gTfK untuir gmfifcan. II. Ji. MASSFH, Editor A riopriotor. . sistiiiv, HA. SATURDAY, OWTOHEK 17, 180:1. 8. M. PETTENOILL ft CO., Re. $7 Park Row, No Vork, and 6 Stat Street, IWen, nra cur agcnU for the Pbmck American o Umm cltlw, and are authorised to take Advertise ments Mxl BuiacrlptkHJ for M at onr lowcisU rate. The doctor of norlln hare nadean flivlaugM ou TlATKrln boor, drunk thora to Moem, M being Ibt ihM of numberless ceaet of apoplciy. Mr Oeorga Peabody hat presented Yalt College with t geological cubical Wortli $125,000. Binoo the 1st o January tart. awcnty-ieTeninlHIoiia of pound! of toa Lave Ucu imported ,ut0 England. Oeneral Olltnoro'i artiilei-ypraatlco on Fort chimf wand tho capture of the rebel iron-clad Atlanta Lt' the mouilor Weehawhcn, have oreeted quite an uproar in England. Tho naval authorities begin to think their own tystcm of iron-elada a failure and rmr cannon quit irresistible. Wo muatnot pooh-pooh the AincriouM, sayl Dr. Russell. It has been ascertained by a traveller in thcOrlsont, Switterlund, that an angle How in bin sight five miles lo five minutes. Writ. AsswKRrn. The Nashville Vnioii reply In" to a control ptiiiiut remark of a copperhead fmpor that "Sambo is getting lo be of great importance in these bitter days," says: '-The negro has been of (treat importance for more thnn a generation, lie bat enabled a few r.rislocrats to rule the nation, be )im given the cotton States all their importance, lie bat canned one eivil war already, and has become at at last 'the chief corner-atone of the Southern Coti: fedcracy.' Who wilt deny 'Sambo V importance?" A eVrAT novelty was on exhibition at the Vcr Toont State Fair, in Rutland. last week. It is in the from of a itcnm pleasure carriage, ndnptcd to moving over common roads. This machine if of cxipiisito workmanship, arid. when supplied with wood and water for a trip of 77 miles, weighs only G.'il) pounds. Some four weeks tinee. this earring nuide the run ever the public thoroughfare from Luwc'1 toltoxbury. a diftauecof 27 mile." in SO minutes. It is claimed it will uu ou a couiiuou road a mile iu two minuter. Ou. Cass Rttcovr.ntso The Detroit free Prcst slate that the health of Gait. Cass bad improved and bo was considered out nf dimmer, (len. Cass is r.'jw eighly-nnc years old. baring been born in 17S2. Inthaiytar were also horn John 0. Calhoun, Thomas. 11. Kenton. Daniel Webster Jlailiu Van Huron all dead. If r.ejrocs tiro a? gcol as wl Ite people, why did not 1 lie Creator innku them alike T Ohio Crisis. ' We don't Drink that negroes are as good as white pmple ; but ii woman arc us gnn.l a. men why didn't tlie Creator uioke them alike! Louisville Journal, Cosrvrntts Reuovkd. (Lcorge Minnijh. Riehuid ll.ihlri.lgc, Jmiii l'etiit, John bhiifir.'Diinii.l FUln-r. ail iienrc Vi'. l.'hil, for many years cnnJuc'.or? eu the p .SFeirrr traiLsoflhe riiihidclphia iud Iteud irg itnilnad, ncr removed fi-'iii I heir situiilicus l.tftwcek. 'Ihe cetife is rumond to lie dishonest deulimr- with their employers. Mr. Wellington Jones o! Ai Inrr, ai d .Mr. Win. 1). Hunter, formerly of Uouulersville, but e been appointed conductors to fill tl.c.e vaeaucie. 1irrj Juurnul. TiikCo.vl Tn i'E. The quantity sent by R'dlroad this week iititf.7.l 18 by Canal. 28.871 00 for the week. H'iulO IS tons aRiiinsl 7y,ybu lout for ihe cor-iip.-iiding woek last yeur. 'litis is the heaviest shipment ever tiindo front Srhi.v kill t'ouuty in a tingle week, 'ihe r.iaikei reumii.i active for all kinds of Coal, and priee ar firndy muintaiued, with asiualt ad vance lor choice kind.. , TIki increase ot Coal thrown into the market this . year. air. udy reaches I .i.'.'l',.i2 tons, nod the demand continue?. Voder those ciremmtance, tha market ui!l take hu increase oT about one million eiLrht hund.e.l thoesjud ten thi year. lhere i no Coal nccumulam at any point in the market, beoiiuse the preseni hih prices induce I oth deu'.erri and cousuiuers lu keep but liht stocks ou band. The Toll on the Unilrnud were advanced 40 cents p?r ton on Moh day hist, to "the Kast, both liotu ThiKdelphia and Klii'iheihpnrt, have advimce-1 aj;ain, an I vessels nic tenre. .lintrt Joitrttu!. A boy. IliTi tilu years of ae, u.nned Henry I.owrr. re.iilinn near I'evkhair.rva, Knishind, was expelled from bi homo last uionth by his mother for tome IriUiiifMimuemeui'Or. and at fince ran away to acoru fiold c!oe liy, and n 'lyill ihiwn iu the open air fell ailcep. He slept throughout Ihe nijht. wbiclt was n uiooiiliLt one. feotna Inl.orers on there way lo j aeoiin tue noy nppsrently asleep aroused nim ; the lad opened hU eyes, but deolnnvt he eould not see. Jl was eoi.vej wj heme, and thence to an eeu liat's, where medical a. It ice was obtained. The eui'gcon rtliniic't that the hers of siht rvult-d from tie. pin in the moonshine. Tho hoy i totally blind uml no hoj ure e.Mcrlaiiied of bis ultimate recovc-ri- 1'.T.:. 1' y tiis Wi:st. There: i a grtnl st Tiri iTy of fuel in Cinriiiiiiili nml iithiT Wc-U'iii tilie. Win.l U ten dulhirn a cord. lo;i1 I'. id r nr Jive titiicj the usual price tit tl:i-i t-CiiMi of th? yc-ir. Sr. I oris Ti'it tcco Tkade. I.-urinf; t'tc vi tr tilling tlie lit intHi.t, 14,407 hh.K of tuliiirco Ytv sold tit St., tin increase of 5, HOT hhd ix-- the prcvS-us VtHr. 7ioral sltTai'is. 'if' l'residvnt Uinewlu bus ii-sued has Pro.-lamv tioa. sailing :ipirt for a uijf of ibr.ks jitin ; lh2i;h diy ol Xovt itih-T, i ' wSZS i fTi The Pole hi.