'is rvsaa , SALAMANDER BAFKS. UKKAT FIRE AT REAPLXO, PA. IVbraary 12, 1S2. iKTH.ees It ptvMi tn much artsfictk.n fo lnfi.riu yon that in tho severe rirfl which, on the ionniin; of tliu 4th inst., entirely destroyed nil my stuck and materials, 1 had onenf your .iMlnniaiider 1 ire Proof fr-ufoa. After eiidurln mi lntcuo rcJ l'CHl fur BUM'u hour, the b'afo was opened, and tin; icoks and Papers worn proscrvod In a.i umWcml.'hed couditiou. J shall need another Safe as soou aal jjt in order. Yours, must respectfully. W. P. inciaXSOX, Reajiug, Pa. rillE AT GKLEX CAE11.E. CuAUBLnsDCttu. Frfiiiklin county, Ta.. I August 31ft. L-iil. 1 Miwr Ev.v A Watson, PhilmU'li'Iiin Ocntlc. Mon : On the morning of llic 22d of August, our Storehouse nt tirccncnstle wis destroyed by lire. The f-nlnmuintcr Srn 1 c wo purchased from yon some low year since was in the nliovc mcntihneil storo liouso. mid iMiiliitnod nil our book, incurs. cash, Ac. which were pre ervcil in a perfect runditioii. after being o ivcd ton most intense heat for several hntils. Please intern) n iiih'U ivhut terms yoiitvill (oil us another largi r Safe. V.u- inilv, OAKS A AUSTIN. Halini-.HJiK i Smc.-. for Ranks. Stores. Pii-. nto THlriil ii-!. Ac. Ac. Also, 1. Villi" A W Bison's Patent Al hahotictil Bank Look and Eunl? Vnnlt Doors, iqnnl to mi y inndo in tlio country. i;tid "old on n. pii'd ti iui '.' K A W . uoeld l'o.-i.ootfully rot. r to tli.i follow ing Rui-.ks nnd other pin tii s. limine their Sales and las'ks now in n-o. to tlioir entire satisfac tion, and intiny others given nt tlioir Store. Umti-.i. Stati.s Mint, Branch Hunk. Shelby v illo Philadelphia. Tennessee. I'mti :psi .ti AnsKNAi..('ii v Rank of PhilnE-l) lii t. I 11 t'nlilorniio ('oi'."olidiition l'k of rliitn PlittHtilWIl llllllli. Pn. 1 (Yntexvillo Hank. I'a. ttr.ni. I-I'tirr I'niik. I'll. Jor'v !ioro Hank, I'n. I.o k liinon Hank, I'u. I l.ioii Iliiuk. I'.altimoro. Souilnw "torn II; i.U ol 'a. Kullon liank. Atkiiitn. tin Nonmk Hunk, io Eank of N. C. Huloiuli. ( on, lli Iomk f I'hiln. t'lmtni ;rn Hunk. Tonn 1'io'ni i.oiin A.-'on. Itl st . Ilank of Nnrtliiinil irlniid. l'o.ok of Nortli n Eilo rtio.". I'liilndelp!:ia. l'aol nii'lMvitl. ilankol'.-. A 1 (iiii n . V. i . StorlinT.Vrilkerl.ro. Low i.-linvt: lionV.. I'n. Oilior u ,Vr nor" ten upon oalliio it nir Store, No. lii l'ourili Street. Philadelphia. ept. 5, ImIJ. ly TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT, jotiisr E. SMICK, Fawn Strrcet. opposite Weaver's Hotel. SUN BURY, 'Novthumborlnrid Co.. Pa., INKHK.MSliis friends mid the public irenernllv. that he ha taken the Simp ol Jacob S. llnke, doo'd.. and W prepared to do all kii.d.-of 'l AllJ'lt- I.Nitinnj; 1 wm kiaanliko mat. nor. The patron- pc ot tho pulilie iii re-pectfnlly .iuHeitcd. eunbury. May Id, Is'i.';. ly S. e. i'. s. r:. ,n MATi:X 1S1,AM r A x c y it v i: i x (i ic s t a u 1. 1 s n m e x t. II.M'.HET. NEPTIir.W & CO.. Pronricto;-s. UlTli'llS : Xo. -IT North lUii St., Pliiladelphin, and S A 7 .1 olm SI.. New York. i h;r Miec y, in J i v i 1 1 nrnl l'lrnu-i -z 11 arnion;"-v f Velvet. CI ci:. !. .".lelino. I o E; inc. Ac . .Vo.. und SloiwK of almost every tle-ripti ni. is so well known that we only dr-irc to remind our li ieiels pint too pnl.li.: t'eneraily. that the .-o.-.ni lor getting renily their IVll lio.ul- i- now at hand! Ciood: rebelled i'!td ri'tnrued l.y i!.pre-'s. ! :; i:.;:itr.rj'. xi rui:v A.if;u-t l r-';. -in w A C A NJSji fully iuviie vour niton! hi well selected stuck Fine t.'oid and . Silver V AT( IFS. 1-ir.c i :..U ,1 i.V. . f.LiUl.o: everv kind imi-I v.inetv . of styles comprising nil of ihe t newest an ! ic. - t : u-, r . m wo'..'.. Also. SUL1D SILVER V A II F. ., ,., Cvi.i find the best make of Sinr Vluml HViv Each 1 article is irarrnntrtl to be ns ivyovM.v. ( UP Watehe and Jewelry care.'uliy rtin,l ai.d i salumetiou gitarai.tet i ' ,VCtHl 1IAK1.F.Y, I (Si'n; ,",(! M Si, I id!,,- ,- ,,, .I I Xo. f.22 MA'tKET .Street, PillLAJi'A. Ang. 22. 1 :-.'..'i. oin elalmh just heady;, NEW STYLUS OF JEWELRY. N oVTorlunilv ie.t to bo !o-t sedit of. Bare a. V ehhle 0 f .goiits. laolles a- w ell a tint- can ne v a -l 1.- .'.g. Apply ei.rly und cure the agi i..r your locidnv KiO.trO) EM T( ' :'.''. I7;"' t'.'.l.T.-', I.dCX .''. ni.;s.-t,u rr..s..ji i'i:.cn.s, jix.icL'i.ETs. svry. r.i r 1 'o.v.s, xja k i ii. i .v. .-;:. ui'..i-ir. ;:.., r. a-,-. T) IlIKll 11 f.r Kl . a.-'.i. and imt to be imid ft know V hat oii are to Si n I 2 i 1 r t'ertitcati-. telling you what you can haw. with H ireiilar. giving full particulars to Agent-. Perlect :aisl'action cuulaliteed ill all o-i-es. Address. s. .M. WARD A CO.. 2os. Broailwuv. Boi I,.i7ti. Match 2!. l-.;.;. Iv FAMILY DYE COLOKB. Elaclt. Dal it Bill '. Eb.'ht Bine. French Bine. Claret Brown. D.uk Brown. Light Brown, Snull Brown, t 'i inison. Jlalk Drab. Eight Drab, Dark (ircui. Light tireeii. For Dying Silk, Woolen and Mixed Hood-, Shav .-. Sen-. Dr.-.-. Ribbons, (ib.ics. lii,i.n.-t. Huts. i'catl:ers. KM i;:i ...s. children Clotlm,, and all kinds of U caring Apparel. . Siniit-; ith( Vr 4'4itH. For 2j cents you can color as many goods us would i.th.'i , i.-e est 1i e tiuu - that sum. "Various shades can be p.vJuecd fi.tu Ihesaiuc Dye with perfect me-ri'-i Dirietions in English. French mid (lerim n insi U of eiieh package. For liuihcr ii.foriiiiitioii in living, r.n 1 gi-, ing a pclkcl Ul.i.wle.i,.,- v I...1 ,-, .,- in e I.e.-! adapted to dye u. -r otln i -. i . i ll iiihiiv Miltia de li cioo.l r.ur. II we .V M.q .leu s oi by mail e ;..ciuicd liy 'J rci.ti-c on J Ivcil. r and t .Tl.: 2! a:, I I CI', . f p J,-! lii cents 1 1 1 1 W V. A .-fl. ENS. '' . Br. a.i .,ii V . Boston. and LeHl.ts ;enerallv. or s..!e I v Drn-gi--:, cpt. 2'i. i-o,.-o,u M MtS AUM'E'SY, "I ' f li is i!i.ce. T IMIE .s.lect , .1. S.-lo,..l will b, upcrii. opeind Ai.i.st ::ist. i r, . under il' ral litr. , l lldvl.ee S P. I I . , ,l llcltc.l in i.i the i u.roi .- i,i ti,o s, gcnerallv 'I i:H MS i P' "t f I ' i. Orthogn, l.y.eV.iali.,;. U , Hi,- Ai it I. n. cue Al i, on , tic. tjnogrnpby an I En N ..I. l'l il- opby. U ,ut , , 'j ; bia i 1 lii. in ,n v. l.ool. ami the i ll SI s.,,n. nd l'i itnaiy i h ;,. .Mind. li'lnnr Ab-e- P jo!, Iv i pit:.'. I ai.une C y Ul.c half. 1 ti e I adv..i.vc. ai. I the l alan. nl.d A. t, lii lo : ' li looney In i t tl.u I'M.:!:,1 paid in I 'la'l- ;, el i... ten i. I e h in lilher I f lb.. ! I.issid li. li.c e,,, , 1. on ii S ol t llil .oil W -Hell biainn. bn !1 be higher gr. rUilo In 11. g For li.rl r ,i,l. .i.i. ill i' SIM.', I'.m.ij. f niilnlry. .n,'u-t -th. I 1 m., .V t v, II. i i. i ill Inn, S i , , A in. I i o ,i ., , . . ., v ,:i i ,i, t. .1 le I . Mi I ' .1. ; i ., , I... Bcpl I- --4 Iru-vf v ify - i'F 'f.'U. 1 v i: i I. " I 1! M Al I. i ll r vl.l. f .1. Eldll loll li .V '..' POUND 11 -V . tmrjiiuifv, j'r.vi , it ti i .lei ; il.. l 1... I.. I I ' . 