Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 10, 1863, Image 3

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    C.jc jgiuibury amnican.
It. B.MABSER. Editor Proprietor.
8U.Viii;nv, pa,
- j
Ka. 87 Park Row, New York, and 8 State Street,
Boston, are our agenta for the St JiBiBT Aukrica
6 thoee cities, uid are authorised to take Advertise
menta and SubecrlpliniJ fur us at our lowest rate.
J.jf-Tlie Union Seliutoriitl Conferees of
this district met nt the Montour House,
Danville, on tlie 20tli inst., nnd noniiniiteii
lton. Ukohoe 11. Wn.LiT8,of Cttttawissn, n
a cnmlhhite for Statu Senator of this district.
Mr. Willits is a worthy nmn, of excellent
clmnicter nnd standing. Before tlio nomi
nation w as made, a letter wns rend from Mr.
Bound, declining a nomination, on tlie
ground of being engaged in the more i in
portnnt matter of electing a good Union
man, for Governor.
To lho IVojiIo l ."or.Iniuib'i-l.inl
' mil j .
Mt. C'atimii., Sept. 28th, 1803.
Finding that my Icing n'Ciiiididntc for
the Legislature interferes with my private
business, reipiiiing more time than I can
give to an earnest and faithfui canvass of
the County, and believing that my personal
interests at home demand that I should dis
continue the canvass. 1 therefore withdraw
my name as a candidate for the Assembly,
at the same time returning my thanks to the
Union Convention for the compliment they
conferred upon me by a nomination.
To iJte Voter of fcJeliiiiitlM'rIniil
TfHisVTVll.i.E, Sept. Sflth, 1803.
Jonas Stcine the I'nion Nominee for the
Legislature in Northumberland County,
having withdrawn his mime as a ('undulate,
nt the solicitation of many of my Union
friends I offer myself as an Independent
I'nion Candidate fur the Assembly. Should
I be elected 1 will do my utmost to advance
the cause of the Government.
Amos T. Biski..
MessiisV I. M. Sinokk & Co., of New
York, who have been long known us cntcr
ptising and successful manufacturers of
Sewing "achitics, di-sulved their Co-partnership
by mutual cui.-eiit on the first of
August las't. The Company which now
manufacture the Singer Sewing Machines
are a joil.t-stocli Company, with increased
facilities to conduct u mammoth business,
and are known a- die Singir Manufacturing
Company. The new Company have the
best wishes of tin late firm, and the public
need not hesitate to bestow on them their
conliili'.iec, esteem and patronage.
The Singer Family Sew ing Machines are
fast gaining world-wide reputation.
Inslee A. Hooper, l'sij., is the President
of the new organization.
I'elton !fc Uau, Nos. ISO it li'.slNor'.h
1'ourtli Street. Philadelphia ; .Matiiilaeturers
it:itl Dealers in all kimk of Taints, Varnishes
G'ass, &e., cVe., to which the attention of
Dealers, House, Sign and Couch l'aititers, is
invited. Head their advertisement iu this
a-INi:v' Conns. H. V. llriglit ,; Son
advertise this Meek a large und well selected
e'.ock ol new goods just received at tile.r
well known old stand in Stuibitry.
The Washington rorrc-pondcnl. of the
Boston 'Ir.inlhr says of General Hooker's
movements: "Jit? is to In? under Koseerans,
and is to cnmtnat.d a part of the reinforce
ments sent to Cliattanoiiga. It is pretty
generally known, i!mt the t'nviTmiit nl is
exerting itself to the utmost to f;ivc K"se
crans troops enough, not simply to remain
safely on tlie defensive, but to assume the
ull'clisivc at once. Hooker will have charge
of one of the largest cmpsof the Army ol
the Ciiinberland, and he lias lew sit,Min fs
us u corps ( oinnu.ndir in the country, lb
neeepteit the appointment readily , alt liot'.g ..
it is a stt p doviii the ladder, audit was a
line exhibition of patriotism as well a- g..od
-.'Use for him to take it uuliesitatiugly.''
Is?" Alioi.n-iosisf was, i:ot iolig sime,
a term of reproach, but Copj erheai iuvcciiw
is making it one ol honor. Tiie ilis'.ovaiis's
of the North apply it to those wi.o rei'u-e
to bilicve with Mr. Justice Woodward that
' slavery is an iletiiablc blessing," or who
will not vote for a man who declared that,
for tint prote.' lioii of slavery, slavehol h r
might Use any means if delitne in tier
power. Tiie Northern "( rvants o) toe South
may call the unconditional hnal man
Abolitionist," but one thing at least h.
d ie not desire to abolish the American
Union, which slaveholders are doing their
best to destroy, and their Northern friends
nothing to protect.
Co!.o:iKi Sciiom.s at N ASA v I i.l.v.. The
Nashville I'ltim, in an article respecting
the declaration of the opposllTon that tiie
emancipated slaves cannot take care ol
themselves, mentions these highly honoiable
We do not know of a Utter reply to
this pitiful stulf than to state the fact that
lined all the excitement and extraordinary
troubles of civil war, the black people of
th!s city have been carrying on no less than
eight highly respectable schools which nic
intended regularly by some six hundred
pupils. Of these schools six are individual ;
the other two are under the management ol
trustees. Three of them are in Wist, three
in North mid two in South Nashville. - The
trustees and teachers are all 'American citi
zen of All hail ih scent ;' no white person
interfering :n any way. The government
is in no way concerned in the uttair."
Jt;'"In a speech at l'hihidelphia on Mon.
day evening, I'rofcssor Orestes A. ISiownsou
saiil :
'The war is not a calumity. Nntious have
gone out and expired in absolute llunkeyisiu.
1 hope the war will not (ease until it has
made all the North men. It has been our
sup. nencss that lias allowed the South for
thirty veurs tu gatiiblu on our love of the
"Men can't le neutral in these times. How
Call ii good son Ik) neutral when hu sees a
nan w itli a dagger ut liia mother's heart.
Coun lay is more than mother. 'Ihemuiral
is not only a traitor, lie is u coward. 1 have
no sympathy with a party that seeks to come
into power through peace. Give the rebels
peine and you ie them indepe inhiicc.
The copperhead lite deceived. Some 't'(
llu ir IcimIcis expect but u temporary n 1 1 -aioii.
'('lie Soiiih has no sui hau idea. The)
h ue used the iioilheru d, mount.; io
they intend in Inline to lit ut lln m l au l e
a i n by tlie Jiii luuoiid pupu. Tl.ey wi.l
kci p bilwieli them and II. e w iud, and then
ho,, I i ,i ir noses. This l iiion, once dis-
solved lull llcur bo llslored. l) II I U St
i In l sin h men to olliee a will pu.h the wur
iuiU u-itiutoiu tiie 4' vijumiut.'
Hkkrt Ci.AT o Hi.ATEnv. "So long nt
God nllowa the vital current to flow throujilt
ns teina, I will not uid in admitting one
rood of free territory In the everlasting curse
of human liontlnire.'' mid Mr. Clay.
Alluding to tl o ti ne the alvc aentimc nt
ns utti red, Thomas II. Benton, the friend
of Jnckaon, any :
"That was ft proud day. I could liavo
wished that I had spoken tlio Mine, wortls,
I cjieak them now, telling ynti they were his
und adopting them as my ow n."
& oral Sffaivs.
Accident. A brcakosman on a Philadelphia.
A Erie Railroad freight train, bound north, wnl
knocked off one of tbo enri by the bridge at Chillis
quaqup, nnd Instantly kilted by the train running
over him. Ho wa literal! J out to pieces.
llenAWAT. A horia attached to buggy nt
the Philadelphia 4 Erie Railroad Depot on Sunday
night last, broke loose, ran down lho rallrond to tlio
Culvert rr.idway between the above and the Ca nwiiwi
Depot, plunged to the bottom and was instantly
killed. The buggy wac broken to friignionti. Mil
Ionian. lj? W'e regret to lenrn that one of the men on
a wngon returning from the Augusta t'nion pole
ruining to Xurtliunibcrlond, win struck with a stone,
and had his arm broken, when piuuiu j above town.
