J.I A' L..U.IIUUIII 1 I EIjc Sunburn, ftmrrican. II. B. MASSER, Editor ft Proprietor. NIMHItl, 1A. SATUKDAY, JULY 18, 1903. B. M. FETTENGILIi ft CO., No. 3 Park How, New Yurk, and G Stnto Street, Iloatun, lire our srvdIi for tho SiSBrnT Amfiih-a ii tlnwo eilic., nml arc authoriicd to tnke Advertise menu and Subscriptions for u at out lowrsit ra.tca. Pknssyi.vamans in thh Hatui-: at GKTTVsiiuto. Pennsylvania had n larjjc sliiiru in the lute liitltle nt Gi'tlysliiirg. niid the liloml of tier sons was fri-ely shed in tier ili'fctice. The three senior Oeneinls were Pennsylvnnisitis, and the inehmclioly list (if ciisimltit'S) show that ut least Jifty PeniiaviViiniii rptrimunts were in the tight. The f 1 til Pennsvlvania. the 1st, 2d. 3d. 4th. 3th, Glh, 7th, 8th. Dth, 10th, 11th and 12th Ueserves. the Pennsvlvania oatterv, the 2:M, SUtli. 5(ith, C2d, d:ld, CStlt, (il)tii, 71st, 7oth. Sid. 8:ld, PSth, 00th. OUt. 03d, DSlli, Ollt It. 105th, 100th. 107th, 110th, 114th, 115th, 121st, llJUtlt, MOth, Hist, 142d, 14:ld, 145th. 147th. 148th, 14i)th. 150th 151st, 151th. 155th. Otlirr regiments from the State no doubt participated in the liattle, which was won by steady valor and discipline on the part of the men, who were well uwr.rr that the fighting was on their own soil, and for the protection of their own hotiies. Though much is due to the brave ofliccrs and tneti engaged, the skill Mini generalship shown in the disposition nud iimnn'iivcring of the troops by the gciieral-in-chicf is not, and never will be, forgotten. The "!St. Catherines Journal" says that on Saturday night, the 20th instant, with a sound louder than the discharge of n park of artillery, a large section of the rock on the north or Canada side of Niagara Palls, near Mr. S. Davis's Table Hock Hotel, let I into the ubvss below, giving the falls on this side a more decided horse shoe uppearance than thev had before. LATHST NKWS. J-iI-ATi;sT vuoM Ni:w Yohk. Andrews the leader of the rioters was captured w ith bis black consort in u house of ill-fame. SOOM sabres und 100 muskets were captured from the mob. The mob has been severely haudled by the military. The New York 7th lttginicnt is at home. A regiment from UulTulo and one from Michigan also arrived- Lee's losses were put down at 42,500. At Port Hudson 7000 prisoners, 00 guns a:id 10,000 small arms were captured. CiiAKi.usTox. Gen. Gibnore has captured iiearly all of Morris' Island with 1 1 heavy pieces of Ordnance, und prisoners, camp f'l'.tipage, vVc. The riot lit Huston was soon put down. The Northern Central road is now open lir travel through to Haltiumre. Hior at Dasvm.i.l. We learn that a se rious riot commenced at Danville on Thurs day, und some th day before. Application was made to the Governor for uid to blip, pros the mob. Gold is down to $1 25 at New York. ?iocal Affairs. I IIakvustimj Our fanner, nro busy with ttioir harvest uud haymaking. Tho recent rainy Kcnllivr hud iutcrfured considerably in the ic"'""'" of the crops, tut do not think the grain Liu been niu.-b injured iu tl.istiuartcr. fjySuiiio lulf a doicn of our citizens who paid a burricd iai t In the battle Coll on UcttyiLurg return ed on Suudiy morning last. A uumhor of tho dead rebels were siill utibur'cd -tlmsj together with hun dred, of dead W.ui, made tk a.r redolent with fetid tuicll. "p'C .t UT.-Jl'!icro will ba but onoweek'.'ourt ruiinneiicinn on the first Monday of August. All civil cases are postponed, and jurymen fr the second utok ure notitii'd not to attend. The Drat wotk will be cunsuiuk-l nioily w ith criiuiuul euiui The Fmll log li.'Q'io orcii.ied by Peter Iluey in Lower Auuta tcvMislii).. eonsumol Inst 'ri dny l;y Ere. euu'L'd by the rtovo pipe through the rvof. )ivine Ferii e will ho held by the Hev J. 11. Vouiijj. in the 1'reidiyteriHii Cbureb, in this jilnee. to. morrow (Sunday.) ut Wi o'clock A.M., mid S o'clock M . uul at Xorthuinborliind in t'he afternoon. r--The filhni; up tfie trcllo work abovo town on he rhiliidclphiu l li" road with enrtb, and the uildiu of a Ftoiiu culvert, has been allotted to Mr irier. It miuirfi about iO.OlWcubie yards of enrth. t w ill be a great improvement nud one much needed t jrA Cam. rnoMrna Sahtarv Cumimii to UK l'lllK.M'K or TI1K Sit K AMI Wul N III! II Sol.HI KIIS. i.if e lilies now mo-t needed, wowould place butter ii.l f- ' 'iri iuo-t on tholijt. A few pound of Ircdi utfr rurefully aoMereil up in a iu enn, wc uld bn ,;ift irevioun an ijol.1 to a convalescent Mblirr, and any ii houncn ifo could m nd her donation in that rm. tbo-.ih i-he ini'ht not be able to ; aro enough liil a he;- or a fukin. ICach can, whluer tts con. (Imul 1 be maiked plainly with black puiut, d eery but lie unt to tlm army labeled distinctly, I the label panted on and thoroughly dried hefora ckinj; ' Any thinn li-fl by our furuicru nt roonm of ianilnry Aid Society of Suubury and liciuity, tl be can -fully forwarded. "57 Tuinjv BHTii I'tiixm i-viiiA Militia The h I'l iiii-yhiiiiiauiililia were urgauitvil lt week. ii It V. Alleinan, of llarrliurg, a oleete4 , uel The rviiuent iiuiubera eiht hundred and y oIVuhth und men, and ia eouipoaed uf two eoin. I'.otu Mif.liu county, two- from Northumher 1. three fri'in liuuphin, twofrom I'ury, and una ,t J Ultima. T he regiiuent u in, in aeuve nervieo. If' A iijj Ihe kille.l at tietly.liurj. we regret to tin iinme o t'tipluiu Lulher Murliu. the youu. ii of Ihe latelleore Maltin, of llii. pliiee . tain Murliu ami piinlcr. and foimeily workr I ii, ullice l.ati-r lie wu, au wlilor of a pnpor iu . t"i . ! 1 . New Jerx-y, and whru l.a fell, entit led a C 'liipuiiy of New Jersey voloi.le.i, T ii iMneirn Mil ill, -Athe eoi.h-rlpllon aet -! ike itliel iu Ihudulnel. puldiili lh ciuuUr ol iiulmeiiou, who u Ii, .ni.l I ai l. in nil ha. liud lint lallou Iu Ihe dnifl M iui-ii who hav Iir4-u uiuUial into Iha ,. -lull. nu uinUr Urn r ill id Hi. I'n.i liiil t mud Mali- dal'd J una !. f,,t ,im. iio. iilli. .tnuo, uf hn liaia oluni. . rvd . ,i. .. iv li e nlooe aia liable Ut dl dlall undi'C i,i..1u.ji.i a. I II any l iti- aUn eaa Uiu id II. Iu III. Mil J I.I'. N-tliil ii.uld b I lii. l illi..n ei.dil f"f Ilia lima Ihiy i. ., u s. i. ..1 or u.sv inmn, uu'i.i m.ir . ijngi'iut'iil H.i utilialiwl l m w, llw 1..d..iipiivi"l'd d..l"l a4.4 moi tiiutl. Ho" i.t.lioittuiai.diii'.'OVir 'lltey i,i ui luii Ii ii oi'bi" fc.it 1 1 n it a on 4ui y aim lb ,.:iu..i..lu .Lkli liny Utay bili.lt al lb In... n,... I i the r. .iaia.uut ibaiii aillb ,1 lo llti )i.a i (lamali J ei.uiplll M .1 i.iii4.. ion (lo-a a.itrd out b)i llol. ,1 M.u. It n ii, ..iiiti a ill It Jisfini U nit I u.i .It lb- ii f'umsii I104 itu " '"I . I !.. ,-ll U lb. i'loikai JUlal "I Ike di.t t,ti.h j a. i. a. .Ii, 4, tube .itiulliil l Ik I i-..,t., . ..i ti.i, im9 fiwt lb. dst. "I a.ill.kl ll.iii.ltl. .ll. i,a..li s, ot II.. t . t 11.. ii it. t.ti. ti.li ut. iv. lit.