GH-A-ISTI' Sc DIETZ, XOWEB WltABF, BTTNBURY, PA.' tt ilOLEEALB AHD HETAJL DEALt.118 IS WHITE" ASH COAL, In every variety, OrnVrs Bptlolled ted flllcj wiln prcnirtness ur.J tlospstch.' Sunbury, May 18, 1863 ly OKNA MENTAL 1R011 V0KKS. Xvoo v ii?rt, urn irii, Avonuo, TlttliMlclphln, I'ii. OFFER for nilenron the wsst favorable tertr.s, New nnd Beautiful Designs in great variety of Iron Railings for Cemeteries. Residences. o.f of JV might and Cast Irwi, ami Galvanized Iron iind Brass Tubing; Iron Verur.dnbs, Balconies, Stuiif., Counters, Fountains, Gnlis, Columns, Hitching Posts, Lnn p Stands, Vn, Tables, Flower Stands, Sofas, Chain. Statuary, Animals, and all Other lion Work of a, Decorative character. Di-figna forwarded for arlidii n. Pernors applying for the same, will please tn t o the kind of win k needed. June 6, 1803 tin ITTABIAi11kI IIOO. PETER LOKIttAni), Hnnfl'A Tohncro MJrtvHfurturcr It! 19 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, Now York. Would call the attention of Dealer! to the article! vf bis manufacture. Til : MOWN SNUFE. llacnboy, Dcmlgros. line Rappee, l'ure Virginia, Coarse Rappee, Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen. YELLOW SNIFF. Scotch, Honey Dew Scotch. High Toast Scotch, Fresh Honey Dow Scotch - Irish High Toaiit, Frosh Scotch, or Lundyfont, tlAttcntion is called to the lnrgo reduction in prieesofFiue-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a Superior Quality. TOBACCO. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. Long, P. A. L.,orplnin, 8. Jngo, Jso. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet, Spanish, No. 2, Sweet Scented Oronoco. Canaster Nos. 1 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish. Granulated. . N. B A circular of prices will be cnt on applica tion. April 4, 1S63. 1 SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE, Tho Family Konp JInkcr. The PUBLIC are cautioned against the SPURI OUS article of LYE for milking SOAP, Ac. now of fered forsalo. The only GENUINE and PATENT ED Lyo is that made by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, their trademark tor it being "SArOXFIER. OR CON CENTRATED LYE." The great SUCCESS of this article has led UNPRINCIPLED PARTIES to en deavor to IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's PATENTS. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS or SELLERS of these SPURIOUS Lyes, uro hereby NOTIFIED that the Company have employed as their Attorneys. GEORGE HARDING, Esq., of ftiilada., and WILLIAM BAKE WELL. Em., of Pittsburir. And that all Manufacturers, Users, or Sellers of Lye. in violation of the rights of the Company, will be PROSECUTED at onco. The SAPONFIER. or CONCENTRATED LYE, is for sulo by all Druggist. Grocers and Country Scores. Take roliro. The United States Circuit Court. Western District Of Pennsylvania, No. 1 of May Term, in 1SC2, in suit of tho '-Pennsylvania Salt Manufacturing Company vs. Thomas G. Chase, decreed to the Company, on November 15, 18d2. the Exclusive right granted bv a patent owned by them for tho SAPONFIER. Pa tent dated October 21, 1850. Perpetual injunction awurded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING CO. OFFICES: 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pitt Street, and Duqucene Way, Pittsburg. May 2, 1SC3. 3m Sew "jeissev Hiilis voix S.41E, ALSO, GARDEN OR FRUIT FARMS. Suilable for Grapes, Peaches, Pears, Raspberries, Strawberries, Blackberries, currants, Ac, of 1,2, 6. 10 or 1'U ucreseuch. at tiie following prices for the present, viz.: 20 acres for S2l)0. lo acres for $110, 6 acres for $00, 2i acres for $10, i acre for $20. Payable by one dollar a week. Also good Crunbejrv lands, and village lots in CHETWOOD, 25 by 1011 feet, at S01 each, payable by one dollar a week. Tho above land and farms, are situated at Chetwood, Washington Township, Burlington County, New Jersey. For further in formation, aj ply, with a P. O. Stump, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK, No. (ifl Cedar Street, New Yolk, N. Y January 24, lo3. ly Vv'M. KNOCIIE, P3 MARKET STREET, IIARRISBURG, PA., Dealer in PIANOS. TF.W Rosewood Pianos, from the best makers from S200 upwards. MEL0DE0N3. The best manufactured Instru ments from i 15 to 5 1 U0 Guitars. Violins. AecorJeons, Flutes, I it "8, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitur strings and musical mer chandize in general. SHEET MUSIC. The latest publications always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the eountrv. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ROSEWOOD FBAMES.I Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of picture! always on hand. A flue assortment of best plated LOOKING GLASSES from smallest to largest sizes Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. VM. KNOCHE, April 11, 186.3. 93 Market st.,Jinrriburg. JUST READY, " NEW STYLES OF JEWELRY. AN opportunity not to be lost sight of. Rare chance for Agents. Ladies as well as Genu) can aei as Agents. Apply early and secure the agency for your locality. 100,000 WATCHES, VEST C HA 1X8, LOCKETS, EIXCS, (JOLT) PEXS AXD PEXCILS, HE ACE LETS, STl'DS, JJUTTOXS, KECK CHAIXS, SETS OF JEW ELRY, Sfc. To be sold for fcl each, and not to be paid for until you know what you are to get. Send 2a eenu for Certificate, telling you what you can have, with a circular, giving full particulars to Agents. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in all eases. Address, S. SI. WARD A CO., 203 Broadway. Box 4,876. March 21, 1833. ly S-T-1860-X. ' Druke'ai lMuulutloai Kltftt'i-M. They purify, strengthen, and iuvigorate. j hey create a healthy appetite. 