Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 01, 1863, Image 4

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4 NNOCN'CL'e'toall whotrodo In Sunbury, that
m tins just I'lirouneN
Mhhh horf r ! his "M slai d near Covcrl'a Unto
west end of Mnrkct my
cui:v ro:: cash
Or if that will ri"t do, just n.i cheap fur
' O I' A 'V I! V i 15 B t; K .
Hi' slock con-isls of a lnrgc r.s.-t.rtirent of
,-OA P.
('11 .ENSWAIII',
P N 1 S.
, l.VJS.
itti.1 other nitioles to.v numerous to men
Ful.bury. .lunuiiry 3, IsGo.
ff TuHnr-v Edi'Ironi.
1 liKAT TLl'MC T.tNi: fr.nn tlio North Bnrl
X Nrth-Wct for Fhilail-lpliiu. New York. 'lead
ing. Fulls. ill,-. I.f'.ii'Hii. Aliontown. r.n'lim. tie.
j rem-- h ave Ilan f..r -1 ia. New-
York. Ken. ling, PuttsviHo. nml ail Inli-rinciliutc
i',i,ii..iis. ill .1 A. M.. nml 2 OK 1'. M.
New York Ex pre" It nves Hani l.-nrirnt 2 I.'i A. SI.,
arming at Xew York at 0 l' I'm : :i m morning.
Fares from llnivi.-lnirjt : To New York S", l. : to
l'liil'uli'liiliiii tfo '! nml i'i SO. Uagga.;" chocked
l'.i .uri.inr. Imve X"W York ill 0 A. M . 12 X. n,
end 7 P M.'(Pit'-l)iirgh Express). Lenvo Fhiladel-l-h'rt
nl S 1 j A M. ni, l :i ::n P SI.
Slect'ihg cm 3 in the Xew York Express Trains,
throu-rh to iii'ii from llit t? -urtrh without cIuiplt.
Fr.-sehirus bv the f iiltii r. i -i Luil I! ;i:;'l leave Tn
ninquii nl 8 Ml A. SI., nr. I 2 I.i P. M., for l'liiludcl
j hin, 'i w-Yi'iU. f.n.l nil Wnv Points.
Trail's leave 1'oliM-illo nt W 1.) A. St.. nml 2."0 V.
M.. l'.-r l'l:ili 'li'ii'liin. llurnsHirg ami Xew Vrk.
.' n n.Vi-ii-n.oilulioii Passenger trein leave, II. -ading
nf ti I'll A. '... and returns from Phtludelohia nt b Uli
P. M.
i v All tho r.l'ovc trains run daily, Siiiiuiiys ex
ccKcl. A Sonduv tr.iin leaves P..:tsvillc nt 7.M A.M.,
ui. J I'liilr..!. I .t,i nt :!.!.' 1'. M.
t'l'ii.nnilniiiin. -Mileage, Season, nnd Excursion
Ticket-, at reduced rates to and from all points.
May 2. lM. (Ji.mral fii))crintei.diiit.
JH5.1i im'KIH' &. .,
MA.M i Arn i:i:ns op
EJ A. T-i 33 R A. T Xj S ,
And Sole Aqi'iiN in tlio City of New York fur
Invi-itel ly lVof. Ll'eu X. Ho i --Pud. of Harvard
Vnii er'ily. (in'i'C 11 "Id S-1 1 ij-, Hanover Future,
(up 'inii-.l Xl-AV YOP.K.
rn i'f l i::'i j.ri-'e wliioh of Tartar coniinnr.di d
I inl-. 'I. toiri iln r w iili tho nlinniin extent to
v liii ti i: d.-ii:i;i iidnperatii n Lad In en elirricd.
v.i:h .lii'.r i 1 1 ; ? i 1 1 1' in t i ! i . indui'i'd the distitiui-l.f d
''l,ci e !.i .-i.' linliie i.-' lA'eii nliovo. to eolotnelieti
ili::f j M.'.t t.i l.e a 1 'i;'' rnd lfil.nrii-u.- seioiitilii' ro
I.. it d'. -ii :il !e 'tiiiite theref-r.
1!!- i '"i r!- vi' le iMOAVIied i'h al.ulidiinl pile -e-. Illl.l
:el. f ihu- in l. nl' .uii,1s of lite Suli.-liluki
t,.; .. i ... m -ni l ;ui 1 ti.-f'd (liit intr tlie lust live ycara.
tl.i-i :Ll"'i:t l!;e'd Slati ni.d tlie L'uliailii:.
'J':.e i'i :',,nii;i Iruc. eon .'lis m of its iimhh-o nnd
t! e ri';i!'- nt ils u-o. n jlii iiio..o i f Cro.ini uf Tat'tiir.
vill I", n iin'e tin- most inei ei I iili ins of value.
Ckmiii i't Tiiftiir i.- h l:i-tn tralo of Pola-li.
1 liii .--i li-iiinte i a .-iin,i, lMiosjihato. nnd eontuiiw
ti :i.;ii- ' i.t i! :it i-- fi.iiii i in !. 'ct-steak. and in eorn.
v.l.i.t iii 1 mtur i rei:L-. an 1 is then-fun' hi.rlily
litllli:ii-:l-. ! a!-o lifls a he:llih-iivini; intllleliee,
aii-i -.iii .Mh'i; v hiidi tin re io a cuistnnt le-
Il.lll 'i in l!:" s-ti in.
i i I: i- :-l f"i' a n.u"li li-.t t ri.-e tlina Cream of
I'll Mr.
)UreV 21. 1-i'.:l.-Iy
V. .1. XAA.V,t. Xo. lrt Xyitli Sixth Strer-t, Phil-fitt'Ij-!.!n.
iiinnfixluror ot
The : n!.l lipf.-t u;-;.irtUi(M,t in tlie city, at tlio
1. .wv? -t .ri. (,.. r.liiiilf' l:iintc.l tu.J '1 liiiutal cqutil
iKl'il'lLT AXD HKFl'ltXISIlKD. d r. Iloivnrd
had J'rai.Ulin J-ireui, a f, w Snuarcs West of tlio
Xi.r:l.-rn Cei ;r!Tl itailrond Denot. J5A1.T1M0IIE
t.,- i uiiss, M fin "iv
' LKl'sKX r.IXt . Projirlelor.
July 10. 1 S.'.H
i' ?i-rvii!. iaitli'm-M ol'lMtf It Sc vc,
J'.l 1 1
of ; :
d .1 ' '
K1.V1-.P.KX0 (ILNTI.I.M A.N having Wn re-
ircd to lieiilili iii a fi u ilny.s, after undergoing
. iimiiiI ioi'.iine and irregular t'.'peT,siv u.odc
i .iiici :it. v, iii .nit sucet-s, ci.u-idt rs it his sacred
I. 1 e..iiii!iu:iii iilc to l.i- aiilieted Ullow eretittnes
:i. i.xs i i i i: .Hence, on the roeeipt of nu
i id iiiY'l'-pe, he i i I s.ud (flee) ll coj.y of the
I I . 1 hi u 1. I lireet to
l-i'i Vuliuii Ciiect. ;!r..,'kiyn, X. Y'
iitu.i'v 21. I .ui;.
!:i !.Mi.uua tll juiiikhui'i; I;;il
i 'i '"i l ttfier XoV' 17, Vsi2, I'usvcngir
7 'Jii.ilis v. ill inn :is fulloHS :
Frrizht ir
Leac h' -riii.tiin, A. M. 10. la A. M
Kiic-ton, ii.'M H.4U1'. AI.
l'.upirt. ll.:;ii
l'ai.viiie. 12,1'j
Arrive tit Ninh,:n.l tland. 12.4a P. M.
MnYlMJ Xnll'Jll.
l.eno Xorthim.bcrlui.J, It 2n P. M
liaimlle, f, on
Kio-.nn. h.-li I.onvp, 1 .43 P. M.
Arri( at scruii'on. liMju P.M. ;t..i(i
A Ph.- n'T Train also leaves h. il.pstou nt 8.00
A V.. I r .-Siriiiiion. to tonuiet v,iih n train for
f. urk. Iti-tiji'l.iti, le.a. .-eli.l.',..iu ouiinival
ol ir.ii.i-fivm New Yniit. al l l.'. p. M.
1 l.e La. k.-imiiicn A ill oiilici ir Puilr, ! eonneeln
nithlll lieliiHiue. La. l.i'.niiia nl.,1 e-teln li nil-
I 'iid nt Scriiiiti.ii, t jf Xew iur 1.1.1 intcruiediuto
I oilils eat.
At Knpi rt it 'ruoeU with tho Cnttm i-n linil-r-nid
f. r p. ;i:!s l,,.t!i .'n't and cii--tini' im; ut l'hil
iid, !, hi i, at ii i ', P, M.
