A .folnt Hs-stolultoii propositi., cor inin AiucndnK-ut lo I lie " lion. I'.UIT llKSOl.VKD H tJIB Sf.KATK ASD Iot:8B off HeiuskntatiVkB ok Tint Com- MONWRALTUOV 1'F.SKSTl.VANIA Qs.HV.KAV Ahkmiii,t MKT, Tlu.t tlm following- nmerul imt.Ube pro,... to the Constitution of tl.o Coinnionwcaltlu in acronknee with the hrovi.iions ot the tenth nriieio mm . f TIhto chilli lo nn nrtilitional ectioilJ0 tl.e tl.ir.l nrtielu of the Conslitnti.iny' ilfML'imlcil ns wetioii lour, ns tulloy qlmi. Skctios 4. Whenever miy "M blmll t,0 ficil electors of this Coiimion,;(i,,r a i-oqui-in nnv nituiil military service the United p,itioii from tlie l'rc-fiil 0f tlii.i Coinninn Ptnti'f", or by the RUt,Vi,iy ixen lsc the right wrttltli. 8fih clecjttii,ns by tho ritisa-ns, of RtiilYiite in uA'tions as nre, or lOiull bo tiwliT BiH-h lyfnv, ns fully an if they were jirciK rilieOrli ir nsuiil plnre of election. preM-ntotinll be two additional ftctions to Tpfi-nth nrtirle nf tho Constitution, to t V-siginitetl us sections eight, and nine, as ..flow s : ,-' f kction 8. No bill chall be pnwd by the Legislature, contiiininjr more tlmn one mtl-jt-rt, which shall be clearly expressed in tho title, except appropriation bills. It. 'o bill shall be passed by the Legisla ture grunting any powers, or privileges, in Hiiy case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or may here after be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth. JOIIX CESSNA, Speaker of the House of Hcpresentativcs. JOHN T. PENNY, Speaker of the Senate. Office ok tub Seckhtaut ok the Com moxwf.atii, H.vKitisni mi, July 1, 18GJ. PENNSYLVANIA, US: I do hereby certify that the forc- L. S. going and annexed is n full, true and correct copy of the original Joint llesolution of the (ieneral Assembly, entitled "A Joint llesolution proposing cer tain Amendments to the Constitution," us the same remains on file in this ollice. In Testimony w hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Secre tary's ollice to Le uliixcil, the day und year above written. ELI SLIFE1?, Secretarv of the Commonwealth. July 11, ISU'J. to A Lare Aswoi-Uiiciit of I EVANS A WATSON'S SA-lL.A.3VrA.3MIDEIl SAFES. GREAT FIKE AT REAPING, PA. February 12, 1S02. Okntlemkx It gives mo much satisfaction to inform ymi tlmt in tho severe fire which, on tho mot nitiu; of the Ith inst., entirely destroyed nil lay :M-k iinii materials, 1 had one of your Salamander Eire Proof Safes. After end urin fln intense red heat tor seven hours, the Safo was opened, and tho Hook mid Papers were preserved in un umhlcmishcd cnmlil'nn. 1 shall need another Safe ns soon ns I get in older. Yours, most respectfully. W 1'. DICKINSON, 'Rending, Pa. FI11E AT URICEX CASTLE. CnAMBERsm no, Franklin county, Pa., ) August Hist. I si? I. j Messrs. Evans Watson, Philadelphia Ocntlc Men : On the morning of tho 22d of August, lsiil, nur Storehouse at (Ireoneastlo was destroyed hy fire. The Salamander Safo we purchased from you sumo lew years since was in tho ahovo nietilihncd store house, and contained nil our books, papers, cash. Ac. which were preserved in a perfect condition, utter being exposed ton most intense heat for several hours. Plca.-o inform us upon w hat terms you will sell us another larger Safe. Yours truly, OAKS AUSTIN. Salamander Sales, f.r I'anhs. Stores. Private Families. Ao., Ao. Also, Evans it Watson's Patent Alphabetical 13ank Locks and Hank Vault Doors, cjual to any made iu tho country, and sold on ns good terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to tho following Bunks and other panic, having their Safes and Locks now in use, to their entire satisfac tion, and many others given at their Store. I'mtkd Statks Mint, liraneh Dunk, Shelbyvillo l'hiladelphiii. Tennessee. I'xiTtMi States Aiisc.XAL.City 1 tank of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation U'k of l'hila. Pol 1st. iw n Dank. Pa. A Cuinlh Dunk of Philu. Coatesville ISniik. Pa. Chatunnoga Rank. Tenn. fcironrishnrg Rank. Pa. Pre iu Loan A-w'on, 4th st. Jersey Shore ilank, l'n. Lock ilaveu liiink, l'u. Rank ot Northumberland. Rank of North'n Liberties, Philadelphia. Union Jiauk. lJaltimore. Southwestern liu.k of Va. Paul and Suift, Bankers, Fulton Hank. Atlanta, till. Alabama. .Newark liank, Del W. (J. Slerling.Wilkcsb'o. Dunk of X. C, Raleigh, Lewisburg Lank, Pa. Other reforeue..s given uiHin calling at our Storo, No. Ill S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. J, Isu3. ly. WATCHES, J o w olry V Iliu in o it l n . LEWIS LALOMUS & CO. 8M2 Chesnut Street, PUiladelptiia, HAVE always on hand a large stock of Gold and Silver Watches, suitable for Ladies. Gentleman or Hoys' Wear. Sumo of our own importation, ex tra lino quality. Our assortment of Jewelry consists of the most fashionable and rich dcsigu ; as also the plainer and less expensive. Silver rpoon, Forks. Pie. Cuke and Fruit Knives ; also a largo variety of Fancy Silver Ware suitable for bridal Presents. We have also on hand a most splendid assortaient of Diamond .lcwlryf all kinds, lo w hich w e invito especial attention. Our prices will bo found conside rably less than the same ai'tielesarc usually sold tor. All kinds ofWulchcs repaired iu the very best manner, ami wurranted to give satisfaction. WLLilil.NU ltlXUSonLaud und uiado to order. Call or uddies Lewis lamoius a co.. R02 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. P S'. The highest cash prices paid for old liuld :i l Silver. A llorders from tho country w ill receive especial attention. .May 2, lKil."