Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 29, 1863, Image 4

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VSN'OL'XCES to all who trad lu f uubury, lht
be but juM purchased a
Is.ii:GK KTOCK of writ HclcctrU
Which lie e-eVr M Id nd. near Covert's Hole
tl cad of Market fcijuare. Tcry
Or if (but not do. just cheap for
o i- y. t it y it o i i: c i: .
His Hook coi.5i.-ts of large assvrtirctit of
HATS. tlx iT.".
CAPS. MlulS.
!S.f . PKlstlES.
er.,1 otter rti-.-lt altogether le numerous to men
Eunbnry. January S, D-iP. .
Itrndins Itnilr-ontl.
("1 T.rAT TKl'NTi MM: from (he North una
J North-West f-r Phitftt-'j bin. New York. Read
ing. PoU-ciUc. ti-biwn. Albntown. Enston. Ac.
Trail llirriburr f"r Philadelphia. New
York Pealing. Pottsv ille. and nil li.lortuediiile
Stn'iors. nf S A. M .. unit 2 r-n P. M
New Yoik Express leaves lliirrishurz at I 1 j A. M., i
arriving ill New York nt V IS llir snmo morning.
Fares from llsrrisburg : lo.Nrw lwk.i to
Philadelphia SJ 3j and 2 bO. Uaggnge checked
thro tub.
lipintrfnj:. leave New Yo:k nt 6 A. M.. 12 Noon,
and 7 P SI. .Pittsburgh Fxprcss'. Lcive Philadel
phia at 8 li . SI. and S "il P SI.
Sleeping ctirs in 111 New York Fxfircssi Train;,
through to and from Pittsburgh without charge.
Pnsse'Pgers bv the Catlawisssj Rail Kl leave Tn
rntuiua nt .0 A. M.. mil 2 I j P. SI., fur Philadel
phia. New-York, and nil Wnv Points.
Tr:iir leave I'otfville at i l.i A. SI., and 2 no P.
M.. fur Philadelphia, ll.irnshurg and New Y ork.
Annecon'modttlion Paonger train leaves Heading
n ft no A. M., and returns f.eni Philadelphia at i VI) !
r. it.
s- All the alcove trsips ran daily. Sundays cx
tpiod. A Sr.ndnT train leaves Pottsvillo at 7.30 A.M.,
aid Philnddi.l.ia at :t 15 P. M.
Coii:tnntntin. Milcnrc. Si-nnn. and Excursion
Ticket;, at reduced rates to and fitin all rv'Pi".
Mnj 2. 1SC.1. (icncral Suf crii.tcndent.
joii nvt iuu r .v Co.,
AM'rAtrrHFRs or
And Aircnts in the City .f Xew Y'ork for
Ir.rccted ly Prof. Eben X. Horsford, of Hnnrard
I'nivcrsity. Office. 11 Old Slip, Ilnnovi-r Pninre.
(upstairs.) XEW YORK.
rTTE Ush pi ice which Cream of Tartar commanded
J in l.vl. together with the alarming cxter.t
in ljt. together with the ahiriiiiM exter.t to
wl irli its nnnfrcrous Adulteration hnrl t,ccn cnrrtoil '
with other coi.sidcnifions. indued the distinguished 1
I'lu.iT.ikt nmim la ipi-n fkt,f In .nti II. r.. I
wbnt proved to be n lonz and luborions s-ientifi! re- I
senrch. todisovera deirat'lc sulniitute Ihcrelur. j
liis i-norts were crowned with nl uudniit success, ami
hundred of lhoi;.'iiids ol pounds of the Substitute j
have been sold nnd us d during the Inst five years,
throughout tho I nited States rind the Cnuudns.
1 he following true comparison of its nulure nnd i
the rcsulis of it use. with Hum' of Cream of Tartar.
will corvirce the most incredulous of its vnluc. !
Crcnm of Tartar is a bi-lfiirate of Polah. !
This Substitute is a simple Phosphate, and contains !
rioihipg biit what is found in bcel-stcnk. and in corn.
when! and other cereals, nnd is therefore hiirhlr i
l.utriiioii". It also hns a hcalth-t-iving influence, i
nnd supplies that for which there is n constant de-j
nni d in the system. I
I if' It is (jld lor a much less price than Cream of ,
l.n ittr.
March 21. 1K63.-Iy
Ijtt'Liittanna 6i lflooiuburg; ISnil
w.U run lullows :
Frrixht A-
iu.15 a":m
11.40 P. M.
Leave Pcrnritcn. S.tMl A. M.
Kingston, ! 20
. huport. ll.'iU
1'itnviilc. 12.tf5
Arrive ai Nutthunilierl ind. li 15 P. M.
Leiive X irthtuoberluud. 5. Co P. M
1'nnvillc, tlo'l
" Unpen. f..'.5
' Kingston, K.45 Leave, 1 .-15 P. M. i
Arrive nt .S r.iii'on. 111.' 0 1. M. 3.4H !
A l'l'ss'-nor 'i'rin nlso enves Kingston at 8.00 j
A. M.. fir eriinton. ti ei'iiueci uitii ii train for;
N- "l oik, li- ti.niin!?. I.mvcs crtiiitou on arrival j
of tniiii from New York, nt 4.15 1. M. ,
'J lie L:o knu.ii.iia X j;iou'siiurg Kiiilriin I connects i
wi;ti the l"-iiiHre. i.acs.nwai'.i.a nr.d Western Kail- I
rond at Sciuut"i). l'r New York ar.d intermediate I
points ea-i. j
At Itupert it c-"-nnccis with tho Cuttnwi.i Unit- i
road f r nuts l oih east and west arriving nt Phil at o.l5 P. M.
At Norihun:H rlaud it connects witli tho Philmlcl
rhia & Lri'.' Itailroad nnd Northrn tentrril Hail-ru:i-l.
f r puints west and south I'tis-'iiiicrs arriving '
at Ili.rrishurg 4.: o P. M; l'hilndelphia 10 P. SI.';
and rutiiuiore iti.jii r. .M.
The Freight and Passengers Trniu north, leaves
Xuiihuu'.berlar.diit C.45 A M.. ni.d arrives u( U,-U P
SI., pasting Danville at K2 P. M.
.'HIX P. ILSLEV, Sup t.
J. C. V.'ki.i.s. t:ti.viul TivUi-t A.i.i:t.
Nov. 2'.'. lsio?
Jsoitlu'in Ccndiil l'nihvav !
TWO TRAINS DALY to nnd from tne North nnd
Vest rimich Sn.uehanua, Lluiiru, and nil of North
ern New York.
OX sr.d after MONDAY. ArRII. 1 ?:!.
the Pusscnger Trnir.p of the Nor kern Central
Liu'.wny will arrive ai and depart from Sunhury,
llarrislmig and Baltimore as follow-, :i :
Sluil Train leaves Sunhurv daily (except
Sunday). ' 10 10 A.
" leaves Han ishurg. 1 15 P.
nrriv es at Baltimore. & 35
Express Train loaves Sui.l.ury daily
(except Sunday.) 11 07 P.M.
" lei ves llnrrisburg (except
Monday.) 2 00 A. SI.
" krriit. at IJ.i!t in.orc dailr
'except Monday). " 6 15 A.M.
Harrisburg A.-.-oniino i itiou leaves Harris.
iirsi. 6 30 A. SI.
Slail Truiu leaves I'.altimure duily (ex
cept Sunday) P li A. SI.
" leaves liurrishurg 15 1". ,U
i.rrivi-s at Sunl'urr. 4 (ij
Express Traiu leaves Baltimore daily V 15 P. M
arrive" at Ilarrisburg. 1 35 A SI.
" leaves Ilarrisburg (except
Monday). S ihi'A. M.
" arrives at Sunbury. 5 Its
For further ii.foimaiiou npp'lv at tho tutii-e.
I N. I'm BAitliY. Supt.
IMiilalliliIii A. :r,. Ilnllroael.
rpiMS great lite triuerses .. Xufihern and
X Notih,,i eounlics of Ptni..lvuni lo the eitv
ol trie, on Lake F.ric
It bus been leased by the Pcnnsvlvnni Itailroad
tou.puiiv. uud und-r their auspices u Iving rapidly
eipeiied thrtiughoal its entire Icuxlh
It is iicw in use for Passenger and Freight bini
r.rm from llmruburg lu liiiiiwiaHl. 2nd ltk. tl77
lliili"! on the La.leru liil-i,.i. n. fu.ui !hettleld to
trie, ; uiilts.) ou ll.e t e.teru Invi-ioii.
nsi ..r r.n.,imu a iainr.
