13IIANT Sc DIETZ, " XOWTTH WHAHF, BtJIfSUBT, PA. WIKHESALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL, In every Tarioty, OrtV sorWtoJ to! fitlci Willi pranpMeM and deiltiatOli. . Bunbary, May 19, 1603. ly "ornamental IBON WORKS. WOOIa A. I'EKOT, 1131 ItldffC Atmim, I'Mlndclptiln, In. OFFER for sale opon the tuoat fHTomblo terms, New and Beantiful Designs In great Variety of Iron Railings for Cemeteries, Residences. Ac, of Wrought and Cast Iron, and Galvanised Iron and Pram Tubing; Iron Verandahs, Balconies, Stairs, Counter, Fountains, Gates, Columns, Hitching Posts, Lamp Standi", Vnses, Tables, Flower Stands, Sofas, Chairs. Statuary, Animals, and all other Iron Work of a Decorative character, Designs forwarded for aeleotion. Persons applying; for the tame, will please ttaletht kind of work needed. June 8, 1833. 4m :taklisiii:i 17 eo. PETER. LORILLARD,' SnulT fc 'I'olincro Mnniifhfturcr ia a is chambers ST., (Formerly 42 Chnthnm Street, New York. Would cull the attention of Dealers to the articles of his nianufaeture, vie BROWN SNTFE. Mneebov, Dcnn'gros, Fine Rappee, Pure irginia, Coaro Rappee. Nachiloches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch. High Tenst Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Ltimlyfoot. t""Attontion is called to the largo rciluction in prices of Fine-Out Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a Superior futility. TOBACCO. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing, Smoking. Long. P. A. L.. or plain. S. Jago. o. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, rpunlsn. No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronoco.' Canaster Xos. 1 A 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendii.li, Turkish. Granulated. X. B. A circular of prices will be scut on applica tion. April 4, 1S03. 1 WM. KNOCHE, 93 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. "VTEW Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers N from $200 upwards. MELODEOXS. The best mnnufnetured Instru ments, from $l5to$10U Uuitars, Violins, Accordcons. Flutes, F'it'cs, Drums. Banjos, THinbourincs, Violin Biid Ouitiirstringa and musical mer chandize in general. SHEET MUSIC. The latest publications always on hand. Music sent bv mail to anv part of the country. OVAL, Syt'ARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FRAMES.I Suitable for looking glosses, nud nil kinds of pictures always ou baud. A fine assortment of host plntoj L00KIXO GLASSES from smnllest to largest sizes Any stylo of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOC1IK. April II, 18B3. 93 Market St., Harrisburg. 'l'o .'rviin tiUVi--r of'liotli Seos A REVEREND GENT I.E MAX having been re stored to health in a few duys. alter undergoing all tlio usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment, without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted tellow creulurcs the HAh or ri'KK. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of the rrescrption used. Direct to Dn. JOHN M. D.MIXAI.L, lfl Fulton Street, Brooklyn, X Y. January 21, 1S03. NEWS ! NEWS ! NEWS ! NEWS ! BOOTS AND SH OES, ARE now manufactured to order bv the subscriber at CHEAPER RATES than at any other estab lishment in Sunbury. Tho war tax is not taken into consideration. and all work will bedoncnt old prices. Having just received an entire new stock of leather and Moroccos, for Cciiti'iM'iiM IIoolw and Slioost, Ijitlii'M' SIioi-kuimI nil-rN, CIiiUlri-u'M Mkh's .V -.,.V-., which will be mado to order ut short notice, in tho best workmanlike manner and of tho best 'materials. Feeling thankful for the putronage extended here tofore he hopes to continue the same. All who desire work done cheap and durable, oro invited to call nl bis shop nearly opposite the Court House inMurkct Square, Sunbury irv. l'a. JOHN WILYER. February 23, IS03. 6m SINGER & CO YS Iefter A. l'nmily Mowing lacliiuo, "VITIT1I all tho new improvement (Hemmcr, V Braider. Binder, Feller, Tucker, Corder, Ga therer, Ac, in., its.), is the CHEAPEST AND BEST, and most beautiful of all machines for FAMILY SEWING and light manufacturing purpose. It in tikes thn inter-l(M'ked gtili'h (which U nliko uu both bidet:), aud has great capacity fur sewing ALL KINDS OF CLOTH AND ALL KINDS OP Til HEAD. Even leather, as well as tho finest muslin, may be sewn to perfection on this machine. It w ill use 2W) spool cotton as well as Xo. HO linen thread. What it cun do only be known by seeing tho muchiiio tested. Tho Folding-lop Case it among the most valuable ofulltheuew improvements. It may be opened out as a spacious and substantial table to susuiin the work, and w hen the machine 's not in uso it may be folded into a box, which protects tho working parts of the machine. There is no other machine lu ecjual the Letter