!. Stuo Alloiiiey tit I jim , Sunbury, J,'ortLuu.le land county, Pennsylvania. (Formerly Freeburg. Snyder county.) OFFICE. Market street, uno d.s.r east of Friling Or .nil's Store, and nearly opMwitc the Court House. All psotcssioual business, collections, Ac , will re ceive prompt atteuliou. April 12, 102. J. E. HELLER, Oflicc, ou south side ut Market Suaro, near the Court House, STJISTBUR'S-, TENNA.. Will atteial promptly to all professional business entrusted Iu ln care, the collection of claims iu Xoriliumhcrlnnd and the adjoining counties. buubury, May 2d, lfT,3. ly dmlSIT &c DIETZ, I.OWEil WIIAHF, BUNBUBV, PA. WH01.E.SALE AND RETAIL DEALERS iN WHITE ASH COAL, iu eery variety. Orders soliniOcd and tilled with pruuip'tncss and despaleh. Sunbury, May U lvi3 I, 'l o .enaaa Httirrrrn ol'lswlli rtcxra. i JitVl REND UK.NTI.IlM tN having keen ra i sloi.d Iu bcallh iu a few d.iis, alter undergoing all ll. u.uul iouIiim and iireuLr expnuiie mutes ul liu.ilii.tnl. mill, ut .un tu iiui.l. f. ii his fc.4id duty Ui M.uimuuiual lo nis alUietid ellw ereatureaj lb. NtAks or i i aa Hei,., ou ih r.ei.i of su aldiwd nn:I..p. ,m will scad kfice) a e of th lcipUou Md. Dllwl to Da JtHiV M DA't.V.tl.L, I" r ulu.u eutsi. Lliuvkiyu, K Y Jauaary it, ck)J. Cmu.e r.aa ai.4 aUikil Mn.u. HI Mil , fpilK u.ler.U,.,. r...-llttil ii.luii. Iks 1 .ubliv. 1., b- i.k .4 tn. i. ",ai.,.d lM.l.llJl-k.1.1 II.. ,ilau.H Iului, Jail" """ """" " W " IIMTtlllK (s aUsys-pll .ul, ,u b4 lb. sj.aik.1 .B.J, III. Dms IMlUU,! lb. W.l4'l Iiiums .bd l J,. llbj Is (4 i4 tivll a4d.. b ..,.1.1 IP. II.,, a L. , . . ,"''llUUf iMikorf, Mas la, w) KUt t,HO, GAi:t)F.N11 FI!1"1T FAHMS. c i.. 1.1. ipco, Poiolies. Penrs, Kamdirrlrj), c,.PnlV.iJ Blaekberries, currants, Ao of 1 , a in . liilcrif aeh. at the following prices for the ; ' ,f!.: 211 acres for ?2(ia. lo acres forllil, fr'"' f"T tM- 2 B',ri" rr f". 1 tri fur ?2U. I ".5ablo by ono dollar a week. I Also pood Crnnbcjrr lands, and village lots In C11ETW00), 25 by lull feet, at ol er.ch, jwyable by one dollar a work. The above land and farms, aro situated at Chctwood, Washington Township, l'.urliinrlon County. New Jersey. For further in formation, apply, with a P. 0. Stamp, for a circular, B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. on Celar Street, New York, N. Y' January 24, ltjo.'t. lj JUST BEADY, NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. N opportunity not to be lost sight of. Rare ehnncc for Agents. Ladies as well as Oonts can act as Agents. Apply early and secure Ihe agency for your locality. 100,000 lrjTCIISS, VJ!ST CITAIXS, LOCKETS, HIXCIS. GOLD PEX. A XD 1'EXCILS, BIlACEKETfi, STUTft. VUTTUX8, HECK C1IA1XS. XETS OEJEW ELK 1', fyr. To be sold for Ht each, and not to be paid for until yon know what you aro to get. Send 25 cents for Certificate, tellinir von what vou can have, with a circular, giving full particulars loAgeuts. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in all chscs. Address, S. M. WARD A CO.. 208 Broadway, liox 4,76. March 21, 1303. 1y BIMON P. W0LVEHTON, .lllorney mil 'oiiii-lor n( I.nws Office, Market street. 2 doors west of Ilepot, BUNBTJHY, PA. J ILL attend promptley to the collection of claims IT and all other professional business intrusted to his care in Northumberland and adjoining counties. Suubury. May 3. lriiJ2. " SEWS ! NEWSTEWSI NEWS ! BOOTS AND SHOES, VRE now manufactured to order by the suliscriber at CHEAPER RATES than at any other estab lishment in Sunbury. Tho war tax is not taken into consideration, ami all work will be .lone at old prices. Having just received an entire new stock of leather and Moroccos, for jillll'MI'IlM 15 OOI lltttl KllOCM, I.n1i' Mmm'h iiik! a':tii tn, 4iii!lr-iiH SliorN, tVi'.,&r., which w ill be made to order at short notice, in tho best workmanlike manner and of the best materials. Feeling thankful for the patronage extended here tofore he hopes to continue the same. All who desire work done cheap and durable, are invited to rail nl.his shop nearly opposito tho Court House in Market Square, Suuburv. Pa. JOHN WILVER. Febrmry 2S, 18flS. Cm tot ui:i i;m,i:i: i;oYi:i:, Attorneys at Law. Sunbury, Fa A JORDAN ROCKEFELLER and SOLOMON . U. IJOY'ER, respectfully announce that they have entered into copartnership iu the practice of their profession, and will continue to nttend to nil business entrusted to their charge, in the counties of Northumberland. Union, Snyder nnd Montour, promptlv, faithfully and carcfullv. Special atten tion will be given to tho COLLECTIONS op CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in tho GER MAN language. Office MurUet street, opposite Weaver's Motel. Sunbury. February 4, lhtio. " WM. KNOCIIE. C3 MARKET STREET, 1IARRISLTEG, PA., Scaler in PIANOS. NEW Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers from S200 upwards. MELOJiEOXS. The best manufactured Instru ments from $15 to $1(10 Cittitnrs. Violins. Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums. Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and. Guitar strings and musical mer chandize in general. SHEET MUSIC. The latest publications always on ha,nd. Music sent bv mail to anv part of the countrv. OVAL, SO.CAUE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES-I Suitable for looking glasses, and ull kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plnted LOOKING GLASSES from simplest to largest sixes Ariy style of frame made lo order at Ihe shortest notice. WM. ENOCH E, April 11, lfif.3. t.l Market St., Harrisburg. i:-&ai;iasiii:i uco. PETER LORILLARD, Smill'tV 'I'oltiis't'o iianiilsiclurer 16 A 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New Y'ork. Would call the attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz. : DROWN SNUFE. Macnbny. Dcmigros. Fine Ruppce. Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Nachitoches. American Gentleman. Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Huncv Dew Scotch. High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch Irish High Toa.-t, Frc.-h Scotch, or Luudyfoot. t""Attent ion is called lo tho largo reduction in pricesof Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be founduf a ."upcrior (Quality. TOBACCO. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. Long, P. A. L., or plain. 8. Jago, No. 1. Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish. No. 2. Sweet Sccnti d Oronoco. Canaster Xos. 1 k 2 mixed, Tin Foil CavcndUi, Turkish. Granulated. N. B A circular of prices w ill be scut on applica tion. April 4. IRilS. 