I ai"M w yiu ...sss...ai L3H.A.IrT cSc DIETZ, LOWER WHAHF, SUNBURT, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL, In every variety, Orders solicited and Sllctl with promrtnew and tcspatoh. Sunbury, May HI, I80S ly WOOli Ac ,1'HROT, 1131 nidge Avne, IlitiiMl'lctilii, Ia. OFFER for snle upon (lie most favorable forms. New and Beautiful Designs In treat variety of Iron Railings f(ir Cemeteries, Residences. Ac., of Wrought ami Cast Irw, anil Galvanized Iron ami Brass Tiiling ; Iron Veranilaha, Balconies, Stairs, Counters, Fountains. Gales, Columns, Hitching Posts, Lamp Simula. Vases. Tables, Flower Stands, Snfns. Chairs. Statuary, Animals, mid all other Iron Work of a Decorative character. Designs Ibrwnnled lor election, Persona n j l vintr for the saiue, will please stato the kind of work needed. June fl, IMS. 4ia 1WI'AIIM!MM 17 CO. PETER LOR ILLAR I, Nun(r& TobiK'ro ninniifucturer IB 18 CIIA31BERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York. Would call the attention of Dealers to the article of his Manufacture, vie : BROWN SNUFE. Mncalioy, Dciuigrns. F ine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Nachilochcs, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNI FF. Scotch, Honev Dew Scotr-h. High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch. or Lundyfoot, Attention is called to tho large reduction In prieesof Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a Superior (Quality. TOBACCO. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. Long, r. A. L.. or plain. S. Jnpo. No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2, Sweet Scented ' 'rnnoeo. Canaster Nos. 1 A 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish. Granulnted. N. B. A circular of prices will be cent on applica tion. April 4, 18G3.-1 S A P 0 N I F I E R , on CONCENTRATED LYE, The I'n mil j- Sonp linker. The PUBLIC are cautioned agnin't the SPURI CVS articlo of LYE for making SOAP. Ac., now of. fcrcd forsalc. The onlv GENUINE and PATENT ED Lvo is that made" hv the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, their tia.le-mark for it being ' SAPONFIKH. OR CON CENTRATED LYE." The grout SUCCESS of lhi.f article has led UNPRINCIPLED PARTIES to en deavor tn IMITATE it. in violation of the Company 's PATENTS. All MANUFACTURER S. BUYERS or SELLERS of these SPURDtUS Lyes, are hereby NOTIFIED that the Company-have employed as their Attorneys. GEORGE HARDING. Esq.. of Philada.. and WILLIAM BAKEWELL. Esq.. of Pitt-burg. And that all Manufacturers. Users, or Sellers of Lye. in violation of tho rights of tho Company, will be PROSECVTED at once. The SAPONFIER. or CONCENTRATED LYE, is lor sale by all Druggists, Grocers and Country Stores. TnUe police. Tho Tinted States Circuit Court, Western District of Pennsylvania. No. 1 of May Term, in 1S02. insuit of the ''Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company vs. Thomas G. Chase, decreed to ilio Company, on November 15. 1S!2, the Exclusive right granted bv a patent owned by tlicin for the SAPONFIER. Pa' tout dated October 21, lbjfl. Perpetual injunction a win Jed. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MAKUFACTUK1NG CO. OFFICES: 12 Wulnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt Street, nnd Duqucsne Way, Pitt. 'burg. Slay 2, lttSX 3in SEW .1 I'll NUT ' L,tU sai,i:, ioz: ALSO, GATCDF.N Oil FRUIT FARMS. Suitable for Grapes, roaches. Pears. Raspberries, Strnwbi rries, Blackberries, currants, Ac., of 1,25. 6. 10 or 20 acres each, at the follow ing prices lor tho present, vi-..: 20 acres for S200. In acres for SI 10. ,ri acres for SOU, 21 acres for J 10. 1 aero for S20. Payable by one dollar a week. Also good Crnnhcirv lands, and village lots in CHE'l 'WOOD. 25 by ion feet, at i(il each." payablo 1V one dollar a week. The nboi o land and limns, rut situated at (.hctuood. Washington Township, Ruvliuedoii County. New Jersey. For further in formation, apply, with a P. O. Stump, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK. No. of, Cedar Street, New York, N. -January 21, 1M3. ly VM. KNOCLTE. 8.". MARKET STREET, 1IAHKISEURU, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. "VJFAA Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers i.M from $200 upwards. JIELODEoNS. The best manufactured Instru ments, from $45to?100 Guitars. Violins, Accordeons. Flutes, Fifes, Drums. Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musical mer chandize in general. SHEET MTSIC. The latest publications always on hund. Music sent bv trail to anv part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FBAMES.I Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds uf pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sizes Any style of frame made to order at tho shortest notice. MM. ENOCIIE. Aj j-iljn. 18o.T ft 3 .Market St., llanisburg. JUST EEADY, NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. AN opportunity not to bo bt sight of. Rare -hance for Agents. Ladies as w ell as Gents can set as Agents. Apply turly and secure the agency for your locality. IOO.OOO watches, vest citat.s, locket, juxcs, gold rj;xs a.d fexcils, BRACELETS, STUDS. BUTTUXS, AEVK CIIA l.XS. SETS OF JEW ELK F, fl-r. To be sold for til each, and r.ot to be paid for until you know what you are to get. Send 26 cents for Certificate, telling you what you can have, with a circular, giving full particulars lu Agent. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in ull eases. Address, S. M. WARD A CO.. 208 Lioadwuv. Bos 4.n7rt. MarehJI, 1S63. ly s T-ised-x. I'raUe'a IMiiiitiilioii Kitlei-H. They purify, strengthen, and invigon.to. 1 In y create a healthy appetite. They i re an antidote' to change of water and diet J bey overcome clfcctsol dissipation and late hours f hey strengthen thesvstotu and enliven the mind l liey revent miasmatic and intermittent fever, l in y purily the brealhand acidity ol the stomach I hey cure Dyspepsia nod Cnhsiipiition They cure Dmrihea, Cholera, un.l t holeru Mr bus. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Head ache. They arc (be best Bitters in the woold. They make thewink man strong, and r exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made ol pure St. Croix Ruin, tbci-lebinied Culisaya liurk, r.s.l. and herlw. ami ate lakeu with the pleasure of i btera;;o. with out regurd to nge or lima ol day. Particularly re. eoiuuiei.tled to delicate person requiring a genllu snii.iilant. bold bv all (ir.er. In ugi-t. Hotel, and Siibons. p. 11. MtAKE A CO., 2i Bioudwav, New-ork. U.ber 2i, ln02. SIMON P. V70LVEIU ON, .lturiiy uimI 4 oiiUKi lur ul Ijuv. Offioe. Market street. 1 J.,rs west of Dew.t, 1,n8Uf,DU"Y' I A.. V1U' I'roiiipilev to the collodion of eUiun aud all uihar i ron -lonul l.u.iue. U.iru.ted to In. care in Norihuinbe, hmj and adjoining counties. 1 .mil lM-r I.utnlM'rl PHILIP HIAY, Muney, Lyeouiing eovuty, Pi., "I M'OUMH LU lileL.Uand tl.a i ul.llc lu uera I that ha euiKiantly keeps on Lnd Hoard. Shingly all. J' I t, i. ml nil Vii.U ul Luudr and LuiUiuj Vaierials. bl,'li hv will sell the lunwt nricg.. " l.lth i, lull ' ilr lif EH SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, THE GREAT HEM FEY lor llhriimptitm. Govt, JVritrrihjiti, lAimhngo, Stffi Xtck ailil Joint, Sprain, Jimino, Cut nnd M'mmds, 1'ihn, Headache, and all Rheumatic and hereon Diwrdtvt. For all of which Is a speedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, tho famous bone setter, and has been used in the pracljco for more than twenty years with the most astonishing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, it Is unrivaled by any preparation beloro tho public, of which the most skeptical may be convinced by a single Irial. This Liniment will euro rapidly and radically. Rheumatic Disorde rs of every kind, and in thousands of cases w here it has been used (it has never been known to fail. F'or Neuralgia, It will afford Immediate relief in every case, however distressing. It 'will relieve the worst cases of Headache in three minutes, and is warranted to elo it. Toothache also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or ,'Xee,-s. this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivi fies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Piles, as an external remedy, wo claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint shuuld give It a trial, for it will not fnil to allord immediate relief, nnd in a majority of cuscs will effect a radical euro. Quinc.y nnd Sore Throat are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely aj. plication ol this Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains are sometimes very obstinute. aud enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst caso may be conquered by this Liuimeut in two or three d.iys. Bruises. Cuts, Wounds. Sores, Vlccrs, Burns and Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pro perties of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when used according to directions. Also, Chilblains, FVost cd Feet, and Inject Bites nnd Stings. DTI STEPEHEN- SWEET, of Connecticut the Great Natural Bone Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut is known all over tho United States. DH STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of '-Dr Sweet's IiifiiUiblo Liniment.'' Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Rheumatism, nnd never fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy fur Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Burns and Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom f.ii!s to cure. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache in one minute. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is tho best remedy for Sojes in tho known world. Dr Sweet's Infalliale Liniment Has been in use by moro than a million people, and all praise it. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly a ' friend in need," and every family should have it hand. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment I for e;Uc by all Drnggisti. Price 23 and 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is without a rival, and will alley iute pain more speedily than any other prcpa ruisoii. For all Rheumatic and Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, ami as a curative for Sores, W ounds, Sprain. Bruises. Ac, its soothing, healing aid powerful strengthening properties, excite the iu-t" wonder and astonishment of all who have ever givin it a trial. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by it withiu tho last two years, attest the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HOUSES is unrivaled by any. and in all eases of Lameness, arising 1 rum Sprains, Bruirus or Wrench ing. its cfloct is mairical and certain. Humes or Saddle Galls. Scratches. Mange, Ac., it will also cure speedily. Spavin aud Ringbone may be easily pre vented and cured in thuir incipient stages, but con firmed case, are bi vuinl tho jssibility of a radical cure. No ea-e of tlte kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may bo alleviated by this l.ini uienl, aud ils faithful application will always remove the 1. hum lie.-", uud enublu the hoiscs to liatcl wilh comparative ease. EVERY HORSE OWXEll should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will etlectually prevent those tormiduble diseases, to which all hor ses are liable, and w hich render so many otherw ise valuable horses nearly worthless. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment 18 TUB SOLDIE3VS FRIERS) And thousand have found U truly A. FRIEND IN NEED! 