Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 25, 1863, Image 3

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    s -
H. U. MABbEn, Editor & l'roprietor.
SATl'KDAY, JULT 23, 1303.
1 i
Ne. 37 Park Uow, New York, nnd 6 Stiit Street,
wdin, itro uiir ngcnlt fur tli RtnnfHT AtiEiitrA
tliotc citicx, Rnd are Mithorired lo tnko Atlvertuw
tits and SuhscriplloD fur an nt our lowest rates.
J-tiT'We publish tins wr-ck nnotlitT Idtcr
ni our Key West correspondent, who Inn
en silent for some weeks, but whose, letters
e tilwnvs rend with interest.
CXI'lie news from our nrniy south nnd
nth-west, is of the most cheering chnrac
t. Tlie rebellion will soon dwindle down
n puerrilln wnrfiire. C'harfestou must full
A few days, and with it falls the, lust
rniijf hold t-.f llie rebels.
The late riots at New York were no doubt
.muhited by the Copperhead and pcaec
11 of Hint city. When men in hij;h pnsi
mi condesrend ti nddress such men ns eom
sed that mob us "friends" and fi'llow-cili-is,
it is)retty evident that their strongest
inpiithies are with the rebels.
I'l-viu Wattlilng! on.
Wasmincitox, July 21. A telegram re
ived from Fortress Monroe this afternoon
icily mentions that the fiijht was renewed
Charleston on Friday, and that the con
,t was remarkably short, both sides litiner
all directions. The prospect appeared
bo the ultimate fall of Fort Warner.
Siiioeoss Wanted.
The (Jovcrnmeiit is in wont of Actio;;
si-itant iiiis!,'eons in the Xavy. (Jentlemen
shin; to cnler this branch of the service
list be over thirty years of ae. must present
od testimonials as to character, t ie., and
willing to undergo an exiniination as to
tysicnl and prol'e-sional tjualilic.itioiis.
I.iiti- IVoitt tSiiliisunit!.
The editorials in the late Kiclmiond pa
rs "peak despoiidiiily of Charleston itf
.rs. IVichinond Unity Dispatch, July IS, savs.
"SWAM Ki t I .
"(!en. JaeUson advertises in thv li'w.,Wi
;i 241 numbers ofthc lih Mississippi C'a
lry as lmviiir disuraeed themselves by
sely and eowiirillydrsertini; their pots
a time when their services were most
ci'.cil. Anions them are eighteen limi
iMiiiissioncd olmvrs and two l.ieutcuants.
l'riuiidicr General Paul J. Semincs, of
i.. wounded at ttcttysleirir. is dead.
I!iii:ai!ier (iciieral ( i iovernori "William
niili of yirifinia, has n signed his commis
u. - - - - -
Fisui-i:, the celel. rated performer nn the ol.oe. tins I
.itcd hy ls.r.1 Kelly l sup will, him. In tlic"nurse j
tin' evcniuir his lordship hinted tlntt lie hoped he j
I lipiuxlit his ol.oe uith liiui. "My lord. ' sai l
siier. ids.e never cuts supper." !
Floral Affairs.
liivine service ttiil In- held Ly tlui Itev. .1. II.
'un.. in Uic iVeshytorinn Church, in this piece,
morrow iSuii.luy.) lit lui n cluck A. M., und nt
ribuiiiloiliiinl nt .11 1. M. '
iy'j'hit Indies nt SunLury, cminc-ted with the
-uniliiry Aid Society." have no.iiu sent four or lite
sr-of siiiiplii-H fur tli wounded und sick of '.he
my, eoinistiiiif of eliitliin:;. fruits. jelliei. ivines,
-tiiuls nnd other doli-noii-. Tin: Indies nf this place
ve. ever since tlio war, cnyrnt.l in tluse iItiiiM
i . ude:ree of enerpy, patrioti-iu nnd untiring in
-try', liiui t In' y nnd tlii'ir posteri-v run look Lack to
ill h coii-L-iitiis jiridt' of L:i in faithfully I't-i f.-rai-t'lir
Jli-iiitii.'S. Tlio .-i'n.-on of iiL-pluTr'n heiii
:rly uvit. thoir i-lio'i i.- I'uiii supilid with ilrw-irii-.
nnd whortK'luTii. at, juieos rhnin from
'- t'i vix c ;nt-; mt rpmrt.
- l'Ks.VXIA SlIK AMI Wol SDKn Sol.-
i us '1'lif fi it'iids and rolHtivo. of I'rnnsyh iiniu
i li.-i - i.!-t,itti'd to the lto-jiitHiK in l'hiltidi-lhia
-:ri.-t ri:'i liave infirnmtioii rv-ii-'otin thoni tiy ay-
it! 'J t . .lo-i h 1'arkLT. Chiif of JIo.-.itnl Cow-l.-.-i
.a !?,. and lull Vli'ai.ut street
j 'Pri.! avatiolis lue now huin lu'livuly inlld1 to
u-lfr i at of the service till the three inoiilho' and
u uinert'iii-y troijjis now in tl lUld. Ail food as
i rolls er.ri he rrevnrcd, tliu hiuftcring out will
V Tiik Maciiink .Siloes. The vexed question
the locution ',' the Machine .Shoj., Hoiuul-JIoiipo
.loihcr Imil.ttri.-. of the l'U:iiidel.hi.i & l.ric,
ortheru l.Vntin" nn 1 irliiiiuokin Vullcy A 1'otUville
ad lloaj lin.-ut !a-t been si'Ulcd. Iho Coiupnnks
ive m ule the scltctioii of the (-round .on 'the Scott
il Ifiinlor farms. aiOve tnnn now the liroi.crty of
oic.'u Vi . Cake. Kn The ground required w ill he
i f thirty ucri1:. mi'. hns heeu purchaiscd nnd dona
il hy tlie ctifi'iis of "uiiluiry. The eoinj. tinier will
iiiiiurnec tho work in ".I week, nnd expect to have
ic rouu l-limi.-o nn I one of bo niacliino tho( ready
cferc i iter sets in. Tlio round lioiise. when com
I. t. l. v. ill hold f.irly-fou'r cntrlnc-i. Tim inchiiie
ho. w ill he eil hy 1 ml. The6 rliom mid other huild
;. which will ho eon.-tnii ted of hrick nud iron,
ill li j ut up under Ihe iiuspes of tlio Pciin.-yivn-ia
ll.iilroiid Company, a -uro (tuartintce that they
ill ! In the und mot suhetautial style
'lie t i,: '. !-l.'iu will be fomelhin' larger thiru the
a- i.; ii..ii;-i-hi.r, which holds 1U tngiues.
y - Y. e ure (.leased to hear that our friend Cnpt
It. lit SKI.KIiKiifiKii, of the (irrt I'nited .--tates
i, ! ms. ( -"iipcd iiiihui t at liot.-ynbur, tbuugli bis
ou, .my suilVre I severely in cloJi ly contested hand
0 hao.! t1-!it. Cniaain Iiiinkleheiner wu tho fnt
iii.u fn.iu ttiU j.!ii" who enlisted for Ihe war. and
is- mill Li mi In Li iTtsenl (wsitiou hy bis good
..i.Uu.'t aud vul.r
Tin- I. awls o yrsm nv asu tiik Soi.iukiis.
- J iii- editor of the Iihih ilU Ami uran. (mys tho fol
ic w in ii i Kiel koinpliiueiit to tin- ladles of thi-place :
I r JIi sr I'.i; So -We hat e vislled. in lln'ir eaini
1 InlV'e liitlohir of the t'uiou soldleni, who ii-e.t
o u Ihr Xotlh ( chlral lltiilrutlj. lu the seal of war ;
lot I lie if iiiii.ri-al te-,liiuoy is, thsl llni ladies id
-in. I ..iry luKe Ihe ilm of all loeuliiies. In suh
.i.m.iiM Liens id iiit'iir to I ho hungry and ihn.ty
v.l. lo r- tin r y sis of toil in llie eaiups and lln
lutil.-t'ol.l ihiy.lill a'fatelull retuomber Ibe ladies
I nn I -ui v .
--o- V -"
A lai'o t.sin eoiilainiiiif Ilia toldiertof tins
1'. in I'm -loin re r. v'lnent. 'biIadl biM, and llie ti'lh
ai d i -ili .'. Yoik Militia, ls-i Ihrouh this
.1.1. e . n J je. I i.l . S'.U.e of these Hull ill taku UJ -ipiaii.-is nt iiai.nlle, and other lu buierna
. ..ill. I l ill. I other seetlolu, tiller lb tuul.ills of
II . ..). .. .h. ad I. n li i l.avt reiullej lu loleueeaud
e I.. Il.c lull
i i.i .ty if fc.ldicri h.hsiel
i .
i . 1 1
I . . A r i la-in t i.ned Hi liiwi-ry
.1 It
I I.., L
k in li.i. 'v e, and sl 'le a puiubrr i l
aid ill., i ail. I. . oat of li.J sl.l hllu Sir.
i i. I Htm mug oil ollnn
i,.i i, lo I., i. ei lu dtr.Jsl,.i U!oi.;ed lo
III 1.1. !.!. li,;.o.ild lh v'li'' le,IUUIil
tl.t I
hot I
d ... I.
