gTfjc jjaunftuiri? flmm'ran. It. B. MA8SEK, Editor & Proprietor. M'UXKY, IA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1803. it. . " . . j 8. M. PETTENOIIiL CO., No. S7 Turk Row, New York, and 6 State Street, lkaton, are our agenU for tba 8nmitRr America in those oil led, and are authoriccd to take Advertise menu and Eubecriptloiil fbr ua at oor lowest rntoa. tW Tni 18 the Cask EvkuvwiikhK. The tongue ami pen ft re often true expo nents of a man's feelings, however, much lie attempts to conceal them. When you hear a man speak of rebels in honia 1 words and liiilcl terms, you may be sure he is a Copper head, and if, iu addition, he applies the epithet "brute"' or "beast" to our officers, you may be certuin he is more than half rebel. fif" The conferees of the district compo sed of the counties of Union, Snyder and Juniata, met in Convention a few days sinco and nominated John Bai.siiach, of Juniata, nnd Samuel II. Orwig, of Union county, as Candidates for the Assembly. VlIT GOTEKNOR SkYMOUR DOES KOT IE- bist the Draft. Abbe McMustcrs, of this fity, addressed a copperhead meeting at Dubuque, Iowa, on the 22d instant, in which lie said, as reported iu the Daily Timet, of that city : "lie had been frequently ashed, since he rnrac here, why Seymour had not opposed the draft ? lie would say that the governor had done all it was prudent to do. In a short time there would be a convention held which would adopt resolutions opposed to the war and against forcing people to fight. If a man wanted to fight let him enter the army, but no man should be forced to enter the service of the despots in power. Gen tlemen, Governor Seymour will act up to these resolutions. " 'It is not safe,' said the speaker, 'to op pose the draft now. New York is full of federal bayonets. We had a riot, but the tax-payers, many of whom are democrats, will have to pay for the destruction of property, and it will como hard on them. As a question of brute force it is not policy to make war on the government now. We tried it once and it did not pay.' " l:W TitK State Finances. From year to ytur, tha ordinary rwvree of the Oovern ment hare hern incrcaxed throwjh a vine policy adopted by (10 V. C CUTIS'. 11 v this means GOV CL'HTI.N WAS KNAMLKl) TO RECOMMEND A ni'.DlXTION OF TAXATION. AND NOW we run: a prociamation an nouncing THE CANCELLATION OE NINE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND SE'EN HUNDRED AND TWENTY DOLLARS AND FORTY CENTS OF THE PUBLIC DEBT ! Iu order fully to appreciate these facts, it miint be remembered that the State is en gaged, with her sister loyal States, in sup porting the National Government, while that Government is in a death struggle w ith a wicked rebellion. iif Latest News. Oen. Gilmore, ow ing to difficulties with Admiral Dahlgren, has resigned. The President will not accept his resignation but Farragut will succeed Dahlgren at Charleston. Meade's wmy has advanced 8 miles beyond Culpepper. The Richmond Whig, of the 11th, Rays, that the brokers quote the premium tor gold as follows: buying rates, $10 (ten for one); selling rates, $12al:i. Parties who sell gold on commission are offering It at $9 premium, or ten for ono( and silver at $7 premium. Tiie armament of the New Ironsides is sixteen 11-inch guns and two 200 pound rifled Parrott gnus. All of the monitor class have each a 11-inch and a 15-inch gnu in each tuiret. The 11-inch guns thrown solid shot weighing ISO pounds, and the 15 inch guns a solid shot weighing 47(1 pounds. The total weight of metal which can he thrown at a sitila discharge sums tip : Twenty-flte ll-in?h guna 4,.'i0n lkt. Keven l;i-inch gunS 3,3M Pn. Two 200-pouiidi lefl lbs Total (.".1 gur.s) 8.2;i lbs. But as the .New ironsides will dc aide to oe Imt one broadside tit a time in an attack upon Sumter, one half of her broadside guns should he deducted 1.440 pounds which would give a total weight of 0,?i3 pounds of metal which can he hurled at a given inonicnt upon the Hehcl works! Guns of so large caliber cannot bo tired rupidly, not iil'ti-ner. than six or eight times an hour. Time niu.t be given to coo!. Sixty times a day is probably the maximum. At that rate, the expenditure ot amuiuuiiion will be enormous. A single 11 -inch pun tired t-ixty times, or once every ten minutes for ten hours, will throw ten thousand eight hundred pounds of metal. A 15-inch gun tired at tho same rapidity will retjuire twenty-eight- thousand live hundred and i.ty hounds! Any one of the monitor class will require thirty-nine thousand three hun dred and sixty pounds, nearly twenty tuns, ofshot! Each moi ilor w ill also use about two tuns of powder per day. The entire licet, working at the same rate, will hurl at the KcU-1 fortifications four hundred and fifty thousand pounds of iron in ten hours. .at an expense of lifty thousand pounds of jiowacr ! or two hundred and twenty-live tuns ol snot and twenty-hve tuns ol powder. Ylliiit lYMMlvtirt nutl Yullnndl;;. limit Will tin. "7 V'tK-hrtird and Viilbiiuliyham vere elertul. irith S-yinuur and l'arltr, they would unite in ealliwjj'rom the army the truiiji from their renxetiee S!ntte,jfvr the jiurjmte Iff com j elliiiij the. Jiliuinintriition to imite a Cunren timnf the State to adjust our difficult ie," Extract of a s-cch delivered by Heister Clymer, at Somerset, Pa. Tkcrp U no disguise about all this. Taken in conjunction with the confessions of the To y Oryan of yesterday, tho declara tions of ('Iwncr may be leyarded as the IIm.I policy of the Copperheads, a policy to i-nd this war by tho ih 'kt ruction of the Na tional Goveriiuieut. This uttri onw dowu tho issues in the present political Mmpuigii to the biiuplu ((iu .lion, Shall Abralism biu toln, the Constitutionally elected and (on Mitiilionully imiiigiuuted Prvsident uf the United Stulea, lie allowed In iii-ace to admin ister the Government of the iaid Stutisl or shall Jeflerson l)avi, a traitor and usur per, who has pariU-ijiuled in the murder of