'uuliuu. Tu avoid imposition. ohrrv the Slgnutur and Likeness of Dr. hlephun rw wt ou every Ul.ol. uud u I '' Sweet. Ii,itil,l Emuueni ' Mown in the tlu of eubU.ttla, without wLkijuolw genuine. MCHAHDSON t r., r,. Proprietor, Norwich. I't. MOKUA.N Al l. EN. (,,., Agent., 40 I'lit N, Vwtk. Sold I .11 dealer, v.ryakurs. Marii ima - ly A KLW AM) USEIUL ARTICLE HALEY, MOUSE ft BOYDEN'B . Patent . f!r-lri.iilliit; illi-M IVrlngrr Simple, Economical, Durable, and Is not Liable to got out of Order. The Self-Adjusting Clothes Wringer. Is one of the frreatcst Improvement of tho nineteenth century, and his onlv Uibc known and tried, to come into general nse. Ihe saving of olothes, In pressing out the water between two rubber rolls, instead of wringing or twisting, will amount to enongh In s short time, to pay f'or a machine. Every one is aware, that the twisting or wringing of clothes, stretches and breaks tho fibros ; but this machine presses them so evenly, that a newspaper thoroughly soaked, can bo wrung, wil bout breaking it In the least, and it woiks so easily, that a. child twelve years old eanoperalo it without trouble. Hot water doea not Injuro the rolls, and woollen goods can bo wrung nut of boiling water to prevent fulling, which cannot be done by hand. In Starching, It is Invaluable, especially on large articles, such as Ladies' Skirts, Ac, as it leaves the starch in the clothes perfectly even. It will wring the largest lied quilt or the smallest pocket hand kerchief, drier than can Kissibly ho done by hand, without alteration in less than one-eigth the time. The machine is so simple that it is not liable to get out of repair. The great improvement in this, every every other Wringing Machine yet invented, is. its Self-Adjusting arrangement, requiring no alteration, to wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, tho most Ig norant servant can oilenite it. The machine is made of wood, and so arranged, thnt no iron can possibly come in contact with clothes, thereby avoiding all danger of Injury to clothes, by iron rust. This is the most simpleand effective Clothes Wring er yet invented. Those purchasing can use thein two weeks, and if they are not perfectly salistled, re turn them, and their money will be refunded. Address L. h'. SNOW, Philadelpha. Or II. B. MASSER, Agent tor Northumberland Co July 5, ltl2. Wall liip-r lOOO Bic'!, OF WALL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERNS. JTST received direct from the Manufacturer, at tho MAMMOTH STORE of FRILING A GRANT, nnbury, March 15. 1W!2 'I'!i AIiuii" l''.(i'4'si 'oiii; any, Cfj IVE NOTICE .ihat they have concluded ar Jf rangetiients wi.n the Northern Central Railroad Company to run trnins from Baltimore for York, llurrisburg. Dauphin. Halifax. Trcvorton, Sunbury. ruirlliiimbcrlnnil. J.rwisiiuvg. .Milton. iUuncy, w 11 liinnsport. and all intermediate stations, connecting at llanifburg with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS fur Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis nnd the West. Also wilh Howard A Co.'s Express at Milton or Danville, Blooinsbiirg, W'ilkesbarrc, Pittston. Scran ton, and Intermediate station on the Catlawissa, Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Railroads. At Wil linmsport, by Howard A Co.'s l-ixpress lo Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton. Troy, Elmira, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara, and to all aoeessiblo points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Specie. Bunk Notes, Jewelry, and Valuablu Packages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced and cflicicnt messengers employed, aud every cfloit will bo made to render satisfaction. JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent Penn'u Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISl HER, Agent for Sunbury. April 5, l.St'i2. iu:ii!S's iso'ri.i., J!trm'.lirg, Fir. rpiIE management of this well-known Tlofel hav 1 ing been resumed by .Messrs. COY1.E A HERR. the present proprietors, beg leave to inform the public that the house is now being tboronehly renovated, refilled, and improved, w ith a view to the proper nnd comfortable ncoonimo'lalion of those who may favor the establishment wilh their custom. Guests will receive due attention nnd courtesy, and no expense will be spared that may conduce to maintain c hotel in n first-class style. Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during the summer months, w ill find pleasant boarding and large and well-yentilntcd looms at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SCOTT COVLE March 20, isr,2. .1. GILBKHT HERR. BOOAKDUS' pm)'TmA:PlIL :t(:c ti-oiii y , n-i. "CARTES DE VISITE." Photographs, Diigucr rcolypcs. Ac, takeu iu the best style of the Art. January H. IStul. 1loi'ny ul I.hvv, Sl'NBl'RY, PA. Collodion allcuiled to iu the counties of Nor thumberland. I uiuu, Snyder, Mublour, Columbia aud Lycoming. HlTKIlKXCKS. Hon. John M. Reel, Philadelphia, A. G. Ontlell A Co., Hon. Win. A- Porter. " Morton McMi'-hnel. Esq., " E. Kctchuui A Co., 2SH Pearl Street, New York. John W'. Ar-lnnead. Atlornty at Law, Mutlhews A Cox. Attorneys' ut Law, " Sum uiy, Mulch 211, 1S2. JUST OPENED! E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, INVITE tilt' turly attention i. tasli jiur f li-.isfrs to their i-Ik'H'c, varied tunl oxtrn siv:; nesortiiu'iit uf FKKMl WINTEK C!0i)1)i4 which they oiler at miMinaUe prices. Our ftock embraces A full line of llatulsome Dress Goods, A nice lot of Domestic Dry Goods, A choice supply of fine White Goods, A great variety of IJoots and Shoes, A laroe stock of Queens and Glassware, A very extensive lot of Hardware, Hals nnd Caps ni.il Heady Made Clothing Groceries of all Kinds, fresh and pure, Drugs Paints Glass and Oils. WE INVITE particular attention to the following lino o Goods, ritntahle for Holiday Presents. Ileal Heavy lihiuket Hiawls, French Dlunket and iJujche Shawls, Hoosery for Ladies, Gents and Children, Ladies G loves in great abundance, A complete i;tock ol Gents