Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 26, 1863, Image 3

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    ----- ' Y
glijc j?untu.ri? flnuiican.
H. II. MABSIKB, Editor A Proprietor.
MI AUI all , lA.
t a
If e. 37 Park How, Kvw York, and 8 Btate Street,
JVetoD, are our agent for tlie Sikmiit Amkiucam
Ju tLora cliioa, atd aro author ited to take AUvvrtiie
O.CDU and Subecrlpikmi fur tut at eur luweet rate.
i; . I O .X 51 i: K T I N
At Snyd(.'rt(ivn,Sliiuiinkiii ton nsliij), Mon
day fvi-ninp, Si'ptrmlicr 2Btli.
At Klvbliurir, ISIiiiinokiii tovvuslii), Tues
day evening, Sepf SJmli.
At Jit. (.mini I, Jit. Ciirmol township,
WfdiU"1ay evvninfj. Sept. iiOth.
At lOiiimcriiirs Hotel, Lower Attyiistn,
Tburndiiy cvinin. Oc t. 1st.
At Trevorton J unci ion, (at Zi'ijrlcr's Ho
tel.) Juckson townsliij), 1'ihliiv tvcninir,
Oct. 2l.
At Trevorton, Zerbe township, Saturday
i-vvniiif, Oct. yd.
At Ui'orj;etoHii, Lower Miilmiioy, Monday
afternoon, Oet. Ctii.
At Attun-da Stliool Ilotipci lier Aitans
tn township, l'olu liaising, Tuesday lift tr
illion, Oet. lit Ii.
At I'hnl.isky Seliool House, Point town
ship. Wednesday evening, Oet. Ttli.
At Hniinokin. Coal township, Thursday,
tunini:. Oct. 8th.
Arrangements lor niei tiii;:s in the upper
township of the county will he made hy
the L'nion inin in that section. (Jooil
Hpcakt rs have !een engaged Tor lliu meet
ings appo:nt d ahnve.
Truman 11. l'urdy, or any of the so-called
IVniocriitio speakers, who have heen ilc
teivinj; the people, anil slandering the Gov-
ernnicnt tor tliu past two years, arc dial- j
lenged to appear at theahove times and
,.i i : ,i i I, mill, j i I est in e in me 'eojie, sus
tain the chari'.cs they are making against
the Oovernment, the. Administration, and
the Army, if they lutve the heart to to ap
pear. lOF" Israel Gutelius, Editor of the Seiins-'
giove I'l'n!, died on Friday, the 10th inst.. j
aged CO years and 10 months. He was for
niei ly Sheriff of Union county, and roeently
Associate Judga of Snyder county.
2ri?" 0.iid li. Montgoiiieiy, ef this coun
ty, received the nomination of the Copper
heads I'orS.-nator of this district, at Danville
on the 11th inst. The conferees if Snyder
county voted f. r Co!. I K my C. Ever, ami
those of Co! dtuhi.i co'.;nty for Lei L. Tate.
The iiuuie of Cm!. Ever wus witiahav, a on
the ilh L'.iih;!.
ras ztv.iz-via os weeneoDay.
The Mas Meeting he! 1 at this place, on
Wednesday, was v -ell attended by many of
t ie most rc-pcetiibk- eitii ns in the county.
It was no olliee huntir's meeting, nor was it
n ''wagon-meeting" uiirely, Mali as ('.e'if.hts
fie I'tiuy of our coi.eilnad neighbor, but
one made tip c.f r.'.lecling sol ir men wl.o
ratr.c together, without regard to ofl':ee or
party, for the purpose i t int'iivi: the govern
ment and coiK-.try in crushing the lcl e'lii n
n id restoring peace wiiiiin our! oiders. The
meeting va caikd lo order by ( !!AS. Pl.K.v, Em'., when the 'jllov, ing olliccrs
weie clio t.i :
I r-sident S AM L EI. JOHN.
Vice Presidents tieoiv-e Ihiidit. Reni.
Ileiidrlcks, Suubtiry ; Eli-na k iine, Samiiei :
S.ividgc. .Jacoli t cesholtz and Camji-
bed. ot Upper Augusta ; (lodlre;, iioekd'el- '
ler. .lo.-ep i Sharpie s and O. P. Pattou. of
Rush; S. A. Rergstre.-v. r. Dr. J. C. Robl.ins, i
I. iiiiswoi'ih lteed, Joseph i.'omerauil Win. :
II. .Mi, each, of nnaiimkiii; M-ijor H. C il i;
peraiid lieube:i Stauibacil, of Coal; Eiias i
hliericll. (.'. .1. Coi.ri.l and Jacob Reck, of !
Lowir Aiiguta; A. 1". Slicker and Joiin
Itough, i.i ..tounl C.ti'iiicl ; (ji orge MoiMoii,
Jieul.eli Ki:.:e, ol '. ile; Relij. Mriekier and
m. Ii. I.aa.o, t.i Jackson ;' D.niii I licim, '
ot Ujiper .Ma!.' i,.i ; John Jling.-.miin, An- :
illew lii'.ty am! Abtaham Ri.-.sser. oi Lower '.
Maholioy; M. H. Tai;, ,!o!iu A. Ta ior.
.! oh ii Ji.idiam and (. . Ii. Su.itli. ol Noi I ,',i,in- '
I'Wiand; Ci.aiks Mo.-ei.n uud I.e:g
hov. , of i'o:;;t. !
Sieie'.arie-. A. .1. Rockefeller, J. Voting- j
l. 'oi. Ii. i!. Manser, J. E. lleiler, John Haas, j
S. J: Packer, U. P. John and L. 11. P.ia.i. j
Jiu'ge ICclily, of Piiihnlelphia. foru.eily a
Jack.-o'i liemoeii.t, .was then introduced to
t!ie alldieliei! a'n! spoke mi the ivito of the :
ciay. ll'.snmaiks in regard to the- acilla- ;
ting policy c.f Mr. R.icl anaa's Administra- 1
thin, and the el'osis i f his Cabinet to p!un I
iter the government and dismantle the army j
and i:ay. so as to fnll an easy prey to the j
alius of the Ca'.lois, trai riieived wi;ii I
liliirked i feet. j
Hon. !ree:i Adams, of Keiifucky, folio, y,-il ,
Judge Kii'v. Mr. Adams is a slaveholder. !
but '!:mks it s. range that any Nortiu r.i
man should favor the institution of shnerv.
lie looks upon it as u curse, and hopes to
see it ubolinlii d. He bays the cniiincipiit'on
proclamation is right and that many of the
slaveholder:, agree with him.
Ccorgc A. Coifcy, Esq., District Attorney
of Philadelphia, was the lat speaker. .Mr.
Colfcy, among other things, staled that
Judge ( 'adwahuhr, n strong democrat, had
dcii' led, on various occasions, not oi:'y that
ttie conscript law was constitutional, but
that the nets of the Administration, in sup
pressing the rebellion were legal.
The delegations fnun Norlhuinhcrland
und Point came in v. it!) Hying colors and
th'..' turn out fioni Upper wasalsj
(cr;ditabh Captain Young's company stu
tinned here as a Provost guard Were present
and stacked their uruis in front of the stage.
J';." Mass Mi.i-.viMi at NoHTiiriiuKn A ma s meeting will 'no held at
Northumberland, on Saturday next. The
meeting will be addressed by W. W. Ketch
nut und Charles Shriner, Ess. The Union
ists of Northumberland mid Point urc wide
uwul.c and w ill be there in force.
lJJ" Our Eieckiuiidge migboris in great
f ar that his opp uicuts will lie nl out him.
There is no occhmo:i for this ; certainly liol
in his case. Thu truth is bad inoiigh. We
lirve only to say to liitn, that we are now,
utvl always hive been in till cuse. P'U I jr
to ataiui by all we ay, cither in court or
cut of it.
An ' aiiKU'l" leader of Freneli fu.lii.,n pmiiienaHia
liu A, dv o ol irby m b a - r ol a K it t -ana.
it nl. I.i II b. I.' in I ui blind. 'Ill" I'atbiau l.e le..
I, .l, i , i.i In uih I Ibe U 'l volisl tlnilt-ry. tb'tl of
lull I oi. if ,oirt Uu likewiM". ami u.luiu llie'r
P ,i t,u un an .. p'eid ni wbicb o li iu
tilt du ll ltl rfllu,lu-ulbel".
lie l.w Jii I n l, r. 'round It.iilway (rully irnlliray
in, ti .ioi.i. l. aid iu i-ie ii. liio ! I ii.iitiid
i'.'., ( i ll nit t iu nl ' t Itit't in Iy. Sew line
In i., 1 1 1, iii.i I, .ua of ... h m y ih!y a.lopl
II. iH i.u.,1 J uU.U--UvHal wfcU Kiln J'I wa-U-t
Office op ENnoiXMKKT, 1
14th DiHTiucT l'a.
