Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 25, 1863, Image 4

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UM If. (Bi'ililSH'J,
K XNOl'N'CIIel In nil whotrndo In Suiibury, that
i l he Inus just purcdiiisod a mtoctx of noil -ic hm1
Which henncr.- nt his old I. near Covert Hole
vusl ti.,1 of Ainrke! Square, lory
Or if tl.iit r ill uot do. Just of cheap f t
'i". rruv run i ( :.
1 1 1 ttocl; consists of n lut'iTC assortment of
'.'TJ. SOAP.
vfsts. lmrsiiix
haldwa nr. n ii: s w Ait k.
ninl other m (icH-.x ullngfllirr t"0 numerous, lo men
liou. C AI.LAND SEE.
Sui.bniy. Jnnunry .1, ISo.'l.
i:.'.-iiiiii;r f r.:t i.ritmi.
l lil'.AT THI NK 1.1 XF. from the Xnrlli nun
V North-Wet fir Philadelphia. Now York, lload
inc. P-il ill'. I. i'l., Minn, Allenlown. lT'i"lon. Ae.
Trains It .ive Jl-rri-lnir; for Phil'i'lclphin, Nctv
V:l:, Lending, 1 VI lev illo. nud nil lnli rnic.lialo
Slaloms, n! h A. SI., nml '2 I'll IV M.
New Vii k llxprosslenves llnrrisbnrg at 2 !." A. SI.,
nrrit ing nt New York tit 1H5 Iho Finn morning.
Furos from ! I:u-i i.-lmt; : To New York S5 1 . : to
l'liilndi Iphin fll Jij and ;-2 Ml. Ilnggitgc checked
liciuiiiing. leave X'ow York nt 0 A. SI., 12 Xonn.
i n I 7 P SI. ( PiU-luirtrli Fvnrc-.). Leave Philndcl-
lii-i nt S I j A SI. ni'.l 3 :to P St.
Sleeping ours in the S'rw York F.vpro-s Train?,
through to and fi'ntn Pllts'ui-.gli without change.
iV-vngcrs lv the I'nttttwissa Hail lltufl have Ta
li, in S on A. SI., nml 2 .' P. SI., lor Phihulcl
1 hia. New-York, anil nil War Points.
Trains l.-ive Pnttsvillc at 0 15 A. SI.. nm1 2.:10 P.
SI.. I' ir Philadelphia. 1 1 :ti-ri-Knru mi'l Nrw York.
An iieeotuniodinion Pus-enircr train P-nt .' ponding
tit n m) A. Si., nail returns from Pliiludi Iphiu at 5 00
i . .11.
Co" All the n'love trains' run daily, Sundays cx
A Sunday tr-in lenves Pittsvillo Rt 7. "I) A. SI..
ninl PhiliMlolphin nt ti.l 5 P. SI.
t'oiiiniuliiiion. Slilcngc, .Season, end Fxeur.-iun
Tijlul'.ut reduced rates to and from nil points.
ti. A. XU llLI.S.
Slay 2. ISl.'l. Cent nil Supciiiilcr.dcnt.
O -A- Tj F, R J. T U B ,
Sl'I'lllt-CAl'ilS. OF.SODA. Ac.
And Pole Agent in the City of Now Y'ork for
Invuiitid liy Pmf. lilan llorffonl, of llarvnrd
I'nivi rsi'.y. Cifficc. 11 Old Slip. Hanover .Square,
(up flairs.) NEW YOKK.
rjiilK lii'rh price wliirh Cream of Tartar commanded
j in l.-al, toirether Willi tliu alarming extent to
vsliifli its dansorous adulteration liad lieen enrrii'd.
Vtitli oilier considerations, induced the disiitvui.-lii
Chi niiJt. wliosc nnnio is triven nlmo, to eontinen
v tint proved to Le a Imar and lal-ni ious seientitic r
siv.reli. to di-Tover a Irsirnl'le sidistiluie tlierefor.'
Jlis eiTorts were crowiipd with nltunilMut we', and of tlioiisnnds of pounds of the tNihstilnle
liavi? lieen sold mid used during Iho last live years
throughout (he V'nited Statos and the Cnnadns.
'i he follow iiir true roii!'iirisoii of its nature and
the results of iis u.-e. with tluuc of en-inn of Tartar,
V. ill convince the most incredulous of its value.
t 'renin of Tartar is a hi-t o ! rule of Pota-h.
This n'o.'titutc is n sinn li Pliosplu'.tc. nnd contains
nothiii!; lmt what is foiiuo in lieet'-ti':'k. and in com.
v lioat and other cereals, mul is therefore highly
nutritious. It nlv luis a li'-aHh-ijiviiin inilueiice,
mi 1 mi plies thai for w hieli tiieie is it eoiu-tant de
mand in the j-ystotu.
i It is sold lor a much less price Cream cf
March 21. lSi',.1.-
Jt. .1. WILLIAMS. No. ltl .Vorth Sixth Street. Phil
ndelpiiia. Sliii.ulaeturer of
A) Crx'l tail tiliml.- mil
i:i(!nv Siin!os.
Tlie largest and tincst nssorltnent in !ho elty.nt the
lowest pii.-e-. Jtlital.- Painted nnd Triniiuud upul
to mw. Store Slui.hs made and li ttered.
Apiil -I, W.::. 2m
E't'tiliilii C!iits.r,
pL'Iii y.T AXU l:i:Fl'l:M.-'I!l.I), Cor. Howard
It nnd franklin Street, n fetv Snunres Wc-t of I'ue
Northern Central Kailr 1 li. put, BALTlSlOKi:.
Ijj- Xt:Ms. SI ri i'. l.v.
(i. l.i:iSi::CUINU, I'ropric'.or.
.July v., is:;i -tf
'X'o AiTluuit Mutli'ivi'N oTIxttlj Sox'r.
A llI.YI ItKNI' liKNT LKMAX linving l.een re
J V stored to health in a few days, after undergoing
ml tlie u-u.d n u'ity nnd irregular exiensive modes
of treatment, without success, considers it his sacred
du'y to coinuiuniciite to his atiiicted lellow ereatun-3
Ihe .mi:ans oh-i etit:. liencc. on (he roceipt of an
tio'iits-i-d enxelope. he will send tfiee) it coj'V of tlie
plis fptioii use I. l'irect to
1h. JnllX SI. HAllNALI,.
1 ruileii Sueetj liiook!n, N. Y
Jat.iiary 2(. I"-!'....
l;a.'!Li;ti;...ha .k, El)iMiiiltur tCail
V i"id after Novemhcr 17, lid2, Pusiengcr
'Tiains will ruu as follows :
Frrii'ht If
J'oyyt net ' r.
l.cnvo Ferunton, S Cu A. SI. 10.15 A.
I.iim-lon, t'.2il 11 10 P
lluperl. ll.:;il
" luinville. 12. u.i
Anivf at Nortliiind.eih.nd. 12 IS IV SI.
S:nINU Niil'.'fll.
l.cnvo Northun.lierlainl, a .2(1 1'. SI
luintille, ti nil
Kupcrt, ti.oj
Kinir-ton, S.l.i l.onvc. 1 -t.i 1'
Arrive at .vranton. lu nuP. SI. :: in
A I'.i'sencr Train al-o lciui-s KiiiL'ston nt S ,u
A. SI., for Scinnton. to Ooiuieci with a train t. r
Sicw Yoik. ili'luriiiii, lcncs S.-ranton outir.iva)
ol tri in 1'ioui New York, at 1.1a P. .M.
't'i.c I..-K ka vi'.-nma .V lil.suihiiri; Knilroa-1 eorir.ccls
V.iih llif I'ehiwi-re. l.nwaiiti.'i and N c-!tii il:.:l
licid nt Scialiloll, P.r .New Yolk ninl il.l inediate
pi lilts
At llttpcrt il Ci HV.O' S Willi I'm: C.ittav:i-a lillil-
ro'ci. ! r pi, o.N l.oi'i e.ei nnd we.-; nrritiii" al l'lul
a . al (i l.i P. SI.
At Noi Intel il ei.nnicls wilhthc Pliili 1(1
jhinA J ' i it.' Piiilna I ami Noilhcni Ceu'riil lliil
l'... 1. loi points vve.l and miii ra.-ci-iicr.- niiivii".
at Hani -I. in- I.. Mi P. SI; Philudcli Hi i'. SI.;
and I'Mlitnorc ii.2'i P. Si.
