SAPONIFIER, OB CONCENTRATED LYE, Yli rnmlly fSonp Sinker. The ft'IlLTO are cautioned atnvrtst the Frt'BT Pt H article of LYE lor making SOAP, Ac. now of. fered fnrsnlo. Tlie only Oi:Nli INK anil PATENT ER Lvc Is thai rmln bv llio PENNSYLVANIA FAI.T MANTFACTl'RIXO COMPANY, their trnrtc-mark for it being "SAPONFI1 K. OR CON f'FXTK ATKD I.YE." The '-rot M r.." of thai article haa 1H FNPRINCIFLED PARTIES In en-ili-nvnr to IMITATE it, in violation of the Company'. PATENTS. All MANt'FACTtT.KUS. 1)1' Y F. P. s or S I T. 1 of those SPI'H IOYK '. nr hereby Ml 1 1 MM) Hull the Company have employed ns their At'nrncys. tlEOROEHARPINH. Esq., of Pliiluda.. and WILLIAM RAKEWEI.L. Fs-p. of Pittsburg. Ami tlmt nil Mttmifuotiirors. I or. or Sellers of Lye. in vi.iln'bm ..f lic tight of the Company, will In- l'l(i -SEOl'TKP at oinc The SAPONTII R. or CONCENTR ATEP 1. 1 F. Is for sale by nil Druggists, Oncers and Country Store. l ill.l- .Viii'e. Tlie Fulled Static Circuit Court. Western 7istri-t i-f IVni.svltanin. No. I of May Term, in 18ii2. insnit of tlic -'i'enn-yh nnin Suit .Yiatoifuelurine Coinpa-.iy v. Thomas il." Chase, decreed to I lie Company, on November 1 j. l--ii2. Ill if Exi ln-ive r--.M granted by a pntenl nwni-l by tlicm for llio SAI'ONEIEii. Pa tent ilatc.l October 21, 1S.M. Perpetual injunction an ii riled. HIE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAN UFACTU KING CO. 0 F F I C K 8s : 127 Walnut Street. Pliilnilel bin, Tilt Street, and Dii'iuosne Wuy, Pittsburg. May 2, lbO I. inn Mti.i:, ALSO, GAHDEX on Fiinr FAliMS. Suitable forOrnpo?. reaches. Pears, Raspberries. Fli-awbi'rrios, Elachberries. currants. Ac.. ofl.2i. ft. 10 or 20 acres eneh, nt llui following price tor the present, vir..: 20 acre for 200. If) m res for 1 10, ! neri for SiiO, 2) m-rcs for ell), 1 ncio for f20. raviihle by one dollar a week. Alo eo'od Cr:-iihe.ii v land?, and vill-ige lota in ClIl.lWuopi. 2." by ll".o reel, al .ol each, pnyahlo by one dollar a week. The aliovo laiid fiirnift. arc fituated nl Chelwimil. Wasliiiif-toii Township, llurliiiL'ton County. New Jerny. iror fulllier in-foriu.-iiion. apply, with a V. V. Mump, for a circular, to J1. FHANKI.IN CI.AHK. No. nrt Ccilur Street, New York, X:. Y' January 24. lsti.i. lv JUST ItEADY, NEW STYLE3 OF JEWELRY. N opportunity not to be lost pight of. K.'ire chance for Agent. Ladie nil well a? tientsean act a? Agent. Apply early and secure the agency for your locality. lOO.ORO ivATcirns, vwt cimi.xs, lockets, XI.XGS. GOLD 1'J-XS A.XJ PKXCILF, jiHAcvi.KTs. srrn.s. huttoxs, jslck cjiai.x. sin urjEW- KJ.KV, Ae. To be roM for til each, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to get. Send 2j cent fur Certificate, telling' yon what you can hnve. r.ith n circular, giving full particularH to Agents. A'uil'cct batisfii'-tiiiii guarunteed in nil i-a."cs. Addrew. S. ,M. WARP & CO.. 20S Uroudway. 13ox 4.fTl5. March 21, IW.i. ly s t-isgo-x. Ira1t" I,I:llltl)liII Killer). They P'tirify. strengthen. t;nd in lyoratc. They create a healthy appetite. They are an anlidote'to change of water and diet Thev overcome otlei't.-'n.'dU-ii'ut ion and late hours They strengthen thesy.-'teiii mid enliven the mind They prevent tuiaMualic nnd intermittent fevers. They purilvllie bretithandaeidityntthc stomach 1 hi y cure Pvpeia and CoiiMlipution. They cure J fiui i lieu, Chulern, uud Cholera Jler lms. They cure I.ivcr Coini '.iint and Xervous Head ache. They arc the best Litters in the. woold. Thcyuinke tlio luuu sll'ung. and are exhausted nature's gi eat restorer. They nro mado of pure St. Cruiz ltiun. lliccelebrateirCalisaya Dark, routs nnd herbs, and arc taken with the pleasure of a bcvcr.igc. with out regard to age or time of day. Particularly re. commended to 'lehciite persons reouiring a gentle Ftiinuhint. Sold by nil tinners. Prugtrista, lintels and Saloons. P. ll". PUAKE i CO., 2U2 liroadway, Kew-York. tobcr 2."), 1 C2. SIMON P. WOLVERTON, Allin-iuy iiikI 4'iii!-Iur nf I.iim. Office. Market street. 2 doors west of Pcpot, tr,xjTsn2jjmjr, xa.. W ILL ulteiid .rouiptley to the collection of claims l and all other prolr.inna! bn-iness intrusted to his care in Northumberland und adjoining counties. Sunhury, May ,'!, 1SIJ2. SINGER & CO.'S I.clti i- .1. I'iiiiiily e iiifj .lliichliie, "7IT1I all the new iinprnvements (Heininer. Prai li r. liinder, Feller, Tucker, Cordcr, tiu thcixr, Ac, Ac, Ac), is tlio CHEAPEST ANP REST, unl must beautiful of ull machines, lor FAMILY SEWING and liht manufacturing pun " s. It makes the intcr-loekeil stitch (which is aL..c 011 both sides), and has great capacity for sewing ALL KINDS OF CLOTH AND ALL KINDS OF THREAD. liven leather, as well 11 the fme-t muslin, may be sewn to periection on this i-iaehiuc It wili use 200 spisd cotton as wi ll as No. .'in linen thread. h-t it can do only be known by seeing the miohii.c tesleil. '1 he I'olding-top Cn.-c is among tie lio-t Valuable of all I In.- new improvements. Il ir.ny I e opened out as a spacious and substantial tabic to sustain (lie work, uud when the machine is not in 11-1- 11 may be f-ldcil into 11 box. which pmtccid the working parts of ihe mathinc. There ii no otlu-r n 11. lane to eiual ii.j Lciler A in yim ji; i y , S;-ii-:iPilily , SinjiI.lTly , iiini i-ci-;ti:il' !' 4 I a l!tu ut lili r;:it'M ol s.!.-rI. The Family St-uing Machine is fast becoming as popular for family use as Sjnok.u A' Cn.'s Mantilac taring Machines are tor manufaet uring purj oscs. The Riaiu h tillu-es are well supplied with silli tw i.-'t, thread, needles, oil. Ac , ot'tho vest best ijunlily. Send torn riHi'iu.KT unda copy of "SiMikn A Cu'n ti lKTl K.;' I. M. SlXtil-R A CO.. 4: Rroadtvav. X. Y. y l'hlla.leli Uiil Ofiice. S10 Clu shut street. June 20. loiio. ly M y online 1iisiii-imi4-4 Coii.iei.v, W I LKF.S B A 11 K E. P A . 