fra6Ai?"a , iLiim in. m u,ai mmun tTjlc imtmi.. mcriran. H. It. MAS3ER, Editor Pwprtitor. - SI Sit JtiVi.. f.vrcntUY, pkcemm:u 12, isc.3. tDITOUIAIi COUXlESrONDENCE. PnTI.ADltl.I'lHA, J)cC. Pill, 1803. There it) nothing tlmt tins war lins devil t-pcd, unci il Inn learned us much, tlmt Is n ' ', ' . , ... , lerful ns lb.' extent of our wraith and v mil great reseiuiecs. Yith a war tipon cur bands tUt would cnitli uiinotl any oilier govern-i merit, the ordiuary pursuits of life aro car- t'ed on with as much appurant prosperity t.s ever. In this city all kinds of business it brink and in a prosperous condition. The I cidv trouble is the scarcity of workmen. That n good deal of spi dilation l.ns be n engendered, is no doubt true ; but that can not, under the circumstance, be helped, and will correct itself. The j;rcat rise in the 'rice of coal, for instance, is an example. The bottom at last fell out, as predicted, tod it cam down with a crash a day or two since. The result is. coal is dull sale at u decline of 1.10 per rent. There is a fcclinp e'idcc the elections, that is more healthy and . j,-,.;, ot- fr!Uikiieps. justice and mutual good j for several years before' the insurrection oc cncouragiiig than at any period since the j will. ! cunvd. there is still a gn at deficiency of war. llebel sympathizers, if not nil dead, Jt ' especially gral.ifung that our prize : kiborcrs in every la id of 'in, Inst ry, especially I.... ti,., ! ro. . ,,.,, .u ... that their day has gone by. C'opper- hcadism, under any guise, will not be toler ated by a free and enlightened people. 37"0ur Copperhead neighbor makes a nnnibrr of sorry excuses for his list of blun ders and mwrcprc?cntat ions, and imagines himself much more popular than we arc. We have only to fay, that when we were a candidate, we ran several hundred ahead of our party vote, while he came out several Evndrcd behind. 5rSv'Or.c cf the liichmond papers advo cate a forced loan, and thinks a forced loan is not a bit (severer than a forced conscrip tion. Vi'c think ixt, if the forced loan should not exceed 3U0 to each individual. Xoi th vnilvland C. Daiwerot. As the editor and his foreman were both drafted and exempted, and thereby saved eis hundred dollars, which manv more loyal ...l i, !,,. !i,,. vl,;i,tf .w, j ...... ...... .s utter want of both gratitude and argument Su the above copper-colored paragraph, is! it not,. tliAt (ho rebel cn-wniriitors. i let them do what they will, ab.vavi find an apologi.d in our ;;t ighoor. - j tSz-Our ucighbor publishes it h-tter fo-lil t College correspondent at Gettysburg, who ! attempts to describe the ceremonies of the j dedicatiou of the National Cemetery. The writer is evidently much in need of the school masters training, and. should not venture as a correspondent of tho press, until he has taken a few more lessons on grammar as well as facts. Neither Mr. I or ! Everett, the orator, President Secretary Seward, were of much account in ; bis estimation. His description of Mr. ! E.. .. , . .,, verett is entirely at variance with our re- ! collection of the man and that of the public. ; A more graceful, eloquent and finished ora- tot, than Mr. Everett, cannot be found. j ! "Mr. Eveivtt. in his -pcech at C.fvsbr.n-. -.;,) il,.. it.eli;.,,, "..,,,.,w..wi I,..,..".,, .. el., the first time since the adoption of the constitution, an election of President had been etfected without the votes of the South." Wad this w hat caused the rebellion, or was it the triumph of abolition principles, which, they believed, would destroy their institutions ;'' X.'rt'uniib'-rtiuii! Count) Ucin "Will our astute neighbor explain the dif- lercnce : my. ewall alleitgcs 'tie cause to j been ''the election of a President with out the votes of the South."' Our neighbor ! don't and can't J.-ny this f ait, but calls that ! election "a triumph of a" notion principles" and therefore justifies the rebels. Is this not the doctrine of every sece-siotiist. .JiiT""The emancipation proclamation, the negro regiment business, the confiscation bill, the suspension of the h -r-'t.ta 'jy"j, etc., have exerted both in thu North and South. (V most unhappy iniinenc.; in regard to the var. F very body sees this who i'nt dtter suinud. not to see it. ,-rt;fi n ' n,U County Be nice rat. That ii ti-.idid, as well as true, neighbor. The Coppeil.cad. North and South, have brci "npi: t unhappy'' in these operations ' in regard to the war." The fall of Yicks hxvg, Port Uud.son, Gettysburg and the cvtrvthvltaia- defeat of liragg's great army Jo Ttrueri.:. ui'jk'. evert a most unhappy infl'jenjc ouv. vvhrre, but not ljynl citic&3 fcrid true detroercts. . "'" It tii.- iv jq-eihi a 1, that nominally f-ilita he I.civisbur;;- A: ran pet a single rli'i-n irn'i in that fswn, to endorse his low ribaldry and slang, v.c may condescend to i;ii e him :' t'ler notice, purhaps,! f..r a b!!n. ;iS f.l!i.r, Vv i-, ti le. I oi It is. however, erpent to i mere 1. UJ ieg w ill never Mimih r,hc ma J' Ti le' '.'i be .i( h." 1 liuC ubjol id ly lb ::o Ii. iy.iibor's fqu'.ri.i out i f the silly lim : Itllitl. is' Hi "licit 1,11 idlt'Us I teo-. '.n' tl , t.i li.s evens,, is n,,t only boy ': h, silly. Hut in i ,'hl, or wheio eli.l )Jl li'iru to spi.U "Croecodile. . Anny ul' lUe t iiiiilM'rlnitU. frr. toi-sj. Nf r.viitnr.s is iuk k: c ri in. I II vTI'ANoOi, , Di o. 1, All ! qu'rt ia ti i i.r" y. The ' vpti ol.oii bid ; (ii'inn.1 F.iir.i ida i i.t -hr (n iii-nd .' u riiiin, who h.n llo'lbli' Ii Jeln d h'liOW.lie. 'i!i.. ii,. i it'.ri o t v :i.. is 1 i ri I i I'll I !l'' I ,iio O I 1 1 "in J 1; io,, pott loll,.' i moog i, an i un oi ;, i. hi ; i( i , i j w 1 1 ' fu .t v .jor. Soei .. I di t .ii.-i.i-s .V ll .- ,.i,.r i f I l.e .i Ml .1.1.1 1 Liu tj. h .1 0.11 t lit', l.inrld' - I. tti,. to .I' d HI till' 1 I I IS. .-Iv I ..II If, I I.e. '. it. I. I. 'ft. i. 'I. I 1 I e,i I a! l.i lb. I, lot'. Ola" I 1 1 l.i li I -Ilt. i- It I .ii I .tii.-. i,,.,: 1 I I. I .'- p .1 -lis j . n 1 r t ..uti.. ' 'l 1 'i id W oi,i. I. i I. . d ll C ,l io rut, .1 W 9 bil '.if, M i-.aij - v i' t HO lit, I 1.1 , . . I ,,4, .i 41t II' t loll, I' to I - I ... I . . I o t K.) .... I .ti ll..lHb b-.ll i ... as.i , w u Iv.- ai Ls asra 'I il. 1.1 I, 4 - vl . I a. - -- - - . -Tjo.i i tta lui - .1. I ..1 n.a Hi !'o u s Uk.u ; H.I t- .4 i l. I - , - I ' 1 ' I I ) THIRD ANNUAL MESSAGE or ABRAHAM LINCOLN, llt-ntl in CoiijfiTi, Wt'tlncNilii.Va H4-rmbtr Olli, lhG3. AVashixoton, Doc 0, 18Go Ft1!oir-t'!t!:fitt the Senate mul lfnute of Hi irnnntntins : Armthi-r year of health, am I of suflicieiitly abundant harvests, lms pasted. For these, and rsnix-mllv for the ,.,.,,....,, t,,n,litm.. nf Nut, .nl ut'lair.. m,r renevved and profound gratitude In Cod it ; tine. t remain in jicacc ami incneisiiip ; l"i".r."