ITARrtrsntiito, Kept. 31, 1868. )
The DRAFTED MEN of Korthumher
land county will report on postponomcnt, to
the Hoard of Enrollment, at the C'OL'RT
HOLbE. in tliu liorotixh of Sunhury, in said
county, itt b o'clock in the morning of encli
of the day helow stilted, as follow to w it :
Those of 1'ppcrnnd Lower Augusta town
ships, Thursday, Oetohtr 13.
Those of Cameron and Chillisfiuaqtie
townships, Friday, October lOtli.
Those of I'oul and Sliuuiokiu township,
Saturday, October 17th.
Those of Delaware township unci Mc
Etvensvillc liormii;li, Mondayi October Illtli.
Those of .lai kson, Jordan mid Lower
Muliitnov towiiihijis, ou Tuesdav, October
Those of Lewis township and Titrbutville
borough, Wednesday, October 21st
Thos-j of I'jipcr Jlahalioy, Little Mahanoy
and Wiisliiutuii townships, uu Thursday,
October Sid.'
Those of Milton borough, on Friday,
October 2;ld.
Those of Mount Carmel borough and
township, Saturday, OctoTcr 24tli,
Those of Northiinilierland borouuh and
Point township, Monday, October 2iith.
Those of Hush and Shamokin townships,
Tuesilay, October 2Tth.
Those of Sunhury borough, on Wednes
day. October 28th.
Those of Tnrlmt and Zerbe, townships, no
Thursday, October 2Mli.
The days and times above stated bein
instead of those heretofore designated in the
notices served.
Capt. in if I Provost Marshal,
Commissioner of ttie lSoard of Enrollment.
Surgeon of the Hoard ol Enrollment.
'mi: .is iim: i:i,!:ci !o.
X .fliijorily !' S,)0; lor I lie tuiosi
4 iinUiliil- lor ioci-iioi-.
AU.V1X 01' 12.000 FltOM LAST YEA It.
Eae'ii Dartv did iis In si the St-ilp null, d
its heaviest vote, and the result isthut Sam- ;
uel 1 ony, L uion, is elected Covcrnor over
liradlmry, Copperhead, by 18,001) majority.
Last vear the Si mile of the Slul si.,', ,d ')',
Union to (j Democrats - this year, 1.0 Union 1
...,... ....-! I. fl... A .1.1.. I.. .. .. I
. v. . j.v l .li.t.,.1 , in,.- .U?1-41 ,l,lllSt Hill, (
Was 101 Union to ,10 Democrats this year:
a? far as heard from, 110 Union to 1)1 Cop- !
pcrbeads. ' j
Is anyone, nohsthe Trlhnuc. green cnoii'di
to suppose that Piixnsvi.vania. Onto and
Ni-:w louKiire ale about to vote contrary
to Caiiiolnia and Maine i We will not so
underrate t!ie popular intelligence. The
resioi s of our recent elections in Kentucky,
Veiuiolit, California, .Value State as ili
, r.-e ii pos-i!i!e in l!., ir origin and mak
ing up are pirleetb. hinnonious. They
eioliodv the ini reused ftitli of our people
that Hie lei'ellii'li l.ied not be bought oil",
hi.t cuti bi t,t t-.piare down, and their fix
ed resolve taut it siiail lie. And this is just
a o!viou.- to the reinaiaing Copperheads as
to us.
E'roia 41 ;.M:iijig Ion.
Wahuimi'I-os, September 20, 18C3.
Norfolk appears to be a remarkable place
for startling riuuois. A letter received here
from Norfolk, dated Friday last and w ritten
by a gentleman of respectability, says that
it was currently reported that the Rebel
ticnera! Lie had been mortally wounded at
harli stoa. dm ing a liht with our troops.
Cell. Lee's presence tlure was caused by the
dissatisfaction ofCiiarh stoniaus with Rcau re
gard' operations, iiii) Lee had gone there
to advice or ai.-t ki reitoiiiig coulidenee.
Reuarding Lie'.-' bi-in-r at Charleston. I
learn that a paroled Union prisoner who
came down on a llair-of triui-bont hist
Tuesday, states that before he I. ft Richmond
Lee pa-sed through there on his way South.
The opinion prevails nmong iHivrs of
onr aru.y i tjiil LoiiLrstreet's corps has i;one
South. The I.YIJ force in our front is
i stimatt d at lla.l'iiO and -10.000 nu n, lung
between tiie and Chai!ottesi'.!e.
t:'Mi-(cti iy iK catioti lE:icliii:oEMt
Nl.w YoiiK. Fcpt. 20 -Special despatches
from Y.' Mate that the reported
evacuation of Richmond niay i rol abl be
accounted lor by the Rebels' withdrawing
tin ir slaves from the line of the TvnncsMC
Railroad, und scattering them South to go
through North Carolina towards Alabama.
'I Ids is caused by the capture of East Teu
n ssie by (ielicral Ruriiside.
?!oral Affairs.
i llef .re the ilrufl tin.k l lac it was suM hy enp
ilicd iicvo-,,eM lluit nil ilie Ii icnerali leul gi.tio
t the war. Since the ilrufl took place it ia nui.l l,y
o ,iperla-a 1 newnjuiiu-ni tlmt DuLe but IIcuio.tiiU
wtu draf'.til !
X" Coi xtki:pi:its. A miu.Lor of new
0'iunlt-rl'ei!su on Ihe fifty cent i,,s:n.'ecurrci,cv 1ih e
Leea ,ut in ciicuhitiiai. The new ,litle is nioil in bo
htii ri,.r tu Ihe one previously usoi in the inaiiiifne
lure of llu-ne nnlis, it biiu u nearer iiiiroacli to the
g. nuiiie, but the iiniTeeslon uuJ iiajnr are not ut
rtTitoLKi M o.i Tim 11kai.hi. It is a fjet
well , a dbli-bed thai pe'roleuiu bus a beucficinl cflect ibe beallb. It bus bceu reiiim ked llmt no euse
ol'.'dcknes'd bns been knowu to eriiuuits fruui tbe lue
of or a proximity tu Ibe product, iiolwilbsl.iudinjj il
ufiuiuive odor. Nudiitiiot of eounlry can bo found
ftbere tbe vbildt eu are j uniluiuily ruddy-fuccd und
livullby. looking us Ibey are in ll.u l'tiaisylvunia oil
region ; cr enu a eluss of people be found woo enjoy
woio vigur and good benlib Ibosa ubo :
arc ooiisliuitly exposed to tbo cuxioua tutcll of lbs j
tub muni nin . a t t a idliuey
to aupptue that it U advautnguoua to tbu bcultb to
ileupwilk Ibe windows open duiiug tbe nibu of
September and Uetober. 'J bo uir. moist uud dump !
ositulwuys ia iu dillurvut periods of Ibesu UiuntU.
enteri tbe luugj aud geueniius feveri of uinuy kind,
tboroiijdily uudei uiinii g Ibe eoi.aliiuiiou. "11 ill's
Journal ol HtaliU1' tokej Ibis view oftbesubjeu, and
we re:oiiiuiei,d it In ibe aitt uti.'U of all our reader.
Xo doubt ii iipri-judit-ial tu n'jop iu close eol. liucd
room, aud iubule Ur Loin togellur Ihe alluo bcro. j
but Ibero uio menus of vtuiihiiiou wbicb anir
W X-.., A .n k f. ! . . 1,
overy reaaoiiable purHe. Always be curelul to
bjvo Ibo rouui well aired during tb day.
L I'l'Mt run iiik Hitk or A Ma Poa.Ther
are very many curt for Ibe bit of rabid auiioult
reeouiuieuded, anuia of wbiub umy b rvliuble,
bile lbt reliability of oilers b not fully ntubliabed.
Every meant wbicb diaoovered fur tba prerenlluo of
tbe I orrible reaullauf rbib wonnda ia woriby of M
leniiou. lb follow ilig in reeoidid as infulliblv
Mix 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 d td i. u u in rut I iu a ip all of walir ;
wiib iLia bulba li e Wuund, atpMtitii g il fitiui.lly
l.rau Lour i ibi-n bind a bulu Here tall uu tba
Wound tor Iwelleboura.
l a author u! Ilia raeeipl waa kitten ' ilu raby
via l !", , ai d nlwaya cured l.iu el( wiib Ilia
Uiixmre. lit I'lttrt. I to auSer Liuisalf Iu ba billta
by anvil ud do.', iu wdtr to at,uvu.e Uial
tV.i i. . at vu mu
Xho rar In tli Sonthwent.