'illlal uml Ktn-tlii., M,OUO. lilREC'liiRS: (1. M. ILilU-ubaek, John Kcichartt. Samuel adhauis, R. P. Lncoe, loirlee A. Milier, L. P. Shoemaker, D. (1. Prii-bneh, R. C. Siuith. Cliu3. Porrai;cc, Win. S. Ross, Ii. M. liuidin" U . U . Kelchaui. ti. M. IHM.I.ENIlAt'h. President. L. P. SHOEMAKER, Vice Piesident. R. C. Smith, Secretary. W li. m Kiitixo, Trcu-urcr. This Company lusuris threc-funrth of the Ca.-li V aluutiou. takes no I'reuiiuiu Nolcs, linike no Assesn niciits. Policy ttckiioti ledger ull moneys paid during the term of your lusuiunec. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May 30, lSA.'l. ly JORDAN TOWNSHIP I) 1ST! L L 11 l Y. Mil) iiii lt -.-iL!M'd hjiviiiff rnfi rv 1 into iurtui-i htii ill (he lif!illfl ' V Hurfihe.--.. Ill J.iidnu toWlhili. or)Ia; iMinty. ,u Hit- ruA tjnia tin I m lut-ri. hi I M'.M'-w n. ui.'tul l Uiilti 1 1 1. ut .MiiiiiiLny mil ti link ttniu Kiiiti-r-ii'irtii, lu j; U t:i- o iiitnitn tl.e iul.ic that l hey tuu iiuw ii.iiUin m ?ui erier nr- llcli ut H'HK 11 YE W HI-KUY. Tl.oia dt'iriuj( yrniii eotitvrtcd ititi wliUkcy van Lhv it donn ou l In' tti -t I't-iifM-iNihlo tt rm-t. '1 he hit-ht-i-l in-h i.rir. v. ill he iii t r Hyc, nnd prum tnk:u in t xt hi.i. - i'.r W hirkcy. '1 hi jmiI-Uo cm he h mii rt" tlmt hII Uik v inmiu t tlii distille- iy will h tut truui dius iu I lSA Af I'U'.'IX, ti. K l-ULc-T. Juid- n twp.. Jupo IS niA. (.in O. "W. J-1AUPT, AllaiiH) li nil ( ouunrllor ul l.n, taii ou touih si-lc of Mnikct slreet, foul tliHirs west d t. k . Pright A ."sin Siura, OUNBUKY, 1JV. Will alieiid prumptly to all l rofeionul bu.iu eiiliiivtcd to his care, Iba cilUi'iiou 01 uluiuu Jv.ii il..iii,b'r'.aiol miiJ the adjoining cuuuui. ubbuiy, May it, leo.1 ly iu LOWER WHAEP, BUNECBT, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITR AS II COAL, in every variety, Orders aoliolfed and flllod with proniplnei and despatch. Sunhury, Mny 1(1, 1R3. ly ""ornamental iron-vvorks . AVOOO & I'B'.tt-OT, 1131 ItidRO Ainuir, IMiiliKlrtpI'lii, Dn. OFFEU f.-r sale upon tlio most favorable terms. Now nnd Pcniiliful Designs In great vnrlely of Trnn Railings for Cemeteries. Residences. Ac, of Wrought and Cant Irm. and Gnlvatiiwd Iron and Rrnss Tubing ; Iron Verandah", llnlonnlcs, Ntnirs, Counter. Fountains. (Inlcs. Columns, llilehlng Posts, l.nnip Stands. Vase. Tables, Flower Ptnnds, Sofas, Chairs. Statuary, Animal, and all other Iron Work of a Decorative character. Designs fnrwnrdcd for fled ion. Persons applying for the same, will please stale the kind of work needed. June fi. HUH. lin ns'i'A m.itii i'.t mm. PFTER Loll ILLARP, Kuiiti'tW 'l'liii-i-o llimnliM lurrr PI A IS CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Slreet, New Y'ork. Would call the attention of Pcnlera lo the articles rf I, is manufacture. vi : 11U0WX SN1TK. Macnboy. Ien.iirros. l-'in'e Rappee. Pure Virginia. Coarse Rappee. Xaehitoehe. Ameiiean tientlcimin, Copenhagen. YELLOW SXI TF. Scotch. Honey Pew Scnbli. High Toast Scotch. Fresh Policy Pew Scotch J ri.-li High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or l.uudyfoot. t i- Attention is called to the large reduction in prieesof Fine-Cut Chew ing and Smoking Tobaccos, which w ill be found of a Superior Quality. T011ACC0. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. Lore. P. A. L.. or plain. S. Jago. No. 1. Cavendi-h. or Sweet. Spanish, No. 2. Sweet Scented Oronneo. Canaster No. 14 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish, tiranulated. X. 11. circular of prices will be sent on applica tion. April 4. 1SC.1. 1 wr.i. KNOCIIE. P.T MAPiKET STREET, 1IARRISRUR0, PA., Dealer in P IANOS. "VTEW Rosewiaal Pianos, from the best makers i from S-iiO upward. iMELlipKONS. The best manufactured Instru ments from lo to Slut) tjuilars. Violins. Accordeon. Flute. Fifes. Pruiiis. lhinjos. Tambourine. Violin and (itiitar strings and musical nicr I'handizc in general. SHEET MCSIC. The latest publication always on hnnd. Music, sent bv mail to anv tairt of the country. OVAL, SylARE. lilLT AND R0SEW00P FnAMES.I Suitable for looking glasses, and ull kinds of picture always ou bunu. A fine assortnient of best plated LOOKINti CLASSES from smallest to largesl size Anv style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. " WM. KNOCIIE. April 11. Im',.1. 9.'l Mnikct St., llarrisburg. M'o .niiu nl4-r4r lllli S4--r.. P.EVERENP (il'.NTI.FM AN hnvins been re Hort l to health in a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment, without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his afllietcd (eilow creatures tiic si t'A s ok 11 11K. Hence, on the receipt of an nililnsscd envelope, he w ill send (lice) 11 copy of the prescrption used. Pirect to jut. juii .m. ii.u. aiiij, ISft Fulton Street. Iirooklyn, i Y". January 24. lsii.'l. NEWS! NliWsflsEWsTlVS ! ROOTS AND SH OKS, AKK linwiniimifuoliiro'l toonlcrbv llio Mib3irilcr lit rilKATKU UA'i KS llnm at any other elnh-lihnu-nl in Suulmry. The vnr lax U not Itiki-n ii;to nmsiilcration. uud all work w ill bciloiu Ht oM pritn-H. Having itisl rrceived all entire new ttuc-k of leather and Jloiocciif-, iur ti'iurii!. ECooltf lintl SIum's, wliicli will lo iAwhi to order nt lOiort r.olh'o. in tlio bcjt wt.rkinnnlikc mnmicr and of the hist nwiti-rials. Keeling t'nmklul tor the Htiumie exteiultd here tofore he hojrt1.-' toeoiitinue the wiiue. All who dfr-ii-o work dune 'lu nn ar.d duriihle. are invited to eall nl hi htt neitr.y oj j'tsitc the Court Jloue in jlui k-'t ,nuare. fcunhurv. r JOHN WILVER February 23, 1S63. dm JUST OPENED! E. Y. BRIGHT & SOX, INVITE tlie curly nlti'iition nt' rnsli itii--cliiiMTs) to tlii-ir clinii c, viirii d inn I I'M''" sive i'tti!'Ht of I'iiKSH WIN 'IK It GOODS vl:itli lluy olli r ut riitsimililc piii'i's. Oiii i tni V; ciiiliiaci-s A full luie of llanilsimu' Dress Goods, A nice lot of Domestic Dry Gonls, A ilioicc supply of I'no YVliitu Goods, A on tit vtu ii ty of l'.oots nnd Sliocs, A large stock of Queens and Glassware, A very fxtciisivu lot of Hardware, liats nnd Cups and liemly Made Clotl.ilij; Groter'u s of all kinds, fri and, Drt:;;s Paints- Glas-f and Oils. WE LWITE iv.ilii'ular attiiilinu to tin- t'olluwin;' lint- uf C. mils, ul ik- fur Ili.liilay I't'i-sciits. Kcal Ilcuvy Dlanktt Hmvli, I'l'i'iicli Dlaiikct and liniclie Sliawls, llonsiry for l.ailii s, Unitsj ami Children, I.uii'u s Olovi-s in great aluindaiice, A comiilcte stock of Oonts tilovos, Faiii-y Sliirtino; uml Opera Flannels, Assoltetl colors lialliiid'al SKilt.s, Pkekton bkirls in gnat Variety, Zephyr 0;u-ra Caiis uiul 2'ubia, l'inc SoMe Furs aiul MulVs, Fine V.'lihe linen Ilanilkceliii fs, ( iiloi'i'il lioidi r Camliiie llainlki-ri-liii-ls. Heal llanil.iniia Si i k Ilanilkereliiefs, Cents Silk Neck Ties aiul Cl'avaUs, Finu lieeilk- woi l.i .1 Ci.llars, Super lilack Love Veils, Silk Tissues of lusortcd Shades, liililjons, Luces, Fdgings ,1U! Kuiilings, Fine llai U Mulmir Caps, Shawl I'ins and Scurf Tins, Pi ifmnery, l'oinades Mn,l Soaps, Hack Fuiscs und fancy Port -Monnie.