11.. i l I .. I. I i.i ., ol s j i . . .. . ... I ' ;. . w I.i I, .... 1 1 .1, , I - I' M ilo I ... I ,!.. .1 I i - I .1 Pi ... Hi e.t'.iai In :,i. ,. s ft.s. awl fel li.s II., ) a 4 .1, 1 k.'k... All . ..!,... I .1. I ... ,,v I I'ld.H I- k l ' '. ,. I. i. J... Il i. in.il VI II I. p.-t 4 I so t k ia k 'iik-, (.., A I .serge AiiMorluiont ol'rVf Sulbrino, WM. KNOCHE. M MARKET STREET, HARRISBURO, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. k NEW Rosewood Pianos, from the bent makers from S2imJ upward. ... Jii:i.OK0N.i. Tho beet tnnnufkoturod Itiftra. tnonia from JSIdtrtSlOO Huiturs, Violins coorde.m, rlut, iif'K. Truni, llnnjon, Tamliouiinof, Violin and iluilur strings and tniuloal Ulvf cbuuduo ill general. KUEtT MUSIC. Tio lnpt pulilications alwayi on Utrd. Mufic sent bv miiil to hut part of the country. OVAL, bQLAHK. UILT A&D KOtEVOOD FBAME3.I Suitnlile for lookiug glwsca, uad nil Linda of licturtt uUw.;. on liul.d. A flip nnfortnifnl ofliert platrd T fwlVTV iM. ASSI-'S frnin mmilli.t In lnri?ril 'iTva Any M vie of iVaiue mode to ordor at tlio riiortvst April II. Market it., llnrriflmrg. L.M'AHIil!lli:U IJOO. p r. i k p. l o n 1 1. 1. a p. p , Nituli'A 'l'l!K-'o .3:iiuiu t urT If, A H t IIA.MIil US ST.. Jem iin-rly VI t'lialham Street. New York. onld e ill the lltti ntioli of Jlealels to tho articles of hi" le.tuitilio'ture. vii : lllitiWX SXl I E. !il.'.y, Peniitrros. 1 ii.e l!ai nee. Pure Vircinin, Coarse Happeo. Xachiioehes. Aioei ienn ilontleman. t'opeiihaen. YEl.EoW SXl I F. Sc..leh. Ilonev Dew Seol. h. Jliuh Toal Seidell. J'resh Ilonev 1'ew Scotch Jri-h lliL'h Tun ft, Fresh Scotch, or l.un dyfii.il. t Al'entioo is cilli d to tho larirn redin tion in ii esof I'inc-t 'lit Chew iit ai:ri Sinokin Tiihacoos, which will he found of a Superior Cunjity. Tt.iDACt'O. Smoking. Fine Cut Chtniti(r. Smokiiig. l.on. P. A. E.. or plain. S. .Tiif;fi. Xo. I. Cnveudi.'h. or Sweet, Spanish. Xo. 2. Sweet Scented Orolioeo. Canaster Xi'S. 1 ,; 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish. Turkish. lir;:milated. X. IS. . circular of prices will be sent on applica tion. April J. Is.;.".. 1 Northern Central i'iiihvny ! pi !.'ii-.:: -ihec: r iu.i:. TWIl TII.MNS DALY to and from tne X.nlh and West llnii.ch Snsnueliaiinn. Elmirn. ami all of North ern New York. 01 I after MONDAY. API! IE Imh. ISrt.l. the 1'iissti.giT 'Trains of the Xorthern enlrnl Eailw ay w i.l an ivc nt and depart from Sunbury, llurrial-ur auu llallimore as iolloivs, Xl : S O I' T II W A P. 1 . Mail Trail. leaves Sunbury daily (except suniiiv:. Ill 111 M. M. leaves llai ri-l.ur. 1 I " P urrives nt ballinioro, o ItO Train leaves Sunbury daily icxecpl Sonilav.l 11 OTP. 2 CO A. 6 15 A. leaves Han isburj- (except Monday.) arriies nt Baltimore daily (exi-i i't M.indav). liar ri.-bur our, A.- oiiUiiiidaiiou leaves Il-.irri 0 "0 A. Mil.'JllWAUD. Ai-'.l irain b-j.i- l'.nUii.'.ore daiiy .,ex eed Sunday) leaves lliirrishiirg arrives al SunVitty. Fxprc-s Train leaves Baliiioore daily 1 5 A I Ii P 1 i"i II P 1 ;;..A ' ariivesal Jlarrisburg. b ai Ilarri.-burg (excci't. Moml.iyi. o an ice- at Sunbury. l'or liiiil.ir information apply at the M. t 'llie J. X. Ill' BARRY. Supt B.IK i::vv niiitii A ltuoiiisbur' ICail. i'oimI. 0, und after Xovember 17, lM'.2, Ptiixnger Trains will run as follows : M'jviNti sm rn. J-r, ,; ,V Pu Vi'l " . S no A. .M. O.'JD II.. Ml 12.(10 ,i.m,1. I2 ir. P. M. L.;io S--v.'int..n, Iinfr-ton, Rupert, Danville. in. Ii A 11 ill P Arriv e ut Xcrthuiiih MOV INC. X'UE'I II. Leave Xol Ihutnbcl land 1 oinx ii!e, P.i i .-it. King.-lon, t Si n. I ".. -en'(r 'Jiaitl lilso 5.2(1 P. M r. on ti S.I.', Lcnve. lo.i.a 1'. M. leaves Kinfs onllecT Willi 1.45 P.M. II A l'a.--cn ,-ir 'Jiaiti ul.-o leaves Kinf-ten at S OU A. M . 1 ir .s- ra..tou. to eonticcr Willi n train i r Xcv. ioi'i;. R..;uining. leaves Serantou on arrival of train fi iii New York, at 1.15 P. M. The Lackawanna .V Blo,.m-l..urg ltailr.ind connects with the tulawurc. Lackawanna met t c-teru Bad- load at c- ti n ton, tor New York and iutcri.icdiu.c point.- east. At Rupert it connects with the Cattawis.-a Bail r eel, h i poiiiis boih en-t and we-l urriving at l'hil auclphiti at li la IV M. At N'oilliui.'.berlnnd il eonnecle with the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad and Northern t euital Bail load, for points we.-t and south Bass, ngei.s arriving at Hairisliuig 4.01) V .M ; Philadelphia Iu P.M.; iiiid Balliinoie In. 2.1 P. M. The Freight and I'lis-engers Train north, leaves Xortl.mubi'i land at o.lo A .M . and arrives at 'J.2-.' P M.. passing lianiille ai i.2u 1". M. JnlIX P. ILSLEY, Sup't. J. C. W i t.i.s. Ociierul Ticket Agent. A VALUABLE PAKM FOil SALE. FnilE undersigned orers tosell at private sale, bis l v-alnal Ic (arm, -iluale iu Nel lie tmvi-.sliip. North l.lubelian.l c il.nty. Pa . about one mile We.-l of the toi' -.i of Ti, -victor.. i.i.nt.in,; '! i u Jil N Diil.D Ai.'RIiS. inor or les-; iilamt sixty acres of whivh are eleal ed and in a good stateof i til I i v ui ioli. and the balance well limbered with pine and oak. The iuiprov eiiieiits arc a Lo-j-llouse. Born und v ther out buildings. 'J cims Ease. For particulars inquire of IRA T. CLF.MUNT Sni. I ury. May 2'!. ISC.'l. '' N'1-VH5N NllliVrtTM Ol'lllll II iecs. 4 REVEREND tij-.N'l 1.1 M AN Iovm e i st on d 1. 1 I i n!lh in a few days, l iter 1 1 . . . I i .. i.g ; .: llie Usual oiii:i.e aim irregular e.xici.-'vc n. o- L t lliall.li'l.l. wit. unit sill c ilisolel- ! Ills sai red 'y to e .niliiui.ic.ile to bis alllict. d l :'...'. v-icalans v l. v s oi ,in, i I el ic, i . toe r. eeipt 'I In -sed i.v vO'pc. he will .-end tfreel a v py of the I'll I l.-id. J n.cl lo Dii. .Ii-IIN M DA.INALL. I'i FuH 'ii .-tre-.t. F.-...;.!m., X Y. Jenilarv 21. IJAIsIOCD, J.O, siilM ItfMl Ol-l-ll. 11(111 "'I' ,-..1 ( ' A I.E. "l I RE oil the Xtiiie no al i i.ri ii .spei omtoi n Mini D' 1 il 0 '. . N , l v i ai i i reatini af and Ra ul i in i mi t H , ak. -. und Inii luioaiy t oii.-iuii lion. ai. i l'i1..-!. rs. n. in ic ln,s'li ne, .Yttiilal ai I l'l. i -ii ..I io i.ii.t v 1 y I'.'ij j J. 1 1 . .i; ei.l, yp D I he in ii riMit I.i t lloil the u t. In I cons, i lUenees of Silt.A'.ii . Wll.nl 11.. o C .1 11 - I 1 1" - 11 be i 11 i.luilly i.li iVed Willi, .ul ni. :i.,- or ll.c il.;i,'i. ,.Ua applu iitiou ,. mil... I I-. no , la 111, I b.;;,,.,. ul ,.r vi. ... i-heie vlcmly di i. ioust:;,r,d. jind I r.v a ..I l-i.d... -.1. ,'. --nil In ..to., ... , , . ll. .1 d, !.! . 