I I... I SH.H I I ilo. Hl.l U ull ll.t'ir f
I ,.,i.e ... il.i.i ilium tiku lu Kial. Iil
i, L i i.o.,.1 mi li l." Jl.i. -I Uitm
t , ., ( , i l . i r ti'ic ui l.iu il!-1
Letter lVom llio Knnlinr,r dJanril.
Krt Vkt, ITr., July t, 1803.
Ikar M'tLtKRT t Thore ri It sufTu'lcut silr hero
y'elerday to make It look 4th of July. The five
enmpanie of tlio 47lh llegiment, motioned at Key
r... ui o k w i i, '
unt, wv.v .c, it'n.-i, nt w n. nt., liy UCD. VtOOUOllTy,
nnd immediately alter had street parade; Ai'rer
marching through Ihe principal troem, with tho
heal at llOdcg. l-'ahreiiLeit, and the dual almost
tuflocatinfr, each detachment trad taken to their
quartern, ili."mlscd, and then to cr j ty tliemselve as
bct they enuld. The City wan eaily ilreSMil In flagi,
and the prettiest thing of the kind wat that nt the
Uuard Station, under l.ieul. Iteea. Fire Hugs were
u.'peniled from theqiiarters, with wreaths, while the
whole front of tho enclosure of tlio yard wnfl covered
with evergreen and llie red. white and blue Tho
Navy hnd her veiwels dreased in their best "bib and
tucker," fliig flying fore and ltd, of our own end
thone of nil natioua. itwns a pretty night, and inn
nieanire paid for the fatigue of the boy on their
march. At 12 M , both Army and Navy fired a na
tional iHliitcnf thirty live guns. The dnv jnisied olf
pleinantly. all leemed to enjoy Ihcmrielvcs ; Ihe City
w as as quiet ns could he expected, and tho only dis
turhaneewas that of a Conk ' Irateling on Iiis'uiuh
elw," wlio eemcd tit have a peculiar fondnesi for
tlie -irth Isiyj. over the left, when he was met by an
Allentown boy. of five feet three inches in his stock
ings, who gave Mr. Conk a most a beautiful trounc
ing, and one tlnirwill leach him that tbedcicendeuta
of Tory's must not meddle with the Pennsylvania
liiitch. ns they please lo term us.
The Navy is tloimr a big tiling in Hie w ny of taking
prir.i'S. JSenrcely a dny pnsica without one or Iwo
doing brought in. The hiirbor is full of ihem. From I
where I nin writing this, 1 enn count lil'iy, 'eiimen
nnd sails, all ot which contain King Cotton. W ithin ;
two months the miuihcrntnoiiiilsto sixty-threo. Well
done for the jolly blue jackets, and 1 am sure no one
would wi.-li to deprive them of their well earned
pii.e money.
1 met Doctor Dodgo. of .Sunhury, a few d.iys ajo.
He if burgeon on the Otorori. lie looks very welt ;
and from hi appearance, I idiould say old Neptune ;
treats him kindly. Wo were all glad lo sue him.
and ns the mails are not forthcoming, or our friends j
have forgotten that penmanship is purl of their edu- 1
cation, an hour spent w ith him w-as-lo our profit, as j
he g.-ie us the particular from home, and Ihe choc:- i
ing news of tlie health of old acquaintance, unci the .
loved ones.
Mr. Musser deserve the tlinnks of our n ilion and
the "rest of mankind' His fivo ininulo fr I
like the iinivi-rsnl Yankee, to he seen nil the win hi I
over, there is nny utiintier ol loo t renin .salon: B
started in this place since the arrival of a c-iro oi j
ice. nnd all ot llieui live .Musicr s l-recz.'!'. i l.e inn- ;
chine is well liked, but 1 am sorry In say that the I
cream made is very inferior, ni.d it wool I toko a i
half dozen improvements to einihle the people of Iv.y
We-d to iii'inufiicture n good article of Ice Crema. j
Judge .Marvin, of the I .'idled Slates lMslriet Coiir',
for Southern I'loridaf has resigned and in n fetv days i
will leave for th? norih. 1 uiidorsinnd f tin in
ijoes lo KiiLfliind lo ns.-i-t Mr. Adams. our Minister,
in the .eltlelnellt of Home prize ea.-cs. Jiulu Mnr- '
v in is very (Hq.iiliir with the people and all regret I
that he leaves here. 'The citizens ure about resvlll- !
ing him witli u silver service set. j
Through the good miinngeuieiil of die Pint ost Mni
shal. Major lliiuslcr. 17th I'a.. Vol-., llio morals f (
this city are in a good slate, liming the d.-iy il re-
minds one of Ihe "dejei led villa.'.-, and niule is not 1
lnndo hi.jeous hv Ilio-Ji- w ho would likoto havcaj.l y '
time .if it . lor l.ieul. llees, of Co. C, l.ieulonaui of ,
the tiiiiird'. is altiayHon tlio nlert. and woo he-i le ;
those who iuihibc .-.ufiicient lo make ihcm "weak in j
the knees.1' lor n soft plank in the lock up w ill he
tlnir bed. and the tine in the uio.uing. impo-itd hy j
the Marshal. Iie.-o beiivy. that the accustomed sip to
diivenway dull care will not he forMicming. unless I
they havc'uliu-iially well lined puis.-s. ilees isj.lay- '
ing thcileitee with the Conks and li.igo's (Sjianiar.l-) ;
in llie way of eonfi.-i ating the ttrdi -stull". sure to;
kill at forty yards. A lew days ago he got on the
traek of some o theni. followed il up, and captured
eleven five gallon demijohn's of the article, urider j
the floor of ihe owners hous. 'Ihii.ltiug th. ie win
,luore. Kces eoiitinued llie search and found the one
lo till out the dozen i.icely -lowid away in a barrel. I
covered with flowers, in the lower part of his yard, I
w here the lingo had be. a selling it (the liquor) to
sailors utel i-uhliers, in hollies containing seareely
a pint, at the exoil.itant pl h-o of three dollars (per
bottle. A iiitio profit, ns the slull costs lifiy-live
( entsa gallon, clear ol'dllti'-. being siuugLrleJ ill at
higiit The genlleiiian wi:s brought belorc M.j r i
liail'ler. who mulcted him ill a tine to tho lUiiuunl
of four hundred dollais. i
'Ihe health of our ciiipi'ny ind regiment U very
good, 'f here nr. 'hut five (.at ieu.s 1 1 the entire regi- !
luelll in tile ti"liei:il ll..-;.itlil. The yellow 'ever, so j
far. has Hot made its appearance, mid the oldest in- .
habitant says tin- season is the most heahhy for years ;
pat. tve hat e no fe.ns of milking lis u.Miiaiut..iice.
l lie boys ale all in go d -pirits. I lit tin ir In nM me .
with their brothers in the r (. resent troiil.I at li-'ine. j
ami lnanv h ive I heard w sii "tlii.t .hey were iu i
t'ennsylvniii.i to In lp I ne'e Aiely drivo too traitors
from our unlive Soil.'
Willi ics", ts to y.jiir.-elf nud family, fiiends geu-
erallv and nil in the nlliee. 1 remain,
Yours. Fraternally, II. 1. Xf.
'I'ho eutl ol' .Hi.i' SStttlil.
ht llltHNlH.U t I-' MuliliAN S HA Ml.
ClM i'iX.VI I, .lu'y 21.
The fol!owinr has just lici n received at
General l!tmisiilcs heailitmtt is:
lIi:.iHei'At;Tl-.lts or Tiii-: I mti:ii St.vtkh
Foiu t s. in Mti: l'n i.n, (!eiL;crs Creel-,
.July !l p. M. l.ii-ut. t'.j'. JUcftHfiu!,
.1. .1. ''. We chased John Morgan mid bis
ctimmiind over fifty miles to-day. After
heavy iskirnii.-hin fur six or seven miles
between the Forty-fifth Ohio, of Colonel
Wolfiird's brioadc, which was in advance,
and the enemy, wu Mie.-eedetl in biiniiin;
h ill to a stand three o'.'aiek tills
afternoon, when a lilit ensued, which lasted
an hour. The rebels then tied, taking refuge
upon a very high bluff.
I .-out u Hag ol truce ili'mamling tlie
immediate ami tint ondilional surrender of
.Morgan and his command.
Tlie flag was received by Col. Coleman
and other olileers, who came down and
ashed a personal interview. They ashed
an hour for consultation.
I granted forty minutes, in which time
the command, excepting Morgan (who
deserted his command, taking with him a
very small si(itad) surrendered. It was my
understanding that Morgan himself had
surrendered, and 1 learned that such was
llie umk-r.-tainliiig with Morgou's ol!!.ct-r
and lin n. The nuiiil.erof killed and w mind
ed is incotisidi'i'iililc.
The number of prisai.irs is between 1,000
anil 1.51X1, including a large liumbi r of
Colonels. Majors and line o.Tk'.iT:.. 1 rap
tured between (HI0 and 70U prisoners yester
day. 1 think 1 w ill capture .Morgan himself
(Signed) SHACKni.FOKI),
liiigadier tielleral.