hundreds und thouauiuUof Union men who has been Instrumental in laying walu large tracts of fruitful, peaceful and prosper u (i ri itoi v hio ia n-pudiutt-d the I ou Kt it ut ion vrhu has eonpimi to dentroy the I niMi-who has orn Io spread alaw ry all over thel'iiB Statia-thall this ri-U-l d traitor elabli.h a gownnociil "vr that li.aiiuuled by the lit rt l"f lh lU volutiOnl J hive aie now lh tUillou ilivoliid iu I ill) i-KiiipaM-u firGovcnior ol llto State ol i'lim avaniaArWi. J';rj , rilOCAMATIO OF TBIU PBF imvr. SUSPENSION OF THE - COKPUS. HABEAS Br tub Prbsidrnt o Tim United Status, ATROCLAMATION. WnEUBAS, Tho Constitution of the Unit ed States of America has ordained that the privilege of the writ uf habeas corpus shall not I suspended, unless in case of rebellion or invasion the public snfety may require it j and whereas a rebellion was existing on tho third day ot March, 1803, which rebellion is still existing; and whereas, by a statute which was approved on that day, it was enacted by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives, in Congress assembled, that dur ing the present insurrection the President of tile tinted States, whenever in his judgment the public safety may require, is authorized to suspend the privilege of the writ of habe as corpus in any case throughout tho United States or any part thereof ; nnd whereas, in the judgment of the President of the United States, the public safety does require that tho privilege of the said writ shall now be suspended throughout the United States, in the cases where, by the authority of the President of the United States, the military, naval, anil civil officers of the United States, or any of them, hold persons under their command or in their custody either as pri soners of war, spies, or aiders or abettors of the cnemv, or officers, soldiers, or seamen enrolled, drafted, or mustered or enlisted in, or belonging to the land or naval forces of the United States, or as deserters therefrom, or otherwise amenable to military law or the rules nnd articles ot war, or the rules or regulations prWcribcd for the military or naval service by authority ot the President of the United States, or for resisting the draft, or for any other olleuce against the military or naval service: Now, therefore, I.Abraham Lincoln, Pres ident of the United States, do hereby pro claim and make known to all those whom it may concern, that the privilege of tlie writ of habeas corpus is suspended throughout the United States, in the several cases before mentioned, and that this suspension will continue throughout the duration of the said rebellion, or until this proclamation shall, by a subsequent one to be issued by the President of the United States, be modi tied or revoked. And I do hereby require all magistrates, attorneys and other civil officers within the United States, and all officers and others in the military and naval service of the United States, to take distinct notice of this suspension, and to give it full eli'cet, and all citizens of the United States to conduct and govern themselves accord ingly, and in conformity with the Constitu tion of the United States and the laws of Congress i:i such cases made and provid ed. In testimony whereof. I hereunto set my hand and cause the seal of the United States to be affixed, this fifteenth day of Septem ber, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, (18(53.) ami of the independence of the United States of A:iieriea the eigtv-eighth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President, WILLIAM II. SEWARD, Secretary of State. 3ioral Affairs. P.KLiniDi s Notice. The Rev. Jlr. Young, ot Philadelphia, will preach in tho Prcsbytcrinu church in this place, lo-morrow (Suuday) uioruing at 10i o'clock. j?Tue Maciiink .Shops, Jc Owing toa aenrci ty of hands the work on these shops has becu delay ej. A number of tennis have boen busy, however in hauling stono for tho foundations. The stone aro well aduptbd for the work. About six thousand perches w ill be required at present. Messrs. Orie 1 Co., have the contract for the stone work. ty Mr. Wm. Pnyiieii, of t'pper Augusta. has pur chased several lo's from Col. J. W. Cuke, near tho location of the new machine thops; nnd is now haul ing brick for the erection of a largo brick building designed, we believe, for a hotel. The building will be IS foot trout by 100 iu depth, and three stories in height: y nouses for tenants nre in great demand. There are a number in progress, but most of theui aro in tended to be occupied by the builders nnd owners. Our capitalists should turn their attention to this matter. Perhaps the first tiling that should be done, is the erection of machinery to make brick, cheap and on a large rente, so as to induce people to build brick instead of frame houses. f Nkw Maukkt CAn. Messrs. MoOaw A Oood- rich. have established a new market line between Philadelphia. Puubury and Phnmokin, to supply the citizens along the routn with everything new in the city ttarkuts. Persons de'.ing any kind of vegetables, fruit, oysters, fish, Ac, will do wull to give them a call. Their car will be at tho Phnniokiii Valley i Pottsvillo Railroad Depot, at this place, on every Friday morning, and ut Bhamokin every Saturday. lTim Coi-xtt FAin. Our friends at Milton, aro making preparation! for tho next Agricultural exhibition to be held at that place on the 7th, 8th and O-.hof October next. We hopo that it will bo well patronixoi and w ell attended. Ijf Capt. Mkkiuck in command of the Trovost Couipany stationed in this place, has been relieved, and left for Hurrisburg with eleven nf his men to tako charge of his own company thoro. The Captain made numerous friends while here Capta n Wm. S. Young of Uunvillo has resumed the command of the encampment hero, which is made up of his owu Cutiipuny. Xf ' CucnE oil is now selling at $it per barrel at tho wells. $7 at Oil City f7 2i at Franklin at f 10 10 ut Titusville. I-Abaxoosmext