'I i:c I'r.i-'.iit in. 1 P.i.-si niT'-rs Train TN.rth. limes
Noi ihiiii.'.c: lat.d at (i. 1 j A M.. aid i.rrii ts at V -0 P
SI.. ; 'll I'.ilnllie al S.'Jo P. SI.
.K'lIX P. II.Sl.LY, SupH.
.1 C. Wi l l -;. ( Uncial Tickcl Ajj.-ut.
No. 2'.', l-:',2.
yz issv.K's I'.U Eivr fava-: xta.
in: i'tti:i:zrs8 :
As Improved l'.T I -'. nnd 1 -HI),
liy 1 KI.'K 11ASI A t (.. 2H Pear! al., New Y'.uk.
TMlir ot Iv Krei zcr c nstiui ted on srii-ntihV prin
I . loics, w i;ll n l'co! in can nod splin l.lede
i-. nip r. The one Imstcns the tr. cnii, ol the treane -the
other rcni'ii cs it as la-l as j...i n.
The ii. .-( Lipid ill li tt il li the li ut qinihtil v
i-f I. e
1 :.c nio-l ccoiioinieal tnco-t. us it is die most simple
lili'l itnitdile in slnletiiic.
l oi ale in ul! the principal cilieii and towtiin tho
I oi .ti
Iwo'li I'Yeo r ticeotnp.inii'd w ith ft ln.k of reeipft
Uilil lull dltectlotla.
3 iiinttf.
4 nuiirls,
Ci iii.ills.
K iinttlls,
ft on
t iul
fi l. (I
0 (il
H ml
I I ijU.irt-,
-I oil
;i ii iini i .
12 ul
A I piv lull Ii M.ssi:it, SoLi.uiv. l'.
M .i. h 2'.', In'...
iiii:n:i.i .1:11 .v
Attorney at Law, Stmbury, Pa
.i'ii;nA inuM i 1:1. 1. 1:11 in, 1 S"i.i'SM
, Il I.HKIl. ri -pe In!! 1 mm 1. . 11. .u I lis. I tin v
Ion e 1 1 I, 1 1 d into e, pin l..i I -i. :p llitim l.Mti.-.f
II, II plot. - ion ni. l w i'I I 11. ue.
lo-'i.,-- ii.lio-iil to ll.eii 1 lial c, in Co- e.,ai,ti,
el '.. Illilllid.. it ill !. I 1.1 -ll, r-i ld-r ' Shl,l Ul.
i 11, ptl,. I.ullilu!! . and ''v 'I 1 el. I 1 IJ 11.
I. I, Hill II f It l i 1 ll 1 ''I I I 1 I l'N. i'I'
II VIM- -..i..-i;llii.... e,.b U hud iu lliu il.U
SI t , I. e.-i... .
i' M il .l in i t u !-. Jc U ia.ii I II a I
. . . 1 111 1 I . I 1 ti 11 1 4 Pit
xtooy ttnuii'
r r r ' r
:n..i til .i.tit .1) , l'lttul k,
i 1. 1 1 - hi I -1 1 1 P1...1. i , i,. i'ui:urr
, i ii .u il tH i' .... 1 1 ll. Ail
Knoun as "ltdmloltC"-
Iin.MEOLL-3 liXTP.ACT "111X1117'
lsipp.oYriiiiosi; wash.
A Puj-iI ivc pii'l Hivlfie llnnrtly
Kor I)i.-t H.M'f of tho
lUltl I'Xl'llcS IhO AI'fMI lir nlH into lil IUlllV Jlt'tli'li. l.v
vlii.-h th Wntrry r CntiTiim iIciHtitini . mi'l nit
I'ntMtttiriil I'.iiliiVui'iiit'i.t- urc rclihM'.l, in t v u :!in
itn l niuatuiu.iUoii, nvi i.J gutut lir nicn. vuiucn. or
l'tm wi:akni:.-si:s
Ari-'ir. from Kxci oc?, H.iliitsof liissipatioii, I-'arly
lndi-erction. or -Vhiise.
Attended w ith tho follow inj synilotiis :
Ir.di'p.iilion lo l-i.xertioii, I.o-s of power.
(o-.s of Slenioiy. iMIiieulty of Urcatliin
Weak Nones. 'J'n tiil'iinj
llorrorot Pisensp, Wiikctttlness.
1 i in li i-si (1 vision. Pain ill the IncV,
l'iivciul I.arsilu le of Iho l'liiihinit if the I'.ody
Sluccnlar System, 1'niption. on the Face.
Hot lland.s, Tallid Countenance,
lityiics? of the Skin.
These evmtoms. if nllowed tn pn n. vvhieh tliis
medicine invariaMy removes. Poon follow
In one of which the pnlieet tuny expire. YVho enii
.-ay thiil they are not frenuently folloned hy Uiom!
aliieful iliseases,'1
Many nrc nware of the cnuseef their suffering, lmt
none v ill con fe.-s. 'J'iie r cords of the insane Asy
lums and the melnnclioly denths hy Consumption,
henr ample witness to Ihe tiuth ol tlie nssirlioti,
Xhc Constitution, oncu .Atleeted with Organic,
Weak in ss,
Itequireii the aid of medicine to slrowrlhi'ii nnd iu
viirorato the lystcin. which 1 1 t-I i nli ! '1 " F.xlracl
IiuchuM invariulily doin. A trial will convince
the Must skeptical.
Old or young, fc-ingtc, married, or eoiitcmplatiug
Jn tnany affections pecultnr to Females theExtr'o.t
lluchil is uneijiuillcd hy any other remedy, its in
Chlorosis or ltotcntion. Irregularity. Pniiilulness. or
Sui'piessioii of the Ctistoinary llvaeuations. I leciiiti d
or Schirrotis stale of the Clerus. I.cueorrhca. or
Whites Sterility, and for nil complaints incident to
the sex, V. iielher arising from ludl.-crctioll, Hahits of
liis-ipntion. or in the
See symptoms ahove.
Take no P.alsnni. Sloreurr. or l"ni'le:iant SIcilieine
fur I npleasnnl nnd l'.-inocrous liifcu.-es.
ut:i,"eiMn.t"s c:'j SA-i"
In all their f!:i-i.' ; nt little expense; litllo or tin
uhan.i in diet ; liu incoTivcnienee,
It onuses frequent di ire, nnd rives "trer.'h to
rrttiate, thereliy rcmotinir ohstructions. pri ventiiii;
and eurinir Sirictureii of ihe 1 reihru. nllayinj pain
mid inn.-iiMuialion. so lrcnuent in this cl.issoYilison.-cs
nnd expelling l'oitoiious, 1'iseased. nnd W rn-out
Tlioiisunds upon Tliou.'imds
And wlm have jaiid IIcay Fees to he fared In it
short time, hate fouiid they were deceived, and that
the "Poison " has. hy the ne of Powerful A-trin-
gents.' heen dried uj. in the system, tu break out in
uu nratiiieii loi ni, anil
FtihMps after Slnrriage.
1 SK
iia:i.Ti5!i3.Ei.-. n:.TBi.v."a'
stt t'fia;
For all AfTcetions nnd lli. ens? of
li'lietlier exitinir in Slale or Female, whatevir
tausc oriiiiiiting. and no
Iiienes of these Organs rcijuire the aid of
Im i:i:tii'.
Is the Ureal Diuretic1,
And it is certain to Ihe dc-ire 1 efTcet in ul'
Dire.ues, for which it is recommended.
Hchubo! I'c Highly Cot.eeiitraled Conipouni
I'luid Exlrnct Gursnparilla Syphilis.
T'.is is nn nTeelii n of Hie P.lood. nnd ntle.-ks the
Sexual I Ironies. l.iniliL's of tlie Xe-c. 'I hroat.
Windpipe, nnd other .Minus Surfacis. malcini; iis
nppeiirnnce in ihe loi in of l lei rs. !! Inihold's Ex
tra,! .-ar apiiriiin pin oo ' Ihe IUo.,1. and remove-all
! Mi. ly l-.i notions ot the .-km. Ki ir,'r to the Complex
ion a Ch ar and llealihy Color, lthcini pn'epirid
; cxp-.v ! for this cliiss of coiiipl.iinls. ils lllood-Puri-j
I'tini; V op -i. tors are presei vi .1 in a irrenter extent
lii.iii preparation of Snrsapunlhi.