- dt sti a. a ill '.isuilliel ..in II , M.i HI . K I Itli lf i .iM. oi'iMm r m im.. Wamiinhtcn, July 15. The following dispatch has been received: Vii Kim ito, Miss., July 118 r. m. To Major General 11. W. IIam.IuCK, (aural in Chief; The following dispatch lias just been received from Gen. Hanks, Hkkoiik Pout Hi dson, July 8lh, 18G3. Gknehai. :-The Mississippi 18 now opened. I have the honor to inform you that tho garrison of Port Hudson surrendered un conditionally this afternoon. Wo shall take formal possession nt suven o clock in t lie morning. (.Signed) X. P. HANKS, Major General. I. !. UHANT. Major General. (Signed) Suri-outler ot" I'ort llotlMon. AVasiiixuton, July 14. Ttie richmond j)iipers of to-day acknowl edge the fall of Vicksburg. The following extracts are taken from to-day's Jinyttirer : r t'lihKNDKit dp tout iudfon. Montl.i:. July 13, mi.Ta Hen. Cwjvr, Adjvtuiit itii? Tnctir Uairml ('. S. A : The New Orleans i'raof the 10th onnounecs the unconditional surrender of Port hudson at 7 o'clock on the 0th Inst. (Signed,) GKOltGK G. GAltDNF.H. Chief of tjatir. OUiciul lIiml lreiiernl tlemN-. HKAlmCAItTEItS Alt.MVClKTIIi; POTOMAC, ) July 14. f To It. W. Hai.i.kck, (.'ommiiniler-in -rhirf: My cavalry now occupy Palling Y tilers, having overtaken and captured it brigade of intantry lit'teen hundred strong, twb guns, two caissons, two battle tings, und a large number of small arms. The enemy are all across the Potomac. GKOKGK G. MIJADE, Major General. IlKAUiL'AKTl:llK. AltMY OK TIIK POTOMAC, July 14. I.ee's rebel army withdrew from their position around AVilliatusport yester day and last night, and rccrosod the Poto mac by a pontoon bridge at Palling Waters, anil fiat boats at the Willianisport terry. A portion of Pleasonton's cavalry entered Willianisport at seven o'clock this morning, and captured jnany prisoners. I.ee had previously sent over all his plunder trains. A general movement was ordered this morning, and our columns were in motion at an early hour, but found the entreuch tneiits vacated. I'roui ieUisJjurK, A'.SIMN'(iToN, July l;l. Advices from Vicksburg to the evening ol the Sth inst.. slate that 7.000 rebel soj' diers had been paroled up to that time. Six ty thousand stand of small arms had been found, mainly in good condition, and more were being con.stalitly discovered. They were concealed in caves as well as in all sorts of buildings. The sieire and sea coast guns found exceed sixty, and the whole raptured artillery is above 200 pieces. The stock of the rebel ammunition also proves to I e surprisingly heavy. The stock of army clothing is otlicially invoiced at 5.000.000, (live million) con federate money. Of sugar, molasses and salt there is a hirue iptuntity ; sixty thou sand pounds of bacon were found iu one place. 'I'liv Kurreniler ol" V t'k.liii-;r. Cincinnati. July 14. The Commn-cidl received advices from Yicksbur'' to the Si ti inst. Gen. Grant ! finished the work of paroling the rebel prisoners. They number 31, 277. The general ollicers captured inelud Gen'ls Pembcrton, Stevenson, Porncy, Minith, I.ee. Taylor, Herbert. Canning. Harton, Sharp, Harris, Moore, Haldwin ami Vaughan. Immediately after th.i surrender of Vicks burg. Sherman moved in the direction of Iiig illack liver with a large army, and on the following day met Johnston in a drawn up line of battle. A sanguinary battle took place, resulting in Johnston's defeat and capture of 2,000 prisoners. Prank P. Hhiir is reported in possession of Jackson. A rumor is in circulation that Port Hud son has surrendered to (Jen. Hanks on the 5th, and we took H.OOII prisoners. Tim Knuiiitk ok run Goi.ii:n f'ntri.n. Toi.r.po, Ohio, July (!. The Knights of the Golden Circle broke open the depot at Hun tington, Indiana, nt al unit two o'clock, this morning. They opened I wo or three boxes of guns and ammunition, and distributed the contents anion" themselves. A Yorsc: has artvrrhVcw in a New-.lcrncy paper Ut a filiation mi Hiu-in-lun in a respectable family. Would lmc iioolj"'iiou he ruyi to going a phortdi tauce into thecouulrv. NEW ADVKIJTISEMEXTS. SJN(JEU & CO.'S l.rttcr A. family Hv lii- DIsK-hiuo, AlMTll all tho new iin rnvriaent, (llciiimur. l llrnider, Hm. l. r. Fi llor, Tucker, Corder, tia therer, Ac., .to.. Ae ), is thn CilK.UTST AND III-:.T. and unwt beautiful of ull inachiueri for FAMILY SEWING and I i if It t iiianufiK'tiiritii; pitrmei. It makes the inler-loeked utili'h ( hi h ie alike on both iuci), and haa great eupaeity for eea inj; A LI, KINDS OF CLOTH AND ALL KINDS OF TIIKKAD. Kven leather. a well a. the finest muslin, uiav be new it to pi'ilielioli on tiiM iniiehine. It will ure JiHI ...l eoltou a well a. No. .(tl linen thread. What it can do only bo known by in-eiii)? Ihe niaehiuo tested. The Toldinc-lop l'ni.e it anioiiK the mosl valuable of all the new iiiiprovements. It mny be opened nut lis a rpaeii us mut mibslaulinl liil.lo to sustain the work, and Hheu Ihe mn.-hiiir U llol iu use it may be folded iuio a lx, Mbn li proHvl. the woi king pari, of the marhiiie. Ttiera' ia Uoulhcr luaehiuu Iu eiiual the Letter A iu (wlniplii ll), lnriililil), Itapiaily. nud 'criuiitly of cm-iei i iu lion ui nil riiO' ( k,-fl. The Family Sewing Ma.'hine is fnsi heeotning m isil tilar for Im in i 1 y use a Si.m.i.ii ,t Co. a .Mnnufiie. turtiiK Ma.'hiuos aie lor manufiicluriug iuimi.(... The lliaiii-h oitn eaare Hell supplied with silk tw ist, Ihre.id. needli s. oil, .te , of Ihe I e.l best iitality Send for a liaiuiiT and copy of Sin.YaA I'u a (I lKTTK " J M. SI.Mil.lt A t' ,4 lltoadway. X V I'lnladt-iphla Ullice, KU I liesuut ,lio.l June ;'u. l-ki:i - ly llrallua, I'nOltl'ul ,it,ll,-f, who ba,a bun lionoialdy diH'harged. Vuur euuu. try utter. uu dulinelioii Wah ientrT. i I'kovo.i MkNsiiAi. liKiiin'i I irrn i, M sjlill'KI. U, tl C , June 1 1 III. I "I I ) N. ii. a -The following will La published aa a haixiblll or liuUu., by atviy lll.lll. l I'lulixl Mal.bal Willi .u It aluialiow . n Itiay Ihlltlk allleuiaily uiitsi u bu dirtiu-i. I U. ubnel Lentil to liulru ab l .Uioul.u tlduluicul iu lb. Il.l. Ii, I I oil- JAMKs Ii HIV. I'luitail Maitai ti.u.lal tiiv M'tVII'lt Will niv iv-..,.. ........ l"- w r'K 1 UK IWAI.ll tt'HI' tii.ly ibiaa faiibful aoliitra wku U..m ..ua.i. in i.ii..,ii,. ,tt . Ii k nld duiv ailltt. iiwilte-t Iu Ibu I mi., I i..u.. ,.liui. ,il ' ' a ill b lot llti vu ) li. uid mjm.ui dtk k.i. .) p., ! allt.a.i.c. uiu.ii a. .. ,tt, b.j y,, k ( fclUlj I Main. li.Ut.liy , n. . . ia.l uo pi.o.iua,. u, U.u,.i, .4 .bliMiukul aill b allea.d I kia a. II au iu,.u. l-iu-om u isMtaiu akui, u.. tt, da. a , 1 n ll-ui - 1,1.1. I b. I .Ibaii,, uailuut bw L.iH pll I 4 .Jtt w. ' and u.vw .-I il.. It., .It I I ! ) . nl l'l t Ii lt - I i - i ...I !( .i , '. , a ill, 4t k blu. i fl ! c.-ii.i at. t . n. ...t,. , I a r"l ur-ldll-a I" 1Miitil -4 a . . a wt iU .'tt" Fhouldor itrapft According In present rpnluiionf, but worked on dnvk blue relvpt. Pantnlitont Of ky-lluo clolli. with dmO)lo ftripe ordnrk-lilucclulh down Hie outer trim, ciitli trie onn hnlf inch wide, with cpaco butni'i'U of throe I'ielnlif of onjnch. ri-rngi cip Piccnt rrntutinti. FOll KNl.I.STKI) MhN.-.Uckt of tky-liluc kornoy, with durk blue triuitiiln. cut like the Civui ryhiukot. to come wull down on tho oIkIoiuvd. Trowtpra Trpmint reguhition, nky-bluo. Forngo tap Prvnont rrgnlutiun. 5!cn who aro mill in service and arable to perform eflVctivo field duty, mnv lotniuft ru t! to thin corps. Mffdlunl InpeotoM. urgnom in rlinrn nf Ho.tpi tain. Military Column 11 dent, and nit oilier hnving authority toUfcchnrge, undor exi!tiiig lawn and regu lation, are forbidden to grant diffeharxea to any men tinder their control who may be fit fur aorv.ee in tho Inralid Corps, For tho convenience- of flerviee, tho men will be elected fur threo different griide ofdutv. Tltoo who nrc tint.t eOicinnt nnd able-bodied, and cnpable of performing guard duty, etc-, etc., w ill be nrmed with musket, and aliened to coinpnnic? of the First lirtttntioii. TluAe of thn nrxt decree of ifliuiency, including those w ho have lrt a h.unl or nn arm. and the leat effective, ihclmling tlmKe who have lost a foot or a leg. to the companies of the Second or Third Initiations; they will bearinylwithaY.ini. The dutta will be chiefly to act n provost guards and garrisons lor cities; guards for hopitnlt and other public building; iml ns clerkf. orderlies, etc. If found neucHxary they may he a'urned to fort, etc. Acting Assiatant Prnvo-it Marhlnils tlenornl are aulhortxi'd to apHint Ollicers of the ltegulnr service, or of the Invalid Curps to administer the onth of rnlitflmeiit to thoxe men who fultillot If id prescribed cotiitition.i of adtiiitHod to the 1 1 1 n 1 i 1 1 Corp. viz : 1 That tho up. Mount is unfit fur tfen.Wu iu tho fluid. 2. That he Li fit fur the duties, or some of them, iudieated above. 1 That, if nut now bi the service, l.o was honorably diehtired. 4. That he is inoriloriou and deserving. 1'itr enlistment ur further int'ormatiiiu 'pply to tlie liotnd ut Fiirollineiit for thu district iu whieh tho ap-plU-uut is a resident. JOHX KAY CI.FMKXT. Piuvost Marshal, 1 till 1'ialiit.t, Pa, PltOVosT M MISH A l.S t IKI'U' K j iiarrinburg, June lj, lOl. J Apply W Cant.C. J. ISKCXKU. Suubury, Pep. Pro. Mur.ilnii, J Itli 1'iairiot Pu. lor Nuillium bcrlund County. Sunbury, June 20. ISO 3. tit oKKH'!AI.. AVaii Prp.TMi:xT Aiuttant Okskoast's ) ) rn k. Wtotfiingtoii. A ril 2. JHNX j tii:Xl:HAl. fmi'KUS No. Ic&. The nrgniiixatiou of an Invalid Corp is herety attrri-ed. IhitfCorpii shall eoiisi.t of Companies, nnd if it shall hereafter be thonirut hvt. of liattullit.ns. Tlie Couiauies shall bo luado up finu tho fullow iiig HJiiree;, viit ; Third Uy accepting tliosc -fli-'cM and enlisted men who havi been honorably dichargrd onnceoutit ttf suunli ur direioe entttrueted in the line tit duty, und who desire to re-enter the service. Iu the ea-o of an uthVcr, application fnr appointment mti.tt be made to the Provost .Murslml of the I uiled .tate.s through the oflicer detailed n Aelinj Aitnnt I'ro vot liir.-lml of the State. No applicant ot this kind will he considered uiiltu the folluw iiig cunililioii are completely fulfilled : 1. That the upplieatit produce the eerlificateof the Surgeon of the Itoard of i-umllnitiit fur the li.trirt in which ho reside, thai be U unlit fuructic field duty, on account of wounds or dieao. and is not liable to draft, but i fit for gniri.-on duty. 2 . That he furnish evidence of huiiniiihlc dif'haro on account of wouiuU ur diubility, contiuoted iu the line ol'dtity. That be produce recommendations from the Heiriiiitiitnl. llriade, and lM'i-inii CouiioaulcrH, under uhnui he formerly fcre.l, llmt ho U worthy of bein th uc provided fr. aiitl capable uf returning adttouate fetieo to the (ioverumcnt. In eac it shall be impracltide to vi this In.-t eviiletice. he may having etabliflied the fir-i two pnint." nbuvv, catitty the Hoard uf Kurolltiicut that he dovn im. and pre Kent in fcrtificate of the fact. This evidence iuut be obtained by the applicant, and mut be transmitt ed with his upplicalion for upoin(ineut. If there he no Acting A-t?tant Provost . Marshal (ineral tor the folate, the application may be for warded through thu Adjutant tieneral of the State, who i. desired to endorse thereon Mich facts in tlie military history of the applicant as he may fcimw. or as are atWdcd by his rebuiiN. and I -rward the ntnu to ilic i'lovost .Murshal lieneial of tlie I i.iu j States. Knlisted men. houuiably if i-chaive-1 on aectatht of disability, desiring tu re-enlist in th Corp.;, will present themselves to the JJourd of Jnroltnien fur the dictrixt in whiehthey re-ode. f..r eiiiiiiiiHiiou by the Surgeon thereof, who shull ixumine thciu and rejH'i t tin result to the l!tnrd of Miiiollinent. J he Jloaidt-hall then consider each caD. und if the applicant is found tu fulfill the cui!tlitii; specilictl belov, the Jtourd ehall give him a ci tiiiculu tu that effect, vu : 1. That he is unfit for cervio in the field 2. That he is tit for garrison duty. 3. That lie is meritorious and de -erving. 4. That he wad honorably disLliarr'i'd from the ser ice. J'-hf Provo-t JIar-bal for the 1).tiict .-hall then send the appiicHtiuii witli this certificate of I lit board, to the Acting Assistant Provot Mai.