A in Simplicity, Durnbilily, ltnpitlity, and certainly ot rurrMi iM-tiou ut all 7ileM of h'-1. The Family Sewing Machine is fust becoming as popular fur family use as Sikuek A Cu.'s Manufac turing Muchines are for manufacturing purfoscs. The Blanch OfliCLnaru well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil. Ac , of the vest best quality. Send tors HKlULKT and a copy of "Simukh & Co' llAlF.TTK." I. M. SINGER A CO , 45S Broadway, N. Y. Philadelphia Office, bill Cbcsnut street. June 20, loOU. ly Wyoming; Insurunre Company, WILKESBABEE, FA. Co pi titl mid Nurplu, til IM.OUC. DIRECTORS: (1. M Holleubuck, L. D. Shoemaker, John Rcb hard. D. t. Drirehach, Samuel aduaim, It. L r-iuilh. It. D. Lacoe, has I'm ranee, Charles A. Miller, Win. S. Ross, W. W. Kelchaiu. (I. M. llurdiug. 11. M. IlllLLEMIACK. President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice Prosident. R. C.Smith, Secretary. V U. Stciu inu, Treusurer. This Compitny Insures three-fourth of the Cuh valuation, lake no Premium Not, make no Assess, uivuts, Policy acknowledges all tnoueys paid during the term ul your Insurance. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May 30, ho:i j JORDAN TOWNSHIP 1) 1ST I L L i; Y. uudvrMtf und having eiilcrel into partiu-rltip I lu the Dutilluiy Iuii,cm, iu J..i,lu towii.lup, Ni-rlliuiubcrUiid ix.unty, on ib road I row Slmrltrs Tayeru tu I uioiiii,n, alul 4 milea fioia Mahonuy and o milw lrotu Kiimrton, b,g I..,. u iu,tux il. puhlig that ihey tuv now waking Hiiwrier ar llcUol ' PI RE RVE WIIKEY. Thi-o .lulling grain crtn.ru-1 n, wbl.ki y eu hav il done ou lb liiit raliMbU uruj. lb tiifli eali piices aill U iid , Hye, and grain tkr lu tcbai.gv forVkukey. p'uMia van Ixawurvl I bat all H Utokey Hiada allburiulill,. I) will bv ft willow diugs and duliuraii,u IAAf I'r PUS, ti r. FlsT. Jurdaa lap., June II 143 am "o. W. 1-4 X'ttjpt' Allwrwrv wssti CttMrllr Ml last, . trh en suuib ti ll of Maikaf Mrool, H.tu duurs ot t t ln,biiiisiii, UillalObJ iu.pily lo ad pr.xiut.al I'iduat Sl.lluaU'l lu Itia Ull, lum ulliltu ut vlaitaa iu i hutloU'lMilai.uaii.4 ibv doi.ii.at awaUiv. 1 tV iir DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, TIIE GREAT REMFEY FoY liheumttimn, Gout, Xrurnlgia, Lnmlmgo StijfXerk ami Joint, Sprain, Jlruite, Cut I anil Wound, 1'ile, Iltadttcht, and all Jlhtnmntir and Xcrrout Vinurder. For all of which la a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, tho famous bone setter, and has been used in tho practice for more than twenty years with the most astonishing SUCCESS. As an Alleviator of Ruin, It lf unrivaled by any preparation before tho public, of which tho most skeptical may bo convinced by a singlo trial. This Liniment will euro rapidly mid radically. Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of eases where it has been used it has never been known to fail. FurXeurnliiin.it w ill afford immedioto relief in every ease, however distressing. It'will relieve the worst cases of Headache in three minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothache also will it core instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, nri sing from imprudence or exeess. this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens, and revivi fies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, wo claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for It will not tail to afford immediate relief, und in a majority of crjits will ellect a radical cure. Quincy and Sire Throat are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely application of this Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains urc sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge, men! of the joint? is liable to occur if ueg'.cctcd. 'fho worst cose may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days. Bruises. Cuts. Wounds. Sores. Ulcers.- Burns and Scalds, yield readily to tho wonderful bc.-'ling pio porliesof Dr. Sweet's lufalliblu Limmenr, when used according to directions. Also. Chilblains, Frost ed Feet, und Insect Biles aud Stings. DH STEFEHEN BWEET, of Connecticut the Great Xatural Rone Setter. EE. BTEFHFN EWFHT, of Connecticut is known all over tho United States. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment.' Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Xcurulgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Burns aud Scalds immediately. Dr. Bweet's Infallible Liniment Id the best known remedy for Sprains aud Bruises. Dr. Sweet's Infallibla L'.nimsnt Affords immediate relief for Tiles, and seldom fails to euro. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts aud Wounds immediately and leaves no sear. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sojes in the known world. Dr Sweet's Infalliale Liniment Has beon in u-e by more than a million people, and all prniso it. Dr 8weet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet's Infollihle Liniment Is truly a -friend in need," oud-evcry fumily should hae il hand. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is for sale by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is w ithout a rival, and will alleviate pain more speedily than any other prepa ration. For all libeumatiu and Nervous Disorders lis truly infallible, und as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains. Bruises. Ac. its soothing, healing and powerful strengthening properties, excite thu just wonder aud astonishment of ull who have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of rcuiurkuhle cures, pcrftrmcd by it within the lucl two yeurs, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HOUSES is ui.ritulcd by any, aud iu all easea of Lameness, arising lrom Sprains. Bruises or Wrench ing, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle fiall. Scratches. Mange. Ac., it will also cure speedily. Spavin und Ringbone may be easily pre vented and cured iu their iucipicnt stages, but con firmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical eure. No ease of the kind, however, is so desjM'rate or hopeless but it may he alleviuled by this Lini ment, and its fuithiul application will always remove the Liiinencss, and enublu Ilia bofecs to truvel with comparative ease. i: unv 1IUKSE OWXER should have this remedy at band, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent tb'u formidable diseases, to which all hor ses are liable, aud hicb render to many olherwua valuable horses nearly woriblea. DR. SWEET'S Inallible Liniment. lit TUB SOLDIER'S FRIERS And IhuUMiuJs nave found il truly A. FRIEND IN rTCKZSI CUUIION, Tu avoid lu.p.ii,. ulMite lis Signature end l.i.u..,f r m,,(,,, ,,.,., uu iy laUI. aud eUu Kisi Lco r..l , l.ill,l,l .i..n..vut bluwa '"""flaMol lukUtli, tsiiboul bivbtH.be aie gsaulke. kit IIAHIvxi.M 4 l') , 11.. I, , . '"l'elus. N.kk. t'l. !' au.,.. (Wk dl by all dlM( at.ivwk.ie Mwk ;i, lot i . t T1IK ALL Sl'FFICIEXT TJTJIEE. TIIE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. Knoien o$ "Hihibvin GENUINE rnEPABATIONS, VIZ- HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT "UUOITTJ,' 8ARSAPARIMA IMPROVED ROSS WASH. HELMBOLD'B GENUINE PREPARATIONS 'HIGHLY COXCEXTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT DUOIIU, A Positive and Speoiffe Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents Into bealthr action, by which the Watery or Calcorous depositions, and ail Unnatural Enlargements are reduoed, as well as pain and inflnmation, and is good for men, women, or Children. IIi:i,.lIltOhSI'M i:thact iiiciiit for weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse. Attended with the following syintonis : Indisposition to Exertion, Lows of nower Loss of Memory. Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness ol vision. I'niversnl Lassitude of the Mneeulnr System, Hot HiimU, Drvtiowi of the Skin. Difficulty ot Breathing Trembling Wakefulness. Pain in the bock. Flushing of the Body Eruptions on the Face, Pullid Countenance, ') hese syuitoms. if allowed to go on, which this mcdicino invariubly removes, soon follow IM POTENCY, FATIITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frcriucn'.ly f'j.iuweJ by those 'direful discuses," INSANITY AND CCXSIMPTIOX, . Mirny ur? awaro of Ihc cause of their suffering, hut none will t iufesK.. The records of the insane Asy lums and 'be melancholy deuths by Consumption, bear ample ..itness to the truth of the assertion. Tho Constitution, once Aflcclcd with Oigunic Weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in vigorate the system, which 'llcliubnld's Extract Buehu''. invariubly docs. A trial will conviuco the most skeptical. FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES. Old or young, singlcmurried, or contemplating marriage. In many affections peculiar to Femules the Extract Ruchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Piiinfulness, or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations. I Icerated or Schirrous state of tho I'tcrus, Leueorrhen. or Whites Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, w hether arising from iuducrction. Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Sec symptoms above. XO FAMILY SH01I.D EE W1THOI T IT. Take no Ralam, Mercurr. or I'nplcasant Medicine for I'nplcasant and Dangerous Diseases. IIVI.lTlltOlMi'M i:Tn.icr III Cll Cures SECRET DISEASES In nil their stages ; at little expense ; little or no chungo iu diet ; no inconvenience, AND XO EXrOSl'RE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength tu Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preienting aud curing Strictures ol the Cretbra, allaying pain and inflammation, so frequent in this class o'f diseases and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Worn-out Mutter. Thousands upon Thousands ' WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF (ll'ACKM, And who have paid Heavy Fets to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, und that the "Poison" has. by the use of '-Powerful As triugents," been dried up in the system, lo break out iu an aggruvutcd form, and Pci haps after Murriage. VSE iEi:i,Tiuoi.if. i:.vrit.ic'r in m For all A Reel ions and Diseases of THE URINARY ORIIANS, Whether existing in Mule or Female, from whatever cause originating, aud no matter OF HOW LONG STANDINO. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a PiriiKTir. UELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic, And it is certain to have the desired effect iu all Diseases, for which it is rccornuieudcd. BLOOD I BLOOD 1 BLOOD! Hclmbold'a Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla Syphilis. This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings ol the Nose, Ears. Throat, Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance iu the form of Ulcers. Helmbuld's Ex tract Sarsaparillu purities the Blood, and removes all Scaly Kriiplimis of the Skin, giving lo the Complex ion a Clear aud Healthy Color. Il being prepared evpressly for this class of complaints, ita Blood-Purifying Proprietors are preserved to a greater extent tlimi liny other preparation of Sarsaparilla. Helrubold'a Roae Wash, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Xa tore, and as an injection in Diseases of the I riliury Orguus. arising fom habits of diwipalien, used in connection with the Extracts Ruchu and Sarsaparilla in such diseases as recommended. Evidence of the most rcvpoirsible and reliable char acter will accompany the mediciues. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight tu twenly years standing, with names known to Science and Fame. F'or Midicul Properties ol Buchu, see Dispeusatory the Uuilcd States. See Professor Dewces' valuable woiks on the Practice of Physio. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Physick. Philadelphia. See remarks luadu by Dr. Ephraiin McDowell, a celcbruted Pbysiciau, and .Member of the Royul College of Surgeons, Irelund. and published lu ike TiunsMctions of Ihe King sad Queen's Journal. See Metlico-Ciruigical Review, published by Benjamin Travels, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. Sue most of the late Standard Works on Midi cine. LvrH.uT Bt cur, (I 00 per bottle, or six, 5 00 Sakhcarii i I co ) (HI Im-iioKKU Rosa Wash. 50 " "2 50 Or half sdutenof each lor f 12 00. hieb will be suttieieiii to eure the most ubslinsi eases, if diieotion are adhered lo. Dilnind to any address, icurely packej row ubseriuriou. ' I y Describe vui ton s in all eommuuieaiions. Cuies gnai unUed. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before mesa Alderman of the city ol Philadelphia, II. T. IKIu.U.ld, bo, beiug duly swoiu, doihaay, bis prcparaliuns eoiilalu uu naioutic, au mvieury, or wtuvr injurious drugs, but ai purely vegetable. 11. T. IIELMBOLD. Saorn and deaeribcd before uis. this 7;d day of NutemUr. In54. W M P. 1111.11 All D. Aldermen, Nlutb-aUeel, above Race, 1'bila. Address Utters t-r iuformatioa la eoiindvuoe. 11. T. HttMBOLD, Cbeinut. Depot 104 South Tculh-streel, boloej ChestJul PU1. litW ARE OH COl NTtrU HTt ' Aud I'upriucipM D.slcrs bo .oduatut U diuHi "uf iktir owe" 04 "ethsr' alio li. lb l.pul.llou sllaUied by lUluibold a li vii ulna Prrpaiaiu.M. " ktliacl tlucba, " " awiMtparills, " Impruted Rim H arh. Ivdd by all Divsgl.ls etaryekue. A-k I at III I MIlol.D'aV TAkK XOOTilLH t ui tu4 ik adff.iiit. aw.ai, ssvd ai ad il, Aa4 Avoid lupositia u kspasura Fetlay , l tf ITTKNTION DEALERS iim j, (mine. AXNOHNCtUHtall wko trade in Baabury, thai be has just purobaaed a ItltClU W l'OCIt of trcll Selected NEW GOODS, Which he offers at hlf old stand, near Covert's llote real end of Market Square, very CHEAP FOR CASH Or If that will not do, just as ohtap for COI'MTHY n It O 1 ticc, - His Hock consists of a large assortment ef HATS, BOOTS, CAPS, SHOES. COATS. SALT, PANTS, SOAP, VESTS. RRt'SIIES, HARDWARE, Ql'EEXSWARE, and other articles altogether too numerous to men Hon. CALL ATSJT3 BEE. Sunbury, January 3, 1863. llendlnir ICnilroncl. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT iBEAT TRl'XK LIXE from the Xorlh ann VI North-West for Philadelphia, Xew Yrk. Read ing. Pottsville. Lebanon. Allenfnwn, Easton, Ae. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia. New York, Reading. Pottsville, and all Intermediate Stations, at A. M , and 2 HI) P. M. New York Express lenvrs Harrishtirg at 2 IS A. M., arriving at New York at 8 15 the same morning. Fares from Harrisburg : To New York $5 j; to Philadelphia $.') Hi and $2 SO. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave Xcw York at 6 A. M.. 12 Xoon, nd 7 P M. (Pittsburgh Express). Leave Philadel. phia at 8 15 A M. and 3 Kl P M. Sleeping cars In tho New York Expresa Trains, through toand from Pittsburgh without change. Passengers by the Csttawissn Rail Road leave Ta maqua at 8 511 A. M., aud 2 15 P. M., for Philadel phia. New-York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at V 15 A. M.. and 2. .10 P. M., for Philadelphia. Harrisburg and New York. Anacconunodalion Passenger train leaves Rcuding at rt 00 A. M., and roturns from Philadelphia at 5 00 P. M. gf- All the above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday train leaves Potlsvillo at 7.30 A. M., and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Seaaon. and Excursion Tickets, at reduced rules to and from all points. U. A. N1COLLS. May 2, 1SC3. General Superintendent. .trransemonlM 1nu:i. of .mv York l.ineia. THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO. S LINES. From Philadelphia to AVr Yori and IlVy Ptarf.t, from Vitnttt .ttrert Wharf aud Knisinirtou Tirpnt, trill Iftivt a follow, riz : S'AltK. At 6 A. M.. via Camden and Aiuboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) (2 25 At 0 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, X. J., Accommodation. At M A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey eify 2d Class Ticket At II A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express - At 12 M. via Cauidcn and Amboy, C aud A. (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Express.) At 3 P.M., via Kensington nml Jersey City, Wadi. anil N. Y. Express At 6i P. M.. via Kensington und Jersey City, (Evening Mail.) At IM P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city. Southern Mail. At li (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Souincrn Express At i P. M., via Camden and AinNiy. (Accom modation. Freight and Passenger, First Cluss T icket. Seeoi.d Class Ticket, 2 25 3 00 2 25 3 00 2 25 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 25 5tl ior Hater Gap, Slroudsburg. Scranton, v ilkcs barre, Montrose, tireal Bend, Ac. ut tl A. M.. from Kensington, viu Delaware, Lackawanna und Western Railroad. For Mauch Chunk. Allcntown. Bethlehem, Bclvi dere. Fusion, Laiubertvillc. l'lcminglon, Ac. at 6 A. M.. from Kensington Depot, and nt 21 P. M., from Walnut street V barf. (The 0 A. M. Line connects with Trains leaving Faston for Mauch Chunk, at :i-2n P. M.) For Mount Jlollv, at 6 A. M 2aud 4 P. M. For Freehold, at B A. M. and P. WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton. Ac. at II A. M. and 21 and 5 P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra. Riveiton. Delanco, Beverlv. Bur lington. Florence, Bordenlowu, Ac, ut 12, 1,2, 41 and 0 P. M. I V Eor New York, and Way Lines leaving Kcu singioii Deat. take the Curs on Filth street, above Walnut, half an hour beloru departure. The Cars run into the iiepol. and ou the arrival of each Truiu, run 1 1 miii the Dc)st. Fitly Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each piisscnger. Pusacngers urc prohibited from taking uiiything as baggage but their weuringappurcl. All luggage o er liny ounds to be paid for extra. The Company limit their resn.ibiln y lor liaggage to One Dollar per pound, and will iioi be liable lor any amount beyond I00. except bv special contract. WM. U. liATZMER, Agent. Juuuury 17, 1S0.1. NorthtTii Ci'iitral l.aihvay ! ' ni iimi:i: this AEti.i:. TWO TRAIN'S DALY to and from toe North and West Brunch Suscpuchanun, l.lmiru, and all of -Vrll.-eru New Vol k. ON and after MONDAY. APRIL 20th. IS0I, the Passenger Trains ot the Nor'liern Central Ruiluay will arrive ut and depart from Sunbury. Haniaburg uuu Baltimore as follows, vix : SOl'T II W A R D . Muil Truin leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 10 A. M. " leaves llnrrishur.'!, I 15 P. M. " arrives ut Baliin iic, i ai Express Train leuves Sunbury daily (except aiinnuy.j 11 07 P.M. " leaves llnrri-burg (except Monday.) " arrives at Ilnliiuiore daily (exeent Mor.dnv). 2 00 A. M. 15 A.M. Harrisburg Accoiuuiod.itiou leaves II irris- burg, li 30 A.M. NOhTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) " leaves Harrisburg " arrives at Suubury, Express Train leaven Baltimore duily ' arrives at Harrisburg. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday). " an ives at Sunburv. 9 15 A. M. I 15 P. M 4 05 " V 15 P. M 1 35 A M. 3 00 A. M. For further inl'urmution annlr at the Office I- N-Di BARKY. Supt. jit-Uuuiiiia & ItluoiiiHburu lluil. rol. 0 N' and after November 17. 