MemI'IIII, Tenn.' 8ebt. la, 1803. aeveral gentlemen recently ar
rived Iroin ArkansMs, I learn dome fact
concerning tnntter In that State, whicii are
highly interesting. The threo expeditions
under Steele, Davidson and Ulunt, threaten
ing Little R'Hjk front as many different dif
fereiit directions, are, it weins, Working a
Vast intluence upon the military movements
of the enemy in that vicinity. The vigorous
defense w Inch it was supposed, n few weeks
since, would meet our armies in their opera
tions, is likely never to come off. Every
preparation is being made to evacuate and
retire further South. In view of this, In the
country for miles iiround Little Rock and in
the territory most likely to bo occupied by
our troops, the enemy is engaged in running
off or destroying everything useful in the
subsistence, transportation or quartcrini; ol
troops. Many of those with wliom we have
spoken are the sufferers by this outrageous
policy, und it is on this account they were
obliged to leave their homes, and seek u
livelihood among strangers. The poverty
of this class of people is pitiable in the ex
treme. Large numbers ol them, with barely
sullicieiit spparcl to -.'over their nakedness,
arrive on every boat, and tell the tale of
suffering to which they have been subjected
under the authority of theriiisurgents.
The latest and the only remaining policy
of the South is now on hand. It has beeii
determined, we understand from recent ar
rivals from the enemy's country, to concen
trate the widely separated iiriniex of the
Confederacy in one mass, somewhere in
in Ocorgia, probably in the vicinity of At
lanta. "The bearing of this iininriise line
will be di.ietted against Rosicrans' Army ol
the Cumberland," in hopes ot overwhelming
ami repelling the thrcaling tendency of his
opi rations. This seems to be their only
hope, to drive Rosecrans back or stuciinii.
to the most damaging of nil the campaigns
of the war. The "Confederacy is ulready
irretrievably rmt in twain : to divide ilstii,
further would more than doiible the impos
sibilities of ii sti.l piotiucicd existence.
The Rebellion is evidently reeling beneath
the ponderous blows it has received within
the past few mouths, ana to udd the success
of Rosecrans in it decisive victory would
bring it to the ground.
'X'hv .trtiij- :tiul I he Colored Tl'i:(iis.
Heretofore the War Department have not
consented to the organisation of negro, s
into cavalry regiments. 1 understand that
the general is authorized to r emit for this
important branch of the service. Mr. Stan
ton may have been induced to change his
mind upon this point by an incident which
occurred o:i the leased' plaiit.italion last
summer J
as iN'rnn.vr.
One of the rebel gentlemen who occupied
cue of these plantations lifor- the war
seemed to le impressed with the idea that
lie was yet the owner, so he organized a
guerrilla party, made a ib-ccnt upon ti e
property, burned anui.iberol hottsis, und
kihed several negroes who were at work in
the fields. The m v.s of the attack iiislautly
came to the station, where there was a guard
composed of two companies, one of white
ami the other of negro soldiers. A delach
iient of cai h was in- 'anlly Marled in pur
suit. On their way through the tield they
came across a gang of nudes engaged in
ploughing. Without ceremony, tin so pa
tient, peaceful animals w el e -t i.led. and in
live mini. tes some twenty black and w hile
men were mounted buret mt k, with no other
harness but leading halters. Prom this
instant the race began most intensely excit
ing. The soon found the trail;
tvvi.iting their legs under the bellies of their
improvised war horses they s. nt forth u
peculiar yell, which had the astonishing ef
fect of forcing a four-mile gait out of the
mule". The w hite soldiers copied Sambo
so far us they were able, by clinging to their
Ro.-inur.tcs and maintaining a smiru iiat cm
bariassing and necessarily precarious seat
on tin; milk's sharp back-bouc. Ry oint of
('hitching at their cropped main s, and by an
occasional kick, thump and a poke, they
kept up with the negroes until tiicy reach
ed the cane brake, and here the blacks show
cd their real superiority ouer the white race.
They did not seem to to slacken their speed
but glided in ami out the crowded heavy
glow ill of cane with the. utmost ease and
rapidity . never for a moment losing the trail,
but leaving their white comrades iar behind
cutting and sivtariug their way through I lie
brake. The negroes sum anived on the
bank of a stream, to lind the guerrillas in
the act of swimming their hoises through
the rupid current. Crack, crack their
lilies, a half do.en rider!e.-s horses plunged
through the water to the bank. Two of
the rebels w ho had gained the shore were
shot ; the lest escaped. Tile negroes then
crossed the stream, gathered in the stray
horses, rccrossed and started for home, not
a man scratched, in lime to meet tin ir while
comrades, who had just come up. They
relur ied to camp vv itli their sable victors,
ipiite sore in spirit, ami w ith bleeding ho
llies, yet willing to admit the superiority of
negroes, in a mule race, hurt-Luck, through
the cune:brakc. Lxit.i:.
A new IuIht tmm l't-rii. e illed tbe I'oire tie j
teire Cocl.el, f.olu Ibe inline ot M. ('...-bet. iis iti'l'.,- !
due.-r. b.iv beta eullivali it siicerss.u Hy two yi sis :
in Frmo'e. Ii in .ii. in be more miti i: it e and tt l.olt -
some tbtin the pointo. ami an accr will yield sixty
tuns, vvlnle it en ions more n;i;iir liu.ii ibe I,, -I
r.Hiol. Souitbeily should j;el spvciiuenijiiiid try ilmu
Foil OM B. we tnke plensuro in enlliiiij ibe mien-I
tion of our roudeia lo uu advert i-i-im-nl ibtit of
Howe i Mi v el a "Finn Iy llye L'idoi," in llii li ly 's
piiper. 'ibesu 1'yi'ri htivo beeolue a bousebold ut-et's- '
i t ' . ami w. g. nerul in llieir ue t lint lioti.v it m il
ditssed lndy linds llntt uiuny iiuurlielo ouee rejeett d
Hi oul of duie, u, by Ibe aid of ibeae Iiyc, mudj ,
good Ui uew . I
Tbe eiitrnnt'e to a wotuiin'f tit-art is Ibrouti Lrr
eye or eur ; but a philosopher bus :iid tbo way lo a j
Uisn'a llettrt is down bis tbrost. (inod bousc-vt i es
und, rsl.,n,l and use lleniek Allen a li .ld Me-lul I
.tttrttlus. If tbei-e are uuy no nuforlumile ua uot
lo Inivt: (lied it ;ti iinuit'di.ilety In your Itineer und ;
eel a piiper. and our wold lor it. il w ill innke a bttirl j
an bard n- ad.iinuni. a., lieu and be .jt.vlul. uud ever '
llllel will pl'ilisu Ibe seller of lleniek 'Allen's Hold
.Mi' ri,.lern us. Iveiybody mils il. licput 112 I
Liberty Street, Xew Volt. Try it.
TL'ST reeeived from NewAoik and riiibide'.pbiiK
a freab aiipply of Ibe luteal style und of Ibe
quality, wbiub be baa bad made up In order, an I
w. irritated lo irivo e,o,.,l a.tiislsudoii. lit b.ia mudo
arrangements iu Iba oily to bsvu bia hest work liuido
In order, ubieb eau be bad at nil times, If uot ou
baud Ibey will be pmeured at rea.iml.le no'lee.
Mauul'auturiiig of lllAlTs aud tltoLS of all kiu la
aa uauiil.
I will aim wholesale M,h,I and Sboea by tba box.
Cill and ex 'uiina be tola pureb.iaiug alaewbera
aii.l aad-iy vouraelvea.
Xbankluf for pairouait berelof.ra bealuwad, be
reaa oiully aolieita a cuuliuuauee ol Ibeaauie.
btuip an I Store ri.ui, luroa doun weal of Ibo Hail
Road iu Muikat Kouar.
Bunbtry, Eept. 19, ISM.
J ANTKD linmad'aielv, a Jour Shoemaker, on
tUtua nor. Wood wajoa pvld. iiiiiiii:um
8. V. Coruer Seoood aud Cbaauut St , ritiladv.pbU
Ilil.Xt'V forth. I'ATt.NTtyt'ALUI.VlJ 1111 II.
A 'IV I'AV t LOl ks. a very dvairalle ar.i.-lu ir
t liurubn, lluUlt, llaukt, Couuliug lluuaea, I'srloia,
AI-. Manufaaiurar etTll U0LD 1'i.Nd.
t baika rp4ii4 au I warrau'ad,
( lee Tilu.uo,;aof acr deaui ipllou,
I'Uaalalpaa, Jaaaary W, lAt
M. v. ui: tit II Alt'!" ft
Confectionery, Toy and
niiirkil Niroel, Mnubiir;, In.
