2 B.MASBEIl, Editor Proprietor KL'ivitt;it V; 'iVf ISATL'ltDAY, SKETE.MBEK 12, ls(i8. B. M. FETTENOILIi A CO., No. 37 Park Row, Now York, and ( Stat Slroet, Etwtun, re our tgonu for tho BcnatnT nfiitCAii n llioac cities, And are authorised to take Advertise ments nnd Sulacriplions for us at our lowest rate. iiiimiii -n rrwTTM tiaii i tim. S3fVe again direct the attention of our friends, who mny wish to purchase Iron llnilinp ofnny description, or ony kind or Iron Work of a decorative character, for ny purpose, to the advertisement of Messrs. Wood & Peuot, Philadelphia, in another column. fiT John Fnn-ira, the well known Fur rier or 718 Areh St., I'hilnd'o., is now pre" pared to furnish his patrons and the public with nlnrge nndrnried assortment of Fancy Furs. His stock is superb, whilst his prices re realy low. Head his advertisement. J-jtr"A Tiiadk" We direct attention to the advertisement of Eeurdsley & Co., in this paper. Wo have the assurance that the ndvertiscrs are responsible men, and thnt all parties reniittin'j money to them will be slcalt with honorably indeed w e judge as Tiiuch from the fait that they advertise precisely what they have to dispose of in plain language nnd plain terms. S-iF" Look out ron Tiikm. A new spurious two dollar bill on the Farmers Hank of Lancaster is in circulation. The note is printed from an entire new plate, nnd does not at all resemble the genuine. tT" A German butcher named John AUmiin residing in Lancaster, was fined a few days ago by J. K. Alexander, the U. S. Assessor, forty dollars and costs for making it false return of his business. JC" The Vnion party in Clinton and Lycoming counties have nominated C. W. Wingiircl of Lock Haven, and Clinton Lloyd of Williamsport, for Assembly. In Lycom ing a portion of the Democracy openly sus tain Lloyd. l'n!on Convention of oi-lln:i:it'r-(un! 4'oiutly. The I'tiion Convention which had ad journed to meet on Tuesday, Sept. 8th. met on that i lay in the Court House, in Siiiilmry. After a preliminary meeting in the Grand Jury liooni. they assembled in the Court House, at 1 o'clock I'. M. The Hon. F. A. HOUND, was called to the chair, 1'cnj. JSiriekler, Gen. Watson, Win. T. Grant and Jacob It. Clark, as Vice Presidents ; and Samuel John, Secretary. After the credentials of the delegates were received and approved of. the following persons Were nominated for the dilVcrciit olliees by acclamation : Senate Franklin A. Bound, of Miltop. Assembly Jonas Sline, of Mt. Cartml. Sheritl' Samuel II. Ilolherniel, of Little Mahonoy. Frothonotiiry Win. If. Wolf, of Milton. Treasurer Jacob F. Itohrhach, of Sun bury. Commissioner Andrew Wager, of Lower Mahonoy. Auditor Win. I feed, of Upper Augusta. The following Standing Committee for the ensuing year was appointed : Northumberland-C. H. SMITH, Sunbiiry Win. T. Grant, Milton L. H. Funk, JWeEwensville John P. Ectird, T iirbut' ille Anderson Deiiiun, Lewis John H. Caldwell, Delaware Win. II. Fulmer, Turbut Thaih us G. Hogle. Chi!!isii!atie- Samuel McN'inch, I'oint - ileul.in Johnson, I'pper .Xugiwta Wm. Keed, Lower Augusta Klias Emerieh, Shaiiiokin Jacob K. Mueueh, liusli Alvin 1 Indie, Coal II. C. Harper, Mt. Ciiriml- John Hough, Mt. Carm.-I Borough A. F. StecV.tr, .erbc-S. H. Straub. ('.m elon Solonuin Dunkelbcrger, Lower Mahonoy Nathan Hensyl, Jackson Win." H, Lunib, Lower Mslionoy John Kiugaman, iloidnn Grorge T. Troutniati, Washington Daniel K. Kchies, Upper jilaliohoy John S. Sminky. Comniiltce on resolutions, C. B. Smith, M. II. Tttggarf, A. U. Fiske, John Clirist nitin, and S. H. Boyer, then reported the follow ing, which were umtnimously adopted: etnllienl abilities, ihe In hum 1 Resolved, That ll liable tnergv. and :lio fur'secing sagnciiy ol (tuv. A'airi-w tl. turlin. proved by his ruccesrful aduii nlratiou ot ot.r State ullaiis, iu times of peculiar trial, have exeited our warmest admirutiou. aud that Yii- t.-l-sucrillcir.g devotion to the interists chd rom foi ts of our pa'rios soldiers erreeinlly ul Iho sick and wounded, in esnip or hospital, or whurevar they n 'atii aid. has won for him tho enduring love uot .o!y the eohiicn-f themselves, but also of their fatheia, tuotbers, wives, hroihers. sisters aud frieuds at leuie. We. thertfir. heartily approve and ratify his i4iiiiialion for re-elcutiou as tiovcrnor of 1'ennsylvMiia. und pledge ourselvi-s to uso every Lonijut.lesiearur) secure his triumphant election. JU h e.l. TJj,t Die profound leaining, the menial cetivily and the h:Mjrrup;ihle integrity of Ihe Hou. 1-nniel Agnew lead u eortlially to ratify bis uomi ratii, and to determine to do our utmost to secure Lis ucki. Resolved, That Abrvkatn Lincoln and the dis tinguished stateiucu a ho orin his vabinet, by their oirne'. Kim! and et i.'iit adiniuistratii.n of the nlfairs, both civil an.d xuililury, of our nation, under sireuuta aneesof uii'Teecdrntcd ditTie-ully aud danger, have dierifi and are dally reoviiing thegrulelul thanks of U li y ul piaipU. Resolved, Tl.at u uur and snore apove, as I jne rxliitiits iis piliey and neetVM4l v, of the great wart the iircsei valeei ll uur l utun: lor we are (ally tumiueuj Ilia I ihe only way to prawn e our liberty, our laws aud our CvnaUmttoii, Is to crush the traitors Ui arm wltouxe tabling tooi urUirow Iheui, JteMilved, Tliat it la n mure rriuuial. while il is much Kiore manly, lo Dlil agautst the government and tjie l uioa iu the south. Uiaji it U to aeheui nnd iulrnoo agapist Uiem in Ihe uorlh. A sauiitara traitor is uot worse Ihaa a lutrlliern sympathiser. Ursoli e 1 That whila we long I'ur the resiurallun if peace to uur belio ed country at Ike earliest mo ment stMupatild with be honor aad aaXidy, il tuuat bepraoe bUly tu lal- il tuustlHt ., aaade Ly tbesubiuMou aud puuiidiiueut vf Ika Imiuws alia initialed liicwar U luui bo po wbicb will leave us a free, harpy and willed people. Rrtultril. That Ihe Mails dtruetU. pro perty and lb terrible viutUmt and brutal murders which k lauly dij..eo4 !' N"J Vork. iba natural rcauli. ul llu duioyal leas'biugs and tresMiual l threatening of lh wes,u-ii.y-HM)i party, who deeply U.sli.i ma auuriuga oi iuir f. I. ...ml,, wtilla Ihrr ! Willi iudifof uee I be mbbai and .lauhur ut Ibtit Lsyal br eifastw ,uf ibe uoitb. .... i .i lleaolttd. Tbl lb ucparallilad Wemvary. th Hus.uodaiuiiia: euduraue aud lb barota dui ulu ..r..u. u..Lt...ia J.u.aul lb cratilud and Mtp . I M.f ll.aiv I. lli.w.iillAellJ at bouie. aasd will win Ibviit the b aud aUmlraiu of milluiu y.t uubuiu, aud glwiloit twin lluuutsiuiu sue . . 