An rxc-ll-til l.M:..n f r 1 'iii-.-u-r- of n Syphilitic Na
ture. an I as nil inj cti n I i Jij . i.s. s ' tl,e l't im.rv
i (hiMtis. i:ri.-iiii It out hahits of dis.-ipaticn, u-cd i'l
i e .m.eeiion wiih the Extracts Huehu and Sarsapnrilln
j ill . Hell .li.-e.l.seS ILS I CColll 11. 1 lidfd .
I JM.hnccol the most n ,pon-il.le nnd reliable, ehnr-
; acl'.r w ill accompany the medn ines.
; Front eieht to twenty years liiiijin;;, w ith names
; ki.o-.ui to S. it nee nn 1 I'nnie.
1 it Me peal Propei lici ol Jluchu, fee Dispeieatorv
the I nite 1 Stat..
S. c Pioli -.-or Dcw-eci" valualile works on the
Praets'c of Phy-ic.
Si c remarks made l.y jl,0 latu celebrated Dr.
Phy.-i-k. Pliil.idiJ; l.;:i.
Sic iciuaiks i n. Ic by D-. rphniim SI. Howell, a
cbbrate l l'hy:i.-i.iii. nnd Slemb. r ol the Kova!
Colli -ire of Sut;-, . n-. Ir.lainl. nnd piibli-hed in tliu
'i't i ,'.ii: i. iho k'uij.: nnd tjueeit' Journal.
See M dieo-Cil III l.-t.l Itevietr. I.libl I-!,i .1 l.v
Hi niatn'iii iravei.-, l ellow ,( ihe lioyal Collcj'e ol
Sur'i ns.
j Mei.ictof iho Into Slnieiard Works on Sledi
j l.Miiiir l.i i itr, ?l no per iK.ltle. or sis, C', i.'i
I " S A lis 1 1' I! 1 1.1, t I I'll ;, tin
1 Imi ii .ti n ItoM-: W ash. ;.ii 2 .,,1
'r half a dot. ii of eneh for $12 Ml. which w ill be
-ullieii nl lo cure Ihe uio.-t oUiinnto cu is, il diiec'.iou
urc a lo -ie I 1.1.
In.ln.rej tunny uhlicfs, securely uckej rum
obscrt mi ion.
f tf 1" svinptotiiii ii. nil e.iuiinumeiti'.ous.
Cutis iiar.u.ieej Adti e i;ialu-.
Al Tlli.W IT
Pcioiri'ly appi -ire, I hi l,,ro me uu Ahh rman of 1I10
ei' v . t I'l ' pbiu. 11. T. Hi linLil.l. mM1. emit
duly iw.'tti, .e.l'iray, his pit ..ninlions eolilain no
la. re. fie. 110 in Tcur, or olhcr injuilous dtugs, but
uie ur. ly vctULlo.
H. T. llEI.SIIl'il.D.
Sum nn I dc'rlbil lifro me, lbi22l day of
Noieiob. r. M 'I V) .M P. llllll!Alli.
Aldciiuuii, Niiilli-i'lrei t, ubiitti l.iief, Phila.
A 1 driv.. lillers f r inform-iiion in eonll lencii.
Jl T. lll.l..MI;i'l.ii, t loo.ol
J'-l-t l"l S-Ulll 'I ' I III tie. I, below Chest. Ul '.j,
l EW AEI. ul Ci'l M l 111 I I TS
All 1 I'll 1 .10 i VI Del I. 14
I 1 1 11 '. .a t to di-i I il. lr o 11" mej o'hir '
mi'. I. . ,01 il.e . 1 i.1 1 1 -J ul' . I by
J. lo.U I 1 iul u.11" IV 1 . ..1 1 i...
I t' .... I loi l.ii.
Mn ip.n i:iu ,
" In ;l .1. I I'..-, ttu I,
h I I I.. i.!l 1'....-. 1. . t.i.1 1
A-l. t i: hi 1 ilii.i . . M V'M'l 111 U
I nl 1.1 llm i. (.nn.. 11. .1,1 mi I . nl . lll.Aul
t.. II .1. .1 ho lite ...i
1 ..i..'.. 1 -1. - ')
For Hiriniio'inm, flout, Xt xrultui, Lnmh-Hjo,
s7' .Sir(- nml Joint, intiii, Jlruium,
Oii. 1110I Wound, I'ilr, lliiuhleht,
(md nil lllinnniitic tmd Xcrtuut
Jlimirdi .
For nil of which il is n speedy nnd certain remedy,
nnd never fails. This l.inimont is prepared from
the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of I'olineettcut, the
famous bone seiti r. nml has been used in his prnctiee
lor inorc than titeniyyenrs with the most nslouisliiiifr
As nn Alleviator of Pain, il t tmrivHliM by nny
pr parntlon before tlie public, of which the most
skeptical mny be convinced by n single trinl.
This Liniment will fine rapidly nnd riidictlly.
ltlu'iinia lie Dim 'rd "is of etcry kind, nnd iu thou
sands of eases where il has been used it bus never
been known to fail.
For Xi uialgiii. il will liffird iuiincdialc reliuf in
e cry ci-'e. hoivevcr dislrc, ini-.
It' will relieve tint worst east's of Headache In
thr' e minutes, mid is w arrauted lo du it.
Toothache nl-o will it cure instantly.
For Nervous Debility nnd Heneral Lns-ilinle, ari
singiVoni iiii).ruilence or excess, this l.iniuient is n
mos hit!py and unfailing remedy. Acting direesly
Usai the nervous tissues, it strengthens nnd revivilies
the svst"in. nnd restores it to elasticity and vigor.
l-'or Piles. n. nn e.ternnl remedy, wcelnim Ihnt it
is ll.c best known, tti .l wo f liiilleii:e the world lo
proiluee nn ei(iinl. Every victim of this distressing
complaint should a liiul, for it will not fail
to ntl'-rd immed'alc relief, mid in a majority uf eases
it ill ejiccl n raoicitl eiil ''.
lOiiucy and Sure Throat lire sometimes extremely
malignant an.! dancjerous. but n timely application
el this Liniinent will never fail lo cure.
Sprains me sometimes vi ry obstiuiite. nnd enlarge
ment of Ihe joints i-' liable in occur if neglected.
The worst ease may be eoii'iuered by this Liniment
in two or thrt e days.
Lrui-.s. Cut--. Wounds. Sores. Fleers. Hums nml
Scjhls. yield readily lo the wonderlitl healing pru
pciiics of 1 Jr. Sweet's 1 nl'nllible Liniment, when
u-cd .lecoi.ling to direetn ns. Also, Chilblains,
i'r.s-lcti 1'eet, and ln-ect liites ami Stings.
DR. BTEFI1EN SWEET, of Connecticut,
the tireat Natural liune'S'cttcr.
DU. ETEniEN KSVEET, of Connecticut,
is known nil on r the I nited Slates.
DJi. BTEtllE-V SWEET, cf Connecticut,
is Ihe r.uiiior uf Tr. SwceL'.s Infallible Liniiiioiit."
Dr. S-.vcct's Inf illiblo Liniment
Cur-: ItlieumatiMii. nnd iictcr fails.
Dr. thvoet's T -fallible Liniment
Is. a certain lcine-ly for Neuralgia.
Dr. iv.vrrfs Infi-Hible Lininiout
Curci Fuii.s mid Scald-; immediately.
Dr. V'.vcet's Infallible Liniment
Ii the I.110WU remedy for Sprnins und bruise.
Dr. Swcct'B Infulliblo Liniment
Cures Headache iniinediaUlv, and wus never known
to fail.
Dr. !3 .vocls Infallible Liniment
AITorls iintuci'iiiile relief for Piles, nnd tcldoiu fails
tu euie.
Dr. ftvvcet's Infallible Linlmont
Cures. Toothache iu one minute.
Dr. Ewrrfs Infallible Liniment
Cures Culs uid Wounds iiutuedintely mil leavtiLO
Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment
I the l.crS rcinedv lor Soies in the known world.
Dr. Sveet'B Tiifellible Liniment
Has lieen r o d by juoie .a iniilion people, nnd
all pinne il.
Dr. F'wect's Infallible Liniment
T .k; 11 int. 1 null v cures Colic uud Cholera Slorbus.
Dr. Eweot'K Infallible Linimont
Is truly a IVi.'iwl iu med." m.d every family should
hat e il al Land.