The cowardly villain will pcihups, be diicovcreJ.
New Millinery lioona. We nro requested
to say. Hint Misa M. L. flussler, will open a largo al-
tortmcnt of the latest style of fall and winter Milll
( n 'ry Goods, to dny (Saturday). Miss Oussler will
; have the largest stock of Millinery good ever brought
to this place. Advertisement next week.
f'leKFon Dii'Tiikiiia. A correspondent of the
Trovidenco J"Urntil vouches Very strongly for the
ilTieiicy ol icens a euro fr diptheria, croup nnd all
ordinary iiiflnniatioiis of the thro't. The uianncr of
npplioiilii'li is as follows:
'dirv.ik up a small liunp of icp in a towelt and nt
nieeis in n 'J'ake position sli'lulv inclined
lixckwiinl. eilhi r in ii clniir or a so In. I'rocied for
luilt' tin hour niih lea spoon to teed yourself wiih
i siiuill luiiias of ice. letting tliein iliss,lve slowly in
' the back purl of 1 tie n.ouih or ihu entrance of lho
'throat. A simile such application will otten brenk
: up a coaiinon sore throat, uhich olherwisu woul I
1 have a couisc of tuo or ihree days. In case ofa biel
: sore tliro-ii. use the ico frequently niol freely. In
c-ise of ulceration or uiplheiia, keep a small lump of
, ice cuustautly in tlie moudi."
! Fiiie. The property known as tho Billniyer Saw
mill, about one mile distant from this borough, was
, destroyed by lire on Sunday morning last at iibout
! 4 o'clock. The two thirds interest of lho properly,
i bilongiiig to the estate of Martin liillinycr. was soid
I but a short time previous to W. F. Naglu und David
I lv-hb:ieh . '1 tie rcinuinuig one third bcin,; owned by
J.K. llnckeiibur. The loss is considerably over
glU.l'Oil, with n insurance. Tho fire is supposed lo
be the work uf an im-ciidinrp IiltuHtjii.
fir-TiiK Xi:w Cl'KitEM'V. Tho old issue of the
'currency fur fractional purls of a dellar is rapidly
' disappearing, l'repiiraliuus are made to place the
lu'u issac in circulation at as early a peoioc us piu
eililc. The new differs in design and color fiom ihu
; old. Tho fifty cent note ispiiiited on paper of a
peculiar quality in two color.-. The principal color
is black, with u gill stamp in the centre, surrouiiciiig
the portrait of Washington. At the four comers,
and on each side of the head of Wasiii.viiton. appears
the figures "On,"' while "Fifty Cents" is inscribed
ubovu the figure of Washington, and "Fractional
Currency" i- printed below. At the top arc the words,
.FurnUhid only by the Assistant Treasurer and.
designated dcpo-iiai ics to the Coiled Siatec." At
the bottom, "llcccix able for all L'hited Slates .Stamps.
Act approved Maicli ti. lsii l. The main part ol the
face is occupied with a p ctnrc of sicnuihuiits. loco
motives, cotton bales. Ac. very delicate, o shaded.
The reverse of the filiy-cint note is mainly red in
culur. A pirgo "0u" appears in lac centre o n shield.
Ai' und it arc the words. ' J.'xchaiigeuldu for T. niled
j States notes by tho Assistant Treasures and designated
depositaries of the Vnited States, in sums not less
than three dollars. Jleceiviildc iu payment of till
dues lo the Vtiilcd Stales less than five except
customs." Avery largo "0U " gilt iu outline, alii
appears on the rcM-rsc.
Ui' NKW Clotuinu Sronu. We call ntlention
to Ihc advertisement of Levi llechl. w ho lues opened
a new clothing store itli u hnndsuue ussurtu.eut of
clothing uud furnishing goods.
CJ-Tbe Supremo Court for this district, was
opened on Tuesday morning. Judge Lovvrie, Wood-
wind, Heed, and Thompson being present. .Wither
Ihu ileiich on liar felt like doing busiiuss, ud
j mined over to l'hiladclphiu. all the c.isea
For the Sunbury American.
Washington, N. C, Sept. 27. 16113.
Mn. I'.DiroH ;
I have noticed with uuf. igned
your repealed i-flirts lo arouse thu slumbering p'i
ii io i.-ui uf Old Northumberland, during the period
ol National troubles, und ihe con is ml course your
paper bus pursued in u holding the tiovcruiiiciit,
encouraging il.e sobliirs. m d buttling against tho
devil and I. is angels iu the piisons of I'urdy Mid his
b .i,d 01' conspirators ogun.i. ihu Nation's life, all of
tttiieh a ukis the ill' a very welcome v;s.
loi in ti.e cuuip of the is h, n; i.s on. us i.
does. e k by uc k. iu our t Si of subduing ibis
uios in uy rebellion and p sun i g he autliorily uf
the l ed ml liov ininvn. over all ii
'I he iniiiinu ioi. o. Vi v. Cuiiio, for re-election, is
hiii;c 1 with uiivcisal jiy by ihe I'cM.s.t .v ini.ins iu
Ibis d, tiHi-l mini . as it is considered a wc'l min ed
; cou.p imei.t lo our nob. c Governor, wl oh I .ndcurcd
I hiuisctf to thu army by bis dc o ion lu tie at e.cs s
aii'l commits ol n.e soluier. an I ihe ui, inu iu ivy
he has displayed as Cbiel Mtigisliate o inc sjiute, iu
his ei.deuvois lo supiess ibis ieb llien lias du;cd
1't i.n.-v Uai.iu in a pioud jMiaiiiou and madu l.imsetl
one ol the leading spiri iu ihu I mon cause. o
regiel. oceediiiglv, the loss ol our cititei ship. oc.
casioiied by iur ei iisiing lor the uiaiulnincuee ol lho
tinvcrnmci.t. usjudc WooJward Mould huo isbi.
lieve, us u wou d l.ko lo iitlcst our upprcciutiou ol
the locrils ot liov. t'urlin iu a more suosianli d way
on the second Tuesday ol'Ociobcr. It is well for the
Judge, he hud'lhe privilege of making thai intauiou
decision, or lie would not stand a gliust of a chuiicu
lor the Chair ; our bundle 1 and til y
Ihoiisaiid voles would roll iu whu a uiiuniuiily Ihut
would even surprise our liiends.
How is ihe eleiiioii going iu rennsylvmiiti ? is a
u,uciinti fieijUenil) s.kid by boih ihu f iends and
und eneinies ot li e liovei nmeul . The littler bail
with delight the assurance 01 I'urdy that lho immor
tal iliu.tKiacy will bo uiaishulled on Ihut day uud
eari-y the ully ol Jclfersoa loivw iu tiiunih lo Ihe
1 1 ubernuloi ial clniii ; but 'l'rn-Mtuii, bis tiistuuuie,
is a lie. und with 1'unly ullnclied Ihe tr would uot be
inisiipplieil. judging fiom the edi.uriulsof his Uisloy.
u! jnumiii. und tl.eieloru weuienot prepuied to set
down bis Hsstriioii us truth. Uo do not bclicm ibui
j there is enough uf the deeciiduiils of ihe cow -boys of
iu una uie uiue-ngius ui 101. unu iiivir lotiow-ers to
elevate Judge W isidward to ibul resH,usible posi.ion.
