Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, September 05, 1863, Image 1

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    f I II I I
Dollar!) per annum, to be paid half-yearly
vance. No paper discontinued until all ur
ges are paid.
to clitbi : ,
eonloa to one address, M
i do do 10 00
en do do 20 00
e Hollars, In advance, will pay tor lire years'
ription to the i4trrt'nn.
lb subscriptions muil be Invariably paid In ad
e. and sent to one address,
subscribers nrgleetor refuse to take their news
rs from the office to which tlicy are directed, they
esponsible nnt'l they have settled the bill and
red them discontinued '
Mtmairtere will please act as our Agents, and
k letters containing subscription money. They
permitted to do this under tho l'oet Office Law.
- ERV.
R . JOHNSTON has discovered the most Certain,
t and onlv Effectual itemcay in tne
irld for all Private Disease. Weakness of the Back
t.imh Strictures. Affections of the Kidney and
adder. Involuntary Discharges. Impotoncy, Uene
I Debility, Ncrvonsne. Dyspepsy, Languor. Low
irits. Confusion of Ideas. Palpitation of the Hoart,
midily.Tremhlings. Pimnessof Bight or Giddiness,
seaso of tho Head. Throat, Nose or skin. Affections
the Liver. Lungs, Stomach or Bowels those Terrl
e Disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of
Mith those secret and solitary practices more fatal
their victims than tho song of Syrens to the Ma
nors of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes
anticipations, rendering marringo, Ac, impose).
specially, who have become the victims of Rolltary
ice, that dreadful and destructive habit which
nnuallv sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of
ottng Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant
itellect, who might otherwise have cntranocd listen
lg Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked
t ecslaty the living lyre, may call with full con
denoc. M AltlCI.t'..:.
Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating
narriagc, being aware of physical weakness, organic
lebilitv. deformities. Ac, speedily cured.
Ho who places himself under the care of Dr. J.
nay rclitriously confide in his honor as a gentleman,
ind confidently rely upon his skill as a Physician.
iim; v.ic HIUMSIWN
Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored.
This Distressing Affection which renders Life
mi'crable and marriage impossible Is the penalty
paid by the victims ol improper indulgences. Young
persons aro too apt to commit excesses frem not
being an arc of the dreadful consequences that may
ensuo Now. who that understands the subject will
pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost
sooner by those falling into improper habits than by
the prudent ? Besides being deprived the pleasure
of healthy offspring, the nio."t serious and destructive
symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system
becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func
tions Weakened, Loss of Pnicrcative Tower, Nervous
Irritability. Byspcpssa. Palpitation of the lleartt
Indigestion. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of
tho Frame. Cough, Consumption, Decay and Dcathi
Oilier, o. 7 South fr'relri'l SIi-m-I
Left hand sidj going from Baltimore street, a few
doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name
and number.
Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The
Doctor's Diploma hang in his office.
A iei: WAKKA.Vri:! TWO
No IiTi rcrry or Naitteoni Drugs.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London.
Oraduntc from one of the most eminent Colleges in
the United States, ar.d the greater part of whose life
has been spent in tho hospital of London, Paris, j
Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of j
tin. iiwkI nutonishinir cure that w ore ever known :
mnny troubled with ringing in tho head and ears
when asleep, groat nervousne. being alarmed at
t.: ,
'rilil" PAilTH'I'I tit OTICI!
JJDr. J. nddrcsyns all those who have injured them-
eelvce by improper indulgence and solitary habilsi j
which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for
cither business, study, society or innrriago.
Tiiesk are some of'the sad and melancholy effect
produced by early habits of youth, vir.: Weakness of
the Back and Limb. Pain in the Head. Dimnces of
,ight. Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of tho
Heart. DyHpepny. Nervous Irritability, Derangement
of the Digestive Functions, General Dcbilily, Symp
toms of Consumption. Ac.
Mkstai.i.v. Tho fearful effects on tho mind aro
much to be dreaded Loss of Mrmory, Confui-inn of j
Ideas. Depression of Spirits. Evil-Foreboding. Aver- j
sion to Society, Sclf-Diftrust. Love of Solitude, I
Timidity. Ac arc souieof the evils produced. I
Tiioi 'sAxna of person of all age can now judge (
what is the cause of their dccliuing health, losing
their vigor, becoming weak, palo, ncrvo a and
emaciated, having a singular appearance ab.iut tho ,
eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. 1
Who have injured themselves by a certain practice
indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned
from evil companions, or at school, the effects of
w hich arc nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not
cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys
both mind and body, should apply immediately.
What a pi'y that a young man. the hope of his '
country, the darling ofliis parents, should he snatched
from all pna-pocla and eijoymcnt of life, by the
consequence of deviating from tho path of nature
and indulginz in a certain secret habit. Such pcrsous
Mi RT, before contemplating
reflect that a sound mind and body are tne most
necessary requisites to promott connubiul happiness.
Indeed wilhout these, tho joi.rney through life be
come a weary pilgrimage ; the prtwpect hourly
darkens to the view; the mind become shadowed
wilh despair and filled with tho melancholy reflec
tion that the happiness of another becomes blhted
with our own
iisi:ase: or ninti iuvxt..
When tho misguided and imprudent votary of
pleasure finds that he has in.hibud the seeds of this ;
paiuful disease, il too often happens that an ill-timed
cnse of shame, or dread of discovery, deter him
from applying to those who, from education ami j
respectability, can alone befriend him. delaying till i
the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease I
make their appearance, such a uluerated euro j
throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head j
and limbs, dimness of sight, dcafncBs. nodea oil the
shinjlones aud arms, blotches on the head, face and
extremities, progressing wilh frightful rapidity, till
ut last the pulale of (he mouth or the bone id' the
nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease
becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till dualh
put a period to his dreadful iuflering, by sending
dim to "that Undiscovered Country from whence nu
traveller returns."
It is tmeliturholy fuel that thousands fall victims
to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfiilnew of
i.'norunt pretenders, w ho. by the use of that Deailly
f'oinou, Mcrrnry. ruin the constitution aud mako
the residue of life miserable.
Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of tho
many Unlearned and Worthies Preleuder, destitute
of knowledge, nmuu or character, who copy Dr.
Johnston' advertisement, or style themselves, in
the newspapers, regularly Educated Physician,
iurapatle of Curing, they keep you trifling month
alter mouth takiug their filthy and potsoinu eoui
unds. or as long a thesiuallrat fee ean be ubtaiued,
and in despair, leave you wilh ruined health to sigh
over your galling disappointment.
Dr Johnston U the ouly Physician advertising.
Ilia credential or diploma always hung luhuutTico.
Ilia reuiidieeor treatrmeut are unkuown to all
others, irepared from a life speut in the great h'
pilala of Europe, the first in the eouotry and a ui.lre
exteiisiva i'muti I'lai lirt than any other Pby.iciaa
iu the world,
lMxiitsinum' or tiik
The uiauv IbouMmU cured at thia institution year
after year,' and the uuuicrou iwpuruut Surgical
liiwratioi. porloruied by Dr. J.nton, witnessed by
II.. reia.rtei of lb "Sun." Clipper," and mauy
..I,..., nolioea of which hate appeared again
and aga'u bt lore tha public, lide his t and lug a
a geutleuiau of character aud rpowtUUty, I a
uKtlcnt guarantee to tn aiDieuxi.
Mil llr. mi: KiT.r.ini.Y
( l mi:i.
Person wrlllug .kould ba lawlieular in direeling
U.eir iu.u.hilttiutio".l"'lu",,,",
jon .11. aoii i o. .11.
Of the Uallimur Luck UuspiUl, Baltiluw, Md
FuUuary 21, ! J- . ..
i i iutM i iiii in: iiMiri:.
u.TXltrfcNuiiHAPU VAMDt l VWH
M rurOat lllur.
Cat Ly wail rWe VM
tl4ai illiauhag Jif and PfcAt'
l'aUiogut " applicalf
rWpiv ft l M U va levai vt Tn I'enut.
ft faoaiwM , rlladilM
r.,lrul.t i I'.'
Inimitable Ilfllr Itcntornllyr.
But restores gray hair to ita original color, by supply
ing the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, im
paired by age of disease. All Instantaneous dyes are
composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality
and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no
dressing. Ilciinslrcot's Inimitable Coloring not only
restores haij to ita natural color by an easy process,
but gives the hair a
promote, ita growth, prevents its falling off, eradi
cates dandruff, and imparls health and pleasantness
to the head. It has stood the tost of lime, being the
original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing
in fnvoL Used by both gentlemen and ladice. It is
sold bJll rcspcctnhle doalcrs, or ean be procured
by them of the commercial agent, I). 8. BARNES,
202 Broadway, N. V. Twosises, 50 cents and 1.
Octobor 24. 1HB2. .
mnvAitit association,
For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted
with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially
for the cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs
MEDICAL ADVICF givcu gratis, by tho acting
VALUABLE REPORTS on spermatorrhoea
or Seminal Weakness, and other Diseases of the
Sexual Organs, and on tho MEW REMEDIES em
ployed in the Dispensary, sent to the nfliictcd in
sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three
Mninl for postage will be acceptable.
Address. I'll- J. SKILLIN lKIL'UHTON, Acting
Surgeon. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth
Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
January. IHM ly
ISrunilirsi, Mines, ainn, Ac.
rfMlE subscriber, having opened in Thompson's
A Brick Building, Mill struct, Danville, a large
and complete slock of
comprising the best brands of Brandies, tlin, Old
Rye, Scotch anil Irish WhUkcy. Port. Sherry. Ma
deira. Champagne and other Wine, of all grades, all
ol which will be sold Wholesale, at the lowest city
prices. Tavern-keepers, by buying of us, can save
it least the freight.
Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for
nay rely upon being furnished with a pure and
jiindtilteraled article.
ttf Being determined to establish a reputation for
selling chcup, he respectfully solicits the patronage
of the public. All orders promptly attended to.
Danville. June 10. MO.
lYustliiiiKtoM lionise,
Near the Bridge.)
rTHIE suliscrihcr having leaved this well known
1 Tavern Stand, lately Kent by Mrs. C. S. Brown,
respectfully informs the public that he is refitting and
repairing the premise., and will e prepared to en
tertain, in a comfortable manner, his numerous
friends throughout the county, and all who may
patronize his cstablUhuicnt.
April 12, 18112. JOSEPH VANKIRK.
ltlZADV iioi sr..
Corner of Stale ami Third Streets,
Ilntitism ml, Pa.
T"rs nstrzpi!li,haTa
desirable stopping place, not only for those haying
business at inc seal ol uuverumrui,
vj,jtinn Hnrrisbnrg.
ji,ir0, 2y, 1862.
but fur others
I 'or Itntx, Mit-P, IKoik-Ik-h, Anlw tU-tl
IIufAM. Motli iu I'ursi, YVoolifUii.&f
lnari'liou IMnntw, 1'otvlsi, Auiinnlsi,
Put up In 2.ic. SOc. and $1 01) Boxes. Bottle, and
Flanks, $3 aud $i sixes lor Hotels. Public Institutions,
Only infallible remedies known.
Free from Poisons.
Not dangerous to the Human Family.
Rats conieout of their holes to die.
Sold Wholesale in all large citiea.
Sold by all Druggisu and Retailers everywhere
!'.!Beware '.!! of all worthless imitations.
See that -CoaTAnV name is on each Box, Bottle
aud Flask, before vou buy.
Address III'..-ltV It. COKTAIt,
Principal Depot iM Broadway, N. Y.
Sold by Friling A (Jraut, Sunbury, Pa.
AprilP. lHfi.t 6m
A most vnlauble and wonderful publication. A
work of 400 page, and 30 colored eugrai iuga. DK
HUNTER'S VADE MECUM, an original and popu
lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology,
Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with
I Never-Failing Remedies for their speedy cure,
i The practice of DR. HUNTER has long been, and
i etill is, unbounded, but at the earnest sidicituliun of
I numerous persons, he has licen induced to cxtind his
' medical usefulness through the medium of hi
I "VADE MECUM." It is a volume that should
! In the hands of every family in the land, a a
I preventive of secret vires, or as a guide fur the
I alleviation of one of the most awful aud destructive
' scourge! ever visited munkind. One eopy. securely
enveloed. will be forwarded free ol postago to any
part ol tue I uiteu Males ior ou cent iu r. r. .111011,
ur 3 oopica for 1. Address, pott liaid.Dlt. 11LM1.H,
?o. 3 Division Mrecl, Aew lora.