CONSTANTLY on hnnd und for site st tfi stove
cstnhlisliuieut aiwholuiil uid rjlail, ai ttiuuu
bole prieus.
lie is tnanufsiitarlnji all kin la of Confeotionarlei
to keep up a full aMorttneut whioh are told at low
Tobaooo, Segrs, Slstlonery, Kutunf nil kin, In. ami
arnilclynf olher nrtijlus, all of wbieli are olfureJ
wLoloKiiln ami,
Ly lluuieuiber tbe iismeanil plane.
51 R. CIwMdlAIlT.
Market street, 3 doors west oft. V. Itiilit & dou'j
Bunbury. Sept. 19. 133.1. tf
l'A.CV I I 'It. -4 I
JOIIN F A It I fi A'
N". TIS Arch Slreet.hc.
lolf lalilh. snillli ni.le,
Inipnrter nmt Mnnii
fictioernf. nml I tea ler
in all loiid of I-'nney
Fi:r. for l.mliee ami
Cblhlri-ii'a wear.
i wish in ri'iitr mv
Ib.irlin to ti y fii. nd.' of
Puuliiirr an, I tliu sur-
miiii'lin t'limitiis, li.r
tbeir very HImthI pn
troiiu t- cxten.le.l in me
iliirinif Ibe Inst few yenrs. an, I nnuld vny to Ibrin
Ibtit 1 iiior leivu in More, of my own Iioportiiiion
sit.i ti'iiiuit,K'tiire n very cxiensive Hssor-ment nt' till
Ihi' ilill'in-enl kin, Is niel iiustilies nf Fnii.'y i'lirs. for
l.'.ili.'H nml fbililreii. that will be during ll.e
l''llll Hli.i ' ill vr t'HMIU.
Iteiii Ibe ilireet JiiiH,rtiT nf nil my Furs frmn
l'lirnpu. Nti.l bsvin Ibein all Miuiiifsflurisl un.k-r
my nmi Btipcrvismn enable ine ti, ofler inv en? n-
u.eis A ti.ii publiu a ii.iieh I Isomer Set of l-'urs fur
ll:e siune in. r.ry. I.s-lies uive me a e:ilt be
lure pnn-Iut-ii 1 Please remi-u.lK-r Lbt unuie, luim
ber aud tureul.
TIH Arch tsreet, Pbiliidelpl ia.
Pejiti-mber 12. lsr.:;. ;m
llSIt r.i.lje Avenue, l'liiladelpliia. l'a , f..r ;ile n,n the hms- fnvoriilile terms.
.New mi, I lSi'iiuiil'iil lii'sinn in irrent variety "f I'silins for iVmeteriis. lte-..lonee. Ac'., of
tVroiijsht nml eii'l Iron, ami liiilvnni.e.l Ir. n end
Itrii?-.- ; Iron Vi-rumhiln. Ilnl..iiii-. ,stirs.
t'ouniers. i'.-.iiiiitiiis. (i'lli-s. Cotiiii.tis. Uin-bii, I1,,-!-.
I. iiinp Siiiiid. Viis.s. Tabl-'s. Flower Sooels. S.i'.if.
( biiirs. Miitnary. Aniunils. ntel .ill mlo r Ir,,n Works
of u I iii'orsi i ve i-linrin-li r. lii-siirns forwi.rilv.l l,.r
seli'i'lioii. I'itmii.s ii 1 1 lviiej ,.r fiaie, will please
stu 1 1' Ih
bimt of wot k
.i, so;). tiny..;
ri i:tiio;ii -ti.
Xo. Via Ciiksm t SriiFi'T. (Vnrnierly Xo. TuS.)
.1. V. l'KOL'TKIt A f.. invite Ibe lti'l:!ioa of
their Friends In llo-ir lMi-ir.- mvl S!i;.rl. s.-.,-li . f
Fin- C'l.nAKS nn, I Ft lis.
iinp irallele't in any former m-im-n
Tin- in.-re.if,t se.-..mi.-f,.l:iii,,!i nP rh-d in onr iuht
,.i-:itimi, el.Hli!.-s us todevolu the bibet utunlioa
lo oiir
E'lli' Itctirirt Kieltl
vvl.i.-b 'll I... fi.i.1,,1 well fiina.-bi il v,i:b en rv ,Ie.
s :ii,li,,ni.r Fir.l Cl.iss Fl K.s. ,v, l.e lriainui-
lee. I us ri -present! ,1, or Ibe muiiev paid will be re
biil.'l I'I'.I'FUS per mail wilt le etrif,.!' v iiOi o ti -1 lo
ne I ,1. In . r. I. Fxpre.-s elinr, s p.n.1. ni. l
i us i It- ol li n milt"..
j w. rr.Mi'Tiu: ,t cd.
No. ti2H Cliesiiut Sireet. 1'Lila.kli bin.
fept. J, is ;::. iy
iv U
li'f Opeiiiag
V A I. L V A 1. I. T K A 1) E ,
French 5iEi;i.N"olS,
I aik Figure,! SILKS,
New 1'I.AII) SILKs.
New Fancy FLANNEL.,
1, White an. 1 IJlue FLANNELS, etc.
r-. I so.",. :;m iy
Xl alcli .11:iK-r mitt .lew -l-r,
M AM T V( Tl llKIt OK
SII.VI H V'AHK A Importer of V.Virill s
Xo I IS Xortli isee t St . Pnnier Quurrv. l'UIl.A-
nl! bus e..t:stiiiii' y on bund uu iiss.,r:neiit of 1.,'M
n 'I Silver I'l.lenl Lever, l.t pine and I'll. ili
Vv tiiel'.-s ; Fine iiobl t'b.iins. Si'jila and Keys, liren-t
l':u-. I. ir Kin js. Finder Kin-s. Ili-ii.-elei". .Miui.iitue
r.-isi-s. Mediill'nus. l.t.'kels. I'eneil-. 'i l.ill.l.ies. Spt ,-.
iHflt's. silver 'lab te. leael'l. Ten. S ill und Mu-l.-ird
sj-,1.1 s ; sner SN,.,na. Cu a. Xi.pkin ltaus. 1 ruit
und butter Kniv.s. Sbields. I.'omlis. liijiuond l',.ini.
ed l'eli. en-.. sll nl wbieli wiil li-'istld low lor f'tsii !
M. 1 T 1 1 IJ I A S ,t CO S beat ipeiliiy lull jrwi lt d
l'iileiil Lever .Mtiv en, tills con-lantly on band; ubo
other .Miikeisof superior t)ici!iiy.
X. It. i i,l liol, I und ."silver bought for eiisli.
S.pi j, ls,,l t.y w
.ti -i "r8:i:v aV o,
lluro )' in l.-.i . Xo. 11 for. Fulton
nod liroudway, Xt-w Vtuk. Will carefully at
lend in eolleetmna aud all odier mutlcra tulrualtd tu
tbi ir e.u e.
Sept. ill.
t 'I'ai A(t lio vvoio'l . viltli.
HIT IISK f If Villi HAVK A TllAlli:. IIAVi; A
tioun IIn'e ! There vim be no belter tb.iu ibe miiiia
I no I urc of Soups. We have auecoedt d ii) reducing
tlie st'ienee of Soap mitkin to a mochimhvi! eeritiin
ty ; ao lluit any one unskilled in the business euu,
with our Formula, prosecute tliu imuiuf'iclure sue
ce.vl'uily. Our Formula culuiii.- directiiiiis lor pro
dicing .lev en kinds of So.ip,
I v AsuTrude :i Pusines tbere is uu belter.
I A-1 eoniieeted w iib a eounlry store, il hire in
ereuses Ibe j.rofl's. The prndin'l it sure a tie no rt in
minis very litilu room re.uiie, smull outlay for
figures no ofl'euaive odor umiited iu (be proeesj of
uiniiuf iciure.
Lw Lvery fuiiiily ab aild posses Ibo Formula, in
tbe Soup piodueed by it wasbea equally well iu bard
aa in aoll water.
TEltXI.S IOU T1IL I'll It Ml LA.
For Family use,
For S.t.lo Uae,
Lxelnaive maiiul'aetui inn rhjht iu a town of
lll.OoU or les,
lio. ou r In.miil and b aa tlmn J.i.lilil)
lio. over J.IMIO and leaa Ibuu lo.UUU,
Su. mi
lUil nil
A Ciiy of over Jj.UliU special teitn will be agreed
I' poll receipt of Ibo uiuney we ahull send tbe For
mula, eoiituiug tall and euiupleie directions, wbi. li
are prepared ex preis-ly for Iboau uuuctpuuiiilcd wiib
Ibe proee.-v of Soiip.iuHkiii'.
tv Ii'iuiiica will be filter fully anawered provi
ded aslauip la ti.ulnaed for reiu n ot,iii,'e.