op Cami- Ciutis. We learn that Camp Curtiu U to be abuudonud. A new site for a camp has been selected: ou the farm of Mr. Kutherford, three miles from Ilurrisburg, on the 11 ending pike. I'll location is said to ba the beat in the neighborhood. roLiTtrs ix ma Cabs As tha train from Williausport, eontaiuing lurgu numbers of conscript, ed men, was on its way to Lock Haven, much con versation took place ou the subject uf the draft, and in eousequeuce of soma iudignatlun expressed as to the hardship uf tha law, ocrtaiu Coppei heads iu tha train deemed it a fine opportunity to take a vote and thus nmke capital for their traitorous eauae. Tba voia a aocurdibgly taken aitb the followiug reault: Curtiu, 71. Woodward, 37! Alter tha reault was known touia uf tha Copper heads declared that the soldiers present should Hot have bieu alluwed to vote, alleging that tha soldier! wera all fur Curtln, and hence tha ueeesnlty of din- fraiithUiug all who bear arms iu defeuou of tha Uuv arnmeut. fA OrKon Act. Tha eitliena f ritlahurg liana telegrui bed tha Major of Leavausworlh au oiler to I'uruUk bomet and cduea.luii to Shy of lb children uiadt orphaua ia tha roetui Lawrauce uiaa. aor. If Ik oiler la aoorpted, a uoiiuHlea will ba out fur tba tbildren, and Iba espouse of tba transfer UI be bom ty tba benefactors, si. i PAsJlia Aavcaa 'tba futlmlll Nimr,' Juurual eaullooi tba fbblja agalnal Itar. M E. (um, bo repreaeuu biuistlf a I'leabylviiaa kiiuUv Uf, avl ei lbvts kioiity aa ba aays) fur our fum u diera, anJ at tiuiia fur Iba liat-l bovlity II a U a I'll ) iu ikaa, about I Ay )ara W a,a, m4 f yWU't aV la FIIOM ilAIU.r.STO V NKW YlHtK, Kept. 10. Tho steamer Mary Sanford lua -arrived frorji Charleston bar with advices up to Suturday night, tho 12lh InRt, which rhow that the dispatch of yesterday from Fortress Monroo was entirely unfounded. The Sanford brings dispatches from the Government, nnd a mail from the fleet.: Gen. Gilmore was actively engaged In erect ing batteries on tho upper end of Morris Island, sustaining a heavy tire from Pom Johnson and Moultrie. The rebels lyive two 15-inch guns in Fort Moultrie. Sumter is entirely silenced, but a garrison is still there and the rebel flag is still flying no attempt having been made to capture it since the defeat of the bout expedition. The health of the fleet is good. The Monitor Patapsco has gone to Tort Royal to repair. Commodore Ammen has been appointed chief of Admiral Dahlgrcn's stuff. LATER. Fortress Monroe, Sept. 13. I have had a conversation with Capt. Diggs, of the steamer Nellie Perotts. Capt. Diggs states that he had an inter view with tho captain of the steamer Cosmopolitan, who is a very intelligent and reliable man, being employed in bringing the wounded from Morris Island and Hilton Head. Tho Cosmopolitan left Light House inlet at 2 o'clock on Saturday morning. He reported that a white flag was displayed from Moultrie on Friday afternoon, and that from that time until he left all tiling had ceased. He also reports that Gen. Gillmore lind possession of half of James Island, but did not say how this result was achieved. ''he St. Iloiaiuo IiiMurrectloti. Nkw Yokk, Sept. 15. The steamer Plantagnet, from Kingston, Jumacia, to the 5th, and Port au Prince to the Uth inst., has arrived. News had been received from Port au Platte to the Cth inst., to the effect that two Spanish frigates had bombarded Port au Platte, and nearly destroyed the place, kill ing n large number of the inhabitants. Nuw York, Sept. 10. The steamship Eagle, from Havana with dates to the 12th inst., arrived hereto-night. The rebellion in San Domingo still con tinues and troops are being sent there to suppress it. Uobberies and murders, and incendiary fires are quite common in Havana. The anglo rebel steamer Laura had arri ved at Havana from Nashua. She reports that two steamers had arrived at Nashua from Charleston and one from Wilmington. Iir-!it ltiot iu .lEoUilv, X'hmi'Iiis, Scot. 11. KcI'ul: Alsl13tltlll. ees who huvc lately arrived within our lines, bring excit in j; reports of the terrible condition o' af fairs iu the South. One man, who left Mobile on the Tth, slates t liar, aterniile riot hroke out among the soldiers' wives at Mobile, on the 4tli inst. About 000 women and children collected Spring Hill, armed with clubs and hatchets and marched through the principal streets, carrying banners on which were inscribed "Hread or Blood !" "Bread or Peace !' &c. Being soldiers' wives their proceedings were winked at bv the soldiers, who ina but a feeble resistance. Stores were broken open und forcibly entered. One merchant, a Jew, struck one of the women, when some policemen, w oo were present, arrested the Jew and beat him se verelv. Many citizens left town, among n horn was our informant, w ho says the riot was in creasing when he left. Washington, Sept. 10 A telegram received from the army of the Potomac says: 'Our position on the Hapi- diin remains unchanged. About one hun dred and lifty prisoners hnve been taken by ueneral I'leasanton since Siindav. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIST OF LETTERS Iteiuuini uT in Muulmry lot LAUIUS LIST. Mrs. I). P. Buyer. Miss M iry A. Duueran, lthoda Ksehenbach, lb-lien M. Eliiol, Eleanor Heller, Sarah Langdon, Elizabeth Orrcison, l.U.ic Henry, Kchheca Haas, S.iruh A. bieb, M itlio Stanly. Catharine Herb, sj-iruh 10. Yeager. GENTLEMEN'S LIST: Daniel Berkkeiser, (teo. bared, , Wm. Fruliek, Jacob O. Jms, David McllUiM, C. 11. Mason, Mr. Maekey, Samuel Heeser, John it. iStraw, Perrv Suisons 2 It. 11. hitesidos. Peter Y'eager. Ilrown A Himmclrivjh Win. Conrad, timmicl liartiuan. M. K. btiiors, M m. MoAllister, Jos. Jlarr, 2 Win. Nesbit, Geo, ltieberson, II. 1). Smith, Win. J . Thompson, Henry Weittel, .11 A i-i ii & vox. t tioriicyx ut Law, No. 1 0l Cor. Fullon XV und ilroudway, New York. M ill carefully at tend to collections and ull other mutters intrusted to their care, i-opt. 19, 1SC3. A 'I'M lli: - ho oultl l- tiil il erroxi ! If vou havk a Tiiadk, hwe Uood O.vk ! There can be no better than the muiiu iacture of tSuaps. Wa have succeeded in reducing the science of Soap making to a mechnuii-al certaiiv ty ; so that any ouo unskilled in the business can with our Formula, prosecute the manufacture sue eessfully. Our Formula coutuins directions for pro. ducing seven kinds of tfoiip, l-As aTrude a Buniucss there is no better l'As connected with a country store, it large in creafes the profits. The product a sure sale no rem nanls very little room required small outlay for fixtures no ufleutive odor omitted iu the process of manufacture. I if Every family should possess tho Formula, as the Soap produced by It washes equally wull in bard as in toft waler. TERMS FOR THE FOUMI LA. For Family uso. f S CO For Store use, .'