-,, First rate Skates, ready Mrupped, Iv'ico Hair llruslies and Pocket Coinlis, I'xtru good l'ciiknivi'i and Seiissors, Childi-ens Gum Gilded Coinlm, Ac, Ac, Ae. Siiiilniry. Dec. 2(1, ito4'ui:E'i.i.i.i:it Attorneys at Law, .V DO V lilt, Sunbury, ra JoRDAX UOCKEFEI.LFII and RiUIMON , 11. link EU. ripocllull y aiiuouaes that tiny huieeulcred iulo copai inership iu Ihe praeiiue f Ihcir prolewion, ami w ill H,iiiiuuo to aiteud lo all busineiM enlruslod to llleir ebarge, iu III cotllitif. uf NorihuiiilM'rl.ud, I'niou, Snvdcr and Mouiour, promptly, I'aithlully and carelully. hpivi d all. u. lion will be Kit ,n Iu Ihe I nl 1 1 1 1 lu.NS lK Cl.AI.Mri. CiuuulUliou. o.ui be had iu the liLU MAN Uiif.ii;a. Oltice M.itkol lr-et. opii WuiVvr . IluUd. t-iuoury, F.briisf) I, isi ER SWEET'S IK FALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREAT REM FEY Jul- H'liiimofUiil, '"!(, Xoirnhjh. Lnml'i,r .V.tfYirj- tun Jiiiiit. Simiit. linn', CntKiiii'1 WoiiiuU, l'ilr. Hriiilnclie, uml nil lUionniitif anil Xertotit Dimnh'it. For all of which isn and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Pr. Sliphoii Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone seller, and has been used in the practice for more than t ivcnty years with the most astonishing sueec-'S. , . . , , A an Alleviator of Pain, it i unrivaled by any pr partition before the public of which the most -k. i.lical mav be convinced by a single trial. 'ii,is I. ;. ii will cure raridly and radically. Rheumatic Pisotders of every kind, and in thousands crease where it has been used it has never been known lo . Fm-Xutraltfia. il will aflord nmnediatc relicr in evcrv case, however distressing. It'w ill relieve the worst eases of Ilcadiiebe in threo minutes, and is wan anted to do it. Toothache also will it cure Instantly. For Nervous Debility and Weneral Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or Tcxcess. this Liniment is a inesl happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervoii tissues, it strengthens nnd revivi lies the svslcni, and restores il to elasticity nnd vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, we claim that il is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an eoiial. Every viclim of this distressing complaint should give il a trial, for it will not tail to aflord immediate relief, nnd in a majority of eases w ill cfto.ct a radical euro. I Iniiii. v timl Sun, Throat are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely npplieutiou ot tins Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains arc someiiincsvery obsliiialc. and enlarge, mmt ol (he joints Is liable lo occur if neglected. The worst ease may be cotiiiiicred by this Linimeut in two or three days. llrniscs. Cuts. Wounds. Pores. Fleers. Cuius and Scalds, vicld rcadilv to the wonderful healing pro. pert ics of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according to dim-lions. Alo. Chilbluius, Frost, ed Feet, and Insect Pitis and Slings. DR GTEFE1IEW SWEET, of Connecticut the ti 1 cut Natural Pone Setter. EI.. STEPHEN SWEET, o" Connecticut is know n nil over the I nitei Sliites. DC STFPH EN EWEET, of Connecticut, is the author ol Pr Sweet's Infallible: Liniment.' Pr. Sweet's Rheumatism, 1 Infallible Liniment nd never fails. Cure Dr. Sv ect's Infallible I.inirncnt Is a certain remedy for Neurulgia. Dr. Svveefa Infallible Liniment Cures Ruins ami SeabP immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infaliiblo I.inimcnt Is tlie best kuowu remedy lor Spruim and Urua-cs Sword's Inf illihlo Tiirjiment ii'.iiicdiatc relief for Piles, and tel bun fails Vfl'onls in lo cure. Er. SweM's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Tip. S-f 's TnfnMibV L-ni'n"n Cures Cuts ar.d Wounds immediately and leaves no Dr. Swoet's Infallible I.inimpnt Is the best remedy f ir Siues in the known world. Dr pivctfa Infallinlo Liniment Has been in i0 by more than a million peojilc, nnd all praise it. T)r Jvreet'a Infaiblo I,:n:mcnt Taken internally euics Colic and Cholera Morbus. Pr Rweet's InfalliMe Ijinimmt Is truly a -friend in need,'' and every family should have it bund. Pr Pweot's Infallible L-niment Is for sale by all Hn-ggists. Price 2a and 40 cents. A FHIEND IN NEED. TRY IT- Ml. SWEET'S INFALI.1RLE LINIMENT, as mi exleinal reioedy. i. wilhoul a rival, and will allcviaic pain more speedily than any oilier prepa ratson. l or all llhi umutic and Nervous I lisorders il is Irulv ii.rallil.U-. and us a curative for Sores, Wound. Sprain-. 1'iui'cs. Ac. il. soothing, healing end poweiinl sirei.gil.ening properlics. txeile the just wonder an I astonishment of ull who have ever irivcn il a trial. Over one thousand ccnitieiiics of remarkable curis. performed by it withiu the two years, attest the fuet. I.u-I TO HORSE 0WI.EES ! IiR. SWEET S INFAI.I.IRLE LINIMENT FOR HiiRSES is uinnalcd by any, and in all cases of Laiiiincss. arUing from Sprains, Ilruise or M rcneli ing. ils elVecl i- magical und certain. Harness or Saddle Halls, s. ral. hiB. .Mange. Ac, il will also cure speedily. Spin in and Riui.bonu u.ay be ea.