Ar'IfT .l'lio.. ....if ll ,.,r,
Mailliani. Ill III A M .Moil 'Itaiii, 4 lu P M
I press Ti.ia. II HI M K r. Train. 4 4.1 A M
Can run iktounk wnlioui rlin-u, wavs. ou
IhiMi lisit.s l..i,H-u I'liiUdtlphu ml .,M l, HlB,
k4i i luliiiuutr ami l.u k
I legalil Mie il. t ui, VB bxplc 'B ho,,
wavs beiaeeu V) illoiii...ri ana Baluu-ote, and
W illisin-itt and I'biliulclptiut.
l or tu.sii. u r .elu. Pawnger biuinvsa
p l al the S t. I or It.b mui Mlkl IMS.
And lor Fivighl buil.aa ol lh t'i ill ki.v s AcuU
W II L I- , . I ,i' .
w. M niUEHUH, I.. IWt- WW BII'A JIUkU Sll
J tt itrtuold.. III.
Dull. Awn N
. R R
II. .1 ,,,
I I . !
llslUUl. !
11 II
u .. l,.kiit A. , I I ll.J..
J ."I It l I'ol I,,
tim I Slsusn, W illiuipwtl.
A ill j. I V,i.
IVuMklllt llwS4-,
1,lhl ILT AM) Kill .MIIHi, ('. u
I i as,U 1 iikuu ul. Is rii U m t it,,
N. l Liu t si-iist )ta ill u4 livl, ii LHU')Uk
1. !. tl It t'
a liiujsa. fiiiUiM
ITnoifn it "AfmWclV
A Positive and Specific l'euiedy
For I'ijcfCi of tie
This Mrdifine incrtrsm the jvurer tr rifr-!t"P.
ard excites the .MsuTl ents into benlthr action, bv
bn b the Wnicrr or Cnlcerons di rcsitions. ami all
I'rnntRPil l"idnri;oii'ert are reduced, as rr!l?spnir
ni d irifli inmntion, acd is goo.1 for men, women, or
iii:i,:nji.if-s EXTBUT
Ar"u"ng from Excesses. Hal.ils of PiVipntion, Early
Ir.-liTFtinii. or Abuse.
At'endod with the followinjc yniloma :
Indisrwition to Exertion,
1 of power. or .Memory.
Weak Nerves,
llnrror of liensc,
I'm ness ol v i'ion,
Viiiversiil Lsositnde of the
I irlicitl 'y of Breathing
Pnin in the bock.
Elnshiptr of the Pody
Frnptiors on the Face.
Pallid Countenance,
Mnccnlar Svteiu.
II. .1 Hands
1irvniMi nt tbe Pkin.
1 hre svnlon. if allowed to Jfn on. which lhi
medicine invariably removes, soon follow
In one of which the patient may expire. Who enn
nv that they nrc not frequently followed by those
'direful difen.-cs,''
Mnry nre nwnre of the enttscnf their suffering, but
none ill conicss. The records of the insane Asy
lums nnd the mclnncholy dcnths by Coi sumption,
bcr airple witi-es to the truth of the assertion.
The Constitution, "nee Affected tvrh Organic
Requires the ttid of medicine to strong hen or.d in
viirorutc ll:o svsti-m. which '-IIoIihIhiM's Extract
lluchu"' ir.vnrinblv dues. A trial will
the most skeptical.
young, single, married, or coutemplntiu;
In many ntrcctior.s peculiar to Females thcExtruct
lli...l,ii lu tltif.. Ili'll llV nOV OtllfT I'fMIU'llV. AS il.
Chlorosis or Hoteiition. IiTciilHrity. P.iinfiiliiess. oi
Supprtssionof tho Cu:oniry Evaculitions. I leerated
or c)llrrous state ol ttie t. terus. i.eucortnen, or
Whiles Sterility, and for all complaints incident to
the sex. hether arising troiu Ihdiscrctiuu, HahiU ol
DL-sipaiiou. or in the
Sec symptoms above.
Take po P.alnm. Mcrcutr. or Vnjdeasant Medieiut-
for I uplcasnnt nnd Daiigeruus liiseusvs.
Ud.MItOI.Is'S i:TIM4 T
III i ll
In all thcirstaecs; at 1 i i tic expense; little or no
change in diet ; no inconvenience,
Tl cnuses frequent desire, and gives strength to
Utinate. thereby romov ing utr-tructions. preventing
nnd curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain
mill inflammation, so frcqmnt in this clnssof diseases
nnd expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Woru-out
Thousands ujioii Thousands
JI . liS.
And who have puid Ilenvy Fees to be cured in a
short time, have found they were deceived, and that
the poison" has. by the use of "Poweiful Astrin
gents, been dried up in the sstcm. to break uut in
un aggravated iijm. and
1'ci hups lifter Marriage.
II 1.1,1 ItOl. it's i:TK.HT
III lll'
For all AfTections and Diseases of
Whether existing in Mule or Feinulc. from whatever
cause oiigputtting, and no mutter
Diseases of theso Organs require the nid of
Is the Great Diuretic,
And it is certain to have the desired effect in
Diseases, fur which it is recommended.
Holnd uld's Highly Conccntrnlcd Compound
Fluid Extract Sareaparilln Syphilis.
This is nn affection of the Blood, nnd utta 'ks the
S. xusl fhgsis. l.ii.ii sul ihe ."Wo, Lars. 1 hremt.
M iu'lf ii'c. nnd oilier Alliens Surfaces, leaking its
appeal ancc in the form of Ulcers, ileln Iwdd's Fx
tiaet Stirsupnrilla puiifti'S the BIimmI. aitii r.irovesnll
Scaly I'riiptions of tlie 'Kin. trii ing to tho Complex
ion a Clear nnd Healthy Color, il hcintr pn-teired
expressly for lliis class of cou luinls. its Blood-Curi-f'ying
I'loi'iietors nre preseived to a greater extent
than any other preparation of Sarsapuritla.
II-lnilioll'M l(os- lViis.Ii,
An excellent Lotion lor Discnsis of a Syphilitic Na
tuie, and as an injection in Diseases of the Urinary
Urg.'iiis. arising finiti habits of dissipation, used iu
connection with the Extracts Ituchu and Sursupariila
in such diseases as r'H'omtn ended.
Fvidiuceof the ne st responsible and reliable char
6 't- r will accompany the medicines.
From eight to twenty years standing, w ith names
k row u to Science and Fume.
Id Medical Properties ol Buehu, see Dispcnsatoiy
the United States
See Dewees' valuable works ou tho
Prueiice of physic.
co rcinurks n u.le by the lute celebrated Dr.
Ph.tsick. l'hilu'Ulphia.
cee remiiilis made by Dr. Ephraiin SIcIiowell, a
relcbruted l'hysu uiu. und Alcuihcr of the Kovul
Colli go of Surgisuis, 1 . Inn I. nnd published in the
TraiisueiHiiis oi thu King uud Queen's Journal.
Sea Slidicu-Ciiurgi-a! Review, pobli-hed by
ISci! Tiavvis, Felluw of the Ruul Cullegu ol
Sev tuet of the lute Stundard Woika ou Sledi
Lxtmai'T Hi rut', $ 00 per Lottie, or six, ti V0
Saiisaiuii.i a 1 I'M " i no llosc n. 50 " 3 5u
In hull adoseuof ruth for 12 00. which will bo
sutlietenl lu cute ihv u.ust u0.lil.ule cases, if dneoticu
urv a.lheteil Iw.
lielitervd lu any address, securely packed ruu
ulel V ul Ion.
i.if Dets-rilsa STUiptoms iu all couiuiuLicauunj.
C uiv gnalanUrd. AJ ice Kralu. IT.
PorM.i ally appeared belm ui. ,u Aldetuiam f
iity ol I bil.dcll ia. II. X. Itelu MJ, L, tcing
dul .woiu. dolhwy, his ptepatatmu, oo,iB
Uaieolie. no Uulcuiy, or ) ji.nous UfUX" but
are Ulcly vu0lu.
Sworu and divriUd befor a , J.', ,y , t
Nuivu.Ur. Ivt M SI P II IUU Ah U. Ninlh-stiMl, abut a Itaot, I'l.iln.
A Idlvss Ivlleis tiit.tu.aii.'U iu e.4itdvUM
II T UH MUtH.P. tb.ww
D. (s4 lot South Tvub -stitwl, UU Ikaaldul PhUa.
laVi AhAOr't ul NTHtltl l.
AM U4ll.pUd Dsaleia
W I .i tud"i. r lo dlsmt "of tb.i f.k" u.J "whw'
Mil Iw 4i vi.uu.i.n aiuinsd Ly
tlslu.lsi.ld s tin... its l'i.laiu l.
i.ani.i iibuau.