Morgan's artillery and about 2, .100 prion
eis, including llasil Duke, are expected to
arrive here lo-dav.
'i'lie 'usiiil t ltrauf
Mi;il'tiis, Friday, July 17.
Ceil. Ifurlbut's scouts unit cd at Corinth
tit-day, from Decatur and Jacksonville.
They n port that Ibagg was retreating pre
cipiintc'.y into ticorgi.i, followed by liu.c
eraiis' foieis. lbiM-erans' advance was re
potted to be at Home, Georgia.
The scouts report that liragg was endea
voring to form a junction with Johnston,
and that desertions fiom bis army were
) y online I iiiriii 4 iiiiiiiiiy ,
'uiilul mill hiurilu, kit I ",!.
II. M Hotlenbaek,
John Hen-bard,
Samuel t utlbaui,
It I' bacoe,
t bailes A. Miner,
I.. P. Sboeuiaker,
li (I.,
It C. Smiib.
Chas. liorrance,
V in. h. Itosa,
II M. Harding
. Yi. heteham.
tl ,M
llnl.l.FMIACK. I'rideiil
I i MIUl.MAkl.ll, Vac 1'resid.nt.
It (' f ui mi, Secretary.
W II. .Sirm.isu, Treasurer.
'I his l oinpsi, liu-un s three foiirOi of th t'ah
taluaiion. lakes nu 1'irii.iiiiu Noli, make no Awss
iii. l. is. 1'idicy aekiioHledg.-s all u.(.u.)t aid duung
the Imui ul your lusuraiiee
A. CltAWiXillH, AjScul
May ."41, l-s'.'l ly
" V'S ?'3 "2C T EL i
lomi-r issii and Msik.l Siretts
lll U, f.
f pill! nn l. r.ign. d rost'.etlully iulorms ll.o puh!i.,
I II. si he bst I.. ken iliui(of Ihe al...t 1
1I..I.I and 'ks lor Ihe eol.Ui.usl. is ol the loiuitr
I .Honshu od oull loin, all oihu. U (it hiui a
la st. 11. op le d is Ills lbs Utl lb k.s.k'l 9 I It
ll.s lisl f'Slslla lh .I...I.M4 lljuuis kit. I ttstUb
1.1.: st""J kJ-J 'llll'l'd"l '' s..l. I H.llris
yi.ll.VU. Wl.llt
,i I Mjr i' I
iii:miiy. jii.v stu, isca,
c i rcu s .
First appearance in America,
Madame Mncarte has great satl.
faction tn aunounelng to llie people
of tins oouiilry.that after an ab.
Hence or ai'veral year sbo will
again have llie kouor of aiisra.g
before Uiem,
Amenn the Bojal Rrltlih Cirrus
Is the beautiful Kind of Fjigosll
thnruuch bnsls,UKluUuig the celu
braUtl )uirc,
Bcuijt the same Tronpe with which
In Kmtlalid, Inland and Scotland
she bail llie honor of performing
hfnrttie misit ret'uusl and numer
ous Btulienci in every city lu the
British Hralm.
Mailanic tlncartr's (Treat Art, tho
Will I remembered by those who
witncsHcd bcr former clforts lu Ibis
country. 1
First appearance lo America of
Tlie Knglish humorist, known as Ihe
misil brilliant wit In Kn(i!iim1. and
lannllarly slyltsl the COMIC Ml'.-K.
The elivanl folla-s or this well,
bred anil gentlemanly ck.wu will tie
occasionally diversified by the ex
ceedingly comle gnit.-sqin of tho
famous 1'KENCH I'lEKKuT.
First appcaranco in America of Ilia
ComprtPinR M.ilo nnl Fomnlo .Thr-gk-m,
Ai;ril:U'fs Connntumints.
rromlnont amoiiK tli Icntnnf tf
tli iH trim ix' is llio distiiifinifthcd ,
M'l-LE CAIinOLt.,
Of Kuroprnn nnd Amcricnn ffl.
brity. Tln youPft am! britlinnl
arlwio iR a knowlfiijrM byll,
In and out cf tbe itiu'triiUi pro.
ftrvion, to be the DWtt lancet rider
uf the titji;.
Iu nddilion lo the Stir CumivinT,
tlio mmiiiT Ims sii-urfl rn
p;itrrmnt with tlie n.uuurd Wild
Mr. Ftic8 ftnLs on lirtrs hnrlc
nro hll )H'rtt)rii)t1 oil Ins linked
Hc-ed, without F;uldU', bridlf, or
coverhiR of finy kind. His r?rklrt:i
and brilluiut Waa over lour burred
palfa nd other barriers, whilt
carrying his ivmuprtn lilt hrad.and
In ViiriuuB oth'T Attitudes, are cun
f I'lered tho KTfectlftii of oqu9trlJia
ftkitl, und Imvo Justly entitled bun
to tli disthtcticu uf 11 Chtunpiou of
lh Arciia."
b. r.ATimop,
The Ki'iitiK k Clown.
llie Ureal Mtnlel Clown,
Tffn romiintic upcctAclo
Cremorne Circus !
il.liUoioll M.I 'm.
Ci-ii-ri ! Si-al CO 'a.
July '.''. w'..t
1) 1ST! L L K It Y.
flMir under.iaiu-d ImviiiK entered iuin pniliici-hip I
in the IMstillery llusiiitpa. lu Joi-ibii towtisinp,
oiihuiuiJi'iiiinaoouiiTy. cu uiu rou koui .-ii iht
1himu tu I niuiiloHii, nhoul 4 mill In.iu .Mhnii-y
iiml 6 unit tioin K 1iiihi0 u, I11-4 Unc to inlonu
thu 1 uUu Ihul ihi y uiu tuu luukmg vupviifr w- '
ticU of )
l i in: uve w uisKKV.
I'b.w ilesirinx gmiu eoiimilcil lulu whhkey euu
Late II doll UU ll.u Ulosl rensuliHtdu It I Ills.
lh luuhosl cvli pin is. mil lui psid ! r Itye. nl
KrMiu lukeu In i lel.iinifu ..i Vtltukey. '1 h
esu l. utwd lliitl all M hiskey l ll... distille
ry will Ui line l.-'iu diut sa-l o
' 1-.AAC I'l I'l'IX,
t. t luis-r
Joidsl lp , Jul. 11 IvU-nut
iiiO'JlHII M 'lA'if,
t'lti.'e, niuullild ul iUlkelratwMiftiil Ike I
TVir A I Willi) '
KMtesww a 5" i i cd
wH Sis
jiar.t -J,..- I V rj
V iiin.i.4 ii..M. Hy in H l-f.l- i...l .!.
,1,11 ... lu hi" . h tllUl.U id lU.U Ul
. i l oo. .. il-ud i.-l IUr t Is .. j umllH
. . i . . 't '. I t ' ' .
iirporl oT I he l'lmiiirc 4'itiiiiitl(cc
ol IIk'I'Iiiiiik IiiI Con tllilon ottUQ
(toi-uiilt !' NiiiiImii', m
To the lltngasc nnd Coimcilmen tf (he Ho
rough tif unbur ii :
Wo tho FinahcS Committee respectfully report
that we audited llio account of I'litiil iiit ami
Ii. Zettleinoyer, etverseeis of the Poor for tho year
1SH2. in respeet tn tho l'oor Tax for that .Tciirof
w hich Dnviit lliiupt was the eolblor: The account
of Charles K. Mariin, eolltior of lloroub Tan for
the year l.ittl, ami the aucouul of 1'. V. Orny, i'rea
surer of tbn saitl borough.
tVe report lluit there is a balance of the l'm.r tin
for IS02. niiioiintinjr to four humlreil ami sixteen dol
lars and nineteen cents uncollected. the out
standing orders of Ihe Overseers of the Poor to tho
2'ilh .May. lSii.'t. ninoiint to the sum of two hundred
and hTty-iiine rinllnr nnd niiie-niid-n. half cenl.i
We report Ih it Cl as. K. Martin, collaei-ir of bo
rouith lax for ISrtl. has nrorp'iiil the duplicate for
that year Ihe sum of thirty-tire dollars and sixiv-nne
cents, and recoiniiuiul thai nu order be grunted l
him for Unit sum.
We report n balance in ihe bonds ol Peter IV. draw
i n a. uri r in me 2mn ot .May, isi-,;t. (,f tl,,. Mlln f
one humlreil anil forty dollars and scecuieen ci ins.
'1 he outstaiulinnltoroub Orders to tbe 2illh nf Mavi
1Sti:t. inclusive. i. iiiuiiiil tu the sum of ninctein buii
died and eit-litr-six's and fiiiy-re cents. It
is probable lint the (jreiitor part nt these orders have
been paid and duly audited heretofore without the
l'u l ul their cniieelinti. m hciin! noted by former nudi
tois on the order book. We could nut' ascertain with
certainly the amount of oideis imparl. The amount
reported as oiitslnmiiii?. is iheretore the amount id
orders issued, the payment ot which wo had no evi
dence. V o annex hereto the accounts as audited by us
w ith stiitciueiiN of tlie oiit-tnudinir orders.
t llAULI;s IM-KASA.Yl'jJ, ,
vi. i i; it i.i;iiin ii, .(
rA.M I. J. 1' j
riuohury, Juuu Mu, l!i.'i.