A! Niiril.Mi.ln-rlaiid il ronncc'.a with the PhiLidid-
hiu A ttio Itailroad and Xoi ihcru Central .Hail
juad. f,.r p ;iui.s i -t an 1 snuth Pa.-.- iiL-em nrrivii g
at ll .Ti-i i.iu..-Hi P. M .; Philadelphia ly p. J
and iiiriiiem : 10.20 P. Al.
'I In- 1 i-.iht and l'a-'i!ffrf Train li rth. la' r-.s
Xniii iiitdj. m 0,4." A M, nnd unui ut 6,2n P
A! , i-xsiii JJuii illt- nt S.2I. P. Jl.
. ... , J""-N' II.fI.EY, t-upt.
.1 C. M n.i.s. (loiicriil T'.ekct Axeni.
Nov. 2'.i. 1- ,2.
'"siips PAirvr rnirjjiA.
5 "IT i B:r:y.j:s
As Improva 1 f.rpyj and 1-iHrt
Hy E.KI.TC1IAM .1 CO.. ;sy Pearl t.. New yurk.
rpilj: ( i,!v Freezer roimlruetcd on s.-ientifio priii.
I eipl, s ,u'h a rev.iltii, euu and tpiina Hado
rs'in ;!. lhe one hn.-tei s the. treezmj:,,! tlio cream- -tin
i.:i..-r i. ii, .ii. ; h u.. ro..-ii.
.'l';" "'' "'H'-1 i" frci-itiug, with ( lie knst quantily
'I la i, , , oinieul iiicosl. as it is, the must simple
in I .li.. a'. I.- in rum-tine
1 i-r .le in ul the j rinciDiil citits and towns in the
I iiinti.
i V',' 'l.1 r" r ---'n'rwiiea with a took of recii ci
imI lull aire -iiona. '
' quarts,
4 quarts,
t qiimts,
h quarts,
1 1 quarts,'
2ll o'lii.tu
4 en
& mi
fi nu
s I. il
U In)
ni(M:ii:u.i ti v itoi:ic.
Attorneys nt Law, Stinbury. Ta
A '.',"ii!!vi'1;ock,:i'i:uik f'lj.Mox
II 11' ri.speeitullv nn,.u.!o that i) ,.v
.ayoeiilere. into c,.p,,l,ip iu the practice ,,'f
lo-irpiole.,,,,,. ,i iifoi,iii:u' to u.t,.il to
a :,, entillsted to theireli .ge, il, the cunlns
ol .N,,.i .n,l.rh,,,d, I l.i. .li, Snyder and Montour,
' "lihlnlly and e.r.iult.v. .-.e.-i., ,:
. ..i will l. Kn,. t ihe I nl I Ll.'TP.Ns UK
i Vv i t,"'"-lll'',n au he had iu tho UtU
.VIA lnU'j-itae.
' 'iliee-Mrk, stn ej. op,,ite Weaver'. Hotel
Kui.l lliy. li,m,;ry 4. l,u.
:!. ItioadM,,,, .Vn.Urk.'
r urv
lii.oicn as "IklmMiTP
i ijirnovKurtosE wasui.
A PiwiliTo nnd Sppciflo lletnedy
Tor Hi'i aie." of tlio
i;r.APPi:i:. KiixuY.a. (,, axi inopfi
cal.svi;li,ixc?. Tlii" Medieinp inirr-iio tlio powrr of Piyivtion,
Sri ex-iie" the Ali-:or!n-nts into h?aitliv aclion. lv
ivliioli tlio AVatery or Caleorou. iloronition. nnd nil
l:nniiiiirnl KidnrL'en'.enls nrc reduced, ns woil jis pwin
nnd inllaininalioii, nnd is good for nieu, women, or
iJ3 Oil'
Aiifini! from i:!t.wr. Hiildts of DiKifalion, Early or Aliiise,
Altetid" d with the lullowinx Kvuiloina :
Tniii'ii1'1-'1"1 )o Kxeriion, Lo of powrr.
Lr.- nf Meaiory. Ttitlieuliy of Urcntliin
Week Nerves." Trend. liii;
Jlorror el lii-ease, V nkelnln".-K.
iiiiine. of vision, 1'ain in the Imek.
I ni or ial Lassitude of tlio Fliisliinir of the llody
.Mu.ienlar Sy-li.iii, 1'riijitii.n.-- on the Face.
!1. t Han. 1. ' Pallid Couiiteniinee,
lirvnis.1 of (lie Pkin.
'lliese HVintnnii'. if nllnwed to to on. vhieh thin
nie licine. iuvnrialily riMnovcs, po,-n follow
In one of wliK-li llie j-nt i"nt luny I'spirc W'uo ean
say tiint ti'ey are not frequently folluneil by th;st'
"direful disca-iet",''
Many nro nwnro. of the cause of their .suffering, lint
r."iie w ill eotd'ess. The records of the iu-nno A y
lunis and the melancholy deaths l.y Loiisiuititioii.
bear an. pie witne.-j, to tiie Irillhiit the nssertii'ii.
Tlio Coiistitutiiui.
H ('quires t"ho nid 'if mcli.-iiif tn rn jl li ii uiA in
ir -rate tin' i-y -tt'iii. which t,IIohnlmli 'a Jv!i !,r t
Ihu iiti"' inviii iHlily duos. A trial will cjuiuuv
tlio inoit p; icul .
OM or your.g, single, nmrricl, or coiitemilatint;
ti;:irri:t r
In immy rfTx-ctinn? j-ci'iilmr io l-Vimtlcf tin- rxtiMt
lii.t-liu uncquaih'il I' v in iv othi r rriiif ly. :i in
'."liU ru'irf ( lit untiun, lrroixu':itiiy. Iiiuft.ini or
Shj Tf.-i'Hior tlio l'u.jt.nmry Uvju'unli'ii. I i -' r:itoil
-r 'hiin.u- slutc ot" il.u l"tvrnr'. l.i-uunn hun. or
Whilom .S(erili!. tititl inr nil c"Hiiilitiitlf iuci.U'nt to
tin1 rirx, vhwlnT iiri-'m iinm ImlL-ciction. Jlal.-iu ol
Jji.!iiiliuii, r in the
S'0 pymntwins uhuvc.
Take no Bali-an, M"ercurr. or t'nplea.sniit Aledieinc
lor I npleusunt und Dangerous iiseases.
HS'.!i31J4H.i-.4 K1TK.HT
Hi i ll
In nil their at ages ; at little expense; littlo or r.o
ehangu in die: ; no inconvenience,
AXD xo rxposritE.
It caiie frequent desire, nn 1 irive ptrenpth to
I'rinatr. thereby reniovini; r-l.struetioiis. preveutiiur
nnd curing Strictures of the I'n-il rn. iillning puin
and iolialumiili'in. s,i ii i qiient in thii elnssot di.-enscs
and expelling Poisomuis, Insciescd. nnd Worn-out
Th'-itsunds upon Thousands
And who Imvc inid Heavy Fei .7 to lie cured in a
short time, have found they were dceived. and that
the "Poison'' has. by the use of "Poweiful Asirili
oi.uls.' been di icd up in the ostein, tu bleak out in
an aggravated !' ri i. and
Pcii.-oo after Marriage.
au:iiTsiroi.!-s I'.viit.K'T
iii EH
For all AnVctions m.d Ii. cases of
THE I'l'.lXAliY OUtlAXS,
Whether existing in Mule or Feniale. from whatever
cause originating, nni no iiiaiitr
rieascs of thtio (Iraiai rcquiro the aid of
I'll HI. TIC.
Is the Cireut Iiiureuo,
And il is certain to havo tho desu-ed effect in all
fiieases, for which it is recommended.
lloluibold's Highly Coneentratcd Compouud
riuicl Extract Stirsaparilla Sypliilig.
Thii- is an direction of the Mood, and attacks tho
Sexual Organ.. f.iniiiL's of the Nn--e. Ktirs, 'I hront,
Mimlpipt. and other Mucus Surfaeis. inakin;; iis
appear). I. ee in the toriu of I b-eis. Jleliiibold's K:c
liact Sarsnpai ilia purities the lllood. and rimovesall
Scaly 1'roptioiis of the Skin. gi ing to the Complex
ion a Clear and Healthy Color, it being prepared
cxpri-ly for this el.iss of complainti-. iti- L'liKHl-J'uri-f
ing Pi.ij.iietora are proi a veil n, a reiiier extent
than any o.lier preiiaratiou of Saii.ipiiiilla.
ir. ii;;ir. s:i-- iYnii,
An tx-'cllent Lotion f.r Iii.-eines of a Syphilitic Na
ture, aial as an injection in Di.-casi s of the I rinnrv
t'rgans. miing fioin babita of di-sipatien. used in
cuiiiiectioii with the I'xiraets lliiehu and aruipari!la
ill tUi-Ii liiaeases as r.'ei.lliuielided. of the most resKiii-ilile and reliable char
acter will accompany the medicines.