1 l V p., i 1 ; It p, h. b 1 l.i.i .1 I. i.i;. ..i . ,..'1 , ,.i b.u ,, I .el V . I., is e', .1 let to i i,n I.,,,,. .11 lb, I, a l ..l.,. , III, , , .y V . Ills. .1 ., ..Ili.li., ,, lb, JV 'I ,. ' U I. ..li lo t II: Is U. ( l., . i - i . i n li 1. 'llv. and i n . a.i I lie . 'are v. ,11 p.,, i ! . Ill locll 1 se.l! in ii b. Il , III , 1. o e to Uoy i,,.r, -. i l..li.o. by 1. IvI.ISE Al il , 'live i.,x, I . .1 I- l-pai I ii a o.t, . I HI.. I l l.lldi. r. I II V i b i i N, ..i -,l. V I'd . I . I' Ii in titillouiit tl"l.l. ' i -i ... .' t qui. I hon. 'V It, i. ., Ni. i".k . I .-- Ili,- if, i, - slil If, I. I in li,,. I . i ll . v i g N. . lii., i ., ,1 .i ii iv l'i li .i. ... . .... I. "'..I, I,,.. ,vn '1 ui f.i .... 1 1 1 Veil. I' ,. ! " "sub I VI I , ,1. I u I.. I ,i I i.U I 1,1.1 j, u 1 II . lo .1 . I, , vol. , s sua. I, .4 I b,H I. .11 i. i ail. , .1 i .s i.. i. ,a i .1 Ml H ipillll S4 in i i 1 1 .. 1 1 ii 1 1 i in, Cl.( K ...VrAr.l.lSIIMI'NT, o i. . . I I I I .tt S I , , i i.i ' i n u. f 1 1 1 i i .,1 i i - , 1 1 I' 1 1 I I ' I as l.lldi. ,..',. ., I I. 4.' b 11 .1. V.. k. 141.4 D-im p, h rM As l.b ib -I., illlvl.i, I a.. I .ii..i I I I . li I I . I BR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE L I N I M E NT 9 the GREAT REM FEY For HhmmiitiKin, (tout, JWintV'"- f-""'"? IftiJt'Xivk nii Joint , Sprain, ilrvincf, Ctittiiii'l Wi'Hiii'x. Pill, llanhifhc, and all li'ii iiiiititi? ami Ac. '.' ltixunhrt. For nil of which is a spee.lv end certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from llie recipe ol Dr. Stephen S'veet. of Connecticut, the famous bono seller, and has been used iu the practice for more than twenty years ith the most astonishing success. .V an Alleviator f Pain, it is unrivaled by any picparation belore the public, of which tlio most skeptical may he convinced by a single trial. 'I it is l.iniiM.ni will cure ranidlv and radically. llhcumatic Disorders of every kind, and in Ihonsnuils i ol ca.-c? where it has becu uscd.it has never been known to fail. ForXeuralgia.it "ill iiBbrd immediate relief in every case, however distressing. ... ,' ' It w iil relieve the worst eases ot iie.mtacne in uirec minutes, anil is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it cure instantly. I'..,- Nervous liebilitv and liciicrnl 1. a; : itude. ari sing fiom im i udi nee or ex-.-s. this l.ininu nt is a! luotl bappv and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivi- ' r,. ii... srsiem. i.o.l restores it to elasticity und vigor. i- .. i,."i. t ...... l i-..iiw..lv we i-liiini that ! it i-'the best kiiov.n. and we ehnlleiorc the world to i diodiiec mi equal. Every victim of this distressing j complaint rbould give il "a trial, for it will not fnii ; to atloid iiiiinediale riuel. una in a nmjoriiv 01 mts will cllect a radicul cure. Quince and Sue Throat arc sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely iippUcation ot this Liniment will never tail lo cure. .... ir. ..iiiii1lliiK.V'(i'V lill.-l IllMir. Illl'l fJiiiiil-IT ment of the joints is liable to occur it neglected. 'J he worst eu.-o may be conquered by this Liniment iu two or three days. Jiiui.-cs. Cuts. Wounds. Sores. I leers. Burns and Scalds, vivid readily to the wonderful healing pro perties iif 1'r. Sweet s lnlalliblc Liniment, tiheii used according to directions. Also, Chilblains Frost ed Feel, aud Insect Bites and Stiujs. Dll STEPEIIEN BWr-ET f Connecticut the Orcat Natural Bone Setter. DR STEPHEN SWEET, !- kuuwu nil over the United States. Ccunoctlout DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of - Dr Sweet s Infallible l.ioi'nci.l.' Din aww-el'F I.in;r.iei,t Cures Rheumatism, ami never fails. Dr. Sweet's Znfalliblu Liniment Is a certain n mcdy for Xeoralgi.i. Dr. Sweet's It'fnl'.i'olc Lijiimcut Burns and Scalds immediately. ; Cure Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment best known remedy for f piuin.-nod Is the Dr. Sw-retV, Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Files, and seldom foils to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one iniiititc. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts ard Wounds immediately and 1mt scar. Dr. SwppOs Infallib'c Liniment t best remedy for Scats, iu hc known or!J. Is th Dr Sweet's Infulliiil Liniment Has been iu use by more than a million people, and all praise it. Dr Sweet's Inf.illihle Liniment Takeu internally cures Colic und Choi era Morbus. Dr Svvoet's Infallible Liniment I- truly a I'rii ml in i.e. d.' and every lan.ily thoubl have it hand. Dr Swcrt'a Infallible Liniment Is for sale bv all Ft ugci-ts. Price 2o aud oO cents. ! A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. Mi. .niT.TS lM AM.Iiat: MNIMKNT. h r.n 4Uriuil itint'.Iy. i-" u iitn'ut a rival, ami will' i !!rv.nit' iiin nu.r-..ri-'li!y tlum tiny I'tlu-i jr pa- ' ' rati.tu. l or nil Kluuuiutic itici N4Tuuj( ii.-t nlis : it in tiuly intatlil'lv. utl cttintif t'.r -x-. ..i.;J. ljinnii.. lii ui-'.-. Ac. iif- j....!hinir. Iifalm ill.'l f 1 ut : ti ii.i luliiii irt'Hl tM'fi, r.Xritt I hi. iu-t wuu.Ut ai.tl .-t.i.i. liiiu-;. I ut ali li-. I.tn nvr given ita trial, i.iver reililll ,:.iole cures. pelO two y.lll.-, ailcat the I:.c ooe 'iliou-ard c, run. ati lined by it Withic .he .- ot lasi I 1 i f i .1.- or ' 111 e ; dr. -w i.i:t .- iM'u.un.1-: limmi vt i Il'il.ES is linn, tiled by nl.y. end iu all ea-ei I OUlo ill .s.s. i.i i ii, t: oln Si I ail. s. Bl u-sis or '. l ei , ellcct is ina.'ieitl and . Il.lll. J llll III S- .-addi. Hull-. Si-rut, I. vs. .Mange Ac. il k ill a speed.ly. t'lttt t til.tl paviii iiil l.iigl. u;e u.av I v easily ple- L-Ull'lt ill tl.l il' IllClpk'. t Sllieis. flit Cilll nrC llt'V'ol.d toe lossi.nlil v ol a: a. In ui i.a.i. U . I'll!' .N., -:.se ol tl:,i kll. 1. however, is so ii, -p, t tie lis.- Dii . ir ina, l.c lul -viated by II I- Eioi- or hop. no lo . anil lis la i 111 1 ul op .lie alio It w il I ill iv a v - i n.o v c ;!ie l.MlutliesS. and II. able the L. Ires lo tl u el IV till colnpoi alive tase. eve iiy ;.'. ; c should have Ibis rvluedy at hand at llie rust appearance . l.an.i .., i .v ;.'. f.T it. timely n-e Will lllictllll.V lo hi. li all In i o Inui.v iit:;cWl-c pl't V eli re- mi . v ulu-.l III P i uiidalile li-ei.-t s, . and which r. i di'i loill. 'e h i.i to !v v. oil. ilv . DR. SWEET S Inallible Liniment. Aii'l ii,ou-4i.U. b-v i. found it tiuly 4 uuiIum. 