1SG2. Paa -en i.e. Traius will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Fr tight 4 Ptiwugrr. J'anxriigrr. Scranton, 8 flu A. M. 10.15 A. M Leave Kingston, 9 20 11.40 P.M. ' Rupert, II.. in Danville. Uu.Y Arrive at Northumberland, 12 45 P. M. MOV1NU NORTH. Leave Vortbuiuberlund, 5 '.'0 P. M " Danville, SOU " Rupert, ti.,15 " kiiigsion, 8.4 j Leave, 145 P.M. Arrive at Scranton, III. 00 P. M. 3 40 .A Passenger Train also leaves kingstou at 8 00 A. M., for ex'rasrton, to eounecc with a traiu lor New York. Reluming, leaves Seranioa uu arrivul of truin from New York, at 4 15 P. l. 1 he Lackawauua A Kloomsburg Rmlnuid connects with Ihe Delaware, Lackawanna and U rMero Hail, road at Scrau'Aiu, lor New Vork aud U.UI mediate )ioints eul. At Rupert II eu..iecu wllh Ihe Caltawl-aR.il. tttiiA lor oiuts both eaal aud wel aniv ing at Phil, adilpbia ai a. 15 P, M. At Norlkumberlaud at eouueels alththe Philadel phia A Erie Railroad and Noriheru lenlial Rail. luail, for puiula weal sbd south IWukhi arriving at llani.burg 4 50 P. il ; Pbiludell.Lla lu P. M : slid llaltimore I02U P. 1 1U rraighl au.V Paasrugera Tram lulb, leaves NoilbuuiUilandal ,45 A M , and arrive, at v,2u P II , passing Danulle al s.3n p. M. JollX I. IIJS1.KV, Bup'l. J C. H h i s, U.acruJ Ticket Agcul. Nov. , laoj Imv tear I'rult, BY asiag Maaua s' I'aUul Sha4 Metal Screw TJ PrvMiteJar. AIASUXS PATE XT SHEET METAL M'AsVir tup I All that Is aaeswuwy bciug la asrew the t'aa ib.wa laa lbs kuWUr Ga.k.1, wkk.ll at placed ouMde ip-a Ute asHwIdot ul Ui Jar. uf m luvh dutanl .ita the luf i ptcvtul Ibe puoubilily ui lbs aunur o( liuil Uiu ttiiued by ava.uig ut eouuwl auk lbs ybbtar. I'ii s)iriia IkrM Jsn eaa ha aptdn- , l.au.atk.u wd. wmL m Jj JlAwtR, A-.ot tKisiary .Ss I lr fc 1T1TITEP.SAL J CLOTHES WI.INf.KR. Mold by Cunmssera 'l'lirax;lioiit The best labor saving machine la th world. No oantion or skill required in Its use. Wrings everything dry, and ten timet as quick as oan bo done by the hand. A child of eight years can operate it. No servant ean break it. It saves its cost In slothing Id a family every six months. Will wear for years without repair. Warranted to please or money refunded. PRICES. No. 1. targe Family Wringer, flO.OO I Wlih Cogs Xo. i Medium 7.00 J Warranted No. 21 Medium (" 6,00 1 M lthout Cogs. Not No. S Small, 8,00 j Warranted. No S Large Hotel ' " 14.001 No IS -Med. Laund'y to run ) 18,00 I With Cog. . , by 1 Warranted. No 22 Large ( steam J 30,00 ) Xo 2 is the site generally used In ptivatc families. THE ONLY WRINGER WITH TIIE PATENT COO-MHEEL RF.Ul LATOR. No Wringer can be Durablo Without Cog-Wliccls. Cnnvnaaem mVnnltI in nrry'l'oua. 1 eraons resliling where no canvasser is appointed, by remitting tho price to us, shall receive the Wrin- irer liv ff.vnr.MMi vim-..,!,! s J , r or terms nnu circular, address H. C. RROWXIXO, 215 BroairWay, New Vork. June 13. 18iV1. 4 in MAsi:irM iAii:ri'wi: ytiy. I i i: i'iti:i:i:n i As Improved for 1859 snd 1860, By E. KETCHAM 4 CO., 289 Pearl St., Xcw York. rpilE only Freeier constructed on scientific prin 1 ciples, with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hnstcua the frcexing of tho cream- -the other removes it as fast us frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity of ice. The ihost economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable in structure. For solo in all the nrincinnl cities and towns in the Vnion. F)ach Freezer accompanied with a book of recipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, f.1 CO 4 quarts, 4 00 A quarts, & 00 A quarts, 6 00 14 quarts, 8 00 20 quarts, 12 00 Applv to H. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. March 29. f8t!2, li. il. .i ;it Vttoi noy nl Ijiw, SI NBl'ItY. PA Collection, attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland. I'nion, Snyder, Montour. Colombia and Lycoming. m:ri:ttr.iK. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. ti. ttatlell Co!. Hon. Wis, A Porler. " Morton MeMichael, Esq., E. Kill-ham i Co., 211 Pearl Street. New York. John W. Ashmead. Attorney t Law, " Matthews A Cox. Altoriievs at Law, ' Sunbury, March 2'.', N)2. lil'KIC'S IEO'1 Jlarri.ilntr, Va. rpHE management of this well-known Hotel bnv I. ing been resumed by Messrs. COYLK A II Kit I , the present proprietors, beg leave to inform the public that the house is now being thnmuxhly rcnovnted. refitted, and improved, with a view to the proper and comlortalile acooinniodalicn of those w ho may favor the establishment with their custom, ttuests will receive due nttcntion and courtesy, and no expense i will fe spared that may eonlluco to nuiintaiu e i hotel iu a first-cluss style. Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer months, will find pleasant boarding and large and well-veutilated rooms utour establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT I'liYLE March 29. ISti2. J. ti II.IiERf 11ERR. Tlie .lilam'N i:iri'st Comi liny. 1IYE NOTICE that thev have concluded nr- T ranirements with the Northern I cittnil Railroad Company to run trains from Baltimore for Vork. Harrisburg. Dauphin. Halifax. Trcvorlon, Siinlun y. Norlliiimlicrliiud. I.eni.-hurj. Miliski. Miiucy, Wil liamsiMirt, and nil iiitcrincilinte stations, conuccling at Harrisburg with Ihe GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg. Cincinnati. St. Louis ami the West. Alsnnilh Howard It Co. 's Express at Milton nr Danville. Rlonmshurg. Wilkesbarre. Piltslnn. Scritu ton. and intermediate stations on the Cultawissa. Lackawanna A Rloninshurg Railroads. At Wil liauisKirt. by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey Sliore and Lin k Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., ami their connections, for Canton. Trov. Elinirn. Rochester. Buffalo. Ning'-.rn. nnl to all accessible poiuls in Western Xcw York and Cuiasd i. by which they will forward Merc'iimdisc. Specie. Bank Note. Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also. Notes. Draft and Bills for Collection. Experienced and eflicicnt messenger employed, nud every etiort will be made to render satisf'-ction. JOHN RING II A M. Superintendent IVnn'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISt lil-.R, Agcul for Sunbury. April 5. 1S02. IIICAI.V II4I SI'.. Corner of tttite and Third 'vcr., Il.tiiltisut'im, l'.v. fPlIIS HOUSE, in coiisequencc of ils ccnvcnicnce and near location to the Capitol, has made it a desirable stopping place, not only tor those having business ot the seat of Government, but for others visiting Harrisburg. M'irch 2J, 102. l'r It ii I , tll--, ICoiii-Ik'h, Aula ll-l IfsiK'N, lollm in I'iii'h, V ul It'll , Ar Inxi't'tH on lluntH, l'o Is., Auinial, Af. Put up in 2. 50c. and $1 00 Boxes. Bottles, and Flasks, i and jjsises for Hotels, Public Institutions, Ac Only infallible remedies know n. Free from Poisons. Not daugerous to the Human Family. Rata come out of their boles lo die. Sold Wholesale in all large cities. Sold by all Druggist aud Retailers every here. IVIlcwure ol all worthless imitations. See that I'ostar a" name is ou each Box, Rottle and Flahk, before you buy. Address lll.flll II.I IIM.II!, Principal Depot 4"2 Broadway. N. V. Sold by Friliug A Gruut, Sunbury, Ps. April IS, Im.I dm rilERRlBLE IilSfl.osi UES-SECRETS FOR 1 THE MILLION ! A most valauble and wondcrlul publication. A work of 4iat pages, and "O cobtred engravinjis. DR HUNTER'S VADE M EC I'M. an original aud popu lar treatise ou Mau and Woman, their Phvsiology. Functions, and Scxuul disorder of every kind, wiib Never-Failing Remedies for Ibeir sn-wly eure. The priu-iceuf Dlt. HUNTER has long been, and still is. unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of numerous pirMU., be has been induced to extend bis medical uscliilucss through ihe medium uf his -VADE MECl M." It is a volume Ibut should be in the hand of every family iu the laud, aa a preventive of secret vires, or as a guide for the allevialiou of one ol Ihe most awful and destructive scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will Im torwarded free of pi.iHge to any larl of Ilia I uited Slates lor 50 ecu's in P. O. siaiun. or Jennie for el . Address, post ixtid.l'R. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New Vol a. Juus 0, ro3. ly. IIEIMSTREET'S lnlmltalile llnir llrslei-iiir, IT IS Xor a DVE, Rut reslorea gray hair to its original isdiar. by supply, ing the capillary tubes wills natural .u.ienanoa. lui. paired by age or duaaaai. All ii staulajieouadve are oouiiswd of lunar ei.iulic. de.irutiug lli vitality awl beauty ul' ibe hair, and afford ot ikeutM-lvieno dreaiug. Ilciu.flrcel Iniuiiiald. Culoiiug uotouly restore bail lo its natural color by an ea.v itoceoii but gives Ihe bair a 1 , Lll RIANT REAl'TY, proUffoleslts sioalb. prev.ul. il. falliag era.li. sale, d.ndrurf. and luirl. kealih and pleawnlui lulhe brad il baa stood lbs Ul ol lime, being Ibe ongiual Hair Cohmug. aud is eouManlly incra.tng iw'" "'eg'Ml.B.aaaad ladi, li i. sold l.y all rtupe. table dealui., w e.u be i t.a-ure.1 by ibei. ut ibe eou.a.rrei.1 egmi, l. H. HAHM.b, XiIilioa4i.ay S. V. 1 uai.s, 5u wuU aod 1. OeuUr Xj. lab. I.Mtstbrrl I.Mssslsrrt I'll I LIP kli A V, Maucy, .euiny svuaty, , IMtiRMii his iilcadseud ibe puUw la niHial that he ohimi.iiI's I i i i I, l fii . i .T . . lb, Jiu. ,.d ,f l. , luu t k . I . . i ! . , " "s s-ua ui saw bbiM I ai'V k" M H .t . ii i jSJsfP JUST XICCEIV J. H. E3STO- lias just reUirned from Thlladelph OPLE1TDID 3'. - OF Spring & Summer For Icns IVrnr Cloth, Casslmere, Vesting, Italian I Coating. Linen deck and Cotto Ldillc-t' Veur. A large assortment of Dress Ucedt Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy Hera all Wool