Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 31, 1863, Image 3

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    Cf)f Sunbury American.
ir. B. MAfiSM, Editor XVnp'rictor.
SATURDAY, OCT01M.ll 81, 1 s;l.
Ne. ,'17 Turk Row, New York, aud C State Street,
Unjton, are our amenta for tbe Kitmu rt AmtnirA
n those cities, and bit authorim-d to tnko Advert be
incuts and ripik'ti? fur us at our lowest rtitf.
Ci?" A Singers Sow ing Machine, hut
littlu used, prorcil find well ndnptcii for
tailoring, will lie suKl chenp. Iwitiire lit
(liis ullice. '
'I'lif ICiirollitii-iil ii usl tlic llt'Jill.
l'r.ovosT M.vhsiiai. (Ji-'.nkii.w.'h Ohick,
WasminoTox. I). C, M, 1H. IStiS.
Sin: I Iihvc the honor to rrjjort. for jour
infiirmtition, certain general tucts conm-cii'il
with the draft, us shown by reports made up
to thia time.
Of those drawn in the preflit draft, in
lUiUing the 50 per cent. iiJilitiomil, over SO
jut ecnt. have reported in accordance with
the orders of the board. Ol' the CO pel
rent, who have not reported. Mi.'inv fire not
wilful deserters, heinej tmnvuida'v nlisetit
tit sea and the like. 'J'he dierti rs arc being
Of all cxnmined about "0 per cent, have
been exempted on account of physical disa
bility about ISO Wer rent, have been exeiiint-
-il under the provisions of thesecond section
it the act, or tound not liable to military
duty on account of alienage, iitisuitalilcncss
of aje, non-residents, Ac. Those who are
nut liable to military ditty, and form iw part
f the national forces, mid therefore have
tioin erroneoiihly enrolled, appear in tile
general reports if the boards amonj; those
exempted, because their lion ability to serve
could not be established Until they came be
fore the boards. The number of exemptions
is thus made to appear much larger than it
really is.
About 40 per rent, of the men examined
have been held to service, and have either
ntered the army in petson. furnished sub-t-titutes,
or paid commutation.
About oue-lialf o!" those held to service
have paid commutation ; of the remainder
about one-third have gone in person, and
two-thirds have furnished riibstitutes. and
nil except a few in transit and a small pro
portion of deserters from nmon the earlier
Mibstitntes accepted, are in the ranks of their
n-oinieiits, in front of the enemy. It is fair
t. suppose that most of those who wilfully
I'.iil to report, and thus become deserters, are
physically tit for service; if they had been
examined the priiKrtion exempted for phy-t-ical
disability would have been reduced to
about'.'.) percent. The proportion of ex
emptions would be still further reduced by '
puro'ing the enrolment lists liefore dr:i!t of;
nil case of inai'ilest unfitness, and of aliens '
mid others not liable tour.litary duty, as may !
be done where this ys!rii of raising troop's
is well established. " j
The propositions nlslvr fiven are based '
upon the reports up to'lh'r. time from the!
wventy three Cotin-ssional districts where j
t lie draft has been rotnplrfctl, or has most '
nearly npproached completion. 1
Since the present rebellion 'icp.-ni about
JIHl.iiuti soldiers, after ciiterin;r ci vie', have !
been discharejed on surgeon's certificate of'
disability. It is probable that at least HI!- j
half of them were unlit for service w li'e'i
received. It may be safely said that forty i
iniliionsof money was uselessly expended!
in biini then'i into the field, to say
iiolhinir of their subseijitenl cxjiense W 'he
(overiiiueiit. j
In ii-eat Ilritain, under the system of
voluntary enlistment, the rejections nver.ior
over 2(1 pet cent. In France, from 18:11 to l
IMO, the averatre number of exemptions'
nnnually was 04.8UO ; so that, to secure the
I'lttiugelit ol "80.(IOO meii, l7-!y (liHei'pIs
were aununlly examined. , 1
if the rot-mils who presented thcmscUe?,
for enlistment in our regular army in lH.V-i.
7t) per cent, were rejected for jihysieal
iiiliniiities, exe'bisivc "of a'e or stiiture.
lletwecn 1st v and 1st July last, more
llianone half Were ft-i-ted. These were,
iii'-M who ilesiitd to lie tieeepted. These
proportions tire of ieteie in connection
with the fai l that less than "lie third ot the
drafted ineii who di siii: mlt l'i be aiecpted
have been exempted on account o! physical :
unlit ncss. " j
All the expenditures tip to till time on
.'it-count of this bureau. iiieluJiu the enrol
iniMit, draft, and pay of ollicers, and persons
oijiieeteil with it', are but Huh; over
Sl.ioli.MiH. These expenditures itu.-lu.Ie all
made mi account of the machinery which'
li is'.ice.l the arrest and return of twenty
thousand deserters.
The amount of money received from the I
I r:'.i up t-i this date is about tell timestis!
.tie it as all the expenses incurred on account '
"I the enrolment act ; those result in;; from
the New York riots are not, however, in-
iiiile-,1 in this statement, as thev are more ;
properly :it!iibutable to tidier ruua" and
::&s,:!rro ll,c mx '" -
I am, veiv icj)ecl fullv, votir obedient
Mlaiit, J.VMKSlS. FUV,
Provost .Marshal (ieiu-ral.
lion. II. M. Sr i.vr.ix, S.-t retarv of War.
ftornl Sffaivs.
- , .. , - . . ;
i t' lti:i.iiiiii s X'.ti. k - iiino serice will be
held ill tlio rre-l.yteriun Church, in this place, uppo"
file the depoi, on every Subbuth' morning at II
o'clock. Ilev. J 11. Vol Mi. t'uslur.
11' V.I I I TloV OF Hi I. I ll of nit liool, Imtnt
V iiii: Coin-a v V'e are rtsuest.-d to state that mi
rlc-ction iifoAic.-rr "f the IohhI Intent I-ire I'oiiipauy.
oi Iho ensuing y.-ur. will be held on next
4-lillillg All the ineliibers are rispieited lo ultend
I ir' C.ii ut. 'Hie fpe.'iitl court couiuiencod ii
r.'SAiou HI Ibis place mi Tuesday, but to-I lie imjiusof coin I h..u-e. ii si i, i r -. were iKcupicd by the I'ro.
v.k-l Miir-biill mid the Isiurd f riiiolluu ul. iu then
Hiliiliiitioli of Coii-ciiptj. us well . Ihe lll.-. lll. -I UI.
i f Ihe i "try. il u- .1. enied .l iaablr by Ihe Couil
mi I Hur to hold no special court, aud it was also dc-l.-rii.iind
lo p--.-Mi.ue the whole clul list ot the rg
ulnr ..veub.-i t.-riii. eotniiii-ucliig u .Monday lie-it.
to .lanital y t. -rui 'flu Court w ill com cue ou Mu
d iy iicvl. for tlic trial , f criiuiual caes only.