Il llo ie are. ihiu truly will Il.e South have cause to
iijoii-e. 1 do i.ol beht-ve lhat ihe honisl voters of
NorihuiulM-rhind count v will sufier thcuisthcs lu bu
dec, ivi d and misled by such siiecuueiis ol buuiunity
usTiunun I'urdy. ui.d bis desiguiug clique that
j they will urruy lie m.elns agaiiui Ihu liovoii.uieu ,
llie soldiers 11VJ Ihu subliei s cundidule ou Ihe It I
j'Juclny or dcloh.r uexi, with a litre view that
j Ihey are voling lor puuuc, which cuu only bu secured
by Ihc strong uriu ol Ihe llovtrnmeul. Sustniu ihu
I lie goteri.minl like puiriu s should, ami peace will
n . n dim n u) on our lii imppy counliy ; bul breuk
that am by selling up luc,i..u ug.nn.l the goveru
in Mil. and wur with Us horrors will be upon us iu
t'lijuesl, und unauliy uud uoiilusi, u will leio so.
i.ruue. To gel peui o Ihrough ihul channel you will
Luvc lo lighl nil you undo uli Ihul bus beeu done, and
. thi-u eommeuce unew give wuy lo your uirty pre.
jiidice uid ci.eourugu us M uiueh us yuu prosunt
couise eueouriiges ihe retads. uud wu ail guuraalea
peace with a united country in a shurl lm.u.
i J he heulih ol thu lnuis lu lins dciurtuicnl bus not
been ery good during Ihe put siumiu bul U iui.
I roiiug slowly. 'Ihu Augustu Kungt re uro enjoying
a much iu pu.nd sule id healih. Me were, bow.
ever, culled upon u lew wriks since lo uirl auk one
ol our eumrudts iu aims, . Kkksiu sou ol iaii4
liriucr. ol' Lower Auges a. lie -t a biuse suldiir
and Hue pn iol always ut l is post bulb in iLu kild
ano: cuu p. Ins loss i deeply recruited by ail. and
bis paiinls butu ibu bvar.lili y is-itiy ol'
Ihe whole Cuu. puny. '1 hu bus one Uiole ol enilh s
uoldiu.t'ii, hem li-id a saiiilice unou the allar ui l is
ciuutiy, uid a ikiiiu lu ILu n-osi uuiibieubs iv
bcllloll. M.iy bis uh,- rvsl iu I euoe.
Itiiuiiniig ti.e Ibui ks ol ihe Cobipuuy for aevkly
ui is ti Jmi v-tiunbl pir, I KU.S1U,
I ' Vewa, U. U10J..
Will Cur
Schenc&'t Pulraoi.ic Syrup
Will Cure
Echnnck'a Pulinonio 8yrop
Will Ctihj -CON8UMHTON.
Sckenck'i Fulmonio Syrnp
Will t'ure
Schesck's Fulmonio Syrup
Will Cure
Schenck'i Sea Weed Tonic
Will Cure
Schenck's Sea Weed Tonio
Will Cure
Bchenck'a Sea Weed Tonio
Will Cue
Bchcuck'a Bea Weed Tonio
Will Cure
Schenck'a Mandrake Pill
Will Cure
Schenck'a Mandrake rills
Will Cure
LlVKlt CO.MI'l.AINja
Bchenck'a Mandrnko Tills
ill ( lire
Bchenck'a Mandiake Fill
Will Cure
I'M. J. If. SCI1F.XK has a Large Suit of Room
at No. 'M lJoial stireet. New Voik. where ho eun be
found every Tuesday, fn in ,e .. and at No. :t;i
Nonh Ui.vtli IStrocI, l'hila Iclphiii, I'a., every iSutur
il keeps n largo supply of n.e lieincs nt his rooms,
w hich cm lie h oi al all limes. ho m ishing mi vice
or an examination of tho bungs will do well lo call
on him us above, ile makes no charge fr advice,
bul fir a thorough cmiiuiimtion wi.h the Ucspiiouiu
ler, bir prico is f :l.
Mmiy persons are afrnid lo have llicir luu? ex
nmiued by lir. tsuht-iiek for fear tlnil llicy will be
fouml hiciirable. uud by that means it is pui oil until
it is too lute. How much In ner il would be to know
iheir condition at unco, ns hy nliundiincu of ov i li nen.
l)r S has shown sutlnrwiiit" cert i lieu tea iu this city
that he lias cured ndvancc l stanes ol C'oiisump.'ioii.
l'r. Sdicnk's 1'iiiieip il Ofliecis No. ."'J N.ntii Mx'li
strict, l'hihidelphia, I'm., where letters for tidvice
should always bo ilirtnMcil.
l'rii'o uf the Pulmonic Syrup and Sea Weed Tonic
each $1 per bottle, or Si the half Uoicu. Mandrake
Fills, 2j cents per box. "
I or sale ly a 1 Druggists and Storekeepers
October 111, ISM. .'tin
50 S.T0VSS.
.1. IIirb:icli .V o."si
Cct the llcst (let thu Cheiipcts (let the most Ken
iiouiical, which t in lie h id al Ihe llohrbaeh Koundrv.
llav ing a large assort inent of Ihe most nprnved
STO KS. such as Cooking. 1'arlor. IMK.e and Shop
Sioves. which will be sold ai the lowest rates. Also.
Kettles ot all sines. 1 ins. Skillet". Ac
Ihey lire also iiiaiiufauluring Machinery. Ploughs,
Castings. Ac. al short notice.
Kcpiuriiig all kinds of Agricultural Implements
thine in a good workmanhhc luuimer and ut the
shortest notice.
All articles shipped ns ordered. Orders respect
fully solicited und promptly attended lo.
t V Old Tron, nnd all kiuds of Produce tukeu in
Exchange for work
Sunbury, (let. a, lSfl:i. tf ch finyH
n i i:.
Vf OTK'E is hereby given, thai lb widow of
iel llilbish. daei-ascd. late of W'a-hiiigioM toim
ship, h is made her election to Ihe amount ,,l j: tun. f
the personal properly of her late hu-Un 1. iind -r Ihe
Act of Assembly in such e ises uiadu and provided,
an I the K-nnewill be presented for ulloivanee ut the
November Term of Court.
TiHilAS.MlLL. Adiu'r.
Washington. twp.,0cl. 3, lsijtl :;t
VI TK offir In Iteiihr'. CoiiehmiiKirs and Homo
I'MMiti r-. nt the very lowestiett cash trios
tin- b si Couch and Cabinet Varni.hi s ; Pure While
I.e d; Flinch and American Zincs ; l i roine lireens.
in d 1 Hows. liop inul Ivory lllm ks, and a In I as.
.r n cnt of i II ihc liner Colois as Vet millions, s. Tube Ci dors Ac, ubo. Puiiii ami Varni.-h
l'r si. is. n the I es' ne k.-, lihnticr s li :moinls and
Peinis; Paint .Mifs: sin.-le and double thick ill is-,
of alt descriptions and aM us ,! I.v If.u-n
i l l Coiieh Piiililers whii h we can sell lis cheap, il'
Hot dual IT. lliHll liy other l.oli.-e. Iioiu Ibel iet
ihat we keep down our ei pel. sis ly conducting our
bii-iness pcrsoiitilly.
Mr. 1! At. one of the linn for many veurs mtinu
fiiciu id ihe Vainishcs. sold by li,e I u'e C. Schrack.
Wo feel confident Hint our Varnishes, are i iiial. i;'
not superior, lo any niaiiuf etun d in this CVunii v.
We win-runt them lo give entiru s.i'i-l'.i,-;i,,n. nnd if
n as represenied. Ihe money will t en landed, liivo
us tl call beloro purehasing eScwhiic. A liberal
dikoouiil mudu lu the trade.
FF1.TOX A p. A f.
No. l.TC A Lis North Fourth Street, comer Cl.irrv,
I'lulu leli'hiii.
