2Tfjc tmtntri Omnican. H. D. MA88ER, Editor A Proprietor SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1803. 111 - a B. M. rETTENQILL A CO., Ne. 37 Tark Row, New York, and 6 State Street, Boston, are our agents for the BiiNaiRT Amkricati n those cities, and are autlioritcd to (nko Advertise ment and Subscriptions fttr tis at our lowest ratoe. fTho Pliiladelplilit City Council re fused to appropriate $500,000 to exempt conscripts; but immediately appropriated a million to support tlitir fumiliea. The Gov. eminent WHiits men, ratlier than money. We should do all in our power to assist by assuring those who are drafted that their families shall not suffer during their abscnec. ff"DECIIOS CONCEIINtNO THK ENKOLt.- mest Act. Judge Caleb Cushing has just given nn opinion that the payment of .:J00 exempts a man for three years, and that a person cannot be required to furnish a sub stitute or pay the commutation money be fore being examined. In the latter particu lar the instructions ot the I'rovost Marshal General have already been overruled. . .i m J-jf One of Puponfa Powder Mills in the Ilagley yard, at Wilmington. Del., exploded tit six o'clock on the 29th. James D. I'oples and William Leury, workmen, were killed. The cause of the explosion is unknown. irif In the list of dismissals from the military service, for the week ending Satur day last, as officially announced, are the fol lowing: Major Granville;' G. Ilaller. of the Cth in fantry, for disloyal conduct and the utter ance of disloyal sentiments. Capt. W. II. Uorch, 19th Ohio volunteers, for treasonable language and disloyalty. Lieut. M. P. De liver, 10th Ohio volunteers, for writing and publishing a highlv disloyal and unbecom ing letter Capt. il. P. Merrill, 11 th X. Y. artillery, for repeated utterance ot" treasonu- b e and Uisl yal sentinvMit-'. JLoral affairs. "Tliero will be no service, iu St. Matthew's Church ou Sunday next, owing to tho nbsenco of the pastor CyTnASKSinviNO Scuvit us. Services will bo held in tho Lutheran Church, on Thursdity next, tho iIhj- sot aimrt by tho President nf tho UniloJ Slates, fur thanksgiving, prayer and praise. . (2? Harvest. Tho fine weather of tho last and present week, lias enabled our farmers tit sucuro their harvest in good condition. 'The wheat crop is not only a good one but tho quality is butter than any wo have had ('or a number of years, f5? The river mm considerably tho beginning of this week, indicating souio heavy rains north of us, as we have had but little hero lately. .jCaptain Isaac It. liunklobirgor of the 1st i l'ragoous I'. S. Army, was on a visit to his friends to this place a few days since. Tho Captain's Compa ny suffered severely iu tho lutu buttles beforu (Jcttys burg. 3Tho Circus, which exhibited hereon Tuesday Inst, was not well attended during tho day. but du ring tho cveuing perforinuuce there crowd. was quito a i ."i?'TiiK (iiiAVR Vaiio. Our attention has boon rtiMed several times to the dilapidated condition of this ground. Is thero no one in charge, who is author ised to koop down the weeds and brush, that make il look like a desert wuste, instead of a spot, sacred to tho memory of our departed friouds t 1"5.V pleasant Pic Jiic party camo offon Saturday last. The party proceeded to Truxlur'sijEove ou tho west side of tho rivor ou the steam boats aud unjoyod themselves for an hour ou tho river. IAcriiiKST os Tim II a 1 1. Ho.vn. On Tuesday morning as Abraham Urosious was driving his butch er wagon across tho railroad, at the depot, he camo in cullisiou with an cngiuo backing down the road. The horse, a valuahlo animal, was knocked down and hud one of his legs cut oil hy tho wheels of tho engine. Tho wngon wheels were crushed, hut Mr. Iinudoua and a boy, his brother, escaped without in jury. Perhaps tho engineer was not without censure, in not liuviii:.' used Ids bell or w histle, as iho rules required, uiel which should be dune ou all occasions. We have, finiueutly, observed some of tho shifting engineers violating this rule, as well as another iu running too fast through the borough which is high ly dangerous, particularly over tho crossings on tho principal streets. The conductors aud engineers ou oar roads, generally speaking, are careful men, uud sjonfonu to tile required regulations. Hustler IJoll of Couipau) I, 20th ft-iitiut l. V. .11. Captain S. P. WOLYEHTU.V, 1st Lieutenant A. J.Stkoii, 21 Lieutenant . I Ac oo HuliuaAca Xon-Coiumis-ioned 'ifnVcrs. Orderly Scrgeaut Win. C. li.Kidrn li ; 1st Srrguaiit Charles I). Wharton; I'll . I i i-orgo 1. liucher ; 3d, Albert ilaus ; 4th, lieuj. r . llriglil. 1st Corporal, Warren McKwen; ! l. S. P. Itright ; 1 11 1. l I II... .I.IL. .1. VI. S. ,1. Jl.iey ; lib il. I.. Hendricks ; 5th. Samuel Harrison ; tills. Charles J. Conrad ; 7 111 , 1. b. Kern; hill H. U. AlllllUTUtUll. Musicians. Win. Kriegbaum and I). J. Wharton. PltlVATKK. Zeb. ltostian, Deo. BIik.iii, II. 1. llueher, Isaac Hair, Edward Deck. John A. Hucher, lieuj. litilmt-r, Isaac Uubb,. John Cugan. David Druck-t-iuilicr. Conrad lieitrv. Andrew lieilrv. Win. 11. Foiilke, lirorgc Koulku, I.undis Fry. Peter Hilemau John K. Heller, Andrew J. lluller."bulher Harrison, 'ill as llei.uiiigir. Jacob li. Hoover, Tliouiaa li. il.siver. Win. 1). Haas, Win. 1. Haupt, Charles 1). Kit-Ill. Martin r. KautTman, Michael A. Keil'er, lieu Krohn, 1-orciuo Kramer, Isaao Leeser, John l.y'iu, 11. . Landau, (ten. Mauti, Jeo Miller, Mahloii .Myers. Lewis Miller, Jaoob A. Miller, John Oyster, Kdward Ovster. Kuphael Per. Franklin Patruck, Win. II. Kohitjucli. Arlliur ltobius, Henry L. Iteiin, Simon Kenn. Silas Kenii. Julius Kay, Ueo. Sterner, Win. V. ShiRer. John Sliuler, Anihony Spcece, H. CIhv Seash.iltx. J.iiois Trego, John Wcuver, Silu Wiitl. John Wull, Juliu WeWior, aud Abraham Znu Xneriu un. ?!us-r Itoll f t'onipau)' li., 3lli ICfftisiirut l. V. .11. Colonel M. Cl.iv Allemas, Lieutenant Colonel ltalph McClay, Major 11. Clay Harper, Adjutaut Win. Hendricks. .Captain A. it. Piskr, ,1'irsi Lieuii nitut J. M. John, Second Lit uleiiaiit Jus. A. Shipp. 11 Sergeant K. H llhodes, 2nd Serg'l. John ll.irrit, 4i, Ferg't Jno. McClolce, .31 Ker d. Hhoiuls, MU Martiuis Sholl. 1st Corp I Krcd. Hibson, 5ih Corp'l. Jno M Beat, 2d Wm 11 Carlisle, Bib, Jno Hancock, .'did " Wm UtK.tu, 7th ' liavid Lveland. 