June tt, lnrtS. ly.
'I'lie IiHcii l'i:rror.
(Le Mala oiks u'Euhki h.)
I. John B. Odim. M D.. author aud publisher o
the alsivo work, do hereby promise and agree to lend
(free of charge) to any young man who will write fur
it, a sample copy lor perusal. IU proper eiuuy 01
mankind is Man. This valuable work u issued and
sent forth fur the benefit of suffering humanity. It
treats in simple language on all tnediseaseaut r.rror,
including Seminal Weukneas, Kervoua Debility, ln
digealiou, Melancholy, luaauity. Wasting Decay,
luiiutcucy, 40 , o giving sale, speeuy, auu ei-
I'ectual preserlptiuiut, for Ibe permanent cure, to
gether with much valuable iuloruiatiun. All who
favor me wilh a desire to ready my work shall re
eeive a sample eopy by return mail, free of charge.
Auurua .ii'ii u. 001T..1, at. ij..
No. fto Nassau Street, New Vutk.
May 21. lco.1 am
latt'kutiiinuusV IMoouburf Hull
N and after Nov tiber IT, loo2, Paaiengar
Trains will run as Minn :
Frtigkt o
10 It A. M
11 W P.M.
11 Mi
" Kurl,
' Danville.
pt u
W7IJ 44
1 1 f J MR'
Arrive at NurihunihrrV'
P. M.
Leave North uui
u,b- t.d, to
P. M '
' DautllU,
king.' J n4i Leave, I 45 P It) IM P. M. 10
nuuvra. . -
A Pavouger Train aUu leaves kingatun U IM
A. H , b rwraulua, to eutue wuh Uaiu ior
N.w Vutk. Huturuiug, leave KvtrauUNi urn arrival
af train (to New lurk, at 4 U P. M
The Laekawauna At llluuttuburg tallraa4 sauisli
lib Ut Delaaata. Lavkaaauaa an4 W artern Kail
road al Berautuii, (uf Mea mk and tuurntedutl
puinu east.
Al Kuuari UawnnaeM allk th TallawU Rail
road Iur pulut btk mu( and aanlu at i'kuV
adeipiiie at IJ r. at
Ai Nihuu.lxiUnd II auubMl alia the Pkilad.l A Lite tUiltuad and Kmikain IVuUal Itail
luii khiim r wsi" iti.a
M 1 fUlla4.lila II r, as
k.flut abd I'
aif.r Tram a.ia, Im
Hi.jihuu.Ui I. xd .1 4 i j A VI . aud hm al ,Ju f
M , twt I'.-iUI. al t Y s
,r " Ji lf. P IIM LV, kuy'i
J V WliM. II.ii.i I Nil ipi.1
fSnvc jonr
BY using Ma
Preserve Jar
Y using Mason'a' Patent Sheet Metal ssorew lop
All that is necessary being to screw the Cap down
inon tho Rubber Gasket, which i placed outside
ipon the shoulder or the Jar, of an inch distant
rem the top ; prevent the possibility of the flavor of
nc fruit being injured by coming in contact with the
Person desiring these Jar enn be supplied by
caving thuir ordcra with H. B. MASSER, Agont.
Sunbury, June 2, 1WJ0.
ANNOUNCES to all who trade in Sunbury, that
he ha just purchased a
I,Alt.'I? STOCK of well S'I'-.mI
Which he offer at his old stand, near Covert's Hoto
west end of Market Square, very
Or If that wilt not do, just as cheap for
v o it : t it v i it o i i' v 1: .
His stock consists of a largo assortment of
and other articles altogether too numerous to men
Sunbury, Junu.iry 3, lt63.
Itmdixifr Itnilronst.
GREAT TRUNK LINK from the North and
North-West for Philadelphia. New York, Read
ing. Potlsvillc." Lebanon. Allcnlown. Easton, Ac.
Trains leave Harrishurg for Philadelphia, New-
York, Reading, l'ottsville. anil nil Intermediate
Station, at 8 A. M., and 2 Oil P. M.
New York Exprcsalenve Harrisburg at 2 15 A. M.,
arriving at New York at 9 l.'i the ame morning.
Fares from Harrisburg: To New York $i 15 ; to
Philadelphia $3 35 and J2 SO. Baggage checked
Returning, leave New York at 6 A. M.. 12 Noon,
and 7 P M. (Pittsburgh Exprew). Leave Philadel
phia at H la A M. and 3 :UI P M.
Sleeping car in tho New York Express Trains,
thmugn to and from Pittsburgh without change.
Passengers by the Cattawira Rail Road leave Ta
inaquaat 8 utl A. M., and 2 15 P. M., for Philadel
phia, New-York, and all Wav lVmts.
Train leave l'ottsville at 0 15 A. M., and 2.S0 P.
M., for Philadelphia. Harrisburg and New York.
An accommodation Pasxcngcr train leaves Reading
at 6 III) A. M., aud returns from Philadelphia at 6 00
P. M.
All the above train run daily, Sundays ex
cepted. A Sunday train leaves Pottsvillo at 7.30 A. M.,'
and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. M.
Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion
Tickets, at reduced rates to anil from all points.
May 2, 1 Ht'i.1. General Superintendent.
iSU:t. . A rrn 11 !'" 1 ISG3.
oi ow York " I.iiK'fti.
From Piifailryiia to New Yorlatid Way Plaret,
from Walnut ttreet Wharf and Kensington
Deyot, will leave as follows, viz : FARE.
At A A. M., via Camden and Auiboy, (C. and '
A. Accommodation.) $2 25
At 0 A.M., via Camden and Jersey City, N.J. ,
Accommodation. 2 25
At K A. M., via Cawdcn and Jersey City,
(Morning Mail.) 3 00
At H A.M., via Camden and Jersey city 2d
Class Ticket 2 25
At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Express 3 00
At 12 M. via Camden and Auiboy, C and A.
