punbutj) America... AS3FR, Editor ft Proprietor. M.IIIV, 1A. ItDAY, OCTOBER 3, 18C3. I. FETTENOILXi ft CO., k How, New York, unci 6 Slate Street, ur agents, ft (he Sisinr Amkrica.1 s. nnd aro aullioriied to take Advertise iliscriplkma fur UK lit our lowest rates. I O Jl t: K TlfUN IMllKlit.AND ColSTY, UT UnPfcn 'wsiv Standing Committrk. rton. Zcrbtt township, Satunlnv cl. 3d. gi'tuwn, Lower Mnhanoy, Monday Ocl.Sth. .tstii School House, Upper Augus p. role Hawing, Tuesday ai'ter lith. nsky School House, Point town ncsdny evening, Oct. 7th. itokin, C'oiil township, Thursday, let. 8th. , menu for meetings in the upper of the county will lie made lu ll men in that section. Good mcet- in ve been dimmed for thu in ted ill in ve. i II. l'urdy. or any of the so-called ie siicikers. who have liccir de c people, and slandering the Gov for the past two years, are chnl t nppear at the aliove. times nnd d. in presence of the people, sus .h:rges they are making against rnmeiit, the Aduiiiiistnttiou, and , if they have the heart so to np- S-!e of ;oi-liimili rliiiisl 4 'on nly. M r. Caiimki., Sept. 28th. 1?G5 g that my lieing n Candidate for iiature iutci fires with my private requiring more time than I can in earnest nnd faithfui canvass of ty. n:id believing that my personal at home demand that 1 should dis till' canvass, I therefore withdraw as n candidate for the AsmmiiIiIy. me time returning my thanks to the .invention for the compliment they 1 upon me ly a nomination. Jonah Stkisk. Votrr oi .oi-l tiumlierkimi! 'utility . Tt lilU TVll l.K, Sept. 2fith. 13G3. Steine the Union Nominee for the ure in Northumberland County, withdrawn Ids name as a Candidate, solicitation of many of my Union 1 oiler myself ns an Independent 'andidate for the Assembly. Should 'tril I will do my in most to advance :e of the Government. Amos T. litsix. Ni:xt Movk. A letter from u well d correspondent in the Army of the .('. states that the rebels relinquished per so quietly fur n reason nudily nnd in tlie army, lie savs : i known to be but an elioi t to induce to there locate the larger part of his n order that they may more easily tut the movement they have now to occupy Pennsylvania, or part of lie; your election week. This is their .nve as sure as the sun rises and sets, me go so far as to say', that they have ncoiiragcd to make tliis movement by vn rebel sympathizers." : Soniii.KN 'Riiiski, I)i:iit. Should ! tpperheads succeed in Pennsylvania hi", they will propose to make Pence he South by assuming the Rebel Debt, will be trumped up at least TI!!!EK SAND MILLIONS DOLLARS. This lie an immense burthen on thu labor idu-try of the cnuiitrv, v. hich it could net rid of. Fleet the Union c.mdi nnd the rebellion will be crushed out Christmas, the property of the rebels eated. ir.id appropriated to pay our Debt, ami the country will become prosperous hereafter than it ever was and free from all burthens. This is ind equitable. Voters, it depends upon 0 decide these questions at the ballot i'i the second Tuesday of October. inh i. Si. i:t It is nothing unusual lo stout negro troing through the et reels lis city with a load of Confederate ii i v notes fresh from the stamping press, s accompanied by a clerk, who superin s the transfer of the stamping oilice to reasurv. However piiiulnl this siejht a poliiieo-economienl point of view, it . not equal the harro ving feiling pro it !;, the never-ending sound of the Hiiug picnis nt the old Richmond c. Vliem these sights and sounds 1 cease, we will begin to look fur that d time coming in our fiuai.cjal uCuirs h we all Lii.r- to see. !'.i"Tli:s or Ui-.ck.-k am-: KiWNr.us, A el. r tells in there are thirteen blockade uiiiii ve-:-.cU in Wilmington, nil laden li w hisky, w Idle the town stself ij clean of provision, eaten out by the runners I Sh lock.s who go there to buy and fell n!s.--Air.'i JVi i;rii h. loiir.ui.s. Tliu l'ctcrsbiii'' Express, of i : 'Jlst inst., bus the I'lilliiwiii: -Tlic lust cli nf (.'oniedcrat v i.risciurs who rni'-l.c I re ct.ini' wit li thi" tails of t heir routs nil n nil'. They had been furni-diMl with od cloth frock coats ditrin;; tlicir imjiri uuent nt the North, but before they were owed to use thrin they had to I o Mib ittni to tho rui'tuHing iirocess, which not ly injured the good looks of the couts. but j is'itivily injured their value. Tho object thu prison olliciiiln in performing this n rutioii wits; evidently to tiiiike some enpi I out of the severed cloth, by making it to military i-ajis, huts, it'., or selling it ir sniue other equally proiitublc purpose. o ure in savor of Mrict retaliation, und ope that every Yuiikee ntiiocr w ho in heie furtobebiiit North niny lie ullowcd to u with u bobtniled cunt." I'lir Suri-eiKlcr il' 'uiubri-land Jii The Lyiu hbuiii Virii'iniaii lays : n oilicer who wan ut thu I'liinbcrhind i.ip in lue eiijmcily of Lieut. -Colonel, wa ntliisciiy jisteiduy, nnd repoitilhe fol owing. ile i'i well Known lo UK, is h Vil ;iilitili, and liln tali mi lit Inn)' bu re id jpoli. lie n that wo hud letOO men, were v i i v strongly iiiln iii lied, and had plenty of runs am' uiiiniiiiiilinii. Wliru thu imhiiiv, iiiiiiibi liti-,' about iv l'eniiiienls us is U-liev-id, roiiiiii.iiided our force lo aurrenihr, (iell. I r.nii r held u council of ullii ers, and il wuo iii,!iaii:ioil . Iv delelliiitled tnat the pl.icu fl,..:iM be held lo the lat rxtiriiiily. 