1.. .....I i, I ia.... , f 1 al .. 1 1.. 1 I. II.. vli wj t-"iiii.t. ulrtsiie the Ivi4naiuia a.i-1 1 sii, 1 !,, 1.1,1 uil a , lal I a..ia Ii.i.iiila lino... 1.1 bl aa aa.kW uu, a.ibui aki.b bvfa ai M.I.U1I. hi. II Wtt'-ii A ' . 'a. I. -,.i. I.,. N .auk l'i tdottii tN III 1 N ...fc.,.i l4,s , is 1 i v.t, N, t k I l all IhIki . a -.4 ... .1 I , BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTAULISHED AS A ItFFLtJE VYJ31X QC ACK EUY. THE OXI.Y rLACli WHERE A CVJtE cam an OISTAINED. DTt. .101INST0N htn di-eoTernl the mot (Vertnin, Speedy and only Kflootonl Itemedy in the World for all rrlvatelitieaw, Woaknemof thePaek or Limb, Stricture. ArTecliona of tin Kidneya and lllartdor. Inyolnntary Iihar(re. Imiotney, Oeno rnl Debility NirynuVnew, ly.peppy, Languor. Low Snirlt. Confusion of Idea. Palnitntlon of the Tioart, I Timidity. Trenildinn. Iiitnneiof Ki(;lil or Oiddinew. Iiiene of the Head. 1 liroat, !ton or mn, Aiienunni of the Elver. LunR, Stomach or Bowel ihrvn Terri blo Plsorder arininst fnftn the Polilary llablta of Youth those secret and iolilary practice more fatal to their victims than the onff of Pyrem to the Ma riner of I .' I vm. blighting tbeir moat brilliant bopee or anticipations, rendering marriage, An., Iinnou! Me. Ynrrxwjir- ,,. Especlnlly. who have become the victim of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and detitruotive. habit which annually sweeps to an untimely (trave thousands of Young Men of the mot exalted talents and brilliant fntelli.nl. who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senate with tho thunders of eloquence or waked to eeslaty the living lyro, may call with full con fidence. i.titni.Kiir. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating niinriage. being aware of physical weakness, organic debility . dclorniitios. Ac, upeedily cured. Ho who places himself under the care ofllr.J. may religiously confide in bis honor as a gentleman, ami confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. OIKJ.iSm' -V UAKI'I!SI r.nmrJiitfelv Cured, and Full Viiror Ueslored. This liisl'ressing Affection which renders Eife. misernblc and marriage impossible in thu penalty paid by the victims ol improper indulgences. Young person aro too apt to commit execasea from not being aware of tho dreadful consequences that may ensno Xow. who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation if lost sooner by those falling into improper linbits than by the prudent ' Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive svinptoms to both body and mind ari-e. The system become Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened. Eos of Procrentive Power. Nervous 1 frit,.!. ilitv. Dvslielissa. l'alpitntion ot tne Mean. Imli-estion. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting or the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, on;Ct.. . 7 NoiUli rr.-slofU'U StrtM'l f. a fro)n ,!ullilnr0 rtroeti ft.w doors from tho corner. Fuil not to observe liamc " ' V' r mrtW(t ', b , ,! enntnln a stamp. The Doctor s Dinlomas bung in hisofhec. a ( i nn WAltKAVa'ris THO IIAYM. J'o Mtrevnj or Xaii.'rniii Drugs. l)IC..1MI.!iTO. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, i lent., from one of the most eminent Colleges in the United States, and the greater part ol wtiose tne In been sncnt in the hnsidtnls of Loudon. Paris, riiiln.lelnhia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness. with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with Uerangeuiciil of mind, neio cured immediately. r.4i: iMKiKi EAK ri'i:. Dr. .1. addresses all those who have injured them selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits' which ruin both body and 'mind! unfitting them fur either business, stndy. society or marriage. Thksk are some "of the sad and melancholy effects produced bv earlv habits of youth, viz: Weakness of tl.e Rin k and Limbs. Pains in the Head. Dininees of i 'lit. Less of Muscular Power. Palpitation of the l."n t. lir.-tiepsv. Nervous Irritability. Derangement ol the Digestive Functions, (Jcneral Debility, Symp toms (' Consumption. Ac. Muntvi lv The fearful effects on ti e mind are much t be dreaded Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas. Depression of Spirits. Evil-Forebodings. Aver- f . . ,. i I . 1 ..r .,li...t.. Moll to I-neioty. s-eil-l'lsirus.i. mn e oi ci'ihiimi, 'J i'l iditv. Ac arc someof the evils produced. Tool "s vNns of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cuuscof their declining health, losing ncir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and miciated. having a singular appearance about Ihe ,cougk aud symptoms of coiisnmplk u. vol ji I-: have injured themselves by a certain practice .dnlgediu when alone, a habit frequently learned t'nm evil companions, or at school, tho r fleets " t which ai c nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately, w ii'ui ,iiv iIihi a voiimr man. the hone of his country, the darling of his parents, should be Hatched i from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of dev iating from the path of nature j md indulging iu a certain secret habit. Sucn persons I Ml st, before, contemplating M. ltlt I.M.I".. j reflect that a sound mind aud body are the mo-t necessary requisite to proumti connubial happiness. : ! Indeed without these, the journey through lite be- j enioes n weary pilgrimage ; tho prospect hourly i i o i' ki ns to tbe view ; the mind becomes shadowed j I vnh despair and filled w ith the melancholy rerlei'- J lion that Ihe happiness of another becomes b'ghted i j with our own j ! iixi: a!.i: or i'iiiti ii:aci:. ! When the inisguidcd nnd imprudent votary i f I pleasure finds thai he has imbibed the seeds of tins ' painful disease, it loo often hnppoiu that an ill-timed ! set - of shame, or dread of discovery, deters hi la In iu applying to those who. from education and j i e-oeelalulity. can alone befriend him. delaying till i j the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease , I make their appearance, such ns ulcerated sore i I throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head ; I and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the I i slim bones and arms, blotches on the bead, face and j cxircmitics. progressing with frightful rapidity, till j 1 at last the palate of thu mouth or the bones of tho j 1 nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease t.ocoiues a uorriu oejeci Ol coiiuiiisciuimii. mi vivmu , nuts a period to his dreadful sutlerings. by sending I i i in to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no j traveller returns."' I I 1 1 is a mi liuii hnlii f,iri that thousand fall v ictim i ! to this terrible disease, owing lo the ui.skillluliiess of i'l.orant pretenders, who. by the use of that 7'iniv 1 I 'oo.o, Mcrcinii. ruin tho constitution and muke ti e residue of life miserable. s i it vai:ks j Trust not your live, or health, to the care of the i many Unlearned and Worthless Prctemtys, destitute , of knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. i lohuston's advertisements, or style themselves, iu ' Ihe newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians. ; incapable ol Curing, they keep yuu trilling mouth n'.ier mouth taking their filthy and piisoiius com- I poiimls. or as long as the smallest fee can he obtained. ; and in despair, leave you with ruined health lo sih ov.