From ( i.-l.t to twenty years standing, with names
known to Science and Fame.
For Medical Properties, ol liuehu, see l'lspoiifatory
tho I llited Mates.
Sec Profeshor Hcwec' valuable works on tho
Pn-'tiee of Physio.
Sec ri nun I s made by tho late celebrated I'r.
Fls'ek. I'hilad.lphia.
See remarks by Dr. Fphnilin Sfd'owcll, a
celebiuid Pliniciun, and Aleuiber of the lloynl
i't.Uee of Surgeons, Ireliuid, and piibiished iu the
'iriin.uciious of the King aud (.itn-en's Ji-iiiiiul.
Seo .Medico Cirurgiciil Uovicw, puliii.-hed by
lienjiimiu Tia eis, FoiiuW of tho Hojal College of
Sill geolij.
ftee uioJt of tho luto riltmdard Works cn Jledi
, i:,e.
Ex -nt act Ptnti', f 1 0(i per boltlc, or sin, J 5 Pi)
SlI.SAI'Allll.LA 1 t'U ' " nt)
Imi iioxfi. Uosl Wash. 6( " ' 2 iu
-'r ball aduiinof each lor 12 00. which will bo
sufficient to cure the uiost obstinate cades, if direction
are adhered to.
Delivered to any uddress, securely packed roin
oi.M-rviii ion.
I j Dijicriho symptoms in all communications.
v i.i io guaranteed. Ad.icc gratis.
leisotmlly appeared before moan Alderman nf the
city ol I'l iliulelptila, 11. X. Ikllul.old. who. being
duly sworn, doth say, his preparations o..:,tuin no
narcotic, no meieiiry, or other injurious dings, but
are purely vegciuoie.
Sworn ar.d described before me, this 22d day of
aueimcr. J.'4. vijii. l" litltliAKH,
Alderuiau, Xintli atroet aljova Jlnce, l'hila.
AJ Ire.-j letters for inforination in confidence.
11. T. liti-MliOLD, Cbeuimt.
Depot 101 South Tenth-street, below Chiwtdut Phila.
EEff A11E OF t'Ol xrtKFtlTa
Aud l uptineij led Dealers
Who endeavor to dispose "of their own" and ''other'
articles on ll,u leputntion attained by
lU-luibuld's Cieuuiue Prcparaliou.
" " Extiact Jiuehu,
" " " hursaparilln,
' " Improved lilttt) -U,
hold by all Drugirivu euyhere.
Cut mil lbe dei ii.. uieut, and ,end lor il, And
Avoid lLpoaiiiuu and lxu.t '
Flklusry '4, i )
ir ttr iSr
lor l?httthiti9i)i, fovtt Xntrufifia, T.umhvjoy
SSfi k ami Joint, 'ntiu Jii tinr,
Cut Oi'(f U'.' ., i Jhmbirhc
and all llhctmntk and Scrcous
For all of which it is ft pcHy nnd cortnin remedy,
nnd itovrr Tin Ijininn-iit in rrp:ircd 1'rotu
t he reviiM- of I r . Slrplicn Swct, vf ('(innt'dticiit. tho
liuum? Ihiiip sutler, mid hns hern ued in hi priK'tieo
tur more tliim tv.enty years with tlio nuiat astonifhing
Afi un Alleviiit'T of Pftin. it i? unrivaled by any
i rei..i ntltin I ojuro the j-uhlii, ot which tho most
Hlicj-liuiil tuny ho enviiM cd hy m 'inle tiinl.
'I ht Lii.ii::ei.t will euro rnj'iilly nnd rudicfilty,
lili 'iiyintt i.-ird' r of ev ry kind, und in thou-fund-uf
enfus wlieio it h.irj beeu urfed it hits never
been knuwii t. luil.
For Noural'a, it will nfTor l iiunti li:ito rolief in
every ense. h.e.vrver diMr-siirr.
It will r -iieve the w. Hit ensen of Hundiicho In
three niimite.-, mid ifi Vf;nriUilid to tl i it.
loorhaeho id-o will it eute inflmilly.
Fr Nerval. Ikhility and Uoiairal Lnf-itudo. nri
shiL from iuij'ittdir'.fe or cee. llii.- liiniinent u n
liny Imppy nud unfailing remedy. Aeiin throeyly
nwm the nervoius li.-.-ues. il ulr niheiir and revivilles
the pyyd'iu. and re-Mores it to t'l'i.) i-ity and vior.
For I'ih . tmui cxti'ijial n-medy. weehiiin that it
is tho Het known, aial we ehiilleno the world to
pmdnee an eijual. Kvry vicliin of this di-treping
o:i:jlaint fluuihl Rive it a trial, for it will not fail
to tuim d imnieiliaie i lief, and iu a nn joi iiy uf eases
will fleet n Vudifilf eiue.
tuitny and Sure 'li. pint noiiit-tim extremely
nuili rti;tnt an.', ihinrvroiii. hut n timely aj plication
of t i i i Liniiu lit will tiever l;iil to eure.
Spriiii;; aie spinel inies ery obstinate, and enlarge
ment of the j.iini- is litible lo m.etir if neleeted.
'1 lie n i )it ciL'ie may bv cuih tiered by ihU Liniment
in two or Ihree day.-.
Jh'tii:'eJ, ("u!n. Wounds. Sure.". Vleor, Hunia and
Seal l. yiM re;:diiy to the wi n-leiful healing pio
MTtiey of I'r. Sweet d Infallible Liidmenl. when
u-'-'d tv. rv but; to diri'i'tii-ii!. AIo, Chilblains,
J i'ied Feet, and Int-ect Files and Stints.
Pit. ?iT"Pi.IRX SWFFsT, of Ccaaecticut,
the Nuturul Bone Setter.
DK. STEI'Iir:!? SV.'riET, cf Cunnecticut,
i ka vu all over th I'uittd Sin ten.
VAX. HTrriTP"V BV'tT'GT, of Connecticut,
is Ll.c i-.u'aiv'F el" I'r. swi ct "a h. In. hide LinimoUt. "
Dr. Sweet's Infulli'.do Ijinitnout
Cures lU.eumali ;u. and never f..ila.
Dr. Svicot'K Infallible Linimont
h' a eerUiiu remedy fur J'eur..lia.
Dr. Sweet's It.faliibh- Liniment
Cures Liuns ;;nd Scald- inimedi itely.
Dr. Sweet's Iofr.llifcle Liniment
I? the best known remedy lm- .'pruius tLd 1-ruitea.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Cure lieudnchu i;nuicdiately, and was never known
to luil.
Dr. 8v.-orts Inf.yMe Liniment
AflonK imiueainte relief fui l'ilts, aui seldom fuile
to cure.
Dr. Swort's Tnfr.lliblo Liniment
Cured TjvtLuche hi one u..niile.
Dr. 3wvet'a Inrall:ble Liniment
Cures Cuts ai:d Wounds imuicdittiely und leaves no
Dr. Swt ut's Infallible Liniment
Is the best remedy fur Soaes in tho krajwa world.
Dr. Uv.vtt'ti InfivUiblc Liniment
lia. L ".n used 1 y nr.. re than a million J eoplc, and
ull i;iUc it.
Di Sweet': Infill ibU Liniment
Taken internally ouies Colic and Cholera Morbus.
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
Ia truly a "friend in need," and every family should
have it at hund.
Dr. wect' Infalllnle liiniment
Is fur sale by ull Pruggl-ta. Pi ico 3 and 60 cents.
I :m exteimil remedy, u without a rivul. and will
alit viate i-:in more -Tif-i'tl'tv than nnv other nrepa-
rntun. For till Kli umatia aud Nervous JUsordtTS
il is truly inialliM:, and as a eiimtive for Sorec
Woui. Is, Si ruins. llrui..eii, Ac., il? n.tothin, healiny
nivl pjwvrlul sir.'irz'h' nini; properties, exeilo the
woi.tler :ml a-ti-ni-l n.t iil ot all w liu havo ever
tfiveu il a trial. Ov.r or.e Ibuiitui eertitieates uf
reiiu.iUiibie eun s. perl rmed by it wilhiu tho last
lu yeais, attest the fact
llOKSFS is uiaiveled by any, nnd in all caj-es o
Lauienes.-. an. uej Iiopi Si ra;iis, la-uueii or reneli
in.L;, itt. elVect is lUMie'il ai:deeilain. llarneiM or
Satldle tialN. Semii-hes. .Mmoe. Ac, it will also euro
I -pe dily. Siftviu nud li tribune may bo easily pre-i-nied
utid eured in th ir iiu i tent M.ics. but eon
linaed ease are leoud the ptibility uf a rudieal
cure. Nu ran of the kind, h iwtv r. is so tltperato
or hopeless but U may be t.lh viated by this Eiui-
nieiit. atj'l it? faiibttd ap lie it ion will always remove
inc. j.itiueut iiiki euuuie iuu mirai iu uuui niiu
compaiativf ete-e.
i;iv;;i' iioi:.i: oirsicn
iiii1 I I rli tliit r.'tlll-ilv 1.1 ti'tnrl fi.r flat titlll'lv Hid
at ihe first nppt-Hranee of l.amere will etleelually
. . . x . i i' .... : i .1 i . j: .. i. : .L. .. 1 1 i.
pietem iii'c iiiiij.iMM- ui.-L-iwa, iu miieu nu ua-
ses are liable, and w hieh render so many otherwise
vuiuaoie iiuics inuiiy huiluicni.