Dr. Sweet's Inrullinlo Liniment
Is f r falc by nil Di u.'i Is. Price 25 nnd iO cents.
an extiini.l leine.ic. is w iihout n rival, nnd will rain more s'.ee ldv than 1111V other preiiu
rats,.n. lor all Ithciiui:. lie 11 lid Nervous Disorders
ii is iiu'v it.) I'.libie. and us a curative for Sores
Worn. Is. Sprains. Ili iii.-cs. Ac., ils soothing, healing
nn I I'.iwi i liJ sticic.'lhi uiug properties, exeito tho
in-i w011.lei-T1.1l ntoiiislimeiit of all who have ever
V'ivinitn tiinl. Over one lliousiind eertilictites of
lelnnlkaolc cares, j.ellorilicd by It Wltlllll mo I1UII
Itto tears, nttesl tlie lact.
ll'ill.iiS i- nn iviilcd bv nnv. nnd in all eases of
Limieiie.-.s nri-ing I loin Sj rains, Itrui.-es or Wrench
ing. its eiieet i- niaical and certain. Harness or
Saddle (lulls. Seraiches. -Mange, Ac, il will also euro
.-pe-'dilv. Sp i 1:1 and Itmgboiie tuny lie easily pro
vent. '11111,1 cured in their incipient singes, but eon
til ined t 1 1 .- arc betoiid tho p.tsil.irily of a radical
cure. No 1 n-e ol liie Liu I, however, is so despcrato
or hooilos hut il n.av lie nllet iuleil by llns Lini
ment, mi l ils Inithliil tt ill nlwnys remove
Ihe Latin lie..-, uud limbic (uu horses to travel WIIU
enlnpallitlt c va.-.c.
i: j:.:;v uw.xvn
th'.nl.l bnvr ill's n iiiidy nt hnn.l, for Its timely use
nt the fo.-l i: pi ir.uic,' of Liiiiicncss will elleetually
p.i ti nl lh".-e formidable diseases, In which allliol-
me liable, mid u hicli render su many olhii w Uu
valuul le hor-c nearly worthless.
Infallible Liniment
11 TlIU
Aud ihou 111. Is hava f, und it truly
A. lUtltlX-D I'M NEED !
T.ilttoll linl ..-ili-.n. i,lertM tlm I5i omI.'.m.
1 iL ie.. of Dr m. pi,. 11 smt-i 011 rtt-i label,
nl... ci. 1 h. 11 , 1 t I l.uouii nl ' I.I
in Ihe iilo.N.i.1 to It U'lllv, tiltboul ttlil. Is uoliti
ltd II tl'DdiN Jk I'll ,
Ml" I'l . ll.lof. V..ri, i c
M 'llnA -i i il.l.l.N,l j, nli.
I liU clivel .Sv, ul
h ! I l nil .b iioinlini
SU. a.l l-b It
OFERATB bjr their powerful Influence on th
intcmnl viscera to purify the blond and stimu
late it into healthy action. They remove the
obstructions of the stomnch, bowels, liver, and other
orgnns of the body, and, by restoring their irregular
action to health, correct, wherever thejr exist, Mich
dernngemenU ns are the lirst causes of disease.
An extensive trial of their virtues, hy Professors,
l'hysicinn, and Patients, han shown cures of dan
gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by persons of such exalted position
and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Their ccrti Rentes are published in my American
Almanac, which the Agents below named are
pleased to furnish free to all inquiring.
Annexed we give Dimliom for their use In the
complaints which they have been found to cure.
For CosTiVENKsa. Take one or two Tills, or
stteh quantity as to gently move the bowels. Cos
tiveness is frequently the aggravating cnuso of
Fii.ks, and the cure of one complaint is the euro
of both. No person can feel well while under a
costive habit of body. Hcnco it should be, as it
can be, promptly relieved.
Fob UrarKPaiA, which Is sometimes the cause
of Cvstirtttess, nnd always uncomfortable, take mild
doses from one o four to stimulate the stnmneh
and liver into healthy nction. They will do it, nnd
the hrarthuri, bodibmn, nnd toulburn of dyspepsia
will raf idly disappear. When it has gone, don't
forget whnt cured you.
For a Fori, Stomach, or Morbid Tnarlinn nf tin
Botrels, which produces gcnernl depression of tho
spirits and bad liealth, take from four to eight Pills
at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity
and strength is restored to the system.
Fob Ur.uvofsNEss, Sick Hkadaciir, Navsra,
Pain in (he Stomach, Jlack, or .S'lnV, tnko from four
to eight pills on going to bed. If thev do not oper
ate sufficiently, take more Ihe next Jay until they
do. These complaints will he swept oiit from the
system. Don't wear these and their kindred dis
orders because your stomach is foul.
For Scrofi'la. Khysip-klas, aurf all Diieatei
of the Skin, Take the Fills freely and frequently, to
keep the bowels open. The emotions will gener
ally noon begin to diminish and disnppenr. Many
dreadful ulcers nna sores have been healed up by
the purging and purifying ill'ert of these Fills, and
some disgusting diseases which seemed to snturatc
the whole system have completely yielded to their
influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health.
Patients! your duty to society forbids that you
should parade Yourself around the world covered
with pimples, hootches, ulcers, sores, nnd nil or any
of the unclean diseases of the skin, becauso your
system wants cleansing.
' To Ft iiiFY the Uuion, they arc the best medi
cine ever discovered. They should lie taken freely
and frequently, and the impurities which sow tho
seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of tho
svstein like ehatl" before the wind. By this property
they do as much good in preventing sickness ns by
the remarkable cures which they nrc making every
I.ivf.r CoMr-l.ATST, jAVSnirp., and all Bilinut
AJffctions nrise from sonic derangement cither
torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render
it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the
health, and the constitution is frequently under
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp
tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the
bile into the stomach causes the bile to overflow
into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a
long and dangerous train of evils. Costivcncss, or
alternately costivcncss and diarrhoea, prevails.
Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness,
restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in
ability to sleep, and sometimes grent drowsiness ;
sometimes there is severe pain in the side ; the skin
and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow ;
the stomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch j
the whole system irritable, with a tendenev to fever,
which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious
diarrhoea, dysentery, Ac. A medium dose of three
or four Pills' taken at night, followed by two or three
in the morning, and repeated a few days, will remove
the cause of ail these troubles. It is wicked to sutler
such pains when you can cure them for 25 cents.
Hiiki'MATIsm, (ioi'T, and alt Inflammatory l'e
rcr$ are rapidly cured by the purifying etfeets of
these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which
they afford to the vital principle of Life. For these
and all kindred complaints they should be taken in
mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely.
Asa DiXNFK Fill, this is both agreeable und
useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to take,
and certainly none hns been made more cifectunl to
the purpose for which a dinner pill is employed
rnei'AKKn bv
iit. j. . .writ v co..
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Sold by Friliiiif A Grant, nnd It. A. Fisher, in
Dr. It. 1). SIcCoy. Nortliumberliiiid.
J. F. Caslow, and C. lirown, .Milton.
J. Chiisinan, 'J arinit ville.
HeMi .1 Co.. Sit. Cariuel.
S. llcrgstresser, Elysburg.
Wiest. Slahoni'.y.
Weaver A SleW illiaiui. Paiinos,
And Dealers Everywhere
Aug-isl 2. 1S02 ly
I NVITK tilt1 early ntkntiim of cnsli ur
chasers to tlieir rlioiro, varied nml cxtcii
mvr assortment of KKKSII AVINTKK
liOODS which they olTcr at reusontil'lp
prices. Our stuck emliraci
A full line of Iltnulsome Dress Goods,
A nice lot of Domestic Dry Goods,
A choice supply of line 'White Goods,
A prcat variety of Hoots nnd Shoes,
A lur;e stock of Queens nnd Glassware,
A very extensive lot of Hardware,
lats and Caps and Hiady Made Clothinor
Groceries of ull kinds, fich and pure,
Dniys Paints Gins'? and Gils.
particular attention to the following line of
Goods, sttitalile for Holiday 1'rcscnU.
Ileal Heavy lllanket Shawls,
French Blanket and Jiiiiche Shawls,
Iloosery for J.udics, Gents nud Children,
Ladies UlovcV in great nlmndance,
A complete stock of Gents Gloves,
Fancy Shirting and Opera Flannels,
Assorted colors Halnioral Skirts,
Skeleton Skirts in great Variety,
Zephyr Opera Caps und Xuhias,
Fine Sable Furs and Mufls, .
