Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 08, 1863, Image 3

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    ctmbuvi) American.
13. MASSER, Editor A Proprietor.
Nl lltl HV, IM.
iATlliDAY, AUOUST 8, 18(i3.
17 Pork Row, Ken York, end 8 State Street,
, uroour ftgcM'a for Uio Sunmrt AMimcA.i
i cltiM, end lire autborited to tnkc AdvcHiio
and SuLncriplkrn fur tin at our lowest rutca.
IMption Monky Paid. One tbiHiaRnd
ipta in Lancaster county, Ph., have
1300 i'ikU for exemption.
"During the l:itc riots at New York,
nor Seymour sent for Gen. McClcllnn
.le & sjjeech "to the jxriple," as he
tlio rioters. Gencnil McClellnn re---"If
I go up to the people, ns you cull
it will not lie with a Rpcech, hut with
anil canister." The General then
rew leaving the Governor much clia
1 tlmt the General was not willing to
tactic similar to his own, urn', "speak
: Hunt KiMiintii: IIkmdciiatx Sthuo
roil LlFt. The ghost of Iircekin
"Jeinorracy" liti been raised. The
nnl C'oinmitteex of the Douglas and
inridgc democracy is called to meet
at Milwaukie or Detroit, between the
lid 2:ld of August, to arrange a pro
ne for the approaching Presidential
ign. This statement, the Philadel
'ress thinks, must he incorrect. "Doug
n would certainly refuse to meet with
rats still organized under the name of
or. At all events, .irfl'crson Davis and
inr'ulge will not attend the ronven-
ftoral Sffaivs.
There ill be
i en Sunday,
no preaching in tlio Episcopal
nvvintotlin abenr.o of .Mr. lib-
S i ci't K Ml btuliTXIsci Tim barn of Jacob
in. uf Lower Aiujutn, w-nitruek by lightning
iiy uvenintr lust, nii.t his barn tnuthur with
crop a Hell it-iotiie old rniu foniMiuifd by
lr. Ship-nun rnado nn effort to iirri'st the fire
w iud tiiiine l the flume
hit efTon iit.aviiilin.
in the hay imd ren- j
Hi4 loss is, porhapj, j
No iii'.iimn.'o.
1 liHiili-iviii ilny wit- nlwervpil en Thursday, j
eloin,; of the stores und place of public bini- j
. Mr. l'iii:ii;iiros. of the .Mclhu'list Church j
fd n ifiinxii on the o'en.-ion in the Lutheran
' I
The llraft fir tliis district will commence at j
iiirir. on Monday. auphiii county will enmo
d ocupy the first three iluv.. Nurthiiinbor- j
un'y will perhaps onn.e next. Tim draw iu( !
.at the Court Hou-e, and open tu all.
.n order hie been rivcivod prohibiting: tlio
ineni and removal of any bo. lie from tlet- '.
; dutingthe uionthi to August and Septi'inber. t
a m'':i!narv anitarv mcavure. i
Tlio weather ha? been very warm th!. irenk
rinonieler it Hiding at 90 iler-'e-i.
lvi'i:ii mf.vts. Our eitiii ns iirohu'yin luy
1 renew in their pavement-i. under the lute Ai.otlHT eiojiiuj; east of the railroad ha."
iiH.le. ti e material bein fnrni-hrd by the
:i I t'onip. ny.
I... f:i-r the di'poM,! of a nituiber of
e -":-iotis. tliM r.iui t adjoeined tu I'lidtty
the iUllllleld list.
I', ! :l: v . --Hu Sill! lay ni,'ht week, the Pril !
I' liiiMitnaa A lichri. (T Milton, wa- broken i
id n-vi-ral ioiii les of con-iid'Table valui'des j
J was iitiectdd by it cellar tvay ill the I
l.e ! Iliidiltjr. j
Amii n i C. I'. John and I'.. V. lioiai, i
.t-re admitted to practice in the several Court
'oiin'y. uti Tuesday last. We undertniid our !
tiiei:-- pa-eiiH creditMMe i xutainiition before !
inn. ii ti e. ir. : Mci. I.awson, Cunily and j
in the prcM-te-e of .lu le .Tordan, and uere
.m.i nti-d lor tbeir pnniciency.
AlM'iSt'tMe MrxTisn ill commence mi j
t it:.-'., and continue one wrlf : ou the ground
Vi'jrilcn, in I.oi-u-t township, Columbia conn
nit t v. o mile lioiii Iiear Itap, on the road lo
tcii.t. A j;eiier:i invitation is extended to
Ai.r. iu-M tiitri vbai ks. Urrcnliiik'' uf lh
1 ( ii iiiiii!i:i.ti of UvoilultHr-. rhftinjcd in fifty
i."tf. arc now in eirrulatioii, The two ilnllnr
the l"fl curiii r .f t!ir iioti! ;inrnrc(l (ver
i''t in nrc tlir fiuurot -l , '2.' '...'
it 'iikiu i!( -iVi't f thi'ht nl tiTitt ions. Th
in wliirh llic li;,'iir' n jTiirs iv a ccitnin prr
f iiniiij't nl:tr;:iit.i..-. for if it will Ik rviucm"
il' r'iy nil 'ii- r .'i- !n the figure that retire.
" ,:f "t lilt: ijit'.'.
Tl.;: t'l i))"i. 'I 'he rei'etit moist nnl (reiiiul
ir l.!-1 very nuifli iihj ritVfl the conditiiui of
r.,!ii iri . The j rt-iui-e of an uhundaiit
-t i exe- ll nl. Corn in -urtuuilnr looks nink
t'althy. Tho buy ov.ji wttit fair but iiiuch wiu
.1 and Auue Ii! hy the wnt weather. The
rru i! the hft :t u J tuoi-t ubnn'lHnt we have
r veun. riuture will be exeelleut.
Kt.tliv Knit tiir. IJiiakt. The draft at to cotnu
Schuylkill county this work. .Many of the por-
urollod arc minors, and A laro majority of I
are foreigners and opjsisc l to the draft. That
. to be lh only I iistriet iu tho Statu in which
riotts ditUculty is expected. Thi (iovernmt'iit,
cr is resulted to eutry uut Ilia law their na
s in every other placiv Two full rciaicun uf
iv La I reiichcd Schuylkill county, and a bat
.f si t suits. Hit Sal unlay last, llaita'a Trnnp,
battery of four gitai arrived in I'otuville.
four f;iin lattery" wits at tho battlo i f Fair Ouks
:h" news of Ihc arrival of a veteran battery in
ylkill county produced somewhat of asensattuii.
- The following n out tho Ui'ttyshnrg Star ami
icr. i a just tribttto to the patriotism of aa old
n and foldii r from this placo. Mr. Hileuian
f uur oltlest eitiiens, a worthy and rcjpocud mau.
as Ihu first to auuotiuce hi nama at tha oieeting
! Court House, and no protratntiont of bia
Is, eiilicr lo rn or at UurrUburg, could indue
o withdraw it :
VfTKiiAM Sm.iiir.n. We learn that thera i an
oldii r of the War of lrl2. m ranks of the Doth
Militia, now stationed at this place. Ilia
in Peter llilrmun. He i a member of Co.
inimaiided by ('apt P. 1'. Wolvcrlon, raieed
unburv. Xorthuinbcrlaiid county, thia StaU.
. ?hi he told Ihe inustorini intiflicer. at Ilarrishurt;.
' itaern itilo i tvica, Hint he wa71
his eves opeu iu irreut astonishment, and after
,s aslicd him whether be thought he could do
ci. 'ihe old hero told him bethought ha oould
t rebel as well u initially idc Wo nlno liarn that
u thu first mini to' pnl his name down to march
ie defense of hw native hilate. at the formation
e Company. Such inmanec of patriotism rare
ear. and 'w take pleasure in recording them
lever they eomu under our notice.
Coi KTriireiT A counterfeit five dollar nolo
ia Northumberland county, ltauk la now being
lutod. Vignette, canal lock, bout and bone;
nntiva and train of carton bridge; man loading
ouwitubay; en upper comer. Female bead
..rh lower corner An nact imitation of the
For Hi 9 AmeritMui. J
Minosor, July 28tii, 18u3.