1. 1 Lj as ,r hi au.iiis ItMtilied. that the wefciury of Ike failaul di4 .ImLoi lallva ia deleuee of ibeir t.uuuy wiU u.ko uLaiub.i br Ibsu aurvitusl wMiuliiira, aud lbu ttmmn I i.rt.nood lu lb giatvlul kaai I wf alt wbolut it"" kaoteur aaupM !. laud mmm agm U statu) lb till Ol ' Mapiy poud A was W. u .i..,l Thai a delajklee to IbU ti.i k.i,l blds utlUs Im aisesbaall w4 kMiiiKttd pi -jj'j;,' (Ud Tbl lb HIM,"ll-"f'- eu1') , (i.iH4. M U lt ft" M (For the Amerioan. A CAtttl.to tho Ladle of Sunbary, wo would extend our most grateful thanks. Knowing by a havpy and willing experience, we cheerfully auknowlcdgo, and heartily testify, that Banbury has truly earned, and richly deserve tho proud title of among the ftrst in her ofleiings, the longest in bor kind, cheering sympathies, and the last to tire in giving both heroountry' defender. "Honor giro, to whom honor Is dne' is the principle that aotualea va In the acknowledgment which we desire to make. Yon have thrown your doors wido open to us, and reocired na with kind boart and open bands. We have received yonr hospitality and abore all your kind and cheering encouragement and sympathy! Our tick at the hands ot good Samaritan, have re. coivedall ho kind and dclioat atieution that a mo. ther or sister could bestow and their mute lipe are ealcd by thankful emotion I Alto wa Trark vol) I and what more oan a soldier do t except his duty, and that we also promise. If tho conduct of the oommand ha been commend able, there i reason for it ; and that ia the kindly withes, and unstinted hospilnlily which you have ao generously extended. It i a gratifying pleaaure to now that to many truo hearts beat responsive with ours, in Ibe great cause in whljh we, and all tnyal citiiuus are engaged. 'Death to Traitor" ia the duty to our country; at leuat we "ace It in that light" and throe groans are tlightly typical of our regard for all who dou'l. The wcightiot argument ia what chiefly tells; and two hundred pound shell charged nWxQml firt, eccms to be the latest and moat efluotive point yet touuhed uon. Dut truly, this war has a sad and sorrowful side, and has mercilessly snatched some precious viotiui from almost every fond home circle; but are our hearts not drann'oloaer together and kuit with a firmer determination by this great, oomuion grief, this sad fur-reaching atluction Y From many a blood stained battle-Held thovoicos of slain friends cry out to us, to still strive tor all that is noble, and good, and just, and worih living for, and fighting for and dving f:sr ; and we will, though heail grow weary and heavy with waiting and walehing aud weeping, but alas, in vuin for the return of loved absent ones ! But too ol'lcn. Oh ! too often conic instead, tho cold inanimate form : and mourning like a shadowy cloud, cushroiuls our peaceful valleys! Hut enoujh, wo know that we are riht, and wo euro not w ho op poses. Lot high-haudeil treason and buck-wounding calumny do their wor."t ; tho right nius triumph ; nnd a diiv of reekoning comes, when they who help ed not their suffering distracted country, in this the hour of her peril, shall, like the thru-e dutuned Ar nold be a struck in the nostrils of their own people, and despised, slimmed and condemned by all uiuu kind. It is Idle to nrguc upon the question at this stage with anvlhing lessthiin a .Minmo ball. 'J'ho issue is upon us', anil we must uioet it liko Americans. a cas! WE M ILL! And now as to our coming tip here, why bless you ! it wna'nt to frighten anybody, (except a large black stump Unit refused to -bolt" one night, when tho guard ' charged bayonet'- on it.) hut il might bo to lessen tho excruciating suffering of sonic nould-be luurijr, who bus vullmiily resoivcd to die in his own door-vnrd. Hut no matter ; they ill feel belter ut ter a while, when they get used toil, and will doubt lew miike great gods of war or right good Corporal. The pliiiwint memory of our visit to Jour place, slmll not toon ho forgotten ; but liko the running vine and cluslering toudiils of your own happy hemes, shall be chori.-hod and remembered a soiueol the brightest spots in tho soldiers wenry life, w here his foolsteps wo laid '-in pleasant places,'' and well wliol bhull we :.y ! What can we say ? Languagu fails us. Hut this wo can say, becuu.se we can I help it ; thai wo do positively assert, (and shall never think of denying) that the kind, p atriotic nnd beau tiful (excuse us) liulies of iSuuhury, urc entitled to the everlasting islocin. regard, respect nnd protec tion of every --iflne liroceiW' (thero wo meant to say puntulooiis.) in ibe service. And we pledge our s.ivts to iissiiine all the responsibiliiicsot- said ofler 't better or worse," but eliietty -for the hetler," of said ofler. far you know, (Hint is l do.) that we hove come to be very handy indeed in nil th it per tains to the waher-iVouuin's proviuee, iho culinary department, etc., etc. And we furthermore s'.nte it as a faul. not without out iulerest to oiheis wo hope, as well as ourselves, that the nearest way to the soldier's heart i through the tlouiaeh ; nnd ours have been reached; and we not only slauil ready to testify thereof, but in fact, and quite willing to miike a literal und practical de leons. ration of the stali-incut. I'm the liberulity of the Ladies Uod bless lluin is proverbial ; and we enn add little or nothing by words of ours, that which already possc:h nil tiuuian understanding ; so we can but cuiisin ourselves into your hninis. hopiug luat in thus being hniidled, our visit may prove us uuceptubi: us it has thus tar (to us) been pleasant. c nrc Ac., l'os'uively and unanimously, Yours, Captain 0K0. W. MKKKICK, Co. A. Capt. Wm. Yocso.co. 1. I Corp'l. W Jenkins, co. I) Lieui. ieo. Lovctt, ' 1. Wm. Kiliier, ' F. . Harry Jrego. F. l'rivalo A. Alward, " U. Serg't. 