las t:.:: la BALAMANSCH BAFtB. QKEAT P1AE IT READINO. fA. February 12, IBM. OiSTttxm II glri tn i 'h aatWactlon to Irform Ju that iu lln nttri lira which, en tha morning of tha 4ih lust., cutiiely destroyed all my a och and ruaterinla, 1 tiail one of your ftilannindcr lire Proof Bafci. After enduring n Internal red heat for e"ii hours, the. Sato opened, and tha Looks and Ptpers were preferred in an umbloniished condition. 1 ahull need another 8afs u tuon aalgot in order. Yours. mot re-rncffully, W P. EICKtNSOX, Reading, Pa. , F1KE AT HULKS CAFTLE. C.i.tMBERfnmo. Er.irilin county, Pa., August Hist. l.u'l. I Mni. Evas A Watson. Philadelphia (Icntle. : Cu I he morning of I ho 22l of Align'. I no I, our Stnrehoiise at (irocneastle was destroyed hy lire. 'J he Salalrardcr Safe we purchased from you some f.-w years -i hoc was in tin- naive lucnlil.ned stole l.nns'e. ami contained all c i t Ikh ks, papers, cash. A o. lvl.ich weie priservid in n peifcct condition, alter eing exposed lo a frost intense heat for several hours, l'lenso inloiin i;suon what term Jiu will sell us another ger Safe. Youts truly. OAK'S A AUSTIN.'l'.r SuVce. fr Hani's. Is, ore". Private Families. Ac. Ac. Abo. Kvana A W atson's I'M' nt All habciieiil liin.k Locks and liiuik Ynuh IVnrs. i i,, to i;j : y i" iidc in (lie country. end sold on as good tun -s. K A W. ivo.ll ripceliiilly refer tn th.i follow -in.' Hanks and ntlicr p'uiiis. having their Safes and Lock-1 ow-in use, lo the ir entire suiisfic tint.. nr.,l many oiheis given nt their Store. Vmtv.h Sr.iTts Mixr, lirnrcli Lank. Shelby ville Philadelphia. Tennessee. t"xiri:nsr.vrK AnsEXAL.Cily Dai k of Philadelphia. Calif.imia. Cni'solidntinn 11 k of Pl.ilu. P.ittsti.wii Ib'nlt. Pa. Coui'tb Hank of Phila. i ilo l:ink. Pa. CbntanHga Hank. 'J'enp. Stioudsbnig Ittiiik. P 1 re lu Loan Asa'on. 41k t. Jciscv shore Hat k. Pa. llauk of Northumberland. Lock Haven liui k. Pa. Vniou Pai.k. Ilnliiinore. Lin k of Noilh ii Liberties. Philuitelnl in. Somhwtitevn IJ lkui'X'n. Paul and swift, Cankers. Kulloii llin, k. All nla, Ua. Alabau.a. ,tuurk Itiu.k. liel V .11. Sterlinir.Wilkcsb'e. liai.k of . V-.. Kiikiib. Ec-vvisburg ltunk, Pn. Other rcfereiices given upon calling at our Store, o. It) ff. iour:n direct, I'liiiaueipniu. Sept. 5, IS63. ly Atlornrj itf !.. Sui.Uuiy, Xortltnlej land county, Pennsjivania. j 1 1 urui'.i ly 1 reeburir. Snyder county. ) OFFICE. Maiket etreet. ouc dtKir east of Friling i ti runt's .Store, nnd nearly opposite the Court House. All profcsiuual biisiiKKi. collections, Ac, will re ceive I loinpt attention. April 12. LSlii. .1 o ii v. 7i a i: v l x, X'tirlct i'quare, ont door vctt of the Pout OjHce. BUNBUBY, PENN'A. I) especlfully informs his old, friends and the pub V lie generally thai he bus aguiu returned to buubury and rc.oiH.,ned A . 'I'liiloi-iutt INtnlilUltuirii t. He is prepared to uittke up new garments as well as na'iidin old ones, and lo do wmk neatly,;. ioitably and substantially, in ifact will warrant ull Work leaving the shop. Hi,d by so doing, hopes to rcueive a due share ol putiottace. Pel sol. s dett'iin to have clothing mad-; up to order iu the latest style, will plcnsc l;ie hiui a call. fe'uiibuiy, Aj.iil 11, loos. 6 ui. New Hat Manufactory. Krr i i it vi wool iia i s fllllK'iiber resrctfully iiil'iiu.s the pel, lie, 1 that 1 e has commenced iiiiimtf'ietitrini;. nt l'L'KV. all Ihe variot.s sivles ot Soft Hals. Fur and Wool i.ow in use. lie trusts ihut his experience in the buii'ce in the city, will enable hiui to get up 1 ati ill style and quality euitl to any in l'biludel jbia. A supply of silk and oibcr hats w ill also he kept on band. Merchants and others will find it to their advan tage to give him a call and encourage Lome manu facture. Sold WbVesule and at the lowest prices. SAMfEL EAll. M'.rket S,iu;.re. ,,i.e d'M.r n est ol :,c 'Auierivau' Oflicc. tui.lui), Ai.guei 22. 1 still. if A VALUABLE FAI'M FOIt SALE. riTIE ntiilcr'pi'l ifm tot?c!l at privntc pnlc. Itis 1 ittluaM' iiu u., situate ir JSfi Ik towi.nhip. Xrlb l iiib:."l.J:ii l'rt., tiUiul yiu: mile wisi it f le tt.wn it' Ti4.'uiton. cnhi'ui in i o JH J'K1I A I'Ul . tiioifl ir Ksrd ; tit'.tut cix'y ocr ot wlieli hru iKarf. ninl iu h j- .m, flute 1 culiit Hiu. i m1 the balit i n.' well ttDilniL' l wh j'ilic nnk. 'Jlic iiii;-iuvt Uit'iita urc u J-og-lK-usc, iluju ulU uiher out tuil'iiiic. "it-ill, Lafv. For pcrtictl.-irs ir.nuire of lit A 1 CU-MKNT. BL1MLS AM) SHADES. II. .1 . WILLIAM?. No. Itt North Sixth Street, Phil adclpl la. Mtiuul'ucutrer of tfkiviiaii II H ml and WilKtllM liltl'. The largest and tuiest a.M' in ihe cily.ut the lowest pri'.es. Lllli'ls ptiintetl nl.d T riu.Uiott equal lonew. s.rc-r-na.ies muac ana letierea. Apni 4. IM' I. ui 8 T-1S60-X. Ilralii'a li:wiliit Ion llftlri-M. l'hey and iuvigorate. They crcnle u healiby appetile. 11, ty ate an iiiuidod to i imnge of waler and diet 1 eetleclsol'dis.-ipation and lute boors Jliey s rei.giin i. tiiesystein ainl enliven Hie m.n-1 ;:tii,l n.i.isir.'O ie ill tl ili'.ei li.ii ti-til ft ets. 1 rJ i.ey i.l il v ihe I 'io" t!i i i.-incitl'iy ol the sloli.acb : T iiey cure iispevui and Coi.lipatioi They cure lMurrnea, Cholera, and Cholera Mor- bus. -They cure Liver Complaint ami Nervous Head- 1 ache. They areli e bel Potters iu the would. They make thewcik n an sieii.g. and are exluiislett's i i eat rector, r. Tin v arc made ol urn Si. t.rnix j Ki.m. t l.e .-el, bruti u Cnlistiyii bin-U. roots tun! he bs. lii.d u. e t..l.eli t.ilh l l.e ol u b.teiHge. with out re;,ir-t lo at or liu.u ol day. Ptiitic-.tiarlv n- I Ci.tolticttd.-d lo tleilcnle pelsoliS rilllllrtlig a gUitle I a. iii uliii.t. ol.i by all (irocers. DruggisU. Iloltl- ' a..d J-inri.i. p. Ll. DUAKE Jl CO., 2o2 lliouiinay Niw-ioik. lobe. .'J'. ISl'.J. " E.c;iAi7orisF. THE PROPKlEIOliS OF THE Ci i u a ic if ii i' m i:. PHILADELPHIA. Eesj cctfiilly call Ihe atleiitioii of liu-ioess Men and I II. e ii'iit elling eon, nun. ity. lo ihe superior accoiou.o- I Uaiiuu ait'l c. uiicrl iu Ibcir establisbiueni. ! k . Aii A, KiWUI! i CO Aiiirn-t 2t. 1 .iiu jo I ui: aici I 4u ii:i:it i i.u.. A liLWAItHOFTKN DOLLARS. Mi l ihe r,- oA.'r .ritnti im-urrtd. will be paid to; ask rk-aso. lot me ap( n lit-i siun and -lelit ert ol a I hll at the bea-liiuari.