Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 02, 1864, Image 1

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    n.isns oittiii: "ajiki:ica.."
Two Dollar per annum, to be paid halfyarly
a mUwic. Ao yaptr discontinued uutil all r
curves art paid.
Tliron cnries to on address, $ $ 00
S 'Tcu . ilo do 10 00
Iifleen ilo do 20 00
f'iv Dollars, in mftiuioo, will pay fur tlirct years'
suhscrition to tlic American.
Club suhsv.rlptlons mint bo Invariably paid In ad
vance, and Kent to one address.
If suhserihers nottlector roliisa to take their ncie
papers from the oftice to which they are directed, they
i re rostiomilde until they bar aiitllod the bills and
otdered them discontinued '
riisiiu'ti.ter will pleat act as our Agents, and
frauk leiters containing suhscription money; They
are permitted to do thia under ttio I'oat CMScfl Law.
VjomUiK InHurnnrc CiMpiui)'f
t nplt nl ndurilii, $1 1 S.COO.
1 M. Ilnllcuback, L. D. Fhoemaker,
.h im llciehard. 1. O. Priesbach,
r'ainnel Wadhnuis, lb C. Smith.
It. 1. Lncoe. tuns, llormncc,
(hurles A. Miner, Win. &. K"s.
W, Vt . Ketcham. ... l. Harding.
U.M Iini.l.KXliACK. President.
L. I. SllOL.MALKK, Vice President.
It. C. Smith. Secretory.
W. W. STKiii.txti, Treasurer.
This Ccinipnny Insures Ihree-fonrlh of the Cash
slimtion. takes no Premium Notes, make no Assess
ments, 1'oliey acknowledges all niuueis paid during
tl:o term of your Insurance.
A. CRAWlfOHD, Agent.
Mny 30, ISO,-!. 1y
Alloi-noj ami (Touiisu'llor lit I.:i
(.'Dice on smith fide nf Market street, four doors wc.-t
of K. Y. Ilri -lit A Son's Store,
Will attend promptly to all professional husinrss
nitni'ted to his cure" the collection ot eluinis hi
Mortliiiuiljerlandnud the adjoining counties.
Suubury, May 2.1, l-i'i.'t. ly
J. E. I-TEXiI-Eli, " j
MDMIl M Mi i
t.'il'.ce. on south side ol Market Square, near the Court
Will attend promptly to nil business
intrusted to his eare." the collection of claims in
Noriliiinil'ovltind nnd the ii.ljotniug counties.
Mtnbury, May :M, 1 ly
Gr"R.lSrT (Ss'di'etzi
wmi.i:sAi.K Ai i:i:tail iJEAi.r.i.? l:T
in every variety.
Order solicited and tilled with pro'iipfe" n'ti
Sin. bury. May Iij, Kr,:;.iy
tli-i:- i;t i.itM. Suiiliiiry. Northun t e
lau i i-ouiiiy. Vi i.os Ivj.r.iii.
I I'Mi ineriy 1'rce; :m.' 1"T; eountv )
OI'I ICK. .Mallltl street, one door es.-t of I'riling'a Store, and nearly opj o-ite the Court Honse
All pi-u s? business, cullcotii 'is. Ac , will re
rr i c proi.Tpt alleiith u.
April 12. l.V.J.
A(ti-ii-.v :inl 4 i:its-lr ill I jim !
t'l'iec. Market slice!. 2 doers we.-t of Ilcpot,
Wl attend pmuiplley to the collection of claims
and all other irol'e.-?ionul bu.-incss iiu;-ii..ted to
l;is car" in Nortlmioljcrlan-l and uiljt ining eo-jiil: :i
Simii,r'. Mav e. Is. i2.
rtsv i. ('t'i e.; .v i d umm:-
L Su
PHK subs Tiber ful lv int'.nn'S the people of
r-'uuhury and vicinity, that he has opened an en
tire iicm hiick ill clottilt'g tin'1 1- iii nistnug goo,, at
hi new store in the buildirg of Charles Pleasants,
K.-.. ia Murliul iuarc Jii.-.-' '.-k consists in part
u-.'h as Coat?. Over Coats. pat;ts. vests, shirts,
undershirts, drawers, stockings, uei klies. handker
ciiiils, glocs, Ac Abo Hals nnd Caps uf all
Sli'E'?. ATXli fIBH:?!,
ef all kill Is. TliI'MC."5. and Valises, umbrellas,
and notion, of all kinds, bi-id". tomieroiis other ar-ticle-.
I'hc j at'llc are reiat : ir .i togiuhiiu a call
and examine hi::. to. k.
j.::vi UKciiT
..muurv. Oct l-l".
Confectionery. Toy and j
Mai Sli--cl, -ir.ilMi-y;
t -oNr!-:r"i ioxr.:;v op ai.i. kinds. :
ToYtf or kvi:ky i)T-:"ftMVTJx. '
rnui i . ivc. j
t'iTAXTI.Y on hand and for -ate a' "'it nf ove
i , i.-;atdi-tiuo.i:l at Hi.i.l. sak' aed ictail. at reasou- i
,i.Vp,icrS. i
lie is uiatit'faeliiring all kinds of C.-ifi'-tfosiarit t
to keep up u lull aseol line ill vl.icll arc aidd at l'w
hiV:!''!-!., r'c.irs. .ctnii
a vsiiety'of lain r nrti. I
vh 'b s;:le and retail.
US I'cinclnber 1 1,
ry. Nuts of all kinds, and
.il! of whijii are ottered
iinnie and place. Jt J ,
JI. C. liLALHAlif, j
r ne-t ot ;. Y. Uright A .-ou's
Market street
. .1 .h.
t-iinbury. Sept. l'.i, Im'iJ. tf
1 (-li .litiici- iiikI .Inieler,
m M'fAfni:i:u ok
HLVER WAKE A lmpoitor of WATCHES Sec I St . Crmr Ouarry. jqilLA-
HE las constantly on hand an as.ort.uer, of (.,, d
a:,l sdv.r I'aleut Lever. Lepne and Ham
E has constantly on h ind an assortment of (iold 1
Wan-he's: I ine (iold Chains. Seals 111. d Keys, lireast I
l'iu-. Ear Rinirs. Finger l:itu, Lrnct lets. .Miniature j
l.'n-ts. .Mednllitilis. Locket,, I'ent ils. Tllilllbles. .spec. 1
lai les. r-ll cr l aoie. 1 tesi i 1. lea. .-an tuei .nii-wini
I":"):-; V.4: ."I":. 1
ne t ll-jlter Knive.-. Shiel I-. I'mnln. Iiiain
IllolHl I tlllll-
rd Pens, etc all of which will ties ,1,1 lv lor tasli :
M I 'i"l!IAS.V t'o.S best quality full jeweled
Patent Lei n '.Movements eoii-t.inlly ou hand; al.-o
other Makersitf superior quality.