'J i.ey ate aa antidote to change of water and diet 1 hey overcome oftects of dissipation and late hours 1 I.ey a- rengi htn the system and enliven the mind ' They pre tent miasmatic and iulcraiilieut fevers. Tiny j unlv lbs breaiband acidity ot ibe stomach 1 hey cure rypt-iin and Constipation. ' 'ihey eure I'.aiitita, Cbulira, aiid Cholera Mor bus. Tby (uie Ijver Coioplulut ai l N'mw Head, e-ns. Tb-y aratu Wt fitters In the would. Tl.cyniake !.. boa stria. g, and are exhausted nature's riul rmnrn. Iniy are male of pur St. lioia KHi, il.fferltdrtaud CaliMa Baik, roots and Leibs, aui a4 taken wt't, 0 drijr t( a lverag, with I'. ij iiu.e ot U.iy- I'utlUulnrly lu. v -tAhtl Ut i'-liafi rii'i leiiiuriii a aeiille m luo.Uhl. foil ly ail l.'inrrt, Lluwu, lloteU . ni-.m. If it I U.U. t 4l CO., iul l ioJ.y, a Ixft.f . I '1. I ha li-M oft'trur, !.n Mti bica a ar.i a ) I. J ika K t'4 I. a. at 1 , auil, 1 an I .uUtt tK Mva irt k ai potf. aad ns;imi U ai'J Vm hi 'lif(i u i a.M ! write lr a'i'l Mn L.u ian.i: '.it a au'l ul 1 f-,vii f 'l.a Wt.i.l 4 ituiumuHf it tt'-wt , -ir( u Iw ftm tm mt tU 4 of firor, Ik. ialf a (i K.At U m.r-m, luniilly. tl ii-J"IH ff.MMtlf, rM4l4 ' V ivii 4 .. l, akl f. f fi t r. I.V1...M (t Ikul . ti. J'ht s.a " tt.lHi'i. Ail airf vs a !' t m f tll ie tv as i Ky -) .. A Mr J'"i It lull M i , to mm hm A NEW AND VSEUL AKTICLE HALET, HlOrtBE & BUYDEN'S Patent SplAAfUnotliiR- CIolKf Wrtntrer Simple, Eoocomlcal, Dnrnble, and ta not Liable to act out of Order. ! The Belf-Adjnstlng Clothce Wringer, (a one of the ;reatest improvement of the nineteenth ecntury, and ma only to be known and tried, to oome into general nso. The saving ofolothea, in pressing ont tho water between two rubber rolls, Instead of wringing or twisting, will amount to enough in a abort time, to pnv for a machine. Every one is sanrt, that the twisting or wringing of clothes, stretches and breaks th'j fibres; but this machine presspB them ao evenly, that a newspaper thoroughly soaked, can bo, without breaking it in the least, and it work', so easily, that a child twelve years old canoperu'.e it without trouble. Hot water does not injure thu rolls, and woollen goods can bo wrung out of boiling water to prevent fulling, which cannot be done by bund In Starching, it is Invaluable, cspooially on Inrge articles, such as Ladies' Skirls, Ac, as it leaves the starch" in the clothes perfectly even. It will wring the largest bed quilt or the smallest pocket hand kerchief, drier than can possibly be dono by hand, w ithout alteration in less than one-oiglh the time. The machine is so simple that it is not liable to get out of repoir. Ihc great improvement in this, every every other Wringing Machine yet invented, is, its Self-Adjusting arrangement, requiring no alteration, tu wring a handkerchief or bed quilt consequently, tho most ig norant servant can ouerate it. 1 he machine is mado of wood, and so arranged, that no iron enn possibly come in conltict with clothes, Ihercby avoiding all danger of injury to clothes, by irou rust. Ibis ist'hc most simpleand effective Clothe Wring er yet invented. Thoso purchasing can use tlicin two weeks, and if they are not perfectly satisfied, re turn them, and their monev will be refunded. Address L. E. SNOW, Philadelpha, Or II. B. MASSER, Agent for Northumberland co July 5, 1802. Hall 'lnjcr 1000 IMoi-os, OF WALL PAPER OF EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERNS. JUST roceived direct from the Manufacturer, at tho MAMMOTH STORE of F1ULING A GRANT. anbury, March 15, 1S62 The Adaiiii'M lIxpi'CKS C'ciii: Jin j , CI IVE NOTICE that they have concluded nr T rangements with tho Northern Central Railroad Company to run trains from Baltimore for York, Harrisburg, Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorton, Sunbury. Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Muncy, Wil liamsport, and all intermediate stations, connecting at Harrisburg with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and the West. Also with Howard 4 Co.'s Express at Milton or Danville, iilooinsburg, VI llkosbnrrc, t'lttston, Scran ton, and intcrmediato stations on tho Cuttawissa, Lackawanna Elonmslmrg Railroads. At Wil liumsport, by Howard & Co.'t Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton, Trov, Elinira, Rochester. Butl'uio, Niagara, end to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, jewelry, nnu vuiunoio rucKagcsot every aescnp tion. Ateo, Notes. Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed, ana every enort w ill be made tn render satislnetion. e JOHN MNGHAM. Superintendent Pcnn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 5, 1S02. iui:ii:its HOTEL, Harrisburg, Pa. THE management of this well-known Hotel hav ing been resumed bv Messrs. COYLE HER It the present proprietors, beg leave to inform the public that the house is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, and improved, with a view to the proper and comfortable acoomuiodation of thoso who may favor the establishment with their pcstoin. Guests will receive duo attention and courtesy, and no expen.-'o will no spared that may conduce to maintain e hotul in a first-class stylo. Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during tho summer mouths, will find nlensant boarding and lin go ami wcll-veutilntcd rooms ut our establishment, upon uiodcrute terms. SCOTT COYI.E, March 20, 1802. J. GILBERT IIERR, BOGARDUS' U3 ItroatlM uj , .l'ewsVvrk. "CARTES DE VISITE," Photographs, Dagucr rcotypes, Ac, taken in the best style of tho Art. January 3, 18C3. II. IS. MASSUie". Attorney tit I..nv, SUNBURY, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Uniou, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. INFERENCES. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. G. Oattell A Co., ' Hon. M ni. A. Porter. Morton Mc Michael, Esq., E. Ketcham A Co., 2S9 Pearl Street, New York. John W. A"luncad. Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, March 2V, 1S62. Lumber ! I.iijiiImt ! PHILIP SHAY, Muncy, Lycoming county, Pa., INFORMS his friends and the publio in general that he constantly keeps on hand Boards. Shinnies a th, JoUts. and all kinds of I.uh.Imt and building Laterinls. which he will sell ut the lowest prices.' u: March So, 1801. J" COB O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, rilarkvt Mro'l, neai-lv opposite tlie tiiiil ttositl I'iot, SUNBURY, PA., TNFORMS the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has just returned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of I' A.l W1TEK U(Hns, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His stock consists of Cloths, French Cloths, Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cos&i meres, Black Satiu. Figured Silks. Pluin and Fancv Casr-imere VEST 1XGS. which ho w ill make up to order in styles to suit the taste of customers, uu suort notice, aud tue most rousonable terms. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice. Goods furnished by customers will be made up to order as heretofore. As he w ill employ none but experienocd workme.i, Eersons may rely ou getting their work well done at is shop. Thaukfui for the patronage heretofore bestowed, he respectfully solicits a continuance of the lame. Sunbury, October 4, lou2. A r' ! SUBSTITUTES FOR DRAFTED PERSON'S. W'An DEPARTMENT, 1 PnovosT Mahmial Uknkhal's Office, Washington, D. C, July 12th, la3. I CIRCULAR, No. 44. j To answer inquiries made to fhU ofEce it is an nounced : First. Any drafted person paying three hundred dollars under section 13 of the enrollment act. is thereby exempt from further liability under that draft, but not from any subsequent druYt Seoond. Any dialled person furnishing an accep table substitute is exempt from military orviue, for the period for w hich auid substitute is mustered into the er iee. Third. A substitutuonce mustered Into the service cannot he dratted while in service. Fourth. A drafted man cannot pay commutation money or present a substitute after he has reported kin soli to I he Board of Enrollment tor examination. Fifth. Men whuuuthe ad of March, lwij, were In the military service of the United Slates us suhsii tulea under the dralt of IM12, arid whose terms ofser 'i i U?V,",'IK' expired, are not liable to the present Uratl, but the persons for whom they were substituted are liable to draft the saiuu as though they had uol wen drutud or furuuhed sulwtituu-. uudor the draft ot last year. Sixth. It, sen lug the notices aa required Ly clr-i-ular No. 42 from this oflieo. a readable time to rc,rt shall In each eo. U granted by the board ol enrollment to men la Siu, service, who have U.o or be Ui utud m JAMES B FRY. rrovuat ataxia I tiesvfal. rnovosT MsHsaAL'aOrrim.l lira lii.ian t, ( Harrlsburu, i'a., July 17, IStt3. J Tn altrntiou oftha riliitos of the 14th Enrollli,. 1'utiivt of Peuiiavltania is directed loth above t ir. eular fioiu the ar l'' arlmenl ol (be t ultrd StaUa J.N. KAY CLEMENT, tail. aad l'ioo.t W.irrhal, 14th Di.iruit. July ti, i-Hit HIM Ui:i I l.l.liit V llliYI II, Attorney! at Imw, But. bury. r t JoltlMV IH.CKFrU.LEU and H-H.iMtN its " ll'1 EH, r..iiull annoiiaoe that they lia !. r. loiu i, .Hi.ii.l.i. iu practice of II ir rfofii.4i aul will conuuue lo atUud lu all t.oia's ti4d tlis i toiiKw, in lti cubtlta of .N.4ibuwlMolait I ioi, hnv.ui u-l Wnlour, .n.u.plv, hllblultf aol rw.lull, ri.r. i. ei,u. Ii.i will b tfltfM lu ILm I ul.l I i 'I ll.t4 1.1 I . I V .- 1 1 sat U kioi la ILa Lit ll. 111 Uaa" l V. . Unk-t iiiwl, hi Malt H Mtea'f llitai tealkiti, t tMiu) I lM itAV you . a couart i Thin tiso JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. Do not allow your oold to take Its own course. Two thirda of the victims of consumption owe their affliction! ta the fatal mistake of "walling for a cough to get Well of itself." Do not fall Into thla error, bat avail yourself at once of a remedy whioh thirty years' experienoo has demonstrated la certain to procure a speedy ouso. HAVE Y0TJ ASTHMA OR PI1THISI3. Then tiso JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT, whioh will overcome tho epasniodio contraction of tho wind tubca, and cause them to eject the rauouous or matter whieh cloga them up, and by an ensy and free expec toration remove all difficulty of breathing. HAVE YOU BRONCHITIS! Th en nso JAYNE'S EXFECT0R ANT. This wide spread disease which may generally be described aa an inflamatlon of the fine skin which lines the inside of tho wind tubes or air vessels, ipreoding through every part of the lungs, is often taken for consump tion. Tho Expectorant aubduns this inflamation, relieve tho attending cough, pain, and difficulty of breathing, and if the caso is not of too long standing, win ucriuuiiy prouueo a euro. HAVE YOU CONSUMPTION t Then use JAYNE 8 EXPECTORANN. It clean ses the lungs from all Irritating matters, while at the same time it heels and invigorates them. Of nil tho remedies whieh have bocn offered 10 tho publio for this dread disease, none havo stood the test of time or maintained so universal a popularity ns this Expecto rant. Thousands who have been given up by their physicians ns incurable have been restored u. perfect health by ita use, and their testimony must carry cuoviction to all who read it. HAVE YOU PLEURISY ? Then nsoJAYNE'f? EXPECTORANT. Bytnking taking two or three largo dosea in the early stage (if the disease in quick succession, and covering up warmly in bed, this pTepnrnlion acta as a sudorific or sweating medicine, and subdues the inflamation at the outset. HAVE YOU WHOOPING-COUGH. Then use JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. There is no remedy whieh so effectually overcomes this disease as tho Expectorant. What parent con witness tho Bufferings of her children from this distressing com plaint without doing all In her jsiwcr for their relief? What nicdicino so pleasant to tho taste, or so certain to produce immediate boncfit '. Givo it a trial, and let it prove its efficacy. HAVE YOU CROUP? Then use JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. Children are subject to no disease more sudden in its attacks, or, in tho absence of prompt relief, nono more fatal in its results than Croup. Parents, thereforo, should keep nt hand o remedy sure and thnrough. Such a remedy may bo found in tho Expoctornnt, and every careful mother will keep a supply by her. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. Is a standard medicine." For thirty years it has been before tho public, and during this period its curativo powers have been testified to by all classes of peoplo in all quarters of thu world. Physicians, clergymen, lawyers, merchants, and mechanics have experienced its rcmediul effects, and have furnished us with their testimony, and it may be found lit length in our Almanac, to bo had gratis of all agents. To their convincing certificate! we would refer the doubting. The Expectorant and all Dr. D. JAYNE A SON'S Fauilv Medicines are Bold by all Druggists generally. May 17, 1862. .1 m. SOMETHING NEW FOR YOU LADIES 1 Ml si 31. I.. 4iiMNlr, having taken extra paius to vitit personally the principal Hulls of Fashion iu the city, is now prepared to mnko, trim or rctriin, Bonnets and Hats, in the latest Spring and Sun.mcr styles. She has on hand a large stock of BONNETS, HATS. 81TAKERS. FLOWEliS, 1MBDOXS, LACES, find nil article!! in her line, selected with tlio greatest care from lurge wholtvak houses, and can. and will full Uoi k or (lootb ut prices to suit all cuntoiiiera. LAMES' liRKSS CAPS, HOSIEHV, (.LOVES, MITrf, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS. COMLf. and numerous olhor articles tor LndiiV wear, tu which sho invite, tho ludiuto cull and examine bc furo purchasing elsewhere. 'ihnuktiil fur tho putiouuge rxtcndod to her hereto fure, hho hopes by keeping the rnat aurtmeni nt reasonable prices, to continue the wane. t v Second door south of Shnmck in W.lleyA Pott vilio Kailroad, wer bido X'uwq afreet, blNBVliV. April 2i, lUuX iJm VI Eiite'M IVcw Voi-lt 'l'j pc I'iiUrY. BOOK, XEWiSPAPEIi, JOB AXD OltXA. t MENTAL nrsr n . sera "IVT'E have the fullest oisnrtment of the most useful V kinds of Plain and Ornamental Type, manu factured from the most durable mctulsr fioished with the greatest care and accurac y, securing perfect justi fication. Specimen Books and estimates furnished upon ap plication, also. PRINTING PRESSES, with their aprm tennnces of ull the approved makers- WOOD TYPE, of all tho latest styles, of all sizes. Metal Furniture Labor-Saving Rules, Cases, Cabinets, I'muilure, Printing Ink, and every article tho Printer requires. Terms liberal. Prompt attention. FARMER, LITTLE A CO., v - 63 and Oa Bcckmau street, New York. May .1, 18BJ. . hi: iaj.uoK:s'i's ' M I It II O 11 O F Y A S II I 0 N S, Qunrtcily Journal Du Grand Monde. Circulation 40.0(10 (largest in the World). Each number contains large aud magnificent colored steel and engraved Fashion Plates, Splendid Illustrations of ull the Fushioni.blu Paris Novelties lor Ladies' Dress, including Bonnets. Cloaks, Evening. Home, i roiuenaue ana ruuey iircssts; Waists, Mcevca, uiieaeis. u rappers, nactis, I nder-garmcnts, Jewelry Head-dresses, Boys', Misses' and Infants' Dresses j New and 1 .let-ant liiaid and Euibroblerv Iiiii,ins Trimmings. Uavful Novelties, elo., Four Lifc-sio Patterns, cut ready for use, combing the cheapest, most useful, and vractical Mac-azii.e tin- Miolw.i-s. Milliners. liic--uiakcrs, aud Luiies generally, ever issued in ibis or tinv otlu-r eountrv. Publibhed at Mmk. Jii.moiiest's Fmporium of rasnions, au iiromiway, l . learly, Uno Dollar with a valuable premium : single copies, Twenty-five cnuis. n spienaia cnance lor agents and splendid Premiums ! Extraordinary Premiums ! Including Extra Patterns, System of Diem Cutting, Magiisines, Photographic Albums, Elegant tiilt or Steel, Sido bhu liac-K loiniis, Kiinning etiteh Sewing Ma chines, Wheeler it Wilson s Sewing Machiues, and Patent Lever liold Watches; any of the above val uable Premiums to be obtained, without paying any money for them. F'or particulars, see tho "Mirror uf Fashions, " or scud for a Circular. May 2, IH63. TIic St, I ,oiii.. Chestnut Street, betwetn Tltird axil Fourth, PlIlt.AllKLI'lllA. f IiIIE undersigned, having leased, for a term of l years, this popular house, hare tho pleasure of announcing to their friends and tho traveling com munity that it is now open for the reception of guests. The house, since the first of March last, has been entirely rouoiated and refitted in a superior manner; the iipurtinenta are large, well ventilated and fur nished iu modern style. It is centrally located, convenient to all the dejHit and att-amhoat landings, uud in the immediate vicinity of the Custom House, Post Office aud the Corn Exchange. Connected with the Hotel is a Restaurant for the aoootumodaiiou of those preferring the European plan. Prices of Rooms from Three lo Seven Dollars per week, according In locution. Board $ I iu per day. Table d lloto for merchants aud business men from 1 to J 1. M. HENRY NEIL, ISAAC L. DKVOE. April 12, 1SG2. ly THE COAfEkbiOKH AKD EXPERI. KJiCEOi' AN INVALID. Published for the benefit, and as a warning and A CAl T10. TO YOUNU MEN who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decny oi Manhood, etc , supplying at the same time. 111E MEANS OF SELF CURE. By on who has cured himself after being put to great rxpeue and injury through medical humbug and quackery. By t'ucluiiig a pout-paid aJdreasvd cuveloj.e. sill gla ouuiea may bo had i f the author. NATHANIEL MA Y FAIR, E-j , Bedford, kings county, V Y. May 2-1, I MIS. .13. PHILADELPHIA P.U'FK HANUIXUS. iioui.i.i. jv not ui:. Cur. Fourth A Mmk. I htret-ta, l'hll.ul Lia, have now lu aUa k, a Una tericly of llill ltarri, got up taprwly ti ihfit Hpilng Trad. WINDOW PA I'M! OK EVERY till AM.', to wblib they lutlla the elUi.llou ol Klor.krrpria. r lu Ibeir Retail i.ilu,., m ,a oHu4 the ibuleeal .IV lea ol III ea .'.'.,1'',M'.1 'l''". 'b 14, l'l Htu m BIMON V. WOI.V tUlON, tlluratry u)U (attuarlor Ml 4iw, t'tbca, Uarkal alraoi, duurs aa ,,f UvlhJ, MUNUUHY, JA.. II.Laii. u.l pn.u pit, tf ib. dlaiij f aUiaua ) I a4 all mLi itutuu btUMid to !- lai Niibuaib,li,d r 'J- tii'-g tuuailia MAYORS OF TEE Great Cities. We, the) undersigned Mayon, hereby oer tify that the Druggists, Apothecaries, and Physloions of our aeTerol eltiei have signed dooument of aasurano to as that AYEBR'S SARSAPARILLA has been found to be a remedy of great excelle-noe, and worthy tho confidence of the community. HON. JAMES COOK, Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HON. AliBIN BEARD, Mayor of NASHUA, N. II. HON1. E. W. HARRINGTON, Mayor of MANCHESTER; N. H. HON. JOHN ABBOTT, Mayor of CONCORD, JSt. TL HON. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WORCESTER, MASS. HON. NATH'Ii SILSBEE, Mayor of SALEM, MAS3. HON. P. W. LINCOLN, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. W1I. M. RODMAN, Mayor of PROVIDENCE, R. I. HON. AMOS "W. PRENTICE, Mayor of NORWICH, CONN. HON. J. N. HARRIS, Mayor of NEW LONDON, CONN. HON. CHAS. S. RODIER, Mayor of MONTREAL, O. E. HON. D. F. TIEMANN, Mayor of NEW YORK CITY. HON. H. M. KtNSTRET, Mayor of HAMILTON, O. W. HON. ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO, C. W. HON. R. M. BISHOP, Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUISVILLE, KY, HON. JOHN SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS, IOWA. HON. JAMES McFEETERS, Mayor of BOWMANVILLE, C. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTn, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., Mayor of HALLO WELL, ME. HON. JAMES S. BEEK, Mayor of FREDERIOTON, N. B. HON. WILLARD NYE, Mayor or NEW BEDFORD, MASS. HON. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of FALL RIVER, MASS. HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor of NEWPORT, R. I. HON. FRED STAHL, Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, Mayor of DUBUQUE, IOWA. HON. THOMAS CRUTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. R. D. BATJGH, Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENN. HON. GERARD STITH, Mayor of NEW ORLEANS, LA. HON. H. D. SCRANTON, Mayor of ROCHESTER, N. Y. HON. DE WITT C. GROVE, Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HON. GEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA. HON. C. H. BUHL, Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. HON. HEMAN L. PAGE, Mayor of MILWAUKEE, WIS. HON. W. W. VAUGnN, Mayor of RACINE, WIS. HON. A. FARR, Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HON. JOHN C. HAINES, Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. HON. M. J. A. HEATH, Mayor of SELMA, ALA. HON. A. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMERY, ALA. HON. W. S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, GA. DON ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CRUZ. DON PIETRE DE CABALLO, Mayor of MEXICO. DON ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, Mayor of HAVANA. DON ANTONIO ECHEVERA, Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DON M. G. MILANGNO, Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL DON MARO SESQUIPEDALIA, Mayor of BIO JANEIRO, BRAZIL. Certify that the resident Druggists have assured them Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is an exoellent remedy, and worthy the con fldonoe of the community. For Spring Dlaeaaes. For Purifying; the Blood. For Scrofula or King's EtII. For Tumors, t'leera, and Eorea. For Rruptlons and Pimples. For Blotches, Iilalne, and Boila. For St. Anthony's Fire, Iloae, or Ery. . For Tetter or Salt Rheum. alpclas. For Scald Head and Ringworm. For Cancer and Cancerous Sorca. For Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and Humors. For Female Diseases. For Suppresalon and Irregularity, For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. For Liver Complaints. For Diseases of the Heart. The Mayors of the chief cities of the Uni ted States, Canadas, and British Provinces, Chill, Peru, Brattl, Mexico, aud In fact al. most oil the oities on this continent, 'have signed this document, to assure their people what remedies they may use with safety and confldenoe. But our spaos will only admit a portion of them. Ayor's Sarsaparilla, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ayer's rills, and Ayer's Aguo Cure, l-KKfAUID ST Dr. J. c. Ajcr A Co., LOWELL, MASS., A ad sold by Druggists every whan. M4 by Irillk. A Grant, and B. A. Flab ur. la Hun bury, Dr. It II. McCoy, Norlhua;brlau4. J Y I'aalow, aud I'. Biowu, Mil loo. J Ihruuiaa, lutbult ille. Iln.b t Co., Ml. Caruial. V. UcigaliiMeuf, fclysvuif . . ttlaat, WL.ur. U aavar A MvM llliaaua. PasUtes, Aiol bealais aiwaais Aa4i.J, 13-I, ATTENTION DEALERS ana 9, (BiLiirav, ANN0UNCE8 to all who trads In Bunbsry, that bs has just purobated a LARGE STOCK of well Selected NEW GOODS, Which he offers at hit old tahd, Bear CoVert'i Rots west end of Mai kot Square, very CHEAP FOR CASH Or If that will not do, just as cheap for country rnoniii'Ei Ilia stock oonsists of a largo assortment of IIATS, B00T3, CAPS, 61I0ES. COATS, SALT, PANTS. SOAP, VEKTS, ... BKUStlKS. - HARDWARE, QLEENSWAUE, and oilier articles altogether too numerous to men. tion. OALL AND SEE; Sunbury, January 3, 18G3. Kondiiifr Rallrond. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the Narth and North-West for Philadelphia, New i'ork. Read ing. Tottsville, Lebanon. Alli ntown. Eastern, Ac. Trains lcavo Itnrrishuri for Philadelphia, New Vork, Reading, 1'ottBVille, and all Intermediate Stations, at 8 A. II., anil 2 00 P. M. Now York Expressleavea Harrisburg at 2 15 A. II., arriving at Now York at 9 15 the SBine morning. Fares from Hitrrisbnrg ! To New York $5 la ; to Philadelphia $3 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked uirougn. Returning, leave New York at t A. M.. 12 Noon, and 7 P M, (Pittsburgh Express). Leave Philadel phia at s 15 A M. and 3 30 P M. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburgh without change. Pnssengers by the Cattawi&sa Rail Road leave To nmquaat 8 50 A. M., and 2 15 P. SI., for Philadel phia, New-York, and nil Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville nt II 15 A. M.. and 2.30 P. M.. for Philadelphia. Hnmsburg and New York. An accommodation Passenger train leaves Rending at 6 00 A. M., and returns from Philadelphia at 5 00 P. M. (j-1 All tho above trains run daily, Sundnya ex cepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsvillo at T.30 A. M., and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates tu and from nil points. 01. A. N ROLLS, May 2, 1SG3. General Superinteudent. tSVS. ArriiMS'fiiivnta) 1HU3. 1" Now 1'orlt 1 Juris. THE CAMDEN AND AM110Y AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philadelphia to Xrtr Yorl and Wat 1'laees, Jrom Walnut stiect Wharf and Keii.iiugton Diput, will leave as follows, Hz : rAiiE. At 6 A. M., via Cmnden and Ainboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) $2 25 At6A.M., via Ciimdenniid Jersey City, N.J. , Ai-eoiutiiodution, 2 25 At 8 A. M.. via Camdeu and Jersey Citv, (Morning Mail.) ' 3 00 At 8A.M., via Cumden and Jersey eity 2d Class Ticket 2 25 At II A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express " 3 00 At 12 M. via Cuinden and Amboy, C ltd A. (Accommodation.) 2 25 At 2 P. M., via Cumden nnd Amboy, iC. and A. Express.) 