4 to i.itx iheui. will never rerol thu day im r.-iitUtCbe, a with t'..ec UittdiS. Ll'll KAiiV 5' EX. SI'.'I'ENTH. und tlio,o wuV ii. l-nr.l wi,h iheir biaios. snoiild always k 11. a boiliool 11 M.rNu I's lii'.lers near ibein, as tby v ,!1 flu-! ll.ueh bolirtll fioiu iir U-tc. lo I . th lldt.d and 1 bisly, iiivilf..rMiit'i; and i.ot deprc-siujr. IT LS .Nor a L1QIOU SI IJH'LANT, Aid loavel U , prosira'.ioi. All nitittss, ms,,!,!!,., ! I AN li TIIU I'UIIM'.S Vi S'i'LDII.RS W full (l.s attcutiisn if all b-viu i!il:i,i,r frin. t III the ruiy lo Ibe Uel lb.it' 111 II t l.. N 1 St I11-IU1MU ItillirS aiit CulO lilil icUli.l o Ihu ,ilr MwS 1 ir.-iue.d by vsrurrsMiid pri aliens iii.-i Iroi it. cm:t 1 Lit'. Ill the ll". plt'jl'-lie.l MlU.. rl 111 tl 1 i,i- s.irn. wu Ibe Mrttia! ol ibe rl k. It MniK-ta lo-rl ibLia wiy iure roj siiiwii arc sufletn. n, m ' deoi.i.y. Liny vrut oi Ibal ki4 aula 11 ou.y ; VUlid by lio fl.lld t llellnMU Lilt' IS. 11 bl.ldLis litmlMll u ia mies' tt. 11 ,b.t 11 . rr h, lie,, Vise 1 tiU'rllSur SO..I1JS l,Ul.dl i d of li ' vs il. iht MO il l llul Jtl.fi, u Would b I. lb .ie,ielois are July ice.l, na Ibji Lf I lei -It is li. tu sLtt'-iwa 111 Ibe Miu.t o f lu p.u's. a l.j tints bv a rsl fsi to bsal tl by lb iM wl lbi4S ii.l lirs, Si 1.1 lo Ibrtu il) Itinr llnu-ir. tl.UUiit Vs't(NL.tlL!4'! sVre Ibst las I MaAturn if ' 1- Jl.'JCf.. 'N' t mi lite "uiji ol raok liulile. 11 tc f-U (Hills Ti dill l bull JjOS f i If M. MruaM )"Vt tu44mfi'H . 4 bai.lts ,il.-t., Js MU rs.tsl fcy y ol Mr h.u.u.ik -e-aia Ok ImI as , .i In iu 1 is. a . ,, I ' . ai4 alii I-sm.i I o'or.ls p.. kl, k rsi or i l'iuil bin a4 Mrs mIo" us, Vv i A 1 b ai ''.it I 1 AN a, (4 IrMMOroll 0 0 XL !.. t SV Ck i Srpiltwa ''- - fW ta-tess aal V. Usmi kkk U vae i I..S-4 (tea s'ij.sisjoiBa-r . a