-r your gullingdisnpiiointmcut. Dr" Johnston it the only Physician advertising ! His ei tdeniial or diploma uluayp hang in his office. ; His icuiidiesor irealenienl are uni. uown to all theis. prepured from a life spent ill llie great Iiim- ! piiiil-o Europe, the first iu thu country and a uioru Mens ve I' 1 1 idle j'rarliet than any other I'hysieiun ' ni tl.e m i Id, i!iti:Tir.vr oi'Ttm: iMti'.six ; '1 l.e miiny thousand cured at this institution year j atter year, and the numerous iii.isirtnnl Sutgn nl j Ojs iatioi: perloriiied by Dr. Johustou. ilnewed by ; tne rep liters ol'the 'uii, ' "Clipper.'' atid many ! oiln r paper, notice ot which hav e appeared again I in. I a. tin before the public, besides his standing a a g. ..ilciiiuu of i lniiiu tir nu.l ressiwibility, to a I suti.. lent guaranlee lo tho alllicted. I .Ki isisi: isi:. sri:r.iiiii.Y 4 1 Itl'ls. i l'i r -ens v riling shnuld be particular In directing I their lelHl.lohl. llislltulloll, In the lollott ilig umliir ' IOII .11. JOIIs IO, . Is., liflhe Balliiiiom L.k llui ilul l'n!t:n.oit. Md. . I . biunry '.'l, 1-voJ I y. NEWS! NEWS! NEWS HOOTS AM) SHOES, A RE l.ow manufactured to older by Ihe kubacrib al I IIE.WI.lt II A I r-- thau al any oilnr e.lub- lidiiii.-i.t in ullbuv 'llie war lax I not taken into : eoi .iK inliiu and all oik will bed bcal ul I pile 1 llav 11 t Jn.l lee. 11 ad au rut.lc uv il.sl ol K-a.b.l 1 and yoioovo. lur ' Sai'llllflttfts'a llostlai lluil Skatra,, 1 loutlit-a llr It Mil 4aiullri-, I 4 hlllr-as'a Sklius-a,, A '., I a hi Ii will l.c maslu lo oidn al hurt i.oll. s, in Ihe I Li i .,.ku'idiai inauuor and of lha b itiaW-na.. I I r, llntf Ihaiik.ul t'4 ll.a pail"i,aKa valindid hvla I toi"i,' Ua kepi (o c.'lilll.uv the .alua All who d,.na wink d'.li cheap and duiablr are I, 1 .!. 1 I,, call al ku .imp mailr opi.aiie ika I ..uil ilousa ill Mai kul loula, rubliui v Va JullXWUVMl I v nuaiy IvSJ - tut OII 4 Mli I 41. III4 44tlltU. WOOU a!i VEMOT, 1114 hi-Ua Aavs, I'k.laJulpkis, P , Ol I i U fuf sale Ufll Ihe louat latolalls l.liu .N au l paaulilul Dva'SU la (Jlaavi alll ul li.-u kallilsa I-f t aiai.lailus. Haiwueaa A , wl V 1. us'ii a I !i"t a.,4 Uai.ai.iaa4 liua a.,4 , i,M.M li., . Iiw alul. Ik. lb -4ia. alalia, , t .ui.l.a i ' MOIaltaa. ilalaa toiuavtaa. Ilil.blbsj I'.la, I I ia is Sjtav4 I aw. i ai.i.4 I luaaf Siaasla. aia.. I I I Uii'i t,ial4y Aa.a-aU. ai.1 all atbss lluit M ua 1 iwst'ii visiaval l'-.soa Ivl a 44 m tolult... riia.ii w iwaii eat f'saas t a k.a4 s awa aas,i4 t.,i li IMS T1IIC ALL KirriCIEXT THREE. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Knon at'lrnlM1"' GKKUIWS rKEPABATIOHS, VIZ. UTT.SniOLD'S ESTUACT "ErcIr, BAP.BAPARILLA IMPROVED I108E WASH. HELMBOZ.CS OENUIirE PREPARATIONS nianLT coxcextrated" compocx'D FLUID EXTRACT BUC1IU, A Positive aud Specific Remedy For Discnses of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, fl RAVEL AND DROrSI CAL SWELLIXUS. This Medicine increases Hie twwer of Digestion, anil excites lhAbsorbcnt into healthy action, by which the Watery or Caloeroiis depositions, and all tiiiiatiiral EnlargVinents arc reduced, as well us pain and inflaiualiou, und is good for men, women, or Children. IlI'LiJillOI.B)- MTHACT 111 cm; FOR WF.AKXESSE3 Arising from Excesses, linbits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, Attended with the following symtoms : Indisposition to lOxertion, Loss ot power. Dilliculty ol Ercathing Trembling Wiikofuliic.-s, Paiu in the back, Flushing of the Body Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Loss ol .Memory. Weak Nerves. Horror ol Disease. Dimness of vision. Universal Lassitude of tho Muceutur System, Hot Hands. Drvness of the Skin. These syuitonis. if allowed to go on. which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMFOTENCYj FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCX.-TMPTIOX, Many arc nwnrc of the cause of their suffering, but none w ill confess. The records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample w itness to the truth ol the assertion. Itiu Constitution, once wieeifi wnn vrgante i v. eakness. I Boouin- tho aid of medicine to trenelhen and in vii;.,rale the system, which 'Ilolmbuld s Extract Biichu1' invariably does. A trial will convince the most skcpticul. FEM I.ES. FEMALE!?. FEMALES. Old or youiii;, siiigle.niuiried, or coiiteuiplutiiig marriage. In many nPections peculiar to Females the Extract Biiehu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity. Puinfiilnes. or Suppression of the Customary L vacua lions, Ulcerated or Schirrous slate ot the Uterus. Leueorrhea. or Whites Sterility, and for all comilaints incident to the sex. w bother arising troiu Indiscretion, llubib- of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE nil ClIAXliEtip LIFE. symptoms rbo si. SHOULD BE WITHOUT XO FAMILY IT. Take no Balsam. Mereurr. or I'nplea-ant Medicine tor tupleosant and Dangerous Diseases. lli:illtl.l'!i lATKU I' Itl 4 II Cures SECRET DISEASES In all their stages; at little expense ; little or no changu iu diet ; no iucoiiv ciiiciice, AND XO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing ob-uuelions. preventing und curing Mrictun s ol the I retina, allaying pain and inllaiMiuatiou. so frequent in thi.- class of diseases land expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and n urn-out Mutter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE RE EX THE VICTIMS OP ! JI US, i And who have paid Heavy Fees to biMiured in a hurt lime, have loui.d they were deceived, and l that the Pui.-on'1 has. by the use of Powerful As i tringints," been dried up in the system, to break i out in uu iil'-'I nvatcl form, and Perhaps niter Marriage. USE i:i:i.tiit!.E's i:T:e 14 "1" in in Fur nil Affections and Diseases of THE URINARY Ol'.ti ANS. Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever euiise originating, aud no matter OF HOW LONii STANDINti. Diseases of these Organs require llie uid of a Dn in. tii . IIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCUU Is the Ureal Diuretic, And It is certain to have the desired effect in nil I , I 'l T which il is recommended. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD I lLlmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sursuparilliv Syphilis. This is nil atleclion of the Blood. Slid attach' ! li e Sextiul Oigtu-.s. Liuingsut the X. n-e, Eais.Thii oat. Windpipe, mil otlur Mucus Sutlac-s. n.aking it uppearalice in the form of Ulcers. Hcllnbold's Ex tract Stirstiparillil plirnie-s the Blood, and removes all Scaly irruption ol the .-kin. gi. ing to llie Culuplcx ioii a Cleur and licallhy Color. It being prepared ev prcs-ly lor this class uf complaints, its Blood-Puri-fving Prof.rlelia-s are rs-erved to a greater extent thau any olher preparation of Sarsiiparilia. IlolmbolJ's Kose Wash, An excellent Lotion lor Di-enses of a Sv phililic Xa- ture. an. I a- an injectiou iu Diseases ol the I rinary irixalis. arising from habits ot ili-sipntn-ii, used in eoiiiieeliou with the Fixtracts Buclm aud Snrsiiparillti I iu such diseases as r..coinmcuiieit. I.v I'leticeol the uiiv.1 re-pon-ible and reliable char acter Will ucioiiipany the liiedieiues. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty year stunding. w ith iiumes known to Science and Fame. For Mi lical Properties of Bucbu. see Dispensatory I the United Slates See Profcs.s.ir Dewee' valuable works on the j Practice ot Pbi-ie. j See remarks made by the lute telebralvd Dr. ' Fill -ilk. I'lnludelphia See p iiiioIi. uiade bv Dr. Fphrnim McDowell, a ! ei-li-brnw-d Physician, und Member of the Ruynl ! College of Surgeons, In land, and published m the j ' 'i'luiisactii'tu of the kills' and v-iiccu Journal I ' .-ee M, dieo-Cil lllgleal RiVlew . publl-hed by j ! I'.cnj.-iti.iii Travels, Fvlb.w ol the Ri val Colli -jc ot Slllgeol!.. I See iuit of the lute Standard Works ou Midi ; i ini ; I tvlBAi T Bl , Ul , il lit per bottle, or six, j I il I . v a. v i-v ai 1 1. 1 1 eu sou ' In en, .i ii Host: VsM si - Stt " 2 on i Hi ball t ilici ii if i-oli .. l? taj whTh will be , I ulhclvlit lo cure the bmt obstinate ease it dltectlou ' ' ale adheud to I'vliivi.d lu any addreas, iccurvly pack.d rout I to.., 1 v anon I v Divribr ivuiploll' Cuii igl.aihlileed A.ivic in all coUiinui.i.ttllji, a i;iulu. . I I AlHDVVir I pi im oally appt aied I.i I "to ma au Al li-ricm f 1I.0 . .is ul I i. ii is.lv 1 1 hut. II I ll.-lu.ls. I I. wi n. Oslo; j du( a.oiu, UolliMtV, bla pc alallol, C' I.Imiu no ! liiil.otic. Iiu aii'li'in),!.! ulbur ll jullou Ulna, but ' as. t'lilvlv V rvlv lablvl. II T HI.I.MIi'.l.D ,-a.l.iaiil .lia.'llbc. Ufoia ll.l-.'d day of I Nvvvii.'.. r. I-.-. WM P JllllllAIlD Aldcibial., N iiilh sllavt, above Ita-a, FLlU A Hi. 1 lallaia lor luk'iu.aii.41 la v.'i.ad, twa It I HLt.yiUl'i.D, ibvu.ul Dvv( i4 Aouib Tvnikniaat, Uloa) 1'Le.ldul I'L.la I FViAhtfi loUSUHii.il Aul luplluslplad I'aslws asi-uiW w au fi,.lwvof ta 4s.- ui'ihairuaa aii 1. Iu . a ll.a ls mat. aliait.4 sjr ll.lu.l14 1 vivaaias l'i.iai w. " i.suaA.1 lu- bn. . - ioiiille. i..iif lis, a sWlst If all Diu'.is ivsijakua Askii'M llllkiLi ID s-lAht 00Ull j I .1 ,.l la. 4aiv.aaavi.i aau aaaai M U, Aa4 A.l Iawsai4.'a aa4 karule 1 nti aa.i a s i' a aa4 1 ai oal wajaa. aa, rra. tliualaai Sa I . 4 I ial.il IS'3 'I lip Alnnin I'iproms 'inpnny. C rVE XOTICK that they bay concluiled ar IT riipgomenta with the .Noflhern Central Bnilrnad ( oii tiapv ts TP train from llaltnnor for l ork, lliiriDhnrc. DBiipbin, Halifax. Trevfirtnn. Sunbury. Northumberland. Lewisbnrit. Milton. Muncy, WU- liamsport, and all Intermeitinte stations, connecting at llnrrisbtir with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, EU Louis and tho st. Also with Howard Civ.'s Express at Millon or Danville, Illoomsburg, Wilkebarre, Pittston, Hcran- ton. nd Intermeriiata tatmns on mo tatiawissa, Lackawanna Bloomsburg Railroads. At ril linmiport, by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey Chore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard ft Co., and their connections, for Canton. Troy. Ktmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to oil accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Bpeoie, Rank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuabls Packages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced and effioicnt messenger employed, tad every effort will be made to render satisfaction. JOHN" 1IIX01IAM, Superintendent Pcnn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Suubury. A pril i, 1 sW2. liit.tisv hoi si:. Corntr of Statt and Third Streets, IlAnitisavtto, Pa. iTIIIS HOUSE, Inconsequence of its convenience 1 and near location lo tne tapnoi. nm iimu " .i,..ir,ible tonninir tdaee. not only for llmso having business at the seat of tioveriiiucnt, but for other visiting llnrrisbnrg. Jlareh 2H, lSOi. SPECIAL NOTICE. th e p iio r"Ri ETti "iTs"o f the li I It A It I II o ir M 13 PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully cull the attention of Business Men nnd the travelling community, to the superior accommo dation and comfort iu their establishment. KANAKA, FOWLER A CO. August 2?, I sen. .'Ini j c rPERRIBLE DISCLOSURES SECRETS FOR 1 THE MILLION! A most . valauMo and wonderful publication. A work of 4iitl lisires. and ."0 colored engravings. DR HUNTER'S V A DE MECUM. an original ami popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology. Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies tor their speedy cure. 'I'I.e tiraeticc of Dlt. HUNTER has long been, mid still Is. unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of i numerous persons, he has been induced to extend his I medical usefulness through the medium of his "VADE MECUM." it is a volume that should be iu the hands of every family in the land, lis a preventive of secret vires, or as a guide lor the alleviation of one of the most awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage, to any part of tho United States for at) cents in P. l.stiimps, or II copies for i, I . A ddre-s. po-t paid, PR. HUNTER, Xo. II Division Street, New York. June It, lsiia. ly. yr.w ji'.itsa.v i.a.'M? i-'ok sai.i:, ALSO, GARDEN UU FKUIT FAUMS. Suitable for U rapes. Pench. s. Pears. Raspberri. . Strawberries. Blackberries, currants. Ac efl.2. 