3 CO At '! P.M., viu Kensini'ton and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express "3 00 At ij P. M.. via Keiisintou and Jersey City, (Evening .Mnil.) " 3 00 At 11) P. M. via Kensington and Jersey citv, Southern Mail. 3 00 At li (nielli) via Konsington and Jersey city Soutneru Express 3 00 At 5 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Accom modation, Freight and Passenger, First C'lnss Ticket. 2 25 Second Clm Ticket, 1 60 For Wuter Oap, Stroud-iburg, Seranton, Wilkes berro, Montrose, Great lleml, Ac, at ll A. M., fioni Kensington, via Dclmvure, LiicVatvanna and W ttvrn Railroad. For Miiueh Chunk. Allintown, P.ethlehem, Delvi dere, Fusion, Lambertville. Fleuiinglou, Ao., at 6 A. M.. from KeiisiiiKton Depot, aud at 2J P. 31., from Wiilnul street Vharf. (The 6 A. 31. Lino connects with Truius leaving Elision for JIuueh Chunk, at 3-20 P. 31.) Fi r Mount Holly, at 0 A. 31., 2 and 4 P. M. For Freehold, al tl A. 31. mid 2 P. 31. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. J!. and 21 and 5 P. 31. from Kcusington, For Palmyra, Riverion. Dclaneo, Beverly, Bur lington, Florence, Bord.nlonn, Ac, at 1, 1, 2, t and 0 P. 31. . lor New Y'ork, and Way Lines leaving Kun singioii Depot, take the Curs on Fil'ih street, nfioto Walnut, half an hour belore departure. The Cars run into the Depot, aud on tho arrival of cavil Train, run from the Depot. Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed cneh paienger. Passengers are prohibited from taking unj thing us baggage but their wearing apparel. All baggage over filly pound to be puid for exira. The Cumpany limit their resionsihility tor baggage to One Dollar per pound, and ill not be liable loruuy amount beyond &IW. exeeit bv special contract. W.M. 11. "UATZ31EU, Ageut. January 17, 1803. Northern Central Kailway ! Nt i tnv. t.hib.k. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from too North and V est Branch Susquehanna, tlmira.and all of North ern New York. ON and after MONDAY, APRIL 20th. 1S03, the Passenger Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will arrive nt nnd depart from Sunbury. Harrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vu : BOUT H W AUD. Muil Truiu leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). lu 10 A. SI. " leaves Jliirri.-lmrg, 1 Id P. M. " arrives at Baltimore, 6 35 ' Exprcsa Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) 11 07 P. SI. " leaves Harrisburg (except Slomiay.) - 2 00 A. 31. " arrives at Baltimore daily (excupt .Monday). 6 15 A. SI. Harrisburg Accomiuod itiou leaves Harris- ". 6 SO A. -M. NORTHWARD. Sla-il Train loaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) 9 15 A. SI. " leaves Harrisburg 1 15 P. SI " arrives at Sunburv, 4 05 " Express Train leaves Baltimore duily 0 5 P. M " arrives at Harrisburg, 1 35 A M. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday). 3 00 A. M. " arrives at Sunbury. . 4 S8 For further information apply at the Office I. N. DtBARRY. Supt. I.iii kaM iiuuu Ai IHooiiiMburtr Itull road, ON and after November 17, 1802, Fnuenger Trains will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Freight A Passenger. Passenger. Leave Seranton, 8.00 A. M. 10.15 A. M " Kingston, 20 11. 40 P. M. " Rupert, 11.30 " Danville. 13 05 Arrive at Northumberland, 12.45 P. M. MOVIXtl NORTH. Leave Northumberland, 6.20 P. M " Danville, SIM) " Rupert, 6.35 Kingston, 8.45 Leave, 1.45 P. 31. Arrive at Sorauton, 10.00 P. M. 3.40 A Paascogur T rain also loaves Kimrston at 8 lin A. M , for Seranton, to eouncet wlili a train for New lork. Returning, leaves Seranton on arrival of train from New Yurk, at 4.15 P. M. The Lackawanna A Bluumshurx Railroad Connect with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail road at Seranton, lor New York and Intel mediate poiuis eaai. . At Rupert It eonnecta with the Cattawisaa Rail road for points both east and went arriving at Phil adelphia al o.l i P, M. At Nurthuuiberlund it connects with the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad aud Northern Central Rail road, for points waat aud suuth Passengers arriving at lUrruburg 4 Ml P. U ; Philadelphia lu p. 41." 'i be Freitbl aud PaaMMigers Train north, leaves Northuiuberlaad at (,45 A M , ami arrives at V 2U P U , uaaaiug DauvUls al 8. 20 P. M. Jtll.N P. 1L8LEV, Bup't J. 0. Wsli a, Oenwal Ticket Axeul. Nut. IW, IstiJ Hurt lossr I'rstlf, BT usinc Mason V PatsotDbest Metal Screw Top Preeerva Jar. NASOK'S PATENT MEET METAL PCKEW 1VPI All thai is aaaeaaary twluf to sorssr las Cap iows 4we lbs Rubber tiake4, abba ie plan eutaids Ipoe the abouldar of lbs Jar, I of aa lush distant jua tks top j wevsul lbs puaaiUlity of lbs tavur o( as trutt UUiaj iu;uhI by euaaxg la suttUwl eilb lbs atU. Pmsubs Sail'n( tbase Jars eaa be SHpplisd J teasibs Ui.lf w4.ia wub II B MAoeiJl, Altai, hssbury, Jsasl lm TJlTITLEPsSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. Sold by CanTiuancrs) Throughout I lie) lind. The best labor saving maohlns In the world. No eautlon or skill required in its use. Wrings everything dry, and ten times as quick as sail be done by the hand. A child of eight yean eaa operate it. No servant enn break It. It saves iu cost in olothing In a family eVcry six months. Will wear for years without repair. Warranted to please or money refunded. PRICES. No. 1. targe Family Wringer, $10.00 I With Cog, No. 2 Medium J,ou i wai arranteu No. 21 Medium " No. 8 Small, No 8 Large Hotel ' 6,00 ) Without iCoga. Not Warranted. 14.001 No 18 Sled. Lannd'y to run ( to run ) 18,00 ( With Cogs. i bv i I Warranted! No 22 Large ( steam ) 80,00 ) No 2 is the lite generally usd In private families. THE ONLY WRINGER WITH THE PATENT COG-WHEEL REGULATOR. No Wringer can be Durable Without Cog-Wheels. 4.'iinvuM-rM Wniited In cTcry Town. Persons residing where no canvasser is appointed, by remitting the price to us, shall receive tlie Wrin ger by express, prepaid. For terms and circular, addresa R. C. BROWNING, - 215 Broadway, New York. June 13, 1&13. 