iiiu im J i i iw "V'i axum "fl i i'd i .tat- vi ' IT. D. MABSEll, Editor jurroprietor. BATUltDAY, AUGUST 29. 1803. a ar immiTiTT T a. s- w. ? i...i.' u v v... 1. ...j a o.JL c. . 1 .w, ...... .,., v Eaton, an our .rut. for lb. Brimmr Ari.icA i a those cltlea, and are autl.orlr.cd to tnke Advertise tounuj find EubaarlpttoM fur ui at ur lowest Me. Five Pot.LAlw Reward will tie pnil ! tho editor nfrfhia imtu-r. for tte discovery nnd conviction of the miscreants who hnve Injured and broken tho fruit trees in his garden. "Exemption from tub Draft. 8' P. Wolverton.Esql, plves notice that lie i prepared to attend to rases of persons wish ing to l.e exempted from the draft. M AVolvi-iton's office is next door to the Law rence IToupo, opposite the Court House. Rockefeller & Boyer, Esqrs., also fjive no tice tl atthey will attend to making out Exemption papers, at low rates. See udver tUemcnta in another column. f5?nEWAni for Deskbtf.rs. Provost Murihull Clemkst (fives notice that "a re tvard of ten dollars, anil the reasonable ex penses incurred," will be paid for the ik-liv-ry of a deserter at the lieadipinrters of the nearest Provost Marshall. Any person can deliver the deserter and get the reward. t-f7(iliiAKn IIorsK, rim.AiiEi.riHA.-Ye call attention to the advertisement of this excellent hotel, which under the present management, for polite attention, pood fare hnd cleanliness, is said to be unsurpassed by anv iu the count rv. ft?A letter received from our correspon dent near Murfrcesbon Tennessee, dated several weeks niro, says : 'The we ather is extremely hot here in day time, and so cool at nights that we are obliged to sleep under double wollen blan kets, with our tents closed up. Cowan, a beautiful place, lies at the bac of a mountain on u small stream, the coun try is in a better state of cultivation than around here where the army has been so lollff. Around Cowan nnd Winchester if the 'l-icHt peach country. Tbefoldiers are strip p'.nj.' the trees already although not Id I ripe LiioU';h to cat." Captain IIoikii-'.iis. The death of this 'u!l;inr sailor is :reat!y reretleil. lie :h not only an excellent officer, but like the late Admiral Toote, mi exemplary chris tian. In the service of his country he was brave, rn. r'i'tie, e-.m-cietittn:;. In private life, we are told by tin we who knew him, Mint in li's character "tin-re was an almost feminine elelicacy, gentleness, and oiiuess of untitle, blending witli the most heroic paliuntry." Wo are furV.it r told that -'a predominant trait in hi.s character was a eleep. natural piety , and that he passed the whole 11 i jih t before his death in rea-.lir.j; llie Scriptures and prayer." Cold is down to fl 2:5. The green backs will before long, be considered equal to phi. as they terdiy are in point of security. The copperheads, who hav been endeavor in;r to ..h .'preciate them, by comparing them o C'i!iiiiiH-;:tal tm niy, Hiiist feci sou cwhat a ';'...';i:'cil of their predictions. THE I.VH.KI' FHN litOJI si v iti.i:s i . Nkyv York. August 27. The steamer A rajio, from Chailcslon bar on the 2n h, arrived here to-day. Orr M-mins Imasd, Ai'yr.st 24tli r. ion. On Saturday, at midnight. Admiral J-alilren, with li-.e Monitors, advanced in the darkness on For Sumter, openinii tire i-.t three o'clock, ua'''. kei-ping it up until ix o'clock. , Sumter llred one n;;n in response four times, but Moultrie, (Jr'-.m and lieR'in'gard lor three hours rained shell on the Monitors. I' tiling to do'liem any harm. The Monitors were Mruek seven or tiyht times, but no cue wa i liured. Sn::!ir .:x l-jniict ii:v a-i 'iiitnrt pi it ruh!iixh. The only jun left w as the one oil the wall yesterday afternoon. To-day" the rr.ii"id naval aud. army attack ' in Toils Vi'ajii.cr and Creyer will be open ed, . Friday ni;iht Gen. Cdinofc threw a ii.'iei n inch " shell into Charleston charged with Creek lire. On Saturday afternoon llcanrcirard sent lown a tlaj of tr.ice w ith an urgent protest ileniiiiiKinji !re'ek lire us a villainous com pound unworthy of ciili.ed nations, and 'demanded that more time he allowed to re 'nove the women and children. . The l'.iiiish, French and Spanish'consuls denounced the short time given by General lilmore, and claimed more time to remove I "v; vul.jects 1 if their respective countries. Gen. ('i'uiore replied by a renew al of the de mand for a surrender of the Forts ami pub lic uroDcrtv. At i oVb k last niht the shcllinji of the city withGr-ck lire was resumed. It is f-eiicraltv thouuht that the Stars and Stripes wiii wave oter Fort Sumter to liiiil. ?iora! 21 (tail's. l, 'J hi' enrly emp of l'ohii u nearly oveT.Oor ci ui un hnve Wu rruliy well uiipnea by ,11 r. u K iint and lli.i n.no Ciiinpliell. of l'pler A.igunts, bu buve IiiiJ f.iir enp iu their orchmili. uil Imvc, t ir-auiu. reiilite-il Sxiuelliilij; liundeuie at prut priera (2 per busUcl. if Is Tu. LU-ul. Cbarlrs Daring of the 3d V iKoi.sio KvKinii-tit, foraierly of Huiibury. on a visit Iu bii rrivmU be-re IbU wuck. IIo wiu) wvarcly w.iui.iled sbuve Ihe uuklc joint al I lie haul of t'edur Muuulaiu, and iill uca crutches, lliougb iuiproving jf MlLToH Cljissicxl Isstituh. W bava reveived the Aimuul Calalogueof UiU School, whlub ntu stobe in duilerin; condition. fj The aariu westhor.we trust, for Ibis , i pa. On Tue.lay we bad a heavy ruiu of sot erul hours duration. Sin.-e then the air bas bveuui cool Mini braiu. I y The .Military Company, aetinj M l'foro tiua.d. under Capl. Oeare Merrli-k. tb arrival of wl it-bal ibis plu -c, wullced lu our fail. U llll be.e, and will reu.aiu al fruubury, perhaps. Ul.lil Iba dial' e l men era muttered lulo Ibe aamoe. Tbi-Jf b . Ucii quartered, the pt week ln Ibe greeu iu Maik-I Square, uiu ike Court lfoue la bad wis. l!;ir i:.rre aie at-ul uue wuujrej men, p.rui of three rowpaulre. Tha luu are well U.b.ed, and uu I. r tc lleut disslpliue. Tby bake been k.nJIy real4 l- our eiiitei.e, and number of delwaeiae supptiu! ibui.ially Ib.