Gloves, Fancy Shirting and Opera Flannels, Assorted colors lialinoial Skirts, (skeleton Skirts in great Vurii ty, Zephvr Opera Caps and NuLias, Fine Pable Furs and Mull's, Pino White linen Handkerchiefs, Colored border Cambric Il'indkerchh fs. Ileal Haiidannu Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents Silk Neck Ties und Cruvatts, Fine needle worked Collars, Super niuck Love Veils, Silk Tissues of assorted Shades, Ivibbons, Laces, Edgings uud Ilulllings, Fine lilaek Mohair Caps, Shawl Pins and Scarf Pius, Perfumery, Pomades and Soaps, Duck Purses uud fancy Port Mutinies, First rate Skate, ready strapped, Nice Hair llrushes and Pocket Combs, Extra good Penknives uud Scissors, Chihlreiw Gum Gilded Combs, Ac., iVe., Ac Simbtiry, Dec. 50, 18(13. ito ui:ri.i.i.i:u a iivi:ii,. Attorneys ut Law, Sunbury, Ta A J"V".X ""CKEEEI.I.Ell and JjnUUIO.N it " " i Ell, rMMHilull.v auiiouftoa thai (hey haw tnti red into coprl unship lu ll practice of lluir profxadon, uud will omiuua lu aiUnd hi all kuintM MiiiiuteJ to their cIisikc lu lb. eouuiu ul Northuuihorland, I nloii, Mntdur and Montour, promptly, fMill.tully and e.rrlullv r.pci ati.n Iimd will U ica iu (, I o 1 1 1 f 1'i.Nsl iy CLAIMS Coii.ulUlioM m b bad lu Ui Gi ll JU A N utuj, GUi, l.ikot strMt, opa.lui Waarw't JtoUI. unbuiy, tUuary I, leotl THE Alls SUFFICIENT TUBES. THE GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. Knoitn at "IIelmllold''" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ. IIELMI10LD S EXTRACT "BUCIIC," ' ' BARSAPARILLA IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'8 GENUINE PREPARATIONS ' IIIOIILV CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive nnd Ppeciflo Romcily For Diseases of the DLADDER KIDNEYS, ORAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINOS. Tliis Meilieinc Increases tho power of Dipastion, ami exeites the Absorhcnui into healthv action, by wlii.-h the Watery or Calrcrous depositions, and all l.'nnaliiral Enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and inflainatiun, and is good fur men, women, or Children. lir.I.mtOI.Ik'N K VI' II ACT ijiciii; for weaknesses Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early indiscretion, or Anuse, Attended wilh tho following symtoms : IndisiHisitimi to Excrtiuu, Loss of power. Loss of Memory. Difficulty of llrealhine VI .... I. V..-. .. tr l.i:.' " vim is, jii-iioiiio Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness ol vision. Pain in the back, Universal Lassitude of the Flushing of the liodv Jlurcular System, Eruptions on the Pace, not nanus, I'ulliu (Jounteunuce, llrvncKSof the Skin. These synitoms. if allowed to go on, which this inciiicuic invnriably removes, soon follow IMP0TENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, in one ot winch tne patient may expire, w ho can say that they aro not frequently followed by thoso "Uircnii uiiicases, ' INSANITY AND CCNSUMPTI0N, Many aro aware of tho cause of their suffering, but none wilt contess. j tie recorus ot tne insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to tho truth of the assertion. Tho Constitution, once Affected with Organic Weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen nnd in viirorate the svstcm, which "llolmbold's Extract Duchu" invariably docs. -A trial will couviucc the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES, FEMALES, Obi or young, eingle.JJuiurried, or contemplating luarriaire, In many affections peculiar to Females thcExtract Puehu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or lteteiition, Irregularity. Puinfulness. or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Sehirrous state of the Uterus. Leucorrhea. or Whites Sterility, nnd for all complaints incident to the sex, n hcthcr arising fruni Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in tho DECLINE OR CIIANUE OF LIFE. See symptoms above. NO FAMILY SHOULD DE WITHOUT IT. Take no Pulsion, Mcrcurr, or Unpleasant Medicine fiir Unpleasant aud Dangerous Diseases. Bii:inti.is r.vi isac'i m cu Cures SECRET DISEASES In all their stages; nt little expense; little or no change iu diet ; no inoonveiiionce, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, nnd gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing ami curing Strictures of tho Urethra, allaying pain and inlhnoination. so frequent in this class of ilb-eascs and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Worn-out Matter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF trt'Ks, And who have pajd Heavy Fees to be cured inn short time, have found they were deceived, and that the '-Poison" has, by the use of '-Powerful As tiiugents," been dried up in the system, to break out iu an agiavuted form, and Perhaps after Marriage. USE tiri.MItOI.I-N I.XTIt ACT in cm; For all Affections and Diseases of THE URINARY ORUANS, Whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs require tho aid of a DllRKTlC. IIELMBOLD'S EXTIiACT,iBUCHU Is the Grent Diuretic, Aud it is certain to have the desired effect in all Diseases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD UI3LOOD IS.T1LOOD I Heliubold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsnparilla Syphilis. This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings ol the Nose, Ears, Throut, V indpipe, and oilier Mucus Surfaces, making ils appearance in the form of Ulcers. Heliubold's Ex tract Sarsaparilla pui ilies the Blood, und removes ull Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to tho Complex ion u Clear nud Healthy Color. It being prepare 1 evpressly for this class of complaints, its llloud-Puri-tying Proprietors are preserved to a greuter extent Ifiun any other prcpnratiou of Sarsaparilla. Ilolmbold'a Eose Wash, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Svphililio Na ture, and as an injection in Diseases