(Accommodation.) 2 25
At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and
A. Express.) 3 00
At 3 P.M., via Kensington nnd Jersey City,
Wash, and N. Y. Express 8 00
At 01 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, j
(Evening Mail.) 3 00
At 11) 1. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Southern Mail. 3 00
At H (night) via Kensington and Jersey city
Sotitncrn Expreas 3 00
At i P. M., via CBmden and Amboy, (Accom
modation, Freight and Pnicugcr, First
Class Ticket. 2 25
Second Class Ticket, 1 40
For Water Gap, Slroud'burg. Pcrnoton, Wilkea-
barre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac, at 0 A. M.,
from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna aud
Western Railroad.
For Munch Chunk. Allentown. Bethlehem, Belvi-
dcre, Easton, Lamhcrtville, Fleuiiugton, Ac., at 0
A. M., from Keusinglou Depot, aud at 2i P. M.,
iioiu 11 uiuui street nun.
(The tt A. M. Lino connect with Trains leaving
Easton for Mnneh Chunk, at 3-20 1. M.)
For Mount Holly, at tt A. M., 2and i P. M.
For Freehold, at 8 A. M. and 2 P. M.
For Bristol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. M. and 2J and
i P. M. from Kensington,
For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Beverly, Bur
lington, Florence, Bordcntowu, Ac, at 12, 1, 2, 4t
and 0 P. M.
I V P"i' New York, and Way Line leaving Ken
sington DcHt, take the Car on Fit 111 street, above
Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Cars
run into the Depot, and on the arrival of each Truin,
uu from the Depot.
fitly rounds 01 uaggage only, allowed eacn
passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking
auythiug aa baggagu but their wearing apparel. All
baggage over utly pouiuts Iu be paid tor extra, llie
Cuuinanv limit their responsibility iur baireaire to
One Dollar per pouud, and will not be liable for any
amount neyuua friuu, except uy special contract.
nil. il. UAii-MLil, Ageul.
January 17, 1853.
It lor nc y und t'eunselor ut Ijiw.
Office, Mct street, 2 door weet of Depot,
WILL attcud pruuiplley to the collection of claim
and all olbor nrofesaiuual hufineas intrusted Iu
hi ear la Northumberland and adjoining counties.
buubury, May a, ItsoH.
Northerii Central ltitilwu' !
i .nm:it taiii.i:.
TWO TRAINS DALY lo and from ton North and
Weal Dr aneh Susquehanna, Eluiira, and all of Nurln
era New Vurk.
vN aud afu-r MONDAY, ATRIL 20th, liitU.
J tha Paaaenger Train of th Northern Central
Kallway will arrive a ana ueintrl iruia fuuoury,
liar risburg aud Ualliuiura a follow, vis :
Mall Tiala Lavea Buubury daily exer4
buuday). 10 III A. M.
leave UarrMwrg, I 14 P. M.
arrive al Ukliiuiore, i ii "
ExiirejM Traill leave Punhurv daily
' - - - , . - - . ......
(exei nuuaayj 11 vi r.
Ivava llarruburg (axeeia)
Monday) SWA.
artite al Baltiuiora Uf
(except Monday). I I9A
liiu-rUbur AoeoUiUtuJaUou leave Uania-
buig, i
MaU Tiaia lea Ualliawr daily (
aaul Baud. J I I 15 i
o Late tl.iru.burg I 14 P M
" al aWukury, 4
Kspieas TiaialMaWliWH daily P M
anus al HariudHMg. I 4 A H
! tlwiwWa i.ae4
Moadayl. IMAM,
u auri.asal faakurt' I
fuf AirUiaf UtnxsaaiM apply a ika Date
I h li BAHal .
Iwpurtaai lairr i mammm a we.
I ) ll twill A si U.iU aii'biius) ta Uwil Mwk 4
I 1 Piium Umk aad tevk
.1 ...1 .1 . Jxi. l ! I
Has just returned from Philadelphia with a
Spring & Summer Goods.
l'"or Kleins Went.
Cloth, Casshncro, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen
Coating, Linen Chock and Cottonado.
IjiMlieV Wcnr.
A largo assortment of DresaGoods, Jllaek and
Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy Bcragos, Shallcy,
all Wool Dclanes, Mosambique Goods at low price
Silk Levella, Delanca. Lawns, Ginghnms and
Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and White Good.
Stella border and Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk and
Lace Mantillas, Ac
Ready Made Clothing,
A good assortment ef Hat and Cap,
A large assortment of Boot! and Shoes,
A full stock of Groccrie, Molasses and Sugar,
Hardware nnd Buildirg Material,
A full stock of Queen and Glassware,
A full tock of FL-h, Salt, Oils and White Lead,
A large tock of New Wall Paper,
A new stiwk of Stone and Earthenware,
And thousands of articles not enumerated.
W All the aliovc will be sold cheap for Cash or
Country Produce.
Sunbury, May 17, 18(12.
IraK I'luntallon lliltrrs.
Tliey purify, strengthen, and invigorate.
They create a healthy appetite.
They aro an antidote to change of water and diet
They overcome effects of dissipation and late hours
They strengthen the system and enliven the mind
They prevent miasmatic and intermittent fevers.
They purity the breath and acidity 01 tho stomach
They cure Dyspepsia and Constipation
They cure Diarrhea, Cholera, and Cholera Mor
bus. They eure Liver Complaint and Nervous Head
ache. They arc the best Bitter in tho woold. They make
the weak man strong, and aro exhausted nature'
great restorer. They are made of pure. St. Croix
Rum, thecclcbrnied'Calisaya Bark, roots nnd berhs,
and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, with
out regard to age or time of day. Particularly re.
commended to delicate persons requiring a gentle
stimulant, ("old by all Grocers. Druggists, Hotels
and Saloons. P. II. DRAKE A CO., 202 Broadway,
tober 2i, 13fi2.
Economy is Wealth
riu:Yoi ltroi .'ii roit isrt.
in the World.