" " '1'"-ilU,
..'! .. " lwpf-l b
l X by all liil, ji.l. tlMj b,..
Ak i.H llH MIM I IsH-TAItK-iuiTIIlK
tulul la.,i, .4.4 wk4 MM, A4
A -ll luipuailtoU aud I THIS
Fur lht.vMttm, Cnit, JNVvM'ji'.f, I.nwlir,
iittf' JNV'.(- mid Joint, Sprain, limits,
C'ltn ' in! Win ml. lh, lfrnJitekr,
uiiJ ai! lihfinimtir mid .AVrrwM
For nil of w hich It Is a speedy nr.d ecrlnin remedy,
nnd never fails. This Liniment is prepared from
the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the
faiuon bone seller, nnd has Imn used in his practice
lor more than twenty years w ith the most astonishing
As nn Alleviator of Pain. It Is unrivaled by any
preparation before the pnlili". of which the Irnwt
skeptical may be convinced by a ringle trial.
Ihis Liniment will euro rapidly an I radically.
Rln nmalie Disorders of evry kind, nnd in thou
sands of enses where it has lieen used it lias never
been known to fail.
For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate relief in
every ctiso. however distressing.
It will relieve the worst eaies of Ilea. lucho in
three minutes, and i warranted to do it.
Tooihrche also will it cure instantly.
l or Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, nri
siiigfioiu iuipindeoco or excess, this Liniinvyd is a
inosi happv mid unfailing remedy. Acting direely
upon the nervous tissues, it sir- luilici s and revivifies
the svstein. and restores il to elasticity nnd vigor
For files, as an external remedy, we claim that it
is the best known, and we challenge tho world to
produce mi equal. Every victim of this distressing should fci-.c it a trial, fir it will not tail
to afford immediate n lit f. nnd in a majority of civt
will eileet H IT.iiiclll euro.
yuincy and Sore Throat nre sometimes extremely
malignant i.nd dangerous, but n timely application
ol this Liniment will never f.iil to cute.
S rait s arc sometime" very i hs ioalc nnd enlarge
ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected.
1 be woil case may be conquered by this Liniment
ill two or three das.
Utilises. Cuts. Wounds. Sure. VIccm. Burns and
Scalds, vield readily to the w. ndeitul healing pro
peitics of Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment, when
used according to directions. AIh. Chilblains,
Frosted Feet, und Iusccl Bites and Siings.
DR. STEPHEN SWEET, cf Connecticut,
the Great Natural Bone Setter.
DR. BTEFIIEN SWEET, cf Connecticut,
is known all over the United States.
DR. BTErKFK SWEET, of Connecticut,
is the author of "Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment. "
Dr. Swee'.'a Infallible Liniment
Cures Khiun.tttism. and never fails.
Dr. Sheet's Ir.fnlliblo Liniment
Is a certain remedy fur Neuralgia.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cures Burns nnd Scalds immediately.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Is the hist known remedy for Sprains and BruWo.
Dr. Sweet's Infailidle Liniment
Cures 1. immediately, ami us nttv known
to tail .
Dr. Swee t':' Infallible Liniment
Afl'orJs immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fiil.
tu cure.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cures Toothache in one u. inkle.
Dr. Swoot'a Irfnllihle I.iiiirtierit
Cures Cuts and Wounds immediu'ely nnd leaves no
Dr. Sweet's Infallibte Liniment
Is the best rciiu'dy for Sum's in the known world.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Has been ust d by more than a Million people,
nil i iui..c it.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Tiikcn internally cures Colic uud Cholorn Slorbus.
Dr. Ewect's Infallible Liniment
Is truly n "friend in need," and every family should
have it al hand.
Dr. Sweet's Infnlliale Liniment
Is for by ail Drui-ls. Pi ice 25 and 50 cents.
an external remedy, is without a rival, nnd will
alleviate pain more speedily than any other prcpn
ratson. For nil liltvuiiiatio' and Nervous Disorders
it is truly infallible, nnd ns a curative for Sores,
uiii.iis.Vi ruins. Bruises. Ac.. i!s sK.thing. healing
and ieilul proartie", excite the
just woi.,ler nu.l B-ti.nishiiiei.t of nil who huts ever
c.iciiita Iriul. Our one tl.ousund certificates of
reiiiurkulile cure's, performed by it within the lost
two yuais, aUesl the fact.
Hull.LS is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of
I.aiuenis.. nriMt.g I nun I-piains. Bruises or reneh
in", its ell eel is magical and certain. Ilarutsa or
,o.c Gall". S r.ilchts. Ac , it will also cure
speedily. Spavin nnd it innLuiic may be easily pre
vented and cured in their iiicipiu.l singes, bul eoli
th mod cuses are I cvond the pi.sMbility of a radical
cure. No case of llic kind, however, y so desperate
or hopelw but it may be alleviated by this Lini
ineiil. and iis luitblul applic I'n.n will al way. remove
the uud euaolo the horses lu tlav ol wiih
CoUipulullve ease.
rrr. r jiokpe onwua
sbwild have this remedy al baud, fur its timely use
at the first appearance of Uunenew will etlectimlly
nrevclit lh'e lotlliidnble diwasea, lo which all bur
' .... i,i.i. .,,,1 which render so many uiberw is
Vt i i a .... . -
I valuable horses lieaily worllilea.
Infallible Liniment
la 11IU
And U.ouws.L) but fuuuj li Uuly
X rititrj d in jsii-Er) t
T. avoid l.....iii. iWnt lis laior au-l
, it.h, s.. uc.e.,,1.1.1 .u4
! ala -mvi.Lvii s.lai . uiuii,i.t. I .... ... li..-..
talk. HlMu ttt Uiu, uiaeul lUbktt
kit ii tut, in i en,
UuSlUAX A Al i i s iIHM At.t.
ci.l assi, )t, k
fu!4 by all 4im Mtk4c
klw si, 4. -- '
Arc cnrlnf the Slrk lo an txit nt nrrcr
before known of any Medicine.
JU1.ER IIAtTEt, F., lit writ hiwwn rf.inr, o.
I'hrffiutt Ptirel, rhttldrlplihk, h tlimct iintiK-M
rt fcdino) at tliiimi tvery luilet, mj t
t rid tin pity tn pujt of ynur I7atm autic Tiiif, Dml I
hav ft m ml a lieitpr family inritifinf. It r n.tiiuiM.i
iiw, flmn any other within my know .tu. Mm-y ) my
friend hava ffnliF.wl ntnrhftl lienffii fmiit tlirin, nih n
tnc(Hwlth ni In Mitviti flint Uie rxirimnlMinry
vtnnea lor rirfvlna imt HtBM and ruhna Hie ' k. 1 hvf
an not only efTwrtml, bin nte mtri itlfimntii In tw tnkm
qtmlil.f Wliirh kim4 hiakt tlirm tnlurd by thm tnllic
hn ihry are known.'
Thf nrmWi flmtirelW I AHDIsAW writM fnn Hiil
limorr. IMh April. I8.M t
" ln. J. C Avea 9irl I have rnken your Pill with
f rml benefit, lor tlie Hm) lews Mean. InitfiKir, hm nf apfurtlia
unit IlilliMia henriarhe, wlilrh linn of lnt Venn nveriitkr-a
nit In Ilia apring. A few diw of ymir Pi (In r tired me. I
hnvo) imed vour Clterrv rerlonil timtiv venra In niv liimilv
fnrrtxtphi and roItU with tinfailiiiK tmvrnm, Vtn nmke
medlritiea whit h run ; mid I feel tt a plenMiire In ettiiiMhd
ytxi f'i I ha (tnd jon Imvt dixit and are doiiis.
JOHN P. BEATTY, F.t.,fer. of Hit reon. Rnllnwd Tu.
Pa. It. A. Oiffre. ec. IS. IkM.
(P(rt I fak plenenre ti mfdiiii mv feotinifiiy to the
efftrnry of ymit medrriiie, ItMViitK it ni veil very iitiitrrin
henefH from fltt ne of htli your IVrftirNl nml Cmhnriic
Pillm I am never without litem In my family, imt -hll
tvtr conienl to be, while my menu w ill proi nre Ihem.