-r o llie tieaiesl pro vost Utaishul. Dy order JOIIX KAY CLEMENT, dpt. ai..) 1'iovost Murrhal I lib Dist., t'. ILiriburg. 2V. l-oi.'i. jf' I. 1'. I. rTAii:. Isj.aXI f A N C Y I Y 1 1 X U K S 1 A li L 1 1 II M K N 1 iJAURET, NEPHEW CO., runi.tvft. OVrii l si: 47 Nmb til.tb et . PtUkUvli.iii. bU tt A 7 Jvt.4i M , N Yuik. Our uc-.-r4 iu Itii.g tiuj Clar.iitK littruiruu of Vi'UH. 4'h.Hi, Filk. MeK,. 1 !... i , ie . IUli hV.U of killto'l ! 4 llll-. i, H1 Ui.uwii ihut t.l t .-tr I., r.-uiii I i.ur lu.'.4-. mi i g-l fffliV. l Ml 1 1. mvm.U gclUliJ Ma,v Huir ii.HMU i. ,vW K I lU UcjuU fftx-uuvi rluu. hy Ki rtM HAUUI IT, Xk.l'Ui.Wi 4 to 1 1I4 III.M. Jl.ttliu.v i:u. tin:. Ml tb uu.elMgMtt ul. , . fulls lltvil. v, , u kill el.. I. I.l. . I, , ailMl, d S.ll.l It .H lr I .ul,.J,( J. V, . KIM l.ol i kiua i,,i. (XX. " '-"'(''"' all oi in. .. . .' l.ll. all.v il aiiii u,., - ' 1 1. t . .i k.kt.t !, i II vl( t-at S..... I - t ...... I, I. I. to , i . m .. Ii $ I 1 u b. .m4 Ji asli i n.e-ij 4i. Sle.lloS aMSlti-t JAI'Ul II tl IIV I.l ... (,,,, g., Jt tl -. a.'. Vi j I k t I an.... I nil. ill t hi ti I l 1M ! IIII U A o, ' I u In i s Kl I . ') , k. a 1.1 M , i i... . . I .it.u a. fct vi asai'sis v. 'tsUtJ VS. a .a. tsjai iNKWI NkWHl NKW NLWSI DOOTS A M) SHOKS, ARR bow Oiatitifkoternl fo order by th sabacrlbcr ' at CIIKAPI R HATKd than at ai y oth, r cl;,b. liabtnnnt in Hunbury. 1 he star tax la rot taken ll to unnidoraiion. and all work will be done Wold price. Having jutt rcdrd u tuiire e atoitk of leather ami Jloruoooa, for Urntlnuen'ti llootn nnd hoc( Lndten hhoo anil jinll-r, ltll'rcitM Khocc, AfAtc which will be made to order at short notice. In tho bent workmanlike ntar.uer and of the best n.ali rials. Feeling thai k,ul for the patronage extended here tofore he hopes tovetilinne the seli.e. All who deaire work dona ohtap ai d, are invited to call at his shop nearly opposite ihe Com I i House in Mm kct Sauurc, tfunbury. Pa. J011.N WILV1CR. February SH. 6m JUST EEAOY, I NIW S1YLES OF JEWELRY. VN opporturity rot to be Inst oi-ht of. Rare ! ehi' lor Agents. Lmlies as well in tienla can i net a . nl. Apply ciuly and sv'cure lliu ageney ! for your locality. !. (IttO I IVATCJ.'IC?. VfiST CUAyS, T.OCKHTft, MXGs.aoi.i) rays a ri:xcn..s, i wtAcicu: rs. puts, jjctjoxs, I X IX K VUA1XS, PUTS Ul'JLW- EI.UY, ir. 1 T ilcMld for Nl cueh. and not to he paid f,.r . ll . 1 1 y i M kl mv h !oit J i It lire lo ret. Pi ltd 2.1 r'rl,! for I'eititk'itc. leiliim you what on c ii, l,i;i v.,t!i a circular, Xtiiic full particulars loAcutp. Pcrlcct satisf.ictioi, guaiunletd in all cases. Addiw, S. Jl. W ARD A CO.. 2(13 Lroadlw.v. Lc 1.(1. March 21. ISrt.l.-ly blluON T. WOLVkK CK ; Atlui-uoy iiikI 4 ' iiii -'! nt l.uu, ! Office, Maiket street, 2 doors west of llcpot. etUNbU ti.V, PA., j A ILL attcmi promplley to the collection of cliiin.s j f aod all oihei pi-otes.-ional biiness iniri,sii 't lo his care in Norihiiii.beTliiinl and aiijoinin coui.tics. I Mini'urv. AihV ;t. lonj. ttoi us:i i.i.i.i:it a. icoii:ii. Attorneys at Law hunLury. Th 4 JORDAN ROCKEFELLER nnd Stil.n.MD.V . li. 1I rispecliuliy aiiiiuunee Ihut ihey li.;e ei lere.l into eop..i i.tisl.ip in the praeiice- of Ihcir pmicssir.n. and w ill coptinue tn attiml t'i all i,u. - iuess ci. rus'en to llieir ch .re, in Ihe coiinties of Northumberland, Union. Snv.ler ai d Monioe.r. proinpilv. lai.hlully and caiclullv. peei:,l alioit (ton will bo (liven lo ibo COLLECT K'XS OK CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the OLK MAN lanunge. Oflive .Mi.ikct street, opposite Weaver's Hold. bunbui y, February 4, I lot l. VM KNOC11K 93 MARKET STIIEET. IIAKP.ISBVltU, PA., Dealer in P IANOS. "VTEW Koscwond Prii.os, tioin the beti linkers X from fjnti upwards. MEl.OltLoNS 1 he best manufactured Inslru nients from t," in Slot) Gutiars. iolins. AccnidcoM. Flutes, Files, Jlrnies. liai jos. 'iaiubourints, iolin and titiitHrstiii.s and musical mer chandize iu general. SHEET MlIC. The latest pithlicatioi.s alwtitson l.tu.d. Music sent 1V li nil lo anv pall id' the eountrv. Cl"AL, Syf'AKE, U1LT AND KO.-KWOOI) FBAME8.I Sniltible foi looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING til.AM-ES In in smiille-i I, i lurgesl sizrsj Anv si le ol frame uiado to order at ihe shorlest notice M. KMiCIlL, April 11, 03. P;t Market St., llarhsburg. 1-s.i Airi isiitj u;i. TETER LUR ILLARD, ! KniiK'.V 'i'ol iic yf i-i'irliti lui'i-r I III A IS CHAMPTRS ST., (Formerly -12 Chathaiii Sreet. New York. i M'oiild call ihe atleiitioii of Dealers io li e articles ' of l.i muLLlacturc. vi : lihOWN SNl'FE. Mncaloy, Ecir'jros. Fine Pnppee. l'uie Vir.'ii ia. ' Coarse Happee. Nncl.iioel es. Aiiiiriean tienlleii.t-n, Ci peiihagen. ; YELLOW SNI FF. j Scutch. Hi nev Dew Scotch. lli;.'h Tons! Scotch. Fresh Hm ey Dew Scotch ' Irish High To-isl, Fresh Scotch, or Lnndyfoot. I'J Al'eniion is cnlletl to (he large reduction in pricesof 1 ine-t.'ul t'hewit.g ai-d Sn ol ing Tobaccos, which w ill be found of a Superior Ouality. TOIiACCO. Smokii-g. Fine Cut CI ewirg. Smoking. Long. P. A. I... or plain. S. J.-igo. No. 1. I avelidi-h. or Sweet. Spiiiiish, No. 2. Sw eel Si-riited Ort.l oc.,. Cannsicr Nos. I A 2 mixed, Tin Foil lavendish. Turkish, tiinniilaietl. N. D. circular of prices w ill be scut on applica tion. April I. H5o. 1 Vy out iiiy liis-ni-iiiir-o 'mitiuy, II KLSBADIiE, PA. 4:ijt!lal mill irilii, t I ,(;. DIPFCTOliS: ll. M. Il-i'Vidiaok, L. D. Shoemaker. John Iteiehnrd. an ue! U aiitniins, It. D. Luce. buries A. Miner. W . t . Kc.clii.iit. 1- ti Driesbaeh, li. C Mni'b. t has. D, V, ie . ltosS. i .'l II r l'i, . 