X. R. Old Held and .SUcr bought for rash,
vpt .V I - U -ly w
AlUIE REV. J AMES IjK'K"V. will re oi'n bis
1 Academy on .M iuy, the I7ih day nf August,
The f lloH'unr branches will be taught :
Latin. iret k. .Mathematics. I'bilt,M liy. Rhetoric,
Louie, lits.k Ket pinit, S ocal .Music 111 theory and
practice Also, iteoiji.tjl.y, Liriiiiiinar, History,
t'oiueotiliou S ritiiitf
Per (Juart.r of II week.. fit toll
iu liiu atte Itraiiclns mlhoul tho lsojjusjrss fi UU
Lai in and al' .e biauelns, ' "
1,1.0 k and niton biunckc., f "
Suu I iiciiiur.
l'ir put'l.n' trs i't lo
l;l.V' JAMI.- 1 ! K.-i'X. Tiaebtr.
Jturihuu.htilaiid, Aujtu-i I.I, l-soo ly
t I.A-l IC fTocKIN-i-' r'oR KXLAH-iEH VEIN
or HIE 1.1 ii. AC ;
liViuiiiciil. I r ail 'It foiiuiiies.
Mt li!.'lllll.i
lui Tru.
1 ( ,,, il .. 1 lt. t.l ..iber its ralehtit
et II
11 iuttii-- -i---. -
nutt't I i " t i.-ti tl Ills
ult 1 1 liw. 10 I,! ow lb bch.
I..-1, le el B If 1 o
I' I l f "I I
A t.l. ) 1 t lO.I'lv It.
.1 jit lt.u IK
at, to 4 t u ai' t e o
ii i.ilt ll.e -1 ins and am-iy aud
ti I. ut to it uiu It's llupiuia,
.i. ri. " I 1 11 trio I ta lit at (alia
l ,. ailioitt-'l I ' '
1 B IU-1 I. d SI. ai It f lil.K
sjit t f inti.i i'.n ftsa... i"t
,U t! Ill' I
I.. Ii-V I'-lu a. 4 AU .u.ii.l
... so I ! 1 1 i k.t -
," .., ,t. e U. . I .I
l uil 'V II t Xu
I k .lei. lb bl
to- .u.'i' louad
Hu Otis, la4
Ultututs ati a.l
.1. I it. 1.1 ---. .!
I ! -til .' '!
TtST received from New York and Philadelphia,
a freb supply of the latest styles and of the best
quality, which ha liss bad made np to order, and
warranted to Rive goad satisfaction, lie has mada
arrangements in the city to have his best work madn
to order, which can be "had at all times, if not on
bund thev will be procured at reasonable notice.
Manufacturing of BOOTS and IsllOKS of all kiadl
as usual.
I will also who!cnle Roots and Shoes by the lox.
Call and examine before purchasing th?bcre
anil satisfy yourselves.
Thankful for patronage heretoforo bestowed, he
respectfully solicits a continuance of the same.
Shop auj Store room, three doors west rf the Rail
Road in Market Sonare.
KauWy, Sept. 19, ISM.
"7AXTED iininediatelv. a Jour Shoemaker, on
Men' Work. Hood wagespald. i
"TOri.II respectfully announce that they have!
just received and opened a very large a.nrl well selee . J
ted Stock or !
which they are willing to di'pose of at a VKKY
I'irstt CiiM. v
.nd r.Miu: v.( r.s kvkhytiiini;
I Thankful for past fniors we h''po to meet a con
' tinuancc of the same by still selling tioods as cheap
if not 4'IIi:.Ei:iE than can be purchased else.
Eun.iNo i on.tT.
Suiibnry, May 2,1. ) St'..'
MTU:.NC'K'S ri UKi.NIL' syklp
Will Cure
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup
. T-!ll t'ure .
Schnnck's Pulmonic Syrup
Will t'ure
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup
Will fur"
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup
Will Cure
(i iNsoirnov.
Schenck's Sea Weed Tonin
Will Cure
Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic
Will Cure
fcichenck's He Weoit Tonic
Will Cure
behenck'a Sea Weed Tonic
Will Cure
ielienck's Mandrake Pills
Will Cure
Kclier.cV'a Mandrake Pills
Will Cure
Bchenck's. Mandrake Pills
Will Cure
fichen'k'a Mandrake I'illa
Will Clin
at No
.1 II SCIIKXK has a Largo .Slit nf Rooms
.'I- llond Street, New Y'ork, where be ean he
louii'l eei v Tucslav from tl . u.. and at No. .'t'.i
.Norlti SiAtU street, 1 hiludcq Ula, J'a., even tratur-
lie keeps a large supplv of medicines at his rooms.
uhi.-li cm 1... t.n.l uf ..II tin,... f. ... ..
., tMminHliu ,, ,.' wi ,Iu Wul0 fIl
,. ., ,,..., ,.,,r,. ,r ,Ui,. '
but tor a thorough examination with tho Respiiome- j
ter. Ii is price i- .Y j
.Many persons are afraid to have their lungs ex- ,
found in-urahl... and bvthat means it i, , .11 off until S
I , . . . . , " , .
,d it..,-, j,.,,, inucii oeiit r 11 woiioi lie 111 Know
I their condition at once, asl.y uhundance of evidence, !