The wtdery renowned 8. B. PI KVKN, M. I)., of Went-
worth. N, II.. write t
llnvinit lived your Cathartic Pitta In my prnrtii-e, I
cerfily fnni txperienre tlmt ihey nre an itHHlnahle pnrua
live. In rae of dwirdeml hint-iimi nf the liver, i niifii.((
liend Arlw, iiiilicei-tmn, ciwtivetieeis and the crrni viiriety
of diite thiit mlhtw, they are n eurer rrtnnly limn any
other. In all rae where a pnrntive remetiy in rtipmeif,
I conftdently rerniiuiiend tliei-e Pill hi the pnhlit-, n
aiiteri(r to any other I Imveever hmnd. l'h-y are enrt
In flieir operation, and ierlertly mite ipmhtif-t t hit h
make them an invahinhlt artirir ft pnhlw u-e. I hnvt
fir many jern known your Ckrrrm frftinl n the lett
CiHiph medirint in the world ; and the-e Vi are In no
wiet Interior fo that ailtiiirahlt (u-epnrHtiuii It.r the trtnl
ment of diitai."
Attmn, Mr , 93, tHrj.
"Pa. J.C. Airta Dear Fin I have heen iitHirird
my hirth with trmfula in ita woret ftrm, and uvw, aier
twentv yearn' trial, and an untold i.f ai nt of iMtrlVrii.f,
have hten eomptetelv rnretl in a few week- l.y ynr I'M la.
With what fetlintei of rejiiriiiK I write ran only ha
hiiapintd whn you realiat what I have ntftcretl, and Ikw
Merer until now have I hern free from fid V-ath-ontt
dieeapt In at tut che. At timea it at tat ked my ee, nnd
made mt aliniwf Wind, heiile the ttiirt.tltn pi le ptiin : at
othen it eetiled in the M lp of my head, and deln jrd my
hair, tind haa kept me parity lutld all my d;ift ; aoiiii iimea
It i nine out in my fare, and krpt if li r mntithp a rnw wire.
" AlKMtt nine weekf njiti I rimuirni-eil tiikim tour Ca
thartic Pillii, atid tinwatn entirely tree I nun the it mpl.itiit.
My eea are ell, my ekin I tnir, attd m Imir hut ruit
nienred a healthy piouthi all ol vthirh make mt feci
aliVHtly anew ieretn.
Htipint thin ataiemetit tuny he the mean of r iiveytiia
Infurmalioii that ahall du d tn mher, I am, n nh every
teutimetii ol craiitude, soiirt, fcr..
MAKIA mrKt'.R."
I have knonn the nlwivt named Maria linker fnni
Iter childhood, and her vfnieiient in nn tlv tine.
Ovtraeer of lha Pttrtinnnth Mnoitiiirtnrttii! Co."
Caft. JUKI. PRATT, of tht ajiip Marion, utile fmiu
U.rMon, mh April, lM:
' Vimr I'd In have rured me fnm a hilioue attnt k w Inch
an tee from derangement ot the l.ier. vthih hail Iternnit
ven tteriona. I had tailed of any n-hrf hy ny l'h nit inn,
and from every remedy I nuild ir ; hit a ttn thwe of
yiair Pi 1 1 have completely renred me tn hen It It. I h-tve
Jtiveti them to my t hthlini lir nrm, w iih the kel ef
eel. They were promptly ruled. I ret mmrinhd ihriti
In a friend for n tivenecu, whirl hud troubled him kr
moiitha ; he tohl me in a lew dity they had run il him.
Vou make tht hct lueilirint iu the world; ami I am free
ro aay mi."
Read thia from the 'liiinimhei1 8lii iior of the Hnpreme
Court, whot hrillinnl ahilitien linvt maiie him w til
known, not only in linn hut the neiplilHsrina tMaten.
" AW Ore-if, !Hh .4frit, IW4.
"Sir: 1 hare great pMiKlartMii in aiirnif y - that
myrwll and tnnh have lieen ver mm h liirfitt-tl hi imii
tied iri nee. Mj wife nw rnrerf. ti tenro finre, of1 a tt
vere and danterou ronth, hy inr 4'MKaatr Pit
and ainre thru haa enjn.ied fietiert liealth. My rhiMren
liavt aeveral liiueii leeu mini I ruin ntimk- ol ihe Intln
enr.a and Cnnp h it. It ia an mitlnMe rrmedv ftr
thett roiuplaiutx. i'inir CAiHAaru- I'nxt have entirely
cured me liom a d s'H(.ia and rofmrne, whirli ha
gniwn u mn ma (t.r twine leant, indeed, ihin eure in
HHirh loom importmtt, Iroiii the htrt tin I I liml litiied m
get relief fnm the he-l PhVMriamt hit h tln ae fmn of
the ronntn aMonU, and lioiu an id the uuiuenu reine-die-
I liad tnken. .
Voti ieem tn (ha tor. like a nro iilentinl f. let-tut
to tair fauiily , and voti ma w ell Hipioe we art not un
lauudPti ( il VtMin le-irfi iinlh,
u&Nrr Cktlmhery J, .1rr,t 5tM, If.M.
14 1b. j. V. At tea Honored hir : I he mude a IIht
OUati trial id the I'aih.riu: Pn.i.a, IrM me h t ir iiuent,
and have lien ruird h them of the iliemlttil ltlieiiii.-itiin
tinder w hirh he found me niifleriiitt. The fir-i do-e re
licved me, and a lew tuhoeipieiil d s-e have ei tirely
re moved the dieae. I feel in Iwiier lienhh ih.w thnu kir
Borne yean lietore, w hirh I atiiilniie eulirt-iy to the etlvrta
ol your Catharyic 1'iu.a, Vottr vi uh prmt re-pt-rt,
! H Cll'rt II. .MK'ICAI.F."
! The almve are all from ierMiti ho nre i-nl-Iii h ki nnii
where they reside, nnd who would not m.ike the e rtatt
metiu without a tiiiiroii(h coimititm thai il.iy were true.
Prepared by BR. J. C. AYER & CO.,
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Ms si.
Sold by Kriling 4 Oraut, nnd R. A. Fisher, in
Dr. R. B. McCoy. Kurlhumbcrlnrd.
J. F. Ciislow. nnd C. Brown, Slilton.
J. Chrisiuan, 'i'urbutvillc.
Hersh & Co.. Sit. Cnrmol.
S. Jlerjistresaer, ldysburg.
V iet, Sluhuiioy.
Weaver A SleW illian.s, Rnxinot,
And Healers r-vcrj uhera
Aug-ist 2, ls.2 ly
T XVITE the enrly ultuntioti til' cnsli jutr
clinscw to tlieir flioirc, vtnieel titnl eMiii-
aive nsortt)H'i)t nt FIIKH
GOODS wliicli thfv tift't-r nt
prievst. Our htm k mil Tact's
A full line tif Ilantlsonie Drefs Cnuels,
A nice lut of Dotiit sdic Dry CoimU,
A choice supply of fine 'White Gtioels,
A giVat variety of Hoots utxl Shiics,
A large Mock of Queens nut I Glussuinv,
A very extensive' lot of Iliirelwnre,
lints onil Cups tmel IStudy Miule C ltl.inir
Groci-ries of nil kimlss, fivsh nnil pure,
Dru"s riitntsj Gluss nnd Oils.
particular utteiitiuii to the lollowin line o
Gooilo, suitulilc for Holiday 1're suits.
Keul Heavy Blutiket Slinuls,
French liluukit nnd liroche Shawls,
Hooacry for Ladies, (ieiitsi nnd C'hile'rcn,
Ladie Gloves in great uliiindimce,
A romplete stock of Gents Gloves,
Fancy Shirting and Opcrsi Flannels,
Assorted colors Ualntornl Skirts,
Skeleton Skirts in great Yuriety,
Zephyr Oiht C'upc and Nuhias,
Fine Sulile Furs and Muffs,
Fine White Mtun Iluudkeri-hlefs,
Colored horder C'tinilirie Huudki rchiefa,
l!cal Ilanilnnua Silk Handkereliii ft,
Gent Silk Neck Tie ami Cravstts,
Fine needle worked Collars,
Super Ulaek Love Veils,
Silk Tissue ui assorted bhnde-s,
ltililions, Luces, Killings aud Uulliiiij.'s,
Fine Ulaek Mohair Cap,
Shawl Fin ami Scurf Fins,
I't-rfutnery, 1'ouiuile and Soup,
Uuik l'ure and fancy Fort .Moimles,
First ruin Skales, tvmly ktrupinel,
Niut lldir and 1'otkil CmuU,
Kttr gtHKl I'uiknUi and Kisnr,
Children Gum (iihteel Cotl.l',
ele. Ac, Ac
fcmiliury, Ike. to, I Dill
lltwttatMi), t. tsrk,
"I'AbliatiK I 1 1 . r"btb.i.iU,'tau(
linn Just retnrned from riillndclphia with a
' OF
Spring & Summer Goods.