4m NEWS! NEWS ! NEWS ! NEWS ! BOOTS AND SHOES, ARE now manufactured lo order by the subscriber . at CHEAPER RATES than at any other estab lishment in Sunbury. The war tax is not taken into consideration, nnd all work will be done at old prices. Having just received an entire new stock of leather and Moroccos, for jU-iitl-m-iin lSot nnd Slo-, I.nriicN' NhovMiiiid sjiuitrrai, Childrcn'M Mhoeis, &-.,&-., which will be mado to order at short notice in the best workmanlike manner and of tho best materials. Feeling thankful for the putronngo extended here tofore ho hopes to continue the same. All who desire work done cheap and dnrnble, are invited to call at his shop nearly opposite the Court House in Slurkct Squnre, Sunbury. Pa. JOHN W1LVER. February 28, 18G3. Om A NEW AlllUVAL7)F BOOTS AND SHOES, WIVl. H. BIILICR S. TJ E hns just returned home from Philadelphia., II with a new Stock of BOOTS nnd SHOES, select ed with great enre to suit all persons tttiy your Boots aud Shoes where you ean get th best quality, and where the best assortment is L'pt in Sunbury. He has Calf Boots fioni f.'l 75 lo $7 00. lie has Boy's Calf Bonis from $1 50 toS4 00. liu has Ladies' Gaiti-rs from 02 eta. to $3 5ti. Ho has Slisses and Children's Gaiters of all stvles nnd fnxhions, und prices. In short everything ia his line of Business. lie nlso bason hand a full assortment of Slorrocon, nnd Calf Skins of thu best quality, v.hinh bo will make up to order at the i-horkst noiiec. having sup plied hiUiM-H nith the rnurt fii.hiuiiublc Lusts. A (JHKAT SAVING TO HOOTS ifc SHOES. EISWALD'S Patent .Metallic Soles and Heels, one pair of which will wear as long as five pair ol Leather Solus, kept on hand. Slending done as usual. Cull :md examiiio for yourselves and lenrn my prices before purchasing elsewhere. WJI. II. MILLER. Sunbury. May III, IS03. lyeh ji.a.wsuK'j iMTe:vr yux. i ts-: E'its:i:;i:s : As Iinprovod for 1859 and IStiO, By E. KETCHASI A CO., 2S0 Pcorl at., New York. TIlIK only Freezer eon-trnetcd on scientific prin 1. ciplcs. with a revolving can and spring blai'c scraper. '1'he one liasteits the freezing of the crcuni- -the other removes it ns fml ns froren. The most rapid ill freezing, with the leust quantity of ice. Tho most economical in cost, as it is the most simple nnd dnrnble in structure. For sale iu all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Freezer accompanied with a book of recipes and full directions. PRICES. ' 3 quarts, .3 (.0 4 quarts, 4 00 B qunrts, 5 00 rl quarts, 6 00 11 quarts, 8 110 20 quart. 12 I'O Applv to II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. March 2t. ISI12. To NVrvwiiM aHiilSi-f,'!-! of liotli wh. REVEREND GENTLEMAN having been re stored to health in a few days, after undergoing all i!ib usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment, without success, considers it his sacred duty to cou-iinuiiicntc to his aflliclcd follow creatures the oi-n E. Hence, on the loceipt of an addressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of the prcscrptioa used. Direct tn Du. JOHN SI. DAGNALL, 11 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N Y. January 21; 1MU. IISiABV H!OI SH. Corner of Stjte and Third Streets, Haiiiiisui no, Ta. riilllS HOUSE, iu cir.sequencc of its convenience J and near locution to the Ca)itol. has made it a desirable stopping place, not only for those hnving business at the seal of Gofcrcmeut, but for others visiting Harrisburg. Sliu-ch 2U, 1862. Tor lEntK, .titer, ItonclM'si, Aula llrd ItiiH, MoIIim In I'ui-n, M'vollnin, A.O IitNOi-lai on IMautH, Tom lai, AuIiuuIh, ". Put up in 25. 5l)o. aud tl 00 Boxes. Bottles, and Klerks, 3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Publio Institutions, Ac Only Infill Utile remedies known. Free from Poisons. Not dangerous to the Human Family. Bats come out of their holes to die. Sold Wholesale in all large oities. Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. !VRewars!!l of all worthless imitations. See that -Cobtau's" name is on each Box, Bottle and Flutk, belore vou buv. Address li:YslY K. ONT A II, Principal Deiuit 482 Broailwny, N. Y. Sold by Friling A Grant, Sunbury, Pa. April 18. 180.1. m rPERRIBLE DISCLOSURES SECRETS FOR 1 THE MILLION ! A moat valaublo and wonderful publication. A work of 4n0 pnges. and SO colored engravings. DR HUNTER'S VADE MECl'.M, an original and popu lar treatise on Slan and Woman, their Physiology, runotinns, aud Sexual disorders or every kind, wan Never-Failing Remedies for their apecdy cure. The practice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and atill la, uubounded, but at the earnest solicitation of numerous per.oij, be baa been induced to ext ud his medical useliiluess tbrougu tha luediuui ol bis VADE MECl .M." It is a volume that should be in the bauds of every fuuiily iu the laud, ar a preventive of svoret t iles, or as a guide lor tha alleviation of one of the most awful aud destructive scourges ever tiaiUal mankind. One copy, tecurely euveloped. will be forwarded free of poatage u, any part of the United hiatus fur otleeuia in P. O. atampa, or Heoiiieafor 1. Addroaa. po.t l aid, 1R. U I ., No. 3 Division Street, New York.i Juue fl, lrms. ly. I1EIMSTHU&T8 Inliullultlt) lluir ICretorullte. IT IS NOT A DYE, Bui restores gray bair Ie Its original sulnr, by supply, lug !be capillary tubes with natural sustenance, tin. paired by age or diaeaa. All instauuuieuua dyoa are eulupuaed vf luuar caustic, destroying the vitality sudbsaulyof lbs bair, aud alloid of lut-auolvia no erassing. uiiuu-ei s luiiniiani I olont-f not only rastures baij lo Its BalUlal Swlof by aa easy bruceaa, but gitss lbs bair a , LIM'HIAKT BEAUTY, brossotes Its sroalb. prevents Ita falliue- oft r.i. sales dandrhC aud imparl beajlb auj pleaaaulueas hi Ilia baas), ll has stood the tost of Uuie, baitig lbs orlaiusj tiatr Cuhaing. aad is ooasunlly iaoieiwibg ialatur. Iac4 by IwibseiitUatea sad ladies, h S sold by all icpuuuble daalcrs, at eaa be ) rear4 by lb. as ut lbs eueaieil aaal, It. H. bAHNLaj Itliuse'eay.JiY. lwwslsj, be H)U s4 1. 