4th ' JnoWiir, 6th " JnoFruchor. Musicians Juo. S. Bitteubondor and II. Sturtiul, I'KIVATES. Henry Allison. Hiram Hird, Wm Drown, Wm II llowltu, Iraiicis liters, Win lloasli N Carlisle, 1 bos Curtin, Nicholas Cut ven, Wm Carlin. Juo Clifford. . Jno funis, Lewis Cbamlierlaiu, Adam Herke, 'lh' I -S Hewees. John Honor, Michael Hooly, Joa li Kalon, i Mntliias Kuies, Win L'odie, Wm Kurly, Wm 11 tiilger, 1 J It U el tor, Jesse lltii'fl, August lltlt, Jatiob Hess, . Kiihi-iiloi 1 (eiiiiiiiir. Win lliiiiit.n IkMiiil. lli.yotr .1 ' r m nans. Isaac Haas. Pat el nine, Boiouion Hill, Il.nrv In. h, Jesse. J Jt.hu, Hubert Jones, Win June rt Joues, W in Junes, joacpu Kopp. Isaao .It Lake, Withing. (leu Jl Juliu, vt lit jwuigcr. J Heicr. Frederick Ktisemuu, Jno tm Luke, lit'iie l.t l.ig, Win l.t big, Charles l.t big, Mnha.l M. Cut ly. F.L..,ccr.MKlu..,llc.rii. Madu. r. licrto. W Mdlcr. F.ank Moo.e. Heurv Neibuft. John l(o. h, Jeny Itotli imiel, John llui UI'll, liuuiol Ituen. 'lb. a lttHste .i. i,i, t li.-.-. . bn U..UH. Kt. MilUsiroer Jdcob Snllwaguer. liui.ielSluliIrr Jobu MrieklHiil. J. hit Mrriu. Jaeuti ireimy, nauiuei lllev, Jaetib '111 i .. 'c.i.... l -i.a t. u .. i. rhawl 'loltuev. Ilaltlt- u ....... n.-u. U... K U Jiu icd Liieiu Hi if i i uiirr. tiiPiiu i lusain. Vvnii CjPTreasos tK Ptivnm Cophty. For some time past, the Provost Ouardofthis Congrcsslon.il Vistriot hare had intimation that a regular organira tlon of tho kulghtaof the Golden Cirolo met in the woods nea Mifflinburg, Snydor county. 6ergoiunt Kophart, In ehargo ofthognard, was deppntohed to the looality, and aftor biding bis time succeeded In arresting seven rnon, three ef whom had belonged to the 1721 Pennsylvania nillilht, had deserted the regi ment, and joined this orguuiration; and who, when arrested, were engaged in proceedings atonce crimi nal and damaging to the loyalty of true men- Tho partial arrested were conveyed to MifHinhurg. All tho elrcuinitanoet bceolrring known to tho Knights of the Golden Circlo in that region a mob soon oollccted and demanded the release of tho prisoner!. While the mob was clamoring for their release, Sergeant Kophart loaded his prisoners in a wagon and conveyed them beyond the reach of rrsouo. ' They were brougt to this city Saturday, where await a hoaring before Marshal Clement. Until this hearing has been had, we must await the development of tho particulars in tiiecaso. ILirrishurg Titegrttph. Itebrl Account frqm ClmrlcNton. The Charleston Mercury says that during the early portion of yesterday (Monday) morning, all was comparatively quiet on Morris Island. About 11 o'clock the land batteries opened on Port Wagner, and the Monitors and the Ironsides again approach ed and opened a severe fire. This continued until 2 o'clock when the bombardment be came furious, the reports, being heard in quite as rapid a succession ns on Saturday. This furious cannonade lasted for about an hour and it halt', Fort Sumter and Battery Wagner replying slowly. Also, fire was opened from a new battery on James Is land. Fort Sumter got the range of the Iron sides, and a little before four o'clock she withdrew, The Monitors also hauled off, and for the remainder of tho evening the firing was at long and irregular intervals, coming chii lly from the enemy's land but teries. Some shots weto fired at Fort Johnson and at the Shell Point battery. The casualties in llattery Wagoner yesterday were four killed and eleven wounded. A mortar lire wus kept up on Battery Wagner every few minutes during the night from the battery near Graham's house. On Sunday morning the enemy sent in a ling of truce to ask permission to bury their dead, whose bodies lay thickly strewn in the trench and elsewhere in front of our works. As it was supposed that the chief object of this request on the part of the Yankee commander was to pain an oppor tunity to reconnoitre our position, the proposition was declined, ami the duty of burying the dead devolved upon our own men, and on Sunday no firing occurred. The Courier says that the body of Col. Shaw of the negro 54th Massachusetts regi ment, was also sent for during Sunday, but he had been buried iu a pit, under u layer of two of his ow n dead negroes. Tub Hostaoe oKt ii uits. The Richmond lCnquirer says : In response the announce ments that Gen. Win. II. F. I,cc anil dipt. Winder have been placed in confinement at Old Point, as hostages for the two Yankee ollicers, Flynn and Sewyer, condemned to be shot by the confederate authorities, our commissioner has informed the Federal Go vernment that the confederate government will not be intimidated bv anv such threats ; and that the execution of said ollicers will j take place as soon as the President may see j fit. It is hoped that the .'xeeutivc will see i fit to give the order for execution immedi- ately ; and as we have now over five ! hundred otlicers in our hands, besides some i five or six thousand privates, it is iu the i C . I. . . . . P""" u iiiegnvcriiincui 10 carry retaliation i,p II .cil I'lttCl I-AUCIIIU. I IIC ICO III! 1.1111 for the death of these two Yankees and it is useless to delay theii death any longer. CHARLESTON. Nkw York, July 2S. Tho steamer Star of the South arrived here toinight, from Charleston Bar on the evening of the 25th. She towed the iron clad PasMiic to the bar. The latter went in to report to Admiral Pahlgren. When the Star of the South left heavy cannonading hail been heard, and shells were plainly seen bursting over Fort Wag ner. Important ICcl-l MOVKMKNTS OK UKN. ItOSKl lt ANS. Foutkv.ss Mosr.oi'., Monday, July 27. The Richmond Inquirer of the 21th, has the following : . . "Atlanta Thursday, July 27. Gen. Ropecrims is organizing a force to nltack Atlanta and make' a raid on the Northwestern Georgia Railroad. Active preparations are being made for the defence of the city and railroad to Chattanoogu." The venerable statesman and patriot, Dan iel S. Dickinson, of New York, has made an eloquent and patriotic speech in retVrenre to the recent riots in New York. This is the way in which he spoke of Gov. Seymour and the enemies of the conscription : ''He warned the merchants, farmers and. mechanics that this spirit of rebellion, which politicians tire seeking to handle w ith furred mittens, will take their woods, their produce j and their wares, and compel them to pay for their support, unless they put it down i at once. Ho should do himself