Peter Vi. tiray, Treasurer, in account with the Ho
rouh ol .'unbury.
To balance in ! band" former report ?17ii 7tl
'J'o iimitunt ree'd 2oth March. Imi'.2. Ironi S..1.'
s-liindel, cnlle.-tor ot lares tv s s..ti.
To amount received troiu t;. Martin, eol-
leeior nf Iloroutrb Taxes lor 1S('(, amount
ii.clnded in former report,
'J'o rellls reeeieeil ol .lames IZoyd, viz :
lur 51
120 1'J
im.i'.i. i-en. r.itn. ii tin
1 still. Al ii re 1 1 'Jlsf 2il ml
Is'i'l. stb2.i nil
l.i'.2 Sfjih -20 nu
o7l M
J'y amount of l'oroit;;h Oi d"i s paid
nod ptodnfcd by 1'rensuieK and
ao.liti-l. .'f21S.0n;
I'l' :i."eil f Driers by I 'verse-r-of
I the Poor (.aid nod (ire lucsd by
'irc'. ui-'.'r and imdited. 27e.s2. .
;-i;.n i-.i
III 17
I'y pereeiita':'. to Treasurer
lialanee in halnls of Treasurer.
Amount of Poor Tax levied f,..r li'.2. by
liatil ll.iupt and Jienj. .eltlemover,
Aieoniit ol Tax for 152. collected by II.
Jllo 17
Alneniit 111 eolle.-ted
; 1'avid lla-.i;,
To Poor T'ix e .liceled
'lo tiiie r. eelt . d li eu. S
i ilo 1'J
'. Ot ei s-.-er, lir.,
fMl'i 4
7.'i no
s 4:t
Uy amoi.ut of orders mi,l by ). li'n
a.. 1
Ihilanee ill band-of II. Han.!, subject to his
percentage en i couiin'ii-aLUin,
Anomnt uf Orders ol' Ot erseei-s ,,f tlu Pour,
on;.- .tn tii.. 2-id -May. Isot. 2o'J 17i
lb dni!t amount produced hv S. II. V, .ver,
I liiet' 11-..I ,;e--. :'.'! h i'y. tsii.'!. re. eive l
by him from ihi'is,v Djtten, on account
ot n l;t--:ueiued, 111 .'IS
of orders i.fOvcrseers. c'.it-timfiin f2''.i ii;ij
Amount of P.oroiiL'h '.inlt rs outstai.uiiii;
!.''.. Ii ot'.May. Is :. ?2.o'ju f '.ii
lie.tu-t I. oiui. :h orders ( rodu-'e l bv
II. I'.iycr. L'liief l!nre.. 2'.lh May.
Is',-;, received by htui tiom I Inn-. ,t
Ilotten. on ueeount of reu. audited
cancelled, 1 2".
Amount of borough orderj outstanding 11. '.Is-i jj.
Uorouli Tax for lsdlt'linrles F. Mai tin, iV.Icjtor
To uinouu: of li irouh Tax lor l;-iil, f :2J j-.
1 Treasurer. '.1
7tb .r . '.1 oli
lh 27 72
'.'I !'i
hi 2.'.
I., .a?
S 2.
1 7 n. 1 '
P.y p-
11. cuts made t.
. St l-tl.lllt.e.
'.2. J nnu.iry 1 .
A pill Tib
" Julf.'ith
' P.'lh-
" 2.'uh
' An-. ,':ti:h
0", I'.b. lib
Apiil od
-II oil
;iu .Ml
:iU7 22J
I y lilitoanl credited to
jiidouii . ; Oi 1 enough s
liorouh of Siii.l-iiiy
Pv exoiior.ile.ii iillott.'.l
I'y percentage to eullictor
12 37
2.1 f.a
1 I IL'.
I Amount overpaid by c. ill. 'el. .r J.'l.'i I'd 1
Tnc f'iiitmcc Coiiimittee. s 'inc lime after mtdtii z
the 1. Lot c report, eane.'ll. d nil ledsi n.ed nideis in
t! e bands of tho 'i.ntn Ci. rk tthi.'h bad 11. .t be-ii l-Iel linaked the same "audited' upon
- Ihe Old. !' li.a.ks. If follow
' ii..- bun. lied an I ten borough order-, amount.
infill the li'irei'ille to the sum of .shuts 2s,'
; o.infsni'1 orh-is aie dated (nior
; to Jail I. I sja iilnouiitin to 2u.'l al
7.'i of said outer., are dale. I siueu
. .Ian I, Iseti. iim.iuiitni to Nil 77J Jl.liM 2si
M'e have al-o lite. I 11 receipt fi;rncd ly Win. I.
; tireenonob. hsmua r ol K. l.reunriiigii. deceased, f-.r
the Mini of i-.rty ib.ilar.- and i.iuuiy-itto eenis for bo
l'.ub nn I I'on.l lave- ot ls.'io. tthicii aaioiint i- to l-c
credited upon the lir. tliougli Judgment aiiin.-l l'.:e
, liolou-h.
j Suuoury, July IS. s',o. IJ;
VI f 4-n C i o E ':i i I U tu I
Inn 0 I'f.-n li'
Sl3i-rM who
W.1t llKI AHI MCNT. .
l'KuX-i-T Mai:II.vI, (il Hi., IH' I'll K. '
Wjol.iLgt. n. JV i. June tllh, jM'ui. )
Norn Tho rflltmiu Iio f.uMi-ilicil n
Imtnlhill T ni)t.--i-. I.y vwty liitri-i iit
w t;h MK ii Hlifnilitih" : lie lmiy think ..inirnl.ii ) y
suit. tl hi Ins tlMi ict. 'i'lu- ohjvt ht in- to 1m. Mi ju,',
1 iicuurwu ii.lUlnautii iu th nli 1 'trii-.
l'i(.;-t MhiIi.iI (iciuial.
'MEN WAMEIi EK THE INVA1.II CoKi': tl. -o laitht'ul H .l.lit rM who fp'iu woiiip!-n
tlu- I.ju lUh.j-, tl w nr, nit ii.i hsiirr fU l-r f "i -1 1 iluiy
will ho rtvi-ivcil in ihiH Cut ! oi ll'iitir. Enli-'jinntH
I will he I'.'i ti.rcf yi'rtf uu!' .xMiiin- tt-li rt-.i . l'u v
1 ;iI!oviitii'fi miiih- u lur t -llie cry timi iiu-n ul' tli- i hit I
j St;iH'. Inl.ii try ; wc.i Ihnf in r- u iuin- or h -unly
I li.r t will, lie itthavt il. 'J i.i-ill n .l inv li
i iuiv nny iu-iiiii.s or bomitit. n wlL-h n.i.y Lc m.u lr
1 ji''viiii-) i'ivicfH.
j The l.lluwinj unil'tmi li:it l.fcu u ltt.tuj hr or'u'ora
, nn I int'ii nt iIh- lnv:tii'l Ctip.4 :
j Enli nn-'lCEKS. Er...-ki..Ht t c'.ith.
, uiih (laik-hlm olvtt i'..lliir in. 1 i-nti; in ail i 1 1 r
rti.i'.'!-. m-L-uitliti tu ihe j'ftv nt 'Uttt-ni i'.r ulliciTi
I i-t' iiituitlry.
rhtul l.'r i tjh AoC'ti'lina, to prc-cnt r'iru!uiiniij',
bill Huikcl oli l"rk hint- vIvrt.
I'.'i.i.i... I 'f -k v-I'lur i'loth. w Hh tloi.hlo ti ito
of 4nrk -li'u' '-loiii tin w n tliu t'ut-r m an, t'm'h io
one h ill ii..'h wuvt ilb imy b ltttU ol tliUu
tlrfh'i.t o Hll ilirli.
ui'i i- . Pri -mi ryiliitniii.
1'U ENk.lsrEU .MEN' - Ji..k.t-of hky-hlui
kt it v, u iIh il.u k I'lni- ti imtini i'Ul likt- ihr ca a.
ty ju.-kt'l, to ri'iiit- Mi ll th-w n m thn pli lnintu,
'1 t uMM t-j- - Pn -' nt rt ii hii ion . .-ky-liluw.
1 nrnr'0 i't I'rt'iM-nt i ulalh'ii
M ii whu n rr nl i II iu r wv hm! unnble to - -i T in
H.'-luo litl'l ilulv "iiiHV hiMriiifii'rrvil lw ihi a"iin
3lin :U In-Ht im t in t ti.u
tutu. Mililmy l oiiunun u i Hint mII oiIu ir hitui
auiliuiily lo'li-.-l.u ri-. i-ttin InMian t ic'i.
imii,( i t. t;,i 1,1.1.1. u lo tn.tii 4 . hui git lu mn nu n
tiLtlcr 1 li r cniits i hu n.'iy bv Lt 1 -r u v 111 ihu
lot nli. I t in .