Mr. Maiskb : The farmer in tlii-ioiiiity pot ill
thoir hay end rrain Rathcred In. They reaped iui
xonllent oroii of wheat. For win oil vo ahould bo
thankful to a benevolent Uod Tbo improved an
roaranoe of tbo farmem, Uio manuring of the auil
bud Iturnatiuj- of tha crop, (lie coinl'irtoblo fium
hou"o,ehuruhuiaud school bouica of frama or brick,
ara evidence tbat tha people experlcnoe a atrotig
desire to edncato tbeir oni and daughters, tuid 111
them for Uie aolie duties of life. At to our SubbaLh
acbool in general, I am harpy to any tbut it aouuia to
be on tlio progressive. Tin. attendance of lobular!
la good, 1 oanuot give tbo ordinary number. The
number of thacheiii-larger than it was aoinotiuie
ago, but llieru u still room fur uuiciidmcnt ill thia
rtupoct. I'M i ton til.
The FrrrlnaGunnl M'ottl I'oint.
A trill of the "Ferris Gl'.n," to test the
initial velocity of its shot, took place at
Wcfct Point oil the 15th find lTtli of .July,
in presence of Captain S. V. Itenct, of the
United States finny, and one. of the best
ordnnces oflicers in America.
On the first shot the instrument (the
electrohelist a pendulum) being itl perfect
order, gave a velocity of twenty-two hundred
feet per second, the highest velocity ever
attained by any cannon in the world.
The highest velocity ever obtained in
this country before was by Captain Uenel,
at West Point, using a spherical shot in a
tilled Parrot t gun. and this was one thou
sand eight hundred feet per second. The
ordinary velocity of the best cannon in this
country, or in fcngland. is from one thou
sand to one tliousund three hundred feet
per second.
On the 17th the firing was renewed, and
different velocities obtained, to one thousand
seven hundred and upwards. The shot
used were conical, and weighed, one of the
sizes 40 ounces, and the other 48 ounces.
The weight of the powder used was in all
cases 42 ounces. The chamber of the gun
will hold 27 ounces. The size of the bore
is 1 3 inches.
The penetration of this gun. according
to the diameter of the bore, is greater than
any other camion ever bniit penetrating
three inches of solid iron plates at fifty
i:-i(eien( it 'uliimbuH.
Cincinnati, August 5.
The diudl'n Columbus dispatch says
! considerable excitement prevailed there yes
j terdny P. m., over the tearing down by an
I invalid soldier, of a Hag on which were
I inscribed the names of Yallandigham and
i I'uyh.
j The copperheads commenced gathering.
(rying for vengeance on the author of the
! Another invalid soldier in the crowd was
badly beaten for approving of the tut.
- - -
I.iilcr I'rotii tCtii-ojfe.
(,'ai'k Hack, Aug. 5.
The Kangaroo arrived out on the 29th.
The llecia reports that on the morning
of the 'Jillh she passed the steamship Great
Eastern, bound to Liverpool. The news of
the late rebel reverses had reached England,
and the cileet was considered so favorable
to the I uion that the rebel loan declined
to lSa'-W per cent discount, and a perfect
panic ensued in that description of slock.
I'l'omi Japan.
San Pit.vNCisto. Aug. 4.
The American Minister and Consul, with
their families, lustily lei't Yeddo, Jitpan,
about the l.Slh of June, apprehending an
assas-imition. They Hist took refuge on
the I'. S. steamer Wyoming and subscijucnt
lv removed lo Yakthamt,
Tin: WoMic.N or MKMriiis. A correspoii
dent at Memphis says : "The ladies of this
city begin to see n little beauty in the 'old !
Il tig,' and this beauty w ill be increased. I
They now ti ll yon that they have never had I
any positive disliUe to the Hag under which I
their forefathers fought, but the men who j
cany the flag about the streets now are Yan-
kces, and they hale a Yankee from Pennsyl
vania. A Massachusetts soldier, sonic of
them will tell you, is a good enough fellow.
They are like the man who despised a tid
dler, but wits passionately fo:id of a lid lie."
General Grant is a man of great military
resource. His latest contrivance is the or
ganization of Water llepartnicnt in his
ui my
I'V wliirh liis Ioktu will !e uMu to j
trawrsL- any portion of ihv MisMsMpiii, how
ever k.-titutL' of watrr.
T.,.. t. . '.. i .. .-!.. All-1. ri.f
nalllt tilt traitors in liriili, ri thi! IH ino-
era!; who an; nssiMint; in tin command of
tin- annit s of ihc Hftmldie. Thus lir.rnM.h- I
and Uu.lcr two extreme and radical Iv,,,,,-
erats, are the most radical and extreme men .
in their oiitio.ition to the rebellion, and
their mensitres to crush out the conspiracy i
all tend to the extinction of shivery. While ,
this is the fact with the llcinocracy in the 1
tinny, the politicians who stand tit the head
of what is now called the Democratic party, j
and who remain at home to light the (jo- j
verntneiit, persistently oppose every measure
ot vigor or practical lorce. ilesigneii to crush .
out the rebellion. The Democratic poli- (
tic inns all oppose tho policy to put down
rebellion while the Democratic soldiers ail j
support that policy. There is a moral in
this which addresses itsi If to the mind of
everv true man.
Uoskcuans. The plans of (Jen. Koset rails j
were ndniirablv laid for capturing or de-
., , . ,,. ... .,f,
stroying the whole or the greater liait ot
the rebel army at Tullahoma. tind all his
proininent otlicers agree that he would
unquestionably have done tu but for the
incessant and tremendous rains, which,
commencing about the 2-ith of June, lasted
for weeks. Nothing could have saved
Jiragg's ariny if the elements had not been
its ally, por once tiic lire-e.iters were auved
by water. LuuitiUr- Jvurit'tl.
It if mippMed that the nero aohlicrs taken by the
rebel at port Hudson were murdered after Ihcir cul
ture. None were toutid alter the turrcudcr, either
ainoug the pi isoiieu or iu the hospitals.
Thirteen of the principal coppirticad- of Wapfllu
and .Mahaska county, lowu bate been arrtaled for
diblnyiil practice
A corre-peudent of Canada paper, who lately vi-
Mtcd Vnlluiidigliam ut Niagara t'alla nays he found
biiu "titling on a wan ai tne atue ol ouiu uait uoteu
or more eoutboru gcutlcuivu."
At the Fourth of July Celebration Wolcottt ille,
Couu., uya Ihe Wiuatead Jh rulii, Iba orator Iter.
.Mr Scclcy. raid "the coppcrbeada have two paramont
ri(;hu of which they ahould never be deprived tho
oou.iiiuiiouul right to be banged, aud luo ditino
right to be diiLuued."
The Frederick (Mil ) ciliren democratio paper
avi thai ou tho ilb instant. duiiui the uiot ementa
in Maryland and l'euiisylvauia, au ilitil I i i n t ncru
mau, who it i reported bclotign to tho rebel Ueneral
htuurt, m discovered iu Ihe vicinily, uud impartod
lulormalion to our cummauuer couccrutug luc num
ber and location of a body of rebel liooi on aoutu
Mountain, which led to thu capture of fifteen buudrcd
ui me cueiuy, Willi a large number ol Dorc, wugoua
and ambulance. It would be a gencroua reward,
were thia ilava vriihin our line, lo return him, a
oeruiu people propuae, to cbaiua aud inlaniy.
A Mosmrsr To MissitHisETTt Sointrai
Maaaacbuaetta elaima that between aix hundred and
eveu buudrcd of her toldiera were tlaiu at the battle
ol Uuttysburg, had proioaea to raiia an enduring
monument to llteir memory In thu cemetery which
formed a part ol that battle field.
Jacob Btrawn, the great Illinois farmer
of Jacksonville, baa collected one hundred
cows, donated bv himself and neighbor,
which are intended for our liocmtuU ut
Memphis. ' Tho matron of (he hospitals
asked for these one hundred eows, and one
I fttruier bus collected utid w ill forward tl.eiu.
X Rebel IHIl ofl'nre.
AX RI0itTENT nRUIMSCKNCR of vicitsncitu.