I'l i:i '. ii. or tiik ,S m ut Hi li es - The
IO.-I..I..T- of thi Coiiipuiv. coiiiiiiand-d by Captain
.-lcii. uiiiirl horn., from Ke) Vil Klwiida. ua
'I u--l i l-.s' 'I Ik. .. nicer aud uieu tMk well a,
I., any and i.ciiicd a u.u hear Iy wilcim lomi
tii, a Iii.ikU and iil iilvea. Auion Ihuu WMour
ai. l li... Ki.-. ill f..lie.'i..trol II l H "
Hoy tame I. ol...- tui furlough and nunibvr aU.ul
l.l'itii.ii 'I b.y bai c l-e, u alueul Am iNuyrais.
ui I Ion i i. i iilt-ii-. in ihr veii ran v-i . lha war.
is m Hi 4 !.- i.e r. . ltuiily i'l Ihal(a- Ik, ttbkb
a i I, line ai.. in, l. , lu.' 'Ida -folMlilurul Is
to, i ui l. kit' h. r w-.ll IncJ aud t i traced auldu-r,
in Hi. .-. 1 1 ii i-. at. 1 wt liii.1 uioal i-l lhi alii f.-ll.-w
in., t v tui It . ike Sui l uiv t'oaipaiiv Tba itWiu
i. l i i .iJ I' a i. I.iu : l utl I u ui. Maul W w
, i ..a I .iuii.,ut lauttl I'jan ; I'ldnlji
fVi akl C l" aoi
j .N .ai ii " t Karu Ik l Ike 4 la Muom
I ... ll a H, i, a. ill m.l rill ll.ild .smuiiuIi
I I . .. I.-. t. .,..14 li.i.ui iihiiNS jrwar lueui bale
i .M.ta I) , '..i aud In D4iit.i Imi lutaiiYsii
ii -tun V ) i i IiI'm! I I 10 el Ukliflil) i-U4Ui. t,-l-
i i it.-, i -i - tiie . i i-l. e llil it, i.i 1 1 ii
. . . i , i i ..i i- i b i.i .. i k i '-.'' .
rui'STirs r VolVSTEI'M. Ihe following olr
eular, relating to tlic pay nd bounty of men tulun
Iceriuc under tho late cull for three hundred thorn:,
lind mm, ha been Issued by I'rovuat Mnrehul Vin
eral Fry, mid trill be found Iut'-renting to all lo
ore able to preform military duty:
Uistricl Agents are to be appointed by Uio Provost
Marshal (leneriil to arrest deserter and procure
Twenty-five dollars premium will bo paid to tlio
agents for cacli acocptial recruit presented by thein,
who lias served in tin- army nt least uine tnonths, and
ben honorably " discharged for other cause llinn
1 illeen dollar premium will be paid lo all el her
accepted recruit.
The moneys received from driiftdd person a" an
rxcniption tioni m-rvice shall Constitute a substitute
fund fur the payment of premiums, and bounty to
The total amount of bounty lobe paid to each re
cruit i lour hundred Bud two dollars, of which ho
will receive -eventy-five dollars cash before leaving
the K'oeral rendeivous. The balance will be paid
to him by installment according to exiiliuj; rcgula
tionii. The monthly compensation of soldiers enlisted
under thin order will bo at the following rate.
If continued in the service three vcar. Veteran
Volunteers, twenty-four dollars other volunteers,
not veteran, twenty--one dollar and thirty cent.
If diiclicjp-d "t' the etnf of two years Veterans,
twenty-nine dollar? and seventy cents, other Volun
teers, twenty-five dollars atiU fifty cent.
If honorably minified uut in less tlitin two years,
the niouthly rHte of compensation will be Increased
a the terui of service is diminished
If the Government shall not require these troops,
for Hie full term of the three years, and they .shall ip1
honorably nui'tered out before the expiration ol their
tenn of enlistment, they shall receive the wholo
iiinonnt of bounty remaining unpaid the suine as if
the full tcr.n hub been served, l-egal heirs of re
cruits who die in the sendee, sliail be entitled to the
whole bounty remaining unpaid tit the time of the
polbicr's death.
Any person practising or attempting to practice
frutuls or iinositioii either on the Wovernincn: ot the
recruit shall be summarily deult w ith by n luilitury
Men enlisted under this order will be assigned to
old regiment.
0"CVit-. ''on lUi'Timm. Here is n remedy
raid lobe excellent for the cure ofdipthcriti: A mini I
cjuu'.itity 'of sheep's suet, sny a s-ooiiful, chopped
line. and boiled in agill of milk, imddriitik or retiring
tubed. OfcoHite The throat is lo be b'jnid with
I!oi xtii:. ion liivut us. An amended circular
bus been sent out from t'l-i l'rovosl Marshall lien
trul's office, by which it appears thai to every recruit
who is ii veteran volunteer, a bounty ami premium
amounting to $102 willliepnid. To all olherrccruiti.
not vetelnns. S.'lul' for the old organisation.
Tiie object it to eucoiiragu volunteering, u.s thu'-o
who are dratted receive only 5,10(1 bounty. Men eu
listed under this order will be permitted to select
their regiments, which, however, must be one of the
uld rotriiiicuts in the field.
I f-' tli:Ti.i:MK.'.s ami Jlovs' 11 T. All the
newest and be.-t styles for 1'all wcur. will bo found
at S. st's, two doors west of ri-eher's Irug
Store, at from fifty to sevi-iily-fne cents less tluiu
they cun be piircha.-e l at the stores, and a much bet
ter article.
J'or tlio Ainerictu.
I.eller IVoiii li- Aimy.
Caiu1 xi-: a ii ''.i:iti:x-i'oN, (let. 2'2.
We hiive had a series of small lights, prin
eipally cavalry, in all of which the enemy
has been worsted. The principal of these
lights took iilace near liiistoe Station, on
the ltilh in.-1.. In this li-dit our forces, the
Second Corps, General Warren cntiitnainliiiL'. :
repulsed the enemy, captured four hundred j
ami eighty-three prisoners and 5 pieces of j
artillery. (In the l'.ith our anny iiyain ad- I
Viinceil and is now massed in the vicinity of I
Wafvcntou and Cat let Station. The ainiv
of the Potomac is in good condition and the
men and officers have every confidence in
tlv.'ir leader. There are no liebels north of
the Happtihaunoc-k with the exception of
And W,v rtllow ine lo congratulate the
readers of your paper, upon the happy result
of your late election, ll you could but ima
gine with What four and tender anxieties,
the sons of Pennsylvania now in the iirtnv.
awaited the time' when the news should
reach tlcm. and the joy which lit up every
counleiuuice as llu-y leueived the glotious
tidings, of the great I'nion victory, in the
old Keystone State, you would feel the more
rejoiced at the success conseipieiit ujion the
aiduotis work which you so nobly perform
ed. Tears of joy trickeled dow'n inany a
soldiers' cheek, and dropped upon the very
aper giving the wch-ouie news of Curtin's
re-election. You that have friends. In others
or sons in the I'nion army, have shown your
sympathies for their sufferings, and your ap
preciation for their lovaltv and bravcrv, at
the balllot-box.
The iiebels have destroyed tiie Orange
and Alexandria Kail road from liappahaii
nock Station to Jhistoe Station, a distance
of twenty-live miles, but a large force is
already at work repairing it. It w ill again
Ik- in running order in a few days. Already
the curs run a, far as Catlett's Station. The
weather here is pleasant, and the roads are
in g""d order, our pickets now hold the line
of the lt'appsdianuock.
ours, PiiiuiAX
new advkhtiskmknts.
i:cnilins IVwiii I In- Itriil'l.
I'ltOVosT M.MtMIAI.'s (ll IH-K, H i ll DlsT., J
October 2:1. 1H0U.
tn iircoiilance with orders, I publish the
followini; list of persons evenipted from
draft by the Hoard of Kurollineiit. in Nor
thumberland county, in this District, to this
date, w ith the reasons of llicirexeiiiption :
iinitlt ttt't',
Jordan tp
Lew i- tp.
lliuncv Noriis.
Kru il-hi-r
Tillman Jiirr.-tl.
Henry i. Kline
Tobias llecker.l,
Martin 'I roiiiman
lo.l.trl S oil.
Vi i II i u i 1 1 .11 iv
.li.l.ll Wcl-h.
lolin Shurter.
1 1 n in knight
U. ll.i llllill Philips
W illiam li,i..d.
Jlauiel llri.-sbach,
John li. Crust,
Siiiioui Li nker. Low Muliaiioy t
ll.-uiy .Mmier, I p .Mahanov.'tii
John II. Malkk, -
iill.irl Henry, Norlh'd
J W. Sell.