-ily pre venled 'and cured ill their incipient stages, but con firmed eases an- bevond llio possibility of a radical cure. No case i f llie kind, however, i.- so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Lini ment, ai.d i:s iai.i.lul application will always remove the Lameness, and the horso lo truv el with comparative eac. ri i:ky iiunzi: owxkr should hare this remedy nt hand, for ils timely uso ul the first nl peaiaiice id' Lameness will elleeiiially prevent those I'm mi. table diseases, lo which all hor ses are liable, aud which render no many otherwise vuluable horses nearly worthies. DR. SWEET'S Inallible Liniment. IS THE SOLDIER'S FRIEND, And thousands have found it truly -A- FHItND IN NEED 1 4'uulluii. To aroid iMiiulit.u. . i .u- ei .. i . . i " iiib iiiwinro ii't l.ik. nes. Lr. SupU.o i,-et i.u every Ubci. and, al, ,,,.. , ul,h,,,. I.,,,,,,,,.,,, bluwu I l i Ihe gimrnvt m, Udlle, WHj.out ,Luh vbe ale I g l.uine. UK HARUsoX t t'll., i . v f"'',1''':,, Norwich, Cl. j MoLUAN 4 ai.i.kv. ,i,vrHl Agrl,, I tlK eu.i, vwk. Hold by all dealer, everywhere. Jiwcfcai,lej-I, ' I TUB ALL BVTFICIEXT TllllKE. TEE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIE3. Known a$ ul!clmJn1X$', GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIS. nELMBOLD'S EXTRACT "BCCntT," " " PATtRAPARTLLA " IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A rorilivc and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, C.RAVEL AXP DROPSI CAL SWELLIXUS. This Medicine increases tlio power of Digestion, anil excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcerou deposit ion, and afl I'nnaliiral Enlargement m e reduced, as well as pain and intlamation, and is good for men, wouicn, or Children. iii:i.hesoi.ih T m cir FOR WEAKNESSES .rUin3 from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, Attended with the following symtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of power. Loss ol .Memory. Weak Nerves. Horror ol Piscase, Dimness ot v ision. Vniversul Lassitude of the Muecular System, Hot Hands. Prvncss of the Skin. Pifiiciilly of Rreathing Treii hiing V akefulnes. Pain in tlie hack. Flushing of tin- Ho.l v Eruptions 1-11 the Face, l'ullid Countenance, These symlonis. if allowcil to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMP0TEXCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITJ. In 0110 of which Ihe patient may e:;pire. Who can sny that they nro not fiaipyenlly followed by those direful discuses,'' IXSAN1TY ANP CCNSl'MPTIOX, Many nrc aware of the caitseot their differing, but none w ill confess. The records of tlie insane Asy lums ami the melancholy deallis by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth ol the nsi-crtioti. The Constitution, once Affected with Organic Weakness, Requires the nid of medicine to strengthen and in vigorate the system, which "Hclmlmld's Extract Ruehu' invariably docs. A trial will cunvincu tho most fckcpticnl. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES, Old or young, single.inarried, or contemplating marriage. In many nfTeetions peculiar to Females IhcExtruet Ruchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention. Irregularity. P,iiitlu!n'-ss. or Supprissionof Ihe Customary Evacuations. I lei rated or Schirrous state of the I'tcru. I.cueorrhea. or Whites Sterility, end for all eon. plaints incident to the sex. w bother arising troiu Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE 0U CHANGE OF LIFE. See synij lorn above. NO FAMILY S1KU1.D liK VlTHOl T IT. Take no Palsrui. Mcrcurr. or rnplcoaint Medicine for Lnplciisaitt and Dangerous Piseasi-s. tas:B.i2:oi.Bks t j jjs II Cures SECRET DISEASES In all their staces ; nt little; lilli ehunge in diet ; no inconvenience, ANP NO EXPliSl'RE. Il causes frequent desire, nnd gives strength lo Vrinaie. thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures ol the I rcthra, allayim; pain and inflammation, so freipieut in ibis class id di.-eas, s and expelling Poi.-ouous, Diseased, and Wuu-out Matter. Thousand: - u in .ii Tl.mwir.'l Avno iiavk tj;k VICTIM; ; or il 'At IiS, An'l who huvo psiiil JK-hvv Fimsi (o ho enml in n hlmrt tiiiu. tlml llii' ' triit'iiti,'1 out in uu a; Jiavc toiiinl they were dfcfivol. iiim! ih' lit.;, hy lin lift- i' '-I't-wrrl'iil A. bi'iii diti'il up in I lie cy A im. to l.nnk ruvntisl loriii, ni)l IVrliiipif uftrr Miirri.igo. 1 SE! m ;v; ;: ut ftl 'I!i' Fur ul Aft'0;-tiiir.s and liiscases i.f THE I RIXARY ORUANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whi.icvir cause originating, and no matter OF liOW LONli STANMNli. l'iseuses of t'ueso Organs nipiiro tho aid of a IMiiiktiv. UELy ECLE'S EXTEACT..ICClirj Is Ihe I i rent liiuretie, And UUcirlaiu to have llio desired effect in all liscucs, lor which il is lecouiiiicnJcd. BLOOD! BLOOD ! ELCOD 1 Hcluibold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Baraaparilla Byphilia. This is an affection of Ihe Rtood. and attacks Ihe S. xuul Organs. Liningsol tin Nose. Ears. 'I hroat. iudpipc. and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appe irauce iu the torm of I leers. Hclmlsild's Ex tract Sarsafiarilia purities the LIimhL uud reuioves ail Scaly Eruptions l llie Skin, giving to tho Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prcp.m-1 cvpres-ly lor this class ot complaints, its Illood-Pin i fving Proprietors are preserv cd to u greater extent thuu any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. Helmbold's Itose Wuli, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as an injection in Diseases ol the. Erinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipatieu, used iu connection with the Extracts Uucliu und Sursnpurillti iu such diseases as recommended. Evidcneuot thu most rcsionsible and reliable char acter will accompany the uii-diciiict. CERTIFICATES OF Cl RES, From eight to twenty years standing, with names known lo Science and Fame. For Medical Properties ol Ruehu, sea Dispensatory the I'uilcd Slules. Sec Professor Dewees' valuable woiks on tho Practice of Physic. See remarks made by tho lato celebrated Dr. Physick. Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Fphruiiu McDowell, a celebrated Physiciau. and Member ol the Roval College of Surgeons. Ireland, uml published iu the Truusuclious ol the King and Queeu's Journal. Sie Mcdieo-Cirurgieal Review, published l.v Henjaiiiiu Travels, Fellow ut the Roy ul College of Surgeons. -. rieu luusl of thu lute Standutd Wurks on Mcdi cine. t Rime, $1 00 per holile, or six, $j 00 SlIlsAI'AUII.I.A I 00 5 I0 Iul'lioVKU Rusk Wimi. 60 ' '- 2 6U Or half aduicnur each lor 12 1)0. which will bo si.tticicut to cure the uiust uUtiuale caws, il'dircctiou are adhvred to. Delivcied to uuy address, securely pucked mm ol-servaiioii. i ir I'lMcrihc syinplom. iu ull oouiuiuuieuiious. Cute uuiiiuleed. Ad ice grulis. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before mean Alderman of the city ol Philadeli hia, 11. T. Ilelu.l.old. who, living duly aworu, dolli nay, bis preparation, conuiiu no naicotic, no mercury, or other injurious drugs, but ure purely vegetable. II. T. HELM HOLD. Sworn and described before ine, this 2?d day of Noiember, Iiw4. WM. P. lilllllAlil", Aldciuiau, Ninth-sLrccl, above Race, Phila. Addn-SH reltcn for infornmiioo in eviiifldeuee. 11. 1. HtLAlliOLD, Cheuul. I)iK,t 104 South Tcuih-Mreet, below CliMtdut Phila. HEW A RE OF COl'.NTEUFEIT-i A ad VuprliicipliHl Dealer. ti bo endeaior lo di)si '-t,f their owu" aud '-oilier' article, on ih repulatniii aliaiutsd by HidiiilMilil . tjeiiuiiie Preparations, " Extract Ruehu. " rarMirilla, ' laiproved Ruse H ah. bold ky all Drugifisl. eiiviywhvie. ASK Full HI I.MIU'I.D S-TAk t NO I iT II Ml Cui uul Ihs .dteilm uirul. aud ciid for ll, AuJ Avoid luniiiuji u I. kpuMtr. lTUMry H, hM - ly trrENTION DKALEUS 4 N'NOUNCF.S to all who Irada in Bunbury, (bat 2. he has just purchased it LAItUll HIOCH of well ele-lcl NEW GOODS, Which he offers at hit old stand, near Covert'i llote West end of Market Square, very tii lap roil cash Or if that will not do. just as cheap for c o i; t it v i n o i i; v i: . His stock consists of a large assortment of HATS. ROOTS. CAPS. fc-HOES. COAT?. SALT. PAN TP. SOAP. V EST.'. HltrSHFS. HARPWARE, Ql EKNSWARE, and other articles altogether too numerous lo men tion. oall -A.isrr SEE. Punhury, January ;t, lSOH. IComliiif; iiilroml. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT C1REAT TRL'NK LINE from the North and 1 North-West for Philadelphia. New York.'Reiul ing. Poltsville, Lebanon. Allcntown. Easton, Ac. Trains learo HirVrisburg for Pliiladclphia. New- York, Reading. Pottsvilln. nnd nil Intermediate Stations, al S A. M., and 2 110 P. M. New York Exprcssleavcs llarrisburg nt 2 15 A. M., arriving nt New York nt 9 l.i the same morning. Fares from llarrisburg: To New York f.i IS : to Philadelphia i-i 3i and 52 SO. Paggngo cheeked through. Reiiiniing. leave New York nt C A. M.. 12 Noon, and 7 P M. (Pillshurgh Express). Leave Philailcl phia at H l.i A M. and .'1 .'III P M. Sleet ini cars in the New Y'ork Express Trains. ' through to nnd from 1'illf hiir.-h wilhout change. Passengirs by Ihe Caltawissa Rail Road leave Tn. ' n!aiiin at S fill A. M., and 2 l." P. M., for Piiiliulel 1 phia. New-York, nnd all W'rv Points. I Trains leave Potlsville at '.i 15 A. M.. nnd 2 "n P. M.. for Philadelphia, llarrisburg and New York, i Anaccomuiodalion Passenger train leaves Reading : at It IKI A. M., und returns from Philadelphia nl 5 01) : P. M. Lf" AH llio nlwive trains run daily. Sundays ex cepted. I A Sunday train leaves Potlsville at 7..10 A.M., i and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M. i Commutation. Mileage. Season, nnd Excursion j Tickets, at reduced rales to and from all points. li. A. NH'Ol.l.S, j May 2. lsi'i.1. (leiiiral Siipeiiiileudent. i IMl:t. Ai-t-ii7i:''"i-iit loitit. j 1 !-vv Vor! I.i:nM. ! THE CAMDEN ANP AM l!0" ANP PI1ILADEL- j PHIA ANP TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. 7'Vowl Vliilttili If h in la Xrv Yiirlnitit H" 7Vrr, 1 Jrvm Wiilmit xtirt t M'h-n ' mi' Kt ii.thfgtuH t Viytit. viil fi-iirf ii i oZocv, ri : : faiii:. At 0 A. M.. via Camden and Aiiiboy. (C. and i A. Aceomiiiodalion.) f-2 25 i Alii A.M.. via Canideiiantl Jersey C'ily, N. J., Accon. moduli in. 2 25 Al H A. M.. via Camden and Jcrscv Cilv, (M. lining Mail.) .1 00 ; At HA. M. via Camden and Jers.y i-iiv 2 I I Class i,.;t. " 2 25 I Al 11 A. M. via Kensington nnd Jersey cilv, Express " en . At l' M. via Camd. n and Ami... v. C ai d A. i (Accommodaliou.) 2 25 At 2 P. M.. via CaiinLii r.nd An. boy. nnd A. Express.) HO Al a P.M.. i.i Kendi.ton and Jcrscv Ci'v, ' Wa-li. and X. Y. Express ' .1 Oil ' At lit P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey Ci'v. ; (Evening Mail.) ' .'! 00 At Hi P. M. via Kciisingiou and Jersey city. Southern Mail. " " .1 LO At 11 (nielli) via Kensington nnd Jersey city Soiitiiern Express 3 00 At 5 P. M..via Camden and An.lwiy. Aecoin inoilalion. Frciyht and Pius.-ei.gir, liist Class Ti-kct. 2 25 v.. ...,.. t it,, t;. i ,.i i mi I For Water tiap. Stroud-l.i;r.r. S.-rait'-.n. Wilk.-s- barrc. Montrose, lireal Rend. Ac., at li A. M.. from Keiisin-rlon. via Delaware, Liu kawiiuuu and Western Railroad. For Maueli Chunk. Allcntown. I'cil..''ieui. 11,-lvi-derc. Easton. I. amliern illc. i'li'ii.ingioti. Ac., at li A. M.. i'roni Kensington Depot, and at iii P. M., from Walnut street M hlli'f. (i he ti A. M. Line connects w i:h Trains leai ing Easton fur .Maueli Chunk, at ."--.'o P. M.I Fit Mount llllv. al li A. M.. 2mA 4 P. M. For 1 icehold, ai li A. M. and -.' P. M. MAV LINES. For Riislol. Ti. nton. Ac. ut 11 A. M. and 21 and 5 1. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, liiveiton. Delation, Ecverly. llur lington. Florence, Rurdi-nlowii. Ac. at 11. I. J, 4i nnd 0 P. M. i V" For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken-siie.-ioii Depot, lake the Cars on Filth slicct. above Walnut, half an hour bet-re di parure. 