The Chictgo Tri'mnf sayi :
Vo nro itnlebted to the' courtesy of J. II.
Early, Aiilgrjon of the SeventeeutU Iowr
regiment, for the following copy of ix bill
of fare found in the rebel camps at Vicksburg.
While it is ft capital specimen of burlesque
it is no less R mclnncholy burlesque upon
the rebel rations of mule flesh indulged in
by theui during the lust days of the siege :
jt'LT iso:J.
S'inp. Mule tnil.
Boiled. Mule bacon and poke gfeens ;
mule ham canvassed.
Itoast. Mule sirloin muhj rump shtlfed
with rice.
Vegetables. Pens mid Rice.
Entrees. Mule head sluUc'd a la mhde ;
mule beef jerked la Mcxlcnnn; mule ears
fricasseed a In gotcll ; mule side stewed,
new style, hnir' on; mllle spare ribs, plain ;
mule liver hnsliedi .
.Side Dishes. Mule snlnd ; mule hoof
unused; mule bruins a la omelette; mule
kidney stuffed with pens; mule tripe fried
in pfcu' uieal batter; mule tongue cold n la
Jellies, Mule foot.
Pastry. Pea meal pudding, Mackbeiry
sauce; cotton wood berry pics; ChiuHbcrry
Desert. White oak acorns; beechnuts;
blackberry leaf tea; genuine Confederate
Liquors. Mississippi watef, vintage of
1492, superior, $:l. Linu stotie water, late
iniportation' very lliie, $2 73. Spring water
Vicksburg brand, $1 60.
Meals at all hours, gentlemen to wait tqitui
thrmselves. Any inattention on the part
of servants w ill be promptly reported tit the
Jefk. Davis A Co., Propiietors.
Ca1!D.- -The proprietor of the justly
relebrnted Hotel de Yiehsl tug, luivitig en
Inrgcd and refitted tlio name, are now pre
pared to accommodate nil w ho may favor
them with a call. Parties arriving by the
river or Grant's inland route, will litid
Grape, Canister A: Co.'s carriages lit the
landing or any depot on the line ol'entn m b
nients. Hack, Hall & Co. take charge of all
batrgage. No eH'ort will be spared to make
the visit of all as interesting as possible.
The Milan papers state that Garibaldi
has become a perfect wreck. His health
has given way; his wound in constantly
breaking out afresh, in consequence of the
exfoliation of the bone; ami the neglect
into which he has fallen, the loss of his
popularity, and the death and inipi ionmeiit
of his old friends, contribute to depress him
still more than the physical injuries that j w
have made aim n cripple v lit,-.
Miss C'hasu's Hktkota.u. llt.Nti. The br
trotlnd ring ordered by .Senator Sprtigue for
his intended bride. Miss Kate ('hiiM', is a
diamond solitaire, set in enamel mid not
chased. It is describe. 1 tis a beautiful ami
tasteful ornament' worthy of the bi at;!ilil
young lady who is the happy possessor of
the token. The price of the ring was four
thousand dollars,
1'i.miwis Hill. -The Antrim Comity ('MiiiU Trie'
I'euioernt nays it is to po.TMiiuii of indi--utiit!o prijof.
whi; h it emmet poibly linike ueef that;
hnni t,i :i rrliel ui hui'.rt, and uuuld now be in the
euuncil ehnuilier or unny id' the southern coafedeni'-y.
but timt he can be nuire servioesble to that eaue by
reniaiuiii); in the north. We tvonU rather melt our
types lor bullet and our prsw iutocaniion bu!!s to tire
lit the rebeli lliitu lo use theln to ploiacle his elec
I'iinvnT Mahshai, ( ) r m: it. i, n i)t kick, -Wihintt
ii. 1. 0 f July Vlik. ISO:.. )
No. 41. j
To iipwiT iit'juirit n.a ! tu lliii i'PVt it in nn-
j nmincci :
, Fir!. Any dnifiml -inn pcy ir j? tlu f Itimilrc !
! tlolltir itinlrr Pt'iitiuii l;i of the t'liiu! I in.'iit net.
' llien-dy txinif t ta.m iurtlur linhility under Uiut
; (Irtit'r, hitt uut Intm itny iubi rju 1.1 iUm.
Stvn!il. Ativ li:i1tf I jM'rn I'umi.-liiii nn ncccp-
tit Mi nub! i I utc is ex.-mpt I'rtitu iiiiliti.ry 'tvicr. ti r
; llif prriu i ltir wliicli .mill sulHiiiutt' is uaisit i it i):t-
J l!ic M i vii'iv
i 'J'l irtl. A .-ui flitutoM'T mu--!fr'tl into hv m rv u
t cumin; In dra ft i'd while in hm vire.
ium - v r i tw.miI n
1 iirlh. A urtiltcj nuui cm ik.i i.nv enii.iiiiiiiticii
;. it II I Ml't
lllin r t'Hltr 1
hiin-elt tu (he to;ird of Kiimllnit'iil t.r t XJinir..iti"ii.
Fifth. Men lm on the .''.d of .Miiieh, F-nU. Wi rt
in the iniliuiry serviee of th- Fniled lnlt-s a nibsli
I nlt imd r the draft of ltl.'. and whtu tei in of r-
nave iin.'e xpneu. lire inn iimue u i n ii'.ciu
re lii.ble to (lrull thi-hnine a Ih-n'mli th.y hud not
been drnfti-J or furni.-hed -fabstituu-.-ui.d r the dr;ii
't-r. ....
cVt. 1? foX,
,.,.,, j,n iu xutil C1,, l( KrKll,,.a i,v ,. iir, t
ciimllment tu inii in State i-rvicc, l.o lnivt' liven
r ' on Uiut'f l
Trotust .Marshal tieacral.
TaotosT Mai:h.l's Orrier. 1
ltru liisTiiti r. !
Harrisbur', t'u., July 17. lstl.'t. )
Tlic attention of the citiren- of the 14th Ktirollitc
Iiintiict of l't'iiosylviiiiia i a directed tothc attove t'ir
rtiltir from thw War liopiirtineni ol tic Initnl Slates
Cant, and Trovott Marshal. I Ith lii.-irict.
July 2:'i. isi'.'t
I i:i:its.
IIGHTY Alil.K UlUi:J MF.X between theafc'.-.
IjofloanJ 40 yean,. ciMieiv a.-rviiiK in tl.M
Ueiiiuii'iit perform ciirinton Uutv til roil lav or.
.. .. . Vi..ri.u. ....i k..m j.m..B. T..n.'.,...
Flot itlu.
.Men euli.-tilis' in tli tH regi mcnt, receive a liounty
of tine lluiidred llollurs. ol which twenty-tive is paid
in advance, beside a premium ol Four llollurs upon
belli; mustered into lite L'. si. service. The remain
in seveiity-hte to be paid upon the espiratiou of
Aleomcit enlisted for any three yenr reiiui ut now
in the tielU. either
All of which will receive l'ay, Uourd and Cloihing
from date id' enlistment.
l'ay per mouth frum 13 00 to $20 Oil.
Term of Fulittrut'iit ' Three yearn uulcss sooner
dupchuigtd." For further information, apply lo
Adj W 11. 11. HAXlilCN.
Sunburv, Xortbuiuberliiiid comity, l'a.
Or to Seru't. '. ll. lii.AiK, 47lb 1". V.
CorpT. S. F. UuauiiK, 4'Jlh I'. V.
July IS, l.-ii:i.
"IV J onilinj- liiMiiruiirt Ciiinpaii-t,
i'HIillnl uud Surplus, 1 1,MM.
O. M. Kolleiibuek, I.. 1 Shoemaker,
John Keichard, H. U. I'riesbach,
hainuel Wadtiams, It. C. Smith,
li. Laeue, 1 hae. Uorrtiucc,
I barlis A. Miurr, Mm. S Hora,
W. V. Ketebam. I). M. Ilardiii)?.
U. M. HOI.I.KXItACK. President,
b- D.SllOFMAKKlt.S ice l'reidcnt.
It. C. Smith, tecretary.
W O. eTEHLI!u, Treasurer.