and the i .,. iniufticc if he did not sav that he felt ..... ' . ... . . Ins State to he disgraced when high ollicers of the Statp from the Chief Executive to a high judicial functionary, to a mob in mild and deprecatory language, Instead of putting them down with a strong hand. The only j speeches he need make to such men would be made with shot and shell, and the only messages he would send would be from the mouths of cannon. Applause, When he saw public ollicers tampering with mobs and addressing them, he thought there must be something wrong." A Goon Dopok to Escape the Dhakt. One of the amiable ami excellent Quarter masters belonging to army, anil whose resi dence is in our present neighborhood, ut Millerstown, relates the following iucident, which will admit of a repetition : It seems that, while the rebelJenkins with his cavalry were in occupation of the above named town some dozen of the male inhabi tants thereof voluntarily surrendered them selves to him, anil at the same time stating that they desired to be paroled, in order that they might have sufficient reason for not complying with the expected Draft, should the'v be among tho number drafted. Jenkins, upon questioning them in refer ence to their political sentiments, ten stated that they were Copperheads, while two bold ly avowed themselves Union men. 'Fhe question wus asked of these ten which they would rather fight for Jeff. Davis or Lincoln each of whom answered, for Davis. I'pon this ho called ten of his orderlies, ordered them to dismount, and told the ten Copper heads to mount, come w ith him to his camp and he would arm and equip them. Tho mutter assuming so much of a serious form, the whole ten, iu an earnest manner, "lieL'ired off." Jenkins let them no. and with the remark that had thev such among .w. . , ------ .. .- , m Xn " .'" u,h. Wry "mother i SOU of , :. '' rvi ry iihmih t i i ,,u'm would tn shot without judgo or Jury, ul concluding with tho reinarW that he luMlorod the true out sunken I'nion men , ,,, ,,., , i.J.V, ' ' t,)u'a ? 1 '"""""l Uell detestable trultor .i I-. . .... I n t ten, we are tol.l are among the ''marked and ItUtllUritl." ,.. . . . ' wouit; ii uoi i.e ria-lti lor a man au kls wife an rmi wtusii t ma i . t ... . .Ul,..ti.:i k..i. i'.V ."". "?" Uwiaust. Ml usdsi " as utdei A Vast Cemf.tkuy. A rnrropondrnt of the Philadelphia Ycai, writing from Gettys burg, says: Hundreds of accession litis tho Gettysburg Cemetery received within these memorable days. In one place ve counted over onehundri'd graves of New YorK vol unteers, tho names' of the brave men all inscribed ou simple head boards. Jn close proximity Wo Jifly tix rebels in one trench, ami not 'fur aft fort y-tuo more, without a solitary nnino inscribed. The spot itself is designated by a bfinrd united against the tree, with the inscription that here lie so ninny rebels. Several toldicrs arc buried within arm's length of Dr. K ninth's rear door. Tho Seminary grounds and Dr. Schinticker's garden contain a number, and thus it is all tlirough the country, within a circuit of .fight or ten miles, 'it it a tart burial ground. 'mm Grkkral PrJtnunTON. The Memphis "Hullotin" of tho llili Inst, shvs 'The condition of tlen. reinberton is pitiable in the extreme. His officers falsely and meanly du scriho bis misfortuno to all aorts of things, such ns imbecility,- Ac, while he, poor man, Is nearly cra7y, and evinces in an unmistakable manner tho humilia tion and aneuish which he feels Ho keep confined to his room, and walked frantically all tho time, tearing his hair and gitlhg all sorts of evidences that he is an insane man. He was ono ol the few, as we learn from an eye witness, who gave unmistakable mnuiicstatioii ol repugnance to taking thu parole. His condition excites tho commiseration of all inbi- ased persons at Vicksburg NJVAI)VE SalM'l-lir'H Kul. I)Yyirtueof cortain writs of Yen. Kxtmnns, Al ) Vcn. Kxpona. Lev. Fu-ias and Al. Lev. Facias issued out of Ine Court of Common Pleas of Northum berland county. Pennsylvania, mid to me directed, will be exposed to pubiie sale at the Couit House, in Sunbury. on Monday, the ;id dny of Augu-t, A. II. ISM, at one o'clock P. Al., iho following tlcscritied real estate, to wit : All that certain two story building, containing in front 2U feet and in depth ill feet, situate on Shaino kin street in tho town of Trevorton, on lot No. 11, bl.wk 1(17. Soiled taken in execution and tu be sould as Iho property of John Havid. ALSO: A certain lot of ground, situate in Mount Carinel, Mount Carmel township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, No. , bounded on the east and west by Susquehanna Coal and Coal Mountain Coiiipiiuy, on the south by Second street and on ihe north by tin alley, w hereon, lire erected a double two-story frame house. Ac. Sei.ed taken in execution and to be sold ns tho property of Thomas Gibbons, Uamidteo of MearsA Havis. ALSO : All that certain lot of ground, situate In the bo rough of Sunbury, on the south side of Market street, bounded north by said street, west by lot No. 07, east by lot No. 4. aud south by an alley, and num bering in the plan of the town lots number one (No. I) on which aro erected a two story hriek dwelling house, a two-story briek store room, with frame ware room uttached, a frame stable and other accessary out-buildings, a well of water ut tho door. Seized taken in ejection and to be sold as the pro perty of Ira X. Clement. ALSO : AH that certain tract or parcel of land, situato in Turbut township. Northumberland county. Pa., Imundod and tlosi-rihcd ns follows, to wit:Un the south by the .Milton Cemetery, on tin) east by land of Win. Heinen, on the uorth by laud ol Wm! Ilein. en. and on the west bv the Sunbury ami F.rio railroad and on tho West llraiieli Canal, containing I'Jj acres more or less, all of w hich is cleared, w hereon is erec ted a lime kiln. Suited taken in execution, and to bo sold us the property of Joseph Marr. ALSO : All thai certain lot of ground, silunte in the bo rough ot Northumberland. Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by tin alley, on the cast by lot llili, on tho south by (juccu street, and ou tho west by lot No. Hit, containing iu width 14 feet and iu depth U41I feet, being lot No. II).'