'Ihe t'ars run into the Depot, and -n Ihe un ival of each Train, run li-oiu the Depot. Fitly Pounds of Uagage o.dy. nib. wed e-o-h passenger. l'a.-.-,'iige!s an prohibiled floni taking any thing as lni..'.;!i-c but their wearing appal cl. Ail bairgagc over liliy J'oiinds lo be paid lor extra. The Con.) any limit their r.-s; orsibilily l-r baggage lo One Dollar per pound, ai d v. ill not be li.ibie lor any amount beyond Sioo. evecpt l.v . e, !al cttiracl. MM. 11. liATMKR. Agent. January 17. l.'.'l. Noilhcni Ccntial Uuilwiiv ! ss'nj::sc 'i snr. -i'avi.i:. TWO TRAIN'S DALY lo and from tne North ar.d West ISranch Siistptehanua. Eimira. and atl of North ern New York. AX and nfli r MONDAY. APRIL "o;h. 1 -ill. J till- Pi senir-T Trains ol thi- Nor.liern C.'Mr.d Railway will airie al and de..,ri lnou Suni i.ry. Harriburg ami Ihillimore as follows, viz : S 0 I' T 11 W A R D . Mail Train leaves Sui.bury daily icvcej t Suiiilnv). IU 10 A M. M. leaves Hairi-I nrg. I la P an i es at iiiiliiiitoi'c. j .'ij Expics Train leaves Sunbcrv d. in lex.'e!t Salidiiv.) 11 n" I M. lcavi-s Harri.-l.iirg (exc ept .Moutlay.i u arrives ul Rititimnru daily (exeelit Molidiiv). 2 no A. M. 0 la A. M. liurrishur ' Accoiiunodaliou leaves ILirris burg. li :;u A. M. NOI.'IHWARD. Mail Train leaves P.altimoro dailv (ex cept Smnlav) l.i A. M. " leaves Hariisburg 1 la P. M ' arrives al Sunbiuy. 4 . Express Train leaves Raliiiuorc daily 11 l.i P M : arrives at llarrisburg. 1 .'1 j A M. ' leaves llarrisburg (except Monday). 3 III) A. M. ' arrives ut Sunburv. a .'ci For further iuturmuliiui a),lv nt the tilliee. 1. N. DrIIARRY. Supt. Liu han tiiiiiii V lllooiimliui--; ISail. ruasl. ON' and aflcr N'ovemher 17, 1S02, Pns.engcr Trains will run as follows : MOYIN'tl SOt'TII. F,,i:ht if l'iisirer. HI IS A. M Leave Scranton, s.nti W.2il A. M. Kingston, ' RuKTt, " Danville. 1 1 .40 P . M. 11 .".il 12.U5 Arrive at Nurtliiimbrrland, 12 4 'i P. M MOV I Mi NORTH. Leave Northumberland, &.2U P. M I'aei llie, nun " Rupert. 6. .''.A " Kingstuu, 8.4j Leave. 1.4.r. P. M. Arrive at Scranloii. 10. I'll P. .M. 3.411 A IWeiiger Truiu fflso leaves Kingston at R Oil A. M-. tor S-ruulon. to couneci with a. (rain tor New York. Returning, leaves ScrauUiu uu arrival of train from New Yolk, at 4 la P. M. Hie Luckawaunii A RhNiuisburg Railroad connect villi the Dclawure, Lackawanna and V) osieru Rtiil road at Scranton, tor New York aud iiilcriuvdiale -oiuts cust. At Rupert it connect, with Ihe Callawi-wa Rail road lor iuls both uul aud west ai living nt Phil adelphia al 6.1 j P, M. At Northumberland it ennrect with Ihe PhiliuE-l-phia t Erie Railroad aud Noiihcru Coiitiul Rail road, tor Hiiul. west and soulh Passi-nci. arrii ing at llarrisburg 4. it) P. M ; Philadelphia Iu P.M.: and Rull insure. Ill 20 P. M. The Fri-ighl aud Pa--ngcr Traill north. Icavm Nurthuuibcrliuid al tt.4a A M . and arrivw at V 20 P M , utwiiig Dauviile al H.2u P. M. . . Ji'HN P. 1LSI.KY, litup't. J C. M ri.i.a, Ucuvral 'iakel Aeul. Kov. iv, isoj hnt your I'rull, nV using Miuhiu'. Paleiil Sheet Metal Screw Top Pre-iim Jar. MAVO.Y8 l'ATi:T SlIKUT MHTAI. l'ATi:T MA' ill' SlIKUT 'iti'.' All that I, neeimmry Uiiig to ai-rew Ihe Cap down il-oa Ilia RubU-r llaskvl, which it placcl imutj i..u li . .huuldcr uf lb. J.,. tof aa Inch di.i.ut lou lb lop ; pr. irnl lb .-ibiliiy ,, ih. da. i, as hull kwii.4 Injured by comin-j iu c.uUol wnh lha ublo-r. I'cr.iii do.irln th.w Jala ran he .uppttcj . tr.ving ib.n ord.r. ii h 11 B MA.-vLh, Aj.i.i KuaUire JM . I mm TJ1TITE P.SAL CLOTIIKS WKIM2KR. Nolil by CiinvfiNsur-i-N 'l'liroujlionl l.nntl. Tlio best labor snving machine In the world. No camion or skill required in its nse. Wrings everylhius dry, and ten times aa quick as can be done by the hand. A child of eight years can operate It. No servant can break it. It, saves ita coat in olothing In a family every six months. V ill near fi r years without repair. Warranted to plcuso or money refunded. PRICES. No. 1. Lnrgo Family Wringer, $10.00 j Willi Cogs No. 2 Medium ' " 7.00 j Warranted No. 21 Medium " " 6.00 Without J Cogs. Not " 6,00 ) Warranted. " 1 4 .00 1 to run ls.00 I H'ilh Cog. No. 3 Small. " No S Largo Hotel " No IS Med. Laund'y i.y I Warrnnled. No 22 Largo ' ( steam ) 30 00 ) No 2 is the sire generally nsed in private families THE ONLY WRINtllR WITH THE PATENT COO-U HELL REG I LATOR. No Wringer can be Durable Wilhout Cog-Wheels. 'iimiiNar Wiuitesl in Mery Tow ti. Persons residing w hero no canvasser is appointed, by remitting the price to u, shall receive the Wrin ger by express, prepaid. For terms and circular, rehire" R. C. DROWNIXtl. 215 Rroadway, New York. June 1.1, ISt',.1. 4m 9IAMMi:itM IMIIiVl' i vi: MIV I 'i r. i c:i:i:i:ic ! As Iinprovad for 1S59 and lsOfl. Ry E. KETCH AM A CO., 29 Pearl si.. New York. T MIK only Freezer constructed on scientific prin ciples, with a revolving can and spring blade I S'-raper. I he one hastens the l'ree7.ingol' Ihe cream- -j Ihe other reniov c it as fast as frozen. The most rill -til in freezing, witli the least quantity ! ol ice. The mol eronoTni:-nl in cost, as ll is the niost simple I nnd durable it; structure. ! For salo in all the principal cities and towns in tlie i Fnion. Each Freezer accompanied with a book of recipes and lull directions. PRICES. :i no I on on A lift S Oil 12 on 4 iunrK rt ijiinrt., R iiinrt.. 20 fiiinrN. II. R. MASSER. Sunburv. Pa. Mnivh : I. sr.: II. KB. I.SIW. SI Nil! RY. PA. to ill Ihe eoliutles ol Nor- tliiiiiibcrland. I'niop, Snyder, Monlour. Cidumbia and Lycoming. nM'i:iiKN.'i:s. Hon. .Tobn M. P., . d. Fhili-.-l-lphia, A. O. I'ulli 11 A t o.. Hon. in. A. Porter. Mcr'on McMichael. l.'so.. - E. Kcli ham A Co.. .' Peart Slreet. New York. John W. Ashmead. Allorney at Law. -Mulll.ens A Cox. Attorneys at Law, " Sunhury. Maivh an. iMiJ.' siatii-s t:i!s:i ll'in-i ..'.'; J'ft. ril'E Tcr'l'agetoet:! i f well-known llot'-l l.av- I in.' I.i'.n iis.ime t I.y Mi.-r-. CHYLE A III-1 . 