.), I" Exclusive manufacturing rlzht in a town of 10,000 imiiulaiiuu. or loas. fn a lo. over 1U.0OU and leas thati J5.00I) 76,00 Eu. over i.UOO aud leas lh.ui 79,1100, 100 00 A City of over 7i,000 apeoial terms will be agreed upon, I'pon receipt of the money wa shall tend tha For mula, eoululug full and complete direolioua, whi are prepared expressly for those unaequaiutod with the proeasa of Hoap-making. jf Inquiries m alt baeheerfully anaaercd provl. ded aatamp Is ancUaed for return pealag. Addrcaa pEAltbyLEV A CO.. S.I6 Uroadway, New. York. Bept. II, IsoS 'm mr oll- o Nt-ltool 'IVni-licra. API'blCATIONH will b reeelvej by iba Hoard, of (iebuol Ilireetors, al the llixu bchwd House, ,vo, 5, 1 AukusU rW-houl I'i.tiiel, for six (tl) loaeber lor Ih winler aobuola of said district, on Thursday. Uetubor 1st, al 10 a'vbwk, A. JJ . at whleb lime an.l lb Cuunlv eiulierililebdeul III uii-ot axauiivg appllwaula.audnll out eoiiiliuatet 1 w an mua apiiiyiua. " ' WM UClP.Bee'y. I'pper Augusta, Sept, , 1H3. Si A VALUABLE FAItM I'OIl KM.F. riMIK subseribar efei tvt sal ebtap, gewl FAUM 1 im Puml luawbip. 'Iba linpiutiwuia ai a ruud tuiury fibai lallu( Ibiusa and a l. luuaa, a Haw Uabk Uaia, lao d A 1 1 Oiubrnda, aad (uud alr auiiruiiil. ll.el U a K4 VI aier I'vSvf V lull U foi Mill tl.qollo l rYMltt(Wn1'T' i 1 V i X i if;!'; r-.h M- low K . I'ti I ?, , I A.'' Iu poil-.r und Mann Ap-J jVNTH.; J Iliciurer 01, will lnaii--l f fcjVXrV. " kinds of Fancj fti'f F"i for Ladioa' and facturornf, and lloaler ancy ana ' ' f 77 :r V-j fti-b io return my Fuiihnry titnl the sur rnundiug Counties, for their very liberal pa tronage extended to tue nrintr the Inst few renin, and would my to them that I now have in atore. of my own Importation and mannfaeliire a very extensive nssorirnent of nil Hie (liferent kinds and qualiliea of Ksnoy Furs, for l.nilica ami Uhililron, inat will Ba wurn auriaj ui Fall and Winter icawma. Being the direct Importer of all my Furs from Europe, and having them all Manufimturcd undor my own iuperTipion enable me to offor my cna o- nicrs a the puoiio a amen nsiniMiiuor net ot 1 urs tor the sumo unmet. I.ndieJ plmuo aire me a call be fore purchasing '. l'lciue roiucubor the name, Bum- bor and strout. JOHN FARETRA. 7! 8 Arch Street, l'uiladulphui. September 12. 18113. 5m WOOD & PEROT, 1 1 .'JO Kidge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa , OFFER for snle upon the most favorable terms. Now and Benutit'ul llesigns in great variety of Iron Railings for Cemeterii-s. Residences, Ac, of Wrought and cast Iron, and tlalvauiccd Iron and Brass lulling; Iron orammns. llalronles, IStHirs, Counters. Fi-unlains. (lutes. Columns. Hitching Posts, nnin yianfts, asrs. Tables, luwer Stntids. Sifas. Chairs, htatuary. Aninials, and all other Iron Works of a llccorative character. Ilesigns forwarded for selection. Persons applying for fituia, will plena suite the kind ot work needed Bent. 13, IStW. 3iiijo TIIE PAKIS MANTILLA, CLOAK AND No. 920 Chesm-t Strk.ft. (Formerly No. 703.) PHILADELPHIA. J. W. PROCTOR A CO.. invito the attention of their friends to their large ami huperb Slock of Fine CLOAKS and FURS, unparalleled in any former season The increased accommodation afforded in our new location, enables us to devote tho fullest atlcLtion to our aVui li-p:irlni-nt which will he found well furnished with cverv do. sciiption of First Class FI RS, which will be guaran teed as represented, or tho money paid will be re funded. ORDERS per mail will be cnrofullv attended to nnd delivered, Express charges paid, aud distance siuu ui luu miles. J. W. PROCTOR A CO. No. 920- Chcsnut Street. Philadelphia. Sept. 5, ISM. ly ISAAC K. STAUFFER. Viilcli .tinker iiud .Icnelrr, MANCKACTCItl-U OF SILVER WARE A Importer of WATCHES No l is North Second St.. Corner Quarry, PI1ILA DEl.PHIA. TIE has rnnstni'tlv on hand an n'sortment of Oolil I J and Silver Patent Lever. Lcninc nnl Plain ; Fine Hold Chains, Seals and Kcv:'. Breast Pins. Etir Ring, Finger Rin'-s. Braceleti. '.Miniature Cases. Medallions. Lm kets, Pencils. Thimbles. Spec tacles. Silver Table, Desert, Tea. Salt and Mustard lHions; Sugar Sniuiia. Cuns. Niinkin RiiiL-s. Fruit and tiutter Knives. Mneids, lomlis. litamoiid Point I Pens, etc., all of which will bo sold low for Cnli M. I. TillUAS A CO S best uiialitv full iewele. Patent Liver Movements con-tantlv on band: ul.o otner .viaacrsoi superior niitiiitv. N. H. Old Hold and Silver bought for cash. Sept 5, lsti.l ly w FOUUTn & ARCH STREETS, ruin, Ai3i;rs phia. Are j-ui;v V A L L F A L L T Ii A I) E , French JiEKINOUS, Cood BLACK SILKS, Dark Figured SILKS, New PLAID SILKS, New Fancy FLANNELS, BALMORAL PETTICOATS, Red, White ami liluc FLANNELS, etc. Sept. 5, IsfiS. .Iiu w SUPREME COURT NOHTHEKN CIS THICT. "VVOTICE is hereby given that the Supremo Court l for tne Nortliei'u District of Pei.n.-yl amn. will commence it annual session ou tho First Monday of October next, at the t imrt House in Mniiuiry. I i i.t-..M., i rutu y rrothonntary's Otlu-c, j August ISii.t. j LIST OF CAUSES FOR AKOUMENT. 1 Josenh Weitsel vs Mair A (IrifTv. No 8, 0?tober Term. IStil, Nortbiunberlaud eounly. 