IW M JIM MIMWyMMMi e9 (j EVAlS A WATSON'S jK BAfcAIANDEB SAfES. UREAT FIRE AT READIXO, PA. February 12, 1SC2. On'tTUSttr: It gives mo much satisfaction to Inform yrm that In tho severe lire which, r.n the looming nf the 4th inst . entirely destroyed all my Mock and inntrrisl.i, I had one nf your Salamander Fire Proof Snfe. After enduring an Intense rel lient for Keren hours, the Snfo was opened, aiid the Dunks and Papers were preserved In an nmhlcmished comlilion. I shall need another Safe as soon as I get in order. Yours, most respectfully. W. P. DIOKIXSOSKcaaing, Pa. FIRE AT UHEEX CASTLE. Chimbkbsdi no, Franklin countv, Pa., ) . August .".1st. 1 Still ( Messrs. EvAXS t Watson, Philadelphia tlcntlc men: On the morning of tho 22.1 of August, lsrtl, our Storchnuc nt llrerncnstlo was destroyed hy fire. The Snlnmnnilcr Snfo we purchased from yon some lew years since was in the aUno nicntihnod store house, and contained all our lvM.ks. papers. ch. r,c. which were preserved in n perfect condition, alter being exposed ton most intciischcnt for several hours. Pleno inform us upon what terms yon will sell us another larger Safe. Yours truly. OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander hi fey. Ft Ranks. Stores. Private Families, Ac. Ac. Also, Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Rank lieks and Jinnk Vault Doors. t"iml to any made in the country, and sold on as good t'rnis. K W. would respeetfullv refer to tho follow ing Ranks and other parties, having their Sales nn.l Locks now in use. to their entire satisfnc lion, nnd liuiny others gi en at their Store. Vxirnn Statkk Mint, EiiinchlJaiik, Shclbyville Philadelphia. Tennessee. VxitbiiStatks AitSENAI..City Ilnnk of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation R'k of Phila. Pottstown Hank. Pa. duu'lli Rank of 1'liiln. Coatosvillc Rank. Pa. Chatannogn P.nnk. Tenn. Strnudshnrg Rank, Pit. Pre'm Romp. A--s'on. 4th st. Jersey Shore Rank. Pa. Rank of Northumberland. Rock Jlaven Rat;k. Pa. Rank nf North'n Liberlics, I nion Rnnk. Riilliniore. Philadelphia. Sonthwi-stcrn ll.ii.k uf Vn. Paul nnd Swift, Rmikcrs, Fulton Rank. Atlanta. Uu. Alabama. Newark P.nuk, Del W t). Sterling. Wilkesb'e. Rank of X. C. Raleigh. Lcwisburg Riiuk. Pa. Other references given upon culling nt our Store, No. Id s. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 5, 1n3. ly .iJ.MI) .ti ll. If, It, A tlorney nl I .:i-. Sunbury, Jiorlliuud'C . land county. Pennsylvania. (rornterly Irccl.urg. Snvder countv.) OFFICE. Market street, one door east of Friling lirnnt's Store, and nearly opposite the Court lloiiso. All professional business, collections, Ac , Kill re ceive prompt attention. April 12, 18i!2. SIMON P. WOLVERTON, Allornry :ml 4'oiiii'1oi- nt I.mr, Office. Market street. 2 doors west of Depot, "IIJIRR attend prompt Icy to tlie collection of claim and all other professional business intrusted to his care in Northninborlnnd and adjoining counties. Sunbury. May .'!, 1S112. . ivc tT i'i "its : I'A vT-Fiiw JOHN F A R E I II A, No. 71 a Arch Street, lie low Eighth, south side, PHILADELPHIA. Importer nnd Manu facturer of, and Denier in all kinds of Fancy Furs, for Ladies' and '-. Children's w ear. I wish to return mv thanks to mv friends of T&UL. 7! ft A' i'tf,un"ry nn'1 " V -Tr. -r AizJX Sf . rounding Counties, for rjf their very liberal pa- jL tronago extended to mo (luring the Inst few years, nnd would say to litem that I new have in storo. of my own Importation nnd manufacture a very extensive assortment of all the different kinds nnd qunlitieaMif Fancy Furs, fir Ladies nnd Children, that will be worn during tho Fall and Winter seasons. Rcing the direct Importer of nil my Furs from Europe, nnd having theui all Manufactured under my own supervision enables mo to oiler my ensto. mere & the public n much handsomer Set of Furs for the fame money. Ladies please give mo n call bc loro purchasing ! Please remember the nnmc, num ber and street. JOHN FARETRA. 713 Arch Street, Philadelphia. September 12, 1SI'..!. 5m TAILORIKOiESTABLISKMENT. JOHN E. SMICK, Fawn Strrcct, opposite Weaver's Hotel, BTJNBUKY.tNorthumborldnd Co., Pa., TNFORMShis friendit and the public generally, that ho has taken tho Shop of Jacob S. Rake, dee d., and is prepared to do all kinds of TAILOR ING in a good workmanlike manner. Tho patron age of the public is respectfully solicited. Sunbuiy. May 111, ItifiU. ly Uf s. I. i". i. i:. STATEN ISLAND FANCY DYEINO ESTABLISHMENT. BAHKET, NEPHEW & CO., Proprietors. OFFICES: No. 47 North Eighth St., Philadelphia, and 5 II 1 J ohn St., Now York. Our pucccss in Dyeing and Cleansing Garments of Velvet. Cloth. Silk. Merino, Dc Laine. it.. Ac mid Shawls of almost every description, is so well Known inni wo only ucturc lo remind our mend and the public generally, thnt tho season lor getting rcimy uicir i nn uoo-is ie uow ai anna ; tloods received und returned by Express. 11ARRETT, NEPHEWS A CO. August 22, 1S63 ,'Im w M Aidinx. .ik:vi:ici,v v mi vi:icM.iti:. Tlio undersigned wnubt respect fully invito your ntlontion to Ids well seluctedstiM-k ot Finetiold mid Silver WATCllkS Vine i:. .1.1 .1 1- VT. V7L, ELK Y, of every kind nnd variety v-T-TipHr3s. of aiylcs eouiprisim: all of the " ' i, vrirnt nnd moM ttrtitttful firitm. Al.-o, MiLllt SILVER WARE, tijiml to Coin mid the best make of Silver l'latnl H'art Each nrtide is inrrautnl to bo us rtjtresrttrtl. lit' Watches and Jewelry carefully rijxitml and cutislnctiuu guarantee! JACOB IIARLEY. (Snrmnr lit frtniiffer ty Jlri t ) No. 2i MARKET Street, I'lilLAD'A. Aug :2, lNi.'l 3ui thduiU JUBT READY, NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. AN opportunity hot to bo lost sight of. Rare thuiicu for Agents. Ladies as well as ticnts can tici as Agents. Apply curly nud secure the agency lor your locality. lOO.OOO WATCHES, YJieiT C1IAIXS, LOCKET. iu.;s, ooi.n rj;xs axj y'.'At ., isi;Ai i:u:Ts. stcjs. hutto.xs, A'hVK CJIAI.S.SICTS Ul-'JJiW- i:uii; dr. To be sold for Kil each, and not lo be paid for until you know l l you arti lo get. Sen I 2j eeuls l..r I'erniUatu. telling y.u what )ou can have, with n . iieulur, jiving lull particulars luAjeuU. Pelted huli.'ltk'lion guaraiilctii iu all ensvs. AddiM, S M. W ARD A CO . ?i8 Rroudwuy. Rox 4.M76. M.irch !l, lSi'.:l.ly MANHOOD, llov uv lt-lorcil. Jml i'utJisluJ, o SttUi Kuwluyt. I'n if Hi ft Hit. A I.IX'II'RE on the Nature. Treatment and Its tiic.il Cure of Spermiitorrhira or Semiunl W'tk. i ru. Muni Delnlily. hervouiiei. and Inv.duiiiury i'uiissiius, irdiu-iiig lioHttiu;y, t'oiuiuuipUou, au'j AKliiol and l'l.)nl lh oilur RyKtili U. CIL EHWF.I.L M I Tlie iiopi'rtunl faa't thai lb aaful wui-uei,c uf K If AtiuM lony lm etloolually ivutot ed wuio.ut Iu terual lowiii tins or Um dji)(erous application of taiuiic. iiviriii.ieiiU, iiiidivMl.d I got. aiid other -nipiiic.il il'-tii-is, u livre ultaiiy d oKMiiiald aiid Ilia ftillrrly now and hlifbly U'uinslul Uealloeiil a adopt. d bi il. n. UUuled author, lully vAplaiuvd. ty iiieaos i.l whieb itery oite la ruabUit Uiuuivbiui S'll Mlleell. and ul tb lMl Nlb!v V'lst, Iheret y aui.!iu2 ll tbu a.ltirluid lo'stttiios of lhaddy this bo iuru aill pi.ns a l'U Iu Hi u u. t ai.4 lliea MUlIf U l-ilit Ul,ders,l ilia plain rnvvb'pc to ai.y ad lie,, J4iet pld '"It ! l'l iH I4U HA'Ugii lll.. I J a4' 1U1 UIll-rr I'll A J t K .l NK X 1 , 17 H Kew toik, l'.