-e e be aU k lbs. by lite a lsj I be aiddiere apeefala all Ibia, and bu ly iL.ii i J t-uloJi ba W ' uo.r4ielul. Tue tail ua d.llls.'balu l.bia. sk.iUiiabiu, Am., baa eBotdeJ ebai4"rjble an.uaea.Uil tu Ihw bukaia ..... . . ....sl auuk iblbtf. 1 ley b ll"l Poti-lolln I.llvi- IV0111 . Hotty, the Ili-ro ol' Cinimiiioai llilln. General A. It, Iluvey wiil tba following nolilu letter to the Democratic nivfeliug at IiKtmnupuI'm, Iml., last week t Moc.nt Vkunon, August 18, 1963. Qcn- tli'iiii-u- I regret tliHt uiy aliort Itinve of all- .1 , 1 - .. in.. t "tiiw ikiiii luiimuii nun nitvm iiiiiun iu my IhiiiIW prevent nm iVoin hccmjI your In- .11 ,-, .. "uu luo "jr - .... ! 20th inst I ilioutil like to speak to the people of the StHte and present to them the opinions and feeliiiLrs of their kindred nnd friend in the army in which I serve. With those whoare ,',,ci,,K ur cneuiiea, where disease an.l leutU are around them, there is but little or no division ol opinion, anel they look with won der and astonishment at reported dill'crcnccs. ut home. The Army of the Southwest is determined upon the 'subjugation" of liebeldom, in the highest and strongest sense of that word. .No hall-way, simpering patch-work will satisfy them, "ami the "party that attempts it will be swept into a hopeless minority, like all t lib other combinations of parties that have formerly opposed the wars of our country." "The Constitution ns it was" cannot be restored in the rebel States, until the people of those States "shall fully prove their love for the Government nnd devoted loyalty." Until this happens, the madman must wear hi straight jacket.. A little reflection will convince the most Sympathetic that this must be so. Suppose the Union re-stored, the Constitution guaranties the right of trial by jury, in the elistrict w here the otl'ense was committed, but broad indeed woulel be the farce w here a rebel should lie presented for treason and tried by a rebel jury. The Constitution provides that the writ of habeas corpus shall remain inviolate, Jet 1 need not teii you that a rebel judge would release the prisoner, though charged with the blackest crimes of murder anel treason. The Constitution proclaims liberty of speech and liberty of the press. This, w iih rebels, would include the right to denounce the Government, anel keep up an uueljiug hatred of one section against the other, until an other revolution would inevitably follow. o, these sacred rights cannot be conferred upon the mailmen of the South. They were given by our fathers to men capable of self government, and cannot now l;e intrusted to the'se who have so sshamcfully attempted to destroy the institutions under which we live. "A long day of probation mu.it await their readmisMim." A word in regarel to property of Rebels. In my opinion they have forfeited all, and their Health shoulil lie so I. sell as to prevent a repetition of their crime. Their personal property should be used in defraying the expenses ot the revolution. Their slaves released and liberated, and their lands as air as practicable, divided among cur sol diers w ho have nobly sustained the Govern ment iu the hour of its sorest trial. I have spoUeu thus lively of the policy that 1 think should be pin slice!, tor these are the ques tions iipui) e lueh the people will soou be called Iu act. Il you siaiul in the loyal Stales, firm nnd iletcrmilied to carry out this policy the elavs of the itcbcliion a.e easily numbered, but ii you teinpofic and divide the n ur has scarcc couiinciiced, and anarchy aiiei bloodshed will cover our unhappy land. 1 conjure every one who loves liberty to forget party and stand by our country in this elark I. our in its trial. Your property, your lives, and the happiness of your lannly depend upon t. 1 Mio'.v not w lietiier these views Wib iu.it the approbation of any party, but 1 annul riir,.iii l'roiii giving llu ui an open xprc.ssion. In in v opinion, niiic-u u.hs ol the army Ir.anily cuueur l.i the views 1 Lave esiiiie-a. Yours truly, Ai.vix P. IIoviiT. AktotimUiif; Iio?l ry. 1'ieui llf .Ma lison (fnd ) Cuiirier. Au. 20. East night the Soutliutn Rank of Ken- lucky at Canoilton was robbed of one hun dred unel thirty thousand dollars, one hun dred tlioiismid elollar- uf it being in specie and thirty thousand in notes. About tine o'clock the Uaiik was entered by sixteen men iu unilorin, w ho represented t heiuselves I- belonging to Sco'i s I itcbel) Cavalry. .Vl'ter posscssinr; themselves of the money. they burned all the papers iu th.) vault. 1 liev were (liscovere-il bv .Mr. Cr.iw lonl, toe chashicr, w ho resides in the rear of the bank but t'.iey shot at him, and eiriving him into Ids' house, kept I. ha theie until thev had succeeded in ne-iompli.shing their object. Mr. Crawford tele-gi.ipmel tuu circumstance ;o General liuriisiele, and to the m.btary authorities of Kentucky. Vigorous una sines wiil be takeu to capture the thieves, ho are thought lo have lied iu the ilirtc lion of Owen. Hi.ACKiiuuniKs. Tbo Dorchester" is an early variety, canes tall, erect and pcri'cctly hardy ; fruit ion";, siiiiiii.jroiack, seit, firm and fjcars e-niriugc well ; and riocniu"; its fruit within a short period, is nearly over by tia- time- tliii New Hoch'-'lle reaches its lici-jlit. Thij variety is larjft' and bn-eious when fully ri j;e and continues iu bearing a lour tiinc. 'flic pricu gradually diminishes as tho nmri.el ociol.les suplicd with )i allies nnd other fruits. I.aot year tho Dorchester comment ed at twenty cents pe-rijuunt, aud the Uochcllcs closed at five cents per quart. Having ten acres set with the two last nam ed varieties, they yieldcel me last summer over (j.")