'i'.C. HulUhen, ). " J. Ileuninger, ' F. U Alct'uliough. F. I " Morgan itait, ' A. llAimisBirno, Sept. 8, 18C3. Df.au Silt : For llio inloi mulion of your self nnd readers of tlie Anicrioitn I scud you the following : Jv direction of tin; Wnr Dep.irtnient.Viisliinnlon, 1). C, (iyO.t)OO) one hundred unit twenty thousand dolhirs litis been iiii;vrniiatcd out of this Fund for calling, lrillin und orottnizilif; Volunteers for the purpose of defrnyiuij expenses contrueted in currying m draft of 1 8Ui in Western District of Fennsylvaniti. Conr.nis sinners of drul't therefore und their subordi nate oilieers will soon receive the reinuner.i tion w hich is so justly due them. Ciiptuin Dodge will l-e prcp.ired to meet till claims in the course of three or four weeks. If itllowed to settle these accounts upon the Imsis of the Captains' own kliowl ed,'c, w ithout dictation from nnothcr source, selttlciiH iit will be speedily toitMinuitcd. Yours trulv. " Thomas. i-. i i:Et i iioi n:a iMti-s:. Cait Mai-k. Sept. 5. The London nihj AVrs rciterutes the argument that nil the vessels building for the Confederates should be seized. The London Star contends thnt the vessels should at least be detained until the nppeul In the Ahxnudrn case is finally settled. The Liverpool W lias a report tliHt the Alabama has gone into Cherbourg for repairs ami tl.at the Florida is lit lires't. The re- V"rt ,m ks confrmatio' The oonin.ittee appointed by tltu Directors of the Atlantic telegraph to examine the tcudeis for building nnd laying the cable, linvc reported unanimously iu favor of Glass.vKlliott & Co. The pari correspondent of the London rnihj AlWW believes t!mt tho American protest in regard to Mexico would be pre sented to the Flinch (iovcrimieht in the course of the comidj; week. The Kinjof tho lielians recommends tho Archduke Maximilian to insist on cer tain conditions before nrrrpting the crown of Mexico. These conditions ar equivalent to a refusal of the crown. The Imperial family nt Vienna stand resolved that if the Archduke accepts of the Mexican crown, be inu-t renounce all liis political rights ns u scion of the house of A ust riti. Tho FolUb question reniulned without change. The Grand Duke Constantino had left Warsaw for St. Fctcreburn. 1 he Kiiiperor of Austria ia to visit i Queen Victoria iu Oeruiany. ."oti I'ruiu Jtipuu, Ban FlIAXl'tsco, Sept. 0. Ditto from upan to the ltlth of July hnve been received, The F.iil;!"!' liiatu Mediisa, bound from Iti-usuki to Kuiiattuwa, by the Itlaad paas-e-wus on the l"ith ot July, attacked by the tame forts nnd vessel that hud previous ly tirol on the Ann r nun ship I'emluoke. The Miilusa liciivid twelity-luur shols, und wns much injured, blie liml tour men killed ml ix uouiidvd. On tim 20th of July the Anieriran stcaiii fi iyatu Wyoiuing arrived nt Kunuguw, liont trip to puni.U tho Daiinio, whoao Vi-.el BtiU lrt hud tired on tltu I'embroke. The S MHiiiu leiuii tud huvinrf done lier work we'll, hht) blew up thit Juimliea) kteauier tMuct'llekl, silenced ueurly nil hu UelKhbor inj furl, ami Ull tho Japniieae) au-auiir LfiuHk iatMHkiun cmditiou. Iho Wjuui iiiK rwi'ivol lniy allot, ind had ttv uuu klllud and ki wounded, when the deemed it prudent tu proceed lu Kalluyitwa. I'u llm Ittiuof July, Ailuutul Jerii, In Ike lliiti.U aliaiiiir b.uiiiu.is, rvturucd lu KmtoUaS nd rej-'llrd having r rived wilk lb bi-iiiiinii4 In bimouiNM.ki b trait, llit lirlti.h (Umiwr 1 rt-dU lotvlved tire from lb Jupalira batlvlli. whiih, Willi ht) fori, Wir InMllbardi d for bout IhliU lioute, t'bu liuii.lnJ and (Illy thrt UrtUeU liiHipa i hi n Uu-U'l, who il- ti oy ! th tin,. t.l..iu aud tuwii, tjlke l IL c,'ili kl, 1 blcw np the powncr mugnzines, besides burning a village. .fittt little fight iv ns shown hy the Jtipaftcse after being fhellcd out of the foi-ts, and what they did do wns from behind trees and the point of rocks. Ttvo thousand Japarrcse troops ate reported to be descend ing toward the British vessels, hut it is not thrtttght thai thfjr yvUl attempt to pass withift the fange of their guns. Nothing" at last accounts could be seen of the Japanese steamers Lcneck and Saitce liehl, but the top'fnast of one of the ur.ken vessels. The casitRlties of the British in the last attack were three killed. I'rnm i'hiirloNlon, The United States transport sleamer Kcw Jersey, Capt. Hoxie, arrived at this ort vesterdny. from tho fleet otr Charleston, imvinii left there on Thursday last, Sept. Hd. The New Jersey will remain here for repairs, she having grounded on the bar during a gale of wind hist month. When she left, tho opcrntions against Charleston were progressing favorably. On Tuesday, Sept. 1st, there was a general engagement between the iron-clads and Forts Wagner, Cregg, nnd Moultrie, which lasted through the night, causing much damage to the forts. In the course of the engagement Fleet Captain Oscar C. Badger, the successor of the lamented Kodgera, had his leg broken by the explosion of a shell, and it was feared that ho would have to sutler ampu tation. No other casualty was repotted. Fort Sumter was a complete mass or ruins, nnd tlid not respond to the fire upon it, so that it was inferred that it had been abandoned by the Ilebels. i o GF.Sr.RAI, GltANT OX Coi'PKItHF.ADS. A significant remark was made a few days since by General Grant to some Chicago friends. They were conversing upon Gene ral Logan und his extension of furlough. General Grunt remarked that he extended General Logan's furlough because while he was in Illinois fighting Copperheads, he still wus in the field doing duty. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T1IK I'AHIS MANTILLA, CLOAK I'l It I'.TII'OEtlt Ml. No. 920 Ciiksni T SriiKfT. (Formerly No. AND '03.) PHILADELPHIA. J. W. PROCTOIl CO.. invito the attention of their Friends to their large and Superb Stock of Fine CLOAKS nnd FIRS, unparalleled in any former season The increased accommodation afforded in our new locution, euables u to devoto the fubest attention to our I'ltr Oi-psti't UK-lit which will be found well furnished ith every de scription of First Class l'L U.S. which will be guaran teed us represented, or the money paid will be re funded. ORDERS tier mail will be carefully attended to, and delivered. Express charges paid, and di.ilanco u.siJc of 11)11 miles. J. W. PROCTOR CO. No. 920 Chesuut Street, Philadelphia Sept. 5, 1S03. ly ISAAC K. STAUFFER. Wutcli 3EnUci iiii'.l .Sew.