Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 10, 1863, Image 1

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    Ti?miN op Tim "AiritK'A.r.'
single siuscRtrrioN t
Two Dollaiiii per annum, to be paid nnlf-yaarly
n advance. iVejinwr Ulraontiiiuod uulil nil ar
rearage art paid.
to ctr t
Thr-a copies to on address, t & 00
fevcn da do s. 10 00
Firnen do do 211 00
Fivo Dollar. In advance., will pny for three yean'
lubscrlption to the American,
Club tuilwcrlpiini, nmM be Invariably paid In ikI
nicc. and sent to mie address.
If tiboribcr neglect or rcfuae to tnVc tliclr nut
pi pern from ihc office to which they err directed, they
er remmtnlble until ihcy htve weltlcd the bill and
ordered them .li'oiiilued "
P. mnatcri will please net M our Atrent. end
frniih lepers cont'iinlnR auliseripthui money. Tiny
are permitted to do tliii under tlie Puet (Ifliec Lew.
'1'i:ioin of aivi:riim:m.
One npiar of IJ linn, X liinre,
Kvcry aulaHaoiniil imorliuu,
line npiitra, J lutiuitii,
Sin Uniinki,
One year,
liuainm Cards of 1 line per annum,
Mm-oliauie Mid uihcr ailv.u lining by the year,
Willi lt.M i.t.v.l ... .' ii. .......... ....I....... ..-
1 00
ft 00
8 110
a uo
..... (.. . . ., ... mnn uninvui nu
VtrtiM1liLT I M
10 OA
.ii-i.i. -, intii.n nucrtrn id inn Local, ton hk, or
beinra .ntrri.tH-na m.d buaiha, klh Chit Id ILK
Ll.XM'or vwili inacriioii.
ijf 1 .- AdferluH-nienl an per ajrei'turiit.
Wa here eoiinootwl with our eaUtbli-ahmont a well
selctftod JtJl (tl'HCIi, which will enable lit 1
eioouie, in the tiet1 iiylo, otery variety of
NEW SERIES, VOL. 10, NO. 28.
X,VIBTUt lllfT - u livjpirVr WfrtWCt jJ
mAr.nniH) as a rrncr. from qfac k
i n Y.
the oxtr piavk wvnn: a cvkk
vax hi: oiiTMxr.v.
W . .milXSTOX has discovered themes! Certain. end nplv F. flee 'tin Itcmi-dv in the
Vi.r'il he nil l'rivnli lU-ense. M eekness nl'tl-c linck
or 1 :n ha. Stric'iin . ACcciim-- of the Kidneys end
M...1.l.. 1 t titv 1 iiR..t,i-iffa. ttnrot.'ticr. (I. lie-
ml ficbilitv XeivonWii-a. 1 yst-t-i ay. Lnimunr. Low.
S-iiji. ('..rrinlon of I. low. l'liloit-itmn of Ilinrt. I
y-on- ol tbo ll.v.,1. 1 brunt. or skn, APwMon.
-ni -.l M. r. Lin. :..s1,.v.1idiorl.mvcWt) ".e l.rr.-
I i- 1 nriKii'E trim 1 !. Ndilnrv IIiiIhip "f
1n their voMitns tbnn the rv( of f-vicr in li e Jin-rim-re
of I'lyw. bliisbtin s Iln-ir n iwt li 1 1 1 in tit lop
or iitHn-ii'iitioi,". reiiil'-riiig inn riat". Ac. impnwi
ble. IVM-r-i-iVv. el n beve bi-eon-e the vioHiv. of Soli'ery
A i. e. iliiit dn-iolfnl in d d.-ntritetive I nliit nl ii-ti
in t -mil! v weep. to en tiniin elv (tn-ve ll .hikiii ..(
Voiirig Mm ortlie ii .nI exnlti-ii tnlt ni ntid britliiint
il li-'l.-i-t. V.I o tri-.'ht o'lii-i e i-i-I'live el'trillierd IN'ej-.
11 ir Si l-iit. p nilli tl e tl iil-delT or wnkeil
t.-i-i-flnty 1 l.o livine; lyre, li ny enll with full eon
ti'lince. Mnrrii d Peri" ns. or Yoent! Men eoti'i irplnt:iie
le-iii-ine. l.eini: mvnre ot pby.-'it-nl w iiil,re-e.
d'-l-ility. ilelolli ili.5. Ae.. vpei.lily ei:retl.
IIi-mIo plnei-K Lie self under the cure ofl'r .I.
in i v reliaimiVy oit.le ir 1 ie lo i-orn!" n jrenti. u nil,
iiii-l eoiifiii. utly rely.iipiin I. in lill n I'Lyi.-inn.
itttU l.MC.HIMIit-.W
Iii-n:ed:.iii.-ly Cured, ned Full Vi'-.r l'.etorrd.
1 lii I'i" V. -;n.; AHeeiioii lieb render T.-fe
loi-eriil-li' ni d loerrintre in pi!iMe tr tlie pi-imlly
,-iiil by tbe ii-tiii.! of improj-er iiolnli' Veim
person-, ere Imi iipl to eeii mil from not
iie;n liwrre of tlie ilrendflll enlis, nl.el.ei-?. thnt noiy
ennie Now. wbo ihnt uiidert:iiid tbe pubjeet iil
prelen-1 to dei y lli.-il the fiower of prnereiiti.-n i- lot
Hi.iti.-r bv tlowe f.illina into iionrooer luiliitf tbnii by
ti e pn.-b-i l ' IU-iidei beiiur deprive. I the pleeMiree
of benliliy ofl'uprinir tbe ii..wl i-ii.ii- mi l de-lruetive
fvii ptoii.'y lo li lio.l v Hi-d loiiiil iii t.-p. 'I lie system
bee-H. en 1-i-ihiil! d. the l'liysienl (llxl Menlnl l-'lllie-lint.
VY ft. bened. Loss ol I'roeie.itive Power. Nervous
I Iivs'.-tis,i, PMlt'tin'ion of tbe llenr'.
Iiidii-esibiii. Coi-iiiiiitioiuil I'l-liility. Wntiiur o
tbe l'r.iuie. Couj:b. Coiijliliipliiill. Iieeny mid l'cii'.ll.
.'li'.-. .. 1V..! i'5i Wt!-.-.-l.ett
ii-nid si-I.i (toiinr from linitiiimre sin-.-i. n fen
1 from the . oilier. Fail not to"
lllld 1:1.11 le-r.
l.eitets li list be pnid erd c.iitniri it flump. The
f..eiors l.ij ioiiiiis biuii: in bisnll'ee.
.t' mi UlttuAM !. B A l i
A. Wrrrriy or Y..'vrozi m-iv.
Member of Hie liovnl College of Surueoi . T.or.don.
4;r i.line trooi olie of Ibe most eminent ('o'!r:cs ill
tbe Vi i'ed Mules, mid ibe irn uler -"rt of ol o" lite
1 n been stH-iit ill tbe I litille of l.iil ilnli. Pnris.
Vbilllilelplii'l end c'si-wbere. Inis etleele.l some of
tlie u:ot nstonisbiri: ciir-ii tbnl re in-i kimvii';
rniiiy troubled with rimriin: in tin-be-ol md e irs
when Rslel-li. trre-it ll--rvonsre.s. heinif Ml-iriied tit
.... .1.1.... letslil o I ess. Hi: . lieu
m:l. tl.-Mlo-iil liiii-ln!
Hitended sonie'i itli di movement of mind, were
cured in liie.l'iite'y.
i'Aiw: I'litTHii.wt XMirr
Pr. ,1 n b!re-es nil those wl.
s l.v in t-ri-i. r ii'dolei-i:
bin-ii jor.d I! in
end .litnr- l-.nblif.
wbieV ruin lio'b I ii. t v ii i H I in i ti-1 . infilling them for
eiiber business, study, society oi nmri ini-i .
Tlll'sn lire sonic of the s-ld lllld llieleneholv efleeis
rr. ilueed bv enrlV liebi'S of Volllll. vi: We- klless of
Il i P.e-k nn 1 I.mi-Iis. P-H
1 I. I oss of Mitseulnr
Iteiirt. I'V-p JisV. Nervoll
of Ibe liijesiive Fiineiioi
in Hit' llend. llillinees of
Power. P ill it .lii-n of tl e
i Irriiid.i'iiv. 1'. i.-mi m. nl
.. livner.d I'- bil' .v. -yn.p-
ton ot'Col'siiiiii tMli. .e.
.M kn r i i.t v. 'I In- f.-irt'ut i-f-c'siin Hie mind "re
tvlieb lo be drended Ics of M.-n nrv. Col fusion of
Id'Bs. liepn -s'oti ol St.iriis. F il-F.ireboiliinrs. Aver
sion to Soeietv. S-lf-l'ls'rilt. I.'H. of S..i!ude.
"l i.. i.lilv or II f Ibe evil l.