ot' the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipalicu, used in connection with the Extracts lluchu aud Sarsaparilla iu such diseases as rtteummeuded. Evidence ot the most responsible and reliable char acter w ill accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame. For Medical Properties of Buchu, lee Dispensatory the United Stutes. See Professor Dewoee' valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. Phvsiek. Philadelphia. S"ce remarks made by Dr. Ephraiiu McDowell, a celebrated Physician, und Member uf tho Koyul College of Surgeons. Ireland, and published iu the Transactions of the King aud Queen's Jourunl. See Medico-Cirurgieal Review, published by Benjamin Traters, Fellow uf the Royul College of Surgeons. See most of tho lute Stuudard Woiks on Medl cine. Exthact Hie no, $1 00 per bottle, or six, $5 00 " SAKSAI'ARILLA 1 00 & no Ivi'Honkii Rosa Wash. (0 " " 2 50 Or half a dozen of each for $13 00. which will be siiuicieut to our the most obstinate cases, il direction ure adhered to. Delivered to any address, securely packed row uWrvurion. V Describe symptoms iu all communications. Cures guarauteed. Advice gratis, AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before mean Alderman oftha city of Philadelphia, U. T. lleluibold, oho, being duly sworu, doth say, his preparations eontuiu nu narcotic, uu luuiuury, or other injurious drugs, tut are purely vegetable. II. T. HELM BOLD. Sworn and descriUd before Die, this 22d day of November, I hot. MM. P. HI 11 HARD, Alderuiau, Ninth-street, above Race, J'buV Addles letters for Information In eouMenoe. 11. T. lit tM HOLD, tgftuut. In riot 101 lioutu Tenth-street, below Chesldut Phil a. DEW AUK OF COUNTERFEITS Aud l upiinelpled Dvalun Who endeavor to di.Hie "uf their own" and "other' artu les ou the reputaiiou attained by litllnbold Uvuuiue Preparaliuiu, " " t-iuu.1 Huiha, " " barprilla, " " luiprovsd Hum H ab, Kld by all Druggist eserywhere. A' K Ft) II H ELM IK il.D'S-T A KK KU OTHER. Cut out tho adtviiisfiueul, aud aetwl loj II, Au4 Avoid luiuusiiWa an 4 Lsuuture. i tekiaMy M l4J - y ' JLTTENTI0N DEALERS UM ramie. . ANNOUNCES to all who trade in Bunbury, that he has just purchased a LA It U 13 STOCK of writ Melrclrd NEW GOODS, WMr'h V.n fT.,M sf I.!, il.l .Inn.l ,... C 1 11 . 1 west end of Markot Square, very CHEAP FOR CASH Or If that will not do, just as cheap Tor coistuy pnonuiG( His stock consists of a large assortment of HATS, BOOTS. CAPS. SHOES. COATS. SALT, PANTS. BOA P. VESTS. IIUUSIIES. HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, and other articles altogether too numerous to men tion. CALL ATST2D BEE. Bunbury, January 3, 18(13. Itenriina: Itnilroiul. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT (1 REAT TRUNK LINE from the North and T North-West for Philadelphia, New York. Read ing. Pottsvillo, Lebanon, Allenlown, Fusion, Ac. Trnins leave llarripbiirg for Philadelphia, New York, Rending. Pottsville. and all Intermediate Stations, nt t A. M., and 2 fill P. M. New York Expressleaves llurrisburg at 2 15 A. M., arriving nt New York at 9 1ft the same moniinir. Fares from llurrisburg: To New Y'ork $5 S ; to I'liiiatteipiua f.l ,SJ ana $2 m, iiaggago checked through. Returning, leave New Y'ork at 8 A. M.. 12 Noon, and 7 P M. (Pittsburgh Express). Leave Philadel phia nt 8 15 A M. anil .1 .1(1 P M. Sleeping cars in tho New York Express Trains, inrougn to ami irom rittsmirgn without change. Passengers by the Cattawissa Rail Road leave Ta maqua at 8 5(1 A. M and 2 15 P. M., for Philadel phia. New-York, and all Way Points. trains leave Pottsville at IS A. M.. and 2.30 P. M., for Philadeluhia. Ilarrisburir and New York. An accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at B 00 A. M., and returns from Philadelphia at 5 00 i'. in. fs"' All tho above trains run daily, Sundnys ex cented. A Sunday train leaves Fottsvillo at 7.30 A. M., and Philadelphia at 8.15 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion tickets, at reduced rates to and from all luiints. G. A. NK'OLLS. Slay 2, 1803. General Superintendent. IKOS. Ari-iiiiK't'iiit'iiiM 1 wt;i. 1" rv Vork I,lne. THE CAMDEN AND AMDOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. It. CO.'S LINES. From tilattpiia to Xrir For- and Way Place, from Walnut street Wharf and Kensington Depot, will leave ax follows, viz : 'AltK. At f A. M.. via Camden and Amboy, (C. uud A. Accommodation,) $2 25 At 6 A. M.. via Camden nnd Jersey City, X. J., Accommodation, 2 25 At H A. M.. via Camden and Jersey Citv, (Morning Mail.) At 8 A.M.. via Camden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express At 12 M. via Camden nnd Auiboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy, (C. nnd A. Express,) At 3 P.M., via Kensington nnd Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express At bi P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail,) At 1 1 i P. M . via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. At li (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Southern Express At 5 P. M., via Camden nnd Amboy. (Accom modation. Freight aud Passenger, First Class Ticket. Second Class Ticket. .3 00 2 25 3 00 2 25 00 3 00 3 00 50 For Water Gan. Stroudsburi?. Serimton. Wilkes. harrc. Montrose. Great IJend, Ac nt A. M., from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna and estern Railroad. For Miiueh Chunk. Allenlown. Dcthlohcm. Ilelvi dere, l-.nslon, Laniberlvillc. Fleniingtoii, Ac. at 0 A. M.. from Kensington Depot, and ut 21 P. M., from Walnut street hai f. (The 6 A. M. Line connects wilh Trains leaving Elision for Mnueh Chunk, at .1-20 P. M.) For Mount llollv, at li A. M.. 2m,d 1 P. M. For Freehold, at II A. M. nnd '.' P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton. Ac, at 11 A. M. and 21 and 5 P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra, ltiverton, Delaneo. Deverlv. Bur lington, Florence, IJordcutown, Ac. at 12, "l, 2, 41 and 6 P.M. , 1 XT' For New York, nnd Way Lines leaving Ken singlon Depot, take the Curs oil Filth street, above Walnut, liulf an hour before departure. The Cars run iulo the Depot, nnd ou the arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. Fitly Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each passenger. Passengers nre prohibited from taking anything as baggage bat lunir wearing nppurol. All baggage over tiny H,un,s to be paid lor extra. Tho Company limit their rcsponsihiliiy lor baggage lo One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable for any amount beyond yltlu. except bv special contract. WM. JI. GATZMEIt, Agent. January 17, 180:1. NorthuMii Ccn trill Jisiihvay ! pi n.m: i hie: taici.i:. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from tne North nnd West Branch Susquehanna, Llmiru, and all ol North ern New York. ON nnd after MONDAY. APRIL 20th. ISM, tho Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunburv. lliuiisburg und lialiimore as follons, vit : SOU 111 W AUD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury duilv (except Sunday). ' 10 10 A. M. " leaves llurrisburg. 1 15 P.M. " arrii es at Baltimore, 5 35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) ' 1107 P.M. " lean lliini.-buig (except Monday.) 2 00 A.M. " arrives at Iialtiinore daily (excejit Monday). 6 15 A.M. llurrisburg Accommudatiou leuves llurris burg, 6 30 A.M. N01.TIIWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) 0 u , M. " leaves llurrisburg 1 15 P. M " arrives ut Sunburv, 4 05 " Exrcsi Train leaves Baltimore daily u 1 j p. f " arrives at llai i isburg, 1 35 A 31. " leavos Harrisbuig (except Monday), 3 (10 A. M. " urrives at Sunbury. 5 li " For further information ntip'ly at the (Hlice. I. N. Di-BARHY. Supt. IiiickiiMiiuuii A Itlooiiilui-; Hall ruatl. 0 N and after November 17, 1802, IWongcr iraius wui run as toitows : MOVING SOUTH. Ereiehl t!r PaeHger. Passenger. Leave Scranton, 8. oil A. M. 10.15 A. M " Kingstou, 0.2(1 11.40 P.M. ' Rupert, II. 30 " Danville. 12.05 Arrive at Northumberland, 12.15 P. M. MOVING Mnmi. Leave Northumberland, 5.20 P. 31 " Iiauvillv, O.OO u Rii)iert, 6.35 " Kingston, 8.45 Leave, 1.45 P. 31. Arrive at Scranton, 10.00 P. M. 3.40 A Passenger Train also leaves Kingston ut 8 00 A. 31., for Scranton, to uouueei wilh a train for New York. Returning, leaven Sorautou ou arrival uf train from New Yol k, at 4 15 P. M The Lackawanna A lllooiiisburg Railroad connects with tile Delaware, Lackawanna and Westeru Rail road at Scranton, for New York aud intermediate points east. At Rupert it connects wilh the Cattawla Rail road for points both east aud west arriving at Phil adelphia at 6 15 1, 31- At Norlhumberluud it ooiineola with the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad aud Northern Ceutrul Bail. road, for oiuts west and south Passengers arriving at llurrisburg 4 50 P. 31; Philadelphia lo 1. M ; aud Iialtiinore 10 20 P. M. ' The Freight and Passenger Train Unrth. leaves Nortbuuiberlaud at ,4i A 31., and arrives at W 20 P M., pasaiug Dauville al 8 2t P. M. . . , J""N V 'LS1-EV, Bup'l. J. C. M al ia, Ueueral Ticket Ageut. No. , 1002 Nut jour Trull, BY using ilason't' paleul Sheet Metal Sorew Top Preserte Jar. r MAU.8 J'ATK.XT SHEET METAL HCKKW -4-UPI All that b neeeMiary being lo sere the Cap down JI the Kubhor U.ki, which a tdaeed oubid ln lb shoulder uf the Jar. J or an inch uutanl .roll the top j prevent the puibiiiy f iba tavur u( as hull beiu, U jured by eomin( tu euuUwl wiia the ubber. I'emius desiring lM Jar can ke lupplied ty iaUi llM wlwi wit 11 M. HA.tM, Aul. bunbury June J I ea TJlTITEPeOAL CLOTHES WRINGER. !! ,y t'linvmaaoris TlirotiKhout lli- l.nnsl. - The best lalmr saving machine in the world. No caution or skill required in it use. Wrings everything dry, and ten time as quick ss can be done by the hand. n vniiu or cignt years can operate it. Nosertant eanhreak it.- li Saves it Oiwt In rlnlliin9 tn fnmt't BVArv kf months. B . Will wear for years without repair. W arrantcd to please or money refunded. PRICES. No. 1. Largo Family Wrinirer. 10.00 1 Willi Com No. 2-3Iedium " " 7,00 j Warranted Ao. 21 alodium " 6 00 ) Without I r. .. MI'KV. 1IUI No. ertinll, ' o,00 j Warranted. No 8 Large Hotel n " 14.001 No IS Med. Laund'y f to run ) r8,H I With Cogs. . I'y f 'Warranted. No 22 Largo " ( itcain 30,00 ) No 2 is the sire generally used in private families. THE ONLY WRINGER WITH THE PATENT COG-WHEEL REGULATOR. No Wringer can he Durable Without Cog-Wheels. Cnn vii suss-rat lVtinti'il in every Ten n. Persons residing where no canvasser Is appointed, hy remitting the price to us, shall receive the Wrin ger by express, prepaid. For terms and circular, address R. C. BROWNING. 215 Broadway, New i'oik. June 13, 1863. 4m N E WS! NEWS! NEWS! NEWS ! BOOTS AND SHOES, ARE now manufactured lo order by the subscriber at CHEAPER RATES than at any other estab lishment in Sunbury. The war tax is not taken into consideration, nnd all work will be done al old prices'. Having just received an entire ncW stock of leather and 31oroecos, for 4'nll'iii-nM Hoof m iiimI Miopia, I.imIU-m MIkx-kiiimI 4'iiilrw, ('liMilreii'n Khoca, A;'.,V'.. which will he mado to order at short notice, in the best workmanlike manner and of the best materials. Feeling thankful for the patronage extended here tofore he hopes toconlinuc the same. All who desire work done cheap and durable, are invited to call al his shop nearly opposite the Court House iu Market Square, Sunburv, Pa. JOHN W1LVER. February 28, 180.1. Am A NEW ARRIVAL T)F BOOTS AND SHOES, WIYI. H. MILLUR S. "I 1 E hns just returned home from Philadelphia, I 1 wilh anew Slock of BOOTS and SHOES, select ed with great care to suit all persona liny yonr Boots and Shoes where yon can get th tit.t n'.ality, and where the best assortment is lept in Snnhnry. He has Calf Boots fr S3 75 to ?" 