'J he cltii I. ll.cn look tlicir position", but It wns knoll luinond Ihat Kentucky irylineiit had tl, iioMI down 'heir SHU, 'i'ho ulliror ill i.h iioii niU4 t" in .ke soiiie inquiry nj on Hi,' .ul'i.cl, ol... ru- l a wli'llo H.14 lly H'ii. 11. nt iiit-eirii,:utin !eu l'iir u lo wl ai it 10, ..ul. li.e lutur lidird, "li II lien. Joura Ih il I Uir Kmu up lliu ioul." 'Ilm Col. wr,h due liumli'd ul'lsi li" a, Him ftliled in lli.-lclld. Ho c.iii. d. rs Ilm sumudir of CuuiUr I ,,id li ip tho 1111. I ill-iiioiilul 4 cnl ol Ilm war. 1.1. d .' it M. l'(4.r, Wt UlirU', Is 'I lllll .1 em, a" I lIM)t'l lii Hui, -r UiU iHilioii siiiiM lalil Ii4 Ufli lh'.rd wi.lo.nl 1 inu' h lMiP' t'i'l. Il 3enornl Kfwi The Missouri deWatlon. it l fxnected. will preseut their address to the President to-day or to-niorrowi Kansas J said to co-operate with Missouri in demanding that Pchofleld be removed from command there. The w hole, delegation consist of aeventy cight gentlemen, eight of whom are from Kansas, arid the balance from Missouri. The draft is now progressing at Albany, New York, with entire satisfaction nnd good feeling. Colonel Trustcn Polk, formerly United States Senator from Missouri, with his wife nntl two daughters, were captured at Bolivar Lnnding, Arkansas, on the 18th inst., and delivered over to Gcnf rnl Buford, command ing at Helena. Polk was formerly the Rebel General Holmes' Judge-Advocntc General. The Rev. Frederick Gibson, Rector of St. John's Episcopal Church, a few miles from Baltimore, nnd principal of a school called the "Chesnut Hill Academy," lins been arrested by the military authorities, charged with disloyalty, and scut to the Provost I'rison in Baltimore. The Dublin (Ireland) Frciman wiys that "the British Government has chartered a number of transports to convey troops to Canada, not perhaps liking the aspect of things in America, and fen ring we are a trifle too weak for our colony." l'ront Japan. San Francisco, Sept. 21. Arrived, .ship lhrntd of the Morning, from Boston. A private letter from American Minister I'ruyn, dated Kamigtiwa, Japan, Aug. 10th, snys : "The prompt resentment of the outrage upon our ling has resulted most favorably. The Wyoming, with six guns, destroyed a Japanese steamer, barque and brig mount ing twenty-two guns, besides engaging six batteries. The accomplishment of so much with so little means, nstonisded the Go vernment and people; nnd what is strange, "the Government is obliged to us." Other advices of the same date say that the British licet has gone to the Santiinus Dominions to demand i'2,),000 indemnity and the iurreiidbr of, the murderers of Richardson. If the money is not paid n consider! !! ; campaign w ill be inaugurated against the Damios. Dates from Shanghai to July 21st state that the cholera is raging there with unaba ted fury, and the mortalitv is fearful. Eoral affairs. Ij-The "MiPonian" says, ttic fine residence of the lute T. S. Muckey, Esq., on the oulsk'u Is of this bor ough, was purchased on Wcducsday lust by our townsman W. A. Schrcycr. Usf (iodcy's Lndy Hook for October, lies licfore UK. It is an excellent number, tho indies say, and is morn generally perused than any lady's publication in the country. Published by L. A. Godey, Phila delphia ul SJ per year. Ijr Messrs. Hiilliot & Folluicr of this borough have received tho extract for furnishing the blinds, sash, window frames, door. 4c, for the Carlisle tar rucks, which ure being; built uncw sinco the destruc tion of tho old buildings by the rebels. This speak9 enterprisingly of the above Grin yiiltonia.it. I if When you heir n Copperhead talking about President Lincoln's constitutional acts, just ask him to mint out n single instance where a United States Court, or any judge authorised to give an opinion, has decided such an act to be unconstitutional. I jf Kuockiho OeciniiEScis On lust Tuesday niorning, Mrs. Mary Itecd, a widow woman liviug by the railroad near the crossing at Sliainokin street, rushed from her house in a slate of derangement upou the track in front of an approaching truiu. and was instantly killed by acar passing over her neck and arms. The inquest decided it a case oXsuicido entirely exonerating the rnilroud company from blame. Deceased fius been subject to spells of in sauity for sntnt lime past, owing to trouble caused by the loss of husband und son, and was aged about fifty years I j? The Northern Cenrrat and Philadelphia 4 Krio roads, are doing a heavy business in freight and passenger trains. Four daily trains, north and south, pa.ss over tho rotid, with seldom less th:m from four to six cars. Vv Cattlt Droves of cattlo are passing through this place daily. The number is much greutcrtlmn of any previous year. Vc trust tLis is an indication I of cheap beef. - i D L xr The tilling up nnd making asolid roadway o' the treslle work on Ihc Kric road, above town, is nearly coniplelod. This is a great improvement. Workmen arc also engaged in making a new main track, to run east of the Hound House and Machine Miops, now in progress of construction. The shop! aud round-huusn will be located between the old and new track. l'j?