1 lYjciiitiifr Diiiii'iiiio Com pan j', WILKESBAKHE. PA. C'lipltnl uixl Surplus, $11M,00. DIRECTORS: G. M. HolUnback, John Reichnrd, Samuel Wadhams, R. D. Liicoc. Charles A. Miner, L. D. Shoemaker, D. G. Dricsbach, R. C. Smith, ('has. Dorrance, Win. S. Rows. W. W. Kctcham. G. M. Harding. G. M.HOLLENIIACK. President. ' L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice President. R. C. Smith, Secretary. W G. Stk.iiunu, Treasurer. This Company Insures three-fourth of the Cah valuation, takes no Premium Notes, make no Assess nients. Policy acknowledges all moajeys paid during the terui of your Insurance. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May SO, ISO I. ly JORDAN TOWNSHIP 1) 1ST! L L E 11 Y. riMIE undersigned having entered into partnership 1 iu the Distillery lliitiness, in Jordau township, Northumberland county, on the road from Shatter's Titveiu to I uioiitowu, uhoul 4 miles from Mahonoy and o miles troiu kliugcrrtowu, beg lists to it.totm Ihe public thul they are now making a suiwricr ar ticle of PURE RYE WHISKEY. Those dcsiiing graiii converted into whiskey can Uk il done on Die uiost rcaonMe Utiih. The highc.1 eah prices will be paid forltve, and grain tnkeu iu exchange for 1 hiskey. 'I be' public can be assured thai all Li, key made at this distille ry ill bo bee trow drug and aduliural ISAAC Dl PI'IN, V ... . " : 01T. Jordun twp .June 11 lwVI m I O. "W. 1 Is-TJJPT, lltorus y uud uuiiMlUr ut Ijim, Olltac ou south side of Maikct strutl, foul duus west ot t. Y. llrighl t s riiur., BUNBUHY, PA.. ( W ill stiriid I'ruuipily la all prufubioniti bu.iueM .itUusttd Iu liw cai, lha eallMiiuu u. ciaiu. m N4ibuuilK-rtMiid sod ihe adjoiuiiig eouuuc. Mbiibuiy, May H.l. IHsss ly OBNAKEMAL HON WOUKS. iWiou ii:iii't nai iiiditt. lltuur, l'blluirllilM( I'm. 01 I I It f-r le usu lb. u.usi luturabt. I. rto'. .New ki..l l uaulilul D.i;i. iu Kieal sajivly i.l ll'4l ll.ilu,. ft i .lu.l.ll.a. ItrMdruaas. Ill , of Wi. ul.l I ad Ii at, at.4 ialiiid In -u. I i uiiu4 ; Iroa ei..db., tle.4tit. .t.us, t .aalvis. r ouutaiiM, G.u, i uluutas. iliU-ldiif tw, ... , ai.bd', V 1 aLlaa, tU.1,1 auu it. Ss.lu. t I..US SHauuaiy, AaiuU. aa4 all ulLos liua M uik ul a Dnsrfaioa iUixim Ihiu. Ioid.dor vbarflMD si pl.)H tm lb. aau, ail! Uai ' iLs Vii.4 I tsuik iih.J I J.mI ii-Iu iir ir & HR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE L I N I M E N T, the GREAT REM FEY Fur Jflimmntiirm, f!mit, Xiitrotritn, T.wnhny MffiXirl- ami Joint, ShTinii, HrvincH, Cut anil W'oumh, l'ili, Ihnthirhe, and all fflieumiitir nnd Ac) coin JJiikiricr. For nil of which is a tf eedy nad eertain remedy, nnd never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recinc of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut. Ihe famous Iwine setter, and has been usid in tho practice for more Ihnn tw enty years with the niost astonishing ' success. i As an Alleviator of Pain, it is anrivnled by any preparation before the ptiblio. of which Ihe lut I skeptical niav he oonvinced by a single trial. Ibis Liniment will cure rapidly and radically. Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of eases whore il has been used jit has ncvur been known to fail. ForNcuraliria.it will afford immediate rcliol in every case, however distressing. It will relieve the worst aascs of Ilcadaahe in three minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothache nlso will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or Jexuess. this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly UK.n the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivi fies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge tho world to droducc an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not fail to nttord immediate relief, and in a majority of enscs w-ill effect a radical euro. IJuincy and Sore Throat arc sometimes extremely malignant nnd dangerous, but a timely npplicutiou id this Liniment will never fail lo cure. Sprains are sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable lo occur if neglected. Tho worsl enso may be con.pucred by this Liuiiueut in two or three days. Bruises. Cuts. Wound., Sores, Ulcers, Burns and Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pro perties tif Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used neeording to directions. Also, Chilblivms, Frost ed Feet, nnd insect Biles and. Stings. DR STEfEEEN SWEET, of Connecticut thc Great Natural Done Setter. DR. ETEFUIN feVF.rT, of Ccunecticuf is know n ull over the United States. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr Sweet's Infalliblo Liniment. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Ii the best known remedy for Sprains und Bruises. Dr. Sweet's Infnllible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails Dr. Sweet'a Infalliblo Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Spool's Infallible Liniment, Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately rnd leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infnllible Liniment I the best remedy for Sues in the known world. Dr Sweet's Inf.illitilo Liniment Has been in use by more than a million people, and all pruisc it. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cuns Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweefs Infnllible Liniment Is truly a ' friend in need," and every family should have it hand. Dr Sweet's Infalliblo Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 2i and 50 Cents. A FRIEND IX NEED. TRY IT. l.ii bu-vvt's TVV 1 I.tlil.V LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is without a rival, mid will alleviate pain more 'speedily than any other prepa ration. For all Rheumatic and Xcim.us Disorder litis liulv infallible, mid ns a curative for Sores, I Wounds. Vpiaius. liruii-cs. Ac., it soothing, healing and pow.ilol strengthening propcruc-. excue mo just wonder and astonishment of all who have tver given il a trial. Over ono thousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it wilhiu tho last two ycuis, uttcsl ihe fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET S IXFAI.L1P.LE LINIMENT FOR HORSES is unrivaled by any, and in ull cases of i.ameuiv. ari.