1IOI.I.I M. oh. l'r-sid. nl tl. M. L. D.SIlnl-.MAkElt.V ice President Slol-..M.Ktlt. Vice Preside H. C Smii ii. Secretary. Vi I. . Si ni ixu. T leasurer. "bis Con pai.y Insures thrre-four'h of the Ce.-h ; taluaiion. tnkes no Pr, miutii No'es. mt.k.- no Asses... lio-l.ts. l'oli:-y aelil owle.lges all .,olnys paid the ti l u; ol your Insurance. A CRAWFORD. Agent. May ."ii. i'l --ly JOPDAN TCWNEIJir 1) 1ST! L L ll U Y. rpiIK uniler-i,n.i d having entered into pnrinei-l.ip 1 iu Hi, Disilli ry Lusiutss. in Joidmi towns!, in. Noilliuiiiferiand couiiiy. on il,e road Irotu Muilit r s T ai ei n to I nioiitow n. about 4 inil.s from .M.ibonov J antl 0 u.iles lit. in Uliiigus-own. in-g Ita-.e to it foiiu ; il.e utile- that they ale Low making a supeiiei ai , licit- of PURE EVE WHISKEY. Those desiring grain eoi eited into whiskey can b.itc it done on Ihe iimh.1 reasonable lein.s. 1 be li lusl cash liees uill be aid l-,r Rye. m, I glaitl tliUt-u lllixehalie foi Wlnkey. The ublie e-ili tc assured thai all l.lsk y linnle at ibis tlislill. y will be litcliom diua and ns ISAAC 11 II'IN, ti E lot. St Jt r Inn Iw p . Ji lie 1-i 1 vVl oiu I O. "W". l i .AsTT-PT, !.lloitu tinl ouiiMhur in feuw,! . I'fliitt lu iRuth ilt vf Mmi kcl -Hrti't, t'.'M Uir MCit i!l nil i.i) ru ti v I' ull r lrhiitl huiiMM j rt.irilt-l li hu L-uir. On- rolli'i'liuu i t-UlU ill ; .V.ItlihU'hclUli'l tin, the If 'jui.lli 0 bill. j eui.hui)-, Mu) ;'. J".! ly J. E. HELLER, t'lL.-t, on ml ill aide id Vl bel Stiuare. nenr t.'oult llou-e, , HUHIUhY fl N N A . t V ill sntii I pr, iptly I.. al pr. I. bus Mr ii.iii..l.-. lu I i. ,.. i.a it.ll.. Hon .. cUiua in ; rUnd ti d i a-ly-u iiif counlus i i tiwubuiy My id Iuii - ly LOW lit W II A III', HI KUUHV 'A Vll'l EaAl.r. AM) ItH UI. t't AEMtii IN WIlITi; AMI l o. la, IS ll.l) l.llllt iii, I.i. .iiu, ltd ai-4 al I ! ki k i s !' nd i. .1. b sv.1 .) VI.) o I ol . I u rrtwsi avitltk i-r ut l.ol la ketti, t I I M I.l M i. 1 1 l: 4 u.n.a- lf I. A 1 ." i. ... -.ll io I, 1 J) . .1 i. .... I . lit I ib"'b4 a, 1 ii L IS b. It S. t b I t .1 ,b I ) f I tbt ll.t b 'I I. s ll I- bs .1 . '. . It . I .1 . I ' .... I Jl.. , , i.l ,.. II till II ill . . I I I ... . . . tt I 1. I l'i J ab ' J al. ttJ . J 11 I ' l. ' A I fin SWEET'S IK FALLIBLE L I N I M E NT, the CHEAT REM FEY For h'hr'iinnfinm. Coot, Xi'irahiin, T.Wihig t-tijf'Xtrt iiml Jo!iifn, Sprain, llrvintf, Ciitminit VotiHilx, 7. lluultichc, nnd n'J lVnonmtic nnd Xtrrvui Ijiwvdti. For all of which is speed v and certain retitedy. and never fmls. This Lu iment is preparetl from the recipe ol l'r. !lepheti neet. of Coninclieul. the f iii-nu twine setter, ami has Inn n used iu lite practice nil more than twenty years witn the most astonishing sweec-s. As mi Allot intor of Pain, it i unrivaled by any l n i !-rii, i. b.-tore llie public, of which the most ek .1 li n t.e eot-viii I lo,- a single This will cure i.ipiilly nr.-l rn-lically. PlHiiiiiiilic Lisoi ii, rs of every kind, and in thous.iihU of cases w here il has bceu used (it has neerbceu kl nw i, to tail . For Ni uttiliiiii. it will nfi'ord iiniiicdnitc r' .id iu every c.isc. however distressing. 1 1 ill ie iii t e I he w oisl ouses of lleadiichc iu three mil utes. tu:d is w.,rr..ited to do it. 'J mi! In. el. c also will ii euie instantly. Foi Neivoi.s IMiilily and Iii neral l.ii.---iliule. ari- siiii.' I'toiii iuipriiiieiiee or excess, this 1. intuit nt is a no ,t hitpl y aid ui .lulling leineily. Acting dneeilv upon the t, .nous tissue;, u -treitliei,, and n tivi li,.s ihe s-ys.ein. and n stores it to einslieity v tg-n . For Piles, as an external ite elniui that il is ihe kiioiwi. and we ehulleiii the world lo dto-ttice an eiiial. Ltiry vi.-,i.n of this dtstiessitig eon plaini si. onld tive ii a trial, lot it will not tail to etloid in, in, di tto relict, tin d in a majority of cases will etieet a radical eur -. t,'i.n i-y and ?i. re 'J hroii t arc souieliiiies extremely mnlit,iiiit and dai-gerous. but a timely application ol tl.ts Litiimeiii will tit ver fail In cure. Sprains nt son.ciiiiesvery obstinale. and enlarge. Ill-lit ol ill i joints is li..ble to os-enr if liegleeled. T he wois, e.tsc may be conipierea by this Lii.iuicut in two or illlie das. : lli nis. s. Cuts. ouinls. Sores. I'leers. Ittirns and ! Scalds, yield rcadiiy lo the wointci l'ul healing pio 'pertiisoi Dr. Sweet's Inlullible Lii.tutent. tthcn usi.l a.-eoidii.g to dnt-eiioiis. Also. Cliilblaius, i'rot'. , ed Feet, and fused Ditts and Stings. Cli STEFEHEN SWEET, of Uoncecficu' the Li l fill Natural I'clie Setter. T.R. fTirrii: IT, FIT, cf Ccrnecticut is known all over the I nited States. PH. BTFPITFN I is the author of -D. BWET of Pcrr'-t!et. Sweet's I Liiiiinenl." Sweet's Infallible Ij'nimeiit Cures Ll.cun nti-m. never fails. Dr. Sweet'" Infallible Liniment Is a certain reii edy fur Neuralgia. rr. fc'weet Infallible L:n mcnt Cures Ilim.s ami Scalds immediately. Dr. Swect't. Infallible Lir.iment best knoivu remedy lor .i luii.s und Drui.-et U th. Tr. Swe fa Infnllth'o Eiinirr.ent APiinls iinini diate relief f r I'iks, nl.d seldom fui'i to cure. Ir. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cares Tuoll.aehe in one minute. Tt". R'f InfnMiblo T.iri-.riRnt ("ores Cms and Woiiinls ip.melmtely and lcaiesno car. Vt. Sveefr Irifalli'e'mont Is Ihe best remclv for Sojes in the known world. Tt Swert'a Infallir.le Linirrent M i' been in use hy more than a million people, and nil l r-ii.-c u. Dr Hh-pC'i Irt'.illihlo L-'riiment Taken internally cuies Colic and Cholera Morbus. Pr Pwent'a Infr.llible Liniment s truly a - friend in need.'" ami every fuiuily should ha e il htu.d. Pr Sweet'n Infallible Lin'mer.t f. r sn.c l v all I'rtigsti-t. Price 2j mid il) A FRIEND IN KEED. TEY IT. II! sVV1;TS INK.M.I.llllE LINIMENT, as ,iu i vi' inal red uly. is iiboulu r-ial. mid "ill nili .ate paii. n ore t-tlily limn any mln r rcpn inin.i.. I'm all f niiu and N-1 mo.s Ei.