-Ni;w FKkiouT Depot a.nu Waiie-Hook. The Northern Central rail road company, we are pleased to sec, are erecting a new Freight depot and Ware-house, at the juuouou of I'ueir road, with the MiaiiK'kio Valley rail road, in this place. The building will be, in size, 30 by iO feet, wilh two plat form fronts, for loading and unloading can from both romls. This is a much wanted and desirable im provement. lif RoniiDACH's Foi.nmct. Vt't call attention to the udvei liseiucut of J. Rohrbach & Co The new firm have extended the operations of this welt known establishment. They have repaired und en larged their Foundry, and hare new style of stoves, ploughs, ic, r. hich purchasers would do well to ex amine. l IJIy. I fjg1 Giurrs. e aro indebted to Mrs. Charles Pleasants, for some fine while grapes. Owe specimen is a native, tender and delicate, and in appearance and quality very much resembles the Rebecca. The Tine came from the garden of Jesse C. Ilorlon, Esq. 1 ho other is, we think, a - White Sweel Water," and not itnitc us highly flavored, a delect, we think, pe culiar to most of our while grapes. NI1W ADYEUTISiyiENTS. AIUUVALOF FALL & W I NT Ml BOOTS AND SHOES, Tl'ST received from New York and Philadelphia a flesh supply of the lall styles and of Ihe best quality, which he has had made up lo order, and warranted to give good satisfaction, lie bas made - arraiitfcuH-n'a tu Ihe city In liave las nest wora niaae lu order, wl ielicun be 'had al all times, tf not on hur.d liny will Le procured al reasonable noiiee. I .Mniml.wiuiing of BOO la and tolloES of all kills - as uiimI. ! 1 will also wholesale Iloaii end Shoos by Ihe bos. Cull awd eiaiuine before purchasing elsewhere I and saii-fy yuurseltee. I Thankful for patronage heretofore bestowed, be I rosoeollull v Mdn us a eonnuuauoa of ihe is las Kbop end More room, ihrue doors w4 ol ihe It ail It oud lu Market ssiui.ro. M. II. MILLLR. (iunbsry, Pepl 1, IU1 f ASTER-luinnidiauly, 3r lihoeeaaker, ea Mens M'oik. tuwl wages paid a ii:h iihiii:iim MULSSslS . SH.lt CLOCK KSTAULISUMKNT. b. t Cutiiet Uil sn4 ( brausl kl . l'biloUI Lis 1 l.l M Um Ike HAltNT tUl AI.Ul.MI 1 lllll. A '1 1 I'AV I l.ii b. s "if 4etirsUe sristle l" ( kuiebee. lUit-t, lUfcks, CouniiKi lioitsoe, Psllsas, 4, Alee. MsnufKluref eiriMKUt'LU MM fusts .s.i4 a I asiie'd : I I . iiu.m .ts- 4'ilpiiu I !,(.!. l't .'U ifM lls-s n. a. (JilAttu.titT'g Confectionery, Toy and tFlVCTIT STORE, Itlnrkct Si roof, Snnbiiry, Pn, COXFECTIOXERY OF ALL KIXD9, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRUIT, Ac, &c, "ONPtANTLY on band and for al at the above J establishment atnholesnle aud rclall, at reason able prices. Hols manufacturing all kinds of Confecllonnries to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Segnrt, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and variety of other articles, all of whioh are oflerod wholesale and retail. Remember tht name and place. M C. UKARH ART, Market Itrcat, 3 doors west efKi Yi llright A Son's tore. fiunbury, Sept. 19, 1903.tf r.tx-Y li lts t JOHN FA RE IRA. No. 718 Arch Street.be.. low F.ighlh, south siile, PHILADELPHIA. Importer and Manu facturer of. and Dealer In all kinds of Fanoy Furs, for Ladies' and ' Children's wear. I with to return my 3 thanks to mv friends of Punbnry and the sur rounding Counties, for f their very liberal pa tronage exlenilert to me during tho last few years, and would say lo them that I now have in store, of my own Importation and tnannfacliire a very extensive assortment of all the different kinds and qualities of Fancy Furs, for I.ndies and Children, thnt will be worn during the Fall and Winter seasons. lieing the direct Importer of all my Fnrs from Kurope. and having them all Manufactured under my own supervision enables me to otter my ens o mere 4 the public a much handsomer Set of Furs for the anuie money. Ladies please give me a call be fore purchasing ! Please remember the name, num ber and street. JOHN FARKIRA. 71SArch Street, Philadelphia. September 12. 1SR3. 5m CA.1II'..M'AI, IU. VOItltS. "WOOD Sb PEROT, 11.1!) Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia. Pa.,a OFFER for sale upon the most favorable terms. New and lteautit'iil Designs in great variety of Tron Railings for Cemeteries. Itei.lcnces. Ac. of Wrought and cast Iron, and Ibilvnttized Iron ami ttrass Tubiiitf ; Iron Verandahs. Unh-nni. Stairs. Counters. Ft unliiins. (lnles. Columns. Hitching Posts, Lamp Stands. V lists. Tables. Flower Stands. Chairs. Mutuary. Animals, and all other Iron Works of a Decorative character. Designs forwarded for selection. Persons applying for lame, will please state the kind of work needed Sept. LI, 1SG3. 