Infallible Liniment
Aud thuuaands have found it truly
To avoid imiisilion, oltserve the Fignature and
LihcncAii of Dr. Kcpheu cirei-t ou every label, aiid
also ' Sicphco Seet' lutallibla Liuiuieul 1 Mown
in the irlaMof each bottle, without which none are
i u ii aii.-.ti a iu.,
ritilo Proprietor., Norwich, Ct.
JP'LCiAX 4 Al.l.l.N, ileucr.l Agent..
40 CI.U SUeel, Xt iork.
Md be .11 dralert everywhar
March 21 - ly
Are curing the Sick to an extent never
before known of any Medicine,
JUf.RS HAlTKI,, th well known pfrditner, o.
t'lifftnai tirrft, rhilndcletna, wiioe choice ireOutlf
are round at almont every toilet, eaye i
t am hpiy to uny f your Cathartic Ph.m, (hut I
have found them a better fmnily nifdiriitf, rr runmion
imp, ilinn any oilier within my kitrm leilpe. Many of tty
friemU have realized innrkrit lieneflia foitn them, mid ro
hicide with me In helicvinjr Hint they p(.(wHaj ekirnonlitiary
virtnea for drivlnc out l Penned and rarinjt the Mek. 1 liej
are not only enrrtnal, hut mfe ami plennniit iu he taken
qunlitiefl which nuict make them valued by Ihe public
when they are known.
The venerable Chiinrellnr WAHpLAW writea from Baj
titnore.tjath April, IHM i
f ir. j. C. Attr yir: ! have taken your rill with
great brneftl, fur the ti vitelline, Innpuor, Iimr or apietiie
and litlio.m hentlnthe, whit h h of Uite year overtaken
me in the spring. A lew dow of your Pill eured me. I
have used your Cherry Perioral many year in my lionily
for rouclm and coldn Villi utifailiti Harces. You inuke
medicine which car ; and I feel il a pleamire In comineiid
you ft.r the (food ymi have done and aie doing.1
JOHN F. UEATTV, F.t.,Pec of the Penn. Railroad Co,
aays i
" Pa. R. 71, OJfiffy Philadelphia, Dre. 13, lfl.M.
"Hir: I lake plrnure in addiiut my testimony lo the
eftVary of your inediriiiex, havins denved very iitateria
teuclit fmm the ine of IhiIi jour Pectoral and Ciithnrti
Till. 1 am never without them in my ftmiily, nor Khali
ever consent to be, while my menus will procure ihetu."
The widely renowned e. H. 8TEVENS, M. of Went-
worth, N. II., write :
" 1 1 n vina lined your Cithabtic rn.i.t in my practice, I
rertiiy lr in eKprnenre tlmt they are an invalimlde porun
live. In rnwM of disordered lunrliona ol the liver, cmeoiig
hendni he, iinticetton, coNiivcne?t and tlie ereat variety
of disease thai follow, they are a eurer remedy than any
other. In all ctie where a purgative remedy i r quired,
I confidently recoiuiuend these Pill i the iuhlir, as
uprrior to any other I have ever found. 'J'ticy are mire
in their operation, and perfectly at'e tpialiiies w hiih
make them an invaluable article for public nre. 1 tmve
(or many year known your CAernr Peetrnl a Ihe best
Couph medicine in the world ; and thee PilU fire In no
wite interior to that admirable preparation for the treat
ment of ditieaees."
jfcoa. Jiff., Aii M, 1PM.
" Pa. J. C. Aran Dear Pir: I have been afflicted from
my birth with vrrofnla in it worst form, and now, utter
twenty ears' trial, and an nntild of amount of fMiflennjr,
have been ronipletely cured in a few week by your Pill.
W ith what leolinf! of rejoicing I write citn only be
hn.-iciued when you realize what I have auifered, and how
" Never until now have t been free from thi loathsome
disease in some shape. At time it attacked my ee, and
made me almost blind, hcmies the iiuenilunililf pain ; at
other it etUed in the ki alp of my head, and leMroed my
hair, and ha kepi me parily bald all my d:iv; omctimes
il came out in my rat e, and kept it for nionihs a rw wre.
" Alton t nine weekao I r mmred takins your Ca
thartic Pills, arid now am entirely free liom the complaint.
My eyei are well, my ekitt i lair, nud mv hair ha com
menced a healthy crowthj all uf which' imtkos me feel
blreiuly a new person.
" llopi ua tin- Kinteiiient niv be the meant, ofconvevinp
information Hint hhall do gocd to other", I in, w ith every
oeutiineut uf gratitude, Vonr-, Ate.
MA I! (A nu KF.mV'
"I have known the above named Maria Kicker from
her childhood, and Iter statement iiricllv trite,
ANbltlAV J. itim.KVE,
Overnecr of the Poitfiiumih .Manuliuinriitt; to."
Catt. J(U:i. PRATT, of the eliip Marion, wiitc from
U.. ....... A ...M IU-. . '
ion-Kin, noii npiii, ir.if ;
" Vour Pill have cured me from a hilimi attm k whirh
aroee from derangement of the l.iver. whith h-ot become
verj- ierioii. I had lailed of any relief by my I'lumnan,
and from every remedy I could try ; hoi a few dose of
your Pill have coiuplcifly restored' me to health. I have
K i veil Ihem to ruy liil.lreti lor w ol in-, w il h lhe lest ef
ffccttt. They Were promptly cured. I recumuieiMled them
to a friend lor nieie"i, wiiicli b:ol troubled join K
iiionii; he told me in a l wd; tlay had cured luai.
You make the bct medicine in the Wot Id ; and I am lite
to ay so."
Kend thi from the dNtincuifhed Sclirimr tf tlte Pupreme
Court, wlioe bulii.tnt alulttie" havn mn.le hint Weil
known, nut only in tin but the neidd'orine Stales.
" AVtr Orlta, btk April, lfcM.
" Pir : I have fireat antislnrtiou in asfurinn i.u that
mell and htiuil hae been very much benefited bv our
medicine. My wile w as cured, tw ,e.trn cilice, of a se
vere and dancen-ui r'iith, by your ( hi nnv PkiTmp!
and since ibrii has enjoyed p'eriect he.tlih. My clublren
have eeveral time been euntl liom atiacksof tlie luthi
ena and ( roup by it. It i au ihvalualile remedv for
these complaints. Your Cathahtm: Pii.h have entirely
cured me liom a ilypepia ai.d ci'tivei:es, w locli ha
grown uhii me lor mine yem. mderd, tlu cure is
much more impoitant, tr'iii lhe rac. liiat I h.ol tailed o
get rebel front ihe hM Pltyician which tin- wfi.'oii of
lhe rouniry, ami lii.m any ul lhe numea-iis reme
dies I had taken.
You mrm to Doctor, like a providential M ! ?
to our iHiuily, and v n may well u .ia we are not un
miiidiul ul it. Yours re-pectfuiiv,
' St naff ChunUer Ohio, Ayril lc.M.
"Ia. j. C AvKa Honored Sir: I have made a nVr
on (fh trial of ihe ('atharhc Pills, leti me hi ur aeit.
aud have been cured by Ibciu ol lhe dieadliil llheiimali.-iit
under which he found me MiiUrnij;. The li r-1 doe re
lieved me, ami a lew Hub-ripieut iIim'i- h;ne eniircly
removed Ihe di-ease. I feel in brltcr healsli ei v ti att lor
eotue years before, w Inch I aiiubuie ennreiy to Hie rtp.cts
uf your Catha a iil Piu.i. Yonf w uli ureal rr-pet i,'.S It. MKTCALF."
The above are all from pep-on w ho are pH.Iidy known
w here they reside, and w lio winld m l in -Ke iheVe slate
mouu without a llioroii'li coiivittion that Hay were (rue.
Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO.,
Practical and Analytical Chju-.ists, Lowell, Mass.
Sold by Friliug 4 Unir.t, and U. A. I'iiher; in
Dr. U. II. McCoy, Northumberland.
J. V. Cn .low. iu,'l t'. llnmn, Milton.
J. t'hi isinan, Turbutvil'e.
llcih i Co., Mt. runnel.
S. lierjistrcsscr. lily-bur;;.
Vie-t. Mllhotioy.
