lHCT3rgja!BC3X3ae"j.uu uu H'TENTION DEALERS NNOCNCES to all who trade in Sunbury, that . ho has just purchased a i.ac:i: n io u of wen sioioi N E W GOO D S, Which lip (.(Tors nt hi old t.md. near Covert's Bote we.l cud ol 'Market e'rjiiui-e. tory CHEAP FOR CASH Pr if that will not do.jujt as cheap for oi x e: v i i: o i v v u.. His stock oonoit pf n Inre assortment of HATS. EO"TS. CAI"S. Cllitl I'M ATS. SALT. PANTS. SO .VI. vest.. pisreiiKS. iMHMWAni:. ji eexsware. nnd oilier nrticU altogether too numerous to men. licti . CALL AND BEE. Eunhury, Jnnuiiry .'1, ISM. Cf'ili;l lS:illrMl. SUMMEU AltHAE'GEMENT. IRK AT TlilNK I.INH from I It u North Hurt VT North-West for Philadelphia. Now York, Road li;T. l'ottsvillo, Lebanon. Allentown. Huston. Ac. Titling leave Ilatrbbnrg for Philadelphia, New Yotk. Reading, Puttse'ille. and nil Intermediate Stations, nl ,S A. 51., hii1 2 I'll l. .M. Now York Express leaves llarri.-hurg nt 2 15 A. M., arriving at Now York nt 0 15 tlie same morning. Faros fioui H.inisl'Urg : To Now Yolk 15 ; to Philadelphia 43 35 an 1 i'i SO. l!aL';:n:;o chocked through. U'jiurning. leave NV.v Yolk nt C A. M., 12 Xoon. nml i 1' M. (Pittshurcli Emu'cssi. Lent a Philadul plji.i nt 8 15 A M. and .'1 Ml 1' M. Sleeping efrf in ihu Now York Express Trains, through to and from PitHmriJi wiihoi'l change. raetfrii!ifTi l v tlio Cutttin i.-sa Hail Road lotio Ta mo. (im nt's Ml 'A. M., ninl 2 15 1'. .V.. for Philadel phia i. Iff 1 111 II. tlll'l I'll II hv roiios. Tniiii leave Pottsi illc at U 15 A. M., nnd 2.30 P. M.. lor Philadelphia, llarrisburg ami Now ork. An nccommodalion Passenger train loaves Reading a( l' I m A. M., nial returns, funu 1'hiludclnhia ut 5 Oil I'. M. i-.. All the above trains run daily, Sundays, ex- c J.loJ. A Son, lav train loaves Toltsvillo at 7. .10 A.M., dial Philadelphia nl 3.15 1'. M. Couitiiutui.in. Mileage, Season, anil Excursion Tickets, nt reduced rates, to anil from nil points. 01. A. XH'OLLS, Muy 2, l!?i'3. Cciicrul Superintendent. iHSA EWEET V fit., " HAM' PACT I'll I.IIS Of t-ri'Kn-CAim. of soda. te., And Sole Agents in the City of New York for C11BAM OP TAI1TAB SUBSTITUTE, Invented by IV f. Eben X. Horsl'ord, of Harvard t'nivcrsily. Office, 11 Old Siip, JInuuver Square, up stairs) NEW YOIilC. rPHIC liich prii;(Mliicli Crouin of Tartar commanded 1 in:-51, loi tiicr willi tho nlariiiinj rxtunt to ttliich itrf daiij-o-rou.-i adullcraiion liad tn'on carriod. villi oih'.'r con-jidtTiitions. iudnr;d the di.-tiiiu'oiu'd t'iicini?!. v.lioo namo in ivon nl,oi-o. to coninion'.-t' vliat ja'ovod (o bo a lon and lalmriou? soieniilio ro-fiari-di. lo ili.-oover a do-iiral.do snltiluto thcrctor. J 1 is ttlort. w i'rt' ortovliud wilil a.'lilotant suocesy. and iiuialrod-: of llaai-anil-t of Hundt of llto Sultitnto lu' vo b'M-n o!d an 1 iiM'd during I iio la.-t fivo yoar.-i, tlir-.uclwut tlio I l.itod .Stales and Ibo t'amula.'1. llio lolloivini; trno coio.'irison of it.-i r.aturo nnd tin- re-oili? of It.-, u.-o, witli ihoio of (.Voani of Tartar, ta j ! T conviln.-o tlio nio-?t iiK-redulon-i of il. valuo. Cream of Tartar i.-1 n bi-tarlralo of Tota-di. 'l'l,i.i Sol'litiilo i.iainiplo l'ijo-i'liato. and contains nothing l.nt wiiat is found in l.eef-leak. and in corn, whent ai.d otlior cereals, and ia ilieri.-foro liighly nutritions. It. alstt lias a lieallh-jjivinj influeneo, and Mijii'lics I hut lor which thoro is u constant de mand in the cystem. i ij-' It is sold for a much less price than Croam of Tartar. Mareli 21. lstVI.lv J5UNDS AM) SHADES. I! J AVIT.l.IAMS, Xo. Hi Xorth Sixth Street, udeljjhia. Manufacturor of t ciK'l i:ni lC!iiilM nnd YViiiEoiv IiattOH. I he lr.rtwt and tinivt iif'sortinont in tho city, tit tho lowist piieos. Itlinds l'nintt d and 'li iinuioU eiual to iieiv. Store S:!iado. iniule and lottured. April 1, ISi.'). -2m li'-;lttlt lill K2m, T)i:i:i TLT AX!) HKl l'liXISIlKl), Cr. Howard jt llI!l l ranklin Stroct, a W Squares W est of tho oi ii:ein Central Kuilroad Di-fol, liALTTMOKK. i.Jj-"" 'J'LUJIS. t?l I'KIl O.VY. it. LKlSKXKIXa, Proprietor. July lti. ISM. tf 'i' .l'VOIlM !-liCvrl'N oa'llOtll i. K l!l i:r,i:NI) (IKXI I.K.Max having been rc S V. stored to health in a few days, after undersoini; nil tlie usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment, without Mieee--s. considers it his sacred duty to coinuiunieatu to his ultiieted lellow creatures the mi: a.n .4 of i t lit:. Hence, on liio roeeipl of nn addressed envelope, lie will send '.free) a copy of the preserplioii used, liireet to Hit. .HiIlX M. DAtiNAl.Ii, 1st! 1- tiUju rilroet. Htui klyii, X. Y January 21, lstio. l.UCKlllI USiUSI V Iflouiusbiit'K' Hull rosiil. o V and after Xovembor 17, 1SC2, l'usiengor T'rain-i will run as follows : MOVXXU SOL'TH -Vti'i iff Pnssciicrr I.tnvo Sernnton, f un A. M. 10.15 A. M Kingitoii, (t .20 11.10 i'. M. ' ltupert, 11. W Danvillo, 1 2.(ij Arrive at Northumberland, 12.15 P. M JluVIXli XliKTH. 1-eavo Xorthuuiberluiid, 5.20 P. M Danville, li.liu " Unpen, 6.:i5 Kind lon, 8 15 Leave, 1.45 P.M. Arrive at Seri ni, m. lO.utl P. M. ;t.4il A t'lo-iit'er Train also leaves Kintrston at B.Otl A. .M . f ir Si'rat.toti. to eonneet wiili' a train tor -New Y ak. Iteturoin-j, leaves S r.Miton on urrival of train fi-oui New Y.uk, at 4.15 1'. ,M. 'I lie J -: , U iwanna 1'hiomslaii"; Itailroad conneetK witli tin lielanaic. l., knw anna and Wo.-tcrn Kail road ei Seraiiloti. lor Xcw Voik and intermediate points east. At liuiieit it connects with tho Cuttnni-wa ltail rn.ol. ..r points both east and westarrivin'' ut Phil lob I, iiia nl It. 15 I', M. At -'..i iliuiiil i-ilni 1 it eotmeets with tho Philadel phia A l.rio liailroal and Northern Central hail road. lor p.,inis west and south I'ass. ui;. rs arriving at llarri.-l.urg4.Wl Ifc Jl.; J'hiladelphia lu J'. .M : and Haltiiiioie in. 2D 1'. .M. ' The Fr. i..-ht and I'a.-senem Train north. lenr Noithiiiubeihindat ti.i.'. A 51.. and arrives at U.2II P it., pasmig Danville at s.'jn p. jj . n ... , JOIIX P. II.SI.KY, Sup't. .1. 0. M km., Ocucral Ticket A;;eut. Xov. 2ii. P-02 jj-tKa u w imidyi i iii: jsi. I'B'i: J'hi:j:zs:3:! As Iniprovo l for 15'J ni.d 1SC0, liy K. K l.TCHA.M 4 CO., 2VJ Pearl St., Xew York. rPHK only 1'ri'izor eon-lrueled on seicnlifie prin I eiples. will, a revolviiiK enn and sprint; blade f.-iaper. '1 lie one ha.-lens the fi evinof tho cream- -the other renun es it jui fast as frozen. The most rapid in freeing, with tho least quantity ,f iec. 