-Irr, MANfKAt'TVItEK OK SILVER WARE 4 Importer of WATCHES No I M North Second St.. Conier Quarry. PHILA IiELPHIA. HE has constantly on hand an assort uient of old and Silver Patent Lever, Lepino and Plain Wutches ; Fine Hold Chains, Seals and Keys, lireast Pins. Ear Rings, Finger Rims. Urocele!". Miniature Cases. Medallions. Lockets, Pencils. Thimbles, Spec, tncles, Sliver Table. Deseri, Tea. Salt and Mustard fcKons; Sugar Sjiooiis. Cups. Napkin Kings. Fruit and Butter Knives, Sliields. Con.lts. Diainoud I'oint ed Pens. etc.. all of which will be sold low f r Cash ! SI. I. TOIilAS A CO S best quality full jeweled Patent Lever Muvemeuls constantly ou hand ; also other Makers of superior iuality. N. II. old Hold and Sliver bought for cub. Sept 5, Hd.'l. ly w EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH & AHCH STHKKTS, PHILADELPHIA. Are ioui;in F A L L F A L L TltADE, French MKKIXOU8, C.ood 15 LACK SILKS, Dark Figured SILKS, New l'LAII) SILKS, New Fnncy FLANNLLS, KALMOKAL l'ETTICOATS, Mud, White mill !5lue FLAXNKLS, etc. Sept. 4. ISti". ".m w A VALUABLE FA KM VOH ts.VLK. nHE subscriber offers for sale cheap, a good FARM i in Point township. The improvement are a Kisid two-sorv Smnu Dwelling House and a Log Houso, u new Rank Barn, two gwd Apple Orchards, and good water convenient. There is a good aler Power upon it for a Saw--Mill. Enquire id UKuKiiK CONRAD. Vpper Augusta, Sept. 5. ISOJ. it olii' to S-liol 'reiiehers. VPPI.ICATIONS will bo received by the Hoard, of Sdiuul Directors, ut the tins School House, No. 6. L"pier Augnsia School District, for six (li) teacher lor Ihe winter schools of said district, ou Thursday. October 1ft, lSud, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which tune aud place the County Superintendent will meet rxnmiiig applicants, aud till uul certificates to all thus applying. WM. REED, Sec y. I'pper Augusta, Sept, i, LSliX at SUPREME COUBT-NORTHERri DIS TRICT. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the Supreme Court i.N for Ino Northern District of Pennsylvania, will eommeuce it annual session on the First .Monday of October next, at the Court Douse in Sunhury. CHARLES PLEASANTS, Pioih'y. Prothuiiotnrv'l Office, j August lstj.l. j LIST OF CAUSES FOR ARGUMENT. 1 Joseph Weitiel v Jlarr (irilTy. No 8, O.-lober Term. IHtil , Northumberland county. 2 The Shuiuokin V. R. ltd. Co. vs Mill. me & Liver- uiore. 2;1 Oct. T., Northumberland county. 3 Overseers Delaware township vs Overseers Lewis township, I Oct. term, lS'i.'. North'd eo. 4 Benjamin teller vs Samuel C Wilt, it al 3, Oct. term. '02. Union county. i Edward i . Ilright vs J.mas Iluhncr, n, Oct. term Northumberland eeuuty. B Robert D Cummings v A. Updegran", 7, " " Lyeoiuiiig couuly 7 Daniel P Caul, adiu'r to, vs Anil Divue, IS, Oct term. 't2, Northumherlaud couuly. 8MaryEIIUi Foreman Field vs Lewis Jameson, 21, Ovl term. Isti2. Lycoming coue.ty 0 David L Milirr vs Dr. Edmund FranciMUS, 25, Oct term, '62, Northumberland county 10 Keinfelt A wife vs Clemens, I.Oct teiw lflfi.1, Suydereouuty 11 Wilson vs Lycoming eounty, 2, Oct term, '63, Lyouming eouuty, 13 Ihiuuigarducr V Duwart, S, Out term, 'A3, North'd couuly 1.1 Reaver, Oeddea, Marsh A Co. vs LVary Jekkln, 4. Oct Uirui, 'Od, North'd eouuty 14 Hull vs Ihalaa, 6. Out term, o.i, Lycoming eo. Is Uirsrd Fire lus Co. vs Jlarr. 6, ool. term, '6.1, Northumberland eouuty IS M'Miuo vs CaiiipUll, T. uot term. '.f, Ly. eo. 17 Kaughe v Hummel. S, net. tviui, 'lU, I niou eo. 18 tamlurd Dunkelbcrger, V, ool. Urui, '6J, Nor- Ibuuiberlaud eouuly It Pelrr Fbuldy'set'r. Hullur, 10, sot. term, '43, urlBUUiueilauil eouuly 2D llaaMi x'r V Dewart, 11, Oct. Urn), '63, Nuribuuiberlaud eouuly 21 llogla' ra n, kraitser i Caas, 12, ool. term, e:t, Nuiibuuibuilaud etmuly 21 Herd ice v Me) nobis k Co, IS, eel. twin, '63 Lyeonnug eouuly 23 Abbuit t Lawrvuo v Hall, I , 14, Oct. term, '63, LyumuUig eouuly 24 Winers' Iiu of pututill Ucilucr, IS, ool. turni, '64, Culuuibi eouuly tl Deaart Kroner, 16, vol. Una, Kurtk'Sj ouuly ii L'r PUf tpt., 4 d , Appeal, II, out. Uiiiu, l.ycuaubii eouuty 2T rsd Mut liiawh Hank, 1 4. tot. Urn, '63, Lyewlu oxiniy W Leuaiiuig ouitiy Utiubl, 19, el. twai, '63, L)uuiing (utility M l'ligia 4 oikes tst'iaa, 30, eel lervt, l y M iM klia I M.i II, o-l- Utm, Norik 4 eouuly. SUBSTITUTES WANTED! llTAiiTHtiBdl.uly. tare able Udi4 11 1st mi w ubiiltle fut lki yeai vf dwIUijf It , M wkKk ptu will U p44. Atr-4 ' AmmmISM 1 4u,ui U. ! DRAFT ! DRAFT ! ! ALL person Ilraflcd. and who are entitled roEx einption, oan have their Papers 1'rnperly Alade Cut aooordirig to the I'nited Btatoif rtogulalions, at Low Kale, by applying at tho office of the under' ,ig"e BOCKEFELLER IWYEH. Attorney at Law, Punbory, August 29, 1863. SPECIAL NOTICE. THI5 lMtOI'SlKTOItS OK THE uiitA it i ll t; s l? , rtiiLAHKi.riiiA, Itospectfully call the attention or riusincss Won and the travelling community, to tho superior accommo dation and eomfort in their establishment. KANAliA, FOWLER A CO. Augnst 29. ISM. 3tn jo Ki;AVAitg roit ti;.i:Eixi:i:)l VISE WARD OF TEX IlOLLARS. and the rM. toiable txprntr Incurred, will bo paid to asv rKnsnx, for the apprehension and delivery of a I)KSEHTKR at the headquarters of the nearest pro vost marshal, lty order. .lonx KAY CLEMENT, Capt. and Provost Mtrsbal 14th Dist., 1'a. Ilarrisbtirg. August 2d, ISM. EXE M P HON F IS M T II i: I tl A V T , ALL' persons having Legal Online to exemption from the Draft, enn havo their eaves prepared aim presuulea to lue t)oart, on apiiliention to c. r. nun til ing. Attorney at Law. Next door to Pnyder's Hotel, riunbury, l'a. August 29, 1803. I!t 13 H. I. I I. i:. JT STATES ISLAND FAXCY DYEINd EST ADLISIIMENT. BAEHET, KEPrtEW & CO., Proprietors. OFFICES: So. 47 North Eighth S!., rhiladelphia, and 5 A 7 J ohn St., New York. Our success In Pycing and Cleansing Oiirmcnts of Velvet. Ctf.th. Silk. Merino. Dc I .aine, Ac , Ae.! and Shawls of almost every deseription. is so wel1 known that we only desire to remind our friends ana the peblie generally, that tho season for getting ready their Fall Uoods is now at hand ! Ooods reoeired nnd returned by Express. BARRETT. NEPHEWS A CO. August 22. 