! iu the general plan of suid borough, on w hich are erected a two story frame dwelling house, a fiauio stable, fruit trees, Ac. Seized taken iu ejection and to be sold as the pro I'crly of William hlliol, administrator of Jacob Ulootu, deceased. DAVID WALHHOX, Sheriff. Shcrid's Oilico, Sunbury. July IS, lSij;l. IJtH I'i:...itiVLrAMA Vttl.l mi:i:ks. Itir.IITV A f'.LE 110D1LD MEN belween the ages U of IU and -III years. Soldiers, serving in this kcgiinout perform garrison duty ut Fort Taylor. Key West, Florida, and Fort Jefferson, Torltigus, Florida. Men enlisting in Ibis regiment, receivo a Bounty of One Hundred Dollars, of Hhich twentyifivc i paid in advance, besides a premium ot Four lvilars upon being mustered into thu L'. S. service. The remain ing seventy. live to bu paid upou Iho expiration of enlistment. Also men enlisted for any three year regiment now In the tield, uilhcr CAVALHV, AUTILLLTtY OK IX FAX THY. All of it hich w ill receivu Pay, board aud Clothing from date id' enlistment. Pay per month from jl.'l Ofl to $20 00. Term of Kiilisimeitt "Three years unless sooner discharged." For further iufoi uiuiiou, apply to Adj. W. II. 11. HANliKN, CKNTKAL 1POTF.L. Sunburv, Northumberland county, Pa. Or to Serg't. Wm. li. Ulack, 47th P. V. Corp'l. S. F. Bkamkh, 4'Jth P. V. July lb, 1S0J. tCcport o the I'liiiii-f 4'oiiimil ! ol llic l'liiam inl 4'oiiIitlii nl'ttis-lloi-onli of fits 11 bin- . To the liurgcmi and Couiicilmtii if tin' lh ruujh nf Sunburn : We tho Finance Committee respectfully report that we audited tho accounts of Havid Haupt and li. Acttleiuoyer, Overseers of the I'iKir for Hie year IMtj. in respect 10 the l'oor Jux lor Hint vcarot whii'ft Huvid Haupt was the collector. The account of Charles F. Murtin, collector of Borough Tax foi tho year Isil, and the uccouul of 1. W. Uray, Trea surerof tho suid btirouh. We report that there is a balance of the Toor tax lor 1MA amtiunting to tour hunclrcti ami sixteen dot lam and nineteen cents uncollccled. That the out standing orders of the Overseers of the Poor to lliu ifbth May. Imiit. iimount to the sum of to hundred and tiltv-nine dollars and ninc-and-a. half cents. We report that Chas. F. Martin, collector of bo rough tax for Istil. has overpaid the duplicate for thai yeur the sum of thirty-five dollars and sixty-one cents, and recommend that au order bo granted to him for that sum. Wo report a balance ih thehands of Peter W. tjrav. Treasurer to the 'Jiith of May, loti.i, of tho rum of oue Hundred una lorly dollurs aucl seventeen cents, 'i'lie outstaiidin Btirourh firdcrs to the 2ithof Mnv iHtl.'t. inclusive. amount 10 the sum of nineteen bun tired and eiLflilvsix dollurs and fiftvdlve cents. It Is probable that the creatcr imrt of these orders have been paid and duly audited heretofore without the :t of their cancellation hcing.nntcd by former audi tors ou the order book. Wo could not ascertain w ith certaiutv the auiuuut of orders unpaid. The amount refiortcj us outstanding, is therefore the amount of orders issued, the payment of which wo had no evi dence. We annex hereto the accounts as autlited bv us with stutomeuts of Ihe outstanding orders. CHAHU S I'l.KASAMS, ) W. I. liHKKNOl'HII, Committee SAM L. J. BACKKK. ) Sunbury, Juue 8tb, lbCJ. reler W. flray, Troasurer, in account with the Bo rough of Sunbury. Dr. Ta balance In his hands former report 9170 78 To amount reo'd 20th March, 1HS2. from Sol. Shindul, eallectur of Taxes for IrtoO, 107 il To amount received from C. F. Martin, col lector of Borough Taxes for ISO!, amount included in former report, 220 10 To rente receiv ed of James Boyd, vil : lHiiH.Fcb. ISMti, J'.'O IK) 1 SOU, March 2 1st 20 (10 I Ki I, jHib 20 0 1CJ 2Sih-20 00 80 00 (671 40 Cr. By amount of Borough Orders paid aud produced by Treasurer aud audited, f By auiouut of Orders by Overseers of the l'oor paid aud produced by Treasurer aud audited, : 18,00 274,62, 623 S3 f 16m) 4 IU 47 By percentage to Treasurer Balance In bands of Treasurer, Amount of Poor Tax levied for )rtJ, by liavid Haupt aud BenJ. Zeltleiuoyer, OverM-ers, Amnuui of Tax for 1IJ, collected ty P Haupt, Amount anaolloctej liavid Haupt, Otiriew, Vt Ta Toor Tax e-dleeietl lo an rteeiveo) frora f Z sVstler HW 17 91,322 1 gt irt 41 (414 III do 41 7 0 fSSl 43 Cr. I v iiimmi t oi oidere paid hy D, lloupt and autlitcd, 72, 11 Jlalnnce In hands of D. Haupt, subject to his percentage aud compensation, 63 32 Amount of Orders of Overseers of the Toor, outstanding. 2:M May, 1811.1. 2G0 47, Doduot amount produced by H. 1J. Hover, Chief llurgess, itolh May, l.stl.1, rocei've.l by him from Haas A Iluweu, on account oi rent audited, n ,",fl llnlanco of orders of OTcrsccrs. ouLstnnfiing imf Amount of Dorongh Orders outstanding 2itth of May, ISOit. J2,000 801 Deduct borough orders produced by S. H. Buyer, Chief Burgess, :!iih May, 1SII3, receivetl by him fioin Haas A llowun, on account of rent audited oancolled, Amount of borough orders outstanding borough Tax for lSiil Chnrles F, Martin, tyllcotor. Dr To amount of Borough Tax for 1851, $.122 fiS Cr. Hy payments made to Treasurer, vil : isol, Scptemlier 7tb .111 lSliJ. Januarv l.Oih 27 71 Aiiril ith it 19 HI i'.i 1ft SO S 2i 17 UK 41 50 :m 60 July Mh ' IWth " L'lith Aug. .tilth , Feb. 4lh April ;! IRC.: $:ai7 221 By amount credited fo .lutlgnicbt llrcenough vs Borouch tit Sunburv 12 37 By exoneration allowed collector 2:: fir. 11 OA By puiccntngc to collector tXiS 191 Amount overpnid by collector $;!." tilj i lie J- liinuco Lomiiuttee, ettme time nfter makuie; tho above report, cancelled all redeemed orders in the hands of tho Town Clerk which had not been cancelled ; and marked the saino "audited'' upon the Order Books, as follows : One huiidretl anil ten borough orders, amount. ing in the nirjrcisnte to the sum of jlu'i8 2Si 3." of said ortlei-s are dated prior lo Jan. 1. If5!. amounting to $2'1.1 51 7j of said orders are dated since Jan. 1, IS.iti. amouiiling to tin I 772 f 1,003 2SJ We havo also filed a receitit sinned bv Win. I. tlreenouh. Kxecutor of K. 0 reenough. deceased, for tho sum of lorly dollars mid ninety-two cents fir bo ninth and road taxes of ls.ill. which amount is to bo credited upon the Orecnougli Judgment against tho Borough. unbury, July 1 S, 1 S63. 