Oct. 10. lSatl. Oiu
Dnk Clue.
Light Clue.
French Clue.
Cl.iret Crown.
Dirk Crown,
Liht Crown,
Si.utl Crown,
Dnk Diab.
Light Drab.
D.nk tirci n.
Light lirccu,
uyal Jurplo,
s; "rlct,
."Ndft riuo,
For Dyinjr Silk, W.kiI.-u and 'Al.xcd Goods. Simwls,
be iris. Drcssc-i, ltihbous, liloves, llonnels. 11 ,u,
Feathers, Kid U lures. Children's C'luiliiuj,
and all kinds uf Wearing Aipurol.
AStivlug l'hO l'r I's-iil.
For 2i ccnis you e in color as many irisids as would
otherwise cost live times that sum. 'Various shales
cuu be produced from thcsauic Dyo with peifecPeuc-
CCSS s "
Directions in English, French nnd German, iuside
of each package.
For further information in Dying, and giving a
pert, ci kuowledgu what colors are best adopted lo
dyeover others, iwitli uiuny valuable recipos.) pur
ehase Howe A Stephens' Treatise ou Dyeing and Co
loring. Scnl by mail ou receipt of price 10 ccnL.
.Manufactured by ID I WE A STEVENS,
2til) flroadwuv, Codton.
or tale by Druggists and Dealers generally.
- '"j'L-"' 1 -e-ljiii
luli-ruiiliouiil lloli-l,
3CS ami ff Urumuny, Comrr Fiaiiiin Strut,
rpil IS Rrst clnss House the most quint, homelike
I and pleasaui llolel in the eitv offcra superior
inducements to those vUliing Nuw for businwia
"' I'lcasura. It is ceulral iu its location, and kept oil
the hi uui'KAX Pt ix. in connection wiih Tavi.ou s
bALuox. where rclreshiiiinu can be had all hours,
or erv in lliuir own rooms. Tho uhargct are 1110.
derate, Ihcnaiuis and ailenduuee of Ihe that .wdcr
tallis. and all the luuderu couvenleuces altuched.
bept. ID, loo.l.
iliirU- air'l, im-iii-Iv uitoii ihe
Ituil Uoutl lfU,
INFOIIMdtha ciliiens of Kuuburv mid vicinity,
that he has just relumed from 1'hiiadclphia with a
full auurlmcni ul
Hit slock consists of Clulbs. French Clolbs. Clack
Doe Skill and Fancy Cawiuieica, lilaea Satin. Figured
bilks. I'Ulii nnd Fancy Cawimeie ts'l I.StiS, which
ba will luake up lu order iu styles lo suit the luit of
eusiouicis, ou short uulica, and the uiusl reaaouable
Iel Uis.
Any Hundi uot 00 band, will ba furuuhsd from
Philadelphia, tiy viiiug two days' notice.
liuuds luruUbeJby vuslvlncia will ba luada Up us
uidur aa Li'lulojore. I
As ba will employ none bul ex ei icuce 1 woi kuisn, I
niaons may rely ou guluu( thui uik cll lima al
Ibankful for the patrons bsrctelor bastuaij,
be fMpevttully solicus a 'sa aaiiai id. aka haks4
I MuWxy, ao. I
I ' 1 K
HlCl Ul I WW muMKl.UL.Mi.l-jHltJUlilHi!i'
IN pursnarce nf an order of ihu Orpbar.s' Court of
Nnrthumborlund county, will be eipoed to pnb.
lie anfr. on the premises rn PATFUliAY Ihe I7lh
di IHfltt, all llmt eertuin mownnira
or I ns I !' I.iisxl. ilnate In Itush township,
Norlliumbortnnil county, rennsylviinla, about four
miles from Dnnvllleon the road loading to llmt plnce,
aHlnining land of I.uther Bussed, on the north ; land
of Widow Campbell and Peter flanghiwout on the
et; hind belonging to tho heirs of Jossii Weaver,
dco'd.. on the South, and land or Carter Metier. All.
Mham Campbell and others on the wost : Coiitaiiiing
Ouo HundriMl mid ClIiiy 1 u
At'K'inud lOO lrrclicai Hlrlct
.11 ca am ro.
Wheroon are eroeted a one ard a half story frame
Lwellinn House with cellar kitchen, a good frame
Usrn, a wugon-hnuse. and other outbuildings, a good
spring of wuler is at the door, an orchard of fruit
trees of various kinds, are also on tho premises.
About 120 acres of which are cleared, a part ol which
is iu a good stutcof cultivation. The b il.inco is tim
ber laud, lute the properly of Isiuio 1). Kline, deceit.
Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock A.M.. of said duv.
when Ihu terms and conditions ol'silo will bo unule
known by
lly order ofthu Court. I
J. A. J. Cl MM1NII.1. Clk. O. C. J
Sunbury, Scpl. 1 1th, IS3. )
T) EPPI C'TFFI.l.V ii roriuslhecitiiensnfPiinbnry
end vicinity, thai I c is prepared lo iVK any
mntciiuls, a beautiful black color, ard at niolerato
prices. sept 10, .'(it), if
AH HI VAT, OK FA M. k jyiNTKlj
JL'ST rcfi'ivp-l frofii Niw York nml rtiilnlr1fliin
n rrfMi Mpply iiMIh IntcM Hfvlfi nml id'llic n?t
qunlitv. wliiffi ho Juh hnl iwmiv tip In itfU-r, mnl
wiirrHiihl ti v,ivi fxno.l fti1itiiciinti. lie htu iniulu
urrnn.NMiifiiln hi (lie rilv l Imvo liis ln-nt work imnlc
tM.rl(T. vlii"li eun hv lintl Ht nil tiiiM-n. if in it tin
!um l llicy will in jTofiirrtl ui reiii-nnnrtli ixili'n.
M itiu'tiiring ( JUJOTS m.J MlOK ul all kitnl
fl! tISU'tl.
I W ill ll! wllnlfMlf Tnnf nTld Sholi liV tf bnx.
Cull nil 1 ex 'fin itu' In iur o purclnisiii el.t'nlK'iii
nii'l s'iiil'y ymir!rlvc.
'ilKtitV t'ul I r putioiuisc icrclfnro lnlnwcil, ho
rrsi'rt'i fully ml it it n cuntinu'inve tif ihfsimic
Simp an I Sh.ic mum, (Iiil-u duuis YiVbl uf tile I. nil
IUki'1 in M.nki-'t Siunre.
WM. H. MILU.ll.
Sin.lniry. Sept. I'.l, lsC't.
f AVT1'I initnel:itt'ly. a .luiir S!,uMiiitkcr, on
baiib:s fi.tieifii:x:s
CLOCK KSTA ni.l' ri M KNT,
K. Cnrm r iocnnl mnl ChcMiut St . lMiilatlilphiu.
4 IIKNCV fur lho rATKXTKyi'AIalZIMl '1 Hilt
i'V TV 1AY rlJK.'KS. n v.ry ilcnimhlu nrtk-le f.r
Churclios, Uutela, ii.mks, Cuimiiiig Huum's, Tdrlors,
Also. Munufucturcrof FIM:iiI.D I'UNS.
(.'I'K'k rt'puirnl nml wurniiiieti.
('lurk I i iiniiiinj uf tvciy di "i ipli-n.
riiiiuililphiu, .Juhuiiry 'J, iMil. .'ly
A I B: Ii: -Wlio non! I Ue
"I'tuxk? If wv iiavb a 'Jkapk. havj: a
liutiii (Ink ! There cuu li nti hottt-p thtin ihu iiutnu
lavlurv of Si.aps. lnivv MU'ct'cIcil in rciluiMi
tlit' Pt U'imt' ol Stn p mukitii; hi n int'ehnliit'til cerhiiu
ty ; w llmt nr.y oiftr uitkillcd in Ihc hu ;im-t an,
wiih our Knruiul;!, iruecuto the in;iiuif u-t'irt- mii.
celully. Our l-'urmulii rontaiiiK dirt'clii'118 f.r i-rj-diiL'in
r-t-vt'n kimU of St nip,
AuTriKli n l.uHne.- there i no IkIIit.