- ... . ted States, to involve us in foreign wars, to aid in.incxecmablc insurrection, have been i ..u i ,it 'i lu-ii'm, kiiiri.ii nit; nir unavailing. Her lhitanic JIajcidv's Ciovi rn- ment iiii was justly expected, have exercised i their authority to prevent the departure of j new hostile expeditious from Hritish ports. the l.inperor ot I-ranee lias, by a like pro ceeding, promptly indicated the neutrality j w tneii lie proctaiuiea al lue uegintiiny 01 me : conWrt. Questions y.rtal int.ieaev nnd iinpor t.mee imvc arUeu out of the blockade, and I other belligerent operations between the , Government and several of the maritime powers: but they haie been discussed, and i hs far sis now nits-ib,. iiecoitimoilated in a courts, oy tue nn paruaiuy oi meir ao.iiuiica- ti jiiv() ronml)1K,,tl In; IVpftt lUUl COll- tideiiec ot maritime powers. I The supplemental treaty between the I United Stale of Great Hritian for the sup pression oi the Atneaii M.ive 1 raac, mail on i lie litli (lay oi i-coruary lasi. nas Men duly rati tied and carried into execution. It is believed that so far as American ports and American citizens are concerned, that inhuman and odious tratlic has been brought to au end. I shall Fubinit, for the consideration of tho Senate, a convention for the adjustment I ; i ... ,...'.', . ot possession claims in aslr.ngton Territory, i unintended, may in sonic cases have been in arising out of the treaty of the 13th of June, j fiuMcM upon subjei is or citizens of foreign bet wem the United States and Great i countries, both at sea and on land, by pl r Rritian. and which have been the source oi : pns in the service of the United States. As disrpiiet among the citizens of that now ; Hr. Government expects redress other rapidly improvins; part of the country. i powers when similar ieiuriis are inflicted A novel and important question involving ; ,y persons in their service upon citizens of the extent of the maratime jurisdiction 1' , tfio I nilcil States, we mu.-t be prepared to Spain on the waters which hurround the , ,i0 justice to foreigners. If the existing Island oi Luna, lias lieen debated without . . v.. reaching an agreement, and it is proposed in nr. amicable spirit to submit it to the ur- ' i' " I'Uiamer.i oi a tncin.tiv power. v turn ior that purpose will be submitted to ; the Senate. I nave thought it proper, subject to tae approval of the Senate, to concur with the interested commercial powers in an arranue- i ment for the liquid. ,tion of the Scheldt dues ' upon the principles which have been foi,. in regards to the imposts upon .iviiti.m in the w aters of Feninaik. The long j ending contioversy between this Government and that of Chili, touching I tie seizure ai r-siaui.i, in i cm, ov i auiaii 1 ofV.Ceis ofa large amount in treasure belong 1 ing to citizens of the Uniteil,Stati.s. h.i.;bcen j t-rodght to i. close by tlw aw ard of !iis Ma ijcsty". the King of the Jlelgians. to whose I e.i bit ration the ijucstiim was nl'iirtd by ti.e parties. The subject was thoroughly and patiently examined by that justly respected . j maistrde, and although the sum warded , to he claimants may not have been as lai'i'.c as they expected, there is no reason to dis- trust the wisdom of his Majesty V decision, .... , , ., 1 ,- , . , 1 liat d-cision wii.i promptly complied with ,y t.'iili when' in regard to i! reached that country. Tlu; joint commission, under the act of the last session, for carrying into elicit the 'itli Peru on' the subject of claniis, lias been organized at Lima, aim is nyaged in the business entrusted to it. ililiieu'ities concerning the inter-oceanic transit thiough Nicaraiiga, are in course of amicable adjustment. In conforiiiit y with the liriiiciiilcs set forth in my l:.-t annual iucsvil rciirc.'.eiitative from the , i ii.oe luineu u United States of I i. i, nnd nave iiecremled a luinisier to that Republic. Incidents occurring hi the lirogrcss of our civ: :: I l ive forced upon my attention the uncertain siate of international questions touching the riglil.s of foreigners in this country , and of United Sla!escltizens abroad in regard to .some govern. mills. These ligln are at least partially dctined by tna In Mini. i:;st;iiices. however, it is ex- j tie pre.-sly stipulated that in the event of civil wnr a foreigner residing in this country i within the. lines of the insurgents is to be ' i xunpled from the rule vv loch classes him ; as a belli-jeri-iit. in whose behalf the gov ern I mi ni of his country cannot expect any pri . viiegis or immunities ditincl from that . r. I regret to say. ho,vvver, that s'.i h claims have' been put forward, and in i some instances ill hchaifof foivignets who j have livid in the United Slates a greater p..U of their lives. There is reason to be jiieve that many pusona born in foreign 1 coiinuiis. who have declared t heir intent ion j to become citizens, or who have been fully naturalized, have evaded the military duty required of tin m by deny ing the fuel, and I thereby throwing upon the Government the i bor.h n of proof. ; I; i..o been funnel di.liculi. or impn.etic.i . 1 h . lo obtain this proof for the want of . guides to tin- proper sources cf information. I I'iic.-e might I e supplied byivqiiiiing the ' clerks of courts where declaration of inleu j tion mav be in ule. or natur iiiz i'ion.i etl'eet- id, to s, ,d p, , iodieaily a lirt of the n:iin(-i j of the iiei-sur.s ii.duralized or declariiig their , iulent ion lo bcoiue citizens, to the Secrctaiy , of l l.e Interior, in whom liepurimeiit tln-'e ! nut. u's might be- arranged ami printed for j geni r.ii iiil 'iiU'itlon. I lie-ie is ilUn reason to i la v, I bat lot elgui'i s fn p lent iy become eili : .. lis i t' the I niu: I Statis for the ole pii: p,ie I oi ev lob I,,.; tint ,i - imposed by the law s ol their nalive it. untiles, to wl. it'll, ou becoming l: di.:. ill.' d le t. , they ;it i lii e repair, aiei ti.o.ifh li. v.r ivlirnlng to the- United Mati s . tin y ?t:..i e! mil ll imeiposilion o this go- , vt I. .in, .it :,. .Vl.oiy alti rcallolia ol I I !.l'':.t pit.iU die- have lieu toloie mi,. mil ol i that a' Hi -i. U lua ht bo udvisabli. to iixni ; limit l . y ond w him no i iii.i n of the I idled i i' "iung iiiiio.m may ci.11111 llicir in I t . ipo-ill.on ol lii a oove'lilllclit. I ... siiii.igi. mis i, iien i,,.n aj. Klllll.'d llild l it -l dby lliielis. ii.. ,h r pie , team of, ua,, ition. wliiclithi v b ive , ill. IIV..I.VI ,1 vv le n dialled into I'll- Illill' ll V . l i n e. 1 n, I. not nu. ,.p, ,,, ,,, ', ,, ,m , ,o, 1 loin i. Ino i.t ol I l.e I o. vv .11 iiil.kt tin- I n l ,ol votiio ,i t .