186,'l :im w WATCIIIW, .l!'.Vi:I.V & Ml i b:scv Aiti:. Oi The undersigned wonht respect fully Invite your attention lo his well selected stock ot Fine Oohl and Silver WATCIIKS. FincOold JKW KL11Y. of every hind nnd variety rSftlSV. of Mtvtis eonioriMftiif nil nf Iho ;nii'" iritvit and most ticaittif'tif ttnitrtis. Also, SOLID SI LVKR WAHK. 'iiinl to Coin nnd-the best mukc of Silver Platd Ware Kach article is iritrratttrr to be as rtprrtrittrtt. ttr Watches nnd Jewelry eurelully rrjtiiiml and satisfaction guaranteed JACOR HAR1.KY, (Sttrre.i.for tn Ft't'iflrr iV Jiftrliy.) No. fi'22 M A P. K KT Street, P1I1LADA. Aug. 22, Irtfi.i. :iin chdmh New Hat Manufactory. RIT li lt AE V4OI, 11 ITS riHK subscriber ri-spectfully iufortns tho public, JL that he hns eninmeneed mnniifaeiitrtng, nt St'N Lb'RY. all tho various styles ol Soft Hals. Fur and W ool now in use. He trusts that his experience in the business iu tho cify. w iil enslilo him to get up hats iu style and quality erpuil to any in Philadel phia. A supply of silk and other hats will also be kept on hand . Merchants and others will find it to their advan tage to give him a cull and eucourngo homo manu facture. Sold Wholesale and Rclnil. at the lowest prices. SAMIKL FA I ST. Market Square, one door west of the Auiericau' Office. Sui.bury, August 22, isc:t.f HOUSE fc LOT TOW SALE. fPHK unclerMcncd offers for side Iho houso and lot 1 now occupied by himself, situated in Deer street Iho first duelliiiK north of Ihe Lutheran Church. The improvements are a good TWO tq'ORY Fit AM K lit 11. Ill VI. 21 fectsnuare in front with atwn story back building I t by 21. with a double porch, eon taininjr in ull einht riaims and a Inriro hall. Also a good summer kitchen nnd otuor outbuildings, to gether with a good garden. For terms and conditions appl to MHIIAKL HAIINK, Sunliurv. August 22, ISti.l. If " FOR SALE. 4 LOT nt tho corner of lilaokhurry and Fawn Slrocts. in Sunhury. The improvements uiam it are Hood and will accommodate several families. Terms reasonable, apply to CIIAULLS PLEASANTS, Agent Suubnry, August 1 a, lsrt;i. 6t A I.ttrc EVANS AK-llM'llt f I A WATSON'S QA.T--A.lvIVTSIX3EPl SAFES. UUL AT FIRE AT READINU, PA. February 12, 12. Oesti.kmex It give me much satisfaction to inform you Unit iu tho severe tire which, on tho morning of the 4th inst., entirely destroyed ull my stock ii ud uintci iuls, t Imd one ot your .-aiuinanuer Fire Proof Safes. After cndurinir an intense red heat for seven hours, the Safe wus opened, and the Rooks and Papers w ere preserved iu an uinblemishcd condition. 1 shall need another Safe us soon usi get iu order. Yours, most respectfullv. W P. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT CKKEN' CASTLE. CUAMBKKsui'iio, Franklin county, Pa., ) Auuust :tlst. Imil. ( Messrs. Evjixs A Watson. Philadelphia Gentle men : On the morning of the 22d of August. IHiil, our Stoi chouse at lirccneasllo was destroyed by lire. The Salauimider Sufe we purchased from you some few yeui-s sineu was in the ulsive inentihnid store house, aud contained all our lasiks. papers, cash, Ae. which were preserved in a perfect condition, alter being eHUed lo a most intense heat for several hours. Please inform us upon what terms you will sell us another larger Sufe. Yours trulv. OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander Safes, for Hanks, Stores, Private Families. Ac, Ac. Also, Evans & Watson's Patent Alphabetical Rank Locks and Dank Vault Doors, cquul to any made in the country, and sold on a good terms. K A W. would respectfully refer to lbs follow ing Ranks and other parties, having their Safes und Locks now iu uso, to their eiuire satisfac tion, and muiiy others given at their Store. Umteo Stati.s Mist, ltraueh Bank, Shclbyville Philadelphia. Tennessee. l'.m:iiSTATi.s AHSEXAI..('ity Rank of Philadelphia. California. Consolidation Il k of Phila. Potlsluwn liuuk. Pa. Coatesville itaiik. Pit. Stroudsl tirg Hank, Pa. Jersey Shore Dunk, l'a. Link llavvu Hank, Pa. Com th Rank of Phila. ChataiHHiga Hank, Tenn. Pre'm Loan Asa'on, 4th st. Dank of Northumberland. Dank of N01 ih'n Liberties, Philadelphia. Union Hank. Daltiinore. Southwestern It kkol Y. Paul and Swift, Bunkers, Fulton liuuk, Atlanta, liu. Alabama. Newark Hank, Del W.U. Sterling. WilkesbV Dank of N. C, Raleigh, Lewishurg Rank, Pa. Other reference given ujaui calling al our Sloro, No. II) S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. 5, lSi3. ly TliUbSEfiS, SHGULDEIl EEACES, ELASTIC fcTOCKlNUS FOR ENLARlil.D VEINS. OF THE LEU, AC; Iiutruiueut fur all defurmitii. DR. tiLOVER'S w iM'trrTriis La taken the place of other Trusses for the retention and cure of Hernia or Rupture. Acting iion the principle of a lever, il never lose its strei.Ktli. It is uiiated to lireveut rust, ll bus no nail ou ibe back, which Is u liable to injure the spine and annoy aud chafe the nearer. It is sure to reiaiu Ihe Rupture, Ji iug eaae and eouitort.-aud eUn-ting radical cures, uu warranted tu give nali-fai-tion. Th improved Sbouldir-Iirace ex.nds Ihe rhest aud prevent th Hearer from becoming ruuud houldured. ladies' Rett and Abdominal Supporters, Hand, age, aud Lulls i f r'l kinds, aud Uulruiuent tor all Deli imiiie of the Kiv. DR. liKiiVl.U'ei Clh-elsNo. 4 Aim Street, to door fiuui llroadway, Nw lork. bliavxei should latrliuuUrlv not th iisiu and No. April II, lsu3. l.4J r4 l A I.M I. Alt or (try ul I Sunbury, Noril.uuib laud aouuty. Peuwyliaula. (Formally Fraxbufg, hnyjr uuuly I OFFICE, iiaikel atiwl, mi disir east uf Krlllng Urejil Siora, aud nearly opait lh Court Hu. All irutualutial busiuaa, oiUeuous, to ' i piompt aliiblioii. April 11, ld 1 A fc II t III .M C1AMK t lb pictuiM uf lb Mib,wilr.aa of J U-ul lb U d of May, Ins,!, a Mtay lH p piall l-.ol la.. yai( old, lubl lJ wlik while Ull td a I-Hi Lilly. Ibvowuer is l.