1'or Slfiisi' IVcnr.
Cloth, Cassiinrre, Vesting. Italian Cloth, Linen
Coating. I.incn Cheek and Cotlonnde.
l.ndls")' Wear.
A large assortment of Dress 'Ooods, Illnck and
Fancy Bilk, 8ilk 1 Issues, Fancy Heriijr.cs. Bhallcy,
all Wool Dehmes, Mosnmbiqiie floods nt low prices
fcilk l.evclhi". lielnnc. Lanns. Oinjihnnis nr.d
Prints. A full line of Irish Linen nnd Whilu (Jisids.
Stella border and Fancy $uiutucr Shawls, bilk uud
Lace Slaultllus, A.
Ready Stada Clothing,
A good nsaortmcnt f Hats and Cnps,
A large nssortment of Roots and thoes.
A full stock of Groceries, Slolnsscs and Pngiir,
Hurdwaro aud Ruilding Sltitrrinl,
A full slock of Queen nnd fJlnssware,
A full stock of Fish, Suit. Oils und White Lead,
A large stock of New Wull Vnpc r,
A new 6tock of Stone and Enrthenware,
And thousnnd. of nrticlos not enumerated,
l iT All the nbova be sold chenp fur Cash or
Country Produce.
,T. II. ENljT'L.
Sunbury, Stay 17, 1 A"!.
lik.t'.a.V iTlto"i,l'A,r S B'.V!.
Has Rrit itM.n itii . Skw Sroi k op
en Ice t ioiiai-ie-si. l'rilif nnd 'I"J.
IT seems ns if n new nc. n new life was np.ctiiiij
upon us inmliiia; every henrt lo i.obler i.'eetls
ml duller Minis'. Aft, Literature mi l Science will
!(lw mien, nnd seek todevelupc siiblinici beauties
and uran.lcr cuiiceplion.
'I he bt.siness world, loo. mmt feel the new iiifliir nco
and every part be quickened and s reiitliencl by an
incieasi.i vitality, which shall uriro us on nilh ele.-
Iiic speed fo the' !siin.niiili"li of jjr.'itler tilings I Imn
was ever dreun ed of in the Philisu'pl.y ol the past.
Animated hy the e-nlhusinsm hich pcrntdes all
e-lussis. and desirous id ihiinff bis share tiiwnnls ' 'fhc
iri'i al i vents of the Ai;e.T the subscriber would re
spectfully inform the irood people of SI'NIlt li V nnd
the public ccncrally. flint he has just returned from
the eity o! I'hil.'i'lelphiu iih the hiiircsl and rhoicest
stia k of I'oiifcetioniiiies, Fruit and t oys, that has
ever been biviulit to this section .f country. 11c is
tils., mnnufacturiii" all hinds of I'unl'cc'.ioiiaiies Ac,
to till up orders, wholesale or retail, at shi rt notice.
Among his stuck ot CMM-'l-C'l ION Alt ILS may be .
French Secrets,
tiiim Props, all kimlsscei.t.
l.ove Hrops,
Mini drops, reduiidnhitc.
! Burned Almonds,
1 Creaui V hile.
: ' l.emon,
1 l'.ose.
I " Vanilla.
Jelly Cakes,
Fruit lM-ops,
Hlick t'aniHes. of nil scents,
I!'ck Candy,
Aln.oi.d Candy.
Fill IT.
Uiii-cns, Kufsnf "11 kit. us.
Coninion Secret,
I l.i.tioriec,
I! inane,
Cm runts,
of n superior fjiuili'y. by the single or dozen. A
siipciior finality of I '..haceo nnd Segnrs. and n variety
ol iVtitcctinmn'ics, I'niii. Toys. Ae., nil of which i
otlcrcd cheap nt wholesale m.d retail.
t j lieuieli.ber the name and piece .
SI. C. til AI'.IIAHT.
.Market street. 3 tluor west of t. V. Fright 1 S'
Sunbury, Aj'iil II. ISi'l. ly
li:t. .rriinx"ii"'iil'S I Mi".
r . lnrli Mites
Frunt riiml'ff'iiil 'o -Ysw Yuri mi'l Il'i'y Vltir. t.
JroM N'uliiiit tlitrl Winn) v. nt A"'''l.''t"'
by of. in! Inivf p' fvlluv. riz : J AIii:.
At t'i A. SI., via Ciiiiiileii nnd Au.lsiy, (C. m.d
A. Ac'..ii.nio.atiou.i
52 2.".
At li A. SI., v ia Ciim.leiiiiud Jersey City.N . J.,
At H A. SI., via Cumdcti and Jcrscv City,
(Slnming Mail.)
At ." A. SI., via Camden and Jersey city 21
Class 'li. hot
At II A. Si. via Kensington nnd Jersey city,
At 12 SI. via Camden and AuiU.y, C ml .1.
At 2 P. SI., via Cuiudeu and Ambi.y, . und
A. 1 xpnss.f
At .') P. SI., via Kensington nnd Jcrrcv City,
Wash, and X. Y. Fx) less
At tVJ P. SI., via Kensington und Jersey City,
(Evening .Mail, I
At 111 P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city.
Southern Slail.
Al li (nielli) vi Kensington auj Jersey city
S'litneru E.vpress
At 5 P. SI., v ia Camden nnd Aiolsey, (Accom
modation. Freight and Pi'-e-iiger, First
Clnss '1 ickct.
Seculitl Class Ticket,
o 2j
3 en
2 2i
3 00
2 25
3 vO
2 10
3 I'll
3 00
3 00
1 io
For Water linn. flrotid-bur2. Scranton, Wilkes
barre, Slonlre-sc, Great Demi, Ac, at n A. St.,
ti mi Kensington, via Dcltiniirc, Lackawauia and
Western lluilroiid.
Fur Mauch I hunk. Allmtown. Pietl.le'icm, Rclvi
dcre. Ei.stuu, Lambert i!le. Ftemii. i!tuu, Ac, nt 6
A. SI., liuiu Kci.sin."uu l.e.t, and at 21 P. SI.,
from Walnut street l hurt.
(fhuO A. SI. Line connects with Trains leaving
y;.s;,.n for AJuuch Chunk, al :',-.M P. SI.)
ror.viouiil Jlutiv. al o A. ,M., i ami 4 I . M.
Fur FivcholU, ui tl A. SI. nnd 1' P. SI.
Fur Prislol, Trenton, Ac, al II A. SI. and Ii nnd
5 P. SI. fioui kcniiirto!i,
Foi Palmyra, Invent u. Delsnco, Hvverly, Ilur
liii'toii., linrdvutcwn, Ac, at 12, 1, 'i, 4)
und 0 P. SI.
Fur New Vora, and Way Line, leuviug Keu
ii.,;iou 1 cpol, Ink the Cars ou Filth streei. alsive hull' au hour befure departure 'ihe Cars
run into the In nil, aud ou the uiinul ol each iruiii,
run fn in iho lieii.
Filty Putin's of I!a?,'Be only, allowed each
paseii!cr. Passengers ate proi.ihitcd from Inking
unythiug as linkage but their weal ing iipmrct. All
I uas"su u, ini.v niiiiiu to nt pnui lor extra, me
Cou.pany their ressinsibilll,v lor buggiiite Ui
t'ne bollar per uii.l , aud Kill noi be liable lor any
auiouni ueyuba MUtl. except Lv .peclnl eoulrav't.
VtSl. 11. tiAlli.Mtn, Ageut.
January 17, ISo.'l.
.tlorury miU I'uuuaclor nt Ijitr,
Office, Mai kef street. J diairs west of Dcpol,
A 17 ILL attend prompt Icy lu lb. collection of claim
II aud all oibur ptuleaaioiial buiiik intiiwieU lu
tu vara iu orinuutuet lii4 ami a.ijiiuil.j( vouuliu..
buutiury, Slay i, Ivii
lrultrH IIiihuiIwm llliirra.
Th.y iurify. Ireunlkea, and luiigotal.
Ihry a bealtby splllo
1hi at. au loehanKeof water and diet
Thvynverooaivwaeelsiildimipaiioii and late-bout
1 hey irna"hr Ihssisteui and vuliwa lha min i
Ih.jf pt.wul biiauaiie and inleruiit lent let ets
lhay ptitlt) lb. btaalbaudaeidiiyolib aluu.cb
Ibcy cut ifaia aud lutiitnu
Ikty sut luMib.a, Cholera, and Cboleta Slur,
Tby uta .ltr CuuipUmi nj Kvrtou IU4.