1 I r. H has shoun tiitliciiiLit ccruficates iu this city '
11011 110 nan curc'i aivaiicni tinges ot Lonsumplion
lir S-henk 's 1'i iiiciiial office is No. M North Sixth
street, l'hiladcli hia. Pu . where Iclteri for advico
bouht always to directed.
l'i ice of tho PuluiuLic Syrup an,l ,ea Weed Tonic
each l per bottle, or 5 the ball Joiuii. Mandiake
fills, 'Jo cents per box
For sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers
October 111, 1 crtj. :;tu
.MurUt-l I reel, u-iify ooailc lite
Hull Itontl -tol,
IXFOUMSIhe eilisens of huulturv ami vicinity,
that he has just returned troui I'bliadt lj Ilia ailh a
full asMtriiueut ot
r.1.1. .-m 111:11 ;oin,
Hi. stock eonfl.u of Clolru, Kreucb Cb4bs, Rlack
I'oe St, in ha, rnuoy Cassiiuerea. Rlnca Hllu. Eiuured
SilUs. Plain and (alley Cawnueie VEft l I Ntiri. ahich
ka mil make up to older in styles lu suit tits last o
rU'iomiii, uu stioit nolle, autl Iba uiiut feaaouable
An litt.4. Hot on ban t will ba furni.betl flora
I'bilalelplua, l.y ttiu:g itttntavs' iioliue.
linula luritulnsf by cuswuicrs will ba mad up to
older as hcirioloi.
As ka ml. iutloy none but cins-rianecd workmen,
1 .r.u. way niy uu (tiling lbi.11 mk wall Uuu hi
Lis .nop
ibaakful for lha plt.Bi! hui.lof .i b.lowd,
b soltaila a 4titUiiuauMiol lb aaas
huoLuiy, a4 Its, I W.J
uwit-ttai ssii ansa
S l I'wun (Ua4 auJ CkMti M . tUllo hi
1 t.tX( r (bt i'Alrkl Ewl ALUIXU TUIk.
; l l'X iLuiha ny ati.u aiuds I
I L ult. baa, U-AtKt laii. 4 Uiaw, I'Mlois,
" I k i.ltjit.Si4tai4- jU
' fl-'H'ft- .'. - 'J
F 0 E
'A be Old Vrnr nnl lli.cit (
Rlnff him out sadly, man,
'Tis his last hour !
Ring nut so madly, men,
ltiug not so gladly, muu,
Muuof the tower !
Light swing the hammer up,
Light fnim? it down ;
Send not such clamor up
0 rr the hushed towu.
Tolt the hells slowly, men,
'Tis his last hour !
Toll the bells slowly, men,
Dirge-like and holy, men,
Men of the tower 1
Time strikes eleven, men !
Weird tneu of the night !
Tw k.lvk startles llenven, men,
r'ruiu its body riven.
The Year's Soul, undiriven, men,
With its Wrong or Right.
Mounts upward in its (light
To the Judgment Light !
the new Year hells.
,.w r?ns ye gladly, men.
Without a tear !
Swing th? tongue mndly, men,
Ilich in the steeple ;
liid all the people
tlreet the New Year '.
Clang nil the belles
Ling every chime !
Let their loud swells
Drown the death-knells
And bless the new time '
Merrily, cheerily ring
The glad bells o'er ye ! ,
Merrily, cheerily sinir.
Toiiod bo the glory,"
Who hath made us to see
This New J ubilee !
rtlinni'solsi I.sim snil.
It: the fctni-ruml ili-tricts of Winona, forty
'ijiles nvrtli Hf t'i tt eily, on the Minnesnttt
citle nf lite Mississippi river, lives, nm ui
sevcrtil jieuple, n jolly goml fellow of i Jus
lice of the i'euee, v,-';iise itlia nf mutters tire
inuelt lil; tlie Wuters of a ileep river. Once
ittu ted it is littnl to turn litem. On a Liir
1 lay List week, ufter tlie 10x12 law ilispensa
ty lni'l Lcen swept, alter elixirs itt-rl Leen set
in it tow ngainat tlie siile nf tlie olliee. nml
sunilty ivliijipeil ijuids of tnliaeeo ami muti
nied eiar ftutnps liatl Leen kiel.eil under
the stove, there was a wooden step on the
stairs and a vigorous rap at the dour.
'Coie in," i .'iid the Justice, tis he settled
into, a h-tral look so Lelittin; n uittu of law
duly elected to dispense the favors of the
Mind goddess.
A stout noinau entered. She had 011 u
short woolen dress wooden scled shoes
sported rod cheeks, black hair, and eyes that
rnripwd like the lock of u .-iiot nun. In a
I 'ortntruese accent, nud in the worst possible
Knlisli, i-he saitl,
"You law man ?"
"Yes, madam : be seated "
"Want jiuj)er. Want paper to take man !"'
'Jn-t then a stout French half-breed t'rt
tered the room. Ho was utuible to speak
half a dozen words, and looked either scared
or bashful. The jttU:e saw at once that
tin re was some marriage to coine oil', and
said to the woman, who stood with com
pressed lips watching the Justice aud the
"Win? r.per to take this man ("
"Yes want paper. Mc tench him. (Nice
woman, thought the .lust i.e.) IE-110 guild
man me take him so quick as ran
"AH right, my covies tu y-nt in the jcik
'f n lafiiL's tail," said the Justice us he turn
id to the man and said
"You know this woman, can you take
her ?'
The unit shook his
head and muttered I
unitin ligiltle words.
"Ah ! 1 see. Can't talk
llnt'li.-li. Well
never mind."
He ran into the fired, invited if few
frh'-ndt tip stairs, and on returning with
them said to the woman,
"You want to take this mail for littler or
for worse ;''
''Yes me want to take him- me jiav !"
"All riht !"
Then turning to the man who stood
"You take this ivmiitin for better or for
w orse, and promise to keep her," Ac., etc.
"I'niph I" and several nods of the Lead.
'Then in the name of the law, ami virtue
of the authority in me vested, 1 pronounce
you man and wife." And he stepped for
ward before the woman could say a word
nnd kissed her red lips.
"siup" came Iter hand in his face and she
clutched his hair. The new husband jumped
in to lake the woman away, mid to protect
Iter, its the wofnan supposed, when in .-elf-pris'TVation
the Justice gave him a rap oil
the The woman pitched into the new
husband, who in turn pitched into her, and
for about live minutes there was a general
hustling mid di-play of h-jri, garters, and
things decidedly astonishing.