I'ltniel Itn-ious. Washingion tp
W Ui II. Auiincruiun, I'oiut tp
liola-rt M unset,
W illiam X. Sees,
tieui-e Ilaki r,
Charles ll.uUcll,
.1. inn s F. Finney,
John L. StrelH-y, "
Jacob lfi it,
Amos A. liuch,
.loai'ph Seailiiss,
ticorc W. Ilower,
Jacob Li ist r,
J. X. lures,
liiiiU-u m-rr,
I'eli r K. Mttllict,
ls.ii.ih Lin h,
I...IHe W. llalllit,
John lliflfm.iii,
Fi iitiu unl Vin-r,
Jaini It. iiii.-r,
,l.ii. .Ii M Smith,
b... ph I. old.
Kiu.imu I J. . ituii r,
John poS,
I .mi' Kim l ii k, V iluii-r,
Joel It.iillitiloiHt-w,
J.'hu llotiti,
l- l.U llitlll I,
living V VI llltier,
A iriiii F. Ivobi II,
lb mi M ulir
I'.u.i. I II ili r,
l4 U I It llll'lla,
-1 . 4 ll ..ll, ,
II. ill . !! l 'i .
' ...I. I ... I. .,
J Ma ware tp.
I.t.w. Mrtli.iii.iy li.
J41 L . HI i.
.1. 1 I HI
Jordan it Low. ilulmnoy tp.
Alexander HinRainun, "
J'-lia.t liingnmau, "
Oeorgo Spots, "
Jacob Kabul, , "
Jacob Schroycr, "
JlcnrySpotsJ "
Jacob liiwh, . . " .
Simon Trotttmnn, " '
Klias Krosius, "
Jonas Trrfjo, "
Henry Knterlinc, "
Isaac Hordncr, , "
(.'liristinn Mesner, "
John Uadcl, "
Adam Uiiuncy, "
Israel Diiunev, "
Peter Itorrcll", "
Isaac S)otts, "
Samuel S. Knejle. "
Michael Fenstermaker, "
'J'ruman Zerbe, - "
Samuel Strohcekcr,
Joseph Haas,
illiam II. ltoentl,
Jackson tp.
tleorge l)epen,
Klias H. Peifcr,
John Michael,
lilias Thomas,
Klias Snyder,
William 11. Schuyler,
AVilliam Montague,
Lewis tp.
JJaniel Smith,
l.yinan I!. Turner, "
Siiinuel liieber, "
David M. Hays,
A. Henry Haitman, "
llinim Iteynolds, "
John Kobins, "
Kdward L. Hiues, "
H. ('. Shannon, "
lleiijiimin Stahlneckcr, "
Jacob Motjuav, "
Israel iJhitfclfcr, "
Solomon Yesley, "
Daniel Derr, " "
Little Mahanoy & AYii.shini;on jps,
Feidel K, lleitsnian, '
.'acob (.!. llotl'nian, "
A lum (.'. Kastader, "
.iVathan Kehres, "
l'.eniaiiiin llabock, "
John Fetter,
t'harlcs Kaliler,
Ilenly Niellorl;
Villi"in S. T.'.It,
John it. S'ivder,
1 .. U. Fox'.
I'p. Mahanoy tp.
t'oal tp.
Low. Augusta tp.
Delaware I p.
VNM I rAllI.l..NKss OF AdH.
Jordan and Low. Mahanoy tps
Josiah Scloicllcr;
Mosij". Ihlsh' "
SaiiU'c.'. Yerger; "
John Fctisel, "
Llias llm-t", ;
Isaac Luhr, v '
Augustus l'.easlcy. Lewis tp.
Little Malii'i'v and 'A'ashiugton.
r:. ii. Uai.ock. .,
Klias Shadel, I'p. Muhanoy tp.
Jacob I'atil,
FATlllllt OK MDTItlllil.I SS llll.lll:l-.X I SIMill
l'i vi.ahs or auk.
Jordan V Low. Malninoy tps.
tleorge 1. Leit.el,
Jacob Duttery "
Knoch Taylor, Jackson tp.
Little M.-ihanov and Washington Ins.
Ii. Keel.
OM.Y M-'i1ll!f UK Alil'.l)
.Ionian iind Low. Mahanoy tps.
Cornelius Lcshcr,
Henry Treoii, I'p. Mahanoy tp.
HAD rifltS-nTlTKS IN M:i;v II.K O.N MAUI II 3d
Jordan and Kow, Mahanoy tps.
!eor;e Nace, " '
David (leise, " '
John Haitp, Lewis tp.
Thomas Coal,
John C. Lewars,
Little Mahanov and Witshiii'rton tp.
I John Trestler. " '
j I'hilip A. Hcitz, " "
.' O.M.V IIUOTllKltOK A, tMil-ll I? YKAI1S
j M I'lMIIT.
j Henry Zerbe, Jacksnn tp.
! .VlX-ltl.MPKNTS
Klias Hetrich. I'p. Mahahoy tp.
Jordan and Low. Mahanoy tp.
Abraham Datiney.
j ON 'I'll K OUOC.M) OK r.l.KI TIHN.
Charles H. Derr. Lewis tp.
I Little .Mahanoy and Washington (ps.
i John S. lletricl:,
! who iiavi: nut m:t t.wti.p inten
William Davis, Co:d tp.
vkiik in Tin; hK.iiv let: on tiik !!it of maucii.
Isaac O. I!illinan. Little Maliiitioy tp.
JNo. KAY CI. KM I :. NT."
Clljttlin tUfl i'l'Vfvrf l.'sAil.
Sunbury. Oct. 2:t. 1SU:I
lllillllelhin V I '.i-ie iiili-wul.
; rpillSgi. nl line Inoers. s Ihe Northern an. I Noitli
; I wist counties of I'cuiisyhauiu tu the cily of Jlrie,
i on I. like l-.i ie.
It has been leased by Ihe l'con-v Ii iinia llailroml
I Company, mi. I under their iiu-pie. s is In ing rapidly
' opelnd throughout Its entile length.
! 1 1 is now in use for l'li.-v.-nger and l'rei-.rht Wi-inci-.
Ill-nil lliuri-liiirg to ICio ,ri u in (17.. mil,-,) .n, M.
! Ka-tein liivisii.ii. ami from Slit ttiekl to laic. t?S
miles,) on Uio Wcsicrn I'iii-iuii.
.-1. nr 7i..ti-,.-(.
.Mail Train. lu III A M
Kxpresa Tniin. II 07 I'M
1.1'li r H'l . ..'..;,
.Mail Train. 4 In I' M
K;t'-s 'Jraiii, 5 t;; y
Curs run tbroiigli without clnioge. both wavs. on
these trains between I'hila.l. Iplna and Lock IIumii.
and between ltultiiui.rc and bock lliiven.
blegiuil Sleeping t'ar ou Kvprcw 'I'rains
was hetwet-u VV il I in ins ,,i I ami l.aliiiuoiu, and
V illinui-p'? itnd I'hila.l.-lpliia
Kr iiiloriiiaiiou rcspi.-iing lla-seii'..a bii.liie.-i.
apply al Hie S V. Tor llth and Maikei Si.
And for freight Im -no. . .1 l li-1 ' ... i. v sAgeuis,
si II Kingston. 'Jr , Col l.llh ami Xlaikil St ,
.1 W 11. vnol l-. Trie
J M I'nil, .0- i.i C It I! . Ii..liii,,c
il il II.. i srov.
lieu I Krelghi Agl I'hilada
I.I a is I. II. i n.
lieu I Ti. k.-l Ag I , I'hilii.lii
.l. sii-ii . ports.
ion I .Maimpr, VV ll 1 1 ii in - j - 1 1
IVI M lnl.l.
j 11. ii 4 i4i:n,
I llai ln;f ieui.. isl Iu hi.- new Ware-II.ioiii.,
Ill t 1.1 11.1 tl.ik Mini 1. olik.
I 'I'Mkes (;r.-Ml pleasure ill callllli,' Hie alleuliou id Ihe ,
I public lo his New and Full ealc 1 m iaia I
j l.iiM;Wlaii I'lANn JiiKIIS.