3t 1SG3. FR1L1NG 1803. & GRANT AT THE MAMMOTH ST0EE, 01I.D respectfully announco that they have juft received and opened a very larg 1 and well selec- ltd Stock of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they aro willing to dispose of at a VKKY SMALL AHYAXCF.OX I'lrstt 4'os.t. 0UB STOCK IS COMPLETE AXD EMBIUCKS EVKHYTIII NG. GIVE US J. CALL. Thankful for past favors we h"po to meet a con tinuance of the same by still selling Uoods its chcup if not t'B!i;.WI'3t than can bo purchased else, where. 1 " FUILIXt! A UIIAXT. Sunbury, May 23, lNi.'t. POUNDRY AND AGRICULTURAL WORKS ! rpilE imdersigned respectfully inform the public X gelierully. that they hat e entered into Co-I'arl-nersltip in the FOI'XHKY Bl'SIN KSS. and are now prepared to manufacture at Iho Hi hrbtich l'ouiulry,' all. kinds of .T2a-hia-r.y, KIovom, I'IoiiIik, 4'iik1. tinH, ill ltot-t .o !. Ilepairing all kinds of Agricultural Implement done iu u good wurliiiiauliku manner and at the shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect" fully solicited and promptly atteudod to. JACOB IIHIIMBACII, T. U. COOl'KK. , fx? "Id Iron, and nil kinds of Produce tuken iu l'!.cl,ange for uork Sunbury, May Hi, 1S03- tf JORDAN TOWNSHIP 1) I S T I L Ij e n Y. rpilL undersigned having entered into partnership J. iu the liisiillery Burij.esit, iu Jordan township, Northumbirlnnd county, 011 the road from Shatter's Taiern lo I uioutowu. alioul 4 miles from Muhouoy aud rl milts from Klingcrt-town. beg leuvo to inform the public that they are now making a suporier ar ticle of Pl'RF. RYF. WHISKEY. Those desiring grain converted into whitkey oun have it done on the most reasonable terms. 1 he highest cueh pi ices will be paid for Hye, and grain taken in exchange for Whiskey. The public can be assured that all Whiskey uiadu at this distille ry will uo 110c Irom tlrugs aucl adultiirulions. ISAAC HF.PP1.Y, U. K FOI ST. Jordan he p., Juno l-'l 1S03. t'uu J. E. HELLEK, Office, on south side of Market Square, near the Court House, S-gNBURx-, PENN'A. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his euro, tho collection of claims iu Northumberland and the adjoiuing eountioa. bunbury, Muy 2d, 18li.'). ly tV joining In h ii run rt 4'umpuny, WILKESBARHE. PA. C'uplliil nnd fnriliiH, I 1m,000. DIKECTORS: O. M. Hollcnback, L. 1. Shoemaker, Johu lteichard. It. O. Hriesbach, Samuel Wadbaiur, K. C. Smith, H. 1. Lacoe, Cbaa. Horrance, Charles A. Miner. Win. S. Hoim, W. W. Kulcham. ft. M. Harding. C M HOLI.l.XIIAt K, President. L 1). SHOI..M AKEU, Yice Presidcut. II. 0. Smith, Secretary. V U. MeiiLina, J reaourer. This Company Insures three-fourth of the Cash valuation, takes no Premium Xotos, ntuko no Assess ments. Policy ackuonludgca ull luoucys paiduriug the term of your luauraucu. A. CltAWFOUD, Agent. May M, lSfia. ly 'VEATESa HOTEL, Corner Fawu and Mat ket Streets. rl .'MU III , f pilE undenigurd resiiectfully informs the public, 1 thai ha has taken charge of the als.ve uanietl Hotel, and uks fur Ike uoulinuauce of the former patronage aud would tuuie all olheis tu give hiw a Call. HIS TABLE Is alwavs supplied with Ihe bnl Ihe market affords. Hut liar contains the choieeal liwuors. aud bis slab- I llBK W lootl aud well allen le"! 17 earetui loiters I MIClUtt WJLVLhT i fubul.. My. IStl TW CJrcnt Cnne of J-iTJOVTArT M18ERT. Jnrt Published, in A Srated Envelope, 'n'ry Sir Cetitt. A Lecture by Tr. Ct'LVF.UWELL. on the cans') and cure of Spermatorrhea. Consumption. Mental and Physical HeMlily, Nervonness, Kpilpity ; Im paired Nutrition of lite Body i Lassitude; Woiiknew of tho Limits and tho Bnek ,'" Indisposition and Incn. I'neitv forStnilv anil I.nlu.rt Hull news ,f At.iiriiliiin. sinn; Loss of Memory ; Aversion to Sofliety ; Lovow '. r-"inuuc; jimiuity; r-cil Jiistrust ; limainent ; jleadachc; Affections of thoFyesj l'imiiles on tho lace; Involuntary Emissions nnd Sexual Incapacity tho Consequences of Youthful Iimiscretion, Ac. .to. t V" This admirable Lecture clenrly proves that the a novo enumerated, often self-atllicletl evils may bo removed without nicdieino and without ilnnirt rous surgical operations, and should bo reud by every mini in the land. Scut under fn, Ih a plain envelope, to anv ad dress, on the receipt til' six Cents, or two postngo slumps, by nddrea.ing. CHAS. ,T. C. KLINE A CO., 12t Piiwcry. New York, l'ost OUioo Box, 4080. May 2:1, Istid. Feb, 2. ly 3o GliXiTi' "3c DIETZ, 1.0WEK WIIAHP, SUNBURY, PA. WHOLKSALK AMI HETAIL KF-ALLBS IX WHITE AS II COAL, In every variety. Orders solicited 'and filled with promptness and despatch. Sunbury, May Irt. ISM. ly ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKsT" V4MU .V 1:K4T, RilKr Avenue, llillilvl;tliin, Bii. OFF KB for sale njon the most favorable terms. New and Beautiful Icsign in great variety of Iron Bailings for Cemeteries. Besitleners. Ac! of rough! nnd Cnt Iron, and finlvanired Iron and Brass Tubing j lion erandalis. llitleonies, Stairs, (outitt-rs, Fountains, (lutes. Columns. Hitching Posts. Lamp Stands, Vases. Tables, Flower Stands, Solas, Chairs. Statuary, Animals, anil all other Iron Work of a lietnrativc character. Hcsigns forwarded lor selection. Poisons applying for the same, uill pleao state the kind of work needed. EJuno 0, ISO.".. Im To tin' I'inoi r:il i- f,-ri el'orfli- in bcrl -.1 11 I 'o ii 11 1 y . jMCLT.OW CITI.KXS : I hereby unnouncc my . self as a candidate for the OFFICK OF SIIF.KIFF. at (he cominir Primary Klecti'in and as tbo surp-irt of my Fellott Citiat ns. Should I be nominated and eii eled. I promise to fullill the duties of said otfico iUi litieiitv. CIIA11LF.S W. SXYbLU. Shuuiokin tp., May 3(1, J.-cti;). i:rAitB.i.siE:i i?. ' l'liTEK LOHILI.AltH, Nil u 11 X 'I'oImii'I'o ."tfiiiiiiliM-tiirrr 16 A 18 CIIA.MBKHSST., (Formerly 12 Chathnm Street, New Ynik. Would call the attention of llealent to the urticles of his manufacture, vis; Bitowx sxiff:. Macaboy. lieniigros. Fine Iiappce. Pure Yirginia, Coarse Itappee, Xiiehitoehes, Anieriean tlenlleman, Copenhagen. YF.LLOW SXVFF. Scotch. Honey Dew Scotch. Hich Toast Scotch. Fresh Honey l'ew Scotch Irish High Tast, F'resh Scotch, or l.uudyfoot. t7ir Attention is called fo the larcn reduction in prii-esof Fine-Cut Chewing anil Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a Superior Quality. TOBACCO. Smoking. Fine Cut Chewing. Smoking. Lotur. P. A. L-. or plain, S. Jago. Xo. I. CuvonilUh. or Stveet. Spani-h. Xo. 2. Sweet Scented Orinoco. Canaster Nos. I A 2 mixed. Tin Foil Cavendish, Turkish, (irunulated. X. II. A circular of prices w ill be scut on applica tion. April 4. lSt',.t.l SOMETHING NEW Full YOU LADIES 1 MImK. 1. nII-I'I Inivihc tiilon rxtrn lnins t" viit 1'i'ixunilly Ihe prim. nf Ftt.hinn in tlic vUy in now iroiiri'l lo uinkc, trim nr rctriin, Uonuoti iti.d lititi'. in tho latent i-ring uni Junimer styli-. She tia on hanI n lnro ftock nf BONNETS. HATS. SHAKERS. F I. O Y i: US, U f H IS O X S , LACES, and ull articles in her line, selected with the greatest cure from latgo wholesale bouses, and can, and will sell Woik or tioods ut prices to suit ull customers. LAWKS' MtLSS CAPS. HOSIKBY. (il.OYI'.S. SUTS. COLLAKS. HAXUKLlICIllKl'S. COMBS, and ituuierotis other arti.