Tin Company luturea three-fourth of tho Ca-h
valuation, tukc no Premium Note, make no Aweaa
mentii, Policy ackuowledgea all moneys paid during
the lei iu of your lunurauee.
A. CIIAWI 0111), Ageul.
May 20, 18C:i .1 y
"V-2:.Y2:?k-3 HOTEL,
Corner Fawn and Market Ktreeia.
Ml Mil 11. I' V.
f 1111 E underigiied rnectfully inform the public,
that be baa taken ottarge of the above named
Hotel, aud ak fur tba cutitinuauce of the former
patruuaga aud would invite all olhera to give him
la alwavaaupplied with tha beat the market afford.
Hit tar eoulaiu the choicest liituor. aud bia .lab
ium ia zood and well attended by careful Ostlen. .
fciiiil ur;. May 80, W-
yTOVLD respectfully announce thnl they have
jled received and opeued a Very large and well aetce
ted Ptock uf
which they are willing to dispone if nt a VKIIY
I'lrnt font.
ThaiiMful for pnsl favors t hope to meet a cun
tir.uunec of the snn.e by Mill felling Hoods as cheap
if not 'lti: AI'IMt than can bo purebnved else,
where. -
l lllLIXO A (ir.AXT.
Siinbnry, May 2.'!, ISi'i."
.loint ItfNuluf iti rtn.iiii !-
I lulu .iM'iiliiiertt (o tlio oiiNlilu
15l-: IT tIKSOI.Vl:!! 11V TI1K Sknatk ami
MON W t:. l.Tll Of PlN-V YI.VAMA IX GKM-ltAI,
As: i:.miii.y MKT, That the following aineiid
menls be proposed to the Constitution of
the Commonwealth, in nerordiinee w ith the
provisions of the tenth article thereof:
There shall be an additional section to
tin? third article! the Constitution, to be
designated us section four, as follows:
Smtio.n 4. Whenever tiny of the (jtiali
tied electors of this Commonwealth shall be
in any actual military .service, under a rc(tii
sition from the President of the Vnited
States, or bv the tiiithotitv of this Common- 1
illh, such electors mav exercise the riulit I
ot s tllrage m all elutinns by the cilizens, j
under such regulations as are. or shall be j
prescribed by law, as fully as if they wcrei
present at their usual place of election. I
There shall be two additional see'.i ins to j
the eleventh article of the Coustitutinn. to t
be designated as sections ei;ht, and nine a
Io!!ov,s: "
KiTioX S. No bill shall be passed by the j
Legislature, containing more than one sub-
ject, which sltal! be clearly expressed .in the
title, except appropriation bills. I
li. No bill shall be passed by the I.egisla- 1
ture granting niiv powers, or priv Metres, in!
any ease, where the authority to grant such '
powers, or privileges, haabet u, or may here- j
alter be, conferred upon the courts of this !
.omiiionwcalth. '
! .lOHN CI'SSNA. j
j Speaker of the House of Kcpresctilatives. i
Speaker if the Senate.
, UiTlCi: OK TUK Pt'.CKKTAItY OK Till'. CoM
j VONWK..V! 11,
11 W!KI: llt ltll, July 1. 1Si!:.
! I tlo hereby certify that '.he fnrc-
I I., s. I going and annexed is a lull, true
-".- and correct py of the origiluti
Joint liesoUttinn of the tJenerai Assembly,
entitl. il "A Joint liiv-olution proposing cer
tain Amendments to the ( 'oust it iitiott," a.-,
the same n mains on lile in thi oli'ee.
In Ti sliltio.iy when of, 1 have hi rer. ttio set
my hand and caused the seal of the Sccre
lan's olliee to be allixed, the day alid vetlf
above writt n.
ki.i si.iri.i:.
Si eiettU V of the Coinllionv, eallll.
July 11, lM;.!.--tc
Mi'. lillder-i''l.e I respculfllllv illf.rla the public
m netiilly. thai tin y btive cut, re I iato Co-I'urt- ;
liio ill 11. i' FlllMliiY l.rSINKSS. i,,l nr.- lu.iv I
prepaid to tiainiilactare ut (he -llolulaicli i'oundt y,' 1
nil kiiel- of ' I
tltK'llilK'I'.l , Mutes, 11ii-1is, '.!
-., ill t.Iiorl .li-'.
Kcpnirini all kiiaU of Agricultural Iieplemeiits j
done in u K'ed nuiaiicr and at tho :
sbort.'st notice. !
All in ticlcs shipped as ordered. Orders respect- i
fully solicited and promptly alien led to.
JAClilt lii'lllllIACH. I
T. i. Cf'iiplJ!. 1
Old lion, and till kinds of Produce taken in !
Kcl:ane for work I
Xiuibtiry. May li'.. lH If J
G! . -W 1-A.XJ IPT", j
.alloriiey iiihI 'iin'llor ill I.iim,
Oflice on si'iiib of Market strei t. foul doois west
of F. Y. I'.tilit A Son's Store,
M ill attend promptly to till bu-iiiess !
entrusted to his cure, the collection Oi cl.'litoft ill 1
X'oi'thuuiiicrland and the adjoining countits.
Siinl.ury. Jlay 2"., IHIH. ly
J) 1 S T I L L E It V.
f pilK undi rsitincd having enttirj into partnership
1 in the Iii-tiilcry Itusiuess, in Joi.lan towevbip,
Northtui.lici land county, on the road fioiii Sl.atfcr's
Tavern tu I tiiontotvu, ubout 4 miles front Miihouoy
and ll miles troni kliueislown. Ie lentc to iuloriit
Ihu public tluil they are Low making a Fupt-rier ur-
llcte ot
Those desiring grain converted into whiskey cun
have it done on the most reasonable lemis.
'1 he highest cash price will he paid for Itye. and
grain ttiktu ia exchange for Whiskey. The public
cuu be assured thai all Vt hiskey n ade al lbi di-iille.
ry will be liectroiu drugs and adnlturiitions.
U. li FUl ST.
Jordan twp , June 1.1 I8M. Hut
J". 33. HELLER,
t'ffice, ou south eido of Muikcl Sijunro. niitr the Court
" ill attend promptly to all professional business
rnliiiBied to hi care, the collection of chinos in j
Northumberland and the adjoining counties.
Sunbury. May 2d. iNi.'l. ly
X opportunity not In be loet tight of. Ituro
chance for Agent, l.adita as well as (ients can
act us Agenta. Apply early and tecure the agency
for your locality.
itixus, colo p vexcils,
HUiY, dc
To be told for 1 1 each, and not t b paid for
until you know what you are lo get. Send 1j cenu
for Certificate, telling you wbal you can have, with
a ciieular, giving full particulars luAgtuta. Per tec I
ealiiUctiou guuruutecd in (II ease.
Auurca. - ! Aivjj a tu
2e? troadway
March 21, 1W'. ty
llo 1 bill.
BLANK (I'artliinrut l'aper.) lice.! au.l blank
M'jrttrni'ia. Hrtoda. Eio-ulk Ui. Bumnioos'. a
I ht al ll. oaiva l lb ' f uotuiy Atucriciil '
'The J reiki (;iiho of
!FI TT Tvt V IsT MISERY. 1'ublished, in a Scaled linvdof: Frtc
Sir Cttitt.
A l.uotura l.v l)r, Cl'I.VKRWn,!.. on tha caufe
and cure nl fspertentotrha n. Ootuuiirptioii. jMental
and I'hvsical Hebililv, Nervoti.'new. tpllcjy ; Im
paired K'utritlun ol tlio ltody ; La.'.-itude J Weakness
of ll.o Mmta and the liak ; IndispnHition and Inea.
ieiiy lor Study and Iiiilpir ; bullne" of Apprehend
uion ; l.o of ieniory ; Avei-sion to Society; bovo
or Soliinde ; Timidity ; Self lHrtrtnd ; I'ltiness ;
Jlendtiehe ; Afleetiona of the Kye.t; 1'impleD on the
Kneo ; Iiivolitnl.'iry Kiiii.icions and Sexiuil Ineepiieity
tlio CoiiKeioiences of )'nuthful lniii,,eretion. Ac., Ac.
fir 1 his admirable Lecture clearly proves that
thoabovo enumerated, ofien aelf-nlllieled evil.', mny
be removed without medicine and without dangcrou.
surgical opirutloii., and chould bo read by eery
men in the bind.