-.Inpp, I n g .-. i i .st anvpl'i .j 1 .'ii...-! , ail .:,, uwu mi Un- gi .nnd i ' id't-ii g- . In i -i in, ou w i i It i.ihir . ,t, r-i piowi.. ii ir r. i .u. ns vviili J ij mi I. ive I.e. a bn. ed.i In' ' - ' I'-u .!' 'pii'iy I Onll, di the p, lwic opp.i-ll ion ol Un- licit tl. till V in I. lot re', o lue 1. 1. pit lo I Hi' i nliclili I,, un. I, I p d.iv .1 Ihe I icon. ills. -in I, I,, in . (. tonii, no l lie i. li n.tlioi,,. li is I t I. ., I : oil ll I ! W I. ll I II ' lie I ol.'ldi lie '. loo in.- o.ii. il: .i iii iv I i p, c It. i I , i, 1 1 1 1 lit 1 Mil, y oil ilteolloil .. tin I I I. Ill ol He li i: i I i I . . I .. I '.. 1 I .1 I he i'.iiii , . , finislo.'l lull .la. ' -II Iv'o ol in. i, i n n. , , i , c.iu. ii .ti i . on i. 1 '-.llsl 'lit- I Uli '. 'l.eill I. 1. . I . i 11 111 1,1. llll II , .l;.,r ., I. ,., , ll It 1 4 Lev. .1 m l I . i ! I. . i i i i ... ,tiiii.,i i, bile t'l 1. IU',:, l,.. . ... . J o.l. .1. Il-.oi . . . I . . . . 1 'I I... . ;.. i . . .- . i . . I I ... li. I lo i I i. ...,. ... , v ,., , livii.ole It.ll.i I, j l,, , ,l..v, , (' , 1 1. 1 1 .-i. ..I i, ilki ,pe, l.i i , t a lu, i .on , tut li.u X.U, 4i, I ,1. ii il.a . I s" ( t ll. III , li.. i a ' . ' s , - i ,i "I Msii.o ,t u un, i' 'I a i t aci) rta nl. i a-tklAj.l.l'a.-WiJ outlay, would be an economical ns well as Thrir airount iei,08".flfl3 07, should thtrc ril'cctivc aid in the I'.ijp'.oiiiatir, military and (,,it. l. deducted lioth from the rccciitn and n.nal s-.-rvif e. j (linhurai'iiiciit.. This hi-injj done, th rc rn- The consular MSteni of th'.' United i-tati", munis' m actual l-n-fiiita, ?720,0U0.Ot):j Tl unite, mo cnacmicei oi me i.i.-, ""'pi"-, befxius to be. slf Pii-tailiinj:, and there is renjon to hope that it may become entirely, so Willi an increase of trade, which will Cit mic w hriicver prnrp is rrstoreil. Our minislcrs abroad have been faithfully defending American lights, in protecting commercial Interests. Our consuls Imvc necessarily had to encounter im:i cased labors and responsiliilitles growing out nf tho war. I lu st- tlicv have, for the most, part, niei turn aisi harmed with Zealand cllicicncy. This kiioiYicdLT! justly Incliidis Those! cousins w ho. leoidinir i" Morocco, J'-irypt, Turkey, Japan, China and other Oriental countries, are charged with complex and extraordina ry powers. ' The condition of the several organized Territories is general ly satisfactory, nit hough Indian disturbance in Mew Mexico have not been entirely suppressed. The mineral re sources of Colorado, Nevada, Idahoe. New Mexico anil Arizona arc proving lar richer tlian lias been lirri-totoic understood. 1 lay before you a communication on this subject from the Governor of New Mexico, 1 again submit to your consideration the expediency of ctal'li-hing a system lor the encouragement of emigration. Although this sou ire of national wealth and strength l n.r,; fl.i-Inrr -wn m-ixitor IVt.f.lntu tiwiu nl ngnculture anil m our mines, ns well ot j -, , )J ,d coal as of the I reeiotts inetals. I While the demand for labor is thus ir.ercas I cd here, ti ns of thousands of persons d lute ot remunerative occupation, are throng ing our foiviun consulates ninl oli'i ring to emigrate to the United State-, if essential but very cln ap assistance can I n atVnrdcd them. It is easy to see that tinder the sharp discipline of civil war. the nation is begin ning a new lile. Honorable efforts demands the aid and ought to rieeivethe attention ind support of the government. Inilliies. unl'orseen by the "overnmrnt and Hmlieml tribunals are inadequate to this , uuii iai iiii'ioiais ai I'purp.ose. a special cm; , with power to hear ai court may be liower to hear ami decide Hiieli ( alius ,,i Uiu enarai ier reielieit to as may nave ;,,;seu under t.vaties and the public law. im vent ions for adjusting theclaim, of joint commissions have been proposed to some , , governments, bid no definite ausuer to the 1 proposition h:;. been reciived iVuiii !i.ti:i. j . During the pa.-t ti-cl year the l'.nai.i ial , , condition cf the l'o.-t Oilicc iJ' parimenl has , been oi.e of increasing piiispeiity. and I aui : gratified inbiiagaMe t" state that the ae , tind postal revenue has Ileal iy ( quailed the . eh.iie expenditures, the latter amounting to : i?l l.DM.tlti Fl, and the 1'u in. r to il 1 . 1 Oil.- , , Is'.) oil, leaving a d.iiciem -117 25. .- of but,- ; i , In lSilO, t'nu year iaimed.iaU-ly pr ceding ; the rebellion, the liitlcicitcy I'.inouiited to -''.7u. 'Ui. the posl.d reieipt.s of that vear Oelim 04 j..'.'. 1 '.. h ss thau those ot 1 ui. 1 i, mount Tile tii crew In in the a in 1 0f uuum i,.t.ition has beiu only d out '!" Per Cent.. I 'lit t he annual ex pern hi ore -n account the same has be, n redin is manifest, I hca fore, tl i-d ;!" per cent. It lilt the I' lllice se!f- ustaining iu a pi storation of the Department may become few years, even wit! whole pi. i v 'n e. The internal ioind Delegates from the Europe and Ameiic: the siiggi si ion of 1 1 met at Falls on the th. conl'eience of Post.ii principal countries of , v io-h was callc i at e J:os'.:nas'.er' l oil' r.d. 1 iih of Mav last, and concluded its deliberations on lac June. The principles established st li of by the Conference as In st no: ote.i lo faeiiili.te no - ..... ' : . 1 . ti intercourse belvvten nations, and as ti.e , basis of future no.-.Ial convenience, imuo'ii- rate a general s siem of unilorm itib rnalional chargi.-s at redmn.-d rates of postage, and j cannot fail to proouee beiieiiciiil rcstills. I ivfer you to the lepur! of the s.'cn-fary 1 of the Iiilelior. vv'nit ii isheri vvilh laid before i ou, for useful mi l vaiied information in rel. nion to the public lands, lniiian idlaifs, j putt nts, jicnsions, nml oilier matters of pub ; lie concern pertaining to his department, i In the courT ol the session 1 shall proba- bly have occasion to request you lo provide I indemnilicntion to claimants where decrees of restitution have been rendered and dama ges awarded by Adiiiiiality Co'irls, ami in joihcr cares vv In re this Government may l e j ac know led get I lo be h.ib.c iu pt inciple, and I where the. amount of llial liability has been i ascertained by an infoin id nihiMatiou. j 1 he proper oliin isof the Treasury have , ih'elucd tlicoisi Ives required by thu law of lile United Males upon the subject to ih -! iiiiiml a tax npo'i the income of b it igu con 1 sul in this comit'y. While such a il' inand ; may not, iu sirit tness, I e hi deirogalioii of , public law, or perhaps of any existing treaty between tlie United Mates" and a foreign i country, the expediency of so tar modifying l tin act as to exempt from tux the incomes .of such consuls as are not citiz.iiis of tie , I uited Slates, di 'lived fu.m the emoluments of their ofhci . or from properly not situated in llic United St ates, is submitted to your serious consideration. 