1 -'tr tho lou in'' of iri-il tho tin u Mill l-u
i li- ti.t r lhr u ililt' it ul ;ni'U- ot' July 'lh
Mho U1J Itli-Kl li.'ii hl Mil l llhlr-bMu4- Hll.i (.!). 4 M
11 rl'l Ul 1 li Uel'l illll.V- vli'-. il' , Mill Miliif't
villi loii.kvi". fttut. li is.h..t.iiit i. I'.i.-i
! luiUliuu 'lh.ul ih li kl i1iv'-m t l tli.' uu y.
Iijt lu iiiijj lh'u m htt In. 11 inu I r an tiu. .J
J tl.- tt! til . in. in In. tn tf lli-- vtiu Imi' Uu
1 t ( -it m I-. ti. v t'iiiit.i u ol tot hi Juit-i 1 'iu. i
Jal 1. , lt4 hi lUU.tJ hl.ll ul h-
I i Urn .fu lies Mill l.e -I i. Ily I' 1 Ii- t Its 'l. i ti. UOHl Is
mi- I .-iii-..i.. I-r . iii.s. 11 11 is l -i ti .'piisls od
: I 1 1.' I put. 1 11 hull I'. ; MO'l M . 1. I V - .0 .. III. s. il.l
1 1 lot. 1 d I..-.", sll I I. - ' II. at l.e H lo-l lo o 1 , lie.
A- In.- Am,ih,I li-t.l Ni.I.hI. Ii.-i.imI hit!
u.l -l .. .1 I., mi j .01.1 1 "III. .1. ..I lite lil uUl s. It lee
01 . I .hw 1 1 t ,'lj., lu kli. Ul ll.e i.sll. i 1.1 lu 11 no to Iio lollill. I It-c IIMiits.
Ul..I..US .-I alii 11. l tU ll'tslol t "l. Ill
I li. t c.stwl a .tl I 1 ..i.l is i!,t
I I'.i
2. That he j lit for tho duties, or tonio of tbein,
Indicated shore.
ii. That' if not now In llioicrvlre, ho wnfl honorably
4. That he Is meritorious and deservlnjr.
Korenlitinent or further information apply to tho
Hoard o' Knrqllinriit for the district in which the ap
plioiint is a resident.
I'rovosl Marshal. Mill llistriot, l'a.
rnovosT M tnsiiAi.'s Orrii-R, I
llarrishurj, June lo, lst'i.'l. )
Apply lo
dipt. C. .1. IinrXErt, Sunhurr.
le(t Pro. Marshal, I -tl Is Jiistriet l'a. for or t hit In -berland
Pniiburjr. .Iii'ne 2il, lstl.1. (It
j'uovosr Al nsii a l. Hi vkii.m s (h en n, )
V ii st it i xirc.N . Ii. ('... May 22d. Im'H. (
ALT, nien be ii in. i.. j,.in any particular Heul
tnent of Ciival'-y. now in the field, arc horehv iinthor-
i tzed in j,i i ...i ibeiiiy .lt e nl nny lime iliirinjr Hie
i next thirty .1 us lo the li eiid of l!iirnllinent in their
res.eetive li-tliets. 'I he lloa 1 .1 -hall rx'iminetlleni.
i iii.n detcrieiiu! upon their lim. -s lor Ihe Service, and
; if found to be lit. the Prow, t .Marshal of the Ili-triel
ftiall irive them transp.ria'h.ii li. kels In the .'encrnl
I r-iidi "..on-, ui I(. hi':tib.:i.i-ien.i.rihe A. A. I'rovosl
Miir li il tlenernl of the .-iiate. As soon lis Ihc r lue
' sent Iheinseltes at this ir Iri-l.'l red. .li.lis they .iuill
i to- otily Hindered by a niitsieriii'j and flisbiir.-in
; ..Ibeer. i.ud paid by' him the bounty allowed by
.1 A MI'S It. 111V.
ProviHt .Marshal Ocueiiil.
NoTf- This order
Ihiwe who desire to i
liijies ollt rial by the I
Apnlicnlious will
i.- for the benefit of
tail llirinrelvcs of tho ndviiu
'.venilnent. lei lit tbe ofHee of the
Leant oi l.nni hnent. fmoi II,,,,.,. 1 1.,,, il
KAY I'l.loMK.Vr.
Ciipl.nnd Proto-t Marshal. I lth llUtiict, Pa
PnotosT M tiisiiM 's i.n ici:. I
ll.u'iisbui j;. June IsHil. I
A Hoiil tLi'.iltiii.iii ir(;iMiij' s-r-taru
Aiiiritiiiu.-nlsi 10 h- 4 'oimcitu
lion, .
I'.K it!) nv Tin-: Si:ati: ami
! lint si-. ,c l;r.riti:-.:, i .t i i s ok tiii: Com-
MUN-.VKAI.l It III- ri-.XNr-.VI. VAN! IN (.i.M;it.t.
I As.-i:.miii.v mkt, Tlmt tin.. lolUiwini; iiim-tiil-!
nii-nls l.n; iriiiii;.i'(l to tho C'oiisliim ion n!'
j the riininnmwi uith, in iiccor.latiru witli the isiuiisi of the tt iith article tlit-renf:
There shall lie nu tub iitiuuul section to
! the Ihinl nrtiele ot the Com i il ul inn, to he
, iie.-iu'imletl us sietioti 1'onr. ns follows:
I Sliiu.j 4. WhentM-r nny of the r.nn'i-
i (I elector.-, ol this la.iiitiii.nwe-.ilth si. ,-,11 I
in any nctnnl luiiitarv rerviee. inul
r a rcntii-
sltinti l:oei the I 'f ---. is-i ,t of the V uilnl
Males, or y the anti.otity of this t'lnninon
vt iii:h, slli.-n electors inny ei ri ie the liuht
ol s.i!:t.Oi: in nil elulioas hv tli.; eiici,s,
tinder siiiii rctxulatiotis as are, or shall he
.t't"C'iUd hy law, ns fully as if Ihi y Were
I'l i sent nt their u.sita! place of election.
'l'here shall he Iwo additional sections to
tlie eleventh nitiVle if the it ntion, to
he ilesiotniteil as sti liut-.s ci-hl, ami nine, us
.';.i Ti.iN y. No hi
;i fin
11 lie l,i-siei.l hv thy
eontainino lai.te tlmn one
jeet, which shall he clearly c)irc-cil in the
title. cM-cit ap;i:o'iiati.-u hilis.
'.. No hill shall he ,a-cil by the I.e-i-la-liuv
i:rantiim' any mvu-is, or " i .ii v i lt-it.-s. in
any t-ise, win te the authority to -rant such
) Mowers, or privileges, has I ci' n, or may herc
ai'i. r he, coiil'i ri-. .'. Upon the khiUs of this
onnnoiiw t allh.
Sjieaker of the House of i:.-ircsi:iitatives.
Sneaker ol the Set, ate. -nn: i:r i;i. I a i:v ob' Tin; Com.
mo.-.w i:a i it,
ll.t:i::-ni t;.:, Julv 1, l.-rl',:!.
I iio lu rehv cttt'l'v that lh fiire-
IJ-- s. I
.Joint I!i
enti'.h il
ooitiLr uiul ur.!U-o. is a f u J ! . true
mill eottect eoi.y of the oiio'itial
ohttioii of the liciict-al .s-i i'i,hly.
'A Joint licsolutioii ( i :'o j n is i m . ii i-
Anii-eiliiienls to tiie t 'i iist i I lit ion," as
nn.- remains en f,0 in this i:;"cc.
In To
th'.icny u In t.-oi',
1 ii ii' I (aiiseil the
l.icc to l,.l- lltli.o(l
1 have hereunto set
seal of the Secu
, tie: tiav anil ear
! my ban
I tary's o
I lli'OVL' v
r.i.r sr.iri-:i:.
C'i'iiiC.oiiw ealtli.
. IS'.
nvy ol
.. lu
. 1-
! 1!
Tol 1,1) ri-ptetl'ully ami. .nine Unit they bate
jn-t n et it e l ai; l npe'iu-.l a very liire i.:.. M ill selec
lej Stock . f
wLK-h Iht-y nri williuj; t tli.fio of at u YKKY
Thar. k ful for past favors we Lope t meet a Con
tinuance of the seme hy still telling Hoods us chtnp
il'l.ot ('i:it lima eiiubu purehiis, 1 el.e-
I'llll.INtJ i liKA.NT.