At last the parties were separated, when
the man ami woman took another turn at
each other, the blood and linir living in all j
directions. )own came the slovc, over j
w tut the table, chit ter w ent the chairs, and
into the street like mad went the Justice,
with a black eye utid the bosom of his shirt
looking like a warranty deed covered with
red seals !
A crowd riuhed up tair nnd found the
man and wuiiihii ly ing on the lloor, hugging
each other liku young binins, their nuns
and legs mixed up worse than tomato vines,
the woman on top, and pommeling In r
new ly niatlc with a hearty will.
The new I v Married couple wc re acpul tiled,
when through the aid of two interpreters it
was discovered that I he night I m lore the
Imrtita, occupying ntljniuing shanties is the
wvr putt of. tho town, hud gut into u dis
pute ovir a Sjtnvu pipe, which w us claimed
by both, unil from winds they had Come to
blows. Each parly Inn Iconic, to the Just ice's
olHcu in the mottling lor warrunl forth
other, w ith the result n staled above,.
The List new front time was t hut the
parties hud gout lu as urch of another Justice
In iniiiiarry them, while the gitiiul cause uf
their ten iblo squabble ma "m thug up tho
boys" mid bathing hi bunged t In cum
plmr and wlii.key. for mi actual lait, it it
the richest wiltnu our knowledge.
1'AlttlOllatl or I'MINI Kill. Tiler ale,
rx-rhapa, utotl print, t In the army in pto
ortiou In lb uuiulf 111 lha country thjii
of ny other itilia.nn. huc'l Maalhvlol
tu the lent mill Miuuau war. In Oil- war
lur the tuppuaioa of itiu rcUlliou, tl
miii i duuMlLM Iru. Aiuouii ih um
la r tl the ball! of CliK kiu4t,
1 1 11 ro wei thirty Cv ploilila ami txtiltira,
- o 4 ibti it. ti t n in lb f riui'i
Ut. t; LU. tW f .,i.l n Ihirlr!.
Ajiiptuc tiBtwtT0 iHoFrrNPtwcr
Tilli IIoi.kteim QCESTIO.V. TlltrutrnfJ
War in Kumpr. The news from Or
inttny ii very thrc(ili-iiini. The Ocrmun
fitatts uppenr strongly ilisposcil to it)iort
the Duke of Austciihurg tifjnitist Itiinurlt.
It U not belii'vctl Unit Deuiuitrk ivill yii hl
without a rt-tort t) units. If v.r once
breaks out on the i-onttncnt, the prolmliili
tics arc tliut the jrivnt jutwei' will litcomc
involved in it. The Lotulnn Tinicn stiyj :
Dcntnnrk is k ttitiff remly for wnr. llcr
tmviil vessels) lire (inlcrcil into instant service
ml the Minister of Wnr hnn onleiivl out nil
the soldiers licloiifjinjr to the rorpsi vhich
Kairison Ilrlstein, bdileswifr iiml Northern
Jutland. The Kin whs to fiolrt n jtrntiil
review of the unity on the 2!Hh ult. The
c;arrisou of Kiel has l.cen cotiMderubly re
inforeed, nnd all the lixulit'ca in tin; in iijh
horhoDd of the town lire occuiiied Ly .sol
diers front the Danish islam':). H i- also
announced that some Danish ships of war,
with troops on hoard, are expected in the Lay
of Kiel. Tin; Copenhagen ealiinet appears
determined to be iu a position not only to re
pel any attack from Germany, but to put
down the movements which iiihv nrtiff; in the
T.u: Sm.t Istkukst. Tlie changes in
currency and high taritl' on salt hasixen a
fresh impetus to its njnnufacluie in the
west. In Siiintty Valky, Michigan, where
in 1800 no salt was made, they now manu
facture 1,5(10,000 barrels per annum.
The lalinlous profits already made are
creating quite tin excitement amongst cap
italists. J.snds that two years ajjo sold fur
tf 10 pi-r iiete nre now scllintr from MOO to
$500 tcr acre, and the quality U' wood used
in the intintifacturc of Fait and lumber has
more thau trippkd the value of timber
lands. A company has lecentlv been or-
gantzetl with a lee simple, title to (U).U.H '
or-et a of ho-.. I in tli. si.viiiaw- Vol', v ,i !
vicinity, '''he purchase wus made almost
three years ago. previous to the salt discov
eries at h nominal price ami ha-t recently
been perfected. The company is known ns
tlu Saginaw YulKy Land Salt nnd Miuend
Anvii 1: to Yoi nii Mia. A lady, who
signs herself "A Martyr to late Hours," oilers
tho following reasonable suggestions to
young men :
Pear gentlemen betwrcn tho "tiffe of
eighteen and forty-live," ii-din to a few
words of gratuitiotts remarks. When you
make a social call of an evening, on a lady,
go away at a reasonable hour. Say you
conic at eight o'clock, an hour and ti half is
as long as the most faeinatittg of you can. or
rather ought to desire to use his charm.
Two hours can b" fery pleasantly spent w ith
musi';, chess, orother games, to loud variety;
but kind sir:', bv no nuairs stav lonr
Make short call etui come oftmier. A pirl I
that is a sensible true hearted girl will j
enjoy it better, and really value your nc- I
ipiaintance more, .lust conceive the agonv
j of a girl who, well knowing the feelings of j
j father and mother upon the subject, hear;
the clock strike ten, am! yet must sit on the j
ledge of her chair lest papa should put his
1 ntt repuittnl threat in execution, that ot
1 coining down nnd inviting the gentleman to
j breakfast. And we girls ail undeistand it
i by experience, and know what il is to dread
I the prognostic of displeasure. In some
eases a sigh of relief generally accompanies
the closing door behind the gallant, and one
; don't, get over the fecl'iig of trouble till safe
j in the arms of Morpheus. Kveu then s inie
! times the dream ate troubled with some
j phantom ot an angry father and distressed
mother; nnd all because a young man will
' make a longer call than he oiurht to.