-or Icis li :s irii y ii Inllil.le. and as a enriilne I'm Sores, Hi ui.d-. Spia n. llrniscs. si,,.. i,s sooilinig. healing and ponclll.l still. gthrl. ing propeilies. excite the just vol tlei ai d aslmdsbli enl of all who beti- eer ,iiniiii Iriul. cr one thousard eeritlu-ales ol ki.l.le euns. perloriued by it wtlluu the lajt IHu yinls. utttrl tht tact. TO IIOrviE OWNERS ! Ml SWU T S INKAI.LIllI.E Ll M.VENT Ef'll lll'll.. is oiiiitnletl by any, and ii. all eases i f I. a ii. i ia ss. ulisii g lit in S lain. Itiitise or I', rent-!.-u,. il. elieei is ii.hgieal and eerlaiii. lliuiitss iir aldle liall. r.-rMlcbt s. Mange, tlc.. il will ulso curt- spittliiy. mii. t l.ii.lme may be easily pri ttuliii and ciiicd in their int ipieiil stages, but eoi -tnu.ed ee are la-volnt llie possibilily of aladieal euie. .No ease ol iLe kind, homier, is so dtperale ol Ii,.h les. Out il u.iiy be alleviated by lhi l.u.i lutni. antl i.s fai.btul Hpplu-aiioii h ill aluni. it-un,i the 1.. Ill and enable ihe b ,le to Unci Mllb cuii. purutivet-aM-. ET:.'r (.: u iv mm should hava this reuiedy al hard. I iu timely u.-e at the tiisi apa-aiHiit e ol l.nuti i.e.. ill i lleeiiially pri uni ihoM. niiibie tliscHses, in tthifh allboi ws ale liable. al.t Vi bicb ri ndt r so luulty ol Ltl tt Ue taluublt l.ol... nearly ttoltbli-H DR. SWEET'S Iuallitlo Liniment. la 1IIK SOLDIER'S rniE.r.D, And ll uumIi.U lima f.und it truly A -vI'U IN NEIUI i MMlltiU. Tiatml m s.r..a .stai.a II a 'igblf a I l soi , at. 4fa.ti mi t ui lbt I ab4 rn.m ao i bt b f a li.UII'l-U kluau is ll t IM d a-nl t-ail,, aitlobl all-a b-ba an 41 tks-t til II lllwtl i i 11 , a... 1 l'iei,.i. Sltiakk ('I ai' UiiAk 4 Al 1 1 n. basal 4..' 1. ink utl, a I wk , a-ad is all 4 a'ais Hblsiwi. laajbk al, irw - if THE ALL SimClEXT THREE. T21E GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. GENUINE mEtAllATIONS, VIZ IIELMBOtD-a EXTRACT "PtCim,"' PARPArARIttA IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS 'ntOHtT COXCESTKATED'" COMPOCSD FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU, A Tosiiive and Pptciflo Remedy For Disrasei of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, ntlAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLING.. This Medicine Increases the power of Digest!, n, and excites the Absorbents into heal hy aciioii, hy whieli the V nterv or Calccrous deiKisiiions, and all I I nnaiural Ei.laigeiiieiits aie reduced, as well a.' iin noil ititiaiiiittiuu, and is good tur uicu, women, or Children. H i:E..M IMI 1. 1! EM K.H T in iii; FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses. Ilubils of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse. Attended Willi the following syuitnics : Indisposition to Exertion Loss of iiower. Loss ot .Memory. Weak Nines. Honor ot Disease, Dimness o( is. on, I niversal Lassitude of the Muccultir System, Hot Hands, Drvncss of the Skin. l'itticnliy ol llK-allimg Tren himg V aketuli c.-s. Pain in the back, Itching of the llody Eruptions on the Pallid, 'j hose- synitoiiis. if allowed to go on. whieb this medicine intariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FAltTTV. EPILEPTIC FITS. In one of which the patient may expire. Who can si.y that they are not frcciuenlij loliuwcd by those "direful disci.sis," INSANITY AND CCNSIMPTION, Mtiny are aware of the cause ol Ihejr stitTering. but pone w in eoi.iesa. me rccoju. oi iiic ir.sime .v-ji- i Inn s and the melancholy deaths hy Cofi-in pti ui. i bear ample witness to the truth ot thu assertion. I The Col.tlil lit ton. once A lice led with Organic ! W eitkness. Requires the ai l of u cdieinc to strengthen and in vigoialc the sytnu. which -llc Imhold's 1 xtraet Itucl.u ' ii.vai ii.bly does. A trial will the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES. Old or youi.jf, single, ini.rried, or vonleuiplatiug marriage. I ! In many nflectiors peculiar to Femnlis the Extract j i P-uehu is unequalled bv nnv oilier ren-edy. as in I : Chlorosis or ltcienlion. Irregularity. P.iii lnlnew, or Su prtssioi.of ihe Cuslomary Li,ciiaiions. I leernlcd or Sehirrous stale of the Ileitis, l.cucorihea. or Whites Sterility, and lor all on plninls incident to i the sex. w hetbeV arising Iniin Indiscretion. Habits of iisMpaliou. or in tl-tt DLCLINEOR CHANtiEOF LIFE. Sec symptoms above. NO FAMILY SIUH LD EE W 1T1I01 T IT. Take no I!a!ain. Merenrr. or Unpleasant Medicine for L i. pleasant and Dangi-iotis liiseiucs. iib:i..miioi.i:,i i:'i is act m ii Cures SECRET DISEASES In all their stages; at little expense; little or no change in diet ; no inconvenience, AM) NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives lreng:h to Uritniie. It'ctihy leii.oting oli-t t uclions. prcw-nting ui.,1 e-nriiiir Mrietures ol the Urelhra. allnxti g p.-titi anil itillnii. inatioii. so fretuen( in ibis class of disease and expelling Poisonous. Diseased, t'oin...ut , .viatter. Theiisnuds uj'en Thousitnds I Vllu HAVE Hl'EX THU VICTIMS OF j (I.l(liS And who have paid Heavy Fe, s to be cur-'d in a si or I lin.e. have fouini they wi-re deceived, and ihut the --Poisoii" l as. I.y Ihe use of --Powerful A-- Let n lined up in llc system, lo Lie.-.k out iu an nigiatntetl forni. and Pel ha) utter Mnrtii.gc. iii:s.t:z:ma i:. i t:.i r iti in For all Afi'ections and I i.-e:ises of THE URINARY OliUANS, W l.clher existing in Mule or Fen ale, from w lint. Mi c-iusc oiigii.atiog. and nu matter OF IKW LONil STANDING. Diseases of these Or 'ul.s l cm. ire the aid of a j Dll UKT1I-. j j IiE-LMBCLD'S EXTEACT IiUCEU ! i Is the lircat Diuretic, And il is cerium lu have llie desired ( fleet iu all Diseases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD ! BLOOD! BLOOD! Ilctiuh,.ld's Highly Conceutralc't t'on. pound i Iiml bai'aiipurill.i Syphilia. This is an afl'ictioii of the Elotl. and atta, hstle Si xi. ,1 (.titans. Liniligsol the Nose. Kais. '1 hroat, indpipe. and other Mucus Surfaces. nii.Kiug i-s lip) il, the loll,, ol I Iceis. Hl-lll bol.l's l.X lincl nt sepal ilia puiilieslbi libKnl. ami leiool is ail cal l.ttipiioi.s 01 the S1,iii. filing lo 11, e Complex ion li Cle-ir iil.d lleatlby Coloi . 