1 1 -li e pn-eni proprietors. Leg lea c to itiloriii Ihe public tin. the 1ioii--c is now I., iiu Ihoioii-'hlc rviiovund. ri hi ted. rn I improved, w ith a vie v.' I- the proper and eomf.'rtal.b' iieo.iuiniodaiii n of tl.osi'v.ho n.ay laior the e-la'olisl liicl.l with their e:i-!om. lille ts will rec"ic due att-'titioli n::d eourti-y. and no e.vpcn.-e will be spared that may conduce lo maintain c lioti 1 ill a lirst-o;--s styic. Families an t o'.hcrs de-ii in-r lo so-, urn in Harris burg dining the son. no r months, v. iil lii.d plcsani boarding and lare end well-ventilated r-oins at our establishment, up-n loo li rcle terms. Si'HTT fiYl.E March 2.1. Isi',2. ,1. lilLRERT IH'.RH. 'I'ln- .!:iiii'm ..:-i -.- 4 :i iiiit. IVE NOTICE that they have ar- ral. niems wi:b the Noitiu in Ci ntral Itailr-io! I'l iei'iinv to run Iraii s from Paltiir-re f-r V Hunts, urg. Dauphin. Halifax. Tr tortoii. Siii.'.or.v. Nortl iiiiil.erliiU'l. l.ewisl.iir'. Milton. Miim-v. WW li'imsnnrt. and all iiiterin-.lii-l" st-iiiovs. i..i:nec:ii. f at ILinisI nr.; wi;h Ihe til'.EAT WESTERN' I -PRESS for I'ilishurg. Cincinnati. St. Louis and the Wet. Al-o wfli Howard .t Co.'s I"xtcss nt Milton or Danville. iMonn.-biir. A iike-barie. Pitt-n o. S.-raa-loti. ai d ii.lermcdi.itc sta-ioi-s on llie Ca'tawi-sa. l.aekawani.a A l;lo..nisliirg Ridlroads. At il lian. sport, by Il,,v..inl A '.o.'s Express t - .ler-cy Shore ar.d l'.o. k Hnvcn. Abo. by Howard A Co., niol (heir :ior.-. for t'aii!..n. 'Irov. Fin-ii-:i . Rochcti r. Itufi'il... N'i-g--M. and I. al l mi--. points i-.i 'e-l. in Nov. o: J, and Camilla, by w!,!.-l. lliey will f.-rwar i .'.! or.-- an I'.--. Sjecie. Park Noles. Jewelry, and a . I'acivag.'.-ol iciy di's.'rii.- lioll. Also. Notes. Prrlts ai d Rills f..r t ollccli. n. Expel ielii-i d and i f '-l. nl'l. rs en.; 1..; i:ltd e cry clio, t wiiiln- li.a.le lo r i .l.-r ri-..-': JnllN MM. HAM. Su-crii leinl.'nt I'ciin'a Di i-;oii, l'hil.i lolpki R. A. ElSi lil l!. Agent for Sunburv. April .'. I.-OJ. m:.lY 15f .'v L'i'it'tr i- .-" ii Tl.tnl Strtttt 1 at ins ut nn. p.v. id. T II IS lHU'SE. in c. e.iuer oi to vi. ,e:ci ,::.c I liaiin; ,r oilier: and niar loi-alioti to Ihe Capi:, !. li:.- li siral-le phieo. not only I r lla but business nl llo seal of tiuvcriiniinl, visiting Harrisburu. M' n il '.".I, ISiii. m A M S - 4 '-Jrl; i v-cs.''T:.a V.tiir MtX-lhHS ' .it''.:t fjZ - 'X - r&3r - W' - V' :v i ill ' i i - l'- Kilt-, lJS--. EsOiK'El Si, ,1m- I!-1 Itit-i-., .Ylollisi in I'ltv, ) oolli-nn. Ac liix-i l-, on I'lault, I'ovils., Auiiiiiiix, ,V. Pul up in Cac. .'.lie. and fl nil Roves. P,,!l'.s. and Flasks. Sound S :-'m-f for llonis. Public li.siiiutii.ns, Ac Only infallible remedies known, f ree from Poisons. Not dangerous to the I Ionian Family. Rats comcoiit of their holes lo die. Sold Wholesale in all large cities. S.dd by all Druggists end li. iaili r everywhere IVReunre1!' ol all worthless in ilalioi s. See that -Costaii's'' name i.- on each lh x, R-ttle uinl Ela.-k. before vmi hue Address llli-MCV ti. fOSiTAi:, Principal Depol 4-2 Rroadway. X. Y. Sold bv Filling A tirunt, Sunhury, Pa. April IH, IMU.Iiin riiEKRIliLE DISCI.H.-1 lUS-SICRETS lolt J THE .MILLION I j A mist valnuble and woudeiful publicution. A : work of Uul , ages, and ill! cobired oiira, ing. DR lll'N I'ER'S ADE MECt M, uu original and )-pu- i lar treatise on Man and Woman. Iheir Physiology, j Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, wuh Never-Failing Remedies lor their speedy cure. The practice of DR. IllN'll.R has Ion.' been. unl, still is. uliboundid. but al Ihe cell, est solicitation of I iiuuiiTous per.-ons. lie aa lieen induced lo cxnnii nts iiiedieiil iist-fuli ess llnough the lui-iliuin of bis -VADE MECl M." It is a volume llnit should be iu the hands of every family' in llie land, as a preventive of secret tires, or as a guide for the ullct ialiou ol one ot the most awful aud destruotitu scourges ever vi-iled mankind. One copy, securely envelod. will be iorwanlcd free of p-slage to any pari of Ihe Foiled Stales tor in eiuu in !'. siauiis. or .Iconics for-rl. Addrcsa. p-sl i.aid.DR. Ill N'll.R, No. ,t Jiitisiou Mrect. New Yuik. June ll. Iwi.'l. ly. llEIMSTHEET- luiiallulils- Hair lIvKluralit IT IS NuT A DYE, bit restores gray hair lo il. original color, by supply ing llie capillaiy tub.', with natural suslcnaiicc. uu. paired bv age or disease All ilislalilalieousdii-s are coiuiH-std of lunar t-auslh, dt-!i, eying the vitality audbeaulyof ihr hair, and utlord ol theui-M-ltc no drcMii.g. lleiiiisircel ' liiiu.iiul.le fohiwiig uot only restore, lisu lolls uaiuiul cobar by tut vary, 1 but give Ihe hair a 1 Ll XI ItlANT llEAl'TY. I vrowlh,, iu lulling i.ff. iindi vale. duudrnlL and iu u hi ullh and pleiusiuim m lo lb head ll ha. triiuul Ihe li-l id time, being llie anginal lUir Coloring. ud i. voulaiilly iiierwiug iu lut,. I Mai by l-iLu. iill.ituu and ladua. ll u M.IJ by all re-.pct i.lde deaUi,. ur can be pr.M-ui.U by llo iu ol lh, e, u uu rial .-.i, i. D S iMll, .AIJ ll..j.y, . . o.l,., aO i.l.U aud ll llel-Ur J. I -".'.' .I.uuibt-rl I.MMilwrl I'll HIP all A V, Mousy, Lyeouii.-i ---uuiy, P. , IMORM-4 Ilia liiriid.akd lh pi.ldie iu ic u.r.l li.ul lir ii.llunllt .eel a I. .11 I I .l 1. rLlojl.. ll.. J, ll.. i d 1. W. l, I.II Ll.l.ll I I U I . I l ,1 le.ll.L , I, I.. l i. K I, ,ii wil , O.t li.a.s iu',. Mat- a hl JUST RECEIVED! I II- EITC3-EIi Has Just fctnrncd from riiilndelpTiia wllli a oPLElTDID STOCZ' OF Spring & Summer Goods. Vor M-riii!.' tVrnr. Clolh, Cnssiniere, Vesting. Italian Cloth, Linen Contirg. Linen Check and Collor.adc. I.ali-s), Vr:ir. A largo n?sor(ment of Dress (loods, liiacll and Fancy Silks. Silk Tissues. Fancy Rcrages, Shulley, all Wool Delnnes. Mosiiuibi,iie Goods nt low prices Silk Lcvcllns, Dclanes. Lawns, Oinghiuns and Prints. A full lino of Irish Linen and M bile IIikmIs, Siclla lairder and Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk mill Lace Mantillas, Ac Renily Made Clothing, A good a?srt merit f Hats and Caps, A large assortment of Hoots end Shoes, A full stock of (iroccries, Molasses and Sugar, Hardware nnd Ruibling Material, A full stock of (iticcn and (! lass ware, A rull stock of Fi h. Salt, Oils and While Lead. A large stock of New A all Peper, A now Flock of Stone nnd Earthenware. And thousands of articles not enuincriit'-.l. V All Ihe above will be sold cheep for Cash or Country Produce J. II. EN'HEL. Putil.tirv. Mav 1". I-:. Econcmy is Wealth ! e:s: vofe: -cvs s n is ;. The HEsT nnl CHEAPEST lUt-ihohl REMEDY in the W orld. Ma tine r. i-Ii'C,C:E-".