- "ks U. jt4S - tali JU-l, - ly 4 F.J :. TTF vJin iHlrrNMlluttill llttltl, 'S us- l iin'ir a, I'm. ,u.r t i ia ' aLW VH tv. I Ul l.wl l Ul HV Hl.s.4 lt..UvM.,rt IHLaa. tul'IbC It! l l' If.'ltlaK wp' 4.i. . I.i .4i.i iu .U Ui.fcu. . I a 1 . wa tt.l!t tl't W -f.s- II Jli I t I wt p."'. att ii.ii . .tnw.a.s .ti l.a I. I ail ttM.i, SI ll.l Iho, ta t I i . ttJ jJ . a. j i.i.. 11.. 1 .it o .m , . 4 ii.. k. 4 M , . ,.'h mi i ti a-'.'-.w.a t" V4m t i..ste4 t 4 i ,( WM. KNOCIIE, 03 MARKET STREET, HARRISRVRU, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. NEW Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers rrom $20(1 upwards. MEl.oDEONS. The host manufactured Instrtt- ments, from $4.1to$llt0 Unitars, A'iolins. Accordcons, Flutes, . Fifes. Drums, Rniijos, Tambourines, Violin and (liiltnr strings and musical mcr cliumliro in general. SHEET Ml'SIC. Tlie latest publications always on hand. Muslo sent bv mail to anv part of the eouittrv. oval, so. Care, dim a.Vd rosewood FRAME8.I Stiilnble fur bKikingglnsses, and all kinds of pictures always on band. A line assortment of best plated LOOKING OI.ASSKS from smallest to lnrgest siicii Any style of frame mnda toor lcr nt tho shortest notice. .M. lMtt'lli:. April 11, 1W1.1. 0.1 Market St., Hnrrisburg. PETER LOR ILL A KD, Simli'A 'i'obtK'i'O Uniiiilinl nror 1(1 A IS CHAMRERS ST., (Formerly 42 Cliiillmin Street, New York. Wi.ubl Mil the attention of Dealers to the articles of hi- manufacture, vis : DROWN SNI FE. Marnliov. Dcniigros, Fine Rnppcc, Puro irgtnia, Coarse Rnppcc, Nnchitoehrs. Amer'uan ttentlenian, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNI FF. Scotch. Honey Dew Scotch. High Tont Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch liish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfoot, ft- Attention is called lo tho large reduction in priewof l ine-t'ut Chewing ami Smoking Tobaccos, no li win ue touiuioi a superior iuuiity. tobacco. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. Long. P. A. I... or plain. S. Jngn, No. 1. Cavendish, or Sweet, Spnni.-h, No. 2, Sweef Scented Oronoco. Canaster N. I A 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cuvendish, Turkish. Itinniibited. N. R. A circular of prices w ill be sent on applica tion. April 1. 1SG3. 1 Wjomliiji' iKiii-iiiM'C 'nirai.v. WILKESBABRE, PA. :ilil:il ntul fnriliii, rtllM.ooo. DIRECTORS: (1. M. Hillenhnck, L. D. Shoemaker, John Rvii hnrd. D. . Drieslmch, R. C. Smith, ("has. Domince, Win. S. Row, (! . M. Harding. Saiiiuel Wndhains. R. D. Liicoo. Charles A. Miner. W. W. Ketehiim. 0. M. Iini.LENRACK. President. L. D. Slit IE.MAKER. Vico President. R. C.Pmitit. Secretary. W ti. Stkhuno, Treasurer. This Company Insures thrcc-fiMtrlli of the Cash valuation, takes no Premium Notes, make no Assess ments, Policy acknowledges all moneys paid during the term oi'yuur liu-urance. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May .1(1, 1P03. ly G-. "W. HAUPT, vllloiin-y niil 'iiiit'IIn- sit J.nw, Oflice on south side of Market street, font doors west of E. Y. Rright A Sou's Store, STJTNBTjn-X-, TPA.. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his eare. the collection oi" claims in Nortliumberbind and the adjoining counties. Sunbury, May 2.1, 1S03. ly " J"- 2-3. K23l7xi5E2i Oflice, cn south tide of Market Square, near the Court House, STJTTI3TTR PENN'A. V ill attend promptly to nil professional business entrusted to his care, tho collection of claims in Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Sunbury. M.iy 2d, lSOa. ly. A3STT Sc IdIETZ I-OWEB WHARF, SDXDUHY, PA. ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX WHITE ASH COAL, in every variety, Orders solicited and filled with promptness nnd despatch. Sunbury, May IB. ISM.ly jNortliern Central iJaihvay ! si .ti.Mi'iE xnn: x uii.i:. TAVO TRAINS DALY to and from the North and West Rrnneb Susquehanna, Lluiir.'-, aud nil of North ern New York. ON nnd after MONDAY, ATRIL 20th. 1803. the Pussengcr Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will arrive at und depart from Sunbury, Hnrrisburg and Rultiiuuru as follows, viz : SOUTHWARD. Muil Train leaves Suubury daily (except Sunday). . It) 10 A. M " leaves liarrisbnrg. 1 I i P. M. " t:rries at Rultiiuure, It iij - Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) 11 07 P. SI. " leaves llarrisburg (except mommy.) 2 uo A. 31. " arrives nt Rnltimoro daily (except Monday). 6 15 A. M. llarri-burg Acuminodutiou leaves Harris- bur-, . 0 30 A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Jii.liiuioro duily (ex cept Sunduy) 9 15 A. M. ' leaves Hnrrisburg 1 li P. M 11 at rives nt Sunbury, 4 1i.ri l Express Train leaves Rnltiiuorc daily 9 15 1. M " arrives at liuirisburg, 1 SaA M. " leaves Hnrrisburg (except Monday). 3 00 A.M. " arrives at Sunbury. b :w For furilier iuforuution atply nt tho Ottico. I. N. DiRARRV. Supt. Ik'IVumuuiiu A; ltlooiua,ltirg; Kail. . ruaid. and after November 17, 1S02. ra.icn"tr 11U.S n ill run u tollows : MUVIN'ti SOITH. Iun:),t iV y'i ., t.rr. Ill 16 A. M J1.J0 P. M. Leave HTnittn, K iiituii, I'uuviMo, oil A. M. 0-211 11 .10 1 2 0 j Arrive at urihumli i Hand, 13.46 P SI. M'lVINd Ni'KTIl Leave Ni.rtliiiiubcilaud, 6 20 P. M Danville, 6 00 0 6 S 46 Leave 10 00 P M. " liiipert, Kingston, Ariive at iN-ru'ifon. A Pll-'seliger 'i rnin A. M , ..r Sr:ii'ln 1 46 I .51. S 40 abo leases Kingstou nt 8 00 , ti eoiiiieet Willi a train 1. r New Vurk. Reluming, luuis S.TttiiUu ouujriiil of train 1 1 -in New VuiW. at 4 16 P. M. The LiicknMunna A lUis.iusburg Railroad eonnects a uli the ! Inwuiv, l.aekawaiina and W eslern Rnil road at Scrutitou, for New lork and luteriuedialu pcinl eio't. At Rupert It connect with the Caltawia Rail road I'Hr piduis U.ili east and wiMtariiki g at 1 Lil adi dpbia id 0 16 P. M At X. rlbuiidM-rUnd it roniin'ta wilb the Pliiladel- tun t fcna Kuilniad and Nurtheru lemriU Rail riuoi. fur p.iini i.t and south l'-.