ThtJF arslba Ul Ilillar ia lb aisdd
lb at.k aisu an4 as l.uJ
ti.all.W urr Ibtty at tuada i4 pur. hi I iu a
uut, tbUUaiiid Caliwta tiatb, t..i. at. 4 bell,
. M. at a last una ins pleuula ul a Utvraav, mil..
( uut lu as. ot uu. ul day I'.nuwUily i.
I autt.u.ti.4.4 tw delis.1. ytmM r.ou.riss a aetiila
tsiaulki.1 tol l ty .11 In... i. ( ,M.uUk llut.l
't r U fUAki IU , v, Htn.4s.r,
IsUi U. laal
.....-. a .... B .sti a
I I tl loll I 4 asiSI M..U. wi.U") lil..u Iw, i
I I Ftiu-a tilHi fc4 lilk l4i
I . y, Jua It. a.'H 110x1:1
Ifarriilttrjr, Pa,
riMIE msnrigsmsnt of this well-known Hnt.l hnr.
X ln been resumed by Mcssr". CUYI.E 111.HH,
Hie present prnrrrietor.. heu; leave to inform the nubile
l, ml tl.a nn..u . 1 1 .1 . t . ! . .
... ..vur. is now vriii( iiiorouuir Teiiovnietl,
retltted. nnd improved, with a view to the proper nnd
comfortable acooniinodnf ion of tboa who may favor
Ui ewinblisl.nicnt with Ihoir custom, tluests will
receive due attention nnd courtesy, and no Mpensa
will be spared that tuny oouduc tu maintaia
hotel in a first-class stylo.
Families and other dcsn-lnff tn sokinra In ITnrrit
burs? during the summer mouths, will find plcasum
boatclinu and Ini Rr nnd well-venlilntrd rooiui at our
establishment, upon uioderate tern s.
March ?n, W7. J. till. HI 11 T 1IERR.
.iii:i "
1'lts Aslnm'st l',xrssisi 'onitnny,
IVE NOTICE thai they hnve concluded" r
"X rnngemrnls with the Northern Central Rnilrnnd
Company lo run trnir from Hall in ore for York.
Ilnrrishiirir. Dauphin. Ilnlit'nx. Trevorton, Pnnhury.
Norihiiniberlnnd. I.ewishurg, Milton. Miiuey, Wil
linmsmrt, nnil nil iiitermeiliatc stations, connecting
af Ilarrisburg wilh the till EAT V f.fil l.HN EX
PIll NS for Pittsburg, Ciuch.niiti, Bt. Louis und Iho
Also wilh Hownrd Co. 's Express nt Milton or
Dnnvillo. llloomsburg. Wllkesbaire, Piltston. isVriiii-
ton. nnd intermeditite stations on the Cnltawisaa. A lllisuiishurg Railrontls. At M il
liamsport, by Hownnl A Co.' Express to Jersey
r'hore and Lia k llnveit. Also, by Howard A Co.,
nnd ll.eir connections, for Canton, Troy. Elmirn,
lfochcHlcr. Uullulo, Nitfe'irn, nnd to all acccs-iblc
fsiinls in Westi m New Yoik nnd Citnndn, by which
they will forwnr.l Merc nudise. Specie, Rank Notes,
Jewelry, nnd Ynluuble Pueknge-s ol every descrip
tion. Also. Nofcs. Drnfts nntl Pills for Collection.
Experienced nnd etFicietit n.esseiiirers ein loved,
aud every ellorl will be iniide to render snlit':.ction.
.IHIIN lilXlillA.M.
Superintendent Pcnn'n Division. 1'hiliolelphia.
R. A. Fist 111.11, Agent fur Sunbury.
Ai ril i, lriiii. '
Null' yi
ir I 'mil.
1")Y ning Slnson's' Patent Sheet Slettil Screw Top
) Preserve Jut.
TUP .'
All that is nccesiary being lo screw the Cap down
ipoii the Pubber tiasket. which is placed outside
i on' the shoulder of the Jar. if of nn inch distitnt
tt I. Iho top: preecnt Ihe s.ibility of the flavor of
lie fiuil being injured by con. ing in coulacl wilh Ihe
Persons desiring these .Tnr can be supplied l.y
leavil g th ir ordeis wilh 11 11. SIASSl.K, Agent. "
Sin. bury, June 2. Intnl.
Iiiimllalrle II:tir IS's:(oi-itlIc.
IT IS N'lT a dye,
flitt rt store, lmir to its original color, by supply
ing the eapiilai v tubes with natural sustenance', im- j
paiteil by nge or disease. All instantaneous lives arc
coii:pfscd of li.nnr caustic, destroying the italily ;
nnd beauty of the hair, tii'd attord !! themselves no
dressing, licit!. sheet's I uin.itoLIc Colol ing no", only !
restores huijtoils natural color by an easy procc-s,
but gh es the hair ti !
promotes its triow Ih. prevents its falling off. eradi-I
j cult s un. I iu ptirts hcallll ami pleasantness I
j to the betel. It has stood the test ot lime, being the 1
i original Hair Colm iug. ttud is coustttntly increasing !
; in lavor. I seil by gi ntleti.en and ladies. It i j
i s.dd by all respectable doidcis. or ettn be procured I
j I. v Ih. in ..I llic con n. ereial agent. 11. S llAKM.S, I
! 2t'2 Urott'lwiiv. X . V. Twosises. 5U cent- and l.
I'ctuhi r 2... l-r.2.
m v:i tssot nno,
For Ike Relief of the Sick and Distress,.!, nfllicl.d
with Yirulcnt and Chronic Disi uses, nod especially
lor the eure of Di-cn Tt ri tire Sexual Uruuns
EDICAL ADY1CF giveu gratis, l.y Ike acting
YALFAPI.E REPOHTSoii spermatorrhoea
or Seminal Weakness, ami other Diseaes of the
Sexual Organs, at d on iho SIEW 111 .MEOIES em.
ployed iu the Dispensary, sent to the alliicted in
scaled letter envelopes, lice of vhnrgc. Two or three
(S'talnl-s for liostil'c w?ll lie acceptable.
Address. I'll. .1. SKI1.1.IN HOI tJHT'lX. Acting
Snrgeeii. Howurtl Association, No. 2 Soulh Ninth
Street. Philadelphia. P.i.
Jal-llltiv o. Is.''l IV
ttj-siiictlcst. H ElK'ia. IBIsa. A".
tilE sal - "ribcr, hnvin g oi encd i;t Thuirt s..n'-
Lriek lluililing. Sliil street, Dane iile, a large
, IU..I C'.n.ple'e ul
I F!I;l:i.l. AND IHiMESTIC LD.'l'OllS.
j coll. rising the last brands of P.rtnidics, tlin, til.l
Eve. Scotch and Iii-h W I, i.-kiy. Poll. Shorty. Sln
i ilcirn. Chen pUL'l'c iiiid i.'lu'f Vt ilies, of all grmtes. ml
- ol shi.'h will be sold W i.u'es:.l at the lowi-st eily
! prices. I'areri. xeoei.s. by buying of us, can sate
it least Ihe Iroig.'it.
j Persons desitous of pi'.r. h.i.-ing Ihiuors fur
F A M I 1. Y I S E ,
nay rely upon being fuii.i l ed wi h u nnd
. Ulltl.llillerated i-lticle.
! I. - lleitig ilelci liiincd tors'iiMi-ll R ripittation f.T
selling chenp. lie rospee'.fully s-di.''r!s llic i;lruliagc
' of ihu public. All oiderspn.n. pile altuulcd lo.
! Jl.l.l .Ml .Ml S. 11. 1.1..
; Danville. June Iti. Icif.H. "
I WalS.llill.tll iEoiiNi-.
i ( tin ;;.-i.t'c.)
I TIMIE subscriber having leased this well known
i .1 Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Drown,
! respect fully in ti .ni. s the public thnt he is relit ting and
repairing Ihe premises, and wiil be prepared tu en
; Icrtain, ill a C'.iufortablo manner, his uiimeriiiis
! fiici.ris through. .lit the e'oiiuly und ull who may
! patrol. ie his e.'.bli:Lli:elit.
; April 12, lii2. J'l.-EMl YANKIRK.
i i;tc.iiv ikii st:,
j Curmr uf Stiit and 'Fluid Strrft-i,
I Ii.vl.MsUl in;, Pa.
Ills HOl'sE. in eonsctiiiciice of is
and near location to Ihu Capitol, has un.du it u
lieirablc place, pot oulv for those hueing
business at Ihe seat of liuvemuient, but for olheis
j v isitir.g Ilarrisburg.
.M uch 2". IwiJ.