AddrcM liKAHltSLtV CC,
SMj Ilroudwuj', X'ew-Vurk.
Sept. 12, 18M.Im uir
.olI' lo 'lmol 1'in'li-r.
PP!.ICATI'iNS will ba reeelved l,v lb. ll.mrtl,
of Sel.ool Iiirecitira, al Die lloas II, .use,
No J. I'pi-r Auiruaia In.lriel. for an (li)
leaebera i,r lb winter of asid diairiel, on
Ihuradny. IV-iobir lal. ls.n.1. al III u'elnok. A. M . at
ah leb lime aid plaua Iba Count' Su.eimleiolent
ill iiL ul rxau.iuK a plieaitii. aud 111 uul etiiiuVaiia
In all Ibua applying.
WM. I! I I P.Seo'y.
I'ri'er AuKUHa.fipt, S, lf(l..-Si
A VAI.l'.Mtl.i: FA TOU SM K. off. rt ft aal. eh. a.. a K.-l KUI.M
u 1 oiiit li.-li. li.a ia pi. .vt u en la are a
I'.s.d l..',.iv 'll Darlilna ll.t.ra aula l."4
ll o -t a i,, II..I k Lira, lau Appla i,iI .i I.,
at d t,..',! a a't i e,.i v net I I hi'ta u a letmd V aur
1'v.tavr m e It i a h-w-Mill. 1 1 m iiv i
.il iiLiO. OOMjkD,
t t i.u.v?
rpilE BKV. JAMES DICKSON', will re-open (ill
I Aeadtiny ou .Mondiiy, Iba It lb dny of Auguatf
1 ha following branohet will be taught I
Lai In, flret k, Malbrmatles, Millnpnpby, libetorto,
l.olc. hook Ki-e,it,, Voonl Musle iu tbeory aud
lirscliee. Also, tieograpby, Uriiutiuur, lliatory,
Couisaiilion Wriliug.
Per QuartCT of II weeks. fUtoS
In Ilia atiove branehe wilbout lbs langnage fit tlO
Lai in aud above hranehm, $7 110
Urcek and aliove brariuboa, S 00
Poo Oireiilnr.
Por further pnrtlouhirs upply to
lli:V. JAMES MCKPOX. Tenobcr.
X'nribiimbeilaiiil, August lit, 1S6.I. Iy
How IjOI, Klor Ha-Mlori'O.
Ja.U rubttslirii, I'm a fraUJ Em-clef. Price
Sir Cnitt.
VI.ECTt'RE on Ibn Nature. Treatment and Ita
rtionl Core of Siniiitiiri lues or Keiuinal Wenk
iiesa. Scxuul liebiliiy. X ui vousnt'ss. nml Invnlunlaiy
Fiuissious. in. I n,ii ojf Itupotenuy, Coiisiiuijitiou, and
Men l, 1 1 and 1'l.vsienl Heliiliiy.
Tbe iii Hirtiint fact that Ibe awlul consequeneea of
Self-Aliiise limy be tfti-eluiilly removed wilbout In
ternal un-ilicines or Ibe iliiiierous upptieiition of
oausiiea, ii s.rumeiiiff, medicated Is.iea. nml ittln-r
iiupiricnl devices, is here elenrly ili'iiionnlrated, nml
Ibe entirely new and highly sueeeasful Irealmeul s
a.lopttsl l.y the eetebrntt'd ailtbor. fully explained.
ny means t.i wincn every one is cnnnied to cure bitu.
self und ut Ibe lt!ii.-t possible cost, tbiTi'tiT
avoidin-'nll tbe advertised nostrum of the dny. Tbis
lecture will prove a boon lo thousand und tbou-
Sent itinlersivil. inB plain envelope, to any address.
pnl-p ini on n ipl of two postage atiiiup. by ud-
tlreiwiii'j the publisher.
( has. j. c. kmxk ! ro .
12" lioMory. New Ynlk. I'nsl HBlfO llnx, lis,',.
Au;. I.i. Isi'i:!. Feb. js, Iy ,'!e
Ml 151 II V .14' Alti-.TII .
nHF. Seleel lli-li S.biM.I ..f tbi. plnce, vtill be
1 reopened An.'iist :ilt, srt:. under ihe superin
tendence id'S. I'. FiNK. A liberal putmiisire is so
licited from ibo patrons of tbe sh IiimiI, and Ibe cilizin
Orlbo'-riipliy. lieinling, Writing und I'riinury
Ariihiotiic J2 .',0
Arilbineiic. Henrapby and Fiidish (Irninmnr 3 il)
Xut. Philosophy, Watt a mi 'ibe Mind. Alge-
l.rn and lit'oin.iiry. U fifl
lJ.s.k Keeping. l.iiiief,it,f(-9 uud Aslronotny. B OU
I V One lmlf of the tuition money In be paid in
advance, and tbe balance ut tbe expiration of each
l'lipil' it:r any one branch iu either of tbo
l.uhcr p edes of Ini: i.-n w ill be elusscd ill Ibe grade
clniiraciii'i sudi branch.
For further iiii.'.-iualion apply In
S. P 1'IXK, rrinoipul.
Sutibury. Auu"! Sth, Is.l.'i.
(iFTIII-: I.Fii. AC;
liistruiueiits for nil ilefnriuilies.
INi'M l.l-x-r 'I'i-iiso
lias talon ibe place of other Ti bribe retention
uud eiiicof Hernia or Itupinre. Aciiiij; upon li e
principle ol a lever, it iicter loses its strcugtli. Ii is
t-eate l to prevent rc-t. l has lln pint t,l, lilt! hack .
wi;i. Ii is sti'te tn injure ihe spine r.ud nntcy und
(bale lito wer-r Ii is sine t retain the Hnptiirc,
S ' uu ! cmlort. mid eili-eiing radical cures,
il is w in renii .! to -jit h -at i-i'seli-.u.
'1 he iinpr.iveil shoulder-r.rtii-e expands the cbet
nn. I preveiils tbe vmircr from beeoininn round
J.m, lies' It, lis nn, I Ahdmnimil Stippnrtera. Ibuid
aires, end belt- ef nil kind.-, and iii.-iruuit iila lor ull
ill li.lll.ill.s ,, t,e Uodv.
I'i: lihi'VFIt S n.i,-is X.i. 4 Ann Street, two
dnots llolil Itr.t.-i.IwtlV. .'-v V.,,k.
Sintnt i-should parlii ularly icte the nniuc und
A; ii! II. 1 !',;;.-.
A S l at t a Sill I.lT.'
CtAMi; In Ibo preillisra of tlie Fllhscril.rr. nil or
hUiii the Isi day of May. lsi,:i. a Sirav Hull, up-par.-iiily
iiIn.u t vv.. ye.os tild. Iiht red. wiib white
luillind white l.t 1 1 v . 'ihe owner is rt'ijuested locum,
forward, property, ptiy charges uud Hike him
avvuy. r oliiervvisu he will be aold in rdimr in ti.vv.
.li'HX (.'IJiil'LU.
t pper u.;iisiii. Aiur. Is t :. -Jin
rPliK uii..iTia:i:t.l iifVrn l'.r --itle tin; hnto mill I.t
I now iw-'iii-u ii hy liim-t II'. piimtt''. in J ctT trtvt.
tin- tir-l dm iiorlh !' I.iiih. i'liuic't.
J lit- iiMT.. i in. i!!- ii h lTii ' I t o M(H V I- K A.MK
i.i II I'IN;. :'l iVvi -jMart in I t n tun uny
I .u k luiil.iiii- ! 1 t- -1, with i (lontilc I'Mfi'li. L-.ii.
titiitiii' iu nil cihi rMm tiii. u Ittri.1 lutll. Al.-n h
MlUlilHT KlU-lll'll IHI'l uiUiT litU bliXUl illgf. t-
jrnhrr with a iro-iii jr.irilt n.
l r In lib t tiiitaititui'' nj'l'lv tn
.uiiKiiry, .i!c;n.-'t "22. 1-YA. tl
THICT. ATOTICi; ilnnli nrti that tin Surri))c dtiirt
fT tin' Norilit'ii) J)i-uiit it l'n n-ylviiiui. will
ct'iuit'i'iH'f it intuitu ?i -"ion tn I lit l'ir?l Mtnithiv if
tK'tt-U-r iitst. hi Up" Cm-it IItiiMiii Sui.hury.
( Jl AP.I.I.S '.KAAM,, l'luth'y.
rr-'thmn-tHry's ur.ii-f, i
.Vu'ut lM. ;.
list or c.u i:. roii turt mknt.
1 JiMi-ph W .Mirrl v Mtu r A tirifly. X S, 0tulcr
J Ml. I'il. nllliHMllITllli l-niinly .