Suu'.i rv. Miii 2.1, s
JUBT li UADl',
VN i.p oi ini.iiy rot to he losl sit'ht .f. lime
t for A-.r ins- Jaolies ns well us lleuls enn
in I ns Aoeiits. A !y eiuly und secure the ugeu -y
lor your locality.
ir.i (;', I' aiAiy.s, .ncA'.'vw,
JilXt.S. li()J.l I'K.XS .i .Xl PKXCU.S,
V.7.'.K'K.-.'7'S. STl'l:. iirrrti.xy,
. i:ck vju i vn. siiTxoh'jun'.
i:r.i:v, ,vc
To he ...I l f..r Alrs.-h, hi, I i...t t,. l.e psi.l for
until v.-ii knots it hut y..u nr.: lo tf.-t. Send '.'j eenis
t..r i 't 1 1 il'o-uii- t.-llii. you tthiil you enn Intte. vtah
H elleullir. K'HUit lull pHrti.'utnrs In , oellt. 1'iTKet
sutislneiion ((uurunteej iu ll esses, K M W A Hll A C'l ,
Ins lli imNsy. l.oil,:,'il
Mureli 21, 1-n l - ly
UIC und. is. Jin-. I r.ii-t. iii.llv
inf.. iui the i.iil.liu
L'eli. I Mil V . Ilo.t I II. V t eli -. I . l lulu I i, -I'll I-
i, lop iu ll.e in' NMti III -I M s, i,d i i,o
piep. i.d lo uu. u a lit. IUI V l Il.l -it. ai t rt.u I ,.ui.,li) ,
II l.v I- ..I
llui tilurry, Miiin, I'lutiuli-s, 4'u.
.illttk, sVt'.. Ml kIiui- l.ll l'.,l sit kuds oi A .1 1. oll.a ..I Ia. I, U, I Is
.1 -i.i in s'"'l is. . i It.. .ml. kt. n.i.ui-tr nud i ii.
All arul.s t.l pi. s oid. i. l 'a l-i r. - .
lui l ts.: .1.4 1 I . u. I'll i ui . i I. .1 I..
.1 '.i li.'lll.llAi II,
'I 0 I ie. It
J j i.l,! li.,.. so I 'l k i d if l'l---- I.t.a
1 1 l.ui I 4 ok
.i.i i M.) I ' 1 'I
SATO N I F Mill,
'I'l.- t i.tuliy fo;i; .'ial.i-r.
The Pf; are c.iiitioiii d arrr 'nt tlm PPt'ltt
Olf article of I.YK f r li.nltiiu '''OA P. .1-.. Il'-w of.
feted for sale. Jlieoidviil.NI 'INK end PA'll.NI
Kli is that liii .lc hv the 1'l .N.NSV l,' A N I A
."ALT' 'ANI K, It lil.Mt COMPANY, lh ir
trade. murk f r it U-hif -SAl'OM I i'lt oitCii.V.
CK.N'I It ATKli l,VK." Tim irreal hTCCKSS ol ibis
article has led l. PI! I NCI Pi. KM PACT IKS to en
deavor lo IM1TA1 K it, in violation of the Company's
PA'i KN'T.S.
All iMAN't'F ACTt IM:il,3. Ill YEltSnr .- ;:r.t.l'l:s
of these SPl'UIOP.s- I.,-,. re berebv Nn'l II-
that the Copipuny have employed ns their Attornets. .
tJKOHUK HAIlliIXU. I'-',., of Philadii.. and
M'lT.l.IAM li.Ki:VI;.(,. j:-.1..on;tisi,nrs.
An I that ell .Mal-ofaetni-m. t'-us. or Seller.--of ill . iolntioii of lh.. ridils f the,v. will
be PllOSKCl I I II at once
The SAPtiN'l'il.l!. or Ci ; XCIiNTi: ATI H l.YK.
is for stile by all ImiU's. lirot.ers in.d C- entry
't lii-s- olii i-.
The Vtiitcd Stair. Circuit Coert. V. e"tera .'.-!! i
ofpenr-vltnioa. I i.f .i.iy 'I. nu. in ie-uit
of tin- -I't-nusylv.-oiiii .-'.dl Maiimn.'lui'itij Coii-pmiv
vs. ThotuasO. Clia. e. il. ,-.- . 1 to li t- Cuiii.i.nt . i.'n
Niivi-i.iber l.'i. sr.2. thn Kxelusire ri.-hl .;i i.,:...'l by
a pate nt nttned hy tin in f.r the S. I'i i. i i I.l! . pn'.
tent (Intel October il, isjj. J',..p,iii!il ii.jiiiieti. n
f 1-' V I c i: S :
127 Wainilt S'rect. Pi.i'ail. i Iii.i.
Pitt Street, and l'eeiK-ne AVnv. Pitt-aVar;?.
KI.A.-TIC STocKl.NiiS l ui; KM.AUtiKU YJ.INS
oi 'i ii i: m;o. ,vc ;
Instruim nls e.r nil d.-f-.rn.itie..
Mi. (II.OYI-Its
r' la-ti'i- Trnxs
has tal;"n the ( lace of other Trus-es I'm-tin- r. letai.-n
und euro of Hernia or Itupture. Aetint; upon lie
principle of n lev. r. it never loses its sin n''Hi. It is
ceiili d lo pret cut rn-t. Il has no ,ad on Ihe l.n-k.
w hich i so liable to injure the spine and nnnov and
chate I In- wear. r. Il is sure to reditu th"
pit inn ease and comfort, i.-lid if!'. ,;iil' r:. ' i-ii; , -
it l- warrenied t . -.rive .'aii-ia.'ti.'u. j
'I be mi -r.-. e I Slionl'li i 1; ,, M;iia. (J,,, ,1,,...
nn I (.rueits the wciavr irotu incon-i: round I
s! Ideiel. I
l.ii'li.'s' I!-!!., in.,! ?ii porters. P.mol.
ii;'e.-. and ll.'lt- of ell l,i.,ds, and in.-trun:ciil- t. r nil
Ill-torn Iti. s ,.f tH. :,.,iti.
I'll. OI'.OV u s miieeis . 4 Ann Slreel.iivo
doors 1 1 oln Ptoa Itvay. ,r,v York.
Strangers should particularly ii-de the minus and
A i.rit 11, lsii:i.
AlloriM'.v mill 4'oimtiM ;;.,r : B,jit ,
OEiee on south si le ,,r Maike! sireit. foui doors tve-t
of K. Y. hrihl .V Son's Siorc.
V ill attend promptly to nil .r.! ba-iue-s
intrusted to Lii care", the cllt.-ti.-n elaia.s in
.N.'i'i!iuii.l..-rb iidiii.. i!.e adi' ii,.i. ; c..u.ti. .
Sun tirv, Mnv 2.!, l -ii.'i. l v
Tl Mil' under.-i-.-ni-d i.tTer to s. Il at (nivate sale. 1 is
1 Milual.b' Inrin. -ituate in el l. e ii'V, I: h!p. Norlh-
uiebi'ilnlel county. 1':: . ul. out on ilette-t c-r t,o
(..en ..f 'I'n ton,. n. e.-niainiii'' I Wo 111 M-IM ii
A' ilKs. morn or 1.-.; iii,ut -i-iit- a,-,,-. t.l.i. i,
it' o ,l,aio.. mid 111 a p.,l state ot 'cultivation, en 1 tteii rain., roil null pine an I oak. Ihe
iiiipvovenii ius are 11 1.0 --iiousc. U..111 und other out
Terms lai-y. for je.ttiailars iaouivo . f
lit A 1. CLK.MKNT.
.-sum ury. May io. Isi;-;.
'S'Hii' ;i-e:.t ':ii-,i-
1'ti' It.: ''.-.', in 11 S.,;.',, j'.':-:,',yi, V'li
A l.e.'tiirc by I'r. Cl'h'l;it KI.l.. ..a tin- e:
u. 1 11, re . f S: . 10, - !;.. .,. I oi.siaootioli. M,
and Plich-al Hebihlv. .N.-rvoii-iie.-s. C .il.,-v la,
l.airc.l .Nutiitionot.iiePodv; l.assilude-. Vtvak, e-
ol the Limits and the Peek 1 ..,-,i,. ,( ,o,.
paeiiy ..r aiel hub. r : 1 -i.l li.i-s of A nei e'u-n.
-loo- I ,,.-. 'i,. ,.- ,..,.; . . v ." 1 ,'t"
. 1.001 .ili-uiott, At.'l-loli to Seio'v' I. etc,
.,- .;,,, 1 . . 'i ;i, . . ,.- 1 , . : ' .
ot S-oillllde . liunlnv el ill-tin. l- i'l..tu
il, lol-o'l... tll.,.ii. ... 1' .1,. ' 1, "'-"i"
III ll'l.l.'lie , .Mleellotis ,, tn,. i-.v,... Pin,;. k.-1.11 ibj
1....... 1... ..1 ....i.-...:. . !
1 nee ; Iiivolnntarv laai--;..ns n,l Sexui.l in.-M
the Cel.-. .jiieiices ot Voulhlal linns, reli- n. Ac
l . In:- Lecture idearlv i.r..-. .- il,t
the iil,..t c ei uii:er,.,-,. ,,a, aii- ', d , t !!-. may
he r.-iuot ed it i:h,.nt no -iieine and Hitieaii .i:.t.:;ei...;
suroiciil opernlioi.s. aid sl.tad.l l,j rial hy iu:v
local ill the Innd.
S. at und, r .-.-ul. ia n plain envelope, to hii v il l-
.ir..-.-. on ii. e rcc-ipt ..I tax eta.-, or m.i j. .-:
.-taiups. I.v a l.lic.-.-iii.;.
Vitas, j. c a m
l-'T r.otterv. Nelf Vo;l;. l',t (ah,.,. ,x. f. .