Jlntlnine tlHM I'OIl TIOK'f
TER S Curative Balsam
is warranted if used ac-
cording to the directions,
to cure in all ease Coughs,
Colds, Whooping Cough,
Asthma, aud all affection
ol the Throat and Lung
Madame Zadoo Porter'
Balsam is prepared wilh
all the requisite caro and
skill, frem a combination
of the best remedies the
vegetable kingdom afford
its .eiuedial qualitica are
based on its power to assist
the healthy and vigorious
eirculalfuu ot ttie blood
blood, thro' iho Lungs. It
is not a violeut remedy,
but emolieni wanning,
searchinir and effective ;
can be taken by the oldest
person or vouiijzcst cuild.
Madame ZiiiIih) Porter's
Balsam ha been iu use by
the public lor over lri year
aud has acquired it pre
sent sale simply by being recommended by those
who have used It to their ufllictcd friends and others
Most Ihi-ohtaht. Madame Zadoo Porter' Cura-
live Balsam is sold at a price which brings it in the
reach ot every one to keep it eonveineul lor use. 4 lie
timely use of a singlo bottle will prove tube worth
llltl times its cost.
NOTICE Save your Money ! Do not be persua
ded to purchase articles at 4s to (1 w hieh do not eon
tain the virtue of a 13 eent Bottle of Madame Por
ter Curative Balsam, the coat of manufacturing
which is as great a that of almost any other medi
cine ; und the very low price at which it is sold,
makes the proHl to the seller apparently small, and
unprincipled dealer will ouietiiuea recommend
other medicine on which their proiit are larger, un
lea the customers iiuist upon having Madame Por
lr". Mtul ttoiiM tithiir. Ask for Maduoiu Purler's Cu
rative Balsam, price 13 eent, and iu large botlto at 1
ts ecu is. aud late no oiuer. II you caunui gel 11 ai
one st.ire you eau al another.
Sold by all Druggist aud Storekeeper at IS out.,
and in larger hollies at 2! el.
II ALL A RI CKEL, Proprietor.
January 31, la3. ly New Vurk.
JOII lil lt.ll I' A t.,
HIM faiti am or
And Sol A genu in th City of New York for
Invented by Prof. Ebeu N. llur.i'ord, of Harvard
University. Office, 11 Old Slip, Hanover Square,
(upstair.,) NEW YORK.
rpilK hliih pilcanhwh Cream of Tartar eomniauded
I in li4, together oil u lb alarming exleul tu
which it daugecuu adullrraiioa bad been carried,
with ether eouaideralion. iuduetd lb distinguished
t'h.mul. boM naia is given abut, tu eoo.mouee
what proved to ba a raig ami labunou uirtuiao re
seareh, tud.vovera dwirablv nilalilul lhervl.
Hi elorl were eruaaed wtlk atuiudeul uvveas, and
hundred of Ibowuuid of pound, of th Substitute
have baea sold aud need duruig th laM Iva year,
Ihrtiuglmut lb I ailed Male awl the Canada.
Ibe folloali.g true eoui.rua of iu aalura and
h result ul ti. un, with ilvo uf t'r.aia ei Tartar,
ill evuviue Ik must luetedulou ol tu value.
I'raaa uf Tariar i a U-UKue ( Puiak.
1 but ubrtllula i a Mwpl PkoeiWa, and uulaiil
aulkiug but akal is (uul.4 in bel-teak, aud U "'.
keel aud other serewla, aud to therefore highly
autittiou Il abw he a kealik gittug tnlueure,
aud wnpltes lhal fejf akkkUier u a euutaul da
aaad la lb tmm.
I ltsuld k-l WitekUlbiUlitaal'laiaur
T.i ie
Malek II , 1HV1 - 1 y
I'r.tsiMlts llussas-t
U kilt ILT AMI KH'tHMnllHi, Ho aat
aud tiu-ki.a r a equate e ut lb I ' vi, ItALitalwUK
tj Isaa.
Ik J, 'ltrU
1 JJy la 1 1 .
a mmw, an
(Siolrt 1JT OiiivnsmrrM Throughout
I lie liin1.
The best labor saving machine in the world.
No caution or skill required in it use.
St ring everything dry, and ten times as quick as
ean be done by (he nnnu.
A child of eight years ean operate it.
Noeerrant canbrcak It.
It save it cost in clothing inn family every six
Will wear for year without repair.
Warranted to please or money refunded.
No. 1. Large Family Wringer, $10.00 j With Cogs
No. 2 Medium ' ' 7.00 1 Warranted
No. 21 Medium " " 0,00
- Cogs. Ntit
With Cogs.
No. 3-f mall,
No 8 Large Hotel "
No IS Med. Laund'y
! to run llsv
steam ) 30.
No 22 Largo " ( steam ) 30.00
No 2 is thesir.c generally used in private families.
No Wringer can be Duriihlo Without Cog-Whoels. ( j !
uniiiH rM Hiiiitedlnevery ToHii. I ' ,.But ll0W much more suprising nnd in
Person residing where no canvasser Is appointed, ginrinR is tho real wonder, that such a
ger by express, prepaid
For terms aud circular, address
215 Bruadway, New lork.
June 13, 1863. 4in
JACOB o. beck:,
Murkd !"lr''i', nrnrly oipo.ilf Hie
Itail tioud IN'iMit,
SUNBUBT, y A- . ,
TNFORMS the cititena of Sunbury and vicinity,
that he ba just returned from Philadelphia with a
full assortment of
I'AI.I. AMI I. B'i:it 4.4MIM.
His stock consist of Cloths, French Cloths, Black
Doe Skin and Fancy CaaHinercs. Black Satin, Figured
Silks, Plain and Fancy Cassiniere YE.ST1NUS. which
he will make up to order in style to suit the tajde of
customers, on short notice, and tha most reasonable
Any ttoods not on hand, will bo furnished from
Philadelphia, hy giving two days' notice.
Goods furnished by customers will be made up to
order a heretofore
As ho will employ none but experienced workmen,
persons may rely on gutting their work well done at
his shop.
Thankful for tho rmtronaire heretofore bestowed.
he respectfully solicits a cmitinuiiuceof the same.
euuoury, ue toner 4, isoz.