Sent under deal, in a plain envelope, to any ad -dre.
on the receipt of six cents, or two iHtsttie
ftuiupK. by iidilies-'infr.
127 liowrrr, New York. Post Oflice Hox.
May :.l. IK1.I. Feb. is, ly lie
C3-3R.-A.3SrT cSc DIETZ,
llnl.KSAl.i: AM) HKTAII. UKAl.MtS IX
in everv vniielv.
OriVrs wilicitfil imJ tilUil with promptness ami
tlesna leh.
Stinl.nry, May lfi. Is'C". ly
" ornamental Ikon wOeks.
wii v ii:sc't'. nai iti.i-,.
Airnnc, lliil:ileltltl:i. I:i.
Ol'l'KH fur fiile ii (in llie n,i.. t lnvortilile terms.
New mill Iii'untitnl lnij;tn in ureal variety of
Iruit Itnilins iiir l' mi-lfr'n. Iteiil,iu'i'f. ,te., uf
Wr"iii;ht kikI fast Ir in. nlhl (iiilvunued Iruli anil
1 tun's Tuning; iron Yeriimliili, Uuleonies, s;tii.,
Ciitinti rs, Fomiinin-'. (lutes. Ci.luinns. Uiteliinr l'i.S.
l,iint, S I mimIh. usiv. Tnlili's. KImw it tiiTitl. Sufas,
Cliairs. Stitlti.'iry. .Aninnils, anil all other Iron Work
of a Iivrnlive character. liij;iis forw.-trile.l for
selti'tiiin. I'it.'oiis iii'ilyinir for the ."nine, will j, lease
ftutethc kinil of work needeil.
ff.lune It, ISC.II tin
To I lie EtciiMH'i-iit ! Vtilers ol Aorllf
iim(M'i-tsitil inily.
-I.KLbnW CITli:XS :-f lurel.y annotiurp my
J" ?iit' as n ciinili'lite for the
niTin: up sin:i;iri
at the eotiiinn I'riniiiry i.h'ction an. tin the anj'iiort
of U'y Ft How Cilit'tis. Should I ,e noniiiiateil anil
cleeleil. I troinise to fulfill the ilnties of raid otBue
with li.U lit v.
Hluiinokin tji., May oil. Isi'm.
i:r-'.15B.SM5E:C& IVtO.
1' K T K It 1- 0 KILL A It 1) ,
SinilTA: Tiilmeni liiiiiil'iKliiri'r
ir a is i. iiAini:itssT..
(l-'i-rinerly 42 Chatham Street. New York.
Would etill the tittention ot lienlers to tho article.!
of his liitiiiiilai'tare. viz :
3iniiM'oy, Jii'inin.-'.
l'iae r.a'i.ri. I'ure A'triein.
C'.ais-' l'.tit t-'-e, XtK'hito"lii'S,
: It:': i.-tiM tb-et' n.:tn. t'oJ'lih:li 11.
VKI.l.i'W I V,
S.-oteh. II. l.ev Iiew 'eot, !.,
llich Toat S'.'ot.'h. Vri-h !l. 'a v !' Sjotth
Iri-li liih T'.:ist, 1'resU ,-L-jteh.
or biiadyfoot.
Attetiti'.n is ealle-l to the Inr'e rt-ilitetion in
t i-:i -ot Tine-l'ut Chewing tinl Stiiokin Tyljucet,
which will he f'tuid of a Snoenor lmdity
Sini.kiiij'. Fine Cut Chewinp. Smultiii;
hontr. P. A. 1... or I'liitn. P. .Tajo.
io. I. Cavendish, or Sweet, r-iianish,
No. 2. Sw el Sei'i-ted Oronoeo. Ciinastpr
S. 1 A 2 mixed. Tin Kuil I nveiidisli. Turkish
X . It. A circular of prices will be sent on applica
tion. April 4. IS.:! 1
'I'ltt I'iimlly fiiap "tinker.
The l'l'l:l.;' are cat tioeed iilii'i." ti e SPfllf.
Hi , article ol I.VKI'or luakiln:'. A ' . now of.
IVicd lor stile. The only itKM'lNi; and PATFN'T'
Fl is that na.if I'V the P FN NS V 1. V A XI A
SALT" M ANl FAf'l I UlX'ii t'l.MI'AXV. their
tra.le-niiirk It it l.. intr - SA 1MN 1 I Fit. I 'I! ( UN -rl'.XTKATFI"
l.Vi:." The 'ieatst l l 'K.-s ot this
in tide litis l.-.l t X PI! I NCI I'l.l.K PAKTIFS t...n
dtntor to I MIT ATli it. in v'ml.itioil .f the Cto anv s
All MAM' FACT! Hl'.ltS. IH'YFI! S or SKl.I.KItS
of these .-PIT'.ImF.s l.ves. nn' hereby X'l'lTFIFli
that the Company have employed as their Attorney.
lilKIHiii: li AHMXi). K-j.. of Philadn , aa.l
WILLIAM !!AKi:Vi:,L. I'-,,.. ,.f pittsl.ui
An I that all Mainitiu'turiTs, I r-. or Sellers of j in ti.ilation of the rid.!.- of the t'omptrnv. will I
be PH'iSLlT I I II at one. ' I
The .-API IX IT I P.. or Ci'XCFNTl! A'l'Fl' LYI".
i-tot .-ate ly ull liruj'i-ts. liroccrs t.nd Coitntiy i
Stores. '
I':iU "il !-.
Thet'lltlcd Slalcs Ciicuil Court. Wctcrn li-triet
uf Ptiin.-vtt ani.i. Nn. I of .Mhv Teim. iu l-'i"J. iusiiit
of the "Peliiisyli aui.i Salt Vlauittiict iirili Colnpuey
vs. 'i lioloas ti . Chase, deerei d to the Ci-lopliny, on
Novttet'er l.'i. si-,2. the Lxcln-ite rinlil granted by
a pati nt owned by lliciu It tin-.-' A pi iX IT J.K. IV
tent dated October 21, Is.'iti. Pcipctual liijiinctiun
SALT M A N 1 V A C T U It 1 N G CO.
(I 1' r 1 C K , :
I:? Walnut Slrctt. I'hila.ivl.ltln,
tri i t. ami l'li iiuMif Way. I'itt.-l ur.
May l!, Irtii-I
its "11. 1.. 4 ikkI.T. liavini liihrn cxtni
linln- to vi.'it 't'ioital)v tho princltitil llnllri ot
I'tichloii in tin fiiy, id now :ro'iirvil to ntiilti. trim
ur ri'triiu. ltomit ts auil Hut.-, in tin.' lati-t .1'ling aud
.Miinuier alyk-K.
Hie lias on hiiii l a laro utook of
F I. O W i; IIS, It 1 11 15 UN'S, I. A C i: S ,
mi l nil attit li'K in lu r line ri l-ctc. with the greatoxt
oaro from lnrire wIioKmiIi liou-i'X. mol can. ami will
nil Work or liooil at prieea to unit all cii'loiucrs.
MIT'S. fOl.l.AHS. IlANLiKlllUTIll'.l'S. Cu.MHS.
twi'l Dinnerout! ollior artiolf! I'or l.iulit.'' wenr. to
tvhii It invitt tlio la.lioi to (.'nil Jilf I rxaltiiliu hi'-fori-
iuriTttisin i'l?i'nhfre.
Thankful for the atrouasi' t-xti'mli 'l to her hereto,
foie. alio hoia hy ket'i'iiti; the htl assort mint at
reiHoinililo lil'ii'i'il. toconliuue the fiitne.
( v Si eoiiil iloorfouihof Sliiitiiokiii Valley A 1'ott-.
viile ltailroml. i.-t .-:Jo l'au atrcvl, St N1U HV.