-ing trom Spiains. I'.ruisour Wrench ing, its cileet is magical ami certain. Harness ur ; Saddle Gull'. Scratches. Mange, Ac, il will ulso cure sK.edily. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily pre , euled 'and cured in their incipient stages, but con i firiiied eases arc bevond Ihe possibility of a radical i cure. No ease uf tliu kin 1, however, is so ile-peruie I or 1ioh Uss but it may be alleviated by this l.ioi- loei.t. and its faithtul applicntion will always remote i the Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with I comparative ease. EYEllY HOUSE ttWXER I should have Ibis remedy at baud, for its timely ue al Ihe first appeurance id Lameness will clteelually ! prevent tboe forjuionl.lu tlieaacs, lu which all hor ! sea are liable, and w In. tt render so many otherwise I vuluuble horses nearly worthless. DR. SVEET S Inallible Liniment. SOLDIER'S F1UE1S' D, fclUMHIlMt a) CO , -l4 Is all ,I..Ui. tiuiskxi Mrk is SM . tf TUB ALL SUFFICIENT TllllEE. THIS GKEAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. Knoirn ai"lldmlohrfs GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. HELMBOLDS EXTRACT "ItUCHU,-' .. 6ARPAPAR1LI.A IMPROVED R0S15 WASH. HELMBOLD'S ' GENUINE PREPARATIONS -HIUHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUC1IU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of tho BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROrsl CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases the pner of Digestion. nnd excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by w hich Ihe Watery or Calcomns depositions, nnd nil Cnmitural Enlargements are reduced, ns well as pain nnd inllainatiun, and is good for men, women, or luildrcn. ui:i.:uitoi,i it.i4 r III 1 FOR AVKAKXKKsS Arming fruni Ksccwcs. lfaliits of Iifytipaiion, Hnry liHiwretion, or Alui(e. AttotnU-tl with tlio following syinltniio : ImlisTH.-itMni to bxcrtioo, Xjwb ol'ower 4if Memory I'itticulty of llrcKtbing t'uK serves. Horror ut litci,5c, IHuiiiofs ot vision, I' ni vernal Lnwitiulc of tho Mucculur iSynteiu, Hot Jlnml, . Drvni'MM itf thn Skin. 4 remoiiitfi; Vain in tliu liitck. Klu.-liine of llio Iits.lv KmptiotiK on tho Face, i'tillm touutenaiu'v, Ihtfo Yinttin9. if Alloveil to go on. which thin liR'dicine iuvannhly remove, eoou follow I5J POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the pMiont may expire. Who can nay that they arc not frequently followed by thoc "direful ditcaae,M INSANITY AND CCXPr.MPTIOX, Many nre aware of the ennseof their mflVring. hut mine will conl'cwf. The report! of the tiicnno Any lunm and the u.eljinchi.y denth liy Coiirntinptinu, hear ample itntw to the truth of the a.-crtiun. The Constitution, once A fleeted with Organic AVcaknoiw, Kequircs the aid of medicine to rfrcngthen and in vibrato the pytem. which '-JIuImlMtid'tf Kxtrnct lUichu" inviiriubly doe. A trial wiil cotnincu the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES. Old or youngj Binglc.majTied, ur contemplating marriage, Iu many affections peculiar to Fcmalca the Extract llmhu ui)etualled hv any other remedy, ait in I'hlcrofijt or Hetention. jfrrepulHiily. l'aintiilnc.-v. or .Sipprcionof the Customary Evacuaiinni, l lcciutcd or Schirrmw state of the I tcrui. Lcucurrliea. or Whitcd .tcrility. nnd for nil o-mplaintj" iu-idi nt to the Hex. whether ariMii frum lmlicrctiun, Ilahits of I'iipation. or in the DECLINE OH ( IIANUE OF LIFE. Sec pymptoing above. NO FAMILY SHOI LU LE WITHOUT IT. Take no Ilalrani, Mereurr. nr I'npleasaut Medicine tor l'i:ilciuiuit and Dangerous Diseases. i;i.i.iiti.iss i:vritA"r in si Cures SECRET DISEASES In all their stages ; at litllo expense ; little or no change iu diet ; nu iucouvcuience, AND NO EXPOSntE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strcnith to Urinate, thereby removing ulistruetiuns. preventing and curing Strictures of the I'rcthrH, ailnj ii.g pain and iiitlaiomation. si fniuctit in this class of tii.-eu.-es and expelling Puitouuus, 1'iscused, uud 'uru-uut .Mutter. Thousands upon Thousands V 110 HAVE IiLEX THE VICTIMS OF Andvihohavo paid Heavy Fees to be cured iu a short tiuie. have found they were deceived, and Unit the "Poisun'' has. by the use of .-Powerful As tringents, " been dried up in the system, to break uut in uu aggravated form, and Pel loll utter Marriage. I S E iii'i.fii:i.i M i c: v r Itl 4 III Fur all Affections and Diseases of THE IRIXAUY OlltlANS, Whether existing in Mule or Female, from whutevcr cause originating, and no matter OF HOW L0X1I STANDIXd. Diseases uf these Organs require the aid uf a Dlt iimh-. HELMBOLD'S EXTHACT BUCiUJ Is the til cut Diuretic, And it Is certain to have the desired effect iu all Diseases, for which it Is rccuuiuiendcd. BLOOD! BLOOD ! BLOOD! llclmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Saraaparilla Syphilis. This is an affection of Ihe lllood. and attacks tl.o S.-xual Organs. Liuiugsut the Nose. Ears. 'lhroat Windpipe, aud utlicr Mucus Surfaces, making its appeurauce iu the form uf 1 leers, llclmbold's Ex true! Sarsaparilla purities the llluod. and removes utl Scaly Eruptions of Ihe .kin, giving to Ihe Complex ion a Clcur and Healthy Color. It being preened e prcsly for this class uf complaiuU. its Ulood-Puri-lying Proprietors are preserved lu a greater istel.t tliau any other preparation uf SarsupuriKa. Ilelmbold'a Hose Wash, Au excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as an iivjcction in Discs, 4 of the I'riiiury I irgims. arising fi-oui habits of dipsiputien. used in connection with the Extracts lluehu and Sursaparilla iu such disease as raeonimemlcd. Evidence uf the must ressiusiblc and rcliuble char acter w ill accompany Ihe medicines. CERTIFICATES OF ( I RES, From eight to twenty years stundiug, with u nines known to Science and Fume. For Medical Properties of Iluchu, see Dispensatory the I'uited Stale.. See 1'rofess.ir Dcweca' valuable works on the Practice of Phyiie. ee remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physick. Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated J'hyciciau. and Member of the lUvnl Colleguuf Surgeons. Irelaud. aud publihed in the 'lrhiisaelioiis of the King aud 0.uceu's Journul. See M.-dicu-Cii urgiesl Review, published Ly Ilenjamiu Trains, Fellow of the Roal Cullcgu tit Surgeons. fee luust uf the lute Slaudard Wurks uu Medi cine. txiuat t Hi ni-, $1 uu per buttle, ur six, $j uu Saiish-aiui i a I lit) 3 uu InrtioMKii ttusa Waii. to " . 2 in Or half adoicnof eueh lor $12 UU. abieh will be sultieieiil to cure the most obstinate eases, it dilectiou are adhered tu. Delit end lu any addrcsa, securely aekcj r.,iu ubservari.ai. ( v Describe svuiptmtis lu all eomuiuiiicaiiou.. Cuics guaraulccd. Adt ice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appenrcd U-lore me aa Alderman of the eity u Viiilaitelpbia, II. T. Ilelmbold, b.., Uiog duly saoiu, doth say, bis prvoirali.4is roblaiu tu liaicotlc, uu meicury, or ulhcr ii juuuu. diuss, tut are purely tvguiublu. II. T llFLMIIi'LU. Swum ami duscribt-il before u, Ibis J-M day of Nunuibcr. i!i. MM I'. 11 1 till All D, Ahiuiuiau, Niulb-.tm.-t, abuts Have, l'hila. Addle lullera M lot.rumii.iu la us.ld.iHw. II. T llttMUOLD, Ibeuilsf. Ikjt lut South T.aih str.t, Uluw Ckeridut l'hila. 1 1 W A K t OV CO I N T t II 1 1 U A ad I uMiu.iplvd Dealcra tt bo asuleatut lu dua. "uf lalr own'' aad "ulker1 am. lea ow lb. r.uiaii BllaUtsd by likillubuld tiobulua I'r.ualalloa " fcstiavt lu.lia. a hsi..rilla, " " lu.ururtH lt tt a fH.14 by all ei)liM. t-k H IULMHUI.U -TlkK N'lOIUm laluut lb s4.siiu.iu.ul. 4 .4 l4 II, Aad A"t4 Im.miiu aa4 fc-usjv eW. haas . k I 1TTENT10N DEALERS ANNOUNCES to all who trade In Bunbsay, IW he baa just purchased a i.ai:.i: Ni'oi'K or ko1-i-i N E W GO O D S, Which ho offers at his old stand, near Covert's Ilotei west end of Market cVtuare, rery CHEAP FOK CASU Or if that will not do, just as cheap fur CO V X T It Y I It O 1 IJ (.'I!. ,11 is stock tonsiita of larite assortment of HATS. HOOTS, CAl'rl. SUOtS. COATS. SALT, l'ANTS. tiOAP, 1 vests. itulsnr.s, 1IA11DWAKE, QLEENSWARE, and other artiolcs altogether too numerous ta men tlou. CALL ANDiSEE. Sunbury, January 3, 1WS3. Kfiidin Itiillronsl. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. REAT TRl'XK LINE from Ihe North and VJt Xorth-Wcst for 1'hilailelphia. New York, llcad- lii). roltsville, Lebanon. Allentown. r.aslnn, vc. Trains IraTe lliirrisburir for Vhilntlelthin. York. IteailiiiK. I'otlsville. and all lnteriueUinto Stations, at 8 A. M.. anil 2 I HI 1. M. New York Express leaves llarrisbnrfr at 2 15 A. M., arriving at New York at 0 l.'i the same mnrninjf. Fares from Harrishurg : To New Y'ork $5 lo ; lo riulailclhia f J iU and $2 80. linggage cheekeil throuuh. Hetiirninff. leave Xow Yoak at 0 A. M., 12 Noon, sn.l 7 1" Jl. (l'lttsburjth Lxiiress). Lcuvo l'hilailcb 1 bia at 8 1 j A M. au.l .1 :ill 1 M. Sleciiing ears in tho New York Express Trains through to an. I from Pittsburgh without change. l'ajwnffers bv the Catta i!a Itail Itoail leave Ta- maifuaat 8 5(1 A. M., ami 2 l.i P. M., for l'bihulel ibiii, New-York, ami all Way Points. irains leave I'ottsville at tt Ij A. ,M.. ami 2..!0 I. M.. for Philadelphia, llarrbur ami New York. An accommodation Passenger train leaves Rcadinir at n (Ml A. il., nnd returns from Philadelphia at it till P. M. t f All the alaive trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sundav train leaves Pottsvillo at 7.30 A.M., ami Philadelphia at 3.1 j P. M. Commutation. Mileage. Season, and Excursion Tickets, at reduced rules tu and from all points. ti. A. .irii,i,.s. May 2, ISO.!. Ciuneral tiiperiiitemieiit. Ii:t. .ri'iiiiKiii'iitsi l :!. sl ."'v Trk I.iik'm. TIIE CAMDEN AMI AMIiOY ANIl PllILAliLL PIIIA AND TllENTd.V 11. R. CO. S LINES. Emm Piifitift'ltitt to Xi-tf Yvr nnii ll"iy I'tir'rs, Jruin Walnut street Whai-J and KfHniitqtim Driot. irill li-nrt rs fiiltuv.i, viz : faiik. At G A. M., vin Camden and Auibov. (C. and rvcointmwia!ioii.) $2 2i 2 2i 3 00 2 2.-. AttiA.M.. via Camden an 1 Jersey City, X. J., Aeeomm.slation. At K A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City. (Morning Mail.) At HA. M.. via Camden aud Jersey eity 2d Class Ticket At II A. M. via Kcn.-ington and Jersey city, l.xpn-ss 3 mi At 12 M. via Camdeu und Auibov. C and A. ( Accommodation.) " 2 23 At 2 P. M.. via Camden ami A in boy, tC. nnd A. Express.) ' . 3 -,o At 3 P. il.. via Kensington and Jersey City, Wali..and N. Y. Express 3 00 At ti! P. M.. via Kcn.iitgt n and Jersey City. (Evening Mail.) 3 00 At 111 P. M. in Kensington and Jersey city, S.ulhern Mail. ' 3 ()0 At 11 (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Sou tn ei n Express 3 (10 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amltoy, (Accom modation. Freight and Pus.-ci.ger, First Class Ticket. 2 2" Second Class Ticket, ,00 F'or Water (iap. Siroudvbnrg. S.-rauton. Wilkes barre. Montrose, limit lien.i. Ac. ut Ii A. M.. from Kchsiugton, via Delaware, Laekawuuua and Wistcm Railroad. For Miiueh Chunk. Allentown. I'cthlvhein, Ilclvi dere. Easton. Lamber.t ill. . i i, iiiiugt, ,11. Ac. ut ti A. M.. from Kensington Depot, aud ut 2j P. M., from Walnut street barf. (The 0 A. M. Line connects u iih Truihs leaving Easton for M.-iiieb Chunk, at :i-2n P. M.) Fer Mount Holly, at ti A. M.. 2 and 4 1. M. ' Fur Freehold, al (1 A. M. ami 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For ISristol. Trenton. Ac. at II A. M. and 2J ami J P. M. fiom Kei,siugt,,ii. For Palmyra, Kivcitc.ii. Deluueo. Ib-verlv. I'.ur lington. Florence, LVidcuUmn, Ac, utl2,'l, 2, 44 ai.d Ii P. M. I r Eur New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken sing on Depot, take the Cms .in I- slrce'. above Mulliut. half an hour betoic dcparltire. 