Tin i im
f iilln.-. i-hii i.-iM iude
wbni i- 'I ii I' lluir
dccinsiiir heiilib. losing
their vior. hieomior wenk. (ei'e. nervous iu-.
eniaciiited. hnvin.: stinrul ir nnre-irnnce utioul the
eves, cull-ll "lid sen i.iiesof oi.iimp!ioli. ;
V I . . Ime i iii'l-d tl i'ii selves by a eertnin r riictice I
!r,-luL"..l in ivbeu nlope. a' f n-f j il.-li ' ly b urned
froie nil ei-n f'nr-i-1 s. or in S"lool. ihe eio els o
whieb nro ni -bily I' I'. even ben asleep, nn I if not
ri-red ren-lei-s i-n'il'M''' he l-ie-i hie. nid destioys
l-.el n-in 1 i'i:-l I- !y. l ..r.l.l ii).i-ly in no diniely.
Vim ii til.' ih'it ii voulm ll'-.n. Ihe hope of bis
conntrv. ibe di.rlin' oft. is p-iri-li's. si, mild be si. 'itched .
f.-. tn nil I tii-i el-joj mel ts of life, by the
c. i sisiii."e ! de i:ii-i'. fnnn 'be ptith of i nture
I ii.du'iiiuin '' ci-i' lie se.-rel Suuh pcrsnnn
Ml ST, hel' Co- ten I'i'.-J j
tl ArtttS
li nt
Miui.d in led nnd b.dy nr" ti e iiio.t
i..ies lo I roll-i-li Col.lillbi.'il b:ip!.il'iNs.
1. .I... .I ... I., oil Ibese. Ibe loi.rneV llirolulh 111" I"'-
e mc a weniy pil .'i-iiiuii;. : tbe pnmpeet hourly
ilillkil In III' vim: ll e l-l'li'l becoiues sbll'l iwed
v ill disi.nir in d li'lid wilh tbe mebilicl.olv r.-llii'-lloll
II. lit Ibe of unollier becomes bl'bled
u oh our o. n
Mj:-'.AfiVor niiri'Mn'r.
When Ibe tnisri.idet nnd imprudent votary of
,1 refllids belli" iliib'l.'-l Ibe seed ol Ibis
leriifll! lllseiise. it toonflcll II ip-'CII ihnt nil ill-iilne.
i.'iseof sb e. or dread of ili-eovery. fleiers Inm
from npplvil.i lo lli.oe wbo. I "lo eduealioll nni
r.-spiH-t.ii.ilVv. eim alone lii fi iel d bim. delnyii: till
Die eoli-litu're'li il evil pliilna of Ibis horrid ili-eno
liiiikn their npi.cnr meb as iil.-mti .1 sore
liironl di"Vi:e l tin-", iioelurual p mis III the helnl
and liiuW. .limness ofsiht. ik-nfiiess. nod. on Ibe
shin Is.u.-s and arin. blotches on the bend. I o e and
extremities. r.. ire, n ; i'ii I rightful rnpiluy. nil
M In! III' pilule of Ihe nnli'h or 'he boles of the
n..c till in. ". ihe victim of tbi nwlul di-.-nse
h.-eomi- ii horrid ohjeet of eomii.ii...itiun. till demh
put- a period to his dreudrtil Hiflerini;. by ndii'S
him lo"ibai I'ni'.isoovcrid Country from whence no
trnveller return
Il is a uir'liifxifi fart that lboiiiilis r-i.l V lllli.
to Ibis ten ible disease, iiwin; to the iiiiskillliilnes- of
i'liornnt nvelei..lers. who. hv the use ol thill I'-.n'if
f'm inn Mrn iii ii- ruin the constitution and
Tru.' not your liv.-. or benlib. In Hie enreof the
eianv I iJ.ariied and M.ull leas Prctend-ia. il"tiint
kni-w'.i-lji'. iiui.e or etiumci.r. who copv it.
l..l...i...,- h.Iv, rtlm nicuts. or hlvte lliemselveii. Ill
the i.iwapanera. regularly Kdiic. t Pliysieimi-,
in .ni'iilile "I t litii it. tbey keep yi u atrltlinit nioi.ih
after month takinn tl-it flbl.y an.l i-om.
n-.eii 1. 'T a loUK as llie.iuallo1 f.-eei l. be ..'.taint I.
and in despair, lenve y..(l wi Ii ruiued health lu sit''
ovr your .'i.lliiiir.lii'ppoiii'tiici.t.
Jir Joliusioli U Ihe only 1'liysicim adverl'sini!
I li eie.lentinlor dipb'tiia" lv luinn inl'is. lliee.
111. reiuidies or .re.ltelin-nl are linkleiwu to all
-.tlurs .rtp.ilcd ft "I" a liie elil ill llie ureal h.
i.iial. of Ji.r..w. Ibe til t in Ibe c-nn irv an I a u.ore
Ulei sue f.iiuit fruitier an) ill her I'bysiciuu
in tlie world.
iMtHtN:nr.Yi oi"nii: im:i-:-
l lie v Ibousniid. ri red al 'bin in-iiiuii"i. year
afer war.' aid ibe nun emu ei.r.-ie-l
l,,i is-Hoin.ed bv Hr. J. I11..1..11 i:io.d by
Ihe rii.ort.i...llbe -uii. ' 'i lipl'er. and many
...her paper.. ice. ol which hoc appealed a,..
and ai.ifn Ik-I. ibe public, boidr. I.i. .'..niliiK a.
a of iharaeler and res.n.ibilu, u a
...11 .....i niarul.liu lu tbe altln led
.... ... ....... ...a -
fll "-a a
4 1 III. la.
)'ri'. r wiiilt t t be pertleiilar in .tir.aui'sT
Ibvil I. ii.i. li ll. li iliiulu 11. II llelolh.wii- nni
.if ll.lnii I Hah Uallin.ol. M4.
t.liuaiy U 1-Hi.t-ly
i.tiioi' f.unw in: lin'i'i:'
I ,..ouea.-e ft Ibe a.o.. il f b .l'H- I will well
I VT.M l Vh.KAI l iAhi L I t V IMIfc
a.iic-M or4 I4.11tr.
h.m l. Wall P.a4 ("
tl, I.r. U ribh-l'-J an- . re'.-
a..,. 1b..u.b... all 1
fillip UMUU.
I .ub an a luaiiuii
GUI A 1ST 1" Sz riETZ,
in every vnrir'y,
Ordrra mdicitcd end filled wilh proniplocae and
Pubbiiry. My 15, JSiVI. ly
KH Ar I'l'.ICO'I', 11:11 lii.lp'
.lirnni', l'liilnN'l lit:. I'll.
( ) N( w nni, ,.,.,, , in , Tnr!,.,T of
,rnn ,jnil ,. rrmP.ri,.,. ft t-m.l.I.r. c.: of
i.. ...... . r
Itnisi. '1'iiliiiitr : Iron 'er,itd;ibn. liiilooniei.. Sinii-e.
Conn'erii. Founinin.. Ilnleti. Cohm n.. Ililel ing Potp.
I.ttii P Stiuids. A'nsee. Tiible. Flower Mend.. SofH.
Cluiirs. Stiilury. Annuel, end nil oilier Inm Woik
1 of a lieeor-itivc ehnriieter. Jiesiiriu forwnrded for
m-betion. Porsoiu anplyini for tbe mm, will pi ease
ftlitlo tbe kind of work needed.
June li. lini.'t. 4 in
i.s'i'Aii.iwiis:i m:o.
nufl'.V' 'l'l.ii-- rin-nliM iii--r
It! X IS CHAM Ill-ltS ST..
(Formerly 42 Cbntbnni Street. Xew York.
Would enll tbe iitleiition of Iieiilers to tlie nrlick'9
of Lis mm. ui. iei lire. t:
Miiei-boy. Iieii-iiiro..
it.e llnpiee. 'Pure A'ir'rinia.
Ionise lint-pee. Xnebi'o.1 e.
An-eiii-iin tlenllen-nn. Copeiihnflen.
Yl-.Ll.nW SXl'FF.
Si-oteb. Ib.nev Ilew Seoteb.
Jlivl Teist Seoteb. Fr. sb llorrv Irw Seoteh
Ii'isb llii b To .st, Fresh Seoteb.
or I.miilyfiiot.
t Attention i. e-illed to tbe Inrjre rednelion in
prieesof Fye-Cut Cbewinif and Snok'115 'Johiicco.
ivbieb will' folll.dof a Sllpenol Ouulity,
Sirokiiijr. Fin Cut CI.eviii ir. SiuokinfT-
l.oitif. P. A. I r pbiin. S. .Jniro.
No. 1. Cnveiidi!-. or Sweet. !-pnfii-b,
.No. 2. Sw eel s-i iled Urot-oeo. Cnnn.ier
No. I X 2 n.ixeil. Tin Foil 1'iivendi.b. Turkish.
X. IS. eireulnr of prieie will be sent on appliun
lion. April 4. ISM 1
wm Koc
Henler in
"1. RosewiMMl Puin.Ki, from tbe bejt uinkera
i. from $2ihi npwnr ls.