Fine 'White Linen Handkerchiefs,
Colored hor.h r Canilit ie Handkerchiefs,
Ileal liandaium Silk llaiidkert hiefs,
Gents Silk Neck Ties and Cruvatts,
Fine needle worked Collars,
Super Hhuk Love Veils,.
Silk Tissues of assorted Shades,
Kililions, Laces, F.dgin;;s und liulllin;;,
Fine Muck MoAair Caps,
Shawl l'ins and Scarf l'ina,
Fcifunii ry, I'omadcs uud Soap,
lhlek I'm sen uud fancy 1'oi t .Mutinies,
First rato Skutcs, rcmly Ntraiud,
Nice. Hair Brushes und Bucket Conilis,
Kxtru g 1 md I'enkiiivcs und St iaMirn, ,
Children Gum Gilded Condi,
ie., Ac., Ac.
Sunliiiry, Dec, 20, IMP".
MII.OtIO 11 tl.M Ii,
VtloriM' mi tM , hui.buiy, JtullllUUlb
Und i..uiily, p.-iiustlttniU.
t'.iioeil rtirl uitf i-nt'l.r (iuiiiy )
I'l lli l: aUikel .u.e 1. 1.1m rui of Filling
lintni rv.ii. mot nrurly ..pMn lb Court lion.
All pioli on iml I n. now vuliri'iiour, At , mil la
tin, pj.'.npl lUnUi,it
A( nl 11. Iv..'
Has just returned from I'h'ilndclphin with a
Spring & Summer Goods.
I'or Moiist' M'enr.
Cloth, Ciissimere, Vcstinjr, Italian Cloth, I.inen
Conting, I.inen Cheek nnd Cottonado.
I.ItlillN, lVvnr.
A largo assortment of Dress JVtisids, Jlllnek nnd
Fancy Silks, Silk Tissues, Fancy llcrnges, Shalley,
ell Wool Delnnes. Sliwnmbiiio (ioods at low prices
Silk Levellas. Dcluncs, Lawns, tlinghnnis and
Prints. A full line of Irish Linen nnd White blood
Stella tinnier and Fancy Summer Shawls, Siik and
Lace Slimtilliut, Ao.
Heady SI ado Clothing,
A good assortment ef Hats and Caps,
A large assortment uf Hoots and Shoes,
A full stock oftlroceries, Slolasses and Sugar. J
Hard ware and fluilding SInl trial,
A full stock of fjttecti and (llassivaro,
A full slock of Fish, Salt, Oils ninl White Lead,
A large stock of Xctv Wall Paper,
A new alock of Stono and Farthenivare,
And thousands of articles not enumerated.
t3' AH Ihe above will bo sold cheap for Cadi or
Country Produc".
J. II. KXtiKL.
Sunl ury, Slay 17, lsr,2.
Has Uf.Ti itM:n vt ith A Xi:tv Stock op
'iili-Siisii-i1M, B'l-nil mul Tot s,
IT seems us if a netv age, n new- life was opening
iijiou ti.. animal ing every henrl In nobler deeds
ttud higher nitlisl Arl. Literature nud Science will
ghov niiew.' and seek todevelope subtiiuer beauties
und gr.'.uiler conception.
The business wot hi. Ino. must feel the new inllueliee
and evcrv laut be 1111'u-keiied und strengthened bviiu
! incrcnscii titalitv. which shall urge ns on with elec
tric speed to the eonsuuiiiiiition of gri liter thingsthau
was ever drenmed of iu Ihe Philosophy of the past.
Animated by the entb.u-'i-ni which pcrvndes all
chesses, and desirous of doing his slnire towurds "The
great events of the Age,'1 Ihe subscriber would re
spectfully inform the g 1 peopleof SI'Mll'li V nnd
the public tenerally. that lie has jus! relumed from
the eily ot Philadelphia wilh the lari-.t and choicc.-t
stock of Coiil'eclioiiiiries. Fruit and Toys, that has
ever been broiulit to this section of country. He is
also mi liafnctitriiig nil kinds of Cnnli ot ionnrirs. .te.,
lo till up orders, whole-ale or retail, ul shmr notice.
Aiming his Muck ol'O.i.NFLCTlUXAlilLS mny be
found .
French Secrets. Hum Drops, all kiudsseciit,
liurned Alniolids, Love Drops,
Cleiim While, Slinl I 'rops. fed nud w hite,
11 Lemon, Jelly Cakes,
11 J!om. Fruit Drops,
Ynnilhi. Slick Candies, ol all scents,
Common Secrets, Candy.
Liiiuofiee, Almond Candy.
i.annnns, Prunes,
Dates. Figs,
Currants, dried, Kniscns, Nuts of all kinds.
of a superior quality, by Ihe single or do?.on. A
sitici ior qutiliiy of Tobacco and Scgars. nnd 11 variety
of Coiifeciiomii ies. Fruit. Toys. Ac. r.ll of which is
otfered eheiip at wholesale nnd retail.
Lif' ltetnciiiher ihe ii-uue und plnee . 3
SI. C. ti L'A 11 U Al'.T.
Slarket street, 3 doors west of K. V. Frighl A Sou s
Suubury. April 1 1. lst',l.-ly
iu:is Ai-riiiif!iicitii 1 ::;.
ol' Acvv York I.iiicu.
V01 Vliilmli Ifiltin to AVk1 Yoii mot W011 Plort t.
from Wolintt ."tint Wlmrf vmt . Ktni iigtttii
J)rpvt. trill titirc in folotr, ri z : vhk.
At 6 A. SI., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and
A. Accommodation.) 2 2i
At ti A. SI., via Camden nud Jersey City, X. J.,
Accommodation. 2 2."
At S A. SI., via Caiiiilcn and Jersey City,
(.Morning .Mail.) ,-,'i 00
At H A. SI . via Cuind"!! and Jersey cil v 21
Class Ticket ' 2 2.i
At 11 A. SI. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Fxprrss 3 111
At 12 SI. tin Cnniilen nud Amboy, C and A.
' (Aeconiuiodnlioii.) 2 25
At 2 P. SI., via Camden nnd Aiubov, (C. and
A. llxpress.) ' 3 O'l
At 3 P. SI., via Kensington and Jersey city,
Wash nnd X. Y. Hxpless 3 1)0
At i'. P. SI., via Kensington and Jersey Citv,
t livening .Mail.) " 3 0(1
At 111 P. SI. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Southern -Mail. 3 Oil
At i (nigh!) via Kensington nud Jersey city
Sotitneru Kxpress . 3 I'fl
Al j P. SI., via Camden nnd Amboy. (coin-
lnodation. Freight uud l'u.-eucr, First
Class Ticket. 2 25
Second Class Ticket. I il)
For Water tiap. StroniDbtirg. Serauton. Wilkes
barre. .Montrose, Great I'.end. Ac., ul ti A. SI .
from Kcusinglon. v iu JJelawure, Lackawanna uud
Western Hailroitd.
For Sluucli Chunk. Allentowu. ilelUloheni. Ilelvi
dere. Fusion. Liitiibertville. Fleiuingtoii, Ve.. at t
A. SI., from Kensington Depot, und ul 21 P. SI.,
from Walnut street V hnrf.
(Tho ti A. SI. Line connects wilh Train.- leaving
Fusion for Slaiich Chunk, at :t-2U P. SI.)
For .Mount Hollv. at (i A. SI.. 2 and 4 P. SI.
For Freehold, ui li A. SI. nml 2 P. SI.
For Tri llion, .to., at 11 A. SI. ami 21 and
5 P. SI. from Kensington,
For Pitliuyrii, Uiverioii. Delanco, Ilevcrly, llur
linglon, Flurcucv, llordentowii, Ac, ul 12,1, 2, 41
and ti P. SI.
,1 if For Xcw York, and Way Lines leaving Ken
siiiglon De.t, take the Cars un Filth street, iihovo
Uulutit, half an hour l.elore departure. Tlie Cars
run into Ihe Depot, and 011 the nriivul of eueh Truiu.
run from the Depot.
Filly Pounds of Ilaggnge only, allowed each
passenger. Passenger are prohibited flout taking
Hiiything as bnirgnge but tlieir w earing apsirel. All
burgage over titiy jsiuudft to he j.nid lor extra. I he
Coinpiiny limit their rcsjmusihility lor baggage to
duo Dollar per )h.uii I. and w ill not be liable lor any
amount beyond $IUU. except bv special contract.
WS1. 11. ', Agent,,
Jnnuarv 17, ISfi.'l.