-bal tiemrnl id' the State, who shall procure such evidence of sei v ice and character us the records of the company to w hii h ho belonged, on file at tho headtjuarlei t the State 'may show, and if wit i-tied thai it is a meritorious case, and that the man is deserving, he u ill enlist him in accordance with such ipe i.il tulvs a.-the Provost MHrrhal Ocu'Tal may c-tablidi. Medii'td Inspectors. Surgeons iu charge tf tJi!s. Military Commanderx. and uli olheis having authority to diseharge. umier t-xi?t'iig laws aj.J reg ulations, are forbidden to grani di-M.htige-i Ut any men under their control whu may bo fit loi service iu the invaiid crjs. l.he Provost Marshnl (Jeneral if charge 1 with tin execution of this onb'r. and tho troops urg:inued un der tho control of bis Jturcau Uy order of the Secretary of War. 1'. iV lowiiiend, As&iat. Adj. tieneral. NnTR : These eilraets are publi-ln-d for the bene fit of those eoiicerniW. who wish to avail theuisehes of the advantage otlered hy the tiovoinuieut in tho aHit order Applicai,!-. will apply at the ollicers of the Hoard of Ki.rolhui-lit, Court ll.ui.-e. liaiii-bui. I'a. .mux KAY n.r..:i-:.vr. ('apt. and I'mvusi Marshal, Hth liistriet. I'rovosl Marshal's Ofliee. llarrialiiirn, Juuc Cih, 1G,1. JORDAN TOWNSHIP 1) I S T I L I. i; It V . riMIK iiiuleriined having entered into partner-hip 1 iu the liistillt-ry Husiness. in Jonlsu towud.ip. Northuiuberlaiid county, on the road from Shatler's Tavern to t iiioutonn, about 4 miles from Mtthonoy and 11 miles trout Klintrerstowu, bti; leave to intuitu the public that they are nuw uiukiiig a siiperar ur- llclcor lTItr: HYE WIIISKKY. Those desirinir Krain eonverted into whiskey can have it done on the most reasonable terms. '1 ho highest cash prices will be paid tor l'.ye. and Craiu taken iu exchange for W hiskey, 'ihe pohlic can be assured thai all Whiskey made at this distille ry w ill be flee Iroui drugs and o.l n 1 1 u rot i-.n ISAAC lil l'I'IN, ii. K l-i.'IST. Jordan twp , June 13 1S5.. rtiu "iTlTITEMiLL CLOTHES WKLN'GEIL Mo 1,1 1' 4'uiiviiHh-i'H '1'liruiiboul I lie l.itiul. The let labor raving luacniuo in the world. Nu eatiliou ur skill re.juiied in ils use. WriiiK cvuryihing dry, and ten Iiiik. u quick aa can be doue by the iiaittl. A child of eijihl year, can operate it. Nti.tTvaut eau break it. Ii wtveaiu eosl iu clothing iu a family every iix luontha. ill wear f.T year, without repair Wuiraliltd to please or uiouey rclultdf 1. THICKS. No. 1. Large Family Wiiuur, IO iKi 1 Wiih Copi No. Medium " " ' 7.li 1 W arranted No. !t-Modiuiu 11 tUO i Without Cog. Not N'ti. .t-Suiall, " .(' ) Wat ranted No it-Large llolel " " 1 1 IU) .No lr- Med Lauud'y ( I" run ) a la) I ith Cog. ' by I f Uurrauud. N'u 2.'-. Large " ( ateaui ) .Tu uil ) . No U ihe.iie generally ud iu private btiniliea. TIIK ONLY Ull I Mi HI Willi TIIK I'AIINT HHi t III I L It Li. I I.A l'ilt N'u Wrtiigt r eau Le liurable W iiliwul Cog W heU. 4'nut ua.era It uwl.'U i rier) '!' u. 1'eis.in, ii.idliig where uu can, aver ia a tiole., by muiliing lite pii.e tu iu, altall l.e.iv. the Willi g. f by ,iiiih en .i t for li-IUte aifl Clieuiar, a.ir. li t' llltnUMNil ?j liioadaay, N.a xi,k- Jan. 1, l 3 - tin vTSXTE'aTsCTil"" t'.iitti laa aini Xl.ikvl Piiciu 11 IU lit. I. rpllf uadrl.liiu.d luliillull, Itilu . IU 'ili. iltai b kai UkM, .Laiaawl lb t.su.1 1 Il 4ii .1.4 t.f Ik ..aiiiiuu'. .4 lit. l. tu.1, p.i,oaa4 ai.4 a -nil la.u all vlkvi tu . btu, ..tl III r vbii: K ilii.ti i I.. 4 auk Ik. lt lb a-a'tui .., li II 1 . M.U IK, lb. .k 1.1,1 tlVW. t'l I'll l.k' lit., i t i4 a4 aii..4..l t , ...i.'i.l i',i,i. MH Mtfl. "IIVll.l ...! at. VI, I l 18G3. . . 1803. IIULING & CHANT AT TUB MAMMOTH STORE, yf OUI.ll ro.oetrully annotinco that lliey liavo just received nml opened a very largo and well aeloo ted Stoek vT GOODS OF ALL KINDS, wliieti they nro willing to diipoasof at a VM'.Y fi.MAI.I. AUVAXCKON i'irwt 0- 0UR ST0UK 18 COMPLETE AND KVLltVTHINtJ. GIVE TJTS jTi. CAX.I.1 1'haiikrul for jnwt favors wo hope to meet a con. tiiiuunec of the fame hy fIIII Felling (IooiIk a., ehcnp if not 'EtJ'. A B'I'.EJ thun enn bo purehane.l else ,ihero. FUILINd .1 C.UANT. Pimhury, Mny 2.1, 1S03. Vyointiiu lnMiirsin- 4 ') mnj, WILKE3BARRE. 'itpitl nnd ui'plii, (itli.OOi). DIUlXToltS: 1. M. HollenWk, I.. I. Shoemaker, Ii. i. ri.sl.!i, h, It. C. Smith. Chan. IorrHiiee, Win. S. 1W. i . M. lliirilin;. John Hei.hnrd. Siiiniie! 'nilhuuis, It. 1. I.neoe. hnrlM A. Miner, W. V. Kutehnin. tl. M TIOl.t.KMlAl'K. President. L. K.SIKiKMAKKK, Vice J'resident. H. 0. Smith. Seerelnry. W t). Sn ni.lio. Treiisurer. This ('nnipiiny Inmirea three-fourlh of the t'ah Milunlioii. tnkei no Preiiiiiuu Note:, make no Asse.--liu ut!1. l'oliry ai-knowleiles all moneys jmid flurio the lei in of vour liirurnnee. A. CKAWKOKK, A).nt. Mny 1SU:. ly IP O XJ iT X5 I-t AGRICULTDKAL WORKS ! HtTINTliTJ-R-ST, JPEXsTN'A.. TlllK iiiHlersined r-'eetfully inform tlie puhlic penernlly. Hint thev have enteri'd into t'o-I'ari-nerrhip in the KOt'MiUV lit SIM'.SS. und are now rewired to fluinnfai'ture nt the 'ltohi huch Foundry. ' nil kind!1 of .13a-liin'rj , Stvm, J'loiijiliw. 'iim. iuh, V-., ut hliurl oti '. ltepnirini; all kind, of Airieulturnl Implement done in u good workmanlike manner and ut the hort,t imiire. All tinkl' r-hipped iif ordi-red. tirdori re.-peet-fulU tolicilcd and prompllv n!U tided lo. '.lAt nlt Hi'ItltUAl JI. T. tl. t'lHil'l.lt. tTV'f'ld Iron, nnd nil kinds of I'rodtie'e tukeu in I'.vhiiniie f.-r work Sunlmiy. Muy lit, ISfi:!. tf l'lll.VOST MaIINIIAI. liESKI! Al.'s fll l ll K. iisiiixoToN. 1). ('.., Mny 21. I SOS. ( ALL men whe desire to j.-in any pnriii-iilur ltri;i inent ol' Cavalry, now in the fit-Id. are hrreby iit:th..r lztd to plestlit (l.emselves litany time. luring the ne.( Ihirty days to the l'ottrd of rnr.illment in their ri'spertiro I'isiri.-ts. The Hoard shall exiimineibem. ati.i di'tei uiiiie upon their fitness lor Ihe Service, and if l.ilih.l to be lit. the 1'rov.tsl Marshnl ot the Iiislriet shall pvetlit-ui tran-isirttitioti tickets to the general rciidezvous. at the henuiiiarteis ot Ihe A. A. Prost .Mar.