'l OvtoieS J. let). " j JUST RECEIVED 1 1 sT. K... ENGEL Has just returned from Philadelphia with a SPLE1TDID STOCJ: OF Spring & Summer Goods. For McwV M'cnr. Clolh, Cassimere, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen Coating, Linen Check and Cottonade. intllei.' Wear. A large assortment of Drcsa.IGoods, Black and Fanoy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy Bcrages, Shallcy, all Wool Delancs, Sloaambique Goods at low prices Silk Lcvcllns, Delanes, Lawns, Ginghams anil Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and White Goods. Stella border and Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk and Laee Mantillas, ta. Ready Mads Clothing, A good assortment ef Hats and Caps, A large assortment of Boots and Shoes; A full stock of Groecries, Molasses and Sugar, Hardware and tuilding Slatcriai, A full slock vf Queen and Glnwarc, A full stock of ViA, Salt, Oils and White Lend, A large stock of New Wall Paper, A new stock of Stone and Earthenware, And thousands of articles not enumerated. Ijp" All tho above will be sold chenp for Cash or Country Produce. J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, Slay 17, 18G2. Economy isVealth! l Ki: YOS 1! ( TI I'OSt 18 Is. The BEST uud CHEAPEST Household REMEDY in the World. ?S:id:inic ZAUIIC 1'OaM I'.K'N GREAT COUCH REMEDY SIapamk ZADOC POR TER'S Curative Hnlsam is warranted if usi.d ae cnriling to the directions, to euro in all ene Couby, Colds, hooping Cough, AitLmn. Hiel all all'.'ctiri.H ot the i'Lrout and I.un.i Srarlnme Zailo-J Porter'rf B. lis.. in is prepared willi all ti.e requisite circ and skill. tVoni a combination of the be.-!, rjiiietlics tho vegetable l;in'lolll titlnrds i.y .k-ii.ediiil qiu.lities are bnHvd on its power to assist, tlie healthy und vigorious circulation of the bloo.1, blood, thro' !ho Lungs. It is not n violent remedy, but emoiiein warinin;;, liing and effective ; e..n be token by the oldest person or youngest child. i'.liidatiic .adoi' Porter's li.ilsam has been in use by the public I'oi- over l.Syear.s uud bus acquired it pre sent sale simply by being re.-ouiiiiended by those who huvn used it to their afflicted li ic-nds and others SIost iMi-on rANT Sladaine Zadi'c Porter , t urn live Balsam is sold at u price which brings it iu tha rcBch ot every or.t to keep it eonvei.ienl fur use. Tho timely use of a single bottle will prove to be v.vnii 100 times ilscos:. NOTICE Save yoi-r Money ! Do not be persua ded to pureha6e articles at -Is to i:l whi-.-h do iut de tain the virtues of a 13 cent Boitlert Ma.liaoe i'or tor's Curative Balsam, the id' mauiit'.icLuring which is as great ns that of almost any other medi cine; mid the very low price ut which it is so!d, makes the profit to the seller apparently small, unprincipled deal-rs will toiiRtinies 'recommend other medicines on which their profits are larger, un less the customers insist uii having .Madame Por ter's and none oilier. Ask tor MinLioo P'-rter's Cu. rulive Balsam, price 1.'! cents, imi iu large 'utiles al 25 cents urtd take r.i uther. li you eanr.ot get il nt one store you can ut nmnlier. Sold by all Drnggisis ae 1 Storekeepers at 13 cts., uud in largci boll lev at 25 et. 11 ALL A KUCKEI., Pr.) riotors. Jnnuary .l. IMil,'.. Iv New York. .toil's KVE.I1T At .'., K-IMTK II I: K IIS OF SALEistATTJ-e, SUPLR-CARIl. I'l'SODA, Ac, And Sole Agents in the City of New York for CREAM OF" TABTAlt ECJBST1TUTE, Invented by Prof. l.Leii N . Horsford1, of Hurvnrd University. Ofliee, 11 Old Klip, Hanover Square, (up stairs,) NEW YOKE. 'THE high price whieh Cream of Tartar commanded J in Isi4. together ftilh the alarming extent to which its dnngernus adulteration had been carried, willi other considerations, induced the distingai.hed Chemist, whose iiuine is given nlmvc. lo comincuco a'hat pioved to be a long and laborious scientific re search, lo discover a desirable substitute therclor. His efforts were crowned with abundant sneeiss. and hundreds of thousands of pounds of the Si.Utituto have been sold and used during tho last five years, throughout the United States uud the Canadas. Ti e following true comparison of its uuture nnd the results of its use. willi those of Cream of Tartar, will convince the most incredulous of ita value. Crenm of Tarlnr is a bi-tnrtrut of Potash. This Substitute is a simple Phosphate, and contains nothing but what ia found iu beef-steak, nnd in corn, wheat and olher cereals, and is therefore highly nutritious. It nlso has a health-giving influence, aud supplies that for which there is a constant de mand in the system. Ijtf-" It is sold for a much less price than Cream of Tartar. March 21. 1863. ly I 'ran 1. 1 in ICoitM', REBUILT AND REFURNISHED, Cor. Ho war and Franklin Street, a few Squares West of tho Northern Central Railroad Depot, BALTIMORE. (j'Tkiims, $1 I-Ell Uu. G. LEISENRING. Proprietor. July 18, 185. tf IlrandlOH, Ml -, Ulns, Ar. rpiIE subscriber, having opened in Thompson's .L Brick Building, Mill atreet, Duuville, a large aud complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the beat brands of Brandies. Gin, "Id Rye, ScoU-h aud Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, .Ma deira, Chamnaguc and other t iura, of all grades, all ol which will be sold Wholesale, at tho lowest citv prices. Tavern-keepers, by buying if us, can suv'o it least the freight. Persona desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE, nay rely upon beiug furnished with a pure aa.4 juadultcrated articlo. 1 tf Beiug detel mined to establish a remiinii..n r... selling eheap, he respectfully auliciir lh patronage, of the publio. All order promptly attended to. JEREMIAH S. HALL. Danville, June 1A, 1-tM. M ualiluglOM llouar, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, ( the Uridyl.) rPHE subscriber haviiur leased this well known J. Tavern Staud, lately Vpl by .Vra. C. S. Ilrown rwptKitlallv iiitorms the public that he U rcfllting j reiriug the piviuUea, and will be prepared to eu teruun, iu a comfortable wanner, bis numerous friends tbruughoui the ewiiuty, and ail who mv uilrouize bia v.iablishuietil. 7 April 12, 1802. JOSEPH VANKIRK HOaVAIIIk A t (l PHILADELPHIA, for lis Relief of lb. Skk aud Histrc-H-a, sfflicted - -r-vsas.'e, getstj WUtfCUbll V lor lbs curs of DbwMuus ot lbs Sexual Oigaus MfcurKi.L AJ,VICJf' '. Usastiag . , ALI ABLE BEI-OUW ue .ira,.u,h.-a or Hvealnal Muakuiaa, aud wht-r of the CHiaaal llrgans, ai4 est the blLW lll Mti-ltS ,ui pluyeal In Uis Dupeosary, Mt lu lbs ield ia sal4 Uuer aaetoa, iMa4 ebaigs. laurUue dtaaiie lor nug ai e .v.i.l.i. A4dlas, fiU. J. fblLLIS il'-l ollTOM, A-Ilng Puriieua, lloaaid AMiatius, Nm, evaib N lulls I'biladelpbus, Pa. Jssusrys. U V-ly