April L'.i, Ihoo. .'liu
.1 o e I r j .V I t a nt ihIn,
S2 f lu'Milit Street, rhilii lelpllia,
HAVE alwaya oil hanil a larire stia'k of (iohl iin.l
Silver Wiiteheii. suilahlu for l.ailiea. tleiitleitian
or lioj' Wear. Some of our owu iinportatiou, ei
tra lino qunlilv.
I lur B.-worliiient of Jewelry cniivUla of the mart
fiihiontililc anil rieb Uericiir i the plainer ami
leK expelixive.
Silver Saanir. l'orkii. Tie. t'aka an l Vrult Knivea ;
aUi a hiiiie Tiiriety of taney Silver Ware ruiialile
for llii Iui l're."entr.
We have aim on bawl a tiio.-t apleinliil awrtnii t.t
of lliaiumiil Jtwtliy.ot all kimli. to wh'uh wv invito
emooiul atlenliou. ' Oltr urie.-a w ill he folilnl eolipiile.
ralily leiu than Ihu tiaiuo urtK'k-.uru umially lolil for. J
AU kimU oi'Wati hea iepaire.1 iu Ihu very best
iimoiier. an.) wairiinli'4 touivc ali-taetion.
Mi:l)IiIXti UIMiSou biiml ami u.aile to iT'ler.
Call or inl'lte
SOI' f ht'Mtut Street. 1'hilailelphia.
P, S Tha higlteal vanh piicea paiil fur ull Uuld
anil Silver.
Allonlera from the couutry will receive e.pecnil
Slay 3, ISlVi. oiuu
riIIIE unilersiKiieil oflera toeIl at priato talc, bia
I valuahtu luriu, tituate in Zcrhe loaurhip, North
utiihetlaiol cuuiny, l'a., aboul one uulo wt.t of ihe
towu of TrcMirtou. cuutaiulii- TWO 11 1 Milt 111
Al'liKS. Dior or nt about aixiy aere of whiih
arc elearetl anil In imhI vlateof culiiva'ion, anil
thu balance well liuilare l with luoe ami oak. Iho
improvements ara a Log-Home, lluiu aud other out.
Tern.t fy. For portioulara ibqutra if
Tuebur; . M :.
tliirk-l flr-'l, iioiirC.- opposite lite
ICnil ICoimI IkriMK,
n tj n rt u ii y , t vs . . ,
TNFOn.MStho citiiena of Snnhnrv and vicinity,
that ho lina just rnUirnud front l'liiladolphiii w ith a
full nssortineiil of
I'll.!. AM MI'i a'Bt -IS,
tlis stock ooiwisi of Cloth. French Cloth-i. l!l:icl
Doc Skin and Fancy Cni-'incros. Ulnek Satin. 1 iui'i'd
Silks. I'liiin and Fancy Cn'Mt'ii r VFS I I Xit'. which
he will Tnako tin lo order in !lvlcs to suit the Insto of
customers, nn short notice, ami Ihu lno-t rcn-oriiilde
Any tloo.lii nol on hiia l. will ho fin nislicd from
rtiilndflphia; hy irivini lit" day' nolica
tioods fiindslied hy cttstotnil Will bo inlidii Up to
order us heretofore.
A he will ciniloy noli" hut ettpniienrnl orkuien.
fiaraonii may rely nit getting tin ir work well ilono tit
lis shop.
Thankful for the patromiTR luri'tolori? hestow Ml.
ho ri'sppctl'iillv solicits a coutinuimccof tho s iine.
f-unljury, tX'tobcr 4, IHU-'.
.1 II .A V. .MA UTI A',
.Vm i; t ij'nm; one tbmr iri" l'"il
T e-peclfully informs his old friei
kp lie centTalty that be has air
Is iiikI the pub-
rain retiirtie'l to
Sunbury mid re-opoucd a
Acw 'I'ilittki-iiiK' IliiJsitilislnueiil.
He is nri'imred to make iiii ni-w painieiits us well
us liieluiili eld one-, mid to do wot k lieutlv. lash
humbly and substantially, it
work leavintr the shop, and
i If act will wiiirtint nil
by n doiii. hopis to
receive a itue share ol patrotiairc.
Persons dcirini to have clothing made up toord
ill the Intel slylo. will please pile hint ll call.
Sunbury. April 11, ISO"'. 0 in.
Futvn Strrcct. oiposito Weaver's Hotel.
3T'NBUHY.'NorthviiTibe:'lnnl Co., Tu..
INFOltMSMa friends ai d the public generally,
that he bus tnltcti the Shop ot Jacob S. Hake,
dee d., and is prepared lodo nil kinds of TAI l.nll
INCt in a good woikmnnlike miinner. Tho patiou
iige ol the pithlie is respectfully solicited.
Sunbury, .Mny lii, IstiX ly
l.olli'i' A. I'niiillj- Sew Ins "fl lili',
"71T1I all the tier.' ilnprovmenls
Ihiiider. Hinder, Feller, Tucker, Corder, tin
thetcr, Ac, Ac. Ac), i th-
chi:api:st ax!) iik-t.
and most beautiful of all machines (
and light inamifacturin; purinses. It makes Ihe
inter-locked stitch (which is alike on both side-), and
lias great capacity for sew ing
I'vt n U nthcr. n. well li e finest tnti-lin. mny be
si tvn to perfection on tins machine. It will uio' 2Mi :
spool cotton us well as No. ;:u linen thread. hat j
il can do only be known by seeintr the niucliii.c j
tl -li"l. The l'elditiii-top Cli.-u is nluoiig the most
valuable of all the new improvements. It tuny be )
opened oat as a spacious aiid suhsianiiiil table to j
sustain Ihe work, and when the machine is not iti tec '
it may bo folded into u box. which eiot"cts the
working purls of Ihe machine, 'llicro 13 no other i
nauhtnu lu eiptul llir Letter A in
siiiiii iiy . ain-.-iu;iii v , b: : i! i i , i
tniil t't'i'tiiiiily l" earreet iK'lion ::l '
till rati'- ol s.eel.
The Family Sewing Miiehinc is fust becomirg a
popular for family itsu us A Co.'s ilaiii.l'ac. i
lurinc; .Machini's lire tor tiitiniitiictnrit'g purposi s. '
The liiitnch Hlheosare well -applied with silk twist,
thread, needles, oil. Ac . of the vet bc-t ipiality.
Send lorn i amiiii.kt and n copy of "StMiett A
Co s 11 A "KITH."
I. M. SlXtiFH A CO.. i'.s Ihca lwav, N. Y
llr Philtnlelphia Oflicct SI0 Che-nut street
June i. tsii.i. ly
Sold lv 4'ain riinsem 'i'isriii5Mnl
2.1. nil.
Tbv be-t Inbur favina nim liiuc iu tlio wurbl
Nn 'uiuioii it .-kill ntiitin-'l iu it-
lii.s c vt-ryibiii dry. m.-l ti 11 tiiu - tv rjui :U a-
i'hii bi; il.Iiu by the lilU"l
A cbibl uf c"ij;lit year- cun operate It
No -rvMiit can ItciiU it.
Ii mu t iiM.Nj.-t in t'lti.h'n- inn f.miily cory.ii
Will wear fr year" vithout repair.
Warranted to j.lcnvc or notn y re t'u i led.
Nn. 1;;c 1'aiuily Wiincr
No. a ilt iliutu
No. 2; Medium "
f l;'.0ii ) Witi, t:,.i
7.011 t iiinlit' '.
t'.Htl 1 Without
foe-. ."(
.'. OH I U uiniiiti.a
I I t'll 1
to run 1 l;".in. I With f c".i.
l,v f Wntriiii'.i; I
No. .'I r-mall, ''
No S Tar'i? Hotel
No 1 Med. Laund y
No -22 .i -o ' Kti'um I :!.iMi J
.'o 2 i-. Itt s' piui'i'iilly tfi-'l in i'fi itto futiiilit"'
Tin; K.Ni.Y wniMiKii'wnii Tin: vaunt
fmi w 111.1.1. r.i.ui i.'i'Hi
No M'rini r ottn lie I'urnl'lo Without Co;;-W1hi -l.
4':iutii-M'i 1 iiiii'1 in 'i 'f J' ii.