-h had ber'n cut down ani rtiset! aiiiii in I'pper Augusta, .n AiMiduy, brought to gether uu immense crowd. Spirited speeches were lua io by Hun W. W. Ketebem. e. There were over 2'-0 w.iirons pruH-nt. The proceKijn thro i'h thestrec'sof KunSuiy. on id return, waS cno of tho grandest displays over witnessed hern ti?" Sunhury. on Tuesday last, gave Got. furtin a majority of 1 H votes out ef a poll of S-M votes -Three yars ai;o, Foster bad a rn iji rity of 12 vole. Lost year, Co.'hr.ii.r's maj .ri'.y wa: -Curt;n's t;ain over the voU of .l itij, U ' ovar the tote of 1S32 it is 5'J. The rer.isterod soteof tha borough is over &00. and hid these been tt lioaje, Curtin.s u-.a. jorily would havo reabe I 2C0. ty-Nr.w I'.tNcr Srotrn. W e'.l atten i-m to the new fiia.-y l ore of M:s M try L L iitrui whjse adrerlis imniit ajpo:trs in auother eoluma. Slto h is an asrortmeut of just sush notion as tho ladies will dejire. With the no'T f ore of Miss Anna Puiutur, a id tho new mUli.-.:ry gotU just opencl at the t'ora of Miss M. 1.. Hutsler, vhoe ailvcrtiscments alro ap pear iu our chimin, ni',1 enable our ladies to procure a'.ll'ue little adoruriiciiU soneoeury for Ihoir equa niiuity cud .-ociul plea'urei, and enable their fathers and hu-l.amls to reliuve theiiuelvee ofauy redundant po.-tac cuii tucy uud gi ttn backs, J-Tbc Hoard of Enrolment for the draft arrived here from llaninbur on Wednesday evening. They occupy ro"ms in the Cmrf House, and commenced work the next d.ty, with Lower Augusta. The bo:ird i conrtituted us Inllows : Provotl Marshal, Jao. 1C, frt ruent of Suubury tJomttiissioner, C C. Rhaan, f.m.. uf HanUbur ; Sureou, Dr. S. T. Charlton, of llarrisbur,; ; Asi-Mul i-urgeoo, Ir. J. B. Masaer, of uubury; Clerks. I.ieul. S. F. R, J. J. Weilj d, N. S. linyle aud y. C. llatin ; Crdeily, Gtorga H. im. m llylua i " ( j-Iiium aii Ctt U( iLOtsot. Ai a number of uew bnildina uiust ueoesaaily be erected, wo trust aume arrungemi uu will be maxle, to that brick can be furnubed, but fcyly in abundiuicr, but at ;uo,lrrale pii. os. A lew hundred dollars properly espcndid tor machinery, would tnaolc atkilful tud eu'.tipru.ii; inauiitaelurert of brick, lo 'II them a cheap if not cheaper than at Reading. A brick house an be cpcti'd a iheuply, a good ell-BuU,c4 fraiue, inu at Ihe picent prices, and it 1 a very 'lu.l tinhled oliey, io builders lo tubstitljte wim4 lor brick, ticvpt in eaeea a here the latter cauul be h id A ! brick buil liu .' nul only tell fur ! ire but is aorih, intrinsically, Uo7 4' f "' itioie than a (muiu. IVThi Mnuioa Hiiort The nork au the iinund h' U-o U pivrraiiig. A nuuitaf uf loiga Llcckt ol umt tloua hiato taelft fs4 louf liava Ut delivrid 'Jhoy are brought ftota llauofa, Ihe ko In a u uii Ihe ro.U 1 tuileaaUivt Lock llavta anl aill U h.uinor dioMI m ika ground lee . .. , . .. . . .. . ....... -.-I ... ika fi.uuot ! t U. Will l"l . V .M. w u. , . 1 - mi m .ail. aud ai.(lr aUm ike .eatft yl tka WkIi k lh. b Mudau w.itt ai U U H.f-4 Mit' ,0.U.i. thai lr. CaiupUll, Ika ...,.,!,. u- ,.ui y. a. r.a. t.1 a d.iiii.-. From Hi Army oC tit Polnmnr, (From the Wisbinglon Htar, Oct. 1.1. J Parties tvhr linvfi nrriveti from the front In-day any tlint thcro wn consideralile skii'iiiisliing j e.iterdny let w een the cavnlry in cither aido, and that pmnit ninskelry firing was heard yesterday nl'ternuon iu thu vicinity of Kitppahannoek Station. Mt-ndo has auecei-ded in placing himself In the desired position to defy any attempt at think movement bv Lee) and tlieprt-cition with which this haa been tlft-cted tellj wuil both for tli rouimander and the army. Last night, ct Wnrrt-ntou Junction, aotno Hebc-I Bympnthivra set tire to a train of earn coutuininjf, hay and grain, doing aouie Lttlo da mn go. One hundred wounded from IulpaUlck'a Cavalry Dirision rt-nrhed here this morning about ill o'clock. One hundred end thirty sick from tho snmn .Atiny Corps (Second) arrived with thu above. They weie uis- tribntcd among several of the liosnitaU. It i I elieved that the Hebela Ioat more in tho fighting on Sunday than ourselves,, ai on one occasion two of our light batteries fining into a mass of the enemy mowed thtm down like grins. All the indications go to show that Lee hoped by a rapid anil secret llauk movement to Meade's right to strike Brandy station, bet weed Culpeper and the Itupptihanuock, cuttinw offovr line of communication, and forcing Mcario to give battle under dis advantageous circumstances, with a river in his rear and Lee between liiuiseif and his supplies. Thu change of position made by our army was eU'ected without the slightest contusion, and us stated by us yesterday, the amount of stores destroyed of left behind, bevond Culpeper, would not make a car load, itll told. THE SITUATION IN FliOXT. The ?:tuiitloh in front to-day m highlv creditable to General Meade, and ahows thut Lee's demonstration on Friday, Satur day anil Sundry w as for some other purpose than following up and attacking the Army of the Potomac, for we lentil to-djy that hu hits suddenly tlie.ippenrcil. All tho lighting reported yesterday was with our rcconnoiteriug forces, both of which tell Lack under orders, after huving urcomplUhcd the object for which they w ere scut out. When the main body of the Army of the Potomac was reached, the pursuing llebels halted and then retired. We tear that Lee's demonstration was made to cover a more important in his rear the despatching of forces against Buiuside or Kosecrans ; else it was only to help his friend Vallaiidigham, iu Ohio, to day. We shall sec. I'rotu the Army uf I lie I'l-outles. St. Locis, Oct. 10. The Democrat's (Leavenworth; special gives thu particulars of the attack on Uen. liluut and his escort below Fort bcott. lie was attacked by 'MO rcl'icls in Lnion uuifurin near the encampment of Lieut. Poud. His escort broke, and out of 100 men 78 were killed all shot through thu head, evidently alter they were captured. Major Curtis, son of Gen. Curtis, was thrown fro u i his horse, and wus found with a bullet hole through his head. lie wat undoubtedly murder, d after being taken prisoner. Lieut. Pond's camp