Weaver A McW i I li.iu.. raxinoa,
Aud Dealers Lreryn hero
August 2. lSBJ ly
T NVITE the early nttcntion of cash ptir
A chawrs to their t lioit-p, vnrit d ntul cMin
ivc nssiii'tiiit'nt of FltKSH AV1NTEU
GOODS whiili they cl'e-r ut ltusoiiubU'
)i itTs. Our otoL-l; embraces
A full line of Handsome Dress Goo Jit,
A nice lot of Domestic Dry Goods,
A choice supply of finu White- Goods,
A great variety of Hoots and Shoes,
A htre stock of Queens and Glassware,
A very extensive lot of Hardware,
Hats aud Caps and Kcady Made Clothing
Groceries of all kinds, fresh and pure,
Drills Paints Glass and Oils.
partVular nt tent ion to the following line of
Goods, suitable for Holiday Presents.
Ileal Heavy Ulauket Shawls,
French Iilanket and IJioche Shawls,
lloosery for Ladies, Gents und Children,
Ladies Gloves in great almuduncc,
A complete, stock of Gents Gloves,
Fancy Shirting nnd Opera Flannels,
Assorted colors lSalmoral Skirts,
Skeleton Skirts in great Variety,
Zephyr Opera Cups nnd XuLias,
Fine Sable Furs und Muffs,
Fine 'White Linen Handkerchiefs,
Colored border Cambric Handkerchiefs,
Ileal Dandanna Silk Handkerchiefs,
Gents Silk Neck Tics und Cravat ts,
Fine needle worked Collars,
Super Black Love Veils,
Silk Tissues of assorted Shades,
Ptibbons, Laces, Edgings and Uufflmgs,
Fine Ulack Mohair Cups,
thtiw l Pins und Scurf Pins,
PeOUmery, Pomudus und Soups,
liueU Purses und fancy Port Monuics,
First rato Skates, ready strapped,
Jwcu Hair Brushes und Pocket Combs,
Extra good Penknives nnd Scissors,
ChiLircna Gum Gilded Combs,
&e., &c, &c.
Sunbury, Dec. 20, lt)3.
i4tl ....- "iia'a sr ta u2
4 llvruey ui , tunbuiy, urthunlbe
troru'eily Freiburg, riuydor oounty.)
, Alaikel uroet, on door eat of Frilinj;
witiii,, i euiii-vivauia.
umm .none, ma nearly opfwite Ihe Court House. ,
All protuuiuliitl buatueal. collecll.,o.. 1. . sill r. '
ceite prompt aticuuon, j
i'u u, in 4 ,
Una just returned from I'hllndelphia with A
Spring & Bummer Goods.
I'or Jleii' Vrnr.
Cloth, Caasimi-re, Venting, Italian Cloth, Linen
Conlin. Linen Cheek and Cottonado.
I.aUcH, Wcitr.
A lufgt awortinent of Dress JO ootls, lilaek and
Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy Uerages, Shallcy,
all Wool Delnhel. Mosauibiquo Goods at low prices
Silk Lcvellns, Delanes, Lawns, Uinnhnnis and
Prints. A full line of Irish Linen and Whita Uoods.
Slelln border and Fancy Summer Shawls, Silk and
Lace Mantillas, io.
Heady Mudo Clothing,
A good assortment f lints aud Caps,
A largo assortment of Coots and fc'hocs,
A full stock of Groceries, Molasses and Sugar,
lL.rJwaro and Uuilding Material,
A full stoek of Queen and Glassware,
A full stock of Fuh, Salt, Oils and Whito Lead,
A large stock of Xcw Vfa'.l Taper,
A new stock of Stone and Earthenware,
And thousand? of articles not enumerated.
fir4' All the nbovc will be sold cheap for Cueh or
Country I'roduoo.
Sunbury. May 17, lsr,2.
Bi n; tt i. i ti imfI: f a v i; v s.
Has 11 KTritNKn with a Nr. .Jro K op
Conl'ei ttoimi-i.-M, I'riiil uu.l '1'oya.
IT seeiiia us if n liew ui;e, a new life was opening
upon us, aniiiiatini; every heart to nobler deoils
nnd higher nitiis-! Art. l.iti rrtture aii'l eieneo will
jiiow iinew. seek todcvelopo subliiuer beauties
m.'l c-riuiiler eonr-option.
The business ttoill. too. must feel the new influence i-vi ry pnrt be iiiicki'tieil iind str. i,i;:hr ncd byun
in- reused vitality, which linll ure us on with elec
tric pi-eil to the conMnninution ot yioiiter thiiiirstlmu
wu. ever dre.-inii-l of iu the I'liilosophy oi the ("list.
Aoiliialed by lhe enihusiaslil which pi rvmles all
elas. es. noil ili-sirot;, oi' lining his sloire tiotiu.U "The
(Treat events ot' the Ace." the siiliserili'-r would re
cpcctliilly iiiioriii the pmd people of Sl'Mtl'ltV nnd
tlio public ireuerally. that he hasjusi returni d ftoin
the city ct" riiilioK-li-liia w iih the firmest an I clu-icest
sloeU 01' foilfeclioluuies. V'niit anil Ti.-ys. that bus
e er been bnuiirlit to this section of country. lie is.
also tn.'inui'aetui in it!l kiiiil.s of IVulW tii-i.i'i ics. Ac,
to till up or'b rs. wh'iie-:ile or retail, in -! , li noii.-e.
Aniittijt his stock ot COS F1.CTI0X A It t fcrf n.av be
found .
French Secrets. (linn lrops, ull kindsscent.
llurncd Almonds, Love lirops.
Crtiiui ', bite. Mint i'rops. redund while.
' Lemon, Jeliy Ciiltcs,
It,-. Fruit I'nip.s.
'iuiillii. Stick t-'iiinlies, of allsceiit.s,
foliitnoii .Secrets, ltock t'aioly,
Li'iuoiice, Almond f uudy.
Fill" IT.
riinnnns, Prunes.
j l'ates. FirfS,
Currunts. drie 1, liaisons. XuU of all kindt.
! l.E.MOX SYKl'l'
'of ii superior -viulhy. by the yinle or do7on. A
superior io.luli!y vifiobaeeo and .Sears. and a variety
ot t'onlf, ; ii s. Fruit. Joys. Ac allot' which is
ot'.creil elli lip at whob -iile nnd retail.
i jj-' lleiiien.ber the lianie mid ( ln-'o .. Jf
I M. f l.i.AKHAIlT.
I Market street, 3 doors Wctt of i. V. Prilil & Sou's
Sunbury. April 1 1, lMil ly
14J3. Arrniieiii.'n Js. Ix::?.
T1IK CAMI'F.X AM) A.MlioV AM) 1'IHl. I 'IiL-
1'IIIA AM) 1 HEN'i'i'X U. li. CO.'S LINKS.
From Vhtl-uli Ifliia to Xru Yuri- and Wtiy 'nr.-v,
tium W'tlhltlt t7;-,vf Willi -f find K; Itsitll!') 7
7)iy". '-, tinc ,M iio''f. ('. F.W1K.
At 6 A. M.. via fun, ileti tnol Aii.b-.y, (f. and
A. Aei'oii. $2 1'j
At ti A . .M , in f aiiideii and Jersey City, X. J .,
Ac.-oioiiHi'latioii, 2 2o
At S A. SI., via Camden and Jersey Citv,
(Mornioj Mail.) ' .1 CO
At HA. Si" via Cumden nnd Jersey ei'.y 2d
Class Ticket J 2j
At II A. SI. via Kensington and Jersey eily,
l'. revs 5 (!
At 1J SI. via Cumden and Auiboy, C and A.
(Aeeoinnioilatiou.) " 2 2j
At 2 t'. SI., via Camden and Amboy, (C. nud
A. Kxprcss.) 3 00
At H 1". SI., via Kensington and Jersey City,
W'a-li. and X. V. iixpress " 3 19
At t'i I. SI., via Ivcu&ington and Jersey City,
( ,-niiifr Mail.) 3 CO
At Hi 1. SI via Keuidngton and Jersey city,
Southern .Mail. " 3 00
At 1) (iii;hi) via Kensington anj Jersey city
Souliieru Kxprcss 3 00
At j 1. SI., via f iiiudcn and Aniboy, (Aeeoni-
moda'iuii. Frtighl ur.d I'as.-ci,i;er, Firt
, i i. . - -
Class Ticket.
Sec 1 Class Ticket.
1 .'.0 !
For Wuier Gap. Siioiidsburg, Scruuton, Wilkes
barre. .Montrose, Greut liei.d. Ac at tl A. SI.,
from Ken-ingion, via Dvtunure, Lackawiimui and
W est, rn lliiilnmd.
l or Slam h Chunk. Allmtown. nellilubem, lielvi-di-ie,
Ln.-nin, LiimbertviPc. Fleuiiiiglon, Ac., at ti
A. SI., from Kensington Depot, and ut 21 P. SI.,
flolil Walnut street t hurf.