I Cuulnii.1114 all ihe UMHji-in luipioieui.-iiu Om 1
' sluing IU.-. riei. I l.lali I .lioU ilalp IVliil and
lull iiou Flaw. Ilou,
j M'45U u ttt,
I Til tl'i.sEWiaili 1'IA.V'l.s,
tluisll ll.'lll
mil i su.
The leal titroeaa alliu lm M lu. k l X.
rnalu 1'iaie. lurle u. i.f Iim-II a tulli. ivnl ii.iaia.i
lea 1-4 their MlaliIIIV 111., ufaly Uit4 'l I Hi
I Ii. ad lo bli!M aitiii-r'al a.illrs
I 111 lilt (Mi I I W11 oi II s
1 1.4 Ihr 1'iua Mtdal rmtti I al Ibe lat
I Im. li. aa lu'lll.iU lall I ha bow ..N.i l-. a
I Mr l'u. k. 1 lib b Ion. I and p..auilul lllo.ll.
I I o.N s I,,, a 111 all . d ll. 1 .1 I I'm, in ,j and
j and likri al lb. Ia4 frau ba as. a ufl. ai
lla ..l.,ai.i low 4l.a laiti lioiw thai Iu a 1.'.
j 1 UoMI fUMIU IU'1IUIUUI MM.l aulfc. laUl M'-
iw Uad a 1.4.41 '-tf.ili.Ms uj liaso t.iu4i iu ai.v I hank
A II lliiaa tuUi itm t.U as a aallaulad iu l. Miadv wl
larll HH.ai4 UsaUllaia. aud I'jala4.' Mi hi bs I
.1 1 la
I l'i
, sii '
a til, v l-i l
l i-lloll,
I. liMsabi
fpilK undersigned informs her friends and the
I public, Unit she has Just returned from the city
w ith an entire new Block of
I'niiry 4iloolsi, TrlinminpLs., Ac,
which she lias opened al her new Htore in the room
ndjoininp the r.-sidenco of Mir. Packer, In Market
Square, fuubury, l'a. Her stock consists in part of
Ladies' Trimmings for bressos, I.aees,
1'atteina for fireesoa, Kuibroideries,
llundkerchiefs, Uloves,
Wlk and Cotton Thread, badiiM' (.loves
7ephyrs. Woolen mid Zephyr Saeiiuea aud IIoimIs.
Infiins Iireasea, lliittous, llinilingn. Ilibljona. Collars
and rileeviw. Ilenla' Necktit. Coiaela, Hair ilru.-hes,
Hair Oil. Ilalr Nets, Infant Ireweid, dewing Silk",
and numerous other nrticlet, all ol which w ill be sold
at the lowest rates..
MARY 1. I.AZAf.tK.
Sunbury, Oct. 17, IBM. Iy
Attho Lnrg.' Milliuory Ptetv of
.Ills JI. I4. 4aUjMtr-,
I'nwn Hrr1, twrilrtir pnntti of Phnnnk.n Vnllry A"
iNillrvilli' Kailroatl. Snnliury, Ph., i tm-UmI int Khmh Ii
I'm tic in ltuiimMji. lliblnnA, Silk. Vol vol. 1,ncr?,
rronchani Amrricmi Kloi vra and Ki'allnTf. iVo.
llnt and CnpN,
of Ihn Introt iyW nnj dctinii.
AViml.-n i'n. riiildran'n rnjw, JIomitv. i..vr
Mit-1, I'lnin and I'Hiiry I'oHm', Ihiiulkf n.liirl?,
CmnliKf 'lliiinlilpn,
nnd n1nrrp n.s-itrlinmt nf NOTf-'NS. In wlndi flio
invilfi ull tti vail and tvc bciure lurcluiiiiif; flsi?
ulwrc. 'J lmnkful for pnt pntrimnp. fh? Iinpcs l.y ki'
in tno bvt Hitrtiiinit nt remuimMe I'licr.- to
liniiL' tlit- ftHiiif.
iSunlnity, OctitluT IT, 1SG.'!. "n
b.iii:bcs iVfiiiirAi.tM
Aro now ofTi-ri'd nn ti rttmit hv wldrb thrv enn
litiuiiuR OOiiD AND Hl'llAnLli TlME-niiU:. tit
ii very Inw tiun.
thir Watchcri hi p Wiirrnntvd tt korp timoonc yriir,
mid the iluycr iMillitwrd tin; privilcgu ut' Kxiiiuiiia
tiuii Indore I'nyhirnt is n'tjuiird.
lniio rl Iup1x in It nl. v
Art ion-i.
A firt elM Hunting TiLiiP-Pipro ofilvpr mutoiinl
nviTwliit-'h ih I'lprtrn-fim1 plntcd 1 k. "old. tiiont
durul'lv Wit-u Hit, intikinc Oik itnitNtimi .u ranlili'M
Unit it cnniiut l'i di'lroti'd troin the .elid mntfiiid y
tin' inoM I'Xpi'rirni'fd jmlgp?1 ; acids will tint nfV,.'t it. i
liond'tti lnnili' moviMiu-nt. Iuiiiruvod lMiplcx in full
ruhy Hi tiun. Inif .-wrcp pi'ftmd. nnd tint to 1m '5
OPllVd in I'lirrnl iipprarancc. 'J'lii i dri:id-dl v rno
id tlio host Hi'ticli'i4 o or ntVorod fr triid-'rs h'nil oou
ItiloT'. KnjfiniTrs. oniiranM. and prrwnf truvolinjr,
will tind On-ill !iip.'rii.r tn nny nlliur ; iiltcnilion nt
olimato will nut nHoot ihoir aeenraoy. l'nee. pnok
od in ffund lilinpe mid inni running uidvr. only f-i.
urriiM- d'l l-ir .-'nii.
.n. i:n ihu i.u-; time m.Tio i.kvi;i;s.
l!rt fpinlity iilvor t'ao.-, nvor wliiidi oloiMmfinr
fun platfd IS k. Rild. similar tn our Iniprnviv) Jhi
'U'X, and MipiThtr adjutod innvrmont.' w ill "t"p.''
tu In uvo.l in timing Imro!. oto.; Knur IndoxtM
f.r Wa-iliintnn and Oroi'iiwk-li litm. iwofp cennd,
and nil tin itnprnvomont.--. All in all, taking it"
fuporn'r tiKtvomi-iit into ci'iiitdorutimi. we roanl it
aJ dooid kly tlio olioapot artiolc nt the kind in tlio
imtrkot. I'rloo, in guud running nrdor. '-j. ur c:um'
ul ti lr S'.HO.
'Wea.k nnjmy in advnnoo. but will forward
oithr nfthoin royjwiiililo partio?. to any part nf the
loyiil Stntos, n ith lill payalilu tn oxpioman wli-!i
tlio jhhIi art dolivorod. iriving tlio bnvi-r tho privi
loj;o tf oxn'oitit ''. ond. if lint ."atii-faotniy. tlio
ttHti-li oaii 1 10 rotnriiod at mir oxpoiii'o.
Tlio cxpro. oninpmdo Vt-fyft4 niakin onllootioiifi
on Mii-i'r and utlu r pai lio. in tlio loyal tat '.. ron
io(uently all ?u h id'Tf must ''O aoi-uinpanirtl ny
tin cnsli tn injure fltti itlinii. W't niko a di'duoti:i
) tnu tlullai.s mi t ilinT watch wh n tho payment i
tnrwardod in advaneo.
luliry ma' uo iont hv oxpro-- (.liivovpon-.