PoWKlt oi' t! No bad man is
ever brought to repentance by anirry words;
by bitter, scornful reproaches. He fortifies
himself against reproof, aud hurls back foul
charge in the face of his accuser. Yet
guiltv and hardened as he seems, he has a
heart in his bosom, and inav be melted to
tear byagifille voice. Whoso, therefore,
can restrain his disposition to blame ami
tuiil lull It. anil can bring linnseil iimvn to a
'fallen brother, will soon find his way to
better feelin:.'. within. Pity and patience
litre the two keys which unlock the human
, heart. They who have been most successful
; laborers ntnotig the pour and vich'tis have
i been the most forbearing. Said the Crlebiu-
ted St. Vincent de Paul) ' If it has pleased
I heaven to employ the most miserable of uu ti
for the Conversion of some souls, they have
h"msi Ives confessed that it was by the pa
1 fictice aud sympathy Which he Lad for them,
j Kven the convicts among who 1 haic liyed,
can be gained in 110 other way. When 1
j have ki.-scd their chains nnd showed com
I piissimi tor their disgrace then have they
j listened to me and placed themselves in the
I way of salvation."
t l.tnritti. Timimimi in- Uu Letter
from PeiTianibuco announce the complete
triumph of the liberal party over the con
servatives in the late election iu Iirazil.
Out of more than one hundred delegates to
the Brazilian l.nwt-r ILicst. only ten con
servatives have been elected. The liberals
lire in favor ol opening the Amazon, and uf
establishing a line of sti ami rs from .New
York to Kio Jniiciin. It is rumored that
the American minister hu. nlreadv spoken
of a sti an. .-hip line bctwicn Hruril and the
Pliited Stales.
. - 1 - -
A lfr.m 1. Pi:isiixi.ii's I.ovi: l.i.ri Kit.
The follow inr; epistle of love got to prove
he fact ihnt sehoolmasli r Lave long becti
abroad ill the Statu of Alabama : -
' Jx 01 11 J wu- n iiom; K tin K.- Mi deer
Sclv Sptcist I taik mi ptu in hiin' tu ht
Mill 110 that our Lois air all wil'. I huv'
1st ii sit k with the dyuivar'. uu' hope vew an'
yore tiiulln t air cniuiu' the same l.hs.iii'.
Hill Slorter got A h Iter fium Ulikle J.tbls.
uu' he cd that )cW wii j.'oiu' to git Inarrtd
tu tlia ginltt fur tiotliin' whisky tlnnkiii'
ham Liubir. Now, Nly, 1 lioup that
ainatil ao, fir yew Ilo uu' 1 no that we huv'
luvctt twitottlur wtinst, nu' whin jaw touh!
Ille to jinc tin rt til koMS yew Wood luv llti
bodily il. That ihur a ut fur; 1 11) dun
uioul fur ml kuntiy itor Sum bsiU-r an' 4 1
lew 1 1 kuiu the w ) In of Sam lie muni tae
hu kins, an' lln u -1 Ii il's Hot Hits mailer,
lite lu ine an til me if this i tine. Our
fills' Will bv douil It uu Ha) aline. Nil' I
Mil kul mi' K lore nit'lthi r. Ill tin II lalWtl
Alb Uruui fit 1 hi no L iter I iir mu ; In
Liii k.
"Vvre till tho war U our.
A Uknthouji."
As vat "l ittiii lit'' belmti hi'lotiisnhuiiec
ti luall bl "Lilly tins '
- s.- " -
I'li fl us U(.uXl' ! lf' l h i''ll f riut
f m !iuu In I ii xd.U litlils itiuul
2, 1SGI.
I v p t Ii r r I ii i
A St:l!H CCllK OK THIS TIllllltlll.K
Knirous MiH'tit'tii Dkmociiat. I'loase
publish the lollowino; treat inetit of dypthe
n.i. It has been used by myself, nnd others
to whom I hove cdven il, iu over out; thous
and easel; without a failure. It vv'll nhrnit
run; if '.he treatment is commenced before
the dyptheriii luctnlirtine extends into the
air tubes, w hich is known by the great dil'i
culty of brc:itbinj and restlessness. In. such
cases no remedy yet discovered w ill ulwins
client n cure: but if the patient is watched,
and this treatment Used in time, there is no
I sent this treatment to a fiend of mine
in Wisconsin, and he Used it on himself, nnd
family and neighbors, with such wonderful
success that he requested me to send it to
for publication, us this horrible ili-ease is
prevailing extensively in parts of Missouri :
f i olden seal, pulverized, 1 drachm.
llliiek pepper, " 1 "
Alum, " 1 "
N itrute of jiottiah, " 1 "
Salt, " 2
Put nil into a cominon sied tea ctij or
vessel which hold.i about four ounce, and
pour half full of boiling water, stir well and
then till full of .ond vinegar. Pit for use
w in n it settles. Make a swab b getting a
little slick nl unit the size of a pipe, stein,
notch one end and wrap a string of cotton
cloth around il, letting the cloth prop ct
about half an itieh beyond the end of the
stick, so a not to jag t he mouth ntul throat,
and fasten w ith u thread.
Swab the mouth and throat well every
lndf hour!" t!ii' case is bad. every hour if
not bad. When 1 lie
tiatictit net. belter i
. 1
every two hours ; then w hvn Letter, every
four hours; nnd when still belter, two or
"" . mi situ. "m iv
from two to seven days. Totieh every ef-
Iceled spot, the uvula, tonisls and fauces,
the whole back putt of the mouth, nnd top
of tut- throat ; and let the patient sw allow a
little of the wash each time you swab.
rtw aui.tiug causes no pain, iiiougu inc. paueiii t
will gag, and sometimes vomit ; but fwul
w ell, aud a feeling of tvliif will fu'low every
b w:ib! dug.
I.i t every patient have a sepnrnte cw ab
aud Wush, lis the disease is undoubtedly
, infectious. Keep the wash pine bv pouring
I wbol you Use. each time, into mint her vessel
I I'.ud also wipe oil' any matter or slime, that I
t may be on tlie swa", every time you lake it
I from the mouth.
1 Hub the following liniment on the throat,
: outside, once every thre" or four hours.
and keep u llalillel cloth urouud the neck till
well :
Take Spirits turpentine, 1 ounce,
' jweet oil. (or linseed oili 1 ounce.
" Aqua ammonia, (mi.) I ounce,
fthake before Using each time.
Keep the boncls regular with castor oil.