2 Thv kin V. It. lM. Co. vm .MhIhdv A laivor-
iiit'it. l? Mkt. 'I'.. Nor'hintiht'rl tii'l t'ttiiniv.
3 OvtTWMT! lK'lHWttrv UitttMiip VH OvTM'T i,cwU
ttwiiiij., 1 Ov-t. i.rtM, 1-Mii. Nurth'il vu.
4 i j'tii'in I'V.UT itu. in.1 t Wilt, tt hl.'f, 0:t.
It- ut . ti'. I l h it rtillit .
it i.Awniti V. ISri 'ht Joni IJulim-r. tl, iict. term
Xur l uu I rrl.'inil nun ty.
tl UA -ri I l it in1. - .t A. rpili'rufi. 7,
lai- niiii,, cuu l y
7 l:iii l I' i' .tu. uiii ii A i?. Vi Ann I'ixiii". 15, Oct
i tiTin. 'ti.'. Xnrthiitiittfi I unl C'tunly.
i 8 Miiry IJIiA KttuniMii i'ichl Lrw I JiiuiuAtn,
l . Oft it-rin. iMiJ. I.ycniiiin eounty
U nil L iilitr It. Kdnttitnl 1 1 i.nccu-, 2.",
Oct ifjiD, 'IJ. Ni.riliinitl-cilaihl ftiuiiiy
10 lli'ii.i. It A witu l.Oct Utui IN i.i.
iMiyih-t riiuiity
II WilM.n .vc..ii,ii cuuiity, 2, ('ct Ktui, 'fi;.
I I. yi inning c ouiiiy.
i 12 limmimWiu i li wHrt. 3, Oci term, C'I, North' J
I.i lit'ftviT. tiiiMi'jt. Vih A Co. Mary Jciikitatt,
4 tt.-t tcmi. r.;;. Ni.rili M t niy
14 Hull ve Iiulixc 6. o.'t toiu. W-i, Lyfuiina; eo.
Jj Oirinl Kiie liuO. s Almr. net. Unu, '(M,
; N"i limit luiltu i) c.ii niy
l' XI .M ineis vit Can, j ! 1 . 7 it trtn. 'Hit. T,y. c.
i 17 lilllii.f S IllUIItllfl. H. oft. UTUI, 'li'f. I Ilinl) l'O.
; is iJuinluril i liiiikt ltnr(.i. VI, oc-t. term, tiii, Xor-
l llllilltiuTtHml ftillUtV
1 19 lYier t x'r. IluIUr. I. oct. Utui, 'C'J,
J Xi'illiiiu hf h)iil fii tin ty
2) Xliu.r'i t in n lnuni(, II, oct. ttruts, 'O-'i,
Xor hiimbf i luiiil ct'Utity
21 lioh-'t f .v'i!. vk Kn iUiT A Cnus. 12, oct. term,
Yf. Xnithiiinhfrli'iitl uui;ty
' 22 IIiT'lifu v Itt-yi.ohU A Co, "lS, oct. term, '6.1
' laVfi.Mtni e tmm v
2-t Al'txilt A Lnwrciiee'v Hull, Ac, 14, oct. term,
I li.t. LyiMiiniiti; ouiiiily
: 21 Miliei-n' ilMk of JVltcviUo i IlctliuT, lj, oct.
torin. '(. t.'oluinhiH eouiily
' 2. ln unri vh llniot r, hi. oct. tfim. Xrtlil county
2fi Lai n 1'itfr Kplff. iho'J , A'icl, 17. oct. lenu,
J.yoMiiiii'' roiuity
27 rewler Vft lirtimh )mi.k, IS, oet. tvriu, '
Lvoouiiitji omiuiy
?S I.v.niiiii.,r ftitntiy (iHiiible, U, oct. term, C3,
l.Vfnoiinj; fuunly
2o I i'ii'rtl A other vu Cmu. 2. iNt term, hy. co
Kline aMrKee. 21 . oct- Iltui, Xorih'd couuly.
k'tiiiu:ii:hi i :! i:ni)roni.
rptll-iCicut liue IruvfiHi the X'orlhoni hu XTih
I foitniic ot iVitii-y i wiuiti to Uiy ciiy ot trie,
on l.'ike Krie.
It IiIkmu Irnsc l liv the l'tiuiry! vrtiiin Hnilioat)
CoinOHiiy. ttiiJ uu'ier tituir tu-.k-t u beiiig runiUly
u"i.i'l Ihruuhoul it fii.ire Knlh.
It i now iu um) lor i'Mftfiifr Mini Kreiht htuinei
f i uio linn ichuri: to Oi itt wh.. 2ii k. 4 1 17 101 let)
I i .11 tin t.Mt i" lo i".oii. Mini lioio MavUlcUl lo Liio,
1 . . 1 Il' . . lit..
(iO UUUf.) ou iov 11 VMtrti t'ltiMHii.
flWfc or 1 .4 M-N 0 It 1 K 1 1 Mt AT tl KBI ICY.
Afrtl-t V.l'tlfflti.
Mail '1 rain. In In A M
..'.71V HVvVtlM.
Mail Train. 4 III P. M
Fiprcta iraiu, 4 4 A. M
Lupreaa iraiu, II. lit P M
Cina ruu Ibii.tikh without ebaiiica. both win, ou
theae Irulna helMutu Phila Itlpbia and Lta-k llaveu,
and hoi v vtu liutiimuiu and Lot k lluvili'S'snl riletpluit Cut. ou F-ipreaa Traina Is.lh
wava between and Halliuime, and
M illi .u (.rl and Pbiladelpbin.
For ii.f.'rinM'ion iiai.t't'iiua; 1'aaaetigrr buiineaa
apply al ilia 1. for. 1 a b and .Market Sta
An I l-.r l it-ihl Wounet of ihe Company a Amenta,
S It. bin...ou,,Jr , Cur. 1J.U and iiaikul tt.,
I'l.lla tvlploa.
J. U. Iteyut.hla. Frl..
J. il I'i. Il, A.eui , C. R. R , Daliiuiore.
II II. liol aiuk,
liau'l Fright At. I'Lilada.
Li ait I.. Hot i t.
Ilea l liskal A('l., I'liiUd.
juatra D l'ur la,
lie I Maeauw. W Ulaaaaiuirl.
if i JS, IMS
A T.I, person Ilrnfled. and who nro entitled to l'x.
einplion, on 11 liavo their l'lipern i'roperly Mndii
Hut aeeuidinn tu Ibo Lniiod Hiatei Itiniilittlolin, at
l.nw It a tea, by applying at tba ofliua ul the uodar.
Aiteruiya at Law,
Suuhnry, Auguil 29, 18iV1.
o i u a it ii o ; h i:,
Iteapcfltrnlty onll the altenlion nf rtii'lnrn Men dint
me. Iravellinit ennimuiiily, to tba mipermr
datiun and aouifurt in Iht'ir csublishini'n'.
August 29. 1nS. :ttn jo
t nw , itii viiii iTiiW irA'-ra-. k!
ARKWAlil) OK TK.V POM.AKS . and tl,n rx.
uinMt rT)mr ireurred, Trill t.e paid In
i",r .1,;E"!",,' r,,r ,,,,, "I'pr 'bensioii and delivery of a
I.'1'.Jsl.'llll-.R at the hendniiartcn ol'li.o ucarert pro
vujt lutirabul. l)y order.
Capt. and rrnvivsl Marshal I lib liiit., I'a.
lliirriabiirg. Anmiat 211, J so:.
i'isoi rn u mt ii i .
ALL persona bnv'iiivf I,eRM Cluimf In i templion
Irnin Ihe llnift. ean have their cafes prepared
and presented tn Ibe iionrd, on appliettlinn In
S. I'. Vii, nt jiiN,
Attorney nt Leva,
Next il. air to Snyder's lioli 1, bunbury, l'a.
Auj-ust 2. Ili'..'!. .'It
IV S. I. I'. I. i:. jrj
V A N C Y HYKIMI E S T A It 1. 1 S II M E N T.
B ARRFT. NEPHEW CO., Pioorietcra.
OFFICES: Nn. 47 Nnrlh Eibtb St., riiiliidelphiu,
nml 5 A 7 J nbii St., New Ymk.
Our sueci.'sa in llyeinu and CliinnainK (liirnicula or
Velvet. Chilli, Silk. Merino, lo Lnine. Ae , ,te..
nml Si-nnls of altnnst every ile.ertnti,,n. i an well
biintvn llist we only desire to remind our friend? and
Ibe pnl. lie iremrally. that the seaaon for getting ihi-ir Fall 0 Is is now at band !
('ls rceeived and returned by Expre.