-les for l.tolies' wear, to ithich she intites the ladies to call and exnmiuu be fore purchasing cL-ctthere. Tlianhf til for the patronage extended to her hereto fore, she hopes by keeping the best assortment at reasonable prices, tticotiiiiiiic the stinitv I Second iloorsoiitliofSlitiiuokit! Yalley.v Potts ville Hailroad. west side Fawn street, Si SBl'KV. April 2.. Im'i.:. itiu A loiuf tCi'Molulioii iroplng ' luiii AiiifudmoutM to I lie 4 'oust it 11 lioii. Ill IT Itr.SOI.VKl) HV T1U5 Pkn.vtk AM) llot si: ok Hi-;riiiKXTATivKs av tiik Com monwealth ok I'f.nnmvi.vama ix (.Jkxkhai. Assi-.miii.v mkt, That tlic following uiuiuil-niL-ntd hit proposed to the Constitution nf thu Coiiiiiioiiwciilth, in uccorilaiicc with the provisions' of tin; tenth nrtirli' thereof: There t;h:ill lie nn iiiltlitioniil section to the third article ol the Constitution, to bu lesij;nutetl us section four, 11s follows : Suction 4. Whenever uny of the fjimli lii'il electors of this Coininoiiwcitlth shall lie in uny actual military service, under a roijui sitiou f:om the l'resitlent of the United Mutes, or hy the authority of this Common wealth, such electors may exercise, the liht nf sutirage in all elections hy tho citizens, under such regulations us me, or shall ho preserilied hy law, us fully as if they were present at their usual place of election. There shall he two additional sections to the eleventh article f the Constitution, to he ilisigualcd us sections eight, and nine, 11s follows : Section 8. No bill ahull be passed hy the Legislature, containing more than one sub ject, which shall be clearly expressed iu the title, except appropriation bills. 1). No bill shall be passed by the Legisla ture granting uny powers, or privileges, iu any case, where tho authority to grant such powers, or privileges, hasbeeu, or may here after be, conferred upou tllo courts of this Commonwealth. JOHN' CESSNA, Speaker of the House of Hepreseutatives. JOHN 1'. l'KNNV, Speaker of the Senate. Oki'IC'E OK TIIK Sl-XltKTAKY OK THK Co.M VOXWKATH, IIauiusucko, Julv 1, 18(33. PENNSYLVANIA, SS: --,- I do hereby certify that the fore- L. S. I going and annexed is a full, true and correct copy of the original Joint Kc solution of the Oencral Assembly, entitled "A Joint ltcsolutiou proposing cer tain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same remains 011 file in thin ollice. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand aud caused the seal of tho Secre tary's ollice to bo atlixed, the day end yeur above written. ELI S LIFER, Secret a rv of the Commonwealth. July 11, 180.). to "just be ad y, XEVT STYLES OF JEWELRY. AN opportunity not to be lost iinht of. 11 are chance for Acrenls. l.adiea as well as tienUcan ad as A gen is. Apply early aud stature the agency tor your locality. IOO.OOO H'A TCIIUS, VEST CHAIX8, I.OCKETS, JilMlS. COLD l'E.XS AXI) J'EXCMS, lilt ACE LETS, STl'HS, HVTTOXS, KECK CUA1XS.SETH Uf JEW ELI! 1', 4-r. To be sold for I each, and not to be paid for until you kuow what yuu are to set. Send ta eetils lur Cilinele. lelline- you what you can have, with a circular, aiviuK full particulars to Ageuta. l'ei fwt Stttitl'actiou guarauteed lu all eases. Address, S. M WAHO t CO . yi lit- tdaay. lie 4 bio Mart :i, IHu.-ly JACOB O. BECK, MERCHANT TAILOR, ! Mtirkrt rwlriM-l, urtirlv 0iosile Iho BCitil filouil PMiM.I, BUNDUBY, 1J . , IXFOK.MStho eitir.cns of Surbttry and vicinity, that he has nst returned from Philadelphia wilha full assortment of 1MM, A.J IVI.TIiU aOOB. OFKVEKT TjKSCnirilOM AXTigi'AMTY. lli stock consists of Chillis. French Cloths, lllaek Due Skin ami Ftincv Cnssi met es, llltick Satin. Fitriired Silks, l'laln and Funcv Ciisslinerc VKSTINOS. which ho will make nn lo order in stvles to suit tho taste ol customers, on short notice, and the most reasonable terms. Any Donds not on bund, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two tlt,ys' notice. (otitis furnished by customers will bo inndo up to order as heretofore. As he vcill employ nono but experienced workmen, fiersons may ruly ou gt tting tbir work well donu ut lis short. Thitnkt'tii for tho patronito In ret', fore he. towed, ho respectfully solicits a continuance of the stiinc. Sunbury, October 4, lsi;2. NEW TAILORING ESTAELISMENT .9II V. M Ail '!, Marht Sij'Hin; one door icmt if the JV SXTlrstTXl'V, PENN'A. ) espeetfully informs bis old friend nod the pub V lie ejenuriilly that ho has iiitin returned to Sunbury and rc-otnetl a I'W '1'iillorlnf;' I'xJaltlisiiiiiM'nt. llo is prciarcd to innku up new iinnci.ts as well ns ,iiM-tnlinu old ones, tin 1 to ,lo oik netiMv. tiish ionuhly and siihslniiliiiHy, in I'sot will warrant all work leaving the sliop, and by so lining, hoj,es to receivo a due share of pnlroiiticie. Persons desiring to have elulliinc; made up to order in the latest style, will please Rive him a cull. Suubury, April 11, Irti.t. 0 111. TAILORING ESTABLISHLILIvT. JOHIST E. BMICK, Ftiwn Strrcet, opposite M'cir, cv's Hotel, r.TTNnimY.'NoiUnimltorUtid Co., Vn.. INI'' illMS bis I'r it-ntlst and lite jmblic ceiierul'y. that ho bit.' tuken the Shop nf Jacob S. l.tike, ilcc'd., and is prepared to do ull kinds of 'i'All.nl!. INli in a ood workinaiiliUit ntni,ner. Tho pu'.ron litre ol'the public is respectfully .fjlicited. Sunbury, May 10, lsij.t. ly " WM. KKOCIIE. 0.1 MARKKT STItl'.KT. II AUUISUVnu. PA , Healer in P I A N 0 S . "VTFW Hoscwood I'l inos, from liic best makers lj from Sl'ihi upwards. Ml.l.UltKuXS. Tbo best manufactured Instru ment, from SI j to f lull. Uuititn!. Violins. Aoeordcon. Flutes, l-'ifcs. iJrtims, Uiitijos. Tttiobouriiies. Violin and (luitiir strings and musical mer chandize iu general. SIIKF.T MUSIC. The latest publications always nn hand. Millie sent bv mail to anv part of the countrv. OVAL, StJlAlti:, (JILT AND I'.OSKN (JOD FHAMES. Suitable for looking glnsscs, ami all kinds of pictures always on hand. A fine assortment of best plated I.OOKIXd lil.AS.sKtS from smallest to largest sizes Anv style of frame uiadu to order at the shortest notice. WM. KXOCIIK. April 11. lSl'i.1. 