Keep the patient in the house, but emi
late well. '1 lie dypthciia Wiish and liniment
will be fonnduliicient for oil rn, if taken
in time ; and should you mistuke uny other
"-sure threat '' lor dypthcria, you will clfcct
a (Hire xlmost invuriubly, ns I ue this for all
common sore throat.. I have never lost a
case, atitl many have told ine that 110 money
would induce them in these "ilyptheiia
times" to be w ithout the wash aud liniment ;
aud when a soreness iu the throat is felt, it
is used and a cute is alwavs effected.
Ynur friend. Dr. W. A. Sl.'OTT,
l'alnivra. Warren count v, Iowa. a Smii. r..--Which will you do.
smile and make others happy, or make
eicrvbodv nround vou miserable '. You can
among beautiful flowers and singing
.... i.ftt. , ,;.... e.,-r.,,,.i...i i. f.p0'.,.'i
t -. no -c 1 : ...i.:..i
ltltlsa , 1,,- ,1!M4UI ll.ll'j"H.Sfs ,, 1 IV li J ' I I
on 1 ii-M,l:i'i is tni'iilcmililo if vein will show
a smiling face, a hind heart, and speak !
pleasant words. On the other hand, by!
sour looks, cross words nnd a Iretlttl ttispo-
t ... 1
stiion, you ean maKe luinilreits initial
almost bevonil endurance. Inch wi
do i Wctir a pleasant countenance, let joy
1 be in your eve, and love glow on your lore
head. There is no joy so great as that
which springe from a kind act or a pleasant
deed, nnd you limy feel it at night when you
rest, nnd at morning when you rise, and
through the day when about your daily bu
siness. I Wor.u. The best lesson a father ran give
Mil son i, this: "Work: strengthen your
moral and mental faculties as you would
strengthen your muscles by vigorous exer
cise. I.eam to coniplcr ciicum-taucc ; you
are tin 11 ituli pi ndciit of fortune. The nu ll
of athletic minds w ho have left their marks
on the years in which they lived, were till
trained in a rough school. They did not
mount theii high position by help of lever
age ; they leaped into chasms, grappled 1
w ith the opposing rocks, avoided avalanches, I
and, when the goal was reached, fell that !
but for the toil that hail aliengthened them
as they strove, it could never have been ut- j
Punch's Snt wnmiiV. Tho original!
plant of this new straw berry, w as found a ;
few years itince. by Mr. Lewis E'rem h, near
Moon-town, i. J., growing wild iu his 1
meadow, nud although crowded with the'
meadow grass, ii bore up high and clear, a ;
line cluster nf large, bright scarh l berries. ,
There w as an extensive plantation ofllovey's ;
Seedling sail the large Early Scarlet pow-
ing near by, from which it appear to have j
ilcsciiulcili being perhaps a (Ms U'tu ci'li ,
them, combining the good nnaiities of both ;
those standard varieties. I has (,tti,icd a
high position in the estimation of all who .
know it. It commences early ami conlinue
throitoh the aiasou to lii ld iilnnniantly. j
The 'i'rioniphe Jeliand Mtccceds it. Il is '
uniformly Ipige and well shaped, a brilliant ,
acuilet. ( xcclltitt nualily awcet and lu-eiuiis; ,
the blossoms are all pirlcct In bollt tiru.ii.a :
mid do nut rcipiire the presence i f any
other variety to insure fill crops of fiuit.
(i.irdi-iu r't .Voof.i. I
Jotit-a, since hi lumipige has liikt 11 to
talk alli'litinglv of the holy el ale. Uiouu
wiu telling him ol the death of a
tllelid. w lie, whom "the lilv oli-nUlc Imit
coiiiteil for tmuiy eight icur. uud then
,i,ei...l tioioil ..hi 111 bo a in 1I1 1 1
i.i.o,o,bul iliciltw.. y.ul saflti I how cd. lino,
I lii ic," said Join s, "Ihti
lUi k ! Stis 1
the i II. w cm upid b) u I
inurt.htp I"
W.M..o.j( Wuioim... -W I.nwiadi.i,.""' 1 ,
uren.uino i , ,o..hi .iftl e.L.v. ,)lu. -". add u HUH.
oflhiy lien lalii;li.l tolinni loik place! Dol IUE lltl.l llnl Klui klN'o' - lakilt"
lu lint imilhwi.t aliw ll.e (jtft j ball o lain, met the ilhl aide
Hue wat.r i4lt Kinl cradl... ilnlhia pins, aliull Willi ni! thiedil, unU I lie I" It w 11
and bia.l Ja. k. In 11U.I ri.liuii puia, llit other, ami i il ilothi u-fillc "
pot tlouia.lnl mil lalllapa, UU UuW IUU-H ly Mlk i-"l' " ",u'. ' "
in.ul. r. and ii.vil.ll U4ii J"' mid I U I he In-Un) Ihu k ut iiuianic,
wliboi4iil.. wi-mIi mrumisj 1. aJidluiiiping aithoul iiukiuu ll mivw but Oull.i
j. k. woo Lu lh(M n t'ts ll tUUi!-, , ut, UW Loin lh'(il I atliil lld k'i'1 a
.ii J Muvil, ( 1. 1 1 .i lu lb usual .
M inter Iluller.
The following from the Oeitme l-Wmir,
cannot but prove valuable to the general
reader at this period of the year, when the
rjucstion of how to make good butter in
winter is constantly discussed :
It is not an easy matter to make g'nd
butter during the winter months, especially
when you have, ns is usually the case, but
few cows that nre giving milk.
If the milk was a rich in butter during
tho winter lis it is in summer, there would
seem to be 110 reason why it cannot be ex
tracted. Tho temperature of the house is
tinder our control ; so is that of the churn,
tho cream, V.c. P.ttt the fact is that in a
majority of cases the milk contains little
bill ter. The good wife, may be ever so
skillful in her management, but if the butter
is not there no amount of eare nnd labor on
her part will produce it. If the butler does
not "conic."' tlie limit is not hers. the
cow be w til fed and kept warm and com
fortable, and there will be little trouble in
Puttcr, like fat, is derived fioui the food.
If tho food contains fat or carbonaceous
surest tinces, like starch and sugar, they w ill
produce fat and these nre not all consumed
to keep up the animal heat of tho body, the
cow, if liberally supplied w ith it. w ill either
increase in weight or give milk rich in
An Knglish lady who has had much expe
rience in making butter, gives us the follow
ing hints in regard to her method of proce
dure in winter: "Where only a few cows
are giving milk, skim the cream off every
morning, nnd scald it by putting it in a tin
immersed in boiliilg water, nnd letting it
remain till well heated. If the cows are
eating turnips, this will take away their
1 11 -1... 1...-,.... 1 c...