(uilcd l lutisalJ, pun ino fy. pa) t-ktige PRIVATE ACADEMY, NORTHUMBERLAND. tpilE REV. JAMES DICKSON, will re-open hi J Academy on Monday, the 17th day of August, I WW. Tho following branches will be taught : Latin, (Ireek, Malhemallcs. Philosophy, P.hetorlo, Iioglo, Book Keeping, Vocal JIusio in theory and priujtlco. Also, Uoography, Urammar, History, Composition Writing. TERMS : Par Quarter of 1 1 weeks, ? to 8 In the idnive I. nineties without the language fl) HO Latin anil alovo branches, $7 00 lircek and above branches, (9 00 Pee Circular. Pur further particulars apply to REV. JAMES DICKSON, Teaoher. Northumberland, August 1ft, 1893. ly MANHOOD, IIoiv I.ont, llovr Itcfltorrtl. Just Piihlishril, in a Smltd Envelope. J'n'rs Sir Cnitt. ALECTVRK on the Nature. Treatment and Ra dioal Curenf Spermatorrhcea or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility. Nervousness, and Involuntary Kmisfliuus. inducing Impotency, Consumption, nnd Mental nnd Physical Debility. HyROH'TJ. CULVER WELL M. D. The Important fact that the awful consequences of fcil-rtuuse mny no enceiuany reiuoreu witnooi in ternal medicines or Iho dangerous application of caustics, ii-struinents, medicated bogie, and other empirical devices, is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment as adopted by tho eclebrateil author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure him self porfectly, and at the loust possible cost, thereby avoiilingnll the advertised nostrums ol tnoilay. llnl lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thou sunnds. Sent undersea!, in plain envelope, to any address, pot-paid on receipt of two postago stamps, by ad dressing tho publishers. CHAfl. J. C. KLINE CO., 12T RoWerv, New York, Post Office Box, 40SII. Aug. 15, ISti.l. Feb. 28, ly 3o ni :iei itv A'ii:iv. THE Select High Si-hool of this place, will bo reopened August Mist, IStiS, under the superin tendence of S. P. FINK. A liberal patiomiKu is so licited from the patrons of the school, and the citizen iriiiieriillv TERMS OF TUITION PER SESSION. Orthography, Reading, Writing and Primary Arithmetic Arithmetic, 11 cograjihy and English Orammar Nat. Philosophy, alt t on The Mind, Alge bra and licomntry, ltook Keeping, Languages and Astronomy, $2 50 3 50 6 00 6 61) t 'i? "ne half of the tuition money to bo paid in advance, aud the balsuce at the expiration of each term. Punils studviiis arv one branch in either of the higher grades of tuition will be classed in tho grade einlirneingsuch branch. for further inloriiiatton applv to S. P" FINK, Principal. Sunhury, August 9th, ISti.l. JORDAN TOWNSHIP I) I S T I L L E R Y. TIMIE undersiirncd hnving entered into partnership 1 in tlie t'istillery Jtusiucss, in Jonlau towiisinii, Nor'hiiiuheiland eountv. on the road from Shaffer's Tavern to Uniontown, uhout 4 miles from Mubonoy and 6 mile from Klingcrstown, heg leavo to infurin the putilic thai they aro now making a superior ar ticle of PURE RYE WHISKEY. Those desiring eraiu converted into whiskey can have it done on the most reasoualilo terms. Ihohiul ist cash prices will lie paid lor Rye. and grain taken in exebanpo for Whiskey. Tho public cau tic nssurcil that all vv luskey mailu at this distille ry will be ticetroin ilrugs ami ailiiltnraimns. ISAAC DEPPIN, it. E 10LST. Jordan twp.. June 1.1 18fi3. fun Wyoming; liiwus-sinco 4'omiai , WILKESBAREE.JPA. 'itul nud Sui'iIh, MI, OOO. DIRECTORS: fl. M. llollenback, L. D. Shoemaker, John Reiehard. D. 11. Drieshach, Samuel Wadhnins, R. C. Smith, It. D. Lacoe. Chas. Dorrance, Charles A. Miner, Wm. S. Ross, W. W. Kcteham, U. M. Harding. tl. M. nOLLENRACK. President. L. ll. SHOEMAKER, Viae President. R. C. Smith, Secretary. W O. Stkiilisu. Treasurer. This Comiiany Insures thrce-fourlh of the Cash valuation', takes no Premium Notes, make no Assess ments, Policy acknowledge all moneys paid during Iho term otyour Insurance. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May SO, ISO.!. ly DE1 o xj irsr jD:siizr ' AMI AGRICULTURAL WORKS! rrHE undersigned respi-etfully inform the publio 1 generaltv. uuu inev navo enieren into i.o-1'ari-iiership in tho FOUNDRY Itl'SlNESS. and are now prepared to manufacture ut the 'Rohrbach Foundry,' Ml hunts ot .ISiK-liiiK-ry, Slovn, 1Ioii1ik, 'iimI- .iiiRH. V'., nt hlioi'l police. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a irood workmanliko mnnuer aud at the shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solieited unit nrouintlv attended to. 1IAI.US 11111111UAI.U, T. li. COOl'EU. t" Old Iron, and all kinds of Produce tuUcn In Lxchantre for work Sunhury, May HI, ISO.;. tf C3-. "W. HAUPT, wlloi'itfy nnd 4'ouusK'llor nt l.nvv, Office ou south side of Market street, four door west um. l.liriBuiamaseioro, BUNBTJRY, PA.. AVill attend proinptlv to all professional business entruted to bis care, the collection 01' claims iu Northumberland and the ailjoir.ing counties. tiunuury, Aluy 2.1, ISti.l. ly J". 33. HELLER, A,mmv!)Vrs? ma taM? Office, on south side of Market Hiinarc, near the Court jiuusc, 6TJKr33Tjn V, PENN'A. M ill attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to bis eare. tlie collection ol claims in Northumberland and the adjoining oouutie. bunlmry, May 2d, lsu.l. ly WATCHES, .1 e tv c 1 r ) A: l ituuondt. LEWIS LAD0MUS & CO. 8(i2 Cbcsnut street, 1'hiUdelpniai HAVE always on hand a large stock of Hold and (Silver Wiitehe, suitable lor Ladies, Gentleman or I'l'.vs N ear. pouie ol uur own imputation, ex tra lino aitalilv. Our assortment of Jewelry consist of the niost furhionahle and rich designs ; as also the plainer aud loss expensive. Silver f ti-KHis. Turks, Pie, Cake and Fruit Knive ; also a lai'e variety of Fancy filver Ware suitable for llridiil Presents. We have aUi on hand a most splendid assortment of Iliamoud Jcvioliy.of all kinds, to which we invite especial attention. "Our pi ice Hill be found conside rably lo than Ihe same article are usually sold lor. All kinds ofWatehea re) aired in Ihe very beat wanner, and warranted to tfive sulistiwrlion. Wl.LlUNli UlNUson band and made to order. Call or address LEWIS LADOMI S A CO., Kill Liu. nut Street. Philadelphia. P. H. The highest cash price paid for old liold and Kilver. Alloider from the country will receive especial attention. Way J, lHf.3. 