'I lie iiMl ccoiiomirtd in ciwt, aj it u tlie most fimp'.c, and duialde in siroeture. l'or rale in all the principal cities nnd towus in tho I'lliell. I'a. h Freezer accompanied with a book of roeipm 1U1I UlilMl'JUR. 'jiiart.i, 4 ijiiarls, (t fjuarls, K ouarl, f .1 00 4 la) 5 nil ft fit) H nn 1 1 iiiarls, 20 ouarLs, 12 ful Apply lo 11 11. MA?PKR, fuubury, Pa. March 2.1, lhC-2. ic4 9ii:i i:i.i.i:ft .v ixi i:it, Attorneys at Law, Sunbury, Pa 4 JOKDAV )10CM:iT:i.l.l:it and iSMI,().MM.V . 11. BMYKlt. resitectfullv aiinouaoo that Ihov buvuenteied into coparlriersiiip in ihu prnoiiee iif iiieir pr uesMou, nrui win continue lo atlcim to all business cirniMod to Iheir charge, in the counties id' Xorthiiuiberlaud, I uion, huyder and Montour, pmmpllv. faithlully mid carelullv. Spei ial niton lion wiil bo igivvu to tho COl.l.KCTliiN.S OK CLAIMS. Constitutions tua bo hud in tho UIlH M A N laii.trttae. i lib Mm ket lrect, oppwito Weaver' Hotel. t-unbury, February 4, I vill. BOOAEDUS' ::llt lti';iilMiiy, ! ork, 'A!!TKS l'f VJ.sj'J'li," rhol..grj.lu. Daguer if i pi . 1c . I .Liu iu tiit bett nW of the Art J.L0S1T . 1" ' THE ALL SUFFIUKM' TUliElH. THE OREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES. Knotcn nt "Ilelmlold'" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VII?. HiaMEOLD 8 EXTRACT 'BUCHU," gAHAI-AIlIM-A IMrB0VUDR0.SE WASH. IIELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS "imniLY coxckxti:ati:i)" compoi:xd FLUID KXTIIACT HUCIIU, A Positivo and Sprciflo Ucniedy For DiseaseB of tho HI.ADDEK, KIDXrYrf. tiUAVEI., AXI) DUOI'SI CA1. SWKIXIXUf?. This Medicine inTcn.oo tho power of Iiiirrstion. and exeites the Absorbents into heallhy action, by whieh tiie Watery or ('ulcerous depositions, and all I'nnatural J jil:irc;emcnls are redneed. as w ell a jiain and inllauiu.atiou, and is good for men, women, or Children. ti ec i .11 imm .trn i: tk xi T roll WKAKXKfSLS Arising from rxcessei. Iltibifsof Dissipation, Karly lndiseretioti. or Abuse. Attended with tho followim; symtoms : Indisposition to Lxeition, Loss of pow er. Loss of Memory. Ditlieuity ol llretithing 'oiik Nerves. Trend, lini; Horror id' Disease, M nkefulness, Dimness of vision, Pain in the back. Univor-al Lassitude of tho 1'lushiio. of the llody Mui'cular System, Krupti.uis f,n the Kaco, Hoi Hands, Pallid Countenance, Drvness of Ihe Skin. 'ihese symtoms. if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes, eoon follow IMPOTEXCY, FATUITY, EPILKPTIC riT., In olio of whieh the patient may expire. Who can suv that they (ire not fieipucutly followed by those 'direful disease:." IXSAXPCY AD C0XSVMPTI0X, Many nre awaro (d'tbe cnu.-'eof their pufi'erin. but none, w ill confess. Tho records of the insane Asy lums and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. Tho Constitution, once A flout til with Organic Weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in vigorate the system, which -llolinl.olil'a Extract Lucbu" invariably does. A triul will convince tho most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES, FEMALES, Old or yoiiii, uiiiele, married, or contemplating marriage. lu many affections peculiar to Vema!o the Extract Iluehu is unequalled by any other remedy, as iu Chlorosis or lletentii-n. Irregularity, Painfulness. or Suppression of the Cu.-tomary Evacuations, L'leerated or Sehirrous stalo of the Uterus, l.eueorihea. or Whites Sterility, and for ail complaints ineidi nt to the sex. w hetlier arising lioin Indiocretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in tho DECLINE Oil CHAXGE OF LIFE. Sec syni dolus above. X0 FAMILY SHOULD HE WITHOUT IT. Take no l!al?nni, Mercurr. or Unpleasant Medieiuo for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. iii:i.n&ii.i'N HvrBncr Ell 4. EI Cures BKCUKT DISEASES In all their utajres ; nt litllo expense ; little or no change iu diet ; no inconvenience, AXD XO EXP0SUI1E. It causes frequent desire, nnd Rives strent'lh to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing Strictures of tlie Urethra, allaying pain and iutianimution. so irenueut in this class,,!' iiisi'a-es nnd expelling 1'oisouousj Diseused, uud AVuru-out Matter. Thousands upon Thousnrds WHO HAVE L'EEX THE VICTIMS OF jS .44 SiS, And who havo p.'iid Heavy Fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the Poison" has. by tlie use of "Powerful Astrin gents,'' been dried up in the system, to break out iu au aggravated form, and Perhaps alter Marrlajjo. USE isr.i.vii;i.ar hxybiact 123 4 J!f For all Affections and Diseases of THE UHINAltY OLHAXS, Whether exi.-tinir in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, aud no matter OF HOW LONG STAXDIX0. Diseases of these Organs require tho aid of Diciiuric. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU Is the (Heat Diuretic, An it is certain to havo tho desired effect in alt Diseases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD 1 BLOOD! BLOOD! Ilelmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Surtcparilla Syphilis. This is an hfluolmn of the Blood, nnd attack Ibo Sexual Organs. Lining nf the X.ise. Ears. T bloat, Windpipe, and other J Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in Ihe form of I 'lew. Heliubold's Ex tract Snrsaparillu purifies the lllr.od. and rcinnvesnH Scaly Erupt inns of tho Skin, giving to tlie Complex ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It beiir; prepared expressly for Ibis class of complaints, its blnud-Puri-fy in g Proprietors are preserved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sursapanlla. Bi'llllllIlM ItOM' IVukIi, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Na ture, and as an injection in Diseases of tlio Urinary Organs, nri.-inu from habits of dissipatien, used iu connection with the Extracts Iluehu and t-arsaparilla iu such di. ease.sas recommended. Ev idenceot the most resiKU'.sil-lu aud reliable char acter will accompany the medicines. CERTIFICATES OF CLUES, From tight to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fauie. l'or .Medical Properties of Iluehu, sec Di-pcnsntory Ihe United States. Seo Piufissur Dcwees' valuable woiks on the Practice of Physio. Seo remarks ma le by tho lati) celebrated Dr. Pbysii k, Philadelphia. Sicreniail.s made by Dr. Eplirnini McDowell, a celebrated l'hvsiciim. and Member of the Koval College of hurueons. Ireland, nnd published in the Transactions nt ibo King and (Jueen's Journal. See Mcdieo-Cirurglcal lteview, published by Henjiiioin Travels, Fellow of tho Kinul College of Surgeons. five luoit of tho lalo t-tandaril Worki on Modi cine. Emuact Ili riir, f I (in per buttle, or six, f 5 Oil Saukapaimi.la 1 oo " iiio iMi noNEiiliohr: Wash. 50 " " 2 50 Or hall ador.cn of each fur f!2 00. which will bo salSeii nt to euro the most ubstiuato cases, if direction are adhered lo. Delivered to any address, scourely paukod roin oliservarion. I ! I'esoribo svniplcms in all eouiniunicaiiouii. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. AFFIDAVIT. Pcrsonnlly nppenrod boforo mean Aldorinanof tho city ol 1'hiludelphia, II. T. Heluibold, who, being duly Morn, doih say, his preparalions eonlaiu no narcotic no niereuiy, or othor injurious drugs, but me puiuiy teeiuuio. II. T. I1ELMUOLD f-'worn and desoribod before mo, this 22d day of November, IH..4. M. P. 11 1 liliAKD, AlUeimau, Mutli -street, aboie Hace, Phila. Address letters for information in oonfi leneo. II. T. HEEMUOLD, Chemist. Deik.t 104 fcsouth Tvuthttrcet, beluw Chestdut Phila. UEWALU OF COUNTEIU'ElTi And Unprincipled Dealcri Who endeavor to disiKmo "of their own" and "ether' articles on the reputation attained by llclinbold' tleuuiue 1'reparations, " ' Extiael Duehu, " " " Sursajifirilla, " " Improved ltose M ash. Pold by all Druggi.ls every where. ASK KOlt HELMlKJl.D TAKE XO0THEH. Cutout the a Ivoitisi meitt, and ttai for it, Aud Avoid lidjiociticn nnd EApusuro Teiwunry i, IMl.t ly & itr mi. swains INFALLIBLE LINIMENT; TITE GREAT REMEDY For .ViCwir'ifW, ('ant, Xrurnlijin, I.uvihtvjo, Mljf Xtrk ttiul Juiitt.i, STitiin, Uruttcii, Cvtx tit'l W'tiiitt'h, J'ilif, Jliodmiii, and all llhevmntfc nnd Xertou$ Uiticrdirs. For all of which it is n ppeedy and certain remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Swoet. of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and has been Used in his practice lor more than twenty years with the most astouisbing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, it Is unrivaled by any preparation before tho pul'lie, of which the niont skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. Ibis Liniment will euro rapidly nnd radically, llhcuiutilic Disorder of every kind, and iu Ibou- Hfinds of cases where it has been used it has never I been known lo fuii. For Neuralgia, it will afford immediate relief, in every ease, however distre--ing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headacho in three minutes, and is v.arraiue.l to do it. Toothache also will it cute instantly. For N ervous Debility atid Oeneral La.-vitude, ari sii. gfri. in imprsidenee or excess, ibis Liniment is a niosj happy uud unfailing remedy. Acting direcsly upon tlie iu rvocs tissues, it strengthens and revivilies the system, and restores it to olat icily and vigor. For Piles, us an external remedy, we claim iliat it is the best known, nod we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not full to atl'ord iiutnediaie relief, and iu a majority of t'.ises will effect a radical cure. t.'uiucy and Sure 'fliroat are sometimes extremuly malignant and dangerous, but a limely application of this Liniment will never fail to cure. Sprains are .-onii'linies very ob.-tinate. anl enlarge ment of tlie joints is liable to occur if neglected. Tho worst ease may be conquered by ibis Liniment in two or threu davs. llruises. Cuts. Wounds. Sores. Ulcers. Hums nnd Seulds. yield readily to ihu wcndeiful healing pro perties of Dr. Sweet's infallible Liuinienl, when used according lo directions. Also, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, and Insect Miles and Stings. DE. STEPHEN SWEET, cf Connecticut, the Ureal Natural Iluuo Setter. DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is known all over tlie United riliiicn. DH. STF.PIIEiV BWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of -Dr. Sweet's lul.illiblu Liuinwut." Dr. Sweet's Infallible: Liuiinout Cures Rheumatism, and never fails. Dr. SvooCb Infallible Liniment Is a certain remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Swcnt'a Infallible Liniment Cures Uurus uud Scalds immediately. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the bcut known remedy for Sprains and Druisoii. Dr. Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Cures HcuJacbo immediately, and was uevcr kuuwn to fail. Dr. Swoet's Infallible Liniment Affords immediate relief l'or Pilis, and Seldom fails to cu:c. Dr. Ewcet'a Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache iu one minute. Dr. Swoot's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wounds immediately aud leausno scar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is tb.c best remedy for Sojes iu the known world. Dr. Sweot'p, Infallible Liniment Has been used by more than a million people, and all raise it. Tr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Tain li internally cures Colic and Cholera Morbus. Dr. Sweet's Infalliblo Liniment Is truly a "friend in need," and every family should have it ut hand. Dr. Swoot's Infallinle Liniment I for ealc by all Druei.-ti'. Trico 2S and SO ccuta. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. Mt. SWKKTS l.NFAU.llll.i: LIXIMKNT, a an external reuiedy, is vviiliuut a rival, aud will alle iaio nain niore eedily Iban any other itcjui-rab-ou. l'or all IUieuuialic and Nervous Jb.-order.i it is truly inlailible, uud as a curative for Sires, Wound Sprains, ltrui.-es. Ac., its soethini:. healiu; and nveiiul tren'.betiin iireiorties, exeilo tiie just wonder and astonishment of till who have ever given it a trial. Over one thousand eertilicatcb of remarkable luri. laTt'oruiel by it within tho last two yeurs, aite.'t the fact. TO HORSE OWNERS ! pit. swi:i:t s ixkau.ii'.i.i: liniment run IlOltSKS in unrivaled by any, and iu all eases, of l.auieness. arising from Sprains, llruises. or Wrench ing, its elleet is magical aud certain. Harness or Saddle Hulls. Scratches. .Mane, Ac, it will also euro speedily. Spavin and l'liniionc may be ca.