Delanes, Mosumbique Goods a Silk Lcvellas. Delanes, Lawns, Ui Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and Stella border and Fancy Summer Shaw Lr.cc Mantillas, Ac. Ready Made Clothing, A good assortment ef Hats snd Cap A large assortment of Boots i A full stock of Groceries. Molasses and Si Hardware and Building Material, A full stock of Queen aud I A full stock of Fish, Salt, Oils and Whit A large stock of New Wall Paper, A new rtock of Stone and Eart And thous inds of articles not enum All the above will be told cheap . Country Produce. J. II. Sunbury, May 17, 1302. Economy is Weal ci it i: i oi k coi 'ii roit Th-BEST and CHEAPEST Household in the World .lluusimc AIMM INMM'I CHEAT COICII WVA Mini mk ZAL TEH S Curaliv is warranted if cording to tin to cure in all c:is Colds. Whoopin As;hma. and ull of I he Throat ui Miidame Zndii' ItMlsnm is prc)i: ull the requisite' skill, from a eo. of the best rcn vegetable king'li ils .eincdial qua bfised on its powr the healthy and circulation of tl blood, thro' ihe I. is not a violent but emolicnt searching and r can be takeu by t pers 'n or youn'gc Madame :idoc Balsam has been the public tor ovci und bos ucquircii sent sale simply by being recommended I who have used il lo their atilicted friends m Most Iviimiit int. M.-idameZ.nloc Portci live Biilsaui is sold ut a price which firing reach of every one to keep it convenient for i timely use of u s-iiglc bottle will prove to b lull times itsenst. NOTR E. Save your Money '. Do not be di d lo purchase articles nt 4s loSI vvlii .-b do tuin the virtues of a l-'t cent Bottle of Mediu V-r's Curative Balsam, the cost of mamih which is as great as that of almost any olhi cine ; nud the very low price at which il makes the profit to ihe seller apparently sui unprincipled dealers will sniuc.iuics 'rccc other medicine on which Ikeir pn flis are lar less ihe ciisicincrs insist upon l.avjng Madm Icr'sand no.ic other. A: k lor Madame l'ori r itive Balsnui, price l:t cent, and iu large b. 25 cents. and take no oilier. Il you cannot one sto.-e you can at another. Sold by all DruggUla mid Storekeepers nl ' mi l iu larger boulcsal 25 cis. HALL A Rt CKEL. Propriet. Jiiini iry .11. ISO.;. y .,, .ioii. s.s, M.trr a c.. HAM 1 Al Tl IIKHS OK SI TER-CARII. UFKOHA. A.. And Sole Agent in Ihe City of New York jC'HFAM Of TAETAft 8UB8TIT Ini.i-.ied l.y Prof. Ebcn X. Horsford. of II University, fifnee, II Old Slip, Hatover S (UP stairs.) NEW YORK. j r UK hitrh prieewhieh Trcaai of Tartar coMiai , I in I :5 1, together with Ihe alarming cji . wl icb is daiigeroiia adulteration had been c. u i t li o In r i-oi.si,lerTili.., ; I... ...A .1 1: . .... ,-,- iiiruiMiugl ( heiui. whose name is given above, to cmi what pimc l to be a long and laborious scienti: search, to discover a desirable sulwtitute lliere His eliorls were crowned with ahundnnl success hundreds of ihoiisnn.ls of siunds of the Sab--have been sold and used during the last fie Ihrnugboiit the United Stales and the Canadus.' The lolluaing true comparison of ils nature tin- results of its use. with those of Cream of Ti will convince Hie most incredulous of ils value Cream of Tartar is a hi-tartratc of Putush This Substitute is a simple Phosphate, arid con nothing but what is found iu bccl-steak, and iu wheat und other cereals, and i Iheiefore hi nutritious. It also has a health-giving influi and supplies ibat for which there is a constant mand in the syaleui. I tr It is sold for u much less price than Cre Tartar. AIar. li 21. lSfil.-ly llrniMli,-. Ulnes. " 1 j rr'IE. ,s,'Ti,'Pr- having opened in Tbou.pl , , " .'reei, j'anwiic, a I and eoniplote stock of FolttlGX AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies. Hi,,' Rye. Scotch and Irish Wbiskev. Port. Shcrrv ' dcira. Champagne and other Vi' inea, ol all trra'd'cs ol ahtcb will be.ld Wholesale. t )Wei .MethXIgt Pei-sons doiious of purchasing liquors fur F A M I I. Y USE, ny rely upon being furnished with, a puro , jnalulleratvd article. 1 I V Being determined lo ealaldieh a reputation selling cheap, be rcK.-otlully solicii. the pmron, ol Ibe public. All orders prompt I v atte.,..'. ,o i, . . ., JEREMIAHS. HALL Danville, Juur HJ, lso. ". Hiialilnuii I to iim.. NORTH I'M BE RLA S D, PEN Ns VLV A N I A , (.rtr lit, HriJ.jr.) rpilK ul.riU.r having leased this well kno, t .-.Mini, mituy Kept bv Sim C S llr rp.vlfally if,uis ,u. ,h hr j t r' , icpairing the preu.Uc, and will be r,Jrl .f.'J urtaiii, in a eomtortoble maimer Li ....... I. und. throughout lb. eouuty, Jud ell IT, patlonis, hl...labliJlUirnl 7 "U U" April 12. Ihii.'. JOS-:p VANKIHK KMV ltl tiaeiOCI 11 lo Pini.Ai.1 1 fin a ' lor lb. cur. .d D,.w , lb. hvxutl v,' Jaauary '. ilI y OF H AIL PAP1H or v i . J . kll IIS a Mi I'lMii,. " I UM AM Pa n iV v 1 nmiv.i t iikavt