3uio VSATEPe'O HOTEL,' Corner r awn and Market rtreet. Ml HtH HV, l'. rillfE undersigned resineifully inforuis Ihe public. I thai he ha lakuu i lirui lb alane named lintel, and asks for lb eontii uauce uf the former patruuag aud would Uivil all other lo give bilu a earl. IIIMTAUI.B U alwavs auimlled will lb beat ih market (T.r.i. Hi liar eoutaiits lb eludce liiiuor. and hi stab liu I Kuud ana well am n.lefl by rareiul iner. kilt 11 A EL M 1L 1.11 T. funbury, May SO, ltto.1. lUJMKS r ANlTsilADLS. B. J. WILLI AMU, No It KorlU Bath bir fbil adlpbla, MMiaiauiaier ui Vat(iMM IlllklUauul Mladan Mtutlra. Tb UsimI aud Sum aurisul tn Ik lt. lb UwMtpsuai rthieU I'iuu4 aud 1 ria.asud ital pure MiwiBjiaa k4 iir4 NEW TAILORING E8TABLISMENT a O II & V. 71 A U T I , Afurlot h'qvrrr, me door vrA nf ftie Pott Ojjire, BUNBUBY, PENN'A. Respcolfully tiiforin his old friend and the pnb lio generally that he ha again returned to Bunbury and re-oponed w TnilorlnK IXnldUIimonl. II Is prepared to mako np now garments as well ns mending old onon, nnd to do work neatly, fash ionably aud substantially, intl'act will warrant all work leaving the shop, 'and by so doing, Lope to receive n due slinre of patronage. Persons desiring to have clothing made np to order in the latost style, will please giro hint acail. Huubury, April 11, lbjj m. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN E. BMICK, Fawn Strreot, opposite Weaver' Hotel, lUNBUHY, 'Northumberland Co., Fa., INFORMS hi friend and the public generally, that he ha taken the Shop of Jacob S. Rake, doo'd., and is prepared to do all kinds of TAILOR. INO In a good workmanlike manner. The patron age of the pnblle is respectfully solicited. Sunhury, May 16, 1HKJ. ly singer" &to7s" lifter At Kniiilly Ken tag Sliiclilao, "tlITH all the new improvements (llemmer, llraider, Hinder, Feller, Tucker. Cordcr, Oa- thcrer, Ac, Ao., Ac), is the CHEAPEST AND BEST, and most beautiful of nil machines for FAMILY SEWING and light manufacturing purpose. It makes tho inter-locked stitch (which is alike on both sides), and has great capacity for sew ing ALL KINDS OF CLOTH AND ALL KINDS OF TIIKHAD. Even leather, as well ss Ihe finest muslin, mny be sewn to porfection on this machine. It will uso 20 sfiool cotton as well as An, .ill linen tlircna. n iiai it can do orlly be known by seeing the machine tested. The Fohling-lop Case is aiming the 11111 valuable of all the new improvements. It may he opened nut as a spacious aud substantial tahla to sustain the work, and when the machine is not in uso it may bo folded into a box, which protects the working parts of the machine. There is no other maeulue to equal the tictter A tn Simplicity, Iriibility, Itiiilll.v, n ml o'rliii:ly of -rrc-t notion nt nil rnK'M ol '1. The Family Sewing Machine is fast becoming ss laiiiulnr tor family use as risnF.a Co. s .Mamituc tiirini! Machines nrc for manufacturing purposes. JI10 Urnneli Unices arc well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil. Ac . of the vest best quality. Send fora i-AMi-nLET and a cony of "Sinuku A CO' UA7.ETTH." I. M. SIN11F.R CO.. 4j Rroadwav. N. Y tl? Philadelphia Office. 810 Chcenut street. June 20, lSCU. ly 18G3. 18G3. FRlftNG '& GRANT AT THE MAMMOTH STOEE, TOULD respectfully announce Hint they have just received and opened a very large and well relec- ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to dispose of at a VERY SMALL ADVANCE ON Firnt Cot. 0U1 STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL. Thankful for past favors wo hope to meet a con. linuancc of the same by still selling Uoods as cheap if not CEIIAl'lvCC than can bo purchased else where. FRILINd A GRANT. Siinbury, Msy 23, ISfi.t. A .loin I ICcKolulIon rpsiiMfj crr- liiln Aiu'iilit'nls to I He 4'ons.liln lioti. I5e it r.Esoi.vKD it? TrtE Senate and IIofRK OK IlKPHlCSKSTATIVKS OK THE COM MONWEALTH OP l'KNNSVLVANI.V IN GENERAL AssKMiit.Y met. That the followinsr ninend iiR-nts bo uroiioscil to tlie Constitution 01 the Commonwt'tiltli, in uoi-orUunce witlt the provjsions of the tenth nrticlo thereof: Tl,.. .1...II l.n a., ...LlUinn.il cor-tinn the third ntticlc ot the Constitution, to be ili'sittnuti'il ns Fectioti four, us follows : Section 4. henever nnv ot tlie oiirtli- fieil electors of this Cinnnuinweiilth shnll be in any net uul military service, under a requi sition l:om the l'l-esident ol the Lntteu Stittfs, or by the authority of this Common wealth, such electors may exercise the ri'dit ofsiillrugc in all elections by the citizens, under such ritftilittious as are, or siiuti tie prescribed by law, as fully as if they were present at their usual tilace 01 election. 1 Here slum no two tuiuiuonui section to the eleventh article nf the Constitution, to Im; designated us sections eight, and nine, as follows 1 Section 8. "So bill shall bo parsed by the Eegi.-luture, containing more than onu sub ject, which shall lie clearly expressed in the title, except appropriation bills. D. No bill shull be past-ed by the Legisla ture grunting any powers, or privileges, in any case, where the authority to grant such Dowers, or tuivilcues. has been, or may here after be, conferred upon tho courts of this Commonwealth. JOHN CESSNA , Speaker of th House of llcpivsentatives. JOHN I. PENNY, Speaker of the Senate. Office or Thk Sechktahy oir the Com- MOSWKATU, IlAiiKisutitu, July 1, 1803. PENNSYLVANIA, SS: I do hereby certify that tho fore- L S. I going and annexed is a full, tfVe vv- and corm t copy of the original Joint Itesolutioii of the (ieiural As'uibly, entitled "A Joint Itesolutioii proposing cer- taiu Amendment to tho CoiiMitotion, us the same rcinuins ou filu in this oftiiv. In Tistimony w heii-of, have liiti-unto "t my liaml and cuiiM:d the Si-al of the Secre tary's otlieti to be ntlixed, the day and Jeur almvo written. ELI 6I.IFEH. Becntary of the CotumoneultU. July 11, IbUd. to A VALUABLE FAKM FOR SALE. fl'MlK umleislfosd olr losell at rlrat aale, hi I taluabl laiai, ill la Mbetuaiuliip, .iu- uiuballaud eoulllV. l'a about Ml lull arsl uf Ik Iowa ol TrMloa, uuiaiaiua ISO HlMiKM) Al ItEf. !; buul niy aensj uf wkuu ar eleaied aud in a good slat of uluiaiuu, ud tits kalas. anil littb ails pia and lb luipruvsaieui at a L-g li u, Vara aud elkwr ouu building lua-kay Fot particular uxjulr of laabary, Msy M, Ml ?. . -.