I y A cunncele! with u country More, il lart in-cvcii.-es
the prolitf. The )iroiluet ti turv nnle no riiii-nnnl.-'
very liltl? roin rt.tuiri-'l -mall uullny fur
fixturei- no tiflensivc olur omitted in the profess of
I -f lCvery f.tnrly hhonhl pofs tlie Kunuula. n
lh Suiip proclucitl l.y it wufhes cinilly well in hard
us instill water.
Tt UM.S F0II Till; I'OllM lLA.
For Tiiirily use,
Kur Siuro um',
l.t'IuMi' nitiruraetui inj riht iu it town of
I'l.utiti pttpiittuiuii, or le--.
1U. IT ltl.ttUlt III:-! I era l haii 2't.lMHi
ier2j.o.iU and I - thmi Tj.MU),
."ul. till
1.1. nil
1 011.00
A City of over 7.".Ut'0 special lei u;s w ill hv agreed
I poll receipt of the money we fluiM ieiid the Kur
nmla, cf.ntaiti full und cuuiplelu iliieetiins, whih
arc prepared exprevly for uii:i.iuitii:ted w iih
the pruee? of Smp-intikin.
l f liiOjiiirivri will hi cheerfully imwend proi
tled usutiiip s i relived for return o.-tne.
Address liEAUDSI-KY X CC.
.'O lliuudwuv, NtKYork.
Sept. 12. Ko:t. 2m mr
III! I'.tlOMsStll 13.
No. fl2u Ciiksm t Srnri T. , I-'nnnerly No. .)
I'lill.AI I l.l'III A.
.1. W. l'llt'CTolt A CO.. invite the attention of
their Friends lo Iheir large an I Supiih Stock of
Ir Fine CLOAKS nnd Fl US, j
niiTKiratleled iu any former season j
The ii. creased iifcominodalion aflor.led in our new
loeuliiui, ci.hMcmis lo devote Ihc ful.esl ullelitiou
to our i
I'm lri;irlii-ii j
which will be found well furnished wiih eierv dc.
sciiliii..iiori'irst t'Piss Fl US. which will he ..ol.iim. i
lee. I as represented, or tlie money paid will be re
funded. oltl i:.'!S per neiil will be ruefully aiti 11 led to
and deli cred. Express charges paid, and ilistiiucu
inside i f I till miles.
j. w. rntif'Toii a co.
No. H2il Chesi.ul Strict, Philadelphia.
l.Mi.l.-ly 1
j -
; 01 Kin & Ainu mi;i.i.t.s, 1
An- in-iiiii
T A L L F A L L T U A D E ,
Dnik Fiftnvil SILKS,
Ee.l, White ninl IJIuo FLANNELS, c to.
Sept. i, IdiVl.lm w
OnAli;MAI. ll0 lYOlll'S.
WOOD Ac 3? 12 ROT,
11. J5 Kidge Avenue, l'hihidelphia, Pa.,
OFFEll for side upon the most favorable terms.
New uud Ccauiil'iil Designs iu great variety of
Iron llailiiigs fir Cemeteries, Ccsideuees, Ac, of
Wrought and east Iron, and liulaulsed Iron and
llraaa Tubing; Iron Vvramfabs. Caleonies, Stans,
Couulcis. Fouoiau.s. tlati-s. Columns. Hitching posu.
Lump stands. Vases. Tald"s. F lower Slumls, S,r.,
Chairs, etatuary. Auiumls, and all other Iron Works
of a Decoruiive ehuructer. Designs forwurded for
selection. PerMins applying for fume, will please
slate the kind of woik uecded
Kept. IJ, Ir,j:l. Jmju
it alrli .llakt'r 11 ui! JrIor,
No Hci North Second St.. Comer Quarry, PHILA
DELPHIA. HE has constantly on hand an assortment of Hold
and Silver Patent Lever, l.epiue and I'laiu
W aichea; Fiue Hold Chains. Scuta and Keys, llrcaat
Pius Ear Mings. Finger llings. Crauelets. .Miniuiure
Coses. Meduitions. Lta.'kets, Pencils. 'Ibimble. Spec
tacles, biiver Table. Jiescrl, 'lea. Salt and Munlurd
booi'S ; Sugar Spoons. Cups. Napkin 11 mgs. Fruit
and Culler Kuivea, Shields, Combs. Diamond Point,
d Pcim. ate .all of whinli will be sold lost for !
M. I. To 11 1 A. S A CO 15 beat quiluy lull jeweled
Patent Letcr .Movements aoustaully oil band; alsu
oilnr Mukeraol superior equality.
N. U 11.. I liuld and 61 her buugblfur cash,
be pi , IjoJ y w
.tl lTTtli:UM X ,
tllsirnsya 11 1 lasts. No. I'll! Cor Pulton
; and Uioaday, N w imk. Will c uelidly at.
iud lu eolleuiiu, i avJ ail yibor Ikatlwla iltUlsslwl 10
Ifnr wair. I
tVaja It, I I
TIIKltF.V. JAiMKSDtCKSOff. trill reopen bt
Aoaileni on Morula;, Uia 17th ilnf ot August,
Ika following branobna will ba taught t
tslln, (5rwk, Malbimatlcs, rhllnsaphy, Hhetorlo,
Logic, liouk Keeping, Vocal Musio in theory anil
practice. Also. digraph)', Uramiuar, IfUtorjr;
Coieposiliou Writing.
Tl:n13 !
Per Quarter of 11 wm k. JiltoR
In lho Hltovc brnnehes without Ihe lnnguttgcs '1 lit)
Latin nml nlmve brmiehes, 97 lift
Oreek and above branches, $4 DO
Pec Circular.
l'or further purlionlars applj to
KKV. .1AMEH DICKSON'. Teacher.
Nortbuinbcrlitiiil, August 1st, lsii.L ly
1Tmv l,Hf, ll IC-lori'1.
Jutt l'ublttlirtt, in a Fratril Euvrbiie. Price
,V Cnit.
Vl.rt'Tl'KK on the Nature. Treatment ami hii
iliciil l.'ureof Speruialiirrhiea or einiinil Weak
ness. ScAual llebility. Nervousness, anil Involuntary
riiiisioim. iiiiliiiiing luipoteney, Coufuuiptiun, mill
MciiImI met I'hrsical Debility.
Hyuun r j. ci m. i.
The iniporlaut fact that the awful conseijnencns of
Sclf-.bnse niay be ifleetually removed without in
teinul lueilieiiies or the ilangcrou application of
caustics, irsiriiuiciiu. niciheateil laities, nml other
empirical itcvicts. is liero clearly ilemonstratcil. anil
the entirely new an I highly aueccssfiil treatment as
inloptc.1 by tho celebrate! author, fully explained,
by means of w hich every one is enabled lo cure him
self perfectly, and al the lea.-l jwissible cost, thereby
avoidingatl the utiteriised nostrums of the dny. This
lecturu will prove u boon to thousands uud thou
samel. fenl underseal. in a plain envelope, lo Ty mblrcse.
port-paid on receipt of two Kj.'itajc stamps, by ud
dressing the publishers.
t has. .?. 0. fcuxE a co.,
127 Iliiwerv. New York, l'osi UUieuUox, 4j!i.
Aug. IS, lSlitt. 1'eb. 2s, ly :ic
nIIK Select High School or this place, will be
I reopened Aiign-d .'list, lst'i.'l. under tiie ruperiii;
leiidciiee of S. I'. KINK. A liberal patronage is so
licited from Ihc patrons of the school, and the cilir.uis
(.Irlhornj by. Heading, Writing and l'rituury
Arithmetic $2 .'id
Arilhnielie. Ileography nnd l'n'.'lih tirauimnr A j!)