1; beinir plepi-lt' i ipiesly lot (hi., el.-.s o, con. plaints, i.s liloo,!. l'ul I f.. iii Ercprielois an risi i nl lo a uu-atcr iXlei.t llian uny oil. ei prcpaia,ion of ftarsapawlla. llcluibcild a Xtose Wath, An ixcel'enl I.oliou for l'isenses of a Syphilitic N'a" ture. and as un injection rn t'iseasesot Ihe I rinnry 'irai.s. nii-ing fiom habits ot used iu c.c i.e, lion with tin- Kxtraci Huchu and Salsapi.i il:i I ill Silt b tlisciisesii, r-'eou lucudetl. l.i idci.t-eol' 111" iit'Mtt ressiiisible and reliable char ; acter w ill uccniiipany Ihe uietlicines. ! CEU I IHCA1LS CF CI EES, From eight lo twenty years standing, it Is namrs known to cieni l- ami Ei'll e i ; l-t.i Mcdit itl rropeities ol Huchu, sec Inspei:siiii,ry the t ni ed Mali s. Stc l'liilc-or tiewecs' valuable tvoiks on ihe' I'laeliee I l'i,yie. e-ie r.-ioaiks made by the lulu ctULrated lr. , l'i 1st, k. I l,lbee Ida. . c ii ii hi ks made by 1i Epl mi in Mcliowell. a eeltbrate-l I'l.vsit u.n. and .M.u btr ol ll.e Koval ' Colli gc ol suinisius. Ireland. Illitl publi.hed in the ' iran-uclit lis ol the king and tVueelt's Jtiuinal. j icu Medii-ii-Cirnigienl lu-vitw. published by I Helj-mili llbVels. Et'llow ol li.l llolal College of . Slllgtol.. i j ee u.osi ul the lato Standard W'oiks ou Medi cine : Ex i a ti T Ei i nr. f I oi) per boitlc, or in. t j Mi .ii an i I iu Sou I vi lo,t( Ii l.osl AMI. 51 " 2 .'lU I 'I lo.ll H-outi, ,. raeh r f 1J U( tthiell mil be t siilla l.-l-t lo euie the obllbattf est.. II dilt-cli'.n ale lo j I'eliieied lu any addrt-M, sccuicly packed roui . I bs I V al ion k litut-i ihe sv u plouis iii all ei'Uu.ui.iciioj,s I un. unit ed Atlvit'v ralis. At HEW IT l'i r,i.)ly apptaie-l bilolt uu ab Alderiiian of iba I I'll) u I'ni.'ad. . I Ik ll I litlul-ild. l lal,.g uu y w,.ii, io,l. .4. bis pu aiuii,,i. t-.,i.iaiu bo bait -an-. . ii ticul) . ur olbt-i li Jul lui dl ua. but alt I unit ir-tUklt- II T III I MEotti. Swoin ab-l tli.ciilwtl ttloia b.a, Ibis iT'd day of Noitu lr. Ivl MM I' IllUll.ll.l' Ai-iefu au N lolb-sUttl, kbova l.att- I bila Addle It lit I .-l l.R.IUilli'b IU v,-ttdfl.c. II 1 III t X.l.1'1 I' Xbib Ud ,t..i ul a. uib l.-i tl .11 nl Ult.a t'Lt.idul I'hila I IU Al t t't ml Ml hfktl Ab-I I UpUUsipl. I I't.ltlt W kb Vblett j lu tl. ua - ul Ihtir t.ttb abil "olbtl' atltlis t b II. 1 1. I sUii-s. al'ail i-l ty lilb.b.-U'bt I It' b. 1 iiistti fu.,1 a " .Ha Itf .' l bt-a Sat tid k all I iti .I. 1 1 1. a. I. Asa, t'll 111 I Ml. "I I' a Itkl MM till H laiotl iLtsii.tiibSii.1 isl . a I Its) It. Aal A 1 "l I tb sa.t. o ab I I 1 1 vstt'a tawoasi a. taaaS - 1 1 i iri l.'Vi HiV lit' tl rift! All I IV. i 1' IJ.lUliltkJ l A NN0CNCE8 la nil who trade la Bunbury, Ibni M bai Just purunaaetl .n n.i.1 I eorni NEW GOOD S, V bicb be ofTert at bis ol I itand, near Covert ! Hotel , weal end of Market btjuure. very CHEAP FOR CASH Oriftbatwill aotdoijuei atebtepfor COU.MTn X V It O l V V V. . Hit stock eoniiiti of large utortiptntef HATS. BOOTS. CAPS, BUOES, COATS, BALT, PANTS, 60 A P, LSTS. UHtSIIES. 1IAUDWARE, tjlEENSWARE, and other articles altogether too numerous to men. lion. OALL AND SEE. Sutibury, January 3, lsG.'l. ItriKliiixr Itnilronil. SUMMER ARTlAnTOFMENT REAT TRUNK LINE from Ihe North and J North-West for Philadelphia, New York. Read ing. Poitsvillc. Lebanon. Allentown, Kaston. Ac. Trains leave llnrrisbiirr fur Philadelphia, New. Y'oik. Rending. Potlsville. and all Intermedin!) Sl.ition?. at tt A . M.. and 2 lt P. M. New York Express leaves Ilnrrisburg at 2 15 A. M., arriving at New York at 9 1A the same morning. Fares from Ilnrrisburg: To New York $. ! : to Philadelphia $3 llj and $2 SO. Daggago checked ;hrouh. heiiiniing. leave New York at 6 A. M.. 12 Noon. Hid 7 P M. (Pittsburgh Exprost. Lcuve Philadel phia at K 1 5 A M. and :i -In P M. v Slcepii g cars in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the Caltaw issa Hail Road leave Ta. ninqun at t .'nl A. M.. and 2 15 P. M.. for Philadel phia. New-York, and all Wav Points. Trains leave Potlsville at U la A. M.. and 2.311 P. M.. for Philadelphia. Ilnrrisburg and New York. Aniieciiiniiiodiiiion Passenger train leaves Heading a (tl) A. M., and renin,; fioin Philadelphia at i UU P. M. jf All the above trains run daily. Sundays ex ccpied. A Sundav Iniin h-aves Pntlsvitle al 7. SO A.M., and Philad'elphin at :i.l."i P. Jl. Commiitalion. Milenge. Siason. nnd Exetirsioii Tickets, ul reduced raits to and from all points. tl A. NICOl.LS, May 2, 1S6.1. Ucncinl Supeiinttndciit. w(i:t. Arrsiiigi(kiiM'iif m iMUtt. t" .''v rli I.IlK-M. THE CAMDEN AND AMISOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND THEN ToN H. R. CO. S LINES. J'mni VliiUnii'lphia tn X'i"' Vori ant H''y Ptnrr. t'Vi Wttltmt xtrrrt W'liaif ami Kfti.vinirtun JUpitt. irill t-tn-f nt oo-s, vim ; fa It K. At 0 A. M., via Camden and Auihoy. (C and A. Aceouimotration.) $2 25 AtliA.M.. via Caiudeu und Jersey Cily N.J., Accommodation, 2 25 At si A. M.. via Camden and Jerst-v Cily, t.Moiniug Mnil.l .1 00 AtnA..M..via Caiudeii and Jctley eiiy 2.1 Class T icket I l'i At 11 A. M. viu Kensington and Jersey cily. Express " .'i nO At 1'J M. via Camden and Auiboy, C and A. i (Accoii nunlatioii.) 2 25 Al 2 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, C. and , A Lxpiess.) 3 00 At 3 i'.M., via Kensington and Jersev Citv, i Wu-h. a, ,d X. Y. Express ' 3 00 i At lij I'. M . via Kensington an. 1 Jersey Cily, t Evening .Mail.) " 3 uO At II; P. M. via Kensington and Jersey cily, Soutliern Mail. .1 HO At 11 inihi) via Kensington and Jersey city Soiiinerii Express 2 00 Al 5 1. M., via Camden and Amboy, ( . modal hm. Freight und Paueiier, First ' Class Ticket. 