May 21. Isiio. l-'el,. v .lc
v.iiK -.v I'B.scavr. in:ti intiv
Anti., i)tl::.ti Ip.j;:!, S::.
01" i'l'lt I.r -!.- hi .-i, tlie in. t f:,t.,:-::!,.. t.'rm.-.
.Vett nnd f cau'iti.l ln-i-ns in ki e i! va' ii t v ..:
1 1 "li l!.iiliiv' lor Ccii, clerics. It, .i.i, i.e.... ,-f
V.'rnil-.-it and t.'-t li .n. in., I t,:dt: I 1;,,,, na-1
lh, I-.- Tuiiie I r-n Wr lalis. Del.-, ni. s. , a.
1 oiii.lers. i ouio:.!iis. t. ties. Columns. Il.i.-hia-' 1',.---
l.l.lopM.-ll.-is. ao-s. f.-.i-les, i letter S.,n, Is. Sof iS
Clniir-. f-tiiiuiiry. Ai.imiils. und nil oi li. r lion W.ak
nt a Decorative . bara. icr. Iiesii. fori, .a ie i tor
sell etion. 1'i'tsoin iipplyin.' tor the o.uae, ml! l U
stale the kind of work needed.
5,Muile ti. Is.'.:! Jin
To ! I.ioiiKX'i-alif Vulrrs ij' Tiovtis
iiiiiIm i C.iwiu 4'ouaiti .
J TI.1.0W CITIKNS :-I herel.y iua: n:y
X. sell ns u iviiidi. l ate f..r thu
"luci: of .-iiniiiT,
nt the eoieii:)- I'nuiiiry idei lion cud ns the fr; port
id in y l-'eiiov. Citizens. Should 1 l.e uo-uii uted 'i.nd
lie led. 1 promise to t ill till ihe duii.-S ti i,..i-l olhee
with fidelity.
r-hiiaud.iu tp., May ,';.i. I -a.;
so:.ii:tiiin; Ni:v,r rou you
Mt ?l. B .. .''1-. Inn i:ij taken evlrn
pains la t i.-it personally Ihe principal Halls of
J'a.-hioi. in the city, is now prcp.-ued to innke. trail
or reirii.i, lloniielsuinl Hats, in the luted . tii, and
Suieuier styles.
r-he lias on Inind u sv. k of
I'l.HWniS, IilK litiNS, LACKS.
in. 1 m!I ni-ti--'.-.- in her line. s; !i etc I tt i:h '.' t!c.,e-i ,
care from lnr-e -...!.-..!- 1.. ,i-,-. i::. l enn. I tt lit
.-til Vl-.l, ..; li., ul prie. s I., sail all i a.... na r-.
I. AMI'S' M'.tS '.:-S. II.i.-UI, Hl.nVI S
Mils, Cii.i..l. iiAM.Kl.Ui 1111 1 S. in'.tliS.
Mild nun. ei on.- otio-r i-..l.-s t.,i-l.ii-la- iteir. I
tt hit Ii the itii :',.-' the holies to call iu,d i-Miiuiae he
lole piir. ta'-in el-ettlo-le.
'1 hnliklul tor the pall.. I a .;e eMel.di ,1 to lo r h. relo
fore, she hopes l.y ke.'i .1. the lu-l li.-rl!ni ul a
reli.solilil.lo pi n es, toeoiatniu. l!,i-s,,iiu.
I if .".'.'ondd.s.rsonthot.-l, laiol.'ll Viillcv.t I'.tl.
iile linitiuatl. net side l'u.tu tUnt, tsV .M.LKV
April :'.', l-o.'l - .'iui
CVl' tlil.l-l.: . IJL'J.
l'l.TKU L i ' it 1 1. 1. A 11 li.
1 uu.TA 'I'liliiiii'i. ittr
(Foruieily 12 Cloiihaui S'n. t. N ik
Would e.ill the hit. iiti.-u ..I I' - t-. ILj !.:;:. Icj
of kai Uiunule jtuic, vis :
iii;ni x ,si 1 1:.
Mscloy, lien ,or s.
1'll.t' l,l..pee, i u.e I; 1!. I. Iti.ppct., Xi.t,, In-.,
Aln. ri. iin I. il, tl. in in. C i ul...
il.U.i'K .Nl I F
Scot-.h. If my I lew S.mIcIi.
llls'h Toli-I Se. t II, il.-il II. .Ill , I'll. S.
lll-h Huh lonsl, r iui, .Sioteh
i-r I
I Allelilloll i-enlli.l t-i the l .i- . Ill, i- I. I.l
'iie,... rii.n-Chi Ii. mint t.. tu.,1 i. 'ol, ,oi.
isl.ieL mil U l..oi....,i ....,..,.i i:.l.,,
'lull III II
hinokii.)( I mi: I ul Ct.e in J .sao'tiii
l.oi i; I'. A I. . .-r plan. H J i
.No I. I ..tii..l..'l. t .- l, P ,l ' h.
So J, I Iii -i-r
X.. I A lie 1 !, 1 in 1 -d I ul I l.-i l 'Il.i. I I.
I.H.I I.1..II.I
V II - A I'll, uljl ..1 I H i . .1 ' i :,;.; '. .i
a.i.i i ; -1
III ISk ,1'
...I. i I' .p.. I'
I- t. l- I i. m.i.
HI ... 11. I .... o .
I. si.-l LI. -
r 11 i
HV now tniitinfaeior.. ) to order hv t!,c sil-se, d-.-r
nt CIIKAPKK UA'l I.S than at any i.ih.-r ..-ul,.
lislin.ei.t in r-inil my . 1 i.l- wt.r lux is i-.. tak- n si ,
eonsl'lcr-.' ion. and all tto.k ttill b. d..i.. f.i ,.. p.i ..,
Il'o inu'jes! ree. ittd uu entire nut it,..'!, of ie.ii;:, r
lllld .MoiOCe.ts. t .r
(Jelltii !.: :( Z'.in i t ;rr? ;t"i-s,
I.mlii--. Minu s ill .i C. ;iii i,
'8?l!lri'iiN fs'ux-.;, A v.. ,Ve.,
nv hl.-li ttill l.e mn 1" In ou. r at 'bort t.-'i. ... n, tho
best w.-rk uiul: lit: e meaner tin-1 of the I t nott, viai.-.
I'celil. Inankliil tor i'.o piitr.i'oiii: .l. i,,U.l li; e
tnt'. -re l-.c h.' 1 - to e .1 t ini:e ll:e same. ,
.Ml ' I o ii. :: e ttoi k done eb( ip nnd ilio :!.!.. are
invii.-d a. .-all at his p lie-.i y oppi.-'ite 1 ': -.- I. .-a 1 l
House ili.Mulkcl S.(Unrc. i iu.i.-ir-. . I'.i.
JOJIN .'ilt l,i..
J'ei.niaiy 3K 1 -: i'mi
doots a:;! snoi-s,
AT y , TV. -ft "S
.y,i..-.s i.-.jci,MM.I
Ml', r-turn'd home from I'l-i'.- I. 'ohii..
lib 11 !. S'is-k. I li'li I'lS and SI.1 ii .-, .-. .ee-.-ed
ttilli ;.r.-nl 1 :-ie t. sua nil p.-i -i s
Unit y-'fi- ll'i'its itii.f S'i-,,s miii ri' ijir rui . ' t.)
'.-! iuril;.; fmt ;, 1 r Ihr let 11 .'.-... 'Om 1:1 11
. ( i 11 "itiririf.
He lot" fair r.'.es from So 7a lo s" I'd
I!" l.-.i H.i.v'sCiiii liouis Com .MlloSt in.
lie I..'ie C'.'lers Iroai H2 t- ; ,',:l
lie .i .Mi.-i-s ao'i Chil-lt. u's ' lain is 01' nil -it
111 i 1- hi .i:s. m.d ( 1 i -. . In sV-u'. i-vvry'!.!! in 1.. 1
line oi Jinsiness.
II" ul-.. ha -on l"".d a full a.-- a tmetil of M rr e.,e ,
and Calf ..f !,o .,s, 1 it v. v.iii.h he v. 'i
n-ake :p I., ...-.( .. t tl, . ,;,orleM notice. Im ii.g .-uj--phed
hil.i.-cil tiiih tn,. .;r,-1 i'a lo .toil .1: I.i.-I-.
A t.It!-:.T S. IN I 'fo iiU'i'l'S .'e S HOI'S.
KISM ALU'S Patent Metalli" S-.i.-.i mat ll -il .
ne rail-o v. hieh will wir as l',:: as 1 air ot
l.iiitlier S-ib s. kept (.a b.-.ud
.M - ildin done as usual.
flit I no. I I'Miinme for ynnrs-tv'-.i t;l:d kar.i n.y
l-li.-es l-.i -l'e Joir ha- ill.'l.lsctth"!.'.
V.'.M JI. MILLl.i:
Sunhury. May 1'"', I -ii.. lyi-h
lo.;:t. i );;.
l'UII.M KI.l'lIIA P'.i'i.!! ll.'.N IIMiS.
i;?n'.t .r. eu; '::.