Nat. I'liilosophy. Walt sun The .Mind. Alge
bra an. I licoiii.itry. 5 00
Il'iok Ki'eping. Languages and Astronomy. 0 ol)
I -f One half of the tuition money to bu paiil in
advance, and the batancc ut the expiration uf each
Pupils studying any or.o bronch in cither of lho
higher grades ot tuition will be classed iu the grade
ciiilTiieing such brunch.
For further iiihirinutioii apply to
S. 1" FINK, Principal. I
Sunbury, August Sth. lHtl.t. j
Instruments for nil deformities.
'V I .! 'I'l'lIMM
bus taken the place id' oilier Trusses for the retention
: and cuicof lleriiia or ltupturc. Acting uiuui tlie
t principle of u lever, il nccr its strength. Il is I
coaled to pr, vcnl run. It has no pad 011 Ihe back. I
: w hich is so linlitc lo tiguic the sjiiuc and iiiino&aiid j
ehal'e tlie nearer. It i ."lire lo retain the ltiipfure. j
gii ing ease and comfort, and cfecting radical cures.
It i-wiurelited lo give sati-l'acliou. !
I 'I he iihproved Sl.ouldcr-liriice vxpniuls tho chest
and prevent the wearer from becoming round
Ladies' Celts and Abdominal Supporters. Iltiml
ages, and Celts 1 1 all kinds, mid iiistiumciits lor all
lieiormiti f ihe l.odv.
M!. iiho EU S niic'cisNo. 4 Ami Street, two
doors t'limi Cioadwav. New York.
Strangers should particularly note Ihc name and
Apiil II, li.;:i.
rpU K iiiideisigned offers for sale the house and tot
I now pied by himself, siluaied in Deer street
Ihc liist dwelling north of ihe Lutheran Church.
'J he improvements arc g 1 'I W 0 STOltY UtA.ME
Cl I I.I 1 1 Nti. 21 feel Mjuure ill front w iih a two story
ImcU biiil-iing !4 by 21. with a double iHireh. eon
tain ing in all cihl rooms and a large hall. Alson
good slimmer kit' belt and otuer outhuildincs, lo
gi ther w illi a giHd garden.
For lernis and eoieliiions applv to
Sunbury. August 22. IV,:;. if
3. '. .;C: tl;iJAl;'M-s
Confectionery, Toy. and
.tliirUs t Stri i l, Sutilsiii-.v,
FKl IT,- ,Vc, Ate,
(CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the uliovc
j esialilisl.uieiit ut wholc-alc uud rcluil, ut reasoii
Hide prices.
II.' is tiiuniifucturiic; nil kinds of Coiilectiomirics
to keep up u lull assortment which mc sold ut low
T..baceo. Si-gars. Stalioiiery. Nuts of all Kinds, und
it vin icty of oiln r article., all of w hub ui e otlercd
wholesale and retail.
tv UeineuiLer the name nnd place. A J
Mmket street, 3 doors we.-t of E. Y. Cright A Sou's
Sunbuiy. Sept. 111. iMi.'!.-
a'l.M Y ri i:s:
S'A" V l'
No. 718 Arch Street. I.r.
low Ek'h'h. souiti di.
Importer and Manu
facturer of. and Dealer
i hi :-
1 tavj
all kinds of Fancy
I'' U'i ; ;V" Children s wear
'lVV,VY : 1 wih to retu
4 uud
return mv
i'f-" 'il-ViiS Sii'iniiry mid the mr
Vftegy ftz3s.i ' rounding Counties, tor
ineir very linerul irn-
i r . '.-- - tromige extended to me
during the last few years, and would say to them
that 1 now have in ttoro. of my own Importation
and munnfactiiro a very extensive assor.inenl of all
the ditierent kinds and qualities of F'aney F'urs. for
Ladies and Children, that will bu worn during the
F'all uud Winter seasons.
lteing the direct linpoitir of all my Furs from
Europe, ami having them ail Manufactured under
my own super i-iou enables me lo oiler my ens o
mers A llie public a miieb handsomer Set of I'm- for
ihc s:ilnu looiiey. Ladies plciise give me a cull be
fore purchasing ! Please remember tho uutne, num
ber and street.
7IS Arch Street, Philudili hia.
Scptemher 12. litis. iiu
i:t. i:i.
IMiiliwIcIliia A. i:i l- ICailroiid.
rilllJS great line Iraverses the Northern and Norlh
1 west c. .unlies uf l'cuusylvauia to the city of Eiie,
on Lake Eric.
It ba be, n leased bv Ihe Pennsylvania It nil road
Company, and under Iticir auspices is being rapidly
opened throughout its cnliru leugth.
It is now in use lor Pacugcr and Freight business
from Ihirrisbuig lo Drittwood. 2nd fork. ( 177-miles.)
on the Eastern Division, und 1mm SheOicId to Erio,
(78 miles.) ou the Wcslcru Diviuon.
Arrive EitAttS'til. J Ijenve M'ttuvir.l.
Mail Tiuiu. in HI A M Mail Train. 4 111 P. M
LxprcM Train, 11.07 P.M Express Train, i 4 A. M
Curs run through without change, bolh ways, ou
these trains between Philadelphia aud Link lluveu,
aud between llultiu ore and l.ock Haven.
Elegant Sleeping Cars ou Kxprrsa Train! both
wavs between W tllianotl and liultiiuore, aud
W illiamssirl and Philadelphia.
For information reputing Pa'nier business
apply al lh S. E. l'or. I lib and Market Sts.
And for Freight husiucss of ihe Company's Agents,
S. II. Kingstou. 'Jr., Cor. U:h and Murket St.,
J. W. llevuolds. Erie. M
J. M Drill, Ageui N C. If H., Baltimore.
11 II. ll"t STOX.
lieu' I Freight Act. Phllada.
Et la 1. Hot l-r,
llru'l Tn ket Ag'l , PhiUda.
Josl.l II D. Puria,
livu'l Munagir, Williauuiurt.
April 15, lool
rrllK siilseiiber ullera for sale clnap. a good FAIIM
1 u Point lowuhip. 'lb luipi Jiiu.uia aia
g..,d Iwii-s oiy h one Dwelling IIuum and a E114
lli.u.c. a new li 11 k Dam, two Koud Appla OuhaiUs,
ai d a(I watei eoiiv, nieiit ll.rie i a a'ood aluf
l'u,r nimi it Ut a Ba-ilill Fiuuii , I
r.l gjiLt tUNIUi)
VjY Aapataa rVpa , fktf4l
TnErnopKfETor.3 of the
O 1 II A It l HOI NII,
ITrfTWOtfnlly sail the attention of Buslnras Man and
I the travelling oonimunity. to thn superior aoaomuio
dation and com tort in their establishment.
August K, IBM. .tin j a
, i:va fiin ii:Ni;iti i:its.
AREWAllD OF TF.X PDtLAItS. and the re.?
tonnhlt f j-;'i,.,s.t incurred, will be pnhl to
any fetisoK, f,,r ihc apprehension nnd deliverr of a
l'l.SEKTLK at the hcudquaricrs of the ocaresU pru
Tosl luurnhul. I!y order.
J Ul I. K A 1,M,
Capt. and Prnyost Murshiil 14lb llist., I'a.
Iliirrisbiirg. Amriisl 'Jf), I KM.
v at 0 1 X 11 v. i it
AI.Ii persons having Legal Claims to exemption
from the Iiiafl. can have their cares prepared
and prcRentid to tho lloard. on application lo
S. 1'. W ()L KUTON.
Aliorney at Law,
Next tWr to Snyder Hotel, Sunbury, l'a.