1 nnoli'iisnlit. llovnr from t hit linttor Alloc
bealding the ( ream put it in a crook, and
add to it tho cream each morning (scalding
tes before) till y"n have enough to churn, say
ouo Week, li' kept longer the cream is apt
to beconlc bitter. It is not desirable to
skim the milk fur more than two days. The
cream should lie kept in a moderately warm
room, or at least w here it will pot freeze.
I When ready to churn, scald your churn and
pour 111 the cream while lue churn is hot
and churn immediately."
R E C I P E iS , & C.
lAci'llent Ilcci jcst.
A housekeeper sends us the following, all
of which she has tried aud prove;! to I e
excellent :
Potato Roi i s. Tloi! two pound potatoes
pis through acolnnder, or mash them well :
add two ounces butter and a piut of milk ;
a little salt, one gill of yeast, and ns much
flour as will make a soft dough ; set them
to rise : when light cut them in cakes; let
them rise half uu hour, and bake. f'Httt
j notatoe'o make beautiful biscuit, mixed us
I above.
Fui'-.ncu Koi.T.s. Uo;l one pint of milk
cut up two ounces) butter into it, add n
little salt; when tepid, silt iu one pound
flour, one egg beaten, One tabh -spoonful
yeast : beat these well together; when risen
form the rolls, with tis little handling as
possible. Duke on litis.
C'ouNvr.Ai. T'ot'M) C'aki'. One pound of
corn meal: take a handl'ull of the meal out,
and put in a handful ot wheat Hour, n little
salt, one-half pound sugar, one-tiuarter
pound butter, and three eggs beaten togeth
er, and the tucal stirred in ; bake iu a ijuiek
FtitsT Pukvivm C'ov.x EnKT. Scald a
I l)"lt ot JiHitan meat, au.t 10 ua pint o
I sponge, halt a teacuplul ot molasses, a small
teasnooniui 01 saicraius, si.r 111 r.oiir wuu
teaspoontul ol saleratus, stir in
a spoon till ipj'tte stiff, put in a pan, let it
rise, and bake ll one liour. uuu.Y.
pR,,VISC, TKA.Th,. following method
. . . . , , , . . r .
1 lturlilv ri'fo iinii'iiiloil as orinn lie- 01 r. lit
- 1 tin- iiiiiiiiT time, the full flavor of the tea
' .... ' . , ... '., , ,. .,.
pour lepni or con. 11 aici nmuii on 1.11: 11 n
to cover it ; place
it : Dlaee it on ttio stove iteartn
top of a teakettle or any place w here it will
be warm, but not enough so as to cause the
aroma to escape i:t steam. Let il remain
about half an hour, then pour on boiling
water and bring to the table.
t'. is I.imk. The editor of the Hardener's
Monthly, in reply to an impiiry, says: "Gas
lime, when it can be had pure, is of essential
service to clay soils ; but in most casts it
contains creasote, and many soils have be
come seriously injured by its use. It i so
seldom free from this substance, and this
agaiu vanes so much in proportion, that no
siile can be given lor its use. I'nlcs well
assured of its purity, we should let it alone."
This is good advice; we have known much
injury done by the : ;'. . .'. .' il of gas lime
to land.
Coitx Ciltinoi 1: C'aki.s.- Almost every
one is interested now in knowing how to
make corn cakes uu st palatable, since so
much more of it will be used in these
straightened times. The follow ing is aid
to be an excellent receipt: Scald ut night
half the ipuautity of meal you are going to
u.-e, mix the other with cold water, haling
il the consistency of thick batter; add a
little salt uud set it to rise; it will need no
yeast. In the morning the cakis will be
light and ciisp.
Mix n iu: kok A C1u c.11 on Cm. o. - Soak
a icaeuptul of flaxseed at night. In the
morning put into a kvllle two pilaris ol
witicr, handful of lieoiice root epiit up. of rai-in- broke iu
half. Let them boil till the strength V
thoroughly cxtsacli d ; then add the llaXsie.l.
which half been pit 1 ioiisly soaketl. l.ct ail
boil half an hour or mole, w ati'
st ii'I'ilig that the Mixture ui.t.v bitl li.
Then strain pud add lemon juice uud .-miai .
Mot'i.i;s Ji'iivNV t'.ikt'. - Three if;:-,
w ell beaten ; one ipiart bulteiuiilk; soil to
lliettisle; oue teaspoon of sail rut 11.-, and
cum ne.d. Stir n little thicker th in l"i
glitliEe cuke. Alter it Is luixtd, stti In
one tablespoonful nf sugar, uud the same
i.f niche. 1 butter. Put it two inches thick
I j ,uttcretl pan
bake hull' nil lioiil'.
, " Kki i- l.nna.- r.ikw
1 ounces salt, 1 uuncn credit
) pi 1 W lime, t
tui'tur, v oh us
1 much at.r u will r.iluce mil con,,...
10 tne 1 iiiisiu'iii i.i 1 11 ".ti.
1 eg'J-i
tit y
.-.i. I11U in I In-., au.t 11 Il'l'l iii'iin,
...oi . , . il,., uut.1 ilium.
trumm ' Am i;utisi.
Una siinar of 12 lines, 3 time,
Kvery sulisetnieul hiserliuni
One s piare, niontus,
eMx months,
One yenr,
limine" Onrds of ! lines, tier annnm,
l 00
3 00
i tiw
B no
3 00
Miirehtinl ami others advertising 1 y ll" ywi
Willi the privilege of inserting diflereut ad
vertisinif. weekly. 10 00
llusiness noliee' insertad in the Local Cof.m,or
hetopi Marriage an.l Deaths, l'i K CKX'IS fhK.
LINK for each insertion,
t j Larger Advertisement as per agreement.