2 25 ' Second Class Ticket, 1 il) For Waler iiap. Stroudshurg, St-ratiton. Wilkes- ' barrc. Monirose. tireat liel. Ac. at ii A. M., ' flout Kensington, via Dclai.arc, Lackanaiina and W t stern Railroad. I Foi Mauel, Chunk. Alleiilown. Ilctl l-'uni. ISelvi-dt-ic. Eusioii. l.anibt rlillc. Fbii lngtou, Ac. al G A. M.. fioin Kensington Depot, and nl 21 P. M., lit. in tt nliiiil street t harf. i'llicti A. M. Lire connects with Trains lca uit Easijn lor .Mnueh Chunk, at .",-2tl P. M.) For Mount llollv. at ii A. M.. 2 and 4 P. M. i i ui 1 rethold, ai li A . M . and 2 P. M. 1 WAY LINES. For Hristol. Trenlon. Ac. at 11 A. M. and 2: and 5 P. M. tioui Kensington. Foi Pain yra, ttivciitii. Dcliiuco, Dcverly. Rur lingt'Hi. 1, liirdelllou, Ac. ui 1.', I, 2, 41 and li P. M. k v For New Yora. and Way Lines leaving Ken siigion Dcput, lake ti e Cms in Fiiili slreet. ubi.vo iuli ut. hull' an hour bctore departure. The Cms run iino the tu-noi, and on the mriiul of tncu l.'ain, run mm 11, c Depot. Filty Pouiitls if Iliiggajre o .ly, allowed each p.-isst-nger. Pa.-nngeis me )nobilii'.ed IVoiu taking anything' buggugv bin their weai ingnpparel. All 1-eggHgi ov-.r liny aiLi.ds lo be paid for extra. The Cuii. puny limit their responsibility tor baggage to One Doliar pir uilul, and will i.ui be liuMc ft.rany uliiounl iicyulid luU. ext-epl bv special contract. WM. 11. liAlZMEll, A-cnt. January 17, IS-j.'l. Noi'tlii-rii C'fiitiiil liiiihviiv ! 4' i M.iir.ii l Aiti.i:. TWO TRAINS DALY' to and from tne North and W est Dianeli Misqut-haiina, tllniru. uud all ut North- cru New ork. ON and iiftcr MONHAY, AP1UL 20lh. 1S8-1. ihe l'nsscnger Trains ol the' Nor hern Central ltailuay Hill arriie at and depart from Sunbury. lluniobur; and ttalliiuore as loliovvs, ui : S 0 I' T 11 W A ll V . Mail Train leaves Mmbury dully (except Sundav). 10 10 A. M leaves llairihbt.rg, aitives at Eailin.ore, l l rt-ss Train leaves Sui.hury 1 15 1'. M daily (excepl ullaly. " leaves Hariisbnrg (except Monday.) o arrives ut It-iltimore daily Ii-Xcepl .Molld-IV). 11 117 V M. M. 2 Oil A. 6 16 A.M. llarrisburg Accotuuiod-tlivu leaves llarris- burg ti 30 A. M. NOi.'lHW AED. Muil Truiu leaves J.altiu. ore daily (ex. cepl Sun.liiy) 9 15 A. M. ' leaves llarn.l-urg 1 5 l. .U arrives al Sui l ury, Hi Express Tiuin leaves llaliunore daily V j P. M ' uirives al Hal risl ui g. 1 Jj A M. " b ue, llurr.tliurg jixceit Monday). S (to A. M. " an iv e ul Siiiiburv. 5 .V. For furllur inturuiaiioii apply al the Cilice. I.N. l'i liAltltY. Supt. Iait'kuuiiuuu A lllouiiiobiirii Itnil, ruutl. ON and after November 17, IStil, Tusenger i ruins will run a follows : MlA tNli SULTII i'rngkt tV VanirilCfr tlA.rttt'tr, Leave Scrauton. tIKI A M. lu li A M King.iuu, V SU 11. 411 1. M l.upcrl, 11 ;.o '- 1'unvills. Una Arrive at Noril uu brrlird, VI P. M. Moll.Nil .M'H'fll Leave Noill.uu.beriaud, j M 1. M t aut ilia, li nil lluK-rt, 6 Hi hiugsiou, ti j Leave, 1 li P M Arrive al Seiaiiioii. Ill nu P M .1 In A 1'iuei-i.ger 'traiu also leaves kingston al ml AM, tor rK-ranioii, lo t-mil.t-ti uu a liaiu l.-r Natt lolk- Uelllllillig. leavea Stcralitoli ouailivul of iram Horn Ntai ml . al 1 I j P. M Ihe La, A Itlouu sbuig Itailmad f, one. ts ttitb lhi I'.luwaii. I.aikawai.i a and It e.l.m llail ,bd al ccruntou, lor New imk and u.inu.ijiaie tMi.l vai. Al lit. 11 1 ll eoi.i.e.-is va, ilk Ihe Ca'laa iwi Hail. Haul lui s,uita bslli anal all all iv ii.j at I' adtlliia al la P, M Al Auiiiuu.bilabd 11 counsel, uliklha PluUdel biat.lle ttailiuad and Notlbviu iaollal Hall luatl, lot . in.a ttii aud aouil. t'aaa. n,ti. ail it 11. g I IIiioi.uiw I m P l , t'luladtl) Ll lu P X , and lialiiu.oi Iw .u P. . a4i l'tbtis Traiu nonk Uavea XmilibivUilabd al li ij A m aid annual V 2v V sVi , bsaib, 1abillia al a iv I Si Jmi.S p ILMEY, hu t. J C Mail a. tiesitial Ibkal A.tbl .Swt s Jv, 1 00 4 lkMa iaar I'mll, I IV bung Xla..b s I'alibl Matt Mttal Stiita Txp I a ins 1 1 1 1 J ai ,b.l.' I.l i.iirr hilt Mlil.iL JOj" All ll al Is aetaaaaji faibg lu a-is tin Cap aVaa M lb a ItbbUi liaskei, akitb la 1 las ad euui-la i-a ti-a abt,ui4ti ol I La Jai I m an ibak tiwaail 1. I, U t b 1 , (i.v.n ika My td Ua taitsi id 1 1 11 si U.t, 11 ,bnd k tta U 4 U tsH-tatu auk Ika ti b. 1 Ptib4. J.... 1 leg- ll.aa JsJ. 10 ka ab i) ,.eii..uHl.iinl ti. a.liM, A, tk aa k as , a sk I K siAHPrn'H patent riTC nn in Al ImrroteJ tut Kit and 18(10. ' ' Pf T. KLTCIIAM 4 CO., Pearl tt., Men Tork. HE only Ft enter eonstroetad m nlentlfle prln- eipiee, wnn tctoitios van won sprrnpr mail eoraper. it,iBniiinimLirniiin inur . The tuoet rapid la (reeling; with tb tcart qnantity - S tee. , , I The n-nat ecnroilenllnM, Mil tithe tnoet imn'.e eni dnretitc In s'ruoruro For aula in all the t rinuiral eilici and towns lu tliu tnlnfli . Each Preeter eeoBipenied ltb i book Of reclpci ami iuii aireotioni. TRICES. 3 quarti, $ t no 4 quarts, 4 no 6 quart, i V1) quarts, 6 00 14 quart!, t) UI) 20 quarts, 12 UU Apply tn II. R. MASPER, PuhHiry; Pa March 2t. 1H2. kl. tl. .tl ISM lit, A llerney itt I.tiM . SI NTUTtT. PA t Collections attended tn in Ihe eouuti of Nor- ttiutulierlai.d. luiuii, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. Rr.FKur.NrM. linn. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. tl. O.iticl A Co.. lion. Wm. A. Porter. " Morton .Mc.Miehael. Esq , ' E. Kelehaiii A Co.. 2s;l Pearl Street. New York . John W . Ashmead. Ailorney at Law, Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, Mulch .".t, Imi2. ni:itits iio i i.i., Jftrrivlttrz. . IIE management of this well-known lintel hav ing been resumed br Messrs. CO) 1,1; ,v the present propiiclors. beif leave toint'orm Ihe public that the house is now behig llinrougbly reunvatc-1. refitted, and improved, with a view to Ihe proper and comfortable aciKiii.iuiHlalinn of those who may favor the establishment with their custom, (lues's will receive due atleiitioii and courtesy, and no expense will be spared that may conduce to maintain e hotel in a lirst-class style. Families and others desiiing to sojourn in Harris hurg during the months, will find pleasant ttontdiitg and large and w ell. ventilated rooms at our establishment, uiain moderate terms. SCOTT COVLE March 20. Iwi2. J. (ilLREKT 1IE11U. 'I Ik- AiIiiiii IVE NOTICE 4 4iiitiiny, that Ihev have concluded 1 rangeiiienis wi'h the Northern Central Railroad Company lo run trains from Italtiti.ore for York. Harrisbiirg. Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorton. Siinbnrv. Xiirlhiiiiiberlnnd. L-wilmr . -Millon. Muiiey, Wil liainsport. and all inti-riuediiiiH stations, connecting at Ilnrrisburg with the ti HEAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Piltsburg. Cincinnati. St. Louis and the West. - Also wish Howard A Cn.'s Exprrs al Miltnn or Danville. Illnouishitrir. Wilkesl.arre. Pittstmi. Seran Ion. and inteniiedi.-ite stntioni on Ihe Cnttiiwissa. Lackawanna A !loom-burg llailmiids. At Wil lian sporl. by Howanl A C.i.'s Epri-s to Jersey Shore and Lock l!aen. Also, by Howard A Co., and their mm eel ions. f,,r Canton". Troy. Elinira. Rochester. Iliitl'alo. Ningitra. and lo all accessible poin's in Western New York and Canada, by which ihey will lorwar-l Merc in, disc-. Specie. Rank Notes. Jewelry, and V aluable Packages ol every descrip tion. Ah-i. Notes. Drafts mid Hills for Collection. Experienced and efi i-icM mcw-tigcr rn- loved, and every ellort will be inade lo render satisfaction. JOHN' HI NO 11 A M. Su,eriiil.-n-li-ni Peiin'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April j. Iwi2. mr.tnv ll Cornfr tf Sfnrr ami 'third Stifrtt II.VIIIllslll Iiu. l'A. MM! IS DOUSE, in s.-.ueiice of its eonvenienee I antl ne.-ir location lo llie Capitol, has niii-lc it a desiralile stopping place, not only for those having business at Iiu- seal of ijovcrnuteut, but for olhcis visiting Harrisbiirg. March 211. lsi'2. MM i-'r i:m. it ! in-!, tin .!' Eliitfs. 51illts ill I'lirs., W 4!I iiii. Ac I ii .-!' Is. on IM;i!.l. So Mis., Aalmals-, Fin t ! 2.V. "ti l $1 On p..". RoMli-s. and VUl: , i-iiiii'l -fjr-uc-- Ii.r jlitc!. i'ublic ii.liiu.".. Ac. Onlv infallible remedies known. Erre from 1'oisons. Not dimgcroin to ti..- Ititn.nn Fan i'y Hals comeoiil of llieir holes to .lie. Sold Wholesale in all !i,l.'-' cities I Sold by all liritjji-ts snd lletHi'r-everywhere. j '"liew'-ire"! of all wnill le-s Ml :.-t f. j See that ' I'Hire is - ll each Ei X. llottle and Elnsk. bclorc vtu luv. Addi.s iik ".v ir. -I'vs' vir, , l'lincipal Ii....,t 4-i Iiwilw.iv. N Y. j S, l I 1 y Kriling .1 linni. Sunbury. l'a. April 1. lMi.t. I'nn j EEUIEI.E iISCL s"fi: ?.slEC Kfc'l 0H T THE MII.I.IHN ' A most valiii.b e nnd woi.lerlul publiciitton A wmk of 4ni paire. antl ::u colored uii-iat i.ig-. Eli HI NTEK'S AIK MEi'l M. nn on.iii.iii and p- pu- Inr (realise on lan in , I M on..iii. their I'liysioloov. Functions, and Sexual dist. id. rs ot eieiy Un.,1. w-.'b Nt ver Eailing lleinetlies I .r llieir speedy cur.- The practice of liK. lilN has l .ng l.cer. nntl Hill is. unboi.i.dt d. but al the eatnesi soiiciiatit n of niilner US per-olis. be ha- bt ell induced lo exull I his II edieiil ns.l'ulltss through llie ll edil 111 of his' "V.ll'I. Ml CI'.M." li i-a v.. nn e thnt shmihl be in ll.e hands ,. every lainily iu llie land, as a preventive of sc-iet vires, t.r as a guide lor I he alleviation ol one ot the n.ost awinl ai.d des-ru'-tivt- seoliri!cs e.'er t i-it.-l icm.U.ii 1. t'nc cpy. secuieiy envel' i ' tl. wil! I.c .-n w i.i d -1 lu e o! i' in any li:ri ot the I lilletl -lutes p-l .ul cents in I . 1 1, siltll ps. ,.r llcpitsloi Jl. A. I. Iii -s. p.tsl paid. I'll. Ill MLU, No 3 liivi-ion Street. Niw otk. June f. IsoJ ly. I liEIMSTKF.ETS ! liiiiiiilnMi- Hair it-sli-iillx-. IT IS N"T A EYE, : Put restores gray hair to i.s original color, by supply ing the capiilaiy lubes with natural sustenance, un palled by age or disease All instantaneous dyes are coiiiKHset of lunar caustic, destroying Ihe vitality nntl beauty of Ihe hair. 111. d allortl of Iheinselves n,i , dressing. Hi in.sireei . Inimiial-li Coloring not only I restore, hnij to ils naiurttl color by an easy proces.-, i but civ es I be hair a j I.l XI Itl.WT PEAI TY. ; prt.iHotes its giowib. prevents ils falling ofT. eradi cnles diiutirntl. met iu pans htilllh and plcasaiiluess ' to Ihe In ad. ll ha. stood llie test id nine, being Ihe ' origiuitl Hair C. during, and is et.n-t.11 lly iiicrca.-n.g ! ill lavor. 1 sed by Is, 1 1. g. nib 11. en and ladies, ll is i sold by nil respectable dealt i.. or c.iu la- procured by thin, ol lb, ei.n 11, reiitl ageiii. I' S II.U1NI.9. Ji 'i 1-it.adwav. -N . 'two. tit., cenis and 1. Itelohor i'.l' IwiJ .M.H l.AM!S 11.1:, 1011 AIM', tiAIMH'.X nil EKl ir r.Vl.MS. Sllilabb- ..r Crapes Peaches Pi ars. Itnsplarrit S. SllHwbctues lilat kbtriii.. tmral.l.. Ac, ot I, . a. lo 01 .'o acresench. al Ihe 1'illowlllg pliees tor lbs vu '.Macro f 1 .'oo li acres lirllll. j 11,11. l-r "ii. .'1 mo' I 1 rili.i aetii lor .'!' I'. 1.1I1I1 by mi dollar a we. k .il-. k'.l tiai.litjiy land-, and village Iota in ('III I Mi'li. .' by lonltel atai'leu.h. payable by one dollai a wet k 'Ihe aU.te land and t.irais, an- .iiualtd al lnetw,M. Washington 'lowiMbio. I.ui billion I'oiii.iy. New loiuniliou. a 1 ly . a 11I1 a I J, is. y Ear in- Man. p. t-u a circular, ll H'.AMvl l I I.AIIK. No m; I't'dai Mlttl, Nttt lolk January ;'l. I to.: I) X V vs j Taii.'n :-:ct: l, Corner Fan 11 and Maikil Mi ti ts l IM (, t. fPIIK Ulol. I.IJI.rd Ic.h, Hilly mlmu.a l,e public 1 Ibal ka ha. I'.ktb tbsix'-iif Ika btu .d II III and a.k lof Hit- t.-u 11 uitlet- o Iba I lliol paliubaa and would ll. mi all o.l.tie lu ana hiui tall III" 1 il I I 1. ilsnt t, p It. I a 1 b 1 1 1 1 .i il.e b 1 1 kt I aft ,r Ii lli Dal v. al.ll a Ik. 1 1 .1 I . a ,1 I a ,1 tl . lib.; la -d abd d alitn i- I l-l . i. It.l I'.H. n lilt II tl I W It , t ttl tabkbiy , M.y lu. I -wi . I.uuiIm r I run ip an i , iai Mwln r I 1.10.-11 ll'a .