-nget arriting at llarrobur 4 ;o P ,M ; Philadelphia 10 P.M.; and llii'iiii...iu 10 M I'. M. The Freight and Paawngera Traia north. Iravra N'.iiUiuinlwlNiid at ft tj A At , and arritu at V,2U P M , pakii) Dullle at a 'in p M J 0. W Ki I . tKiitiiU lak.t Ajitui. Nu . W, I- J " A VALUAIJLi: TAIIM FOR GALE. rpilk un lersigiwd ufltra tvseil at iu It at sal, kts a taluald lulia sl.ual Iu Z.il, 1. I., Xllll. 1 wu.'.vriMKi vijhiiij, is., aixul on uill au.ut ..... ,.u we.t ..r it,. I ' "I livt.i..ii, auuuihiuj Ittu III Miht.ll At 'll..". una ur iii aU.ul sin aera ul mku-k ' i t l. u.d and iu a aw "f ulitatiua, and lb baUnc avll liu.Ujv4 ai'ti 111,41 abil .Htsa 'lit iioH'-ttMitibU av a Lug liutue, iMB a trftasr out. tVt.ll'11-.pj Itiut i.y. I'u uatleyUia liintili uf Hfcl ary May it, I x"! I .4rrJM KsttMt rrr wl'ltoila avirs, 4 I lii.Mi . Tl .IU Utiki a sa a aoivt lu aiis la a l d.,, aitw aa4wirsj an i u.ua 1 mil. . u4 inejiuias (uulo ul u.a-su. a iu. vl (t axtH d.u.s it at .14 ditl f W 4U.aa.iM U t I1U. I. 4 fciL . rvMMi lb as u ma U t ujt:,a ii t 4 tk.t tsttl u a il 4 ,lit e) u4 tat I St.. 1 im-m u4 I i.al ut I'. 4. I'I W b4i(l I, I 1 .-. .UM, llatMia'ju, H i ii. I . 1 DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREAT REM FEY For fifir'imntitm, f!ot, Xiurohjin, hunting Ft iff J'cek miff Joint, Ntritin. Hiiiim, Ciitunnt Wo'imi, I'iU, llttitlarhe, ami nil llhcxni'itir. nvd Hermit JUtonler, Fur nil nf which i? a rpcrdy nnd certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. ftephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bono setter, and has been used in the praclieo for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, il is unrivaled by nny preparation betoro the pulTlic, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single Irinl. This Liniment will cure rapidly nnd radically. Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of eases where it has been used .it has never been known to fuil. Fur Neuralgia. It will afford Immediate reliel in ovi rv ease, however distressinc. It will relieve the worst eases of Hendaehc in three minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothnche also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debilitv nnd Ueneral Lassitude, ail sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly Uon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivi lies the system, nnd restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, lis un external remedy, wo claim that it is the best known, nnd we challenge the world to droduce an ennui. Eerv victim of this distressing complaint should give it n trial, for it will not fail to afford iniiiiediiiie reliel, and in a majority ot cases will etiect a radical cure. (Juiiiey nnd Sore Throat arc sometimes extremely ntnlignnnt and dangerous, but a timely application id this Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst ciise may be comiueicd by this Liniment in two or three dnvs. llruises. Cuts, Wounds. Sores. Fleers, Rums nnd Scalds, yield readily to tlie wonderful healing pro pertios of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, tthen used necording to dirc lions. AIo, Chilblain Frost ed Feet, mil Insect Rites and Stinjs. DH STEPEIIEN SWEET the Oreat Natural Done Setter. f Connacticut DR. ETEriIEK PAVEF.T, is known all over the I'niled Stales. Connecticut DTI. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the nulhor of '-Dr. Sweet's Infallible. Liniment.' Dr.JSweet's Infallibte Linimont Cures Rlieuuiatism, and never fails. Dr. Swoet's Infallible Liniment I? a ccrtiiin remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infnlliblo Liniment Cures Ruins and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweot'a Infalliblo Liniment Is tho bust known remedy for Spruius and liru'ses. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, und seldom fails to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infnlliblo Linimont Cures Toothache iu miv minute. Dr. Swoct'a Infalliblo Linimont Cures Culs. and Wounds immediately and Iwtcs no scar. Dr. Sweet" Infnlliblo Liniment Is tlie best remedy for Sojcs in tyic known world. Dr Sweet's Infallial Liniment Has been in uo ly more thau a million people, nnd all praise it. Dr Sweet's Infnllible Liniment Taken Internally cure!. Colic und Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet's Infalliblo Liniment Is truly a "friend in need," and every family should have it band. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by nil Druggists. Price 26 and 60 cents. A FEIEND IN HEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALI.IRLE LINIMENT, a an external remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily tiinn any other prepa ration. For all Rheumatic mid Nervous J 'isorders it is truly infallible, luid as a curative for Soma, Wounds, Sprains. Rruisea. Ac , its soolbing. healing, aud iHiwcrful si lengthening pro)icrtie, exeito the just wouder and iiriouislimeiii of all who have ever given ila trial, titer onu thousand certificate of reuiHrkiible cures, performed by it within the last two years, attest the fact. . TO HOUSE 0WNEHS ! DH SWEET S INFALLIRLE LIXIMEXT FOR HORSES is unrivaled hy any. and iu all c'ases of Lnuieness. arising I roin sprains, lirulse or Wirench ing. i:s effect is ma.'icnl and eertuin. lis Acs or Swldle lialls. S'l iitebes. Mange. Ac, it will aUo cure speedily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily pre vented and cured in their incipient stages, but con firmed ease are hcvond the possibility uf a radical cure. No case of the kind, boweier. is so desierate or hopeless but il may he allot micd by this Lini ment, and its fnitbtni application ttll! alttaysreiuo'v tlie ldtuieties, and enable the Ihimi Iu travel with cumparatite ease. i: imr UnKKE OW.XEli should have this remedy at baud, for lis timely law at I he lirst appvaranee uf Lauiciitwi will rttoctually ret till llnam furuudaU duaoiMx, to whiuli all bor e era liable, and a liieh render so fcuaiiy other i valualiu hoisv nearly aodhleas. SB. SWEET'S Inalliblo Liniment I" TIIK ' V