'I'bet'ais run into the I visit, and ou the luiiial uf each Train, run from the Depot. Filly Puitiids of Ibiggage o ily, allowed each pas.-eii;er. l'u.-.-.-iig.-rs are prol.ibilcd from taking anything us bu rgage but their wearing apparel. Al! bsgga .'c over lii.y . uu, Is to be paid for extra. The Coii.paiiy limit iRii- resHii.sibility lor baggage to One Dollar per i uiid. and nill uoi be liable foraiiy lltuoullt beyond Ultl. except liv speei.ll .-ontriict. M M. 11. liATZMER. Agent. Jauiinry IT. lst',:l. Nortlicni Central Haihvsiv ! sj tinic.i tijii; taiim:. TWO Tit A INS DALY to and from tne North ) West liraneh SiisiucbuM.ii, Eluiira, and all ut Sy i ll. em New York. OX ai.d after MONDAY. APRIL 2tnh. lsur:. the Passenger Trains oi the Noriliern Central Itnilw ay . ill arrive at and depart fmni Suidmrv. Hiirrisijurg and llalliiuore as tu'ions, :z : S O C T II W A R D . Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (execj-t Siiiulav). 10 10 A M. M. leaves llurrisburg. arrives at ltaltiinorc, F'xprcss Train leaves Sui.biiry I I . P daily (except .Sunday.) ' L-i.vcs llarri.-burg (cxec 1 Monday.) " ariiM-s ut lt11lti11K.ru daily icxc.pt Monday). 1 1 07 P. 2 la! A. 6 13 A. Harrisburg Acc.iiuuio luiiuu Laves Harris- burg, ti :;o A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves llallilnure daily (ex cept Sunday) II l.i A. M. 4 leaves iliirrislirg I 13 p. M . arrives at Sunbury. 4 03 Express Train leaves lialtimore daily V 13 P. M ' arrives at llarrisburg. I uo A M. ' leaves llarrisburg (except Monday). 3 I'll A. M. u arrives at Suiibiiry. 6 F'ur further information apply at the Hlfice. 1. N. Dl RARKY. Supt. l.ti'kuttMuu Av. ISIouiiiKburK' ISail l-uiid. 0 and after November 17. l!2, Passenger Trams Mill run as follows : MOVING SOlTlt. Yri'i-Af A I'll ... Ht'rr. Ji(i ,ri ri, r. Leave S-ranton. him.l. Jl, III 13 A. M Kii.gstou, 2tl 11.40 1'. M. Kii.. rt. 1 1 . -to ' Danville. 12 03 Arrive at Northumberland. 12 43 P. M. MuVI.Vti .l( I II Leave NortbuuiUrlund, a 2u P. M Dauville, ti uu ' llllpetl. t) .13 .Kingston, 8.43 Leave, 1 43 P. M. Arriveal Se-raulou, 10 UO P. M. 3.411 A Passenger Traiu also leave. Kingston al 8.00 A. Al , lor S-raiil.Mi, lo cuuiieel aiib a traiu tor New ork It .-luio 11. g, leave. Scraiii..u ou annul ot Irani from New Wk. at 4 13 P. M The l.a. kawanua A lll.siui.burg Ruilruad ciiocels iih the lMaware, La. kaaal.ua and W ct. ru Itail a.l al hei.nlou, ,.r New urk and lul. luiediule jiuts east. Al Rupert It connects with lb. Caltnw ia Rail road f. i-.iul. U.ih nisi and ctariiviiig al Phil, adelpbia al I 14 p, M Al .NoitbuuiU-ilaud It munm-ta aiihthe Phibolel phis a Erie Raitiuad and .Norlb.ru I enlial Lml road, for -lol. rl au.l south-w i,g,.,. rinog al llaiii.burgl P St ; I'hiladih.bia lu P. M; and llullimur. lu 2D P. M. ' ' lb. Fteijstii aud Psj.ei.gcr. Train u,th. I..v. Wbuuiovilaudat i.U A U, aud art iv Mat V.2u P Al , iMUitf D.uviU. al a 3u p. M J 0. W ai l a, Ucarral iu.kel Ag.ul. Nov. 2V, l-vuj rst yuur I'rwll, I IV u.ii.g IliwMi'a fauul.-baet Slsl.l aVi.w T"P 111 rcMiv. Jar. A.IM'A'.? fATHT SHEET METAL M'a'fc'ir nn'f All Ikal Is limss) b.u.4 U SIX lb. fit J.,wa M-a lb. HubUt l.k.l. Lkk m rl..d uuuui iuu lb. st uublur u ia. Jar. uf au lusk duuu.1 loa Ik. uu , Mt, iti. luaslbdlly ul lb. tau ul a. Iiail Uia, lt-Jui.4 by euiuiaa Ut uuuU.1 auk Ika ubW4. I'.iui d.iriu4 Ikawi Jul k ap4i.4 by Kiu, ik.u mU.is aok U 0 4 t.-rttt, t,-ul TJlTIVEPaSAL CLOTHES WIUNUER. Noll 1y 'uiu-r Xhroiiulionf l lie I.iiiisI. the best lnbnr saving machine In the world. No caution or skill required in its use. Wrings everything dry, and ten times aa quick as a'afi be (bine br the hand. A child of eight years can operate it. No servant can break it. Ii saves its cost in clothing in a family cvtryslx months,. Will wear for years witlinnl repair. Wurranted to please or money refunded. PRICES. No. 1 Large Family Wringer, ft" On (Willi Cogs Ho. 2 Medium ' ' 7.00 I Warranted r No. 21 Medium " " 6.00 ) Without J Cogs. Not 5,00 J Warranted. 11.00) Ko. 3 f mall. No 8 Largo Hotel " No lb Med. Lnund'y !to ru by steal run ) 1.00 I With Cogs. )V I Warraulcd. No 22 Largo " steam ) 30,00 I No 2 is the site generally used in private families. THE ONLY WRINtlER WITH THE PATENT COG-WHEEL REOILAT0R. Xo Wringer can be Durablo Without Cog-Wheels. 'iiiiTiiMs-rM IVmilt'sl in rery Tow n. Persons residing where no canvasser is ammintcd. by remitting the price to us, shall receive the Wriu ger by express, prepaid. F'or terms and circular, address R. C. ItROWNIXO. 213 Rroudway, New York. June 13, 1S63. Iiri i 11: i'Ki:i:zi:it t As Imprnvad forlS39 and lHiin. Ry E. KETCHAM A CO., 2S9 Pearl st., New York riHE only Frceier constructed on scientific prin 1 ciplcs, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The ore hastens the frcer.ingof tho ereum- -the other removes it as fast as froren. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity 01 lee. The mint economical in cost, ns it is the most simple nnd durable in structure. F'or sale in all the principal cities and towns in the I'nion. F.nch Freeier accompanied with a book uf recipes and full directions. TRICES. 3 quarts, J:; 00 4 quarts. 4 on A quarts, 5 till 8 qunrts, 6 00 1 1 qunrts, H 00 20 quarts. 12 00 Apply to II. 11. MASSER, Sunburv, Pa. March 2. IstiJ. II it. uiii:i, A t r tiv lit Law, SlNlllRY, PA V Collections attended to iu the counties of Nor tliiimberlaiHl, I'liiou, Snyder, .Montour, Columbia aud Lycoming. iir.rrni xck.i. Hon. John M. Reed. Tl.ilal lpl.ia, A. U. Oaltell A- tu.. lion. Win. A. Porter. ' Mort.,11 Me.Miehtiel, Esti.. K. Keteham A Co.. 2s..i Pearl Slr-et. New York. John W. A sim,., 1, 1. Attorney at Law, Matlbews A Cox. Attorneys'iil L iu, ' Sunbury, March 2.i. Is..'." ESi:issc'r Jltirrixhti IlOlilL, 'A'- I'-!. riHE management of this well-known Hotel hnv 1 ing been resumed by -Messrs. OA I.E A 1IEIM1. the present proprietors, beg leave to iitform the public that the house is now being thoroughly renovated, relittiil. and improved, with a view to the proper and comfortable aeoommodation of those who may favor tho establishment with their custom, (iuests will receive due attention and courtesy, and no expense will be spared that may condu.