-.aibly Mi'l.kla k t.a Inn Un I -Is I uili. iu a. ot aiai.ll t k . i a ( I I Is i I. nl ia, -il.iiki i.i 1 1 b i .i I (. n ll ai lis tol atai ll J - ..i an. i at ! mi a. ta natal iit ' idlwt m, tal JUbT RECEIVE Una y. returned from rbiladelphla w OF Spring & Summer Gi I'm- .1IIM, M'iiir. " Clotb, Ctissilnere, Vesting. Ilalian Chill Coating. Linen Check and Cottonndi I.mlit-N' lVi-nr. A large assortment of Diess tjuods. p, Fancy Silks. Silk Tissues. Fancy llerages. all i ool Delaues. Mosan.biquc tiomls at 1-. silk Levellns. Delaues. Lnwus. tiingh Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and W hi Sielln N-rdcr and Fancy rtumuier Shawls, Lace Mnulillus. Ac. Ready Mndu Clvthhig, A good ssoriment f Hnu and Caps, A large assortment of Roots and A full stock of Groceries. Molassej hnd Sugn Hardware ai:l liuilding Matt-rinI, A full Moi-k of Queen and Ola A full stiH,-k of Fish. ?a!t. Oils and White I A large stock cf New Wall Paper, A new tock of Stone and Earthc Ar. I thousands of articles nut cnunicrt f i' All the above will be sold cheap for Country Produce. J. II e: Sunbury. May 17. I ".12. tccnomy is Wcalt! . I i:i:oi it 4 ci 4.11 1 4u: i The REST and CHEAPEST Hons, hold It in lo- W.irhl. .IIjmIiiiik- (i!;i:T .IIMM I'Olin.l ! Mmavk Zl" 'I hit S f'uniti.c ir warriMitf". it" i ('"I'hiii; i t ;1h ii t't -Mtic im ui! ." l.inH. Hli l ali :t ul the; Ihru;it jtn-1 Mil mi' Z-i'l-H? J Nt m .n ti-ir hil th rnui:!- Si-: ill. tV'Mll it Vfci,il,.. ki.t-ai ii il - .niti 'tirel iiia.t :s"l nn it- f .iwt-r tin- Ih .tit.iy -:ini c-iri'ulit'i-'b .'t' th hi Uhr-.- -Ij.3 Iu. ifi a vi il.'iit ; mit lii'M -w ? uf'hir.jr h:i 1 : C:itl 1-0 t:ilif!l '. I : l-'t.-.-t) .if V.-tlll-. M:nltil!tv :t . i U tis.-iiit hn ;in'ii i; -he i..ih!ir ti-r.i-.-cr ! hut in j -u.'i 'I i s It -intti'.v l.y ; e b.. fin . ' u. i -I it lo j Most .ii.,,i:t 1ST l live is soi.l ii i re roll o.- , ir.y n-- t 1 lilnely use o a si;i -vi i Inn liui, s i: -co.-t .VI H I -Save, ! d.-d to pur -base arti j tain tl..- i ;-!iic ol' a i tir's I'ttram l:.i!: I w hi.-'i is as L'reat .t- hi'in r""iii!ii' :i li ! th.'il' ;itl!i.r.l h l'-l:'t 111. --M'ni:.!:H' Z:i l . .'..riui i m j.ri.'i wjii-'l, hrtu - i-, !. . it -!,i,-itt 1-r ti i uli' ; it r i.n v io I...- "iir Money ' Ie, i ot he '.:: v! o bi ii do i I : r,i.) i.. ,i ,.t M.-l-i.. tn. the . It of l of i.ianui t IHU to', - i i ' . '';. '...iv pri. i M -t :i ! !i ;. ti.iiKc-tfic piolil to i In- seller a ppi.rt l. - ly - i, iitipi no'lplcl di-al.-r- will sonietitue. V- otl-i r n.edi'jilies , ii which lln-ir profi!- n---: ',--llie cu-Iotuet- iiist-t upon h?ivutg .'-la Ian I'T s end Incie other A.-k I T M.-el.une l'..ri, r itiv e Jwii-iiin. t-i ice 1 .'! cents, and iii I.i-e I., 2 el '-. :ii:'l no tt'l-er. ll you cant" 1 on.- yi, reyoii ,-:ni ut aicl.r. Sold bin!! and Morekceper- at nd in l.ngtr Ih-:!:..- ' -J., HA I.l. A III CKK!.. Jatiunty .tl. l-'.k'i.-ly New i JOHN Ml-iK.HT .V .. t:.isi i-At tt iti:its or S A. C. ERA T T.r Si l'Ell L'AKl!. i"il-' Si !.. , And Si Ie Agents in li e t ity of New V ..-',. CHI AM Of "AKTAH f,-BST'' Ttivitel by Prof E... n N .. 11, ri.iver.-ly. I'fi-fe. II iil.l Slip. Ha..ver s -p s'airs.i M-;l Y"KK 'I I.K 1 i-.h -, i ice w i.i.-b I'l'-Hiii ..f Tnrtar I in I-s.-.l. in... lio-r wi-b llie H-nrinin-; etr. wlicll i-s 1 ,ni... ro.s a-lnl'i-ra-loll had beei w-tii ottn-r .-o-i-idcraiii-n-. il:dll I th" di-; i;, .: t'i emi-1. v hose n u,,.. -,. , i, .,,; (.. ,,. j . whiti i revoi i" i,e m long an 1 l iis.rioiis ijj stare'-, lo .lis.-,,, ,.r .lt-Mr-o le -111 s1 'I utc tlv r. Ill-crf- rc-were t l. wii 1 w I'll abiili. l int si c- hundreds ..I it:--us of ) minds ,.f the S,.!.. j ; j ', ; j ; ' j j have been so'd an-l u-.-.l .lurilitf lln- la-t fit e ihrouC-'IK Ihe I nited S'ulos ,m tlie- I'aliN t o j 1 !.e l-illow ing true e- iti',-ri-.iii i t its iimiii-. j the re-ill's ot it- us... w ith lh',-e of I'', in . ; I j will convince the it.osl incredulous ,.f v ii;i-' j Cenui ol f trlnr i-a t.otni trate ot l'otn-1, I Ti l- Siib-ti'iite i- h simple Pho-t-bate. at.-l j li' Itiii-g V-'il vvhst is l".,iili-l ill bi.e'-.t,.k . m, 1 1 wheal an. I oinr eirenl-. and i- tht ret .re I ntl'rilioiis It 11I-.1 has a hi al.h-;it ,na: I and sut piies 'hat tor which linie is a cnsl: j man I io 'be st. t 111 1 ( ii I' ' '"r a much less pri, Ih in Or-. it, 1 ar March II. Is',: ICi mi.lii'i im-b, ;int A i- r.t,s.-riUT, h'liin . 01 cne-l in 11 I En, .-n 1 rn k liiiibliii.'. Mill sireei. Iitinviilr and complete st., k of l-i'lU ICN AMI IniMI'STIC LI.,'1 "!,.-t-ollirisMig Ihe best hrai ils of ti,,ii,s inn En. . scotch and Iri-ii ll I U .ev. I't.r:. .-!..-tt-. di-ira. I hall.ia-lil an 1 iher lv iiu-s, t l all .-a lo ot Ii will be sold ll leile-ale. i-.t Ihe I. w.-i puce- laven -k -ep, rs, bybuving u. can ll leasl the lleighl I'tist bs desirous of pur -! Ii ju. . j f t F A M I 1. Y I s r. , ray rely iis,n U-iug furnished wi.h a purr Jl adulti latcd article I. I'eing deterinllit-tl In estubllsb a reputnl 1 selling t-beap. be repei-:tully ndit-iia llie' .ti . of llie public. All ortlir. proi Iv aiiin.lei ' Jll.EMI.lll IIU. I'uiiv ills. June III, -.i'.,i W IXtliiiijtlwu IIiiiisk-. M'lillll Mlllil.AMi. PI V N. LV SI , 11.. II.,.'... T I'll I' .1,1 III" I list II, It 11-. d tl,.- Wtll Ue IV 1 I It M 11 d lull I V kt .l I v t. (' s 1,. re-ptt-H tllv ll,.lli,- lo, MHO ),, 1,1 -, r, I I, lug lb. pit n I-.-- aid Willi..- prep.nel-, lellll I. Ill a t t,i I. . latit II al I t t ),, mill,! lllilil. Il,,ul..ul ll.e c nu. y and hi w l.o , I a I "1. 1 1 e ll.. . -'.. 1 . 1 1 I , 1,1 Anl I. I".' .lu-l p A Mill-1 IIOU taM I I , i nn u i i. nn i r the I.. lot . tl,, , t .nl C ,.in ... .:. . w ,iu ii ui, oi si.. i in. a,,,. 1 1 . , , , . I'll' " 1 l'i sst - 'be . Vi. .. "I . I . Ml I'll Al. A III ll t g,,.u ,,.. ", l , .-ulgt..i V III H I t: El aU I ,..,..' .. ol . lu.,a kinkiti ul. ,.iloi I erls.l "IS to. anion lit III tl I.l III I'll - 1 1 .tl in in, .,. m, v ,,, i. ii. l al. d Ii in i , tt 1 1. 1 1 i I.i,i I ., Man I l -l ) -l.... a HI l . i - A I lit. t-K J -KHIIS l ,, i ,. l-i.i.. ., II a., I (.i.... a N . .-- t. k ..tti Pl.,1 ,., i ,M 'a J 41-wait .1 at. i ly t ti lMll lllss- ItMMe I'l.l.'. U (I I. I' II I ll l'r I I I I' I I I Mb cf ti : i.l la. I I ' ,ba sllllv (V i f 1 1 II liv I I. . i ii w kt l at sa. mi , '1 VVll 'III -".- t ..ILlVl I v. It 4 v I k, !.;, .'. U i M j hi