!) bushels of fruit. liuv.ius experimented on several kinds of land, fioni u firm clay to a light blowing sand, 1 prefer as the most favorable local ion for blucKlicrrie-s, a lijjht, moist, sandy louin, well under drained, Ul water would other wise stand near the "rluce-. In preparing the ground open the furrows in the lull ten feet apart, and duriii the winter spread niucU alunjj them, leaving it exjiosed lo the action of frost, fairly in the spring act the plants ul. out four feet apart on the muck ; corn, putatots, or oilier vegetables, may I ic grown midway l.etwe-eu the rows fur the iif.il year or two. The roots Unit follow alunjthe row and feed on the muck, w ill (row more vigorously than the lateral or side roots, licl.ee the strongest and best plants will come up nearly wucie they are wanted to prottuce nun nun ine- loiiowm year, but should not be suifereil to eland iilon the rows thicker than un average of one plaul to u foot iu Icliyth. The tups of the youne; canes should be shortence! nen.l limes during the summer, so as to keep them at a height of about 2 lo4 leet wliieu will induce the aldu branches to groiv vig orously nnd develop fruit buds near tliu ground, aud thusavoid the ueceuity ol elukea aud wires to prevent high wind from in juring the pluiiU. ItASPIlhllKUS HasplK-rnes elellglit iu rich, mellow, utoUt laud ; a northern expo sure, aouiewiiat shadtd unel proiei-U-d by trees. Iiiiildin-'s. nnil i lice, lo acreiu them from the tlirect tuys of tlm auh, whicu soiuo finu-s dri.. up the Hull u-irv i.mtun.y.- Thev are a hard imp on Uo land, ttl hoi'ild have a tout ol luanuie or iiiitck every ... .K.ewilt tiiuii ma uul bv uii-ltt "" I " .. t).liiiii.iiu. Il Is iroitt-r i loiiu a new i.iitniuiiou ovcry iluiv or four jcuia, t ili.il i hum) itmt urcj-u-i ibs-'ir irliutj iuo jjivo my for oilier croj. IIT' ' Weil'.lll rniiollli lilluifiMJJ li.e f,l mode of jjw kin J.-iklca t iud for Ihe net id our koldii-ia. I'J lr tho ! lui lho-l i. M ut Ihi'iu Ui U ke4 or 111 kin The. tiolduia' Al.l h.Ui) f MlrMl i'tr- an I'lsiii tsUifU U rttty wf isiiur-! .i.,i,i...... TUt mi au oiH-ti Itikiu or : s .4 Ii-s ; tlia mixinjr of different kinds ii n mat ter of small consequence. ,' When tho cask Is full it is headed tip, and forwarded tei t'uo Sanitary Commission. We gfvo a conplo of phoit rcclpei : BLACKBERRY CORDIAL. To 9 quarts of blackberry Juice add n pound and a half of white sugar, Ijnlf nn ounce of cinnamon, half an ounce of nutmeg a qunrtef of ah ounce of cloves, 1 ditto of ttllspice. boil all together for a fchort time, nnd when cold, ndil 1 pint of brandy or good Mononunhcla whiskey. We are Indebted to- Mis B , of Mon-. trose, for the following -. Apple leather is maele by prcpnring grren apple as for stewing. Stew them a little while, adding sugar or not, according to taste. Then spread it out thin on tins, and place it in a slow oven to dry, occasionally turning it. A good article for alleviating thirst. . THE SANITARY COMMISSION AT FORT WAGNER. We find the follo in;r in the Port Royal Free South of the 23th inst: "Tho officers of the United StHtrs Sani tary Commission have won for themselves a splendid reputation in this department. They have by their discretion anel r.e-al saved many valuable lives. Under the guns of Wagner, in the hottest of the fire, their trained corps picked up and carried off the wounded almost as the fell. ' As many ol our men were struck while ascending the parapet nnd then rolled into the moat, which at high tide contains six feet of water, they must inevitably have perished had they been suffered to remain. But the men who were elctaileel for service with I'r. Marsh, went about their work with intrepidity and cool ness worthy of all praise. The skill nnd experience of the members of the Coin nis sion has, since the battle, been unremitting ly employed to render comfortable the sick nnd wounded. NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. Nev Hat Manufactory. SOW li lt AMMOOI, II ATM rrMIF. sut.aciiber respeotfnlly inlbrms the public. ttiui tie lias commenced ninmiliictnrtng. at M. .N l'.l'RV. all Ibe various styles of Suit Hals. Fiiru.nl Wool now in u"e. He tru.ls ihat hU e-xpcrie-ne-u ia the business iu the city, wiil enable hint lo got up hats iu style aud quullly eijiuil to any in l'hilnde-l-pbi. A supply of silk nnd other huts will also be kept on hnnd. Merchants nnd others will End it to llie-ir iidvnn. tnge to give biui a cull nnd encourage home luaiiu lueture. Sold Wholesale and Retail, nt Ihe lowest prices. SAMl'EL FA I ST. Market Square, one door west of thu-Auicriuau' Olhcc. Sunbui y, August 22, lbO.'S. tf HOUSE & LOT F0H SAI E. 'pflE undersigned offers for sale the house mi l lot I now occupied by himself, siluat'-d in Deer street ihe. first dwelling north of the Lutheran Church. The improvement" arc ag I TWO S'l'nKY FRAME RLTl.DIN'U. I feet f ia ire it. front with atwo !ory back building 14 by 21. with a double porch, con taining iu .ill eight risima und a largo ball. Also n good summer kitchen and ol-jer uulbuiluiugs, to ge.lier wilh a good garden. Fur U-ruii and condition npplv to AIKllAEl, IIA11NE, Sunbury. August 22. IbO.L if A MltlV It! 1. 1.. CAME to Ihe preuiisrs of the subscriber, on or about the 1st day of May. l-ri't. a Stray Hull, ap parently about two years old. light re 1, with w biio l.iil mid w bite belly. 1 be owner i reiiueslcd to come fuinaid, prove property, pay vlinrge-a and take him wuv,or otherwie he will be sol i at ording to law. JOIIN COOPER, t rr.er Augi'sta. Aug. lt. 2iu 'I' Wit NiiilV ('OWN. CAME to the premises of Ihe subscriber, nbout two weeks since, two stray cow, one uf thciu a pad- red eo!or, will, a whltv spot on the furehcttd nnd about six years old. 1 ho olhcr a deep red with n while forehead and one born imrlly kno-ked oil'. The owner or ow.ui are notified to call, prove their property, pay charges aiid lake theia awuy, or clsc ihey will be diiiosed of uc.-ording to law. AMOS VASTINE. Shnmokin twp., Aug. 22. lSo;l. 2ia .Ji-c lo S-Sioul 'IViM-licr-M. Vl'Pl.ICATIONS will bo received by the Hoard of School llire-ctnrs. Suidiury S'.-hool Itistriot. ir ibree inule teiu-ln-rs for rooms Nik. 2. 3 and 4. nnd one female teacher fur room No. I. on Wednes day the 2 i day of Sepli-iiibcr next, when the allot uieiils ol the S.-hoola will lake p'ace in the Public S.