1 make this siigger tion upon the ground that a counlty v, inch ought to be leeiprocatcd exempts t onsuls in all other coililllie" liom liwiition. to tin: ex- telil thus indicalcd. The United States. I I think, ciiglil to ! c cxt.-i ptiomdiy iibi ei.d lo iiiteruation .l ami CMiii'ncicc. I'he opi rations ot' tlie Trciisir v during tl e 'last ear ha e bei u siicces .b.llv i ond ictul. i The I' tinent byt 'ongie-s of a N dlonal It n. kiog !. w . nrov d ,i valuable i apooi t ol ti I- ,b 1 1 . an I" i.i-ia- li' 11 IU It I, lo ills !.; s id1! ', .oi" a ,' d its fit -. til ers. Solue l.'tilliled lo lu-rlei t eX- lile expect ami-udiiiinit ilion o I.U'V l l 1 ti,,,, a,,s. litit no i linn on ll. ir .ti in I - pie: s I r general scojie is I clioi d lo be need CI 1 Since these me i- iii . h 1 1 e been in oprra- tion, all demands on the Ti .-.isiiry. inc'udin ; I the pay ol the tiniiv and luiw, h ive been ' prolliplly nn l and liilly salislied. No con. siih inl.le body , t Iroop-, il is beli-vi d, wi i ever mure n.i ; Iv jitov i., I mid more liber ally (lift piui. in pm, I, aid it tin. bead t lint, that i.y no pi . pa- v.i re tin i i lent to it v.- ,l wnr ever In . io -ii in- In i rfii'lv 1 bollnt. i he rt e Ip! s i bit , n.. be viif llolil nl! s. urci-s, in. hiding ,,., ,) ,. p.,,,,,. ill Hie I'lii.-.hiy t,t il , i..Uelleelil. 1,1, Wile ' 1 -'"'-Hil Hit. ..!,.( l ,. ..,, ,. . I Ills, infills, islir, ;tl,','!ll Iff I, ,l n;. II I 1,1 ' so, eon the l-t i I i-iin, ,, fx :;' . of I !. Of III., reeeipls, l'..,, d.nv'ed from i iistoin, mm u.-.'.i . t i . ,,., ini, ,,, , ,ev e -li'.llo I ; Ii on ipiei t lix.ijl,. ''"Ilii m lie h. s i i ; n ; 1...,, ' 11,1 s. I .on no , ...lines, l I III 1 lit :i'i ui,, I lr III I. 411-., . . lie I "- ii'.l IT. m ll... Ihe ig Ui I s,l l (I,,, ili.l.nn..' . 1 I "f I llC I It ll Mill, f, "i i : nil I U I l.i le M , , V .' I i VI '.. J oi I I ' I '. ,' ,',.1 I . r p. Il-I. 114 llll. I fell o.a, I'I' -I oil pill de tie! t I lie V ir I I. I 'ii I llieM. -I i ! r r I . .'I sill '. I ,'.',i ; n i. ii -.I 1 1 . i ii i p. I..!'. .1. I io' : il . lot' b . in . ,, He nl . I I n 1, l. a tin o, ,.C S I . V 1 1. lentil IMI, i nn 1.1 i I Ii ml, d Mil I I o-'i Ii'". o, HoiV.ll l t ' i .1 ai i, v in. I h i . ii i 'ini! it :i i. .i ii,. , ,, i .in i it o p.,i H , ,i, 1 1 i, ii n n- "i ii , a I . . 1 1 u , . iit.rii I l L II I'. fit' l. " I l.i H4I ii. il l a I al auiuw, l i. a I a l. -ui a. i .' ti l. .1 ai li" it ly a i.. I I le i Ui ..'. I ilnao.1 In i,.riy lo until r'.a'j'i hihi me ficlual cnsliiiratiiif rift, Sil4,i(i! tS 09. leaving tho buluncu u ulready Htated. The actual receipt nnd disbursements for the first quarter, and the estimated receipts and dUbuigunien U for the runnl .inj three quarters of the current fiscal year, 1 Ui;4, w ill be shown In detail by the report of the Sec retary of the Treasury, to whioli I invito your uttertion. It Is Htilllcient to say hero that it is not believed the actual results will exhibit a stale of the finances Kgj favorable to the country than the estimates of that ullicer heretofore submitted, while it is confidently expected that at of the year both disbursements and debt will be found pret ty romsiderabla less than has been anticipa ted. Tlie report of the Secretary of War is a document of great interest. It consists of First, The military operations of the year detailed 111 the report ot the Oeneial-111-Chief. Second, The organization of colored per sons into the war service. Third, The exchange of prisoners, fully set forth in the letter of Gen. Hitchcock. Fourth. The operations under the "Act for Enrolling and Calling Out the National Forces,'' detailed in the report of the 1'ro vost Marshal General. , Fifth, The organization of the Invalid Corps ; and Sixth, The operations of the several De partments of the (.Jtiartcrmastcr-Gcneral, Commissary General. Paymaster General. 1 Chief of Fiiginccrs. Chief of Ordnance, and Surgeon General. It has appeared impossi ble to make a van u' e summary oi this re- port, except Mich as would be too extended ; lor this place ; and hence I content myself ! by asking your careful attention to the re poit itsell. The duties devolving on the naval branch 0r (lu service (luring the vear, and through out me w uoie oi mis uniuippy eonicsi. uac our distant possessions. been discharged with fidelity and eminent This policy has received ils most signal success. The extensive blockade has been .,nd beiicliciai iliu-tration in the recent " cn-con-tantly increasing in ctlicicncy as the j actment granting homesteads to actual ret- navy lias lieen cximmicii. in on si long a I line, il lias so lar oecil iinpossiuie 10 emireiv suppress illicit trade l- loin rciurns reccivcu at the Navy Department, it appears that more than 1,00(1 vessels have been captured since the blockade was instituted, and that the value of prizes already sent for adjudi cation amounts to over $ lit,000,000. The naval force of the United States con sists at this time, of Ms) vessels, completed and in the course of completion, and ot ) are iron clad or armored steamers. . ! The ivents of the war give an inercasid! i interest and importance to the navy which ! will probably extend beyond the war itsell. ' 1 he armond Vessels in our pletcd ami in servile, or which are under j contract and approaching completion, a;e believed toixeeed in number those "I any other power, liut while these may be relird . ui on fir harbor defence and coast sen ice. i oliiers of greater strength and capacity will be in ci-s.-iirv for cruisim? minioses and to iniiin'.ain our rightful position on the ocean, The change that has taken place in llav id vivtls and naval Wiirlare since nic intru- duetion of steam as a motive power for ships of war. demands either a col respond- ing change in some of our cxisiing Navy , Yards, or the establishment of new ones for ; . onslruction and uecessarv rciiair ot . ipoileio n.ivid vessils. No inconsiderable eiiil arra-su.eut, delay and public injury have Ken experienced from a want of such gov ernmental establishments. The necessity of such a Navy Yard, "', i'.oislied. at some suitable place upon tl Atlan. sea board, has, upon repeated oc- I (jV-ions. I ii ,"'i brought to the aiteution of Con less bv tho -Na'V Dtpartmciit, ;iih! la rain iire-i ided in the rejiorl of the bee-re tary. which accompanies this cotlimunicat ion. 1 Ihii-.k it m v duty lo invite your special' attention to this snhjivt, and aNo to that ot ; es'.iiiii.