ARE now manufactured to order by tho subscriber
ut CHEAPER RATES thnn at any other estub
liidiuicnt in Siinluiry. The war tux is not taken into
consideration, and all work will be done at old prices.
Having just received an entire new stock ot leutner
and Moroccos, for
4enll'iiioui Iool nnd Miocn,
IjImIIi'm' KIioon uikI (iiitrrN,
4'liilli''iirt Allocs Ac, Ar.,
which will be made to order at short notice, in tho
best workmanlike ninnncr and of the best materials.
Feeling thankful for the patronage extended here
tofore he hopes to continue the same.
All who desire work dono cheap and durable, are
invited to call al his shop nearly opposite tho Court
House in Murket Square, Suuhnrv. Pa.
February 28, 13(53. 6iu
I I E has just returned home from Philadelphia,
II wilh a new Stock of lit HJTS and SHUES, select
ed w ith great care to suit all person
Buy your Boots and Shues where yon can get th
best quality, and where the test assortment is
iept in Sunbury.
He ha Culf Boots ftoiu $3 73 to $7 00.
He has Boy 's Calf Boats from 1 60 to $4 00.
lie has Ladies' (iaitcrs from 02cts. to $3 M.
He has Misses and Children's liuiturs of all styles
and fashions, and prices. In abort everything in his
line of Business.
He also haaon hand a full assortment of Mnrrocne
and Calf Skins of the best quality, which he will
make up to order at the shortest notice, having sup
plied himself wilh the most tibhioiiable Leant.
EISWALD'S Patent Metallic Soles and Heels,
ouo pair of which will wear a long as five pair ot
Leather Soles, kept on hand.
Mending done a usual.
Call and examine for yourselves and learn my
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
Sunbury. May 16, IKti.t. lych
1M13. 1M13.
lion 11. 1. A isoi itiii:,
Cor. Fourth t Market Streets, Philadelphia, have
now in stock, a Sue variety of
Mllll IIIT,
got up expreasly for their Spring Trade.
to which they invite the attention of Storekeepers.
(.V Iu their Retail Depurtiucut, will bo found the
choicest styles of the season.
Philadelphia, Feb. 14, 1803. 3m w
Published for the benefit, and as a warning and
who suffer from Nervous Debility. Premature Decay
of Manhood, eto , supplying at the same time.
By one who has cured himself after being put to
great ex peiute and lijury through uiedical humbug
and quackery.
By eneloeiug a post-paid addressed envelope, siu
gle oopius way be had of the author.
Bedford, kiugs eouuly, N. Y.
May 21, HWS lye
.11 xi:irr lMTi.vr rivi: 511.
iti: ricri:. r.H 1
As Iu.pruv.d for lSoli aud Iw'.O,
By E. KETCH AM A CO., IH) Pearl st., New York.
HIE ouly Preeaer constructed on scientific priii-
1 eiplre. with a revolving eau ami spring oiaoa
acraprr. The uue henteu. the freezing of the cream
the other removes il as fast as
The uiuet rapid lu freeitug, with lbs leaal quantity
ol lee.
The una economical la seat, as It Is lbs uiuet aluiple
and durable iu slruoture.
Pur sale in all Ibe priueliia! cities aad tuwue ia tha
kwk Pre. tee soeuuipanied with a book af recipes
aud full direetious.
I quaita, 1 oa
4 querte, i
uuaris, I M
II quart..
W quaru, II W
k JM, V
Apply to II B M AKSi H, Vuuuuiy,
'I'm rrteus NNtte-rrrsi a!" ImsIIs (,
Mk tUk.Mi titS ILkMAN keik Uai
siwed u b.ellu la a ha dare, alter
all the ueual luuliue aud Uieguler uoela
of lieelau.ul, without suee.iei, e-i tU i. kt. ivd
duty Ui e4iuiuaUaAe U kai ailMi. t UU iw vreatui es
lee ek es 1 ee. tl.uea, ua lua rueelpl til e
s44i-.d .ai he hill .ved tlieel a eef) el U
LlvetlfeUxu keed I'liS-lte
r l a Ji ll M limi I.
n4 Knee knklje, k V
Jtaawy II I ei
JL 1
SERIES, VOL. 23, NO. 50.
A IHseonrsc hy Itev. Thomnn fvinrr
In nn titldrcss rucently dulivcretl bcfuro an
Agricultural society in Ctilifomin, Rev. Tiio
mus Stnrr King thus described the work of
the uaturttl forces :
"Suppose tlitit, cni'ly in this yenr, Iho
whole world Imd hetit itself in supplirntion
to tho Invisible Killer every innn nnd wo
man, from tho Arctic circle to tho hotKfjita
tor, kneeling in tho humility of conscious
dependence, nnd lifting up from every zone
Iho prayer, 'Forsake us not this year. Great
Ucnefuc.tor; but bless us iu our helplessness,
from tho treasury of thy goodness !' Anil
suppose that, after such a verbal petition,
the supply had conte that in every house
had been found the water and tho stores,
tho bounties ot vegetable and animal food
linu Rtirm-wiiin u-milil tho inorpr lirivn aconi-
ahowcr upon a Imrren glnho could be I
With few prayers for it thu great miracle
hits been wrought, nnd in the (rouble way of
beauty and bounty. For what is the display
of the seasons ? 'is not the quickening of
nature in the early months of the year as
though Uod Millies upon the earth at the
Ktjuutor; und then the spretulinir wave of
that bciilytiity sweeps northward, rolling
back the water line, loosing the fetters of
the frost, miltintr snows into fertilizing
juices, pressing the cold clouds farther and
lartlier buck, and from the tropics to the
edges of the Polar seas gladdening the soil,
!i!l it utters in spreading verdure the visible
green lyric of its joy ! And the summer 1
Is it iot the warm ellluencc of his breath
that Hows northward, and reveals the infi
nite goodness as it floats through the south
ern groves nnd fills tho fruit with sweetness,
thickens the sap of the sugar fields, nour
ishes the rice plains, feeds tho energies of the
temperate cliuie, blesses the hwly orchards
and the struggling wheat and com, and dies
timid the eveilastinir ice, after compltcing
tho circuit of its misssion in clothing the
northern woods with life? And then the
muny-hued pomp of harvest conies, when
the more ruddv lijiht and the gorgeous col
oring rt peat the joy of the Creator in thu
vast witnesses of his beneficence, and the
tired fields yield to the laborers their amplo
bounty, and seem to whisper 'Toko, O chil
dren of men, and be grateful, until the
course of the stupendous miracle is renew
ed.' "If we could see the wheat woven by fairy
spinners, apple rounded and painted and
packed w ith juice cliin fingers or if the sky
were a vast granary or provision store, from
which our needs were supplied in response
to verbal prayers, who could help cherish
ing n constant undertone of wonder at the
miraculous forces that encircle us ? But
consider how much more is the
fact I Consider how, out of the same moist
ure, the various flowers are compounded !