We have connected aith our ectuhlUbment. a Weil
selected JOB Oi-'i'lCU, which will etiidil" ii to
execute, iu the uiatcat style, i-rery variety of
lt:i.If!OL- Al'I'l.K Pkssi ut. Tilk'O SoniP
fine, linn npples, (pippin if yott ctin obtain
them.) pare and cole them." Make a sirup
of white sugar prnpoi lions, three-ifuarters
of a pound to a ound nf apples, and alter
boiling for about ten minutes, put iu the
apples; cnok them slowly until no scum
rises and they nre perfectly clear. Just
before they are (lone, add some of the peel
of a fresh lemon, which can be laid over
them when they are put in a glass bowl.
Eat them with cream, and they make a
delicious dessert.
Ar.r.owiiooT l'i IM-lvi. Take two table
spoonful of arrowroot, nnd two quart of
fresh milk, mix the arrowroot with a small
portion ot the milk, and when tho remain
ing part of the milk has boiled, add it to
the former; when nearly cold, add the yolks
of three eggs w ell beaten, three ounces of
sugar. twof ounces of butter, and a little
grated nutmeg; stir the ingredients well
together, turn them into a buttered dish,
and bake them for a ipiartcr of an hour.
A M'ajjer 11 nil IBmv It -nis Won.
Dr. Jameson is one of the most nble,
talented, and eccentric surgeons of the pre
sent century. Hi practice embraces a largo
circuit, nnd his fame extends to every part
of Massachusetts. Tho doctor win one
morning sitting in his oflico poring over
some medical work, w hen a loud rap at tho
door aroused him.
"Conic in." said the doctor, nnd an old
lady hobbled into the apartment, who seem
ed the very embodiment of dirt and negli
gence. "Doctor, I've got a dreadful sore foot
can you help it ?"' said she.
"1 will try -let mo see it."
Tho old Clone proceeded to divest her
understanding of the apology for a shop,
with which it was covered, and displayed
to the astonished doctor a foot and such a
foot I
"I.a, doctor, ye needn't he in such won
derment about it. There's dirtier feet than
that in your own hou-,e, a proud ns the
young ladies, your daughters are, for all
And the old hag cackled forth her p!casuro
at the doctor's surprise.
"Woman, if you tan find a dirtier foot
than that in my house. I will give you rive
dollars, nnd cure your foot lor nothing."
"Pon honor?'' cried the bcdlame.
"Pou honor," sai 1 t'ue doctor.
The woman stripped oil' the other stock
ing, and displayed a foot that beggared ull
description, gt inning in the face of the as
tonished doctor us she exclaimed :
"fiio m! the tuoucy ! 1 knowed it I
iM.ito tolher 'fore 1 came here.''
A i eiU(l lsrunU
Not long ago a fellow mortal who had
gone through the various stages of fuddle,
was seated with me on tho box of a instil
stage out west. All bauds had been amused
with tho spirited wit of our hero, who uow
at last Oceanic a little tongue tied, and found
mime dilliculty, in m.tiuUiuing his perpen
dicular as the stage jolted along over tho
uneven road. Pretty soon the w heel of the
coach over which our drinking friend was
sitting, sank to the hub iu the mud. which
action precipitated him from the couch into
tho w ire, where he made a forcible impres
sion. Turning over, he looked up to tho
d.iiver, who had stopped the stage at once.
and exclaimed:
"Driver, what (.hie) in thunder did you
(hie) tip the stage over for !''
The driver told him that the stage was
all right.
"I say, driver, the stage is (hici over, if
you don't believe thic) it, look there,"
turning up his coat tail and displaying a
vast quantity of mud which had gathered
on his imnts.
The driver still maintained that the stago
was right, and told him to get up and on ;
but tho drunken man w as disputatious, and
was not going to give it up so. The driver
was drunk, and down, and so was the stage,
lie was willing to leave it to the passengers.
And once more exhibiting hiiuotlt, covered
with mud, saitl :
"I say, you fillers, ain't the stage over?'
They told him that he was the only one
over. 'This was a clincher. Ho had agreed
to leave it to them, and they had decided
against him, and lie was honorably bound
to give it up, w hi -h he did by saying ;
"1 be d U it I would (hie) have got
on" if I had thought .lic) that tho btagu
w asn't over."
. . i ..---.-
.l1iij lleliliid 'lime.
Mr. Iliggins was a very punctual man in
all his transactions through life, lie amass
ed a large fortune by untiring industry and
punctuality; and at the advanced age of
ninety years was resting quietly on his bed,
and calmly waiting to be called away. Ho
had deliberately made almost every arrange
ment for his decease aud btiiial.
His pulse grew fainter, and the light of
life seemed just flickering iu its socket, when
one of his sous ubsi rved :
"l'uiher, you will probably live but a day
or two ; is it nut well -for you to name your
bearers ''
"To be sure, my son," said the dying man,
"it is well thought of, aad I will do it now.''
He gave the nanus of six, the lisiiul niliu
bcr and sank back exhausted upon hi pil
low. A uleam of thought pas ed oicrhis with
ered 'fiat tin like u ray of light, and ho ral
lied once moic.
.My sou, read me the list. Is the uamo
of Mr. Wiiin- tin re :"
It i., in v fithcr "
Then sUikit il oil " said he emphatical
ly ; ,1'fi r he was in ler jau.i lllal -was never
anywhere lu season, and he might, hinder
the pto. cssinii a whole Lour '."
A LAI'V was Mice ihcliu-ing that kliO
Could Hoi UudlT-talld llOW geulU'lUill toUl I
sinnke. "U certainly shnilcns their lives."
-..lid she. "I doll I know I hat," ' elcLiiuif'l
a gi ntlcii.aii ; "thi it' lu) I'.illn i w lio -Uiokei
in 1 1 lib sscu day, uud he i now kcvcnly
nitii nl. I." ' W i II," was the reply, "if hii
ii.ol In Vi r aicuki ,1, l.e !iie,hl hate' Lull
eighty by lu time."
Mill Ti, it UhsnVhi'V. il-U-ti IL.l am
U . I- ln u lultllttl film t in.1 I lie I Mill'.
a.u htl d h t'v I al Union! Iiisn.l l i Ilia litul
-Half II..I. if y.u M-. Il . h. l" Ut.d lll'il. at
ins rirsi U.uitt r lu all i. Ii Is noio-l, a.u.kiit:
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I i. hutle to Oiu 1ouu - nk'4. ' W II. ill.
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