was uttucked u'-otit the same time. Pour men were killed and three wounded. Uen. IJluut escaped, aud meeting rein forcements below Port Scott, took command of them mid started in pursuit of (juanlrell. Lieuttnant Pool, of the U I Missouri, was kd:i: I. Cupt. Todd, QuantreU'i Adjutant, came to Potjtt's cutty), and asked fur an exchange of ptiso.iera? lie said anumbir of relics were wuuiKletl, umong tliem Colonel buel- b-v- " " liuantrell's force caiiio from Conskiu Plairie, McDonald county, Missouri. A letter from port Scott, bill, suys a rebel force burned Carthage, Mo., that ni'uning. Uen. Sclilield teli giapheil lo Lcnveiiwoiiii that from yiOO lo b.OtiU rebel under CJuaii trell, L'oil'ey, Uofditn, anil Hunter, were marching on Port Scott, and that he hud oli It red Col. Wier to move ail the force he could raise to Port Scott. I'rvm I'.iiiri 'iKC KOl'iU ALU I' Willi UlA.Nt;:. Tl.e London 7li;.td siva tliut I'.ii'l Hit'scd, in sjuicli rclutiie to tli" ironclads in I lie Mersey, is interpreted ns meuiiiii that the vessel'i will In- detained, even if the ex .slin hnv is in tlieir favor, and Piirliatueut lie called to pass measures lor t lie jmrposc. Tlie directors of thu Grctlt Kasteru have issued a repoit, showinj; llmt more capital mr..-t lie provided or tlie coiupuny divsiilved. Earl liiismll made an important rpcech on luivin iili'aits, nt Eiiir (jowne, Scotland, and referred at consideruMc length to the American question, lie justiticd England in rei'Ojtiii'.infj tile Confederates as liellier ents. and -Answered some imputations lirottht by the people of the Noilh, particularly the spcicu of Scnatol' Sunnier. He also replied to the complaint ol the South in rvfftrd to the recognition of the blockade, and averted that, altliotth, sell' interest demanded that England i-liould lirenk It, she prefers the c-.itirs? of honor, us it would hac Uen in fa mous to 1 n-a'.i it. He bhowed that the Government lind not sulheient cvld.-nce iiirimist the Alalmnui to detain her until after hc had sailed, and explained the dillictilties in the wav of in terference in such ctises. He drew n line lietween ordinary vessel cqtifpped for 'rur p.irposes ntnl steam rains, vtlucli in tli 'ti.- s.'ltes were formed for acts of olfenec, an I in i Rt hu used w ithout ever touching the Confederate shores. Uu asserted thut the Government was ready to do even thiiit; that duty anil neutrality required, everything just to u Irnndlv nation, and such ns tliev would wish donu to themselves, I Hit would not yield one jot of iu rblit to thu menace of forci''U Powers. Uu complimented th Pedcral Government itntl Mr. Seward upon tliu I. unless witli wuieli tlicv ilitcussed mat ters of dilli renee, lint said there were others, inclti' liner Senator Sumner, who had acted dilhreutly. lie denounced tho efforts of those who sought to create troulilu between America and t,iirope, ana with, expressions of friendship towards Ameriea, lie asserted that all hi tll'ons would be to tuaintuin peace. I-alt-i- I'roiu lim-opr, C'AfK Race, v'm St. Johns, Si-pt. 2. The Loniluti Tinica am a that thu lute ni C hnr kkton is viittmlly (UtiiUil, and its fall it on I v a (iiii-stion of time. Tim tiute-i taya thut Mr. Maaon tent to Earl Kiihm-II oil' Monday n notilicatiou tljat hu liuil lui'tl inatrtictt'd to withdraw from Kn-jUiitl, uud thut Mr. 31. proccoila tn Pur'u The Pari 3uniliir hs l Cruti (! prat M'liuitinn )iy iubri.liiiii( thu nmiiilValu of the Polisl Nitliuiwl I.iivernnii'nt on tlie 15th of A uirwt. 'Hut wti fiiurdod a mutual rei'oKiiitiim nf the I'.ili a ty Fruiu. Tlie London Time in lilkiojntf to th jilthdruwul of Mr. M aoa from,'lttiid, a): "The C'onli ili rail are otUiiiled itb KittflMUtl ft.r try inn to keep in the rilit, Wearetorry it. The Igaa. Uowrvvr, 1 tlllira, while Ihe relief lu the llriti.h uulioa ia ureal : aim Will have nolllilitf tl relM Rt. The riurojn. of FraiiWfurd astcrta that ii,. liuka M .iiinlliaii hiia liuully aifrpic I Ihu (lust) id Mexico and will take it al all j-'--' i I I. ....ft.,. ri.k. ami H rn, rtn rrnM uu.l .rtr.;jiii-. umlvr iUcwtMf Auairu. " . " i ! T.i Um'. ' uff'fing n . :.i. : ,r i . . i. ..r-.iiw Wltom i i ronic tiavn, " j-. i'- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ilnnlt of .oi llititibfiInml. An elertfon forcilreelora toaerr for tie ewihyr, year, will be held at the Ranking honeo, on Mittdtr. the lfllh dr of November neat, between the hours of 10 c 'clock A. M., and S o'olork P. M. The stilted annual meotine of the etoei -holders vill be held at Uie Dank ma: boose on Ihe Brat Tues day in Xoveutber, at 10 o'clock. A. M. J. tt. rrtU STtY-, Cadtler. Ootofcer 8tb, 18C'. M'l'ltAV lIi:il'Kl.U. CnmA la tna pretniees of the subscriber on the Rth of licplnmber laat st yellowleti bmwn Heiffer, a boot yeara old. The owner u reoired o soil, fwy obaraeaand tall it away, or It will hesnld anonrrlroc to lew. tHEtn EMKRlCUv Lower Aogotta, Oct. 10. tmo. na sroni. rrtlTE subscriber respoctrully In Tor rot lite poor Is cf X Punbury and vicinity, tlist he bas opened an en tire new ttoek of oloihiiifr and Fiimishinc; roods, al bit new tloro in Ihe building of Charles Plensanta. two,., in Market square. His ttook oonslsta iu part "f lvtElTS' CLOTHI1TG-- MOVS' CI.OI IIIG. Such aa Coata, Over Coats, penis, vests, shirts, undershirts, drawers, sloohincl, necktie, handker chiefs, glovos, 4c. Also, liuta and Caps of all kiuda. BOOTS AM) SHOr.S, of nil kindt. TRUNKS, and Valises, omhrellss, and notions of all kinds, besides numerous other ar ticles, Tue puhlie are requested to give bira a call and examine bit ttock. LEVI UECnT. Sunbury. Oct., 10, lSu3. IKIi'l nfi 1 1' A.M TS, CHESSCTS. Walnuts. Phellharks, Aa., and all kinds ul DRIED r HI IT are wanted, for which the highest Cash Prices will be paid br JleOAtV