A ttoi-iic' mill 'oinilor ill I.nvt,
Office, .Market street, 2 doors west of Depot,
BUN13UHY, 3?A.
A IT ILL all cod proiupilt v to the collc.i,.n orelaims
and all utber pn.feiioiial business iiiirusled lu
his eiire iu Xorthuiiiberliind and adjoining counties.
Suubury, Slay 3, lMi2.
liaUi1'M tiiHliilioii IIIikth.
They purify, tretiglheu, and hit igornlo.
'I I icy ereaiu a heiililiy nppelile.
They are an antidote to ebniig.1 of water and diet
'1 bey uvereollii't-tleclsi.l dissipation ami late hours
They .(rengibeii Ibeav.leiu ami enliven the mind
'1 hey pretelll luialllllltc and ililerillillelll fetels.
'I bey putil'v llitt breath and acidity ot the slontuch
Tlu-y eurti lipeia and Coiisiittiiin.
Ttity cure Dluri hea, Cholera, aud Cholera Slur
bit. Tbey cur Lit er Coiiipl.ilnl and Nervous Head
a. bo.
They are the best Fillers In the wis. 1. 1. Iheyniak
Iha mall iiihu strou)f, and it rxhausltd itutuTv
grval realm er. 'liny am uialo ol purtt Si. Croix
ttutu, llieeeleliraied Calu) llark, rtuia and herla,
an t am lakeu with iho plt vum of a but'iiuga, aith
uu! tfjfsi.l l.i aga or lima til day. I'uilic ulitily rv.
i-i.uiuuudi'd U. tlt'l.catti .vroita rt-iutiii.j a bcuiIo
liuiul.inl N.ld by all l.i.s'.is liui.l. II.. l.i.
and Si.l.s.iu 1'. II. DIlAhL A CO., Jti iliuadaay,
luUr 2i, lull
iMimtrlMut Iu Lutrrai nf IJoml '1'cii,
Hill 11 II 1st pu im no mil i.iiou tu Una rick il
I'litno tiitt-il and IHn' a ild
l uubaiy, Juua It I I
Patent,ntlua; 'lolliott IVrlncri
i-t 1- t . ... - .
riuiji.e, tconnmicni, Jinrniile. and Is not Liable to
rui mil 01 Unlur.
The Helf-Adjn-ting Clothes Wringet, Is one of the
pentesi Improvement nf the nineteenth eenturv, and
hssonlv tbc known aid tried, to come Into general
nsc. Ihe saving of clothes, in pressing out tho wntcr
between two rubber rolls, instead of wringing or
twisting, will n mount to enough iu a abort time, to
pav for a machine.
Everyone is aware, that the twisltno. a wrln;
"f cloth I retches and hrenks the fibres; but this
ninehino presses them so evenly, that a newspaper
thoroughly soaked, can bo wnyig. wilhont breaking
it In tho lenst, and it works so easily, that a child
twelve yenrs old ennopernte it without trouble. Hot
water does not Injure, tho rolls, nnd woollen goods
can be wrung nut ol Isiiling wntcr to prevent fulling,
w hich cannot he done by bund. is invaluable, especially en large
articles, such us Lmlies' Skirts, Ac, as It leares Iho
slMi-ch in the clothes perfectly even. It will Wring
the largest bed quilt or the sin a 11 est poek-t hand,
kerchief, drier I him enn possibly be done by hand,
without nltcralion iu less than onc-eigth the time!
The machine issosimplu '.Hut it is not liable to get
out of repair.
The grent improvement in this, every every other
Wringing Slacbine yet invented, is. iis Self-Adjust,
inir ai-raiigemeiit. requiring no nlternlion. to wring a
hiindkcrebief or bed quilt consequently, the most ig.
Iiornnl servnut enn oderate it.
The mnebiite is iniule of wid, and so arrnnired.
that no iron can pos-dhly come in coiiinet with the
elnthi s. thereliy avouliug nil danger ot Injury to the
clothes, by iron ru.-t.
'Ibis istlie most simplennd effective Clothes Wring
er yet invented. Those purchasing enn use Ihcm
two weeks, and if they nrc not perfectly snlHicd, re
turn them, und Iheir mouev will be retlinded.
Address L. li! S.N'iW. Philii.lclphn,
Or II. It. SIASSKll, Agent lor Xorlhuinburliiiid co.
July 5, lsii2.
iBi:ti:r.:e4 icoieii.,
JltrrihiiiF. Vi .
riHF ninniigi inent of Ibis well-known Hotel hnv
1 ing been resumed by Slesrs. CUYLII A lllilllt.
tlie present proprietors, beg lcnve to inform the public
thnt Ihe hotie is now being thorougbly renotuted.
refitted, and itnnroveil. wilh n view to the proncr nnd
eoinfortiihle aeooiiiniodatioit of those who may favor
Ihe establishment wilh their enstoin. (iitfsts will
receive due attention and courte-'y. nnd no expense
will no spnreil Hint tuny conduce to muiutaiii e
hotel in n first-class style.
Families and others desiring to sojourn in Harris
burg during the summer months, will tind lilea.iiul
boarding and large and well-ventilated rooms at our
establishment, upon inoderale terms.
SCI li'T COYLll.
Slnreh 2fl.-lsi'.2. .1. ti 1 LllllUT II IIIUI.
'I'tsc .'.ilium "si Ilxiti'i"-1 4 tiriijtitiir.
(1 I V I'. XI 1 1 lt l-. that they have coli. liuli .1 nr
Jt rangeintnts with the Noiihcrn Central Kailroad
Conipnny to run trains fioin lailtinioie lor i orli,
Ilnrrishurg. Dauphin. Ilnlit'iix. Trevolton. Suubury. I. Lewi-burg. Slillon. Sidney. Wil
liniiisport. nud all internicilinte slution. eonnecliiig
nt Jlurrisbiirg wilh the tip. MAT WIIS'I FX
PllliSS for Pittsburg. Ciiiciuiiali. St. Louis uud Ihe
Also with Howard A Co. 's Fx press nt Slillon or
Danville. IMoonisbiirg. Wilkesbat re. Pillston. Scrnn
toll. nud intcrineiliiite slatiolis on the Cat law issn,
I. iiekawaiina A Dlooni'.biirg Kailroiols. Al Wil
li.'inisport. by llotmrd A Co.'s llxpress to Jersey
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co..
nnd their connection-, for Canton. Troy. 1-iiinirn,
II. s-hester. ltutliil... Siauara. and to all ucccssible
points in We-tein Xcw Yoik and Canada, l.y which
they will lorward Slerc'iiiiidise. Spc-ic. llnnk Notes,
.lewelrv. nnd Yuliuihle Packages of ct el v dcscriji
tiin. Also. X'otc. Drafts and Fills Tor Collection.
llxpcrici 1 nnd el'iieicnt messr.ners employed.
und every t Hurt will be nunle to render sati-l'netioll.
,Iill ISI Xi; II A.M.
Superintendent Penn'n Division. Philadelphia.
1!. A. Fist 111.11. Agent for Suubury.
April 5. lsi'.2.
("..in1 your E'l'iiiJ,
I)Y using Slasoii's Patent Sheet SIctal Screw Top
J) Preserve Jar.
.1.1'0.'.S J'ATICXT SI!i:i:T MIIT.M.
.-(.'ill' JOI'!
All Ihnt is reccs-nry being to screw the Cnn down
lp. n Ihe ltubb.T tiii.-kct. which is plnce.1 outside
ipon the shoulder of Ihe Jar. i of an inch distant
.roio the lop; prevent the po-silility of the llavor of
tie fruit being injured by coining in contact with th?
Persons desiring the.e Jars enn be supplied by
leaving their onU'i's wilh JI. it. SIASSII11, Agent.
Suliiiury. June 2. sr,ll.
M iis-ItirfvUon 3tt3.f,
(.Yr;r tlie lliiiljr.)
ri"MIF subscriber bating leased this well known
1 Tavern Stand, lnlely kept by Sirs. C. S. lirown.
respectfallv inforins ihe pulilic that be is rctiitinir and
repairing Ihe prcini.-es. und will be prepnrcd to en
tertain, in 11 coinlbi table manner, his numerous
friends throughout the county, and all who niny
patronize his establishment.
April 12. st'.2. JiiSI-ril VAXKIIMv
IiiiiUalniali1 Cliiir 15t"l ciristlvi1.