-h'il tjeiieral of thr State. As soim lis they pre sent tliem-elves at this general redczvous they siiall be duly mustered by a iiiusicrint; und tlisbuisini; otliv-er. mid paid by him the bounty allowed by law. jam ks it. i r.v, IVovost Marshal tieneral. XoTf This order is liiibli-hcd fur the benefit of those ho de-ire to iivnii theinselv es of the aihnn-tiif-cii ..ITeied by the tjoveiniiieiit. Apj.licniious will lie made nt thn office of ihe 1'ourd ol I'jirolhnent, C'ourt House. Ilnriii-liiin;. .MilIX KAY t'l.l.MKN f. rpi. and Pntvost .larshal. 1 Itli liistrict. I'a. I'mnosT .M.misii.u.'s tii t'iri:. Ii:u Ti.-bmg. June J7, IssJ. j e:m Aitc.imii:3 i?uo. 1' KTK It I. OH I MAUD, KinitrAv. 'I'ol:i ' T3aiiiili t i:ri r hi A IS CIlAMr.KliS ST.. (Formerly 42 Chuthaui Street. Xew York. w, of hi uld call Ihe attention of liculcra to the urticlea u.ut.ulucture, viz : lMtuwx sxn-K. ahoy. leinii:ros. l ine Itnrtife. I'ure Virginia, M Coioso ltappoe, XuchiliH-hi,, Aiiu-rict.il tieulleman, Copenhagen. YKLLOW SXt'FK. Stoteh. Jluiiey Hew Scotch. lltL-li Toast Scotch, Fre.-h Honey lew Sc.teh Irisli Uie.li 'i'oast, F'resh Scutch. or Luudyfoot, Attention is culled to tho largo reduction in pi ic.-sof l ine-Cut Chew ing and Smoking Tobaecua, which wilt be found of a Superior futility. TOISACCO. Smoking. l'ino Cut Chewiiij. Stnuking. Lonir. 1'. A I... or plain. S. daifo. No. I, Cnv elidlh. or Svveel, Spalli-h. Nti. 2. Swt-et S-elited Urolioeti, Cunaster .N'.is. I ,t 2 mixed, Tin Foil Cuvcudi&h. Turkish, liltiuillated. X . It. A circular of prices will be eeitl on applica tion. April 1. L-i'-'i. 1 SOMETHING NEW I'OIt YOU MIstM l, I.. I.ilaalt-r, baing taken ealra pain lo v i-it piTsntially the principal Halls id lashiooiu Ihe city, is now prepared to make, trim or rctriin. Ueiiuel. and Hut, iu the latest f'priiig and Summer t v li. She has on baud a large slock of HONNETS, HATS. 6IIAKEn3. FLOW lilts, U I II HONS, LACKS, and all ailiclct. in her line, sclented with the greatest care fi.uu late wholesale houea. and can. and will .ell ui k or liood al piice. lo suit all customer I. .Villi:' lKKS(i ('.VPS. HiiMKUY. tll.nV KS. .Mll.i. t nl.l.AllS, II VM'KI.IH.III1.IS. l i'MI'S, and uuiiifiou other article, b.r l.a.lie.' wear, to a hich she lav iis-a Ihe laduv lo eall and eaaunue be fore plllellaillig t lt-l beie. 'i banklul lot the patronage extended In hi ! hereto, tola, sbi. hope, by ket pilig the bent jrluieli( at rvasi.ualile price., iticoiitiiiiii Ihe snuie v rccoiid d.tor K.uihol Shaiuokiu Valley I' .lts villi. Ilailnwd ara .id faau .tre.-l, hi Mil t. Apul in. I sMi;t ,'Uu 'I'u !! liMM'ruli' ulrra ol' toi-ili. MltllM-rlllHsl t'ttHHl), I'I.I.I.iiVV t I I lKSS - I burl y announce a,y. 1 nil aa a t.ii.lnl.ile bar Ilia nl 1 It k; id' eliLI.IH', at Ike e. niing Pun i) I lecllou and a. lb isl p'll ol my li lh a t ilu.u. l . uld I l. u.iiiiibaiid an I le. iid I piuutiHi tu lullill Ike dull,. o uld .ll..- ub li.lt In i t II llll.l.s W SWI'I H. hbaim kiu lp , May .tv, I ..I ORNAMENTAL IIW3.N WORKS HIKIII V I'lllOT, 1131 II I, I lunar, U,il'lblM, I'u. OH It i, i ..I. ui-a Hit. lout Isi.u .i l.. I. tut. S. a .1. 1 II. sulllul l. n.i.1 IU aju.t , a, li ly . I lit, tl.iltt.,-, . I I. in. mo liiw.ii.ia Ac , ( VI . .t.,1.1 ai. 1 I mm It ut ti t It .list .1.4 i o .f lo.., tl.li l.aUba la.l. ftiai,., I tt.'.l- I ui.'. ui l'l 1 I ...Ml., liil- k'l. j l'-l,, t 1. I M.a. U -a-. I !! II-..I 11. 1. I, a. I, . I ti -..I., .1 i,..t!t ,.1 iil .ilo b". H i ul a I .11.. .u-i-.iil !. I.,i. Ill P. KUa .1 , II .1 4 I 4 H. , l (I - . .1. It, J 'I t.aW 1 saiwaswii ,i iii.Ii ii in I pwaa.tawaaweiwwTwwr'rew TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JOHN E. BMIOK, Pawn fstrrect, opponlto Weaver' llutel, BITNBURY, Northumberlnnd Co., Pn.. TXFORMShta frienda aiid tho pulilie generally, that be line taken tho Shop uf Jacob S. Hake, riee'd , and ia prepnrcd to do all kinds or TAILOlt I NO In a goisl workmanlike manner. Thn pntron age of IIms pntilie isrespeetfully eolicited. Sunbury, Jlay 10, lsiKI. ly GRANT &c DIETZ, LOWEB WHABP, SUNDTJHY, FA. WIIOLI-SALE AND KKTAII. DKALP.HS IX WHITE ASH COAL, in every variety, Orders aolicited 'and filled with rrompttiom and despatch. Stiubm v, May Id. ISM. ly wxmnK!, ji:wt:t,Ri a. TF.K.UARK. Thn undersigned wonlrt resperf fully invite your attention to his well saleeted stock nf FineOold and Silver WATCH KS. Fine (Md .1 F.W. FLKY.of every kind and Tarietv 'aVA nf atvles comprising all of the 39 nrw.it and most fii-trtri fi'l tiirn. Also. sn. HI SILVKR WAHK. In Vnhi nnd the best make of Mlrrr Pnlr, W'arr Each nrlielc Is vnrrattUtl to be aa rtpmrvtrti . t y Wiitche and Jewelry carelully rr paired and salisluctiun guiiranteed JACOrt II A RLE V, Strrrxtnr in Ftai'ffrr oV Jt-rrrl.) No. 1122 MARKET Street, PIIII.AD'A. March 7, IStl.'l .') lun. EtuTiin op Amrrica 1 1 f a rt Sm : Wild yotir permission I wish In Hay to the reader of your paper that I will fend by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full directions, for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will i-tieetually remove. inlOdays, Pimples, ltlotehe.. Tan. Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leav ing the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. 1 will also mail free to those having Itald llendsor Hare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable tlieiu to start a full growth of Luxurient Hair. Whiskers, or a Moustache, in leas than .'til days All applications answered by return mail without charge. lleispectfuHv your. ; TIIOS. F. CHAPMAX. Chemist. Nil S.'ll Broadway, New York. Feb. 2S, I sr.o. .'!mo. The 4rrat Van of HXJIvIAlSJ- MISERY. Just VitLlithril, t a SrahJ ICtirttujiv. Price S'i tVwr.. A Lecture by Ir Ct'LVERWF.LL. on tho cause and cure of Spermatorrhea. Consumption. .Mental and I'hvsical liebility. Xervoti-ness. Ejiilepsy ; Im paired S'ulritioii tif the Rody ; Lus.situ.le ; Weakness of the Limbs nnd the Rack ; Indisposition nnd Inca pacity lor Study nml Labor; I'ulliiess of Appre'ien sioii ; Loss of Memory ; Aversion to Society; Lovo of Solitude; Timidity Self Distrust; Diiiness; Headache; Affections of the Lyes; 1'implcs un tho l'ace ; Involuntary Kuiission? and Sexual Incapacity the Conseiuei;ce!i of Y'outhfut lniiiscretioii, Ac, Ac J"-" This ndmirablo Lecture clearly proves that tlie ahov c enumerated, often si If-iifilicti d evils, may be removed without medicine and without dangerous surgical operations, and idiotild be rend by every man iti the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on Ihe receipt of six cViit-s, or two postage stamps, by addressing. CtlAS J C. KLINE it CO., 127 Howerv, Xew York, l'ost Ofliee lios, 4i"t. May 2 i. lMi:i Feb. 2. ly.'ic Altorui'T iktad 4 ontiM'I'.vr ut Iaw, ifli'v in fuuth th 4T Marki-t Jttrt-ct. ftnr (U'om west nf K. V. Uriht X Stn' Store. SUNBURY, PA Will ntti-titl iroiiitty to ull i-riff.