-hing a yartl ami iiepoi ior uiivai pm- poses, upon one oi the wetcrn rivers. A naval toit-e has been created on those interior waters, and under many disadvan tages, within little more than two years, exceeding in numbers the whole naval force of the country at the commencement of the l'l-.seiit administration. Satlslaclorv ami. important as have been the performances of! th. hemic men of the navy at this interest- 1 . , , ,' .. i i ng piriod, they are scarcely more wondirlu , in. in me success oi our niei-unmes ini'i arti.ans in the production of war vessels,! . t.1,.1, I . n..u- C.ti ni nt niiv.d power. Our country lias advantages siipe- nor tri any other nation in our niourccs ol iron :inil lindier. wilh inexhaustible (lllllllti- I,.. of fn.. I in tin. inoii, dinte vicinity of i. .i i ..i.i ll,, .o...... 1.,-ovin.tiv to navigable waters. Without tho advnin-1 tuge ol public works, the resources ot the n.tlion luivt- been governed, developed, and its power displayed in the construction of a navy of sin h magiiitude, which has, id tiie very p. runt of ils creation, n tillered signal service to the Union. ! The ii.cnase of the number of seamen in j the public service, from 7,.'i00 men in the i stiring' id lMil. to niioiit u4. uu. ai to about Li4.( Uti. al me to-.-. linn, loia Itj-fn 11 poillti! ishofl with cat speciar legislation, or extraordinary .' . i. i ', I , I... ... 1 I I.... H 1. ,M,.,,.,ii tl ,i nit.'u 10 i on inereiisi . . il nils t'leii lotiiin, ii..e,ei, in.ti int. 'i tile ilr.itt, with the high bounties paid for' ti'inv k t rio ts, is beginning to ilteei in.iui.- ouslv ti.e naval service, and will, il not .' . . ... ii in etel, be likely lo impair Us eillciuiev l.y ile tin bin:; siamiii from their proper cilliug, iiiiu inducing them b enter the arniv.' I iherefore respect fully suggest that , . ... i t .i .'i i ( oierress might aid both the iiiinv nnd mo lilt I service by a diimitu provision on ubieet, which Wouhl ill the same time be couiliible to the coliliumiltiis more i spu-iiilly interested. ... , I commend to vivjr con-ideration the se.'i." .-tion of the s'ei rctary of the Navy in le: .it . 1 to the policy of foslcring ami train ing Miimiii, mid al-o the education ol ol'iii Ls tuiii engineer for the naval unvice. The Naval AnidciilV is rendering sigual ' si fV I iie ill pll puling inid.hiplllell for I la 1 . ! . .. .. l.i' hlv loo ible ilutica vviiiih, iu alter lib-, iin y will be nrpiired to perforin. In ordir liuit thu eminiry should not be dc ' riled of Ihe proper " cplot it of educated i. Ilii i rs, for w hit h legal provision hiiabt-i li made id 1'ie naval bcIiooI, the vucaiiiio 1 i i.'.-i-.l by the neglect or ( mission lo innWv noininaiious Irom tlie Statt in insiil u el ion hue I .n Illicit by tins Suutdury of the I Navy. I ho acliool is ima. mole lull ami ' loiiipl le than l any lurun-r p.-n.'d' uiul i in t n spi 1 1 uilillcd l.i the .' ltf coil- H.l. I .ll It'll ol (, llllgfl s. Ihliing Ihe p.ial l.w al year lh Km in i d e udiiioii ol the l'n-1 Ullue iK pai llio id l...s I sen one 1 I 1111 leaking pioapeiil) Mini 1 km jr.. tilled lit Uili ablu til kt till llial ll.i i: a . elul l' HeVililiO lilt lieaily I Hie i'iillit'1 udilulH, lbs Ullel uliloui llUaS loiliv.n inibi II thru; liuiulred and loin ti en Ih.Mis.ind uollala nnd i Iglil) bail ti ld, an t thu loiiiiiii In ill it'll ii.i.Iioii km linn tlli.lund alXIl I hi tt IlioUaiilld lull II ItUII ilietl ami i li.liiy nun' doll Ua llll) luliv it'lils, 1 iv oiU u Hi la iviu ol I ..I I jh,t I i W i. in I w,ii, li, a vi .r in. mi iiirfla-.y pictitlin; ll.i ltl, lit. in, I ii tU Utli in) ainoiii'itd Iu fa. inii, iO'i in Ina posUl Ins i U ol Ih . I "i I l I i.i V '.1 IU Itaa I lull IlliwaJ nl 1U.I ll.i' iitt.taHi aliiiu I'Uo, Iu Ihu anioi-i ii .iii.l nl litiiitpmlalioli ha l am I'lK.V i, m i.i ; i pi r ii iii , I iii tin mihomI tipi mil t.u 111 rtt.nui.t 1. 1 ll u aan.g Imi It. 11 is o, 1 I a 1 4 1 1 1 til J l la I1.41 in al, li.t lel". , 11, .1 Ui 1'i al. Una li I 4IIU.I lit U.) batoiiit at tin 4l... (II t U 4 Jllit. IIVI4 I'al lb , isl"la I I'I leal Hi' 'lu taint I iUu las'Ul l'lW" lY ! dehors from the principal countries of j.urorc anil America, which was called at , the suggestion of the l'oslmtiMcr General, ; 11 in t nt I'aris on the 11th of JIhv la.-t and ! .cluded its deliberations on the 8th of! 'June. Tho priticiples cetablished l.y . the - Conference ns best adajitcd lo facilitate postal intercourse between lialions, nnd. as Jhe basis of future conventions, inaugurate A general system of uniform international charge at lcduccd rates of postiiga and cannot fail lo produce beneficial results. 1 refer you to the report of the bicrctary of the Interior, w hich is herewith laid I c-1 fore yon, for useful and varied information j in n latum to tlie i'liblie Lands. Indian Affairs, Patents Pensions, and other matters of public concern, pertaining to his Depart ment. The quautity of land disposed of during the last and tlie first quarter of the present fiscal vear was three millions- eight hun dred and forty-one thousand, live hundred and forty-nine acres, of w hich 101,711 acres j were sold for cash. 1,1. Ml, 5 14 acres wire) . , i t .11 '.1.1.1 taken up under the homestead law, and the residue disposed of under laws printing , lauds for military bounties, for railroad and ! other purposes. It also appears that the i i . i .to i - i i . ,i . ; sale oi the public lands is largely on the ! increase. H has long been a cherished ( opinion of some of our wisest statesmen j that the people of the United States had a higher and moie enduring interest in the i higln early settlement and substantial cultivation of the public lands, than in the amount of direct revenue to be derived from tlie sale of them. This opinion has had a Controlling in fluence iu shaping legislation upon the ... .i"- ......., i ................ i.. 1 as evidence of this the l.bcral luvasures luiopici in reicrence to actual settn is. i nc grant to the States of the overflow ed lands it 1 1 i i their limits, in order to their being reciainied and rendered fit for cultivation. the grant to Kail lload Companies of nUer- I nate sections of la'.ul upon the contemplated ; line of their road : w hen completed, w ill j irgely multiply the facilities fur reaching tiers. Since the 1. 