The dew that drops in the tropics is trans
muted into tho rich orange liquor and bana
na pulp, and sweet substance of the lig ; the
pomegranate, stores itself with fine frag
rance and savor from it ; the various colors
Hnd qualities of tho grnpo nro drawn from
it ; ami in the temperate orchards the rain
is distilled in the dark arteries of trees, into
the rich juice of the peach aud the pear, the
apple and the plum.
" lien a trave ling tncKstcr pours several
diikrcnt liquors Iron, one bottle into a cup
lor the spectators, it is called magical. V't
nature, not by deception but actually does
pour for us one tasteless iquid into ull the
varieties ol taste, which the vegetable world
.... ... . 1 1 . 1
supplies 11, uy niuuue.o, sasun.
that of Christ at Cuna, a jar of water could
bo to-night converted within your houses
into wholesome wine, could it be so admira
ble as the way in which the vines mako
wine upon the hillside, out of vapor and
sunlight, at the bidding ot God I"
A Note tow tub Doctors Diptheiua
IkKMKDiKD. This affection which comprises
those known under tho name ofbadsoro
throat, angina, croup, and tho French amjiue
continuum?, has hitherto been considered
one of the most dilllcult to cure. W'e some
time back cave an account of Dr. Trideau's
method, which consists in administering
borax under the form of a syrup ; but we
now find in tho It'erue Thrruvtttijte a
paper by Dr. A. Do llrand Boulogne, vice
consul ut II vaua, in which he mentions ice
as au infallible specific. As this, from its
extreme simplicity, would, if effective, bo
ftir superior to uny yet tried, we cannot
refrain from quoting tho cases tneutumod
by tho author, who had published this
remedy as far back as February, 1SU0, und
consequently complains (not w ithout reason,
if its efficacy is such as he dcscrilwe it) of
the inexcusable negligence of practitioners
in not taking notice of it, thereby allowing
many valuable lives to lie lost. The follow
ing cases caiiio under his observation ufter
that date: In March and April. 1801, the
diwnso in question broko out under an
epidemic form, and chiefly attacked uduUs
with such virulence that in one week three
young .rumen died in one limn. One of
Dr. 'Dm (irand's patients, olllictcd with
bleplmcite, was aioedwith it, aud as ho
could not immediately attend, owing to the
seventy of the cac, uiiotlur physi. iati was
called in, who ordered emetic and alumin
ous gurgle, which produced no effect. At
length Dr. le tiiund tame, ami found the
tonsils greatly swollen, and a f:ile membrane
covering them. He immediately adii.luis
ton..! small n'lcct of ice, and by the follow ¬
ing morning the tumefaction of the totwla
had diminUicd by half, and tho fi.lsr liutn
brune bad nearly iliaupM'drttl. That Very
evening alio eiiai-ieii i tam
I'roflting by this example, a few day a fur
her brother waa eci.ed with aorv throat,
pice- liting thu aatnu preliminary aytiiptuma
aa those of hi itr; but lie, wilhout
wailing for the doctor, at once took aotnt
Uv, ami wa lid or hi acre throHt in a few
boura. rWmiu day later, Dr. l i-rand was
sumuioticl to a young lady who had Uh-u
UUiring tiuth-r the iliut for uniiif f.irty
eight Innn ; all n iiii dic had luih-d, and
the pan tils, ri!utl.n, and frieiid ul the
lainlly cr pliiiigcd in the (hep wu-row.
hen Dr. Ihi tiiuud urdtud h. Uciuia
crj u( .ioiii.hmeiil itet 7
pn wut. It) for a aoi Ui"a 1 Impo.d.le !
Il was sho. r miirdvrl Dr. I Uruml mam
lam.. I hi )''""' '" ",u'r "'Ul1 P",,,
Uli.iM. during Mbiib mm h imio tsu. . .l,
s ul.uluid hla iud. l- b'tis Itsriil) I 'Uf
hidir ri uvvr the ( ali. t.l s in lull
mmtalue'vltte. I.inu ai vcia uu una
luie.tuii, liu waa i.,ui .tid la aui )uii
iiieu who silaknl 'kh tuabi(uu !, ill! I he I 1" ' l Ik '
A w ItliiO'l 1 II'
Till. M O P. AI Kil l I K IX .
One square of 12 lines, 8 time, ffl 00
Every subsequent Insertion, ... 25
One square, S months, S Ol)
Six months, . ; . , . 5 00
One year, ' 8 00
Business Cards of S lines, per annnm, ' I 00
Mereliniits and other advertising by (he year,
with the privilege of inserting different ad
vertising weekly, 10 00
Business notices inserted In the Local Oi,r. cr
before Marriage anil Deaths, KIVK ItM'i PER
LINK for each insertion.
Uf Larger Advertisements as por ai'roerat-nt.
We have connected with onr establishment a well
selected JOB OI'I'ICE, Which will enable us to
cxecuto, lu the neatest style, every variety of
by cauterizations with hydrochloric ncid
ami astringent gargles. Here tigain he line',
to battle w ith the prejudices of the family,
but w as at length allowed to administer ice.
The young man recovered in the course uf
tho follow ing day. Dr. He Grand has now
been using this remedy for the last twelve
years, without having met with a singlo
failure. This is what he says, but even if
only half of what he says were true, the
method should be tried by others. Cold
gargles have been employed with success
by lr. Illanc, of Strosbuig : why not ice ?