-c to maintain e hotel iu a tirst-chiss style. F'amilics and others desiring tn sojourn in U.-trri burg during the summer mouth, wall limi pleastini iMiarding and large and we)l-chtilatcd rooms at our establishment, upon uioderate terms. SCOTT CHYLE. March 2D. 1S02. J. lill.llEIIT 1IF.RR. 'I'lie AI:iiiim i;;:r-s. 'iii(':in.i , CI IVE NOTICE that they have concluded iir T rangements with the Northern C-utrut KailroHd Company to run traii-s from I.altimorc fr York, llariisliurg. Daiipbin. Halifax. Trevoi-ton.unliiirv. N01 ihtniibeilard. Lcr.isburg. Milton. Muiiey. Wil liamsiK.rt. and all interme,i:ite saiLioi.s. eonneetiiig at IIiinisb.Tg with the liKEAT WFSTKKX EX PRESS for Pituburg, Cineiiinati. St. Louis and thc West. Al.-o villi Howard A' Co.'s Express at Millon or I Danille. Eioomslterg. Wilkest.arre, Pittston. Scrai. ton. ainl iiiteruiediatc stations on the Caltawissa. Laekuwalina A l.loouisbiilg Railroads. At Wil- Iliaiosport, by Howard & Co.'s Express to Jersey Shore and l.";-k lluven. AImi. by lb. ward A Co.. and their c-iitiie.-ti,.iis. for Clinton. Troy. Elmira. Rochester, lliitrnl... Ni-ig- ra. end 4i all aecessiblc points in Western New o:k mid C;tr.ad. by which llu-y will forward Mcr.-'-alrli-c Specie. Punk Notes. Jewelry, and Valuable l'ackn.s ot ecry descrip tion. Also. Notes. Drafts ni d Rills f.r Collection. I'.xpel ieiieed and rlliel.-llt messengers elhploved. and ci cry i.l'oirt wili be iiiiulc to r-ii,li-r sniist':i,-:ioo. .Ii'li RIMillA.M. Siiywrii'teudeiit Penu'a l'ivis;ou. Philadelphia. R. A. l ist lil.il. Agent for Sulphury. April 3. 1-JiJ. t:i:.t!v hoi s: Cui'itrf if' .s',c unit T'tii'tt ?tni'?l Hahimsiii iic. Pa. PlilS HOr.!'. iu c..i,s.-.iueicc of il ! n eni.-occ I and near location to the Capitol, has 1:,; d.-sircble stopping place, not only f.,r tl.".-i business at the scat of tiovcri.ii:ci,t, but f" viiiii:g llarrisburg. March 2U, lnii2i l" it a liav ing .tlot. J?Sfc. i'V S"?"T2i i ssv-isSSfisA for Blills., lJi--. K!oil li-, .tuts :r.-! ICus, .Iitlan in Curs, Wuoilrnn, Ac liifM-t-t.-s vu tIuiit, I'tiu I, Aii!iua!i, A. Put up iu 23c. otic ami SI Oil llox.-s. P.. ille. ai.d Flasks, t.'land $3 sue lor Hotels. Public Institution. Ac Only infallible remedies know n. Free from Poi.-ons. Not dangerous to the Human Family. , Rats cuuieout of their holes todic. Sold Whol.-alc in all large cities. Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. IVRcwareV! id all worthless imitations. See that -CostahV name is ua t-acb R..x, Rottle and Flask, before v..u buy. Address nr. Vic v im om iii. Principal Dcs.l 4"2 l.ruadnay. N. Y. Sold by Filling A liruut, Suubury, Pa. ApriJ IS. Mi.: liiu f IM.KHlliLK DIScTTTsfTtESEllaTS FOR 1 Till: MILLION! A uut valaulilu and wonderful publicitiou. A work of 400 pages, and .'HI colored engravings. DR III MUt S AliE MECl'M. an original and popu lar treatise im Man and Wouiau. their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual dis..r.era of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies lor their speedy cure. The practice uf Dlt. lit VI Kit has buig bciii. aud still is. ui.U.uuded. but ul the earnest ... Iieili.ll-.il of I numerous toiis, he has Lt.-u iudueed to extiad bis medical usetulliess through the medium of bis j -YAl'E Ml.Cl M." it is a Volume llial .bould be iu Ihe hands uf every family iu the laud, as a preventive uf secret vire., ur as a guide l.,r the alleviulioli l ulie ot ihe must avvlulaud desiuctiv. I scourge, ever vi.il.d mankind. I'm- copy, securely eiiveb M.I. wilt be toraar.led tree t i.igc i any i arluflhe I oil. d st.ne. lor jUw-utsiu I ' steni, or 3 conies for l . AJdr.M. t paid. l'R III N 1 FU. No. 3 luvi-iou Stiret, New uik. Jape a, Issi.l ly. IlEIMSTKKKT'S luliullutilt lliiir K-luiiili. IT IS .MiT A l f. ; Hut rertorvs gray hair lo its original cob by stipply ' ing Ihe eapillaiy lutie. a ilk kaiural su.i.nauc.. lui. ' paii.U by age .4 tluvae. All liilaalaruiis dy.. as. colulvd ul lunar cau.tlc. dcliov nig lb. viulllv and beauty uf the kair, and slt ud .1 ibeuuclvus i.u I .1. ... ' H.-iitiatrMel . 1 uiuiilnl.il, t'oiol IU. u.rf.u.lw I fiwlurv. s.u IV www. mm ."-J pww, but auua lb. kair a 1.1 M HIAXT UKAl'TV. piotaote. lis grualk. pl.v.l.l. iu falliug ul. sfadl Mlu.dwJ.dial. and iiupalla be. Ilk aud plrssuuiluvs. lulh. k. ad. Il kas s(-ul lb. mi ul uu... b.n.g la. uliiual Hsu t'oluilug. aud U lutMiaulty luuluiu.ii.g lu l.vuf- I sU by U.lbgvbil. S.1M aud ladlus. Il u add by alt r-e. L.M. de.bi., uf c.u b .i.a-uivd kit lb. w ul Ik. .u.u..isd :vul, D llAbMn, Hit lli.U.ai, N Isuasa, n u aud I. tkifubct I-.. IssiJ. I.uwbir I liMtbrrl I'llll IP IUV, Vluauy LvuMt.u.gMiy, P. , 1 r" xl ku Iil.u4s.ad lb. iuMw ia a.u.i.l luai ks ss.wusiuls k.sfusi bsjad tUi-U at.uiiua .Ik. J.U.I. ..4 .11 a u. . I Us Ul tkl talUlSJ .i. ii.iv ki a k it m.i Nvk 5 ! lu. sua. ikv. i JUST RECEIVED!'. J. Ii. ENGEL. - Has Just returned from Philadelphia with a GPLE1TDID STOCK or Spring & Summer Goods. I'or Mrna Hciir. Cloth, Cassimere, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen Coating. Linen Check and Cultonade. I-nrtlcn Wrur. A large aaw.rtmcnt of Dress Ouods, Rlack and Fancy Silks, Silk Tissuos, Fancy llerages, Shalley, all Wool Delanes. Mosanibiquo (Jissls at low prices Silk Lcvellas, Iiclancs. Lawns, (iingbuins and Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and White O.wds. Stella border and Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk and Lace Mantillas. Ae. Ready Mudu Clothing, A good assortment ef Hats and Caps, A" largo assortment of Root and Shoes A full stock of (irticerics, Molasses nnd Sugar, Hardware and Ruibling Material, A full stock of Queen nnd (ilnssware; A full stock of Fish, Salt, Oils nnd While Lead, A large Mock of New Wall Taper, A new ftoclt uf Stone nnd Earthenware, And thousands of articles not enumerated. V A" 'lie above will be sold cheap for Ca.