IVr.-ona ri'-i'Iiu vlii'rt' no criiivif-' r i.- n .jo 'i ult-.l ,
Iiy t iiittiitii; tin- 1'fioc to ti.", .-I111II rci'i ivi'tliu U iiu-(rt-r
ly cxjiri-'. 'm-pniil.
I'or tonus anil ciicttliir. a'lilri'M
It. f. ltr.fiWNINil.
215 Utoiolntiy, Niw Votk
Juni' in, iMi". Iui
i:v .it:itsi:v i.a.m ion
j OAKiinX OK Fill IT FAlt.MS.
I Suitable for I! raie. I'cacliea. Pears, llaspherries.
I Straw bertiei. liluekherriei'. eitrranl.". Ac. ol 1. 2s.
Ii. In or -ll iu're. ea'll, al the fulloivin prtoes tor Ihe
preseiit. viz.: 2n acres for .f'Juii. In aero for?'! In.
5 acre for julil. 21 aerea for JS-i l, 1 aero for f2.
l'liyahle by one ilollur a week.
AIo (fowl I'riuibeary loml.-, atol village lots in
f UK'I Wtidll, 2:'i Iiy ilii. kit. at "fill I'lK-b. payable
by unit dollar a week. 'The nhove hunt nli.l tnnm.
are fituateel at Chetwool. Warhinirtou Town.-hip.
l!itrliii):ton County. New Jer-ey. I'or further in
formation, apply, with a P. l. Slump, for a circular.
No. or, Cedar Street, New Votk, N. Y
January 21. lSiiii. ly
1 killer in
"VyKW Itosewuod I'liiuua, from the best maker
from J''liii upwurda.
MKl.t'l'Ko.NS. The best ruaniifiictiired liMru-
menli' fr !.' t" f Iimi
UuiiarH. ioliii". Aeeorileons, lTuteii.
l' illi. liritniR. I'tuijo. 'I'linil'oiiriiiei.
iolitt ami tiuttur ftrititi and muMcut liter-
chandtMi iu (leneriil.
The latet pul'lieationit hlways on biinj. Miie sent
bv mall to anv part uf Ihe eoul.try.
Suitable for looking glansi-a, aud all kimU of pictures
aluur- ou baud. . j
A 8ne aiortnieut of hei't pl'i'i 'l j
I.tldKINU tll.AS.-KS lioui ioalli-1 to liTe.-t ina
Anv atvle of fiaiue made loonier at the lioit.".t i
n.tii-e. ' W'M. hN.ifllt. '
April 11, 1s0:l. .l Mutlict t., Itaiii.-Uiirj;
OF THE l.Eti. AC; i
luliiilucntw for all ili foriuiiien. j
Ml. li!.OVi:ili
"w Ix'rrr 'I'm
bar taken Ibe I'laco of other Truwen for the retention I
andeuruof llerniit or llupture. Aetiiij: upu Ihe,
ptiueiple Ufa lever, it never Iowa in trenirtli. It
euated to prevent M. It hiu no pud on the buck.
which is po liable tu injure tbo spiue and annoy uud
i nitio ine wearer, li ia uru m im
ifiiu(! eiiMi ami comfort, ami ell'eetui5 radical cure.
II i watrenttil to give aatiffaeliun.
The iuiprovett Shouldor-Hraec enpand tho ebil
aud ).revctiia the wearer from becoming ruund
itboul'lered. . , . ,
I.adie' Helta and Abdoiuuia f upiairtcra. Pium -
I5e, aud ll.-lli' "f all kind., aud IttoU uiueuU for all
lleformiliea ol Ihe li"dv.
Mt tiltOVEK S odico la No. 4 Anu Street, two
d. r from limadway, New ork.
Sir, L.rr.l.,uld t ultl'-ulurlT Put lb .!..
Eccnoiny is Verdth
cir.r voi it ci :;bj vntt i:m i-.
The liF.ST and C1IFAP1ST lluuf held Hl-.AU l V
in the World.
tliilnfii tlO' I )I! I I I!
11. H S OnTiiiivi Ilf-l-mn
m wurumL .! ir no , .
Cunhnur to ih lr'-1 i-'t.L
ti 'Mtrr in nl! ii n I'mii'l--,
i tA-U. V liij-ij iii rmtnl.i
A-llnn;i. iin-I nil nfii'Hinm
tt tlic 'ibn-Ht ni.'l Jiiitijn
Mll'lltn" 7:,v.'r. Wiirr
l;n!nm is r't'in I
nil llif r-'tjuHit' run1 nti
fkiW. f'pini h t Miiliiii;ili"n
uf lilt' In rt l.-r-ii .lit; th
v'it liittle ktMtf'lciii nlli'itly:
il: "ini'lml (ii. (lilies tu:
Illi!-Ml jMi iJs HV cr to ii-r-'.-'
I lit liL';ilii;y iiiitl i.m.
riirnliilit'ii ii' 1 1 1 v ..IimiI,
blt.nil. t)i--" tiic l.iinj. It
I- t.nt h v .-lit r(it!"ilv,
I int I'Hurlinit wjinnii!,
FtwHP'liin;? iiihI rfiiciivc ,
run y' tiikuti tv hn tililt'-i
Vl'-T1 VnU-mn Juh I.e..,, iu UM- v
mm nn niijiif lur ovit iyi nn
1 ' utitl bn m imi-i'i, it in
jn-nl' fnlo iinily I'.v In-ill! ri-rniiiiiiriitli-.l Iiy I hi
whnluivc ii-itl il lu llifir )illli'.;h'l (Vit imN fiiil ! htarv
AInsT IM'ntiT vt,-Aiail;i)iu' iif1:t- l'Mri'-r'-, I'tii'H
ttvc l!:il-Hin Hi ii f'ri -c wliit-ii ('l ii::;-' it in
rcnt'Ii (t t-viTV tine t it 'i.itvi i;if!it Icr iiff. 'I'I'n
titnily ii.-i? (it'll Ktnlc tn'titt.' will ir - . tu k ir;ii
ItMl tinics it."'H.-t.
N''J'M'K f-'nvc v-.t'.r M-ovy Tit. n l 'v j,'r-t;-i
itcii t purviiii-'f nrt!f!t nt t ti ?1 vliii 'i nit. c ii
t.iin tli' vil lu- nf ti l-i r lit iJ'itth ft Mirhui.c -t(r
Cinntivu l!ii!;nTi, tlic "-( of lniumfmM m in
wliich is ii- (Tfiift ii that t iilnj.i-t iMry otlcr l'lc-li-cim-;
iin-l the (rv low piii'o nt wlii -li U i" H'M,
innki.'s tin- proti. tu tliu -i-IIit n pnn utly -uiiil!. iin-l
ftiprim-ipl' il (ic.'ilrr.x will MiitH.-linu i ("innicn l
(itln'i luo tii'iiics oti liit'h thi ir pn-liti nr" lur-i-f, tin
lc- tlic rn-;.iihci iii-it upn Ktivinj M m-1 :ui-tf !'.. -Wv'n
att'l iifiic utlicr. AAi tor M Inmc IV-ru-r -rntivc
liulMim. ).i;ci- I.'I Tut', dim) in i:ir;:o l-ittlcs fit,
I'.'i i'( iit. nn, tiiUi- no ntlx-r. Il ynn -.jiiiii'.t gvt it hi
t-nc tdrc yii enn nt nni.thiT.
Sild by ttll J'tiiiri,'!1!' nn-i Pt'rt'!cci piy nt l'l ctj ,
fiml in lari-r Itnltlial '2 ct.
IIA A. A M i K:L, rrnprict-r-.
Tninary '11 , l-fWt ly Nuw rk.
Northern CcMitral Itnihvay !
sa ! u T1121: T.tisi.a-:.
TWO TH M NS liALY to mul froiu (tie rtb nn t
'vt llrmifh Kik, Lltulm, hui ull fit fjt;-
rn Sov o:V .
ON nnl after MONPAY. ATKIL 20 li. Xt
ihv l'n.B,ciii;( 'lniiiif rtf tlic Northcrti (Vtitrni
Iwiihvay will hi rive nt mul tl-'pnrt fro'a fimburj,
Iljirri.-l.-utg lUiu lialtiintiiT as 1;11'-', viz :
SO U T I! V; A R I .