1st ot January last tlie I fore mentioned quantity of one million four hundred and fifty-six thousand five hundred and fourteen acies of laud have been taken ! lip under its provisions. This fact and the I amount of pales furnn.h gratifying evidence of increasing settlement upon the public ! lauds, notwithstanding the great struggle in which the energies of the Nation have been ! engaged and which has caused so large a ! withdrawal of our citizens from their aecuj- I turned pursuit ' 1 cordially concur in the recommend::',!, n ! of the Secretin y of the Interior, suggiMimf ! a liiodiiiiaticn of the act in favor of those engaged in the military and naval s' 'n e ( ti.e United States. 1 "doubt not that Cnn-1 gf .-i will tin ei in',!;, n.lopt such in. ii-.iavs a will, witho-it e-i mildly chanuiiig tie. gei..' lal Uatures of the sy-'im, scute to tlie . lnacticable extent the benelits to tho.-c who have left their homes in the di ' f..iiei. ,,l t h.-i in his ai'iiuous eiisis. ilion to the views of the proi i of raising by j I invite vour alte : Si eretaiy as to the njij.fojiriati' el li u.-latioii a revenue liom ; t,i. mineral lands of the United Stab s. j nie.isiite piov ided, at your la-t session ! f,,r the removal of nit on Indian tribe-. . iI:,V(. .,.n carri-.d in!" i f eet. Sundry tna ! l,.,, ,. i ,.n e.. -i-ntinted w l.ieli vv ill. in dee i... t.o,.,,;.r..,l i.,,- t'u. nmj !i m ioe:d tiction of the Senate. 'I hey contain s' lions for extinguishing the possessory ip'ihi- ' rights j tracts i f the Indians, to large and valuable ' of land. It is pr.qr.-e, that the effects of these treaties vviil result in the cstablwlinient ofa permanent ftiendly relation with such tlib-.-r us have been biought into fre nueii; aiid bloody collisions with our eutiy-!tu ids in:! emigrant.-. Sound pob la'.'ve liutv to these Wiirds .:n; uir in: t'lt.- GoVirmr.'. t.t, e'-miitid our nuxiefs and - ,:i,; tatit attention to their m.itn.hl well I cing, to their progre-s m ti i ait.- ot uviu zatiiui, and, above all. b. that inoii.' train:: tr. which, under Ihe blessing of Divine Provi dence, W ill colder I'pimlbm the elevated and sanctifying inftili nee, the hopes i.r.d eon- solatioi s ol' the Chris! an laii-i I .i.o.i in me-h -: inn ail hii-'mi,"'. tvo I sug-irt.a. itimv 1:..-: inn n il ii"s.i?"' pr rtet .a r. n.od.lir : our Indian '.vo-tn. Mi . 'l-"'' 7''' '!"'"'1 c:'"v, "! ,V' ll , 11.. i ili'ti.ilit st:: Ii na in liifit'ort ..I tat' .-..ruuy , uviliec , urglU lit.. j t,r in: -Uaiv .--,A- to e jifiiuu. I cei..nien'l thr l.i i.fvfili-nl it ?'i:n or tMi:r.'ie.ot I v t ec s -v i a run nt iu ir-l f rtlnbllslitl this l'l.-niet to j r ,,c la,t ,,, ,VM, ,.;.j.(:j to ,,,. eM,:nt i:n fini-e-itioii I r ' pnliir-'iier llio miter oenil.oiliipiiti"li l.tlivnii ll.n . livir nn.t Ilia .'..rilies:t a n lll i'llT'l, ' wlii'li I', n kI.i.'Ii I'l-in'ositi, n. l.owivir. lnilt.1 ler iln num. Sil.e-o III. u upon ut'iillul' lie: t'rc'i'i-: I is) Hi i.i I i i y : o Ci'iivii bun li us, been oiiln.l in Cliisnj.' iijiii Hi.-, funic ji-e! ii si.iiilieiiv ef ll.ef" vi's I t'uieilil.fl i in ii iiiiiii.'ri il ml'ln to ihf 1'rt's' b nt mi l I'mi- t Ele-9. an I M -li I new lntve (lie in littr ni i.iv un." JtiU. 'I lint tilij llit.'r.l is ..III! uln.-ll elf I' f.'it'i. its "it il iihv 1 i!i'li"t tit 'itniil n de'Ul ii i-tal'ii.iilii-.l entire!'.' lo vour tXeui i..t ti ill t. vtl. ile to w bit'. Call he el'ilif new. Aii'iaciiitil inltrsl if pv on to llic sulji-ct by ll. Rotiinl e.tuiiiieiicciiifnt U rU up' i. tlm l'm'ia lUilroad. mi Kr nufi'i -e- i.t l.n-i.r:.i.ti-tv u d" I" gr.'s mil ei.tni' i.liir' 1'Hb'iiWi' iietil tn dip flit P'i"l I i.,n Leiden lii-entm-.s j 1 ili.oe..ti. m.iiuiil ripin ifili I'eui i miMiceiT nl I ip lit liirtait nl ol Auric lit uio, n.-liiiii .... . . v ,ur iiii.iui.jii Iu Hie iltiii'l"! aie-Lis 11. i - . . .,1 1 in- te'l est t I tie li.tlloli. V Imi Cmsri'si n;sp!.-.Mf 1 n your n tl'P wnr bit I iili-i-ii. tv listfl nearly iiumtl.s. ua I ini-re ' ''"! '"Vr . i i t.-.-." T'r."-." i . VIIIVili results llie' 1 1. Hell .oil li.l'l b I II post lim.-L. i( rHr in,p. lt ,, ,. nic .-f ul lie jVilm m-f , pinion at h'tat nnl ulroil if I . 1 1.-lo .t y . I " ' ';S". tVVUt elcci.'.i.. .U.- jud russe-'l, iinl.eilt .1 uni'ii.'im-Mt iiai"'-'in.-.'ii is , nn.K . , , ., ,, , .,.,,1,,, ,u i,:,. , fl j lutn riute"',.cn utt.'rv-l in .----i.t I ot ptj-ifui imi' a b in.l u ntmi l.-r ! u-l-i-lvs -i.u.e. Uur ..eiu..-rct- nwiuiif... . -. ... ! li,nd,.ivi;io!i 'n-oli,! tuio tliitw'l i:h ru.-li mltlii'i'iK tiein ti.e nm qunrt. r . woul i ui. -en t.ur irutli-1 mm Ibe- son mul rmsv uur i.l.eK'ie lie hi.,l li.ilt.l u thfit ln-iii ibf Hue tf"r" unii'i mivlkiiij lit.i't'lid u-a di' nl . 'lh l.. 1, ,ii..i, ,.1.,-tuii.KtC'ii- wl " ti n ui'sin- . in S. t o nil., -r. una rni'l it cs i ia'in-il 1 rit I l.i ll. i b0Jini,in ,,l Ibc uaur iii'MiiU Inl-r ll hiwl I t'luclalieilioli ci.iiii-. u. U'bi.iJ I'tv-ur'n' ,ul';' ' '"' . . .t i ...... . .i . i i .. 1 .1 i. 1.H..II nuli.ti Ul' .i inJ Colme-J liim 1,1 silllitblu Ctili llll' u liJ 1 ilii- ll.u war ua 1 i.'iv , . 1 Tim 1 . 1 1 ,-v o' iiiiitiH-i'Uiii-n an I "I rinpli vai'4 ' l.ln. k ntl'lii'i' i-sva 1.1 tin-i nt ra ne a'l f. I 1 1'mii ln, h li" Mini lur au l Juiit.l cui.liiiiil"l m uuen lain e-l'l.ll,, t .'C'ii'ini tf nnr J' li'.i nil -.vjifiin n aeitur if civil a liiiiiii.o nt.. n. il..' (. ii.-il e.-vi-rkiin-iti lei 4 ' lit. lawful ) e rr 1,1 1 It. it 1 iiimifi'iilii' In UI'V Mult alij f. r It. let Hum it ba I beml. ikI lull l!if i-bel. heu r.nil 1 La aoiUt-ai ii.ii.i.ji It, it, at 4 uahiu. y luu.'e oi ll an , all ibc ln!c tin. .in 1 I .if''"e If.ctli r--ei'ailv f"l ll lio,.'!.! tf.ili.r. ai. I ll ll ale ul-l. lt t'rla nl Iba e'..l.l s4 aanitl.l tb.-ll l.a leai-iili-it ll L-atiff. ai. 1 aa i.a tiiitieiaii, 11 aa lob.i .U b v ti.i a j ai.4 U. la tie j l.ln 11 inuiiiba ! n 11 11 1 sit 1, t aia I'.f i l..llt4 Iu l.iHtl ltl'i'i.t-1 0.1. I !:tl I . t. t lei I a' I nl iha Mis-i..rl. tint Iba try t..nii- I I 11 u 11 taai.l 1 ill 11111I1 r l, ' s mil l.y Un niiudu 114 ft! Ult'l III Ilia Iv'lsill. II It lilt I 1 I llilu tlialul.l i y iH (111 1W Jlt 4 v4'ball ll ft t 't t I Ml I: ll.i 1.1 I 11 .talMitl Ma. I ..kU-. U-4.C ll 14 11 lH,t ltll' i!tn I bu.4ivw..U uiiol tut iitlu'i-.- aul ll. I t'l'tl Vl IM I' fl4( I'i ( t 'Ui' 4t- I J .ttwiy at tin: fen ,-timu 4 t' It ritf iti'B itv4 4ivi4i i i .t t4sji.iii tu iut.ii 1 h -; in ttn ( D U.ta.! b H.M fc-l 441 Uil i 111 Ut 1 U.i ii. li ( I'i 1 a4 4 ' I'a) Mu.'l-'-l an I M Mt.rl. i.. i 4 wli. b 3 r tn ut'l I o.riiiiu -1 1 - iu m U t ll'llat. .!(! Wl1. Willi lb C l -'lll fllll lt.i) lIlM'iUl l4i IU Itilatf laVVi 4 4, I'UaWlU H 4M 'Ui.' WU I Ut ' ('4 iL"- U . - M liktN l lU l.Jll J. j i.f (!- j ic'.cili- u (M it buiKin t tl.. wmii I tvtti t-n in lU ' t 1 ;! b atat u.lUi4W v 4i hlavul vt. Itt!l uf i Otkl tVit ftiUiiJ sll fcih.t 14 IU Iti-aki lUt ' i 1 li. 4vrfiit 414 .1. J. W( tl44 4 J . 