(The B A. SI. Line coni.ects with Trains leaving
Ei.ston for Slaiich Chunk, at :t-2l 1'. SI )
For .Mount Holly, at ti A. SI , 2 und 4 1. SI.
For Freehold, ai li A. SI. and 2 P. SI.
For P.ristol. Trenton. Ac., al 11 A. M. and 2 aud
5 P. SI. from Ki'iifiugtou,
Fur Palmyra, Liverlon,, Ucverly, llur
liiigton. Florence, llordeulow n, Ac. al 12, 1, 2. 41
and li P. SI. 9
i j For Xew Y'ork. and Way Linos leaving Ken
silicon Depot. Itiko tho Cars on Filth street, abote
W ulnut. half an hour before depunuie. T he Curs
run into tho DoHt, aud ou lhe aiiival uf each. Train,
Inn from Ihe Depot.
Fifty Pounds of Haggage only, allowed each
passenger. Passengers are prol.iiulcd from taking
uiiything as buggagu but their wearing upparcl. All
baggage over liny pounds to be paid for extra. The
Company limit their respon.-ilnlity lor luiggago to
Oue Dollur pir pouud. and will not be liuble for any
amount beyond JIU0. eceil bv special contract.
W SI. II. GATZS1EH. Agent.
January 17, 1S03.
Aftorm-y mid Couiisilor ill I.uvv.
Office, Slarket street, 2 doors west of Dciait,
"7 ILL attend prompt ley to the collection of claims
? I aud ull other professional business intrusted lo
his euro iu Sorlhuuiberluud and suljuiuuic couulies
Sunbury, May 3, lsii2.
8 T-18C0-X.
lrul.- I'laululiou llillrrai.
They purify, strengthen, and invigorate.
They create a healthy appetite.
They are an antidote lo change of water and diet
The V itVi't-coo,., ftfentii ,.l'.liui....ti ,
: ; . .......i.... u utieuours
J hey slrengllienthesys.teiu and enliven the mind
' J i ' .'"e ii,te-i uiuteui le ei-s.
J hey puril v lhe breath und acidity ot the stomach
T hey euro Dvspepsia and Conliiiou
They euro DuurUc, Cholera, and fhuleri Mor.
They cure Liver Complaint ami Nervotu Head--he.
Thev mrttlliA I....I lltlt.M 1. .1 . t n..
' - in tug wooiu. iney make
the weak unui slroug, and ara exhau.ted nature
Kratre.loier. They are made of pure St. Croix
Mum, Iheeelebruled Culisaya Iluik, root and heilai,
and are taken with th , ..r . i -
out regard lo age or lima of day. Particularly re.
oouimcujeti to delicate persons requiring a aeiille
liuiuliuit. hold by all Groeera. iiruggi.ts, llot. U i
Sew--, oik.
tuber 25, 18S2.
'mPrO.Mt to lovrra r Jnol X.-a.
I )lllit 111 A SOX lu lie attcuUoa tu Iht ir M.s'k uf
J Prima Green and Ulack lea
funLuiy. June li. )tl
menu's iiotm,, ,
Jfarritlurg, ri.
t pilB management of this well-known HoM bar
1 inn; been resnmed by Mesars. COV1.K A 111.1111,
the present proprietors, ben lenve to inform the public
that the bouse Is now bein thoroughly renovated,
refuted, and Improved, with a view to the proper and
comfortable accommodation of those who may favor
the establishment with their custom, (luesls will
feeoite duo attention and courtesy, and no expense
will be spared that nmy conduce to maintain
hotel In a first-class style.
Families and others desiring to rejourn in Harris
burg (luring the summer months, will find pleasant
boarding and large and well-vontilated rooms at our
establishment, upon moderate tor. .is.
March 2ft, 1SR2. J. 01 l.l'.l.UT HFRR.
0 114 lit
Tlio A1nin"H l'.xprcH Company,
CIVK NOTK'K Hint they hav coneliuled" ar
j runjreincnts with the Northern Central linilroad
Company to riin trail-, from I'.ultin.oro for York,
llarrisburg, Ihtuphin. Halifax. Trevorlon, Sunbury.
Northumberlatiil. Lcwisburg. Milton, Muney, Wi'l
liitinsport, and all interineiliute stations, connecting
at llarrisbiirg wilh the ti HEAT WF.STKHN EX
l'Kl.SS tor Pittsburg, Cineinnali, St. Louis aud tho
Also wilh Howard Co. 'a Express at Milton or
Danville, liloouishurg. Wilkesbnrrc, Piltslon. Scran
ton, and intermediate stations on the Cattawissn,
Lackawanna A liloomsburir. Hailioads. At Wil
lititnsport, by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jerey
Sboro and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard Co.,
and their connection, for Canton, 'Troy. Elinira.
ltoehester. l.ulhilo. Singara. and to ail accessible
points in Western Xt w York nnd Canada, by which
they will forward Slere'iand'se. Specie, Ijtink Notes,
Jewelry, nnd Valuable Packages ol every descrip
tion. Also, Note. Drafts and pills for Collection.
Experienced und etl'n-ient' messontrers employed,
and every efinrl will be made to rcmli r satisfaction.
. Superintendent P.'r,n'a I'it ision. I'hilailclphia.
B. A. Fl.-'TIEU, Agent for Sunbury.
A;-iil 5, lsii2.
fim- your I'riiil,
IY usina .Vason'o' Palcut Sheet Metal Screw Top
Preserve Jar.
All that is necessary being to screw the Cap down
ipon tho l.ulilii-r Gasket, which is placed outside
ijam the shoulder ol the Jnr. i ol no meli distant
.nu-Ihe top; prevent the po-'iliiliiy of the flavor ol
ne fruit being injured by coming in contact wilh the
Persons desiriut; these .Turs can be snpplied by
leaving their orders with H. 11. MASSEIi, Agent.
Sunbury. June 2, iMitt.
luimtOili!.' ISivir Eci-tora:lc.
Hut restores sruy hair lo its ori .'inul color, by supply
ing the eaj-ill'iry tubes wilh natural susieiomee, ini.
paired by a'e nr disease. All inst.intmieoiis dyes are
composed of lunar c.-utie. ilesiroyini: the v itali:'
iil.d beauty of the hull, ut-d ulloid of then-selves lm
ilre--sing. Ilein-sireet's Inimitable t.'oloiioL; not only
restores huij to its naiuriil color by an easy process,
but gives the hair a
prmaotes its grow th. r.revents ii.s fiillinir off. eradi-
, eales ilai.,iri;fi, an-l iinparts heallli und pletis,in:ii,.-s
j totlio head. It has stood the test of lime, b' in lhe
oriiuiil Hair Coloring, and is constantly iti-.'reiisiug
; in tat or. Istd I y l.otl' cetitli luen ai.d l.-ulies. it is
' sold by all respectul-ie ilealeis. or can be rin-i-re-l
! by tlii'io of ihe e' n'eiil. I'. S. PAUXES.
I I'I J Ilri-o-lvi av. N. Y. ', 6U cents ai.d c-1.
I L'.'i" I -!'.!
For th" P.eliel'of the Si -k und Districted, nfiicted
1 with 'in:lt-ut niol Ciiliit i-: Diseases, and espc.-ialiy
! for the cure of Di-'-nnes of the Sexuiil iJrguns
I " Ii:i'lCAL ADY1CF giveu gratis, by the acting
' l Si.i,:con. j
; V A Ll' A11LK UKl'f 'UTS on sperinntorrhoca ,
i or Seminal eukinss. and otlo-r l'iseasis of the
I Sexual Orgius. nod on the S1EW P.liSii.l'IES em-
j ployed in the Di,ciis.iry. sent to the atilietcil iu
i seai,d letter envelopi s. free of charge. Two or three
: eMail. ps for M.slaiTe will be acceptable,
j Ad, ires.-. Ml. .j. ,-Kll.LlX il"l U IITi IX. Acting '
Siii-i.i.n. Ilowurd Assoeiatuiii. Xo. 2 South Xiulh -
.''in el. Philadelphia. I'll. ;
j January '.'. Ioo ly i
; Stj-iiiti! i.'-s, " ini, iiis, . f. I
ri"HE sal." 'lilicr. li:v in j; opened in Thompson's j
- I Prick Uuildin;;. Slill street, Danville, a large
, and eoniiileie stock of
, eoiui rising the l.i -t brands of P.randies. Gin. "Id
live. Set -h and lii.-h Whiskey. Port. Sherry. S!:i- 1
il-, ini. flu. ii iiu'i.e in. I otlii-i- in.-, ol nil cuius, all ,
j i, nlu.'li will be sold Whole-ale. lit the lowest city
i pnees,. Taverii-hcepers. bybuvingof us. can save
: it least the freight.
j Persons desirous of purchasing liijuors for
! F A SI i I. Y I' .-i I' ,
; nuy rely upon being furi.i-l.ed wi.h a pure and
, .inn luin rateil article.