.Ml l.'il l-.i'NS. 1 lie bet iiitii.tifucturcil Instru
luenta from $ti to $I(HI
liiiil'irs. iolin. Ai'i'oideon.. Flutes.
Fiti'S. lll'llll.s. Ibll jus. T llllbolirilien.
iolin i i d liiiiim stiii.. mid inusienl bier
cb.imliKe in i;!il.
.-II1T.T Mvsrc.
Tbe luteal publieatioi-r on Inn d
Music rent
bv li.eil lo ni l- Hurl of tile eollliltv.
0AI., SylAltl-:. lillJ' AM) ROS1.WOOI)
Suitnble f.-r looking glmwin. and nil kinds of picture
ItllMlV OU llllltil.
A flue i.s.itI li etll of bfit plnlcd
LOOKIN'ii (il.ASl S from sinnlli st I.i lnr)rest .inn
Auv s-vle offniiiie iimde to order nl the shortest
notice. ' MM. KMX'IIK.
Ajuil II. I !-::. !i::Mnikcl t.. Ilnrrihur.
1 . 1 in'- ci 1'i-t ei-s l IhiI Ii S'-i.
lil. 1 Pl- XIi tiFXTI.l.M AX hevintr been re.
Floled lo l-enllh in l.-w d:iv.. tlf'er lllideriroil-i;
nil ibe iisiinl routine m.d iii-enlnr i ftp1 us-vc m.Hlen
of tientn eiil, Milbolll success, col. aiders il bis snered
dtuv lo con iMiiiic.ilc lo bis nlllicted Icllow cre.-itur.
-te !mk.s or i i nr:. Hence, .on me roceipt ol nn
I liess.-d ei.velope. hu ill si ml (liec) ii eopy ol ibr
. esernlloli used. Jiirecl to
i'ii. .mux M. lMUNAi.i..
1M1 Fulloii Stieet. liroi.klvii, X Y.
Anunrv 24
I.-CIT A. I'tlllll.V r''M lit"; tf ! hill.'.
Al'llll all tb
ir itnproveti ei.lti (lleininer. i. liiiid. r. Keller. Tucker. Coidei,
Il.eier. Je.. A;.. Ac. i. isthe
Ci:i-..I'IT AND PI ST,
and most beautiful of nil machine, fur
F A M I l V S E W I N (i
and lilit mniiufiictiiriior urt oe. It lunkea the
in-i r-I.H'ked siiieli (wliieh i- alike ou Loth idcs). and
b..s real c ipiic-ity.fiii scniiu
lv n leather, aa well aa the finest muslin, may be
a. wn In perlcctioii on Ihi machine. Il will use iint
shi1 eotion hs well as No. .'Hi linen thread. M lint
il emi il" only be known by hi eitiK the machine
lesiiid. 'I he FohlihK-iop Case i all oint ibe liiiwt
valuable of all he ne in prov-menls. It may be
opened out lis n spiieioim m.d tUilisttiulinl table to
sttsiiiiu the work, mid when the tuiiehii.e not in use
it may be folded into a lu. which proiecls Ibe
oi kin i pnriii of the machine. There li no ulher to filial Ibe Letter A in
iiiil!li-ily, turaliilily . IJiipiilily,
anil 4-i-i-miniy .f ct-l a iiu hi
nil i-iiK'm ol ai-i-l.
The Fan Ht Hewing Mael.ine ia fn.t beeomini
popular lor family use aa sixiiku A Cu.'a .Maniiluc.
turii.ij .M ichii c ie lor uianut it-' ti injt purposon.
The lliaiicb 1 llh". a arc well supplied wilh silk tw let ,
Ibrc d. lie.. lies. oil. hi . of Ihe Vest best ipialily.
Sen I for 1 ami 111. ir aula copy of .nhu J
I'm li vi:rTr.''
1 M. SINiil-U A CO.. t.'.sl liri.ii.lwnv. X. Y.
I Pl il. d. lpl in i 'llice. sill C'lieniut .treet.
uuuo in. Isiiil, ly
VI jviuiuu' IciKiiriiiici 4'oiiiniyt
Cnpilii! nnl iii 1h, M l., (.
M. Uolleiiback, L. I. Shoemaker,
John lie) bar I.
P. ll. lri.-.lincli,
11. C. Mi.iili.
Cha. I). rr.ince.
M m. Kosn.
Smi in I M a lliiiii.i,
l(. I. l.acoe.
t InirUit A Miner,
i M , M . hclch'ini.
II. M llmdiii'
li. M. imi.l 1 A HACK . Problem.
I L. ll.Slllil.MAKLK. leu Pre.idciil.
II. C. SvttTfi, Secretary. "
ll SrecLlvo. Ireusiirer.
Tli Coin mil y Iiamea ibree-fourh "f Ibe Caeh
1 1 liun ii.n, lakee no I'n ii iulu Noica. make 11.1 A "-
ii.eiiia. Policy ackuowledet all uiuueya paid duriii
Ibe lei 10 I'lmur Insurance.
1 A. I'll AM Fl'UI', Aenl.
1 May .Ml. Istlt iy
JOHDAN townhhip
1) I ST-1 L L E R Y.
f plIK uudeiiiiied having euleretl iulu narlneil.ii
k. 1 III ll. I'u.llkl V llu.ll.l . lu J.H.U11 U.wi.lllp.
jurlbuu.lHili,au..i.iy ..a the pud I lout MialteT.
' ',vrn lo i neat'tottu. aUiut 4 unletf tiuut ftlah.4oy
,,( s, u,lle. Iiou. Kln.Evi..oau. niK Irate lu intuitu
11. e puonu ium im uia ihjw liiaainn a aupeiivr ai
litde of
nut: it.e Miiihtv.
lb. dolriiik ataia cta.ii. u. lu aklakajr can
i bate 11 d.ii-a uii ll.a ntuH leiH.a.
I Ike ea.h no a will U imiJ Im lty. and
' giaiu l. k'U iuil h u." h i wl.lVt. 'Ike pul.liu
CU Iw aulid all bl.kty b atle al Ibla di.llllc.
.1' will Im. Inta liout dlUkt ai.4 adul wrall'-a.
' I'AAC I I. P I'I Jf
tl L tultl.
J.stdaa . Juaa II tu'4 mu
o. w. 1 yvxjix,
Alulir Hull IVuaarlUr Nl I -MM.
CBise ua aubth atda ft Xlaike aiieeC. aWwi duuet Waal
U i. 10 liiubi a ft.tsie,
HUN JtUitY, . .
.ila;iau4 t- .11 I .-I
iliu..a I lu ba Hl. Ia wlk.-lsoa sUilk In
JiTl Jun.!:4.t.4.U'.kti.awe4
UJiMJUtV, t'A.
tatkaiw.j, .J taW- if
run our. at iiath.m
In llie conrc of I lie ITtbj ilreiu1y tinnit--ttiknlik-
nimn itiiticiileil 1 1) tit t lie enrtm liml
ilist-iiviTi'il tlicwriik joints! nl'tmr fxisil inn.
mill wtTf iiiiiHtiinjttlii'ii fiii'ci a in fitnit of tiiir
li'ff t fiitri' nnil lt-l. fur tin' tiiMiiil'i st iiir)iist'
! t I'lnliipf! 'litisc itnta nl' mtrlinia, or fivt
tiny; I'l-tutrn tliini ninl ClitittiiiioiiLtii. A
riirii-spoiiiliiif; ninvi in lit l-y tlie li ft llnt-.k
us tin-net' inailf liy tin wlmlo iinny t'lirtlier
ilcwn llie YYi-at ('iiirkiinniii'jii, w tlmt mi
Fridiiy niorniiin; inir fxtivmo It It reslcd lit
Oorli'ir Mill, nt llif t-rnsiini! ofllit' Cliifkit
liiniiii liy the Lnfu'ette I'ike. nlni;t twehe
miles Mintlnvit of ('lnittitr.iui(.,H. On llie
liiiilliinv; of tlie ltli (Fr'nlayl, it portion of
tlie cxpetted reinliirei-iiieiita, consist ini; of
two lirimlett of tlie Leseive Corp. ren-e-tivcly
coliiliiniulcil by f olnliel- Mcl'ook ninl
Miti liell, inuile their tippeiiitinee netir (,'ltiit
tiilioojiu, ninl were iii'im ilinti ly ot'l red to
niiike ii rceoniioiasnnce tnwurd Kino-pold,
nnd ilevelnpe llie intentions of the enemy
Iri'tii tlmt ijUitrter.