-liuol llusc. nt IU u clock. A. -M. All Aiip'k-alious luusl be uc.-ou.panied l y necessa ry ccriilicatcs. P. W. (1RAY, Secretary. Sunbury, August 15, latiil. il rou SALE. A I.OT nt the corner of Blackberry und Fawn j Sireels, in Su.ibury. The improvements upon il are good eiel will ni luuiodale acvcral laiuilici. Tcruia rcaaoiiublc. apply to C11AR1.1.S I'l.EA-iANl's, Agent. Suubury, Auu.t la, l.sOit. it Statement of Northumberland Connly Bank Stutcme-iit of :he Northu.hberlanJ Cm. uiy Uai.k as reipiircd by the uci of udseiubiy, aj'ptuvvd April, IiiiJ : ASSETS. 0:.ld and Silver and Pur Funds in a Phil Hdclphiii Rank, including ioau ufil.uuU to. he Couiu.ouivvaltb, 79.f01 34 1". S. Notes. 1 i.Uoll Oil V. S. Seem Hies. li".l.;0 On Eimiion Call, l'ar Funds. lO.Hi'O 111) Notesi f other flanks and Postage Curreucy I. .'120 lo Hue from oihcr Hindis uud Urekcra, 2.4 i:i is f.oui and liiscouuta, 12S,VsJ na Ilor.k Properly, S.iUS iu LIABILITIE3. Capital Slock, 9 r.475 Oft ljrt.iort no 7i ,'l 7i i.77 Uj (. irculaUuu, Due DcMiaiiura, Due either ilili.ks, $:io;i.so!i mi I certify the aliove sthtenient to be Correct lo Ibe bint of uiy kuowlcd'.'o and belief. THOS. C. TROTTER, Cashier. Allirnjed and aubacribed before me. JOIIN CALDWELL, J. P. Bhiunokin, Auguat lj, IM'.t. C(M A'l'V rOVITIi. IN pursuance of Ihe usual custom of the Couuty It is hereby augge-aled, aud recoinuicnded. by Ibe Snindi.'; Cuuiuiillee of Northumberland eouuty, thill delegati-a be elected by ibe aeven.t Towishiia. and Uorouiba n ibe county, un SAT C liDA Y, Ihe J-.'th day ul Aleil'Sf. iurluul.li. a County Cui:euiiu ul aaiil eounly. fnvornble lo the cause ol Ibe I tiioii nnd Ihe Aduiiuiatra.iou of Ibe Uoveriiuieol ol tliu I uoed Shi lea. ii. pulling duwu and crushing ihe retut Ri bellioii, Ibe Coi.venliou lu be held ul Sui.buiy. iu the Court lloua.-.ou 'l uidiy ihe laiday ol September uexl. tu nominate sui able persona tu Bll Ihe Coun ty oilice-a, aud aucb other otfisva a. uiuv lw required, aud alao for the appoiuiuieut uf a cuudiii Cuu. luittee. By Ihe Stauding Couiuilllte. Auguat a, laud. IStuleof lite llusaU l" oi tliumbcis. luittl, Augu.l 5, 1MU3. ASSETS. Loans and Kills ilUeeunted. . CerliAcaie lulled blutea Mini I uiled Stale Loan, . Peuusyliuaia, Nurlbuuibcrhuol Daiik tWock, . 1RT Ass r 2U0 0o0 00 lUO.lMMJ 00 i 4oU 00 ,o;o oo Oiber biueka, . , l.a-io oo ,; st i:i.b4 ii , ' . . 'JlTklk. j ul... nkt aad Laul 1 eudere .... Pnaeie lu aull Ineludlus; CoUioioeaealia , . ,...., "... Sn07Ii etlf Car llloalcs, 72t.tM4 M crT.iTt li.sif ti II OOO M IIADILITIH. Kolas Is elreu'atio., ... Due utbrf ttatika, iu a.o.lih, Cerreeey M treeie Cerilfkais, H 1HUS, , . . UiMIt i ' I t ilfy Ik skef Wataaaeal We ju4 Jutf 4 Uat Caskisf. aara a4 aulaMrlb.4 tofsfe iu i . J. t-.-aik, )assl fk ) PRIVATE ACADEMY, K0K1HUMBERLAND. THE REV. JAMESMCK80V, lll rc-or" M Aoademy ou Mi DdiiY, Ibu 17lh duy of August, laS. ... The following bracohe4 will be taught I I.slln, Greek, Miiilnimoios, Phllnetiphy. Ttlictorln, bogie, Hook Ke-epinj. Voonl Milslu In tbe-ory and f malice. Aim. (ie-ugriipby, Uruuiuior, History, oiuposiliou Writing. Pr Msrler of 11 wihks, Jdlo In Ibc shove brunches without llis langnnjes H 00 Latin anil above hrsnelies, f7 00 Ure-ek and aljove- brunches, S3 00 Soo Circulnr. Tor further particulars ajiply to KKV. J A Mf.'H DICKSON, Tanchor. Nurtliuniborluiiil, August Ui, l.sti;:. ly 12mv I.o-I, Slow i:-.oi-cl. Jual Vitllishtil, in a Fealrd Vnveioie. Prirt ,Si CrMs. VI.KCTI RE on lb Nsturn. Trpalmont sn-t Ra dios! C'ure-of fiperinslorrlioss or fcetniniil Weak nsii, He-xual Jk-liiliiy. ISe-i vnimnen. nnil Invtiliir.lBi y KtiiisNiiii. ititucii)( Ii.ipiitoucy, Uuiisumplion, aiiil Mclilnl nnil t'l.yaic.il llubility. ItyROU TJ. CLfA EUWELL M. D. Tho impnrllini fuel that tho nnful entnrpienpp of Se-lf-Almsi; nmy be I'fiectiiiilly reni'iveti wiiltmit in toinul nie-iliciiie-s or tbo eli.niriiroiis spplie-titinn of cnuntirc. ii sauiite-nis. iii.lniHietl boies. iinil olhe-r t-nipirii-iil l,:vie-. U ia-re- cle-nrly ili'iiimitratril. sml liio onlirely now niel hiKlily nicuesslol lrt.iine.it ns siluple-il-b.v dm ci'li'hrale'if nuihnr. fully e-xplniiie-il. by . noun? of wliie-h e-viry one- is i-iiulilril to cure him-Bt-lf perlt'Cly. fitul nt tbo leHft piwili!o cost, th'-ri'by iivoiilin nit Ihp mlverlii-d nnstiuntK oflhottnv. This li-cluro will provu a bun), to thougiimls anl tliuu ii.i.hU. Seni uiidorsriil. ins plnin envelope. to any aifurrss. piit-paiil on reeeifil of Iwo pustau stii.ups. by a-l-ilressin tho publisln-rs. t'llAf. .1. C. KLINE A CO., 12" Ilowpry. New Voik. Pint Oftjcu J5ox, 4bM. Aug. 1 j, lsOX Feb. 2H, ly :io rsn '.vi ! i:l('ATI().!! ri'MIK S. 'i.et !!;,,) S,.h.,.,l ,r ll.l, 1... will be I I TiMiner.ed AiiluI lsivi. nudiT the aunerin- I ti lidi-iice of S. P. FINK. A lltiernl patronage is so' licilcd fiiini the pit rot, s of the school, and the citizens eiK-rnllv lERMSOl-'Tl ITIDN PER SESSION. Orll.oerapl.v. lleinliiig, Writing nnd Priiaary Arilhi.ii-im ?2 SO Arithmetic. lieoirrapliT nnd Ennlih (Irnminnr .'I 5U) Nat. Pliilo-orhy. Wnt'i sou The Mind, Alge bra .i.nl (ieom.itry, f' 00 liiaik Keeping uud Languages 6 bO t a- One half of Ihe tuition rroncv lo ho paid in advniicc. mid the balance ul the e-xpi.nlion of each term. Pupils studying any one branch ill either of the higher grades ol tuition w ill be classed in the grmle cmbraeiliir such branch. F,r fiutlicr iiifur.nation npplv to S. P FINK', Principal. Sunbury, August Kill, lNiU. JORDAN TOWNSHIP I) I S T 1 L L E R V. rpHF. undi-r.!L'iied having entered into pttrlnersliip 1 in tl.e Iii.-:il!cry lliifihess. in Jurdtu. luwn.-liip. No.ihi.n.heiliitnl connly. on tin- roaii from Shallcr'e 1'avern lo I .lioe.town, nbout 4 miles fioni Maboiioy and ft miles hum Kliegerslown. beg leaec to iul'orin the pi.l.lio lhal lln-y nro now making n supcricr ar ticle of PIKE RYE WHISKEY. Those desiring grain converted intii whiskey can have il dune on Ibe most reasonable (ertus. 'J he highest cash rices will be paid lor Rye, ami grain ti.ke.i iu ex.