3nij THE PARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND n it i:iii'oitu n. No. 920 Ciiisxi-t SraarT. (Formerly No. 703.) PHILADELPHIA. .1. W. ntOCTOIl A CO.. invite the nllintion of their Friends to their large met Superb flock of Fine CLOAKS and IT HI, unparalleled in any former season The increased accommodation nffordel in-onr new local ion, enables us to devota tht tuliest attention to our I'nr Ilcpitrt iim'U t which will be found well fumi-hed wilh every de. seriplionof First Class Fl'ILS. which will be zunriin teed as represented, or the money paid will lie re funded. OKDF.RS per mnil will be enrefully attended to nnd delivered. Express charges paid, 'and distuuee inside of Inn miles. J. W. PROCTOR CO. No. 920 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 4,1 SOX ly rOVKTH & AllCH STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Are p-nlns F ALL F A LL TU A I) E , French MERINOUS, Good BLACK SILKS, Dark Fi-rured SILKS, New PLAID SILKS, New Fancy FLANNELS, BALMORAL FETTR'OATS, Bed, White nnd 31ne FLANNELS, etc. Sept. 5, Ififi". ,1m w ISAAC K. STAUFFER. lVtili'li lalirr mill lrrl-r, MAMFACTfIlF.il OK PII.YFR WARF. A Irr.Torler of AVATIillS Xo 113 North Second St.. Corner Quarry, PIII1.A IK1.PI1IA. HE has constantly on hand an aortnient of tlold nnd Silver Patent I. ever. I.epine and Plain Watches; Fine G"ld Chains. Se:ils and Key. Breast Pins. Kurtling. Finder Rins. Bracelets. .Miiiiitturc Cases. Medallions. Lo-keis, Pencilii. lhiiobles. Spec tacles. .Silver Table, beserl, Tea. Salt and Musiard hpoons ; Suar r-pooiis. Cups. Natkin Rms. Fruit nnd Butter Knives. Shields. Combs, liinniond Point, ed Pens. etc.. all ol which will toe sold low for Cu-h ! M. I. TOBIAS A CO S best qualily lull jeweled Patent I, ever Movements eonstanlly on band; also other Makers of superior qualily. ' N. B Old Hold aud Silver bought for cash, bept , 1mI3. ly w M t rnii:H.v c, I I lorn s-yi i( . No. Ifri Cor. Fulton i and Broadway, New York. Will curefulv at tend to collections aud all olber matters iutrusted lo their care. Sept. 19, i i: tDi: -uiin oiiiri- uii. orroiK? lr Tou hays a Traiis. has a Ooon One ! There can be no belter than Ihe manu facture of Soaps. We bare succeeded in reducing the science of Soap making to a mechanical certain ty ; so that nny one unskilled in the buMiiess can wilh our Formula, proScoule the manufacture sue. eesslully. Our Formula contains directions fur pro dueing seven kinds of Soap, Li- As a Trade a Business there is no be.;,-. L As connected with a country store, it lurge in creases Ihe profits. The product a sure sale no rem-nants-very liltlo room retniired-small outlay for fixtures no offensive odor omitted in the process of manufacture. I f Every family should possets tho Formula, as the Soap produced by it washes equally well in hard as in loft w ater. TERMS FOR THE F01.J1VLA. For Family use, For Storu use. Exclusive manufacturing right In a town of 10,1100 population, or less, Du. over Hi. 000 and less ihnii 2'.u10 to. over 2 j, 001) aud less tlmu 76,000, f.VOO 2nu &n.nn 7i.ni) Km no A City of over 75,000 special teiiut will be agreed upos. I'pon receipt of the money wetSiall send Ihe for. uiula, eoutaing full and cwinplele directions, whioli are prepared expressly for those unacijuaiulvd w iih Ihe proeess of Soap-waking ( f Inquiries will becheerfully ansaertd provi. dod s Hamp is enelutcd for retum posiage. Addiess BEARDS LEY k CO., S1J Broadway, w-York. Sept. II, lS.r.2a. air .'foils' Wrlsool 'IVarlis-rw. PPI.ICATIONS will be r.celved by Ihe Hoard, of Si'liool Direelort, al Ihe UisU ftcboul House, No. 4, I'ppt-r Augusta Kcbisd insiriel, lor sis (A) leecber or Ihe wiuler aebuols ol suid distin i, uu I huid.ir, October 1st, IM.I, al 10 o'eloek, A. il , al wlnck lime and plaee I be Cuuniy kupvriulendeiil III wise esaiuitig spplioeuls, sod fill out ecruScaltt (u sll thus sppliing. WM. RUD, e'oo y. I I (f Aufuele, Brpl, J, UM H A VAI-l AULt FAUX OH fcAIM T".. HE subscribes- erVrt fi sals sbisp. s gaud FARM I'oiui iowi,j.ip lbs la,poa.euis ai a 1 e. I lo-s'ul si.4ie L.lll Mmus) and L"4 j liuose. a m a liai k bare, la aoel Apple ir- h.id., , ..J ...i Sal. ..ObUilil Hrli SI um1 M mill li.t uia 11 lut a aVa-Mill. uuiiel 1 lil mini CuMuii .PRIVATE ACADEMY NORTHUMBERLAND. q-IIIK RF.V. JAMES DICKSON, will re-open his 1 Academy on Monday, the 17th day of August, inn!. The following brnhctieJ will ho taught : Latin, Orrek, Mathematics, Philosophy. P.hntorioi Login. Book Keeping. Vocal Music In'theory and traclicc. Also, Ucogruphy, Urammar; ' History, oinpositiou Writing. TERMtf.1,. Per (Junrler of II weoks. $(lto8 In the aliove branches without the languages $fl 00 Latin and almve hranebi-s, $7 00 Ureek and alioVe branches, $8 0V Sco Circular. Por further particulars apply to ItEV. JAM EH DICKSOX, Teacher. Northumberland) August 1st, 1SG3.ly IVTAJNTIIOCt), llr l.ostl, IIom Itenloi-ctl. Jntt P n li! i slieit, in n FraM KiH-rloye. Print S' CfHtH. Vl.ECTl'RE on the Nature. Treatment and Ra dical Cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debilily. Nervousness, and Involuntary Tluiissions. inducing Impotenoy, Consumption, and Mental and Pbvsienl Debility. IiyROB TJ. CLLVEKWELL M. D. The important fact that the awful consequences of Self- Abuse may be effectually removed without in ternal medicines or the dangerous application of caustics. Instruments, medicated bogies, and other empirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated. And tho entirely new and highly successful treatment as adopted by Ihc celebrated author, fully explained, by menus of which every one is enabled to euro him self perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all tho advertised nostrums of the day. This lecture will provo a boon to thousands and thou sannds. Sent undersea!. In a plain envolope. to any address, post-paid on receipt of two postago atauips. by ad dressing the publishers. ClIAS. .7. C. KLINE A CO., 127 P.owerv, New York, Post tlflioc llox, 4iMl. Aug. li, lNti.1. Feb. 2H, ly ,'tc N I ' 1 1 1 It Y A 4 M IIM V . T 11IE Select High School of Ibis plnee, will bo reopened August 31st, ISfi.'t, under Ihc superin tendence of S. P. FINK. A liberal patronage is so licited from the patrons of the school, and the citirins generally TERMS OF Tl'ITrON PER SESSION. Orthography. Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic: 2 50 Arithmetic, tloography nnd English (Irammar 3 60 Nat. Philosophy. Hudson The Mind, Algu- I rn and Oconi.itry. 5 00 Book Keeping, Languages and Astronomy, 0 60 f, & One half of tho tuition money to bo paid in advance, and the balance at the expiration of each term. Pupils studying '.,.y ono branch in cilher of the higher grades of tuition will be classed in tho grade embracing such branch. For further information npplv to S. P' FINK, Principal. Punbnry, August 8lh. ls3. "TRTJiiSSSr SHOtiLDER ERACES. ELAS'I IC STOCKINliS FOR ENLARGED VEINS OF THE LEO, AC; Instruments for nil deformities. DR. ULOVKR'S ;'w I'tr 'I'rtisiM lias taken the idaee of oilier Trusses for the retention and cure of Hernia or Rupture. Acting upon tho principle of a lever, it never loses lis strength. It is coaled to prevent rust. ,It has no pad on the back, which is so liable to injure the spine and annoy and chafe the wearer, li is sure lo retain the Itupturc, giving ease and comfort, and en'eeting radical cures. 11 is warrer.eil to give snti.-liii'tloli. The improved Shoulder-Brace expands the chest and preveuts thu wearer from becoming round shouldered. Ladies' Bells and Abdominal Supporters. Rand aces, mid Belts i fall kinds, aud instruments for all Deli.rniities of the Bmlv. Dlt. lilluVER S lithe is No. 4 Ann Street, two doors from Broadway. New York. Strangers should particularly note tho name and No. April 11. 1.SI13. A N'l'ItAV III 1. 1.. CAME to Ihe ,reini"es of the subscriber, on or alsiul ihe 1st day of May. lNi.'l. a Stray Bull. Bp parently about two year old. light red. with w hile tail and white belly. The owner is requested to come forward, prove properly, pay charges and take him sway, or otherwise he will be sold according lo law. JOHN COOPER, t pper Augusts. Aug. 1st, ISti.'l. 2m IIOl Si; k LOT FOR SAM. IHE undcrsigneii oilers for stile the hoiirte and lot now occupied by himself, situated in Deer street the first dwelling north of the Lutheran Cliureh. The improvei its are a good TWO STORY FRAME lil ILDINU. 24 feet square in front with a two story back building H by 24. with a double porch, con taining in nil eight rooms and u large hull. Also a good summer kitchen and olber outbuildings, to gether wilh a giHd garden. l or terms und conditions apply to MICHAEL HAUNT, Sunbury. August 22, ISG3. if SUPREME COURT NORTHERN DIS TRICT. VJHTICE is hereby given that the Supreme Court for Inc Northern DUtrict of Penn-ylvaiiia. will commence it unnual session on the First Monday of Uclotier nixt, at Die 1 nun House in Minimry. CHARLES PLEASANTS, prolh'y. Prolhoiiolsry's ofiicc, j All.'ll-t ImJ.'I. ( LIST OF CAI SES FOR AR(i VMK.N'T. 1 .lost ph eiUi 1 vs .Mnrr .V Hriilr, No S, U .-tuber 'ieriu. lsi',1, NorthiiuibtTliiud eoiintv. 2 The Sliainokin V. it. lid. Co. vs Malone A Liver- more. 23 Oct. T, Northumberltiud county. 3 Overseers Delaware township vs Overseers Lewis toun-hip. I Oct. term, Indi. North 'il eo. A Benjamin tetter vs Samuel C Wilt, et ut 3, Oct term. 'b2. Ciiion eouutv. 5 Edward V. Britrht vs Jonas I'.olincr, A, Oct, term s,orthunitiei-Hiid county, t Robert D ('(.minings vs A. I'pdegratT, 7, " Lveouiina conn v 7 Daniel P CmsiI. udin rs 4c, vsAnn Divus. 15, Oct term. 112. .Northumberland county. 8 Mary Ellis 4 Foremiin Field vs Lewis Jameson, 21. Oct term. lo2. Lvcoiuing county 9 David L Milier vs Dr. Edmund Frnneiseus, 25, Oct term, titf. Northumberland county 10 Reinlt'lt A wife vs Clemens, I.Oct term IS03, Snvder county II Wilson vs Lycoming counly, 2, Oct term, 'C3, l.vcoinmg counly. 12 liiiunigardiier vs Dew art. 3. Oct term, '(13, North'd Ci'ltlltV 13 Beaver. Heddi s. Man-h A Co. vs Mary Jenkins, 4. net term, 0.1. .North il county 1 i Hall vs Dodge. 5. Ocl term. 'o.'l. Lycoming co. 15 Hirnrd Fire Ins Co. vs Marr, 0, oct. teiui, '03 Norlhuniberlund county 1ft M'.Mincc vs l.'umpbell, 7. oct term. '3, Ly. co. 17 Kaughe vs Humiiiel. H, oct. term, C3. In ion eo. IS Bninlunl vs Duukclbergcr, 9, oct. term, r3, Nor- thiiinberlaiid county l'J Peter Mnildy's ex'r. vslliillcr, 111. oct. term, '63, Northumberland county 20 Manser's ex rs vs Dewart. II, oct. terms, 'fl.1, Northumberland counly 21 Bogle's ex'is.vs Kreitier 4 Cnus. 12, oct. term ii3. Northumberland county 22 Herdieo vs Reynolds 4 Co, 13, oel. term, C Lvcoiuini; county 23 A 1,1k, it A Lawrence a Hall, 4c, 14, oct. term '03. I.veoining county 21 Miners itauk of Polls'ille s Ileilner, 15, oct. term. Ti t. Columbia county 25 liewart vs Briiner. Ill, oct. term. North'd county 2rt Ex rs Peter Eplee. rfee'd , Appeal, 17, oct. term, Lycoming (unity 27 Fcsslerw West Branch Bank, IS, oct. term, '03, Lycoming county . IS Lycoming county vs HamLlv, 19, oct. term. 