-S G!-KT lOl'CII i retail I'aecl Ilia liu.. s i,s o. I Ni'TH'E. Save yr.Ki- M..r,ey ' -,led 'o , ui -I, a -e in n 1 1 - at -l it S I tin ll:.' ll hie- of a !.'; n: l:,,te let 's 'nr.: ; i vi !.,!-.!i i. l! c en-; v l.'.-l: i- a- re:i' i:- ;l ;,; , t ,i!ie.. - Lo I.ot b, Mil.lal .i.ri.t'i I', r- ..i-v oi;,. e.i. : Mat tlio v, iv low ra-li..-.' e.:l:e J t!"t to' the seller a! whi 'll iipp:iten:!y -:n -11. a lit-i iin, s r, ,-, n:i,.e J.l'ef,..- lit'. Inl'el. I I.I I ri.ieill.d dialei- s r no Ii. ii-. s n u iiieli thi : the Madn tor's ai I 1.,'iic oiher. Ask i'r Mi I'olt.l'. r-.tiic l.alsatii. j.;-ue ."e,'in'. and in lur - i cel. is. and li ke l.o olio ','. ll U l ,i oi i sl-ri ;. ,u i-,ii ul ai otiie--. .".id by nil I li n i-,.-' -iii.i -.,r. knp. and in l:.r;cr I I r t - -.-1 -J., ,-. ha li. a ri i!vi:;.. Pi , .!. ni.-r- ::i , ,. ;. I..;:! lot. got rs ill Li Yo:k. di US'i' . i 4.1' '' m i i : t r i.:,s i r j. i, x: Ii A T XJ I M'l'l P-C.;R. cf sip.. .I,', :' Av- or- in 0 , ( ;:;, ,.f , Yo f..r VT.I CI' T?, HTA.i SCSTITUTF, id ly Prof. Ebeii N. lb.r-fi id. of Harvard I niv. ,ll. s. s'ty. T'..'c. II (:,! s:i.. Ham i:-.) Nl.'.i Y'lLIC. uarc. I'lll. 1 ig! puce v En h I ream of Tartar cion'cf.-:! 1 in I .,!. I .Ho ' ith fin n!a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -r I'Xtellt l.v w I.i.-h i's " rati, n had hi arried. mm " ' -r -i r-.n. i s. in. ie , . ihe di.iiiiaib,-.l Vh"X i""" ' '" " I'd'ono,,- s iculilic re. I V."'r,'!!' I"'1:-'",,l'r:' iral'lc-,i!.,itt,. HuTi'lbr. L's tt-.r" w, ro crowm-l with abin.d.ini u.v,.s. and I hundred- of ll...c.-i..s 1. 1 l.oouda ,,!' il,,. ii l.. woo o'l, -r indie ed ll.e . i l poiimts ol llie -u 1,-1 11 lit, have Ihrou T Li Ihe n will c Ire '11 sold (Old l!-'e 1 ilui-inr. the Li-I li, ,. v. nrs hold Ihe I nitvd S'lltcs and li e Cmiadas. follow ing tun e..iu aris.m of ps nature and ill's of it.- us,-. wi:, t,,,sef Cream ,,f Tartar, nil 00 the most il credulous if ils filue. a ol Tarlarisa bi-lar-ratc of l',:,..l, I l is .-i.iistituie is a s.ui;,le Pho'phali-. and ciitain" r.othiug bin what is found in beef-steak, and in corn, wheal ai d oil.,r cereals, and is therefore hil.n nutritious. It al-1 tois a health-gi ing iin!n.l.ce. and sii.p!i,s iLnt lor which there is acous dc llialid in the sy-teui. j It is sold for a niu.-li l,--s pi-i.-c than Cream of Tartar. 21. I y IIE suls .r;i er. Inn in opened ill T!,,.!, - ,i,'j Link Ruildni'. Mill streci. Dai. t ill.. '1, .,',.' and e- n o!e'c s'.oek of " Ful.LliiN AMI DOMESTIC I.IQl'ORS. conip-s:t,.' Ihe bet brands of Pra-idi.s. (ii. (i. live. .-. 01. h and Iri-h liiskey. Port. Sherrv. Ma deira. Chalii agne and other ,, all grales all ol ahlch will he Sl id W iiolesale. Id Ihe h.wistcilv prices. l.iteiu-keepels. Iy tint illg of u. ll l, a.l lh- Irciirht. CM II SU U 1, 1 ... . i-is-i uesiioiis 01 pureiiasing l!,in, f-.r A M I 1. Y I S E , nay rely upon being furni-hcl Hi.ii a mtc 11 n I ameiuiieratid article. n iicieiunne.l roestalilis 1 a rel ntiili,,!'. I, r tk'llit! flu ,q lie rc.-p.-etUlly solieirs t,e pal iiinao All eiders ploinplly all. nded to. . . , , JEREMIAHS. II ALL. Danville, J one 111. .v',u. iu.iiiii-.Ktii ri,,,,.,., NOUTHl MREREAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (-.''" Ihr l;,i,!.-r.) MIE subs:iiber hntiior ten,, d -..11 k ' Maud, lulelv kcl.l bv Mis C S ll,.,.... respiH-iiullv inh.rm. the public thai lie is r. Iliiin.. un l' r.puinug the premise, and will bo pi c p red to ,11 t.riaiii, in a eomiertublc mui.uer. In. numero,., tiicnds llirouu'lioui Ihe couiuy, and all , ,,. pMiri.iim li . . siai.i-.hmci.l. April 12. Is,;.'. J't.-EPll VANKIRK HOW iltlt AHMH I I HOV i iilUDI.I.PHI v. Relief of Ihe Sick and Di.rre.s.d. t. ftl ,-4 For 1!.. won 1 inn, 01 ami 1 immie I '1 -. use. uud especial: y lur llie run) t, Dt.ease. u ihe : exual Ul -rill.. IVu'.'ie..,!' A,,VK'y -""' ly Hie ailing . 1 AI;J A 1,h -f'-l-oltTS iu, speriuaionh,,. or Scloio, ), .ml ,.r , . , Pexuul iMgans, andou il... Mt.u , l.S em- I.. . ... niv ui- .iii.uit, . ,u ,i, ,,n,..,.l ,,. . ttleil lell, r ITit lope. i, e f eliur-ie. Thu or tali c.iauips ,,r is .tae tl t l.liil.le Addr.. I ll J fK I l.l.l Irnl i.liroV A "lime rur.uii M, a '.Hi;i,.n, Nu a.-, uih Nunu Ml.-l. I'hl!. i.t I.I., P. J.kunry ii If . I - ly JMm'.v,k Z.UaiC p.. It. 'i Eli S Ct;r.:ti i R:i!saiu r- e arr if vt- d a. i it: .v. ? I jTff, ,::l ll.ercolli-i,,'. ,,, , t 'J lA V H si. i.l. I'.. ..a ii eoii'oi,a-i..:: i h V 1 "tl '' ''' rca-li.-th.. i P! I V . tir.l. king I alV..rds if'; r A i'- i a edial iia;' ii.s an i f' . I'l: "1 . tl it- p-.werlo a-", , I f. j t .'J li." lie allhv an, ;..s ll . l-'J-J -l i-ll l.i : ii.ii ,, tlie i.,, I, ! fci.i Ll I. thru' 'he Lungs, it j I- n il a vi.ili-i.t reined;-. : v ' -': ! I bai eaa lietil u-irtoili. ! X- .t.'il s-.:--!.:..r .'I d ill-cli-.e : . . call l.c l..k.-n bv the . 1 1 -t V) ''.-; p a- r v..,,nV-t -l.t:.. , I r:V -S 1! '!s.,. h:o I.....,, in c - t v gf'S.-M ''jl l-ro.'-r I; y.-..,M '. sen! sab- s'lap'v by b ioj; ro ' .li lioTid'-l l.v ta..-.' ! wli i liav.- I, s.- I if li, l!,..r aiiiic ,-. I. ',, i . ai l i,. . ; M...-!' l"l":l;HM.-j;ll::r;i Za- P-ller'. I ' -l ' It', e Lai-aui i- s. i.t .-.111 1 ri.- w i. i -ii liril::-,; ,,, ;r,,- I rn ry .a , !., hoop it Hia. i. h i. I l a us... ; I.,, u-.'-l a .-ii: -L-I ..lib-will i-i.w t i i- .'...r ii Mull 1 000 1.'., or V.A1.1. IMP Ml I'F MHIV Dl-llt III.E Mtl.l AND l'tlllK 11 -T n. i ui i d ie 1 i, ui ih. MiLkUiituur. at the M Willi 1 II Mil. I .1 Mill ISti A .i: T ".1. M ,r a ! iss