-ily j.rc euted and cured in their incipient htacs, but con tinued cases arc 1-e.voinl Ihu possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperalu or hopeleis but it may be alleviated by this Lini ment, and its faitlitul appiieatiou w ill always remove the Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with couijiaruli e ease. Evunv ironsE owxeh should have this remedy at hand, for its timely use at the. first appearance of Lameness will i tleetuully prevent Ihnso loruuduhlo disease-, to which all hor ses aro liable, aud hieh render u many olhcruusc valuable horses nearly Morthlo&s. DR. SWEET'S Infallible Liniment IS TIIE SOLDIER'S FRIEND, And thousands havo found it truly A FRIEND IN NEED I 4'uiillou. To avoid imposition, olworve fh Signature and I.ikeurwf of lr. Stephen Swei't on every label, and also -Stephen fciweel's Infallible Liniment ' blown in tho glars of each bottle, without which nouu are genuine. KICIIAltDSON 4 CO., Hole 1'roprieUirs, Norwich, Ct. MOJUiAN i ALLLN, tleueral Agents, 4(1 Clit! Street, New York. Fold by all dealers .vrry wbers 1 March 1, 1 -ly AYEll'S FILM Are curing the Sick to an extent never before known of anj Nedlcluo, INVALIDS, READ AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES Jt'I.ES flAUEU Ih Well known perfumer, o, ChenTintt Blrtet, fhilmlrlphia, htra ckoic produiti are ftunl at almost aver 1oile(, aays i 11 1 am happy to uny of your Catht(s Tiuj, thnl have found Uiem a lietier family mettirine, fur rutnmon une, than any other wiiliin my knowlrdpe. Many v( tny frieiidB havt realir.ed marked henefila from them, anil co lncifle with me in helievinn that they pnsiws xtrncrtlinary vlnuea for driving nut ritfieanea and curing the iirk. They are not only efTectual, but ante and pleasant to ha taken fjtinlliifd uliirh must make them vnluad ly Ui public when tliey ara known.1' The venerable Chnnrellnr WAHDI. AW writea from HaW timore, 15th April, )Hl4 : " Ha. J. ( Avia Hlr: I have taken your Pill with (treat benefit, for the lit1einen, Innpunr, I(mk of apiwttte and DilltuiN headarlie, whirli ban of late veara overtaken me In the aprtn. A few domes of your Titl cured me. 1 have lined your Cherry 1'ertornl many yeara in my family fnrrnueha and rnbla with untailinii encres. Ymi tnake medicinea which rur$ ; and I feel it a pleasure (o commend you for the good vim have done and are doing." JOHN F. BEATTV, Esq.tRec. of the I'eim. Railroad Co. aa a t Pa. R. H, OJHrf, Phihuhtyhia, Dee. 13, 1P5.1. "Sir: I tnke pi ensure iu addino; my testimony to the efflcnry of your medicine, hnvinit lerived vrry nuiteriA bp or fit from the nee of both our Pec torn I and Cathartic Pilla. t am never without them In my family, nor hIi.tII ever consent to be, w hile my mean will procure them." The widely renowned R. H. 8TEVKNS, M. I J., of Went- worth, N. If., write: " Hiivinn iiKcd your Cathartic Pii.i.i in my practice, I certify fn in e.xjwrience that tliey are an invaluable purga tive. In chh4h of diMordered furirliom id the liver, niixitii( headache, indiceKtion, C4wlivenea(t, and the preHt vnricly of diseases lh;it tolbiw, tliey are ti ourer n inedy thu tiny other. In all cams where a purjjnlivn rfitiedy i reipiireif, I confidently recommend thee Pilla to the public, a sucrior to any other 1 have ever found. They are mre In their oMnttiou, and perfectly anfe qunlilica thiih make them an invalunlde artirle for public me. 1 have for many yenra known your Cherry Prttornl an Ihe het Cough medicine in the world ; ami liiene Pill nre iu no w ine interior to that admirable preparation for the treat liient of diseases." " Jtcfon, Mf.t Jfott. 0, 1(W3. " Da. J. C. Area Dear Sir: I have been afflicted fmm my birth with vcrofula in ita worst form, and now, after twenty yenra trial, and an untold of amount of nufferinjr, have been completely cured iu a few weekti by your Pill. Willi whtit feeling" of rejoicing I write can only he Imagined when you realize what 1 have buffered, and how Ion?. 11 Never unlit now hnve I been free from this loathsome disease in acme xhnve. At limex it attacked my eye, nnd made me olnio?t blind, besides the unetidnrnhlu pain ; at others it settled in the nciilp of ntv hed, and detroud my h.iir, nnd has kept me partly balil all my day ; Homelimea It came out in my face, and kept it for month a ruw ore. ' About nine week npo I couimenced taking your Ca thartic Pillft, and now am entire!) free from Ihe complaint. Klu ovaa a r. uall mi. aki.. fa i K.,,1 m... l.u ...... uienced a healthy growth ; all of! which makes me fuel already a new person. " Hoping tit in statement may lie the means of conveying information that shall do good toothers, 1 am, with every eeutiment of gratitude, Youi, &r,, M A It I A RICKKR." 11 1 have known the above named Mfirin Ititker from tier childhood, aud her statement is Mrittlv true. AM'lt KV J. MKSKilVK, Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufactuitng Co." Caft. JOKL PRATT, or the ship Marlon, writea from Host on, Smti April, l&VI: ' Your Pills have cured me from a bilious attack v Inch are from derangement of Ihe Liver, whirh had become very serious. 1 had failed of any relief by my Physii inn, ami from every remedy I could try ; but n tew doc en of your Pills hnve cnmplriely restored' me (o hralrh. I have given them to my children for wurius, with the bet ef tbCts. They Were promptly cured. I recommended them to a friend for uMiveuess, which had troubled him lor months ; tie told me iu a few d.tys tliey bad cunnl him. Vou make the best Uieduiue in the wuild ; aud 1 am free to say so." Rend this from the diMliiiguibed nlii iior of the Puoreme Court, whose biilliani abilities have matte him well knurtu, not only iu tliis but the iieitihUring Elates. 41 AVm Orleans, Sth jitritt IWI. 41 Sir: I have great satisfaction in aMiint ou thai myself and family have been very much benefited bv your medicines. Aly wile whs cured, two years since, of a se vere and dangerous couuh, by your Chl-hhy Pectoral, and since thru lias enjoyed p'urtrct healili. My children have several limes been cured from atlarks td the InHii etia and Croup by il. It is an invaluable remedy for these complaints. Vour Cathartic Piu.s have entirely cured me from a dyspepsia and coivt-ue, which ha prow n u mii me fr some -ars, indeed, this cure is in iif h more important, from 'ihe fact that 1 had failed m get relief from the bust Physicians which Ibis section of the country aflord, and from any of the numerous reme dies I had taken. 4t Vou seem to us. Doctor, like a providential blessing to our family, and you may well supHe we are not un miudml uf it. Yours respfcirullv, LiuAVITT THAXTER." "SfHflfe Chamber, Ohio, April JleA, 1 &Tj 1. 