I 'or ICiitsa, l !, ICoik-Ik'm, .nlIt1
IliifM, llollis. iii I'uria. MVoollriiu, V"
liistfcis uu l'laulM, l'o Im, AiiIiiiuIh,
Put up in 2jc. 'He. and $1 flO Hexes. Pottles, nnd
Husks, :i uud $jiiea fur Hotels, Public liistituliott,
Only infallible remedies kuoi.n.
Free from Puisuns.
Not dangerous to the Human Fumily.
Rats comcoiil of their boles to die.
Sold Wholesale in all large cities.
Sold by all Druggists ami ltcluilers everywhere.
" Ili witre"! .l nil worthies, in. ilaiioi.s.
See Unit Costau a" name in on each RuX, Lottie
and Flask, before vou l.ov.
Addr.M till :U It. OHT.alt,
Principal Dck.i 4.-.J llroadway. X. Y.
S.ild by Frilutg A liranl, Sunbury, Pa.
Apiil IS, so.l.i',ui
'llih .MILLION !
A most vhIiiiiI.'c aud woudeilul puhliealion. A
wmk of loo pages, ami .'111 colored eiigts. logs. Dlt
j III N I Fit 8 ADE .MKl I ,, au original and l- pu-
Inr Ircali.c ou Muu and Umuuu, Iheir l'liviol..gv.
Funulioii.. and Sexual diautder. tif evury kind, with
. Nviui-Failiiig Heuiedies lor Iheir .pve-dy eure.
Tl lactic a.r Dll III. Mill bus b.i.g I.e. o. l.l
I Mill is, unbounded, bill al the earnest auttcitali.-li of
buuirrou. peiauns. he ba. been induced lo t&tind bis
bteilicnl Usefulness I.UUU III ItirdlUUI of bis
"YADK SIFCl M." D is solum ibal .hould b.
iu Ihe bautis ol rtery lau.ily iu Ihe laud, as
prevet.loa of .evrel urn. or a. a sui te tor lbs
alletiMlloa ol one ol Ihu u awlul aud dcliuetiv
seuuitfew user t t.tud uiiikihd. On eaipy. MMturely
e'iitel.-u'J. will b !mwfdtJ Its ol a .ugu lu any
pall ol lb I ulled Mut. pit iUoeli'. in P 0 slam ,
ul Su. .le.fil Addrt-M -l laid, I'll III N ltlt,
Nu S in tal us Mtvel, Siiw Vel.
Juu t, Issia ly. I
"'aasaiisr lasMMttWi ag
'l'N IIm I'l'rretr.
il.s l ti tnit it'fcaaai a )
I. J..b U Oj l.u. Jtl It., auibur aud aubluber
lb U.ia uuik. d" bet, by pluti.lM stul t,'tt lu Hud
llt.eul e-baie) luany youtij wbu kill win. .,r
il. a-u.pU i. py p., p.iu.,1 'lb i..r u lt uf t. U t llav. tsluabl Uuik IS Issued skd
Htl bslb It lb bvusalul Mtltcili.g butuaulty l
Its.ii lu Iatm( ua U lh.diMoiw.ul 1 nut M.ku. Ne-ltuu.
U'sastou. MuUbtkuly. li.Mt.iy U aw 11.4 L..,
lu.pul.tMy. 4. , 4 .41,104 p4U. ud r'.
fwluol ptttvtii.i tut., tot- Ihe piu..k,kl lutm w,
!lb.t ub U-usk taluabi Ibis usui, 411 ahu
ui u.. atili ..ue Ms M4y a-y awk tb.ll i.
txit a MU dtKi by taiuia .il M ,. ,us
A Idle. J'll i ItiftX VI I'
MP IW.M -..--. I
l IXtil.K A f.VO t
lltfcnptirt Vircniir', trilh Sample of Wurk
will ti teat Mail Fret,
A IXJ attaiueil a wull estiablislicd aud flattcrtni
reputation, as being of all machines yet Intro,
dneeil, Ihe one best adapted lo All Kin ds or Fahilt
i. . T' " n"T,nl? mot with a micsosa in its sale
tl "iJm'm,vn "ntlelpntion. so much so, that for
earTclw"'!! 1 "'!' miQn 1,"V0 becn l""J of ""
fan I. , Tiy- w" 0,M ,n" annntmce Hist we
fWnn V. it J"'n'"r:ctnring lacilitles, so (hat
oXlondl0' wc"h"l,be Mnr
thlnVlh,'.T)'''0,,!',,"'r',, 1tliewr, no one
thing lias played n more important part than lha
"ln Ma."hib. Wiihoi,, , thre"f,ur,h. of
SSlS rTM ,V.-d'7h'"lieJ In anytll, gbt
hii T.K A 1 "v,'r "l0 """d nnny clo-
'r";,"': re.:,!rcd..rWTfri..ti
women, and nobly have (hey n-smded. Not content
to make only so many gnrtnents as iheir hands eoul t
accomplish, they have culled the ".Sewing Muchino''
to their aid. m,d by it have rolled out ihe sobliert
Chats, 1 ants nnd Smii.ts. at a rnto intonishing to
themselves, know ing i,l this wmk could iiinr
contiitue. many Ihoiighilul, prudi iit housewives, were
cure Jul to select Ihe machine of all oihers. which
"'"" "" toe nea. y nrin.v work. an. I wh-n done wilh
);nf. then to lie t.s.-.l as their Familv SUrmxr. nnd
in selecting one of iho
'Finkll A Lvot Skwixo .Mermvr. Cuuptst's
FeMii.v SI.urti:s.""
with which you mny sew rru, the finest cnn.brid to
he he.o icst eloih. w all t change f, r,. nc(.je ?
tcn'ton they have not l , n .li.,7.....; neeuie, or
Tl,. .1 , ; .. '""' I'l-mi'.-l.
ins having tleel.,i...,l o... ...i...... . .'.. .
....... ..... .. oe.eiopeu llic ll.l.lpluliili
.T . - I '.'v ...i.-iuiuoiiii a- iti our
. . ; . . """ "."t "t'K. we havcmu.lcannlhcr
. . .. ......,, , . , n,vi.r ,,, ,.
.ir N... .t Sit: nil , Sl.i. ,vK,.-')lllv. ,,r
b.'lltges in
'r , , , ,, " ".,' "'-'.. nine protlllceil H
l Ail.oi'IMi .Mm mim:.'" uli cl, sr, n.i i..
to be Ihe '"llh.-T TAI LuillN'ii SIA( iv' vet
introduced, sewing the coarsest i.nen ihr-ud with as
much ci.,e ns the coll.,.i-,,nd w hen re iitired
' J iJ.Z'"' ? ''" "V v"r' ,i,,n '-rk- '"
l.itior 2iii.coti,,,s combining h, utH. ,,..,,,
form, every ntt ilitv n titiii ,., i ,.i i.,.. . i-1 t i v
OH MANlF.C'ill(l'l SIACiil.F. hAM1LV
ii e nave nn I our .M at bines
enough to establish their r..
t'lre the public lonif
reputation. Dox.-ns of
oihers who started with Iking n.,
ltu e f illen bv-
uu: w uvsuic ; att'l
will I-. ..... ,i
stMiu the nine. I.-.,..... tl....t.
....... ,,,, .. (,,-,. .t,., I... ......
iiiein no nunc. ' Si..i. I. !.... i i...
L . . - . .. . 1 .. . . .
l' , 1""'t''r !" ''' '"''"I. llt-l hen.-er.rlli our
nun l,all be. s it lf j,i Hie p .'st been, lo s; i.l funh. r
improve, - n.plil'y and reduce the e.,st of our ma
ohn.i.s I t shall, in " ,;lv.. jMul. u Ui.w .,rk,c
list. I or Inrrlifr piriiciil'tis a.,i,.s
No. .i'Mllo'l.lwiiv. .New Vt.i'k
y p- MtssKlt. Agent. Sunburv. Pa.
March i''.i, I.S52.
ltiinii;iiii jsi,i,
Cj ami Ml i;,u,i,n., (',,,.,. F,l!i,i Strut,
NEW Yt.llK.
mill.-? first el.s ll,ise-thi' nio-t o'., hom-liko
I ami plt asanl Hoiel in the i-iiv offers sup. ri.-r
imliicu enis to these ,i f Xew'Vurk lor business
or pleiisiiic II i- eei.lrsl in in .,i. ,! kept or,
lite l.t itoi i'.Ax Pi.vx. in conneciion with T.vyi.ui s
' " x- "'':'' .I' li cshmci ls e:u. be h id i,l all l.,.,
or ser cl i their own roots. "j ). ,.u g, arc mo.
tierale, Un- r..tos .ti.d attcndant-i- of ihe lirst order
.......... ..i. i a. i ii... mo.ii en conn
leniences attached.