Itut restores irruy hnir to ils original color, by supply
ing the capillary lubes with natural sustenance, im
paired bv age or disca-e. All iustiiiitiiucoiis dyes are
composed of lunar cmi-lic. destroying Ihe vitality
und beauty of (lie bail-, and atlord ot themselves uu
dle-illg. Heilnstl'eel's I nin it. ible Coloring lint only
restores haij to ils natural color by an en.-y pp.ecss.
but give the hair a
promotes ii. growth, prevents its falling nlT. eradi
cates dninlruil. and imparts bcalili und pleasantness
to the hciol. 1 1 bus stoinl the tc.-t of time, being ihe
original Hair Coloring, and is constantly iiu rc.ising
in favor. I'scd by boib entlciuen and Indies. It is
sold by nil respectable itcnVrs, or can be procured
by them of the commercial agent. It. S. 11AI1MIS.
2n2 Ilioadwuy. X. Y. Two sues, bi) cents and jl.
October 25. si!2.
Willi klil l(H.i Iji,ics.,
Jl'ST received direct from Ihe Manufacturer, at
FKlLIXd A llltAXT.
uuhtiry, SInreh 15, 1S02
lEOVt AI5 5 .t fa4 DA'J't.,
For the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted
with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially
lor the cure of Di-cuscs of the Sexual 1 i guns
MFDICAL AliYICFgiteu grutis, by the acting
YALl AlILi: IUIPi'l'.TS on spermiitorrhoen
or Seminal Weakness, and other Di.-cases of Ihe
Sexual ihe SI I AV It II.MFD I IIS em
ployed iu iho Di-peiisnry. suit to the iilllicted ill
sealed letter envelopes, lice of charge. Two or three
stallips ti.r Ih.sIiic will be ncoeplnhle.
Address. DK. J. SKll.LI.N 1IH I.IITO.V. Acting
Surgeon. Howard AsMiciulion, Xo. 2 South Xinlli
Mreet. Pliiludelphia. Pa.
Jmiuiiry 3. Isii3 ly
Wiiicsi, 4iti, Ai1,
riSIIF stibsi Inning opened iu Thompson's
J Prick lluibliug. Slill stieel, Danville, a large
aud complete slock of
eoiui.risiiig the best 1-rnmls of Itrandies. (Iiu, Old
live. Scotch and Irish Vt hiskey. Port, Sherry. .Ma
deira. Champagne and other V ilies. ot till grades, all
ol which will lie sold Wholesiile. nt the lowest eily
prices. Tavern-keepers, by buying of us, cuusutu
it least Ihe freight.
Piisulis desirous of pureha.ieg liquors for
F A SI 1 1. Y F S K ,
itny rely upon being furnished wilh a puro and
Ullaillllternted article.
( V9' Peiiig deteriuined'to e.stabli..h a reputation for
selling eheiip. he re.-peetttllly solicits the patronage
of the public All orders piomptlv niteiided to.
JFltl SilAli S. II ALL.
Dnnvillo. June 111. lst'.o.
'I In1 Hi, l.ouis.,
Vhc-tuut ftmt, I. nit, 11 Tliiul and l'uuitk,
l'liil.inr.i i iu .
ftVW. undersigned, lint ing leastil. for a leritt of
1 yeurs, this iMiiular hmue, hnto Iha pleasure t.f
announcing tu their frieu.U and the cling eoin
iiiiiuilv thai il is now opeu b.r the reception ot guct.
I be bouse, since the lirsl of .March lu.t, has beeu
entirely reuot tiled and rt titled iu a superior iiinuurr;
the ai arliueiits are large, well Ventilated and fur.
lltahed ill III, -Ic til attic ll la eenlinllv bsnled,
Colli enienl to all the iIcjm.I and steituilM.nt' htiuliugs,
and in the iuuiic diaie tieiniiv of tho Custom liouae,
1'iw.l tutice and tliu Corn l.x. liniige.
CoiiniHlc.l aith the la a lteslaurunl for Iha
ai'eomnnalaiiou of ih.wu preteriiug iho Kur.iMiiu
pluu. Ptieea ol U.s.iua 1 1 001 'i uieti tu Set tu liullara
jier week, nccf ding In I.H'nliou.
Il.sir.l (I Wpcrday. TubU d Hole for uicrchauU
aud buaiueaa uiiu flow I tu 4 P M
IIKMtY Mill.,
. .. 1MAC I. DIAHK.
Ai 12, DteJ-ly
t'eii.. UJ f-lult 4 ikl'J flutti,
11 iMataai uu, Vx.
THIS llnl .K. iu cona.quci." ,.f u roiiteiiitiie.
1 and lo.atl.ili lu lb C. ilol. haa Uia.U 11 a
,. al.,1',,,,, plaeo, .(,.v ,.r
loi. in. a. Kill,.. , li.,,,,!.,,,. tt t,j, f iu,,,
I I ''ing llrfi 1 i.bui j
SI..1 I. ."i. I-. ;
ifi ni . ,n n -,.v,c. tin .
February 12, 15G2
OrsTl.rMr It gives me ir.tieh snti-fnetioii
Inform you thnt in tho revere firo which, on I
morning of the 4lli int., entirely delrovcd nil 1
stiick and materials, I hnj one of your Snbuiinin
Firo Proof Safes. After enduring an intenso 1
heat for seven h'mrs. thePnfo wns opened, an I I
Hooks and l'nners were preserved in nn uiiibleinidi
eondilion. 1 shall need another Safe as s.ioii as 1 1
In order. Yours, most respoe,trMy,
W. P. DICKI.NS"X,"l:cndii,g, Pa
GiAMBnnsnrno, Fnmklin county, Fa., 1
August .;,t. imih! J
SIcssrs. Kvasr .1 Watox. Pbilndelphia Hem
men: On the morning of Iha 22d of August, Is
our Storehouse tit (ireencnsile wns ilcslroyed bv fi
The fiilnmnnder S'tftt we purchased from you's
few yenni since was in the luenlihiied sb
house, and eontnincd all our books, papers, ensh, A
which were preerred in n perfect condition, ar
being e.?piv'i , ton most inlet,,.,. bent f ,r several b.,
1 lease inform ns npon whnt terms vou will sell
anolher larger Safe.
Yours truly, 'I Alt' H A AFSTIN
Piibimnnder Sures, for Pnnks, Stores Prh
I'limilies. Ac, Ac. Also. Minns A Wntson's Put.
Alphabetical llnk L..ek nnd link Vault
eqniil loiiny made in the eonnti v. and -old on
g.s.,1 terins. F, A W. would respectfully relcr
tlm following Paiiks nml other parties, hnviti" t,
Sar, s and L.n ks now in ns,.. t ,,,,ir entire rati-l
tion. uud mniiv others given al their Store
i!.";".!-?. JllVf' 1;r'":,'h l!i",k' Mudhvvi
Pbilii.lelphia. T.-nnea-ei.
I'XtTKt.ST.t TKSAIISKS.H.. fit v Hnn It ot I'lobulcl.'.
Ciililornin. I "r.i'is .1 1. ,i, :'; ,,f p.;
Poltsloivn llnnk. Pa. Coin Ih Punk (' 'hi
toatesville Itinik.Pa. Cblitain -:, I k 'J. ;,,,
Strou.DI.11rg Hank. Pit. Pre n, I ., A..
Jersey Shore llnnk. Pn. of X..rllminl..-rl.::
J k Haven Hunk. Pn. La, k of Nonb'n Li'. .11
I Mini llnnk. liiillimore. 1 "ni tn.1,-1 1 . . i-i
Southwestern 11. t.knlVn. Pnnl ,,tid Sw ift. I;,,,,',
l ulloii Punk. Atl.inla. tin. Al ii nn -,
X'ewnrk Hank. Del Sierling.Wilke-l
llnnk ol V . Haloigh. Lettisbiii-i Paul;. Pa.
Other relereii.-es given nisui calling tit our St
. -V"' 1,1 K"1'-"l' Street. Philadelphia
SInreh 2tl. lsi',2 ly
VHuvnt-ym ill I.iiu, No. Mil cr I'nl
nnd nroadniiy, SHU' Y"H K. Will car. f.
attend to Collections nnd all other matleis inlrit
to Ibeir eare.
Slay 21, S5S.
4'-:.vrBt.ti. cs4TE':ia.
Simliiir.v, A'M tliiii.t:,. 1 Inrttl .. "
rpillS lurge nnd enminodioits Hold, no innic.