-fHnmt lu.iincss (utiiisit-tl to lii t'ttri'. tlie rr.lliM'tiou 01 claims in Ncrtliiiiiihi rliiml hikI the Htljoiniu countk-j. fcin.Uny. Mny !!;. lMWt. ly Tr.ujrsrss. shculdeh braces n.A.-TU: T.K'K I MiS Koli KXLAKii:i VlilNS OF TIIK l.i:;. At'.; Iii.itruitiftit)) f-tr nil tlt-t.ir.nitie.'t. 'Mi. .!.nVI.K'S 1ih tiiUen the Amv itf ulhrr Triitfi fir tlie retention juhI euri'ot iitn:ia or J ur-tur. Autir.a uix lh i inu it If ot" h U'wv. it iivr wa it. 4 ettri'ii-rth. it's coatt'i to rcftit rnt. It hus 110 .!il ou the hnck. vvliit'h i-- e liat.lo to injuu the sih ainl iimioy nl i-hatf the wear it. It Miro to irtuiu the Kujiturc. ivi!i;r i-HM' Hii"l Comfort, hih! cflVvliu ru li 'al cities. It if warrcnU'tl to ivi citti't:iMi.n. 'ilio iiniiiovt-il Sliiiull r-liiitcii ixiiHihN the rht-t anl I'l tvi ntH Uut nvarur fn iu ttouiniii ruiiuM slntiil'lrn-'l. j l.atlifts' IWUh nnl Alclominal SupMtrtcrM. Ilanl- ! i;i'S, nhtl IIi'ltK if all kiii'lit, mii in.it rum tut1; for nil lk-l'oriiiitifs of tin- 1 : i 1 v . Mt t;itij:K'S OiWi N'u. 4 Ann Stri-ct, two tlotT- from ltioailwav. Ni'iv rk. I Sti uiifrs liouM partii'ulurly note the nniut anl A t 11. l,-i:;. , A VALUABLE FARM FOR 1 vultiiililr t:ti t!i. situut' in Zt'rlii' twii-lii'. Noi di uiiil'fi Iu nl eoui.ty, lJa., tiboitt one T ; i I ? we-l i f ilio town of Trwttrtoii. ettiitaitiinif 'J O Jl I'M 1! KI At.'KliS. tuoic or Is.h ; nhoiit nixty luTt? of whi-h lire I'lenrcJ iuhI in it ol Mate nf eutlii a'ioii, kimI Ihe lmliiuoe welt tiiiiticred with Hie nii'l onk 'ihe iin)iiovt Hu nt", are ii Ko-llt.ii-e, JJ;irn uinl other out buil'liu!. icruis l!.-y. For imrtieulnr-t ii .uuiri of IUA T. ri.L.VKNT Hunl.ury. Mny 2:t. lC't. SA POM FIE 11, C'OM KNTH.VTKI) LYK, 'I'll- 1'itiuiCy Snap .Miikrr. The PI'Ill.If' are cautioned aenint ihe SPI'ltl 111 S article of I.VK for luakiu:: SI'AP. Ai'f tlnll of. f.rcd fur ante. The onlv tKN I I N K and PATKVT-l-:i I.ye in that made bv the PKX XS V l.VAM A SALT .MAM l'At'Tl ltlMl t'l i.l PAN V. their Ira.le.niark ..r it beinp S Al'dM I KK. K OI t i:.NTl!ATi:il l.VK " Tb- irrcat SI IVKSS .d lhi article ha led IX Pit I Nt'l Pt.lH I'AKTI ! to en deavor to 1 M ITATK it. iu violation of the i.'ompaiiy 'a I'ATKXTS. All MAX I KAt'lT l: Kits. lll Yi:l!Sor sn.l.Klts of thc-c SPl UMI'.S' l.ve. are hereby Nt'l'll U:H that the I'oiupauy have employed a-t their Attonteyii. UKtlltlih IIAItHlXii. Kt.. of Pl.ilada.. and WILLIAM P. VKLYVLLL. Km) , of Pilti.ur. And thai all Manufacturer. I i-cr. or Seller, of Lye. in violation of the ribt of the Company, will be PliHSLt'l TKll at otice. The SAI'UNHKII. or I'dXPKNTlt ATKD LYP. it'iralu by all Hruist, Clnicem and Country Slorea. 'l'llU Aoli, ,'. The Vniled Stale Ciicuil Court, Vetern itrict of Peme-.v Iv aula. Xo. I of May Tei iu. ill I ''-'. in. uil of the PeniiiiUvaliia Sail Munutueturilii; I ompaliy Thouiali.' I bilc. decreed to the Company, oil November l.'i. IwlJ, the hxclusive riirlil vtiaoied by a pat, ut owned by them I. r the SAl'iiM-O li. Pa lent dated t'ctober '21, lii! Perpeluitl injiiitciiuu avuirdi d. TIIK I'l XXSYLYAXIA 1 SALT MANl'FACTL'KING CO. i) V KICKS: i:r W alnut Strut, I'ltiladel hia, Vitl Sireet, and 1u.Uimi ay. Pitul urf May :, l.-.o.t.-;lm WATCHE3, .1 r n e I r y A Itliiinvnila, LEWIS LAD0UU3 & CO hl2 I be.llUl Street. Phllade l Ilia. HAYK alaava 011 haiid a I n,c .1.-t of Hot I an 1 Mlvi-r VVat. bta ritiinlil. ..r l.u.lu lit i.ili uiai, ll.iva Wear. Iti'lltC ol ottroUU III. pellal loll, ,'4 Ira Lou tfituluy iiur a.-,-, tut. ui of d. i faiblolial lo hi. I ll. li Joi .dry e..u-ii, of tho iu.l i. , a. alan lite pUtoer ai. I leM e.peiMli . Mil ei i..ua. I'a Pie, I'.ka and It nil Knit . , Imi a li valitlyt'f tt.e jilnr UalvauiUtdu . r llildal Pit -n(" vtehai.aU Laud a ituat l.n l I lUi.eiil id i..utoiid Jiatliv ol all bind, lo lain h a.-ii.til. .p. .1.1 all i itltou Uul m 1. 1 . a ill bit It mi. 1 ,'.-tt,i It . 1.1. I l.a. Ilt.u ibe MIU. atll'-ll-a at.: Uab.ii, ld..r Ail bit" I, nl llll.t.i .ait lit lie Ll, l,i. It. .1. tot wi.d a.i I .lit d I" alt e i.ll'l..' Ii"tt VIIMIVl il Mi.' ui. ,a. aa. I Ui. Iv Iu .! . I t uil .4 al lliaa I I W In I. .i.ll a 1 i n anj 1 1,1,1.1,1 iti.il. l uiUl.li l.i. P S - 1L. l .li.al t.W. p.lv.a p.. 1 l l old ll.dt tbd I'll, 'I A. I.. t l.te liuut lb fvauitiiy a.i i, it. t.i. IH.I.IHM M., 1 aot - I V.SW il'.f l'.l t i.iaa (.4 I .a NEWS ! NEWS ! NEWS ! NEWS ! BOOTS AND SHOES, 11E now mamifactiiri-d to order hy the mbaeriber at CIIKAl'LK HAILS than nt any other cat ah lishment ill Siinbury. The war tax i not taken into eonsiilcration.nnd all work will be done at old price,. Having just received an entire hew Mock of leather and .Miiiik-coi. for s1rnlloni,-n'M Ilnotia nnil Miara, IkIIch Hhorn nnl n!lori, C'hillrrnia !hoc, A.C, &r., which will be mado to order at short notice, in tlie best workmanlike manner and of the best miitrriats. Feeling thankful for the patronage extended here tofore he hope to continue the same. All who desire work done cheap and durable, are Invited to rail at bin simp nearly opposite tho Court lloiisu io Market Square, bunburv. I'a. JuIIX W1LVFR. February 2S. IHfi.1. dm . A NEWAR RIVAL OF BOOTS AND SHOES, "WTvI. II. MILLSn S. HK has just relumed home from Philadelphia, with a new Stoek of lit OTS and SHOTS, select ed with great care to suit all persons finy your Hoot ami .ior., vlierr yov e gt't th hrst quality . nnd vhrrt the bcpt iixmrtmtHt 1.1 Irpt in iitnliinf. lie lias Calf Iloota from $3 75 lo 7 00. He has Hoy's Calf Boats from l .'ill to 4 flit. Ho has Ladies' tiniters from ttjets. to :t 51). He has Missea and Children's Mailer of all styles and fashions, and prices. In short everything in his line of Business He also bason hand a full assortment of Morroeoc, and Calf Skins of tho best quality, which ho will make up to order at tho shortest notice, raving sup plied himself with the most fashionable Lasts. A tJKEAT SAVING TO HOOTS A NIK KS. LISWAI.D'S Patent Metallic Holes; aim Heels, one pah" of which will wear a long in five pair ot Leather Sole, kept on hand. Mending done as usual. Call ind