41 1a. j. C. Avi;a- Honored tfir: I have made a thor ough triul of the I'atmahtic Pii.i.i, left me by your apMit, and have been cured by them of the dieadlul Hheiiumtism under which he found me suH'tring. The tirnt doe re lieved me, and a tew subseipieiit dows have entirely removed the disease. I fuel iu better health now limn lor some yeurs hetore, u bich 1 attribute entirely to Ihe Mice is ot your Cathartic Pills. Yours with threat re-pri, LUCIUS 11. Me-TUALK." The alove are all from persons n ho ure publicly known where tliey reside, aud ivlm would not make tlutr-e state menu without a thorough conviction ih;ii liny were true Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by Friling A Urai.t, and K. A. 1'ishcr, iu Sunbury, Dr. It. li. McCoy, Northumberland. J. 1''. fa-ilow, and C tlrown, Milton. J. Chri.iuan, Turbutv illc. Ileri-h A C'x., Mt. C'arinel. ltertre.iscr, Klysburj;. Wioit. Mabonoy. Weaver A McVYillia'ius. 1'aJciuos, And Ilculem Kvcrywhcru .Au;4UJt2, 181)2 ly JUST OPENED! E. Y. BRIGHT & SOX, l XY1TK tin-- early iittunllou cf cash iur- clittsi'rs to tlitir choicf, vtuiuil nnd fxtfti sive nssoitnicnt of FliESII "NVlNTKli liOODS wliklt tliey nU'ci' :tt ritisumtlilo jiiicts. Our stock fiiibitti.'i.s A full line of lIiiiuLsoine Dress Goods, A nice lot of Domestic Dry Goods, A choice Bupply of lino "White Goods, A threat variety of Uoots and Shoes, A lare stock of Queens and Glassware, A very extensive lot of Hardware, Hals aud Caps unci l'cady Made. Clothing Groceries of till kinds, fresh and pure, Drugs Paints Glass nnd Oils. WE INVITE particular attention to the following line o' Goods, suitable for Holiday Presents. Heal Heavy Blanket Shawls, French Blanket and Broche Shawls, Hoosery for Ladies, Gents and Children, Ladies Glovesjn great abundance, A complete stock of Geuts Gloves, Fancy Shirting nnd Opera Flannels, Assorted colors Balmoral Skirts, Skeleton Skirts in grent Variety, Zephyr Opera Caps and Nubias, Fine Sable Furs and Mulls, Fine "White Linen Handkerchiefs, Colored border Cambric Handkerchiefs, Heal Bandanna Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents Silk Neck Ties and Cravatts, Fine needle worked Collars, Super Black Lovo Veils, Bilk Tissues of assorted Shades, Ribbons, Lnces, Edgings uud Hullhngs, Fine Black Mohair Caps, Shawl Pins and Scarf Pius, Perfumery, Pomades and Soaps, Buck Purses and fancy Port Monaies, First rutu Skutes, ready strapped, Nice lluir Brushes and Pocket Couibs, Extra good Penknives and Scissors, CUildrens Guru Gilded Combs, dec, &c., &c. Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1803. KOI.O.UO 91 1.11 1, AlloriK'V lit l.ii v, Sunbury, h'ortbuiube land county, I'eniisjhania. (Formerly i'reeburg, Snyder county.) OFFICE, Market street, ouo door east of Frilinff tirant Store, aud uoai ly uppoeitv the Court House. All professional business, oollcctious, it , will re ceii prompt at'entioo. Aful li, 11 JUST RECEIVED!! J". ENQEL llai just returned from Philadelphia with a SPLE1TDID STOCK OF Spring & Summer Goods. Cloth, Casaimere, Vesting, Italian Cloth, Linen Coating, .Linen Chuck and Cottotiado. .iirileV Wear. A largo assortment of Pressjlloods, Blaek and Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy Herages, Khalley, all Wool lelanes, Mosauibiquo floods nt low prices Silk Lovclhis, Ilelanes, Lawnn, tiiiighams and Prints. A full lino of Irish Linen and White Hoods. Stella border Jind Fancy Summer Shaw ls, Silk and Luce Mantillas, Ac. Heady Mado Clothing, A good assortment f Hats and Caps, A larn assortment of Hoots and Shoes, A full stock of Groceries, Molasses and Sugar ,J Hardware and Building Material, A full stock of Queen aud Itlasswnro, A full stock of Fish, Salt, Oils and White Lead, A large stock of New Wall Paper, A now stock of Stono and Kurthonwaro, And tliousunds of articles not enumerated. All the above will be sold cheap for Ca.-h or Country Produco. J. II. KN(li:i.. Sunbury, May 17, 1S02. BftKalil.Y K.m'OlM A.Va' a;viM. M C. OF.AKIIAUT Has Ulti'Kni:ii with A Nkw Stock ur tl oiiTim lioii;il-i-M, mill Toj u. IT seems as if a new ago, n new life wa,s opening upen us. animating every heart to Holder deeds and higher aim.-! Art, Literature and Science w ill glow anew, and seel: todevelupo suhliuter beauties and grander coiieeplinn. The business w orld, too, must feel the new influence and every part be fiuiekened and strengthened hynn iliereased vitalilv. whieh shall urge us on Willi elec tric speed lo the consummation of irreatcr thingsthun was ever dreamed of iu the Philosophy of the past. Animated by tho entliusia.-ui wbi' h pervades all classes, aud desirous ot doing his shale towards 'Tlie great events of t he Age,"' tlie subseribor would re spectfully inform 'be g"od people of Sl'.M'.l KV and the public generally, thai lie lias just returned from tlio city of riiiladelpbia w ilh tlio largest and eboiee.-t stoek of I'onl'eetionai ies, Fruit and Toys, that has ever been biought to this section of country. He is also uiauul'aeturiiig all kinds of Coiifeelioniiries, Ac, to fill up orders, wholesale or retail, at short notice. Among his stoek of L'UNl'hX'TlON AK1LS may be found . From li Secrets, (lulu Drops, all kindssceut, Ilurued Almonds, Love Urops, t.'ream While, Mint i'roijs. red and white, Lemon, Jelly Cakes, ' llose. Fruit limps, o aiiilla, Sliek Candies, of allscents, Common Secret, Itoek Candy, Lhuiurice, Almond Candy. FKl'IT. llananas, Prunes, Hates, Figs, Currants, dried, llaiseus, Nuts of ull kinds. LLMON SVUVP of a superior quality, by tlio single or dozen. A Hipeiinr natality of 'fobaeeo and Segars. and a variety id' t'liiileeiionariis. Fruit. 'i'oys. ,te.. allot which is oflered ebeap at wboleiale and retail. l'.elnemlicr tho lialne and place . fl'l M. c. i;i:aiiiiai;t, Market street, 3 doors west of K. V. Urijbl 1 Sou's store. Sunbury, April II, lStil. ly liiJU. .IrrniiKeiiieuts of Vrl l.i4'. THK CA.MDKN AND AMHOV AND PIIILAPF.L- P11IA AND THKNTON It. U. CO. S LIN1X. Frori I'itiutij'iitt t SVtii Yurl aml llVy 'Acc.?, jtitiil Walnut xtrctt Whuff find Kiniitton J)i.pot. will iiir oZoi-v, rj ; r.vnn. At C A. M., via Camden and Aluboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) ?2 At ti A. M., via Camdeu and Jersey City, N J , Aecomiuodatiou, 2 2j At S A. M.. via Camden nnd Jersey Citv, (Morning .Mail. I .3 00 At SA. M.. via Camden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket 2 25 At II A. M. via Kciwingtoii and Jersey city, F.xpross " 3 On At 12 M. via Camden and Auiboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) 2 2j At 2 P. Jl., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. F.xpnss.) 3 CO At 3 P.M.. via Kensington and Jersey Citv, Wa-b. and N. V. Lxpiess ' 3 00 At 03 1'. M.. via Keusingtou and Jersey City, (L' ening Mail.) 3 CO At Hi P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. " 3 00 At 1) (night) via Kensington aud Jersey city Soutuern Lxprcss 3 00 At 3 1'. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Accom modation. Freight aud Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 25 Second Class Tieket, 1 50 l'or Water liap, Stroud.-hurg, Serauton, Wilkes barre, Montrose, Ureal lleiid. Ac. at li A. M., fioiu Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawautiu aud Western itaiiroad. For .Maueh Chunk, Alleutown. Pethlobeui, llelvi dere. Lasiou. Laiuhcrt ille, Flemingtoii, Ac at ti A. M.. from Kensington Depot, and at 21 P. M., fiom Walnut street W harf. (The ti A. M. Lino connects w ith Trains leaving Easton for Munch Chunk, al 3-21) P. M.) For Mount llollv, at 0 A. M.. 2 and -4 P. M. For Freehold, lit li A. M. and 2 1'. M. WAV Li NFS. For llristol, Trenton, Ac, al 11 A. M. aud 21 and 5 'P.M. fruni Kensington, F'or Palmyra, lliverton, Dclaneu, lleverly, Ilur liuglon, i'loieucc, ilordeutowu, Ac, at 12, 1, 2, 4J and li P. M. ( V F'or Xew York, and Way Lines leaving Kcn ninglou Depot, take the Cars on Fifth street, above Walnut, half an hour before departure. The Cars run into lbs Depot, and on the arrival of each Train, run from the Depot. fifty Pounds of P.aggage only, allowed each passenger. Pusseugcrs ure prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their w curing apparel. All baggage over titty jiounds to be paid for extra. Tho Company limit their resHuisibiliiy for baggage to Ouo Dollar per pound, uud will not be liable for any amount beyond 100. except by special contract. WM. 11. UATZMKK, Agcut. Junuury 17, lSo.1. SIMON P. WOLVERTON, Allorury untl 'o"uelr nt Ijih, Office, Market street, 2 doors west uf Depot, STJNBUBY, FA.. 7 ILL attend prouiplley to the collection of claims V V aud all oilier professional business intrusted to bis care iu Xorlbuuiberlaud and ttJjoiuiug cuuuties. Sunbury, Muy 3, 1S02. S T 1860 X. li-ukc l'laulalion Ilittrra. They purify, strengthen, anil invigorate. They crealo a heallhy appetito. They aro an antidote to change nf water and diet They uvereouioetfectsofdisHipatiun aud latehours They strengthen tbesystciu aud enliven tho uiiml They prevent uiiasuiuliu and intermittent fevers. They purity tlio breath uud acidity ot tho stomach They euro Dyspepsia anj Constipation. Tbey euro Diurrhca, Cholera, and Chulora Mor bus. They euro Liver Complaint anil Nervous Uoad ache. They are the best Bitters in the would. They make the weak man strong, aud are exhausted nature's great restorer. They are made of puro St. Croix ltuiu, the celebrated Calisaya, Hark, roots and kerbs, aud are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, with out regard to ago or time of day. Particularly re commended to delicate persons requiring a ccntio stimulant. 6old by all lirooers. Druggists, lintels and Suloons. 1. 11. DKAliE i. CO., tui Hroadway, New-Yurk. tober 25. 1S62. liuiioi liiul to Isiveri of Gooil Ten. JtFiUiH'l A jOX invite am ulioii to their ftiK-k of I 1'tin.e Gto.u aud Pluck Tea. bunbuty, June 15 li'd iii'itn's iiTi:i., 11'irri.ihurg, Pa. TriR nmnngementof thin well-known Hotel liv Inn been rejtimed by Messrs. COVLU A lll'iBIl, tbi present proprietor?, bop; leave to inform the public that the house is now being thoroughly renovatedj refitted, And improved, With a view to tho proper and comfortable aeocunmtKlntion of thoo who may favor tho establishment with their ountom. HumIs will receive due attention and courtesy, and no expense will he spared that may conduco to maintain a hotel in a first-class style. Families and others' desiring to sojourn In Harris burg cluriiifr tlio summer months, will find pleasant boardim? and largo and w ell-ventilated rooms at our establishment, upon moderate terms. SU0TT CCVLR, March 29, 1S02. J. 0 lLULIl T lll'TtR. xvni'i: i Tlie Ailam's livpris 'ominiiy, CI IVE NOTICK that thev have eoneluded ax y rangementa with the Northern Central Itailroad Company to run traini from linltiinoru for York, llarrisburg. Dauphin. Halifax, Trovorloii, Sunburv. Norlhuiubeiliind. Lewisbnrg, Milton, Muucy, Wi'l lianispurt, and all intermediate stations, connecting at Hiirrbburg with the (iKF-AT WLSTLKN EX PltLSS lor Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis aud tho West. Also with Howard 4 Co. 's Express at Milton or Danville, I'dooiusbuiK. Wilkesbarrc. l'ittston. Koran. ton, and intermediate station on the Catfawi'ssa, Lackawanna A- Itloomsburg Railroads. At W il liamsport, by Howard A Co. 'a Impress to Jersey Riioro ami lock iiaven. Also, ijy iiownru v uo. and their connections, for Canton. Trov, lilinira Uoidiester. Pullalo. Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Specie. Hank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Pills for Collection. Experienced and elticient messengers employed, and every etlort w ill be made to render satisfaction. JOHN PIMillAM. Superintendent IVnn'u Division. Philadelphia. 1!. A. FiSCIII.il, Agent for Sunbury. April 5, lsc.2. Mjix; jour I'rsial, I)Y using Mason's' Patent Sheet Metal Screw Top Preset ve Jar. M.l.'-OAS J' A TIC XT flUCirr METAL .StV.'ilK TO I". All that is necessary being to fe-row the Cap down lpotl the lttlbhcr lia.-ket, which is placed outside ipon the shoulder of tho Jar. j of an inch distant .rem the lop ; prevent tiie possibility nf the flavor of ne fruit being injured by coining in contact with the ubher. Pomona desiring these Jars can be supplied bv leaving their orders with II 11. MASSKH, Agent. Snniairy. June 2, Im'pO. LiKIIiISTHEET'3 Knla:i3isill- 13;. ir SCMlorntH . IT IS NOT A DYK, Put restores gray hair to its original color, bv suri'lv- I log the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, im paired by ugc or disease. All instantaneous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and atloid of themselves no dressing. Heimstreet's Inimitable Coloring not only restores liair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a LIXIT.IANT HKACTY. proiaoles its giowib. prevents ii falling off. eradi cates ilandi nil. and imparts lo nlth and pleu .antne-s to tile bead. It lias stood the test of lime, being the oiiginal Hair Coloring, and is constantly ineie.ising iu favor. I'scd by botb genllonien and Indies, li is sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of the commercial agent. D. S. P.AKMiS, 2o2 Hroadway. N. Y. Tno.ozc.-, 50 cents and f 1. October 25, lMi2. PHILADELPHIA, l'or the Ilelief of the Sick and Pist.-e.-sed, afllieted wit li Virulent and Chronic Di.