-h or Country Produce. 'j. 11. EXtiEl Sunbury. May 17, W,2. Economy is Wealth ! t i nr. vos es t 4.11 101: ict. The REST 1111 1 CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in the World. .t3i!iti!t Z Ak4' INt ti'l'EJC.'N GHEAT C0l'(;n RKMKDY Maiivmi: ZAImC TOR. TliU S Curative Ibilsmu is wurranted if used ac i.jding to the directions, to en re iu all cases Coughs Colds. Whooping Cough. Achilla, nm! all iiireetions ol tlic Tlironf ai.d Lungs. Madimie Z.'idoc Porter's lb.lsiui'. i-s i-rep.ireil with uli tlic r.-quisitc cmvc and skill, from a combination of the best r"iuedi"s tlm vegetable kingdom affords its .cnicdbl qualities are h:is-. ou itspowcrto a-sist the b.-allhy and vigorious circulation of the Moot, blood, thro' the Lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but 01111, Ii, -l.i warming, searching ui.d ellcclive ; can be taken bv Ilie olilfst :r&Jvj pei-son or youngest child. f-X5S .Miolaioc Z-ob Polter's KfjtlisS ll.ils.ilu has be.Mi iu nscb. ?di the public lr ov er IsyeiiM in..! lu.s acquired it pre sent sale simply by b-ing rtv-otnlneiided by those who bum used it lo their iitilictcl IViei.ds ai.dolbcis Most Imi oii i am-. .M.I, l ime Za l.s- Porter's-Cnra. live il.ilsaiu is sold at a pi i. . vvlii.-h brings ii iu tliu reach ot every oi.e to kc.-i. il c invoiciil lor use. Tlm timely use ..I a sin-k botilc will prove lobe worth I (ill times iiscst. NOTICE. Save your M 'tiey ' Do not he persua ded to purchase articles at Is l .- I vvl.i.-h ,lo not i-on-tain ihe virtues of a 13 cent lloiileof Mud.imi. 1'. r ter's Ciiraiivc Ralsaui. t!,c cost of uitiiiut icinrii.g which is as giv.it a.- li.at of alu.o-t any uiher medi cine ; and the very low price at v. hi'.h it is soi l. Iiiukcsthc pio!it to the seller a; p-n -cut ly small, and iiiei-riiiv ipl.-.l d.alei-s will som. ti s 'rec..ii:mcii-l other medicine.-on which II.. ir prtrfiis are larger, iic lc s the customers insist upon having .Madame Por ter's a. id Hone olio r. Ask tor Mad. in.. P..i t. r's Cn-r.-itive ilnlsiun. pii. c ;; cents, an. I in large- b .nl.-sut 2.1 ei nts. and li ke no oilier. It you cannot g, t it at one store you i-aii at -mother. Sold by all I r ii ;i.-:s and ;;tor. keepers at 13 els., an 1 i:i larger t.. itl--.-.t 2 .-.'s. ii.vt.i. .v ii i i k:.!.. rrot.ric'ors. J.inii"ry 31. I" 3.' '!.-1. v New Vrk. tl K.iS'S' A. '., V M f.vi 1 TKKlis OK Sl'PER-CARII. t'F SODA. Ac, .il v.:, Agents iti t!u City of New York f.r C'HEAl OF TAItTAH tsUUETITUTE, !i..-it .1 ly Prof, l.bcn N. Ilotsford. of Harvard I niver.-in . tiiriec. II Old Slip, llanovir Square, (up stiiir..; NI-.H 1 ORK. rrilE bi.rb pi ice which Cream i f Tartar comman lc I j I in l..l. together with the alanuing i-M.-ot t,. ' ,,i'-h xU danger ins adult. -ration had b.-. u ca: ri.-d. ! "i'h other rsii.i'ilera:ins. in liiccd the .listing. ii-he. I t l,clul-t. V. h-.se niiu-e is giv en uoove. to comii.cie. what prov ed to tu- a long and l.it.,,1 i,,iis scientific r, -scurcb. lo .lis. ,,v er it di-sir:it.!e siilisiiititc thcrelor. His eflel ts vverc crow lie 1 vvi.h abiiu.biiit si:i-,i-ss. at., I liiii. lreds of ih-.usui: Is of p.. no. Is of t- Substitute loiv c been oi 1 an I ii.o.l dm ing the list five years, throiigboiit tlic I uiled Si.il.s and tlic Culm las. '1 l.i- follow ing tl in-C'llnpari-oii of its ualurc and lb- i-. t.lis of its u-e. vv-ili those of Cream of Tartar, will coi.v in.-., the most incredulous ol its value. Cream of Tai ti.r is a bi-tni tratc of Potash. 1 1. is Substitute is a simple Phosphate, and contains nothing but what is b. uud iu bee'-steak. and ine-.rn. wheat and other cereals, and i ihcrefnr' highly nutritious. It ubo has a health-giving influence, and supplies that ti.r whieh there is a cous,ai.t de mand in the sy-tcm. ( v' It is sold f .r a muck less price than Cream of Tartar. Murch 21, !So3 ly If ru m!i-s, l iit'-K. ;iii. A.-. rl'- suliscrihcr. having opened in Tliomps,,n's J llriek liuil.ling. Mill ativet, Danville, a lingo and complete st-ck of FnlvKHi X AND DOMITIC LIQI'ORS, couipriniiig the bit brands uf Rianilics. (iiu. Old Rye. Scv.lcli and Irish Whiskey. Port. Sherry, .Ma delta. Champagne and other Wines, ol all grades, all ot which will In- sold Whole-ale. at 'be lowcicity price. Tavern-keepers, by buy ing of us, can uv u it least the freight. Pcrsous deirou. of purchasing liquors for F A M 1 L Y C S E . nay rely u-on being fuiuisl.ed with a pure au.l uiiudiilici .iI.nI article. j H.-iiig d. louuiiiud tocstiihli.li a reputation for selling eh. ivp. he ri-sprcitiiily isili, i:- tin patroimgu oflbcpuU.c. AH orders promptly a'li i- led in JEREMIAHS 11 ALL. Daiiv ill.-. June lo, l-si'il). t i:s.ltiuulou lloiist-. NOR I U I .V HER LAND, PK N N S V L T. X I A , (.V. ir ll,r lt,t,;.) flMIK sul-rd.cr b. ii.g . !,-.. I this well knovnt 1 'lav.iu .iill.l, Ulcly kept by Mi.. C. S Itniwu, rewpeclfully II. I. mil. the public thai be Is I. tilling and es.li log ibc premises, al. 1 willlw prewired lo eli Iciiaiii, iu a eomi'.M-ial.l. manner, bi. numcrou. Irieu Is lhr-u-.'!.ut lb. cunty, aud all wh.i may a ruaiie hi- i.tublu-buunt. April 12. JOSEPH VANKIIIK IIOU lll IkatM l io, Pilll.ADU.PIIIA. For thv R. livf ot the si, k slid Delr.. d sfl . led uh XiiuI-i.i.i I rbi. .me Iiisiun. and opoiially l. lb. vul. ul !'l.ue ul Ibu Sexu.il 1 1 Ko. MEDICAL ADMCFgiwu gt.itr, by lb. aciii euin.s.. -vt.l AHLK RLI-vrnTS uu spera.au.nhu. . I h.ttlllu.1 )l.k...-, uud olber Ills. iu. s ul lb. a.su.l (tr.'.ns. ai.d ,.u II. c MKW 1.1 VII i rlu d..l.d la lh. Dl.-iw.iy, m-u! U h. Bi,.., , ...led lull. I ...wiupu. Iiu.ul vksj... 'Luurikrca .M...I. n 1..1.J. .in U a. ,-,pi.l,l All.. I ll skll.l.lN Jt'tl i.IIThX, A...s ."u. wl, I'bila-i.lpbia. Pa J.'JUal f .; Su - y 1wM I'w s r - I IIOO .r ra, la All. PAP,K l' lH l'IKA(II.B I.ILa AND I'tlltliX- IlaT tw-altssl an.. flows lb. Mafa.'luiur, at Ik. kl Ail U"l 11 stunt ,. liiillVil 1 0MAT I 1 (1JI1 f.rr f ik II Iv'J