A OOOl'RICII. Claekberrv at;, one door eaat of lirk'hl's t'oundrv. Suubury, Oct. 10, 1383. Audllvr'si j!cc. Ocoree Goruiun, 1 Io tho Court of Common a f Pleat of Noribuu.bir- Vt illiam arger and Sol- laud county, ouion Uilliuau. J Ven. Exps Xo. 2, August Term, ISM. The underpinned apxinted Auditor by the Court of l-otnuiun Please of Northumberland county, nfore said. to distribute Ihe money in said Court, arising from Ihe sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of his s.tid appoint ment, at his ofitco iu bis ofiice in the RuruUKh of .Sunbuiy, Pa., upon Saturday tho aib day of OctuU-r, A. h , liij, al'J 0 clock, A. II. SAMUEL J. PACKER, Auditor. October 10.1S33. m;w fancy stohk. riMlK tul.iscriber respectfully inforuit her friends X and the public. Ihul she has just opeue 1, tno duois wett of ihe P,ail Ouice. a JtEW e'lOCK t K FANCY liOOllS. ladies end gentlemen, Uielul and ornamvutul, uouiisliiij; in part of Ladies' Triuiuiui, .Stationery, Zephyr lllank DKkt, Cotton and other Thread. I'iiuies, biudiuirs, Alemoruuduma books Ribbons. Lj!ls. Toys. ' Traveling bas. Inks. SUles, l'ockel liooks, Games tor Children, and a variety of other articles, nil of which have been i-lec:td with care and will be told at reaxoua ble pnett. ANNA PAINTER. Suubury, Oct. 10, ISu3. ly GRAND OPENING OP FRESH WINTER GOODS. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, SUXBURY rEN'Ji'A. OPFER FOR SALE AT VERY LOW PRICES, a full line of DOMESTIC AXD STAPLE ID'HY DrtERS GOODS OF EVERY VAUTXTT CHEAP AXD IIAXDSO.l'i:. A CHOICE ASSORTMENT . H0WDB3, UOSIEUT AXD GLOVES. HEADY MADE CLOTHING, COOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CArs, Trunks, Valises and Carpet Has. ItAUDWAr.E AXD GROCERIES. QVEENS AND GLASfjWAKK. Stone and EattUnvare. Wood nnd Willow Wure. Eur Iron and Slid, Naila and Sjiikct, Drop. I'uiuta itnd Oil", Window Sash nnd (Irindat'vuet, I'ickt and Mumiii H.-tninirrs, Conrse and Fine Suit, Fish, 3Iet, C'Utrat', Ac, 4c, io., All Kindi rt Goods, cheap for tath or Country I'rodurf, ran l found al tho OSY. 1'RICE BTOUK imi(!irr,& SOX, N. D All (looilk airuultd A rtlctllled, NO IUVIATIOX IN l lilCF.S. fc.M.VLL I'ROnTH AND (jl'K'K hAU - eillENC'irs PULMONIC SYRUP . Uillturo CONSUMPTION. Bchencx's Fnlmonic Sjmp Will l ute COMiLMPl'IOX. CcLuick's rnlmonio fyrnp Will Cure CONBUMPTION. 8chenck'i rnlmonio Syrnp Will Cure CONSUMPTION. Schenck'i Fttlmomo 6ymp Will Cure CONSUMPTION. ficheiick't Sea Weed Tonio Will Cur.s DYSPEPSIA. chciicki Sea Weed Tonic Will Cure DYSPEPSIA. Sctenck'r. Boa Weed Tonio Will Cure DYSPEPSIA. behtnek'a Eea Weed Tonio Will C ure DYSPEPSIA. Bchenct's Knndraka Fills Wiil I lire LIVER COMI'LAINTS. Schcnck'a ?.Tandrake Fills Will Cure LIVER COMPLAINTS. fechonck'a Mandrake Pills Will Cure LIVER COMPLAINTS. Schenck'a Mandrake llls Will Cure LIVER COMPLAINTS I)R. J. If. SCIIENK has a Large Suit of It.xtms at No. T2 llond Street. New Vork. where he ran be fnund everv Tues lav. from V A. v.. and at No. orth Siilii Street, Philadelphia, Pa., every Satur day. lie keeps a large supply ol uiedieincs nt his rooms, which cau be had al all limes. Those wi.-hing advice or an exuuination of the Lunirs will do well lo call on hiiu as above. Jle ieaks no charge frr advice, but for a thoruuirh examination with the Kespirume ter. bis prico is Many persons are afraid lo have their luii? ex amined by lr. Schenck fur fear lhai thvv still be found incurable, and by that mean? it is put off until H is too late, lli.w lnucu octier it wmiM lie lo kii'.w their cirhtion at once, ulHitiJitrce of evi'icree. IV S has shown aufhciuiit ceriitltatcs in Ibis eity that he bat cureil advaucetl tae ut Oiiisuuiption. lir. skdienk't Principal tilh,:cis N.i. li'J Nnrtli Sixth street. Philadelphia. Pa., a here letters for advice sLouM always he directed. Price of the Pulmonic. Syrup and Sea Weed Tonic each 'l per buttle, or J the half duteo. " Mandrake Pills, 2jccuU per boa. For sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers October 1, ltCi. :iiu 50 STOVES. . t'F THE LATEST l.MPItOVK.MENT ARE EDM SALE AT J. ISoIii'lsiK-li A" Co.'st FOUNDRY. SUTlBtJFtr, PENN'A. C.ct the Pesf Get Hi C'hinicts (it t tho most !o liuiuictil, wliich cuii lie liad at the H:hrlat'h Fotiiulry. Ilnvin ii ifr,c wrtincnt cf the nut nj-niM-tl ST'iVl-.'?. ?ik-Ii ii. CtHikme. 1'urlitr, MiKe nn'i Slit-j gloves, wlii.-h will be suld nt thu lowest raits. A1m. Ki'ttltr.-totitll sized, lux. SkilM. tr 'Ihvy nre nlo iir.mifucturiijj; Mut'hinerv, IMt.ubi, CmUiij. Ac, at yhort no'.i-.'e. Hipairuig mH kiuda of .Vjrieuttr.ral Iiri'lvnictiU dune in a K':cd ui kumLliko uianutr uud ut lliv shortest ituticc. All riicK shifi'cd aa nrdertd. Ordvr. rc.ei't'irt fully PoliciU-U uud i rr'iiiftth' n,u tided lu. JACOit UOilKlsACH A CO. lZf Old Iron, an 3 ull kinds of IVikIuoc takt-n iu EALLange fr work Sanbuiv, Cot. C. l-viS. tf ch fnjvl6 aUotatu ot Joili 'haiulri-luiii, tit- Cs'liMi'sl. TOTICK is hereby Riven that letters testamentn. ry. Having ucen to i:ic uii'iemiKneii on i tue estate et Jrceph t tmiiilierli.iu. late ot Miituiokin tuanship. N';rt.niii!l.erlfiiitl county. Pa . dec oed. All persons knowing theiuseli-i indebted lo said e-!nte are requested to make iiutnediatc payment, and iU.-jc having claims toprestct theui duly' led for seUlemeiit. LEW IS CIIAMIU.r.LAIN. Executor. Shamukm tp . Sept. 10, l.MiJ. til $ AOTKIl, 'V'OTIrE is herehv given, that the wid" ..f Dsn. ion ifiwn- i iel llilbi-li. rteerased, late nf Wiu-hing ship, has iioide btr election lo tlie amount tif $ ;m. of the j.ersor.iil 1 mperty of her lute husband, under tho Act "f Assen.lily iii ueh onset made niid fn.viiled. rnd ihe ho preaculcd lor allowance at the Novvuibtr Tcrui cf t'ourt. TOIUAS MII.I.. Adm r. WasLii gtou. twp.,Oct. 3. 