2 The Shauiokiu V. R. lid. Co. vs Maloiiu A Liver- more. 23 Oct. T., Norlbuinberl-ind county. 3 Overseers Heluwnru towu-hip vs t'veiweers Lewis township, ltict. term, ls'12. N'orth'd oo. 4 llei jiiinin Fetter vs Samuel C Wilt, et al 3, Oct. term. 'Ii2. Union eounly. 5 Edward Y'. lirighl vs Jorrs Buhner, ft, Oct. term Northumberland comity. 6 Robert D Cuiumings vs A.'Updegrair, 7, " " Lycoiiiing county 7 Daniel P Caul, adiu'rs Ac, vs Ann Divus. 15, Oct term. 'n2, Northuiulierl.-ind county. 6 Mary Ellis A Foreman Field vs Lewis Jameson, 21 , Oct term. It'i2. Lycoming oomity 9 David L Milur vs I lr. Edmund Frauciscus, 25, del tertii, 'ti2, Nurthuiiiberland county 10 Keinlelt A wife vs Clemens, 1, Oct term lSfi3, Snyder county 11 Wil.-on vs Lycoming county, 2, Oct term, 'fl.3, Lycoming county, 12 r.aiiuignidiier vs Dewart, 3, Oct tcrin, 'C3, Norlh'd county 13 IleiiM r, (jeddna. Marsh A Co. va Mary Jenkins, 4. (let term. h.l. .Noitli u eounly 14 Hall vs Dodge, 6, Oct term, 'ii3, Lycoming co. 15 liirard l ire lus Co. va Marr, tl, ocl. term, 'C3, Northiiuibeilaiid county ll M'Mince vs Campbell, 7. oct term. "r3, Ly. co. 17 lumgl.e vs lliiinniel. S. oct. term, '03, I nion co. Id Liiinford s Dunkelberger, 9, oct. tcrui, '03, Nor- tbuuiberlund county 111 Peter Miuldv's ex'r. vs Holler, 10, oct. tern., '63, Northumberland couuty 20 Mauser's ex'rs vs Dewart, II, oct. terms, '03, N or t hu m berl and count y 21 Bogie's ex'rs. vs Kreitier A Cans, 12, oct. term, 1d3, Northumberland county 22 Herdice s Kcynolda & Co, 13, Oct. term, '63 Lyceming ominty 23 Abbott A Lawreuce va Hall, Ac, 14, oct. term, '03. Lycoming county 24 Miners' liniik of l'oltsille va Hellner, 15, oct. term, 'i'.3. Columbia county 25 Dcaart vs liruner, HI. oi-t. term, Norlh'd county 26 Ex rs Peter Eplee, die d , Appeal, 17, oct. term, Lvcomiug couuty 27 Pesel'er vs W est llrunch Bunk, 18, o-.-t. term, '03, Lycouiiug eounly 2S Lycoming county t Humble, 19, oct. term, '63, Lycoming county 20 Updegrafl A others s Craua, 20, oct term, Ly. co iS9 Kline va McKce, 21, oct. term, Norlh'd county. 1MKI. Hil.l. Iiiliitl-lt1iln & t'.rle- ltillniil. '1 IIIIS great line traversia tha Northern and Norlh- wist eountiea of Puiuievlviiuia tu tha oily uf Erie, ou Laku Erie ll has beeu leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and under tlieir aulce ia being rapidly opened throughout its entire length, it ia now iu u tor Patscngur and Freight business from liarriaburg Io Drillwood, 2nd link. (177 mile-) on the Eaaleru Division, and fnuu hhillield to Erie, ( 7 ei u.ili.,1 on Iba Ve.turu Dhuiou. Tiaa or raaacxuK TMAina at at nbi-hv. Arriti L','l)f . Mail Train. 10 III A M .Sill a l'titutrd. Muil '1 ruin, 4 III P. Expreaa Train, 5 4 A. Expreaa Train, 11.1)7 P M Cui-a run through without ehange, bulk wava, on these trains between Philadelphia aud Iak k iiaven, and belHuaai llaltimura and Loi k Haven. Elugaot p'o- Caia ou Eaprvsa Ttalns both aa betwciu U illiauisport u4 liulliuioia, and Willlauiaiairt and Pbitadeliihia. r or iiiforuiatiuu riaiavtiua: PswciiMer buiiueaa apply at tba K. for. Uth and Markal en. And lor Fiviaht tiu.iueaa of ibe i'uiuujnv' Ageuta, H. It kingaiuu, fJr , Cor. l-iltl kkd Muikut 61., l'liil.llU.. J , lie, nobis. Fria J M. Dull, Agaut N C R. It., li.lliuiore. U 11 II ! arua, li.u'l 1 1' Mid Aft. I'bilala I.I ia I. Ilui r, li-b'l luk.l Aa-'l., I'kilada. Jii ra D Put la, AVil t-. I W I'Y. ...; :' k tiSri r IT I ft ti Mm "miArrii ui win nro entitlfi to l.t ir V.. i. is I'lopurly iiudo .1:'! ;. 'i huvc ll -.hi -io Li.i-.i-d Hni't I..-,i;IhIiiIi, at A bj .i; ihii hi the tCisu iit tlio.uier- I.i ItOCKliFFLLER ft H0YKR, Atlorneya at Law. Bunbury, August 29, 18C3. SPECIAL NOTICE TllE pROrRIETOItS OF THE a it a it i ii i; h i: , P1IILAUKLPHIA, Respcclftilly call (he attention of Buslnoas Mon and the travelling community, to the superior aooommo dation andooiufort in their establishment. KANAUA, FOWLER A CO. Anguit 2, ISo.l. ')m j HKnAHt) I'Ott I)tI.BTi:KN. A REWARD OF TEX DOLLARS, and the rtn unnafif mwim incurred, will be paid to ast raMsns, for tha apprehension and delivery of a ue-.-r.K l Ml at trie beatlqunrlera ot tba nearcal pro vost marshal. By order. JOIIN KAT CLEMENT, Capt. and Provost Marshal 14th Hist., Pa. Harrisbiirg, August 'M, 1HIW. HXiMPi'ION I' K O '1' U K lKAFT. ALL persona having Legal Claims to exemption from the Draft, can have their caiea prepared iiud urcdcaieu io in noard, on application ro . P. VlUL.YfcRTOS, " Attorney at Law, Next door to Snydor'a Hotel, Sunbury, Pa. August 21), ltiO.l. 3t IV H. 1. V. B. K. jr STATEN ISLAND FANCY OYEIN'U ESTABLISHMENT. BARRCT, NEPHEW CO., Proprietora. OFFICES: No. 47 North Eighth St., Philadelphia, and & A 7 John St., New York. Our success in Dyeing and Cleansing Garments of Velvet. Cloth. Silk. Merino, Do Laine, Ae , Ac., and Shawls of almost every description, is so well known that we onlv desire to remind our friends and the public generally, thst the season for gcttiug ready their Full tloods is now at hand ! Goods received and returned by Express. BARRETT, NEPHEWS A CO. August 22. 