-liniiirc lor Whiskey, 'ihe public can benssmed il.ut all W hiskcy made at this di.-tillc-rv will be lice lioni drugs uud iiiliiitiiratiniis. ISAAC lI.PPI, ;. e foi'st. Jordan twp. .June 1.1 Isilli. tun WjomiitK InkiiiniK-i- ('iiiaujt WIIKKS 13 AKKE. PA. 4'lllillll lllltl Slll'sillN, S I Ii,k(l. MRECTeiRsS: t). M. llolleiil nek, I.. 1. Shoemaker, John l.eiclu.rd. Ii. l. I'rie.-bueL, Saii.uel W miliums, R. C. Smilh. R. 1'. l.Hi-oe. Ciias. Derrance, 1 1 nrlej A. Miner, W in. S. linns, W . W. KeU-hnm. (I. M. Harding. (. M. 1101, 1. EN HACK. President. L. 1. SHOEMAKER, Vice President. It. C. Smith. Sccreinry. W l. Sri:ui.iM;, 'J'le.i.-urer. This C'liii.pmiy lii.-ures tbree-feurdi of Ihe Ci"h valaaiioTi. lakes no Premium Notes, make co Assess ments. Policy iiekiiowlcilges till moneys paid during the- leiln el votir liisiiiam-.. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May :ii), lAi:!. ly F O U N D E AM) A(;HI( I LTIIIAE AV0RKS! OUNBURV, IKIsT rsl A.. rpilE und-r ioed rospejifitlly inform the public X U'.'ia i illy, 'liiil ll.ey have e.ili-red into Co-Pan- i.irslup in the tot M'Hi III SIM. in d me now pret'iin d to ii.nuufueiurc at Ihe -Kobi l.u-h Foundry,' .11 Ion. is o ;i;n i-iti-i .1 , Moves, Ilojili-s, Cant I .;-. A-.. ill chill i el"n -. Repairing all ki. ds of Agrk-ullurnl Implements ii.aie in a goo. I woikieai.liko manner und ut Ibu bolti at noliee. All arttrli s shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited mid pioti.plly utto. ded to. j.i on i:iiiii;iiai.ii, T. (1. t PER. t v Old hen. and nil Linda tf l'roduee tuke-u in I.As-ii.utge f..r v.ork Sui.buiy. May lit. Isfiri. If C3-. W. tlloiiiey lunl 1-i ATJPT, Offii-c ou sou 1 1: fi'U uf -Murkt t afii tu t. font ilnon weat oil.. V. lti-iht Jt tSitV Sun u, Xl H.ti-iid pri'tKjilly to all ro-i-!unl bu-iiif ' n' ru:.-i Id hi chic, the cmIUtIiuii tu (!iiin: in Notihuii)lLrlMii(l ni;il I he ti'ij iiiiiig uuuinies. .ui.lurv, JIy 2: lil'i. ly OKioe. ou soulh side of Market S'jiiurc,Ltar the Court House, EiUNEU-RY PI'.NN'A. , Will intend proinplly to nil proles.sio.inl business entrusted lo "bis ear.-.' the eolleciion of claims iu Northumberland and the- adjoining cuuntie-s, Sunbury. May d, lis-jX ly .1 e e I r y .V If I n in o n l a . LIWIS I.aToHU. &. CO. 0J Che-snut Street. I'hiladulpi.ia, HAA'K always on hand a Inrgc stm-k of (iold and ileer lilcbes. suitable for Ladies, liehtlemau or I'ovs' Wear. Sou.e of our own i..isiri..tiou,9e-x-tra hue ipiulii v. Our M.sorimciit of Jewelry eoi:ists of Ibe moet fii-l.ioin.l.le and lich design. ; ueulsu Ibc plnmer und leas expel. sive. Silver S,.ois, Forks. Pie. Cake and Fruil Knivea; also a la.ai- ariely of F..i:cy Silver Ware suitable for Rridul IVwelils. 1 bue hUo on baiid n Itnt splendid assortment of Diamond Jewelry, m all kinds, lo wbieb weii.vile e.pe-l;.l attt Llio... Our plies will be found eoiisi,c. ruoU le?s lhal. .be same ariielesare usually aidd lor. All kinds oi MaicLea repuirtd iu Ibu very best manner, and anirano-d lo ;ive aaiisfiu-'tion. ViMilMI Itl.NliS in hu.d aid made lu order Call ur add. ess LEWIS LADoMI S CO . M2 Chi snul Mreul. Pbila U-lphia P. S The liihs.l cuJ. p.ieea paid lor ul I (iold Slid Siller. Alli.oiera fruui the country will receive cpeeial alieiiiion. May 2, ISiU. 3uiu Corner Fawa and Market SerecU). faMI !. f pilK undenUnrd respeelfully Inbau-a Ibe public, I lhal he baa iHkau ehtrge of Ibe above n.uird iMtl, aul aka lor the es.uliea.uoe of lbs forauer latruuae aud would lull. all olbere lu go biui a sail. IIISTAULE la ! auppll.d wiik Ike bM Ike suarkel atforda. II a. ! eobU.be Ike rkoleeM lbUuia. aiu ku alab. I A k M-ani bd Well allrndisl . earelul I'.lluit. " .,1 ...(. .iu. lit. r noun a... ) . i. 1 1 e t . I?uautt.y, May W, w)3. HI.IN DS AM) SDADLS. P J. WILLl AMs. No S !. 1.11k .ik Kneel, PLiI ad, 1 1 1, ia, At4a.uis1.il el tiucil-'K IHiliiiaial t, 11 1 on l - ra. TLa Uij.-i it 1 ' bi .ai.bi lb ibaei-y i it li ... III.-1 ' 'Ul4 absi l.lb-tbv4 Hii uai,. ttol-ii' J y i awaaii. NEW tAlLORIKG I;8tABLIIdEKT .1 II . V. 91 A IX X A. ifnrivt Square, one livr vrst tf tht Port STJN 1X711 "ST, I'EISJ IsJ A.. Resp'eolfully lufornn hiaolif frienHa and lha pub lic gi-ni-riilly that bt bin again rsluruuU to buubury and rc-oponnl a . '1'iiitorluK I'.KtiiMlxImiciit. Ho is prepsrod to aiake up now garment ai well M uieniling old ones, and to do ao.k neatly, fitalw iiinnbly and aubstniitlHlly, inifsct will wnrriintall o. k louring tho shop, and by so doing, hopes to reoe ive a due- fhare ol palrof.sge. I'e-rsons dentring lo Imra olnlhinp mado up toordeT In tliu lull ft stvlc. will plraao give liilu a onll. j Su.ibury, April 11, Isll.'l. iu. TAI10RIKO I&TAELISHMEKT. joiin 03. iviiorc, Fnwn Sirre-ct. nppimilc Weaver's Hotel, STiKmrrrY. Northumberland Co., Pn.. INFORMS his friend and tho public jrenrri.tty, tint he hns tnkrn the Shu), of .Isci.b 8. Rnko, dw'd.. and r prepared to do nil kindsof TAILIHt I.MI in a goinl wnik.naelike manner. Tho palron-njti- of Ibu public ittreppecilully solicited. Sunbnry, May ll), lsOS. ly singer & Tea's I.-1K-r A, Fntitlly SrwInR JIim liu-, "TITII all the new Improvements (Itrmmer. V lit -aider . Hinder. Feller, Tui-ke-r. Girder, Ua tbcrer, Ac, Ac. Ac), is tho CHEAPEST AND BEST, and moat beautiful of all luaohineii for P AM I I Y-SKWING nnd liubt mannfiiolnrin? purples. It innkea the iiiler-loi ked Ftileh i n t.ioli in alike on both aider), and has i;re-al capacity fur nenieg ALL KINDS OF CLOTH AM) ALL KINDS OF TIIKEAD. Even leather, as well as Ihe finest muslin, mny be sewn to perfeelion on Ibis mnehine. Il will use 2n0 spool cot ten ns well ns No. .'Ill linen thread. What .1 can ito oniv he known oy seeing ine marnnio tested J he ruMing-lop Case i aiiong me n-ie valuable, ol all the new improvements, ft may he opened out ns a spacious nnd stibstnnli.il table to sustain the work, and when tho machine is not in use I it mtiv be folded into a box. which protects the working purls of the inai-hine. lhere is uo other mnehine to equal the Letter A in MiuplM It.v. Eturtiltiiit.v, lEupitlity, raid crrlniuiy ol o-i ! tictloii ut llll l-UlCM l M(M-I. The Family Sewing Mnehine is fust becoming ns popular lor family use as Sisiikh .t Co.'s Manufac turing Machines are lor uiamil'actnring purposes. The Ilrnnch Ofiiccsnre well supplied wilh silk Iwisl, thread, needles, oil. Ac . of Ihe vest best iitmlily. Send lorn i-AMi-ut.i.T and a copy of '-.Sisuim & Co s tt ASKTTT." I. M SINtiER A Cn..4.iS Rmadwnv. N. Y. 1.9- Philndi-lphiu Oflice. S10 Chrsnul elrcct. dune 211. lbUil. ly 18G3. 