(Jttliijv a 11 i' Mt sseutjer.
A oIlc Npeech from 11 I'nion
The Republican Convention of 'Wisconsin
nominated Lucius Fairchild, of tho Iron
Hrigado, who has led tho old Second Wis
consin through many a storm of shot nnd
shell, and lost an arm at Gettysburg, as
Secretary of Statf. In accepting the nom
ination he said :
"I have no political aspirntions, I ask no
office. My heart is in the army. And my
heart is also in that cause at home which
will helri tho army. I do not, I cannot,
agreo with the democrats w ith who .11 1 have
always acted, upon the issues of tho day ;
and I say it without sorrow, because it cuts
me loose for the time from all my political
associates, but I cannot believe they are
right now. 1 cannot believe any discourage
ment to the government can "help to put
down reoellion, and not believing it, I can
not go with them in support of any policy
which is not in favor of the Administration.
Whether I like the Administration or not
whether I like what it has done or not I
am bound to support it, because under it
we are to live or die. This country ei'her
lives or dies in the next two years, and we
cannot change the Administration, unless
we do it by rebellion, and that is w hat wo
aro trying to put down. Personally 1 would
not turn over my hand for any ollice in the
State. I entered tho army simply as a mat
ter of duty, and my earnest wish is to stay
there. I have beeu told by some friends
that they thought it nty duty to accept the
nomination as 1 am. I accept it us an in
valid and a cripple. Rut 1 accept. I accept
it with the tmderst inding that party lilies
have been kicked tlow 11 and we are all l iiion
men. Applause. I do not care whom I
train with or what their policy is, provided
they are for putting down this rebellion in
the shortest possible time, I accept the nom
ination. I accept it as a Union democrat
as a Union man support ing the govern
ment through thick and thin, through every
thing. That is tho only platform 1 have in
tho world."
Tho speech was received with cheers upon
cheers for the gallant colonel with the emp
ty sleeve aud his bravo comrades. A curious com
munieation was sent iu last week to the
Academy of Sciences by M. Morvan, in
which he describes a method of his for
obtaining direct photographic impressions
upon stone, and which he can afterwards
print off. lie first gives the stone a coating
a'))! ied in the dark, of a varnish composed
of albumen ami bi cliromuio of ammonia.
Upon this he lays the right sitle of tho
image to be reproduced, whether it be 011
glass, canvas, or paper, provided it bo
somewhat transparent. This done, he ex-
! poses the w hole to tho action of the light
iiii,i; iiiuu tui in" uciMttii ow
it t ....
mU ,, 3 niimltt.s ;, iu' tho sllu . nnd
bl.twc,t.n 10 2a niiutos, if in the shade,
1(.1bl,lltnkl1l (),n!l0 rioial image, and
mld w
, m(1 (m.u wUh .0 OIIiy. and imme,
ai.lU.,v nfu.r jt whh t,R, UMm) inkj
'roller. The ima-je is already fixed, for it
linage is
begins to show itself in black on a w hito
ground. He now applies gum water, lets
the stone dry, which is done in a few minutes,
and the operation is complete. Copies may
at once be struck off by the common
lithographic process. The process may bo
explained thus : The varnish has been fixed
and rendered insoluble by the action of
light, wherever it could penetrate; but, on
tli; contrary, all the parts of the
protected by the dark portions of the imago
still retain their solubility, and, there
fore, still liablo to I o acted upon by the
so.!, i ami mitt conluincil in tne soup, ot
which they moreover retain a part of tho
substance. Hence the action produced on
the stone is a combination of etching and
lithography. The advantages of the process
may be briefly slimmed up as follows :
Simplicity anil rapidity iu the operation,
exact ties, in reproducing the design; no
need of negative Impressions on glass or
paper; the positive original comes out posi
tive; the original design or model is not
spoilt dring the process, und tho cost is tri
fling, owing lo tho cheapness of the tub
stanccs. Viditjiimii,
Tuaoink a venerable Copperhead, when
this war is over, ami these stirring times
are fogotteh, sitting ut his home with his
children around him. lie may tell them
of the wars, and (he sacrifices men made
and how people rejoiced when the news of
cadi victory enmo from tho army. What
w ill he say of his own part in that struggle ?
".My children, in that and . lime, w lieu the
couutry was in danger, I was uguinst tho
country my heart was with tho relic!
when lie triumphed I was glad when ho
was defeat! d my heart was sore and heavy.
My children, when I am gone, do not cursu
the traitor. He silent. Il is the only re
spect yon call pay to your father's iitcmo
rv." The Chicago Tt i'me publishes, from the
Jetf. 1' ivis n rrtsMiudeiice, letter from
Ja. I.11II111111, a wealthy citi111 of t hicugo,
who pivdi.ttd to .Ictf. that "Indian and all
the Mates of the WOt w ill come into this
new Coutederury," and 'Ohio, i'ciinayUa
uia und New York, u sium thereafter a
wo'lM bo d.siiuble." lie lilei) lattghcl lit
the I. ha that the tSoiiliiinciil would attempt
coercion, ua thu Sum h would .ik with II
nil the "vital Imlitiiul futtr of the coubtry,
lenviug the Notlh with it tuilhieul d'i
SeltMa," TkUlliH AMI h Hi it AH A feW !:!?
ltico liin Mi ale nut the rcerctary of ilitt
Treasury In Vi .hini.ion, und on ehakin:;
hand, with him, a-kil, "Were) )im et hi r
ill lit'." U, Mild had )oll m Iii l ai'lliHl! Iur
bo) . f ' lit was uimm in d ill ihc a. It n, 1 .live
I) lli Hc lelaiv, w hi 11 lln C.. in mI addAl,
"I Mae Mia m the Love la uiir , Imol ''.
In '.', Mr.Vhaw ns a atuiient lu
Iho .a title, i f Mr. V tu in. ia W .li-
1 ti, t.iii, and tor the .uii..mi 1 1 ailiajh. hi.
t vn opu.r 1, I i'U 1,1 ,' i,.i