0 ! Market st.. Ilarrisburj. THE CONFESSIONS AND EXFEKI ENCE OF AN INVALID. Pub!! died for Ibc benefit, and as a warning ttt; 1 A CAt'TKIX Ttl YCUMl M::.V tbo .-.uO'.r from Xervotis Iit bility. FreniiiSurc Dcciy of Manhood, etc , supplying ut tho same time. TIIK MEANS OF SELF CUKE. Hy one who has cured himself after heim? put to great expense aud injury through medical huutbug uud ttincker5. Py enclu.-in a post-paid addrt-s.-cd envelope, siu gle copies uiav be bad of the Mithor. NATIIANIV L M AYFAIH. Kstj., liecll'oid, Kinys county. X. V. May 2.1, 1Sf.2 lyo " We have also on hand n no,-t splei.-lid a.-.-,.i;ir.eul of liiaiiioiid Jewelry, ot till kinds, to which cciowie es'Cciitl atl'-utit'it. (Mr prices will be tound coii'le rably b sstlittn the same nrticlesare usually si-Id for. All kinds iifWiitchcs repaired in the very best maimer, and warranted to git c stilisl'iii'tiull. WtDDlXtJ 111NUS 011 hand and ituule to order. Call 01 uddie.-y LF.WTS T.ADOMUS ,t CO.. Pil2 Chesnut Street. Phibulclpliii. P. S. Tho highest cash prices paid for old Hold and Silver. Alb'Tders from tho country will receivo especial attention. .May 2, ISc'i.l. "mo S A P 0 N I F I E It , nr. coxcKvnuTnn t.yk. Tlie I'ainily Koup Sliikcr. The PriSUC arc cnutioncd oarainil Iho SPU1U- Ol'S article of l.YE lor niiitdne SOAP. Ac. now of- fered for sale. The only UK.Nl'INK and PATHS'!'- Kit I.ye is that lnade by the PFXXSYI.VAXIA A Li .MAMtAlUKl.Ml 1.1 'M l'A.X , tlicir triide-inark fr it bcitn; SAPllNl-TKIt. nil Cti.S CKXTK ATF.U 1.YE." The (?reat Sl ( I KSS oi this article has led I N PKINC1PLKU PAH'I IKS t.t en- ileuvor to IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's t'Aii.M.s. All MAXUFACTUftFMS. pUYUPSor SFT.I.FHS of these SPl'KIuU.S Lyes, are hereby N"l It ILD that the Coiiipany have employed us their Attorneys. C.FHH11E IIAliUINli. Ksq., of Philtuln., and WILLIAM P.AKEWELL. Ks.,., of Pittsburg. And that ull Mtinufucturcrs. Users, or Sellers of Lye. in violation of tho rihls of thu Company, will be PimsECUTEIl at once. The SAPOXFIEit, cr COXCEXTU ATCI) LYE, is for sttlo by ull liruggisui, Grocers and Country Stores. Talc .'otlro. The United States Circuit Cottrt, Western JJistriet of Pennsylvtinia. Xo. 1 of May Term, in ls,t2. in suit of tbo "ptMinsylvahiu Salt Manuftu-tiirit' Company vs. '1 honitis li. Chase, decreed to the Company, on November 16, liil. the Exclusive riaht emoted by a patent owned by tbeui for the SAPONHKll. Pa tent dated October I, ljd. Perpctunl injunction awarded. THE PEXXSYLVAXI.V SALT MANUFACTURING CO. OFFICES: 117 Wuluut Street, Philadelphia, Pilt Street, aud lHtquesiic Wav. Pilbburg. May 2, ISO'). ,:iu TRUSSESS. SH&lTLrER BRACES. ELASTIC STOCKINliS FOK EN LAHliED VEINS OF THE LEU, AC; Instruments for ull deformities. '1)1!. ULOYEK'S 1.1'ii'r 'I'niMM has taken the place of other Trusses for the retention anil cure ot Hernia or liupltire. acting upon the Vrineiitlo of a lever, il uever loses It-- strength. It is eoattcl to prevcut rust. It htui no pad on the buck. wtiicti is sti lial'lu to iiijure lite siunu una ariuowuiel chtifu the weurer. It is sure to reluiu the Kubturc. siting ua.su ana eoititort, anil ellocliug radical curca. It is warrcuted to icive salit-laction. The imiirovctl sLoulder-liruco expands fhe chest and prevents the wearer from becoiuing round shouldered. Ladies' Helta and Abdominal Pupiortors, Hand, act s, and Hells of all kinds, and iusU uuiciits lor ull llefuriilities of the Uotly. 1)11. Ultt'VEK'S lithoe is No. 4 Auu Street, two doors from Hroadway, New York. Struiijcni should particularly nolo tho nauio and No. April 11, lHf3 C3-. -W- HAUPT,"' " Alloruvy mill 4'ouii'llor ut Law, Office on muth side of Market street, four duurs west of K. Y. liritrht A Sou's Store, BUNBUIIY, FA.. Will attend promptly to ull professional business entrusted to his care, the collection oi cluiiiti iu Xorlhuiiiberbiud and the e.ljoitiiug couutios. Suubury, Muy 2-1, lsta. ly A VALUABLE FA 11 M FOK SALE. riMIK undersigned oilers Uis. ll at prlvato sale, his .1 valuable laiiu, siluale iu ei be towuship. Norlh muberland eourtty, IV, about one mile wrat of the town of Trevorion. ooutaiuing 1WO lIUM'KKli ACHES, more nr leas; about sixty ut tea of which are cleared aud in a good slate of euliivatioii. and the balanee well tiuilM'i'ed with pine and uuk. 'i he luiproveiueuu are a l.oj; llouae, llarn and other out builtltris. '1 etuis EV. For parti',ulart Inquire of 1HA 1. CLEMENT Fuubury, May 23, lwt3. Hl.ANK (Parehuieut Pa-er.) I'ee.ts and blank .MtHrla;ut;tsi, hoitd. Lseeulions, Suuttuons, c fur lisle at ill ofl-cs of lie ' SuLluty Amtritto " Economy is "Wealth f t itai vol if it 01 (.11 rt:i 1:: lhoIitTand CIIFAPFST I!ouecli,.l l llfi.Ml.l'Y in the M orl,t. ini;tmc xa t:M' imh:'s n;j!' C.IiKAT COLCII IU-:rj)Y MAnwn ZAIiftr Jii:. 1 i-:it t rui'Hiv.. l: is w v rn'it - il M' n.-cl at-.-fiUtli'ii ii 'ic 1 ii-1-1 i sj it. In Clin ill Nil ill! ? t'iii;;'i,J, V. ii-.,. !:; 1. ul,, A-(htin. aii't 1 1 j .'Vi-ii-iim of the 'J'i: lM.lt Ith.i 4 Mn'liu.in 7i'I-.r 1'i.if :' Jluruii i? T"' ." -i y.'i.h nil 1 Im. reiii. itL t .1 1. nidi K ill. iron 1 ?i coi; hii.jtiii.,, nl tlio ( t-.wt rcinnlit n ()'0 Ti'LrMfili k iflii-lf nn tl'l.il'iirl ! i .t'timliiil ni iti' - iiiu 1mmi'1 nn Iti I'. Wi.- I f ii.---i.-i. tin.- ln'iil!l,j nr.'i ii'iinu-s riii'iilutinn m' f hi1 l.loml, li'.'M.il, t!irr id(i l.un;:-. H h hot ft vin'i'iit r- 'H y, )ni niKilin,! v :in: in;j. pu.trrltiii f nul ( W:t ; c -ii I,m t..!:f ri It- l! 1.1. .t V'Vs v -5 JlJlIIIII liftf 'fi-tilllU-i.Iv ,rnl. f:ilo Minplv hy rcumuvrn v l-y thu w hf hnvn uutl il n tlicir rti!iclt'( Iri'-nti-tin-l ! :.' M'-st Ic'hUiTANT.- .ln.l:.ineZirur rurfi-i ri:i: . lira I'filiiin I I nl u jiviff which hfin.M it in tt , rrncli ol r.ry niM U' krrp it vtnw fiiiciit U-r u-c. 'J i ' 1 1 mi I; U 'v oi 11 -ir.glo Lottie will jwuve io ho wouli lull tiniu." itn f-nst. NOTICM Svc your Mnnv ! To 3o( yr-v r i ilt'il ti )U'-'.-hnM: jirtn-!t'. nl ti( $ w Wwh li l j t cmi tuiu lln virfuo irf h l.t cuif Ilntlloof .MriMrijn Vr tfrV Curative lI'il-.