1 RILING 1803. GRANT AT THE MAMMOTH ST0RF, "st(iV1,Tj rcfpectfully announce Hint they have ju-t received nnd opened a very large nnd well selec ted Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they nro willing to dispose of at a VERY SMALL ADVANCE ON Virnt Cos.(. 0- OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMuUACES ;YL1iT1IING GIVE US A CALL, Thankful fer past favora we hopo lo meet a Con. tii.-i.ni.ee of It.e famo by still selling (jooda us cheap if not ( !iE!AI'i:C than can be purchased else nhcie. FRILINU & GRANT. Su.ibury. May 2:1, l(.1. A .lolnt i:-sliil ion iroKiM.iriif i-i -liiiu ,iii4 ii!nici:ls lu (lie cnst il n lioii. lii-: n- i:ksoi.vi:i) in- Tin: Pk?atk ant IIocsi: ov liii'iii-KNTATivi:s ok t:ik C'jm- MO.NWKAI.TII OF J'liN.NSYI.VAM A IX 1 1 l.J KI! A I. .Wi'.Miii.Y .mi;t, 'Flint the following nun ml incuts lie )-oiohI to tin- Cot-siiiution ol the ('i-iiiiuonM-altli, in neenrd uue with tin irovisions of the te nth itiiit-Ii- tlien-ol': There shall He an tidilitiiiu.il section to the tlurel article ot tin- ( (institution, to I c de-siuiiatcd us el-el ion Imir, n follous: Si.eTio.N 4. Wlicncver any of the (jiiuli lied clcclors of this CoiuuioniMiiltli mIiuiI I i in uny net mil inilitary m re ice, timler a reijui eition from the l'n-.sident of the- linlcd Mates, or Ly the malmi n ol' litis ('oiiiu.uu uenltli, sucli electors ii.nj tM-icic the liiihl of sultrajje in all elections hy the cilieiii. under Midi regulations as are, or shall l.e jjii scrilictl liy law, as fully as if they were jiicscnt at their iisiuil phice of election. There shall In- two additional sections to the eleventh uiliclc if the Coiihtiliitioii, to Ik- desioiiiiied as sections eight, and r.i-.ic, us ful owe ; SwiliiS tt. No Dill shall In- passed liy flu I.eislutuie, Ciuit;iiliiii'' more t ! in 11 one- Mil- pel, winch nliall i-c cleuriy e.ircS3Cl in tin title, except Hro.iialioii Dills. il. No Dill sliail l.e pnssed Ly the Legisla ture rantine; any powers, or privih-ofs, in uny e.ise, where the- authority to (.-runt siiel: poiverH, or privili L't-s, lues De-en, or may lu re alter U, conferred upon the courts ol' this (.'ouiiiii.nwciiltll. JDIIN ( T-SSXA, tpcakcr of the llm-.i-e- of Kepicsi nliiiivi s. joiin i. ri:.NNv, !pea'Kir ol the Scin.lc. OKKIl l. OK TIIK M-.rilKTAItV OK TUK t'u.M Mo.Nwr.AI'll, llAliiilsnt l;o, July 1, l'sM. 1T.NNSVLVAN1A. ss: 1 elo licrcliy certify that the I'ure- I.. S. o."int! and alit'.e-xed is a full, tine and i-oirect copy of the oii'iiiul Joint Kooluliou of the ticiural A-e nil lv, entitled "A Joint Itinilutinn priiposilio cer tain Auieinliiii uts to the Coiisliliition," ua Ihe aaiue ri inuiiia on tile In line ullice, 111 Tc.tillHUiy wllelenl, 1 me lielelllito ki t Ii. V hand unel caucd Ihe sen I of I lie Sicre lurs's oflice to Lu nil'. xed. the day nnd )cur alauit) will tell. KI I hl.IFKIt. Sccretarv of llio 1'iiiiiim.uweullh, July 11, leMlaV-tej iA VALUAIII.E FA1M I 'Oil I BALla. f iIF. u.ol.r.iO'd i-diia lull el piiiale aale. ki laluable Is.ui, illuale lb itcibe loau.l.lp. .Sunk, bb.bvUbd eubbll. Pa , aU.bl obe a tie ! i,f lh Iowa ol li.tu.Usu tabiaibuai 1 VI O III. DM 1 Al Ut s, a. e u Uae, al.ul .i.y aeiia el aknb ata iUj. abd la a gM4 aa.eul auloiaib-ii, abd Ik. Utai.ca wall llavbid auk piaa abd wk Iba lu.io.u..bU aie 14 lluae, V.iy abd vitu eat. tbii-i.bka Ja.w-U fel itn.le.. luiair. -t Nii j r GAISXT c5c DIETS, X.OWRR WHARF, etTNBUUT, PA. WHOLESAtE AND RETAIL DEALIt3 IN WHITE ASH COAL, fa erory vnrloty, Orders solicited and filled wilb prt.mptnci and denpntch. bunbury, May 18, 186.1 ly , ORNAMENTAL TtiCN V0Bli:.',., HO( Ac I'KUOT, 1ISI ItM-o A-iio, lhil:ltelIiiu, In. OFFER for sale upon Ihe most faTorabla terms, New and Iti auiilul Iiesijitu in great Tinirly ol Iron Railings for Cemoleries, Residences. Ac, of WrniiL'ht and Cast .Ir in, mid ll.ilvnnin.ed Iron r. nit Rrass Tuning ; Iron Verandah. Un'eoni.-s. Stairs. Counters, Fountains. (!alr.. C'uliiinns, llilohin; Posts. Eaiiip Staii'li. 'asit. Tables, Flower Sland, fifn. Chairs. Klaluary. Aniuinls, and nil other Iron Work of n lie-onrutive eliaraeter. Desii'ns forwi.n'i'd 1'nr selection, l-ersnrs a. .plying fur the sutue, will pleaao slalethn kinduf work needed, r June II, lrtti:i 4ui 'I'olhe l'io-riHi' Votrsi of .'Nordt. nmhi-rliintl Connty. 1W CITIZENS : I here-bv nnnotineo my- ae a eiimlid-ito Inr tho OFFICE OF SHERIFF. nt Ihe eoming Primary Election and ns Ihe support of niy Fellow C'ilir.ens. Should 1 Im notninnie-il nnd elected.! ptoinLu to fullill Ihu dulies of said ullice with fidelity. CHARLES W. SNYDER. Shnieeklli tp., Slay 30, Istiil I .M l' A RI.OIU I) 1 (BO. PETER l.OR II.LARD, NiiiiflV 'l'oln-- .TlnnntVirlfirrr It! A IS I'll AM fll'RS ST.. (Formerly 42 Chatham Street. New York. Would call Ihe ntlention of lle-alers to the articles of bis manufacture, viz : BROWN SNI FE. JIaenboy. lletnigros. Fine Rappee. Pure Virginia, Course Rnppee, Nachitoehes, Aiuciican tlenllemnn, Copenhagen. YELLOW SM FF. Scotch. Ilonev I'ew Scotch. Hiidi Tonsl Seoti-h, 1 re-h Honey lcw Scotch lii.sli llinh Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lund fbot. t.V Attention is cnlled to Ihe largo reduction in prk-csol Fine-Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccoa, w hich w ill be found of n Superior Quality. TOBACCO. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. Lonir, P. A. L.. or plain, S. .lairo. No. 1, Cavendish, or Sweet. Spani-h, No. 2. Sweet Scent'-d Oronuco. t.'annster No. 1 A 2 mined, 'tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish. CftHiiiilitted. X. 1J. A circular of prices will be sent ou applica tion. April 4. 1S0.1. 1 S A P 0 N I F I K R , on CONCENTKATKI) LYE, 'l"ho 1'aniil.v Simp Uakcr. The IM'PLIC nre cautioned neiiiist tbo SPI'RI Ol'S nrlk-lc of LVK for nn.kii'' SOAP. .to., row of. f.red for sale. The oi.lv OLNITXI'. nnd PATl'.M 1.1 I.ve is tliil made bv the I I NNSVLVAMA SALT" M AN I FACTl'lli N'(l CoMPANV. their tradi -maik lor il Iw-iiijs SAI'OM'll l!. OK CON t'l'.N'1 1! ATKD 1.YK." Th- p-.-nt Sl'CCFSS of Ibis Hi ti.-le has led I N I'RI NCI 1'I.I.D PARTILS lo on de:oor tu IMriAI'Lit.iu violation of ihe Company a PA'l LNTS. All MANVFArn RF.RS. Rl YFRSor SKI.I.KRf of tbise SPl RlOC.s.- Lyes, lire hereby NOT ll'IFD Hint the Company h ive employed as their Attorneys. (il.OlliiF. HARHINtl. K.-ip. of Philadn., nnd WILLIAM r.AKl.WLLL. 1.. of Pitts-mri;. And thai all Manufacturers. I si rs. or Sellei-sof Lve. in violatiiin of the rights of Ihe Compatiy. will be- rii'lSl.t l '1 1 1 1 at once. The SA POM-11 It. or COXCFNTRATFi) LYF. is lor sulc by ull DrucKbits. Grocers nnd Country Sleires. 'I'alio oli c. TbeVnited States Circuit Court. Western Kistri of Peni:svlaiiin. No. 1 of Mav Term, in lsiij. in suit of II e ' PeiiiisvU nnin Sell Maiiul'io'tiiriii? Company vs. 1 homns ii. t hac. decreed lo II c Company, en ovembir la. I si;, (be r.xdmivc rtebt irrnnled i-v a patent owned bv them lor the SAPi INF1KR. 1 lent dated OetobiT 21, Is.'ili. Perpetual injunction uwiudcd. THK PENNSYLVANIA S A LT M A N U HA :T 1 II 1 N 0 O F F 1 C K S : 127 Walnut Street, Fhiludclrhia. CO. Till Street, and liiHjuesiie Wny, rittsburg. I, IStiJ. uia May I .m:w .u:is:v i..i.es e'm: ALSO, GARDEN OR l UUT EARMi-. Suital'lc for li rapes. Peaches. Pours. RnspWries. Straw berries, lllaekberries. ciirraiits. Ac, ef 1. -'i. ft. Id or 20 acres each, at the follew ina prices for the present, vit.: ill acres for 2i'H. lit acres for 1 111. i acres lor tiill. 2! acres for 10, i acre for f 2W. Pavabic by one dollar n week. Al-o K.iinl Cranbejrv hinds, and villso lots in CIlKTWiM.D, 2.'i by ll'iu feci, at eadi. payable by one .foliar n week. 'Ibu above land and larl.is. are situated nl Cl.ciwood, Washinj-'iou Towuship. Hii'linfiUin Couniy. New Jersey. For further in I'oiu.aiioii. npplv, with a P. 0. stump, for uciicular, lo r.. FRANKLIN CLARK. No. (ic Cedar Street, New York, N. Y January 24, lsoJ. ly Va'M. ENOCHE. V) MARKET STREET. HARRISIHT.O, PA., Denier in PIANOS. L"T I'W Rosewood Pianos, from Ihe best makers 1 Irom ejoo upwards. Ml LoDL'iNS Tiie ii cuts from $10 to 10(1 best manufactured Iastru- Cluitars. iolins. Aceordeons. Flutes, Fib s. Drums, Hai.jiH. Tamliouriiics, N'ioliu Hud tiuiiarstriiia aud iuusi.al xner ehuudiie iu iccuerul. S1IFKT MISIC. The latest piiblicnlioi.s always on bsnd. Muiie sent bv mail lo anv part of ibe couutrv. OVAL, StiL'ARE, tilLT AND ROSEWOOD FRAME8.I Suitable fur liMiki.ig gliiMie-s, aud all kinds of pictures alwuya u hand. A fine nssort.vent of best plated LOOKINtl ti LASSES I'loin smallest to hirsct sizes Auy s:vle of flume uiudu to order nt tin- sboricst nuiiee. ' W M . kNjiClli:. Ai'ril 11, O'l Muikct lliu-rifburg. TRUSSES3, SHCILDER BRACE?. ELASTIC STOCKINilS FOR ENLARUED VEINS OF THE LLC, AC; IuaUuments for nil deformities. DR. li'.oVERS !i-w l.i-vvr 'I'ruas hn tnkei. Ihe place ef other Tr. ts.es for Ihe retention andeurceif Hi-inn. or l.upturc. Aetiu ujhiu n.e principle of a Icecr. il i.e-r lo is it. sin ie(ih. It ia coaleii lo pre-veul rust. It bus no pad ol. the back, which is mi liable lo injure the spu;e and annoy aud ehate ibe wearer, ft i. ure to reitiiu the Rupture, a;i iii.( rase aud comfort, and eHeiiiing ladical cures. Il is wairented lo uive aaiistnviiu... Hie i.eptoeed Sioubler-u-..ie-e exstida Ihe el. eat and prcVil.U ite Wvtuer flow beculu.Lg roubd rboi.ldi ted Lj.lie, lli-ll. and AUIomiunl Suprlera, H an 1 -aea. end flelt. ef all kiuda, abd ibsif uluekla K,r all Deb-ru iiu-a of the leslv. I'K il'.ii I ll'S Oli.ee U No. 4 Abtt Biiaat, lau disu. Iioui ll.oadway. New olk. Si.augi-rail.uul 1 purtieuUily aula the leu-a and ' April II, IM1 ,UT HEADY. KF.W lli;8 CF JIWELRY. N 0.rlunily o to be lo.l ainbl ol. Rare ikauee lo A,nU I. alio. a. ellaa lieliU.aU u I u Aiinii Apply eaily and ae.ui lie afc-euey lor iubi lueblii) I OU,flM ii-or 1 .v. w.xr r.iv.v. lockets, j Kixus.tiot.i ti: s am' vt ., llKM i:i.hlS. Ml ' UCTrnM. A i 'A t i.w h lsoL Jt:-- Tubaa..l f. lli aud a. si lu be paid $ t uBi.l ,,.u laua at.l toa aie lo eai aubd eei.ia H I wnaan l-ilm4 ) tnl sioaUi. '! lull laiibulai.u. Avbu leilv,! iiai ii m ail Add.-, H i Hill U.I1U4 ).a akal u b kaie IfajtA , l"nH t CLOTHES Will NCI. P. Wold by Canrnatscris Throa&'tfl a t Ihe lintt. The beat hdiorenvitig aisohiiin In Ihe world. No esnliou or tkill nquired in iit use. W rings everything dry, aud ten times as cjul-k ss O.i n bo dose by the iiami. A ol.il 1 of eight years B.a opernlo tt. Nusetvant onn break it. I, anvoaiia ooet lu o.otbing lo a family every six moults. Will wenr for renrsj without ropnlr. Wairuulcd to j Icasa ur money refunded. PRICES. No. 1. Large Family Wringer, $10 0(1 j Wpb Cogs No. a Medium ' ' 7.00 arrsi, led No. 2J-.Mediuta " " C.bO 5,00 ) V,' V iltnit V- Not urn. tiled. No. ;t -Smill. " No S Large Hotel " No Is Mod. Laund'y lf.lilll !lo rui by tin. II 1 lb.UII I With Cogs,. Wnrli.nied. No 22 Lnrgo " ( Hi-mu ) .1ib00 No 2 is I he size genernlly usi d in private f.imilies. 1I1E ONLY WIUNOHI Willi IliE PAll.NT ('0(1-WUI LL IdOl LA'ioli. No Wringer can be I'liral lo W ilhoiil Cog-Wheels. ('. rat VJ i.stf cl in i-i-y Ton l. . Perst.t.s residing where no canvasser i sppolnted, by reu.itling the price lo us, shall reccivo tiie V lin ger by express, prepaid. Ftr teims iuot eiieulur, nddresa R. C. RR0WNINO. 