3l VARNISHES. PAINTS & GLASS ! TE offer to I'enltTS. Coachmakers and Huu-e i'uinieri, rt ihe very luwud nett ea.-h i rices the best la h and Cabinet Varnishes : Pine W hite Lead; French and American Zincs : Ct.r'iue tireeus, aud Yellows. lnp niei Ivory ltlai-ks, and a fu:l as. svrliuent of all ihe liner Colore such es Yermillions, Lakes, Tube Colors .(.e , u!.i. Puinl nu 1 Yarnih Brushes, of tha be st make, tilarier's I'iamonds and Poin'.s; Paint Mill.-; single aud double thick tilass, of n'l des'riptn.iis und all Muterials used by House ar.d Coach Puit.tcr.which we can sell as cheap, if not cbetper, than any other house, from Ihu tact thai we keep di'vu our expenses l y cnductii:g our busincsi perKjiially. Mr. liAV. viic of the Sun f r many years manu factured ll.e ': ri'i'hes. dd by the lal'e'U. Mirack. We feel coLtidcut lliat our Yaniishes, aieeual. if not ti.peiiur. tn ai y uianiifnctureil in this Country W warr in'. them io give entire satisfaction, and if no as reprisented. the money w ill be refunded. Hive us a eall L?lc-re urchasing eltewbclc. A liberal dis.-ouul mauu lo the trade. I' ELTON 4 BAT. Nit. 135 i. 15s North Fourth Mrecl, corucr Cberrv, l'hiladelrhia. Oct. 10, lSfi.1. 6m FAMILY DTE COLORS. Black. Dark Iilue. Light liluei Irene h lilue, Claret llruwn, Dark liruwii. Light ltrown, huud' llruwn, Ciimson, Dark Drab, l.l-lil Drab, Dark Ureen, Light tirtcu, Magenta, Maroi.n, 'range, 'ink. Purple, itoyal Purple, salmon. Scarlet, Siato, Soltiiiuo, Violet, Yellow. For Dyiug Fiik, Woolen and Mixed linods. Shawls, b'arfs, Dresse. ltil,tH,r.t, trits, llnlineta. Hals. I'ealhers. Kid tilovis. Children's Clothing, and ull kinds of YVturing Apparel. A Saslttx ol'saO l-r '-t!f. For 23 cents you e in eol-.r as many gouds as would Otherwise ct4t Dvo limes lhai sum. ari.'U.- siiades eaa b produced from ll.esuiue Dye with peifwct ae eesa Direction in KrigK-b, French anl tltrtuan. ii.ride of each package. 1'or further infi,rnia'i u iu Dying, au 1 giui ; a perlict know lidga what e.-lors are Ui adapted lo dyeover others, iktith Uiany valuable rvcioeri.l pur those llowo A Stephens' 'treatise on Dveing and l'o loring. tsent bv uiail on receipt of piice lo eeiils. Manufactured by 1HH K A 1E ENS, liroidway, Ibtaton. For l.ilclv Dru.'ni.:. an 1 Dcalcia generally. Sept. Jrt, l-soJ.-Cm JACOB O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, Murkii Slr--(, nt'iti-l) o( nitwits' llir Hull Koitsl l-wl, nUNHUllY, A. . . T NPtlltMS tha eillieii. of Sunbury and vicinity, I thai h bas jul rtlurued truus Philadelphia ailha lull aaauiluii.l ol I'M. I. I'M' I'M I'll :MlN, OK.EVIHV lirM'KM'Tli'N AMltit AI ITV lli. slock tniit!t of t b lh. Ki. 'in h CImI,. Illack Do. bkia attd lam-y Casnuiv, llla-a r-aim. igui4 bilks I'laiu aud r au y l'j"imi-i V I 1 1 ViS. ln. W ke atll make au iu mder lu (! lu .uit lbs la. of eu.loiuis, ou shoit itwliee, ar4 tua iuo.1 icaMtiable k.ltut Aay UiaJs a.4 ua will las fuia.h.4 (rum I'kllad.lphia, by IIUUl It.lllll bunco. Uuoda IuiukIiwI by aill Im Hia.1 f la ard.t aa k"i.iiK. At ke ill sui tvy a-'aa bul tlua l skusea, hibM a.y iI; imi (ttiag lutit ituik II ii at a skua . Uii. . V ..i...... t , i , I b I ViriZZr' K.Wr- 1 ' OniMIANS' COHiT S.LE. IV (inisuanRe -f an ntirt of Ihn Or harts' Court nf Korthsinliarlaiiil eonntr, will ha possd puh. lio salf. on ihr iiirmis-s on BATV-KliA Y Ilia 17th tlar or, lb:i, all that certain ruaNiiinne mfrml sil l.rllKl, situsla iq Hush lownslup, Ki'rthmubs-rlaiid county, Pcnnajrlvania, alioul tour miles from llanvillison tha road leading tn that plaao, arli'tining land or Luther rtaasvtt. an liia north ; !ird orVt'idosr Campbell and Peter Hnnjhawoul on the east ; land belonging lo Ilia heira m Joss Weaver, deo'd., on the anuth, and land of Carter Moller, Al raham Campbell and oUirnt on tha west ; Containing Cf nr) tlaimdffttl null CIglil I'wo Acrensssid IOO lci-clist ttlrict Itlrtntnirp. Wherw.a ara craotrd k tm at d a half atorv frame Itsrcllins; lliaite with eellnr kitchen, a good frame Darn, a warttn-houae. and other outbutliliuir.9, a (rood print; nf water is at tha donr, an omhard of Iruil trees of vat i,n,s kiii'ls. are alto on the preuiiM-a. About K'u B:rt-a i.f tthit-h are cleared, a part of which is in a ft'std slate of cultivation. T he balance is tim ber laijd, h.tu the properly of laaao 1. Kliue, dcooa rei Sale lo eontinenje at In n'elocVA. M.. of said day, when Ihe terms and conditions of tale will be BiaJ'j knoan br II.U1MAN tl. KLINE, Adtu'r. fly iitder ortlie Cmirt, I J. A. J. CrusiN.ia. flk. . C. Kunbury, Sejit. llili. IsO.t. ) AUUIVAL OF FaVLCi'viNTFn BOOTS AND SHOES, JL'ST reeeired from New York and Philadelphia a frerb snp.l r uf the latest al vies and of tin best quality. whi It lio haa had made up to order, aed warranted to jrive paxl satisl'aetion. lie lias made arrangements in Ihe city to have his best work made lo order, which can he hud at alt times, if not on hand they will be prm-iired at reasonable notice. Manufacturing of liOOTS and tdlOKS of ull kirn's aa usual. I w ill also wholesale P.nt and Shoea by the hnx. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere and satisfy yourselves. Thankful fir patronajra heretofore bestowed, ho rcspectfiillv snlieils a couiinuance of the aaliie. t-hop an.-i .tore room, three doors west of tlie llail Road in Market Siuare. 1VM. II. JIU.LER. Sunhury. Stpt. 19. 