Aiigmt 22. lS.'..'!..'iin vr
at m:s, .h:ivi:i:i.y a. sii
Ibe nndersini'd wouht re.pert-X'-vA
fully invite your Hlinii..n lo hi,
'YsA weli ai lei'led sLa k of Finciiold and
.ijl Mlver VV A Tl 111'... 1 Mil Itold JhVV .
f ji. l.l.UY. of every kind and variety
of'ii. of styles euinprisiiiK nil of the j
ft vr mm tii"-'t in a lift 1 hi lit .ii',.i.
Also. .-. Hi WAli E. 'inttl lo Con,
nnd the l.e.-t make of t-t.'i t r I'lnlnl Wart Eaeb
lirtiete i W'trrutttttl In he as rt firtu ttttti .
I tT Wnlches and Jewelry earelully rrjiaireJ an I
anlial'aetion guaranteed
(Strrrr.sttr to Stnltffr.r tV ii'lltV.)
Nn. C22MAl:KET Street, 1'IIILALi'A.
Aug. 22, Isii.i. am cbduili
Nev Hat Manufactory.
rPIIF; sub-eriber res,ectfully iiifonus the puMi-,
I thai be has eeiniiietiei-'l tnlililif:ielurin. nt St'N
Ill'HY. nil Ibe vat i.ais styles o! S.l'l llu:--. l'ur and
A'.'nol r,.w in u-. J le trusts that lii exponent1,! iu
the liusintss in the etty. will enable bin, t. iret up
biita in sly lo and quality eipial to any in l'Libidei
plii.i. A supply of tf'lk uud other bats will also bo kept
on band.
Merehanta mid olbers will find it to Iheir iidvnn.
tiice to i(ive him a call mid eneouriigo home munii-Itu-tiire.
Sold Wbolesiile mid Ketail. at the lovvrsl prices.
Mnikel Sipmro. one door west of the 'Auiericnii' I'liice.
Mil, hoi v, August 22. lbii,'i. If
Pg, A Lsirpi' A-.'l..u,U origC,
I'clu'uury 12,',2.
Oknti.kmf'v It pivra tiie iiiueli salisfiietien to
inforni you that in Ihu aevern lire vvhieb. on the
uion ini: of the -lib in.-t.. entirely destroyed all my
stoek and materiiils. I bnd one of your S-ilaiiiamter
Fire I'riHif Safes. After enduring an intense red
Ileal fur aeven hours, Ihe Safe was opened. Illld Ihe
le.ok. and 1'ilpers were preserv ed in an Ulnhlflui-dii'd
i-i'liditioli. 1 shall need another Sale tia ,.u us 1 yet
iu oltler. Yours, most rospeetlllllv.
W 1'. liil'KlNSiJN.'lteiilin'. Pa.
CuAJiiiKiisni'iiii. l'liiuklin e.uiiitv. I'll. )
August :n s-r. tsiit! j
Messrs. EvaxaA W.vts.iv. Philadelphia ticntle.
men: On the morniui; of the 22, 1 of August. lsi,
ur Storehouse at lirt-t'neielle vvat de.-troyed hy tire.
'1 he SHlanialider Sate we purehased from y,.u's.,!iie
lew yea is sinee was in Ihe ntsve iiieulihiied t"re
hon;. and eoiitiiined all our Ism, k-. paper-1. e:i.-h. .' e.
vvhieb vvere preservt.l in a perfeel e, .million, nlior
l-eitt e-oed Ion iii.wt inten-e heat f,.r set h'.uts.
PleaMi ii torm us up., it vvhiit lenns y,, u will seil ua
tilloll.t-r larger Safe.
Yntii s truly. O AKS A ACS UN.
Salamander .-ales, f,r Hunks. Si,, re-. Private
Families, .le.. Ae. Al-o. Evans A Will-on 'a Patent
Alpluil.eiieiil liank l.oel.s aud Dank Vault 1 lors.
e,piiil in any mu.le in Hie eounlry, an, I -old on us
i!'Ml lenns. E A V. would ri'sin-i-i I ul Iv refer lo
1 1 1 .i follow -ng liunks and other parlies, having their
Safes and l.oeks now in Use, n Iheir entile sat ii-fac-lion.
and miiny others e;iveli at their Store.
I Mini Sr wi s Mi.m, liraneli Hank. Shelbyvillo
Pbiliidelphiu. Ttiines-te.
r.iTKiiSi .v rKS AustN.n. Cii v liank ,.f Philadelphia.
Ciilih.inia. roiis.,i.lation li k of Phil.
Poiisiowu liank. P:i. Coin'lh Hank of Phila.
I'o.'tiesv ille Itark. Pa. ChaltiniH.ii l.aiik. Tenn.
Siinud-l uri: lii.i.k. Pa. Pre m Loan As- i.ii, 4i!i st.
.leisey ,-h,,ie liank. Pa. P ink of Northuml erliind.
Loek Haven Hank, Pa. Hank .f Norlli'ii Liberties,
t Ili. li Hank. Hallituore. IphiH.
Souihiveaiern II nkul'Vii. Paul nml Swift, Bunkers,
Fulton Hunk. Atlanta. Ua. Aialaiuiu.
Newark liank. Del V. 11 Sierlinii.Wilkefb'u.
Hunk ol N. C. liuleiuh. LevvUhurj liank. l'a
Uiher referenees tiiv t'll uhii eallini; at our Store,
No. r. s,. Fourth Street, Philadelphia
Sept j. 1 !:. I y
J c w e I r y A. I I ti in o n 1 m
i'2 ChoMiut fiiri'd. rhilHii'l tiift.
HAVK hIvshj on hun.i h htv !iH'k f tiA n nl
filvi'r Wiiti'lit-i. hiiiintilc ir Ltilir.t. ijoiilleiimn
(ir lttiV Wi'ur. tSuiuu of uur uwu iuiurtuiiuii, vx
tra linu (Utility.
ur ttKM-rltiiiDt nf Jt-wi'Iry ouiii.-I t.f tho un!t
fjioliiuimliic uud rk-ti dc.-iua ; us uUu the jiluiut-r uud
it flMMiii. Vrki. I'ii. Ciiki" nti-l Krutt K ui vt" ;
hIhi h htre vtiricly ul' tuiny ."i!vr Ware cuilnl lo
tr I'riiiiil IVt'M-nih.
W i hne HK4i ii lutifl n ni'ot (pliii'lM nMiriiiu iit
nt li.iiumni Jwilty. ol' nil k iik!. i wliU-h weiiino
t'si4-it'il ui u-nit ii. Our lit ii Hill v tfinut cuii;la
rai'lv Ifilum idenMine uiiirUfiri1 ui;;illy 'I1 tr.
.il kiinl?. of (i.lIhi rti'Jiiiftl iu t!m very In-i-l
uiin.iii'r. hu t vnrim.ii 't t .'ivi' HHii"lH'-lin.
Uhl'l'lMi lil.Nli.S uii liiiuU uii1 lumlc to of ItT.
Cull ui aUUicNt
I.i.wis LAiMon s at n .,
U2 I'hi'.-uut Stitft, Kin.
IV S The hihist curij fjru'cn j juJ for iM0olJ
uu J Si her.
.4)1 itit'ih fiom the couutry will rt'-eiv j Ul
5ly 2. l0:i. :tmii
Vfl4tiMa vt I r, Mitluj, i-j.iiile
luii'l omiiit v. l'fit- Inhhih.
(toruurlv FrtM-liur;. riivcl-r county J
Kfl'K. AMnikft vtri'ft. i-ih oor c. t .f Tiilii i!
lrunt St'trti, Hiul livurly thv 1'outt Ui-u,
AU ftrotciioiiul hu.iuvM. .uiiccUuu, Ac , mil iv
qv'wi iroiti-l ittluliou.
An 1. l-v.J
J. 33. HELLER,
i'lhcej, iu uuuth ot MHiket fruuitf, lion ihi Court
Will mtfuj (roui.ily iu nil I nt tuitr.M
fiilriutcil iu tu 4'Hii, Ititi collection ot' oiiiilua tu
iSorlliuiuliviluiol niitl Ihti ljoiiiiu uouiiUt.
uubuy, Muy ;M, IhtiJ. Iy
Coruer I a vtu aud Mailt it hiiveta.
M MH 11 ,
f P1IE un lerai.ttd lt-i'eeifull v inh.nea tba rut, I.e.
J that ba baa lakau tbaru ul Iba nau.rd
llolal, and aak. lor lha coniinuaiiua ut the Muter
I pal rou. at-d aould luvue all utbera tu Kite Itiui a
1 nail.
U ataiaraMippliid wiib iba beat Ibe inaikrl alt.rd.