M SU JjAJAAiXi' rnicND, A ad tbuusaad bat out4 It IfH'Jr 1'ItlEND IN ZTZSKDI r.'tMlu4a Yai4 lu.i.aJuv., uWtt li t fui.ua atl 1 il... .a . ... If PV.HSflMl Wl4l.ll (MM 'SUiilril JlKla lulll I. Ill I..UIu.ll U Ua ltvu mmk lv4U, ...tut,, .WKbaMMtV HUAI U 'S !, IV4 wivi. .; S 4Lh cv U'Ui4K A al l 1 1 ,.u. i Hal DUMl, 1Mb- .14 r all 4Im tti tatwr, Mti 41. I j - If BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A HF.FUGE FROM QUACK ERY. THE ONLY FLACK WHERE A CVRE CAN HE OBTAINED. T-vn JOHNSTON has discovered the most Certain, I J Ppeedf and only F.tTecUtnl Remedy in the Worka for all Private Dlseatien, Weaknos nf the Back or Limbs. Stricture, A flections of the Kidney and lllnddcr. Involuntary Discharge. Impotency, Gene ral PehllitT. N ervontmnii. Dysnrpay. Languor, Low Spirits. Confusion nf Ideas. Talpllalion of th Heart. Tiinidilv.Tremblinn. Dimness of Siirht or Oiddincas, Itisease of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin, Afftsctton nf ih l.lrrr. Lnni-a. Stomach or Rowels tlioea Terri ble Disorders arising from the Solitary Iluhlt of Vonth tlnwo secret anil solitary rirnciice more mini In tbolr victims than tho son of Syrens to the Sin rincrs of l lyssc, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impossl ble. Espeelnlly. who havo become the victims of Pulilnry Vice, that dreadful and destruotivo haJblt whieli snnuullv sweeps to an untimely grave thonsands of Young Men nf the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranccu listen Ing Semites with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ccstnty tna living lyre, may can wnu iuu eon fidencc. .11 tititiAr.r. Manied Persons, or Young Men eontemplatlng marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, dclormities, in., speeiliiy curca. He who places himself under tlie enre of Dr. .T, mnv religiously confido in his honor ns a gentleman anil confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Immedlntelv Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders I.ifo miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgence. Young person's nre too apt to commit excesses from not Dcing aware of the dreadful conscqnonccs that may ensno Now, who that, understands the subject will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than hy the prudent ' Resides being deprived the pi ensures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body ana mind arise, lite system become Deranged, the Physical and Mcntnl Func tions Weakened, Loss of Procreative Power. Nervous Irritability, Dyspepssa. I'alpitntion ot the Heart Indigestion. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting nf the Trnme, Cough, Consumption, Jircay and licatli OIIUm-. Mo. 7 Hon Hi l'r-.l-rlU fx I ! Left hnnd sldj going from Rnltimoro street, a few doors from the corner. Fail nut to observe name and number. Letters must he pntd nnd eon tain a sUuwp. Tlie Doctor's Diplomas hang in hisoffice. -- ACI ItI2 WAnit.tvri.i IK TWO IAY!4. No Mtrerry or Naittroiti rrng. Ilt. .IUIS'I'4. . Slemlicr of tho Royal College ofSurgeoui. London llradiinte from one of the most rmineih Colleges in the I'nitcd Stntes, and the greater port of whoso lite has been spent in tlie hospitals of IiOiulon, Paris. Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of 1110 mikSt nSIOUIMIIIll CUIW Ull .CIC 47. 1-, P.IM.44I4, many troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being ularmcd at udden sounds, bashfulnrss, Willi frequent 1.1 11-tn n nttended sometimes with derangement of wind, were cured immediately. I'Alrli: lMimU'liAR SOTICi: Dr. J. addresses nil those who have Injured them selves bv improper Indulgence and solitury habits which ruin both body and mind, untitling them for either business, studv. society or mamngo. Tiikhk aro some of the siui and melancholy efTecfR produced bv early habits of youth, irix: Weakness of the Rack and Limbs. Pains iu the Head. Dimnees of .ight, Loss of Jliiscoinr Power, Palpitation of tho Heart. Dysjiepsy. Nervous Irritabiiitv. Derangement of the Digestive Functions, Ueneral Debility, Symp toms of Consumption. Ac. 51kktai.lv. The fnarful effects on the mind are much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory. Confusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, hvil-roreliodinps. Avcp sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity. Ao are some of the evils produced TiiorsASOB of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause ot their iloclining ticniin. losing oeir vigor., becoming weak, pnle. nervous and liaciated. having a singular appearance about tho ,cuugh and symptoms ot coneumpttuu. VOt."sl MV.M have ininrcd themselves hy a certain prnctlc .dulcedin when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tho effects of which are nightly folt. even when a-deep, and if not cured renders marriage Impossible and destroy both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a youug man. tlie hope of his country, the darling of his pareuts, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by tho consequence of devint'ng from tho path of nature and indulging in a certain secret hubit. Such persons MI ST, before contemplating .iiaicici ttiir.. rellect thnt a sound mind and holy nre the most necessary requisites to promotf connubial happiness. Indeed without lliese, 1110 journey iiirougn 111c nc eomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to tho view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with, the melniicholy reflec tion that tlie happiness of uuolucr becomes, lighted with our own. isisr.AS: or inrisi i:.ci:. When tho misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that ho has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed senso of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education nnd respectability, can alone befriend bun, delaying till tho constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such a ulcerated soro throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pnins in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes 011 the shin bones and arms, blotches on tho head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the piilute of the mouth or the hones of tho nose fall in, ami tne victim 01 tins awtui uiscase bceomcs a horrid object of commiseration, till death 1uts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending liui to "that Enuiscowcrcd Country from tt hcuco no traveller returns." , It is a