examine for yourselves and learn my prices before purchasing elsewhere. W.M. II. MILLF.lt. ftmliiiry, May In, 1KA.1. lych Isattil. iMttS. I'lIII.AIU'.Ll'lIIA FAri-ll IIAXdIXtlS. IIUi:i,l, A IIOI RKK, Cor. Fourth A Market Street, Philadelphia, havo Bow in stock, u fine Variety of U li II rpera, got up expressly f,.r their Spring Trade. IVIXDOW PAPKH OF EVF.KY C.UADK, to which they invite the attention of Storekeepers. J In their Ketnil Departiiicnt, will be found the choicest styles of the season. Philadelphia, F'eb. 14. ISI'i.1. "iu w NEW TAILORING ESTABLISMENT JOII.Ii V. .71 il 'I' I Mirht Sptnre, one d'r vat of the 2V"t Ojlirr, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Respt-trully informs his old friends nnd the pub lic, generally that hu bus niiiu returned to Suubury and re-oponed a 'H'ailorinir I'lstnliM-sEirtn-nt. He is prepared to mnka up new pirment.s a well as tuieiidiniz obi ones, and to do work neatly, fash ionably and substantially, in Jfact will warrant nil work leavinn the shop, and by so doing, hopes to rtVeive a due share of patronage. Persons desiring to have clothing made up to order ill the latest style, w ill please give him a call. Suubury. April II, twill. ti iu. . J" -A. COB O. IB 33 C IS, MERCHANT TAILOR, IKurkft frt. nearly opposite SUNBUHY, P A . , IM'MiKMS tlio citiwns of i-.inl.i.rv arnl virtnity. that lie h:is just returucil troia I'hila-U li liiu with a lull flJsortmci.t ut i vi ii ad ivs i i:a: is, OF KVKKY I'KSCHU'TION AND QKALITV. His ft!M-k eonist.- of Cloth.-'. Fmu-h Cloth-t. liliick lue Skin iphI t'arn'V I'liimcn-s. UImck Satin, Kiuun'i t Silks, rlam nn.l rancv K HssitinrH KI I Ni. whu'l ho will niuku nn to urtlcr in stvlts to hiiit the dipt of i customer, on snort uulK-t. Hint tao most rua-i uahlo ttTlllS. Anv tiiwitt not nn hnnil. will ho rnrnistuul fr in rhiliuU'lthtii, tiv ci' intf two dnv.- imtiee. t.MHuls tunti.-hfl ly custoim ts will 1m uimln up to untur iw taTi'ioton. A lie will cinplovnone but ext'crit-ncetl workmen ix-rsony nmy rely ou getting their work well -lone Ht fiis .-hop. Tlinnkt'iii tor the pntromitfi hfrototoro liostowej, tic re-iet'ttiiUy oiiftlf. h ooiituiuHiiceoi tlie fltmic. SunLury, October 4. lS('c. Northern Central Ituihvav ! i 31 mi: is rini: tabi.j:. TWO TKA1XS DALY to and from ttie North and j Wi-.tt ltratn-h Sn.tuehatina; Lltnira, and all of iorth- ern .'tew lora. I r nnd after MONDAY, APltll. !nth. lSiVt ' tho Plu-.-eliirer Train ot the N.irlhern Central t Lailvvav will arrive at nud depart from Suubury llarrinhurg ami Ititltiiuore M follow, vis : (" (l V T H W A n I . Mull Train leaves Suubury daily (except Sundav). HI 111 A. M " leave' iiarrUbnris. I l.'i P. M " arriv e al lbiliiiuore, & ili Ksirea. Train leave Suubury daily (except Sunday.) 11 07 P. M leaves Harrisburg (except Monday.) 2 00A.M " arrive at Paltimore daily except Moiidav ). 0 15A.M. Harri-burg Aecoiuino lation leaves Itnrri- burx, 6 30 A. M NOinilWAKll. Mail Train leave, llaltimoru daily (nx ecl't Sundav) 9 15 A. 1 l.i P. 4 tij 9 li P " leave llurri.-buri ' arrive at Suiiliury, Kxpre. Train leave lltiliimore daily o arriv e at llarrisbur. 11 leave Uul ru-buru (except 1 Hi A aMoiiday), .1 M A. J 11 arrive at Sunbury. 6 ;W ' For further inl'iruia'.ion apply at the OtTice. I S Hi IIVUltY. Supt. WM. KNOCHE. V3 MAKKKT STHKLT. H AUUISlil'lU, PA., Hialcr in PIANOS. XT TKW U---owimkI riiioH, froia the best imikrrii Iroin J"'iii njiWHril' .Mi:l.ulii:iNS The hvst mnuufaeturecvi Inattu loents from l.i to li!tl liuitars. X'iolins, Accordiitm. Flute., l-'il.. Iiruliis, lial.j.. 'laiiiliouriues. Violin and tluiiar .1 rins uud u.usical mer ebaitdi.e iu general. sih:i:t .Mi sii.v The latest iniblicalioiM alwiiva on bund. .Mu-iaseiil bv Iliad to auv part ol the culilrv. liVAI., SytAltK, Illl.T AS.ll KUf-liMM'l FRAMES. S'uilable for I.K.klng gh.e, and all kind. v,f picture alwak on hand. A fne assort iiu-i.t of best plated l.taiKINiS ii.AI.S Ii. ui fiiutlleal lo l.-irc-l aire. AliV atvle ot liallie llilldo lo order at 111." -li.nte.-i notice. ' WM. KAinlli: April 11 lV't t'-'i Maikei at . llarri.l.ur 1T11E C'ONJUSaiONS AND EXI'EIU. tMEOP AN INVAUI). I'ltblitbrd for the b. nt (it and it. a aiolui( and j A I At t l" 1" V"l Ml MKN I aim .utl.r from Nt-rvou litlulitv. Preiiu.tura liecuy id .Miii.Ii.mhI fie , auppl.viuif at the auloe tttoe : Till. Ml A.N nl sl l.K I I KK ty one alio l.a, cured hiunt-lf after h.-in ut t . Kleal eM-itae aud II.Jul)' tb.'U,;! li.tsi.i huuil u J and .pta. ki iy- tt 1'ln-l.wll.a ""t -aid aldreaMtd vltVwll ,ii. arltf v'vple. luav Im- bud id llu aitllt. r 'N.WIHMI I. M tU A I ll U-i , 1 llt.ili.ld, Klna i .Lily . N . May St. Inj - It, I 'I 'la ! ii iai lrr, il.i . M u t in. . li I "in u I I I I n II Hj b ti. M ti . mii a" ! l ul. !..!.. i lb. at-.t . a i k . U" I Tl 11 ul l l.lll . I 1-1 Ml L. 1. 1 i i it.ii.iM i I ..... ,,.it Ml) )ul.i L'll .In '! Mill. 1 f II aao.pK- . p) I-. mal li.,i.-, ii. i ll .1. km. I a, M i ll li jIumI ! kmk I Hm 111 I ..1.1 j.M-lb l l lliv I..I.UI id lun-lll.- Iiiui il.ll, ll lliala lit am. Ul luaat ol all I'u du. -t-. ... l.i t-.f I... In In" " u ii.mI ,l.ki.i-,. N.-ii.-o. I'.l. il i In- 111.. MO... Sl.ilb-U), luMllll Mlll. l..Ml, It. ....i,. v .. ain.. .-le ! mi 1. 1 li.lu.l p.- IIH l Iu. . I u...t.. I.I iJ ! t .1.1 ...It iw U ,.l.i.l iltyi. i t"a l-.. . ii.i. a. Ik a U. a. i It lt.l a., a.ik al.ll I. . . aul -a t A I l.a-. I ll..ll "II v. I i ., i.i i L. l lall'l V tl t tU UM.4 i.I . t.l CEED POTATOES YOTX &ALE. . Economy is Vcalth ! ft in: voi n 4oi4.ii run ia Tho IlliST and CIIKAPKST llnnfebold RKMr.lJV in tho World. Jfmlnmo ,A4' I'4Mt 1 1.II'lM CHEAT COICH HBMKDY '1 K U S t' unit i o U n 1?h 1 n In wttrtniitod if wn, nr. cor.litift to the fliroolimin, lo cure in nil cnnee CoupH. t'nlfld. Whooping f(Mij;l. Acihmn. titul nil Hf."rtit.i,n of the Throat hiA Lunpr Minlitrno ZntirK Vortnr'n llnlr'iim trujitirrtl uith nil the refpn-ite run? nnd fkilJ. from ft I'on.hiimtiou rf tho liv-t rri.iiM.K'g tlj VricrtHltln KinplotM nllonli ii.w .ftiir'liril cjunli!it- nru Ii.ih'mI on it.