I Ilia liar vt'lilaiita tba rbt.ieeal lltUtrta. aud bla atitl
1 llui I a.vi4 aud av.ll aluaded by eart tul I'ailtra.
i JalCUAU. tILS.vT
I twtfcvrj-, Uay M, IIMU
I ' 1 H i1 WU'I la, i m L i ma on l.iip. jgJ j
SlurUt yuai, dvor Vt qf th Fott
1" eioe:fully Inforun bijold frlood and llirmfv
.V lie Keiiecally thai te b,a agitiii roiurued tu
bunbury and rti-Uviid a
.Mr a tiiloi-iuK IMiubliialuueut.
II if prepsrtsl to uuke up new jpirnienta u well
aa uieiidmir old w,t, and In do itork ueally. faali.
iuimhly and auUtuiiliitlly, in jfnnt will warrant all
wutk It'iiviiiK Ihe abop, und by ao tiuing, bupuf tu
reeeive a due share ef piiiiniimre.
l'etan.'ia duairin In huv e elolhini lna.lo tip lo Older
ill tbe luteal aiyte. will ive biux auutl.
bunbuiy, April il, l.wJ. ti u.
joiiisr k. eiviicir,
I'ltwu Stireet, oppobile Weaver's liotel,
BlJIv'nUHY, Kortt unibDi'livtKt Co., Pa..
IN OHMS hi friends and Ibe public penerally,
tbnl be luMliiken Ibe Shop id .lao'di S. llake,
il.e'd.. and is n pared lodoall Kindaof 'J AII.Iilt.
I Sii in it jf.,.d vvorkiuiinlike manner. The pulrou
a'fotilie pul, lie is rt-piei fully aolitiitid.
Sunhury, May lo, lsd;t. Iy
"TOl'I.D ro-ipcetrully tbut they linvo
juat received und opened a very larc- und well sc'.uo
ted Stock of
which they nro willing to dispose of at a VERT
I'lrnt Cost. .
Thankful for pait favors we bopo to moot a eon
i tiniinneo of the tiiiue by still selling Goods ih eho ip
if r.ot t'lIII.t tEJi: thin can be puubu.-ed vise
where. I
rUILINli i UltANT.
I Si'iiloirv. tnv 2" l-fi':.
A .loin I ICt'-oIiUvoii )i n .ii:y -r-Ciin
.Viu iiilj:i.'ii:-i lo tl.v Cuiil!(it .
Ilm si: or Kki'Kk.i-k.ntativlh ov tiik C'uvi-
AI'.MHI.V Ml.T, till? l'lillovv ill-r llllil'lnl
llirlils In- iloiiisiil tn tin' ('(Hiiditlltioil nf
tlie I'nintiii nvvi'iillli. ill iirrr.r-tlniici' vvitli tliu
I'Tnv iiniis of t lie tcntli nrlirlu tlu rrot':
Tliiru bliall lio nn iiiUlitiniiiil sirtinn to
the tliir.l tirlii'Ii' of tin1 t iiiistitiitinii, tu bo
ilu.'mn:iti'il ns si'ctinii t'liitr, ns I'lilliivvs :
Ski'Tikx 1. Wlii'tii'vir uny ot" tin- rjinili
liuil i'!i'('tnr-i of tliis C'oiiiiiiiinvvi'iilth tlmll l o
in uny iirtual inilitnry st i viii'. iiiuli.r u rcqui-
sitinll t'rmil tliu I'rr.-itlfllt of till' lllltl'll
Sliitcs, ur 1 y tliu iiM'.ii'i'ity nt' this (Vtnini.n
vvtti'.tli. Mull ilirtort umy i-M-ivi-i.' Il i: riuiit
nl' niVi:ti.- in nil ilti'tiiiiiii l.y tliu liti.ins,
iiinU'i' -iii-ti i'1'ti'iiiiiiiit us nro, or Mini! 1'u
pi'isci'! i l.ivv, its l'nily us il' l'.iy were
lil'isfllt lit tlii'il' lisllul il;l('i' nf rlirU.'ll.
TltiTe uliull lie twti ii.lilitiuniil s'.Ttlni.s tn
tin1 i-li'V i-nt Ii nrtii'li' nl' tlm C'n!'.stittili'iii, to
In.' ilfni:ati'il us scitioiis I'iylit. atitl t.ilit', as
t'ollovvs :
Sl.rTHiN S. Nn l.iil sliall lie pussi-,1 Uy tin'
I.eui-iatiii'!', runt. ill. ill; iii.,iv ihim unr iiti-
jii t, vvliii'li siiall Li firmly rxirc .fii ill ll.u
t tiliie I'Vii'liI nl nn'ivl n i;it inn !ii!!-r
' i - - t t i
U. Nn I. ill aiiull In- iassitl l.y llu T.roistii
tnii' rntiuinu' uny iiivvt rs, or privilrns, in
any', wlirif tiiu ii'itlinrity m riant siuli
ii.vicrs, or piiv ili'm , lia-lu'i-u, ur may liin
iil'ti'i' In', I'out'f iTi.-tl ujiuii t lio tiiuris ol' tiiis
(.'minium ui'alllt.
StiinUiT cf tliu Ilnusi; ot' IIi ori'M iitativi's.
JOHN 1'. 1T.NNY,
Sjiciikrr ot tint Sfllatt'.
OrncE op the Si:ti:i:rAitY oi-' mi;
lI vKiMsni in., July 1, lSCS.
1 iIk lirriliy fi'itil'y tliat tin- 1'
I.. S. fioine; nml iinnrxi'il is a full, true
nml I'uiri't't inpy of tin- inioiiinl
Joint Ki' of tlif iKiii'inI,
riilitli'ii "A Joint KiMihit ion .iojiosine; n r
t it i II Allll'Ilillln lit tn till' Cont it lit inn." us
tlir sanii' riiiniins on lilr in this olli. c.
Ill Te-tiniony vvliilnif, 1 liavi- lit l'rilliti) srt
my liiitnl unit cati.-i'il tlie ai-al of tlie tii-rri-tary'a
ollit f to Lu uliicil, tin' ilay anil year
aliove written.
KM fMl-'KlL
Si'crrt.-.rv of tin- Cuinnioiivvialtli.
.Inly 11. lbtitt. to
A VALU A H 111 r vIlM F0!l
rpilE iin tfrintd ofler? toKell nt private rale. hU
1 valiinl.le P.itn, situttle in .erl.e lovviiship. Nt.rlli
j uu, 1-ei i::n, 1 enunl.v, l'a . iiIm.uI one mile west rf lim
j town ot 'Jitviiil,,ti. t'..iit.tinin lil 111 vldtlll
: AC11KS. more or less; uhoiit nerea of which
are t leitretl iu, i in a :,H.d atltle oft eultiv i.i i..n. i nd
! llu-bait.nt'e vvell liinlitre'l with pine and toik. 'Jim
iiiipn.veu.enii ure a Lo-llou.-e. liaru uud other uul
it". u.e Lay. I or plirtitubna il.'-nire of
Ut.V I. CL1-M1.NT.
Sunbury. Muy 2.1, li-iid.
i f lill'l Uli,iei.i.:ne.i rt-sspell'ully inf.irlll the pilblio
I 1 treio rallv . Ihat ibey have enlered into l'o-l'art-i
iieialup in Ihe in' MiilY 111 I KS. and me tow
, piepai.'d to uianuliit-tureut the 'Hohiuueb round) v,'
! ail kiud of
.liui'Miifi'y , Muvea, I'lonIia.. (llal.
I lnwa V'.. ul .liui- oli -.
Itepairu K all kin. la of Airrieulluriil Iinpliii en'a
di'iie in C'oJ vt jiituiaiiiikc uianner und al iba
, abort!'.! !.'' i.'e.
I All urn, ha air ped a i inert , I. Hr.lera reapeut
I fully aolitUd und pwaipilv an. i 1.-.I i..
! 'jAU'il I'.iillItUACI!,
j T. li. inul'l 1
i I (ill Jr,.n. and all ot 1'roduee taken iu
, La. liHii'a tor H..rk
"diiuuiy. Muy il, !!::. if
! FoirsAiTir
I.f'T at I lie Ciller of HI it kb, Try and FaviQ
II r Htl'l Hill lirL'otl.lliuU.liV fVlltal lulLitilM.
'JVruw icut'imi'lr- "I't 'i
l HAKl I - I'M ASAXTS, Atal.
uiibury. Autui ij. t J u
It J 11 M ams, n, in ,uiIu b.nh but, I'.a
a-ielpbia, MituuLteiurtr of
fUt'lllIU llliu!eud
l IniIuh Klil!4.
Tba lMKat au l luoai avaoiiuitui in ilia ally at Ibe)
tea fl pll. ta bl.U'l. I'.ll.'.'d bl.d llluutod Mviaa
Uika blora OLtfls-j u,Jt 4.i ll'.la
Aunt. HKsk-Au