'C3, Lycoming cmitiy 20 rpdegruB A others vsCraus, 20, oct term, Ly. eo -il Kline s McKee. 21, oct. term, Norlh'd stiuuty. !.. l-lslliislflnliln X i:i-if io:i. Itnllroiiil. Tlli IS great line traverses the Northern and Norlh 1 r-i coiiuiiea of Peumylvauia lo tbu eily of Erie, 011 Lake Erie. Il has been leased by llio Pennsylvania Railroad Company, aud under their auspice J being rapidly opened throughoul lis entire It bglll. it is now 111 usu for Passenger and Freight busiues from llarri.-barg lo I'riltaood. 2ud fork. (177 miles) on Ibe F.aaleiu linoioii. ami from bhcHiuld to Erie, la wiles.) on Ibe We.li ru lii,i.iu. TIHM ur fAhnl.NUtH TNAINa AT HKI11V. Airirt "osl ir-iij. Mail Train. Ill HI A M F.apr.asTiain, I' 7 I' M l.'IIIH HV.lvir, Mail 1 ruin. 4 III P. I s press 'Iraiu, 4 i A Core run Ihrougb without change, bulk wave, 011 those trains kciweta i'tiiledrlphie aud Idiek Uaveu, end bctwrvu Italliinore and Luck llacu. I.Knnl hluspiug Care uu l.i n-se Train! Lolh as brlawa VilliauiMrl and Lalliiuuie, and W ilnsuissjfl and 1'kiladt.lplna. l-or ii'l'itmaiiou resiociing I'essengcr buslttvM apply al Ibe I. k l or. I lib and Mark.l Ma. Aud l r Freight bunuwaul l lie Cuuipany s Agi an, h U Kingsluu, Jr , Cor. Mill and .Maikcl M, I'lills lull I, I. J M IU nolds. I rie. J M I'I II, Atfcul -N C It It , Halliibi ie. 11 II II 1 ... lien I I ! i. l.l Agt I'kilada. l.i ls I. II.. 1 11 list. I I ...1 k I , I'Lil.da J oil ! l ul I a, ''l MatWi't, Willi rissrl r;i i -'.i DRAFT I DRAFT!! A IX persons Drafted, and who are entitled to Ex emption, can have their Papers Properly Made Out B 'conlinir to the l ulled States Herniations, at l.ow Kates, Ity applying at tlie office td thB under signed ROCKEFELLER ft HOYKR, Attorneys at Law, Rniibnry, An put 29, 18tf.1. special notice. TllirniOPRlFORToFTIIE (J I II A It 1 II o H li, PIIIl.ALKLPIIIA, Respectfully enll the attention of Business Men and the travel litis; community, to the superior accommo dation and oomfort in their establishment. KANAUA, FOWLKR A CO. Aurust 29, W,X :tm jo . il t:YA it i i'oit iVi;i;h 1 i:it!i. REWARD OF TEN' DOLLARS, and the rra. mi 11 n 1,1 r tTiriirn incurred, will bo paid to ant I'KiisoN, for Ihe apprehension and dolivery (if DESKHTEIl at the hciidquiirters of tho nearest pro vat marshal. Ily order. JOHN KAY CLEMENT, Capt. and Provost Marshal I lib Dist., Pa. Ilarrisbura;. Aujrusl 29, IS03. EXEMPTION I'lKHI Till! I IIAI'T. ALL persons linving Lej;al Claims lo exemption from Ihc Draft, enn have their cases prepared and prevented to the Board, on application to S. P. WOIAERTON, Attorney nt Law, Next door to Snyder's Hotel, S'ulibury, Pa. August 29, IHil.'l. 3t Vf H. I. I'. I. K. STATES ISLAND FANCY DYEINd K S T A I! LIS II M KN T. BARRET, NEPHEW & CO., Proprietors. OFFICES : No. 47 North Eighth St., Philadelphia, and 5 4 7 John St., New York. Our success in Dyeing nnd Cleansing Onrmcnts of Velvet. Cloth. ilk. Merino. Do Laine. Ao , 4c. and Shawls of almost, every description, is so well known that wo only desire to remind our friends and Ihe public rrnerally. that tho season for getting ready their Fall Hoods is now at hand ! ' (iooi's received nnd returned by Express. BARRETT, NEPHEWS A CO. August 22, lSfi3. ;im w AT( i!i;s, .n:vi.iti.v v siij. v. it. i a 111:. The undersigned wouhl respect fully invite your attention to his well selected stock o Fine Hold and Silver ATCIU-S. Fine Hold JEW. 1.l.ltV.i,r i.vi'TV tfiinl ntirl vjiriisVv Jjg of styles comprising all of the nt irrt and most hiuiitiful tlrxiens. Also. SOI. ID SILVER WAR E. rinnl lo Coin and the best make of Sirir Platnl Ware Each article is imrrnutttl to bo as ri pmrnttd. I r itaicnc ami jewelry careiuny rcyiatrta ana tilislactiou guaranteed .IACOH 11AIU.K) , (.'c-.T.tor In Sttrirfi'f.r iV llnrli v.) No. B22 MARKET Street, PIULAD'A. Aug. 22, 1N13. ,lm chdmii New Hat Manufactory. SOFT I I It A"l U(MI, II Vl'l-i IHE subscriber rcspeclfully informs tho public, Ihat he has commenced mniiul'iictiiring. at Sl'N- Bl'RY. all tho various styles ot Soft Hals, Fur and Wool now in use. He trusts that his experience in the htiMticss in the city, will enable him to get up huts iu style and quality equal to any in Philadel phia. A supply 01 sua nnu oilier nats will also be Kept on huti'l. Merchants and others will find It to tlicir advan tage to give biin a cull and encourage homo mutiu fii"iure. old Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest prices. SAMl EL FA I ST. Market Square. one door westof the 'American' Office. ruuoury, August il, IMi... It A Ijiryo Asisioi-liiM'iit of EVANS A WATSON'S la1 SALAMANDER SAFES. URKAT FIRli AT READINU, PA. February 12, 1SC2. (kxti.kmesi It gives me much satisfaction to inform you thai in thu fever o fire which, on the morning of tlie 4th inst.. entirely destroved all my siiK-k and materials, I had one of your Salamander Firo Proof Safes. Afier endurinir. nn intenso red bent fur seven hours, the Safe was opened, and the Hooks 1111a rapcrswere preserved in an umhlemisiieit condition. I shall need