Tltey ennie upon tlie ndvitnce of T.onir
stri i t a corps, pushed it 1'iiek lor smiie tlis
tiinee. took ii nnnilu r of pi i-ntieis from it,
nnd fully estiililished the itnlieipiited enneel)
ti nt!on of the em niy in front of our left. All
tiny Fridiiy the cimilry, ciin'nt'.jr our front,
skii'inislnd with ilitli-n-iit luiiiiisof tiiiM-ne-iny
is-nitie; fiom the MiriiMts ejips of the
jji-iin .Moiintiiins. nnd iidviineiiii! upon ,-inil
ii ruin retirinej from our line. No serious
C'illiioii, however, occurred. It wtm evidi nt
the Lei 1 1 (ii ni rnls im nut to creiite it fuKe
inipressiun tis totlie points of our line iiiiinst
which they )iinpiisiMl to stril.e u hlow with
conieiilrnteii power, lint Oen. IJosccrutis
I whs not diei ived. 'I'I.e report from the
('.out nil tended to nil, til in his previous ilu
j pression tlmt an oii.m t in ovi rw In lmino;
I iiutiilu-rs vmis conteinpiitletl npnti our hit
Hunk, mill Mint it lllld to lie UK t I i.v ll still
I'uitlicr shiftinir i,ii. inw:iid ('i.iittmiiniuii.
sceoriliiily on I'riil.-iy niiil.t the di isimis
of J t: i it i ) ii 1 1 mid liiiiiil. Inrinerly comnini'di d
hy ( ienei iils L'ousseiiii mid Ley Holds, i f
'I'lioniiis' Corps, tooi-ilnr with Johnson's, ol
Mi l 'ook's Corps, moved from tin- centre to
the h fth of Crittenden's Corps. They wi re
in their new positions nt duy Ltviik. The
I wo otlu-r divisons of McCook's Corps, Ihi-
is' nn. I Sin riiiiin's were to move into the
position nl 'titn loiii'i I hy Thomns' Corp, I til
iiiid not time to nssiinie it fuliy In-fore th"
omiiienctement of tlie ttelion on the next
i tnoriiiiiir. On the uioniitir of .Silurdiiy our
' I ne then iippturcd us follows: On the ex
treii e I it Hniniiiiii, next lluird mid Keyiiohls
wilh Johnson in reserve in the centre, I'nl
i liter en tlie !'iilit of lieynolds. mid Ynti
1 Clexe on the left. This line, us nlreudy stu
, ted, wus to In- eoiiiiih ted i Ibivis' tit d Sin r-
I iditn's Divisions, fm-ed n little cn.-t nl' smith.
The s. ene ol'nll ihe movemi nl s on ihe 17th
mid lSth wa- .Mcl.iiinoie's Cine, pn-v inns'y
desciilied as the viilley formed hy the Mis
sionur mill l'iecnn .Moiintiiins. The valley
is Wiisiiid ..r its fjreal pmt hy tlie We-t
Chiekiiiiftiiion, nn, trnvcrsed hy two mud,
one leudiiur from Kossville, mid the other
Irmn Chut i. inoiioii iljn-ct to Lnlaycllc. The
two loiids run iilmut two iniies upiirt. :ii:d
west of the ( 'hiekmnmin, where the hi.ttle
of Suliir.lay whs fnllolit.
i The sielinii of the vnMey Ininlered hy tin
two iw.uh is utmost ik plain, coM-nd willi
thick woods, which rt inbred tin- liehl uti
; l.ior:ili;e for the eil'eeiive ue of artillir;..
j Tile line pr.ipit ns o,icn iil tne. r 1 1 . t
1 nearly at the Intse of t he Missionary Minm
t ins. snii.e distance in a Ivai'cc of its r : 1.1.
tjoidon's Mills, tlie point of iiiter-i-i tion of
the road from Cliatliinoou In Lafayette,
' li'id the Chickaiiiauo;,i ufurc iiienli'.iieil, was
j still held on Saturday tnorniipj hy Wood's
i Division of Crittenden's Corps, supported
' hy .NiiJey's of Thomas'. 'I In ir position
was a strum; one ; hut at an uno'n. with the
tine proper, appcar-d like a l;ii-.i! Tons e-tell-ion
ol' llu- lalti r. atidwiis proved slit ll
hy sul'seiii.ent events. It was meant to
kc lire our riuht ntruinst turnini,' ninnu-uv res.
lu.t olliecr.-of ix.iod judgment enteilaii'.id
toe helief thai l.olh irreiitcr roinpactiit-.s
Iroiii their closer contraction mid perfect
s unity of tlie riht miolit liuve Let n oli
ti'ii.ed U uisli , ilic latt.-r on the ca-lcrn
iC ntiiii-iiis. of .iisioiniry Lide. The I ri
jiiides of Mil'iink mid Mitchell, of the
res. rve corps, were or, len d li-u k to l'ossv iiii-,
I cm i' i'i. lay alii rnoon, f,,r the protect inn of
j our coiiiiniinieation with Cliuttanoi oa. ni.l
lieiice were not to participate in tin-si ru-o ,.
' nl atun lay. J he inolit hud l.ein Irosty,
ninl the troops not hcinti pi-rmillcd to I
ill. Id
hivoiiae lites. the iliscoinfnrt ihov i voi lii-n.
(.,.,, tn-elher wilh the fiitk'iie from iiiiircliii'o
mid want of sleep, put them in 11 phv s'n-al
condition hy nn means m vioor-in- 11 it
should have heeil for the st vere work in-fore
them. Fortunately tlie sun rose clear, an.l.
wiili its che.rin 'rays, did much to revive
the spirits of the army.
Tlie tally foreniuiii passed nvvny without
I'olcwiirtiin,; of the iippinni hinu' cnnMii I :
hut elioiliy U. lore eleven o'chu k the storm
that had I 'ten drew in:; nil the inoriiin"; cm
the Lehcl side burst forth in 1 he cNptited
ilirecliou. At tlinl tune a hinit mass of
Kclicl iul'anirv was seen 11. 1 v m iniiivr upon
lir.iiiiiiin'a division 011 the I'Mnine lift. It
Hist ctiine upon the Second Ihioiete, Cnl.
Croxtnti c no tiuiiii liiiLT. mid soon forced it
hack dcspiif its d. tci mined risistiince. The
twootlur hrinaiha of the di i.-imi at once
c one to its ii-iiiiiicc, nnd si;ci 11 ih d in
check'nio; . pi,iL,re.a of the HclvU nnd
dining tiicui luick ; hut their tohiiini in
turn Im-iiii; siroiiitlv reinl'o red, they iidviin
ccd u'iiin wilh wild yell. So powerful w
this iisaault, tlmt liny pu-hed liri.iiiuin Lin k
to mid Lev ini'l hi po-itinii in the line, mnl
l I'll, uncoil red the h-ft of Laird's div i i..n.
.Mnkiin; prompt nx- of iln ir ntlvuritiivff. lln
1 liiiliyid their course to the left, mid sM-t d
il) eiivilopt-d S li lio r'a und Kinij'a I riiidi.,
tliel,illcr of lteiiilur. They wire u'luo-t
iirroiiinl. d, I ut inniiiiL'i'il to diciilaiii;lt
ihi'liiM'ltea ill 1 1 r t. -it r 1 1 1 1 he a.
The 1 rti-hlnn lh l ei imisa tu t t nine upon
Johiisnh'a Divi.ioii. ami rolh-d il upon Key
liolds', tv li it'll alxl Ulillne aH'eilily iiivolvid
ill the ileH'riilt alriittuli. The lul.l.urn
rialuni eof llieae till i-inna, howcVi r, Mild
the aweepiu firti of aoinc hulli rii a h.I.-iI
iiinh r llie m r.otial aiiM rvl-'ii of lii
UoMcruua, arrtalt'd al ht.l lluir awi.pln
1. 1 1 am v.
I he tlivi.ioiia nf nritnnnn and Il ilr-I liar.
iii la-en rallltd, linn fal Tholliaa of. It rid a
lit-iicml advuiuof lh rlhl, and xM.n the
iide of halllu waa ihvidtdlv lutliid In our
a nr. Willi 1 Intra our H' advaliretl,
iiallniK milt at lliiita lnlatt. ihv tmi iiiy
wilh liiilekt lri. h. trial I i lilt a ihubl'lita
I'clftaliiu lint and Hh d l.
r.ul., Ib.f v., ., d V....m.. I ul .i.adil . y
11. 11. 1
'"' '" ' I" J " '
t J( lUati ylMa 4 iU 4,!VU.U IvaA kiawf.
ly rconvereil. I atti-rif lieloriirinL'
to O.Mi rl I'.aird's and Hrnnnnn'a pivisinn.
vhose Imr-tia I1.1 I heen killed miifs-ipixirts
-vvipi nvvny, wrre rctukeii, nnd several htin-
Ircd prisoner c;iliired. The etnemv left
all their de'id mid ni avily nil their woi'imhtd
on the field. There were it least live hun
.lied of the former. The Hehel troops en
oiiuini; Thonuis In-loned to Buckncr's mid
nnd Lotiiptt'-cet's rommnnds.