1SC3. :tm w WAli'MES, JKWt:Kl.Y At SIIv Tho undersigned would respect fully invite your attention to his ii ani..i.i .n..i. ... r:nKi..i.i ...i jy - .i m il Ki ir'iiin m x- uiv oni ion, $:J $ (Silver WATCHKS. FinvOuld JEW. W "sTi ELUY, nf cverv kind and vuriwv FWVV- of Btvlen com pri sine nil of tho r i 1 1 " 1 1 1 it vrvf .it hihI mast beautiful tr.tiffn. Also, rioLID SILVER WAKE, vW Iu Com and tho best make of Silver Plated Ware Each article is wirrtiuht to be as rrprrxruttd. Itf AVatehes aud Jewelry curefully repaired and salisl'actiou guarautecd JAUUll HAKI.KY, Strreessrir to Slauf'er A- Ifiret-) No. (122 MARKET Street, PHILAD'A. Aug. 22, lN'i.'l. ;iiu ch.liuh New Hat Manufactory. sor-r i t it wool, n a i m rillllC Fubscrilier respectfully informs the public, I that he has commenced manulactiiring, at M .N ltl'll Y. nil the various styles ot Soft Hats. Fur r.nd Wool now in use. Iiu trusts that his experience in the business in the city, will euablo him to get up hats in stylo and quality equal to any iu Philadel 1 hia . A supply of silk and other bats will also be kept on liana . Merehiinb? and others will find it to their advan tage to give him a call and encourage homo luanu lac t lire.. Sold Wholesale and llclail, at the lowest prices. SAM I EL FA! ST. Market Square, one door west of the - American' Olhce. Sunbury, August 22, lMio. tf HOUSE & LOT F0U SALE. rPHE undersigned ofiers for sale the house and lot I now occupied by himself, situated in Deer street the first dwelling north of the Lutheran Church. Tho improvements are a good TWO STOKY FRAME HU I Ll'lN'ti. 21 f-ets iuare in front with atwo story back building 14 by 21. with a doublo porcb, con taining in all eight rooms nnd a large bull. Also a good summer kitchen ami other outbuildings, to gether with a good garden. For terms uud couditioLS apply to MICHAEL IIA1INE, Pui.burv, August 22. lsr, FOR SALE. VLOT at the corner of blackberry and Fawn Streets, in Sunbury. The improvements upon it ure good and will accommodate several fumilics. Terms reasonable, apply to CHARLES PLEASANTS, Agent. Sunbury, August 15, ISM. it ooi-iii'nt of A WATSON'S iaia evans SALAMANDER GREAT FIRE AT 11EADINO, PA. February 12, 1S02. (Ir.STI.KMKS It gives mo much satisfaction to inform you Ihut iu tho aevere tiro which, on tho morning uf the 4th inst., entirely destroyed ull my stock and material?. I had one of your Salamander Fire Pruof Sales. Alter enduring an intense red heat for seven hours, tho Sale was opened, und the Books and Papers w ere preserved in an unibleniished condition. 1 shall need another Safe lis soon tto I get in order. Yours, most respectfully. W P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CiiAMUKiisut ro, Friuiklin county, Pa., j August 31st. I mi I. ( Messrs. Evans & Watson. Philadelphia (lentlo mcn : tin Ibe morning of tho 2Jd of August. ISIil, our Storehouse at Grccneasllu was destroyed by fire. The Salamander Safe we purchased from you some tew years since was iu the abuvo uientihued store house, .and contained all our books, papers, each. Ac. which were preserved in a perfect condition, alter being exiwed to a most Intense heat for several hours. Please iiilorm us upuu whut terms yuu w ill sell us uuotner larger Sale. Yours trulv. OAKS ft AUSTIN, Salamander Safes, for Banks, Stores, Private Faiuiliiv. Ac, Ac. Also. Evans A AVatson's Patent Ali linbeticiil U:.i-,k Locks and Hank Vault Doors, equal to any made in the country, and sold on as good terms. E A W. would respectfully refer to tho following Hanks and other parties, having their Sales and Locks now in use, to ttieir entire satislac lion, and miinv olbers aiven at their Store. I nitki) STATts Mint, Branch Bank, Shclbyvillo rhilaoc Iphia. ieiinessee. Umti. ii M atks Ahse.n AL.City liaiik of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation B'k of Pbila. Pottstown Bank, Pa. Com lb Bank of Phila. Coutosville Bank, Pa. Chatanooga Bank, Tenn. Stroudsburi: Bank, Pa. Pru'm Loan Ass'ou, 4th st. Jersey Shore Bank, Pa. Bank ut Northumberland. Lock "Haven Bank. Pa. Bunk of North's Liberties, Union Bunk, Baltimore. Philadelphia. Siuthwe.lern lii.nkof Va. Paul and Swift, Bankers, Fulton Bunk, Atlanta, Ua. Alabama. Newark Bank, Del W. ll. Sterling.Wilkesb'o. Bonk of N. C. Ruleigh, Lewisbuig Bank. Pa. Other refereneea given ukhi calling at our Store, No. 16 S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 5, 18(13. ly lKUSStS3. &HCELDEK BRACES, ELASTIC STOCKINGS FOR ENLARUED VEINS OK THE LEG, AC; Instruments fur all deformities. DR. GLOVERS Ha? l.--r 'I'rui baa taken the place of other Trusses for the retention uud cure of Hernia or Rupture. Acting uwu the principle of a lever, it never I onus Us atreugth. It ia coitted Io prevent rusl. It baa no pad ou ihu back, which ia mi liable tu injure llio spine and uiinuy and chafe the wearer. It is aurs lo retain the Rupture, giving ease and comfort, and etiuetu.g radical cures. D is warrvuted to give aatisfacliou. 'i be improved Sboulder-Brace expands the chest aud previula thu wearer from becoming round shouldered. Ladies' Bella and Abdominal Supporters, Band ages, and Helta of all kiuda, aud iualrumeuu tur all Drfiiru.itim of Ibe llodv. Dlt. GROVEK'S Oinca la No. 4 Ann Street, two door from llroadaay, New York. Slraugcra should particularly nolo the nam and N... April II, lb03. tkit I .HKvIO .11 T I ' la , Vllvrnry il runtury, Northuml land eouuly. Peunsylvaiiia. iForinuilv l ucburg. Snyder eounly ) OFFICE, Markil alreel, one door east of f'riliiig Grant's Stole, aud uearly opHe tba Court llouae. All prolen.i.,aul bunuo., oullevtiou, Aa , will ro ctlva piou pl atiuutuu. Apul U. IJ A M IIAV IU I.1.. ( AMElo tba praminos nf the aubaeriber, oa or J ab-.ul tha lal day of May, litri.1, a Mray Bull, ap- !.lully about lao yaaia old, Labi rial, will wbil all aud wlilla Ully. 'Iba uur U raqni'vd lo eoaaa ui wa4, uroia property, pay thug-ae and lake k.aa a aay, im vtbar aam ua ll ba told wa-iidiu law JOU Uajptit I ffay Auxvm, Awf Im, 1M3 IttDfi SAFES. PRIVATE ACADEMY, K0H1HUI1BERLAND. rpllERf.V. JAMEf DICKSOV. will rc-ocn hU JL Academy ou MunJajr, the 17ih day of Auguat, lo:i. Ihe following brancho will be taught ; Latin, Greek, Mathcmatlo, Phllnaophy, Khrtorlo, Logio, Book Kooping, Vooal Muaio In theory and riraotico. Also, tieography, Uramniar, lliatory, Uoinposition Writing. TERMS ! Pif Ounrlnr nf 1 1 weeks. f tn In the above brunches without llio languagoa $0 00 ! I.atin anil anovo oranonea, n Greek and above briiuchea, Pee Circular. " Por further pnrtlculnrs apply to REV. JAMES DICKSON, Teacher. Northumberland, August 1st, LS6.1. ly MANHOOD, llrtvr I.OMf, How Krsitorril. Just Published, in a Sealed IZnvclone. Price Sir Cents. ' VLECTt'llE on the Naluro. Tmatment and Ha dical Cure of Spcrmatorrhupa