mrlaHeholy fact thnt thousands fall victims lothis terrible disease, owing to t'.io uiiskillfulness of ignorant proteuders, who. by the use of that Drtullti f'uijton, iMrmtry, ruin tho constitution and uiako the residue uf life miserable H'l'ItAXl'.Kfai Trust not your live, or health, to tho care of the nany I'nlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute af knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertisements, or stylo theinselte. in the newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable ul Curing, they keep you trilling month after month taking their filthy aud poisoiius com pounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, awl lu despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diploma always bang in his office. His reinidiu or truateuient aro unkuown to all thers. prepared from a life spent in the great hoa pilids of Europe, the first in the country and a more extwnsive Vn rut J'rui lin than any other Physician in the world, niniiir.Mi'. r orTin: iiii:ss Th many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous Important Surgical tolerations performed by Dr. J1.htu.U1u. witnessed by lha reporter uf tha Sun," Clipper," and many other papers, notice of which hav appeared again and agaiu before th public, beside his standing as a gentleman of character and ruspouaibility, is a suthuicul guaraute to the afflicted. alal.A lr.Ar.a KalM'.i:ill.V 41 It i:i. Persons writing should b particular in directing their letters tohis Institution, in the following luanvr JOII 31. JOIINTO. .11. !., Ofths RallinioieU k Hospital, Ralliuiure, Md. February Jl. IM I y NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! HOOTS AND SII0I.S, AJ1R now manufactured lu order by th subscriber at CHEAPER RA I hS tkau at any olb.r tvh liabuirul iu Sunbury Th war tai is u.d Uku into r-ubsldefaliua. and all wnk will It douoal old prices. Hating Jua trerited as ulu new stuck of leather awl iluiuctMas, tW alleaM-t,a Itaaal Ntlll F lt'a, I JtUlaa SlMKsiaaM(l (jullrrta, 4 ttlldrraj's, Mbaes, Al'.,Al' bbb will b aiad In urdrr at shisrl nuiiea, la th baa wurbwaulik waaiuvf aud uf lb katai luaierial. frwIuifllUaiiklul fear lb Mlrusut, ssuadvd bu tufix b b'p auwialluu lb aatu. All also doaai .ak ttuta brai ami duraU. tw laaiwd call at bis ttitup ararty v.4it lb I taart iioaaa la Mwket Sxiiuh, btiubuiy V JOU.M WILVtB. rsWvy W. IMS - 4TMVill. il. uiin 1 OIIUM. WOOD M I-KHOT, 1134 ItUg A.a( PblUJpUa, Pa , OFFLH uf sals apa Ik vua4 fastaaUa Uraut, JtaW aa4 llasataJlltli l-4ai4 la glaatt IMtvty uC .44s bail.uaa bJ t aalt-4. ttai4saa', a , ul H i.as.l aui aaaat iu, a I ilajti.i4 tf aatd IHiasa lobtui !- V .44k. bl .ia tel., I UjU.r. 9 wt4Maiua, I J .him, Cuiuauai. Ilikbuig K'ajt, .. aMaasda, atvra. 1 aUu. I i.u4l. (Vaaat, I but aty. Auia-.uj a4 ail Mba la , tf I'tMax tbattWtaS 1'SU pvsa4a4 M tt. 'MtaaM s 4.ita M (., aid ..aav wi laa kia-4 4 aa4 J, ty THIS ALL SUFFICIENT Til REE. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES iCiiom a "IMmbdliVt" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. IlELMROLb S EXTRACT "Ht'CHlV " FARSAPAR1LLA " IMPROVED ROPE t"ASli. helMbold's GENUINE PREPARATIONS ' HKillLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT TJUC1IU, A Positive and Specific Remcily For Diseases of tho DLAPDER KIDNEYS. fiRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increase the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorlients Into hmlthy action, bv which the Watery or Cnlccrous depositions, and nil I'nniitiirnl Eiilarnemeiits arc reduced, as well as pain and Infliiination, nnd is good lor men, women, or Children. IIi:i..MItOI.a'N I'.XTIt ACT 111 4'IIIT FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from F:xeesse. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, Attended with tho following symtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Los of iKtwer, !. ot .Memory. Weak Nerve. Horror ul Disease, Dimness of t ision. Vniversnl Lassitude of the Mueciilar System, Hot Hands. Drvncva of the Skin. Difficulty of Breathing Trembling Wakefulness, Pain in the back. Flushing of the Roily Eruptions on tho Face, Pullid Couutcnanco, Thcso symtoms. if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMTOTENCY, FATl'lTY, EPILEPTIC FITP, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not ficiiucnUy followed by those direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCNSt'MrTiON, Many are nwnrc of the cause of their suffering, but none w ill confess. The records of the insane Asy lums and tho melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ninplo witness to the truth nf the nsscrtion. The Constitution, once Aff.ctcd with Orgimio Weakness. Requires tho nid of medicine to strengthen and in vigorate tho system, which 'llelinlsild's Extract Riiehu" invnri'ably does. A trial will convinco the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES. Old or young, single.Jiiyirricd, ur contemplating marriage. In ninny affections peculiar to Females thcExtrnct Ruehu is unequalled by nny other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity. Painl'iiliiess. or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations. I leerntod or Sehirrous stale of t lie I terns, l.cucorrhea. or Whites Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex. tt lietber arising from Indiscretion, Unions of Diit-ipatioii. or in tlio DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Seo symptoms ulmvo. NO FAMILY SHOI LD RE WITHOUT IT. Take no Ralsam, Mcreitrr. or Vnplcnsnnt Medicine fiir Unpleasant nnd Dnngerous Diseases. 