TI1S. i'AKl-'KUTi A o.,
l-.T niid 'J." iir jad J?t., oppositi; City l.hitik,
Oct. IT. I Mi.';. i?n i'mvidnn.. . it. 1
a 111!' fnhscrihor re poet fully in!i rniK hor triom
tind tho niil d ic. that tho titH jtit i.ptMtfd. Iwu
dunrn wr.-t 'f tho I'nut tnice. a S KW ST K U i'l
I'ANt'V iiunjis. lor ladios and i-mlo!iuii.!il
and ornauirntal. cnnsislins in part of
hm.ii's' Triimuiug'', iStationi-rv.
oph. lUaiik l.uoks.
Cotton and other Thread. Oiario.,
Jiindiiij;-, Monioraiiiluum hook-t
illhljoll. JoI, 'Joys. j
Travrlini: nt Ink.-. Slnto-,
l'uckrt UnoU, (Initio I'r 'liiliinn,
Uiid u viirlotv of other aitiolr-i. nil of whLhhur
(fi n sfltott.'tl with earn and will ho soM at rt asona- '
Mo priot.-. ANNA 1'AIN J I K. I
Sunl.uty. !t. t. lrt. isr.r,. y
AlTi: othr to Oonlrr.-. CoMohinaki -r and
Paintorf. at tho vorv h.wrt nott oa-h prifi -
tin- lift t'uarh and I'ahini't arnifhos ; l'lin- 'iiitti ;
Load; Tri'indi and Anui ioan Y.nv ; t'hrotuo ilrocni, i
mid Vrllitu-f. I'n.p and Ivory I'hti k-, and a tu;l a.-- j
-ni tniont of all tin liner llir mkIi a Vinnitlion-,
l.ukifi, Tuhr (Vlurn At., al-n. l'aint ami Varni-h
!iuln-s. ol tho hoit uiako. tilaicr's hhino.iid ni:d
Pi.inl : l'aint .Mill-; -in-lo and dniildo thiek 01-i-.-.
of all dM i ijilitiiH mid all Materials iimhI 1-y 11 ti.-n
and t'naih riiitoi whioh wo can 11 ilo:tp. if
not cheaper, tlian any ollit r hoiii-o. fimn tlio tact
that wo keep ihmn our I'Apouos 1 v c-Jlidui.tin our
hii'inef per.-tuially.
Mr. 1! f. one nf tho firm for tunny yoai - manu
fro turtd the arni-liv-. K.ld I y the late V. hra- k
Wo tVel oonti li'iit that our Varni.-ho.-, are o-puil. if
not In any manufaetund in thi! Couniry.
Wo warrant them to entiru )iti-f:u tinn. and if
not as repre-ieiittd. Ihe uion'ty Hill he refuiidtd Oiio
u- a oall helitio purchasing el.-tu In io. A liberal
discount made In the trade.
ri.LTi'N A 11 A r.
Ntw. Kid A t;s Xoi th Vom th Street, coin r Cherry,
Oct. Ut. (nil
.11:irK'l Mrs-s-l. n-arlv i(s.ili
ICail liontl II-mii,
IXKlHiMS li e eitiyens ..f Siiiilmrv n ml i.-inity.
that he bus just returned Iroiu riiilielcl.iiu u ith u
full u-ssortn.ei.t ot
I'll. I. ai iiMi:it 4:000s,
hi-' i;vi;kv hkm-iui'I lux am yt ai.u v.
His stuck cn-ists of Cli.ths. I'ren.-h Cloths. iH.-k
line .--1, ill Hlld 1'iiln-y Ciissiiiici es. IIIhi k Sill ill. V'l II I I'd
SilUs. I'liiin uud fancy Ci.s. inuri N'MS'I I t.s. Hlii.-h
In. will uiukc 11 1' to .-I'll 1 in styles to suit the la-tc nf
customers, on short iinticc. and the la.-.t l'cus.'tiuiilc
Any l. M.ds nut ..n hau l, will bt! tiiriiistu-.i fioin
l'hilii.l.-libiii. l.y jsiiiui tn.. days' notice.
II.mmU furnished l.y ciistoinus will he iiiudc ir i ..
l.rder lis he-ctotole.
As he will eui.y none but e.erii neei Morkiu. n,
j.ersoiir nitty iciy on cltiu iht ii work ncll limiL' nt
his ..boll.
'i'liniik fill for Hie ii.'itii.iuii;o l.csloacd.
he r.eelfiillv soli. ii a i i.iiliiiuaiici'i.l the .nine
,-ui.l uiy, ,e,t. I'J 1st;:!
V.W 4 I.OI MI-4.' .V I I IIMSSI.
iyu hi:.
'MIIK .lib-crib, r r. -j . . tfully infoiuis the j .,- ,,f
I .siiiiI.iii v m il Ni.-iiiitv. thill he hits 011 lied mi . u.
tire new siik-k 01 elolliini; ninl -iirin-tini
bl liau store III Ibe bull. Iiiil- ,,f Charles l b s-.inl-.
I sp, ill Mm ki t ispiiirc. i clock consist. 111 pm t
iitr.s i.4inii(..
Sn.-li as C.oits. Hier C.'iii.s. panis. vests, sbiit-.
nml. 1 ..hiits. domeis. ,.h kloi;-. im-kties'i -eblrl-,
(jloi.-. A.-. .l-o, ll.ili aud dp. ot all
IIOU I (Ml 9IM:.
of nil kinds. HU NKS and Yulies.
ale I liollol.. of all kind-, besides' .i I,, r ui -lnli,
ihe aio inpuetiid li. gitv him a cull
and etHiiitue his ati-ck
Siinburv. n.1 . Ill, sii;i
"F Tin; I..UI-T nirnovi mi:m mm.
f .W V. t
.1. Ilulirluiik A la,'.
liel Ilia Heal Ii el lbs I ' . iil l., ,,i (.. ,,
le.ioi. al alii. Ii .'in b. h .1 ai lb. It, I, ..... I,
Hat 1U lala ul of Ilia Ii... I a i
H'Hl.s Hi.ll u I ...ilii. I .. 1.4 ll,ka and ,-l.. p
M..,.i a l.l. Ii mil I e ,l I ai ll... I..a. I iai. . Al-
k' lib ol all lUaa. I Mi f-kitu la 4a
I lii ala al".,ul. lot ,i, V. liiun k I'b.u li
t asima . ai;li.- all
dona lu a 4 h
ik"i il le.iu a
leal lu.ll -
kli.d. ' t .fllrillllilal lit. -la -I.I
a .ikion.liLa u.aiii.ii an I al In.
Ml ll. In 'l.l I t. ,,. li,
lull) a-J I , u.l.l I, an. ,. I,.
. i. i. .pi, i
I Si "Ii In. III. ll Ull I "
I'yi'lllii. ...i.u ki..l- . I 'iwia. Isktit
I . u. I , a. .k
I a. -I i I I i . I k la . I
or feu rot. sai.i:
ft full tine of
d n y o -o :o z
Dlil'.SS tinoDS OK KYKKV
cui:.p .si jr..ysMh
Trunks, Valises ami Carpet r.a'S. AM) ;nnvi:iurs.
!itttr ninl EirthrnKrr.
Wnnil unit AVillnw Wan-.
I'. tr I i-i in hint Stri-!,
N'nils nml Spikes
lnij;s, I'ainls iiml liii.-1,
WilnlnW S:isll unit t il illil itnlli-i,
J'irk.-t unit Miisim Ilimuiiri i,
C'l'tuso tuiil Fine Suit,
Fi-!i, Meat, C lii-isr,
Ac., iVi'., Arc,
All Kitiils ot (IikkIs,
L'liua;) l'nr ta.-li
('mint iy I'loiliu-i'.
ian In- t.itiiiil at tint
iuught- m.
N. I!. All t;.-n ls vvtn-a'-.lL'.l
As i 'K-si lltril.
sMAi.i. l'K'irns and i lctvi sai.i:s
Siiuli'.icy, ' t , Kitli,
htTIKM.'K'S J'L I.MnMC' SVliLl"
M ill I'll...
ScliencK's Pulmonic Syrup
Will ('in,
Schnnck's Pulmonic Syru'i
Will cur.'