-J'--'?','JAjj!d.1'' S"-M V'-S. y J TIM ALL SUFFICIENT TUltEE. TUT GB EAT AKEHICAN EEJffEDIES. ITru tn tit utlmltAt, GENUINE PREPAIIATIOSS, VI?. Iir.LMROLD'S EXTRACT "Rrcmj," " " BARSAPARILLA h IMPROVED ROSF. WASn. HEXiIvIISOX-lva 0217TTIUE PHEPAEATIOITS "IirallLT CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT HUCIIU, A Positive and Specifio ncmedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, liRAVEL AND DROPSI CAL SWELLINGS. Tills Medicino increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbent into hcahhy notion, hv which the Watery or Unicornis depositions, and all Unnatural enlargements are rejueeu, aa well as pain and infhnnation, and is go;d for inuu, womeu, or Children. II I.IIKO t.l'S EXTRACT III 4 IIi; FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early jnuiscrction, or Abuse, Attended with the followinz symtoms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of iiower. Loss ot .vtemory. Difficulty of liresthing Trembling Wakefuluei-s, Piiin in the back. Flushing of the liody Eruptions on Ihe Face, Pallid Countenance, Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness of vision, Universal Lassitude of the Mueciilar System, Hot Hunds, Dryness of the Skin. These syiutoms. if allowed to go on, whieh this medicino invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient msy expire. Who enn say that they arc not frequently followed by thoso "direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCNSUMPTI0N, Many sre aware of the cause of their fuffcrin;, Imt none w ill confess. The records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the asserlion. The Constitution, once Affected with Orgauio Weakness, Requires the aid of medicino tn strengthen and in vigorate the system, which "llelmbold's Extract ltiK-hu" invariably doe. A trial will convinoo the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES, FEMALES. Old or young, ainglc.Jmarricd, or contemplating marriage, In many affections peculiar to Females Ihe Extract Rucbu is unequulled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulucss. or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous state of tho Uterus. Leucorrhea. or Whites Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, w hcther arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in tho DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. Sco symptoms a'lovc. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Tukc no Ralsani, Sfercurr, or Vnplensant 3Icdlcina lor Lupicasaut aua uungecuus Liisc&si-s, 11 1:1.11 sioi.irs i:rit.iCT in ii Cures SECKET DISEASES In all their stat-os : at littlo expense; littlo or no change in diet ; no iuconvcDienco, AND NO EXI'OSlItE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of tho 1'relhra, allaying paiu and inflammation, so frequent in this class of diseases and expelling l'oi.-onnus, Diseased, and Worn-out Matter. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIMS OF VAVHS, And who have paid Heavy Fees to ho circd In a short time, have found they were deceived, and thnt the "Poison" has. by the use of "Powerful As tringents," been dried up in the system, to break out iu an aggravated form, and Perbupsjuficr Marriage. USE III-I.!Mll.k-N H.VTRACT iti rui For all Affections aud Diseases of THE UUNARY ORGANS, Whether existing in 51 ale or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of tlicso Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. HtfiliMBOLD'8 EXTBACT,BUCHTJ Id tho Great Diuretic, And it is certain to havo tlie desired effect in all Diseases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD JBLOOD 13C3LOOD ! Ilclmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsnparilla Syphilis. This Is an aflcction of the Blood, and attacks th Sexual Organs. Linings ol tho Nose, Ears, Throat, Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making it nppearuuee in the form of Ulcers. Helmbuld's Ex tract Sarsaparilla purities the ltlood, and remove all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared evpressly for this class ol complaints, its Llood-Puri-fviug Proprietor are preserved to a greuter extent lltau uny other preparation of Sursapurilla. Holmbold's Hose Wash, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Svphilitic Na" turo, and as an injection in Diseases ot the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipaticu, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla in such diseases as r sconimcnded. Evidence of the niot responsible and reliable char acter will accompany ibe medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty year standing, with name kuown to Science and Fame. For Medical i'n ju-rlics of Cuchu, so Dispensatory the United Stale. See Professor Dewee' valuable work on tha Practice of Physic. See remarks made by th lata oolsbratad Dr. Fhysick. Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Fphraim McDowell, a eelelirated 1'hysiciau. and Member of tbe Kuyal College of Surgeons. Ireland, and published in tha Traductions of the King and Queen Journal. See Midieo-Cirurgical Review, published by Ileiijaiuiu Trovers, Uul low of the Koyai College uf Surgeon. See nitat vf Ihe late Standard Work 00 Modi cine. Extuact Bi c ue, f I 00 per bottle, or six, 15 00 SlHkAPARII.LA 1 Oil Ut) luraosuu lloaK V ami. btl " J iuj Or hall adoienof each lor Hi 00. which will b sutticieut to euro the iuo.it obsttuute case, ii'direction are adhered to. Delivered to any address, sci-aiuly packed rom observarion. I if- Doeribc ay in plums iu all commuuioaUou. Cure guaranteed. Advice grati. AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared before mean Aldoriuanof tha city of Philadelphia, II. T. llelmliuld, who, being duty saotu, duib uy, his preparaliou eoulain no narcotic, uu uiireury, or olhi-r iujuiiuu drugs, but aiciurcly vcgitubt. 11 T UEL.MIWLD. Swura and drwribed before me. this i?d day cf November, Is-l. H Jl. P. lllltUAKD, Alduruiau, Nluthireet, abuve Rai-v, 1'hila. Addris letters f. r lufonnutiiu In eoiinicuo. li. 1. libbUoLD, tli.-u.ut. lUlKlt lOt South Telilh Street, UluW Cheridul Phil. 111'WAllE OF COt STEKFl ITi A ad UuprincipM Dealer Mideavur lu illss "uf their oan" and "alter' nriiula ua ih repuutu-n allaiued by lUlaibuid livuulu Pr,-ia4ioii, " L i-i Usiba, " .. ewrllla, ' m laiiovd Kos afc. kkild by all DruggU1 j)um. Aaal F'B IliLMUoLD o-TAkKOOTHtn t'ul uul lbs adiMiif BMal, aad aa 14 ll 44 Awd lu,p!iia l ktpxwn tskiaar; ft ! ' - ly