At tlie time the ttrnir';!e wn lurninj in
our favor on the let't. IlniifiV nrmv (iroper.
consistinie of the corps of Polk nnd Hill
(formcily H.-udfi-').), moved In it most deter
mined mid well executed itltnck upon Pal
mer's nnd Van Cleve's tliv i-ions in the centre,
lis ulijeet Was nlivioiisly to relieve the de
feated Lehel riolit. 'J'lc limely reinl'nree
inetit nt tir-t liad the ell'eet of c'lieckino; the
enemy, and rtstniino; ifur line; hut the Ke
hel attiick witsspi-tilily renewed with ".renter
nunihi rs. and the centre npiin cninpellcd to
yield. Davis vv as forci-d to the rioht. I
Ynn Che. e to tlie h it, mid the enemy advan
ced throiioh tln iipcniiu: made in our line,
thrciitoniui; tu take the centre mid rioht hv
I lit ir flunks, a they had done on the left.
Alatliis critical juncture. Sheridan's division
appeared mid was at mice thrown upon the
enemy. It stood its ground pallanliy for n
while, hut. heci'iinino; soon exposed lo n cle-
.truclive Hank lire, was nlwo comneled to
full hack. Forliiiuiti ly, the division of
Oelli I'al's AY ood and Nciiley, that had heen
easily withdrawn from (mi-don's .Vills when
the);. In I attack on the hit t hrenlelit il to
l-e successful, now came to the rescue. Af
ter n I iii-f mutest, the lh he! found them
selves at Inst mulched, nnd comnieiu e l
i;iv 'inj; aw ay in their turn. Leynold hiiviuix
also la-en sent to the assistance nf tlie centre.
After ihe repulse of the l.el liolit all
iidvtince was nidcred. mid the olij;iniil posi
tion rcyained ul nut siinct.
A hunt dark the em my intnle another de
munsl ration, wilh n heavy artillery and mus
hilry lire, upon the centre. I.ut ii'n-it:nr a
lively response, they soon iiliiindolied this
la-l t I'ort of the day. Thus ended the hat
tie ol the III) It. ll had heen it defensive onu
on our part, tun I tiltlmuuli w e lost no oroiitn I,
mid prohiihly les men and 1nulcii.1l than
the ciii niy. ils result could hardly I c claim
ed as a trii.tnpli of Cnion anus. No suh
siiinlinl adv aiitaoe had ln-cn won. mid n
la roe portion ut the iinnv vva Inull , shat-
I ti red. That tin- i 1 n 1 1 1 v . with his numerical
I superiority, w-nidd he a hie to nt'.cr uoain
halUe cm the follow in;; day. could he wi ll
supposed, (ieiieral Ihisccrnns milicipated a
renewal of the Mruorl.l and pri ptind for it.
Durino; the niolit the tWspi silimi of our
forces was cliaiiyed. I he line was made to
I rest aloii"; a cross-road ruiini 1' .iioiihcast
j and southwest, and couticctino the l'nssv ill.'
j and Litlayete loads. liy this iliposilion our
t-.xi n iiie iiiiiii w as innno to rest 011 .ti issinna
ry liidoo. The new line was a mile shorter
than that of Ihe day hefoie. The tlilh ri ltt
divisions were ili-poed in this order :
From riudit In left, one Lriuadc of Ne-'h v's
, John-nu's, Lairds, Pi.lni'ei's'Ki-y i;old s. two
jhiioailes of Netjley's, Wood's,'s
llui Ibn is, liraiiu. in s ami Van Cii vefnrm
1 eil Ihe reserve. Tlie mount, d I t iai li s of r and Minty covered the riyht think.
I Sunday laoriiino- l.rnke upon the ho-tile
1 artiins a fnir ns that of tin preeei'.ini; day.
' Coiitrnrv to the universal 1 p.-cjaiioii on our
side. Hie ciieniv iioain ailouTd the tally
hollls. so Well suited In 1 1 i !. ti i i- 111:11 s
to pn-s ii way niulisiiirl ed Ly tl e Mii.nds of
1 li.ill'e. The adaptation of their plan of at
tach to our new line, tlotil ihs. in-i essiinled
1 lii-s. A I out nice o'ch.i U a lew jois wire
In aid tit l.i'im: pnitil of in, r limit, hut it iniiv a iittic ! tfiiie tin thai tin- r port
nl w ho.e v ol lev s iiitii'iiiiii 1 d 1 he 1. s;i nipt ion
of tin- liuhl itl L'iod eullUst. Tlie lirino;
t i.ut had h.oun upon ,n:t- h it at once assum
ed the li' -leest character. 'Ihe enetiy re
pealed the luetics of the pn vioiis day hy
I hi 0 tv inr I heiiisel v i s tir-t upon our cxl 1 elite
hit, formed l.y Ocneiiil Ileum's liriotule ol
Nc ley's Division, It siood llie hum t lor
some lime bill lit, ink retired.
Desirino to uniic tin.- two portions of (!cn.
Nt.o'cy's coiiiiiiniid, it5cni nil 1oi cruns nr
; deled (ieiieral nod's Piv isioll to lake tlie
I posilion of I he t wo I t'ii.ih s si.iitioiicd I'll r
' 1 her. to the rielit. The lid 1 !.-, p.-rct iviii';
Ihe withdrawal of Ntyley. nnd l elii v Ufi it
In he a hi rent itl mnl eaiiic-l. tilii.lly nlso
1 inoved upon t'le centre, mid die uclion
speeilily heeaiiic oeneral, l iiulins; tlielll
eives i;iinl!c to miiUe an iiiiprt'ssiou on
S'ood, tin- 1 tu my, nlit-r the hip-e of an hour
i or so. sullied In colli lllrale lluir lililill
istrciiotli upon the centre, now iioain it. 111
I liiaiitleil hy Tliomns.
j Durino; the niht our troops had enn
I slrucled 11I0110; the line ifiiiiels of loos and
1 fence rails, mnl thus ctun araiivei. sin I en d, j
I they kt jd nciintinuoiis, murdcioiis iiiiislo tr, 1
I lire upo.i tlie tiieiny. n r iirlilliry was
! planted upon lii-lu r round in the itur. and
I bred over the inl'iintn . Destructive as
j lire until sin-ill arms and ciinnoti vvu, it did
'not st.iv the of tlie Lei els. At
times they etiicocrcd, hut only to rally nnd
pil-li tioHin forward toward our liue. W illi
ilMlltic yells, l.oii.-lleel's mid Hill's lol'jis
holli came InlliiiLT sleadily on, in 111 111,11s
hy hallalioiis, 4 ..r 11 ti1t w.iil.t itetl to the
extent of out -liiiid. wus not sti'oiio euoioi
for success ill this 11 1. t-i nit I ci' C!oir
und closer appioiii hed ihe shotiliiii; ho-li'e
111:1--. s, nn, I ut In s( I a, ed iJliililiall'a div i-iuti
to y ii Id its pu-it ion.
Mi an time, as ( Ii-ihi al Levnohl- w a severe
ly pn-siseil, tii iiei tl WKod vv as ordered to
in. mi! ii slant h to the lift ll ,lik.i.i- hnin
11.111 und on to his relief. D.ttis and Shi ri
dan ifl to shift over lo the left, and thus
close up tlie line. A the im cnsain was 111
yelit. I .t tier, ll W ood illi tt in his shil lliislicls
wiili considerable haste, mid Ihe L. I t-Is. for
the set mid lime, uiiliikiii u w illulnittiil Im
4 ihhl, pressed lorwiiitl like it toireiit mid
poi. rul luii-kitrv, citiiistcr mid 1; rape into
Ibe I'.iiuk of tin- division, luoviuv: upon the
ihn.l'.e ipiick. The Hit 11 ciidi nvoii t, fur 11
lime lo bli p tin ir Idea in order, aa the
pil ilt aim 111 ol h ad und r 11 coiiliniied
lull' hiirlid apiiiist llieiii, tlie rt piiiieiita
Im -iiii tuajilt inl nut like H fall, w ider mid
w itler, uulil liit.tlly tin y wi re tmii to Kiioh i.