00. He has Hoy 's Calf Hoals from SI 50 to Sl 1)0. lie has Ladies' Gaiters from 02cts. to $.1 50. lie has .Misses and Children's Guilds of all styles and lasliions. and prices. In short everything in' his line of Business. lie also hason hand a full assortment of Morrocoe, nnd Cull Skins of the best quality, w hich be will make up to order at the shortest nolle, having sup- pucu iiimseu wnn ine most lasijionanie i.asis. A CliF.AT ISAVIMJ TO HOOTS A: SIIOF.S. LIS W ALU'S Patent Metallic Soles ami Heels, one iiuir ol which will wear as long us fie pair ot Leather Soles, kept on hand. 31eniling done as usual. Call and examine for yourselves and learn my prices before purchasing elsewhere. WM. II. MILLER. Sunbury. May 1(5, I81I.I . 1 yen jiassi'.ic-w iATt"..vr livt: in: riei:i:i:it : As Improved for 1S59 nnj .-,!io. By E. KETCH AM A CO., 2(-9 Pearl St., New Y'ork. TIIIIE only Freezer constructed on scientific prin I ciples, u-iih a revolving can and spring bbule semper. J he one hastens the I'reezingof the cream- -the other removes it us fast as frozen. The most rapid iu freezing, with the least quantity of ire. The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple and durable iu structure. For sale iu all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Freezer accompanied with a book of recipes and full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 53 00 4 quarts, 4 00 quarts, ft 00 8 quarts. 0 (10 14 quarts, 8 (10 20 quarts. - 12 I'll Applv to II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. Slarch 2'.i, I8ii2. To ."iervoiiN rwiidererx ol'Ix.lli Ni--k. RLYUl'.KND GENTLEMAN having been re J: slored lo liealih in a few day, alter undergoing nil tho usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment, without success, considers it his snered duty to communicate to his nlllicted fellow creatures the m pans or -i nt:. Hence, on the roeeipt of nu addressed envelope, be will scud (free) 11 copy cf the pre.crptiou used. Direct to Hit. JOHN 31. DAG N ALL. IMt Fullou Slrect. Brooklyn, N Y. January 21, ImH. iiniiir 11011:. Corner of Stale and Thud Streets, II. nun siit no, Pa. THIS HOUSE, iu consequenee of i's ponrenieneo and near location to the Cnpiloi. has made il a dcsiruble stopping pluee, not only lor these having business al Ibe seat of Government, but for others visiting llurrisburg. Jlarch -J.V, 1802. I'or ICntM, .1II- ItoaelieH, AiiIh lleil Hugs, lot last in I'iii-m, M'oolleiin, At liisieel ou IMiiulN, I'ovi In, AniinuN, Af. Put up in 25c. 50c' and tl 00 Boxes, Bottles, and Fliu-ks, 3 aud $5 sizes for Hotels, Public Institutions, Ac. Only infallible remedies known. Free from Poisous, Not dangerous to the 1 1 11 in 11 11 Family. Rats conic out of their holes to die. Sold Wholesale in all large eilies. Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. !VlicwaroV! ot all worthless imitations. See that Costaii's'' name is on each Box, Buttlo and Flask, before vou biiv. Address illVltV It. 4'ONTAIC, Principal Depot 42 Broadway. N. Y. Sold by Friling t Grunt, Sunbury, Pa. April 18, 1803. flm rilERRIBLE DISCLOSURES-SECRETS FOR 1 THE MILLION ! A most vulauble ami wonderful publicntiou. A work of 400 pages, and 30 colored engravings. DR HUNTER'S YADE 31ECU.M, an original aud popu lar treatise ou Man and Woman, their Phvsiology, Functions, aud Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies tor their speedy cure. The jiractice of DR. III NH.R has long been, and still is, uulsjundcd, but at the earnest solicitation of uumerous persons, he has beeu induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium of his " VADK 311-.CI 31." It is a volume that should be in the bauds of every family iu the land, as a preventive of secret vires, or as a guide for the alleviutiou of one ul the most awful aud destructive scourge ever visited mankind. One copy, securely enveloH'd, will be forwarded free of postage to any part uf I be Uuited Slates for 50 eenls in P. G. stamps, or 3 copies for $1. Address. xl puid, DR. HUNTER, No. 3 Division Street, New York. Juue , lml.1. ly. HEIMSTUEE-ri loliulluble lluir KeMorulIie, JT WXOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original rolor, by supply ing the capillary lube with natural sustenance, im paired by age or diseuae. All iustaulaiieousdyes are composed of lutiar eausliu, destroying lb vitality aud beauty of the hair, and albtfU ul ihuiMl 1 u uu diesatug. IK'iuirtrevt Inimitable Coloring not only restore liau to its ualuial color by au eay procesa, but iioa the hair a j Ll.l RIANT llKAUTV. I pMuiotesll growth, prevent lis lulling ofT, rdi ealu daiidrnfT and luipails health and dcKiulna lu the head. Il ha stuud the lest ul lime, being the Ufigiual llair Ciduring, aud I autujtanily ineresaiutf iu fjior led by boiivullemua and ladice, It u hold by all rerMM-uble uealui. or eau he piiui4 by Ibt w ul Ibe eouiiucrvial ageiil, D. H. HAIlNte, ;'oJ liroadaay, N V 1 eutue, 541 cvtil and i , Gokibef it. IriiJ ' JUST RECEIVED!! Has just returned from Philadelphia with a SPLENDID STOCK OF Spring & Summer Goods, I'or JIpii IVenr. Cloth, Cassimere, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen! Coating. Linen Check and Cottonado. I. ntl lex Weill. A large assortment of Dress Omuls, Black and Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy Bcrages, Shallcy all Wool Dclancs, Mosambique Gisids at low prices Silk Levcllns, Delanes, Lawns, Ginghams ami Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and White Goods, Stolla border and Fancy Summer Shan is, Silk auot Lace Mantillas, &e. Ready Made Clothing, A good assortment ef Hats and Caps, A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, A full stock of Groceries, Molasses and Sugar Hardware and Building Mutcrinl, A full stock of Queen and Glassware', A full stock of Fish, Salt, Oils and White Lead, A large stock of New Wall Paper, A new stock of Stone nnd Earthenware, And thousands of articles not enumerated. I'jf All the above will be sold cheap for Cash or' Country Produce. J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, May 17. l.Wi2. Economy is Wealth I 1:1: VOCES OI .tl Kill I '(. The BEST aud CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in the World. Mmlsime AIHM' I01i!Ti:itM GREAT lOlCH REMEDY M.M'.vmk ZADOC POK 'J Ut S Ciirntive Balsam is warranled if use;l ac cording to 1 lie directions, to cure in all cases Coughs. Colds. Whooping Cough. Asthma, and all atleetions ot the Throat ami Lungs Madame Zadoc Porter's Balsam is piepnre,l with all llie requisite care and skill, i',0111 a combination ol'Jhc be,:t remedies tllO vegt-lalile kiliK.loTn affords ils .emedial qllalilies are b.