! I lieing ili'ti-iiiiiiied to establish a reputation for
selling cheap, he respect fully solicits the patronage
of the public. Ail orders pietuptlv ittten.ied to.
j Ji:i;i.s:i.n s. hall.
' Dam iile. dune l i. 1 si'u.
j itt-l.titj-.tou 15;:tse,
xv'P.Tiiis:iii:r,!..vM. p::xxyi.vaxia,
(.Vi.r tllr P.iiJuc.)
rPIM' subseriber hi' ing leiieil tliis !1 known
J l'a .:.-ru Stan I. lately kept oy Sirs. C. S llnnn.
' r, - ifally inforiiis the public that he is refitting and
repuiriug ihe promises, and will be prepared to eu
i teitaiu, in a comi'orti.liiL' iuaiii:er. his uumeriius
fii.-i.ils thriutgho'it the county, and all who may
; patroliie his establishment.
; April 1-', ;'2. JOSEPH VAXKIKT.
i;k:titv iioixi:.
j Cotiur oj Si, ne and Third Ftrrctt,
j H.iiiiii.siii iic. Pa.
i TPlIIS HOl'SK. inconsequence if its convenience
I 1 and lienr locution to Ihe Capitol, has made it a
desirable slopping place, not only for those having
I' business tit the scut of Government, but for others
visiting Harrisburg.
March 20, 1J2.
I'or Italsi, IIi-, I'oiK-lt.-N, Ants, Il.-tl
ICllst, IllllM ill 1'lirM, Vt fioll.-llll, .Vf
lns.(-'ts. ou I'lisulH, l'o Is., AuiiuuSx,
I Put up ill 25c. oOe. and 1 I Ml Poxes, llotlles. aud
Mu.-ks, and to sizes tui llolcls. l'ublic Institutions,
Only infallible remedies known.
Free from Poisons.
S'ot dangerous to the Human Family.
ltuts come out of ihtir holes to die.
Sold Wholesale ill all large cities.
Sold by all Druggists und Uetuilcrs everywhere.
X'ltiuur ..I ..II ...... 1. 1....
j Fee that CosTAit s" ntiu.e is on each llox, Bottle
i and l'la.-k, before you buv. llli-NltV II. '!i'r.Si,
Vriueipal Depot 4S2 liroudway. X. Y.
S'hl by Friling A Grunt, Sunbury, Pa.
April IS. IStU. liin
A nnt valauble aud wonderful publication. A
work of 4C.0 pages, and .".u colored engravings. DK
lit N TEH'S ADE MEl'l SI, an original and (it.pu
Inr treatise on Slau and V oinmi, thiir Physiology,
Fuiioiioiip, and Sexuiil disorders of every kii.J, with
Never-Failing Hi-nieilies tor their specify cure.
The practice of DK. 1H XI Ell has long been, and
till u, unbounded, but at Ihe earnest solicitiition of
uauierous persons, ho has been induced lo extend his
medical usefulness through the niediuiu of ids
" VADE SI EC LSI." It is a volume ihut .hould be
in the hands of every family iu Ihe laud, as a
preventiva of secret vires, or as a guide for (lie
alleviation of one ol lhe most a wild mid destructive,
scourges ever visited mankind. One oopy. securely
euveloped. will be forwarded frea of postage lo any
part of the I uiicd States lor 40 cents iu P.O. stamps,
or 3 foidcs for (I . Address, posl paid, DU. UUXTLVt,
Ko. 3 Division Street, New York.
June tt, I)i3. ly.
'l'be Ileue of lOrror.
(Lei Malaihki n'EuHiti .)
I, John II. Ogden, M D., author and publisher o
the above w ork, do hereby promise and agree to send
(free of charge) lo any young uian who will write for
it, a sample copy tor ieriuuil. The proper study of
niaiiLiud is Man. Ibis valuable woik is issued und
sen I forth lor Ilia hem-tit of suffering humanity, ft
reals iu simple luiiguagu ou all the diseases of Error,
including Sfiuiiml Weakness, Scrvous Debility, lu
digestion, .Meluu. holy, Insanity. Watting Decay,
luiHjleuey, Ac., Au giviug safe, sjieedy, and ef
fectual pit script, oils, for tlio peuuauent cure, to
celhcr with much valuable iuloruialiou. All who
favor me wilh a desiro to ready my work shall ra.
euivaa nu, pie copy by return uoiil.'lVe of eharre
A J dies. Jcll.N B tiGDE.V, M. D ,
No bti Xi..,-;;a s-n, t N',w iwk
?:.y rn. fc;i -dm
6S8 11110ADWAT. NKW vrinv '
Deneriylive Circular, tritlt Fum,.!, of Work
viil ht ttnt Tilnil Fret.
A INO attained s well established and flatt'erin"
reputation, as being of all machines yet intro
ducod, Ihe one best adapted to At,L Ktsns ofFvmii r
SHW INO, and having met with a success In its sain
beyond onr greatest anticip-ition. so much so. that lor
threo months our orders hnvs been ahead of our
capacity to supply, we wonld now announce that wo
have increased our manufacturing lucjliiies. so that
from tin. tuna lor'li, wo shall bo enabled to lupply
orders on demand. 1 ' '
In the changes hroiitrnt a'.ont b the war. no nns
thing has played a uior" important pert than tho
".Suwivri .Mai hixb." Without it thr fourths of
our soldier, would i.wlay bo clothed in anvlliing but
Military t oslnme." All over the land 'arniT elo
thing has been the woik required of nor l.niriotio
women, and nobly have thev re-ponded. N; content
to make only so many garments their hands culd
accomplish, they hsvc called the "Sewing .Machine'"
10 their aid, and by it havo rolled out the soldiers'
Coats Pa.nts and Sitie.Ta. at a rate,hing t
Ihomsclves. Knowing Hint this woik could not lor.'
continue, uuiny ihotightful. prudent hou.ewives. wer.i
care ul to select the machine of all others, which
would do the heavy army work, and when done with
lluit, then to hj used as their Familv SIaciii.vr. Hud
in selecting onu of lhe '
'Finki.k 4 Lvo-c Sbwino Maciiink Comi-asv's
Familv Ma(Iiim:s."
With whhh yon luny sew r the finest Cllllibrie to
the heavn-t ,-.!th. wi'hout ehantre of fe.,1. needle or
tension they have not been dis,. pointed
J flllS hinlll developed tho a.hptalnlitv of our
rne,,,. fr n km-Is of k. we have niii.l'cmo.h. r
slop in advaiiee. and by sevrral import.u.t ,,:,., .. . Vl
'.'.r.,',' ." ' f"" M MM "'St' '"'''" l'odu.'ed a
to ho the ' lil.M 'JAII.HlilM) Mt liINi; ' v,.t
introduced, sewinu' tho eon,-., st ii..n il,i ni.,'
intleli enso as the c,,,,,,,,,,, eolloii-aiel w hen remin d
may he used to d the cry lircst cambric work, w i.i.
I .ul or 2nd coilon-ilius eombiuiiig in one e.o,,-i
form, every quality r-.i u jr.- 1 , eidi-r a FASlil.Y
011 MAM l'A( Tl'lM.V.i MA' IIIM-:.
e have had our Sin -bines before i:,,- r,l,li 1,.nn-
enough to
olhers who
will Pnow
Fi.vki.i: A
i-labii'h tH-ir ri juiiaiioii. j.'.,Zeiis oT
t-irle. wiih flying color, -linve I ill.-n by
:' and -.n the j .i --- ih .t k-.ew tlcni
I ill-Ill t -. no, re - Step l.v -i p has the
I. ION .Vai-IIIVK Won ., MilV to t. Ill, il,!
favor ; its ioieet
aim shall be. n.--
-s is and hen,-, i,.rth our
it bus in lhe na.-t h.-en. Iu slill further
improve. -iii. !;iv and reduce the cost of our ma
chines. We shall, iu a few ,j:,v.-. ',. B ,-.wlic
list. I'or further !"iri.'i-l"rs lel'lie.,
.-- ,, Hroitdway. So York
If. I!. SltSMin, A-u:. Sut.biiiv, Pu
March 2'l, l'i.'.
Iiii-v;i:i,iiiil Eioifi,
f.l '.' .107 th;,'!,:-,!,. Crrtr ', ,.',-
.' Street.
S'l-.'tV YnP.iC.
rpiUS fiiv! class House-tlio uii.-t quiet, le nielil:,.