1 Ilia Mlia tspi I hilly Ihe CUHI Willi I lit' l.ll
Hllilc 1 niiimuiitli'd ly Until. I'aiktr'a I n
y.ide alone pat i tut to lla ih llii.iloiu coin-p.u-'luil)
'I he hn.Cti i um I Xll lnli d tum lta lilil
triiicul pliast, 'Ihe I r. ik. I. n pi.rnrily
ciillsed !) Ihe ahil'linu nt' dillaiolia tloui one
luiiiil III the line In ulo'tln r, Were an
I) p. In ivtd mid turned In l-V tbe
tin lut, that Hi.) prniidl aii'lu .l llu
ta nl Hit' 1I.1V. OlV la' I l V I s , 1 1, t. ill, 1 11
lip In lake W tul' au.t.oii on tin t kin mi
I'llJI'ta l.lkell W illi Kn ul atlddt lilil'.a and
P ly I Vllie hit ll.lis, itnd pil.iitd In lot
liIll Hi 1.1 It I li.a.l.d.1. S. IIII. lilt'
Wi i'i 1. 1 'I.. .lit ol ul. I ll it a uoil I'ulll'. r a
ill I I 'I , i ,)." ..) I t H i Wl'h.lluwal of
D 1' 1 a', -ih' uUsi k-'l till l p.el V , In io 111 .
oil la. I. I.I, .."I lolt . d I -a. k III . It al toll
J tot. luttk ti tauK tUk asWti I tist tt m
now complete-, nnd even the exertions of 1 Vfrilli-l t n .fairy f Ry,
Hctiernl lhtsfcriin and his StiilT, who, with YVhi-n Df. N'atlmniel I'rentire t.iuo;ht n
Irnwn swords. Httempted to restore order, 1 puhlic. school in Koxhiiry, Mas., he was
were of no tirail. f-i roninsi of demoralized, . very nincli n favorite ; Lut his pntience- nl
iinccintrohthiP niam. flecini; tnwnrd the rear, time would (jet very lunch exhausted Ie,
were nil that rcun.iiifll of hiiu portion of 1 tlie infraction of the school rule hy the
the nrmy. ' schohir. On one ocensinn, In rather 11
After timl f:dnl Lrcnk our line of Imtrle w rathy way, Im threatened to punish with
wn not nosiin reformed durino; the day. fix How ,f n henvy Icrulc? the first Imv
The nrmy w:s, in fact, cut in two, Mef'ooh, detected in vvltisit'rinif, nnd nipointed some
with Davis, Hheridnn nnd Wilder, licinej ns deteetor-t" Shortly alter otu' of the
thrown olf to the riitht ; Crittenden, except delictors Hhontcd :
one brigade f Wood's, Im-Irk broken in j , Master. John Zei).Her i wliifperinif."
piece-, nnd Tliotims, w ith his 1 John was cnlli d up and n-ked if it was n
corps, and Johnson's division of McCuok's, fief. (Jnlm, liy the wuv. was ,1 lavnrite
remninini; nlone upon tlie left. Thomas' hoi It w ith his ti-ncln r nnd sehnol-mates.)
Division Neley's, lirnnmin's and Laird's . "Ve," nns-Aered John, "I wit not iiw are
liad heen fearfully shaken am! much set- ; of what I win ahunt ; I wn intent on work
tered hy the tijjlit over the oi works, mid ; intr nut tl sum, nnd rc.pie-tial thehovwho
Keynohls wits the only one tlmt retired in ' sat next to hand ine the arithmetic that
tolerable order. Ketrent w ns now the only contained the rule w hieh I w i-lu d to Pee."
resort left. Mini tin: whole disnratiiyed Inn- ! The dnetor regretted his hasty threat, hut
of our troops fell lincli over the rund In told John that he could not siilii r him to
Itossvillc. Crowds of striiiroh rs, in muli- i whisper or escape th puiii.liinent, and
like disorder. Kindt! omul speed toward continued:
Chii!tnnooi:u. with (lie cxeeptiiin ill Sheridan, ! -I wish I could nvoid it, hut ennnot.
Davis and Wilder, who, cut oil' from tlie : wilhont 11 forl'eiture of my word. I will."'
centre, still utrnj:j;!ctl 11s best they i-otihl. ' he conlin I, leave it tu anv three sclmlars
Oil the rielit the divisions of U.iirdJ ;,mi nmy choose to say whether or not 1
Reynold. Necley and Uranium, and Murker' omit tin' puuisinm tit."
Itnyuilc of Woml's Division, nloiie retained ' John said lie was nererd to that, nnd
cohesive lies, and took a position nlonjf t he '. iniinediittelv called out (i. S., T. D., mid
base of Missionary Mountains, where the ). 1'. . Tin- Doctor told them tu relurn
Rnssville mad debauches fruiii tin in, for a verdict, w hicli they soon tlid, latter con
anotiier tioht. Tlie line was formed so that , sulfation.) ns follows'-
the left n sled upon the Lafayette road, mid 1
the rioht at the irnp represented an are of a 1
circle, mid a southeast hid about ii centre
formed the key to the posilion. lletwceii 1
2 and U o'clock the enemy nppi -a red on the :
Lafayette road, mid iniivini; by the left
li, ink, soon formed lor muulicr attack. '
At tiist thev directed a heavy lire of
musketry nnd artillery upon our posilion,
as thouoli 1 ik 1111 1 11 l: to dispirit its ilcfeiuiers
before cmniiii; to all assault, but the Itt.llllO
or I'.'.Dlitl men that , coiilrnnted them It-It
tiiat the fate nf the Army oft he Cumin-Hand,
nnd. in a oreat measure, that of the l iiinn,
depended upon the repulse of tlie 1 nt my,
ifud w hen the Li bel line finally came re
pcaledly to the attack, they advanced but
to recoil vvtlii sevi re loss. Our troops were
firnnd in two lines upon tlie crest, and
tirinej one alter tlie other, they kept up an
unbroken fi!iladc with telliiii; ellect. Tlie
I'Mctnv. coti.-istine; of Polk's Corps, were not
only iyi('!ed, but tiirovvn inlosiicii diso.clo
111.11 1 on inn s 11, italic nun 01 in 1 portions 01
.1... li .'.M I ..1.1 I I l I
ine line luiiovveii. anil ions, sever. 11 uuuiireii
prisoner. Toward sunset the enemy
w ere
1 1 i'i vi 11 buck to tlie position they took whin
liiiiii; out of the Lafayette ruud, mid aban
doned the cotiicst.
W hen Thomas' Divi-ion wen1 most sorely
pressed diuim; the alternooii, mid il looked
at one time ns though they would iiuaiii
have In succumb to superior numbers, they
were "hiddcncd ami ciicouraocd by the
ie 1 vent on I he rioht. of Mitchell's it tit t W Id la.
kef's llrio'ade's of the Reserve Col) s, under
the c-oiumaiiil oftieueini liordon Oriinoer,
hiiii-clf. W ith this aecosii,n of stn-iiot li,
our ability to maintain our position was 110
lunger doubted. Soon afli r tieiieral Oram
yer hud reporled lo Oeneral Thomas, hi
two biioadis were seal out on Hie road,
under command of Ociiernl Slcadiuan. tu
retake an 11 im 11 1 111; i 1 1. ii train 'that had fallen
into tiie hands of the cm my. They came
lipntiik hinir Rebel force, and, alter 11 severe
fi.ii.iict, drove tin m away.
W hile ( ieiieral Thomas was tiiakinf; his
"admit liL'iil, Sin rnl;iii and Davis had
tnatiHoed, niter bcitio much cut up, to work
tin ir way to the Rossviile Road with the
ri'iiiuanis of their divisions, und fallen back
in the direction of ( 'li:ittuniuir;i. At niht
( tiei'nl Thomas back to Rossviile, four
miles from Chiittanoooa, after brino'mo
away all the wounded, transportation nnd
nllie: material within reach.
While the slruojle of Saturday ended in
a drawn battle, that of Sunday resulted in
a disastrous defeat. The failure of the first
day was partly due to the i;rcalcr numerical
streiioh of I he enemy, nnd partly to the 1
deficient formation of our line of buttle. !
That of ihe second is justly ascribed to'
improper tactics on the battle liehl, nnd j
above all lu the absence of coiiiinmid. The
ilispiiiiioexaiiip'.e set nnd iiit'.ncnce exercised j
by Ihe Commander in I li'u f at Stone River '
were wtintino, he having been compelled to j
leave the lield mid relurn In Chat (amnion '
hi tore dm action was over.
The car'y of two corps I
commanders from the lield .-i!-i made a I
!cuior:ili.iiiej impression. The lovnl people
certainly hi'vc cau-e for self coiio-iiliiiatioii j
thai I lie A t iny nf I lie Cumberland vmis not
c inipletclv de-t my 1 tl. mid owe profound !
:;r il il inle lo (lei, el;, I Thoiiias and those
mult r Ii i tu who saved it. Our In-scs arc I
on iit. I lint 111 kiile l. vvnumleil ami inissinu
w ill probablv reach ten thousand. Of nr
tidily we tire less some fifty pieces, mostly
lost on Sunday. Of uauoiis, loaded with
iiiiimuntl inn mnl supplies, mnbu'iinces. .Vc..
we have also lost a njvat number. They
were abandoned in tile retreat oiv Sunday.
Ieiieral Rosecrmis und his lieutenant
were bu-ily i ii;';ii-il on Monday in streiiolh
eii'nie; lluir posstion bv liehl work, und
n oroaniin their conlinamls. While the I
army ilelf limy be coiisiilered safe ciiounli, ; succe-a, and the one, probably, which more
it is 11111-1 certain that if the enemy have i limn all other cau-e-coiubincd n-ml. rs ikbor
the ailvaiitaoe o p;reiilcr liiiinlais, H inkin.' I live Ihe ellnrts und hope, .. the tyro, is to
niiivi km ut will coii,H'l Ro-ecrmis to retreat ) be found ill Ihe imported miimier of pn-pur
across Ihe Tcnmssce, in case rt inlnrci tnelils , ino llie holes for liie ns i ili"ll of' the trees.