1S-C1. "llTANTl'H itiiiin,l:ulL-lv. a Jour Shoemaker, ou f Metis' Work, linod waes paiil. .3Aiib-;s ii iKi:a:icM - wiiui.t:sAi.i: ash iif.TAiL CLOCK EST A DTslS II M ENT, S. L. funic r Second and Chivnut Ut . rhiludc1hia I GKNCV f.r thr IMTEXTKVfALIZIX. TillK A 1 1AV C'lX'l. KS. h vrrv dt-sirnhlo article i-r t'hurchu). lioU'Is, lluiik', i'uuntiug liuufcs, 1'urloid, Ac Also. Mi'.nuf.tcturfr of FINK HOLD PENS. Dock. reitirtd mi 1 wnrrnted. t"lHl J ritiiminfd every def:ri)tion. ihiladcli liu, Jni:unry l'j, latil Ay VTK ABU! Who moiiM Iro Milli OLT OMi f iV Vut: HAVE A Tit A lK, II A V K A (JouU One ! There cui he no hotter than tlie manu facture of Stui. W'v ha e succeeded in riducin the science uf iNmp iiiukin to a niechanicril certain tv 1 k thut miiv one unskilled in the Luii:e.ii can. i with our Formula, i-rosecute the manufacture sue-1 i cc-rullv. Our Formula coLir.ins directions fr ro- due in t; seven kiuds uf Snap, tZr a Trade a liu.-incaj' there w nu better. Ij'A ctiHimcted with a cuhtry ..tore, itlurge in crea5c the jTufitc. The product a sure sale no retn nauts very little rojtn re-piircd Kiuall oullny for futuri's no offensive dor omitted in the piocei of ui;iuitt'acturc. t ir Every f;iiitilv fliouM tho Funuuln. as the N:ij produced ly it wu'hei equally well in hard a iiiftift walr. 1 F.JiMK I OI: THE rORMl LA. F'T Family use. $i.00 For Mure u-o. 20 .00 Ext'ltiMie Uiiuiutncturiii ruht iu a town of l'U'.iiU iNpulutiui. or less 5u,00 75.1.0 Ho. er lo.oi'n und lis- than 25.UO0 l.o. mit foil and K'-i 75.Ui.iO, A City of over 75.0C0 sr ecial terms will be nrecJ un. Upn rweipt of the money we fchull send the I'ur inula. contain,; full aud complete directions, which arc prepared expressly for thoso utmcuuiuted w ith t the pnaress of Smp-mnhin Ijr Ii.iuiriea will be cheerfully nuswered provi- ued a stamp is enched for retuin rslae. Addre.-s l.EAl'.HSLEY 4 CC. 315 Uruudway, NevVoik. Sept. 12, lso.1. Im mr THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND l i lt I'll S'OI H .15. No. 520 Cur.sM T cinriT, 'K.iriuerlv No 70d. I'lULADKLPIUA. J. W". IM'.OCTnl! i CO.. ii.ii.. the (.tienlh i of their Erieuds to their larjre aud Stip.erb Stock of j Fine CLOAKS and Fl KS, unparalleled in any former season llie increased accommodation afforded in our new j locumn, enables u lo devote the tulieit utleution to our I'nr Is':irlrii-iit wbi.di w ill be fomnl well furnished with every de scription .f First Cles rt'US. which will be guaran teed as represented, or tlie money paid will be re funded. HUhKltS per i:i :il will be carefully attended lo. and dciivercd. Exprc.-o charges p.ui, and diataucu inside of It'll miles. J. W. PROCTOK A CO. No. 9;0 Che.-uut Stieel, Philadelphia. Kept. S. IbiSS. ly v. 51 rOUHTII & AliC'II STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Arc Oix-uIuh; , F A L I. F A L L T ItADE, Fmidi MERINOI'S, Good KI.AC'K SILKS, Dark FifMircil SILKS, New PLA1I) SILKS, New Fmirv FLANNKLS, 15.V LMORA L PETTICOATS, Red, W liiU im.I :51uu FLANNELS, etc. fept. 5, sfi3. .Im w WOOD Sc PEROT, ii.'bi t::.l .. Av. ,.ii.. I'biUileh.hla. I'm . rFl'U fr (Mile ufMu thu uior.1 ffturuLlo tcrut.t, mil Ittamiiul li.tcn iu a rent vwuty ol I roil Wrought Hiul fu-st Iron, miuI iiHhisinxtd Iron miJ rits j ui iii , irttu vi n. ma, 4Mt'iiii-, ctairo, i'uiiittvr. K iiiiisiii. l i.i (, tflMiuii). liitthm ltt l.uiiiii SimimU, HMtj, TlIi, l ifter .IuiiiIb, St;ut, 1 i'tmus. MiiLu ii v. AniumU, uul nit otUvr iruu Woik uf lvctiiHtiu fliirni'i r. I'vsi,:!. JtirmJa tt,r vUcti -u. Ir--ii ai fl viuyc Ua Uiut, ftrda utv tbv Liii't i wuik uccUvJ fU'l-l. l 't, I "MiJ. uUjtf ISAAC K. STAUFFU. tVnh li MaUvr uud Ur, uwrKAci K M LV YM WARH A !uijHrr t.f WATUirS No. Ill N.rih tsecutid hi . Corner Quarry Dll.TlllA I'll! LA i l E has eoitstant'v ou hand au a-jrtuieiit of liuld I 1 and Silter I'alenl l.rver, l.apiuu and I'laiu W aii lie. ; I'm Id Chain., Sent, an I key, llria.1 I'iiv. iiarUimrs. linger King.. HiacvW... Miniaiuie fHH., l..s ki'lk, I'lOClls. 'I'l.lUlbli-, SH'0. Ia lv. Miter 1'aMa, Dcwit, i. -a. Mill aud Mu.i.rd Spurns ; rUKar M1U.. l upa. Napkin lillia. k'lull and liuliar knn rhiebi., CuiU. Diautamd 1'i.iul. d I'eua. all "I hi. h ill kedd bw lr Ca.h 1 M I 'lllHI A I" b..l Ijuallly lull jeweled I'alenl l.av.c Voviuoul. riMiaully ou kaud , alo other Makers id .ii ci i.4 iuuln . N ' 11 - i HU liuld aud Silt.I kvughl for th. tx t 4, Iu3 - ly it tut rrmtllttunl llwlrl, 3'.J dt ii' i7io.iUasiv, I'liw fiiiiJ.'iii ,ViHl, MW YikK f pill Hist alaaa IIuumII a tkiaa ajMlel, ki'tutlik 1 aa4 lluivl la the anv uatia up.iiur ii.Uuatoivais lo ihn vuiiiu Nvw Voik lof ui pl.aauia ll la ..uii.! lu IU Ulli'U, aod krp ua Ik. Li a t tti 'i k. ut obaautu.a auk I tikua attoua. akeia iwliauiiaui au k had all kuoia. ut t.i4 la iksil a luvau I k akai ax ata tau dar.iw, Ik ruMK aad auenUaso of Ike ti4 wdci haikt. 4 ait O't aalna ta..atM-si aHk. . I Is.' P1UYATE ACADEMY, HUttiBERLAliD. n-llIElttV.JAIMESmaON-; mtene. 1,1 liil A"J,"n' u0 Uju,i"'' k I7.hd Augt, Tlie following branekna 111 oe u,( . Latin, UrerV, Malteninllcs, riiil-n"), ' . Losio.Uook Keepiiu. Vocd Musij 'a'v"' praetioc. Also, Uuvraj-I:-, Olau-uiur, ""J Cuinijositioa Viriliiij. utory, TLKMS lthrlvel.r8ii.jhewittttuelaogngw fS. 00 $7 CO la Wi I lialin ana anovc hrauonpa, Crek and above branches, Bee Clreular. Pur furlhor particulars tpplj to REV. JAMIX MCKSO.V, Toaeher. Korthuniberliu.d, August 1st, lS'J.'i. 1 I!or Ioh(, liiotr IteMori-d. Just VuUifhtJ, in a Scuteti Enrctppt. Pric Six C ruts. Vl.ECTl'RE on the Nature. Treatment ntvl Ka dical Cureof .Speriiiaturrlivea or Keminal Weak ness, Sexual Jleliility. Nervousness, anil lnvoluiitary EmtsaiotiS. inducing In;rfiteRcv, ConsuuiplioL, and Mental and I'livsienl lieliiliiy. uyliuii lj. tl litmi t.Ll .11. U. j The importnnt fuel that the awful eousctjiiyice of j Hell'-Alnise may he effectually removed without in- I ternal niedieincs or the daiii-ruus appliuation of I eauslics. instruments, mcur-aied uiits. mid other , empirical devices, is here clearly ilciiionsirittcd. and the entirely new and highly aucoeasful treatment as adopted I'V the celebrated author, fully explained, liy means of which every one is enabled to cure him self perfectly, and at the least pnssiblu cost, Iherrhy avoiding all'the advertised nostriiins of the day. This lecture will prjvu a hjun to thousunds and thou sunnds. Seut nnderseal. in a pluin envelope, to any address, post-paid ou receipt of two postage slumps, by ad dressing the publisher. tllAS. J. C. KI.1XE 4 CO., 127 liuv.irv. "e Vnrk, l'ot 'lliicu liui, iJy. An?. 15, la!i::. I eb. 2s, ly :to m I i ; i it a ' a i s :.n nIlE Select lli!li Pehoul of this lilace. will be S le'ipenc-l August olid, l'?, under the superin-ti-ndenee of S. P. r'i.VK. A liber-il patronage is lieitcd I rum the palrous of the Schuul, aud tha cilir.tiit generallv Ti.llJ'S ril-' TUITION PER PESSIOX. 