-' iovrr lo nnni tin- lu'ltliy iifi'l vis'riu rirou hit ion of the hlooti, , tilo.nl, thro" tht l.un. It, ii not ft violent miii'-H, lxi t rniolirnl tiriMiit'T. UnHrrliitiif mm. rtlor 1 i ; CJin )to t.'ikL'ii hy tho ohlf.t oron or you iv; t child. iMiidnmc ZikIih- l'orttT'ti Bn lentil hii" liccn in wv hy thr plihlic for ovi-i I Syi nri and hu nctjuind it rv pcnl nv in ply hy boinjr, rwnnincniled ly thorn wdo hHVt' u;cU it to Itirir KtMi.Mct Iru nfic niidottiunt Most Imi'ort.t. -MiidHini' Zntloc l'oi ti?r a Cura tive linlnnmi! cold nl ft prh'O uhioli hrinf it in tho rcftfh of every one to kcrp it convenient tor ii!c. Tho timely iiof h ninlo buttle will jtovo to he worth luu tunes itco-t. NOTICK. Shvp vnnr Money In not ho norfun- ded to jmlchnc nrtidi't nt 4f to ?1 whifh tin not pou- tmn (lie virtues of h 1-! cent JJoitlu of 31jidtuito JNir tir n Citrntivo It.il.-iirn. thu ro-t nf lnnnufiiclurinn which w hi jrrent h.h thitt of almost any other medi cine : ana (he very low price at Wlm-h it is mild. innkef the profit to thu c-'llcr appiretitly .linill. and untirineiplefl U'Ut.i will Hofn-'tinicrt Vecomineiid other medicincf on which their profits arc larger, un less the cutoniern insist upon having Madaiue Por tir and noim other, Ak for iMiidntue I'ortcr'i Cu rative I'm I mini, pi ice. 11 ccnU, and iu lartrt) hot tie- at 2;'i cent, and take no other. 11 you cannot u t it at one store v.m can at another. Sdd hy all I'niL'i.-trt and Storekeepers at l-l eta.. and in larger hottlef at 2" ctf. JIALli A IU CKEL, ProprietotHi. January .tl, nt:',. ly New York. JUST READY, ftEW STYLES OF JEWELHY. i X opportunity not to bo lost r-iht of. Hur X chance for Aentii. l.a.liii itt well in tletitii can t aa Audit. Ai ijIv early uud secure tho alienor for your locality. U'ATCirmf, VEST CHAl.XS, LOCKETS, luxas. COLD PKXS AXli PEXCILS, 1!Haci:i.i:ts, ari'Ds, huttoxs, X2:vk cirArxs.sms ufj ev- 1CLKV, ire. To be Hold f..r 14 1 bach, nnd not to ho paid for until yon know what you are to pet. Send .i cent for Certificate, tellint; you whnt you can have, with a eirculHr. eivinff lull tiartietilars to Amenta. Perfool satisfaction miaranteed in all cases. Address, S. M. w Altii . t ".. 203 llroadvvay. iiux 4,s7fi. March 21, 1S6.I ly for SlulM, S If-, ICu.-li'M, Auli. Hril Etu;i, MutliM iu I'urs, VoutifBu, .c insert, ou Hiaulw, l'o In, .Vuimiili., A: Put tip in C3! f-n?. and ?! 01) Per.". l!o!tloa. nt"l l'link.-, $:!itnd ?.ijc f.-r Hotels, Public Institution, Ac. nly infallible remedies! known. Free from Poisons. Not dangerous to the Human Family . Hats coUicotit of their holes to dje. Fold Wholesale in all lurirc rities. Sold by all Iirujrists ati.l Hetailers everywher !!!lievvareV! ot all worthless imitations. See that -t'osTAit's" name fs ou each Pox, li'itU and Klat-k. before vou buv. Address in:i:v is. ofaa.it:, Principal Tlepot 4S2 ltroadway. N. V. Sdd bv Krilini; A tiraut, Suuburv, Pa. April IS, 1st',.;. flm miOKK IuLk Illst'l.llltl'.S SIXKKTS I'Ult J. TIIK MII.1.H1N ! A most valatiblo and wonderful publication. A work of 4nil pnt; s. and .'In colored eitirraviii-. lilt 111 'NTKIt S VAIK .M lit ' I'M, an ori-inal and p .pu lur treatise on .Man and Woman, their Phv -iulov, Pulse tin!!-, uiitl Sexual disorders of ev cry kind, with Nev er-I'ailintf Keint-.lies fur their pce.lv cur.'. The practice of Ml. Ill'NTl.it has lona la-en. an 1 ftill is, Uliboutnietl, but ut the earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced to ext. a I hi, luetlii'iil usefulness through the medium of his. "VAHK MLCLM. " Il is a volumo that should bo in thu hands of every family in the laud, as a preventive of secret vires, or as a iruido tor tlm alleviation of one of the most awful and tlc.-lructiv o scourges ever visited mankind, line copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded treo of js.sta c to any part of tlie I i.ited Slates for it! cent, in P. ll. stamps, or .'tcupiisforcd. Address. p.,-t paid, M. Ill MKU, No. ;t liivi-i ni sireet. New VorK. June ll. Is.'.:!. ly. M)I.Ut!( Mtldt'h, Vttoi-iK.y lit EmIW, Suubury, Northumlo land county, Peiinsylv auia. (l-'ormerly Preeburi;. Snyder eounty 1 'Vl-'lt'i:. Market street, ouc d.s.r east of PrilinR 1 1 rani's Store, and nearly opposite the Court House. Ail protes.-i.-nal busiuess, collections, Ao , will re Ceiv e prompt altculiou. April 12. ImIJ. J. E.-HELLER, t.'flioe, ou south aide of Market Square, near the Court House, BUNBUR V, PENN'A. Will uiteud promptly lo all proit-Mional hitMiic- etitrustctt tu his care, the collection of elalla. iu No'rthiiuibcrbintl and Hit- adjoiuiiig euuntiea. Sunbmy, May 2d, lMj.i ly i .:?. iwua. "Iiilailcliilalu A I'rio Kailrostkl. T 1IIIS irrcat line traverses tho Northern and .Vorthwe-t countioa ut Penii.-vlvauia to the city of Kric. t.n l.ake l-.rie. It lis been lease.! by the Pennsylvania Hai!r.-ad Company, atid under (heir au-ptcc. i Im-ilj; rapetiy opened tin ii ti Lthiiitt ila entire Iciogih. It is low in u-e lor I'jt. rtrer at,-i l-'i-tibt bu-i lu-s from Harri-bur to lirillais.d 2u lt rk. , l.'J ' mil. -si on ihe Kastetu iivi,i..u, uict fiom .--iict'.ield l-a ' bile, u -v miles. ) ou the W etel u iV l-imi. j lll. or l-Asl..ui:il I ll.lixs AT m vm l;( ! .-b.tiv V-.'.i.l ,i. I II . Mail In, in. tin lo A M Mail limit. I In P M t-ivpresjt Train. 11 T P M l.xpre liaiu t i A M j Car, rail tliroii'h a iibout change, titt Hnn. uu i Ihe-c tr im, b.-iaeeii l'oii.... I but al l I..- k 1I.IV1U, Ulid lietwecll llalillllole and l.o. k llaVi.l Idi'i-Hiil Sliepiio; I'ala nil l.xpri'. Trains l. 'lt Wava I-clue. II W ll hall, -j i I and P.lhtiiile. al.d W il 1 tin. -1 r I und I'lillad. Ip.la. ft- t.r int. itnuii-'ii ri.-p.-t t.L P..-M-I r bi.-ii-.-si a ply al Ibe I. I'm lllh and Alaikel A lid tor l-relalbl btl.-llo-tol ll t I . Ii.paov .li. L' f . liiLi-iuo. Jr , lot lib oil .M. ika r a . Pin!.. deli loa li loa Item. l ll.l I'l.ll. I.I ' If It 11 II II.. . I i. i, 1 I i. i l l e i. I. II it. it 1 l i. k J i it l I v.. t. i M o. , r.tlti.t. ic .. . . ,1.1 v.t I'l-.l. i i r l V. I Pl.t! . I t .. .. V ill.u... Ill I Apil j i:i 1! jl l(tt: il l.tM'H I Oil i:. VI ... l, VIII'! N it i iu ir i;v .. i . , i i 1 A .11. i I. i ii . ..a I I I t'l 11 I I..I I.I -I . ll I . Ml I it. Ii i 4 41 I k'..U..' i. a. ii. - '. ul i!.- I ,,. Jo . ii. I n l iv ;'.. a. i.. i-1 I'u, ,i4i I b-.lul a 1 1 k Ai-a - i i i I ! I III I 'Sill i. I. a I-. I.. I ,l'l. IV b.la IU I u , I. t . . ,. I I. It..,. I ..Lift.. I. , -i., -l. 1 1 ui a a a- k .ii. all.-. . I Ml I l-i II... aU- ..t.4 1 . ' . 1 l..l lt.il . J.t.i Ii P V i- i. a I i - 1 I. oil I 1.1 I , .vOluiMl I I I. I Kiall ll Abk J v .a la 1 IM KW . I' ui- It- !,..,, tl. . il, ii a ' . 4 W.i aaat r