-Iinuht imt pioiuptly n 111 h Inm.
Loll IV I Is. The Pttersbiiro; Express,- of
tin- iiisl., ha the follow ini;.: "'I hc In-t
butch of Cont'eilcrae inisoi'i rs who reached
here funic w it ll the Iwiiila tif their cunts nil
torn oil', 'liny hud la-en furnished wilh
:.i.o. e'otli IriH-k ci nils iliuite' lluir innni
-iiiinii nl ul the Nmlh, but before they were
allowed lo llc them they hud In lap- sill'- )
milled In Ihe lirt ii t i ny; prm-t-s, which not 1
iinly ilijilifd the e;. a id looks of the but
Mi.ilivt ly injured llu ir vulue. The objis-l
of Ihe pri-uii nllicinla in a rforinin llii-!
oM-iaiiiiii w,i ev idem ly In make sonic cupi '
lal mil of Ihc severed llolh, by lliukin il !
int. 1 inililiiry caps, hats, Ac., or wllinu it 1
for atmie olhcr cpiully pmlititble purMi.'. 1
W e ale ill auvof of strict fx I t'l il 1. 111, and
hoH' i v t ry Yankee ullinr who U lu re- 1
alii r lo Im aeiit North limy lie allowed In
yn with 11 ImiI l.iih-.l tout."
Hf It Ilea or HiiHklliK LiXklua. A,
(rati h f It ll lu tin r an-llurl. hi bhak idt I
rmiliiii'4 i'smI in W ibnie tili'ii, all I e leli
wilh whi.'ky. while llie town atatll ia tltati '
til of pr.'ll-i.'li., tali 11 out bl Hie rnliliiln
oil. I SI
a k a wlio (jo 'hi iti In but and at II
... 1
V ' i'.M, 1
The a.e-be-l auik-tni.t af iha Fi.a.k arr
atii..i.4it ii,( lut pis-si anlt a.aa tltta.
1 a. el't-s b- mi ita et-iiil it iseioiM,iioe, na
a. .-I 'ha ho l im. we.ta lu 11, i 4 ibu U.e a. w-
p. .... i.-,-. . ... ...u... .1 .1- i-nim-a ill 1 -t
I jiinlllT. iml tn-qr
'The master's word must Lr kept inviolate
John must receive the t hi calmed six
blows of the ferule; but it must le inflicted
on voluntary proxies mid we the arbitra
tors, will share the punishment by rceijvino;
each of us two of tin; blows."
John, whn had listened to the Verdict,
stepped up to the Doctor, and wit il uut-
stretched hand, exclaimed
Master, here is inv hand, thev shan't be
struck a blow; Iwiil receive the punish
ment." The Doctor, under pretence of wiping
his face, shielded his eyes, mid tellinj; tK.
boys In onto their Seals, said he would
think of it. I believe he did think of it to
his il;. iriLT day; but tlie punishment was
never inllicted.
'I'llOMf lfoll-4 llll.
From thr Jiir.wuliJ l'.iiijlii rrr of thr 227.
We have ni:ain of the earl v tir
j rivid ol that Inn-; cxpicted lint ol 'inm
1 elans irom J.urope. A Snutlieril iaicr
I . . . . .. . . 1 .
declares that naval otlicer have alrendv left
our tiorts In lake coinmitnil of such vessels.
We iniht add lo this item some interestino;
circumstances 1V0111 our own information,
hut tor obvious reasons we forbear the de
tail of rumors on this subject, however well
we may know .lu-ni to be sustained by sub
siiuiiiai oilicial advices.
This flotilla is the subject of ;ri'iit expec
tations. It will, prol'iilily, nut di-appnii.t
tliein. If the accoiiiits i;iven of the arma
ment 11ml power ol tliis looked for Conlder
ate tleet ale true, we may expect it to sweep
down the Unit' and instantly rai.e the block
ade; to destiny the transports at Charles
ton ; to clear out Ship Island, and, perhaps,
to penetrate the Mississippi, sweepino; the
river clear of Yankee craft and punim; an
end to the .Mobile expedition in the most
.summary manner.
It i said that the Yankee Monitor will
be unable to contend w ith these iron dads ;
that they have neither the necessary speed
nor the sea iptniilics to tin so. W e believe
tlie enemy has upon the stocks vessels
vviiich wdl compete with the Confederate
pattern ; hut it vv ill be montlis before they
. can be put in commission. In the meantime
I the Oi'iilialelale navy may have ilsown way.
1 It is ,-i ipiestioii of time and opportunity, and
i we hi pc for llie lu st.
Tub Sot riiKitx .l!i'i;i-:i. Di-:iii'. shou!d
the Copperheads suecied ill i'.-ctisv I-. .uiia
and Ohio, they will propose to make Pence
with the South by assumim; the L'ebe' Debt,
which will be trumped up at least T1IHLL
would bean immense burthen mi the labor
ami industry of the country, which it could
never. -ret rid of. Elect the I'nhin candi
dates and tlie rebellion will be crushed out
la-fore Christinas, tlie property of tlie rebels
coiiliscalcd. mnl appropriated to pay our
War Debt, mtd the country will become
more prosperous hereafter than it ever wus
before, and free from all burthens. This is
just mid ei(iiitablc. Voters, it di ponds upon
you to decide these (pie-lions at the ballot
box nil the scennd Tue-ilav nf October.
fit Mil. rs L.vmii's opininti of wiiter ciin1
"It is neither new nor wonderful, for it is it-
old as tlie ileliiefi, when, ill lilt'
ki'led more than it cured !"
opinion 11
A (J ll I C U L T U R A L .
I From the licriiianl
'I'ruuiai'.lauiiuu' li-uil
'I'i rcaj.
Mit. Fhi:as : This is n
terra-culture in which very
.wn Telegraph.)
liutl 4ltltt r
lew who h
not liie udvantaefes of a pr.iclienl taliicittion.
excel.' One chict nl.-laele 111 tlie wnv nl
Finest tiees n iiiiire, of course, l.n-'er exca
j vntion than fruit trees, which are ciier.tih
1 nf inure diminutive sie, and sot inltilii
, soil. To illii-irute the necessity of givim;
, the fool ample "-cope mid vere enough,"
' We pri st nt. in Ibis place, the 1 m l inielits
I in.-i'le by M. Chitloi iiiciiu, a Fl i nt n nut Inn
ot discrimiiuiliiin, and wlm-e in this nl scit'iice, h.t-.i-iired
to him tlie re-pet t of n.l talin ...v
fitiiiiliiir with hi cil'nrta ami their n-aiili :
"Four ch tn-ea, re-t-mbliug em h other
a lo aie mnl v-inr of giuwth, us much ns
p., -sil.le, were pbnitnl. Nn. 1 in a hole
llirt ef. i t a'pi.tre ; Nn. vj in U hole Ian lal
aipinre, and No- 8 and 4 in Indta eiglilrtii
ilichia aipi.tre. The x.ll itlul etpoaltlmi ailil
ihir. Nn. I has t vi ry year iriieu the iu.i(
iil'iiil l.ilil crop-, an I llir relative aiea of llie
tret a are now aa I'olhiwa: ll alem of No. I,
IH It l I hl.dl .til l a) in. lira ill t iieuuilt Mit t ;
t of No. 4. I.. I ItiU ami tncliea i.i
l I IX 11 m left 111 r ; No. il, It feet U u'l W"' i
im In . Hliiir ia 1 iu uuib rt ut' ; Nn. 4,
ft. I 4ol J lut Itt a In rtrt-utiiUKiM r."
ll mat l well Ui rr I.i n ui irk lu.l lr. . a
and pUul. d.fita lluir alum nl Irmn the
and lu auie 1.1 aoliiiioii, ami thai Ihia I
all- I itl llilouuh tba a rut ) ul lixi ..luijli'
I. Iiniii! luiiiil ol eaye.'.t id lha I.-.. I a.
.... . .1..-..!
I III l.n' alll.'-al lull roat t.pil HI III II.I if n n
1 li, aii I lift. 'I av lia.'il Hil lotyisiil
null p-ruii4 e tlw lli.tal and tiu-l Itrlttll)
lu'.i.ii.le end. ,ii) ill ai rut I Ion iu I lie lrui
nl a ali.lie, C'ina..l.Utld In- i f r.illU, tl
., .. .. . 1 1 ..
fi"' '"" 11 . )it i" titnti tut ni. an.l
' J'lawllf l aaal U uppl)ti. uawj
nroportionnl slmre of nniirislitut nt to the
tree. Htcy nre. in iiihuv rt spiels, strictly
inulno;nii to the .iccia'of the liiiinmi sys
ein. nnd comparutively possess all Ihe Ira
:ility arid tninulenes-t of orani.ation which
elinracleri! the I, liter. It will hence he
-ecn that any exposure or iinnecesiir,- drv
iny of the root, p-cvioiis to their tr.iiisplnnt
itiiin, mi l sitlHi'.pu'nt to their rem ivnl from
ih nnr-i:y, ma-t. be, of necessity, hilily
letri'iienlal n'l 1 injnrin 1 to their healtli.