another Safe as soon as I get iu order. Yours, most respectfully. W 1. HICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT URLLN CASTLE. CUAMiiKlisui'lid, Franklin count', Pa., I August .'tlt. I hi; I. I Messrs. Evans A Watson. Philadelphia Oentlc- men: tin tin- morning ol llio J-d ot August. IHol, our Storehouse ut (ireoncii-tlo was destroyed by tiro. Tlie Salamander Sal'o we purchased from vou some few years since was in the aliove lneulihncd store house, and contained all our books, papers, cash. Ac. which were preserved in a perfect condition, alter being eHiscd to a most intense heat for several hours. lMcin-c inform us upou nhat terms you will sell us another larger Sale. Yours truly. OAKS & AUSTIN. Salamander Sales. fir Ranks. Stores, Private Families. Ac. Ac. Alfo. Evans A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Ituiik Locks and Rank Vault iJoors, eijual lo any made 111 t!ie eonnlry. and Sold on as good terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to th,v following Ranks and other parties, having their Safes and Locks now iu use. to their entire satisfac tion, and many others given at their Siore. I'xiTi n Statks Mint, llranch Rank, Shclbyvillo Philadelphia. Tennessee. l'.MTi:iiSTATKS AnsK!iAI,.('ily Rank of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation H k of Phila. Pottxtown flunk. Pa. Com th Rank of Phila. Coalesville Rank, Pa. ('Iialtiuooira Rank. Tenn. Stroudslmrg Rank. Pa. Pre'm Loan Ass'on. 4th st. Jersey Shore Rank. Pa. Lock llnven Rank. Pa. Rank of Northumberland. Rank of North n Liberties, Philadelphia. I'nion Jlauk. Raliimore. Southwestern Hi 11k of Va. Paul and Swift, Hunkers, 1 ulton Hank. Atlanta, Uu. Alaliamu. Newark Rank, liel W. li. Sterling. Wilkcsb'e. Rank of N. C Raleigh, Lcttishurg Rank, Pa. Other references given upon calling at our Store, No. lit S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sepi. 5, Inn:). ly "WATCHES, Jewelry A' l I nt o it 1 . LE7IS ladomtjs & CO. 8li2 Che.nut Street, Philiidelpnio, HAVE always on hand a large stock of Oold and Silver Watches, suitable for Ladies. Gentleman or Roys' Wear. Some of our own iuirtution, ex tra fine quality. Our assortment of Jewelry consists of the most fashionable and rich designs ; us also the plainer and less expensive. Silver Spoons, Forks. Pic, Cake and Fruit Knives ; also a largo variety of Fancy Silver Wore suitable for Lridiil Presents. We bue al.-o on band a most splendid assortment of lliamoud Jewelry, of all kinds, lo which we invite especial attention. Our prices will be found conside rably less than the same arliclcsare usually sold for. All km, Is ot watches repaired 111 llio very nesi manner, and warranted to give satisfaction. WEliliINtl UlMHuu baud and made to order. Cull or address LEWI! LAliOMt'S A CO., Hi2 Chesnut Street. Philadelphia. P. S. The bihibt cash prices paid for old tiold and Siler. Allordcrs from the country will receive especial at n 11 Inoi. May 2. I soil. iluio MII.OMO-V 11 A I. U K, Vlloi iis y 11I Inn . Sui.lmy, NoriLuu.be land counly, Pennsylvania. (Formerly Freeburg. r-uyder counly.) OFFICE. Mai'kcl street, one'door east of Kriling Tl rani's Store, and nearly opxiilo the I'ourt House. All profcniinual business, eolleetionsi Ae , will re ceive prompt alleulioii. April li, Issl. T. E. HELLER, Of&ce, 011 south side o .Market Kiuore, near the Court House, BUNBUJtY, PENN'A. w ill attend promptly lo all professional businest entrusted lo I, is eale, Ihe eollta'liou n t'latuia iu .Siirlliuruberlaiill and the adjoining ouunliee. runbury, ilsy Sd. iNia ly t urner Faa and Market Mieets (I IH ICY, f plIF iindrisigne.! rrsneririillir Inlorms Ike public, ihal be boe Uk.n rsaiiv u ine au.te nisn, 11,, lul, and asks for Ihe ronuiiualiSe of lL ,auir psiionage aud would iuiilejtll oihult la gire knit a '"" ,,..,, lll.t TAUI.E U sl issupi islili Ibe brai ibe auaik.l af.,rds. I l is lias ia.u. Hi. tUowrsI l.uuws. and bu jab. , 1:.. . .. 1 .. 1 11 i ..' .... ....1" j r.Ary Ms? M NEW TAILORING E8TABLISMENT .MMl l V. MAIill Mulct frjiwrc, ont dir vnt of tht Tiwf Ojtirt, 8UNBURY, -pElNTrw-'A. Respectfully Informs his old friends and the pub lio generally thai he baa again returned to Sunbury and re-oponed a t yev 'I'nllorlsiK llnlIUlimoiil. Ho Is prepared to make up new gnrments as wrell as mending old ones, aud lo do work neatly, fash ionably and substantially, intlact will warrant all work leaving the shop, and by so doing, hopes to receive a due share of patronage. Persons desiring to have clothing made up to order In the Idlest style, will please give him a call. Sunbury, April 1 1 , ln03. 4 in. 9 TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN E- BMICK, Fawn fitrreet, opposite Weaver's Hotel, BUNBURY.