Cor. l'ourth .1 .- Iiill;.:! ,- ';e's. Phila !, I; ',;ii: .1
I. '.t in sl. . k a ll.-.e variety ot'
Wall S'sipii-.,"
Sf"t ''I' e.xi.r. .-siy f. r their S;a:n ; Trad"
MTXI10W P.M'Kl! Ol' l.Vl.KY tJII.M'K.
to tthiell they invito the c'tenlion oT Sforekeej .t
i j In their li p irtmeiit, t.ill be foj;..! i.e.
el.oi.o -t style, of ihe sea- .-p.
Ihilii(liiiliiii. l-'eb. 1 1, Istio. ".law
.1 0 ill v. M A Si '' R N.
Mn-ht Siju.ire, rue ,h, r ,-.-; , the Vi'i '.
1" c-i e.-li'iilly informs I.i-- old friend- and llie pub
1 lie pellerally that he km li;ll Vetuiln-J to
Sin. hurt- an I re-..'..i:w-l u
.i-1 'k':!itii-iu- t:i;iiKs!n;'.i'i:,
I'.' J. prepar'-d lo lunkc itfi in v.- rr 'nn c;'.. as n. 'I
a- la a-!'::.; ..I I . 11 s. and lo ... ttoik lu.illv. I i-l.
io'.ebly lll'.l s:i i,-t il '.'.a Jr. in Jl'a-t v.'ll n :l'- al.t all
'.v.. rk b et ing Ihe -le p. 1,1 -t ( y .-o doh.s. bi-i-s to
re-'eive 11 ilu' share ,t j alien: l;,-.
I 'or-.ns 'lesirii-. I" Inn c clolhii: lo'.-' - u t n or I- r
ill the latest st vl". ttill .l. -a-e j,ivc hi'.a .'. -;::!.
Sai.bury, A(iil II. l-ti.'l s, a.
j T
I 0 v- -- w. ji Jli1
I '
';al hi 1 V.i-eri. n';;-!-. . ;t;.t.itt; t!.
S;til issi:r-.t Ii . i". ,
3 TJ Jsl B XJ il, , I
! 1 Nl'oll MS ihe e'oi.'t.. , '.' Sta.i :.: e in
I th'i, l.e has in-l 1. I;:;'..- f :r..ia I'i;:!..
lull ii.'-.-rtloe;.t of
I. la vo. a 11
! I'.tB.S. AM IVS.-s !'S-.22 (JCttlW,
I Oi' I'.YKUY 1'IX'lil I'TP'X A.NII ijl Al.IfY
' Hi-sto.-U i.-i.-'s ,,'.- Cloth.-. Fr- ii-h t'b.!'.is. Pin. k
! Iio. Skin :.n-i lit.-v C.i.-io,, r, - l.:--.-k . .1.., I';-,-..., i
I Sii.:, ...j , ,1 Fancy Ca-imeie VKSTIX'iS. ithi. li
; rl; ' " """'"""' as-imere 1 i-.mj.vo. itiu.-i,
'""''' ,b "il".' in -,..-,., s e la-t.. ot
"' '-'''I 'vr-onal-lo
"'"' . . , , ,
Any l.'-.d-' l. ' on 1, .1.1. tv : I I.- lulu,'!..-
1I I I i.i- 1 . 1
I ail'- 1. I loa. lo- .'it in.: net . .its 10! :
, 1 , . 1' 1 1 . -, -. ,
I, Is tiaia-io d I,y en-t'-aii:.-v, i;l !-. i,...dc l;p tl
,,ri ,. '
or u 1 as 1.. 1 . io.,,r.-
A - h -.t i1 1 i lei j.-t lu i..- t at i xp'eri, n.--. 1 t ,,. '
p. -I .-.:,-' Ii.-ivk'v i-a o. i-.n then-tt-.rl; tv.-j d.
hi- -h,
j 'l'liiiiiKl'iii I', r t'" ,
he r-.-.-i.ectf.iltv s.diei-
. to u.' li T'-t--!.,:
i;:::;u:a. :i ..i t:
: uin
ciohir t, 1-
u aim; i.i' .-.TKi.i. i . ii Ainu.-;'
Ceii'.-l' ill
V 1 A N -0 S .
Vl:.w 11 "
to-l I'i -I....-, Ii 'ia the '.t.t laaU.-ii'r.'
1 he l..c t a:ij .t; vi;:-i d li.stru
' I ! '!.-'. Via:-.
leei.ts from i.i ...
i.i:il.i.'.-. i. 1 i ii--. t
l it.--, l'liiu:-. I':.
i.'li n i.: i i Miiri:- -:i a, la.d a. a-',
cln.ndi,...' in a.: .ol I I' 1 '..'.-1 '
. ' s. I
ii vs l..;-..!
I 1 .V I"'!.!
;.'iv i ai : ot tlie eonntr
run:, tut.i
Saitar lc li.r looking ;:la.:i ait.'. kiL.'.i ..l'l
nlv,nj.-i oil l.und.
A line i ssoriio.-nt ,-f last plnted
l.iUilt'IN'ii i;l.A.-si:-s fioin sieallesl to I:.i-. a ,-ies
Any .-lyle of iiuaie 111:1 le at the lior-.e-t
noli. .''. ' V. M. UN. it'll!.. II. l-i'.-'l. '.'! Mnrkd -' . Il:..-i:-1.i.rr
tiik cojM'rstio';:; at; i) rxi'i.;::.
FAX K Ol'' A : 1, VAI.ii'.
I'.l:;-l.e.l f.-r tl." 1 ei.el'... 1 :n a war:::..4 ami
A CAl 1 1'iN 'in i'I Xii MK
tl t rne..r f.-,.ai N'erv -in la '-Uiry. I'i . iiii.tur-' I' ;;.
. 1' .Manhood, t tc . siii pltii o at l'e .-nine l!-..,e.
mi; Mi: axs nr .1:1. f 1 1 i;i;.
I'.v olie'ltho li:lsenr.-i hi in a-i f n l'l cr 1 fir -f pit ti
jrrert ep, n-c an I iijiay li,.ou,ii u.vdieal i.un.l.u
und .pin kery.
lit el'ilo-iiio- a po.-t.l'.ii.l ii 1 Ircstd clivvlope. sia
ivle i opis laav I. 'id of lh ' .'U'H.-r.
'.Will I'.ill M A i I'A I K. K.iij..
lad, -i.l. Itia
.V V
M'iv 2 1. I-
-1 .
A'.'e hate : . a h-o:d :i a: -t spl.-ndid tosor:o.t it
I I ii.,n .-i-.l Jen !iy ol i-ii 1. ad .. lo tt 1:', h tt e in; ;:o
s . i:ll n-'.-t'l i o t or 1 , 1 -. - . i:! h t -HI. 1 Col:-: ',-
I :, I ' I tt.-t. I'.e -!... -oli a-..: 'I -r
:i I :. -a V i... : .- ;, t ia il. ,. i ,' t,;
l:o i i r i".;.i
j Mli'l-IN
' C.ll or a.ldi
. I...I.
1. Ill
: to t.iaer
c. .
1 i:VI- 1. M-i 'Ml'
s IJ I I:.-.-' i lil street. I'lal'l h !: :,;'l
::he-t e:i.-h ; l l -.s pai I i a' "i 1 I i .! 1
I 1" s-Ti
t lllld Mlt tT.
-io i.lcis ti. :a ill., e. uatry ttill rc eito i-
I-:;' i .a.
M:.V 2. I -i'.o ...i,.,
3 t- rli'j A IS I ii in ends,
N-2 l Ii, ':... :. ' :..i.i ; ' .aa.
l: jilwiii-
.-.I,-! t,;,
. -. ' . I 1. -.i.-.lii'l.l'. ;.
.,;... ei s i.. . t.u i;.il'olt..l..a,. -
f .Lot i la- , :. o - of lh-. n.
'- a- . .,!.-. Il.i- ,;, .
i. - u . ,r. :
.1 to.e I II..!, I V
I Lore .-li.l.i.l
' i...l,:-.i.-ii-l.- i.od i.,
i 1 1' -!'--..'
' .-llt I .- ( s :e I
1 1,:-., ., p., .. i
1 it. l . - ....a
. l o- i A .
il 1 -i. .' .''
:. I I ...a It
. r li . . -
Fsi.n .-in ', 1 j . ". . .it . .- li t.
H'.NHI' ItV, r., no a. ...i.: .... 1 (., i .,
I - '; ' , "
- 1 '-lie l. ..l. k.-a i: . ,-l
I .1 - I ' I..
o. I , i.l. I i- pi. -p. i . ,1 I.. .1,, .i.i I .. a ..: ' .
1 V I III -H.d It ol k II... . k . i, ..I', I i , l- p ,
i f i .e .1..:..- i- it -j , ... i
t-ui.i.,.. , :ut m I - : t
a iiyvisi m1 diet;:,
J ,' )'. l It II A It l ', t.t I, Hll lt , 4
v in I I . tl.. a: l. i,i i in. j ! ti i ,.N
r. i . . i , , . , .
1 . t i . ; -.V j i-. ,i