Muil Train Icpvc Punbui v ilaily (excci't
S'umlav). 10 JO A
It aver ilnrrM'.irLf,
nn ivi-s ut lI.iUumtTrt.
lixprcs Tr.'in lc.ivc Sunbury 'lnily
(cxri'pl Suii-liiy.)
" li'c Jliirn'lu:-j; (ex'.-opt
fi ri itt (laltiiit'TO tlailv
U 07 V
2 00 A
M'X -i-pi
P 15 A. M
; Aoji'itau't bitinu lc:i 0i( Ilarii.--
6 10 A
1 Il.iltiniori! daily (c Traiu leuvt
rent Siind;ivl P
l.-avc- llanifluir;: 1( 1.;- P. M
u ini ti ;it Siiubiti '. A D-ri "
Kjtc Tluln leave- Hiltiui.'.rc di!y V I IV M
I'rrive at lljirri,;''iiri. 1 V-'j A M.
It'iieo iltii'ri-i.,t:!,j lexccj-t
M-.mli.yK ? 00 A M.
" nrrivo nt f'uiibtiry. U
l'or fv'.ber iiifuriiialbai t tbc OH":1.'
I. N H JiAliKY. Sin !
l2siZaiI-laia A. ".rU roacj.
TITUS pri'Ht lino trav?r-vM tbu Ni'itbtru at-d
I Northwest ivmtitu'd -t rviU'lviiiii to the city
i, nn l.tiUc i'.nti-
It liiif Im- n K-ic-cd by tliM lVnt.-'yvania Knilroad
riuip:iny. anil under tlicir auspice- U bcin- ra; idly
opeeed tbi"unhoiit it' entire tiiili.
1 1 I,..!', ill f'U- r:t---en''r :it.d V ' . ' ' 1 1 -' -
.:. 1 ll -m 1 i-t.i'r-j in I ' .!"' t. L';. i I : .. ' . '.
iiiilil 1. a the lvi-teru Ii i-t..n. in i I'.- tn .-.ui;.' i w
Ij'iO. ,7" mile.--.) nil the Wl'ciii r.-r..
ok 1 .-si Niir.T- lit.uv-. , r m mm !
An n; ll: t.- -.!. rit-M A M.
J;.pr-- Train. 1 I .-'7 1V.M
Muil ir;:i:i. 1 ' " IV M
Kxpro.-- 1i 0 in. i.'i A M.
far- run ti.n.uIi w ith
Ill cli'illirt . I ..Ml M;:V-, nil
ll.i.-i' tiiiiiii' l.-OKt'iu ritil:i.i'l liia Biol l.'. -k !l'ii ii,
M.'l I, tivi".'tt I'.ultin:' l,o,'k li.txtn.
l.liiii.t SUi'j in ; t';ii itt Kxi'i't'.- ' I " i- n i i ' 1" th
tuivs l.i'tn-'i li At'il'.ii.tii'i on lilni li:.!;il':o: nt..l
W ill llllil-t'ol t Htl'l !'!:!':! i, ijiiiin.
I or ii.i.'ilimtM.u r . I'M'iiu l':i-' i "-i-r ho-, tor
iil't'ly M tho S I:. I'or. Ilih no'l M.nk.'t .-
Ati'l l"r l''roiht t'li iio-.-- ol ilo- f oiip:Miy'. A' iiu
S. It. KitiL'stoii. Jr., for. l-ith mul !.nk.'t
.1 W. U. vtiiihN. 1'rio
J M Dtill, Airi'tit N f U. I!., llultinvro.
U II Ilol .T'.N.
I'.'tiT I n ijrlit Ai. I!i:.'u In
l.i:w is I, 11,. i it.
tii'lt'l Tickot A-;'t.. IT .i'li.l.i
.lost i ll . 'o IS,
titti'l .MtitiuL'i r. Wil;i!-.!iiM" r
news: m-iv.'s : new? : news:
4 HI" lmw in .-Mm fa-t u red t. .rder bv the -ib-vrtb
V V at I'iil.A I'KK l;A I l.S that. Nt utiv etlu
li.-litoi'lit ill itiiliitiy. Jiie wnr tn.v l.- l.ot tnKoti ttit-i
i'on-iik'i iition. iiimI all work ill he done in .1.1 pt o'.'n
Iln itV ju.-t rr-ied mi euii;e net tock of l-.uhir
nrd Miiiik'i.'i" t; r
''V1.'TIH I!tIM ; !.: .,
!.:f ivi Slioi'n mid ;.!!i'Ti"i M.oi"". A..'.. V".,
which will he mode, to oi-lrr nt -hovt noiii-c. in tl.i
bc-t uoikiuiiuliUi' iiiimlitr tied of the l-i.-t 1 1 i-: :t 1 .
reeling thiiukiul tor ihc piitfuiiiie etitid'-d hui'
tutorc hu hopi locolitiniu- Ihe .-.Mtie.
All wliodt-ive tt ui k done '-liLiip and dui.o'lo. ur-t
int iled to t'till at hi- -hop Hourly opp....i;e the f "url
llou-e ill .Mnrket Saiiari , Sunluirv. Pn.
juiiN wu.t:p.
l-'ohruiiry 2. IfV'l. (tin
Til: Juis jn.-'t returned home front I'hiliidelpl.ii,
11 with anew St.u k of IiiihTS und slli.'i.s, t loci
ed with great cure to i-llit all pcl'M lid
liiilf iulir 'oov and .Vioi. ir.'un init run irt I f.'t
htsi quality, tniil wlitritlir Kt.'t a nrtiui it it
'y'f Slllltil'rti.
He hna Calf Hoot.' from si T.'i to 7 HO.
Hi' hili' I'.o.v f nil" lioutr ll'olll ? I .l loft till,
lie Ihl" l.mlii' liaiter lioin li.'cts. to J .:i0.
lie lot .Mirac mid f liildien iiaiters of alt .tylix la-hioii.-. and priit. In .-ho! etery tiling iu hi
line of Itu.-illef.
He ti ho loH.-tt bund a full assort men t rif Motn eoe,
and fall Skills of tint hcid iinility. who-h Iili will
luiike up toorder at ihc chorti ti,.ti.'e. hut r sup
plied hiliiSett w ith tho lil' .-t tu.-htolu.bk' Lltft.
ITSWAl.ll S Patent Metallic Sole ami lleeln,
one puir ot whi'-h will woarii kn ui bt'e ut
l.'-Hllier SiIe4. l.i pt oil lali.i.
Mell'llti done a- ll-unl.
f all and e.vuu.ii.e tor oiiS'lve and learn ley
prices betote pur, tu.-in ekew here.
W M 11. M11.I.EU.
:'i:iiloirv. Mav ki. I v.! Ivcti
: t.;..J. 1 ""il'-'.
! 1-11 1 l.AI'i:i PIUA P.vri lt IIANf.lNf.S
I 11 Ota I.I.I. A. IUII itUi:.
I Cor. lourtb.t MitiUel Street''. l'!Lii;, hatu
, i,ow in to'k. a liue vuiict) of
IMuIl lii-.',
f4..t up expiesdy f ir their Spring Tru I"
IVINhott' I'.U'EK l'l' EVlTtY fUAl'i:.
to which thty invite Ihe attoution of Slort keeper-.
J.i- III Iheii'lieluil llepallment, will be twitel t'.u
liioieot iityki of Ihe cen.t.
I'lilladi ipliia, l'l b. 11, Isil.'l Hiu w
Published for the beuefil. and - a w uriiing and
whonulh-t front Nertoti Iebilily. Premature Iioay
td' ilaidtood, ele , vupptyiui ut the aatue time
Till. MEANS 'ui' i: I . I' CIKE.
Iiy one whu bit- cured bito-'elf after h'-intr put to
irreitl eapcujie and injury totoiioh uiedu-al Luiubug
ami nu.o hot v
l!y rif'luaUi ' V' -t !'.. ' 1 ".ildier " I ei tcki.e. r'n-
glu loptia may i" n oi ait'.t, o
b id of 'o.
u ut tut. I I
,N.-' U'.'
uue, wall done