.M-iicii 2:. inc;.
k li f " E.- .
1 1ST n
ii. ,1 f,, ,j, X,.,, Y. ik a pir ..,.,. .
lot' WALL
. PVI'Kll. e,-,.iuigo! o'm: Hrxnnru
riiitii: DtiKtnr.M STYiri. anii 1t.
II it s, ir in
which will be
cheap slovo i f
ill I'ltr
In. l:i ii
' ills tipvumls. i,I f
t cii-Ji prices. t the
.1. II. 1.NG1.L.
Id at tlie
Stinburr. Mttrch 22.
.Tt.VT'S lli.X) t
eV s,
V'l. MO t',,1. rnlton
Ifnriis'yst :l K.itvs
I ' a ,
Olih'. Will curcl'uilv
R'teu.l tu Collcc'.iel,
to their cir".
. .May '.'I. .-;,s.
and all other miiih rs intrusted
j :rs: i. eiti-:e..
j tViiTitmry, oi lliiiiiikH-rljitKi 'o, 1.
. r I i.l iis tin ge nnil ci idinus llolel, now imiti'tgt .l
. a u .i .i.ii r..' i . it l ll..
i ii. i e .i tt...
loan in-pi.', ..ot ' t. i nst corner ol Soiliirf., Pa., niui at the l-i minus ,,i Hi.- Sm.l.iti v A
Erie nnd Noil I cm Central li uili..i,. .. ,.i. 1 i- ,., ,',r
the :.cci i..n..:nii ,n ui Trnwlcr. aid the public in
'll.e pni-.-rieb.r wi:! i, e his e. lu -ive alt rli..n i ,
the ctmt ii in,.l c.:i . i.i 1,.'.. ,.f I,., 1 I.
' tletci mined to ntu
j the liist in ihe S..-I
i.i ; e.-i.tloi -i.i':, :.t rank timo'jg
Hi.- table Will be SMPpliel wi.h the
I call 1 ro.ltici'. Ion it,..- i e a,l,i.., ,.
j nic.'tiiut, l.y evils i'.I.'. cI t'li.m
; thee bringing Irmu il.
t countrv.
I :!.c mnrki't
I. lily con. tot'.,
m.d 1.I-..I10IU
suri c.ieiit '
j Ills bar w ill be suppli..,) ni l, i!ic
lunt kel en pi ...luce
C'.r. i'ul i;...l ..l.pwii.j ' .-, rr.'inf. '..i
pei est liipioi.- the
, io ..II .. .1
cw and c. ii;it.iii..i,.- stabling has iu-4 been added
; to the ( rcn.isis.
A sh.nv ol' the leal an 1 trim ling c..iiiintii'.iiv is
lie s. re-pec fully solieiletl.
Sunbury. January 12. I "Mi I.
? rii.iii!'iu (;ij.,., s ttfSlny.i- Wars-.
: il .ir. .-lone are note mn c ul ihi- osijihli-hiu.'
i .m s e.itiiit
tltlul lu any mtl.ic 111 llusc until v. E.
t mil le iimi i I v .ii ,,e. n Pa-iiv, on hand
rj Ubai i . M..v . . I.-,..-....
J A M E 6 11 A 11 li K U ' eS
IVMi t.SS e k. AND KK.Tell.
a l o r A' j:s r. i n l is hue st,
5. C'u. .'. .-.,.,, , 'n ::limt tts ,
i':t'ia: :iiii:t.
A r.rvr-v r.rii.e i'.ukm i e; r a i.iv.i vti tmi htv
- te i-I.Oi s ,rl. ,l,.n,.c lor Ciii.rcii.
es. Hotels. H-iii!,a. l'..,,t U use. I'-ir!. fs Ac
Vso. . tureroi KIM-: I'li.NS.
Cl- ek. tc.ulfe,l a., it .'iiinoilst.
loe'W I' ton in .. . v-.y .Ii t 'ri,;i,..i.
rtiiJ:uicl:..i:., I.o.uury .( -(,...:jy
ir. t. siAssii'ir.
ii") ill l.:i, SlNlilHY. PA
lections iilte-n. led tn in the ,ci.,. ,,f v.... luiuii. Miytler, .Montour, Columbia
and I.yc. lining.
I'.KI KltKVe
Hun. .T.ibii M. Heed. Philadelphiu,
A. li. tiuitell A Co..
lion. in. A. Purler. '
Morion sMc.Michnol, Esip. '
E. Ketchiim A Co., 2 D Pcnrl Street, New York.
Juhll V . Alti.rnev al Law.
Slatil.ews A Cox. Attorui va'at Law, "
Sunbury, .March 2".', I-siJ."
I.itiiilM-r! I.niiilie r !
PHILIP SHAY. SI uitcy, I.yei .nt ing count v. Pa .,
INFtiKMS his friends -nid the nitbli," in g-nenl
Ihut ho constantly kecwun h in.l Itu ir.l. S!.iiig!t!
all. .Itistf. 11 .1 nil kit ,. o l.un her aid btiihiing
Lateii.ils. wl.i. h he will tell ut the lowest prices.
uiSIiirch .111. I.V.I
tWfllVllTJUSalillU' ( ItllllfH )rlDKI'l
Simple, Ecot.uu.icul. nnd is Uut Liuhle to
gel out ol Order.
The Self-Adjiisiing Cluihe. Wringer, is oue of lha
crest. st iii.piueemcni of the nineteeuih century and
baaonl v u, U- kuuwniuid U ie,, m i-ome iuiu general
use. ihe mo ii.gul clollos. in pressing out ll.e wau-r
belweeu two rubber lull,, in.. cud of wringinir or
iwisong, will amuuiil lu euuugb lu a thurt Uuie, lo
nv lor a irachiiic.
Lv.ryeue is aware, thai the Iw i.iing 0, w ringin
ol clothe., sliolche. und breaks Ihu ribita; but Ihi. piesae'. Iheut so 11 ,1... . "
lliornughl, M.ked ci.., bc wiung, wnhoul btcUlng
III tile- leu.t, and iiw..,k. . fiullv. ibal a Child
iwelveyeui.ublesiiuperiiivii wnhoul l,
alerd. es uol njutoii,. ,..,. Iu,,t M,.,llt.a
can l w.ui.g oul 01 Ui.l,,,,, Mlu , t
abifb eani ui be ib.i.e by bund
lu surebing, il U i... .luublc. especially .rg.
at lie ..., Ladies rkm., 40.. as ii lca. usib.
al-lcb IU Ih. clulbe. petf.vlly ,,. I, U rlu.
II.. lg,.l U"diUlll ..r ll.e kel baud"
kircfiiei.ijiitr ii.uu t-uu .wil,iy b duue by l.aud
wiili..ul .I1.-1 t mu 01 I, il.. .,e.u..,k ib, lime'
lb uu. hit,,- uauuiopU tbol il is aul liable Uiset
UUIul repull. a-a
lha Kt, at iinpruv, atenl iu Ihia, every tvery olh.r
w 1104104 ilu.bil.f ), unciil. J u I.. SH,l..4,,jeu4.
I1.4 ttat.jtit.el.l, lc.(ull.n4 Ku allet.liuu. lu wtiuf a
bsnakrnblel ut bl uulll,u, ull , lb Uicasl 14.
a.titt.1 eau e,.raU- 11.
'lbs I. ui i.u.e t. tu-l ol wuikI. and a arranged,
Ibal tu, nut, UHu .m iu .aila. a ult
eluibt. lb. tet, y aim 1,1.4 U du.4H ul 11 j .iy l
eiuibe, bt lluu lu.
II u. taiu. UfM anuplt aud t ffeciiee Clutbut H'rlug.
)! n.i.n.a.l 'lu. .e.ici.iuii.4 HM ih,m
lu a seta .1.4 II,. y M. u.j M,,.y , ,,4,4 ,..
Iuiu Ibsm, .1 4 ttie.i t-uii, y am li,a4.d
'"" L k .oli, I bilaui.ii ba.
tt II li X, A sw., H, l4 tw,au,utiai.4 u.
July , 1-u.y
H ltitiritia lrr,
-r uall ..r (ukv i-tjtiu.itiii
IUIi AbU 1 l It-ltNa
) S-T ta.1.1. 1 ,i,.,j . ua ik. klwelawMUIaf, 4
u.. i titiiitiii ,tit.k. "i
iitajv'i oiur
4. k.., M k i j
l.ik,s. uksa ia ib Want fl t4 Ui Ail
Jo; i. IMI