5. IU or 2ii neres each, at the following prices for Ihe present. it.: 20 acres for S2uu. I o acres for.! In. acres tor ti ll.- 2j acres for $10, i acre for S20. Payable by one dollar a week. , Also good Cranbcn v lauds, and village lots n ' CHLTW'MiD, 2a by Ion feet, at Sol each, payable by one dollar a week. 'I ho above land nnd farms, i are situated at Cllelwnnd. Washington Township. ' Burlington County. New Jersey. For tur'l cr in ! formation, appb . wiih a P. 0. Stamp, for a circular. i to ! B FRANKLIN f.'LMlK. , I Xo. (IC, Cedar Slleet.Nevv York. X. Y ' ' .lanuary 21. I I y j E.7Erk'S HOTEL, ! I Corner Fawn and Market Streets. I ! XI .Ml! ICY, IA. j ' T1M1E nndersigtied re-pectfully inform' the piibli'... ) 1 that he has taken charge ni' the above named: Hotel, and asks for the continuance ot tbe former patronage and would invito all others to give him a call. II IS TABLE is alwavs supplied with the best the market aford 1Ii4 iinr coiilnins the ehoieesl i.u. rs. and hi- stal 1 is good and well attended by careful 'iptler- MR'liAEL W1LVEUT. Sunbury. May Sl, l-'..i. i'a.my nits: I-'A-4'Y S'J'St.'s. : : J DUN FA I! E IRA. j No. 71.- Ar.-I, Street, be. low Eighth, - nib -iile. : FHIEAI. 1.1. Fill . I ts?5v:?!,A9 Importer an.l Manu- futtiti er of. and Dealer 1 in ail kinds of Fancy i l-'urs. for Ladies' an 1 : CLildrvn s wear. 1 I w ish b. reiurn in;.' ' thanks to my friend of Sunbury nnd tin- sur- ' --Ai. Vsxt rounding Counties, for ' j L - ZS ' troliage extended to me , j during tin Inst few years, and would say to them ' that fnow have in store, of my own Importation and iimnnlii.-l.iri' a very extensive ii-orum-nt ot all j j the different kinds u;id qualifies of Fancy Fur.-, for . I. a.lies and Childrm. tiiul will be woru dur.n.r the i Fall and Winter seasons. I Being the direct IniH.rter of all my Furs from Europe, and having them all Manufactured under i my own superv isioii enables me to ont-r my cr.- o- incrs A the public a much handsomer t of Furs for ! the name nionev. Ladies please giv e me Ii can i.e.. f,,rt. T.Hrchnsiii-' ! Please remember the name, limn- , , her and street. JOHN FAREIRA. 71S Arch Street, Pliiladcli.hin. September 12, 1- AiTiiiisi-iin'iiis. ims:s. r v l oil. l.iiifw. THE CAMDEN AND AMlU'V AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. l'inui Jll,i',nl, l:thi,l lo .Ye Yoi. ,i,,t II '.'.('. tfllll II iilliltt l!ttt II tHir t A". IO l,fHt. irlll mi's o, f'uUvwx. viz At ii A. M.. via t'aiiid. li and Aluhoy 1 .v n r iC. and .V AC'iolulilislltlli 11.1 -;g At ' A.M.. via tiiindeii and Jersey City, X J, Accoliilniiitatioll. 2 2i At .S A. .M . via Camden and Jersey City, (.doming Mail . I Al - A. M . via Camden ui.l Jersey city 2d ( Ins- 'I ii ket At 1 1 A. M. in Kensington und Jer.ey city. Express At 12 M via Cuiudi-u and Auiboi, C aud A. (Ace. u. ua station. ) Al 2 P M . via Caiudcii and Aiuboy, C. and A Express. 1 At 11 P.M. v ia Ken-iiigt, in and Jersey City, Wash, and X . Y. Express At Kl P M via Kensington aud Jeisey City, , Fv cuing .Mail. I At 111 P. M v ia Keusintoti aud Jeraey ci'y, Southern Muil. Al 11 (iiighi) via Kensington au-l Jersey city Souiiieru Express O'l 3 HO At b r. M , vis Camden and Aiiilioy. lAc.-om-iiiovlaiioii. Freight and i'uasvuer, 1 iral Has Ticket. S 2o Sveolid I lo.-. licket, I M l or ati r liap Mtoii l-l urjj, Scraalnn. Wilke..- biiirc. .M011ii1.se. I.i. iit Ri u l, X'- . at ii A M . I-0111 Kvii-ingii'ii, via D.lnwaie, Lack aauiu.a and W . . tern Rullimid For Mjui li 1 lunik. All.iiiown Bcihlaiiem. Bvlvi- diie l.u.lou, Eau.l.v rlv il.'c. 1 1, uiil'gloU. Ac. al 6 A M , I10111 keiismgloii Depot, aud at 21 P M , li. Ul ulnul H vet VWo.lt I'lbeil A M line coi'iiects w ith Tiniu U-av in j Fusion lot M no Ii I bunk al 1 2o I' M ' f. I Mount llollv . at 1. A Jl , 2 i. I 4 P M foi livvboll, ai o A M and I' M WAi l.l.M K r I li.iul, Trenton, ic . at II A M. Si.J 2 and 0 I' M In. Ill kcnnligllt, l'or Palo.via, Kiviiioii. D.lnli'.i. Beverly Bui In.. 'ion. Hi.itnve, Ikiidvnioou, Ac , al li, 1, J and e P M Fm N' Viik. an I Way Lima I. ai 11.4 k n- li.l.ll I'i'l-'l, lake lbs- I ar 1 u I mil .liv.l al- lu W alnal. hall ail b 'Ur t..l re Urpailula 'lliatai 11111 iiiiu ihe D .il, and ou th aiiwal ui lash iiuii. loo hum Ih 1'. s,4 I my I'l.ui.'la f ll;ag i I all. I each pM-sl's,! I'aa. li..'IB an plob pot eu l, ia) iaku.: an v tbi, A a bail ;aw Lul lln ii a ,ai . ( aisr, I A.i r'4v utl SlllV t-iulid lo I..- pu.d l4 vxlia '1 l.u louii ai y liu.ll iln.i ... ,...1,, my I 1 Lc, lu I'm I.011.1 j ,1 pound, aud aill l. U liaOU I 1 tug SU.UI1UI buuiid a lull ih, .1 ny ape. la! aofclia I W M II u UiMl ll, Aj.ul Jayu K, lull I 1404 11 I I I I. I. II A IMI I II, AUoruvya Xw, Buiibury. .' I Ji'lt D IS' k.iikinill ll ami a.i n.iX ill II IM'I kit, u,pvui,.i II ti.Mi.kl Ibal ibua liaa lhl.lu. UsUi u. pai lUsLb-i ia Hsu W-. ii, . Ik.u piul.aaia ai.4 Bill.uul.au. lu . U4 u 1 au.in.. aauu.ia-1 W. Ik.11 . kai 4. . Us IL, ...atlui ul V-lLya.l.,11,,. J I al-a, f.) 1.1 tu4 Vloi.u.ul. plutaplll U.lblullr kjj W1I.1 I .! . .1 all. u Uua ail) Le 4,,, u lb I ' I I 1 1 I li , , i.y ILAIV.J iuaaiiaikas a-w La aal u. lb Wbil- lliv 1 .a ; si iax tl'l vi a r l.M. 4 H, Economy isVcalth t YOI GK'OI'4.11 I'Olt 13 4'l. IhcEXiTanl CHEAPEST Hoiwliold REMEDY in tne World Mntlnmc illlOU I'OEt I l.Ii'S GREAT COLCH RKMEDY Mirnvtr ZAIi'iC pun. TERM Curative Balsam i wnrranted if used 14 cording to the ilireoiions. to cure in all cases Cougjis, Colds, W looping Cough, Asthma, and ail nmiolious ot thu Throat and Lungs. Madame Zadia: Porter's Jiu'sitm is prepnred with all the requisite care an t skill, from a combination of tho best remedies the yegatable kingdom affords its .eme.linl qualities aro bsicd on its power to assm the healthy and vignrious eitculaliiin of the hluod, blood, thro' tho Lungs. It Is not a violent remedy, but iriiolient warming, I'urchiiur and ellcctive ; can b" taken by Ihe oldest person or youngest child. Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam has been in use bv J the public ,.r ov er I "years una lias n quired it pre- setil sale simply by being rrconmeiided by those who have used it to their ii'ilicti I I, i--j '1 u;." ..i t r. Most I vt'otiT.V nt. .Madame ado" Porter's Cura. tive Balsniii is sold at a price which brings it in the rciich of every one lo keep it convenient tor use. Tho timely use of n single bottle w ill prove to bo wor.u lun times iLieost. NOTICE. Save your Money ! Do not be persua ded to pnrchnse articles nt -N to si w hich .In uol con tain tbe virtues of a 1! cent Pottle o .Madame l'or ter's Curative Balsam. Ihe cost of maim!'