1 1 1 : ..11 110 1 .1 s 1 t it a "i" 1114'U Cures SECRET DISEASES In all their stages ; nt little expense ; little or no clinngo iu diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and givea strength to rriiial,e. thereby removing olistructions. preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflammation, so frequent in this class of diseases and expelling Poisonous, Diseaised, and Worn-out .Matter. Thousands upon Thousands W 110 HAVE REEN THE VICTIMS OF (( A KS And who have paid Heavy Fees to be cured inn short time, have found they were deceived, and tliHt the Poison" has. by the use of Powerful As tringent," been dried up in the system, to break out iu tui aggravated form, and Pel haps ut ter Marriage. USE 11 1:1. yi itoi.iK'jai r.vi it.vrx its III For all Affections and Diseases of THE URINARY ORGANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, nnd uo matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require tho aid of a DllliKTU'. IIELMBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diuretic, And it is certaiu to have the desired effect iu all Discuses, fur which it is recommended. BLOOD I BLOOD I BLOOD! Ueliubold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Barsaparill Syphilis. This is an affection nf the Rlood, and attacks tho Sexual Organs, Liniugsol tho Nose, Ears, Throat. Windpipe, aud other Mucus Surfaces, making lis appearance in the form uf U.rs. Ueliubold's Ex tract Sarsapurilla jiurities Ihe jilood. and removes all Scaly Eruptions ot the Skin, git iug to tho Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. Il Iwiug prepared evpressly for this cluss of vomplaintv. its lflood-Pitri-fving Proprietors aro preserved tu a greater extent than any other preparation of Sursnpaiilla. Helmbold's Roso Wash, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic. Na ture, aud as an injection in Diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of disj,iiaticn. used in connection wilb the Extract Ruehu aud Sarsapurilla iu such discuses as rucnmuiendcd. Evidence of the tuoat rosponsildo aud rvliuble char acter will accumpany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fauie. For Mudioal Pruicrlivs of Ruehu, see Dispensatory the United State. Sea Profcsaiar Dcwee' valuable works on the Practice of Physio. See remarks made by Ihe lato celebrated Dr. Phvaiek. Philadelphia. r-ee remarks made by Dr. Fj.hraiin Mdaiwell, a celebrated Physician, and .MeiuWr uf Ihe Royal Collvg of Surgauiis. Ireland, and publiahed in tho Traiisactious ot tba King and Cjueeu's Journal. Se Medico-t'irurgieal Rvview, publiahed by Renjnuiiu Travers, Fellow of tlie Royal College of Sul geolts. See must of tha lata Standard Works on Modi elue. Extuact Hi 1 ur, (1 00 per bottle, or six, f S 00 S tnsAr-AKll l.A I IHI 44 110 NraokKii Rusk Wash. 60 " J Ml Or half adoieoof each for 111 tai. which will ba sullicieut to cur the luuat obstiuate ease, if direotioa are a.lhere.1 lu. DvlivrrMl lo any address, securely packed rum oi. rt rnu. ( v Duaxrlba yui4oats In all eommuuUaiioiis Cuiv guaiaulvad. Advlc gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Per. nally appeared bef' in an Aldcrmanef lb Ilyufpb1lad4.l1.hia.il. 1 Jlvluibuld, abo, being duly aauia, uib aay, bis xtialiuu euitlain uo naiuuiie, ass invsvuiy, iar ulittir u.Jtaiuu drugs, bat asa t'Ulvly tsgtitaul. II. T. IIEI.MROLD. fa.ara a. dtswribwl btfor St.. Ibis JJd day af Kutal-rr, lai4. ail 1'. Ill lilt AUD, Aldwtuaa, Kinlk-a4iiwt, abut Uativ, I'bila. Address Ultvr r li.tVuoaiu a la twaundritaa. II T latMBLD. IUU4. Pj44 104 Haxitb Taatb tr4, Uluts Cbastdiil I'bila. IftWARK 0 Col Sil tRFilla) As4 l'uilasi.lsi Daalas W' b) tdS4jf (a diaptsss ' tj Ikair " a4 'wtltbf' tMi4da . Ik H alU. SliaUuad b liU.ta44 UaUa l'tt.aaslt.aw, " i4Ut Itswaial, a. u Kuaaaitllt, laaplutad iUaa M ataii VabJ by ail ltrwggia Mt . Af Irtm Ilkl.MrMil 11 T4KK KonTIUM I til ot Ua 4Vi4Ml ataul. a4 aa4 l4 U, A a4 At4.u4 aaM.at4i S4.4 . a laaaia llslacv. a 1'iug a4 IbaiaiwaJ Waisbet, M, tit4r 4.aai twi talstaas; , i4 - ly 'I lit? Ailnm'ii I'jprem 'omiinny, CItK NOTICK thai they have eoncltided ar K tangements with the Northern Central Railroad Coiupsiiy to run train from Raltimore for York. Hnrrisburg, Dauphin. Halifax, Trevorton, Sunbury. Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Money, Wll llamsport, and all intcTmptllate station, connecting at Hnrrisburg with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the West. Also with Howard 4 Co. ' Express at Milton or Danville, Rlnomshnrff. Wilkesbarre. Pittston. Bcrnn- tnn, and intermediate stations on the Caltawlssn, Lackawanna A Rloomshnra Railroads. At Wil- linrasport, by Howard Co.'s Express to Jersey Minre and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard Co., nnd their connections, for Cnnton, Troy, Elmlra, iiocncstcr. miunln, Mngnrn. and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Specie. Rank Note. Jewelry, nnd Vnluablo Packages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes,, Drafts snd Rills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed, aim every cuorv win tie mane to rentier sntislHoiion JOHN P.INUIIAM. Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. II. A. FISCHER, Agent lor Sunbury. April5,jH2. III A Is V IIOI taiil" Comer of State ami Third Ulrrctt, , H.tiintsnrnn. Pa. nIIIS IIOt'SE, in eonscqnence of lis convenience jl ntiu near location to the Capitol, has made il desirable stopping place, not only for those hat ing business t tho seal of Government, but for others visiting iiarrisnurg. March 2"J, 1HV1. SPECIAL NOTICE. THE PROPRi ETTmsToF"TnK ii 1 It A It Is II 1; h 1:, PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully cnl! tho attention of Business Men and the travelling community, to the superior accommo dation and comfort in their establishment. , KANAGA, FOWLER 4 CO Angust 50, lPn.1. 3m jo T ERRIRLE DISCLOSURES SECRETS FOR THE MILLION ! A most valnnble nnd wonderful publication. work nf 400 pages, and colored engravings. DR HUNTER'S VADE M EC I'M, an original and popu Inr trcatiso on Man nnd Woman, their Physiology Functions, nnd Scxnul disorders of every kind, w ith Ncvcr-r ailing llcmedies for their speedy cure The prncticc of DR. HUNTER hashing been, am still is. unbounded, but ut Ihe earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he lias been induced to extend bis medical usefulness through the medium of his 'VADE MECUM."ltisa volume that should he in tlie hands of every family in the laud, as preventive of secret vires, or as a guide for the nllovinlion of one of the most awful and destructive scnurircs ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will he forwarded freo of postage to any part of tho I nited States lor M cents in v. n. stamps, or S conies for,? I. Address. mt paid, DR. HUNTER. No. . Division Street, New lork. June 6, 1HT:. ly. mvay .ii:itsi:v i.A.i! roit sai.i:, ALSO, OA15DEX OH FRUIT FARMS. Suitable for Grapes, Pcnches. Pears. Raspbcrri Strawberries, Rlaekberries, currants. Ac, of 1.21 b. It) or illl ncrcs each, nt tlie following prices for Hi present, viz.: 20 ncrcs for $2tM. 1( acres for fllfl ! acres for SfiO. 2 acres for ?!