or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility. Nervousness, and InvulunUiry Emissions, inducing Impoteney, Consumption, and Mental and Physical Debility. By KOB'T J. CLLVERWELL M. . The Important fact that tho awful conseiiuences of Helf-Abusc may bo tfTectually removed without in ternal medicines or the dangerous application of caustics, instruments, medicated Bogiea. and other empirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment as adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, by means of which every one is ebabled to cure him self perfectly, and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums ol tneuay. inis lecture will provo a boon to tkuiwiuds and thou aannds. Sent undersea). In a pluin envelope, to any address. post-paid on receipt of two postage stamps, by ad dressing the publishers. i.ii.vrs. j. u.,, 127 Bowerv. New York, Post Otbco Box, 4iS. Aug. 15, lSlVl. Feb. 2S, y 3o ii I' H I ' It Y ACADl! M V . niHE Select High School of this place, will bo I reopened August Alst, lsrt.'l. under the superin tendence of S. P. FINK. A liberal patronage is so licited from the patrons of tho school, and the citizens generally TERMS OF TUITION PER SESSION. Orthography, Heading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic $2 50 Arithmetic. Geography and English Grammar 3 50 Nat. Philosophy, Watt a ou The Mind, Alge bra aud Geomcitry, S M Book Keeping, Languages and Astronomy, 6 50 One half of the tuition money to bo paid in advance, and the balance at tho expiration of each term. Pupils studving any one branch in either of the higher grades of tuition will bo classed iu tho gradu embracing such branch. For further information apply to S. P FINK, Principal. Sunbury, August 8th. lHtVl. JORDAN XOWXSHII5 I) 1ST! L L E It Y. TllIE undersigned having entered into partnership I in the Distillery liusinoss, iu Jordan township, Northumberland county, on the road from Shaffer's Tavern to Uniniitiivvii, about 4 miles from Mahonoy and o miles from Kliugcrstown, beg lcne to inform the putilic thul they aro now making a tuperier ar ticle uf PUHE It YE WHISKEY. Those desiring grain converted into whiskey can have it dono ou the most reasonable terms. 'J he highest eash prices will be paid for Rye, and grain takeu in exchange for Whiskey. Tho public can bo assured that all Whiskey made at this distille ry will be lice from drugs and tnlulturations. ISAAi: HI-.I'l'lM, G. E FULST. Jordan twp.. Juno 13 1SC3. lim Xi ni.iitt Inaurunt'i- Cuiupuuy, "W I LKES B A H R E. P A. Cajvatal nud Jaurpluw, tl lt,000. DIRECTORS: (1. M. Hollciibnck, L. D. Shoemaker, Johu Reiehard, D. G. Driesbach, Samuel Wudhams, It. C. Smith, n. D. l.neoe, i lias, llorrance, Charles A. Miner, W m. S. Rosa, W. W. Kctchani, G. M. Harding. G. M. IIOI.T.ESBACK, President. L. D. SHOEMAKER, Vice President. C. Smith, Secretary. W G. Stkklinu, Treasurer. This Coiiitiaiiv Insures three-fourth of the Cnsh valuation, takes no Preniium Notes, make no Assess ments, Policy acknowledges all moneys paid during thu term ofyour Insurance A. uiiAvt ruui), Agem. May 30, 1883 ly o TJir d h AGRICULTuitAL WORKS ! SUNBURY, PENN'A. rilHE undersigned respectfully inform the public J. generally, that lltey have entereii into Lo-l'art-nersbip in the FOl NDRY BUSINESS, and are now prepared to manufacture ut tho -Rohrbach Foundry,' ull kinds uf .tlurliiurry, fvi, llonyli, Uaal. , til iliort ,oli-c. Ilepiiiring all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a good workmanlike maimer aud ut the shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited aud promptly attended to. JACOB ROIIRBACII, T. G. COOPER. t"f Old Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken in Exchange for work. Sunbury, May 10, 1S63. tf A Homey nnd 4'oun-llr lit l.iivv, Olfico on south sido of Market street, four door west of E. Y. Bright A Sou 8 Storo, SUJSXBTJU.-X', PA. Will attend promptly to nil professional business entrusted to bis care, the collection of claims in Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Sunbury, May 23, 1S03. ly J. 33. HELLER, 0(Eco, on south side of Market Square, near the Cyurt House, STJNBTJR V, PENN'A. Will attend promptly to all prnfcasinnal business entrusted to his cure, tho collection of claims iu Northumberland and the adjoining couittits. Sunbury, May 2d, lsti3. ly WATCHES, Ji welry tV. lliuiucad, LEWIS LAC0MUS & CO- 802 Chcsnut Street, Philudelpnia, nA YE always ou hand a large stock of Gold and Silver W liuhcs. suitable for Ladies, Gentleman or Boys' Wear. Some of our owu iuiportuliou, ex tra line qualitv. Our assortment of Jewelry consists of tho most fashionable and rich designs ; as also tho plainer uud less expensive. Silver smmmiiis. Fork:!. Pie. Cake and Fruit Knives; ultoa large varioly nf Fancy Silver tt arc auitablu for Bridal PrcsouH. e have also on hand a most splendid assortment of Diamond Jewell v. ol all kinds, to which weiuvile soKcbil aitm.iion. ' Our nriees will be found coiiside loss lliuu Die sauiu articles are usually sold for. Ail kiuds of Walehca repaired in tho very beat manner, and warranted logii e satisfaction. WEDDING lU.NUSuu baud and made to order. Call or address LEWIS I.ADOMUS A CO , fi2 Chcsnut Street, Philadelphia P. S. The hheet cu:.b prices paid tor old Uild aud Silver. Alloidcra from the country will receive especial at t cut lull. .May 2, 1S03. 