-eases. and especially tor tlie cure ol jMsea.-es ol tlie r-cxuai iiigans MEDICAL ADVH'Fgiveu gratis, by tho acting Surrcon. I VALPAPLK ltLTORTS on spermatorrhoea j or Semimd l'eakuess, and otber Diseases of tbe Sexual Organs, and ou the MEW PEMEPI ES cin j Jiloyed iu tlie Dispensary, sent to tiie alllicfcd in I sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two orthreo I .Mumps for postage wiil be acceptable. I Address. DU. J. SK1LI.IN 11' IG I1TON, Acting Surgeon. Howard Asociniioii, No. 2 fsoiuh Ninth Mreet, riilbolelphia. Pa. January .'i. I M'.-'t ly fiiramlicM, Wiues, iiiH, riTllll sulsi.riber, haing opened in Tlnunpson's 1 Prick lluildiiur, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of I'OUEIiiN AND DOMESTIC LIQCOIiS, Conn rising the best brands of Prandie., t. iu, f"Md Pye. Scotch and Irib lii key, I'oit, Sbcrry. Ma deira. Cbauipa'jne and otlu r iocs, of all grades, all ol tt hicli w ill be sold Wholesale, at the low est city prices. Taveru-kei pels, by buying of us. can save it least the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liijuoi s for F' A M 1 I. Y V S E . nay rely upon beiug funii.-ln d with a puro and unadulti rated article. b Peing deteriiiined to establish n rejuitation for Selling cheap, he respecttully solicits tin; piilrr.nago of the public All orders prom pi Iv atten.lel to. JEl'.EMIAli S. 11 ALL. Danville. June 10. mUI. XiiiKlifnaton EFoiimc. NOKTIIl MllEItLAND. PENNSYLVANIA, Xcur tt: ilndr.) TIM1K subscriber having leased this w-ell kmiwu 1. Tavern Stand, lately kept by .Mrs. C. S. I'.rown. respectfully iliforuis ihe puidic that be is refuting and repairing Ihe premises, and will be prepared to en tertain, in a eomfortuotc ntanuer, his numerous friends throughout Ibo county, uul all who may patronize his establishment. April 12, lSi.2. JOSEPH VANKIIIK. 715CS.V I59'?IK. Corner of Stiilf tnu Third Ftrfrf.i, H.unnsiiL :un, Pa. fPllIS IIOl'SE. inconsequence nf its convenience I and near location to tho Capitol, has made it a desirablestopping place, not only for those haling htwnoss at the seal id' Government, but for ethers visiting llarrisburg. March 211, 1S02. l'or EtalM, li-. IIoimIhih, A in i 15-tl Itns, jHoliiM iu l-'ui'M, Wwolloiiu, V' luseiis oil t'luuls, Fail Is, Animals, Xt: Put up In 25c. 50c and $1 00 Poxes, Mottle, and F'bisks, S3 and Sj aires for Hotels, Public lustitutious, Au. Only infallible remedies known. Free from Poisons. Sot dungerous to the Human F'aniily. Pats come out of their holes to die. Sold Wholesale iu all large cities. Sold by all Druggists and Retailors everywhere. !!!Bcwurc!!l of ull worthless imitations. See that CnsTAU's" niiuio ia uu cueh Pox, llottlo aud Flask, before vou buv. Address iir.YltV It. CONTAR, Principal Depot IsJ Proadway, X. Y. Sold by Friling A t.raut, Sunbury, Pa. April IS, IsO.L fun riUIlltlULK DISCLOSVUES SKCKETS FOR i THE MILLION ! A most valaublo and wonderful publication. A wmk of 400 pages, and 30 colored engravings. DH HUNTER'S V A DU MECl M, an original aud popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, aud Sexual disorders of every kind, wilh Sover-Failiug Remedies for their speedy cure. The practice of DR. HL'NTER has loug been, and still is, unbounded, but ut the earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he bus bceu induced to extend his medical usefulness through tho medium of his "VADE MECL'M." It is volunio that should bo in tho hands of every family in tho land, as a preventive of secret vires, or as a guide fur tho alleviation uf one of the must aw ful and destructive scourges, ever visited mankind. One copy, sucuruly euveloped, will be forwurded free uf postage to auy part of the I'uitud States for 50 cents in P. O. stamps, or 3 coi.ies for l. Address, pott paid, DU. lll XIEK, So. 3 Divbiou Street, Sow Yolk. Juno 6, lin3 ly. The lH'iiNe ofl'.rror. (Liu Malaihes li EuiiKin ) I, John II. Ogdeu, M D , author and publisher o the above w ork, do hereby promise and agree to seifl (free of charge) to any young man who tll write for it, a sample copy for perusal. The proper study of uiuukhid is Man. This valuable work is issued und cut forth for the benefit of ulleriug humanity. It treats in simplo language on ull thediseasosof Error, including Seminal Weakness, Xcrvoul Debility, In. digest iou, Melancholy, Insanity, Wasting Decay, luiHiteucy, Ac, Ao giving safe, tpeeily, and ef fectual prescriptions, for tho peruiuncnt cure, to gether with uiueh valuable iniuruiafiou. All who favor mo wilh a desire U ready my work shall re ceive a sample copy bv return mail, free nf charge Addre .tullN U. OwDKS, M D., So. AO Ni,-.u Sueet. New Yolk. May 2S ISW.-itm SEWINO MACHINE CO- 6S HHOADWAY, NEW YORK. Dearriptiie Circulars, trith Sample of Wot. will bt tent Mail Fret. nor Jl "FAMILY PKWINO MACHINE." AVISO attained a well established and fialterln reputation, as being of all machines yet jnti duced, the one best alapted to At.L Ki.vm or Famii. Sew iso, and having met w ith a success in its sa beyond our greatest anticipation, so much so, that f . three months our orders have been abend of oi capacity to supply, wo would now announce (lint w have increased our manufacturing facilities, so tht from this timo lorth, wo shall ho enabled to supp! orders on demand. In tbe changes brought about by tho war. no oi thing hns played a more important part than V Sewi.ho Machine." Without it three-fourths our soldiers would to-dav be clothed in nnvthing b 'Military Costume." All over tho land 'armv ci thing has been tho work required of onr patriot women, and nobly have they responded. Not conti to make only so many garments as Iheir hands con accomplish, they have culled tbe "Sewing .Mut'ln'tn to their aid, and by it havo rolled out ihe soldiei Coats, Paxts and Siiiiits. at a rate astonishing themselves. Knowing that this work could not im continue, many thought ful, prudent housewives, we Careful to select the machine of all others, whi would do the heavy army wmk. an l w hen done i that, then to be used as their Family Machine, ui in selecting one of tho "FiNKLK 4 Lyon SEWisn Machinb Cumi-am 1'amilt Machines," with which ynn may sew from the finest cambric .ne oeaviesi eiotn. without chansre of fed. needle tension they have not be. n disappointed ' Tlius: having developed tho aibn.tabil'itv of machine for all kinds of work, we hav mad'eanof step in advanee. and by several important ehaieo . our "No. .1 JIi-.i.ii M M.iriii.vv..," ba-.o produce i 'Jaii.oiiino MArnixr." which mo r-n'Vi. -itlv el, to be ibo ' ;i;sT TAILDKlMi MAf'H I i. ' introduced, sewing the eoarse-t linen thread with" much ease us the common cotton and when reooi may he ued lo do the very liue--t eambric work, v, l..0or Jim cotton thus combining in om m: i,Ti'",m1 v'rV,.'l."".l!Nv ""qn're'l in ' ill" r u FAM1! OH MAN 1 1' At fClt I Nil MACHINE. W e have had our Machines before tbe public ! enough to establish their reputation. Dozens others win. started with living colors -have fallen the wayside;'' and "soon the places that knew tb will know them no more." Step by step bus I'lNki.K A Lvon Munixr: won its"wavtopu' lavor; its success is eslabli. bed. and bencelorih . aim shall be. a- it has in Ihe pa.