I by .IAS1KS VANDYKK. is situuie nt tin1 i:
roil I Depot. Xortli Mast c.rner of Slaik.-I S pn
Suubury. I'll., nnd nl Ihe terminus of Ihe Sunhiii ".
Fl ic und Xorthi rn Central Liiilroal-. 111, .1 i- ,.,,.,',
the iiceoiiiniodnlivn of Tr.itelers mi l the public
'J lie proprietor will give his excited ve all. nii.e;
thu eoinfort and eoiiveiiiciici' of bis );uesls. 111,,'
iletet iiiined to innke this i'-l.,bli-hiuent rank am
the lirsl iu the State
His table will be supplied w ith tin. best tin. mar'
enn produce bat ing tlie ailveiiliiirc of dailv conn,
Mention by car- dii c. t from nnd' also ,
these bringing pro.ln.e the surround
country. .
ilis bar w ill be supplied w ith the ; urcst liquors
lnniket can proilnci..
Ci.refnl nml obliging servsn's always in att.-inlei
New ami coiiiino'limi- a'ubling lia- jn-t been 11 i
to Ihe premises.
A share of Ih" l 'cal and traveling ciuiinuni;'.
most rospoclfiiPy s'il;.,il..,
Suubury. .lalun ry 12. -',.
Ct:li'rti;::!r::tl E3ilcl.
C5 atil .'X'7 ro.uii':'v, Coinrr VtanlJiii Si'
rjUlIS first class 11. .11-1 !hiMuo-t qni-t. Painel
I and pleasant Hotel in the eily oilers sup.-i
iudttet'iitei'.ts to ihos" vi.i'ing New 'York tor be-li.
or pleii'iirc. il is central in its i.-vcion. nad kept
ihe l.i noiKAX Pits, in ei.ii'.ecliin with Tail. wheru r.'fn Iilnents can be had nl nil h .1
or served in their nun looms. Tiie charges nr.- 1
derate, the rooms nud ul I. lid'it.'-e of the hi st .11 le.
bnlbs. and all the modern c ut cnieti. cs attachi d
Si arch 2'.). 1n'i2.
.4 I. s. ' i . f b: V"
Jl'ST ri ived from Xcw York n lerge assort:!'
of WALL PAPMt. 101 -i.-ting of (im; Hi vnn
AMI SjVTV-THIiKR Dl I l'r 11 1. '. T SlVlll. A Mi I'
Ti'iixs. varying in j.i icc fiom i c nts unitnnls. -,!;
which will be sold at Ihe lov.e-t e:-sh' .rices, at :
cheap store of J. H. FXl.lll.
Suubury. .March 22. 1SR2.
.'..'is r.llOADWAY. XMW YDP.K.
firiri ipti rr Cirrnurt, tnlli S.'Wf'i nf 11".
VlI tit Mtit Malt J'W'
AVIN(i nllaiued a well siabli-hed and tlatt.-r
reputation, as beiin: of ull niaehincs yet iiu
duce.l. the one best n dr. pled to A I . I. Kixns of 1 t v i
Si:tio. and having met with a sin-ce'S in ils s
leivotnl our greatest nntieileition. so n ueli so. licit
three months our oi'il. is hat e been abend of
capacity to supply, we v.. . ni.l now itniioi.nee t;,,lt
b:i e iii"rc!i.-ed our ue'iiilf.ictiii ing tn.-iiiti. s. S"
fioiu Ibis time bath, we -hall be lluil.icd to .-i:;
order.- on demand.
In Ihe changes br'.l'uhl n'.out l.v the wur. r . ,
thing has ).liiyed a more imjor'nnt part
"StalSil SltciltxR." Will. oil, ii tliree-toiirll.-our
soldiers would to- lay be clothe, 1 in miythiur: I
.Military Co-i.iuic. " All hut the Intel "ni'm e
thing has been the w. .k required of cur p.iiri
tt i.inen. and lnt e they rifqioitilc I. N'.,; i oo.
to innke only so ninny t"inuents ns ibeir binels
iiccoiuplis'.i. they bavi call,-, I the Sewini .M.iel.i;.
to Ibeir aid. mi.i by it hmo ro. led out the sol li.
Coats. Pam uin'Sinnrs. i.l a r.tie ' . i;i-h'; -themselves.
Kimniin; llm: th,- work could m,: I.,
eoiiliiititt. ninny Ihoiighltul. prujeut housewives, w .
careful to select Ihe n.'iehieo of all others, w! .
would do the heavy nru.y work, s.nd when d ,ne v
that, then In he ue. as tlieir Family Sl v ium:. a
in selecting one of the
l'.ttlll.V SI tl HIMtS,''
wilh wli' -h you mny -ew from the finest eiimbrh:
Ihe loan iest clolll, without elinnge of feed, needle,
tr-lisinn they ba-'C n' t bee-i dl.-;.ppoiil..'l.
Tims haling developed ihe adapinl.ilii v of ,.
machine f..rnll kinds of work, we hate mnd'cinioin
step in iidvnnce. and bv several important i-haie:i
our Xo. 3 SI Ki. n m SI t cim M s.' bate produced
"Tailiiiiim; SIai'Iiim:.' which v.e e. i li l-iHlv .-In
to bu the III.ST T.MI.iiblNi; SI.'.' ilisi-.
introdiieed. sewing the coin.-e.-t linen thread wi ii'
much ease s the common e .Hon and win n r.-tnii
tuny be used to do the very tiiie-t eainlu ie work. i
!..tii.r 2u(i cotton thus e billing in one e. nip,,
form, every qiuilitv requin d iu either a FWil
We hate had our Sliiehiucs before the public 1...
enough to r.labli-h Ui.-ir rcputaliuii. Do.'.-e-others
who started with th ing e.iloi . bav.. lallcn '
the wayside ;' and "soon ihr places iln.t knew th.
will know them no inure.'' Sup bv step In - t!
Fixki.k X Ltox SIaiiiivk won its' tvav to pa1 i
favor; ils success is esiabli-hcd. and henee..ith ..,
aim shall be. as il has in the past been. Instill lio'h
iiuprnic. simplify aud reduce thu tost nf our ui
chines. We shall, in a few Uavs. issue a new pi i
li.-t. For further particulars address.
.- ,. Xo-' Urondwny. New Vol
Id-'ll. II. SUssuit, Agent,
SInreh 2'.), I.M52.
.li1. nn liicl i-i ra, nl'Sion,. 1 ar,..
riHlK Stone Wure now nunle nl ihi. establi.-bi ii
I IS eoiii.l to ...... 1.. ;.. .1 . ......... -
i -'. "..'.it-... i ins eouiai v. r.tcl v t.
riely ot article usually made, always mi h.,uj '
llairiabury. Slay 3, i'
J A M ES 15 A 11 li K H ' S
S, K. Corner Second and Chestnut Ht.,
ii . , !. V ' ",y ''""'ibleuiticlo lot tiiurcu
' 'lolcls. It'iii.s, l ou t Ho, .a.., It..
Also, MuiiuluciurrriM I I K OHl.D I'h.NS '
Ijlx-ka li-jwneU ., wu,,,,,,,!
Cfcs k Tiiiuiuiiiaa oJ rlrry .1. a. ni,lion
I lukalrbihia, Junuury lu, sil...3y
y ? ljl. St.MU UY. P
il-1 olleelion. atleuded lu in il, counties . f V.r
thuuil-iiUiid. I'umu, snider, Montour, CUmt.,.
and Lyeiauuug.
tin I in , ts.
Hon John M Keed, phibiM. hi,
A ti tl.llell A lu , '
II. .a. in A porter,
M I .M. Mleba. I, ., ,
F KeleUull, A l'.. , 2stl Pci.ll .-'IS.I, Xc o
J .liu tt . A.binea.l, Alloinev al L.m,
SUuhawt C. Ailoin, i, m L ,
isunl uiy, Slaich ;M, '
l.mtilxr! I .ti l,t rt
I II II. IP all tY, .Mimic.. I. ye mo. . .' Is ,
IMtlHUS bla In. o t. an I ll i in ..loi.l
thai ho e.i44.l'.i.ll ke. (a. on bui..i ll'uii'U .,1,'.
alb. Jolsl. an.! nil 'li .la ol I i.ii'b.-r ai.. b.iu,..a il.,,. a I,,. I, I., w ill ! at In. hot 1.1 pi I . '
n M.nli si, l-s I