(), i acre for 520. Paviiblc bv one dollar a week. Also go.! Cranbrjrv lands, and village lots in ClIETWtitiD, 26 by lOtl feet, nl ?ul each, payable by one dollar a week. Jhu iiIhivc land nnd tarm are situated at Chettvood, Washington Township. Rurlinglon County. New Jersey. For further in formation, apply, with a P. O. Slump, for acirculur, R. FRANKLIN CLARK. No. nfi Cedar Street, New York, N. January 24. sii;( ly " WEAVER'S HOTEL, Corner Faw n nnd Market Streets. SI .Mil ItV, IA. riMIE undersigned respeclfullv iuforma the public J that ho has taken charge of the above named Hotel, and asks for the continuance offho former patronage and would invite all others to give him cull. HIS TARI.E is nlwavs supplied with the best the market afford His Rar contaiuv the choicest liquors, and his slal ling is goou ana well itttemieii iv cnrctiii usiiers. MICHAEL W1LYERT. Sunbury, May 30, M3. ICi-mlin' Ititilrotisl. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ri HEAT TRUNK LINE from Ihe North V' Xorth-Wesl for Philadelphia. New York. Read ing. l'oltsville. Lebanon. Alieutotvn. J-.aslon. Ac Trains leave Hnrrisburg for Philadelphia. New York. Rending. Pottsvillc. and all luteruiediato Stiilions. ut S A. M., and 2 ml P. M. New York Exprcsslcnves Hnrrisburg at 2 l.i A. M arriving nt New York nt 0 lo the snuiWuiorning, Fnres from liarrisbnrg : To New York J.i 15 ; t Philadelphia $3 oi uud i2 SO. Riiggagu checked through. Returning, leave New York nt fi A. M.. 12 Noon and 1 1' .tl. (ritlsbnrgh hxprcss). Leave I'hiladel pbia at 8 14 A M. and 3 .'to P M. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers bv the Cutlawissa Rail Road leave Ta inaqua at S Ml A. M., and 2 15 P. M.. for Philadel phia. New-York, and all Wnv Points. Trains leave Pollsville at li li A. M.. and 2,.'i0 P. M.. for Philadelphia. Hnrrisburg and New York. Anaecommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 11 00 A. M., und returns from Philadelphia nt 5 ml P.M. FtV'Alltho above trains ruu daily, Sundays ex ec pled. A Sunday train leaves Pollsville at T.."0 A.M., aud Philadelphia at I j P. M. Commutation. Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickets, ut reduced rales to and from all points. ti . A. MCtiLLS. May 2, 1S0.1. General Superintendent. au3. ai-i-iiii-ii'iiim isu:r. . urU l.lslOM. THE CAMDEN AND AMROY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINKS. Vrt S'hiluilrlphiri tu Nnr Yorl uttit HVy "ncc-a, from Walnut itml WhurJ and Kciiiiictmi Vrnot. vill trait an fulluvx, riz : faiik. At tt A. M , via Cnuulcn and Amboy, (C. and . A Accoiiitnodalion j 52 15 At ti A. M i tia Carnden and Jersey City, J., Acooinmndution, 2 25 At 1 A- M . via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail ) 3 00 AtlA M , via Camden aud Jersey city 2d fins Ticket "1 At II A. M. in Kensington and Jersey city, h.xpross 3 00 2 25 3 00 At 12 M. via Camden and Auibor, C and A ( Accommodation.! At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Express,) At S P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City. Wash, and N. Y. Express 3 00 At 111 P. M., via Keiuiugton and Jersey City, (Evening Mail,) 3 00 At III P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. 3 00 At II (night! via Kcnsiugton and Jersey city Soutnern Express 3 00 At b P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Acorn- niodiition, Freight and Puascnger, First Class Ticket. J 25 Second Class Ticket, 1 40 For Water Gap, Slrou.bl.urg, Peranton, Wilkes barre, Mohlruse, Great Rend, Ao., at A. M , from Kensington, via Dtlaaare, Lackaaauna and Western Railr.d. For Maueb Chunk. Allentown. RcthltJicm, Relvi dere. Easu.n, Lambertvillx, FleuiingloU, ate , at t A. M , from Keiuiugton Depul, and at 21 P. W , from Walnut street barf. (Ihe ft A. il Lin connoel with Trains Icat ing Eat. n fi Maueb Chunk, at -H-2i P. M ) For Mount Holly, at a A. M .land 4 1. M. Fur Ftctbold, at A. M and I P. M. WAV LINES. For Rrialul, Treuu u, ii., at II A. II. and !i and 4 H M Iroiu keuaingion, For Palmyra, Rltriu.o. Delaneo, Reverly, Rur tU.arlaaaa, Fl.ieuce, Rordeatmsu, , at 12, I, 1, 4 aud op M I f' For New York, and Way l.lnr leaving Ken singii Dep.4, lak th Car oa Fillk sir eel, ala.t Uainul, ball an buiir bc.r daqwirlura l b t an rua iuia th aiid ua lb arrival ol aaob Tram, lau fruui tba Deput lilly I'uaud uf Daggag ssdy, allowed eaeb paaaaott-r PaaMrugrr SVI piiaill.llcd riM lakll.g auythii.g as bagag but thair wealing apparel All btgg uttsr any poui.da tu b iid batsaira. 'Il.a t'uu.lwi lliult tbuir rv-uaib,illy U taaggag hi Oua liuJar p.' "Mjud, asd aill aul b liabl bar aay ftauaul butuaid 1 1 tai sieciai by aiil .Maiiaal. nil. 11 iiAUillU, Agtsal. Jaaatvy IT, l53. KM lil.i i: Attorney nt .i:il Law, A IIO I II, Bunbury, Tm 4. J.iHIMI KOi'kl FF1.I.FH a atU)U0.1f ItoibK, rwiiull an ka 4laf4 Ikaa tauuutl-oal.111 It itOabtt, iMUawllull sliMuaaM Um4 Uta MS Ik II4I ul Utait psvlai a, e. a ill 4t4.iu its aitusMt In all buaiaaM aaiHweiwd la lat- t4v (a, ba ! tttMualita) a( ituiibaaikMiiia-l, I atua, Sa. , 4f a.4 bi.4t.Waar, uus.4), IwttVluilf aa4 Mtaluiir tial aluu ,. a.ll ba sittj l lb t ul ll Wl lu-ta ntf ll.tlsia i.a4attulU4laaM M b b4 Ml Mat llLat' Ills b!U Lat a - Vta-44 ll f .ll M Mtel Haiti. ratal tM I Imw Economy isWealili! i!Ri; voi 11 4'oi;.ii I'oit i.t 1 c. ThaBEifaud CHEAPEST Household REMEDY, in uie norni. r Msdiimc ZAI4C OKTl:it,H f GREAT COUCH REMEDY Mapa wR ZADOC POR. TEH'S Cnrafive Ilalsam Is wnrrantnd if used t cording to the directions, to cure in all cases Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and all affection of the Throat and Lungs. Madame Zadoc Porter's Ralsam is prepared with all the requisite eare and skill, from a combination of the best remedies tho vegetable kingdom affords Its .cmedial qualities nrn based on its power to assist the henlthy and vigoriotis circulation i,f the blood, blood. Ihm' the Liitlgs. It Is not a violent remedy, but emolieiit wnriiiiug. searching and cfl.-otive can b taken by the old 1 ;X pers-in or youngest bib 'Jf Madsui Ztvl.'a: 1'ort-r RKlsain bus been in m I "5 the public tor over I v.-n Id. r s by and has acquired it' pre sent sain simply by being recommend, d ,r (,, wno nave used it to tlicir alllicl. d friends and oil, .