0.-tli"ra by, leading, Wriling niid Primary Aritlimi tic- $2 50 Arilhinetic. tleojjrnphy and English Grammar 3 60 Nat. Philosophy. Watt s on TLu Mind, Alge bra and Oeoliutl v. & 00 liook Keeping. l.aiiKuugcs and As.tronomy, 6 50 V-Ore half of tho tuition money lo bo paid in i advance, and tho balance ut lLo t. iruliou of each 1 term. Pupils studying anv one branch in either of the higher grade ol tuition will be clusacd in ihe grade Cinbracins uch brtiucli. For furlbir iulurmuiion apply to S. P l-'lNK, Principal. Sunbury, August Elli, 1 atiiJ. DYEING ! DYEING I SAMUEL FAUST. RESPECTFULLY informs the cititetis of Sunbury i and vicinity, that he is prepared to 1AF, any materiul, a Leuuliiul black color, and at mo teratu prices. sept 10, '65. tf TRUSSE5S, SHOULDER BRACES, ELASTIC bTOCKINUS FOK ENLAKOED VEINS OF THE LEO, AC; Icstruuienls for ull dcfurmiilct. L)K. GLOVER'S "ew I.s-vt-r 'I'riiwM has taken the place of other Trusses for the retention and cure of Hernia or llupture. Acting upon tho principle ol'a lever, it never loses its atrenztb. It it coated to prevent rust. It has no ad on Ihe back, i which is so liable to injure thu spine and annoy and I chafe lite wearer. It is sure to retain the Kuplure, ! giving eu.c and comfort, and vHeeting rudicul curui. ; it is warreutid to give mti-faetioii. The improved SLoulder-Ilruco expands the chesl f.ud ,rcveiitd the wearer f.ciu becoming round sti'iuldcrC't. i Ladies' llclts and AbdoiniLbl Supporters. Ihind I n'-cs. and Hells cf all kinds, and iuali uuiculs fur ull Deformities oftlie Uodv. j DK.UKOYEU'S ofiice is No. 4 Aun Street, to I doors fimn Pioudway. New York. I Sii!in'c:s purticu'.srly tote the name and No. April 1L lsyjX HOUSE LOT FOR SALE. j 'pHE uudcrsignisl offers for sale iho houe nnd lot L now occupied by himself, situated ill Deer street I the first dwellii-.!; norlli of lh l.uiheran Cbunih. The improvements arc agnodTWU STOKV I lt.t.MK j lit ' ILDINij. 24 feet souitro in front with n two story j back building 14 by 21. with a double pocli. euii I tnining iu all eight rooms nnd a large hall. AIoa I good milliner kitcheu and oilier outbuildings, to j gether with a good gardcu. , For terms uud conditions n plv lo j .MICHAEL 1IAUNE, ! Suubury, August 22, 1S03. If M. V. Ji:.lIl9IAEM"N Confectionery, Toy and FITJIT STORE, Mni-liCf Slrct-I, Sunbury, Ia. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION', FRUIT, &c. Ac, (CONSTANTLY ou hand and fir t.V.a at the above J establishment ut wholesale and retail, ut reusou able prices. IU in manufacturing all kinds ot Cimfecliouaries to keep up a full assortment which a. c told ut low rates. Tobacco. Scgars. Stationery, Nuts of aB kitids. and a variety of oilier articles, allot' whioh mo uficrcd wholesale and retail. l'j,- Iteniember Ihe name aud '.dacciS M C. (! t AHHAKT. Market street, 3 doort west of E. V. liiight it fjou l atore. Suubury. ept. 19, 1603. tf I'A.M'V 1TS! I'A.M V 11 ItHi ! JOHN FA11EIKA No. "li Audi Street, he. low Ei.'hth, a.iiiIi side, PlllLADEl.i-HlA. Importer and Manu facturer of, aud Dealer in all kinds of Fancy Furs, for Ladies and '- Children wear. I wUh to return my thank, lo my fticudiof I Sunbury and the .i:r- rmiiiding Counties, for their verv liberal lai- . during the last tew year., and would say to them i,:li J uow bav iu ,ioie. uf my uii Importation aud iiiaiintaei ure a v erv ve asMinun ni ol uu Ihe ditlercnl kinds and u,uuliuc ot I ancy i uis, lor Ladies and children, that will be worn dunug tuu rail and n inter seasons. Deiug Ihe direct im)srlrr of all ley Furs from Europe, and hav ing them all Mauufaclured under my o u super isiou enat.lo. mw lo ofler my cu. o m'era A lha public a much handsomer siet of l'urt for Ihe same mono . I ndict please gie uis a cull b- hre 'urehating 1 ritatv rciuember the name, uuiu- ber aud street. JolIX FAKHRA 71 f Arch t-Ucel, I'luladclj l.ia. Seplembrr IS. I"il3 iiu l-B3. ISO'J. lMiilail-Iliiu A l'.i-te ItuIIrotitl. ' I VI IS great lii: Iratersii tk Northern and N.irih 1 w l u. uuliit ul l'un.ylvuu to tha city ut l.iu, ou Lake Ki . It has beiD Ix tho 1'rvn.ylt aula lUllroad Couipauy, aud under llitu au.pieo. it Wing rupialy on, ne,t throunboul its enure Uagih ll is now in u nr l'acuger and Freight kusinn. Inui llain.Luig lu Diiltwuud. Snd fork. ',', u ilc.i ou ihe ka.Uru I'ltiMuii. and li iu hetLld lu Lrtt, lS Inlix.l wa Iba U aslecu Div inou tiak or sauta tkis at tintiat An M'S Ei I .ruts IVtnttivirJ Mad Ir.ia. u le AM Mall iraiu, i 10 1' M LiH iiaiu, II V7 , M tvi. Iiaiu, t A. M Cats rua Ibrouab without uhaitfu. hoik s, ou iksM Ukin. Wiatta t kilad.libia aud Luck llatta, aud bli tea Habiutuie aud Luek llavau tlrgaui Mvi'pn. Cart Wl isf.M Iralua kulk Vat. Wiaaca VI at.4 llalllwuia, ai.4 V illiaustpoil ait4 I'ktladtilpkia ur u l..iu,iu,u l..U"' rawufar buttutaa ai'ily al lLa s kl. I'or. tlik at. 4 M-tkut ait Aud Iii-bl kaiariul Hi. tumpai.) s Ag.uit, k Ii ktniUua.Ji , lot ltk aud Maik.k l, I'kliadvlpkl. J VI k)aI.Ut Ilia J X Dial, k C I I. VallittMsia U II Uottiua, Ut I li.iaki Al rkilada law i L lloitt, (tea I lKkt A t fatlaia Jutira D sti. Va. I Us.M Wtlliatar. .d irw j.rtti'.EO rrrrn 