21j Rrodwne, ,cw Yoik. June 1.1, lfu.T 4tn J ACOB O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, Varkel ssrri-a-l. iK-nrly oiujomIic tUc Kiiil kSlontl Im ivoi, . SUNBURY, t -A. . , TNFORMSlho cititens of Sunbnry nfid vicinity. I mat uc nas put i-eiurncii troiu 1'Uilaaelplila Willi a full ntisurtn.ei.1 of r.M.i. An tvi.Ti-se ;ts. 01' EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His stuck consists of Cloths. Fre-neh l.'lolbs. lllni k Doe Skin and Fancy Cns.-iniercs. Hlai-K Sultli. Figured Silks. Plain und Fancy Cassiinerc VESTINtiS. which ho will make up to onl -r iu s'ylcs 10 soil tliH in.-ie of cusiotueis, on short uolice, and ihe jiuk-i rca.soi.t.ble terms. Any Hoods not on hand, will be foini'hed from Philadelphia. I,y ivili two days' 1 oliec. Hoods i'liriiisheil by customers will he made up lo order 101 herctoiore. Ashe will e-mpiiiy none 1ml f-xpcrb-uccl v.-oiknien, j p-rroiii may ruijr on ciiiu lln ir noiU well done at ins snoii. Tliiit.kfiii for tl.e niil-onsifn heri-telor- bcslewed. hu respectfully soliei s a 1 ontieuut.ccot the auu.c. runbury, Uclo'.cr 4, 1302. x li w s ! x r : w s ! x e w s ! x 1: w r ! HOOTS AM) SHOES, RK now nmniifm-ltirr-l looMr h$ the t-nhwrU.rr nt CliKAVhK RA'I'KS Ihntt t nry oIIpt ittil lislumitt iu iSuiihitrv. Tlio vtnr t:tx W not t'tkiMi iiito ci.iifii.t r it itn. iiihI nil work will beiloiiPht -A- i-rio'-a. Jlaviii tut mciud un tutirc ntw block vl' luilhtr iMt'KlsViattt:!? IIooIm is ltd &Uovi iAnXtO ilO 1111(1 Hilil41r, i 'h3l!rti,i Mmh"., ., A .. wliicli will lie nnnle to or-ler ;it -hurt i u:i..-o. in bt'-i WKihnuinliKi' ii1iijijt mA ui' !-t ;t n.ni ri-ilf. Ki'ciin iluinklul t r the KitrDi!iio i-xu-ikIuJ Lire tnfeire lie tt'OtilitillUl' lh iill.v. AH wlu tii'siri woi k ilcnc ''ht ni iiihI dnrnMe. i;ro imitttl chM nl hi fhup m-.-trly o'j vi;c the Court Huusu in Market Siuurc, tuijburv. l'.i. JOHN WJLVr.U. Kcbruary 23, 1303. 6m A NKW A1MUVAL t)V BOOTS AND SHOES, vjm. h. nrrji.Bii s. ME hns just returned homo front Pl-ilii'li-lphia, with anew Mock ot Ri ml S nnd SHOES, sclc-t-ed with great care lo suit ail persona liny your Hoots autt t-hors irtWr? yitt ci irrt th le..t ijttaHru, nnd v:l,crr th bt fisn tmt lit ts ..'yt tit tiititc ft lie has fi.ir 1J- ott- lioni 7S T W. lie 1. is. Hoy's Cult Uoais from 1 jn lutSI f'O. He has l.aili'.-s' liaite's fioni lii'-:,-. to '-, ;,'i. lie Im. .Mi.--is and Children iii-ltets o i.!! .styles and I'u.-hioiis. and piic-.-s. In th-.ri en i v.lii.v; iu l.i.i line of llu.-iiiess. Hi- also bason Iriud n full n.-"tMiept of M- rr. 9r? nnd C.ilf Skii.sol lie- !-! iniliiy. v lli- h be will make up to order at the .shoi-lest notice, having sup plied hiuisclt ith the most b--l!ioimbio l,:.-ts. ckkat savi.m; to noors a. snor.-s. EI.s 'ALL'S Pat.i.t .Meiillic S.'ea ami Heels, one pntr.'t wliicli will wea. es ion;; ns lie puir ol Leaiher Soles, kept ou hand. .Mending done as u.-llitl. Cull and examine lor yourselves find learn rr.y pi ices bclorc purehasinireisertliirc. MM. 11. .MILLER. Sunbury. May M, la-S.1. lyeh tu:t. ivjj. PHILADELPIUA PA r Ell HANilINeiS. iiott a l.i. .v tan ernt:. Cor. Fourth A Market Sliccis. Philadelphia, have now iu slock, n Hue variety of Mull l:ii-rsi, got up expressly for llu ir Spring Trade. V.'INLovv PAl i.il OF LVERY el 11 ALE, to Vfhii-h thee invite Ihe attention of Storekeepers. i jf 111 ibeif Retail Lepallmcnl. will be found iho vitoic. st trli , Lf tbe season. l'hila-Jelj hia, Feb. II, 1m33. Siu w THE C0.".'FESSIOK3 AND EXPEHI KliCKOi1 AN IS VALID. Publitl.e-d f r the heiiv&t. nnd ns n w-nri.in nnd A CAl-'lION TO Y01 Nil Ml- N who suffer from Xenons Lcbiliiy. Premature pecny of Manhood, etc , mppl.vii.j; nl tin- seine time. Till-. MEANS Of SELF t I RE. Rye-no who ha cured himself alter 1 e ir.fr put lo rent expet.se uud injury through medical heuibuj uud quackery. Hy endo-ini n fost-paid addressed envelope, sin i:lo Os'piei uiuv lie hud of ihe aiiihor. NATHAN ILL .MAY FAIR. Esq., Hell 'id. Kings eouuty, N Y. May It, IS-12 -lye soi. jmi.nu, Vlloi-m-y ill I.11 , r'u.-.buiy . Xuill.uu.ba bin. I eouiily, Pei.ii.ylvai.ia. (Forn.e.Iv I-'reehuri", Sue ler connly. I OFFICE. Market sllel-i. "lie bs.r - of Wiling ei rani's Store, aud nearly opposite tbe Court House. All piotesMubul niisiiiccs, butiiuuid, Ac , win re ceive ploll.pt IlllcUlioU. April i, luij. .ut i.t: S lVVIIT I'tVaV'. iti: n:i:t:i:u : A Itr.provod fur IsjH and Im'iO, Hy E. KLK1IAM A CO., 2sij pearl St., .New York. M'MIE only Freeicr constructed on sciei.iil'oi prii .1 ciple-. with a rcvoivii.e; can ul.1 sprit.; bln.'o s.-raper. The one l.a-teus tbe trei-rinot the erenn.- -ihe oilier renioei s it us fast frozen. The- u.osi mild iu fre,-in, wilh Ibe lean iiuuLliiy ol t-e. 1 be most tci.m mi -al in cost, aj il is the in. al -imp'.e nn 1 durable in sttnc lire. I- -r sulc iu nil tbe puueipul cilies and toer.i iu the I n on. Laeh Freeter neeouipania I wiik a bovk of recipea and lull dirtelioi's. r RICES. f t 00 4 lnj .V I 0 nil 8 till 3 o,uaru, 4 H ii iris, f iiuar-.s, K iiuaria. It u-ris, il) ou .r:, Al.lV lo II U uu Ml II MA-s.Sl.'R, Sunbury, Pa March ti. soJ i u a-r im aiillm-rie !' ImiIIi ! KK I I: I N H liEN'l I.EM CN hi .uk rr .'..Ml i,i liealtl. in a tea du. alu r bud irohi l all tbe l u a I ro.ilioe abd iin-.-uiar M.il' ef llenluonl. will..". I au.-,-s. eo. i .1 l i .acred , u.ny lo cut .uu .. lei. to lo hi. all... led l llo o. catena 1 ibe Ul l.r I l UK. ll. OCi, OU the l l 'pi ol U ' a I-IiimiI elileb pe. bv will a.ud il.el a eo ol lb l laieii liuu ua.d. I ii l I" .. .. I k Ji.HN M L A'lN M L. ld 1 ulioa Sir-vl Hi o. elyb, N a Jauuai ?l I HIM HI HI I I II V Pill". Attorney nt I.tw. Hutitury. i'a Jii;.C RiilblMLI.Ml abd Snl'iM-'N , II li'iU M, l.apoe.l -Uy bouave ibul lby I.... .il'i'l l"'o eo-Hi- l'l-i o i n - J Uo . uiiliMua, aud will i-,..,i.bii.' I" a out lo all I.......'- I .c. U.I. I I I hi II al.ale. iu ll"sibU.a .M.kuloUajll.d. I b'u ruol I abd ..4.lo.l, ia.il l.nkiblly aei ..Liu '? M-i.lune. ... ..II U ...- lo III. t.il Ul 1I"N" '' I I. AIM' tViwuliaiioM .'b be bad u lb ULM WN Uba,. l'J.t.- ai,l a'laal nmw keaM irtl . . ( ru u in I, int'i . ' " i . 1 ' I mwwwmw w i w- aS : .