11, a 1 Ii u. U ti M -1.4 ; 1 l - i.iw 4.1 J u( f ) .fc. , l;.f 1 ! . . I '4 ..(.- It-.i U l I t't ivi hfti. f k Un ! Nil I m u-4 U U 4 (fe.-k. 4 iu .j 1 a i j l t-vi U s J (WtUtik' -4 4.) Ng H.ti a .kliilla.1 o) if 1- I - 1. k i-1 ..i jr t w . a4 j llw av. . wl ti"i t. ti a ti w-- 1 a it. iiiMti aMaaWW' (yT aM4 im t-a) Ua R'J" H. . l"IB .,lvVl.,IT r ZIZ V" Xdl, ....... ., i A 1 cuv l u, ...,..,1 .. ;:j;,,;i. ,,j ih i.i-um-kI ; 10.J! i-k-ciien l-.tlewi-l nro i im i im- l A ' 1 l-ic v.h- n...-il .!iy io" ' u " , "!;'"' T '"'!'' J1' fV'""''. . T,, ,1,1:,. ,ht..llod ,a dlvid, .i.d rI.-i.di of U ! it purl. iZkins now to tno rrosent tail future and with 1 i... -r.l.- ....f....l rci'crencu to rwiiniulu.u of tJi niiilmrity williinllic Hinies nlion in tlmt Biillioiity lin Iti-i-n siiHpciiilcil, 1 Imro Ihoalit lit to LViin n iro,;ininu liua, n ufipv nf nlacliin le-ri-ivilli liiniiinilti!l. ' t , Ulii-vud (tint nntliini i nit:iiniteJ liewn I vtlmt in un ily JiKhliixl by Uio Contiiluiion. 'J run. ilii- I'ui lit ; VI 1,11 VH-U I f,l, l.l UUI 1V lUi.U in V'.UI U. 'i " ... a uuni i-only i toinuinj a pura In cut ho vnluaturi Ivli.ken tliaviith. I'no uoii'litutien the t Ljiiculiv lu mutt ur withbold the t ur'icri at l.i I own uUile accretion, m.d tlii iiictii.teii ilic jBiwer Id urunt ou tiam r.s if i'ully tllilifil by ju'lu-al niul o her nut hot i tiep . It i) ulin iTufl'i-rvJ tlmt if In nny nf llio Statu lauiiH, A Sjiiuo Uovianuiciit i-hall Lcin tho inoUo . jTcairiboJ ft't up. Faeli m.-vciion.-iit (-luilt bo ri-i.-'ignizud tnd nuurniuied by dm LDiU'.l bliilt-. mid , that umUr it Ihu Mule Khali, on tLo eianaitulidrul cuii'libuiih be jautcctt'd nr'uint.s iiivnnion and do . inetic viyK-nce. i"" oi'liz.-iil'iii "I mi- - Nl.r'l . ,0 ,.,.. ,.)tvury K"iv i n;l. ii,. r.pnhli. ! c., i,,rm v.r guvvriiiuui nnd to pi otn.-t iL siiuu- in the custs staled. i rxplielt mul lull, l.ut wl.y l' '"1'r bencOn of. Ilii? proGnioti only to 11 Stieo (..'jveriiiiieiit bet up in tbm p.irin-ulur unv lln , elmn r , tllitUulioI1 c,,aW B wi.lum ii10 , u-i,.u,t i.,in Soil.- lavorable iu n ltipnblionn (JtvirniiH-nl in tho t-'iii"ti. my It t l"-u epposiio mi I bosdli cli, :x .-rind '"ISlViT " L' " V.'.' ,.,",i:.":'J 'acb "r ,he ': nilh wliitli e arc uow cl-ul i n j. All attempt to yuaiautee and protect a j revised State Government constructed in whole or in preponderating part from the very clement against whose hostility and ! violence it is to be protected, is simpiv j absurd. There must be a test by which lo ! separate the opposing clinicnts bo n ,,., u. ,,,,. tlii,i that to test I is a su;;.( lent ill. i i ll one, which ac'-cpts otind, wi.oi vrr will make a sworn rciv.ut i- tioti of hi- former unsoundness. Hut if it be proper to require as a test of admi.:don to tac politiial body nn oath of allegiance lo the Constitution ot the United Slates, and to the Union un h rit, why not a so to the laws and proclamations in regard to slavery Those laws and proclaim lions v. ere enacted and put lot th lor the purpose of aiding ill tlie suppression of the n billion. To give tlii-ui their fullest ellcct there had to be a pledge for their maii.tenaiH e. In my judgment they have ended and will; further aid the cau.-.e for which they were , enlisted. Nor shall I return to slavery any person who is free by the terms of the Prod. una tion or by any act of Congress. For these and oilier, rea ,ons, il is thought lust that the support of these r sources 1 shall be included in the oath, and it i.- : bi licved tiie Executive may lawfully claim' it in return for pardon ami restoration of projected lights which he has ion siil.iti.inal power to withhold altogether or grant upon the terms which l.e shall deem wis.'st tor the public i tcn -t. ' To give up this pi liu iple w odd be not only iciin.pu-li a h Vil of power, but woai 1 ' a r-o be a i t'.'.i 1 and a-loan ling t :" n a oi j faith. 1 iimy add at lliis point that while 1 remain in my present position, 1 shall not , attempt to repeat or modify tile Euianiipa- , tion Proclamation. J It should be observed also, that this part ; of the oath is subjict to the modifying ami i abrogating power of legislation, and supreme i judicial decision. The propo.-i d ;n pilesecnce of the Xalioii- i al Executive in any reasonable and tempo i rary slate anaiigeim nt fur the freed people. ; is made with the view of pe.s-ibly modify ii g i the confusion and destitution, which must at best attend ail cIiisms by a total revolu tion id labor thloughonl '.v hole Stabs. It is hoped that the alivadv dc-plv alllicted ; jieopie in those ht ilis may be snmevv i mote reiuly to give up the cause of their :u i ll'et live. il". to this extent, tin- vital matin be left to tliitn.-elvt s. while no power ot the j N.ili'-nal l-.xeeutive to prevent an abase is ubiided by the propo-ilion. The snggesiii.n in the pro-'.-mritlor. as f , iniintiiiiiiiig the political liainevv oj k of the i Stalci on what is ended recoiistnaiion, is j mad.' iu the hope that it may do good with 1 out the di'tigi r of harm. It vviil siiv: labor j and avoid great confusion, i Hut why iiny proclamation now upon th. i subject .' This (Uisiion it beset with the I conflicting news that the step might be th' ' lave. i too long or be tali en too soon, la , m ue Mates the elements for rumii rtit-n : seem ready for action, but remain inactive i up alently for want of aialiyii.g point a , pniu ot action. ' W hy chad A adopt the plan of li rati, r than ii that oi A ; And if A ami li shoiini ' agree, liow can they know hi.', thai ll.s liemral I tove-l'iiment here vvilliejeil iheir ) mi ! By tue proc.lainalion a plan is pre sented which may be iteccpteu by Hum as a rallying point, and which tiu-v aie assured in advance w ill not bcieccc.l lure. This may bring them to net soomr than tiny oliii rvv ise would. The objection to :i i r mature pre"ic:itatioa ofa plan by the National liM-cutiw i nu.-ist i-i tiie danger t t' cm in it t aK on points which could I e mole siileiy It'.! lo l.iiloir itevi -l.vei.'.s. (..'are lias bun takin to so shape tlocmnent as to uvoi.t iiiib:ii-i:i,.-.iiciit Horn this source. In saying that ot: certain tiinis iei'..iin clii.-scs will be pardoned witii their ligiits restored, it is not s;,ld that other on Oilier terms wili nei 1 1: he included, lilsiy inij that a le-consti net .on vi id i 10 e. ptt d .t pie. cuted in a spe. ilietl is not s .i I I hat it vv ill nt 1 el" be a let p'.e.l i.i .i.iy oii.t. IV .I V. Ti.e lilov 1 11. cut.-, by Mate lelii.n, for c'.liaiicipai imi 11, sciirii ot l.e- ;.il' . n,.; ii. l i lo is tl 111 the lilil.. .icipal io,, 11 , cli 111 1'. iol.. art: inatlel's of p . .lo.ind l at ulalinii. Ami while 1 .loir. I 1. pa .i in tht.iil viiuit I iiiivi- iier. ttifo.e o e..n.e-l!y ui'tl 1 poll this su'.jtct, my VleWsiin 1 feeiuin, reiiuiin iiiicii vji ;, ,1, audi irusi licit loii-yr.