7 J o n : v. : ? t : x s , KWiC, u:n iL-fr vtxf. ,r ('.., : ,. fj'.'Tir, I g-noraltj mot la J. , in lt;alt! , Buuours and rcporca a I.s to prsspared to male ootiew anm r,, i- tucndinrcid ones, ai d i H., jw"" J . "J,b"'";u ln:t"ul wii..i.l all fitid aubaiui.ti4ltv. in t.u.i ...n' 1 rik leaving tin .hop, r.j trw s 't :' 1'uf.a due shire of usironn..,,. ' 1 1. ii..i.j:.:...i. 1 . w uu? iMo,,, ,ug iu imvu oniiiiii .f madn ur, tooru-r buiiiuryri.rle, wiil i 'u ,w iv, nm , cj;, , - 1 11, 1 jJ i iu. Kew Hu. f MrTiaAFafactCiy. milE subscriber respettV"OI. Ki.ll H I thai ha has coininciicad tiinlornis il, r,,,i,n 1 liL'HV, all the various alytcJ ui niurius, at SLN. J Wool now in nn. lletrufs that biJi;ni,' f ur j j ' tho business in tho cliy. will inablo -o ijnc ii j L&ts iu tiyla aud quality cnal lu any -, t u' j A supply of silk uid olhnr hats will aho I lu hand. , i Merchants and others will find It to their ads-n,. t".ro to give hiui a call and ebcouraj home uiitou faciurc. 6uld Wholusaln and Retail, lit the lowest pri :. AMUKL l"AI..ST. Msrket S'i'jntc,ona 1.r wntof the-Auiciiuau' IJ.03. Sunbury, August 21, lbCd tf TAl LORIKO "iSTA BLIsHMEKT. JOtllsT E. 8MIClf, Eawn hlrrcct, oppositu Weaver's Hotel, 8TJNBUHV. Nurthuinberland t.'o., Fr- INEHKMrfhis f.-iei.dt and tha public e;eii:r...iT, that l.o haslakio ihe Shop ot ,Iiil.o Ual.e. lee' l., mi l is pie ii c l tdo u.i kinds of T.Wl.'.'i. INti in a guo.i Muikuiut.lik'i u:ai ner. The Jiuiic-i.. ae ol Ihe pulilic is respectfully solicited, gunlury, .Mny H, 1 SCa. ly 1803. 1SCJ3. F RILING & GRANT at rnz MAMMOTH STORE, "TOULD re-"pcclfully annoucco Hat thoy hova just received and opened a very largo and well talen ted Slock cf GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they nrs willing to disposoof at a VERY SMALL ADVANCE ON rirat Cost. -0- 0UE STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVERYTIIINO OIVE Tja -V CALL. ThaLkful for put favors wo licpe to meet a con tinuancc of the same by mill telling UooJi as cheap if not C'lIIC.lC'lIS than cau bo purchased else where. FUILINU I GRANT. FunhnrT. May 21. ISM. A VALUABLE FAliM F0!I rpiIE undersigned olTert to sell at private s ile. l.U X valuable tarm, tiluate in Zerbelowmhip. Nniih umbeiland eouuty, I'a., uboui one mile ei of tbn town of Iruvorton. Cui.luiniug TWO 111.'. 1 i . 4-1 ' ACLES. mnro or less; nhuut si.iy aoris of which nre cleared and in a good tiatem' i-uliivn'ioi . ri the balance well limbered wi.h piuu oik, i I o improvements are a Lug-iicuse, li.iru ULd oiher out Luildin.4'. Term. Easy. For raniculnrs innuir" of IHA d. CLLMENT. Suubury, May 2.!, HC3. BLINDS AM) SSIADFSr B. J. WILLIAMS, No. IS North Sixth Street, Till adelphia, Muuufuctuier of Vi-nt-lisiu liiitKlis uid 1 IitUo-vv lsastrh. The largest and fine-t assortment in the city, at tbn lowest prices. 1'linds. i'uinled and Tiiiniuod vual to new. Store Shades made aud lcilend- April 4, lo63. iliu S T-1SCO-X. lrxtUe B.iantatiuu HittcrH. They purify, strengthen, aud invigorate. They ereulu a healihy appetiie. They aic au r.uiidcAe lu change of wuter and di. t '1 hey ovcrcnuieetiect.iif dissipation aud lute hours They ktrenglhcn Ibesystein and enliven the mind They prevent lui.'isiualic and intermittent fevers. They puritvthe brcaih and acidity ot the .louiach They cure Dyspepsia and Couslipaiiou. They cure Diunksu, Cholera, aud Cholera Mor bus. TLoy euro Liver Complaint and Nervous Head- They are tha best llittert iu tho wo7!d. They nilika tho weak man strong, and are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of pure St. Cn x ltuni, llicccU'uated'Cuhsayii llark, r!s aud heriu, uud at Inkcu villi the pleusura uf a beverage, with uut regard w a-jc ur lime ol ouy. I'urtwuiiirly re- commended to del, cute persons rcoiiirinr; a geutia s'.iuiulabt. Sold by all tirocera. I'niLj.-t. lloull and Saloons. 1'. II. DKAUE t CO., I'V 2 Uroadwa, Naw-York. tuber 23, SPECIAL. MJllCii. THE IT.OPIULXOKS OE THE CI I It A lt l KOI HE, 1'llILADELl'HIA, IlDspectfiilly call the uitoiitiojo of Butineu Men and the travelling oouuuui.iiy. to the superiur accumu,v dulion and comfort in their e"iibli.-lnneut. k AX A'JA, EOWLEU Jt CO. August lsiV!..:iiu Jo it : a ii it i ou i7i:wi:tc ri;i: A 1 uuatU fjftiuic incurred. Hill bo puid to ! anv ri asox. tor lt,e apirelu-nsiuu and dcliveiy ol a . , .. ... i I i.K al tlie lu adduariert ol tho nearest Mc- usl uiarLai. Ily older. JOHN KAY CLLMIXT. Capt. and Provost Sliirslml 14th Dut., I'a. lLirriibuig. August Sy, ImU. fs. I. 1'. t. I.. elH:.' ISLAND f A X C V DYt'lXU i S I A E L I S II M K " T t nAUHKT. X KIMIFAV A CO.. VroDrioto; . I hi iui.a: ,iu at .oiiu r.icuiu ai., i unaovii-u-. aud J 4 I J vhu St , New Yolk. Our tucortt io Dyeing aud ClcsnslDg Garmentto' I Velvet. Cl dh. Si'k Marino. Da I.sint, 4o , ic . aud bbawl. of almost deserlpliuu. i so r'l ' tuowu i list wa oulr deaii lu rewind our fi lends tea ; lt public cei iuIIt. thai the msm tor k.lUn rwdy Ibur 1 all (iuoda it uow at baud ' t,, ,eCeud tod r.turni I It Liprcst. UAIlUin'.MI'ULWJ A CO. August Ti, 10:' :iia tV-iTiiirix. ai.xii.m. mu i i it-iv it: i :. 1h uudeiM.'k4 aould retpi fully iiitua t uar aitvuitua W kit wall tulMilid Hu. k ol I Uia tl.dd and tti VI Ait kits lil..uldJi. LtHY.ut ttwy kudai'd taii.iy ui .;.!-viiiiuin all ul lha M.I si .1 at' I U"-t isaulM d 'if ..,. fi.ID elttk tV Alii. .yj n i;, kl J lb. W ai.k. .4 hi I'lul'J It'jis lull aiu u t. tni. 'oumW la W at i tttltj ( tl aUk aud Jjavliy eatviuliy i;i-i alt 4 JACOB 11 till IV, l."t. ti. .Sijuy. i llmm I N. t.'JMAhkll auvai, 1'liitAli A Aaj. V, lavJ am skt.uU .u VI llll.Ua a to, llvfui ta MC I N. K Co r.l'va ; at.4 Liuka.y N.a 'l, V,d talaiiy tt It fed U tllMU"4u ill k! ..k a.l i I .I'u ,i VJ l.srf sate a rt ! It, lLa -lta4 !. I diiefll Ut s4 , I nlaur, Pti, tfl'h 1