( ONM .Ml'l KlX.
Schcnck's Pulmonic Syrup
Will Cm,.
Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup
ill Cun;
( N"sl .Ml'l loX.
Schcnck's Sea Weed Touic
Will Cm-,-DYM'KI'.SIA.
Schcnck's Sea Weed Tonic
Will Cui,.
iichcnvk'a Hea Wc-oil Toiuo
Will ( tin-
bi.hciick'H Hun Weed Tonu
Will Curt
l)YS't;i'SIA. Hclicnrk'H Manrlruko l'UU
Will Cun
I.IVr.Il ( o.MFt.AIXTS.
Cuhcuek'w Mimlruko l'lll.i
Will I'll l'i!
l.IVKU CuMl'j.AINT.s.
Bclicnck's i'llls
ill Cure
Kchcnok'a Miiiulrukd VlU
Will ( mi
! Id! .1 II SCilFNK has a Far-;.- Suit l K ,
I nl ,. ii.' l:..i.d Slr. i I. m alien- I m !
loiiii,! 1 1 1 1 v I ui'.-il..v. tioni Hi. u . in I ui ,, riiu --ireel, l'UllaiJ.:lplila, l'a., i l.rvS.ilbl
I lie k.-ep. a Isr.-c supply o In. I i.ilies ..I ,i,
Willi ll can be I. ml at all limes I h..c to. islillo' m,,
ol nil i liilntliiiti.. u ol ll.f I. u;s;- u 'H do Hell lo i .ill
. oil ll 11 11 lis ah.. I e He lu.k. , l,iiis;e for a.lllet,
I but lor ii ihoioiisrh e-aiiiiiuitioii ibe It. -p,i,.iu, .
1 t. r hi. pi iee ? I
' .Many . i -.1.. ai,. afi.ud ., hale lb. ir Inn,-- -.
niiilindll I it S. I k lor lour Ilo.l lb, v Hill lu-
I...II..I il. . .liable, and by Hotl mi an- il I- ul oil ni.lil
II IS Ion Inle. II .M Inn. h b. IU, II u,.,.d I., to kl.o.1
lb. il i'"i..iloi al t.n.- a- 1. 1 al uu b.iu c ,. ai ui. n.-e. I
, l'i si liu null, i.i, l uuielh ales In li,u my ',
: Ibal he cured a l.aueisl alas;.-- . I C. i..iiiu..,i ;
I ii N lienk l'i uu ipal Hlh. i-is .i ;'.i .,ill, s.uli
.I... I. I'lnbol, Iplua. l'a . ttkilc I. 11. 1. r a 111. u
belli I lllHUli be d r.s-ll.l . I
I'. I- e ol Ibe I'nliiioi.i.- S.llut. and . a V. . . d 'Ionic i
b S . I l-.lll. I ll.o d i. U .Man uaka
I'llls, . i Ota p i la.
, FortalebyallOruiitiand Storekeeper.
J O, I. .In In ini.i - .;,.(
4l 14 I!.
N o I ll I. i. h. it by jjii. ll, Ibal ib a i b.a , I I
ol 11,11. I. 'I. .... .I Ul.,'1 tli 1, , ,M
ia loa.U it. I Hoi .1. I.i l,r in
II, t -!l t,al l" rl) ..r l,., I .1, hu i n. , , n 4
A I ot As., I'.'l . ill ninl.. u,a It- ..I. I p, , ..I, tf
ai, I il .. . . . Kill he piawiul.d In -ii sa.. t al ,
si,,u.i..l ,aiwll"Oil
lolll Is till I II..
Uad.inl.a lap H.l I ai,l H
l'a... 1 I . lu. pn u. is. i. II, a .ul I.. 1 (a, e)K-
I .-(: uiU-i l.l - wk l...a u I 1 1.. , .,. ,.1
t 1. ... I h. .nun 1, ,,'i, I 1 . .11 . , ,
iai I.i, .1 .
ft'PT received from New York and Miilndulihiii.
a fresh snnply of the latest ulyle" and of the h. sl
iiuality, which lie hns had up In order, and
warranted lo give Rood satisfaction, lie has mnile
nrrimRcuionls iu Ihe city to have his best work made
to order, which can be had at all limes, If not on
hand they will be procured at rens,iable notice.
Manufiwturinj; of IXJUT.S aud UUJ-ri of all Kinds
as usual.
I mill also wholesale Toots, and Shoes by the box.
Cull and examine before jmrclmsing elsewhere
and satisfy yourselves.
Thankful for iiatronagn heretofore bestowed, hi?
respectfully solicits a continuance of the iaaie.
Khop ami Store room, three doon wc.-t of Ihe I'.nil
Iload in Market Snuare.
1 1VM. 11. MII.J.I.ll.
Sunbury, Pei.t. 13, tSC3.
fANTKtl immediately, a .lour Miocunikcr, on
Mens' (looU wafapnm.
.1 m;s 11 Aitiii-ic's
V 11,11.1 S.M.t: AMI I F.TA1L
f. E. Comer Second and Cbcsnut St . riiiladelphia
4 tilA'CV f ,r the PATtNTKyVAI.I.lXrt T1IIK
i 'J Y llAY CLOCKS, a very desirable aiti -le f.-r
Chiirihcs, Jlotelv, Uauks, Cuunting House.', l'ui l'jr-,
Also. Miiniiriidun r i-rl'INK COI.ll rKN?.
Clncl;.-' repniri d and winrnnted
t'lo. k l'i iiiiinin-'s ol every di s.-i-iptlon
riiihiilcif.biii, Jiinuury IV. J '.. 1 ,"y
V'J' W li moiiI.I Io
oiT .ink ? Jr vol n.wi: A, 'jiiauk iiavi: a
tl.mli (Ik '. Ilierccun be no better than tho nianii
1 1. lure of SoiijiS. Wo linve siu-eees'ed in reducing
the science of Soup" iimkini; I" a me. hanii nl certain
ty ; so Ilia' any i.iu' unskilled in tho tMisiiicss call
Willi. ntr Formula, prosecute the innuurait'ire rue
eissfully. nr formula t'onliiijir direction' l-r i"-')
din-in seven kinds of Soup,
V As a'i'nide a Iluaiiiesn Ihei-c is ll" bi tier.
sj As connected with a couniry sl,.rr. it luie in
ci cases the profits. The product n sure'i no rem
niiiils very lillle rontn required siiiall onllny for
livlun no oircnsiic odor omitted iu tlio procesj of
uiiiniifai'liiro.'Kvi'ry family should ro.-.-rs3 tlio I'oi niulii, ns
the Soup luoilucid by it wu-hes equally well ill hard
as in soft water.
ti-:i:m run tiik 1'oi;mli.a.
For Fiimily ii'o, f ''11'1
f'orSloro use. iJ.,uil
Exclusive iniiniifiirturin riylit in n town cf
III. mill mpiiliiiioii. or I..-.-. ;ii.iii
tin. over lii.oiui and lev ihim "" noil 7o.nn
En. over 2.'i. ) and less than T.i.n'Mi. i'H.".i
A City of over TJ.MW specinl tevius will be agreed
l'H.n rccci.t of the money wo shall send the For
mula, contain.!; full and complete directions, which
arc prepared expressly f..r those unueiiuuiiitcd w ith
the process: of Soap-imikin;;
fi' Jnquirie will bocheerfnily nn.-wcrid provi
ded a stamp is i-iwtiusod for rcliiin include.
Uroudivny, Xcw-Yeik.
Sept. 12. Hi!.". mr
tTi i: T'. i;is r. nti ij.a . ( t.i a k a n i
i i it i:ii4icii M.