-is Most InpnnrAiT. MalniZa.t.R. Porter s Cura live lialsam is sold at a price whieh bring, it j th,. reach ol every one to keep it convenient r use Thu V'n1c'7u"':f,i,,l5''-'i'liil prove lobe worth 100 times Its cost. NOTICE. Save ynnr Money '-Do nol be porsiin tied to purchase articles nt 4s lo !M which do not cn lain the virtues of a Rl cent Uoilloof Madame Ior I' l urnuvv Ralsam. the cost of muiiulnoturin which is as great a. that of almost nnv other mcdU cinj;,adthe very low price at which it is sold mkest.ie profit to tho seller apparently small and unprincipled dealers will somoiniw recommend other ledwinos on which their profits nre rg, r . less tho cu tomers insist upon having Madame Por ter s and none other. Ask lor Madame Porter s Cm rallve P.nlwni. price 1:1 cents, and iu birgc l,tles t 2o cents, and take no oilier. If you cannot get it at one store you can nt another. Sold by all Drugt,, .i Storekeepers nt '. ct-.. ...... .ii .uijjw u u......:.t el.. HALL A PtUCKEL. Proitri..i., January .11. Krt.'!.-ly v,ir. .lOll.li D.VK.'lil' ((., MAsrr.tcTt 111:11s of Sl'PER-CARR. OF SODA. Ac. And Sole Agents in the City of New York for CREAM OP TARTAR SUBSTITUTE Invented by Prof. Elien N. Horsfonl, of llnrvard' University, (illice, 11 tijd Slip. lI,,ovcr Squiire, (up stairs,) NEW YuRK. fPHE high price which Crenm of Tartur commnnded I in IS.il, Ingethcrwilh the idiirming extent ! which its dangerous adullcraliou hml been carried, with other cnnsidcralions. induced the distingni.-licl Chemist, whose name is given above, to eoininoiico what proved to be a long and laborious scientific re. search. In discover a ile.-irn'.lc suMitutc lin-rrlor. His efforts were crowned with iil.iin.l.iiil sinvcs. and hundreds of thousands of ,uiids of the Substitute have ben sold and usnd dining Ma- in.-t fit., vear tlrroiighoul the I nit.-d Stn'-s und the Cnmdus lhef.illowiiigtruecoiiipiirtoii .,f ;, uaturc nnd flic results of its use tviih tl f Cre.iiu of Tartar will cuivinc the most incredulous of its value Crcaui of Tnrtar is a bi-f-n tr.itc ,.' r.itii.-li. This Suhsliliite i a simple Phosphate, and nothing Lift what i, found in I.eef-M. ak. and in coin wheat and other cereals, and is therefore highly nutritious. It also bus n hciilfh-giviuo influence and supplies limt l',,r which there U a constimt .!.-' maud in the ysieni. t i It is sold f,.r a much less price than Cream of Tartar. Jiareh 21. 1Si;::.1v Iti-:iiHli-M, Hint 4ill. aVf. fltilL subscriber, havin1 opened in Tlioiiipson t X Rrick Riiilding. Mill street, Dant ille, i large anu eonii.ieie s!ik:k ot l'tiREIilN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising tho best brands of Rrandics. tiin. old Rye, Scotch ami Irish Wbiskev. l'ort. Slo rrv. .Ma deira. Champagne and other . ines. ol nil grades, all of which Kill be sold Wholovilo. ,i tl,,, biwct cily prices. Tavern-keepers, by buying ot us, can saec it least the freight. " Pcrsoiui desiioiis ofpiirch.i.ing liquors f..r F A M I L Y U S E . nay rely upon being furnished wi'h n puro nnd Jiiadulterated article. ( if-Ileing determined to establi-h 11 reputation f r selling ehrnp. be respi -ct fully soli. Us Hie pulrolliigc ot the public. All orders promptly atien'l. d 1. . . . JEREMIAH S. HALL. Danville. June 1(1. lsfitl. W ilKllinloil IIMII-. N'RTnU.MI:i:i:i.ANJi, PENNSYLVANIA, (.Y.,ir tl,f ;,,.-,.) flMll subscriber having leased fbis well known. I 'l.ivcrn Stan I. lately kiq.t bv Mrs. c. j. l:r,,Wn, re.-peeiially imbrms ihe public thnt he is relitting and re.aiiiiig llie premises, an I will be prepared to en tertain, in a cniiitortiihlc mnuner. his nunii r.n; friends throughout the county, and all who may patronize hi., estnliii.-hmeut. April 12. isiij. JO.-.EPH YANK IKK. HOU'.tItl .SSK 1 I4, PHILADELPHIA. For the Relief ..f the Sick nnd Distressed, nfflictcd with irulenl and Chronic Discuses, aud especially for the cure of 1 ieacs of I he Sexual 1 irgiuis MEDICAL ADVICE giveu giatis, by the acting Surgeon. " , V A I.UAR1.K RKI'ORTS n rtnaloiihoea or Semimil Weakness, and other Di-.-nses of the Sexual Organs, and mi the M KW RE.MEDI KS cin pb.ved iu the Dispensaiy. sent lo Ihe iitliicted in sealed letter envelope, tree ..f charge. Two or three Mumps lor postage will be acceptable Address. DR. J. SKII.LIN HMl'ti ilTON. A.tii. -Surgeon. II. . ward Association, No. 2 South Nintu Mrect, 1'hila.lclpliia. I'n. Inliiiniy :i. IS'iJt ly At':iII I!i-r loots !, OF WALL PAPER oF EVEIIY 1 . 1 :.-1 1 : RI.K STVI.ES AND PAITEIINS. JUST received direct from tlie Manufacturer, at the MAMMOTH STORE ..!' , , . FRILINU A ti R ANT. Sunbury. March 15 lSi'.J 11. 11. Assr.rt. t llrnty ill I.ji, SINRI liY. PA. It Collections attended to in the ....unties ..I N.i lliuinl.erlund. Union, Snyder, Aloniour, Columbia and Lycoming. lit: ft: 11 unci s. Hon. John M. Reed, Philudeli bin, A. II. Ouii. ll ,tr Co., Hon. Wm. A. Porter. Morion McMiehnel, 1 -q . E. Ketcham A Co., 2'J Pearl Street. Not Y..ik John . AshmcHd. A I lorn, v nt Law. Matthews . 1 Cox. Attorm s'at Law, ' Sunbury. March 2'.', 2 m:itit's 11011:1., llnrrihnr, ".. rpiIE management of this well-known Hotel bsv X iug lwn resumed Ly Messrs. t OVLE a IEI.R, the present proprietors, beg . vu lo intoriu !. public that Ihe huusu is now being thoroughly reiiotate.l. refiltv.1, aud improved, w ith a t i. w to the proper and eomfortable atHHiuiui.alalion of thoso who may fat or th establiabment with their euat.uu. Uu..is will racvlve du aiieulioo and courtesy, aud 110 expen will be spared Hint may euujuco to maintain hotel in a nrsl-clas style. Famiiies and olbera desirln to sojourn In Harris burg during Ihe auiiumr uioiulis. will Uud pleasant boarding and large and w rll-v. ulilatud ruoms at our establlahuitllt, UpuU Ulodclulu t.T'iui. SO 1 IT CHYLE, March J".,Ht12. . J till RKKi 1IKRII MAii:it'M i'tn:vi' 1 111; tl. 111: iiti:i:iitt Aa Iu.pr..t.i. for ' snd lv0, lly V. KEIV1IAM A CO.,;.- Vai, , New Y.uk VIE uiily l ie.ier eoi.aiiuciud on sei.otititi priii viplta wiih a r. t..l. ing can au l .pi log t.lsj. S4lafer I bv ul.u haalelia lite treettlig.. lh vltotlu- Ui ..iher rvwottw it a laM as ttoj.-n. lb uius4 is uid la tittsintj, a .lb in Utval qiiantil. til k-a. The U....I ecnoiuH ! Iiict, aa il U lha uioat aiu.pl al d.llitl.le IU aliuelulv. Fs? sale lu ail Ut i.auipl elites aud lowns iu lb lama Fa. k Frrrser actHrui.ai.M witb buuk of rcip.' ad Itali tiuuna.ua. ruiciji t-i in 4 l-l 4 mi no a iu I a, nails, toaila., quarto, a quails, 1 1 quaal, lU luaals, A I pit- tu II Vaavts lx.1 1 1 . II ihtll, lstjai.t.1. I'a .wulr .Miatrl Mill ir JU V, Mutwy I teuaut.(uala.j I IbFUatlaisj bU I.Uf l, aad Ik fctldk. la .,.. Ilaal b tUMla.'l tw kaaj Kt-as i- aJ... I aib I all tt 1 4. t, I tiulM a. ) .1 I'. I .l.ts at . a bt i.l nil I I' S-Mai-b U tail f I 4 r 4 V f