-iseil on ils p,o ei 10 as: 1st the bcfiltliy and vigorious circutalioii of the blood, blood. Iliro' t lie Lungs. It is not a violent remedy, but etuolient warming, seiir'-hing and elTcetive ; can be taken by llie oldest person or youngest child. Madame Zadoe Porter's Balsam bus been in use Ly the I ai 1,1 ie lor o or 1 years and has tn'oiiiivd it pre sent sale simply by being recommended l.y those who have used it lo their ntllifici! IViet-.ds and others Most ImI'oiit.vvt. .Madaliie Za tie Porter's Ciirn tive Bul-am is sold at a price which brings it in the reach of ,. cry one to keep it convenient tor use. Tho timely use ol u single bottle will prove to be worth 100 times itscost. NOTICE. Save your Money ! Do not be persua ded to purchase articles at -Is toU which .1,. not con tain llie virtues of a 13 cent Bollleol Madame Por ter's Curative Bni-nin, the cost of inaiiuf icturing whudi is as great as thai of almost m,y oilier medi cine ; and the very low pi ice at which il is sold, makesthc profit to the seller apparently small, and unprincipl.-d denl'irs will souieiiiuis recommend oilier medicines on which liieir pioiiis are larger, un less the customers insist uh-m having .Madame Por ter's and hone oiher. Ask lor Madi'ir.c Porter's Cu ralixe Balsam, piice l.'J cent-, and in lalge bottles nt i5 eenls. and take no oiher. li y.,u cannot get it at one store you can at another. Sold by all Druguisls and Storekeepers nt 13 cts., and in ..r'i boltlesut 25 els. HALL A IU CKEI.. Proprietors, January 31. ISO.'). ly New York. MAM ( Ml Tl 1IKIIS Of SI I'Elt-CAKB. OP .t,DA. And Sole Agents in the City of New York for CT.EAM OJ'1 TARTAJt fit' LST1TUTE, Ii vei.ltJ by Prof. Eben N. Ilorsford. of Harvard University. Office. 11 Old Slip. Hanover Square, (up staiis.) NEW YORK. f PHE high pi ice ivhi -h Cream uf Tartar commanded J in 11-54. together wilh the alarming extent to which its dangerous adulteration hud been carried, wilh other considerations, induced the distinct, i-hod Chemist, whose name is given above, to coiiimcuco what proed to be u long and ln!iorioi-. s:ientitic re search, to discover a desirable suhslilulc therelbr. His cflorts were crowned wilh alaindar.t success, and hundreds of Iboiis-inds of pounds of the Substitute hai e been sold and used during the last live years, throughout the I nitcd States and the Cumulus. '1 he following true eoiopai-tsoii of ils nature and the ri Mills of its use. with those of Cream of Tartar, will convince the most incredulous of its value. ('ream of Tartar is a bi-tai lratc of Potash. This Suhstiliilo is a simple Phosphate, and contains nothing but what is found iu beef-steak, and in corn, wheat nnd other cereals, and is therefore highly nutritious. It also has a health-giving influence, and supplies that for which thero is a constant do luand in the system. I tT It is sold for a much less price than Cream of Tartar. 31areh 21, 1K03. ly I'i-:iuKli;t Iloue, pEBUILT AND REFURNISHED, Cor. Ho war I V and Franklin Street, a few Squares West of tho Northern Ceutrul Railroad Depot, BALTIMORE. Tkiims, SI I'Kk D.w. G. LE1SENRING, Proprietor. July 16, 1859. tf llrniisliesi, Winex, Chilis. V riHK subscriber, having opened in Thompson's X Brick Building, Mill street, Dauville, a largo aud complete stock of FOKE1GN AND DOMESTIC MQUOUS. comprising the best brands of Brandies. Gin. Old Rye. Scotch and Irish Whiskey. Port. Sherry. Ma deira. Champagne and oilier Wims. ol nil grades, all ul which will be sold Wholesale, at tho loiiesl city price. Tavern-keepers, by buying of us, c.tu si It I east 410 freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for F A M I L Y I S i; , nay rely upon being furnished with a pure and jnadulleiatud article. ( v Being determined to estublhh a reputation for selling cheap, be respeetiully solicit the patronage of the public. All el ders prom pi I v attended to. Jl.RF3ll.Ul S. II ALL. Dauville, June lStiil. t iiklttiislou EIoiiMe, NORTHUMBERLAND, PEN Ns-YLVANIA, (.rr the Bridge.) riHIE 49kcriber having leased this will known I Taveru Staud, lately kept b JIit. C. S. Ilronn, respeelfully informs the public that be is refilling an I repairing (he premises, and will be pieguired lo eu Un.iiu, in a eouiloitabiu uiaur.er. bis numerous friends throughout Ibe county, and all who way patronise his olabli.buicnt. April 12, 18(12. JOSEPH VANKIHK'. IIOUAIII AflfM I 11 IOA, PHILADELPHIA. Forth Relief of th Sick and Distreaud. afHicteil wilh irukul and Chrouie Disease, aud especially lor th vure of DiieaMi ol the Sexual Organ MEDICAL ADYUFgivcu gratis, l.y th eciiug Surge.. VAl.l ABLE Kl lt'llTS uu aixriualorrhoea or Kemiual lUaUnn, aud oil.-r Imm-ssi- of the b. ul Oigaus, and uu the 3IEW llhMI.I'11.8 riu. ployed In Ibe l'tiuwry, sent lo the alliicled iu oalixl teller nt elope, lie uf vbarg, Tw or Ibfe 8lui tur laaiag ill be aoerplanle Additas. I'll. J. P K 1 1 1. 1 N lliilGllTON, A"iiug Suijouu. Iluaard Afooiatioii, No. il Nuib NinUt .Siii, Philadelphia, Pa Ji.uj i It i ly J 1