3mo V-TSATZS'a HOTSL, Curuer Fuan and Market Strcui. talMIl HV, IM. milE iindersiiiued resi.eeltnll v in torn . Ihe public I that ba baa taken charire of tha a'-ovo l.niocd Hotel, and asks f..r Ihe coiitinuai.eo of the former pafVouago and would invite all othei. tu j;iv t) biui a call. HIS TABLE ia alwavssupplied wilh the bwt Iba niuiket affurds Ilia Car e.a.laius the el olev.1 liiUoia. aud hi alub' liug ia good aud well atund.d by careful o-'lers Buubury, May SO, IS03. BLINDS .AND SUADLS. II. J W I IM AMS. No. Io Nvrlb Sulk Street, t'kil adulptiia, MauulacUirer o Vt-NflliiM llliuJani IhsJww liinli ai. Tba larraal and tueal aMurloieul iu tba ally at tla loweal larn UlimU I'alulial ami irunuia asjisai aaaw tat Ma 'saatMaaual laUai.a Afin itm.fju NIW TA1L0EH.G ETElI3ULIiT J tl H , T. fll A It X 1 i, 2'arlet Square, on dvor v.ttt Ut '")- Office, nTeotfully rnforma hii old frhda axd rhe. r'b . ha generally that h baa again tetuiuWl 10 Banbury and re-vHnod a New 'I'm Hoi-luff i:1nltlNlimciit. i Tie la prepared to make np now garmenta aa writ aa mending old onus, and to do oik neatly, futh Ionably and nibstanlially, in tfaot will warrnnl fill work leaving the shop, and by ao doing, hopia to reCpivo a duo share of patmnnpe. Peisora desiring to have olothini made up to order in tho latest style, will please give bitu a onll. Suubury, April 11, 1603. t) in. TAILOBIKG ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN BMICK, Fuwn Strrect, opposite Weaver's Hotel, Bt'NBURY.'Northumbei-lnnd Co., Pa.. INFORMS his friends and tho public generally, that he has takcu tho Shop of Jacob S. lliiko, diic'd., and is prepared to do all kil.daof TAILOH. ING in n good workmanlike tuunncr. The putroL aguofthe public is respectfully solicited. Suubury, May Id, lli3. ly SINGER & CO.'S IifUvr A. Ytuully Mewing MiM-liiiM-, "tlflTH all tho now improvement (Hcminor, Lraider, binder. Feller, Tucker, Curdor, Uu therer, Ac, Ac, Ac), is tho CHEAPEST AND BEST, aud most beautiful of all machines fur FAMILY SEW ING and lighl manufacturing purposes. It makes the iuter-loeked stitch (which is alike on both sides), and has great capacity for sewing ALL KINDS OF CLOTH AND ALL KINDS OF THKK.YD. Even leather, ns well as Iho finest muslin, may ba sewn to perfection on this machine. It will use 201) spool coltou as well as No. lio linen thread. What it oan do only be known by seeing tho machiuo tested. The Folding-top Case is among the most valuable of all the new improvements. It may bo opened out as v. spacious and substantial table to sustain thu work, and when the machine is not in use it may bo folded into a box, which protects Iho working parts of the machine. Thoro ia no other maehiuu to equal the Letter A in Simplicity, EiiialIlilJ, lliiriliiy, and t-i l:iiiit j !' correct iic-tlou at nil rillrsi of speed. The Family Sewing Machine is fust becoming na popular for family uso as Sinoku A t'o.'s Manulac tiiring Machine are for manufacturing pnrposes. Thu llrunch Oflieosare well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil. Ac , ot tlio vest best quality. Send for a i-ami'U1.i:t and a copy of MNoun Co'a (I A r ETTK." i. M. SINOER A CO.. 459 Broadway, N. Y. Philadelphia Offico. bit) Chcsnut str'uut. Juno 2U, lStiH. ly 18G3. FR1LING 18G3. & GRANT AT TIIE MAMMOTH STORE, -yTOULD respectfully announce that they have just received and opened a very large and well eel Da ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they aro willing to dispose of at a VERT SMALL ADVANCE ON I'lrnt Cost, OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVERTTHIXO GIVE TJS A CALL. Thankful for past favors wo hopo to meet a con tinuance of the same by still selling GuuJs as cheap if not t'llU.kl'IIIt than can bo purchased eUa whero. FRILINO A GRANT. Sunlury, May 23, IHf.3. X .loint IN'sniliitlomsi-oposiiun- --r- Itiiu Aiuoudiut-nfM Iu I lie 4 ouslilif I Dm. I'e it unfoi.vr.n by tiif. Pknatk axu Housk of H!:i''r.vTivKS ok tiiuCom- MONWT.AI.HI OF 1'KNNSVI.VAMA IN IjF.MCItAI. AKll.MItl.Y MKT, Tiillt t'.lO iollowilio; IltlH.lnl- tm nts Im tu-iihu1 to the, ('onatitutinii ol llio C'omiiionwtiiltli, in nrcortlniit-c with tLu iruvi-'nins of tin-tenth tirt'.rlt! tlu-reot : I liere slum oe tin unoiiiontu secuon ro tlie third tirticle ot the t'ontitutinn, to bo ilo-'iin.iteil us tuction four, us lollows : Shi-TloN 4. Wlteiii vir tinv ol tlie r;tiali . . . . - i.i. 1...U I.,. iietl electors oi mis v (uniiiiiiiwetiiiii miuu iiu in nnv iictuttl military seiviee, inuli r a requi- ition from the I'res-ideiit ol tlie I mud State, or Dv the niitlmnty ol tins v. niiiuion- wetdtli, sudl eU i tors may exrrr ise the richt of sulTrai;e in nil elections by the citizens, under sueh regulations as are, or shall Lo inscribed By iuw, as fully as if they were present at tlieir usual olaee of election. 1 here snail tie- two atuiiiioiiai iieeiiiiiia iu the eleventh tirticle nf the Constitution, to he dcshrnatcd an sections tight, and uiiie, us follows : Suction S. No ''"l sliull oo passed Ly tho Legislature, rtmt.ui.nio; iiuue tlittn one t-nl)- ject, which shall he clearly evpresseil in thu title, except appropriation inns. 5). rso bill shull tie passed uy tnc egisia- tui-o giuntini; any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grunt mi ll powers, or privileges, iinsneeii, or may iii'te- aftiT be, conferred upon the courts of this Commonwealth. JOHN CTSSNA. Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN 1'. 1T.NNY, Speaker of the fxuule. Ok'a'Kfc V TUB SKCMKTABV 1V THK C'OM- MONWKATII, ll.vKitism no, July 1, rtNXSYLVANI V, Srf: -..-. I do hereby certify that the fore- L. S. going and annexed is a full, ti ne --.- and correct copy of the original Joint Institution of tlie cictierul Assetul ly, entitled "A .Joint Resolution iroasiiig cer tain AiucndiiK uts to tlie Constitution," aa tlie suiiie ii'iiiaius on tile iu this ollice. In Tcstiinoiiv wlu ieiif, I have hereunto set 111 y hand uud caused the teal of the riccre ta'ry's ollice to lu ulliied, the day und year uI.h e w lit ten. fli surra. of the CuuniiouwiultU. July 11, te A Y.VLUABLE FAItM FOR rplIF underslned uiraloarll at private aale, li! I valuable taitu, rituute iu Zerbe loanJ ip. .V'lih uuibcrtaiid euuuty, 1'a , about ouu uite te.i of iba loan of 'I'rvvoiton, oottaiiitna; 'I M 0 HUM'ltl 1 AC Ul'.s. inora or lew; about Jxty aer.w of wbieli are cleared aud iu a good suite i f eulitvaMon. snj Ibe balaiua wull Iiu buivd lib piuu aud oak Tba iiiipM.ieu.tuu tru a Lo-lluuav, Vuiu and vtkat urn build.U;.. 't'alaaa LaJT. IVl latliafcl.'S kjulia of Ha T M ial T taaaail. U. a tM