-a will oiiid no li.i.' t'pp 1. 1 in, ily of aiding these iu.poi t int tej- lo tlie LU..t c ulls 11 1 11 111 lit i ill. bi tiie midst of o.'.iti' ears, however hi: poilal.t, VVC lltil.t liol itise t-i 1 1 1 of tin- hit I that the war iiivit is 1-1 i 1 10.1" m.iiii icii.n.i . .0 lliat power an. tie urn vv c look, yet b r a lime to li lie eonlidi 1.1 c 10 tiie people 10 llic lol.ltsled It ;lol.s llo.t li.e lis! 1, ill poll, I u..l Hot 11 'ua ottiiiiii tin I'. '.lilt ll l.ce sli.l.l III- I.i'olsoCil 1 d nic auv .ilnle I u ii..i.i d 1 sliuelion be till, el, l!i..s I .r it ad w . 1! ; lo lit e, .oil' d In the 111 1: "!.!' tie ii' And il n. . el.i- 1 -: t ..ii; lo 1 II. ll , ll I st -1. 1 I: it- 1. : V I iin.t in pi in.,; the : i. I .ibspe ..s.blc ilt iliii -I'll ..I.U ' the j; dl.l ll o st li'.i' e!, W ho 1 1 ...j l l Is ll. Ill ' I t in M in.!. 1 tt.1 f, r in.. I,, . ,!ol il... It VC ti l II I'll, ll 'III I -I I lit 111 ,1 I. it vv 1.1 id I. j to toi.- I.o::..:. !. : ai. 11.. 1. .,1, d to VI I.i,.. I.. . t -1: .. 1 e of 1 11 I ,1 'll ci.ljtji .i and 1 tl.l.illtd, Ir, .I'ltl. .11. 11..! I, A IU; A HA X I.INm-LV 'I ltf lull- lor 11,-uL, Tim I. II. .u.u i ihe.- v : j 1.1 ,1.1 t'.l f.i e...'4l.i ul the lltuui , f J;,j umiijuu,, i i .lahiiij,!.!!! i lull Mil. I ul PlX - M. ai a. llil, At i , A n . Al. li atin, Al I'll, Ad.i. l, J li I1..1.. .. ,1., Hull. 1, 11. ...1. 4.1, l...,e,J I;.,, 1'iii. ft , I e 1 !, ,... lb ,i..i, ,., ,, I ,,,1 N J. ll.titali, A. 11 I . (a. I I I41I., I 14 . ' I . It, t U II. li V.. 1'ki.a. 1 j! I'4W, I'a M. a, 1. tt.l. j,, 1 'ltoi. !'. lit.;,, I1' . l'sl..l.l Ilk I,,, l.'lil, t .l I'.l.i, I il I .a. 1 Is.ih, I, li...t!i. t .1, .... 1, , .V- V., Il4..lal I. J tl 1J..' I"1.. I . J tt .l. 1.1I. Ji.'tt, Ji.i. iia .i, I .v Ul.... II I,.,..-, I . l a., ...I . JJ V ..., ; L V, 'I -,v,a.ail Nt .i, , ' K I si ' u r V). Morris, A. Mvf rn, I-con 1. 1 !." r ton, C O'Neill. Oi.'h. Patt.r-.-n. I I'll:.. I'niiwrov. I'l-'.c-;. VV. If !i-oi'i:d rhaiu, A. n. I;-.-.-.' j. 11. iln-.-: r-11. i:':;'-n ' ru"-: Seli.,lii.iii. Fl.alir.on. id an. .Sn.i.h. S'-.-.i;hers Spauldimr, Warr, Stcvcnr. Thicr. Tliomn liaev. Lpson. Van ViilK-enburh. V. 15. Washburno, XV. 15. V.'shhiiri.e, ''i-tcr, H'O': VIT 1 m it V 1 af . II Wltltlolll. Yludey. Wibiains, V nOe.' v ilsou, muoui, -idgc. . Fe lt Ma. C ).t -Messrs. C. Allen, v . J. Alien. A. C. Fa! twin. Itil-. J. li. Vrnn, f'mvirn. D iwun. Udell. Edcertoll. l'.ldii lge, r,,,ri;i Fink If.- r. iimtoli, C. M. Harris, Htrr'.ch. llo'.icatl, Hntchins, Wm. Johnson, T I KulbtleisCti. Kliapp, J.o.. l.e i.ionui i..oi, Mui - cv VDoWel1. M'Kinney, Middleton, J. II. Morris, eloinson, .mumi', doira u.m'i", Penilleton. Perry, liobinson, liogers, Uos,, W. T. Steele. .Sweat, Voorhcis, V heeler, C. A. While. J. V, . White. Foil Mil. J. I.. Dawson Messrs, Anconn, P.iilv, Coflrotl:, Cov. Ixnnison. Philip Johiison' I.act.r. M'AU'sU'r. Win. 11. Millet, Si. J. Kandall, Stiles, Slroii-c. Foil Mn. Mali our--5b Urool--. i:;.!... ii..,-.:;,,,. n it.,,-,-:.; K'ir" .1. S. Ibillins, Stuart, Veainan. I o.t Mn. ICiMi Mallorv Kai!!';rd, Wood. Foil Mr. Stluh! wold, K"ii-tiii!i. Ne Wadsiorlh M7,d -Mes.-rs ChandV-r. JTall, and Fin.uud-- rs. G ihson, 'IKs .11, IV'ivn, J. )i is - . .-i 'li. e', ami Wanli Id. Fun Mit. Jii.Ain. ok Mis.sofiu M' ss-s Cottniaii and field. Fiu: Mn. Stii.i-'s -'' ot-' r. r. Wood. I! I!. ( oi.r.'.x. Gi:sti.i.m::n ok i 'it. lb'-, sg st mi a'i iv i.s : To-day will be American history as tie- opi nl: gle.,s desliue.'. to ill' I" lllid Si 1 or l;;:r: ;; marked i:i ' of a t 'on 'I'i nios. i :-. i j " mi :i nt lie ,t ,o:is of the i-ea'. "; , and during who." existence the i-i-'uclic i. v. li:ca has passed its eulniinai ion will, biyom!:.'! question - tiiatiks to our army nnd navy ate'. Administration - die a d."i-rved death 1 Not oniv will vot.f constituents watch wi:lt str'.etist seiutiny vo-ir deliberations here, :-t,.'l!. o ni ls. I qni s s i f but l he friends i f r'.y in the ;oo.-l n: lalidswiille ". nt. . ! i spectators of acts in ilii; urenkr t'ltm Ponian forun Invoke J"it to appri :.i '! tla-.e f.tave Hons vv on n. e con ; st-;teMii-:i. fricing p'f.r di.-cus-i-dis l.-oiu ', that ii'-vlblty v.liich mars ii stead of ad-,."..iiig- legisl;i:io.i. stud with liiishaki-n V li-m.-e o:i to: t div ine power w hi-li gave victory to those uho I emed ti 1.5 I nion and c,,,i gi've even giei.lir viciory t- tho-'- wi are seel.lug to sa-'e it from d ' the hand . of '.he pi.n icMe es;n:i n Irom raltor. 1 that Sucre I that "th.-y :!.-ll ;ir-n invoka yo.i I'. Utll v ile 1 vv ho rale n re::. '-in i i-v v i rl ill 1. in !:' T!o ;i i . vd t fiom the no :-.:.. fid he..:: of our eo.o. '. ing" lo all I ;: by' ti.e aid ot s-.e ei li. i a. ii ooic. , and i :.! a-sigu: I me. v. i ; i I li" 1 can ..- tl I o ti t i e d: ti u la Til 2 tsi.Mt: r.,,v pr L ... ap l.rvi. W:!it Cils- M:,i I'll I V' : (. ; to "el ; ed S! iv i-v i, a i : I'oi-otnilg C. Tin- t ' V '-s d to'. successful. 'I ii.' llicir freidom res :ed a.l Tw. , lor oldiers. icgul-ii-lv CO f d '! in -r- men wer : u t iro'.inn C.ivalry le ! ', " in n'onOcr, ttudi .' 1 1 1 r -: , i tn:: I :1' .lug p at lie.! iiwi U's I -Ian !.' tiii'iu in ' in: 1 pa.'t , i i -, ; i:g; .- . i i t ; e:n to liigbr. .!: T 1 1 1 i 1 . iM-d aitll'i i-y. color' d ti. en M-V t I'm : I I,- VI I i . 'I '.11 .I' ll) the 1 iil'.y 11. id with 1 e:i p. 11 .. h. is :,i,- the I : hen Ir into t! i Ir e.:1 ed and The I -si, H . i: . i ry i . III v. 1 , . 1 1 ! i ' I I'll e til t it t r. t vi o e Al.-t'u - -;x ilt ' it.. W "I a w i T! t tl uc , ill cr v. us i l" '. ii-il gl't at i i rt :ted h" p skszk? kjib:-' NKW ADVI-irriSKMKN'i" ami:i:i "i or 1 h ci-.r. 1 . i-i : W :" I 1 1 1 t . iti' I I I. oik. li, -SI. ll .10 I I" tbl i' Vt'.ll's 11' -" It.- .-.111." ,ie ,1.1' .1 ..r.d X.i 1 r ino--. A So ,; Au 1. ka. iva bl . s.i.i:!. -: .1 ic. s ' i.i n di'ilit Mi l Ul s tv 1 1 1. .! I'i. 1 . 1 1 . 1 tut I. i.l'.rt- A.M. i'. I .N I V SI I .. fi.i.i. .11:. . !. I -!.;t I ..' dl.' f N.-l I - 1 l.i. a.1. ti;' i.t- I i.i -.. ri rn. I i.o..- -n I 'BXS. I'll.. A l. I t. ' . i; mi 1 1 11 . MM I. .t .-ii".. Ai M. 1 1 1 X .iiev Pa I t fr':.', - -I il" 1 1,1. 1 . A Mi t I Nl ill I 111 ! . '. A I 1: ! ' ii. 1 to I I- ... . t f . . l!! 11 V It. 1.1. .v , I lwut a, 1 1 .1 ' . I l.w I. .1 4 l.iilt.11. . Z. I I.t .a . ai. I I lnl-a.1 I'l.aa I l . i 1 U't 1 ii l a..i e - tit.' Ni k ... 4 1 It" . S-I. I 4 I I fctnaa. ti-a a a l I I I .r. s t I . . : . 1 1 ... n ..a at I ' "' b V Kbi' t'd I -.' 1. l n ' r I fk I a .' , I