.- ''"'I pic i-.-itit Ih.iel in tin- ei:v nin i-s superior
lii.liii-enienis to ti, ,.s,. c Ping Xew "York ..r bn-i,-s
or pii'ii-iii-e. ii i- evnti-al in it.- locution, no I k. ptou
the I'.l IIOI'1-AX pl.AN. iu c Mil, it i.u T v i. ,u s
.-AI...I.N. vh. re re!i,,i,ii-i. ,-,, l. ,;,. .it all l.' urs.
or s-r,'i i.i llieir e,vi, i -oms. 'j . , harges are ,,,
il-r,itc. lhe looms iiii.l at!, i,d.,i, .,. , f X.K ,m ,.r.,.,
'albs. I all lio com cnieri-.ies una. lu-il
Siroi-h l".i. I - .'J
I'i .IS i," E A S a li i
Il'ST r" -i.t-' iV'lil Xew i'i, IK n i.i'-e ,;v , ,,:,, .
of WALL I'Ai'lJl. ...:: ',..-. ;i, Sl.:, .j
ami Sixrv-riiKi:.: Dii'i':i:i:sr Siviit. am, p.,
Tititxs. varying in pii'-e from v., wards, all , t"
which w ill l.e .-a, 1 at tin. h,ivi:.-t e: sh 'price,, al'tle
cheiip stoic of J. li. I-.SGJ.L
Suiil. itry. Mar. h 2i?. I - '-2.
'.Vi"i'ii;.;-M .v '
t ttoi jM-yst m t.iiw. s. ,-) (,.. r,lIt,
iliirnl l.i.-ii.l-,i, Ni.Vi Y'liilC. V.iil eiiielullv
a':.r. I to C, lic'ii,.,., i,ud ull o-l..-r uuiturs inlrustv'j:
to 'lo ir
Slay 21,
's:'irj.'ir. "inrri:z..
finnhury, .",,. iKLiunDrrlsmd .. B:i.
millS lav:-' .: 1 i;s II..I..I. now lal,ag.-.
1 by JAMES ANDYKE. i-it ,1,., p,,i,.
r.ia- iteo.1. N, ,,!, ::,,- ,n-rf Slv.kei Square
.-llllblliy. I'i.. .,1 the 'elloil.ll- ,,f ,. SlU.lcirV tt
l-rie am: Xor'n. ni Ct ntral liailn ii i.-. nn ! is , :-..r
the at-MLiiliioditti u of Tiav. !er- lilui tlie- 1 ;;i,!ic jr
gen. nil. '
'lhe proprietor w,!l give hi- , v le.ive n to
Hie coiilmt and .-..(.v.-:;;-!. ,. ,-,' hi- gu,-;-. nnd i,
ilclerniimd t,, i,.l;, e--.ii,;...ui,. nt i.ii.l; am,,,. ,
the ti.-sl in lhe- ."tale. '
His table iil be d with !,el-l ihe murk I
can pr-iduee. havng u-lv o"i.-,. ,, ,;,;i'v ,,.
nieiitioii by ei-rs liir.-.-l f...m P.ili;u-er.-. . i-,l" ,!.,.',',' ,
thes,, bringing produce liom ihe' .-uir-ii:iid.i"
country. rt
Hi.- will be sn;. plied jt, the imrcst li.,ti.-r ihe
nun lift con r- dii.e. 1
artful ,u., obligingeiviin:s.-ilw-lc-'I; ;.'t, . 1
Xew r.:i. eomiiiodioiis!iii . h.'t-'ju.-t Into i;d !.,!
lo tllf pr.-!i;i,.'S.
Asion-cof tl-..- lo. ;,l ,.,! traveling e-.inin.iu'v is
most n spec'iully solicit. -1.
Sunbury. .Lmuary 12. l-il.
ianiiC.u'liiri'i-s, (il'.lifor.e "l"isir,-.
rpiIE Si,,,,,. Ware i.w m-i le a: this c-'.al,!i-h,e'.
i is equ ,1 to i,..v i; ad- i,, thi- .....uutr-. Every Va
liet v ,,I ,,,-u -le u.-ui,ily ,.,., ) , v ,',
ilariLsbury, Sl:i .:,
J A M K S 1J A 11 L K il fe
W!in.KI.K AND Rt:i :t.
CLOCK' EX TA 111. 1: 11 M EXT,
S. .'. Cnriifr ....:,.,,, ' ".' cm'.-i ', ttn ,
I'i'liiu:. I;.h!..
A CKNi'V f.-r il .- IWTKNT i:. ;C A 1.17.1 ,i THPtTV
i l)A l l.lll f i. Ve,-, ,l-,r:,i.V ,e l..r fl.r, a.
e.. Hotels. (1 ii s. k. t' i . ..,.sn. I'nii, ,..Ve.
Sod. i. .M ! a.-l iirri i I INK. 1,1. 1. L) I'I. .vs..
el.S'ltS ri- ,u,-tl at-,1 c.-.i--;-iil.-;l.
Iloek 'I'i i.,Mii',..s of evt-rv ilcs.'t i; ti.iii.
rilllutlel' I, in, laii'tai y I'.l, l-lil.--:iy
ia. i". 5 y.i:t..
Vtforn,-y nl I,:mv. si M:l !;v, 'A-Coli,-;ions
aiicn-li d to in the comics ot' Nor.
limit be: lai I. I, .,ii, Snyder, Sloi.toi.r. CvlukJ-.u
ai.d l.yeoii.ii.g.
iu ritni-M i s.
Hon. John !. I'.cc.l. Phii.idc!' hin,
A. ( tin, 1. 11 .V I
lion. Win. A Port T.
Morion SleSli !-,! 1. E-,..
K. A Co.. ... P. .,, ; Sti -et. NcwYmk
John W . A-hi-o.-a I. A'-.-n ev i !..,,
Slutlhews .V f x. Aio. it ;.' i.t L.lw,
Sunbury, SI.i:, li C.-. H-'J."
I .j.-i5-r S.Mitil.t-r I
PHILIP SilAY, Slan-y.T.yc.iiii, geouiiiv. IV,
IX FORMS his fri -t!s jr. d'tl.o t v.! lie iu c -uei-.1
that he const mtlv keeps u , ,,,, !,,aids. s: in'l . -a
th, Joisis. aiiil all k'l.d-of Ltiiiii-i-r in ,1 buil ung
I.aterials. which ho will sell ut the lowe.-l na-.e
ui .March 5u, l.-,il .
ualiiy, iconsi; et rovDEx s
K-ir-A'.iis(iM;; I'ltdlic. VVi iiifc, r
Simple, Leoooiuicnl. Eural-le. ai.d is not Liuble tu
g.-l out of order.
The Self-Adjusting Clothes Wringer, is one of tho
greuttst iuqui vemei.t of the nii-.e-n-eiitli c. nlury. ui,.
liiisulily lobe known and tried, to t-ome into ,'iicriil
use. 'J he sat ing of dollies. i(1 pre.-.-ii;g out ihe water
between Iwo rubber lolls, iu.-und of wiiogii. r
iwi.-iii.g. will ttiuouut to enou.;U iu a shell i.u.e. nr
pay tor a iiiiu l.iiie.
Lvcry t nc is aware, that tho tw isting or wriiiL-ing
of clothes, stielelu s ai.d bleaks the fibres; butlhia
machine presses tbeiii so evenly, that iiew-pspcr
lii'Ttiughly soukc 1. 1 an be wrung, w iihout breakn;
il iu the least, and il w.uks t n-ilv. that a el.ild
tuehe years obi ennopi lute it i hout trouble. 11 , t
wilier dots led iljine tlio rolls, uud Wisdle-U goods
can be wrung out of U.ilin- water lo pretenl fuihug
w hich euiiiioi be done by I. and.
InSlarehilig. it is invaluable, especially on largo
articles, such as Ladies .-kills. Ac., us it leaves tiio
larch in tho clothes peileetlv c. en. It will wiiii
tho lorge.i bed qu It or the 'iiialiest pocket hand'!
kerchief, drier liiun can i. .-.-ildv In, ,l..o., i... i i
without .Iteration iu less thnu ,.ne-eigih the tiuio'
The machine is so simple thai it is not liable to get
out of repair. 6
The great improvement in this, every every other
W ringing Machine yd imeutid. is. its Self-Adiu.i.
lug arrangement, requiring no all. rntion. t wiiug
hiuidkeiehiel or bed quill const qiu utly, the uit it
norant aervaitt cau otlerate it. "
The machine u ui.ale of wood, ml so arrung.Hl
thai no iron can iskssibly eonie iu c.iitu.t with lhe
elolhea, thereby avoiding all danger of injury to tho
clothes, bv iiuu rust. ' '
This UiLe most .iinpleiind effective Clothes AViinir
eryei invenled. Those purehi,...i,g can u-e ihciu
two weeks, and if they are no, p., ,'.,. ".uj, "
turn tliem, and their money will be r. fund. ,1
Address L. I.'. SNOW. Philadcli ha
j", ; mxhi1, A4B"1
Vall I'upor-1 li,,','s,,
Il'ST received direct liom ihe Mauufacturer, at
the .MAMMOTH siOltEof
tl .h ui Mo. h 1 V I a? j