-nii. lh ., ol' niiuiiilMfiiu v Iii a m m trrcal nc th:i( of nlinivt. any u!hir lni'tii cmic ; nmi tlit very lmv inii-o ut v hiVh it is fi.thl, luakt'f 1 Lf ) i..iit the pdlcr n-pi:i-ntly sriinl!, nnd iitipviiiv-iplcil dfalcr.-i w ill tnu liii"S i ' 'miimhh'i,.! oilier iiu'.li--inon un nhiL'li their puttie i-r.- linger, un-U-v ,c ('iv!MiiicrH iu.-:-l ujM.n Imviri Mtni.iiiK' iVr ler'iund nom-oiiiLr. A-k nr .Mii'irnn- PurterV Cu Mtive U.i;;iin. piivc l.i vvnu, nn-l it; nr: buttli-s n 2 vvtit.j, a ml take in. oIIht. Jt yju t.o.iiui t it ut one ptcro yuu (-an at another. SoM hy nil Ih-ncsrUt-i tml Storekccj "!. at I;I c'rf., find in larger Iwt ! nt !'." '!. il ALL A KICK1X, Vru 'rielnr.-t, January 31. lMi::. ly Xcn Voil;. Northern Central ilnihviiv ! ' ks!ii:h Tim: T.tr:r.!:. TV'fl T1IAIXS DALV to and front toe N r": nr. 1 West Praiic-li Snsquelianuu, tliuira. and till uf.So.il, em New Vork. ON and after MOXPAV, APItll. 2'i b. 1 ''. tho Pti."eiii;er 'frail's of the .Sorilu tn Ceiiirnt Itailwtiy will arrive at and depart fpiin Sulibtit-y, lliirrislmrg unci Ilultitnorc as follows. i7. : S 0 U T II W A It I) . Mail Train leaves Sunburv daily (except miiiciayi. jn in . M. M. " Icitt-tts ll.itrMiurr. I I P. ,l arrives nt lialtinioro, Fxpress Train lc'tvc Siiubuiy ilaily (except Sunday.) " leaves llurrisliurg (except Monday. 1 " arrives ut Paltintore dai!y (except Mi.n.'.liv!. Harri-bitr Accommodation leaves llarri burg, 1 1 07 P. 2 I'fl A fi 10 A. ;u a :' XOh'l IIWAV.P. . Mail Truin leaves Ihiltiinoro daily (cx- eept Sunday) '.1 l.'i A M " leav-s Ilarrid ur 1 l.' I'. M o ntiives at Suu!.ii;y, 4 o.. Fxpre-'.' Train lent es Jtliituorc daily !' l." 1' M " nrrit es ut Ilarri.-bui '. I ;ij A .M. " leaves Iltirrisbiirg (ixcept Monday). " , (ill A. M. ; arrives ut Saa',ury. o .'!- For further information npt.lv at the UaVo. 1. X. In 'UAllltV. Supt. i ;. i t:f m IMiilnrii'lolii.'i .V tli-lo Elatlioa!. ' riUIS irretit lino traverses the Northern nit 1 J Northwest counties of Pcunsyivaiiia to tho city ol Krie. on I.tiko Uric. It has been leased by tho Pcnn-o, Ivanin llailron l Cioi'pany. and under their auspices is being rapidly op lied tiii'or.L'iioiit its entire 1 1 -n vr t l . It is now in use for Pn-scner and Freight Pom ness IVooi Iliirri?l'Ur3 to iitif'.tvood. 2nd foil;, (177 link':-') "li the Fastern liivision. iiul from Ui.:id Ij) Fric. (71 miles.) on the Western I'in.-ion. TIM i: OF r t-SFVOXtl TltAlNS AT slMtt'llV .-li-rjiv Jur.-tl -inr. Mail Truin. 'In. Ill A M. L'r- l-f r.f. Mail Train. 4 III P. M Kx press Train. S. t.'! A.M. Kxpress Train. 1 1 tl7 I' M t.urs run iiiroujiii wititout ctiaiie. i.oiii ways, ,,n thee trains between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and between Haltiniorc and Lock Haven. Elegant Sleepii'ir Curs on Expn-s Trains both ways between William-port unci Hal' iti:"re. an I Villiitinsp,irt and Philadelphia. For iol'oniiaiit'ti respecting Pas-enor bu.-'ncri apply nt the S. E. l or. 1 lilt and Market Sts. And lor Freight business of the Coiupn.tys A'.;- nts . S. 1!. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Uth uud .Market M; , Philadc-lphiu. .1. W. Kcvnolds, Fric. J. M. ltrill, Agent X. C. H. It., Baltimore. II. II. Ilorsrox. lien'l Freicrln Agt. Piiiluda. l.r. is L. Iloi i r, lien'l Ticket Ac;'!., Pi.ii.i l i JilSKI M Jl. I't'TI s. tieuT MaiutLcT, William-port. April 2"i, lo.l NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! NEWS! BOOTS AM) SHOES, VHE now manufactured toordcrbv lite sul.s.-riLer at CHE A I'Elt RATES than at any oth. r . -tali-lirhuicut ill Sunbury. The tear tax i.- not talci-n into consideration, ami all work will be done ut old pnec Ih.vhiL' just receited an mlire new stock of lc.tlhoi and Morocc is, for (uViilViiMii'si IIiioIm ii ml Mioi'st, l.a!ii'' SIkx'hiiikI niK'is, Iaiill''llM Sliiirs, A'...V-.. which will be nniclo to order ut short noli o-. iu tho best workmanlike manner and ol the hf-,t inati't 'a! Fcelinj thitrkl'ill tor the 'iltcnai;e extended here tt lore he hopes to c-ollt itcuc lite ;une. Ail wlio desiro ttoik done i. heap and diir.-tlle. ar" invited to cull al hi.- shop nearly t.pp..-itc the Cou.!. lloiiae in Mmket Siiuurc. Sui.burv. Pa. JiJiiN W1I.YEH February 2-s, ltfi.'! din A NEW AH RIVAL OE BOOTS AND SHOES, vim. u. i5iiLx.iiiis. KE has just returned l.otne from Philndeli Ilia, u i.h u new Stock o! j:i H PS and SliOES, select ed illt great care lo sail all persons lli'i if'iiur Vtoo. ,iit Stot vhirr ijnn eon ivr fit bt.it quality, and trliere tin' A awoi I tut ut u rjit in Snnfii'rif. lie has Calf Hoots from $:! 71 to S7 I'll. He bus Hoy 's Calf Pools from I ill to SI (. Ho bus l.i.di.V li. liters from i'iJ c-fs. to "' J'I Ho has Misses and Children's liuitct- of all stvbs. and fashions, uud prices. In shell overyihii c; in Lis line of liusincs. He also has on hand a full assortment of Morroc..--and Culf Skins of tho bc-t titiiiliiy, which ho .!' micke up to order ut the shortest notice. Inn ii c; .-up-plied hilllselt with ihe lllo-st l:i.-l.ioliali!e Ltuis. A tiUr.AT SAVlNti TO lillOTS !c SlIolCS. ElSWAI.II'S Puteut Metallic S..lcs Slut Heels, one pair of which will wear as long as live pair ol Leaiher Soles, kept on hand. .MendtHK done t.s u-uitl. Call unci examine lor yourselves aud learn my oriccs before purchasing elseu here. M. II. MILLEH. Sunbury, May Hi, 1-M.".. lyck I -oil. PHliiAltELrillA PAI'Elt HAXCIXtiS. ui)i)i:i.i.A iitx ieiii:, Cor I'ourll. i Market Streets, Philadelphia, havo " " now iu stock, a tine variety of V.illl lNlUTi,' (rot up expressly for their Sprini; Trade lUSl'HW PAI'Elt OF E LEY t! It A Id:, to which tiiey invite iho attention of S:.ji keepers I i, In llieir lleiuil liepartmenl, will bu fouod die choicesl styles ol the scu-soli. 1 hiladvij hia, Feb. 14. litlit otnw WATCVIES, J v m v I r j A. I) I i in o ii l i , LEWIS IADCKUS & CO. 8uj I besuut Street, Philadelpnia. I I AYE always ou bund a Im ie -l.- k of llol I at, I J I Silver utehc s. allitlll'lo I .r La. lie., tl, i.i l. i, ,Mt or Hots' Wear. S.uie of fur ottu lmp.-i'aii"U. ti Ira tn. a tpiality. liur assortment of Jtmlry eoi.-ist of the in...t l'a--lii. liable ul. I i ith dtaic.i , as .tl-':,u t i;,nui Ki I j less c pensile. iltei : 1-x'ns. oik- In- t't.V. at 1 r:i.l' K :ne. I .:. a Itl'ue Valtelt ..I I , . - , . kl t x , -.,. ! rl':::.. lit-.: . SI