-l been, to still fun improve, nmplify and reduce the cost of onr i chines. We shall, in a few davs, l-sue a new pi list, l'or further particulars address, FIX K EE A LVON SEWINU .MACHINE Co , ,, No. 5;W Uroadivay. New Y-. -H. II. .Masseh, Agent, Hunburv, l'a. March 20, 1S02. Icil-muliou:'.I SJnt.-I. 05 :'.tn o'57 liruadu-tiv, C'liuer i'r.iiiHui ,S'. NEW YOl'.IC. rpiIIS first class House the most quiet, homel 1 and pleie-aut Hotel in Ibo oil v od'eis vine itelnceiiients to those visiting Neiv'Y'-,k l'or br-ii or liletaore 1 1 !... .1 1 . . 1 . i ..- . ., ' ,. ..1,1.111 , ii.uivaii'iii.Hii.i Kei, i l" l.i'ii EAN Pi.av. iii connection withTwiV I Saloon, where refre-liment- can be bad at ..!! 1, or served iu their nWu rooms. '1 1-.,, elu,,- -i-i in-,. derate, the rooms :ul atteliduuee of ihe'lil--: ord. bate., and al! lb,, model. i coincidence attached -uiireh 2'. 1 MiJ. v,i i."b. t'.i'ti a: a fl'.-'T ree.-i-. lioni New York a Urge assrt:t Jot WALL PAPEIl, eon-istnig ,.f l.N-,:H,MM am Smv-TiniEK Dm i-ei;i:t Srn.ri. ami 1 Trus.s. arvinir in t.i-ice 1 1 , '.....,.. ...... . iin:il hi oe -oui 111 ino lovvirl i or; ap store ot I I- i-v.-.-i runnury, Aiaieii iv',;. .!A-aTia3-;v j.- -." VtioriicyK u r.aw. No. leu ,i- l'i and liloadway. M.W YORK. Will e.ire'. attend to Collections and all other mutters ii.trn to tlieir care. May L'I , K.".-t. 'B:.TltAB. ElO'S'SiJ., Nnrihiir'.-. in-5m:n!:-i-I:i;.i.l fn., I riMI IS large and commodious lintel, now man 1 by JAMES VANDYKE, is situate at the 1 road Depot, North East corner of .Market Sunhi.ry. l'a., and al tiie I, rii.iun- of the Si.i l.i Erie ami Northern Central Hailr ad-, ai.d is ...... tlie uccouimodaiion of 'J'raveb is and the i.ui I genorul. ' he profu-ietor will give bis exclusive a't-nli the eonifort anil rouv. nicnee of his guo.-, a deteriiiined to make this esiii.bli.duiu ut rank at the first iu the State. His table will be supplied irli the In -t the la-i can produce, buying Ihe a.au.o;o ol di.iiv nicntion by can direct t'ruin Il.dliiuoi e. i.n.i' i .. Ihese bringing produce lioin the s.uioi. coirniry. His bar will be upj.licJ with t!t pur.st V.:u-. U'.iirkel can produce. Carel'ii! an I iihligiiix srrvanfs-! ivs in aISc:.; New and Con-U.odious sl.ibliu; baa just L.-i-i; i, to the j remises. A share of the local and traveling comiuui i most respecifulli' soliciif.i. Sunbury, January 12. 1C,. -T.'nnr.i ti:i- rn iff !;: Wi;-. COWDEN & WILCOX, HAHRISBUKa, PA. rPIlE Stone Ware now ma. If. rl ihis e-t:,! !i-l .1. ia equal lo any niH iu iu liii.-eoiiu:rv. Eve. riely of article UMiallv n.a.le, alnui., lul. UarrUbury, May 3. ls.;2 J A m e s i: a li j; i; n ' - Wllul.KSHV: A NO RETAIL CLOCK L'STJ BL IS II ME? S. E. Curner A rnitd aud f V.t.s.'.i if it.; fil-'.VrY for Hie PATENT I '.( H' A I.IZINi; TF" l iY CI.OI-K!. a veiv ilenralile ait.ele la C. v. Ileitis, Hioiks. I'oaiitoi'.' ll'Cis.s. Parlors. Ac. Jlso, .Manufiielurer of KIM-', I.IJl.D i'llNa. i"l' eks repnirsij null w .-u ra:!!t it. t'loek 'I inimioigs ol every .1-rcii1ti.-,n. I'lillailel'ihia, Janaury IU, 1-tll. :!y ii. . ."ri a r:s:. Vllornoy jr l.sisv, SI Mil l! Collections alliinled to in iheeotniln thuii bcrland, bi.ioii. Suyder, Mouloiir, uud I.ycoining. KEEiikEvi-iis. Hon. John M. Reed. Pllibel. Iphill, A. ti. Haltell A Co., Hon. Win. A. Porter. ' Morion MeMiehael, E-ii . E. li.leham A Co., L'-n p,.lir Sd,., !, ; John W. Asbinead. Atiornev at Law, .Matthews A Cox. Altornevs at Law, Suubury, March 2'J, IS02.' Y. 1 s ot Coil I.Mtnlii'r! I.iicubcr! PHILIP SH AY. Muney, l.veomiug county. V INFORMS his friends and ihe public in if that ho constantly keeps on hand Hoards. Sir a th, Joitt. and all kinds of l.um..er and t-u : Lalcrials. which he will sell ut the lowest price ui.March 30, 1S0I. A NEW AND USEFUL ARTIC IIALEy, liOHSE & BOY'DLiN-y FuU.U KrirAl.iis.tius 4 IoiIk-h Vi ii; 5iuiplo, Economical, Iiurablc. and is not Liu get out of Order. The Self-Adjusting Cluthes Wringer, is one i treatest iinnroveinent of tiie niueteeulli c. utiii . ins only to be knoWand tried, to ei.iuo intog, use. The saving il.,this, iu pressing out tho between two rubber rolls, instead of wiin-ri, twisting, will amount to tnou-h iu a short ui pay for u machine. Every one is awaro, that the twisting or wri, of chillies, stretches and Ureal; the bbiej- bu machine presses them so evenly, tba.1 a new,; thoroughly snaked, eau bu wruug. without brci It iu tho least, and il works so easily, that a twelve years old van operate it without trouble, wuler does uot injure ihe rolls, and woollen ' can bo wrung out of boiling water to prevent fu w hich cannot bo done by hand. Ill Slurebimr. it ti.v..ln,.l,t,. - articles, such as Ladies' Skirls, Ac, as it louw .n.vu iu uiu clonics pcrioouy even. It will the largest bed quilt or the smallest pocket I kerchief, drior than oan possibly bo done by i without alteration, iu loss than " ne-eigth the Ibo machine isaosiuinlu that it is .u.i i,..m . , out of repuir. Tho great improvement in this, every everv W ringing Mschino yet iuvenlcd, is, its Self-A. .........,., .vnuniui; uu uiieraiion. to wi bandkerchiot or bed guilt eons, oueutly, tho uu. Uoruut servant cuu odeiate it. Tho uiacbiuo is mml.. .,fn-..,l that no iron can jHibly c.uuo in contact wit) v ...u,, ..ic.eu, nvoiuiug ait Uiuiger ol injury t clothes, by irou rust. This is the most simple and effective Clothcj V eryet invented. Those purchasing cun use two weeks, and if they are not perfectly suti,tie turu them, aud their money will be refunded Address I. V wvi.n- i,.:, , , , i1!" li W?' Aai"1 " -NtVlLumberla. ww.J wl lov.. ynl lni-r looo li., or m all taper ok fyfry i emr. tTYLIS AND P.WTtP.N.-'. Tl'ST received direct from Ihe Slanufa lur the MAMMOTH STORE of Fii:i.:.c! fiiu: taiibtii v. Mm h 15, liJ