August 211, 146.1. ill
Lir"' N. I. I l. i:. rF)
BATtHFT. NEPHEW ft CO., Pioprieto-a.
OFFICES: No. 47 North Eighth Pt., Philadelphia,
and iA TJolm St., New York.
Our success in Iiyeing and Clenn'ihg Ciirnicnts o'
Velvet. Cloth. S'ik. lerii-n. Do I.ninc. Ao , Ac.
ond Shawls of alino-t ei ery description. so well
known that we only desire to remind our friends ninl
the public ccr.erally. that the season lor getting
ready their l ull l.oo'ls is now at hand !
floods received and returned by Express.
Augu-I 22. 1W,. Uin w
iVATI'III'M. .li:Vi:itl.Y A Mil
i iMi .uii:.
The undersigned wonlri respect
fully invile your ntlention to his
wcli selected lock id Fine Hold nnd
Silver W A'lCIILS. Fineliold .IEW -ELKY'.
of every kind and variety
of styles comprising nil of Ihe
it vi "t and most ti, ant i fit ilt viirit.
... -
iLVKK WAh'K. rniiul la Cm 11
and the best make of
h;r Ware En;h
article is vnrrtnitnl to be as rriirexriitrtl .
i y1 Wiil'dies nnd Jewelry carcltilly repaired find
satisfaction guaranteed
(Sirrrr.wnr In Stnnfhr iV Il"riit.)
No. 1122 MAltKET street, PJIILAD'A.
Aug. 22, lsn:t .iiu ehdmli
New Hat Manufactory.
rpilE subscriber respectfully informs lho public,
I that he has commenced manufacturing, at Sl'N
CI. UY . nil the various slylcs ol Soft Hals. Fur and
Wool r.ow in use. lie trnts that bis experience iu
Ihc business in the chjMill enable hiin to get up
bats ill slylo und iiuulirycuual to any in Philadel
phia. A supply of silk and oilier huts w ill alto bo kept
on bund.
Merchants and others will find it to their ndvnn.
luge lo give him a cull and encourage homo maiiu
fuel ure.
SohL Wholesale nnd Hctail. at the lowest prices.
Market door west of the 'American' Olhce.
Sunbury, August 22, I SAX tf
A l.iii'K's A ior iin-M 1 ui
L 1 i!
February 12, 1S('i2.
IIfsti.kmex It gives mo uiucli witisfiictioti to
inforni yau lhat in the severe lire which, on tho
morning of Ihc 4'h in.-i.. entirely destroyed all my
stock and materials. I had oiieof your Salamander
1 ire Proof Sates. After enduring nu intense red
heal fir seven hours, Ihe Safe was opined, and the
liooks and Papers were preserved in an umbleini-hcd
condition. 1 idiull need another Safe as soou as I get
in order. Y'ours. nunt respectfully.
YV P. DICKINSON, 'Heading, Pu.
CiiAMiiKiiMirmi, Franklin county, Pa., )
' Au;.'iisl tilst. iNtl! j
Messrs. Evank A Watson. Philailidpbia Centle
nien : On llie morning of tlio 22d of August, lsiil,
our Storehouse nt lirecueiisllc was destroyed by Arc.
'f he Saiamaiider Safu wc purchased front you some
few years since was in thu above uieiilihued store
house, and containtil all our books, papers, cash. Ac.
which weie prc.-eied ill ii perfect condition, utter
being e.'scd lo a most iiitciisehcat for several hours.
Please inform us upon what terms you will sell us
another larger Sale.
Yours truly. OAKS A AVSTIN.
Sal iiiiaiiiler Sales, for Hanks. Stores. Private
Families. Ac. Ac. Also, Evans A Waisnu's Patent
Alphabetical Dunk Locks and Dunk Vault 1 rs.
eiiuil in any made in the country, an I sold on us
good terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to
tha following hanks mid other parties, haling their
Sales and Locks now in use, to their eulire satisfac
tion, and many others given nt their Store.
I mtkii Status Mint, Hunk, Shelbyvillu
Philadelphia. Tennessee.
l"MTi;iSr .iTi:s Alish.AI..Ciiv Dai.kof Phihidelnhiu.
Consul iduiion li i of l'hila.
Pottsii.wn liank. Pa.
Coatesville liank. Pa.
Slrouilsbiirg Dank. l'a.
Jersey M.oic liank. I'll,
l.ock Haven ital.k. Pa.
I i. ioi! Dank, llaliiii orc.
Sinihwcsieru It i kof 'a.
Fulton Dunk. All. intii. tin
Newm k lim k. Del
L'ui.k f N. C, Ku'eigh.
Coin lb Hunk ol l'hila.
ChataniHiga Dank. 'Tenn.
Pre'in l.onu Ass on. fth st.
Dank of Norihumherland.
Dank ol North'u Liberties,
Puul und,iwiit. Duiikers,
V'. li. Mcrling. Wilkesblv.
Lewisbiirtr Lank, Pa.
uioii calling at our Store.
u.her rctcrcnci s giv
-o io r. icurin mreci, ruiiuticipma.
lsiiti Iv
Scpl. It.
1 M ' I j iV Ik i ii iii nils,
SbS Cbcsuiil i'lreel. Phihidelpliia,
A'E nlwavs on liiiiul a lari' stock of Gold nnd
ilver W alcbes. suitable for Ladies, tientleuiun i
or i.oys near. ,sumt ul ourowu iinporiiilioi), ex
Ira line quality.
Our a-soitment of Jewelry rotiMsts of the most
fiishioiiiib!c and rich desius ; us ulsu the plainer und
less expensive.
Silver .")hiiis. Forks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knives;
al-o a largo variety of Fancy 6-ilver Mure suitable
for lilidal Pre-ellls.
We havu also on hand a most splendid assortment
of Diamond Jewehy. of all kinds, io which we in', ile
e.-peeial attention. Our pi ices will be found console,
ruldy IcsMban the same arliclesarc usually sold lor.
All kinds of W inches repaired in the 'very best
manner, and warranted togives.iiisfaclion.
WEDDI.Mi ItlNtiS uu haul und made to order.
Cull or address
Mi l liesimt Street, l'liilud, l hia.
P. S. Thu highest cash pi ices paid for old liold
uuu s-uvcr.
Alli ideis fiom the country will receive especial
"liny 2, 1st!;,. iiuio
aOI.llr-N .llll.lMx.
VIIni-'3 ul I .it xv, Sunbury, Noitlinle
haul county, Peuusylviinia.
tForineily l-'rciburg, Snyder aounty.i
OFFICE. -Muikel sireei. cue door ea-i of l'riling
tiriuil's Store, and nearly opposite the 1'ourt House.
All professional husiucse, collections, dc , will re
ceive prompt aliciiliou.
April U. Isiij.
T E. arlELLER,
Ofli. e, ou south side of Muikci Sjuarc, near the dun
W ill ultend promptly lo all pn.tsional business
cull listed lo bis care, the collection ,i( eluiius iu
Northumberland and the adjoiuiuj. eoumius.
(uubury, May id, lti;i. ly
Corner Fawn and Muikct rtrecu.
N MI (V, pa,
f IHIK undesigned roiiectlullv iutoruia lb public,
1 (hat he baa lukeu charge of the ataivo named
llolel, and aiks for Ihe continuance of the foriuer
patrouage and would invite all olhcis lu give him a
u always supplied wiih Ihe beat Ihe market affords.
HU Dar contains Ihe choicest liiuuis. and bis alab
liu is good and well attended by eureliil Oatlers.
t'uubuiy, May 3U, I Mi l.
DRAFT ! 1H AFT ! !