XT O-il Ciii.sstt Siim-.kt. (Formerly No. 7.'" ;
.1 V. l'liOCTOlt A CO., invito the iiticnunii of
their Friends to their lnr an.! Superb St k k of
Fine CLOAKS and Fl 1H.
j Miiieira'.letiil ill any former season
t '1'Iie ini-i en-ed a.-coiiitiiinlation lltf.rle.l in nert
j J'K-ali eil.lvs ii- to devote the lulkv-t nf.' ntioii
i lo our
j I'Vic lo:ii-in-iil
which w ill be found w.-il ftivni-'i. .1 with every .le
' sci iiitii.n of I'ir-t ("In..-1-1 KS. uhuli will lie iiaraii
' teed as represented, ur tho nj.nicy paid ,i ill Ijc it
: tin,. I. "I
o; I iK.US per mail will be carefully intend. -d In.
I ami delivered. E.vprcSu charges paid, and tli-.I.iiice
! iiui.Ic of 100 miles.
I J. W rifH'Tolt A CO.
I X... OL'il f'licsnut Street, l'liila lelplii.i.
Sept. I nt:;. Iy
Are Oin-niiisi
F A I. I, F A ! L T K A 1) II,
Fuiu li MF.lUXlU S,
C.oiel I'.t.ACK S1I.KS,
Dail; Fiini'il SlI.Kx,
Xcw I'l, All) .-II. KS.
New Fancy FI.ANNKI.S.
JJAI.MOltAl. l'j:TTU i)ATS,
Kial, While una I3iuu FLANNFI.S, etc
Sepl ,rl. Isli.'.. .'illl
.11. 4'. 4.i:.tltll AIM"
Confectionery, Toy and
lliii-Ui'l Str'-I, Suiitiiiry, Isi.
1-TlL'IT, ice, Ac,
I'X.xTAXTl.Y on hand mid for sale at the nbo c
I esiabli-liuiciit at wholesale awl retail, at iea.-'n.
j able prices.
I lie is iiianiifa.-tin all kind.- of Confei-iii.i.ari.-s
I to kci i up a full assortment which 111c sold at Ion
j Tobacco. Si zars. Slntioncry. Nuts of ull kinds, and
11 1 iiiicly of nrticl.s, all nf whtch in c ollei-. d
j M In ,1. -nl .- 1111. 1 ii titil.
1 lleineinbci-the 11 Hue ua 1 !.icc.
! .M. c. i:i:ai;iiakt.
I Maikct urcct. o doorj wc.-l V. . Jlril.t Sou's
I store.
.in' my. . I. iu-j. U
OHMIM-M' Al. Ii:0 M4ltli!.
lliiii llldge Avenue, l'liil.idclpliia. l'a ,
"Vl'FFK .r sale u'ii the uio.-t fu orablu term.
r xc
cw and l..-lllllt'lll ll.siilt IU arietv ot
. ... .- j 1 s. . . . ..
lloll It.lilill
lor 1 cuivui ''s. J.isl.t.-n.-t s. . c . H
U r..ui;'iil iiiid ca:t Ir .n.iiiid tin! and
I'.l.l-s Tubiev : lion Verandahs. I laleoiiie. Minis.
C"-Uiitei. Fottiuaili'. tinles. Cohiiun.. 11. 11 him; I'....-,
l,-....nS 1s Vs, .. 'I ul.k-s. 1 l.m.-i- Slainl. Soln..
. Chairs. Mutuary. Aniina!.-. 1,11 I all clbcr lion V..l.s
! . .' .. I,.. . .'. .1 li...I..,.s I...... ....I... I t..r
"-!ei-ti..l Ftl-H.lls lippiiui I t i..u:e, will plcaso
1 itale the kind . I aoik lic.'dcl
j Sipt Fl. I -l'i - .'nnj!
. a. .
liil-i-iiiilioii:tl llit.-l.
"" ll oi.n'i", l'n. i.:ni,iu '.'.
j M.W II!K.
r i in i s in si i in
lions,.- Hie liii
bell. el. 1,1
1 iilid pleasant Hotel ill 111. cilv-.-ti. i, -npl:
O.l , loll 11.11,1, V,. U I. , 1.1,
r .,,. ,, j. ,.,.,.,luI uxu t.K.,,.,. , .1 k, , , ,h,
i .. i , ,. ..... , v , , s :,, , . U1,i. - .
fMl., ii beie I . ti i d.iiii'l.l.- .an t.c bad allbius
or S--I l . d oi.ll l.'.uis T!,i) .l.nij.r a mo
.1. l..lo. Ihe l.s lii. "Il l ulleli lUu. e ot ihe I.i -i old. I -l.'itti.
and all Ihe Uiodelll ,ol.l i lu. nci a UOaci.-l
f. pi l l Is., t
1 all li lii'.i-r unit .l-t -li-r,
a A V l I Vi ll H' It i'l' WAHV; , liup'il.r ,f M tli HI -Nu.
Ii Nut III -lAoud M i nor I'lmn j . I'i;il.
I'l i.llij
. I ' .- , fit, (11 liNIl nil H Ull I, I . f I i
4 'ihi'i I' ti . I I.i v 1 1 l.t t iii tm I I'l. i ii
Vi Itl.'lun , I.I,,. ,. , I 1,1,11,. ;i',- Kloi k 111 hi
I'lin. I1 mi lidi'v u.' I i. it i Mn. i. itiiv
W .Ulll.'ll- I.- la. I'llicl- 11.. I. I- -
1 , MIim Ut.l' ii, Im bjll ui. . Mui .1
"I ,ii Hi ll Mll t tti N i km Kui I iti(
4 (Uil r knu-, I t r. i.ii lii nu n l I't.iii
t I r. . t n- all ol t In. h a ill l i s-.t l b I I i I. '
l I I'llll l -i X I o .a l,l ,,,..,', I.,il j . ' I
, i i I'll. t.l .M' .lili. a. ii f ou l.aiel . a
'ol .ll. .'! -.1 .11 1 I ' .,.to
i ll i i I I. .11 uk.l ail. u boa. bi . i ii ti
e. Ii I s , , w
IIiimU ul urliumli I.iiiiI.
i,.l..n u bi.i-.H' I I . I I ll.e.i
, I,., Sll I. I.ll .1 It., k. . i I. .... . M l. I.i
i. I '.11. ...... N ..... , ... .1 I. 1 , ., I;.. I, ,
wl I', u . 1 . L V M al. I ... I I, I'
ll 1 ' I m 1 , I n j in. . i, 1. 1 :.
a .1. 1 . I I I ! li.- I. . w 1 1, . li. , , 1 ...
.1 11 I..
rVE Rl-V. JAMl-SUlCh.-ON. wilirc-opm I.i
I Academy ull Monday, thu I7lh day el Au;;u l.
The followinij branches will be lanli :
l.lltill, Cre.k, Miilbi-m.-itic'. Vbilricpb.'-. K-ln lorn-.
Louie. Hof.k Keepine. Vo id .Mo.-ic hi lln-iy nod
pllictice. Also, tieuratl)'! Oiaililllill , Ili.-t'.iy,
Coiuposiliori Writing.
1 EF,:t.
I'er tjunrler "f 1 weeks. J1'-'" "4
III Ihe above bninehes -.eithnnt Ihn I i.;-.i-,l. I' l
liitin and iil.ove tirnnrhei, .."--i' ''
tlreek nnj above Irsnche -. ' 1
See Circular.
J'or further purtictiluM apply I"
lil.V. .I AMS I'li b.s'i.'" 1. .i -h-1
Norli'itniborhiiid, A tius (-t Hiio.-i'y
IIVt l.ost, Ilov, Sti-Mori
Jutt 1'i'llitlu't. ill " Sinful r.ri!"f . I n
tl.r ('ml'
l,El"f t HE on the .Naluo . Ticiinn.'i 1:
ilicnl Cure. if Spi i-iiiaioi ili-. a r S.-miiu.l" i .ik
lies.-. Sexual In bilily. Xenon. in -.-s. end I nv 'mi tin
Finis-ions, indin-iiie;' I inp'iH in y. Coii.-uuipti'ii. and
Jlcntal iii.l I'bvsi.-iil
jiy i;mn ,i. ci l. j;i;vi;i.i. M t
The itni-irUint fai l Hint the iiwful .ti -- ( i---t . . !