.. during w hich Is as great as that of almost any other medi cine ; and tho very low price nl which it is sold, makes the profit lo the seller apparently small, and unprincipled dealers will sometimes recommend other medicines on which their profits are larger, un less the customers insist upon having Madame Por ter's and noneolher. Ask lor Madame Porter s Cu rative Balsam, price L! cents, ami in large bottles at 2o cents, nnd take no olher. It you cnnm.t get it at one store yon can ut another. Sold by nil Druggists and Storekeepers ut l.'J cts , nnd in larger bottles at 2o els. HALL A RUCKEL. Proprietors. Jiiniiary 31 . Isti.'t. ly Mow '"ork .IS1 IMs 14.111' .V ., M IM F.U I I 111 Its IIF SITEP.-CARB. HI" SODA. Ac. And Sole Agents in the City of Xcw York for CREAM OF TARTAR SUBSTITUTE. Invented by Prof. Eben X . Horsford. of Harvard University, tifliec. 1 1 Old Slip. Hanover Square, (up stairs. I NEW YORK. 'FlIE hiiih pi ice which f'renni of Tartar commanded I inlSJI. together with -the donning exlent to which it. I dangerous lldlllti Tarioli had been carried. with other considerations, induced the distinguished Chemist, whose name is given above, ti uimeneo what proved to be a long and laborious scientilic re search, lo discover n desirable -ul -titnte tbercii r. . His courts were crowned wiMi abundant sncees-. and j hundreds, of thousands ol pnun.l- of the Substitute linve oeeii sunt aiM usint iiuriiii' tin- Inst live years, throughout th" I nile.l Slates and t'.o Canada--. llie follow ing true eonipat i-oti of its nalurc ul; 1 Ihe ri-ults of it.- use. witli line,. f Cream of Tartar, vv ill coliv ince tbe most incl eilalons . it-- v alue. Cream of Tartar is a bi-t-n r-? 1 1 . ot I'ota-h. 'I'his ."sub-! it tit. is a sii,iii. Pho pict;!'. and contains i.otliiug but what is tound in l.eei teak, and in ro. wheat nnd other cereal-, and is iherelorc hii-lily initrilions. It al--ii has a beallh-iriviug inftin-nce. and supplies that lor which there is a constant de tinue! in llie system. It' It is sold for a much ie-s price than Cream of Tailor March 21. 1 V.'l Iv I llr!iilIi', Hint's, ' iIMIE sub-crib, r. having up, I Brick Building. Mill stre. 4ini. Al-. O'd ill TllolllpS ui i t. lbinville. a largo nnd complete -t FOREI'.N k of AND DmMESTIC LIQUORS. comprising the best brands of Brandies. Win. ni l Rje, Scotch and Irish bi-kcy. Fort. Slurry. Ma deira. Ch.nnpag'i. and other in.-s. ot all ltii a'l I ol which will be Id Wholesale. at the lor, est city s. can sav ' prices, 'fav cni-li crs, 1 v la . ing of it least Ihe tivight. Person? dvsti-ais ol ur.-he-in-.- I; FAMILY US nav rely upon l.cng fiirni-ln 1 !"' f r ire nti i dmi'tu'ili-iatcd article. ( Vy Being iletcl lliiilcd to i---:,'! : -I: a reputni; T1 f.r selling cheap, be re-pectfully so :;;. tl.e atronag.-i of tl.e public. All order.- pn'-l .pile it tc; .. c I p. JEREMIAH S. HALL. Danville, Julie I.'., l-'lil. tVliMiiirilon E9:isi, Ni'RTIIl MRERI. AND. PENNSYLVANIA. ,o,- i ;,..-, a 1 MIL' subscriber having lca-c! this ' ;,,,, Tavern Slalid. Intily kept by Mrs. (' S. Brown. ro-pcciiiilly informs the ublic that he is i, lit'ii.g at. t repiiiring ihe premises, and will be pn-p .red i i , ;:-t-rtaiii. in a cmnloi lablc manner, hi- numerous friends throughout the county . and all who may plliroinc hi. e-tablishuiCllt . April 12, l-o2. Jn-KI'll VAXKIRk". iiotv. AB!I AS0 I 4 I , PHILADELPHIA, r the Relief ot the .-i.-li a;,. Uis'uss, .1. uflli V with iitil. nl nn l . Ill-ollii In. lo id -pe.-is lor the cure ol Di-ea-e.- ! i!ie S. v. EIOCAL ADVii'F giwu -r ly the actio i encatorrli ,c urge. U'. VALUABLE I.El'i'RTS . or etnlnal Weakn'--:, and iilor I.,-.;,-,- ,.f in. ScMial Hrgan- and on the MEW REM EDI E en., ployed in tin- Di-ioi,sary. --nt t,, b.. u'lli.-t.-.l n, scail'd Idler env elope-, free ot charge. I Wo or tl.i i ,-'lani b I'oi -ii-ta'ge o ill In a.-.-eptal.:... Ad tress. DR. J SKILL! N lb i . ; ll'fi i V ,. -,',, Surge, n. Il.ivv ti i.i A-s"c:ati ai. No. 2 -.ioli Xintl Mr.'cl. Philnd. ipl.ia. l'i Januarv .'I. I - -1 v sill 1 1 k;itiiT JtK.il E"il-I. IAEBi DE-IKAIE p 1 fi:i;N- cin ;to' M 11 . . I" : . . n r r 1 "1 WALL I'U'I.R ul .-TLE- AND I 1ST receive. I .liloel (,-, ihe M M.V"I1I Sf.'iil I RII.INi .AN 1 lliibarv. March I j li. it. I 4s.:e.. Alloi-tK-y sit l-Jivji. -I NIIILY. Collections aticlidiii lo 111 llie 1 0,11,1 ., ' thiiu.berlanil. I uioii, l.ilr, .! i.t it.r. v. and Lycoming 1:1.1 1 nr.vi is Hon John M Reed, Pl.ila i, Kbia, A. li Hilllell A Co.. lb. 11. Win A . Pi.rier. Morton McMicliHel, E-q . E. keicluiio A Co , 2-!i Pearl -1 (. Ni John Ashmead. Allolnev lit 1 aw, M.tiil.cas .V Cox. Attorneys" al Law. Sni bury, March 2V I-12 F V.ts no l until 11,,,,.', KO I I I., 00 I I riiu. uiaiiMgein, 111 .1 no. wv 11 kn-w 11 of III. II km no Hot. lii, 1 ing been re. on e I by .Messrs Ciil.F III I.t! the present proprietor.. Pvg h av e to 1I1I0II11 the 1 ill,;;,- , that the house 1 now being llioroiilily ri i.ov at .- I r, til 1 1 - I. Sod lie pi ov e. u lib a v lew p. ll... pr- 1 ,-r 1. .1 1 eoliilol table acooliiniisliitlou of lho-e who liihv I ., v 1 Ihe eslal'lisliiuenl Willi tbvir cu.loiu l.uc-t- m! ' lec ivc due attention and courtesy, and iioi-ei.- , Hill bo . l ''l llial Itl 14 C"JiAiu-H l( lUttllltjAli, l.f'l I 111 Jl III t flai. rl I.'" ' I'h !n 1 1 n ! mil irtiua dfiriti It . n nt in 1 1 urn diit-of tiui ii, Ihv -uu ini'i ui'-iill.. Mill in. t .!t.ioii kst.Mfllll H(4v Ul fV It IsJ I I lit I Ut f. .li. .( , 1 VUuhiiiUJ4'hI . Ul vll Itlvj'lt I ,it 1 i in. I . n I i ii 1 ' t.ll. Ill El 111 ER Msr.-h Jo. In"? 'Mil ieu i'4 ii: i 1 14 t: ii. 111: 1 itl i:i.it j I As luips..k.l orl-'0 anil-. 1. llv r ki ll II .M I i n :-J !'. ail .(.. N. ,.,' f I'll I. ui.ly lici.r ci.itiu 1, 1 mi n n 1,1 I eipl a, I, a f v ,. ,, t ,. .,, i 1 a p. 1 'I lie on 1 I. u.ii 1 , in, 1 , 0 . 1 t . th, olb.r l.'li.ov 1 . ,1 aa I ...I a.l, , . 1 , I lie must laj 1 I l In, (1..; w 1 1 1, the 1 . 1. . 1 Ol IV. 'll a !i!xl a.o,. ti al litc.wl, a. 11 .- lb. 1, and durante 111 .liuetuia i ' aala iu all lbs pnis. al n 1.. a.i I a I act. is. a 1 1. 11 1 a.. Si.'i lull diiaciiuit ik.pai.icd U s I I LK Li f ... i, . 3 ifuaii, I iiwaiis, S qi.1 la, , -ana, li v1". U iiue i I ' i II I I IS I u. ll ud 1-ut.u ul ) I Wti.li J.', u JS.J I uwbir I illll IP sll ' ilsu I sts Im r I l - ' I IMnliVU ki I ..... .si a- 1- .a s.u.i.i U..II. .......a, b. ....L.-H - l - Sib J . IHI.Ii.i.'1-l l-l"( ."WUi.., 1. al' i 1 w ' ' ,ml I 1 cua i i wm a .