-Northumberland Co., Ps., INFORMS his friends and the pnblio generally, that ho has taken Ihe Shop of Jaaih H. Rake, deo'd., and is prepared todo all kinds of TAILOR IMJ in a good Workmanlike manner. Tho patron age of the public is respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 10, ID03. ly 18G3. FR1LING 1803. GRANT AT Tin: MAMMOTH STORE, OVLb respectftilly announce that they have just received and opened a very large and well selec ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they aro willing to dispose of at a VERY FMALL ADVANCE ON I'lrsil CoM. OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVEUYTHIXQ GIVE TJS A CALt. Thankful for past favors we hope to meet a eon. tinunnco of the same by still selling Goods as cheap if not 'lir,AIi:it tlmn can be purchased else where. FUILINtJ A GRANT. SnrbnTT. May M. IW-r A Joint Itesioliif ion propoNing; cer tain Ainendnis-ulsi to the i'onsititu. lion. IjK IT IlKSOf.VKD HV THE SKNATK AXD llot-sii ok Kki'iikskntativkk of tiik Com monwealth OK I'HNSSVl.VAMA IS GKSKItAl. Asskmhi.y mkt. That the following Btncnd- iiieiit be iirojioscil to tlie Constitution of the Coiiiniimwriiltli, lit accordance with the provisions of the tenth nrticlo thereof: There kIiiiII lie nn ucKlit ioiml acetion to the third Hitiele ol the Constitution, to be 1 desiinnted ns section four, ns follows ; j Si.'i-Tmv d "WlionoviT imv nf tho nlinll- 1 tied electors of this Commonwealth shnll be iu uny nctuul military service, under a requi sition from the President of the United Slntes, or by the authority of this Common wealth, such electors may exercise tho right of suffrage in all elections by the citizens under such regulations as are, or shall bo prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual place of election. There shall be two additional sections to the eleventh article of the Constitution, to be designated as sections eight, and nine, as follows : Suction 6. No li'ill shall lie passed by the Legislature, containing more than one sub ject, which shall be clearly expressed iu the title, except appropriation bills. 0. No bill shall be passed by the Legisla ture ghmting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant such powers, or privileges, has been, or may hero after be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth. JOHN CESSNA, Speaker of the House of Representatives-. JOHN P. PKNNV, Speaker of the Senate. Office of the Six-uetaiiy of the Com monweath, llARinsncna, July 1, 1863. PENNSYLVANIA, SS: I do hereby certify that the fore I L. S. I going and annexed is a full, true --v- and correct copy of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assembly, entitled "A Joint Resolution proposing cer tain Amendments to the Constitution," as the Bume remains 011 file in this office. In Testimony w hetcof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of tho Secre tary's office to bo affixed, thu day and year above written. ELI 8LIFER. Secretary of tho Commonwealth. July 11, 1S3. to A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. rpiIE undersigned often to sell at private sale, hil .1 valuable iuriu, situate iu Zerhe township, North umberland eounty, I'a., about one mile west of Ihe town nf Trevorloii. containing TWO HLMlKED AC It KS, more or less; almut sixty aerea of whieh are cleared and in a good state tf cultiva'ion, and thebalunee well timbered wilh pino and 00k. 'the improvements are a Log-House, llaru aud other out buildings. Icruis tasv. tor particulars inquire 01 I HAT. CLL.MF.NT Sunbury, .May J:t, ls3. FOR SALE At 4 LOT at tho corner of liloekbtrTy and l awn Si reels, in Sunbury. The improveinenls upon il are good aud ill accouinioilate several lainiues. Terms reasonable, apply lo CIlAlli.KS 1'I.F.ASA.NT.S, Agent, t-unbury, Augut la, 1mU . : H BLINDS AND SilAI)iX II. J. WILLIAM!", No. 1 North Sixlh blreel, I'hil adelphia, Mauufucturer of tt'US'llilll llliulsnud inloV fli 11 !. The largest and fluest aMmrlinenl in ihe city at Ihe lusreet prices. Illiuda I'ainled and Triniaiud t'(ul tuuew. More Shades made and littered. Aprd 4. Isail 2m ' " B-T-1S0O-X. lruU-'H IMauliillou Itlll.rsi. They airify. Mrengtheu, and iuiigoiMi lliev emate a hralihv ai ietita. '1 hey are an anlidole to change ol'aaler end did They ocrdouiocltectaofdtpnlie. and lule hours lliey Blreugibeulbeaysleui aua eulivtu me uiiua i hev I row nl uiiasuialia and mloruiilleut fevers Ttioy puriU ibe hrealbaadoeidityolihe slviuacb lluy cue l'iKl.e aad 1 uiisiiu-u. They vure louiibea, I kulcra, and Ckulcra Mr bus. They cure Uvui ConipUlnt and 5rroi Head Tkry ar.ibVu I'.hier. in Ihe .old Tbey make .I.--.-..L . - , ..... ... .MkMnalsd nulure'a I rr.i,M 'b.y ale Bide u( pare lil. Ct.m ! tuBI iktaeleuraled I'.lima h.ik, iwia aud bnU, jaadwe tok.aaillilbs pl.ure ul a Uiwar e, ailh- I aHe4e4 la ee u uuie ul day I'arluulafly re- ' eoaiwriul.! ke leluwie pereolie leouiuni a aenlle , mu.l.iil keld l, ill nt'i. iiiurawe. in. "i-i. ! i iikiki:i(''i.kjs,i. l trWi.. M? Governor, Andrew G. Cutlin Ju'lge of the Supremo Court, Daniel A new Senator, Ccorgc II. WilliM Assembly, Amos T. Bisel Sheriff, Samuel II. Rothcrrnel Protlionotnry, Clerk nf tlie Coiirl of General Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer. William II. Wolf, Treasurer, Jacob F. RobrbacU Coinmiflsicncr, Andrew Yeager Auditor, William RecJ Governor, Andrew G. Curtin Judge of tba Supreme Court, Daniel Aghow Senator, Georgo II. Willita Assetnblj', Amos T. Bisel Sheriff, Samuel II. Rothcrrnel Vrothonotnry, Clerk of the Courts of CJein r.d Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer. William II. Wolf, Treasurer, Jacob F. Rohrbucb Coinmiesiioiier, Andiew Yiagt-f Auditor, Williaui IU4