)n tli":in neemtnt nil h irs'i sta ii;)in ; 101
om t lin while tr.inspl.intitto; is 1,1 be -ivo-d-ed,
n- it ftidanircrs those nrir-in. which nre
so essential to the hi tilth and increment of
the tree. In "Kcnrick's Orchnrdist." a vvurk
by the way, which should he in the luitid
ol every yoiiny; farmer in the land, we h-ive
the fnliow injr in relation to the circulation
of the sap :
"Tl i(-se iiinumcrnble tnonth. or spon'e
lct. absorb nnd drink in without discrimi
rtatinn, all the fluid Mihstanee which come
in their way. These fluid-ascend tliMti-jh
the alburnum or sup wood to the leave-,
which are true laboratories of all plants a
well a Hie orrjan of respiration. Tin.-circulation
of the ap, which couinienec it
movements, first in tin; branches, a'l l lnt of
nil 111 the root, is produced by tlie attraction
of the leaf hiuls and leave, which are de
Vxtloped by the warmth of sprite.; 1 heir
transpiration rerpiirin:? stipp'les so oreat and
continual, that some; p'anrs aresl ito l to
perspire even twice their weight in Iwciilv
four hour. The true sap thus oener.tle l in
the leaves, and sepurnted from tin- more
watery particles, deseen-l throm.di the inner
biirk, havinn; nnv ncquired new power, and
beino; now peculiarly piepiKe I tu nourish
and (five flavor to the fruit ; mid contiiiuin:;
its descent, it depo-its in it course the cam
bium or nuicilaifinotis substance, by which
new and successive layer of vv 10 1 niid bark
nre annually added to the tr 0 ; while what
ever is not adapted a aliment to the pecu
liar wants of the plant, i tyain returned by
the roots to the earth."
Another very important matter to be at
tended to in tr,inplnntin:r fruit tree, mid
one w hich we are sorry to perceive is very
often neiflected, i to kecp'down tlie weeds
around the trunk. When n eon I orchard
i desirable, one tlmt will proorc rapidly
to matury, it will be well to keep the soil
undi r fateful cultivation witli weeded crop
iivoidine; of course, in the routine, till such
vegetables lis vv ill shii-W the soil too in 11 ll,
and prefcrrintf. as a ;ener:il practice, tho-u
which tire called pivotitu; crop such a
turnips, beets, parsnips, carrots, &e. an I
seeino; tlmt the fertility i kept up, or on th.'
increase, by copiou npp'teation of the best
manure. After the removal of the crops in
the fa'l, the mirlaee should be ear.-fiilly
clear.sed of nil spurious veoetation, nud
ji ovveil. but not harrowed, as t lie rougher it
is left, the more elliciently will the t'n-t net
upon it. This is of importance hi elVectiii'f
the destruction of the roots of weeds, and
their seeds, as well ns in expo'm; the ova of
worms and other insect deposited beneath
the surface. It has also a lavorable effect
upon the constituents of the soil it-e'f. reti
dcrinp; the latter line, by its powerfully dis
inteoratine; action. It is scarcely possible
to reduce the suit devoted to yoiini; fruit
tn-es to tmtj'ue a tilth. The more, therefore,
it is worked, the better it will be lor tlin
trees always inking care to avnid
disturbing tlie mots.
The Mi i.k. A currcspiindint of the
Wisfmirin fi rmer sums up the merits of the
mule ns com pared vv itli tlie horse, as foilo-.v :
1. lie is much more easily mid cheaply
raised than his cousin, the lMtrse.Yi". IL'
cats but little more than half-a much when -matured.
U. He is sati-livd with mi i thrive
upon a courser kind of proven i -r. 4. It
costs less to keep him in harness and it)
shoes, o. Me is proportionately stronger,
ll. 1 le is veiy mucii toiiifher. 7. Me i less
liable to disease. H. He has more si n-e mid
docility. He is belter adapted to . 1 ne
important kinds nfwor'.. 1 . lie is a true
puber. mid when loaded, n qu cker traveler.
11. He a-lis fir a belter price. VI. Ho live
moie than twice us hui','. RI. He is better
looking; (Nn iiccouiiting fi r 1n-te. 14. In
iinfliuig Lut llectncss ia he excelled by tile
J To MvKr. CinKn VisR.Jvii. The vina;ar lumu-
I r. ....i r .i.i. 1..-.-1., i..... i.u ...'.."...-
fioli of town and eilies an I (o-niie el t -lit into 'bit
of ibe coni.lry al-o.--M bisk, y w itli nil it adictera
lioia. is u-ed lor the purpose of iiiakiiist pi.-kh-i. and
in thai iiuiiiiier l.ii Is i-iiiid o he desirojoi ol bum n
life. M ine other al itl rem tiietliola ot piocui iti llu
aoiir-of life are pra.iliced. and uianv of which nro
la.t only pr.ilue itu of delcterio iiiiluclioea lo be
healtli of ourselves ami our ehiblrcn. hut rcipiiru fir
more lalHirth-in uufln lobe bealowed upou Ilia, br.iu.-h
of a llouse-w ifc'a buiiiliesa.
M e live in an aip of latv-r-a ivin m ihin . an I
we uuifbl to ecoiioiiiixe. b.itti 111 l.ttair au I uioney. ua
I Weil in the le-a iiupiitint u.a lers of liv -11; a vu the
I mora iiii.r.iiiil. And to annly a li- O Yi.k -e
i..Meiitiit.v in Ihia U uoi a. ili.ntfuli 11a tu my
people ii'uaiiie. Ainu li ev.ry y 111 Ibe cut li
ny liuve the materia a for 111 iiiui-40 uiiu pure c'der
vlni-ttar. il they will only ue h 111 C umu m diie I
apple., wuh a liltlc unit is-cs in I brosr 1 p.tperuro
a I you neeil I., make (he hot kind ot ci ler tine ar.
Ao.l wlntt i sii.l is"ttt-r. tbeci-ler wbicb y-iuei net
li'iniibe apie.'. d.iea not detract from iL.i.Ucul"
llie apples lr any purtMi-e.
S...1W your a.b-a u f.-vt hour wt-hinj an I rub
bin4 iLn i.i oc uu.iotiaUy. then l.-tke ibi-iu on1 of tba
i ami thoroughly airaiu the U ler il.rouh a
I ;hl w.'t.ii cb. h -put it 1110 a fii. add h ill u . nk
01 uioU-se, tut ;t!loii of ii.p.or, and a pi o - ol tloui
111011 biotfii p.ipcr. and act 111 ihe sun, or liy the the,
an I in a I w d its lour vt '.tf .r will be 6. lor u sr.
Have iwujua ti.d'ux nut ol one while 1ij o Her i
working .,i I .mil t n.M'. be d. llule ol 'uj t iuu
ir, 11 Ho-)' will I' .I.i llm al'
C.iiin OMbt.i.t Roil one do n ears of
voui'g 10 11 twenty 11. ia. .lea; whin tloiiu
iiiid oil grille It t(iii.e llie und ariiou
1101 lei.ti ') wilh sat; th. 11 eepniiita live
'g.'s. and ihe vo l i l mil Vtr.vlllit k,
t i wl.i.M a Id one i;i.i of t roam or rich milk.
A tit 1 mi v'lug vttll. llnii.u iili a aptuni alir
it by tli-'it-e with tl.a corn. Whisk the
wlil'tk ol the a.'ja I tl r it wiill itl d tlrt, whitll
t,r I'gnliy I' luU-ih, h ill at a tinif. Have
rcu It in H frying pan wu npud tpluulily nf
l.trtl nud bm'it-r, i tiiling hot, liuii pour in
Ihe iiiiXliiiiUiii fry tpiit k!y. W hi n done,
t ike il 01. 1 ol Ihe p.u ami pUcu ill htuUd
iliall In It.' servtd.
M m A i Ol M RV Ulltli.
Toxiaiu Mir I'i ,-A vtrv tie Linui
I dl-li i. lot' I'.iliow iuif, which 1 h uriit il Irmii
one of Hit- lfl lioiiat kt 1 s-ri In tuu Slate;
( our the litlom ol a pudding dull with
breed 1 nimb, ibeu make a I t.t r of ctihl
r ..1. in I mnl Inn, tut in email pns-t-a, thru
hivrf ol tiiliuiliH alit 1 d, IhvU aiiolhef later
olbria l 1 1 uii.l a, mi,.i lu r 1.1 in. at, aiuulitf
id l.iiiiitl.a , and I In 11 cur wilh ImTvI
I tuliilai and buka till lh 1 in. I I brown
N.tM.ii Willi wall ami p''f l' )urtala,
II will I tat hifcil atuaoliliiil. btrtf Iml alill
i-tllv Ik'Uail'.' Uaitl I wiU4 lut I)
..Ida 4