LL persoui Drstled. aud who are aulillrd In Ex
in piion. eau have their Paicra Piopcily Made
On! act'oiding, u ihe I uiied fetalis lirgulaiiot, al
Low lUlut, ly appljiuj al Ihe otbca tit Ihc voder-
ai -uid .
AuKit)a a4
rVMliry, inf W. fcn
MV TAI1CEJK0 IfcTAllibl. 1 1.
J o in r. JiAuri.f,
Xuirl-U Hfiiie, Git4 door uait of t'tt Vat
Repootfiilly Informs his old friends and Ihe rtib
lio generally lhat be hue uguin returned to
bunbuiy m.d rc-osiued ft
,"'v 'i nlloi'in; EXiiMiKtiim-iit.
lie is prepared lo luuke up now girmeuta ns well
na mcuiling old ones, and to fin wink neatly. Inah
ioiiably aud fulistauliiilly, In 1 ict will wain lit nil
work 'leaving the shop, nml by so doing, hopes U
receive ndnu share ol patronage.
Persons desiring to have clothing made up to order
iu tho latest style, will please giie Uiui a call.
Sunbury, April II, L-iW). lu.
Fawn Slrrcel, opposite YVoavcr'a Hotel,
DuKnuitY, Northumbcrlanil Co.. P,v.,
INFOMMSbis friends nnd the public gineraPy,
that he bus taken Ihe Shop ol .liicoh S. Hake,
de mL. and is prepared to do all kildsof lAll.o.
INU In a good woi manner. The patron
age of llie public is respectfully solicited.
Sunbury, May ID, lstiX ly
1SG3. 1SC3.
"TOI LD rcpectfully nnnniincc Hint they have
just rcceh cd and opened a very lur jc OLd well selco
led Stock uf
w hich they nro willing to dispose of at a YEItY
Flrnt Cost;
Thankful for post favftrs we hope to meet a con
tiuuancc uf ii;.1 same by st'll selling OooJs us chei p
if not CIIJ'.A EI'BI than can bo purchased else
where. Fr.ILINU A 0RANT.
Sin hurv. Mav 2:1. IC.'!.
A .loinl CtfsioIiilEou Iris4iiii -rr-liiiil
Aiiflmi-Jilsi Co I Do Conslitu
ID: i r itKsoi.VKD uv the Sknate and
IIufSK Ol" I'ltl'ltr.sil.NTATIVKS ()! Till-. C'o.M
Asskmhi.y met, Tlmt the follow ins; nini'inl
iiiints bu ))ri)Ose to tin.' I'liiiBlittiiiiiii of
the ('otiiuionwetilth, in tireonhince vith the
(irovi-iions of the tenth tutieh: thereof:
There ill til bo tin iiihlitional seelion to
tlie tliinl article ot lite Constitution, lo hu
ilesijiiinteil its wet ion lour, ns follows:
Skituin 4. W henever any of the (jituli
lieil e'eeloi's of this C'oiiiiiionwenlth shnll l o
in tiny itetiinl niilitiirv set vice, timler a retiui--"titni
from tlie l're-'iileiit of tin: L'nlle'l
Sintes, or by the ant hi n it y of this Coinnion
weulth, sitcli eleetiits limy exercise the riht
of tiiill'r;ie;e ill nil ekclions by thu citizens,
tin. let-inch renltitions ns nre, or shnll bu
prescribeil by Itiw, us fully ns if they wctu
preset, t ut their litml (!iiee of i lection.
There shall be two iiihlitionttl sections to
the eleventh article of the ('oiistitiuion, to
be ilestiiiited its sections eight, ami nine, ui
follows :
Skition S. No bill shall be puscil by thu
l.eoihiltire, colitiiitiiiiLf more tiuiu or.e sub
ject, which shall be ('Iciirly c ptes.eil in thu
title, except appropriation bills.
!). No bill shall be p.tsseil by the Legisla
ture oraiilitiL: any jioweis, or ptivilcoes, in
ntiv use, win ti' Ihe tinthority lo opant such
powers, or piivih ejcs, has been, or may hcie
nl'ler be, conl'crreii upon the courts of this
Ppcalier of the House of Iicprcscntiitives.
Speaker ol Ihu Senate.
Okkici: or Tim Skciii-.taiiy of tiii; Com-
llAiiitisucito, July 1, 18(13.
s.-, I ,lo hereby certify that the forc-
L. S. .'dine; Mini iiiinexcit is n full, tine
uikI nit'tvi t copy of tin orioinal
Joint Pesolulioii uf ihe lieneral Assembly,
enlitleil "A Joint Ke-oliilion proposing eer
tnin Aliienilinents to the Coiistiltnioii." us
Ihu fc.ime remains on (He in this olliee.
In Ti stiinony v lu tenf, 1 have hetvtinto set
my hand and caused Ihe seal of the Secre
tary' olliee to bu uilueil, the day nml year
above written.
Scria tnry of thu Commonwealth.
July 11, 18U3. tu
a ya lua I) Mi rXhSrToii
rilllK niidei-signed offers to sell nt pri'ae sale, his
1 valuable t:ti ui . situate in Zerlie township, Nonh
umbel land county, Pu.. about one mile west of ihe
lowu ol Trevorloii. coniiiining TWll llLMiill D inoro or less; about sixty ueies of whicli
arc cleared and in a eood stale of culliva'ion. and
the baliinee well timlKred with pine and oak." Ihu
iiiino, , iiicius un a l.og-UoUSC. uui u ana oiutr uuv
'lei ms Easy. For particular Inoiiii-.' of
litA 1. CLLMENT.
t-unbury. May 2'l, ls'li.-
t l.n
i Sl
OT nt llu comht of ltliukin-iry ami I'iiwd
r'ei, Ui .iniiiurv. 'J'liu inii'mvcim m hik.ii
i tirv -k1 uu I wilt a-'i-'uiuuiutlHlu et'ral lauiilicd.
Tcruie iciisoitaMi. ni.ilvli
i H UtUs I'U-.VSANTS, Ageut.
luiiitury, August I j, ImU jl
11. .1. 1 I.I.I AMS. No. HI North Sixlh i'lrcut, Phil
adelpbui, Miiuuliicturcr of
VfUflillM ICIIlit'a. and
En ilit xt KIukIs'n.
The largest and liuesl a.sorliuent in the city, at the
lowest pm c- lilinds Painted and Irimmod vuul
lo new Siore Mnnlc made and lettered.
Apr l 4. Isiia tliu
lrnl.'M lliiiilui:u llilfrrsi.
They i anit lnvic;orate.
They create a healiby apn'lite.
Tliey are an ami dole loehnnge of walcr and diet
They overcome cfl. etot Jimiput ion aud late houra
I hey slreliglhen ihesVslcui and elilileu ll e U.illd
'1 Ley pruient niouuuuiic and iiitrruulteiil fevci-s.
They puritvlhv bieuih and ai idily ol llie cluiuucli
1 hey erne ltspv)wia and Cen.iipaiiou.
Ibiy cue Diarrhea, CbuLia, and Cholera Mor
bus. They cur l.Uer Couiplaiul and Ncrvou Head,
Thry aralh Utl Diltrn lu the woold Thavmske
j the weak man iroii(. and ure rxbausted Kaiuiwa
frval r,'H,ircr. 'I'hey are mailu ol pure il . Croix
luui, luruclcbiaied Caliaaya llark. raifs and bcrha,
and aia lakeu wiih Um ul a bvtvrage, with,
out regaid lo ar or luuv ut day. Pariwujaily re
vouilmudcd lu di-heate peraol nuuiiuia; a Ceulla
atiuiuiaul. buld by all Orocera. Iiua:uL, uuii4
and faliaiis. 1'. 11. 1'lii.kk CO., Kai ilwa4wa,
1 fcew-.utk
wkrf SI. VMSl