Sell' Abuse iniiv be i ll. etiially nnioied wuli. i.i i.
tiTnal incli'-iin-s or tbo iliiii.-roiis iippli.-nlioii
e mi si les. iii-tiiiincnt-. medicated, and .ii.. .
einpirii'iil devices, i.- here elemly il.-riotisii .-.i. ) .u.-i
Ihe entirely new mid highly siiir.-.-.-l'iil Ii eiiln . nt
adopted by Ibe ei lebinti ,f author, fully es i.iii'. i
by means of w llicii ever V one is en. it. led to . in .- loo.
self perfectly, and nl the b url p.. -il.l t Ho i- I.
iivi.i'linall the i..verii"-d iiosti-oui., of tin-. Im I hi
lecture will pryvu a bo' ll to I!.- n.,iili 1- and ll. .;.
Sent iinib-rseal. in n plain i n i-l".-. lo any lol li .
post-paid or rei-eipt of two " ta;.': .-tanip . b u i
ilressttig tin publishers.
CM A.- .1 I' v i.r:K
127 r.or-.-rv. New Ymk. IV-t i;ir..c !; ..v I
Aug. I.i, I-sOji.-I-VI.. 2s. I.i
Fawn Sliice), oppo.-itc Wemer s Hole!
KDMlUHy.'oi-tliitniboilimcl tin., l'i .
I.Vl-iHiMS his liieuils and Hie public .-m-.i!'
that In- lias tnken Hie ,sbo. ol .la-"b K: l.
.iee'd.. mid is prepnred l-ulo all kinds of 'f I l."K
IX(1 in a jr-iod workiu.-iiililio ninniier 'Jlu ;."'i...
ne oflhe public "s n -peetfiilly .-.jlicited.
Siinbiii-v, May lo. Int:i - Iy
J80s3. I8(i:;.
Fill L I M. Gli ANT
at mi;
" ''" res'tic -tfully annoiiuce tiny
jii't recch c.l unJ o'tt.c'i a I cry larc and uill . ...
led Slock i t
wl.i.-li ii.ey willing io di.pj-.cif
.-.MAI. I. Al'YANCi;oN
firs.1 4,'omI.
j QUR STOCK IS C 0 Jtt P L L 1 Ii
AM) KMLKAci;;; i:');uyi iii.t.
'J'linnki'u'. for pa. I lav. is i. ii..; , ;. nu n a . v
tinuuucv of Hie same hy .till si ilni' 1 1 e.-cii.i--
if not 4'lll-:.I-:i than etiitbe pnn.ln.-i. I ,1 .
I where.
lilll.lNii a (iii.'iM
Snnlmry. M .1 y 'J i. I s,;.:.
M M!l If. At itll.tlli.
rpHM Scbcl )li,;b fi.-li.Hd of till- p'.i.-e. vi'! I-
1 reopened Aitiro-t iiisi. tsii::, nini.-r ibe .-1 ... i,:
timli-ni-e of S I'. ITXK. A liberal i'ro:in-.;e 't -I
iv i 1 c.l from the pati ui.-the .-. !i. .1!. an I li.. . :.
'JIlll.MSol' TI ITo'l'i:i: sl-.s...
Orih.-.Tiij hy. lt.-edin-'. V. ii 111.; and I 'ritual y
Alililtlietl,! sj i
Ai iibim iic. iJese'ri p!.1.' and Fn '!i-li ' '
X..1. l'liilosopliy. 11 .itt .-ua 'ihe .Mil, I. A!.;e-
bra and ii.-oin.itry, -i
Hook Keeping. I.iin-iia.-i and Asn,.,.,llv
"lie hall of the tuition nionev .. be u !
10 Ii illicc, lllld liiu balance al t!..i 1 vi.ii at i .11 n:
l'npil-- -I n.l.iin.' any one Ir.-in. Ii i:i eiilnr ! :!.
higher crudes oi 'tuition will l.,c cl.u-.-cl in t:.c .;ia-t
1 ml. ra.-iin: sin h branch
For further iiilormiit:..ii npp!v to
S. 1' FiXK. Ii..c;,.:.l
Siinbiirc. Aiiiu-tsth. Isii.t
FSI'ITTFIM.Y inform- Hu r li, .,.' s;.r v
I V all I i. ii.ity. Hint he 1.- pn par. .1 t . li L in ,
mat. -rial-, a benutiful black cloi. ai. I ai n o .i.r
price.-. sept p.i. 1, : 1.
ol'Tlli: l.Ft;. AC ;
Iiittruu'.. tita tor nil .'i. f. i iiiiiie-.
Ml. lil.oVFK'.S
I.I V ! 'J'l tlss
lias tuken the pla.-c of other 'rru-.-i.- ..r tlic i . i. ;.: -,
nil. 1 cure of llcinia or liupluri- Aclin ci.-n ;
princit.le of 11 bur. it never lo-e.s it- -M-cioo'i I:
coated lo prevent rust. It ha.- u., pa I on the 1
wbich is mi liiiblc to iniure tin- -pii.c an I aiiooi .1 ,
chafe, the wearer. It is sure to retain ibe I. opno .
irmnttt-use and comfort, nml . il. . tin.; radical v:,
ll is tvarrented tn uiie Mitisi,ein.n.
'Jhc iinproved Sli.uibb i-. liii expand, lb., . iu-!
uu l picienta tlic ui-.iier I1..1U b.Miini,, . 1,.,,., 1
I .shouldered.
1 ...1 - 1.11 . , . . . .
" i.'.-u.T 11. -us noil .ii'ioiiiiiiai .siipp.ti.i- i;,i 1
1 and llelts of all k
.-. unit 111-: 1 uan i.i 1 , ' 1
: In I'olllillles ol tli. Ilo.l
i l" ''lto lib iitln i- i- No t
Ulool 1 1 1 olll u 11 V . Nell ..,k.
Ann f ! , .
the I. ..i
1 Stiuligeis -huuld pai tinslai Iy tn t
! Xo.
April 11 sr.!...
1 I'da-k.
,,ik ..,
I.ibl blue
Fl eta h blue
I'liil.l flgl,i.
I lark lit.-it ii.
I.i .-lit I'loH ll.
nuti iir.ittn,
I'ulk Hiab,
I. ill'.. I'lab.
Ibnk 1. 1.. II
I -lit lilc.'ll.
l or Pt a S, Ik. i, a, ,! ll. . i: I- -I
i..;-. hi. -v..- lid. -a .. i.i',,,.. i: i. II
1 . Jill. . - bill..... I ., ,, ,. . I b.ilni,
I,. id u'l kil I . : '. . a. in j- . I
Mitlluu l I'er 41 '-!.
I -i;. nt t .mi . in . .', i
. ; hel a ...' e l 1. 1 . I.u.. Il.l
r .a I..- r In. . I tioni i,
i'-l" '. in In.! '. 't.
.1 . . I. p.,. k .-
I . i- I. .1. 1.. i .. ,. j,
I . 1 1. . I I li. .a e ... a ;
.1 I, I . ,ii,i. a ,i.
' ' -"i1"
I"" i I I t I.i...
"I....U.... ...i , ' I, il
. I
I, p.
I ! - III I l I. . I: I I I ,' 1
I I .' I
I.'l.ili' i. .Ii.hi ). 4 Ii 1 nil, 1 l.iiu, il. -
t I 11 ait al,
N'i'l hi . I" b. 11,. 1 ii-... - . .
I- I a - .. I
lb. I... I. I I 1 It I 1. ....... 1 . , I ;, , , .
I i-'l N - 1 0-0. I I'. 1
11 .1 a .11 1.1 I.i I , il.(
' 1 1 ; 1 vi i.i 11
I .
11 iii'